Deeq A.

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  1. “Ma doonayo in aan wadan kale ku noolaado anigoo Qaxooti ah, waxan ku dhashay halkan Liibya, waxaanna ku dhimanayaa Liibya. dalkani waxa uu ahaa lama deggaan waxaan u bedeley in aan ka dhigo wadan kaymo leh oo wax walba ka bixi karaan, ma jiro qof ka jecel wadankaan dadkii u dhashay oo ah liibiyaan. Haddii Maraykanka iyo Yurub idiin sheegaan iney idin jecel yihiin iska ilaaliya oo dareenkiinu ha sareeyo, waxa ay jecel yihiin waa Qaninimada wadankiina iyo Saliida ka buuxda ee ogaada idinka idin ma jecla” sidaas waxaa yiri Hogaamiyihii Liibya Mucaamir Al Qadaafi isagoo la hadlayey shacabkiisa, wax yar uun kadib markii uu bilowday duulaankii reer Galbeedku ku ekeeyeen dalka Liibya, markaas oo ay soo baxeen wadamo u yaboohay iney magangelyo siinayaan. . Waxa uu intaas ku daray.. “Reer Galbeedku waxay idinku boorinayaan inaad aniga ila dagaashaan, laakiin waxaa idiin wanaagsan in caqligiinu shaqeeyo oo aad iyaga la dagaashaan sababtuna waxa weeye waxay la dagaalamayaan Mustaqbalka iyo Horumarkiina” inta ka dib Mr. Qadaafi waxa uu fariin u diray Liibiyaanka iyo Reer Galbeedka.. “Farriinta aan u dirayo shacbka Liibya waxa weeye reer Galbeedka oo ah Yurub iyo Maraykan waxay gacan idinku siinayaan sidii ad ii dili lahaydeen hadaad awoodi weydaana waxaad ku bixineysaan lacag badan”.Farriinta aan u dirayo Yurub iyo Maraykana waxa weeye waad I dileysaan laakiin u diyaar garooba dagaal Argagixiso oo aan dhammaad lahayn sababtuna waxa weeye inta aydaan ogaan caqli xumadiina Argagixisadu waxay soo garaacaysaa albaabadiina”. Sababta loo diley Mucaamir Al Qadaafi. Waxa uu dalka xukumayey 42 sano, waxa uu xoog ku qabsaday dalka liibya 1969-kii, waxaana la diley 2011-kii. waxa uu ahaa Hogaamiye caan ka ah dalalka Carabta iyo Afrika, waxa uu ka dambeeyey Midowga Afrika, waxa uu bilaabay iney Afrikaanku xisaabtamaan, waxa uu ku haminayey in uu sameeyo Afrika oo miid ah, hal codna ay meel u saaraan wadamada reer galbeedka. Ka sokow wanaaga uu Afrika la damacsanaa, ila fiiri waxaa uu u qabtay shacabka dalka Liibya, kuwaas oo ah xaqiiqdii waxa uu sababsaday…… Ma jirin koronto lagu soo dalaco shacabka Liibya sababtoo ah koronto oo dhan waxay Muwaadiniinta Liibya u ahayd lacag la’aan. Ma jirin Bangiyda Liibya wax dulsaar ah, sababtoo ah Bangiyada oo dhan waxaa lahaa Dowladda, daynta la qaatana muwaadiniinta waxay u ahayd dulsaar la’aan. In qofka helo guri waxay Liibya ka ahayd xuquuq uu Muwaadinku leeyahay, Qadaafi waxa uu wacad ku maray in aaney Waalidiintiisu guri helayn inta qof liibyaan ahi Hoy la’yahay. Lamaane kasta Aqal galkooda koowaad waxay dowlada ka helayeen 60 kun oo diinaar oo u dhiganta 50 kun oo doolar. Waxbarshada iyo Caafimaadku waxay Liibya ka ahaayeen lacag la’aan. Qadaafi ka hor waxaa dalkaas wax qori karey oo Akhrin karey 25%, waxa uu gaarsiiyey garaafka 83% iney shcabka Liibya wax qoraan waxna Akhriyaan. Liibya Tabcashadu waxay ka noqotay wax lagu tartamo markii dadka la siiyey dhul ay beertaan, Guri Beerta ku dhex yaala, Qalab kala duwan, Miraha Abuurka iyo Xoolo nool oo dhamaantood Lacag la’aan. Qofkii Liibiyan ah oo dalkiisa Hooyo ku waaya Waxbarsho iyo Caafimaadka uu rabo Dowladu waxay u diri jirtey dalka debediisa si qofkaasi u qanco. Haddii qofka Liibiyanka ahi damco inuu Baabuur gato dowladdu waxay diyaar ula ahayd iney ku kabto qiimaha 50%. Qiimaha Batroolka ama shidaalka dalka Liibya waxa uu ahaa 0.14 Liitarkiiba. Liibya wax dayn ah laguma lahayn waxaana kayd u ahaa 150 Bilyan oo doolar, hadda lacagtaas oo dhan waa la xayiray. Haddii qofka liibiyanka ahi shaqo waayo marka uu Waxbarashadiisa soo dhamaysto, dowladdu waxay siineysey lacag u dhiganta intii uu ku shaqayn lahaa tan iyo inta uu shaqo ka helayo. Qayb ka mid ah lacagta laga helo saliida dalka liibya waxay toos ugu dhacaysey Akoonada Bangiyada Muwaadiniinta tasoo ah xaq hore la siiyey. Hooyada Umusha ilmo nool waxay heleysey 5 kun oo doolar taasoo ah faa’iidada cunugga. Afartan xabo oo Rooti ah Qiimahoodu waxa uu Liibya ka ahaa 0.15 doolar. Waxbarashada marka laga hadlayo 25% shacabka dalka Liibiya waxay ka qalin jebiyeen Jaamacado kala duwan.. Qadaafi waxa uu sameeyey Mashruucii ugu waynaa ee dhul Saxare ah looga dhigo dhul Tabcashada ku haboon iyadoo Biyaha meel walba la gaarsiiyey. Ninka waxaas oo dhan u sameeyey shacabkiisa maamulkiisii waxa loogu yeeray “Dictatorship” Kali-Talis, haddii ay sidaas tahay maxaan ugu yeeri karnaa Hogaanka iyo Maamulka Dimuqraadiyadda? Si kastaba Lix sano ayaa laga joogaa Geeridiisa, waxaan oran karaa waano ugu filan Liibiyaanka. NB. Waxan u Mahadcelinayaa Dahabo Xaaji Ciise (Dahabo Dowlo) oo Warbixintan ii soo dirtay iyadoo Ingiriis ku qoran.. Waxaa Tarjumey . Cabdinasir Xersi Iidle Tel. 00252-615503978 Mail.
  2. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in close snapshot (Photo: Bassem Abo Alabass) Egypt’s Minister of Irrigation Mohamed Abdel-Ati said on Sunday that participants in the tripartite ministerial meeting held in Cairo to discuss a preliminary studies report on the regional impact of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam have failed to reach a consenus, state-run MENA news agency reported. The focus of the meeting, which was attended by ministers from Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, was the introductory report on planned technical studies of the dam’s potential impact on Egypt and Sudan, according to Minister Abdel-Ati. The studies, which will be carried out by two French firms, Arterlia and BRL, were proposed to begin in late 2016, but reqiure an agreement on methods from the three governments before they can begin. The minister added that Egypt approved of the initial report on Sunday, though Ethiopia and Sudan demanded major amendments to the proposed studies. Egypt has previously expressed concern over ongoing delays in the approval of the technical studies given that Ethiopia is continuing the construction the dam. The 6,000-megawatt Grand Renaissance Dam, which is slated for completion this year, is situated near Ethiopia’s border with Sudan. Ethiopia hopes it will be able to export electricity generated by the dam, which upon completion will be the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa. Egypt, however, has expressed concerns that the dam might reduce its share of Nile water. Ethiopia maintains that the dam will not have any negative impact on Egypt or Sudan. Ahram Online
  3. Unrecognized breakaway state holds first presidential vote in 7 years By: Hassan Istiila HARGEISA–Nearly 900,000 voters in the unrecognized country of Somaliland are going to the polls on Monday to elect a president following a week of campaigning. Polling began at 7 a.m. (O400GMT) and is expected to end at 6 p.m. (1500GMT) with results to be announced within a week. More than 873,000 people have registered to cast their vote on Monday’s at 1,600 polling stations across the territory. More than 25 years ago, after a ferocious civil war, north-west Somalia broke away from the rest of the country and declared itself independent. Somaliland is not officially recognized as a sovereign state, but it has achieved relative stability since it declared independence in 1991. High stakes Polling stations were crowded from the early hours of the day, with some voters queuing from dawn. The government of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Silanyo”, is stepping down — so the stakes in this election are high. Three candidates are vying to replace Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, the current head of state — Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro (Waddani party), Faysal Ali Warabe (UCID party), and Muse Bihi Abdi (Kulmiye party). All parties have claimed confidence in the election procedure, and the transition is expected to be peaceful. Sixty international observers from 27 countries have been invited to oversee the elections by Somaliland’s electoral authorities. AA
  4. DROP a pin on a map of eastern Africa and chances are it will not land on a healthy democracy. Somalia and South Sudan are failed states. Sudan is a dictatorship, as are the police states of Eritrea, Rwanda and Ethiopia. President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has ruled uninterrupted since 1986, and plans to remove a constitutional age limit so he can cling on longer. Elections in Tanzania have never ousted the Party of the Revolution (and its predecessor), which has governed since independence in 1961. Even Kenya, once the region’s most vibrant and competitive democracy, is struggling. Last month Uhuru Kenyatta was re-elected president with 98% of a preposterously flawed vote. In this context tiny Somaliland stands out. On November 13th citizens of this internationally unrecognised state will elect a president in what is expected to be its sixth peaceful, competitive and relatively clean vote since 2001. This unparalleled record makes it the strongest democracy in the region. How has this happened? A peculiar history helps. Somaliland was a British protectorate, before it merged with Italian Somalia in 1960 to form a unified Somalia. It broke away in 1991, and now has a strong sense of national identity. It was one of the few entities carved up by European colonists that actually made some sense. Somaliland is more socially homogeneous than Somalia or indeed most other African states (and greater homogeneity tends to mean higher levels of trust between citizens). A decade of war against the regime of Siad Barre in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, reduced Somaliland’s two largest cities to rubble, yet produced a flinty patriotic spirit. And the Somali National Movement (SNM), which led the fighting, cultivated an internal culture of democracy. Its leadership changed five times in nine years, and transferred power to a civilian administration within two years of victory. But it is the absence of international recognition that may matter most. Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal, the president of Somaliland from 1993 to 2002, argued in 1999 that recognition would be dependent on the country’s pursuit of democracy. He proceeded to devise a constitution that was put to a popular referendum in 2001. For fear of encouraging other separatist movements in the region, the international community, following the African Union, has never obliged. But rather than stunting democracy in Somaliland, this response ensured that democratisation moved from the bottom up. Donors often impose democratic reforms on African countries as a condition of financial aid. Since unrecognised Somaliland is cut off from most external assistance, the social contract between government and citizens has become unusually strong. Democracy evolved out of a series of mass public consultations—clan conferences—which endowed it with an unusual degree of legitimacy. The system’s most striking feature is the upper house of clan elders, known as the “Guurti”, which ensures broadly representative government and underpins much of the country’s consensual political culture. Somaliland’s democracy is by no means spotless. Corruption is endemic, and the media are seldom critical. The influence of the clans has been muted but not eradicated. And elections are repeatedly delayed. The vote on November 13th was overdue by more than two years, and all branches of government have now outlived their mandates. The lower house has sat for 12 years and counting; the Guurti has sat unelected since it was formed in 1993. And there may be even bigger challenges in the future. In the past year Somaliland has signed agreements with the United Arab Emirates to build a new port and a military base at the coastal town of Berbera. The former, valued at over $400m, is the country’s largest-ever investment deal. Nation-building on a shoestring helped keep Somaliland’s politicians relatively accountable, and helped to keep the delicate balance between clans. But this may not be the case for much longer. The Economist
  5. Can better weather information help Ethiopians better deal with unpredictable weather? By Elias Gebreselassie ARGOBA, Ethiopia, Nov 13 – Armed with a spear and undeterred by the intense sunlight, Tarekegn Kareto meticulously plucks weeds in his maize field in Argoba village, in southern Ethiopia. “With both dry weather and unusually heavy rains hitting us in the past year, I’ve lost over half of my harvest of maize and sorghum,” he said, pausing to wipe sweat off his forehead. “That means I’ve had to dip into my crop reserves – which I can no longer sell for extra income – or even rely on neighbours’ charity for food,” he added. Prolonged drought and erratic rainfall across the country have hit harvests and livestock, eating into farmers’ and herders’ income and meals, experts say. In the second half of 2017, at least 8.5 million Ethiopians needed urgent food aid, up from 5.6 million in January, according to an August report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. To remedy this, a project hopes to help Ethiopian herders and farmers access weather information to make more informed decisions and better absorb climate shocks. It has set up 25 automatic weather stations across Ethiopia’s Afar, Somali, and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ (SNNP) regions, which supply weather data to relevant government agencies and local communities. The initiative, led by aid agencies Farm Africa and Mercy Corps, is part of the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) programme, funded by the UK Department for International Development. The data helps herders and farmers predict the availability of water and grass for grazing, and allows government agencies to predict and track extreme weather events. “Although Ethiopia already has automated weather stations, populations in these remote regions have little to no access to climate information,” explained Dereje Agize, programme coordinator at Mercy Corps. Tsegaye Ketema, head of developmental meteorology at Ethiopia’s National Meteorological Agency, said that “with millions of Ethiopians in need of food aid due to very dry weather, access to reliable climate information can literally be a life saver”. Setting up weather stations in rural areas is part of the government’s Climate Resilient Green Economy strategy, which aims to achieve self-sufficiency in food by 2025. RELIABLE CLIMATE INFORMATION Ethiopia is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather, said Kareto, explaining that “in recent years I’ve witnessed several droughts during what was supposed to be rainy seasons and heavy rainfall at periods which are supposed to be dry”. That makes it difficult to know what to plant and when, he added. Getu Guleya, chief administrator of Derashe woreda – an Ethiopian term for district – explained that “weather volatility in our area is a big challenge, even contributing to communal tensions and food insecurity”. Worsening drought has created increased competition for resources and land between ethnic groups, which can result in deadly conflict, he said. The BRACED project aims to prevent this by providing communities with regular and reliable climate information. The Ethiopian met agency, which runs the weather stations, uses the weather data to share local information on air temperature, rainfall and wind direction – among other indicators – and produce regular climate reports. The forecasts are then broadcast on community radios in local languages, which break down the technical terms into information that’s easier to understand. Guleya hopes that timely weather information will “reduce the need for pastoralists to migrate or raid neighbouring communities in search of food and pastures”. MANAGING LIVESTOCK BETTER Through the radio broadcasts, the programme also encourages farmers and herders to diversify their sources of income and better manage their livestock. Ketema believes “it is better to have a smaller flock of healthy livestock that you can rely on as a livelihood, rather than a large number of starving livestock that’s hard to maintain”. “With timely climate information, you can prevent animals dying by stocking up on feed ahead of drought, for example,” he said. (Thomson Reuters Foundation)
  6. What happens when leaders fail to serve the people that elected them to the position of trust? The answer is simple:Leaders fail to lead. There is a quote that says,”The measure of man is what he does with power.” Another one says, “We are made wise not because of the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” Such quotes are substantiated by the thought like history judges leaders on their handling of the national interests, not on their passion for power and privileges. The credibility of any leader is revealed by what legacy he leaves behind for his country at the end of his term. This brings us to the question of :What kind of legacy President Siilaanyo would leave behind? It is not a surprise to us that many leaders don’t spend enough time thinking about their legacy _ what they will leave behind for the country and the people they serve and lead. A leader’s credibility is the result of two aspects:What he or she does (competency) and who he or she is (character). A discrepancy between these two aspects creates an integrity problem. The highest principle of leadership is integrity. When integrity ceases to be a leader’s top priority —that is the moment when a leader steps onto the slippery slop of failure. Question: Has Kulmiye government served as an example of integrity and loyalty to S/land country and the people? A lack of focus and its resulting disorientation typically lead to poor communication. The staff can’t possibly understand a leader’s intent when the leader isn’t sure what it is! And when leaders are unclear about their own purpose, they often hide their confusion and uncertainty in ambiguous communication. An underlying clarity of purpose is the starting point for all effective communication. A leader is to be absolutely clear about his or her plans and purposes. Question:Did the executive head of S/land state have close communication with his own administration and the people that elelected him? Was it poor or good? A leader creates a vision and then develops a plan to achieve it. He ensures how his vision become a reality. A Leader makes sure that the work needed to deliver the vision is properly done by himself or either by high ranking officer to whom he delegates the task. Question:How Kulmiye government envisioned S/land future? Have we ever seen any creative ideas within Kulmiye? A leader must have courage to choose the right people to the right positions at the right time. He must make good decisions and delegate tasks to his staff and hold them accountable for their actions. Question: How could it be possible to happen that no one among Kulmiye administration is held accountable for his/her actions? Does this mean that all government officials are infallible of mistakes when we all know that there is unrestrained political corruption? Leadership roles are many. The power to make politics and policies is the main role for which a leader is elected. This power, and the need to control it define the basic principles between those who govern and those who are governed. The need to control leadership power arised when government officials operated outside of basic common rules that promote order, integrity and honesty. The more public officials rationalize cheating and violating moral values, the more it becomes a culture of dishonesty and betrayal. In order to stop this vicious, downward cycle, citizens demand government to explain and justify publicly the way it exercises its powers, and to take prompt corrective action when things go wrong. Political and social responsibility is measured in terms of improving human conditions and environment. But moral responsibility goes further, reflecting the need to address fundamental ethical aspects and issues such as integrity, inclusion, dignity and equality. The need to control political power is used as a means of holding public officials accountable and fighting corruption and abuse of power. The question is why? Since citizens grant sweeping powers to governments to spend, and make and enforce policies and laws, the function of accountability and transparency has become the key essential ingredients in democracy. Accountability is answerability and serves two purposes. It’s political purpose is to check the might of the government. It’s mechanism is to control the abuse of power. It’s operational purpose is to help ensure that government operates effectively and efficiently. Transparency, in a government context, is honesty and openness. It is a mechanism to know how government utilizes national resources and how much money it spends on enterprising projects. There is no argument that countries that grow by reflection are those that have good governance, and good governance comes from good leadership. It comes from ending corruption, from eliminating nepotism, and from a society that has the courage to say: this politician is corrupt, this administrator, or this public official is a crook. The image of Somaliland as a state is somewhat weird. This country is misgoverned by corrupt politicians elected by ignorant people. It’s social structure is divided by tribalism. Its economy is weakened by unrestrained political corruption. Its politics has become a business, somthing that puts money into one’s pocket. The investigation of truth is in one way hard and in another easy. It is hard when we take things as they are imagined rather than as they are in real truth. It is easy when we tell what we know. Assumptions are what wears our minds out. The truth is that Somaliland has become a country where it is easy to corrupt power, easy to violate the laws, easy to abuse authority, easy to get rich and amass opulent wealth through illegal procedures, easy to cheat weak people out of what is rightfully theirs and easy to loot public properties. Somaliland is, to call the spade a spade, a country of unrestrained political corruption, and is now locally and internationally known as a Kleptocracy, literally meaning “Rule by thieves.” In conclusion, Siilaanyo and his Kulmiye administration will leave behind a bleeding polity, a bleak house, a broken country, and a bunch of scared people that never know exactly what they share in common and where they are heading to. By: Jama Falaag Harris’s, Somaliland
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ciidamada Mareykanka ayaa sheegay in ay qaadeen saddex weerar oo diyaarado ah muddo 24 saacadood gudahood ah, islamarkaana ay beegsadeen xarumo ay ku suganaayeen Al-Shabaab, maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ay xoojiyeen howlgallada ka dhanka dagaalyahanada Al-Shabaab ee ku sugan Soomaaliya. Diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha laheyn ayaa waxay dileen dhowr dagaalyahanno oo Al-Shabaab ka tirsanaa sida afhayeen u hadlay taliska milateriga Maraykanka ee Afrika uu u sheegay Wakaaladda Wararka ee AP Axaddii Shalay aheyd saddexda weeraro oo diyaaradaha Maraykanku ay qaadeen Waxaa lagu dilay 26 Askari oo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab. Weerarradii ugu dambeeyay ee Maraykanku uu ka fuliyay Soomaaliya, waxaa uu sheegay ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya ee sida gaar ah u tababar ka qeyb qaateen. Weerarkii ugu horreyay ayaa waxaa uu dhacday Sabtidii ku dhawaad ​​4:30 p.m, waxaana diyaaradaha Mareykanka ay beegsadeen goob ay ku sugnaayeen dagaalyahano ka tirsan Al-Shabaab sida ay xaqiijiyeen taliska Mareykanka ee Afrika ,Weerarkaasi wuxuu ka dhacay meel u dhow Buulo Gaduud, oo ku dhowaad 250 mayl dhinaca koonfur galbeedka kaga beegan caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho. Weerarkaasi ayaa waxa ay sheegtay dowladda Mareykanka in uu yimid kadib markii al-Shabaab ay weerareen kolonyo ciidamada Mareykanka iyo kuwa Soomaaliya ah ay wateen,islamarkaana diyaarado dagaal ay duqeeyay Kooxdii Weerarkaasi soo qaaday. “Waxan qiimeyneynaa in aysan waxyeelo soo gaarin qof rayid ah meel kasta oo aan beegsaneyno” ayuu yiri afhayeenka u hadlay Ciidamada Mareykanka. “Waxaan qaadnaa tallaabooyin kasta inta lagu gudajirayo habka loo beegsanaayo si loo hubiyo in dhimashada dadka rayidka ah iyo waxyeelooyinka kale ee soo gaaraya dadka Shacabka ah, waxaana diyaar u nahay dammaanad-qaadka iyo u hoggaansamidda mabaadii’da Sharciga “ ayuu hadalkaasi intaasi kusii daray. Weerarka labaad wuxuu dhacay Axaddii 3-dii subaxnimo, waxaana uu ka dhacay gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose meel Magaalada Muqdisho u jirta 40 KM . Weerarkaasi waxaa uu ka dhacay Deegaan dhanka Koonfur Bari kaga beegan Daaru Salaam Gobolka Shabellaha hoose, waxaana dowladda Mareykanka ay sheegtay in beegsatay Saldhig ay Al-Shabaab leeyihiin ,inkastoo halkaasi laga soo qaaday Meydad dad Shacab ah, hadana dowladda Mareykanka waxa ay sheegtay in ay baareyso in ay jirto waxyeelo Shacabka gaartay. Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa sheegtay in Weerarka Saddexaad uu dhacay ,isla maalintii Shalay aheyd,islamarkaana uu ka dhacay degaanada Puntland gaar halka ay ku sugan yihiin Kooxda Daacish. “Ciidamada Maraykanku waxay sii wadi doonaan inay isticmaalaan dhammaan tallaabooyinka la ansixiyey iyo kuwa ku haboon ee lagu ilaalinayo dadka Maraykanka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed ,islamarkaana ay ka hortaggaan Hanjabaadaha argagixisada,” ayuu yiri afhayeenka Ciidamada Mareykanka . Ciidamada Mareykanka ayaa la shaqeynaya ciidamada ammaanka Soomaaliya iyo 22,000 oo askari oo Midowga Afrika ka socda. Maamulka Trump ayaa horaantii sanadkaan ansixiyay howlgalo millatari oo ballaaran oo ka dhan ah Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddiga Dhaqaalaha ee Golaha Wasiirrada ayaa go’aamiyay in dhammaan wasaaradaha xukuumaddu ay faraan shirkadaha iyo hay’adaha is-diiwaangelinaya ama cusbooneysiinaya rukhsadaha ay la yimaadaan caddeyn muujineysa inay leeyihiin sanduuq boosto. Kulankan oo uu shir-guddoominayay Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenka, Md. Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed, waxaa la isku af gartay in wasaaraduhu ay gacan weyn ka geysan karaan sidii loo dardar-gelin lahaa boostada dalka, iyagoo sameynaya tallaabooyin lagu dhiirri-gelinayo isticmaalka boostada. Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, Mudane Eng. Cabdi Cashuur Xasan, ayaa sheegay in guddi gaar ah oo uu madax u yahay Wasiiru-dawlaha uu u xilsaaray sidii ay u dardar-gelin lahaayeen Boostada Dalka, una beddeli lahaayeen qaabka ay hadda u shaqeyso oo caqabado badan ay ka hor yimaadeen. Wasaaru dawladaha, Mudane C/laahi Bile Nuur, oo soo jeediyay qorshaha Wasaaradda ee dhinaca boostada ayaa sheegay in dhowaan la billaabi doono in boostada dalka loo diri karo dalka dibeddiisa, ka dib markii bishii Luulyo ee sanadkan ay Wasaaraddu la soo saxiixatay Boostada Jabuuti heshiis wada-shaqeyn ah oo dhex maraya Boostada Soomaaliya iyo midda Jabuuti. Sanadkii 2013-kii ayaa la billaabay in la keeno boostada ka imanaysa dibedda, hase yeeshee ma suurtogelin in dibedda loo diro boostada ka baxaysa dalka. “Ciwaanka kaliya ee Soomaaliya ka jira waa sanduuq boosto, waxaana u baahan shirkadaha, macaamiisha bankiyada, jaamacadaha iyo xafiis kasta. Waxaan dooneynaa inaan isbeddel weyn ka sameyno qaabka ay u shaqeyso Boostadu, waayo waxay astaan u tahay dawladnimada iyo ilbaxnimada, waxayna fududeysaa adeegyada ganacsiga iyo dawladdaba. Haddaba waxaan dadweynaha ku wargelineynaa inay u diyaar garoobaan isbeddelada cusub ee lagu sameyn doono Boostada Qaranka” ayuu hadalkiisii ku soo gagabeeyay wasiir Bile.
  9. HARGEISA-Voting kicked off at 7 a.m. in the breakaway region of Somaliland on Monday as over 700,000 voters lined up in queues to vast their ballot to elect their fifth president. Queues started forming in a number of the stations as voters lined up to vote in 1,642 polling centers. “I am very happy to vote and I will give my vote to the most suitable candidate,” Sagal Mohamed told Xinhua. Muse Bihi Abdi will be defending the ruling party seat while former House Speaker Abdirahman Irro is vying in Wadani ticket. Faisal Ali Warabe is running under Justice and Development Party (UCID). This is the first poll in Somaliland to use a new voter registration system, which itself marks the first use of iris-scan biometric technology in an African election. Meanwhile, a 60-member team of international observers from 27 countries is monitoring the polls. The international election observation mission (EOM), which has been invited by Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission (NEC), said it will conduct its observation activities in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, emphasizing the impartiality and independence of that observation. The EOM is led by the Development Planning Unit (DPU) at University College London (UCL), and Somaliland Focus UK. This EOM marks the fourth election in Somaliland observed and reported on by DPU and Somaliland Focus since 2005. “Preparations for this mission have been intense, and we are very appreciative of the invaluable assistance we have had from so many stakeholders in Somaliland, and from the British government in funding this mission,” Michael Walls of DPU, chief observer on the EOM. “Now that we are seeing the hard work bear fruit, we are hoping we will see a spirited and peaceful polling day marking another step in Somaliland’s democratic development,” Walls said. Xinhua
  10. Somaliland’s incumbent president, His Excellency Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Silanyo” and the presidential affairs minister, Hon. Mohamoud Hashi Abdi were among those who cast their votes for the presidential poll here today. The Presidency Minister has said that voting is peacefully underway across the country. Hon. Hashi said that it is great privilege to cast his vote in Hargeisa. He officially declared that voting is underway in all provinces in Somaliland peacefully. He further stated that security heightened and announced that three polling centers have not opened as National Electoral Commission closed. Hon. Hashi, the presidential minister hoped that it will come to an end in a peaceful manner. The minister went on to say that this shows the maturity of SL populace as far as democracy and multi party politics are concerned. He added that SL decided to take this huge steps in the right direction and took instance that many internationally recognized states failed to hold free and fair polls. The minister said that SL is an independent country without an international recognition as he confirmed that voting underway in more than 1642 polling stations. Election is crucial democratic process for Somaliland said the minister. He said that it is victory for the incumbent president, the ruling Kulmiye party and the people. The minister sent final message to the entire SL populace. First of all, he congratulated SL people on voting the presidential polls and wished success. He lauded the gallant efforts that Election Commission made as far as election is concerned. He commended the men and women in uniform who maintain law and order during election time. Finally, the minister has urged the public to exercise their prerogative rights and cast their votes in a peaceful manner.
  11. Polls have opened in the self-declared republic of Somaliland in the presidential election. The election will use an iris-based biometric voting system – a world first, according to the election spokesman. Just over 700,000 voters are eligible to take part in the election which is being contested by three candidates. Ink is being put on people’s fingers to show they have voted At least 60 observers are in the country to monitor the poll. One of the observers, Susan Mwape from Zambia, told the BBC that they will be monitoring all aspects of the election including the “technical competence of electoral commission staff.” Radhi Abdi, from the International Crisis Group, told the BBC’s Newsday programme if Somaliland “pulls off another credible election” it will improve its push for independence. He defended the government for blocking social media sites to prevent the spread of “fake news and misinformation” during the election period. Somaliland declared independence after the overthrow of Somali military dictator Siad Barre in 1991. BBC
  12. Hon. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi alias “Irro”, candidate for presidency from Wadani National Political Party casts his vote at a polling station at Civil Service in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The presidential contenders for Justice & Welfare party (UCID), Hon. Faisal Ali Warabe also voted at the same polling station. The presidential favorite for Kulmiye ruling party also voted in the same polling station. Having spoke to the press, he said that he is contented with the vote which is underway in the country. Voting in presidential election in Somaliland kicked off early on Monday as citizens cast their votes in 1642 polling stations in nationwide.
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose ayaa noqotay meel ay ka jirto Xasarad u dhaxeyso Ciidamada Dowladda iyo Kuwa Al-Shabaab, waxaana Degmadaas iyo meelo u dhow dhow ka dhacay dagaalo iyo duqeymo kala duwan. Haddaba Wararka ay Caasimadda Online ka heleyso Magaalada Afgooye iyo meelaha u dhow dhow ayaa sheegayo inay halkaas Kooxda Al-Shabaab ay soo dhoobeen Ciidamo badan si ay uga hor tagaan duulaanka abaabulan ee uga soo socdo Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM/. Ciidamadan Shabaab ay soo dhoobeen duleedka Degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabellaha hoose ayaa laga kala keenay Gobolada Galgaduud iyo Shabellaha hoose, sida Saraakiil ka tirsan Dowladda ay xaqiijiyeen kuwaas oo la hadlay Idaacadaha Muqdisho ku yaal. Ujeedka ay Al-Shabaab ka leeyihiin arrintaan ayaa ah inay Culeys Militari saaraan Degmada Afgooye, maadaama halkaasi uu ka socdo dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo ay wadaan ciidamada dowladda oo lagu doonayo in Shabaab looga Saaro Gobolkaas. Ciidamo tiro badan oo Shabaab ka tirsan ayaa lagu arkay Beeraha ku yaal duleedka Afgooye, waxayna dadka beeraleeda ah u sheegayaan inaysan cabsanin ayna yihiin Ciidamo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab. Beeraleeda halkaas dagan ayaa dareemay Cabsi xoog leh, maadaama Diyaaradaha dagaalka ee Mareykanka ay maalmihii dambe xoojiyeen duqeymaha ay u geysanayaan Ciidamada Al-Shabaab. Ciidamada Shabaabka ayaa ku lugeynaayay qaab Evantari ah, gaadiidka dagaalka ayaa la sheegay inay uga soo tageen duleedyada fog ee Degmada Afgooye. Sidoo kale waxaa xusid mudan Shabaab in ciidamo badan ay soo dhigeen deegaanka Basra, si ay isaga caabiyaan dhaqdhaqaaqa ciidan ee ay wadaan ciidamada dowladda. Dowladda Somaliya ayaa ku dhawaaqday dagaal ka dhan ah Ururka Shabaab, balse sida muuqata dowladda wax horumar ah kama aysan sameyn dagaalada ka dhanka ah Shabaab. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa iyadana wado qorsho xoog leh oo ay ku dooneyso inay Al-Shabaab kaga sifeyso Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose oo la aamisan yahay inay tahay halka ay Al-Shabaab kasoo abaabulaan Qaraxyada ay ka fuliyaan Magaalada Muqdisho. Diyaaradaha dagaalka ee Mareykanka ayaa seddex duqeyn ka geystay meelo aan sidaas uga fogeyn degmada Afgooye seddexdii maalin ee lasoo dhaafay, waxayna duqeymahaas noqdeen kuwa joogto ah, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay inay khasaaro xoog leh kasoo gaartay dad shacab ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  14. Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen dadka degaanka gobalada Sool,Sanaag, Cayn iyo Haylaan ayeysan maanta qaybo kamida ka qabsoomin doorashadii uu ugu tala galay maamulka Somaliland, halka qaar kalena la geeyey sanaadiiqda doorashada ayna codayntu ka socoto. Magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Gobalada Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Cayn ayaan maanta intooda badan la geyn sanaadiiqda doorashada markii ay halkaasi gaareen ciidamo katirsan Puntland iyo wafuud kala duwan, magaalooyinka aan laga codayn waxaa kamida Badhan, Laasqoray, Dhahar, Xingalool, Buuhoodle, Boocame iyo degaano kale oo hoos taga gobaladaas. Xagee maanta ka socotaa Doorashada Somaliland? Inta badan Gobalka Sool maanta waxaa si caadiya uga socota doorashada Somaliland waxaana kamida degaanada ay maanta dadku codadka ka dhiibanayaan Laascaanood, Taleex, Xudun iyo degaano kale, dhanka gobalka Cayn waxay doorashadu ka socotaa degmooyinka Ceegaag iyo Widh-Widh. Xaalada nabad gelyo Illaa hada lagama soo sheegin doorashada Somaliland guud ahaan wax shaqaaqo ah, mana jirto xiisadii dagaal ee laga baqaayey inay ka qaraxdo gobalada Sool,Sanaag, Cayn iyo Haylaan oo maalmihii u danbeeyey ay ciidamo geynaayeen Puntland iyo Somaliland, iyagoo dhan kalena hanjabaado hawada isku marinaayey. Isku soo wada duubo dadka ku dhaqan gobalada la isku yiraahdo SSC ayaa intooda badan ogolayn kamid ahaanshaha Somaliland walow qaybo kamida oo ay kamid tahay magaalada ugu weyn ee Laascaanood ay Somaliland gacanta ku haysay 10-kii sano ee ugu danbaysay. Faah-faahinta Doorashada Madaxtinimada Somaliland kala soco PUNTLAND POST The post Inta badan gobaladda Sanaag,Haylaan iyo Cayn oo aysan maanta ka qabsoomin doorashada Somaliland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Weli waxaa dhexda kaga jirnaa inaan akhristayaasheena usoo gudbino qeybaha kala duwan ee warbixintii ay soo saartay Kooxda dabagalka Qaramada Midoobey . Haddaba Kooxda dabagalka Qaramada Midoobey ee Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea ayaa ku eedeeyay Ciidamada Kenya ee ku jira howlgalka AMISOM in ay lacag ka qaataan Dhuxusha laga dhoofiyo dekadaha Gobolka Jubada hoose ee Soomaaliya. Ciidamada ayaa lagu dhaliilayaa in ay ka hortagi waayeen in Al-shabaab ay lacag ka sameyso dhoofinta dhuxusha Soomaaliya oo ay horay u mamnuucday Qaramada Midoobey,taas beddelkeedana ay lacag ku leeyihiin dhuxusha la dhoofiyo. Warbixinta Qaramada Midoobey waxaa lagu sheegay in Ciidamada Kenya ay Jawaankii dhuxul ah ee ka dhoofaya Dekadaha Kismaayo iyo Buurgaabo ee Jubada hoose ay ku leeyihiin $2 Doollar,taas oo marka la isku daro Ciidanka Kenya ay ka helaan lacago farabadan. Sidoo kale Warbixinta waxaa ay xustay in Al-shabaab ay $10 Milyan oo Doollarka Mareykanka ay sanadkiiba ka helaan dhuxusha laga dhoofiyo Gobolka Jubada hoose ee ay iyaga ku suganyihiin. Waxaa kale oo ay Guddigu sheegeen in Ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan Jubada hoose ay xubnaha Guddiga Qaramada Midoobey u diideen in ay baaritaan ka sameeyaan dekadaha Buurgaabo iyo Kismaayo,si ay ula socdaan dhaq dhaqaaqa dhoofka dhuxusha Soomaaliya ee inta badan loo dhoofiyo Waddamada Carabta. Qaramada Midoobey ayaa 5 Sano ka hor mamnuucday dhoofinta dhuxusha Soomaaliya waxaana joojinteeda u xil saaray Ciidamada AMISOM oo inta badan jooga koofurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya iyo Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya,waxaase warbixintu sheegeysaa in Ciidanka AMISOM iyo dowlad Goboleedyada qaar ay macaash ka sameeyaan dhuxusha halkii ay ahayd in ay dhoofinteeda ka hortagaan. Warbixinta Kooxda dabagalka ee Qaramada Midoobey ayey ku sheegeen in Al-shabaab ay hub iyo Gaadiid culus ka qaateen Saldhiggii Ciidanka Kenya ee degaanka Kulbiyow ee Gobolka Jubada hoose,halkaas oo Hubkii laga qaaday sida ay sheegaan dhowr jeer loo adeegsaday Qaraxyo ka dhacay Muqdisho iyo Gobollada qaar. Laanta baarista Federaalka Mareykanka ee FBI,ayaa sheegtay in Al-shabaab ay isku halleeyaan Hubka ay ka qaataan Saldhigyada AMISOM iyo Ciidamada Dowladda ee ay weerarrada ku qaadaan,halkaas oo ay sheegtay in hubka ay ka furtaan iyo mid kale oo ay gacmahooda ku sameeyeen ay u adeegsadaan qaraxyada khasaaraha badan geysta ee ka dhaca Soomaaliya. Waxaan dhawaan idinla wadaagi doonaa qeybo kale oo ka tirsan Warbixinta ay soo saartay Kooxda dabagalka Qaramada Midoobey oo taaban doonto mowduucyo kala duwan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  16. Agaasimihii guud iyo xariiriyaha arrimaha bani aadanimada ee Wasaaradda Gargaarka dowladd goboleedka Galmudug Ahmed Wehliye ayaa Xilkaasi iska Casilay Kadib Musuq maasuq Baahsan oo ka jira Galmudug sida uu sheegay. Ahmed Wehlie ayaa tilmaamay in labo sano ku dhawaad oo uu Shaqadaan yahay in aan wax gargaar ah si Nadiif ah loo gaariisin dadka tabaalaysan balse ay farxad u tahay inuu si bilaash ah labo sano in ku dhow ugu Shaqaynayay dadka deegaanka uuna ka faa’iid khibrad iyo waaya aragmigo. Wehlie ayaa Shaqdaan qabtay December 2015-kii waxayna is Casilaadiisa ku soo aaday Xili la baahiyay in gargaarkii Dowladda Turkiga ugu deeqday dan yarta Galmudug in lagu iibinayo Xarumo Ganacsi oo ku yaala Magaladda Cadaado. PUNTLAND POST The post Masuul katirsan Maamulka Gal-Mudug oo is Casilay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Codbixiyaasha SomalilandShacabka Somaliland ayaa saaka hiirtii hore u dareeray goobaha codbixinta Doorashada madaxtinimada Somaliland, iyagoo dooranaya madaxweynii hogaamin lahaa shanta sano ee soo socota. Doorashadatan ayaa waxaa ku tartamaya saddex musharax oo ka kala socda saddexda xisbi ee kala ah Kulmiye oo uu u sharaxanyahay Muuse Biixi Cabdi, Waddani oo uu u sharaxanyahay Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cirro iyo Ucid oo uu u sharaxanyahay Faysal Cali Waraabe. Si looga hortago in Doorashada lagu shubto waxaa codbixin loo isticmaalayaan Aalada casriga ah ee loo yaqaan Iris, taas oo wajiga qofka aqoonsata haddi uu markale soo laabto. Deegaano dhowr ah oo u badan Gobolka Sanaag oo Somaliland u qorsheysay in doorashadu ka dhacdo ayaan laga codeynayn, kadib markii ciidamo iyo masuuliyiin ka tirsan Puntland gaareen. Lixda fiidnimo ee caawa ayaa la xiraayaa goobaha codbixinta Doorashada, iyada oo marka ay soo dhamaato codbixintuna hawada laga saari doono dhamaan baraha ay bulshadu ku xiriirto. Tani waa Doorashadii saddexaad oo qof iyo cod ah oo ka dhacdo Somaliland tan iyo sanadkii 2003. PUNTLAND POST Hargeysa The post Shacabka Somalilnad oo u dareeray Codbixinta Doorashada Madaxtinimada appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. Warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada ee Soomaaliya ayaa lagu cambaareeyay Gantaal Kooxaha Xuutiyiintu ay ku dhufteen Magaalada Riyaad ee dalka Sucuudiga. Warsaxaafadeedkaan oo ku Qornaa luuqadaha Arabica iyo Englishka ayeey Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada Soomaaliya ku sheegtay in ay weerarkaasi Cambaareeyneeyso. Hoos ka Aqriso Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Dowladda Soomaliya oo Cambaareysay Gantaal Xuutiyiinta ku weerareen Riyadh appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Kooxo hubeysan ayaa xalay Magaalada Muqdisho ku dilay Xasan Jaciir oo mid kamid ahaa Odayaashii soo xulay xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Dowladdda Federaalka Soomaliya ee laga soo doortay deeganada Maamulka Hir-shabeelle Dilkaan ayaa ka dhacay gudaha suuqa Bakaaraha ee Magaaladda muqdisho sida ay sheegeen dad Goobjoogayaal ah. Wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in Xasan Jaciir oo ahaa Oday dhaqameed uu sanaddii lasoo dhaafay magaalada Jowhar uga qeyb galayay fadhiyadii lagusoo xulayay xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka DFS ee lagasoo doortay dhanka maamulka Hir-shabeelle kaasi oo kajira Gobollada Hiiraan iyo Shabeelaha Dhexe. Sidoo kale Xasan Jaciir ayaa mudooyinkii dambe ku howlanaa diyaarinta rag ilaalo u noqda haweenay xildhibaanad ah oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka dowladda Federaalka taasi oo lagu magacaabo Qamar Faarax Dhaga weyne oo ah xildhibaanaddii uu isaga soo xulay. Warar lagu baahiyay baraha Al-shaabab ayaa lagu sheegay in rag ka Tirsan Al-shabaab in ay ka dambeeyeen dilka xalay loogu geystay magaaladda muqdisho Xasan Jaciir oo mid kamid ahaa Odayaashii soo xulay xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Dowladdda Federaalka Soomaliya ee lagu soo doortay deeganada Maamulka Hir-shabeelle. PUNTLAND POST The post Mid kamid ahaa Odayaashii soo xulay Xildhibaanada oo lagu toogtay Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Qoraal kasoo baxay dowlada Turkiga ayaa waxaa lagu beeniyay warar sheegaya inuu socdo qorsho ay dowlada ku afduubeyso wadaadka lagu magacaabo fethullah Gulen oo lagu eedeeyay afganbigii dhicisoobay ee dalka Turkiga. Qoraalka oo kasoo baxay Safaarada Turkiga ay ku leedahay magaalada Washington, ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in warkaasi uu yahay mid aan waxba ka jirin. Turkiga ayaa ku tilmaamay warbixintaas oo ay bahiyeen talafishinka NBC NEWS iyo Jariirada Wall Street mid aan waxba ka jirin oo lagu luminaayo xaqiiqda eedeysanaha. Wargeyska Maraykanka ayaa warbixintiisa ku sheegay in la-taliyihii hore ee ammaanka qaranka Mareykanka Michael Flynn iyo wiilkiisa loo soo bandhigay lacag dhan 15 milyan oo dollar si uu gacan uga gaysto in si qasab ah looga soo qaado Mareykanka dibna loogu soo celiyo Turkiga wadaadka u dhashay dalkaasi. Eedeynta ku saabsan in la maleegayay in Fethullah Gulen,loo gacangaliyo Turkiga ayaa markii ugu horreysay waxa shaaciyay bishii March agaasimihii hore ee CIA James Woolsey. Safaarada ayaa sheegtay in qabashada fethullah Gulen ay dowlada u mari doonto sifo sharci ah, balse waxa ay beenisay inay qaadeyso talaabo sharci darro ah oo heer afduub gaarsiisan. Qoraalka ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in dowladu ay dooneyso fethullah Gulen, balse aysan diyaar u aheyn in la maro wado khaldan ka hor inta aan lasoo dhiibin wadaadka. Dhinaca kale, Safaaradda Turkiga ee Washington ayaa dowlada Mareykanka ku dhiirri galisay in ay soo wareejiyaan Gulen si maxkamad loo horkeeno eedeymo la xariirta isku daygii afganbiga sanadkii hore. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka naga soo gaarayo magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta kmg maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ayaa sheegaya in Hogaamiyaha maamulka uu Xildhibaanada u diiday Mushaaraadkooda. Xildhibaanada loo diiday Mushaarka oo kamid ah kuwa saxiixay Mooshinka ka dhanka ah Hogaamiyaha ayaa sheegay in mushaar siintooda lagu xirey ka laabashada mooshin laga keenay Shariif Xasan. Amarka oo la sheegay inuu kasoo baxay Hogaamiyaha maamulka ayaa waxaa la xaqiijiyay in Xildhibaanada maamulka uu mushaaraadkooda ku xiran yahay inay saxiixaan warqad ay uga laabanayaan Mooshinkaasi. Faysal Sheekh Cawad oo kamid ah Xildhibaanada ay arrintaan ku dhacday ayaa sheegay in markii hore loo keenay Mushaarka, balse kadib loo diiday kadib markii uu qaadacay amar ah inuu ka laabto Mooshinka isla markaana saxiixo warqad cadeyn ah. ”Waa arrin aad u foolxun waxaan cadeynayaa in maanta xuquuqdeena lagu xiray saxiixida warqad aan ku cadeyneyno inaan ka laabano Mooshinka aan ka gudbinay Shariif Xasan” Xildhibaan Faysal iyo Xildhibaano kale oo ka tirsan garabka mucaaradka ayaa dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ugu baaqay inay isha ku heyso ficilada taagan ee u muuqaalka eg gumeysiga. Dhinaca kale, Xildhibaanada taageersan Hogaamiye Shariif Xasan ayaa si nadiifa u qaatay Mushaaraadkooda, waxaana xusid mudan in loogu geeyay guryahooda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sacad Xariiri oo ku dhawaaqay horraantii bishaan inuu iska casilayo xilka ra’iisal wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in ujeedkiisu ahaa inuu dalkiisa ka bixiyo aragto wanaagsan. Sacad Xariiri oo si weyn uga hadlay markii ugu horreysay go’aankii uu isku cesilay, ayaa waxa uu sheegay inuu ku laabanayo dalkiisa maalmaha soo socda si uu si rasmi ah istiqaaladiisa ugu gudbiyo mas’uuliyiinta Lubnaan. Wareysi uuu la yeeshay telefishinka Al-mustaqbal ee ku yaalla caasimada Riyad Sacudi Carabiya, ayaa Mr Xariiir waxa uu beeniyay wararka sheegaya inuu u dhaqmayo sida nin ku hoos jira maamulka Sacudi Carabiya. Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay ra’iisal wasaaraha iscasilay in ay suuragal tahay inuu ka laabto go’aanka uu isku casilay. Balse waxa uu sheegay inay taasi ku xiran tahay haddi xisbiga uu taageero dowladda Iran ee Xisbulaah uu ogolaado inuu faraha kala baxo collaada uu ka hurinayo gobolka. Sacad alXariiri ayaa si kadis ah xilkii ra’iisal wasaaraha isaga casilay 4 bishaan Noveember, kaddib bayaan uu ka jeediyay idaacad ku taalla Sacudiga. BBC Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  23. ISLAMABAD: The Higher Education Commission (HEC) signed a Document of Understanding (DoU) with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education, Somalia to promote bilateral academic collaboration and develop cooperation in higher education and other fields of common interest. The DoU was signed by HEC Chairman Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed and Somalian Minister for Education, Culture and Higher Education Abdi Dahir Osman. Under the DoU, the two sides agreed to describe the guidelines for future agreements on specific activities by the institutions involved. Areas of cooperation will include development, strengthening and capacity building of higher education of Somalia, technical assistance in establishment of higher education body in Somalia, and assistance in establishment of quality assurance standards in academia in Somalia. The two sides have also agreed to offer assistance to visiting scholars and faculty. On this occasion, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed shared that HEC is making strenuous efforts to increase equitable access to higher education across all regions of Pakistan. He said that HEC has made immense progress with regard to promotion of tertiary education and research culture in the country. The chairman said that the quality of higher education in Pakistan has earned international recognition owing to persistent efforts of HEC. While mentioning HEC’s collaboration with different countries for promotion of higher education and research, he said now HEC is in position to extend its services to other countries, hoping that HEC’s collaboration with Somalia will pave the way for strong higher education system in the brotherly country. News