Deeq A.

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  1. Psychiatric doctors from the UK accompanied by students from Hargeisa University paid a courtesy visit to Sahan Community Mental Health Center. The center which came into being in 2008 provides medical treatments to 600 mentally ill patients. Dr. Ellen from King’s College said during the visit that the center is of tremendous importance to Somaliland. She has expressed thanks for the staffers who made the center to be fully functioning. She pledged to have close working cooperation with the center. The psychiatric faculty students at Hargeisa University conducted medical treatments offered to patients at the center and launched a research project. Students were surprised to learn the mental center to exist in Somaliland as they said that this is the first of its kind which rehabilitates people who are mentally challenged. The Safa General Trading donated ghee to the center as a gesture of good will.
  2. Siyaasi Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan oo ku magac dheer Yariisoow ma aha nin ku cusub saaxadda siyaasadda Soomaaliya, waxana uu muddo la soo shaqaynayey dawladihii kala danbeeyey ee soo maray Soomaaliya isagoo soo qabtay xilal kala duwan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen kuwo wasiirnimo oo dhawr ah. Sidoo kale, Mudane Yariisoow waxa uu muddo ka soo shaqaynayey arrimaha bulshada isagoo kaalin firfircoon oo hogaamineed ku lahaa dhaqdhaqaaqyadaasi oo dalka gudihiisa iyo dibaddiisa ahaa. Guddoomiyuhu waxa uu soo noqday Wasiirka lacagta, Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada iyo Xukuumadda, Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada, La-taliye Madaxweyne iyo Ra’iisul Wasaare, isagoo sidoo kale 10 sano ka shaqaynayey Dawladda Hoose ee magaalada London ee dalka UK. Marka la eego khibraddiisa shaqo waxaa kuu soo baxaysa inuu yahay qof ku habboon xilka loo magcaabay, gaar ahaan khibraddiisa dhinaca Dawladaha Hoose. Sidoo kale, waa nin aqoon durugsan u leh maaraynta iyo maamulka, waxana uu culuum kala duwan ka bartay Jaamacaddii Ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo dhawr Jaamacadood oo Ingiriiska ku yaalla. Siyaasi Qaan-gaar ah Marka laga tago aqoonta Jaamacadeed iyo shaqo ee uu leeyahay Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cusmaan, waxaa u dheer inuu yahay siyaasi gaamuray oo si wanaagsan u garanaya waaqica dalku marayo iyo duruufaha caasimadda iyo dalka guud ahaan ku geedaaman. Waa siyaasi qunyar-socod ah oo waxa uu doonaya dood iyo is-qancin ku dhamaysta, mana aha qof khilaaf badan abuura oo dadkana ay iska hor yimaadaan, waana sababta aan is leeyahay waa qodobka ugu muhiimsan ee lagu dooran karo marka laga tagon aqoontiisa iyo xirfadihiisa tirade badan. Runtii, dhammaan xilalka uu soo qabtay waa nin lagu soo ammaanay oo aysan eed iyo xurguf ka iman, waxana sidoo kale xusid mudan in lagu tilmaamo qof ceeb ka saliim ah dhinaca musuqmaasuqa iyo lunsiga hantida dadweynaha. Mudanaha waxaa sidoo kale lagu tilmaamaa qof saaxiibbo badan oo Soomaali iyo caalami ah leh, waxana uu ku kasbaday shaqada iyo dabcan shakhsiyaddiisa qof ahaaneed ee ku dhisan mutawaadicnimo ama isla-weyni la’aan, ixtiraam, daacadnimo, xanaf la’aan, deganaan iyo bisayl, aragti dheeri iyo fahmidda bii’adda iyo cidda uu ku shaqaynayo. Marka la eego siyaasiyiinta Soomaaliyeed, waxa inta badan iska horkeena damac iyo danaha gaarka ah ee loo baratamo ama la kala badsanayo, laakiin waxa lagu bartay Guddoomiye Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan waa in uu mar walba hor mariyo danta guud, waxana laga dheehan karaa qaab nololeedkiisa oo aysan wax weyn iska beddelin isagoo xilal kala duwan soo qabtay. Waxaa muuqata in aan la filayn inay iska hor yimaadaan madaxda sare ee dalka iyo qaybaha kale ee wax kala dhexeeyaan. Maxaa laga fili karaa? Guddoomiye Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisoow waxa uu ku soo beegmay xilli xasaasi ah oo ay Soomaaliya marayso meel is-bedel ah. Marxaladdan waxaa la jaanqaadi kara qof garashadeeda leh oo xaaladaha iyo duruufaha taagan si waaqici ah u darsi kara, una samaysan sidii uu ula falgeli lahaa caqabadaha tirada badan ee soo foodsaara. Caasimadda Muqdisho waxay xarun u tahay hay’adaha dawladda dhexe, waxana ay leedahay xaaladaheeda iyo caqabadaheeda u gaarka, waana meesha ay ku nool yihiin muwaadiniinta ugu badan ee dalka oo u baahan inay adeeg dawladeed helaan. Guddoomiye Yariisoow caqabadaha jira ee la doonayo inuu wax ka qabto waxaa ka mid ah: Ammaanka Magaalada Muqdisho waxay soo martay marxalado kala duwan oo dhinaca ammaanka ah, waxana hadda jira rajo iyo ifafaalo weyn oo laga qabo in ammaanka caasimaddu soo hagaago. Guddoomiye Yariisoow waxaa laga rajaynayaa in uu la yimaado qaab iyo qorshe lagu xasilin karo caasimadda si horumarka la hiigsanayo loo gaaro. Horumarinta iyo Bilicda Caasimadda Guddoomiye Yariisoow oo aqoon durugsan u leh dhinaca maamulka iyo horumarinta Dawladaha hoose, waxaa dad badan oo caasimadda ku nool ay ka filayaan inuu wax ka qabto dhinaca horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha ee caasimadda iyo soo celinta bilicda magaalada si ay ula tartanto caasimadaha kale ee gobolka iyo adduun kaba. Sidoo kale, waxaa laga rajaynayaa bixinta adeegyada bulshada, maaraynta dhaqaalaha iyo canshuuraha la qaado. Xal Siyaasadeed Guddoomiye Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan oo siyaasadda muddo ku soo jiray waxaa looga fadhiyaa sida uu u waajaho arrinta ku saabsan xal-u-helidda meeqaamka caasimadda iyo sida ay matalaad u heli lahaayeen dadka ku nool caasimadda. Arrintan oo ah mid dastuuri ah oo caqabadeeda leh, kuna xiran dastuurka qabyada ah iyo shaqada baarlamanka, haddana, waxaa loo baahan yahay in loo helo caqli iyo xal maangal ah oo aarintan laga gaaro. Gunaanad Marka la eego xilliga uu ku soo aaday Guddoomiyaha cusub Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Yariisoow) waxa weeye mid muhiim ah oo la oran karo waxaa la fili karaa is-bedel sal ballaaran oo la taaban karo. Sidoo kale, marka la eego aqoonta iyo khibradda uu leeyahay Guddoomiyuhu waxaa rajo laga qabaa in uu si wanaagsan ula tacaalo caqabadaha jira ee soo faadsaari doono, isla markaana uu waajibaadka loo igmaday u guto. Waxaa xusid mudan, in guddoomiye Yariisoow uu u baahan yahay taageero iyo inay gacansiiyaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee caasimadda ku dhaqan iyo weliba dawladda dhexe. Waxaa kale oo loo baahan yahay in mudanuhu xusho dad karti iyo aqoon leh oo kala shaqeeya arrimaha faraha badan ee culus oo hor yaalla…Waxaan u rajaynayaa Guul iyo Waxqabad Waara. W/Q Ahmed-nur Mohamed e-mail Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid The post Faallo: Maxaa horyaala guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Banaadir? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. There are a number of companies developing ways to grow food in the desert, using solar power and seawater. I’ve written before about the Sahara Forest Project and Sundrop Farms. These sorts of projects grow food in inhospitable places, reducing pressure on agricultural land and helping to feed a growing global population. In some cases they can be combined with reforestation efforts to create truly restorative agriculture. One limiting factor to these growing techniques is that they’re expensive. That means big investments and larger scale farming, and it won’t be profitable everywhere. Sophisticated solar and hydroponic systems will pay for themselves if you’re producing high value salad vegetables that you can sell to wealthy consumers. But how many of them live in or near the desert? These schemes will work in places like Australia and parts of the Middle East, but will they do anything for the millions of people who live in dry and arid regions in less developed countries? Could they help to provide food in areas vulnerable to drought and famine? Until recently, the answer has been no, but Seawater Greenhouses‘ latest venture in Somaliland may change that. They’ve built in Abu Dhabi and partnered with Sundrop in Australia, and they wanted to adapt their technology for a region that needed it more: the Horn of Africa. They would have to cut costs dramatically, make it rugged and durable, and scale it down. After three years of work, the company had designed a version of their system that was modular, and ten times cheaper than before. It still uses desalination and evaporative cooling, but it has nets rather than a traditional greenhouse. It was completed in October last year, and this week they harvested their first crop. At the moment the 1 hectare farm sits in the middle of a barren patch of drylands. As it grows and develops, the fresh water being created by the solar desalination plant will begin to improve conditions beyond the greenhouse itself, creating an ‘oasis effect’. There are plans to grow beans, melons and other crops outside, and eventually re-green the area. I’ve been waiting for a development like this. We need to see similar things with urban farming projects like Agricool or Aerofarms. New agricultural techniques will come into their own when they serve the people and places that need them most. Thanks to Jim for the story
  4. The Horn of Africa, a region often synonymous with conflict and political uncertainty hosts Somaliland, a relatively peaceful breakaway costal region that declared its secession from Somalia in May 1991. [1,2] The collapse of the central government destroyed infrastructure and displaced thousands of civilians forcing a complete breakdown of the national economy. [3] Under subsequent civilian governments and against all odds, Somaliland embarked on a systematic struggle to restore the peace and bring about social and economic rehabilitation forming the foundation for the National Development Plan 2012-2016 and 2017-2021. Although no other country officially recognises its independence, Somaliland has control over its own territory, military, currency, and implements its own public and foreign policies that govern a population of about 3.5 million. In the country’s quest to become the gateway to the Horn of Africa this democratic nation became the first in the world to use iris scan recognition in their 13 November 2017 presidential election, where they successfully elected their fifth President, Musa Bihi Abdi. Michael Walls, chief observer of the International Election Observation Mission noted: “We are pleased to have observed an election which has seen Somaliland show its democratic spirit, and we congratulate the National Electoral Commission on a well-run poll.” Conversely, Somaliland’s health indicators continue to be some of the worst across the globe. For some, such priorities may pose a disconcerting paradox, but for others this technological development raises hope of the country’s commitment to infrastructure enhancement in other sectors. Within the developing world, fragile states pose one of the greatest tests to sustainable healthcare globally. [4] In view of the absent UN recognition, Somaliland does not receive direct international funding. Perhaps consequently, this former British protectorate has an economy weaker and more tenuous than in neighbouring countries. Somaliland’s rudimentary healthcare system comprises of a single national referral hospital, a single national mental health hospital, five regional referral hospitals, and three district hospitals. [5] In a region of the globe where being pregnant is a woman’s greatest danger, efforts to stunt infant and maternal mortally is spearheaded by the former first lady, Edna Adan’s community midwife programme, nevertheless, the internationally credited midwife is the first to admit many substantial challenges remain. [6] Achieving the tenets of the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), ensuring healthy lives, and promoting wellbeing for all, is heavily dependent on effective health management strategies. Somaliland is in need of designing new healthcare policies that places management training at the crux of healthcare reform. The country’s dual health system is dominated by the private sector whilst the government owned hospitals are often depicted as disorganised and inefficient. As the country undergoes a political transition the election results set the stage for President-elect Musa Bihi to deliver on his pledge to increase access to administration and management training for healthcare professionals. Healthcare reform in Somaliland, however, poses unique challenges; its post conflict state and lack of recognition exacerbate its vulnerability and arduous struggle to single-handedly invest in the health of its own people. For the most part, this nation has rebuilt itself from the devastation of the civil war without outside help. On the one hand, images of the anarchic state of social order and violence across South Sudan, Yemen and Somalia are prevalent in the international media, whilst the notable exceptions in Somaliland remain unfamiliar to many. On the other hand, those who are conversant with Somaliland’s achievements dub it as Africa’s success story. Indeed, Somaliland’s experience can provide lessons in bottom-up grassroots development for the Horn of Africa, but the country now finds itself in an untenable limbo: be the “beacon of hope” in the region without the world’s attention. It cannot exist in this conundrum forever. The unequivocal call to the UK and the international community has never been stronger. Arguably, the UN member states pledge to universal health coverage and SDGs warrants the international community to examine their engagement in supporting the sustainable and measurable health gains for Somaliland. This young country began its democratic journey towards peace and prosperity through the daily struggle of its own citizens and for the most part has been ignored by the international community. However, to continue to do so will undermine these efforts. As Somaliland muddles through it’s growing stability and relatively smooth transition of power an international role in healthcare reconstruction becomes more apparent. Furthermore, as part of the UKs own commitment to global health in former territories of the British Empire, it is strongly in our national interest to help strengthen Somaliland’s civil society and healthcare institutions through long-term mutually responsible partnerships. With the international gaze so firmly fixed on identifying problems, it is time we did more to recognise and support successes. Hamdi Issa is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College London. Matthew Harris is a clinical senior lecturer in Public Health Medicine, Institute of Global Health Innovation and The School of Public Health, Imperial College London. Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Ara Darzi is a surgeon and director of The Institute of Global Health Innovation, established to improve global healthcare through evidence based innovation He was a Labour health minister from 2007-9.
  5. Ra’iisul Wasaare ayaa caalamka ka codsaday in la dar-dargaliyo sidii Soomaaliya looga dhaafi lahaa daynta si ay ugu suurto gasho hirgelinta isbedelka ay wado, isagoo tilmaamay inay lama huraan tahay in Soomaaliya ku soo laabto saaxadda caalamka. Isagoo ka hadlayay kulan ka qabsoomay Fagaaraha Dhaqaalaha Caalamka (WEF2018) ee magaalada Davos si gaar ahna diiradda loogu saaray arrimaha Soomaaliya, wuxu yiri mudane Khayre “Dowladda Soomaaliyeed way ka go’antahay in ay fuliso ballamaha ay u qaaday ummada Soomaaliyeed. laakiin waxaan ognahay in hirgelinta mashaariicda dib-u- habeynta iyo qorshaheega horumarineed oo ay ka mid tahay dhisidda amniga, mashaariicda kaabayaasha, dhismaha hay’adaha dawliga ah iyo dib u soo noolaynta dhaqaalaha ay u baahanyihiin hanti .” “Soomaaliya kaligeed ma fulin karto arrimahaas iyada oo dhaqaalaheedu xadidan yahay culayska daynta ay dhaxashayna uu gaarsiisan yahay ilaa lix bilyan oo doolar,” ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre, waxuuna hoosta ka xariiqay in dar-dargalinta dayn dhaafka iyo la xiriirka hay’adaha maaliyadda caalmiga ay muhiim u tahay horumarka waddanka.” “Xukuumaddaydu waxay ku howlantahay la shaqaynta hay’adahaas waxayna ku dadaaleysaa sidii ay u fulin lahayd shuruudaha loo qoondeeyay si ay u joogtayso xiriirka una wanaajiso maaraynta maamulka maaliyada,” ayuu yiri, isagoo timaamay in uu ku kalsoon yahay in lagu guulaysan doono fulinta arrintaasi. Ganacsatada Soomaaliyee ayuu ku aamaanay doorkii ay ka qaateen badbaadinta dalka, wuxu yiri: “In kasta oo ay dhib badan soo mareen, haddana shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay ee Soomaaliyeed waxay si joogta ah u bixinayeen adeegyo muhiim ah ee ku saabsan badbaadinta iyo soo noolaynta ummadda, isagoona tilmaamay in xawaaladuhu ay yihiin illaha maalgashiga ee muhiimka ah, wuxuuna ku baaqay isbaheysi wax-ku- ool ah in ay samaystaan dawladda iyo shirkadaha ganacsiga leh. Wuxu tilmaamay warbixinta Bangiga Aduunku ku qeexay in wax soo saarka Soomaaliyeed uu koray boqolkiiba shan sannadkii 2015 iyo boqolkiiba lix sannadkii 2016, wuxuu ku nuux-nuuxsaday baahida degdega ah ee loo qabo sahaminta qaybaha kale ee dihin ee khayraadka dalka. Biyaha Soomaaliya waxay ka mid yihiin meelaha ugu qanisan ee kalluumeysiga qaaradda Afrika iyada oo haddana khayraadka baddeena dhererkeedu yahay 3,330 km aan sidii la rabay looga kalluumaysan . Waxa kale ee uu sheegay Mudane Khayre in khayraadka kale ee wax soo saarka ay ka mid yihiin 8.5 milyan oo hektar ee dhul beereed ah iyo in ka badan 50 milyan oo xoolo ah marka lagu daro macdanta aan wali la taaban. Mudane Khayre ayaa tilmamaay haddii si sax ah loo isticmaalo dhammaan khayraadka dalkeena, waxaa Soomaaliya u suurto geli doonta in aysan ka wel-welin helitaanka cuntada, abuurista shaqooyinka, kordhinta dakhliga dawladda, iyo in ay gacan ka geysato ganacsiga caalamiga ah. Waxa kale ee uu sheegay in ay samayeen bartilmaameed lagu yareynayo saboolnimada iyada oo la adeegsanayo hirgelinta marin-raacyo lagama maarmaan ah, qaab-sharciyeedo iyo jawi maalgashi oo cusub. “Soomaaliya, waxay diyaar u tahay inay dib u bilaabato kaalinteedii taariikhiga ahayd ee ahaa in ay noqoto albaabka ganacsiga Afrika, iyada oo adeegsanaysa xeebteeda badweynta Hindiya iyo badda Cas,” ayuu yirii Mudane Khayre. Wuxuu tilmaamay in Soomaaliya oo shacabkeedu u badan yahay dhallinyaro, ay si xoog leh uga faa’iidaysan karto fursadaha jira, fulin kartana siyaasadaha loo baahan yahay, isbedel dhaqaalana ku guulaysan karto. “Adeegyada ay bixin karto waxa ka mid ah waxbarashada, shaqo abuurka iyo kor u qaadista maciishada, taas oo aad u yarayn karta in dhallinyarada lagu duufsado been abuurka ay ku adeegsadaan kooxaha xag jirka ahi,” ayuu yidhi Mudane Khayre, wuxu raaciyey in dawladdu qaaday talaabooyin wax ku ool ah oo ku saabsan sugida amniga iyo isbedelo siyaasadeed iyo kuwo dastuuriya. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa kulamo dhowr ah la yeeshay madaxda sare ee hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo madaxda caalamka ee shirka ka soo qayb galay, waxaana ka mida ahaa Christine Lagarde oo ah Madaxa IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, Madaxa Agaasimaha Bangiga Adduunka, Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesin, Madaxa Bangiga Horumarinta Afrika, Madaxa WEF Borge Brende iyo sidoo kale Madaxda waddamo dhawr ah sida Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Norway Ernest Solberg, Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Ruushka ahnaWasiirka Warshadaha iyo Tamarta Arkady Dvorkovich, Raiisul Wasaare ku xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda ee Qadar Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, iyo kuwa kale. Waa markii ugu horaysay uu wafti Soomaaliyeed ka qaybgalo shirkan caalamiga ah ee Fagaaraha Dhaqaalaha Aduunka (WEF2018) ee lagu qabto magaalada Davos ee dalka Switzerland.
  6. Mogadishu (HOL) -A Somali staff member with UNICEF shot dead one of the aid agency's foreign workers in Somalia's capital Mogadishu on Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Siyaasi Cali Khaliif Galeyr oo labo maalmood ka hor si deg deg ah uga dhoofay magaalada Hargeysa ayaa caawa gaarey dalka Mareykanka, waxaana halkaas kusoo dhaweeyay xubno ka tirsan Jaaliyadda oo sita calanka dalka Soomaaliya. Si rasmiya looma oga ujeedada uu ku qotomo socdaalka uu sanado badan ka dib Dr Cali Khaliif Galeyr ku tagayo dalka Mareykanka oo dhalasho iyo deganaansho uu ka haysto, wuxuuna kusoo beegmayaa safarkiisu xilli xiisad colaadeed oo adag ay ka dhex bilaamatey labada maamulka ee dariska Puntland iyo Somaliland oo mudooyinkii dambe wada hadal aan wali heshiis laga gaarin la bilowday Hogaankii Khaatumo. Ka hor intii uusan dalka ka dhoofin Mudane Galeyr todobaadkii horre wuxuu socdaal dhulka ku marey deegaano ka tirsan Gobolka Sool iyo Magaalada Laascaanood oo uusan muddo dheer cag soo dhigin, mana jirin natiijo rasmiya oo la shaaciyay oo kasoo baxday kulamo siyaasadeed oo dhexmarey bulshada deegaanka maalmo ka dib markii Somaliland duulaan ku qabsatey magaalada Tuko raq oo uu horey uga talin jirey maamulka Puntland. Riix,Akhriso Warbixintii horre ee Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Dr Galeyr oo gaarey Mareykanka ka dib katagistii Hargeysa appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. Askari Soomaali ah ayaa si ulakac ah wuxuu u toogtay Nin ka tirsan Shaqaalaha Hay’ada Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Caruurta iyo Hooyada ee UNICEF, Ninka la diley ayaa ah Nin Ugandheys ah Sida ay Puntlandi u xaqiijiyey Shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobey ee Nairobi. Ninka dilka geystay ayaa wuxuu kamid ahaa Askarta ilaalisa Xarunta UNICEF wuxuuna soo shaqaynayay Mudo sanad ku dhow, dilka oo qorsheysnaa kadib markuu fuliyey ayuu Goobta ka baxsadey, waxaana loo badinayaa iney Dad kale ku caawiyeen baxsashadiisa. Puntlandi Nairobi
  9. Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegaysa in ugu yaraan 30 tahriibayaal Afrikaan ah ay dhinteen,kadib markii doontii ay saarnaayeen ku qallibantay xeebaha waddanka Yemen. Qoraal ay jimcihii maanta soo saartay Wakaaladda Socdaalka Qaramada Midoobay ayaa lagu sheegay in doonta oo siday 152 tahriibayal Soomaali iyo Ethiopian ay buux dhaaftay. Doonta ayaa ka timid al-Buraiqa oo u dhow degmada Aden ee dalka Yemen,waxayna ku sii jeeday dhinaca dalka Djibouti. IOM ayaa sheegaysa in la rumaysan yahay in doonta ay wadeen“mulakhasiin damiir laawayaal ah” oo isku dayey“in ay lacag dheeraad ah ka qaadaan tahriibayasha“.qaar kamid ah dadkii badbaaday ayaa IOM u sheegay in mulakhasiintu ay rasaas ku fureen markii doonto qallibantay. Xigasho:- Wakaaladda Wararka AP News. PUNTLAND POST The post Ugu yaraan 30 tahriibayal ah oo ku dhintay Xeebaha dalka Yemen. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. On December 4 and 5, 2017, delegates from the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), Federal Member States (FMS), Benadir Regional Administration (BRA), 29 foreign countries and 6 multilateral international organizations, attended first review meetings of Somalia Security Conference (SSC) and of Somalia Partnership Forum (SPF) held in Mogadishu for the first review of 2017 London New Partnership for Somalia (NPS) and the Security Pact (SP), adopted on 11 May 2017 in London, UK. The NPS elaborated in the UN “Somalia Integrated Strategic Framework (SISF) 2017-2020,” and the SP represent the master plan for the cooperation between the FGS and the International Partners for the period 2017-2021. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa jimcihii maanta sheegtay in ay taageersantahay hawlgalka muranka dhaliyey ee Turkigu ka wado magaalada Afrin ee dalka Syria. Wasiirka Arrimaha debadda Soomaaliya,Axmed Ciise Cawad oo magaalada Addis Ababa kula hadlay Wakaaladda Wararka Turkiga ee Anadolu Agency,ayaa sheegay in xukuumadda Soomaaliya ay taageersantahay hawlgalka militari ee Turkigu ka bilaabay dalka Syria ee lagu baacsanayo Jabhadda Kurdiyiinta Maraykanku hubeeyo ee PYD. Dowladda Turkiga ayaa sabtidi bilowday hawlgal ballaaran oo magaalada Afrin ee dalka Syria looga sifaynayo Jabhadda Kurdiyiinta PYD,waxaana hawlgalkas ka dhashay khilaaf weyn oo u dhexeeya dowladaha Turkiga iyo Maraykanka oo taageero hub iyo mid dhaqaaleba siisa Jabhadda PYD. Turkiga ayaa rumaysan in Jabhadda PYD ay xiriir hoose la leedahay Jabhadda kale ee PKK oo dagaal xun kala dhexeeyo militariga Turkiga,laakiin xukuumadda Washington ayaa ku doodaysa in Jabhadda PYD ee kurdiyiinta ay door muuqda ka qaaday cirib-tirka dagaalyahannada Daacish ee ku sugan Syria. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Soomaaliya oo taageertay hawlgal khilaaf weyn dhaliyey. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. An IDP settlement in Dollow, Somalia. Photo: Kevin Merkelz / UN Migration Agency (IOM) 2017 Dollow – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, opened an office in Dollow this week (25/01), in the Gedo region of Somalia. This is in response to the large-scale displacements into Dollow in 2017, due to drought and insecurity. IOM has scaled up its emergency response programming in the region. IOM currently works to meet the basic needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in settlements and affected host communities in Dollow through camp management, shelter reinforcement, water and sanitation provision, and health interventions. The work is done with a long-term perspective and an eye towards early recovery and durable solutions. Operating out of the Dollow office, IOM also implements community stabilization activities across the wider Gedo region, including the rehabilitation of schools and district administration offices. “IOM’s work in Dollow would not be possible without the steadfast support and goodwill of the local authorities,” noted Kevin Merkelz, an IOM Operations Officer in Dollow. “The establishment of this office demonstrates our commitment to serve the affected communities of Dollow in 2018 and beyond.” Dollow continues to host both newly displaced persons and those in situations of protracted displacement. In December 2016, an estimated 4,800 IDPs were living in Dollow, according to UNHCR’s Protection and Return Monitoring Network. By May 2017, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) estimated that over 40,000 individuals lived across 58 IDP sites. This figure increased to 75,684 by September 2017, when the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster undertook a Detailed Site Assessment. IOM’s CCCM team is working closely with the Government of Somalia and Dollow District authorities to improve living conditions in displacement sites through site expansion and planning, as well as coordination with non-governmental organizations and other UN agencies. IOM has been operational in Somalia since 2006, working closely with the Federal Government of Somalia, regional authorities, other UN agencies, donor governments, and civil society to address migration challenges. IOM
  13. Internally displaced persons settlements in Baidoa town, Somalia. Photo by: Sara Jerving / Devex BAIDOA, Somalia — On the outskirts of the city of Baidoa, in southwestern Somalia, lies a tent city of small dome shelters that have been cobbled together with branches, plastic tarp, pieces of cloth, and old grain bags, held in place with a random assortment of string. The shelters are home to Somalis, many of them farmers and pastoralists, who have come to Baidoa in search of humanitarian aid in response to the regional drought that has persisted for two agonizing years in the region. The current crisis has displaced more than 1.4 million people, with displacement flows hitting a peak last March, when more than 290,000 people left their home. But people continue to trickle into the camps and the weather forecast doesn’t look promising. The next rainy season, which starts in April, is expected to bring below-average rainfall. This means that for the majority of people already in the camps, a return home is not likely in the near future. To help keep these populations alive, the humanitarian sector has leaned heavily on cash transfers. This can include direct transfers of cash to cell phones through mobile money, vouchers, or a bank card. In Somalia, cash transfer programs scaled up last year to a level likely never before seen in the country, Johan Heffinck, head of for the European Commission’s European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Somalia office, told Devex. Around 3 million people, which is about one-quarter of the population, are receiving some type of cash assistance, he said. The World Food Programme, for example, had about 10 percent of their food aid as cash-based transfers in 2015 and that number has now risen to about 60 percent, said Liljana Jovceva, head of programme for WFP’s Somalia office. Amid massive displacement over the past year, the humanitarian sector began to better coordinate its cash transfer distribution, creating alliances and working groups to ensure that organizations weren’t duplicating efforts. Ultimately, some in the humanitarian sector have their sights set on seeing the program evolve into a national social safety net that would provide assistance to vulnerable Somalis beyond the current food crisis. This could lay the groundwork for future crises, allowing the sector to scale-up quickly during the next emergency. A bumpy start After their 25 goats died of starvation and thirst, Khadiyo Mohamed and her family came to Baidoa in search of support. Having to sell their land, and their donkey, which they used for transport, they walked for seven days. Her husband died soon after, from an unknown disease. She now lives with her five children in a dome shelter that has a width of about 8 feet. The only thing keeping her family afloat is the $87 she receives on her phone each month from Save the Children International. She uses it to buy food, but also to pay off the debt that she incurred from food costs at the onset of the drought after her goats died. Cash allows people to buy what they need most, rather than prescribing for families what is important. For Mohamed, one of her priorities is paying off her debt. She still owes $10. Transferring cash is also more efficient than distributing actual food, said Calum Mclean, global thematic coordinator for cash and basic needs for ECHO. In Somalia, around 80 percent of cash transfer funds actually reach the beneficiary. In-kind food aid is closer to 60 percent, he said. Cash transfers work well in Somalia, because the private sector is functioning despite the ongoing conflict. This is largely because of the country’s dependence on food imports, which ensures there are relatively consistent markets to buy food and other items. In crises such as those happening in South Sudan and Yemen, where markets currently aren’t functioning, cash transfers don’t work as well, said Mclean. At the onset of the food crisis, the distribution of cash in Somalia was done in a somewhat haphazard way. There was little coordination on cash delivery among NGOs, leading to overlaps in the distribution of cash. “We would see an absence of coordination in some settlements. There would be two or three partners working on the same settlement,” said Kassim Mohamed Adam, head of the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Baidoa office. As a result, the Somalia Cash Working Group, co-chaired by WFP and ADESO, was established in February. This group mapped out the various cash transfer programs in the country and began to improve coordination among the organizations that distribute cash. The group aims to “streamline the design, development, and implementation of cash-based interventions and improve strategic direction.” ECHO also created an alliance of organizations, including the Norwegian Refugee Council, Concern Worldwide, Danish Refugee Council, Cooperazione Internazionale, Save the Children International, and ACTED, aimed at coordinating the cash transfer response to ensure uniform standards among alliance members and prevent overlap. This month, the alliance evolved into a consortium, which will now operate under one contract, said Heffinck. This is aimed at increasing coordination and simplifying the administrative structure. Despite enhanced levels of coordination, there are still overlaps and other hurdles, said Heffinck. One of these includes ensuring that organizations agree to distribute the same amount of money. The Somalia Cash Working Group has recommended a monthly rate for distributing cash, based on a minimal expenditure basket and cost of living throughout the country. But not all of the cash-distributing organizations have agreed to these figures, said Heffinck. The humanitarian sector also has a vision of creating a central database of information on cash transfers. This could include data from the cash distributing organizations, such as the names of cash recipients, number of people that are receiving cash, GPS location, for which period they are receiving cash, among other information. This could help to identify overlaps and coverage gaps, said Heffinck. A national safety net? The humanitarian sector, in many ways, had to scale this system up from scratch last year in response to the food security crisis, said Heffinck. Transforming the system into a national social safety net is a way to prevent the humanitarian sector from having to repeat this again during the next crisis. A safety net would aim to keep a group of households that are chronically food insecure or vulnerable on a cash transfer program, said Heffinck. “This is probably the best preparedness action we can create in view of the next crisis,” he said. In the Lower Juba region of Somalia, ADESO and ACTED have already been taking a “social safety net approach” to their cash transfer program, distributing unconditional cash to 5,000 families, in conjunction with livelihood strengthening and diversification, disaster risk reduction, and preparedness programming. In order to expand a safety net to a national level, organizations, including ECHO and ADESO, are taking steps forward, such as designing the technical details of a national safety net, finding donors, and creating donor coordination and technical facilitation teams. A social safety net could also save money for donors who invest upfront in a national program and then could end up spending less on future humanitarian responses, said Deqa Saleh, cash and social protection advisor at ADESO. “Whatever savings remain, because it costs less money for a safety net program, then organizations can now look at transformation in terms of development,” she said. “The funding that goes to Somalia is very humanitarian focused, but that could switch to development.” Administering the social safety net would ultimately be the responsibility of the Somali government, said Heffinck. But this could take some time, as the government currently doesn’t have the capacity or the funds. “Having government ownership will be too ambitious in the short term,” said Jovceva. But in the meantime, the government should be fully onboard with the policy framework around the social safety net, she said. For mothers like Khadiyo Mohamed, who lost her livestock, land, and her husband during the drought, it will be a while before she is back on her feet again. Her husband was the farmer in the family. When the food crisis passes, she will have to save up for another plot of land and then learn how to farm it, or find some other form of earning money. A social safety net could have the potential to serve as a buffer for families like hers in reclaiming their lives. Editor’s note: The Norwegian Refugee Council facilitated Devex’s travel and logistics for this reporting. However, Devex maintains full editorial control of the content.
  14. Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somali National Army will soon launch a recruitment drive in Somalia's Southern region, Gedo, SNA commander said Thursday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Aden Adde International Airport provides a snapshot of the progress made in the last five to ten years in Somalia’s air travel. Any given day thousands of people from all walks of life change flights in this airport Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. Somalia on Friday expressed its support for Turkey’s military operation in Syria’s Afrin. Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad spoke to Anadolu Agency on the sidelines of a meeting of top African diplomats in Addis Ababa who are setting the agenda for the 30th African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government scheduled for Sunday. “We support the military campaign Turkey launched in Afrin,” he said. Turkey on Saturday launched Operation Olive Branch to clear PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin, northwestern Syria. “Turkey has a right to defend itself,” he said. “I called the foreign minister of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu, and made the support of Somalia known.” He said relations between Turkey and Somali ran deep. He voiced his gratitude to “the people and government of Turkey who have been on our side while nobody was there with us.” According to the Turkish General Staff, Operation Olive Branch aims to establish security and stability along Turkish borders and the region as well as to protect the Syrian people from the oppression and cruelty of terrorists. The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law, UN Security Council decisions, self-defense rights under the UN Charter and respect for Syria’s territorial integrity. Source:
  17. Nairobi (HOL) - Attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire met with his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. The American dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the World with it’s image, it’s dreams, it’s fantasies. No more. It is over. It supplies the World with it’s nightmares and terror. The raid and conquer and occupation of other countries like, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia. It is nothing but new version of mperialism, domination and oppression.. Licensed to ruin and destroy mainly Moslem countries with carpet bombing; as an excuse of fighting terrorism. Delivering bullets with biscuits and bombs with books at the same time to innocent kids. As a token of American imperialism and oppression. Advocating for the freedom of a sixteen year girl from the custody of her parents and ignoring the will and the self determination of a whole nation. We, as Somalilanders, we shall listen, not lecture; learn, not threatened. We will enhance our safety by earning the respect of our neighbors and others, and showing respect for them. In short, our foreign policy will rest on our sacred and old traditional values of restraint and empathy that we have inherited of our forefathers; not on military might and muscles like the Evil [ Empire in Mogadishu believes. Good neighborhood, passion, compassion, compromise, dialogue and wise judgment will lead us to safety and security, prosperity, strength and protection. The Somaliland Flag with it’s three colors expresses our entity of the past, present and the future. The white color stands for our entity as a peace loving, dove nation. The red expresses our suffering and struggle in the past; and the green expresses our hope, inspiration, future prospects and dreams, for a better tomorrow. All in all, it is the symbol and icon of our freedom, national pride and history. The scars and the stains of the Civil – War are still deeply embedded in our hearts. The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but it is the silence over that by the good people. We shall forgive but we shall never forget our past. We must pass it from one generation to other generation. Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting. As Somalilanders, our mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style. The good life is the one that is inspired by love and guided by knowledge. The purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life, of our soul. Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th. Dear reader, the cost of freedom is always high, and the Somalilanders have always paid for it enough. Dear reader, we are all tourists in history, and irony is what we win in wars. In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war , fathers bury their sons. The military don’t start wars. Politicians start wars. Mr. Farmaajo, a leader who doesn’t hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded, who generates and starts war. Every gun that was bought, every war – ship that is launched, every rocket that was fired, signifies in the final sense that it is a theft from those who are hungry and are not fed, from those who are cold and are not clothed. Dear reader, a six year old boy examining his testicles while taking a bath. He asked, Mama, are these my brains? Not yet, she replied. Dear reader, Mr. Farmaajo who was undoubtedly busy with the diplomatic relations, between his testicles and a woman’s breast, speaks softly and carries a big stick. Mr. Farmaajo, as a veteran old man, let me tell you that women don’t want testicles. Because no woman in her right mind is going to carry around a bag that she can’t put stuff in it. My son, Mr. Farmaajo, the very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect, between life and death. When literature becomes too intellectual, when it begins to ignore the passions, the emotions, it becomes sterile, silly, and actually without substances. The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war. A pint of sweat for peace saves a gallon of blood. The more you sweat in finding a solution for peace, the less you bleed in war. If Mr. Farmaajo has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield woul had thought hard before starting a war. But I don’t blame him, because he is a spoiled child. He thinks that war is a poor chisel for carving out peaceful tomorrow. Remember ! When the war of the pygmies is over, the war of the giants will begin. Dear reader, war is never a lasting solution for any standing problem. But the Evil – Empire in Mogadishu with the fallen asleep conscious, always renew their weapons to create and sow malice, destruction, pain, death, violence and war that only lead to death. But, as Somalilanders, the object of war is not to let our soldiers to die, but to make the other bastard on the opposite side to die for his country. That is why our soldiers pray for peace, because they fully understand that it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war; not that timid bully, Mr. Farmaajo. Dear reader, there are two problems for our species survival. Nuclear war and environmental catastrophe. But we, Somalilanders, will try our best to fight for peace, whatever the cost may be. If there is no other choice and we are obliged to war. We shall defend our boundaries manly, we shall fight in the fields, we shall fight in the sea, we shall fight in the hills and we shall never surrender to the Evil – Empire in Mogadishu. Remember ! In the past, leadership meant muscles; but today means getting along with people. Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy your personal greed. Mr.Farmaajo, you are a fear – monger like your deceased Godfather. You are just like father, like son. Yusuf Deyr, Somaliland political therapist Hargeisa, Somaliland
  19. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr: Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaaTacsi u diray dhammaan Umadda Puntland Qoyska iyo Eheladii uu kabaxayAllaah ha u naxariistee Marxuun Wasiir Cabdinuur Cilmi Maxamuud ( Biindhe) oo ahaa Wasiirkii Beeraha Puntlando o Saakay ku geeriyooday magaalada Muqdisho oo uu in muddo ah ku xanuunsanaa. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa sigaar ah ugu Tacsiyeeyay dhammaan goleyaasha Dawladda Puntland oo uu ka mid ahaa Marxuun Wasiir Cabdinuur Cilmi Maxamuud wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu Alle uga baryay Marxuunka in uuJannadiisii Fardowso kawaraabiyo. Aamiin Aamiin.
  20. Abdoul Abdi says that unless the government does something to ensure kids in care have better outcomes more of them will run afoul of the law "because criminal law and kids in care are hand-in-hand.” (CBC) Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. HARGEISA-— Somaliland authority under the new leadership led by President Hon. Musa Bihi is due to introduce new measures aimed at reducing the inflation which impacted the standard of living in the country. The new president announced recently that his administration will apply new steps in order to curb the skyrocketing food prices and the decline of Somaliland Shillings in terms of the Dollar. The Head of State has said that the measures will be a lasting solution to the long standing issue of inflation in Somaliland. Somaliland’s Central Bank in conjunction with telecommunication firms have held serious of discussions in order to ease the rise of food prices and the decline of Shilling. The following points have been agreed in order to reduce the inflation:- Firms in charge of Mobile money have been apprised not to circulate more than 100 dollars in Zaad accounts but they agreed that Somaliland Shilling must be widely used for circulation. The Central Bank will have the powers to monitor the movements of rate of exchange of local currency in terms of the dollar. The ministry of treasury used to do that. All money exchange firms will be closed while the central bank will do the money exchange. Taxes imposed on Khat importing firms will be increased. The new government is due to impose these policies in order to curb the rising inflation which impacted Somaliland’s cost of living. Silanyo’s administration failed to tackle the inflation which became out if control due to lack of remedies from his government.
  22. Jowhar - A new agreement seeking to streamline the justice and corrections systems in Somalia has been endorsed by the country’s Federal Government and Federal Member States. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. WASHINGTON — When Afkab Hussein decided to tell a room packed full of House and Senate staffers Thursday how the 2017 Muslim and refugee bans affected him, the Somali native brought with him a translator to help tell his story. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopia - Somalia on Friday expressed its support for Turkey's military operation in Syria's Afrin. Source: Hiiraan Online
  25. Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua has disparaged Nasa leaders Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka's planned swearing in. Source: Hiiraan Online