Deeq A.

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  1. Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaasi caawa ay ka dhaceen labo qarax uu qasaare geeystay. Qaraxyadaan oo ahaa Bambada gacanta laga tuuro ayaa lagu tuuray Xarunta ciidamada Taraafikada ee Magaalada Boosaaso. Wararka ayaa intaasi waxa ay ku darayaan in ilaa inta hadda la xaqiijiyay uu qaraxaasi ku dhintay hal qof halka tiro intaasi ka badana ay ku dhaawacmeen. Qasaaraha ayaa laga yaabaa in uu intaasi ka badanyahay maadaama xiliga uu yahay habeen islamarkaasina aan si dhab ah loo ogaan karin qasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxaasi. Ciidamada amaanka ayaa soo gaaray goobta qaraxa uu ka dhacay kuwaasi oo howlgalo amaanka lagu xaqiijinayo ka sameeyay. Magaalada Boosaaso ayaa waxaa ka dhaca qaraxyo qasaare geeysta kuwaasi oo inta badan xiliyada habeenkii ah dhaca. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Labo Qarax oo Qasaare Geeystay oo ka dhacay Boosaaso appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Kulankaan ay soo qaban qaabisay dalladda ururrada aan dowliga ahayn ee Puntland(PUNSA) oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee doorashooyinka qaranka (GMDQ) ayaa looga hadlayey habka ugu wagaansan ee doorasho qof iyo cod uga dhici karo dalka Soomaaliya,waxaana loo qabtay dhalinyarada. Ugu horrayn waxaa kulanka ahmiyaddiisa sharraxay guddoomiyaha dalladda ururrada aan dowliga ahayn ee Puntland(PUNSA),Faysal Axmed Warsame,isagoo dhalinyada ku boorriyay in ay taladooda ku biiriyaan ra’yi uruurinta ku aaddan habka ugu wagaansan ee doorasho qof iyo cod uga dhici karo dalka Soomaaliya 2020. Guddoomiyaha dalladda dhalinyarada Puntland,Aweys Axmed Sardheeye ayaa dhinaciisa sheegay in ka dhalinyaro aahan ay diyaar u yihiin in ay ka qeyb qaataan sidii lagu gaari lahaa doorasho qof iyo cod oo Soomaaliya ka dhacda,wuxuuna guddiga u soo jeediyay in ay sii xoojiyaan dadaalkooda ku aaddan qabsoomidda doorashada. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee doorashooyinka qaranka (GMDQ),Sayid Cali SH. Maxamuud oo kulanka soo xiray ayaa ka sheekeeyay shaqada loo igmaday guddiga iyo hawlaha baaxadda leh ee horyaalla si loo gaaro doorasho qof iyo cod,isagoo dhinaca kale sheegay in guddi ahaan laga sugayo in ay diyaariyaan qorshe dhammaystiran oo sahlaya in shaqadaasi miro-dhasho. Sawirro. PUNTLAND POST The post Dalladda PUNSA oo qabatay kulan ku saabsan hirgelinta doorashada qof iyo cod ee sannadka 2020 appeared first on Puntland Post.
  3. Warar ay heshay Puntland Post Ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in cirka isku Sii shareeray qilaafka siyaasadeed oo u dhaxeeyo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir iyo Ra’isilwasaaha Soomaaliya. qilaafka oo u wal ku biloowday Maqaamka Muqdisho ayaa hadda u muuqdo in uu meel sare gaaray. Maanta Muqdisho Ciidamada amaanka Ayaa xiray wadooyinka Muqdisho si looga baaqsado Banaanbax lagu taageerayo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Thaabid. Ciidamada ayaa jirdilo u geeystay qaar kamid ah Shacab isugu soo baxay Muqdisho oo muujinayay taageero ay u hayaan Gudoomiye Thaabid. Xiisada ayaa waxaa baasiin ku sii shiday kadib markii Gudoomiyaha Gobolka uu xalay ka qeeybgalay Munaasabad odoyaasha dhaqanka iyo Xildhibaano ay ku diidayeen amar uu soo saaray Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Gudoomiye Thaabid ayaa cadaadis balaaran sidoo kale kala kulmaya Xafiisyada Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Ra’isilwasaare Kheyre. Gud.Thaabid oo ah Nin Dhalinyaro ah oo ku guuleeystay howlo badan ayaa kasbaday taageerayaal badan oo ay ku jiraan siyaasiinta dowlada ka soo horjeedo. Sidoo kale Muqdisho waxaa ka socdo Shirar gooni gooni ah oo lagu taageerayo Gudoomiye Thaabid. Warar ay heshay Puntland Post ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo safar ku maraya Gal-Mudug oo soo hadlay uu sheegay in isaga laga war sugo inta uu ka imaanayo Muqdisho. Xil ka qaadis lagu sameeyo Gudoomiye Thaabid ayaa waxaa ay noqoneeysaa caqabad u sii siyaada Dowlada Madaxweyne Faarmo. W/Q: Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Khilaafka u Dhaxeeyo Kheyre iyo Thaabid oo Cirka isku Shareeray appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. By Ahmed Abdi Hargeisa—President of Somaliland vowed to deal with inflation and addressed key issues for the Republic following after his first official visits to neighboring countries of Djibouti and Ethiopia. Over the last few months, the people of Somaliland have been experiencing droughts and a price inflation of basic commodities, impacting the people’s livelihood and economic sphere. “We will make every effort to tackle price rise by inviting that know-how so that the problem can be dealt with properly within few days,” said Muse Bihi Abdi, president of Somaliland. Addressing to those suffering from the droughts, Mr. Abdi said that his government will contribute to the vulnerable people where she can and how she can it in partnership with international donors and Non-governmental organizations. Somaliland forces captured a town from Puntland during Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo’s visit to Puntland last week. “Our forces reached a town inside our border with Southern Somalia. We are not aggressors and nobody can blame us for recapturing Tukarak which is part and parcel of Somaliland territory, according to Africa’s 1887 Colonial Borders,” said the President. Finally, President Abdi said that he is more happy to listen to all Constructive criticism and recommendations and called for the two opposition parties and civil societies to work with him in accordance with the constitution.
  5. Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Soomaaliya ayaa galinkii dambe ee maanta ka dhacay Shil qasaare badan geeystay.. Shilkaan ayaa ka dhacay Deegaanka Haanta Dheer degmada Hodan ee magaalada Muqdisho. Shilkaan ayaa yimid kadib markii Mooto Bajaaj si xoowli ah u socotay iyo gaari nooca xamuulka qaado ah ay isku dhaceen. ilaa 3 ruux uu ku jiro wadihii Mooto Bajaajta ayaa ku dhintay shilkaasi halka tiro intaasi ka badana waa ay ku dhaawacmeen. Muqdisho waxaa ku badan Shilalka Ay Sababaan Mooto Bajaajta sida xoowliga ah ugu socdo Muqdisho. Hoos ka Daawo Sawiro Qaar Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland post Muqdisho The post Shil Qasaare Geeystay oo ka dhacay Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. HARGEISA–The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has reiterated that the security and peaceful stability maintenance in the country was a paramount factor that the nation would always be focused on. He also revealed that the government would in due course avail a comprehensive plan to address and curb the escalating inflation problem that have plummeted the purchasing power of the people and seriously affected the national economy. Speaking in his first major local press conference since taking over the reins of the country’s leadership, the Head of State re-affirmed his personal conviction to uphold the constitution and deliver services as per the onerous task bestowed upon his ordinance. He pointed out that the borders and frontiers of the country were sacrosanct and that their integrity would be guarded closely at all times. While reiterating this he warned against the incursions perpetrated in the country by the neighbouring southern Somalia state terming it a losing cause. The President also highlighted on the need to unite the members of the public and not to render them asunder through loose talks. He revealed that in due course, within a couple of days or three, the government will avail a comprehensive plan to seriously fight against inflation and curb its negative effect which has adversely affected the country. He reminded the nation that he has now been in office for slightly over a month (precisely a month and a week since he was sworn in) hence told the members of the press who converged at the Presidency for the briefing that the general status of the peaceful stability and security in the country was quite sound and up-to-date. The President noted that the task of indulging into politics was officially the reserve of the political party organizations to which they have been bestowed, namely KULMIYE, WADANI and UCID. Saying that as President he would work with the opposition parties per cue as deemed, he said that his political party’s working relations with UCID was good and that he looked forward to having further talks with WADANI after initially having had consultations with them hence chart forward better working relations as per constitution. He noted that he naturally accepted positive criticisms for the sake of healthy good governance. The Head of State lamented that eminent personalities washed dirty linen in public (media) hence cautioned leaders to desist from voicing unpalatable and provocative languages that tend to polarize the people by dividing and rendering them asunder. He stated that contemporary, clerical and traditional leaders were all indebted to the task of uniting the people and must avoid anything to the contrary. Talking of Somalia the President said that the Mogadishu government was not sincere in as far as the SL-Somalia Talks was initiated six years ago. He said that SL was ready to continue the talks on sincere note. He warned that the country’s borders fell along the stipulated colonial lines drawn and as such cannot be infringed upon at any cost. The President was convictional that the country would defend its borders at all times as expected. He said that the International Community has already been told clearly that this country has not crossed her frontiers at any one time whatsoever. Somalia had ironically cried foul when SL troops reached Tukaraq in Sool, a tarading centre that is 70km deep inside Somaliland territory. He also warned that the act of Somalia amassing troops along the border was always in vain since SL was guarding its territorial integrity closely. He Head of State revealed that plans afoot was under way to announce a comprehensive plan to curb inflation. Saying that the menace has negatively affected the country leaving serious impact, he pointed out that the addressing of the issue would be best through concerted efforts from all quarters. Lamenting that the chat industry alone galloped a whopping 500 million dollars annually in capital flight, reducing its use was incumbent upon all patriots. The President said that SL was ready to continue with the SL-Somalia talks especially with foreign countries indulge as observing witnesses. Saying that SL was toeing its lines, he warned that neither country can afford further losses since they were both growing up from rains of ashes. The President who was having the press conference had just arrived after a three day working trip in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, his second trip as Head of State. This time round, both trips of the President was treated to high reception, by the countries he visited, portraying a distinct deviation from the past. For instance the President held a joint press conference with his Ethiopian Counterpart Premier Deselegn Haile Mariam, something net witnessed before. This higher profile may be an iota of light that is in store for SL’s future foreign relations. A horde of journalists witnessed his arrival in Addis hence he has so far been exclusively interviewed by the giant Chinese state owned CGTN and the Ethiopian Herald.
  7. The weather was fine last night (Wednesday night) as it was very cold this year in Hargeisa and generally in Somaliland, as the people told me this cold was the worst for the last decades. We were in the Hargeisa Cultural Centre which was the only platform perfect to held the memory of the great writer of Margaret Laurence who come to our country of Somaliland, nearly 70 Years ago with her husband Jack who was Civil Engineer and he got the contract from the Colonial Office of the British government which was in charge in Somaliland at the time and Jack was the person won this contract as British government advertising the project to build rain reservoirs or (Balliyo) for stock Watering places across the dry haud in Somaliland, Margaret was a written two books about the Somaliland people those were; A Tree for poverty and the Prophet’s Camel Bell, while those two books are a significant literary she left the Somaliland people as they are history books as well. A Tree for poverty The name of her first book which was A tree for poverty from the poem of Abokor Cawad Beele which was mean in Somali language Goodiga ban cawl ayuu fakhrigu geed ku leeyahy Donez XIQUES,PhD from City University of New York said in his introduction of her first book A tree for poverty opens with Laurence’s acknowledgements and a lengthy introduction in which she provides an overview of the land, people, and culture of Somaliland, Laurence praises Somali achievement and comments on the places of literature in their life and culture: “in a country as barren as this, where the population is almost entirely nomadic and where the actual process of survival demands so much effort and tenacity from each tribesman, it seems remarkable that there should be such a large body of unwritten literature, containing such a high degree of dramatic sense, vivid imagination and wit.”(37) at the time of her writing approximately 70 percent of the Somali population consisted of semi-nomadic pastoralists. Castagno explainsin (The Historical Dictionary of Somalia) That “The pastoralist regard herding — especially the herding of camels — as noble occupation “(75). Margret Laurence’s sensitivity to the exigencies of the nomadic existence of the camel herders is reflected in many parts of the introduction as the following excerpt illustrates:”The Somali boy in the (miyi) or interior-plains is brought up with little direct discipline, in order that he may be spirited, independent, aggressive and self-reliant. If he were not these things, his camel would drink last at the wells, his enemies would be able to bully him, and he would lose his nerve when making the long trek over the dry Haud in the Jilal season with his herds. Individualism and independence are a necessary step to survival.”(29-30) . Since poetry and folk tales are as available and free to the impoverished nomads as they are to theSultan, Laurence points out that Somali literature is, in its way. ” ‘a tree for poverty to shelter under’ “(14). She comments on approximately ten different types of Somali poetry and presents translation of thirty poems. She also includes paraphrases of thirty-six tales that are either Somali or Arabic in origin, and contributes extensive notes about Somali or Arabic in Origin, and contributes extensive notes about Somali customs and vocabulary. Although the tone of Laurence’s introduction is scholarly and detached, the content of the notes makes clear that Laurence’s had in mind not only English readers but educated Somalis as well, since in some cases in some her remarks (about distinctions among varies tribes, camels and eponymous Somali ancestors for example) are germane only to them as I am the person organize the Event of held the Hargeisa Cultural Centre and I would like to say thank you Ismail who is the one made to happen the Event with his staff from Hargeisa Cultural Centre as whole and also I must say thanks to Huda Ali hassan Roodiile ( Ali-Banfas) who was my fellow panel and was star of the event last night not only that while her father was great poet as well as I should thank you all of our audience who were wonderful as they were asking me and Huda a lot of valuable question which was not easy to gave them easy answers. At last I should say a big thanks to Jama Musa Jama who is the Chairperson of the Hargeisa Cultural Centre as he did good job in here Hargeisa and Somali Week in London as well and he is tireless person wherever he is whether he is in Hargeisa or London. By: Abdi Jama, Hargeisa, Somaliland Email:
  8. It was right at the moment Ella thought she was safe that she was kidnapped. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. By: Ms. Farrah Mohumed HARGEISA–The New President of Somaliland, Musa Bihi Abdi assures that UAE’s military facility won’t undermine the security of the neighboring countries. The president made the remarks in one-on-one interview with China Television Network to African continent and asserted that observing peace and security are among his main priorities. Once asked about his main priorities, the president has responded that he ensure security and the stability in the region. The president went on to say that the region lies in a hostile place where extremist organizations pose threat to its stability and peace. He also spoke of issues that he discussed with Ethiopian Premiere Hailamariam Desalegn during his meeting in Addis Ababa. He said that Somaliland’s port will be a gate to Ethiopia for its import and export. He further added that both countries will cooperate on peace and security in the region. Having embraced multi party politics and democracy then we will achieve in establishing good governance, said the president. He reiterated that Somaliland’s quest of an international recognition is legally and morally right and will table that motion to IGAD.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Shil Diyaaradeed ayaa waxa uu maanta ka dhacay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho, kadib markii ay qadka ka baxday diyaarad soo dageysay. Saraakiisha ka howlgala Garoonka ayaa sheegay in diyaaradaha isku dhacay ay midi soo dageysay midna horay u fadhisay gudaha Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Muqdisho. Diyaarada shilka geysatay ee soo dageysay ayaa waxaa lahaa Midowga Yurub, halka Diyaarada kale ay aheyd mid shacabka qaada oo tiilay Garoonka Diyaarahada Aadan cadde. Saraakiishu waxa ay sheegen in Diyaarada Shilka sameysay ayaa xiligaasi dooneysay inay meel Parking ah gasho, waxayna qaybta run wayga ee Parkinada ah ugu tagtay Diyaarad kale oo xiligaasi taagneyd. Sidoo kale, waxaa burbur dhanka baalasha ah soo gaaray diyaarada lagu dhacay ee Garoonka taagneyd waxaana lahaa diyaarada lagu dhacay Shirkad lagu magacaabo Galeyr oo sameysa safarada gudaha ee Muqdisho. The post Sawirro: Khasaaro intee la’eg ayaa ka dhashay shilka diyaaradeed ee manta ka dhacay Garoonka Aadan Cadde appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Mogadishu (HOL) - Unidentified armed bandits on Friday night shot to death a Somali trader in Johannesburg. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. Garowe (Puntlandi) Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland, Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa si adag uga hor yimid inuu wax waan waan ah iyo wadahadal maamulka Hargeysa kala galo xiisadaha ka taagan gobolka Sool. Warsidaha Puntlandi oo soo xiganaya ilo xog ogaal ah iyo dad masuuliyiin ah, ayaa ogaaday in madaxweyne Gaas ay xiriiro lasoo sameeyeen dowladdo iyo hay’addo doonaya inay wada hadal siiyaan isaga iyo Muuse Biixi, si loo dajiyo xiisadaha ka taagan gobolka Sool. Hase yeeshee madaxweyne Gaas, ayaa u sheegay dhinacyada lasoo xiriiray in dhulka duullaanka lagusoo qaaday ee haatan maleyshiyada maamulka Hargeysa ku sugan yihiin uu yahay dhul Puntland ah islamarkaana aanu wax gorgortan ah ka galaynin soo celintiisa iyo difaacidiisa, sidii uu horey u sheegay.
  13. Mogadishu (HOL) - Two small planes collided at Adan Adde International Airport on Saturday in Somalia's capital Mogadishu. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Bangkok, Thailand - "I've never experienced cold like this," says RK, a 19-year-old Somali refugee, as he sits in a downtown Bangkok alley one December morning Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Intabadan dadka magaalada muqdisho waxa ay hadalhayaan arrinka ku saabsan guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir iyo muranka siyaasadeed ee kala dhexeeya xafiiska madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya. Guddoomiye Taabid ayaa go’aankiisa is casilaada dib uga laabtay saacadihii ugu danbeeyay xili uu sii wargaliyay Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre. Taabid ayaa la sheegay in Is casilaada ay ku dhalatay kadib markii uu cadaadis dhanka dhulalka iyo maamulka kala kulmay Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo iyo Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre. Sidoo kale, qorshaha is casilaada Taabid oo waayadan taagneyd ayaa xoogeysatay kadib markii Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha dib u dhigeen shirar lagu baadi-goobaayay maqaamka Gobolka Banaadir. Go’aanka is casilaada Guddoomiye Taabid ayaa waxaa fashiliyay Xildhibaano ka tirsan labada Gole ee baarlamaanka Somalia iyo Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Somalia Cali Maxamed Geedi. Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa hor istaagay Thaabit in uu is casilo, wuxuuna sheegay in garta lawada geli doono, isna uusan deg degin. Si kastaba ha noqotee siyaasadda Soomaaliya ayaa u muuqata mid iskudhexyaac ah, taas oo cawaaqibta ka dhalan karta aan weli la sii saadaalin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xog Ku Saabsan Shakhsigii Ka Codsaday Guddoomiye Thaabit In Uusan Xilka Is Casillin ? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir iyo Dowladda Hoose ee Xamar ayaa war-saxaafadeed kasoo saaray qoraal shalay kasoo baxay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Somalia, kaasoo looga hadlayay arrinta dhulka danta guud iyo ilaalinta hantida Qaranka. Shir jaraa’id oo ay qabteen Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka dhanka hawlaha guud ee gobolka Banaadir iyo Waaxda Dhulka ee Dowladda Hoose ayaa lagu sheegay in war-saxaafadeedkii ka soo baxay Xafiiska madaxweyne Farmaajo uu xambaarsanaa ama si gaar ah tooshka ugu ifinayay habka loo maamulo dhulka Muqdisho, isla markaana nuxur ahaan laga dheegan karaa xaalado si gaar ah loogu cambaareynayo maamulka Gobolka Banaadir iyo Dowladda Hoose ee Xamar. Tallaabadan ayaa imaanaysa kaddib markii xalay Magaalada Muqdisho lagu qabtay kulan looga hadlay Maqaamka Muqdisho iyo muranka u dhexeeya madaxda sare ee dalka iyo guddoomiyaha maamulka Gobolka Banaadir. Haddaba, Akhriso War-murtiyeedka kasoo baxay maamulka Gobolka Banaadir; PUNTLAND POST The post AKHRISO: Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir oo soo saaray Qoraal ku aadan dhulka Dowladda appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Al-Shabaab militants destroyed a Hormuud Telecom communication mast located in Elwak, Mandera County, on Saturday at 2am, disrupting communication in the area. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Guddoonka Aqal hoose ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa War ka soo saaray cida leh go’aan ka gaarista Maqaamka Caasimada dalka ee Muqdisho, oo ay maalmahan xiisad siyaasadeed ka taagnayd. War-saxaafadeed ay goor-dhaweyd oo galabta ah soo saareen Gudoonka Aqal hoose ee Baarlamaanka ayaa lagu sheegay in la dhowro Dastuurka iyo dowladnimada, ka go’aan gaarista Maqaamka Caasimaduna ay tahay awood u gaar ah Barlamaanka Jamhuuriyadda Federalka Soomaaliya. Hoos ka akhriso War-saxaafadeedka Gudoonka Baarlamaanka PUNTLAND POST The post Akhriso:- Gudoonka Baarlamaanka oo War ka soo saaray Maqaamka Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Persistent food and water shortages and worsening security situation has forced thousands of Somalis to flee to Kenya. The Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya is the largest complex in the world, where thousands of Somalis, Tanzanians, Sudanese and Ethiopians fleeing conflicts in their countries have found shelter and live under tough living conditions. ( AA Archive ) Turkey-based aid agencies will provide education to more than 250 orphaned Somali children living in Kenya’s north eastern town of Dabaab. Turkish Deniz Feneri Association in collaboration with the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) has opened Aysel and Serif Findikkaya Orphanage and Integrated Primary School for the children, who were orphaned while fleeing war-ravaged Somalia. Most of those children ended up in Kenya’s Dadaab refugee complex. Dadaab camp, located in northern Kenya’s Garissa Country, is home to over 400,000 refugees, mostly Somalis. “Now we have a bed to sleep on, we have education, food and water, something that we are not used to have. I am thankful that our lives will change,” said a 12-year-old Hamid Mohammed. According to a UNICEF and Kenya Aids indicator survey, there were 2.6 million orphans in 2012 in the East African country. Emre Yuksek, the Nairobi coordinator for TIKA, said: “Despite the crucial role that education plays for disadvantaged communities, it is ignored by aid donors and governments. The impact of this is devastating.” He said Turkey would like to establish and encourage similar institutions like the Aysel and Serif Findikkaya Integrated Primary School in Africa. Mehmet Cengiz, the director general of the Deniz Feneri Association, said the school and orphanage will host 256 students. Cengiz said 180 of total 256 children will be boarding students. “May this facility be a home to thousands of orphans and children who are deprived of formal education.” Mehmet Findikkaya, who is the main donor to the construction of the school, promised that the children will get free education. Adesewa Ogunleyimu went to meet some of the people making a difference at the camp TRT
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online): Wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee Somalia Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye ayaa ka hor yimid markii labaad inuu qoro warqad xil ka qaadista duqa Muqdisho waxaana soo dhamaaday kulan u dhaxeeyay isaga iyo Ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre. Labadda nin ayaa la sheegay in kulankoodu uu saacado qaatay waxaana Sabriye loo soo jeediyay inuu qoro soo jeedin xil ka qaadis Taabit Cabdi gudoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir. Eng Sabriye ayaa la sheegay inuu ka gows adeegay inuu warqadda qoro, wuxuu sheegay in uusan rabin inuu dhexda ka galo xasarad siyaasadeed oo isaga ka horeysay, wuxuu wasiir Sabriye usoo jeediyay Ra’iisul wasaaraha in arintaan si hoose loo xaliyo. Ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre ayaa laggu soo waramaya inuu awoodiisa isugu geynaayo sidii uu meesha ugga saari lahaa Taabit Cabdi oo uu arko mid isaga kursigiisa halis ku ah iyo inuu kala waregay shacabiyadii banaanka. Ilo xogogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in wasiir Sabriye uu kulamo la qaadan doono odayaasha Muqdisho si wax la isaga weydiiyo arinta soo korartay ee ah in Villa Somalia ay dhibsatay shirka looga hadlaayo maqaamka caasimadda taasina ay tahay sababta la rabo in xilka looga qaado Taabit. Maamulka gobalka Banaadir ayaa maanta beeniyay inuu jiro dhul danguud ah oo la bixiyay tan iyo markii la magaacabay madaxweyne Farmaajo, jawaabtaan waxey shaki ku abuurtay dad badan oo la yaaban sidda fudud ee Dowladdu isugu dayday in qofka iyaga ka tirsanaa ay shaarka kaga wasaqeeyso. Dowladnimadda Somalia ayaa u muuqata meel dad gaar ah ku tagri falayaan xiligaan oo cidii la doonno laga eryo ama laggu sumcad dilo iyadoo aan la eegeynin rabitaanka shacabka. Caasimadda Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre iyo wasiirka arimaha gudaha oo markii labaad isku mari waayay warqada xil ka qaadista Taabit appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. The European Union (EU) jointly with the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development of Somaliland, the Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources of the African Union (AU IBAR), the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), officially closed today in Hargeisa two projects funded by the EU in the framework of its overall support to the livestock sector. The event was the opportunity to share with the newly appointed Minister the achievements of the projects, the lessons learnt and the challenges for future sustainability. RAHS Project, “Reinforcing Animal Health Services”, was implemented by AU IBAR in partnerships with Terranuova and COOPI and provided a relevant contribution to sustain and improve animal health services through a stronger partnership between the Ministry of Livestock, the private associations and the pastoralist communities. The project developed regulations and policies, supported and trained Ministry staff and communities, improved infrastructures like laboratories and inspection posts and ensured disease surveillance along the main livestock routes. On the other hand, the Project Sustainable Peri-urban Milk Value chain development in Somaliland, implemented by ICIPE in partnership with FAO contributed to increase quantity and quality of milk production in Hargeisa improving the performance of the different stakeholders along the value chain. 25 associations amongst producers, collectors and retailers were strengthened with training, new technologies for fodder production and pest control, solar powered cooling containers, rehabilitation of market infrastructures and revolving grants to support business initiatives for more than 300 women. The EU Ambassador Veronique Lorenzo recognized the importance of the livestock sector in Somaliland economy for job creation, rural livelihoods, food security and gender empowerment but also the need to address the big challenges currently affecting its performance like the drought and the Saudi ban. “The EU will still stand alongside Somaliland to overcome these challenges in order to consolidate peace and stability” she also said. The Minister of Livestock and Fisheries Development, Hassan M. Ali Gaafadhi, appreciated EU support and stressed the commitment of the Ministry to sustain the results achieved by the projects and asked for a stronger involvement and ownership of the Ministry in future interventions. The Mayor of Hargeisa Abdirahman M. Aideed welcomed the participants and expressed its gratitude to donor and partners for support provided while the Director of AU IBAR Prof. Ahmed El-Sawahly confirmed the commitment of its organization in improving the performance of the livestock sector in Somaliland in the framework of their continental strategies. The event was followed by a visit to the Hargeisa Livestock Market to officially handover the new sheds rehabilitated by the Project “ Enhancing Somali Livestock Trade (ESOLT)” also funded by EU and still being implemented by AU IBAR and FAO. The visitors interchanged with the livestock associations and the staff working in the market about possible ways to improve the management and the quality of the services provided by the facility. Horn Diplomat
  22. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-waxaa baryahaan lahadalhayay in laqabandoono shirweyne looga hadlayo maqaamka ay yeelandoonto caasimadda soomaaliya ee muqdisho. Guddoonka Golaha Shacabka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa go’aan uu maanta soo saaray kaga hadlay cida iska leh go’aan ka gaarista maqaamka caasimadda Dalka. go’aan gaarista maqaamka caasimadda ayaa lagu sheegay in loo raacayo sida uu dhigayo qodobka 9-aad ee Dastuurka. Sidoo kale, guddoonka golaha shacabka ayaa sheegay in golaha shacabku leeyahay awoodda mataaladda shacabka Soomaaliyeed sida uu qabo qodobka 63-aad ee dastuurka, loona baahan yahay in lagu xormeeyo gudashada waajibaadkiisa. Guddoonka Golaha Shacabka ayaa ku baaqay in la dhowro dastuurka iyo Dowladnimada,ka go’aan gaarista maqaamka Caasimaduna ay tahay awood gaar u ah Baarlamaanka. Go’aanka Guddoonka Golaha Shacabka Hoos Ka Akhriso:- Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Guddoonka Golaha Shacabka Oo Go’aan Kasoo Saaray Maqaamka Caasimadda ,,WARSAXAAFADEED appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online): Maamulka gobalka Banaadir ayaa si buuxda u beeniyay inuu jiro dhul la bixiyay tan iyo markii la doortay madaxweyne Farmaajo. Maammulka gobalka Banaadir ayaa soo saaray warsaxafadeed uu ku beeninaayo inuu jiro dhul la bixiyay tan iyo markii la doortay madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo 8dii Febraayo 2017, sidoo kale shir jaraaid oo saxaafaddu ay ka qeyb gashay ayaa wehliyay bayaankan. Gobalka Banaadir ayaa ka jawaabayay warqad siyaasadeysan oo shalay kasoo baxday xafiiska madaxweynaha Somalia oo laggu sheegay inuu jiro dhul danguud ah oo la bixiyay inkastoo dad badan ay u arkeen warqadaas mid la rabbo in lagu baajiyo shirka looga hadlaayo maqaamka caasimadda oo 28ka bishan la iclaamiyay. Lifaaqa ka aqriso bayaanka Caasimadda Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maamulka gobalka Banaadir oo beeniyay inuu jiro dhul danguud ah oo la bixiyay tan iyo markii la doortay madaxweyne Farmaajo appeared first on Caasimada Online.