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Waxaa Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Dalka Soomaaliya ka dhacay Qarax miino oo la la eegtay ciidamo katirsan kuwa dowlada Soomaaliya, Qaraxaan ayaa ka dhacay wadadda Warshadaha ee Magaalada Muqdisho waxaana la la eegtay kolonyo gaadiidka ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya. Wararka Ay heleeyso PUNTLAND POST ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in qaraxaan la la eegtay gaadiid la socday Taliyaha ciidamada Booliska Degmada Deyniile Cor Abtidoon inkastoo aanu saarneyn. Goobjoogayaal ayaa sheegaya in qaraxaasi uu qasaare ka soo gaaray Ciidamadii la la eegtay inkastoo aan si dhab ah loo ogeeyn qasaaraha rasmiga ah. Qaraxaan ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Wadda Warshadaha Gaar ahaan meel aan ka fogeeyn Warshada Biyaha Caafi oo dhowr jeer oo hore qaraxyo ceenkaan oo kale ah lagula eegtay Ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa Dowlada. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Qarax Ciidamada Dowlada Lagula eegtay Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
Garowe (Puntlandi) Madaxweynaha dowladda federalka Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo ayaa ku ammaanay shacabka reer Puntland inay yihiin dad ilaashada nabadooda islamarkaana soo dhoweeya gacantana ufidiya dowlad kasta oo Soomaaliyeed, “Nabadu waa furaha nolshada, Haddii aysan Puntland nabadi ka jiri lahayn intaas oo Airport, intaas oo laamiyo ah iyo horumarka dhismayaasha haatan socda ma suurto gali lahayn in lagu tilaabsado,” ayuu yidhi madaxweyne Farmajo, isagoo intaas ku daray in uu ku faraxsan yahay muuqaalka uu kala kulmay Puntalnd. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sidoo kale shacabka Puntland ku ammaanay sida ay u garab istaagan yihiin dowladdooda ugana qeyb qaadanayaan horumarka iyo isku tashiga lagu dhisay kaabayaaal badan oo uu kamid yahay garoonka diyaaradaha Garowe, kaasoo usoo qaatay tusaale wanaagsan oo ku dayasho mudan. “Shacabka Puntland waxaan leeyahay waad ku mahadsan tihiin sida aad ugu kalsoon tihiin dowladdiina, dowladda waxaa laga rabaa inay kalsoonidaas ka dhabeyso oo aan idiin qabano waxaad naga filaysaan.” ayuu yidhi Farmaajo.” Halkaan ka dhegayso codka madaxweynaha. Madaxweyne Farmaajo - Madaxweyne Farmaajo Puntlandi.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa Beesha Caalamka ugu baaqay inay dadajiyaan qorshaha Somalia looga cafinaayo deymaha lagu leeyahay. Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa sheegay in Somalia ay ku adkaaneyso bixinta deymahaasi, maadaama uu yiri ay iminka ka gudbayaan xaalada duruufeed ee ka dhalatay colaadihii muddo fog ka taagnaa Somalia. Kheyre waxa uu tilmaamay in Somalia qudheeda ay weli ku dhex jirto guddoonka deeqo kaga imaada adduunka intiisa kale, sidaa aawgeed ay adag tahay in la helo dhaqaale ay ku magi karaan deymaha lagu leeyahay. Kheyre oo wareysi siinaayay Wargeyska Fanancial Times ee ka soo baxa dalka Britain, ayaa sheegay inay ku celcelinayaan in laga dhaafo deymaha, maadaama Somalia ay weli ku jirto xili ay u baahan tahay saaxiibada. Waxa uu sheegay in dowladda ay ku dadaaleyso sidii ay u dhisi lahayd hanaan Maamul oo la aamini karo, islamarkaana waxaa uu rajo ka muujiyay in Somalia ay noqon doonto meel Qatar la’aan ah oo cid waliba ay isku aamin karto. Waxa uu Kheyre xusay in miisaaniyada dowladda ay hadda tahay 274 Million oo kaliya, taas oo uu sheegay in aysan ku filneyn in laga sameeyo barnaamiyada bulsho. Waxaana uu tilmaamay in si loola dagaalamo al-Shabaab loo bahan yahay Dowlad wanaagsan, waana sabab aan Beesha Caalamka uga dalbaneyno kaalmo dheeraad ah ayuu yiri RW Kheyre. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dowlada Somalia ayaa lagu leeyahay deymo gaaraya 4 Bilion oo Doller, taas oo inta badan ah dul saar iyo ganaaxyo ka dhashay Deymihii lagu Lahaa Dowladdii Dhexe ee dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Kheyre oo hal arrin ugu baaqay Beesha Caalamka xili ay jiraan caqabado dhowr ah (Maxay tahay) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
MIAMI — A Miami federal judge has further halted the expulsion of 92 Somalis suing the U.S. government for turning them into potential targets of an extremist group with a botched deportation flight. Source: Hiiraan Online
Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Qaar kamid ah Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Kenya ayaa ku baaqay in Soomaalida degan deegaanka Kitui ee bariga dalkaasi, ay gabi ahaan isaga guuraan. Xildhibaanada ayaa sheegay in sababta guuritaanka Soomaalida ay tahay in deegaanka uu saaxiib u noqday mid uu ka guuray daaqa iyo biyaha, sidaa aawgeed la doonaayo inay isaga baxaan deegaanka. Xildhibaan Nimrod Mbai oo ah mudane lagu soo doortay deegaankaasi kana tirsan baarlamaanka Kenya ayaa ku goodiyay inay la dagaalami doonaan Soomaalida ku nool deegaankooda Kitui ee bariga Kenya. Xildhibaan Nimrod Mbai waxa uu Soomaalida ugu baaqay in muddo Toban cisho gudahooda ay isaga guuran deegaanka, iyadoo wixii intaa ka badan aysan sameyn doonin dulqaad degnaanshi. Xildhibaanka oo garabsanaaya Xildhibaano kale ayaa sheegay in Soomaalida ku dhaqan deegaanka laga soo doortay ay dhibaato baaxad leh ku hayaan muwaadiniinta dhulka leh, waxa uuna cadeeyay inay kamid tahay waxa uu ugu yeeray Nabad-guur iyo xasil daro, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Sidoo kale, waxa uu sheegay in cabashada ugu badan ay tahay in hoos u dhac ay ku timid abuurka sababo la xiriira in xoola dhaqatada Soomaalida ay xoolahooda ku fasaxaan abuurka muwaadiniinta. Xildhibaan Nimrod Mbai ayaa yiri ”Tani waa midii noogu xumeyd ee aan aragno Xoolahoodii ayaa Beerihii iska daaqaya dadkeeniina waxay la’yihiin wax ay Cunaan sababtoo ah way ka cabsanayaan in ay Beerahooda Beertaan” Dhinaca kale, Xildhibaan Nimrod Mbai ayaa Soomaalida ugu hanjabay inay iska qaban doonaan haddii aysan wax ka bedelin dhibaatooyinka ay ku hayaan dadkiisa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi Caasimada@live.com The post Xildhibaan Kenyaan ah oo Hanjabaad adag u jeediyay Soomaali badan oo ku nool deegaankiisa +Sababta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Secretary-General Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammadi met yesterday with Somalia’s Minister of Planning, Investment and Economic Development Jamal Mohamed Hassan. Source: Hiiraan Online
Special counsel Robert Mueller has told U.S. President Donald Trump's legal team that his office is likely to seek an interview with the U.S. leader as part of its Russia probe, and one could take place within weeks, the Washington Post reported on Monday. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa subaxnimadii hore kusoo toosay Jugta Qarax la sheegay in lala eegtay ciidamo ka tirsanaa Booliska Somalia. Qaraxa ayaa la sheegay in ciidamada lagula eegtay nawaaxiga ceelka Caafi ee wadada Warshadaha ee magaalada Muqdisho. Qaraxa oo intiisa badan laga wada maqlay degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa ka dhashay Miino lala eegtay Gaariga ay la socdeen ciidamada Booliska. Saraakiil ka tirsan Booliska ayaa xaqiijiyay in Qaraxa uu qabsaday Gaariga qeybtiisa dambe, ayna ku dhaawacmeen laba Askari oo ka tirsan saldhiga Booliska degmada Deyniile. Askarta ku dhaawacantay Qaraxa ayaa la dhigay xarumaha caafimaad ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana lasoo sheegayaa in mid kamid ah askartaasi uu dhaawiciisu yahay mid aad u liita. Sidoo kale, Qaraxa kadib Ciidamada Dowladda ayaa baaritaano ka sameeyay nawaaxiga goobta Qaraxa lagula eegtay ciidamada, inkastoo aan Qaraxa dad loo qaban. Geesta kale, Qaraxan ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili todobaadkii hore Qarax ceynkaani ah lagula eegtay Gaadiid ay la socdeen Saraakiil iyo Ciidamo ka tirsan AMISOM. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Qarax khasaaro geystay oo saaka ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho +Khasaaraha appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Up to 64 migrants died off the coast of Libya at the weekend when their flimsy boat sank, humanitarian groups said on Monday after talking with survivors evacuated to Italy. Source: Hiiraan Online
Once, in the 1960s and 70s, it was known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean.” That was before decades of armed conflict and instability drove visitors away from Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, leaving a once-thriving tourism a distant memory. However, there are steps underway to return it, and the rest of the country, to its former glory as a haven for tourists seeking a mix of beach, culture and history – so much so that in some quarters, the country’s neglected tourism sector, while still in its nascent stages, is being touted as a potential catalyst of significant economic growth and employment in coming years. That prospect received a boost last September when Somalia was admitted as the 157th member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) at the organization’s general assembly meeting in Chengdu, China. According to the UNWTO, which helps destinations position themselves in global tourism markets, the spread of tourism in industrialized and developed states has produced economic and employment benefits in many related sectors – from construction and agriculture to telecommunications. It adds that developing countries particularly stand to benefit from sustainable tourism and acts to help make this a reality. The outbreak of civil war in 1991 triggered the collapse of Somalia’s once-promising tourism sector, and for the ensuing 25 years the only foreigners who visited the country tended to be diplomats, aid workers, African Union peacekeepers and employees of the United Nations and other international organizations. Though still modest, the number of bona fide tourists arriving from Europe, Asia and the United States has been on the rise in recent months. “Now we have lots of people daring to come to Somalia. (Last) year alone we hosted almost 40 non-Somalis, most of them Europeans,” said Noor Hassan, a tour operator with the Mogadishu-based Sahan Hotspot Travellers firm. Mr. Hassan said some recent visitors have hailed from some unlikely locations, including one group of Chinese tourists who came to the country in September 2017. “This week, we have the first ever Singaporean citizen in our country which gives us pleasure,” said the tour operator, who started working in the industry in 2013. “We have been hosting a lot of people from the European Union, the United States and Asia.” More than 150 travel agencies currently operate nationwide, and foreign airlines operate regular flights to the capital, Mogadishu, from Istanbul and Nairobi. As an advisor to the federal government’s Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, Yasir Baffo played an instrumental role in securing the country’s admission to the UNWTO, and he reels off a list of tourist attractions that Somalia offers to foreign visitors. “When we look at ecotourism, the areas that tourists can go to are beaches; at the same time we have a place where the river and the sea join each other in Goobweyn near Kismaayo. In Baidoa we have waterfalls, we have hot springs in Bossaso. We have caves and white sands,” he observed. Older Somalis can remember an era when Mogadishu was considered to be one of the African continent’s most attractive cities, and yellowing post cards from the 1960s hark back to an era when the capital was famous for its wide boulevards, spacious parks and colonial architecture. It will take decades to make Somalia a viable tourism destination that can compete with the likes of Uganda, Tanzania and neighbouring Kenya. But the federal government’s Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, is moving forward with plans to promote the country and put Somalia firmly back on the map of international tourism. “The (tourism) department is quite active now, and we are working to have locals understand the value of this industry,” said Mr. Baffo. “Somalia is ready to welcome the world, Somalia is ready to host events and conferences on the continent.” Source: UNSOM The post After years of conflict, Somalia eager to recapture former glory as tourism destination appeared first on Caasimada Online.
The Trump administration faces a Monday deadline on whether to extend protections that would allow nearly 200,000 Salvadorans to stay in the U.S. legally. Citizens of El Salvador are currently the beneficiaries of the Temporary Protected Status program, which provides humanitarian relief for foreigners whose countries are hit with natural disasters or strife. The administration ended the protections for citizens of Haiti and Nicaragua last year. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who is tasked with making the decision, told The Associated Press last week that short-term extensions are not the answer. “Getting them to a permanent solution is a much better plan than having them live six months, to 12 months to 18 months,” she said in an interview, referring to the uncertainty of short-term extensions. A decision to force the Salvadorans back to their native country would send shivers through parts of Washington, Los Angeles, New York, Houston and other metropolitan areas that are home to large numbers of Salvadorans, who have enjoyed special protection since earthquakes struck the Central American country in 2001. Many have established deep roots in the U.S., starting families and businesses over decades. Ending the protections would also represent a serious challenge for El Salvador, a country of 6.2 million people whose economy depends on remittances from wage-earners in the U.S. Over the last decade, growing numbers of Salvadorans — many coming as families or unaccompanied children — have entered the United States illegally through Mexico, fleeing violence and poverty. In September 2016, the Obama administration extended protections for 18 months, saying El Salvador suffered lingering harm from the 2001 earthquakes that killed more than 1,000 people and would be unable to absorb such a large wave of people returning. El Salvador’s President Salvador Sanchez Ceren spoke at length by phone with Nielsen Friday to renew his request to extend the status to allow more time for Congress to deliver a long-term fix for those covered to stay in the U.S. The deadline comes amid intensifying talks between the White House and Congress on an immigration package that may include protections for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who came to the country as children and were temporarily shielded from deportation under an Obama-era program. Trump said in September that he was ending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals but gave Congress until March to act. President Donald Trump is expected to host a bipartisan group of senators at the White House this week to try to hash out a deal. The U.S. created Temporary Protected Status in 1990 to provide a haven from countries affected by earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, war and other disasters. It currently shields nearly 320,000 people from 10 countries. There are nearly 440,000 beneficiaries from the 10 countries, including 263,000 from El Salvador — but many of those people have obtained legal status in other ways. The benefit, which includes work authorization, can be renewed up to 18 months at a time by the Homeland Security secretary. Critics say it has proven anything but temporary — with many beneficiaries staying years after the initial justification applies. In November, Nielsen’s predecessor, acting Secretary Elaine Duke, ended protections for Haitians, requiring about 50,000 to leave or adjust their legal status by July 22, 2019, and for Nicaraguans, giving about 2,500 until Jan. 5, 2019. She delayed a decision affecting more than 50,000 Hondurans, forcing a decision on Nielsen. Last year, the Trump administration extended status for South Sudan and ended it for Sudan. Other countries covered are Nepal, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Source: AP The post DHS weighs ending protections for Salvadoran immigrants appeared first on Caasimada Online.
More than 40 civilians were killed every day by explosive weapons last year, according to a preliminary survey of media reports, a sharp rise on 2016 largely due to an increase in deadly airstrikes, a campaign group said on Monday. From monitoring English-language news reports up to the end of November, Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) recorded 15,399 civilian deaths, an increase of 42 percent from the same period in 2016. The civilian death toll from explosive weapons was the highest since AOAV’s records began in 2011, the group said. More than half of the deaths were caused by airstrikes, mainly in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. “When explosive air weapons are used in towns, the results are inevitable: innocent children, people will die,” Iain Overton, executive director of AOAV, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “Civilian deaths are not just a tragedy, but the reverberating effects of this violence fuels refugee crises, convinces many to join Salafist-jihadist (militant) groups in revenge and destroys families and communities for decades.” In Yemen’s civil war, a Saudi-led coalition is fighting the Iran-aligned Houthi movement, creating what the United Nations says is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. In Iraq, fighting raged last year as U.S.-backed Iraqi forces battled to recapture the northern city of Mosul from Islamic State militants. Syria’s civil war, in its seventh year, has driven 11 million from their homes. Civilian deaths in both Syria and Iraq increased by over 50 percent in 2017, while civilian deaths in Somalia surged by 200 percent due to a surge in improvised explosive device (IED) attacks by militant group al Shabaab, AOAV said. The deadliest attack of 2017 was a truck bomb in the Somali capital Mogadishu in October that killed more than 500 people. Source: – Reuters The post Civilian deaths from explosives surge in 2017 – campaign group appeared first on Caasimada Online.
The election period in East Africa started in February last year with elections in Somalia, then continued with Rwanda, which have been clear from the very beginning, and ended in 2017 with an appraisal and an agonizing selection process in Kenya. Source: Hiiraan Online
A court in the breakaway republic of Somaliland has sentenced two journalists to two years in prison each for “publishing propaganda”, a local rights group says. Source: Hiiraan Online
Gaalkacyo (Caasimada Online)-Sida ay sheegayaan wararka inaga soo gaaraya Degmada Laascaanood waxaa saaka degan xaalada tuulada Tukaraq oo dagaal qaraaran uu shalay ku dhexmaray ciidamada maamulka Puntland iyo Somaliland. Dadka deegaanka Tukaraq ayaa saaka soo sheegaya inay degan tahay xaalada goobihii ay shalay ka dhaceen dagaalada. Ciidanka maamulka Somaliland oo markoodii hore bilaabay dagaalka ayaa weeraray tuuladan, waxaana halkaasi ka dhacay dagaal dhexmaray ciidamada Puntland iyo kuwa Somaliland. Dadka deegaanka ayaa xaqiijiyey in wali deegaanka laga dareemayo xiisad colaadeed, waxaana dadka ay cabsi ka muujiyeen in markale dagaal uu halakas ka qarxo. Waxaa kaloo dadka deegaanka ay sheegeen in ay socoto abuubul ciidan oo ay wadan labada dhinac ee deegaankaas Tukaraq isku haaya. Sidoo kale, ciidamada Somaliland ayaa weli maamulaaya tuulada Tukaraq, kuwaa oo dhufeysyo dagaal ka sameystay dhammaan goobihii ay kala wareegeen ciidamada maamulka Puntland. Tuulada Tukaraq oo hoos timaada Degmada Laascaanood ayaa waxay aheyd meel ay isku horfadhiyaan ciidamada Puntland iyo Somaliland, oo horeyna dhawr jeer ugu dhexmaray dagaallo khasaaro sababay. Dhinaca kale, maamulka Somaliland ayaan weli ka hadal la wareegida tuulada Tukaraq iyo deegaanada hoostaga, halka Puntland ay ka sheegtay in Somaliland ay carqaladeyneyso socdaalka Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Gaalkacyo Caasimada@live.com The post Xaalad cabsi oo weli ka jirta Tukaraq & ciidamada uu dagaalka u dhexeeyo oo is horfadhiya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirka arrimaha dibada iyo iskaashiga caalamiga Xukuumada Somalia, Axmed Ciise Cawad, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Wasaaradiisu ay la imaan doonto howl karnimo. Wasiirka waxa uu tilmaamay inuu dareemaayo inay jiraan khaladaadyo dhowr ah, balse ay ku sixi doonaan sida ugu dhakhsiyaha badan. Waxa uu sheegay in mudada uu heyn doono xilka inay jari doonaan masaafooyin fog, si buu yiri dib loogu soo saxo khaladaadka dhanka dibadda ka heysta dowlada Somalia. Wasiir Axmed Cawad, waxa uu sidoo kale tilmaamay in qorshaha uu ugu jiro sida loo dardar galin lahaa baahiyaha dowlada Federaalka kaga xiran dowladaha dariska, waxa uuna sidoo kale ballanqaaday inay la imaan doonaan isbedel dhab ah. Isbedelka dhabta ah ayuu sheegay keliya inuu imaankaro kolkii ay Wasaaradu ka dhabeyso himiladeeda, sidaa aawgeed ay qaadi doonaan talaabooyin muuqda. ‘’Wey naga go’an tahay inaan u dhabar adeegno wax waliba oo ku xeeran danaha Qaranka, waana ka dhabeyn doonaa himiladeena’’ Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka ayaa ballanqaaday in muddo gaaban uu kaga talaabi doono dhammaan cawaaqibta ku hor gudboon Wasaarada uu ku magacaaban yahay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post ‘’Waxaan la imaan doona qorsho sahli kara in muddo gaaban lagu soo afjaro caqabadaha DF ka heysta dibadda’’ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Garoowe (Caasimada Online)- Munaasabad labadii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay magaalada Garoowe loogu diyaar garoobayay in loo qabto sanad guuradii 4-aad ee markii uu xilka qabtay madaxweynaha Puntland C/weli Gaas ayaa xalay loo baajiyay dagaalka ay ciidamada Somaliland kula wareegeen deegaanka Tukaraq oo 40-km u jirta magaalada Garowe. Caawa oo ku beegan 4-sano guuradii ka soo wareegtay 08/01/2014.markii C/wali Maxamed Cali Gaas Madaxwaynaha Puntland loo doortay, waxaana munaasabadaan ka qeybgeli lahaa madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo oo Garowe ku sugan, sababaha uu u tegayna ay qeyb ka aheyd munaasabadaasi. Waxaa kaloo munaasabadaan dadka lagu casuumay ka mid ahaa fanaaniin dibadda ka yimid, iyadoo dib loo dhigay ilaa waqti aan la cayimin. Xiisad colaadeed ayaa laga dareemayaa deegaanada xuduuda labada maamul iyadoo uu socda dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo labada dhinac ah. Magaalada Garoowe ayaa laga dareemayaa dhaqdhaqaaq iyadoo wadooyinka lagu arkaayo ciidamo fara badan. Magaalada Tukaraq ee ciidamada Somaliland la wareegeen ayaa caasimada Puntland ay u jirtra 40 km, taasoo keentay in si weyn loo adkeeyo amaanka Garowe oo uu ku sugan yahay madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda federaalka SOmalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Xog: Maxaa loo baajiyay daabaal-dega sanad guuradii 4-aad ee C/weli Gaas appeared first on Caasimada Online.
2017 is a year that Somalia and the Horn of Africa have once again dominated the headlines, from the unlikely election of a new president to a severe drought and the continued war against Al-Shabaab Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isal asaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa 4ta Bishaan xil ka qaadis ku sameeyay Seddex Wasiir oo lagu eedeeyay inay ka gaabiyeen shaqooyinkii loo igmaday. Kheyre ayaa xil ka qaadista kadib horay ka magacaabay Seddex Wasiir oo ku jufo ah kuwa xilka laga qaaday, kuwaa oo u arkay inay gudankaraan waajibaadka ay ka gaabiyeen Wasiirada xilkooda waayay. Xil ka qaadista Seddexda Wasiir oo dareen gaara galisay Wasiirada kale ee Xukuumada ayaa waxaa xigi doona isku shaandheyn ballaaran oo xilka ay ku weyn doonaan Wasiiro dhowr ah. Isku shaandheynta la filaayo inay dhacdo ayaa waxaa ka bedebaadi doona keliya Afar Wasiir oo kala ah: 1- Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga, Danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad. 2-Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka iyo Dib-u-Heshiisiinta Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye. 3- Wasiirka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Maxamed Cadi Xayir (Maareeye). 4- Wasiirka wasaarada Gaashaandhigga Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan. Afartaan Wasiir oo xili danbe kamid noqday Xukuumada Somalia ayaa kusii nagaan doona Xukuumada, waxaana ilaa iyo hadda leysla dhexmarayaa inay lasii shaqeyn doonaan Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre. Ilo ku dhow dhow Xafiiska Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa inoo xaqiijiyay in qorshaha isku shaandheynta Xukuumada ay ku began tahay 10 ilaa 15 Bishaan, waxaana suuragal ah inay wax isbedelaan. Kheyre ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu la imaaday shaqsiyaad ku cusub saaxada Siyaasada oo la filaayo inay kamid noqon doonaan Xukuumada cusub. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, seefta Kheyre ayaa qaadi doonta Wasiiro ku dhow dhow dhinacyada Mucaaraadka kuwaa oo looga cabsi qabo in mucaaradka ay la wadaagan sirta Qaranka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Goormee ayaa la filankaraa Isku shaandheynta XFS kadib xil ka qaadista 3da Wasiir? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Israel Benjamin Netanyahu ayaa ku taliyay in gabi ahaan la joojiyo shaqooyinka ay wado hay’adda QM UNRWA ee qaabilsan Qaxootiga. Benjamin Netanyahu, ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha dalka Mareykanka Donald Trump uu ku dhawaaqay jarida maalgalinta ururka, maadaama UNRWA ay caawin jirtay falastiiniyiinta. Waxa uu Benjamin Netanyahu sheegay in hay’adda QM ee UNRWA ee Qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta loo baahanyahay in gabi ahaanba laga takhalusiyo si aysan usii shaqeyn maadaama laga xanibay howlaha. Benjamin Netanyahu, waxa uu sheegay in Hay’adani sii shaqeynteeda ay dhibaato ku keeni karto rajada Israel ee magaalada Qudus, waxa uuna ku baaqay in la joojiyo gabi ahaan jiritaankeeda. Hay’adda QM UNRWA ee Qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta, ayaa la aasaasay 70 sano ka hor, waxa ayna si gaara uga shaqeysaa kaliya arrimaha qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta. Sidoo kale, UNRWA ayaa maalgalisa boqolaal dugsiyaal ah ee xeryaha qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta ku yaala Gaza Strip, Daanta galbeed, Bariga Qudus, Lebanon, Jordan iyo Suuriya. Dhinaca kale, Trump ayaa dhawaan sheegay inuu jaray dhammaan musaacadooyinka uusiin jiray falastiiniyiinta iyo dhammaan Hay’adaha u gurmada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Netanyahu oo soo jeediyay talo tii ugu xumeyd oo halis ku noqon karta Falastiiniyiinta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
For the first time in its history, the self-proclaimed republic Somaliland has adopted the law against rape. In the past, a victim of a family could make a victim to marry her rapist to avoid shame. Slayers are now facing a sentence of at least 30 years in prison. Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but is not an internationally recognized country. In Somalia there is still no law against rape. Parliament Speaker Somaliland, Bashe Mohamed Farah, told the BBC that the number of rapes has increased and he hopes that this new law will help stop this trend. “More recently, group rapes are increasingly happening. The main emphasis in this new law is to stop rapes completely,” Farah said. This law was adopted after many years of lobbying for advocates for the protection of women’s rights and children. Faisa Ali Yusuf from the BBC Women’s Agenda Forum said that they had been waiting for the law for a long time.
Somaliland Football Association Yorkshire can boast the world’s newest international football team after its membership of the non-FIFA Confederation of International Football Associations (CONIFA) was ratified on Saturday. The team, for which only players born in the county are eligible, was set up in July and are set to make their debut with a friendly match against Isle of Man at Hemsworth on Jan. 28. CONIFA delegates unanimously passed Yorkshire’s application for membership at their annual general meeting in Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus. The organisation tweeted: “Welcome to the CONIFA family to @YorksIFA! The 5th AGM just approved them unanimously as the newest member! Congratulations!” CONIFA, which was established in 2013, describes itself as a federation for international teams “from nations, de-facto nations, regions, minority peoples and sports isolated territories.” Yorkshire join the likes of Somaliland, Greenland and Quebec as members of the organisation, which stages its 2018 World Cup in London in June — though it is too late for Yorkshire’s involvement.
Military forces from Somalia’s Somaliland Monday took control of a town under the region of Puntland following a fierce fight. Residents of Tukaraq town in Sool region said Somaliland and Puntland forces clashed Monday as Somalia’s president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo made his maiden visit to Puntland. “There was an intense fight between Puntland and Somaliland forces early Monday causing fear among residents. Somaliland forces are now in control,” a witness told Xinhua. Puntland Defense Forces and Somaliland soldiers clashed with heavy weapons against each other in Takaraq town, about 90 km from Garowe which is an administrative capital of Puntland. No casualties were reported during the heavy clash between the two warring sides at the border town. The clash came as President Farmajo visited Puntland region Sunday for a weeklong tour, the first since he was elected to office February last year. Both Puntland and Somaliland have been in contest over Sool and Sanag regions with each side claiming control. Puntland parliament threatened force in November against Somaliland if elections took place in Sool during the presidential poll. The polls however went on uninterrupted in most areas of Sool. Xinhua
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