Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in wadaadka dhawaan kasoo goostay al-Shabaab Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow ‘’Abuu Mansuur’’ uu wadahadal kula jiro Saraakiil dowlada Mareykanka ka joogta Somalia. Wadahadalka ayaa la sheegayaa inuu yahay mid salka ku haya soo afjarida maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ee weli Saldhigyada ku leh Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Saraakiisha Mareykanka iyo Mukhtaar Roobow ayaa waxaa ka dhex shaqeynaaya Saraakiil ka tirsan Militeriga Ethiopia kuwaa oo howlo u jooga magaalada Baydhabo, waxaana lasoo sheegayaa in Roobow lagu qancinaayo in la hubeeyo kadibna uu dagaal toosa la galo Shabaabka Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Wadahadalka ayaa waxaa kamid ah in loo diiwaan galinaayo ciidamo khaas ah oo kor u dhaafaya Kun, kuwaa oo kala qeybqaadan doona dagaalka ka dhanka ah al-Shabaab. Waxaan la saadaalin Karin go’aanka uu Mukhtaar Roobow ka qaadan doono wadahadalka aan lasii shaacin ee uu kula jiro dowlada Ethiopia. Isa soo dhiibida Mukhtaar Roobow ayaa waxaa kaalin weyn ka qaatay dowlada Ethiopia iyo Hogaamiyaha maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan, waxaana iminka socda qorshayaal lagu howlgalinaayo Roobow iyo xoogagiisa. Dhinaca kale, Roobow ayaa mudada uu la shaqeynaayo maamulka Shariif Xasan soo hirgaliyay maleeshiyaad kor u dhaafaya boqol iyo konton iyo Hubkooda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xog: Mukhtaar Roobow oo wadahadal aan caadi aheyn kula jira Mareykanka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. The leaders of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan have met on the sidelines of the ongoing African Union Summit, as they continue to work towards resolving the impasse over Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam project (GERD). Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Nearly two dozen African countries launched a single aviation market on Monday, a potential boon for the industry in a region where it is hampered by government protectionism, high taxes and stringent regulation. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Isbahaysiga ugu weyn ee mucaaradka Kenya ee National Super Alliance (NASA) ayaa sheegay in ay hirgalin doonto qorshahooda ku aadan in maanta oo talaada ah hogaamiyaha mucaaradka ee Raila Odinga loo dhaarin doono xilka madaxtinimada. Xiisad ayaa laga dareemaya magaalada caasimadda ah ee Nairobi halkaas oo munaasabada dhaarinta loo qorsheeyay in ay ka dhacdo barxada Uhuru Park . Bilayska Kenya ayaa ku dhawaaqay goobta – Uhuru Park – in aan wax munaasabad ah lagu qaban karin ” laakiin ugu baaqay muwaadiniinta in ay u wataan shaqadooda sida caadiga ah. Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka Kenya ayaa waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaamay in magaalada caasimada bandow la saarayo iyadoo wararkaas la isla dhexmarayay. Warsaxafadeedka Isbahaysiga Mucaaradka ayaa ku wargaliyay taageerayaashooda inay si ballaaran uga soo qayb galaan dhaarinta Rt. Hon Raila Amolo Odinga iyo Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka oo ah madaxweyne kuxigeenkiisa. “Mucaaradka ayaa intaa raaciyay in qorshayaasha oo dhan la diyaariyay si loo hubiyo in dhacdadan ay si nabadgelyo ah oo guul leh uga dhacda Uhuru Park ee magaalada Nairobi laga bilaabo labada saac ee subaxnimo. Agaasimaha Guud ee NASA, Norman Magaya ayaa intaa ku daray in ay doonayaan in ay qabtaan dhacdo nabad ah sida uu sharcigu ogol yahay iyaga oo ugu baaqay taageerayaashooda inay ka fogaadaan wax walba oo keeni kara iska hor imaad askarta bilayska. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi The post Raila Odinga oo loo dhaarinayo xilka madaxtinimada & Xiisad ka taagan Kenya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. The United States announced on Monday it was lifting its ban on refugees from 11 "high-risk" countries, but said those seeking to enter the US would come under much tougher scrutiny than in the past. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Somali security forces on Monday killed at least seven al-Shabaab militants and injured a number of others following heavy fighting with insurgents in Bay region, in the south part of the Horn of Africa nation. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. The newly appointed Mogadishu mayor, Eng. Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow) assumed office during handing over ceremony held on Monday night in Somali capital. Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. KISMAYO (HOL) - Jubbaland Assembly on Monday stripped the immunity from a lawmaker accused of political unrest in the southern rwgional state of Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Munaasabad si weyn loo soo agaasimay ayaa xalay ka dhacday xarunta dowladda hoose ee Xamar, taasoo ay ay xilka kula wareegayeen hoggaanka cusub ee Gobolka Benaadir oo uu ugu horeeyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Eng, Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan “Yariisow” iyo ku-xigeenadiisa. Mas’uuliyiin kala duwan iyo siyaasiyiin caan ah ayaa ka qeyb galay xafladda xil wareejinta, waxayna isdhaafsadeen guddoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Banaadir iyo kan cusub iyo kuxigeenadaba documentiyo muujinaayo howlaha qabyada ah, wixii horay loo qabtay iyo mustaqbalka dhow waxa gobolka hiigsanaayo, iyagoo kala saxiixday wareejinta xilalka. Guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Banaadir Eng. C/raxmaan Yariisow hadal kooban ka jeediyay xafladda ayaa ku amaanay duqii hore ee Muqdisho Taabit Cabdi Maxamed, waxqabad muuqda iyo in maamulka cusub ay horyaalaan inuu horay usii wado horumarka iyo howlaha qabyada u ahaa maamulkii hore. Amaanka xarunta dowladda hoose iyo xaafadaha ku dhow dhow ayaa aad loo adkeeyay iyadoo la dhigay ciidamo lana xiray wadooyinka qaarkood. The post Sawirro: Maamulka cusub ee gobolka Banaadir oo si rasmi ah xilka ugala wareegay Taabit appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. HARGEISA– Mothers and children have expressed their health related concerns over factory which produces crushed stones and lime. Tawfiq, is a factory which lies just less than 1 km in the east from Hargeisa airport runway. The small factory is owned and run by Somaliland citizen who was given the contract of renovating the airport runway. Civil Aviation Agency Manager, Hon. Abdi Mohamed Rodol has informed the owner to relocate the factory but still the order has fallen into deaf ears. Local Somaliland newspaper run an article raising the concern already expressed by the residents which pose health related problems to communities that live just nearby the area.
  11. TO: HEAD OF STATES OF THE AU CHAIRMAN OF THE AFRICAN UNION Your Excellency: Paul kagame The international community has made several brave efforts to rescue and reconstruct the disintegrated State of Somalia. All these brave efforts had however failed and Somali proper still lies in ruins and is still a theatre for marauding warring militants. All the experts, the political analysis’s and the experienced anthropologists called to help, have in their turn also failed to diagnose accurately the causes of the dilemma. These experts have for the first time came up against native problems, which defied their pet theories, their quaint conclusions and their misinterpretation of the abstract indices of native cultures. The poor eminent men and women could not admit that all their learned treaties were wrong, it was more convenient to accuse the leopard of changing its spots. The search for a solution of the Somali problem was always dogged by anomalies and ambivalences, which in one form or another emasculated every reconciliation effort. To understand those anomalies and ambivalences we must go back to the recent history of the Horn of Africa. In 1943 after the defeat of the Italian Colonies in East Africa a British Military administration took over all the Somali inhabited territories in the Horn of Africa. For the first time in one hundred years the Somali people were under one common administration, with a common currency and a common tariff. With the help of the huge military expending of the conquering British forces, there was an unprecedented boom in the Somali territories. The idea of remaining united and holding on to this bonanza of the union took hold over the minds of Somali leaders. The British Labor government of the time welcomed the Somali aspirations and proposed an expanded British Protectorate over all the Somali territories except the French Somali Coast; as the present Republic of Djibouti was known then. The proposal never found support in the council of the great victorious powers but the Somali clung to their hope and Greater Somalia was over since then the centerpiece of their political aspirations. In 1960 British Somaliland Protectorate and the Italian Trust territory of Somalia gained their independence and immediately united as the first step towards Greater Somalia. In 1963 the third step was almost taken when the British conservative Government of Harold Macmillan showed some sympathy and undertook to ascertain the wishes of the people of the NFD, Kenya and promised to act according to those wishes. Then an alarmed emperor of Ethiopia appealed to President Kennedy and a phone call from the Oval Office in the White House to No 10 Downing Street upset the Somalis for good. Consequently a disappointed and a bitter Somalia took up unrelenting confrontation with its neighbors and Horn of Africa had never known peace or constructive development. Eventually the rebellion against the Siyad Barre Dictatorship broke the spell of extreme nationalism. Now all the great powers, the AU, and the Government of the Horn of Africa countries, who is the 1960s denied Greater Somalia and made it into a pernicious concept, are now talking in a confused ambivalence about the Territorial integrity of Somalia. The Territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic, which was ruled by Mohamed Siad Barre “Af-Weyne”, is that of Greater Somalia but the Territorial integrity of Somali is that Territory which was once an Italian Colony. What is required for the solution of the Somali Problem is clarity of objectives and expressions. The politics of the Nile River must not be allowed to bedevil the Somali reconciliation and the Ethiopian ambivalence over Somalia and Greater Somalia must be resolved. A truncated Greater Somalia composed of the former Italian colony and the British Protectorate is impractical and unacceptable. What then? I am proposes that if the Territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic of Somalia is to be preserved, then I am asking that the Government of United States of America, the Government of France, The Government of UK, and the Africa Union should form a panel to organize the formation of a state of the Somali inhabited Territories in the Horn of Africa. Then were a golden opportunity, which was missed in 1960, and a humanitarian mission of the first category. The problem of the warning factions will immediately evaporated at the moment this mission is announced and a new grateful nation will appear in the Horn of Africa, bringing constructive contributions to the region and an everlasting peace to the Horn of Africa. We abjectly beg this Government to pity the agony of this tortured nation and to do the right thing at long last. Without embracing this noble scheme of building the only homogeneous nation if Africa, the nation of any other territorial integrity is a blasphemy, under such circumstance SOMALILAND DEMANDS RECOGNITION of its sovereignty and resents vehemently and equation of itself with the factions of Somalia. ANIIS ABDILLAHI ESSA…” HEAD” SOMALILAND ADVOCACY GROUP WASHINGTON DC.
  12. Nairobi (HOL) - A Kenyan official on Monday announced that construction of a perimeter wall separating Mandera and Beled Hawo and Kenya will be extended from 10 28km. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. With the latest revelations on last week that the young and dynamic mayor of Mogadishu, Thabit Abdi lost his job because he became an ardent advocate of the capital, Mogadishu becoming another regional state Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Baarlamaanka Jubbaland oo maanta fadhi yeeshay ayaa xasaannadii ka qaadday xildhibaan Axmed Cabdi Xassan (Axmed Taajir). Guddiga xeerka iyo anshaxa ee Baarlamanka ayaa Xildhibaannada ka hor akhriyay warqad ay soo qoreen oo ay ku eedeeynayeen xildhibaanka in uu jabiyay xeerarka u yaal Baarlamaanka, ayagoo sheegay in uu ku kacay ficillo abuuri kara qalqal siyaasadeed iyo kicin shacab. Xildhibaankan ayaa maalmihii u dambeeyay u ololeynayay mooshin ka dhan ah golaha wasiirrada Jubbaland, isagoo bartiisa Facebooka soo dhigay Warqad ay ku saxiixnaayeen ilaa 31 Mudane oo ay Mooshin uga gudbinayaan golaha wasiirada Jubbaland. Guddoomiyaha Baarlamanka Jubbaland, Cabdi Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan ayaa sheegay in uu aqbalay go’aanka guddiga uu xasaannada uga qaaday xildhibaanka.
  15. 301 000 children are acutely malnourished January 29, 2018, Mogadishu/Washington – Findings from the post-Deyr seasonal assessment conducted across Somalia in November and December 2017 indicate food security has improved notably due to continued large-scale humanitarian assistance and seasonal improvements to food and income sources during the Deyr (October-December) season. However, the 2017 Deyr rains were still below average in most parts of Somalia and the 2018 Gu (April-June) rains are also forecast to be below average. As a result, food and income sources are expected to remain below normal in most areas throughout the projection period. Although the risk of Famine (IPC Phase 5) has declined, in the absence of assistance, many households would face large food consumption gaps. Humanitarian assistance must be sustained to prevent further deterioration of the food security and nutrition situation in Somalia. Deyr rains started late and ended early, and rainfall amounts were well below average in northern parts of Somalia and slightly below average in many southern and central regions, although some southern regions received average or above-average rainfall. Relatively better rainfall during the 2017 Gu and Deyr seasons, compared to 2016 rainfall, has eased drought conditions in many areas. The 2017 Deyr season cereal harvest is estimated at 78 100 tonnes, including 5 200 tonnes of off-season harvest expected in February to March. This level of production is 78-79 percent of the long-term average (1995-2016). The 2017 Gu/Karan cereal production in northwest, harvested in November, was better than previously reported and is estimated at 15 950 tonnes; however, this production is still only 32 percent of the 2010-2016 average. Although the overall cereal production was better than expected both in northwest and southern Somalia, poor households in crop-dependent livelihood zones of Toghdeer region and some parts of southern Somalia currently have little or no food stocks due to low production. In these livelihood zones, farm labor opportunities were also limited. Deyr rains have improved pasture and water conditions in most pastoral livelihood zones and opened up internal as well as cross border migration possibilities. Food access among pastoralists in many areas improved in the second half of 2017 due to increased terms of trade between livestock and cereals. However, livestock losses sustained during the 2016-2017 drought have contributed to increased indebtedness among many pastoralists, and destitution among some. Livestock production and reproduction remain lower than normal due to low livestock herd sizes and low conception rates during previous seasons. Poor pasture and water conditions still persist in some pastoral livelihood zones in northern and central Somalia and parts of Gedo region. In these areas, further deterioration of pasture and water is expected during the dry Jilaal (January-March) season. Most areas of Somalia are currently Stressed (IPC Phase 2) or in Crisis (IPC Phase 3). Humanitarian intervention, which was scaled up during the second quarter of 2017 in response to high levels of food insecurity, was maintained through late 2017 and has contributed to the improved food security and nutrition outcomes observed during the 2017 post-Deyr seasonal food security and nutrition assessment. According to the Somalia Food Security Cluster, emergency humanitarian assistance reached approximately 2.7 million people a month between July and December 2017. Somalia faces a fifth consecutive below-average season. Climate forecasts from the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) at Columbia University indicate a 40 percent chance of below normal 2018 Gu rains in most parts of Somalia (50 % in parts of Bay and Bakool regions). As a result, pasture and water availability, crop cultivation, livestock reproduction, access to agricultural employment, and water and food prices are expected to be adversely impacted. In addition, in the absence of continued large-scale assistance, food security is expected to deteriorate through June 2018, as food and income sources decline further. Over 2.7 million people will face Crisis or Emergency (IPC Phases 3 and 4)1 between now and June 2018. This represents improvement in the overall food security situation in Somalia compared to the 3.2 million people projected to be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse between April and December 2017. Through June 2018, an additional 2.7 million people are classified as Stressed (IPC Phase 2). In total, 5.4 million people across Somalia face acute food insecurity. This seasonal assessment was jointly led by the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit for Somalia (FSNAU, a project managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), and the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET, a project funded by USAID) and carried out with the active participation of Government institutions and other partners. Results from 30 separate nutrition surveys conducted by FSNAU and partners between in November and December 2017 indicate that the overall nutrition situation in Somalia has shown some improvement with only 8 out of 30 nutrition surveys showing Critical levels of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM 15-30%) compared to 20 out of 31 nutrition surveys conducted in June-July 2017. At national level, median prevalence of acute malnutrition has improved from Critical (17.4% GAM) in June-July 2017 to Serious (13.8% GAM) in November-December. Accordingly, the number of children under the age of five that are acutely malnourished children is estimated at 301 000, including 48 000 who are severely malnourished and face an increased risk of disease and death. Mortality rates have declined compared to previous seasons. However, Crude Death Rate (CDR) is still Serious (0.5 to <1 per 10 000 per day) in 14 out of 30 population groups surveyed. Under-Five Death Rate (U5DR) is also Serious (1-<2 per 10 000 per day) in 5 out of 30 population groups surveyed. Data from UNHCR indicates that drought-related displacement, which reached its peak in the first half of 2017, declined significantly from a monthly average of 117 000 between January to June 2017 to 29 100 between July and December 2017. Food security and nutrition outcomes across most of the 13 main settlements for internally displaced persons (IDPs) have also shown some improvement. Accordingly, most of the IDP settlements are classified as Crisis (IPC Phase 3). Declining food prices and increased employment opportunities have improved food security situation in most urban areas. However, some urban areas in southern Somalia that continue to experience localized trade disruptions and other urban areas in northern and central regions affected by drought and depreciation of the local currency are classified as Crisis (IPC Phase 3). Urgent treatment and nutrition support is needed for approximately 301 000 acutely malnourished children, including 48 000 who are severely malnourished. It is expected that over 2.2 million people will be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and 496 000 people will be in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) between February and June 2018 and they need life-saving humanitarian assistance and livelihood protection support in order to prevent further deterioration of their food security situation. An additional 2.7 million who are Stressed (IPC Phase 2) also need livelihood protection support, as they are highly vulnerable to shocks that could push them to Crisis or Emergency (IPC Phases 3 or 4). ReliefWeb
  16. NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 29 – Remittances became a key issue in improving the economy of East Africa as the World Economic Forum came to an end this weekend in Davos, Switzerland. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. ADDIS ABABA, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- The AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Smail Chergui, on Monday called for more support from the UN to realize national elections in Somalia by 2020. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. People traffickers fired automatic weapons at refugees to force them to jump into heavy seas off the coast of Yemen, according to survivors of the incident that killed dozens last week. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. “Y-FAR Training Center is Committed to Producing Youth Equipped With Skills which Will Allow Them Enter the Job Market” The Director of Y-FAR Hargeysa, JY-FAR skills training centre which has branches in the Horn of Africa has completed a short course Project Cycle Management training for 20 students different institutions e.g. universities, government organizations, local organizations and business institutions. This training which took 8 days took place in Y-FAR training hall in Hargeisa. During the course of the training, the trainees were taken through the different cycles of the project, the project characteristic and how they are managed. The training methodology was more of practical than theoretical. The students appreciated and expressed their admiration on the approach of the training. At the closing event of the training, the Executive Director of Y-FAR organization made his closing remarks. The Director, Mr Abdirahman Hassan Mohamed (Bayda) – who was also the facilitator of this training explained how the training wing of Y-FAR is committed in taking part the development of the skills of the youth of Somaliland to enable them to enter the job market . The Director said “This training is one of the series trainings conducted by this centre to enhance the different skills of the youth and those of the other job seekers so that they can get employed and improve their livelihoods” he concluded that Y-FAR is committed in producing skilled youth. One of the trainees speaking on behalf of fellow students also appreciated his admiration on the training methodology and the training itself. He stressed that this training was unique and very beneficial to them. He promised that they will make use of it, and he finally thanked the teachers who facilitated the course during the 8 days. Finally, the trainees were awarded with certificates and were urged to continue their endeavor of developing their skills to better their status and livelihood.
  20. Thanks to the grace of Allah Somaliland has managed to secure and sustain peaceful co-existence among its diverse communities. But according to MP Mahmud Ahmed Obsiye and MP Abdikarim Aw Ali Shabeel of the Somaliland House of Representatives this achievement is being threatened by foul mouthed traditional leaders and the large number of automatic weapons under civilian hands. Speaking to Geeska Afrika the two Legislators said time for action was now in lieu of reversing all that Somaliland has stood for in the 26 Years since reclamation of self rule from Somalia. “In the recent past the country has been awash with clan animosity sentiments being expressed by traditional leaders be they sultans, chiefs or elders” said MP Abdikarim Aw Ali Shabeel adding that it was very ironic since these cadre of people are the ones expected to safeguard peace within local communities. Reiterating the imperatives of ensuring that traditional leaders do not posses carte Blanche authority to raise clan tensions in the country, MP Shabeel who is chairman of the parliamentary defense and security committee revealed plans for a law governing how to legally deal with such instances that are now absent. Said he, It is incumbent upon President Musa Behi Abdi to submit shall a bill to the house for debate and approval by Legislators. On the other hand the large number of citizens losing life from clan conflict is running very high not to mention the attendant cost of treating injured and recouping destroyed property. This wa stated by MP Mahmud Ahmed Obsiye who urged for immediate measures to not only establish perpetual end to inter clan strife but arrest the large number of subsequent deaths. Referring to the skirmishes between two clans in Sanaag region the legislator said that the recurring nature these clashes necessitate deeper thought. “While clan conflicts over water, grazing fields etc are part of our lives the possession of automatic weapons by civilians is making reconciliation difficult due to the large number of resultant deaths and injuries “said MP Obsiye as he stressed on the imperatives of the government taking urgent action. Stating that it is only the government that should possession automatic weapons the legislator who is deputy chairperson of the house finance committee said that implementation of the 1995 and 2010 laws governing gun ownership is imperative. Said he, let’s review the law with intend of completely banning civilian ownership of automatic weapons while giving confiscation muscle to the government
  21. Minneapolis – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Michael Keating, met with Somali-American elected officials, women’s rights activists and business and community leaders on Friday during a whirlwind visit to the city of Minneapolis, home to the largest Somali diaspora population in the United States. Mr. Keating was hosted by the U.S. legislator Keith Ellison, who represents Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District where most of the state’s Somali residents live. “The diaspora is both a repository of ideas, of business connections, of hope in many ways and the government in Somalia right now is the most diaspora government there has ever been,” the senior UN envoy told a meeting of Somali entrepreneurs, community leaders and humanitarian aid organizers at the Minneapolis office of the National Urban League, a non-partisan civil rights organization. Participants expressed concerns over the security threat posed by Al-Shabaab militants. Other topics included U.S. regulations on remittances – a vital source of hard currency for the Horn of Africa country — and ongoing political tensions in Somalia. “We are grateful to facilitate the kind of conversations that are taking place in Somalia right now. The current reality is not state-forming, it is state-building, and that is a huge progress,” Mr. Keating noted. He later delivered a speech at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs entitled, “New Beginning in Somalia: Building Lasting Peace, Security, and Prosperity.” The SRSG’s address focused on financial reform, job creation initiatives, inclusive politics and the vital role the Somali diaspora is playing in the reconstruction of their country. “The government in Somalia is largely drawn from the diaspora, a lot of the money that is helping people cope with the current drought conditions is coming from the diaspora. A lot of the political support for Somalia from a number of countries, whether it’s the US, Europe, Canada or other places, is coming as a result of the diaspora support,” he told the public forum. Members of the audience asked questions about the state of Somalia’s health care system, security conditions and the role of women in the country’s politics. Strong women, strong communities The UN’s top envoy in Somalia attended a luncheon with elected Somali-American officials. Mr. Keating’s next stop was the headquarters of Isuroon, a non-profit organization that lobbies for the empowerment of Somali-American women in Minnesota and improved health care services for the diaspora community. Founded by Fartun Weli in 2010, Isuroon also operates programmes designed to combat gender inequality, poverty and social isolation. Ms. Weli thanked the SRSG for meeting with women, girls and families who are supported by her organization. “We are very proud to create a safe space for women,” said the Isuroon executive director. Visiting the largest Somali mall in America Mr. Keating ended his stay in Minneapolis with a tour of the four-story Karmel Mall, the largest shopping center catering to the Somali community in the United States. The mall also serves as a community center bringing together Somalis from all walks of life. UNSOM
  22. Bosaso (Puntlandi) Ciidanka Amniga Puntland (PSF) waxay maanta 29 January 2018, hawlgal ka sameeyeen tuulada Ceelaayo ee gobolka Sanaag. Hawlgalkan ay ciidanka PSf maanta ku tageen Ceelaayo ayaa qayb ka ah hawlgallo isdaba joog ah oo ay ciidanka PSF wadeen muddooyinkan dambe, hawlgalladaas oo ka dhan ah cadowga Al Shabaab ee ku dhuumaalaysta Buuraha Cal Madow, Puntland, Soomaaliya. Ciidanka PSF waxay sheegeen inay ka go’an tahay in ay god iyo geed walba ka daba galaan kooxaha cadowga ah ee Puntland ku soo duulay , si kooxahaas looga ciribtiro loogana sifeeyo Puntland iyo guud ahaan Soomaaliyaba.
  23. HARGEISA–The Somaliland government & the Central Bank have taken steps aimed at addressing the issue of high inflation in the country, including the creation of Single Treasury Account. The Bank officials in conjunction of the treasury ministry of Somaliland have said that Khat import duty and other products that have health related side effects to the community must be increased. The joint commission which the president has recently appointed announced that Money Banking mainly the Zaad Services and e-Dahab should reduce the circulation of the currency of dollar. The minimum amount that can be remitted via the use of mobile money should not exceed by 100 US dollars. Citizens are apprised not to pay products less than 100 dollars according to the deputy minister of finance. The government has given a 45 ultimatum that merchants and citizens to abide by the new directive. The new measures introduced were the ones that the former government under president Silanyo failed to put into operation. The measures are expected to contain the skyrocketing inflation that impacted the lives of citizens who live under the breadline.
  24. Qaar ka mid ah dadka ku nool gudaha iyo dibada oo lasoo hadlay Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST ayaa ka hadlay aragtida ay ka qabaan xiisada u dhaxaysa Maamulladda Puntland iyo Somaliland ka dib qabsashadii 08 Janaury 2018 deegaanka Tukoraq ee Gobolka Sool. Dadka la hadlay PUNTLAND POST oo ku kala fikir duwan xiisada ka taagan deegaanka Tukoraq oo ay iminka isku horfadhiyaan labo ciidan oo xilli kasta la filan karo dagaal ka dhex qarxa ayaa badankood ku dhaliilay Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Cabdiweli Gaas dayac iyo siyaasad xumo kaga aadan muranka ka jira Gobolka Sool. Ra,iyi uruurinta oo noqonaysa middi ugu horeysay tan iyo intii ka dambeysay markii ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland la wareegeen deegaanka Tukoraq ayaa u dhacday sida aad ka daawan doontaan muuqaalka hoose. PUNTLAND POST