Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. The unity and the cohesiveness of the peoples of Somaliland are at risk for the first since 1991, if Kulmiye was to re-elect for the upcoming election! Without trying to bore you much of the history of Somaliland, it is worth saying that Somaliland had its fair share of the terrible that engulfed in Somalia since in 1990s. However, it has managed to overcome much of its mayhem, unlike the rest of Somalia. It has been argued, the stability that existing in Somaliland is down to its inhabitancies that have chosen peace over turmoil. Although, many Somaliland people are living an abject poverty and they don’t even have sufficient clean water, better health care system and good education system. Nevertheless, people were always hoping for better future. Much of this optimism has changed since Kulmiye was elected into power in 2010; hence, the incumbent President took office. Historically, the Somali people have very strong tribe affiliation but it is the duty of the incumbent government to try to keep people together in order to create a civil pride. It has been said by many commentators that never in the history of Somaliland, we have seen a government that is willing to divide its people rather than bring them together as one nation. For instance, looking back for the first cabinet that the incumbent President has appointed were mainly filled by people from two tribes (Habar awal and Habar Jeclo) whilst leaving no political representation in the cabinet foe the inhabitancies of Sool and Awdal regions. Even other people within Isaaq tribes were feeling that they have been marginalised politically for the first time and they too felt that they didn’t have a stake from their own country. Likewise, majority of government contracts were given to people close to the President’s own family, for example, the Somaliland government has procured up to 9 million dollars from the government of Qatar after the President was elected in 2010. This money was meant to be spent on building the country’s infrastructures such as airports. Instead of dividing the money according the needs of the country, the government says that they are going to build Hargeisa and Barbera Airports. Hence, the contract was given to someone who is close family to the incumbent President. The man who the contract was awarded was not a qualified Engineer nor has built anything in his life, let along building Airports. Instead, he got Engineers from India, he also bought equipments such as bulldoze and other equipments with the money he got from the government. It was said, this man has spent much of the 9 million before he even start the project. Equally, the government stated that they have built up to 200 water wells since 2010 but much of these wells were built the president own region. Indeed, this has created animosity among the people who have for the first time start questioning direction their country. Subsequently, massive number young people have started leaving the country in search for better life. Under Kulmiye, the country has experienced lack of leadership and the President’s duties were taken people who have not been elected by the people of Somaliland such as the Presidential Minister Mohamoud Hashi and the incumbent President’s wife Amina Waris who have been running the nations for the past 7 years. It the first time that a Minister or the wife of the President was firing hiring Ministers, this is completely unconstitutional. The people of Somaliland are already divided through tribe affiliation and it can’t afford to have a leader who will be dividing them even further. The country needs someone who can unite the nation and tapping the aspiration of the people so that they can achieve their full potential without being subject to prejudices that comes with tribe affiliation. The unity and harmony of the people Somaliland are at stake if Kulmiye was to re-elect the upcoming election at the backdrop of recent tribal conference that was held in Buro. People won’t be accepting as their President someone endorsed by two tribes rather than the wishes of majority of Somaliland. A government lead by Mr Bihi will find hard to govern the country, and many people will resent the idea of President Bihi. Somaliland is undoubtedly in a cross road now and by electing a divided figure will lead a period political turbulence, and I don’t think Somaliland will be able to survive a political unrest now given the current political situation on the horn of Africa. Abdi Adan UK
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warbixin cusub oo ay soo saartay Hay’adda QM u qaabilsan la socodka xayiraadaha Soomaaliya iyo Eretria (Monitoring Group) ayaa looga hadlay boob iyo dhac lagu hayo dhulka danta guud ee ku yaalla gudaha iyo dibadda Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Wasiiru dowlihii hore ee Maaliyadda Xukuumadii Cumar Cabdirashiid Sharmaarke, Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur ayaa kusoo baxay Warbixinta Monitoring Group, isagoo kamid noqday shaqsiyaadka dhulka boobay. Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur oo hadda ah Xildhibaan katirsan Aqalka hoose ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa xilligii uu Wasiiru dowlaha ahaa qabsaday dhul xeenta ku yaalla oo baaxadiisa gaareyso 344 hectar. Dhulka oo kaabiga ku haya Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Aadan Cabdulle ayaa waxa uu Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur waxa uu ka dhisanayaa Hoteel casri ah, oo dhismihiisa qandaraas ku siiyay shirkad ajnabi ah. Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur waxa uu sameystay ciidamo u gaar ah oo ku difaacdo dhulka, kadib markii maamulka gobolka Banaadir ku amray inuu joojiyo dhisamaha uu wado, taasi oo uu ka biyo diiday. Xildhibaanka ayaa lagu wargeliyay inuu la yimaado sharci uu dhulka ku dhisan karo oo lahaansho ah ama joojiyo. Amarkanka waxa uu kasoo baxay Ra’iisul wasaaraha, waxaana fulintiisa loo xilsaarey Gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Thaabit Cabdi Maxamed oo ay isku heeb yihiin. Dowladda Xasan Sheekh ayay Warbixintu sheegtay inay sifo aan sharci ahayn u bixisay hantida qaranka uu leeyahay ee ku yaalla hareeraha iyo gudaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho. Email Monitoring Group u dirtay dowladda Federaalka 31 July 2017 ayay ku waydiisatay inay usoo bandhigto nuqullo kamid ah heshiisyada kirada shirkadaha ajnabi ee ka howlgala gudaha Garoonka. 18 August, 2017, dowladda ayaa Email jawaab ah u dirtay Kooxda baariyaasha Monitoring Group, kaasi oo ay ku xaqiijisay in labo kamid ah 22 shirkadooda oo ka dhex shaqeeya Garoonka ay bixiyaan lacag kiro ah, halka kuwa kale aanba dheg-jalaq u siinin amarada dowladda. Shirkadaha SKA International Group iyo RA International, ayaa lacagta kirada ku shuba Bangiga dhexe ee dowladda, kuwaasi oo u hogaansamay amar dowladda kasoo baxay sanadkan bartamihiisa. Dowladda waxay sheegtay in dhulka la boobayo uu keeni karo amni xumo iyo deganaansho la’aan. Gudiga ilaalinta hantida qaranka oo uu dhisay Cumar Cabdirashiid July 2016 xilligii uu xafiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha joogay ayaa shaqeyn waayay, taasina waxaa la sheegay inay sabab u tahay in madax ka tirsan dowladda ay ku lug leeyihiin dhaca hantida qaranka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed (Farmaajo), Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliya, ayaa waxaa uu ku mashquulsan yahay shakhsigii uu keeni lahaa booskii uu dhawaan baneeyay Taliyihii Hay’adda Nabad Suggida & Sirdoonka Qaranka (NISA), C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe. Sanbaloolshe iyo Taliyihii Ciidanka Booliska Somaliyeed, General C/xakiin Daahir Saciid (Saacid), ayaa xilalka laga xayuubiyay 29-kii bishii hore ee October, maalin ka dib weerarkii ay Shabaabku ku galeen Hotel Naasa Hablood 2 ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Golaha Wasiirada Somaliya, ayaa si ku meel gaar ahi xilalkaasi ugu kala magacaabay Kuxigeenadii Saraakiishaasi. Booska uu baneeyay Sanbalooshe waxaa Kusime looga dhigay C/qaadir Maxamed Nuur (Jaamac), halka General Mukhtaar Xuseen Afrax uu sii ahaan doono Kusimaha Taliyaha Booliska. Waxaa soo baxaya warar sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Somaliya uu ku kalsoon yahay in General Afrax uu ka soo bixi karo, haddiiba laga dhigo Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Somaliyeed, balse caqabadda jirtaa ay tahay, isagoo aanay weli indhahiisu qaban ninkii uu ku bedeli lahaa Sanbaloolshe. Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Somaliya, ayaa Saraakiil hore uga yeeray dalalka dibadda, kuwaa oo maalmihii ugu dambeeyay soo gaarayay Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana la dejiyay hoteelo amnigoodu aad loo ilaaliyo. Ilo wareedyo, ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu wada tashi ku aadan, shakhsigii uu ku soo bedeli lahaa Sanbaloolshe, hadana waxaa la leeyahay xubnaha Muqdisho soo gaaray, midkoodna Madaxweynuhu lama dhacsana. Illaa iyo hadda ma cadda xiliga lasoo magacaabayo beddelka Jeneral Saacid iyo Sanbaloolshe. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  4. Somalia dawladihii deriska la ahaa ee horteed burburay, isla markaana kasoo kabsaday burburkoodii waxa ka mid ahaa Tanzania, Uganda iyo Ethiopia. Dawladahaas midoodna beel caalam umasoo gurman, dastuurana umay samayn, doorashooyin demoqradiyana umay qaban, kooto dumarna umay yeerin, ciidamo ajnabi ahna umay keenin, xagjirna kamay dillaacin, khayraadkoodana kama boobin. Maxay tahay tolow sababta intaasoo dhan aan loogu samayn deriskeena, inagana la inoogu sandulleeyay? Beesha caalamku ma saddexdaas dal oo dadkoodu gaalada u badan yahay ayay innagoo 100% muslina inaka jeceshahay? Ma dawooyinka beesha caalamku innaga inoo qortay ayay dalalkaasi iska diideen innana dugaalsanay? Mise wuxuba dawo maahee wa cudur, innagaana dad jira ahayn oo goljileec kuwaas laga waayay la inaka helay? Si kastaba, maanta waxan maraynaa heer dawladii qur ahayd ee si dhaba oo dareen walaalnimo leh, daniba ha u wehelisee, inoogu soo gurmatay in isbaaro loo dhigtay. Iyadoo lagu cadaadinayo inay kaalmadeeda tooska ah ka joojiso Somalia. Wixii ay u qoondeeysana hada kadib ay soo mariso beesha caalamka. Arrintaasi waxay iftiimisay inaan waxqabadka muuqda oo Tturkey-gu Somalia ka wado aysan beesha caalamku raalli ka ahayn. Waayo waxa durba soo shaac baxay oo soomaalidii ku baraarugtay reerka kii olol ku shidayey iyo kan dugsi u oodaya. Taasina haday sii socoto waxay soo afjaraysaa wada goodirkii ay inoo laangooyeen beesha caalamku, si aynaan weligeen ugasoo kabsan burburkeena oo ay iyagu sababtiisa awalkiiba lahaayeen. Madaxiis Allaha raajiyee madaxweynaha Turkey-ga iyo qalinleeyda siyaasadihiisa taageersaniba wax badan ayay ka hadleen Farqiga u dhexeeya ujeedooyinka Turkey-ga iyo kuwa beesha caalamku Somalia ka kala leeyihiin. Qofkii raba inuu wax badan ka ogaadana ha sii akhriyo faallooyinka mediaha Turkey-ga iyo kuweenuba ka qoray arrintaas sida: W/Q: Saxardiid Kilwe
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasiirka Wasaaradda duulista Hawadda Xukuumada Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Salaad Omaar, ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay isbedelka dhanka amaanka ah ee ka taagan Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho. Wasiir Omaar, ayaa sheegay in isbedel dhanka amaanka ah uu ka ka jiro Guud ahaan Garoonka gaar ahaan qeybta safarada iyo Xarunta Xalane, waxa uuna cadeeyay in isbedelka jira uusan saameyn ku yeelan shaqada ka socta Garoonka. Waxa uu Omaar sheegay inay jiraan shaqsiyaad faafinaaya warar been abuur ah kuwaa oo baahinaaya in isbedelka amniga Garoonka uu saameyn ku yeeshay howlaha Garoonka Muqdisho. Omaar ayaa sheegay in wararkaasi ay yihiin been Abuur , isla markaana shaqadda Garoonka ay ku socoto si caadi, markii laga soo tago adkeynta Amniga Garoonka oo waajib ah. Waxaa uu sidoo kale tilmaamay in aysan jirin isbadel ku yimid Shaqadda garoonka , laakiin Amniga dib u habeyn lagu sameynaayo, taasina aysan ka turjumeynin shaqo joojin ku timid howlaha Garoonka. ”Waa arrin khasab ah in mar waliba isbedel dhanka amaanka ah lagu sameeyo Garoonka qeybihiisa kala duwan, balse micnuhu maaha in isbedelka socda ay u hakatay howsha ka soctay Garoonka” ayuu yiri Omaar. Sidoo kale, Wasiir Omaar waxa uu ka digay in warxumo tashiil laga sameeyo shaqooyinka Garoonka waxa uuna wacad ku maray in shaqsiyaadka faafiyay wararka been abuurka ah ee ku aadan in la hakiyay shaqooyinkii ka socday Garoonka ay ka qaadi doonaan talaabo sharci ah. Haddalka Omaar, ayaa imaanaya xili Seddexdii maalin ee ugu danbeysan aad loo adkeeyay amniga Garoonka Aadan Cadde iyo qeybta Xalane. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  6. Kabul (Caasimada Online) – Hamid Karzai, madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Afghanistan ayaa ku eedeeyey in Mareykanka ay la shaqeeyaan kooxda Daacish ee dalka Afghanistan. Wareysi uu siiyey Taleefishinka Aljazeera ayuu Karzai ku sheegay in Mareykanka ay u ogolaadeen kooxda Daacish inay ku baahdo dalka Afghanistan. “Waxay ila tahay in Daacish ay soo baxday ayada oo ay si buuxda u joogaan, isha ugu hayaan sirdoon iyo milatari ahaanba Mareykanka” ayuu yiri Karzai. “Laba sano ayay dadka Afghanistan oynayeen oo ay dhibanaayeen, ayada oo xadgudubyo badan ay dhaceen, waxna aan laga qaban”. Karzai ayaa sheegay in maamulka madaxweyne Donald Trump ee Mareykanka ay ISIS u adeegsadeen cudur daar ay bamkii ugu weynaa ugu garaacaan dalka Afghanistan, sanaddii 2017. “Kadibna maalinkii xigay Daacish waxay qabsatay degmadii xigtay ee dalka Afghanistan” ayuu yiri “Tani waxay caddeyn u tahay inay gacan saar leeyihiin kooxda Daacish ee Afghanistan iyo Mareykanka” Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira
  7. Beirut (Caasimada Online) – Hogaamiyha ururka Xisbullah ayaa ku eedeeyya dowladda Sacuudiga in ay ku dhawaaqday dagaal ka dhan ah Lubnaan, todobaadyo uun ka dib markii uu iscasilay rai’sul wasaarihii Lubnaan Sacad al Xariiri. Xassan Nasrallah ayaa sheegay in mr Xariiri uu la hayste u yahay xukuumadda Sacuudiga. Mr Nasrallah ayaa sheegay in Sacuudiga ay dagaal ka dhex hurinayaan dadka reer Lubnaan. Waxa uu sidoo Sacuudiga ku eedeeyay in ay ku kicinayaan Israa’iil oo ay kaashanayaan. Ururka awooda badan ee Shiicada ee Xisbulahi ayaa waxa taageera dowladda Iran oo ay si wayna isaga soo horjeedaan Sacuudiga . Mr Xariiri ayaa isagu iscasilaadiisa ku saleeyay khatar uusan sheegin waxa ay tahay oo naftiisa soo wajahday. Hasa yeeshee madaxwaynaha Lubnaan Michel Aoun iyo siyaasiyiinta kale ee sarsare ee Lubnaan ayaa waxay dalbanayeen in mr Xariiri uu dib ugu soo laabto Lubnaan. Mr Aoun ma uusan aqbalin iscasilaada Xariiri uu iska casilay xilka raisul wasaaraha. Mr Xariri si toos ah uma uusan hadal tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay iscasilaadiisii oo ahayd mid lama filaan ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa isbedel dhanka amaanka ah laga dareemayaa Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho, kadib digniino dhanka amaanka ah oo kasoo baxay Taliska ciidamada AMISOM iyo Hay’adaha kale amaanka ee reer Galbeedka ah. Afafka hore iyo gudaha Garoonka ayaa waxaa lagu arkayaa ciidamo farabadan oo la socda dhaqdhaqaaqa dadka shacabka ah iyo gaadiidka isticmaala Garoonka, waxaana xusid mudan in ciidamada ay caawinaad dhanka amaanka ah ka helayaan Eeyo u tababaran dhanka amniga. Waxaa sidoo kale la kordhiyay ciidamada AMISOM ee ka howlgali jiray Garoonka Aadan Cadde, maadaama howlgalo dhanka amaanka ah ay ku dhawaaqeen Saraakiisha ugu sareysa AMISOM, kaa oo ka socda Xarunta Xalane oo qeyb ka ah Garoonka Aadan Cadde. Ciidamada ugu badan ayaa waxaa sidoo kale laga howlgaliyay Xarunta Xalane, waxaana halkaa saacadihii ugu danbeeyay laga mamnuucay dhaqdhaqaaqa, iyadoo la xiray dhammaan albaabada gala iyo kuwa ka baxa, sababo la xiriira digniino dhanka amaanka ah. Cabsida ka jirta guud ahaan Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa waxaa laga dareemayaa magaalada Muqdisho, waxa uuna saameyn ku yeeshay dadka musaafuriinta ah. Sidoo kale, Maareeyaha Garoonka Aadan Cadde Cabdi Ashkir Jaamac ayaa sheegay in uu ballaaran yahay garoonka, islamarkaana si gaar ah loo xiray qeybta Xalane ee garoonka sababtuna ay tahay in Amniga garoonka dib u habeyn lagu sameeyo. Maalintii Khamiista ee lasoo dhaafay ayay aheyd markii qoraal kasoo baxay Taliska ciidamada AMISOM lagu fasaxay shaqaalaha ka howlgala Xarunta Xalane inta u dhexeysa 9 ilaa 13 Bishan, sababo dhanka amniga ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  9. Magaalada Badhan ee caasimadda gobolka Sanaag ayaa caawa oo ay taariikhdu tahay 12 Nov 2017 si diiran loogu soo dhoweeyey wefti ka socda dawladda Puntland, Weftigan oo hordhac u ah wufuud tiro badan oo kusoo waajahan guud ahaan gobolada Sanaag iyo Hayland ayaa waxaa hoggaaminayey Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Duulista Hawada iyo Garoomada Puntland Sucaad Saalax Nuur iyo Agaasimaha Xafiiska Warfaafinta, Wacyi-galinta, Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ee Madaxdooyada dawladda Puntland Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl. Waftiga ayaa waxaa magaaladda Badhan ee gobolka Sanaag ku soo dhaweeyay Guddoomiyaha gobolka Sanaag Maxamuud Ismaaciil Jaamac Ciyoon , Duqa Degmada Badhan Cabdirisaaq Axmed Ciise, Xildhibaano ka tirsan gollaha degaanka degmada Badhan, taliyaha ciidanka Asluubta Gobolka Sanaag Axmed Dhaaye Jibriil iyo Isuduwayaasha Wasaaraddaha, Caafimaadka, Waxbarashada, Beeraha, Ganacsiga iyo Degaanka. Agaasimaha Xafiiska Warfaafinta, Wacyi-gelinta, Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ee Madaxtooyada Dawladda Puntland Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl oo ka hadlay muhiimadda safarkoodani shaqo daaran yahay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ujeedada socdaalka Waftigu uu la xiriiro Kormeer shaqo oo ay ku mari doonaan dhammaan degmooyinka, tuulooyinka iyo degaanada goboladda Sanaag iyo Hayland ee dawladda Puntland iyo sidii looga hortegi lahaa farogalinta iyo xadgudubka maamulka Somaliland uu ku hayo goboladaasi. Agaasime Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl ayaa tilmaamay in isaga iyo weftigiisuba ay ka go’an tahay kana midaysan yihiin illaalinta amniga iyo xasiloonida gobolada Sanaag iyo Hayland, isla markaana ay maamulka Soomaaliland ka aqbalaynin inay khal-khal geliyaan nabadgelyada, xasiloonida iyo deganaanshaha dhammaan gobolada dawladda Puntland ee xuduudda la leh maamulkaasi Soomaaliland. Dhinaca kale, Gobolada Sanaag iyo Hayland ee dawladda Puntland waxaa maalinta beri ku wajahan Wafti ballaaran oo uu hoggaaminayo Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Cabdulaahi yuusuf Dawlad, waxaana ka mid ah wasaaraddaha Arrimaha Gudaha, Xanaanada Xoolaha, Dastuurka iyo Dekeddaha, waxaa kaloo waftiga ka qayb ah Saraakiil ciidan, waxgarad iyo masuuliyiin kale. Xukuumadda dawladda Puntland ee uu gadh wadeenka ka yahay Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa waxaa ka go’an ilaalinta xuduudaha dawladda Puntland, nabadgelyada, xasiloonida iyo deganaanshaha shacabka Puntland iyo dawladdoodaba, isla markaana aysan ogolaan doonin daandaansiga ka imanaya maamulka Somaaliland ee ku aadan xuduudaha Puntland, waxaana ay cadeeyeen golaha xukuumadda dawladda Puntland in aysan ka dhici doonin wax doorashooyin u eg oo ka yimaadda dhinaca Somaaliland xuduudaha gobolada Sool, Haylaan, Sanaag iyo Cayn ee dawladda Puntland. =DHAMMAAD= XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Wafti Balaadhan oo Ka Socda Dowladda Puntland Oo Si Diiran Lagu Soo Dhaweeyey degmada Badhan ee Gobolka Sanaag. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Despite the lack of formal recognition as an independent state, the Republic of Somaliland has achieved significant advances. The advances of Somaliland and Somalilanders, to include international financial agreements and strong trading partners, are especially stark when compared with many of its neighbors or similar countries that are fully recognized by the international state system. However, despite the young country’s progress, Somaliland’s hard-won democracy and stability are relatively fragile. This is, in part, because of Somaliland’s geopolitical situation and location, characterized by frequent political crises and regional instability. This tough neighborhood means that the country’s significant progress has surpassed all regional and international expectations in terms of safety and security, having outdone many older and more established countries that were viewed as safe until recently. These include Kenya, Egypt and many other sub-Saharan African countries. Yet, changes in the regional climate present both increased risks and significant opportunities and therefore require a delicate balance of diplomacy and military deterrence to ensure Somaliland’s survival and prosperity. This often unpredictable, fast-changing geopolitical environment requires a suitable and appropriate government and leadership, one that will actively protect the Republic’s borders as well as its hard-earned peace and stability. Somaliland is currently facing an unheralded prevalence of corruption and an accompanying upsurge of nouveaux riche elites, particularly among governmental officials. This has exacerbated instances of tribalism and resulted in vast income disparities pitting the haves against the have nots. Abuse of laws and regulations are significantly at an all-time high. Evidence compiled via political analysis has proven time and time again that the above-stated three issues are critical factors and determinants in the destruction of many governments and the cause of civil conflict. Additionally, from the war in Yemen to the new military base at Berbera to the ever-present and evolving threat from al-Shabaab and periodic spats with Puntland, the country currently needs a strong, selfless and committed Commander-in-Chief to maneuver the country through these chopping and uncharted waters. It is both essential and crucial that Somalilanders elect a president with international, regional and national experience as well as a track record of bringing the different clans of the country together. Such a leader must also have the experiences and the guts to secure the country’s security and safety. Most importantly, he must have the discipline and commitment to fight the corrupt practices that are the cause of significant disparities and ill will among Somalilanders. A political analysis and study of the backgrounds and qualifications of the three candidates vying for the presidency of Somaliland indicates Muse Bihi Abdi, the Kulmiya presidential candidate, is the only candidate with the required qualifications. This is because Muse Bihi has consistently demonstrated the capabilities and characteristics of a leader. Crucially, he also possesses the willpower to stand up to corrupt politicians and Somaliland’s external enemies as well as the politicians and chiefs who thrive financially on illicit deal making along clan lines. Muse Bihi is qualified to lead Somaliland in these trying but exciting times because significant research indicates that politicians with military backgrounds make better leaders and presidents. Military leadership qualities are developed through progressive, carefully planned training and education in addition to first-hand experience of life and death situations and the critical decisions that must be made in the field. It is also said that leaders with a military background also make better CEOs and are less likely to commit fraud or participate in corrupt practices. People with military leadership background are known to display clear, independent judgment and strategic decision-making, based on laws, regulations and measurable, achievable outcomes. In addition, they are not easily influenced by lobbies and interest groups that often deleteriously influence and may even dictate the actions of many politicians. In past few years, Somaliland chiefs, politicians and the business industry developed self-interested lobbying groups which, in many cases, hijacked development projects, rejected international investment, lobbied against industry regulation and privatized national programs, resources and land. These practices diminished the rule of law and established the unethical, unfair distribution of wealth. These actions and decisions directly caused the public to lose faith in the system. Muse Bihi, is well decorated army veteran who received military training and education in Russia (Gargarin Air Force Base) and the United States of America (West Point Academy). He has extensive experiences as a military commander and played a decisive role in the defeat of Siyad Bare’s supreme army. His military experiences and strategic war skills were proven during the Ethiopian-Somali War. As a commander in one of the largest armies for the SNM, Muse Bihi was also instrumental in overseeing and prosecuting the strategic war policies that ousted the dictator Siyad Bare. In the process, Somaliland’s full sovereignty was restored. It is well-documented that the peace-loving leaders are military leaders and former soldiers as they possess first-hand experience of the destruction of war and therefore tend to avoid beating the drums of war until all diplomatic options are exhausted. It is worth noting that in times of peace Muse Bihi has proven an able diplomatic leader and played a key role in creating a lasting peace among the Somaliland clans. He also took a lead role in the disarmament of the SNM freedom fighter and was the focal person in the reconciliation process of Somaliland clans in Burao, Berbera, Sheikh and Borama. Yet despite his peace credentials, Somalilanders and outsiders should remember that should war or conflict be unavoidable, the education, training, experiences and the sharp skills of a leader with a military background such as Muse Bihi becomes critical. Indeed, in times of war these leaders have a significant advantage in ensuring the victory or survival of their nation. Furthermore, the simple fact of having such credentials serves as a credible deterrent to Somaliland’s enemies. Muse Bihi is also a highly-experienced and erudite leader. As part of his continues commitment to peace and reconciliation, he sought to further his own knowledge, experience and skills in peace building with postgraduate education, obtaining a second Master’s Degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution at the University of Hargeisa[BC1] . In this regard, Muse was one of the first senior Somaliland politicians to continue his education while praising as well as promoting the Somaliland education system. Muse also has more governmental management experience and local knowledge than both of his two rivals. In the early years of Somaliland’s birth, he held key governmental positions and served as the Minister of Internal Affairs and as Minister of Finance. He laid the foundation and developed a robust system for both ministries during his tenure. Before his tenure at the Ministry of the Interior, the young nation was inflicted with diminished safety and insecurity. Muse was able to turn this around within short period and in fact, became the sole person entrusted with the security of the country in this period. These traits are also a must for the new president of Somaliland, as the country embarks in developmental and investment projects that require considerable public administration experiences and the ensuring of adequate stability and security. Because Somaliland is surrounded by countries at war or countries with political instability, its security is uncertain and thus requires a strong, committed government and a selfless, dynamic and experienced commander-in-chief. The country also needs political reconciliation at the local and national level in order to reduce tribalism and revitalize nationalism. As importantly, Somaliland needs firm and decisive leadership to root out systematic corruption by governmental officials. Without the strengthening of the nation’s security, the elimination of corruption and the inclusivity of all Somalilanders, the much-needed development and international investment will vanish and Somaliland may become a failed state. Muse is well known for his sharp-shooting communication style and strong unbiased decision-making approach. This is particularly important to roll back the corrupt practices of the current government officials which at times had a number of self-serving officials deciding on national issues that were reserved only for the president. Based on these current Somaliland needs, Muse Bihi is the only candidate with the knowledge, experiences, commitment and willpower to move Somaliland forward. In addition, Muse is the only candidate with direct public administration experience and local expertise, enabling him to better understand the needs and desires of the Somaliland people. Muse Bihi is understandably seen as a Somaliland nationalist and as one of their own by the majority of Somalilanders. This is in stark contrast to the other two candidates who are considered diaspora Somalilanders and therefore out of touch with the needs and desires of the Somaliland community. As such, it is in the Republic’s best interests and long-term stability and development to elect Musa Bihi as the next President of the Republic of Somaliland. Hussein Haji Ahmed Hargeisa, Somaliland
  11. On 13th November 2017, a presidential election will take place where over seven hundred registered citizens will vote for the man who will rule Somaliland the coming five years. Three presidential candidates representing three political parties are competing for the office of the presidency along with vice-presidential running mates. A twenty one days of campaign ended on 10 November. Each party held campaign rallies one day in all over the country. The country now enters 48 hours of calmness before the voters go to the polling stations to cast their votes. On October 19 2017, the three candidates faced off the first presidential debate, similar debate was faced by the tree vice presidential candidates on October 20, 2017. The tree presidential candidates also met for the final and second debate on November 9, 2017. Those debates was the first ever held in Somaliland. Generally the campaign was peaceful and there were no major incidents. Sixty international observers will be monitoring the election as well as more than six hundred domestic observers. The involvement of clan leaders and clan politics in the campaign rallies have been more evident and publicly shown. Clan elders have been touring around the country to campaign for their respective candidates seeking clan alliances and votes based on clannism. The dominance of clan politics in the campaign diminished the role of issues that matter for the public and increased polarization and divisions. The police stated that they arrested in Hargeisa three people who are accused of paying voter cards from the people. Buying cards have been a concern raised by people. In Sahil region, local government members held a press conference and showed above two hundred cards they collected from the voters and stated that they will use to vote for the ruling party, Kulmiye. The Election Commission has not said anything about this action which is clear violation of the law and could risk the process. The campaign has been concluded peacefully and smoothly, despite occurrences of minor incidents including raids of offices of political parties by supporters.[1] The National Electoral Commission changed campaign rules after the public complained that nigh time outdoors campaigning causes nuisance.[2] However, the Commission decision was largely ignored and parties continued their night time show off. The civil society held two press conferences urging the parties to stop using inflammatory and divisive statements. These came after the presidential candidates of Waddani and Kulmiye exchanged heated remarks that were seen to create tension. Circulation fake news was also another major concern during the campaign period. A fake news emanating from social media sites were later cited by mainstream media contrary to the Media Code of Conduct.[3] Nevertheless, the media including the state media were seen to respect the code of conduct. Kalsan TV, a Somali speaking television based in London, was banned to operate in Somaliland after the Information Minister of Somaliland issued a decision revoking the operating license, accusing the television of being against the statehood of Somaliland and broadcasting false news. The decision of the Minister came after Kalsan aired a video clip showing people scuffling at a ruling party campaign rally in Las Anood, Sool region.[4] On 10th November, the National Electoral Commission ordered the telecommunication companies to shut down social media from13th November until election results are declared.[5] The ban of social media causes outcry from international and local human rights organization who argued that the ban is contrary to the constitution and the international human rights laws. The Commission has not elaborated the grounds and legality of the blockage but stated that is done to avoid rumors and fake news. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
  12. To: he Somaliland National Electoral Commission To: The Honorable Ahmed M. Mohamoud Silanyo, President of the Republic of Somaliland Cc: The Presidential candidates: Muse Bihi Abdi, KULMIYE (Peace, Unity and Development Party) Faisal Ali Warabe, UCID (Justice and Welfare Party) Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro, Waddani (National Party) Re: Internet shutdown during Somaliland presidential elections Your Excellencies, We are writing to urgently request that you ensure the stability and openness of the internet. We have received reports that the National Electoral Commission called for social media platforms to be shut down during the upcoming presidential elections. On behalf of the more than 140 organizations from over 50 countries that make up the #KeepitOn Coalition, we implore you to keep the internet on. Internet shutdowns harm human rights and economies Research shows that internet shutdowns and violence go hand in hand. [1], [2] Shutdowns disrupt the free flow of information and create a cover of darkness that shields human rights abuses from public scrutiny. Journalists and media workers cannot contact sources, gather information, or file stories without digital communications tools. Justified for various reasons, shutdowns cut off access to vital information, e-commerce, and emergency services, plunging whole communities into fear. Disruptions also destabilize the internet’s power to support small business livelihoods and to drive economic development. A 2016 study by the Brookings Institution, a prominent think tank, revealed that shutdowns drained $2.4 billion from the global economy between 2015 and 2016. [3] The open Internet has fostered unprecedented creativity, innovation, and access to information and to other kinds of social, economic, cultural, and political opportunities across the globe. The technical means used to block access to information online often dangerously undermine the stability and resiliency of the Internet. Internet shutdowns must never be allowed to become the new normal. Internet shutdowns violate international Law A growing body of findings and resolutions hold that intentional disruptions to the internet violate international law. In July 2016, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed, by consensus, a resolution on freedom of expression and the internet with unambiguous language on internet shutdowns and other restrictions on freedom of expression online. Resolution A/HRC/RES/32/13: condemns unequivocally measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online in violation of international human rights law and calls on all States to refrain from and cease such measures. The Council sent a clear message that the blocking and throttling of networks, applications, and services that facilitate human rights is unacceptable behavior. Experts from the United Nations, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Organization of American States (OAS), and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), also issued an historic statement declaring that internet “kill switches” can never be justified under international human rights law, even in times of conflict. [4] In November 2016, the African Commission on Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights adopted a resolution on the right to freedom of information and expression on the internet in Africa, which noted its concern over “the emerging practice of State Parties of interrupting or limiting access to telecommunications services such as the Internet, social media and messaging services, increasingly during elections.” ACHPR/Res. 362(LIX) The UN Human Rights Committee, the official interpreter of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, emphasizes in its General Comment no. 34 that restrictions on speech online must be strictly necessary and proportionate to achieve a legitimate purpose. [5] Shutdowns, by contrast, disproportionately impact all users, and unnecessarily restrict access to information and emergency services communications during crucial moments. Shutdowns are neither necessary to, nor effective at, achieving a legitimate aim, as they block the spread of information, contribute to confusion and disorder, and obstruct public safety. Shutdowns are neither necessary to, nor effective at, achieving a legitimate aim, as they often spread confusion and encourage more people to join public demonstrations. Recommendations We respectfully request that you use the important positions of your good offices to: ● Ensure that the internet, including social media, remains on ● Publicly declare your commitment to keep the internet on, and to notify the public of any disruptions ● Encourage telecommunications and internet services providers to respect human rights through public disclosures on policies and practices impacting users. We are happy to assist you in any of these matters. Sincerely, Access Now Bahrain Watch Campaign for Human Rights and Development International Human Rights Center Human Rights Watch Internet Without Borders Kictanet Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) OXCON Paradigm Initiative PEN America Right2Know Campaign Sunlight Foundation Notes: [1] An internet shutdown is defined as an intentional disruption of internet or electronic communications, rendering them inaccessible or effectively unusable, for a specific population or within a location, often to exert control over the flow of information. See more at <>. [2] Anita R. Gohdes, ‘Pulling the Plug: Network Disruptions and Violence in the Syrian Conflict’ (Journal of Peace Research: 31 January 2014) <> accessed 24 March 2017. [3] Darrell West, (Brookings Institution, October 2016) “Internet shutdowns cost countries $2.4 billion last year” [4] Peter Micek, (Access Now, 4 May 2015) ‘Internet kill switches are a violation of human rights law, declare major UN and rights experts’ [5] UN Human Rights Committee (UN, July 2011) “General Comment No. 34”
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Cabdulaahi Axmed Cabdulaahi oo ahaa khasnajigii fashilay fadeexadii 17 August, 2016 kuna saabsanayd lacag been-abuur ah oo la keenay Bankiga Dhexe ayaa banaanka soo dhigay siro iyo xog badan oo ku saabsan qaabkii lacagtaas loo keenay Bankiga, dadkii keenay, sababta uu ku muteystay inuu Shaqadiisa ku waayo iyo musuq maasuq ka dhacay dacwadii uu u gudbiyey Maxkamadda Sare. Cabdullaahi ayaa sharaxaad badan ka bixiyey inay aheyd sababtii uu shaqadiisa u waayey badbaadadii uu sameeyey iyo Hantida Qaranka oo uu ilaaliyey. Waxaa wax lala yaabo noqotay in abaalmarin looga dhigay shaqo ka eryid isagoo miciin biday Cadaaladda Federaalka, (Maxkamadda Sare), ujeedkiisuna waxay aheyd inuu xaqiijiyo in shaqaalaha soomaliyeed xuquuqdooda lagu tuman karin iyadoo lagalay casri Dimquraadi ah iyo soomaaliya cusub oo ay tahay in sharcigu shaqeeyo/sareeyo sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxaa Guddi Garsoorayaal ah oo Maxkamadda Sare u fadhiisteen qadiyadayda ku saabsanayd shaqo ka joojinta 02.03.2017, waxay ku heleen Guddoonka Bankiga Dhexe in Go’aankaas ay shaqadda uga saareen uu ahaa sharci daro, waxayna xukumeen – in laga celiyo shaqadda, in la siin waayo mushaaraadkii ka maqnaa, kharashkii uga baxay maxkamadda iyo magdhow. waxaa fadhiga Maxkamadda maalimkaas goob-joog ka ahaa xubno Federal MPs, xubno saxaafadda, iyo sharciyaqaano. Guddiga Garsoorayaasha waxay u gudbiyeen Guddoomiyaha Maxmadda sare, waxaa arinta soo farogaliyey Guddoonka Bankiga Dhexe, waxayna codsadeen in Go’aankaas aan la soo saarin wax kasta oo dhaca. Guddoomiyaha Maxkamada sare ayaa si cad ugu sheegay in go’aanka aan la shaacinayn, laakiin uu xal kale u raadinayno sida uu Cabdullaahi ku caddeeyey cod uu si hoose uga duubay oo aad ka dhex maqli karto muuqaalka hoose. Madaxda Bankiga Dhexe … Waxay shaqadda ka eryeen sarkaalkii fashileyey musiibo qaran, waayo maalinkaas waxaa fashilantay shaba-kad lacag faalso abuuraysay oo dhaqaalaha dalka khalkhal galinaysay. Madaxda Cadaaladda … Waxay cadaysteen mowqif yaab leh oo ah inay diidan yihiin in dadku ilbaxaan oo ay bartaan sida muwaadinka uu u raadsan karo Xuquuqdiisa Dastuuriga ah, iyadoo loo marayo dhinaca sharciga. Wuxuu Muuqaalkaan oo soconayo muddo 40 Daqiiqo ah kusoo bandhigay waxyaabo badan oo lala yaabay iyo musuq maasuq ka jiro Maxkamadda Sare iyo Bankiga. Halkaan hoose ka daawo Muuqaalkaan:
  14. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa si rasmi ah u daah furay Shir wareega ololaha nabad galyada Degmooyinka Gobalka Benaadir iyo kaalinta ay ku lee yihiin dhallinyarada. Barnaamikan waxaa Soo diyaariyey Maamulka Gobalka Benaadir oo u Horkacyo Duqa Caasimadda Mudane Thaabit Cabdi Maxamed. Barnaamijkaan aya waxaa Ka Soo Qeyb Galay Haweenka Gobolka Benaadir iyo Dhalinyarada Caasimadda Muqdisho. Ujeedka laga leeyahay shirkaas ayaa ah sidii si wadajir ah looga qeyb qaadan lahaa ololaha lagu doonayo in wax looga badalo amniga Muqdisho iyo sidii looga hortagi lahaa Qaraxyada ee Al-Shabaab ka fuliyaan Magaalada. Halkaan hoose ka daawo sawirada
  15. Muqdishp (caasimadda Online) – Afhayeenka Alshabaab ayaa si degdeg u beeniyay war kasoo baxay dowladda Soomaaliya oo ku saabsan in 81 ka mida Alshabaab lagu dilay weerar ka dhacay degmada Jilib ee Gobolka Jubadda Dhexe. Afhayeenka Howlgallada Alshabaab ee howlgallada C/casis Abuu Muscab ayaa sheegay inaysan waxba ka jirin warka dowladda Federaalka, isla markaana aanu wax weerar ahba ka dhicin degmada Jilib. “Waa been aan sal iyo raad midna lahayn sheegashooyinka cadowga ee ku aadan in ay beegsadeen xarumo ay Mujaahidiintu leeyihiin, Waxaana idiin xaqiijinayaa in aanu jirin wax weerar ah oo ka dhacay degmada Jilib iyo xitaa Jubada dhexe oo uu fuliyey cadowga” Ayuu yiri Sheykh Abuu Muscab. Wuxuu intaas ku daray in dowladda Federaalka ay qarineyso guuldarrooyin milateri oo soo gaaray ciidamadeeda, una bareertay been qayaxan, isagoo sheegay in gobolka Jubadda Dhexe aanay wax weerarro ah ka dhicin. Wasiirka Warfaafinta ayaa maanta soo saaray war ku saabsan in warshada waxyaabaha qarxa lagu farsameeyo ee Alshabaab ku lahayd Jilib lagu dilay 81 maleeshiyo, laguna gubay gaadiid dagaal. Halkaan hoose ka akhriso warbixintii kasoo baxday dowladda Soomaaliya Xukuumadda Soomaaliya: Waxaa la burburiyay xaruntii qaraxyada ee Al-Shabaab
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay aragtay warbixinta cusub ee kooxda cunaqabateynta hubka QM ee Somalia ee UN Monitoring Group ay ka diyaarisay dalka Soomaaliya, ayna dib u eegeyso waxyaabaha ku jira warbixintaas. Qoraal kasoo baxay wasiirka warfaafinta Soomaaliya Injineer Cabdiraxmaan Yariisow ayaa lagu sheegay in warbixinta ay ku jiraan arrimo ku saabsan Soomaaliya oo xasaasi ah, islamarkaana walaac abuuray, waxaana ka mid ah: 1 – Adeegsiga sunta kiimikada oo kooxda Al-Shabaab ay billowday inay miinooyinka ku darto 2 – Hub sharci darro ah oo Soomaaliya kusoo qul-qulaya 3 – Kooxda Daacish oo kusii baaheysa gobolka 4 – Dhoofka dhuxusha Soomaaliya oo weli si sharci darro ah u socda. 5 – Iyo kheyraadkii kalluunka Soomaaliya oo si sharci darro ah loo qaadanayo. Si kastaba, wasiirka ayaa sheegay in warbixinta ay sidoo kale ku jiraan arrimo muujinaya guulo la gaaray sida isbeddelka habka maaliyadeed ee Soomaaliya, horumar laga sameeyey adeega dadweynaha, sharciyada baarlamanka Soomaaliya uu ansixiyey, iyo wada-shaqeynta Soomaaliya iyo beesha caalamka ay ka sameynayaan ka hortagga argagixisada dalka. Warbixinta ay aragtay dowladda Soomaaliya ee UN Monitoring Group, ayaa la filayaa in dhowaan ay kooxdan si rasmi ah u baahiso. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  17. Isagoo 32 sano jir ah,ayuu taliye u noqday Booliiskii ugu horreeyey ee Soomaaliya yeelatay markii ay xorriyadda heshay sannadkii 1960,noloshiisana wuxuu ku qaatay ka shaqeynta demoquraaddiyadda iyo midnimada dalkiisa,laakiin waxaa qiimo sare ugu kacay xiriirkii uu la yeeshay Maraykanka. Kadib inqilaabkii uu taageeray Midowgii Soviet ee uu dalka kula wareegay Maxammed Siyaad Barre sannadkii 1969-kii,Maxammed Abshir waxaa la dhigay xabsigii lama’degaan oo uu ku jiray in ka badan 9 sano. Wuxuu khibrad badan u lahaa dagaalkii xorriyadda,sida ay sheegaan dadkii yaqaannay. “Wuxuu ahaa mid kamid ah geesiyaashii xaqiijiyey dhaqdhaqaadii xorriyadda Afrika .Ma jirin saaxiib ka weyn oo aan ku lahayn Soomaaliya”,ayuu yiri Robert Gosende ka soo shaqeeyey safaaraddii Maraykanka ee Soomaaliya sannadihii 1960-dii,sidoo kalena soo noqday safiirkii Maraykanka ee Soomaaliya intii u dhexaysay 1992 ilaa 1993,xilligaasi oo ay Soomaaliya haysatay dhibaatadii banii’aadannimo oo ugu xumeyd. Sannadkii 2001 Maxammed Abshir Hamaan wuxuu u wareegay gobolka Minnesota ee dalka Maraykanka,wuxuuna geeriyooday 25 bishii October ee sannadkaan,isagoo 91 sano jir ah. Waxaa u baroor diiqay abwaannada Soomaaliyeed,hoggaamiyaasha siyaasadda iyo muwaadiniin,kuwaasoo geeridiisa ku tilmaamay”dhammaadka xilli soo maray” dalkooda. Wuxuu ka horyimid taliskii Maxammed Siyaad iyo sidoo kale hoggaamiye-kooxeedadii Soomaaliya soo maray,wuxuuna la soo shaqeeyey saraakiil militari oo caalami ah,ganacsato,siyaasiyiin iyo culimo,kuwaasoo uu la wadaagay fikirkiisa ku aaddan sida nabad looga dhalin karo Soomaaliya. Wuxuu la soo kulmay madaxweynayaashii Maraykanka ee John F. Kennedy iyo George H.W. Bush,wuxuuna dalkiisa ku soo dhoweeyey madaxweyne ku xigeenkii Hubert Humphrey Guddoomiyihii maxkamadda sare Thurgood Marshall. Horraantii sannadkii 1962 ayuu deeq waxbarasho ka helay dowladda Maraykanka,jaamacadda Princeton University. “Wuxuu ahaa dadkii ugu xirfadda badnaa Soomaalida xorriyaddii kadib”,sidaasi waxaa yiri Pro.Axmed Samatar oo diraasaadka caalamiga ah ka dhiga Kulliyadda Macalester College“wuxuu ahaa tusaale loo soo qaato hufnaanta shakhsiyadda iyo il-baxnimada”,ayuu raaciyey Pro,Samatar. Sagaaashanaadkii xilligii fowdada ay ku jirtay Soomaaliya,macluusha iyo dagaalka sokeeye,kadib markii la riday xukuumaddii Siyaad Barre,wuxuu dowlad goboleed u dhisay waqooyi bari Soomaaliya,isagoo nabadeeyey dadkii ehelka ahaa,islamarkaana yagleelay gole isimo oo uu isaga keenay beelaha kala duwan iyo kuwa laga-badanyahay ee goboladaasi,sida ku xusan sheeko ay qortay New York Times sannadkii 1997-dii. “Alle naguma keenee,waan is khilaafki karnaa,laakiin xabad isla dhici mayno“,ayuu jaraa’idka u sheegay xilligaasi. Maxammed Abshir wuxuu la shaqeeyey ciidankii Maraykanka ee soo galay Soomaaliya sannadkii 1993,kadib markii madaxweyne George H.W. Bush u soo diray si ay u ilaaliyaan gurmadk banii’aadantinimo ee loo fidinayo shacabka soomaaliyeed. sannadkii 2003 dowladda Maraykanka ayaa ugu hanjabtay in ay tarxiilayso,taasoo qayb ka ahayd ol-ole ka dambeeyey weerarkii Sep 11 ee lagu qaaday dalka Maraykanka,laakiin lix kamid ah safiiradii Maraykanka iyo ergeydii gaarka ahayd ayaa ka dalbaday xoghayihii arrimaha debadda Maraykanka Colin Powell in uu soo faro-geliyo arrinta,xilligaas Abshir iyo xaaskiisi dhimatay Maryan Muuse Guul Eden Prairie iyagoo haysta wiil yar oo xanuuno kala duwan qaba. Looyar Martin Ganzglass ayaa xilligaasi ka tegay gobolka Washington, D.C.wuxuuna yimid Minnesota,si uu marqaati uga hor furo xaakimkii musaafurin lahaa maxamed Abshir Hamaan oo markaasi wakhti kama dambays ah loo qabtay. “wuxuu ahaa demoquraaddi ee mahayn dagaal ooge“,sidaasi waxaa yiri Ganzglass oo la kulmay sannadkii 1966 muddo dheerna saaxiib lahaa”waxaan rumaysnahay in Soomaaliya aysan habbooneyn in Soomaaliya dib ugu noqoto reer-reerkii iyo qabyaaladdii,dhammaanteen waxaan nahay Soomaaliya waa inaan dowlad si wadajir ah u dhisanno ayuu yiri Maxammed Abshir oo la hadlayey saaxiibkiis Ganzglass. Intii uu ku jiray xabsiga Laanta-buuro oo caasimadda Soomaaliya u jira 55mile,isaga iyo saaxiibkiisa la xirnaa waxay qoraallada loo keeno akhrin jireen inta ay suuliga ku jiraan,sida uu sheegay Ganzglass.Sidoo kale mid kamid ah ilaaladii xabsiga ayaa Maxammed Abshir Hamaan u soo dusiyey kitaab quraan ah,halkaasoo nin saaxiibkiis ah oo la xirnaa uu Mr. Hamaan u dhigay aayado kamid ah quraanka iyo buug laylis ah. Kadib markii xabsiga laga sii daayey bishii June sannadkii 1982 Maxammed Abshir Hamaan wuxuu saaxiibkiisa Ganzglas ku yiri “waxaa laga yaabaa inaad maqashay inaan asal raac noqday.Haa, waxaan ahay asal raac xorriyadda taageera”. Cabdiraxiim Maxammed Abshir wuxuu kamid ahaa afar carruur ah oo uu dhalay maxamed Hamaan intii uu xabsi guriga ku jiray ee aan loo dhaadhicin jeelka. “Ma aqoon sida uu u egyahay aabbahay,keliyaha waxaan aqaannay sawirkiisa” ayuu yiri Cabdiraxiim. Maxammed Abshir Hamaan waa tabar-darreeyey sannadihi ugu dambeeyey,hayeeshee wiilkiisa ayaa sheegay”in uu nolol fiican ku noolaa” gobolka Minnesota,kadib markii uu ka hawlgabay nolosha guud,wixii ka dambeeyey sannadkii 2000 xilligaasi oo la isu keenay kooxihii Soomalida si loogu dhiso dowlad qaran. Wuxuu ka tegay 14 carruur ah,wuuna soo adeegay. xigasho/wargeeska PUNTLANDPOST The post Gen.Maxammed Abshir Hamaan wuxuu ahaa nabad sameeye ka soo jeeday dal kamid ah kuwa dagaalku ragaadiyey ee caalamka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. Awil Osman Joblessness among young Somali adults is a chronic issue confronting Somalia. Their unemployment rate is at staggering 67%. And the issue of youth joblessness is exacerbated by the large number of Somali students who graduate—from secondary schools and from tertiary organizations—with skills that are neither appropriate for Somalia nor competitive elsewhere. Nonetheless, this aside, after almost three decades of turmoil—and of protracted conflict, terrorism, and piracy—Somalia is making huge entrepreneurial, socioeconomic, and political strides. This progress is encapsulated in a famous hashtag, popularized in 2017 and known as “#SomaliaRising.” In keeping with the spirit and momentum of this, we turned “Rising” into “iRise”—to demonstrate both how Somalis can improve narrative, and bring our innovative and entrepreneurship ingenuity into play. Our brand name is a catalyst for this hashtag and aims to popularize the movement. The iRise Hub is the first co-working space for technologists, innovators, and members of the business fraternity, giving them a place to collaborate and build local solutions to local problems. Based in Mogadishu, iRise offers incubation services and the best mentoring for local start-ups. Our goal is not to just offer space and services but also create a large community of stakeholders committed to diversifying a war-torn economy. Social networks are often a powerful tool used by tech hubs to build these stakeholder communities. By using social media and blog posts, we engage our community members in various topics, and convey information on the technology and affordable solutions that are available to them. iRise provides an environment where innovators and investors can collaborate in all walks of job-creating. It is widely known that the amount of capital injected into Somalia through remittances is higher than that brought in by development aid. We try to tap into this available capital by placing young digital innovators in the same room as those who are willing to invest. And iRise employees also hold one-on-one meetings with the community members to advise and help them with all their technical and business needs. iRise facilitates equitable access to information for a tech-savvy youth population. We invite the top talent in all industries to give talks and fireside chats in our space, and make it open to all members of the community and public who show an interest in it. This will help young people receive market information that can make their brand or product competitive in Somalia and beyond. iRise also collaborates with Devcon organizers to bring internationally recognise lecturers to Mogadishu. In the digital age, access to information is the most important currency for innovative growth and job creation. We offer training and mentorship to youth on entrepreneurship and innovation, using technology to connect them to potential investors. iRise will collaborate with institutions of higher learning, corporations, and government institutions to increase the chances of young Somalis with tech talent being mentored and employed.
  19. International observers Press Statement Ahead of Somaliland’s third presidential election on 13 November 2017, a 60-member team drawing on members from 27 countries has fully assembled in Hargeisa, Somaliland’s capital, and will soon start deploying around Somaliland. The international election observation mission (EOM) has been invited by Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) and is funded by the British government. The EOM will conduct its observation activities in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, emphasising the impartiality and independence of that observation. As the third presidential election (following the polls in 2003 and 2010), it is the first poll to use a new voter registration system, which itself marks the first use of iris-scan biometric technology in an African election. The EOM is led by the Development Planning Unit (DPU) at University College London (UCL), and Somaliland Focus UK. This EOM marks the fourth election in Somaliland observed and reported on by DPU and Somaliland Focus since 2005. Arrival of the full team of observers on 8 November was preceded by examination of the pre-election campaign by team co-ordinators, who arrived ahead of the start of political campaigning on 21 October. Since then, the EOM has organised and held successful and well-attended events including public discussions on election observation, female political participation and the media landscape, met stakeholders and organised the many aspects of deploying such a large team. The wider team has undergone several days of intensive pre-deployment training is now well- prepared for the intensity of polling day and the aftermath. The majority will depart Somaliland on 16 November. A small team will remain to observe the post-election period, including the declaration of results. The EOM will publish its final report in the first half of 2018. Says Dr Michael Walls of DPU, chief observer on the EOM: “Preparations for this mission have been intense, and we are very appreciative of the invaluable assistance we have had from so many stakeholders in Somaliland, and from the British government in funding this mission. Now that we are seeing the hard work bear fruit, we are hoping we will see a spirited and peaceful polling day marking another step in Somaliland’s democratic development.” Notes to Editors 1. For further information or to arrange an interview with a member of the coordination team, please contact Conrad Heine (EOM media coordinator) on +252 (0)63 486 5255 or Photographs are also available. 2. Somaliland declared unilateral independence from Somalia in 1991 following the collapse of Somalia’s government. It remains internationally unrecognised. 3. The mission is online at, @SomalilandFocus and
  20. Dawlada Uganda ayaa xaqiijisay inay albaabada u laabtay Jaamacad lagu magacaabo Stanford markii la ogaaday inay bixisay shahaadooyin been abuura oo ay ka qaateen qaar kamida wasiirada Dawlada Federaalka ee Soomaaliya sida uu qoray wargeyska Afka dheer ee New Vision oo kasoo baxa magaalada Kampala. Shahaadooyinkan ayaa loo soo mariyey wasiirada katirsan Dawlada Soomaaliya jaamacad kale oo lagu magacaabo Job-Key oo ku taal magaalada Muqdisho taas oo ay wada shaqayn leeyihiin jaamacada la xiray ee Stanford, waxaana la sheegay in jaamacada Job-key ay iyadu jaamacadan ka dalbatay shahaadooyinkaas. Inkastoo aan ilaa iminka la xaqiijin magacyada wasiirada qaatay shahaadooyinkan been abuurka ayey hadana Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST waxay bilowday baaritaano dheeriya oo ku saabsan arintan si loo ogaado shaqsiyaadka qaatay shahaadooyinkan galaaftay jaamacada lagu magacaabo Stanford. Maahan markii ugu horay oo ay Dawlada Uganda xirto jaamacad masuuliyiin Dawladaha Afrika siisay shahaadooyin been abuura, Sidoo kale dhawaan ayey ahayd markii loo yeeray guud ahaan ardaydii ka qalin jabisay sanadkii 2011 jaamacada ugu weyn wadankaas oo lagu MAKARERE markii la ogaaday in qaar kamida shahaadooyinkii la bixiyey ay ardaydu natiijooyinkii iibsadeen. PUNTLAND POST The post Uganda oo albaabada u laabtay jaamacad shahaadooyin been abuura siisay wasiiro Soomaaliyeed appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa maanta guddoomiyey shir looga hadlayey howlgalka ciidamada ee Shabeelooyinka ka socda iyadoo beesha caalamka ay goob joog ahaayeen. Shirkan muhiimka u ah amniga ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobey, Michael Keating, Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Midowga Afrika Francisco Madiera, Safiirka Midowga Yurub Veronica Lorenzo, Safiirada UK, US, Uganda, Ethiopia, Italy, China, Kenya iyo Madaxa Bankiga Adduunka ee Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxaa ka qeybgalay Wasiiro iyo Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Difaaca Golaha Shacabka Mudane Xuseen Carab Ciise iyo marti sharaf kale. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo shirka furay ayaa khudbad ku aadan horumarka dhanka amniga halkaas ka jeediyey isagoo sheegay in shirkii London ee bishii May, dhammaan howlihii lagu heshiiyey ay Dawladda Federaalka sameysey welina wado qorshaha hubinta ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed oo qiimeyn lagu soo sameynayey bishii hore welina socota. Wasaarada Gaashaandhiga ayaa khubaro iyo Wasiir ku xigeenka u dirtay gobollada dalka oo lagu soo tiro koobayey ciidamada XDS laguna dhiirigelinayey howlgalka ka dhanka ah kooxaha argagaxisada ah. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa u sheegay beesha caalamka in Soomaaliya ay diyaar u tahay soo celinta amniga iyo kala danbeynta, ugana mahadceliyey beesha caalamka doorkooda ku aadan xasilinta dalka. RW Khayre ayaa ka codsaday beesha caalamka inay fursadan hadda jirta ee shacabka uu diyaarka u yahay in lala dagaalo kooxaha argagaxisada ah looga baahanyahay inay waxii kaalmo ah si deg-deg ah ula soo gaaraan ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa AMISOM si loo dar-dargeliyo howlgalada lagu jihaadayo argagaxisada. RW Khayre ayaa u mahadceliyey wadmada ciidamada ka joogaan Soomaaliya iyo sida ay diyaarka ugu yihiin inay kaalin mug leh uga qaataan dagaalada lagula jiro kooxaha argagaxisada ah. RW Khayre ayaa sheegay booqashadii Madaxweynaha ee wadamada deriska ay ay madaxda dalalkaas isku raaceen in la dardargeliyo howlgalada military eek a dhanka ah kooxaha argagaxisada ah. RW Khayre ayaa ugu danbeyntii sheegay in Dawlada Federaalka iyo Dawladaha xubnaha ka ah ay isla meel dhigeen hirgelinta Istraatejiyada Amniga Qaranka oo shirkii Golaha Amniga Qaranka ee Soomaaliya la isla meel dhigay dhammaan qorsheyaasha amniga dalka kuna heshiiyey in si adag looga wada qeyqaato howlgalka dalka looga sifeynayo kooxaha argagaxisada ah. —DHAMMAAD—
  22. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa maanta guddoomiyey shir looga hadlayey howlgalka ciidamada ee Shabeelooyinka ka socda iyadoo beesha caalamka ay goob joog ahaayeen. Shirkan muhiimka u ah amniga ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobey, Michael Keating, Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Midowga Afrika Francisco Madiera, Safiirka Midowga Yurub Veronica Lorenzo, Safiirada UK, US, Uganda, Ethiopia, Italy, China, Kenya iyo Madaxa Bankiga Adduunka ee Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxaa ka qeybgalay Wasiiro iyo Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Difaaca Golaha Shacabka Mudane Xuseen Carab Ciise iyo marti sharaf kale. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo shirka furay ayaa khudbad ku aadan horumarka dhanka amniga halkaas ka jeediyey isagoo sheegay in shirkii London ee bishii May, dhammaan howlihii lagu heshiiyey ay Dawladda Federaalka sameysey welina wado qorshaha hubinta ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed oo qiimeyn lagu soo sameynayey bishii hore welina socota. Wasaarada Gaashaandhiga ayaa khubaro iyo Wasiir ku xigeenka u dirtay gobollada dalka oo lagu soo tiro koobayey ciidamada XDS laguna dhiirigelinayey howlgalka ka dhanka ah kooxaha argagaxisada ah. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa u sheegay beesha caalamka in Soomaaliya ay diyaar u tahay soo celinta amniga iyo kala danbeynta, ugana mahadceliyey beesha caalamka doorkooda ku aadan xasilinta dalka. RW Khayre ayaa ka codsaday beesha caalamka inay fursadan hadda jirta ee shacabka uu diyaarka u yahay in lala dagaalo kooxaha argagaxisada ah looga baahanyahay inay waxii kaalmo ah si deg-deg ah ula soo gaaraan ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa AMISOM si loo dar-dargeliyo howlgalada lagu jihaadayo argagaxisada. RW Khayre ayaa u mahadceliyey wadmada ciidamada ka joogaan Soomaaliya iyo sida ay diyaarka ugu yihiin inay kaalin mug leh uga qaataan dagaalada lagula jiro kooxaha argagaxisada ah. RW Khayre ayaa sheegay booqashadii Madaxweynaha ee wadamada deriska ay ay madaxda dalalkaas isku raaceen in la dardargeliyo howlgalada military eek a dhanka ah kooxaha argagaxisada ah. RW Khayre ayaa ugu danbeyntii sheegay in Dawlada Federaalka iyo Dawladaha xubnaha ka ah ay isla meel dhigeen hirgelinta Istraatejiyada Amniga Qaranka oo shirkii Golaha Amniga Qaranka ee Soomaaliya la isla meel dhigay dhammaan qorsheyaasha amniga dalka kuna heshiiyey in si adag looga wada qeyqaato howlgalka dalka looga sifeynayo kooxaha argagaxisada ah. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre oo Shir-Guddoomiyey Shirka Amniga oo beesha caalamka ay goob joog ahaayeen appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. This picture shows a computer screen displaying the portrait of Somali-born cleric Abdulqadir Mumin, accused of heading the Islamic State group in East Africa An Islamic State faction in Somalia has grown significantly over the past year, carrying out attacks in Puntland and receiving some funding from Syria and Iraq, a report by UN sanctions monitors said Friday. The faction loyal to Sheikh Abdulqader Mumin was targeted by US drone strikes last week in the first US operation targeting IS in the Horn of Africa, US Africa Command said. In the report, the UN monitoring group for Somalia said the IS faction, which was estimated in 2016 “to number not more than a few dozen, has grown significantly in strength” and may “consist of as many as 200 fighters.” Phone records from Mumin showed he was in contact with an IS operative in Yemen who acts as an intermediary with senior IS leaders in Iraq and Syria “though the exact nature of this contact is unclear,” said the report. Former members of the faction who defected in December said the Mumin group received orders as well as financing from Iraq and Syria, the report said. The group captured the town of Qandala in Puntland’s Bari region in October 2016, declaring it the seat of the Islamic Caliphate in Somalia before being pushed out two months later by Puntland forces backed by US military advisers. In February, IS gunmen stormed a hotel in Bosaso, the economic capital of Puntland, and in May the faction carried out its first suicide attack at a police checkpoint near Bosaso, killing five people. “The group showed signs of increasing tactical capabilities during its first attack target a hotel,” said the UN monitors. – Haven for foreign fighters – The UN report raised concerns that the Bari region could become a potential haven for foreign IS fighters as the extremists are driven out of their strongholds in Syria and Iraq. The IS group in Somalia “presents more natural appeal to foreign terrorist fighters than Al-Shabaab,” whose aim is to establish a state government by Islamic law, it added. Al-Shabaab, another Islamist militant group, is affiliated with IS’s global rival Al-Qaeda. The Bari region has attracted a limited number of foreign fighters including Sudanese national Abu Faris who is on the US terror list for recruiting foreign fighters for Al-Shabaab. While the faction is expanding, its fighters appear to be poorly paid or not paid at all. Unmarried fighters receive no salary, while married militants receive $50 per month plus $10-$20 per child, depending on the age. The report estimated that the salary payments were between $3,000 and $9,000 per month, allowing IS leaders “to fund its insurgency on a limited budget”. UN monitors said the faction will likely face frequent defections from poorly paid fighters, a problem that also affects Al-Shabaab. Source: AFP
  24. The International Labour organization released a number of recommendations urging the Somali National government to do more to protect trade unions and trade leaders in the country. The Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) together with the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), filed complaints against the Somali Government accusing it of serious threats, acts of intimidation and reprisals against members and leaders of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) and the lack of adequate responses by the Federal Government of Somalia to the recommendations approved earlier by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in favour of Somalia´s independent trade union movement against the national government. The complaint was backed by evidence of systematic violations of the rights to freedom of association, interference in internal trade union affairs, intimidation of trade union leaders and members, a smearing campaign against them and the restriction of the unions´ work. The recommendations, approved during the 3311st Session of the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland, were made by the Organisation´s Committee on Freedom of Association following a complaint lodged by NUSOJ, the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) against the Federal Government of Somalia. The Committee urged the government to “rapidly provide information on the measures taken to ensure that the FESTU and the NUSOJ can fully develop their trade union activities without hindrance and that independent judicial inquiries are promptly instituted in the event of any complaints of threats or acts of violence against trade union members and leaders, this in order to fully uncover the underlying facts and circumstances, identify those responsible, punish the guilty parties, and prevent the repetition of such acts” The committee made a number of recommendations that required the Somali government to “provide its reply to the allegations that the Chief Justice, namely Dr Aidid Abdullahi Ilkahanaf, who handed down a ruling in favour of Mr Osman – and against theGovernment’s position – was sacked by presidential decree. It also requests the Government to inform of the current duties of Dr Aidid Abdullahi Ilkahanaf, in particular whether he remained in the judiciary”. The Committee also urged the government to provide explanations for the reasons of the arrest of specific union leaders, assassinations and attempted assassinations against members of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). For the third year in a row, Somalia has ranked as the world’s leading country where slain journalists’ deaths go unpunished.
  25. A new type of grass introduced to agro-pastoralists in Somaliland is showing signs of success as a way of keeping livestock fed under drought conditions. The grass seeds, imported from Colombia, are resilient to hot climates and require little water to grow. Seeds were given to 35 families to grow over a two-year period in Arabsiyo, Huluk, Agasmaha, Gal-dawo, El-baxay and Lafta-tiin villages in Gabiley, 45 km west of Hargeisa. According to scientists from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), the Kenya-based research institute leading the project, the grass is more nutritious for livestock than other local vegetation and reduces the costs to herders of providing livestock feed when drought occurs. “This type of grass, called Barakariya, thrives in hot, dry areas. It is different from local types and it can grow in a week or two. It has other benefits as well as it does not need much water and it can withstand drought. We have introduced it hoping it can bring resilience among the people,” said Dr Mohamed Hassan Mohamud, ICIPE project director. Abdikadir Aw-Mohamud Ahmed planted the new grass to try to keep the remainder of his herd alive. Only eight of his cows survived the drought but he said they are now thriving. “Since I planted the grass the cows are getting healthier and stronger, three of them are pregnant and I can get up to five litres of milk a day. This is all because of the constant pasture the livestock have got now,” Abdikadir said Farhan Ibrahim Yusuf, another agro-pastoralist, told Radio Ergo’s local reporter that he spent $400 feeding his livestock last year and could not afford it again. The new grass has saved him a lot of money. “The cows are producing abundant milk, whenever they eat they become full in no time. They don’t need much now and the grass doesn’t need a lot of labour, it grows as soon as you plant it,” he said. Families can access the grass seeds free of charge from the Ministry of Livestock in Somaliland. Word is spreading to other regions. Dr Mohamed said the preliminary stage of testing the grass has been successful. “We have seen the benefits of the grass and it is doing well in the country. It has saved livestock and it is cheap. We want to spread it to rest of the country based on the success of this phase,” he said. By Hemed Abdiaziz