Deeq A.

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  1. Ciidamada Amaanka Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa xalay dekada Muqdisho ku qabtay raashin dhacay oo dhaafay xadkii loogu talagalay. Raashinkaan ayaa ku jiray baqaar ku yaala Dekada Magaalada Muqdisho halkaasi oo ganacsato ay keensadeen lana doonayay in lagaliyo gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho. Wasiirka amniga gudaha Maxamed Abuukar Islow Ducaale, oo uu wehliyo kusimaha taliyaha hay’adda nabad sugida iyo sirdoonka soomaliya ee (NISA), g/sare Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Nuur (jaamac) ayaa tagay goobta raashinkaan lagu qabtay. Wasiirka oo la hadlay wariyaasha ayaa sheegay in ay raashinkaasi ay ku tuhunsanyihiin gacansato Soomaaliyeed baaritaanka kadibna warbaahinta ay u soo bandhigi doonaan. Tan iyo markii ay dhacday xukuumadii dalka Soomaaliya 1991 dalka Soomaaliya waxaa la soo galiyaa raashin dhacay. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Ciidamada Dowlada oo Muqdisho ku qabtay Raashin dhacay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay la socto dhibaatooyinka ay muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ku qabaan Baasaboorka xiliyada ay safarka yihiin. Wariirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somalia Yuusuf Garaad Cumar oo ka hadlaayay arrinta Baasaboorka ayaa tilmaamay inay ku howlan yihiin xal u helida, waxa uuna carab dhabay in muwaadiniinta qaarkood aan loola dhaqmin sida inay wataan Baasaboor sax ah. Wasiir Garaad waxa uu sheegay inuu culeys ka jiro Baasaboorka Soomaaliga oo intiisa badan taagan xiliyada ay muwaadiniinta u socdaalan wadamo ay kamid yihiin kuwa deriska la ah Somalia. Wuxuu sheegay wadamada qaarkood Baasaboorka Soomaaliga in aysan aqoonsaneyn, ama culeysyo gaar ah ay saarayaan, taas bedelkeeda wuxuu codsaday in wadamadaas ay yareeyaan culeyska jira. Waxa uu Garaad tilmaamay in dhammaan wadamada muhiimka ah uu kala hadli doono aqbalaada Baasaboorka xiliyada ay safarka yihiin muwaadiniinta Soomaalida ah si ay u gutaan qorshooyinkood Safar. Sidoo kale Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ayaa sheegay in wadanka Hindiya uu kala soo heshiisyay in ay ardayda iyo dadka xanuunsan ee Soomaaliyeed u fududeeyaan Viisaha. Geesta kale, waxa uu Wasiirka cod dheer ku sheegay in Madaxda ugu sareysa dalka ay Wasaaradiisu la kaashan doonto hanaanka lagu fududeyn lahaa in Baasaboorka Somalia lagu aado dhammaan dalalka afrikanka ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Maamulka Puntland ayaa markii ugu horreysay ka hadlay duqeyn ay diyaaradaha Mareykanka ka fuliyeen gobolka Bari, lalana eegtay dagaalyahanno ka tirsan Daacishta Soomaaliya. Wasiirka amniga iyo hub ka dhigista Puntland, Axmed C/laahi Yuusuf oo wareysi siiyey Goobjoog News, ayaa sheegay in duqeymahaasi lagu diley ku dhowaad 40 ka tirsan Daacish. “Arrintaasi waa ay jirtay waana cadowga Labada buurood ku jira, sidaan wararka ku hayno waa in ka badan 40 askar ah ayaa lagu diley, laakiin markii ay wax dhacaan muddo ayeey qaadataa in wixii xaqiiqada ah si sax ah loo helo” Wasiirka ayaa howlgalladan ku tilmaamay kuwo lagu baacsanayo Daacish iyo Al-shabaab, iskana kaashanayaan ciidamadooda iyo kuwa Maraykanka. “Wey jirtay duqeymo is xigxigey oo ciidamada Maraykanka sameeyeen, ciidamadeena oo iskaashi la sameynayana halkaasi waa ay tageen, laakiinse weli wararka waxay sheegayaan in ninkii hoggaaminayey uu buuraha ku jiro” Ugu dambeyn wasiir Axmed ayaa sheegay in maamulkooda ay ka go’an tahay iney soo afjaraan dagaalyahannada Daacish ee ku sugan buuraha Galgala. Goobjoog News Source
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa duqeymo cirka ah oo xalay ka dhacay Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Duqeynta oo aheyd mid xoogan ayaa waxaa la xaqiijiyay in lala bartilmaameystay Saldhig ay ku sugnaayen Saraakiil iyo dagaalamayaal ka tirsan maleeshiyada Al-shabaab kuwaa oo horay uga baxsaday duqeyntii ka dhacday deegaanka Basra. Duqeynta ayaa waxaa fuliyay diyaarado nooca aan duuliyaha laheyn ee loo yaqaan Drones-ka oo uu leeyahay Mareykanka. Laba gantaal ayaa la sheegay in lagu dhuftay Saldhiga ay maleeshiyada ku leeyihiin deegaanka Yaaq-bariweyne, waxaana xiligaa ku sugnaa Saraakiil caan ahaa oo ka tirsan argagixisada Somalia ee al-Shabaab. Duqeynta ayaa waxaa lagu dilay ilaa 6 maleeshiyo oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab, kuwaasi oo ku sugnaa saldhiga lagu duqeeyay. Sidoo kale, Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidanka Xoogga dalka oo si dhow ula shaqeeya Ciidamada Mareykanka ka jooga Somalia, ayaa sheegay in Duqeynta ay ka dhacday bar Kontarool oo Al-shabaab ku lahayeen Degaanka Yaaq-bari Weyne. Dhinaca kale, Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa kordhisay duqeymaha ay ku fuliyaan Drones-ka ee lala beegsado Saldhigayada Shabaab ee Gobolada dalka ay ku leeyihiin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Zimbabwe’s military has read out a statement after taking over the national broadcaster, ZBC, saying it has taken action to “target criminals”. However, it said this was not “a military takeover of government” and President Robert Mugabe was safe. Heavy gunfire and artillery were heard in northern suburbs of the capital, Harare, early on Wednesday. Zimbabwe’s envoy to South Africa, Isaac Moyo, earlier dismissed talk of a coup, saying the government was “intact”. The statement read out by Maj Gen Sibusiso Moyo came hours after soldiers overran the headquarters of ZBC. He said: “We wish to assure the nation that his excellency the president… and his family are safe and sound and their security is guaranteed.” The statement added: “We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes… that are causing social and economic suffering in the country. As soon as we have accomplished our mission, we expect that the situation will return to normalcy.” The statement did not name those targeted but a government source quoted by Reuters said Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo was among those detained. It is not clear who is leading the military action. Other key points of the statement included: Citizens should remain calm and limit unnecessary movement The military assures the Zimbabwean judiciary that its independence is guaranteed Security services should “co-operate for the good of our country” and any provocation would “be met with an appropriate response” All leave for the defence forces is cancelled and they should return to barracks immediately The UK Foreign Office advised Britons “currently in Harare to remain safely at home or in their accommodation until the situation becomes clearer”. The US embassy in Harare tweeted that it would be closed on Wednesday “due to ongoing uncertainty”. It also advised US citizens in Zimbabwe to “shelter in place” until further notice. The latest events came hours after Zimbabwe’s ruling party accused the country’s army chief of “treasonable conduct” after he warned of possible military intervention. General Constantino Chiwenga had challenged 93-year-old President Mugabe after he sacked the vice-president. Gen Chiwenga said the army was prepared to act to end purges within Mr Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party. Tensions were raised further on Tuesday when armoured vehicles were seen taking up positions on roads outside Harare, although their purpose was unclear. Some staff at ZBC were manhandled when soldiers took over their offices in Harare late on Tuesday evening, sources told Reuters. Workers were told that they “should not worry”, a source added, and that soldiers were only there to protect the site. The BBC’s Shingai Nyoka, in Harare, said the sounds of heavy gunfire and artillery had been heard in northern suburbs where a number of government officials, including the president, live. Gunfire was heard near Mr Mugabe’s residence in the suburb of Borrowdale early on Wednesday, a witness told AFP news agency. Mr Mugabe sacked Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa last week, amid a row over succession. Mr Mnangagwa had previously been seen as an heir to the president, but First Lady Grace Mugabe is now the clear front-runner. The rivalry between Mrs Mugabe and Mr Mnangagwa has split Zanu-PF. Last month, Mrs Mugabe warned of a possible coup plot, saying allies of Mr Mnangagwa were threatening the lives of those who didn’t support him. The Zanu-PF party said Gen Chiwenga’s comments were “calculated to disturb national peace… [and] incite insurrection”. The party said it would never succumb to military threats, and that it “reaffirms the primacy of politics over the gun”. The leader of Zanu-PF’s youth wing, Kudzai Chipanga, said the general did not have the full support of the entire military. “It is our country and future at stake and we will not let any individual military man interfere with the leader of the party and legitimately voted president of this country,” he told reporters on Tuesday. The youth wing is a strong supporter of Grace Mugabe. Gen Chiwenga’s warning of possible military intervention came on Monday at a news conference at army headquarters where he was surrounded by senior army officers. He said the “purging” within Zanu-PF was “clearly targeting members of the party with a liberation background”, referring to the country’s struggle for freedom from white minority rule. “We must remind those behind the current treacherous shenanigans that when it comes to matters of protecting our revolution, the military will not hesitate to step in,” he said. Mr Mnangagwa is one such veteran of the 1970s war which ended white minority rule. Source: BBC
  6. The Security Council on Tuesday renewed until 15 November 2018 the partial lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia, authorization for maritime interdiction of illicit arms imports and charcoal exports, and the humanitarian exemption. In the resolution adopted by 11 affirmative votes and four abstentions, the 15-member body requested the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) to continue its investigations related to the export to Somalia of chemicals that may be used as oxidisers in the manufacture of improvised explosive devices, such as the precursors ammonium nitrate, potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate and sodium chlorate. Those abstained in the vote were Bolivia, China, Egypt and Russia. Further, the Council extended until 15 December 2018 the mandate of the SEMG, and recognised that during the course of its current and three previous mandates, the SEMG has not found conclusive evidence that Eritrea supports Al-Shabaab in Somalia. The Council expressed its intention to keep measures on Eritrea under regular review, in light of the upcoming midterm update by the SEMG due by 30 April 2018. Recalling the three meetings between an Eritrean government representative and the SEMG, the Council reiterated its expectation that Eritrea’s Government will facilitate the entry of the SEMG into Eritrea to discharge fully its mandate. The Council urged Eritrea and Djibouti to engage on the issue of the Djiboutian combatants missing in action and to seek all available solutions to settle their border dispute peacefully. Source: UN News Centre
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Hay’adaha amniga dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa muddo bil kadib soo bandhigay magacyada iyo Sawirada ragga loo hayo Qaraxii 14-kii October ka dhacay isgoyska Zoobe ee magaalada Muqdisho. Hay’adaha amniga oo weli baaritaan ku haya ragaasi ayaa sheegay in qaarkood ay yihiin qiraal, halka qaarna ay weli ku dhiman yihiin macluumaadka laga doonaayo. C/raxmaan Cumar Cusmaan (Eng. Yariisow) oo ah Wasiirka Warfaahinta Xukuumadda Federaalka Somalia, oo arrinta Qaraxa ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in tirada ragga loo hayo Qaraxa ay yihiin 5 dhalinyaro oo falka qirtay. Waxa uu Wasiirku sheegay in ragga lasoo bandhigay sawirkooda uu kamid yahay dhagar qabihii isku Qarxiyay isgoyska Zoobe ee kaxeynayay Gaarigii TM-ka ahaa. RAGGA LOO QABTAY QARAXA ZOOBE EE LASOO BANDHIGAY AYAA KALA AH: 1-Mukhtaar Maxamuud Xasan oo ku magacdheer (Gardhuub) 2-Cabdiwali Axmed Diiriye (C/qani) oo ahaa Madaxa Qaraxyada Gobolka Banaadir, waxa uuna ka hoos shaqeyn jiray Gardhuub. 3-Xasan Aadan Isaaq oo ahaa Darawalkii Gaariga NOAH-da, ahaana isku xirihii weerarkii Zoobe, inta uusan wareejin NOAH-da ayaa la qabtay. 4-Cali Yuusuf Waceys (Ducaale) oo ahaa shaqsigii loo diyaariyay inuu NOAH-da isku Qarxiyo. 5-C/laahi Cabdi Warsame, iyada oo ugu dambeyn Darawalkii ka xeynayay Gaarigii TM-ka ahaa ee Zoobe ku Qarxay lagu magacaabi jiray Maadey (Cusmaan Xaaji).
  8. In tonight’s edition: votes are being tallied in Somaliland in the territory’s first presidential election in seven years; a grenade attack on a concert in the Central African Republic set off a deadly chain of inter-religious violence in Bangui this weekend; and Cameroonians who have fled Boko Haram to refugee camps are threatened with expulsion. Votes are being tallied in the self-proclaimed state of Somaliland, after the territory’s first presidential election in seven years. It had been stalled by a drought, a lack of funds and political turmoil.
  9. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online) – Warbixinta kooxda QM u qaabilsan kormeerka xayiraadda hubka ee Somalia iyo Eritrea ee UN Monitoring Group ayaa ku eedeysay wasiirka amniga Jubbaland Cabdirashiid Xasan Cabdi Nuur (Janan), inuu qabyaaladeeyey gargaarkii bani’aadannimo ee la geeyey gobolka Gedo. Warbixinta ayaa sheegtay in Cabdirashiid oo kasoo jeeda beesha Mareexaan uu inta badan gacanta ku dhigay gargaarkii la geeyey degamada Doolow ee gobolka Gedo. Waxa ay sheegtay inuu gargaarkii weeciyey, islamarkaana u raray Beled Xaawo iyo Luuq oo reerkiisa ay degan yihiin. Kooxda UN Monitoring ayaa sheegtay in Janan uu gargaarkii u diiday dadka aan kasoo jeedin beelsha Mareexaan ee degan bariga webiga, sida beesha Fiqi Maxamed/Surre/Dir iyo Gabaweyne/Jareer. Warbixinta ayaa sheegtay in dadka Fiqi Maxamed ay gargaar ka heleen dadka ku qabiilka ah ee qurbaha jira, hase yeeshee dhibaatada ugu xooggan ee ficillada Cabdirashiid Janan ay saameysay dadka kasoo jeeda Gabaweyne/Jareer oo inta badan aan qurbaha laga soo caawin. Dadka Gabaweyne/Jareer ayaa sidoo kale lagu kacaa dhul iyo hanti boob lagu hayey tan iyo sanadihii sagaashamadkii, mana jirto cid u garmata, sida warbixinta ay shaacisay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo
  10. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) – Guddiga doorashada Somaliland ayaa weli ku howlan tirinta codadka doorashada madaxweynaha, waxaana soo baxaya natiijo horudhac ah oo laga helay qaar ka mid ah xubnaha guddigaas, balse weli aan ahayn mid rasmi ah. Codadka la tiriyey ayaa waxaa illaa hadda ku horreeya musharaxa xisbiga talada haye ee Kulmiye ee Muuse Biixi, hase yeeshee waxaa weli harsan codadka aan la tirin taas oo macnaheedu yahay in cidda madaxweynaha noqoneysa aan weli la hubin, maadaama codadka harsan la ogeyn cidda ku badan. Natiijada illaa iyo hadda la helay ayaa waxaa loogu kala horeeya sida soo socota, waana ku dhowaad 80% codadka guud ee doorashada Somaliland. Saaxil= Kulmiye 30348, Wadani 15639 Sanaag=Kulmiye 17077, Wadani 19863 Sool = Kulmiye 19654, Wadani 14633 Togdheer=56756 Kulmiye, 56554 Wadani Awdal= 35002 Kulmiye, 38079 Wadani Maroodi jeex= 125330 Kulmiye, 61039 wadani Xogtaan ayaa wax iska badali karaan balse tirintaan ayaa ka tarjumeysa in Muuse Biixi uu rajo fiican leeyahay. Guddiga doorashada Somaliland ayaa goor sii horeysay sheegey in natiijada kama dameysta ah lagu dhawaaqi doono maalinta Khamiista iyadoo inta ka horeysa hubinaya cabashooyinka xisbiyada soo gudbinayaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  11. Garoowe (Caasimada Online) – Kulan mudanyaasha Barlamanka isugu yimaadeen 7 Nov, 2017 kana soo saareen go’aan ah in golaha xukuumada si deg deg u qadaan talaabo ay ku ilaalinayaan xuduudaha Puntland la wadaagto Somaliland iyadoo laga hortagayo sanaadiiqda doorashada, ayaa lagu ogaadey kharashka siyaasiyiinta ka soo jeeda gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ku codsadeen iney barnamijkaas kaga hortagyaan. Xubnaha siyasiyiinta labada gole kaga jira gobolada ( Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn) kulamo ay la qaateen Madaxweynaha Puntland ayay ku dalbadeen lacag, gadiid iyo agab kale oo ciidan oo ay la aadaan degaanadaas. Xogtaan ayaan ku ogaaney in xubnihii ka socdey gobolka Sanaag oo uu hogaaminayo Guddoomiyaha Barlamanka khasnada dowlada laga siiyey 40,000 USD, Gobolka Sool 20,000 USD waxaana u qaadey Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Puntland Axmad Karaash halka gobolka Cayn ay qaateen 30,000 dollar waxaana u qaadey Gudoomiye ku xigeenka kowaad ee Barlamanka Puntland Xaaji Maxamad Yaasiin ( Xaaji Dheere). Wararka ayaa sheegaya in qorshaha xaalad abuurka goboladaan oo socotey tan iyo intii maamulka Somaliland qabsadey Lascaano ay mas’uuliyadeeda leeyihiin siyaasiyiinta gobolada ( Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn) ugaga jira golayaasha dowlada Puntland madaama ay ku guuldareysteen iney la yimaadaan qorshe degaanadooda ku xasilinayaan. Ma jiro siyaasi kasoo jeeda goboladaas oo booqashooyin joogta ah ku bixiya degaamadaas kuwooda hoos yimaada Puntland gaar xubnaha kasoo jeeda gobolka Sool iyo Cayn. Lacagtaan oo wadarteedu gaaresyay 100,000 USD ayaa inteeda badan siyaasiyiintaan ku qaybsadeen magaalada Garowe marka laga reebo waftiga Wasiirka amniga Puntland hogaaminyey oo iyagu booqashooyin rasmiya ku soo baxshey magaalada Baran iyo Dhahar. Gobolada Sool iyo Cayn oo iyagu xubnahooda labada gole kaga jira dowlada Puntland ku qaateen barnaamijka ka hortaga sanaadiiqda Somaliland gaareysay 50,000 USD ayeysan jirin wafti ka ambabxey magaaada Garowe oo tagey deganaada gobolkaas ay codbixintu ka dhecysey sida magalada Taleex oo 90km u jirta xarunta maamulkaan. Dhinaca kale Gudoomiye ku xigeenka kowaad ee Barlamanka Puntland ayaa lacag gaareysa 30,000 dollar oo loogu talagaley in safar loogu aado degaanada sanaadiiqda la keeney, gurigiisa la seexdey, iyadoo markii dambe xubno ka tirsan labada gole dacwo ugu tageen madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland. Sida Xogtaan sheegeyso Madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa Gudoomiye ku xigeenka kowaad ee Barlamanka ( Xaaji Dheere) ugu yeerey hoyga uu ka dagan yahay magaalada Garowe iyadoo ay goob joog yihiin xildhibaanada iyo wasiirada kasoo jeeda gobolka Cayn halkaas oo lagu waydiiyey in lacagta uu dib ugu soo celiyo. “Xaaji oo ka careysan sida lacagta loo waydiiyey ayaa lacagtii miiska lagu wadahadlayey ku soo tuurey iyadoo madaxweyne ku xigeenku damcey inuu dib u siiyey 1500dollar balse diidey isagoo ka baxey kulankii ka socdey aqalka Camey” sidaas waxaa sheegey qof ku sugnaa kulankaas oo diidey in magaciisa aan sheegno. Lacagtaan oo gacanta madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland gashey ayaa wararku sheegayan in aysan jirin wafti balaaran oo ka tirsan xubnaha kasoo jeeda labada gole oo ugu ambabaxey degaanada hoos yimaada gobolka Cayn marka laga reebo Wasiiru dowle ka tirsan wasaarada qorsheynta iyo agaasime maamul kuwasoo Mudane Camey u direy degaan ka tirsan gobolkaas. Labadaan xubnood ee u ambabaxey degaan hoos yimaada gobola Cayn ayaa warsidaha Garowe online ogaadey in ay gaareen halkaas iyadoo dadkii daganaaa intoodii diwaan gashaneyd codeeyeen. Guud ahaan doorashooyinkii Somaliland oo ka dhacey gobolka Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ayaa lagu qabtey gobohii maamulka Somaliland u asteyeey in laga codeeyo iyadoo dad la socda siyaasada Puntland sheegayaan in dadka dagan Sanaag Barri ee hoostagta mamaulka Puntland u badnaayeen diidamada doorashadii dhacdey 13 Nov,2017 marka loo eego gobolka Sool oo isagu degmooyinkiisa oo dhan laga codeeyey. Magaalada Garowe ayaa sida warar lagu kalsoon yahay sheegayaan ay jireen dad dagan oo kasoo jeeda gobolka Sool oo maalinta codbixinta 13 Nov, 2017 u safreen iney kasoo dhiibtaan codkooda gobihii ay ka diwaan gashanaayeen. Isha: GO
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warbaahinta caalamka ayaa baahiyay in gacanta lagu dhigay markab nooca yaryar oo laga leeyahay dalka Iran kuwaa oo siday Hub sharci darro ah oo la doonaayay in loosoo talaabiyo Somalia. Markabkan ayaa lagu qabtay meel ka baxsan Badweynta Hindia ee xeebaha Somalia, waxaana la xaqiijiyay in Hubka saarnaa noociisa uu ahaa qoryaha boobayaasha ee lagu farsameeyo dalka waqooyiga Kuurya. Hubkan ayey Iran kasoo iibsatay dalka waqooyiga Kuurya, waxa uuna qorshihiisu ahaa in leysugu dhiibo Umadda Soomaaliyeed, inkastoo wargeysyada qaar ay qorayaan inay u socdeen maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab oo xiriir dhow la leh Iran. Markabka Hubka siday ayaa waxaa gacanta ku dhigay markab dagaal oo laga leeyahay dalka Faransiiska, waxaana la xaqiijiyay inay la socdeen Shaqaale tirro yar oo kasoo jeeda dalka Iran. Saraakiisha saaran Markabka dagaal ee laga leeyahay dalka Faransiiska ayaa Hubka ku tilmaamay inuu yahay isku day ay Iran ku dooneyso inay ku hubeyso maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ee ka dagaalama Somalia iyo Kenya. Qoryaha la qabtay oo nuuciisu yahay The Type 73, ayaa lagu farsameeyay dalka waqooyiga Kuurya, waxaana dowladda Iran hubkaasi laga iibiyey sannadihii 1970-kii ilaa 1980-kii oo ay milliteriga Iran dagaal kula jireen ciidanka Ciraaq. Khubarada Hay’adda QM u qaabilsan la socodka Hubka Somalia iyo Eritrea, ayaa warbixin ay u gudbiyeen Golaha Ammaanka ee QM, ku sheegay in Markabka uu ahaa mid laga leeyahay Iran, isla markaana lagu qabtay Hub sharci darro ah oo loo siday argagixisada Somalia ee al-Shabaab. Khubarada ayaa warbixintooda ku sheegay in Hubka saarnaa Markabka ay kamid ahaayen 6 qoray nooca boobaha iyo noocyo kale oo hub ah. Warbixinta waxaa kaloo lagu sheegay in Shixnadaha Hubka ee laga soo daabulo Dekedaha Yemen iyo Iiraan sida qarsoodi ah loogu soo daabulo Dekedaha ku yaalla W/bari ee Somalia. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, amni darida ka taagan Somalia ayaa waxaa horbooda dalalka aadka uga careysan Kheyraadka uu alle ku maneystay Badda iyo Barriga Somalia oo la doonaayo in looga dhex faa’iideyso qalalaasaha amni.
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Onaline) – Magaalada Muqdisho oo sanadyadii lasoo dhaafay Amnigeedu soo hagaagaayay waxaa ku sugan ciidamo badan oo kala socda dalalka Caalamka, kuwaasoo u joogga siyaabooyin kala duwan , qaarkood waa tababarayaal ,kuwo waa AMISOM iyo sidoo kale ciidamo kale oo ka socda dalalka Midowga Yurub. Waxaan si gaar ah u eegeynaa Ciidamada ka socda dowladda UK ee ku sugan Soomaaliya iyo waxyaabaha ay Soomaaliya ka qabtaan. Ciidamo gaaraya 85 Askari oo ka socda dowladda UK ayaa sanadyadii lasoo dhaafay siyaabooyin kala duwan u soo gaaray Soomaaliya, waxaana ciidamadaasi ay Soomaaliya ka qabteen Shaqooyin kala duwan. Dowladda Uk ayaa waxa ay sameysay Howlgal lagu magacaabo Tangham, kasoo oo loogu tala galay in ciidamo loogu diro dalalka ay ka dagaallamaan Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta, waxaana UK ay sheegtay in ciidamada ku sugan Soomaaliya ay ka qeyb ka yihiin howlgalkaasi, Maadaama Soomaaliya ay ka dagaallaamaan Daacish iyo Al-Shabaab oo xiriir la leh ururka Alqaacidda. Soomaaliya waxa ay kaga taallaa Geeska Afrika meel muhiim ah ,waxaana dowladda Uk ay u aragtaa in xasilinteeda ay waxtar badan u leedahay Qaaradda Afrika. Maxay ka qabtaan ciidamada UK ee ku sugan Soomaaliya? Colonel John Wakelin taliyaha ciidamada UK ee ku sugan Soomaaliya oo ka hadlayay waxyaabaha ay qabtaan ciidamada dowladda Uk ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in ay tababaraan ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya qeybahooda kala duwan sidda SNA, NISA iyo Booliska. Waxaa uu sidoo kale sheegay in la talin iyo qibrad ay ku kordhiyaan ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Koonfur iyo Bartamaha Soomaaliya. Colonel John Wakelin ayaa xusay in sidoo kale ay fuliyaan hawlo caafimaad, dhinaca saadka iyo inay gacan ka siiyaan AMISOM dhinacyada kale ee ammaanka. Colonel John Wakelin ayaa yiri” inkastoo ay wali jiraan rabshaddaha ay geysanayaan Kooxaha islaamiyiinta ah , hadana dalka waxaa uu ku socdaa wadada Saxda ah ama jihadda toosan” “Run ahaantii waxa aan aragno waa horumar joogto ah oo dhexdhexaad ah” ayuu hadalkiisa intaasi kusii daray. Dowladda UK ayaa sidoo kale lacago badan ku bixisa howlgalka AMISOM ee ka socda Soomaaliya, waxaana UK lagu xasuustaa in dhowr jeer ay qabatay Shirar looga hadlaayo Arrimaha Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  14. Dalkastaba dadka ayaa difaaca kuna dadaala midnimada, mana jirto inta la og yahay dal ay wanaagiisa ka shaqeeyeen dad aan u dhalan, cilmiga waxaa uu aadamiga ku kordhiyaa waaya aragnimada iyo tusaalaynta Horumarka aadamiga mid bulsho iyo mid dhaqan dhaqaale oo isku xiran waxaana dhisa rag u istaagay inay joojiyaan oo taagaan habdhiska qaran iyo qurxinta deegaan ee kaabayaasha ummadda inta ugu badan ku nooshahay. Isku keenista ummadda iyo barista wadciga deegaanka siyaasi iyo dabeecadda ku dhisan iskaashiya qaaliga ah ee ummadda ka dhaxeeya, kuma yimaado kala daadsanaan iyo dood, wuxuu ku dhisan yahay is maqan iyo daganaan walaalnimo laysu dhaga nuglaado, kaasoo micnahaan keeni kara habka ugu sahlan ee ummad loo dhisi karo. Dhismaha ummadda iyo isu keenisteedu maaha wax ka wada dhaxayn karay qof illaa qof kale ee waa sida in madaxdu u dhagaysato ummadda una fahamto halkay u jeedo ayna ku mideysan yihiin inta badan, ayadoo aan laga horkeenin maquunin is hortaagta rabitaanka iyo khalalaase galinta himilada ummadda deegaanka ku wada nool. Masuulka dowladeed ee u taagan noolaynta ummadda iyo isu keenista hadba dabeecadda kala duwan ee aadamiga midba illaahay siiyey, waa waxa laga doonayo masuulka hogaanka u haya ummadda, asagoo ka illaalinaya dhamaan waxa halis galin kara dadka iyo deegaanka noockasta oo ay yihiin. Waxaan rabaa inaan qormadan ku bidhaamiyo asbaabaha diiday in dalka Soomaaliya ka dhaqan gali weysay dowlad iyo dadkeeda isku meel u jeedo, ama ugu yaraan loo hakad galiyo horusocodka himilada shacabka iyo dowladda, iyo aragtada muuqata ee doonaysa inay kala reebto, taasoo aan la garanayn asalka meeshay ka soo jeedo, haddana si la taaban karo isu hortaagta dhaqdhaqaaqa lagu doonayo saldhiga deganaanta dalka iyo xasilinta dowladnimada amaba qaranka. Bal aan ka saarno dhacdooyinka muuqanaya sida:- 1- markuu madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud hogaanka dalka qabtay waxaa uu abuuray olol loogu magac daray, ololaha BADWEYNTA HINDIYA oo gundhigiisu ahaa in ciidanka qalabka sida ee dalka soomaaliyeed iyo Huwanka Africaanka u badan ee la jooga, mar qura ay dagaalo xoogan la galaan Alshabaab. markiiba dowladdu waxay isku aadisay dagaalo saf mareen ah oo ka bolowda gobolada dhexe, illaa jubooyinka, Baay iyo Bakool, Howl galadaasi dhamaan waxay u socdeen si xowli ah aad u sareeya waxaana laga keenay Guulo wanaagsan, waxayna dowladda ku socotay hanaanka horaynta dalka, iyo soo celinta dowlad haybad ciidan iyo deegaan haysata, oo muddooyinka soosocday loo haystay in Ajaaniibta dalka laga saari doono, dalkuna ay qabsan doonaan Ciidanka xooga ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo shacabka intuba. Sharafta iyo haybadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed soo celinteeda furaha isku dayga ee ugu horeeyey ayuu ahaa, markaa la eego halbeega mowjadda howlgalada markaasi billowga ahaa ee dalka ka dhaqan galay. laakiin waa su’aale ayaa Joojiyey dagaaladaas, maxaase dib logu billaabi waayey? Tani waa daraasadayda iyo qaabka aan u qiimeeyey fashilka himilada ummadda iyo dhismaha qaranka, kaasoo lagu qasban yahay in maalin uun hamigaasi hirgali doono, sidaas darteed, waxaan doonayaa inaan sheeko idinkaga sheekeeyo, ama idiin xusuusiyo arimo aynaan is weydiin, markay dhamaadeen kadib:- A- markay howlgalado socdeen meelaha ugu muhiimsan waxay ahaayeen gobolka Hiiraan iyo shabeelada Hoose oo dagaalada ugu qaraar ka socdeen ee Howlagalada ciidamada is garabsanayey ka billaabeen, waxayna ku dhawaatay in Jubbooyinka illaa Shabeelada Hoose laysku daro, dhanka hiiraan illaa Shabeelada dhexe lays gaarsiiyo, howshuna ay meel fiican marayso, ayaa labada Gobolba laga Billaabay DAGAAL BEELEED qabaa’illaad isku haystaan si loo mashquuliyo aragtidii ahayd horusocodka guulsha ciidanka, waxayna keentay in Ciidamadu ku mashquulaan ka joojinta collaadda qabaa’illaadka haba ugu darnaadeen kuwa Shabeeladda Hoose oo in badan soo noqnoqday. waxaase ka darnaa markii in badan la xaliyey howlgalkiina istaagi waayey ee Buula Barde iyo Baraawe howshu marayso, in si dhab ah markaas loo dhex galay ciidanka iyo dowladduba, waxaa ugu horayntii tagay Magaalada Muqdishu Madaxa la dagaalka argagixisada Ciidamada Maraykanka oo kula la qaatay Taliya Ciidaka Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed Jeneraal Indha Qarshe, waxayna ka wada hadleen in Maraykanku ka caawinayo ladagaalnka Shabaab, taasoo keentay in Godane ku dhintay, dilka Gudane ka dibna dhamaan howl galkii gabi ahaan la joojiyey, halkaasina ay ku dhamaatay kuna dhicisowday arintii Himilada wanaagsan u lahayd ummadda soomaaliyeed. B- Iska horkeenista Madaxda dowladda dhamaan si ay u suurtoobi weyso dhaqan galinta horumarkii lagu balamay ee ahaa in shabaab laga Ciribtiri doono dhamaan deegaanka Soomaaliyeed meelkasta oo uu ku yaalo. Isqab qabsiga madaxda dowladda wuxuu ugu dambayntii ku dambeeyey in maalinba intii horay loo qabsaday loo gacan galiyo raggii laga saaray meesha oo aad moodaysay in lagu balansanaa. Micnaha ula jeedka dhaqanka noocaasi ah waa jahawareerinta cilmiyeysan ee ku dhisan hanaanka fog ee ummadda iyo dalkaba loo dajiyey. Shabaab waan dhalin yaro ubadan Soomaali waalidkoodna la garan karo haddii loo tafa xaydo, suurta galna ka dhigi karta in noockastoo dhaqan soomaaliyeed ah lagu soo xera galin karo, waxayna u badan yihiin dhalin yaro aan aqoon badan diin iyo Maadiba lahayn, laga yaabo inay ku qasabtay dhaqaalo xumo, iyo waxyaabo ay ka dhaxleen dhibaatooyinkii dalka ka dhacay muddo aad u dheer. Anigoo cidna u cudu daarayn doonayana inaan dul dhigo meeshay dhibto ka tagan tahay ayaan jeclahay inaan taabto boogta runta ah ee aan isleeyahay waa dhici kartaa, ama qofkastaba garaadkiisa siinayo inay sax noqon karto. Alshabaab maahan Saynisyano Cabqariyiin ah oo aad u yaqaana noockasta oo dowlad ku shaqeyn karto, waxayna u badan yihiin wiilal dhalin yaro ah, oo markay ugu badnaadaan Sirdoonkoodu gaari karo uun in ay shacabka dhexdiisa ku yeeshaan dhalin yaro, u daacad ah, amaba Cabsi iyo Hanjabaad inta loo jeediyey bixiya Macluumaadka sirta dowladda ama deegaanka. haddaan qaadano aragtida noocaas ah, waxaan is weydiiyey maxaa loo dhexgali waayey dhamaan laamaha kala duwan ee sirdoonka dalka ka dhex shaqeeya, maxayse u noqon waayeen kuwa ka soo dhex warama Ciidamada ajaaniibta ah iyo xerada ugu weyn ee isugu yimaadeen reer qaswadayaasha XALANE, waxaad ka fekertaa sababta xeryaha waaweyn ee xalane ku dhex yaala loo beegsan waayey ee shacab loo beegsado, amaba si kooban u dhigo, maxa u sabab ah in shabaab Kaliya qaraxyada la beegsato ciidamada Dowlada ee Soomaalida ah. Ma is oran lahayd in Caasimadda labaad ee ku dhex taalo Mogadishu aysan ka dhex shaqeyn dhalin yaro soomaaliyeed oo aysan suurta gal ahayn inay ka nadiif yihiin shabaab, hadday kula saxan tahay, maxaa loo heli waayey kuwa noocaas ah oo la shaqeeya dowladda oo u daacad ah sida kuwaasi xalane ka shaqeeya oo kale aamin u noqda. waxaa laga yaabaa inuu qofkastaba i tuso arimo uu isleeyahay xoogaa waa suurta gal inay dhacdo, in rag soomaali ahay kuwaasina daacad u noqon karaan kuwaanina ay shabaab soo dhex gali kart, haddana waxaa loo baahan yahay sabab macquul ah. La soco Qormada Xigta oo aan ku qaadaa dhihi doono Qaraxyada iyo cilmi ahaan waxay ku kala duwanaan karaan ayadoo laga tusaale qaadanayo dhacdooyinka aan u soo joogtnay. Illaa baa Mahad oo dhan u sugnaatay W/Q: Ibrahim Abdi Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid
  15. Ugu yaraan 4 ruux ayaa dhimatay,tiro kalena waa dhaawacantay,kadib markii nin hubaysan rasaas ku furay goobo kala duwan oo ku yaalla Waqooyiga gobolka California,sida uu shaaciyey Booliiska Maraykanka. Ninka weerarka qaaday,ayaa markii dambe Booliisku toogtay,waxaana xarumaha uu weeraray kamid ah dugsi hoose oo halkaasa. Laba isbitaal oo degaanka ku yaalla ayaa sheegay in ay haatan daweynayaan 7 ruux oo ay ku jiraan saddex carruur ah. Mid kamid ah waalidiinta ay carruurtu u dhigato dugsiga hoose ee Rancho Tehama oo ku jira xarumaha la weeraray ayaa yiri“Waxaa noo soo galay macallin ordaya,wuxuuna noo sheegay in aan ku cararno gudaha,waayo? bu yiri waxaa soo socda nin rasaas ridaya“. Booliiska ayaa sheegay in aanay weli hayn faahfaahin ku saabsan sida weerarkan u dhacay iyo tiro rasmi ah oo dhimasho iyo dhaawac ah,balse uu hadda baaritaan socdo,islamarkaana la’ wareysanayo dadka ku sugan goobihii weerarka lagu qaaday. Wixii faahfahin ah kala soco:PUNTLAND POST The post Khasaare ka dhashay weerar ka dhacay Maraykanka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Warbaahinta WidhWidh Online ayaa sida joogta hada daba gal xoogan ku samaysay doorashada maamulka Somaliland, waxaana la xidhay dhamaan xogaha dhinaca doorashada siiba internet dhinaca social Media sida Facebook iyo waxii la midka ah. Sida aan ka helay warbixinta serverka doorashada maamulka Somaliland iyo tirkoobka ayaa waxaa soo baxay in Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland uu noqday Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo isagu hogaaminayay Xisbiga Kulmiye ee hada talada maamulkaas haya. Guud ahaan shacabku waxa uu sugayaa waa warbixinta ay hada WidhWidh Online idin siinayso oo ah in codka doorashada uu hogaaminayo Muuse Biixi Cabdi isaga si cad u helay cod aad u tiro badan oo aan la filayn. Hargaysa: Kul – 125330 Wad – 61039 Ucid – 18707 Togdheer: Kul – 57173 Wad – 57119 Ucid – 1228 Awdal: Kul- 35532 Wad – 38194 Ucid- 491 Saaxil: Kul- 29,235 Waddani- 14789 Ucid-612 Sool: Kul-19890 Wad-14926 Ucid- 349 Sanaag: Kul-19,291 Wad-17,538 Ucid-446 Total 285,930 Kulmiye 206,533 Waddani 21,730 Ucid Guddiga doorashada Somaliland oo goor sii horeysay sheegey in natiijada kama dameysta ah lagu dhawaaqi doono maalinta Khamiista iyadoo inta ka horeysa hubinaya cabashooyinka xisbiyada soo gudbinayaan. Goob joogayaal ka socda wadamada Shisheeye iyo hay’adaha maxali ah ayaa shir jaraa’id ay hargeysa ku qabteen kun sheegey in doorashada maamulka Somaliland guud ahaan si wanaagsan u dhacdey ay nabadi ku jirto iyadoo ay jiraan shilal kooban iyo cabashooyin sheegaya in goobaha qaarkoo dad aan qaan gaar aheyn ka codeeyeen balse aysan jirin sharci jabin baahsan. La soco Warbaahinta WidhWidh Online Xog sida markasta shacabka Soomaliyeed u Soo Gudbinaya
  17. An appeals court has allowed President Donald Trump’s latest travel restrictions to partly take effect, ruling that the government can bar entry of people from six majority-Muslim countries with no ties to the US. In a brief order on Monday, a three-judge panel of the San Francisco-based US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit temporarily put on hold part of a lower court’s decision, from a judge in Hawaii, that had nearly completely blocked the government from enforcing the ban, the New York Times reported. The judges said the government could implement the ban, except on “foreign nationals who have a credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the US”. They said such people include grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins of people in the US. The restrictions will apply to travellers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. It also blocks travel by certain Venezuelan government officials and most North Koreans; courts have not stopped the administration from enacting the restrictions on those countries. Justice Department spokeswoman Lauren Ehrsam said: “We are reviewing the court’s order, and the government will begin enforcing the travel proclamation consistent with the partial stay.” She added that the administration, which continues to appeal the lower court’s ruling, believes that the ban “should be allowed to take effect in its entirety”, regardless of whether someone has a tie to the US. In unveiling the third version of the travel ban in late September, the administration said that the eight countries did not share with the US information to enable proper screening of their nationals. (IANS) The post US appeals court partly reinstates Trump’s travel ban appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
  18. Danjiraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya u fadhiya qaramada midoobay Amb. Abukar Daahir Cusmaan (Baalle) ayaa waxaa uu ka jeediyay qudbad dhinacyo badan taabaneysa golaha loo dhan yahay ee qaramada midoobay isagoo ka hadlayay qaraar loogu cusbooneysiiyay muddo hal sano ah kooxda kormeerka Soomaaliya iyo Eriteriya (SEMG). Fadhiga oo lagu ansixiyay hindisaha qaraarka muddo kordhinta kooxdaas, ayaa waxaa ka hadlayay danjirayaasha wadamada Ingiriiska, Jabuuti, Masar, Eritereeya. Amb. Abukar Baalle ayaa si qayaxan uga hadlay in looga fadhiya Qaramada Midoobay in aay soo dedejiso in Soomaaliya laga qaado cuna qabateynta hubka, wuxuuna ku nuuxnuuxsday in Soomaaliya aay hadda gabagaba tahay dhismaha ciidan qaran oo loo dhan yahay, balse inta aay cunaqabateynta aay jirto aay keeni karto dib u dhac ku yimaada dhismaha ciidan qaran.
  19. Following Somaliland’s third presidential election on 13 November 2017, the 60-member mission, funded by Britain’s government and drawing on members from 27 countries is now finalising its interim report to Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission as observers return to Hargeisa. Says chief observer Dr Michael Walls of the Development Planning Unit (DPU) at University College London (UCL) and Somaliland Focus UK: “On election day, we are pleased to have observed a poll that in the main seems to have preserved the integrity of the electoral process. While we are aware of some key concerns, these do not seem to be substantive and systematic enough to have undermined the election itself, and we congratulate Somaliland on a largely peaceful process; another progressive step in their electoral evolution.” On polling day, observers witnessed opening, voting and closing processes in approximately 350 polling stations across Somaliland’s six regions, as well as the tallying process. Observers noted that polls largely opened and closed on time, in a generally calm environment, with peaceful voting, and no major violence or intimidation observed. Eligible voters were mostly able to cast their votes without hindrance. Domestic observers and party agents were present and able to perform their duties without restrictions in most polling stations visited, although we note that there were occasions when observers were denied entry or asked to leave. We are also aware of a number of other issues, including allegations of underage voting; the fact that the secrecy of the vote was systemically compromised for voters requiring assistance; inconsistencies in adherence to procedures (including in counting disputed votes); and the presence and occasional interference of security personnel in some stations visited, although observers did not witness widespread intimidation. Limitations to voter education may have had implications as voters appeared unsure as to how to vote, and the mission noted reports of some challenges that, for example, led to the cancellation of voting in Badhan town in Somaliland’s east. Overall the mission assessed the competence and actions of staff as generally good, and we applaud Somaliland for an election that was largely peaceful and well-organised. The mission will publish its final report in the first half of 2018. Notes to Editors 1. For further information or to arrange an interview with a member of the coordination team, please contact Conrad Heine (EOM media coordinator) on +252 (0)63 486 5255 or Photographs are also available. 2. Somaliland declared unilateral independence from Somalia in 1991 following the collapse of Somalia’s government. It remains internationally unrecognised. 3. The mission is online at, @SomalilandFocus and
  20. Somali Red Crescent Society health workers check the height of a boy at one of their mobile clinics. Photo by: Sara Jerving / DevexDallow, SOMALILAND — Twenty-year old Safia Ali Abdi had never been to the doctor before she lined up at a mobile clinic under an acacia tree one October morning this year. She left her home at 7am, carrying her five-month old son Sakaria in her arms along a four-hour walk to seek care. Both their mouths had been sore and bleeding, which made it hard for Sakaria to breastfeed. When Abdi arrived, she found three nurses and a midwife, with a line of patients waiting. The clinic was comprised of two tables, now stacked with medicine, scales to measure body weight, a wooden block for measuring height, and a tent for the midwife to examine pregnant women and new mothers. Abdi and her son were diagnosed with stomatitis, a condition that causes sores and swelling in the mouth. They were given zinc tablets and anti-fungal oral drops, and sent home. Abdi is a pastoral nomad, used to moving throughout Somaliland with the family’s flocks. But their lives changed drastically four months ago when 100 of her 120 sheep and goats died amid an ongoing drought. In better times, her family would breed the livestock, slaughter some, and sell others to buy food in the market. Now the remaining animals are too stressed from the drought to breed or produce milk. Her family is slowly selling off the remaining livestock to buy white rice — all they currently eat. Nurses asked Abdi to bring her son back to the clinic when it visits her area again in a month. The young mother, however, is unclear where her family will be by then. “You could very well see a village that has 200 people this week, but next week it has 50 because it’s a nomadic-based village and they’ve all gone to find water,” said Dorothy Francis, acute watery diarrhea, drought and food security operations manager for International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Somalia Country Office. Nomadic communities like Abdi’s are among the most challenging populations to reach with consistent health care. The World Health Organization estimates that there are at least 400 million people who lack access to at least one or more essential health services, leading to scores of preventable deaths worldwide. Mobile clinics are one of the primary strategies to fill those gaps here. The Somali Red Crescent Society, supported by the IFRC, operates 33 mobile clinics to provide communities with basic health services in remote regions of Somaliland. To track the roving communities, they use a patient record system. They have built a network of community members who will keep them in the loop as the nomads move. Finally, the SRCS and IFRC are working to explain the challenges to donors, who often demand more precise accounting than is possible with populations in flux. The mobile teams are reactive to the needs of the community, and can reach patients in areas that lack vehicle or ambulance services. The SRCS mobile clinic efforts are a step above what other Red Cross societies are doing in other nations, said Kwame Darko, health delegate to the IFRC Somalia Country Office. “Most national societies could respond to health emergencies by mobilizing volunteers, but not mainly on a consistent basis like the SRCS is doing with the mobile and static clinics,” he said. The intervention may provide insights for countless other mobile and hard-to-reach communities, as United Nations member states push for universal health coverage as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. The goals call for quality essential services and access to medicines and vaccines, without putting patients at financial risk. “The mobile clinics have become the main vehicle for getting to the hard-to-reach societies,” said Francis. Hard to reach Somaliland unilaterally declared independence from Somalia in 1991, creating its own government institutions, police force, and currency. Its independence is not recognized internationally, however, and therefore has limited access to international funds that could help build health infrastructure, said Francis. The tight government budget prioritizes security, including its armed forces and police, leaving only 4 percent of the budget to health, said Ahmed Bakal, Somaliland coordinator for the SRCS. For its part, the Ministry of Health exhausts much of its resources funding hospitals in urban areas, leaving remote areas underserved. The SRCS uses both stationary and mobile clinics to help with unmet needs. It acts independently, but provides supplementary care that is coordinated by the government. The mobile clinic that came to Dallow targets a population of 6,000 when it visits under the acacia tree each month. As a whole, the mobile unit reaches over 29,000 people each month, moving from village to village, sometimes offering clinics in two places per day. The Somali Red Crescent Society sets up mobile clinics in remote areas across Somaliland. Photo by: Sara Jerving / DevexWhen the health team arrives in a village, they set up wherever there is space, often under a tree or inside a hut. The nurses weigh children, check pregnant women for anemia, take patient blood pressure, and diagnose acute conditions, often giving out medicine. If a child needs an IV, the drip is hung from whatever is available, be it a tree or a hut roof. Mobile teams can follow as the population moves, adjusting their location, said Hussein Mohammed Osman, branch secretary for the SRCS Berbera Branch. The SRCS uses community volunteers, often nomads themselves, who check in with the SRCS through their mobile phones, informing the health workers about the community’s plans to move to find water. “The [SRCS] branch has a good idea most times what their caseload is going to be, depending on the time of year, depending on what sort of rain they’ve gotten,” said Francis. The mobile teams are reactive and responsive to the needs of the populations, she said. “If they need to provide oral rehydration sachets in a cholera outbreak, they find the hot spots and they can do that. If there is a measles outbreak, they find the hot spots, get the support they need, and respond,” she said. Since July, as a food crisis in the region has deepened, mobile clinics have included a nutrition specialist. This specialist determines whether a child is malnourished and then provides them with enough packs of nutrition supplements to last until the next time the clinic visits the area. UNICEF has estimated that 1.4 million children will need treatment for acute malnutrition in Somalia this year. Nomadic populations find out about the clinics through “social mobilizers” — volunteers in the communities trained to spread the word through phone calls, home visits, and community meetings. Mobile clinic services are free, preventing patients from having to take on a financial burden for care — one of WHO’s key principles of universal health coverage. For many of those that the SRCS serves, paying would rule out seeking health care, said Darko. Abdi, for example, told Devex she would not have come to the clinic if the treatment wasn’t free. Samiira Mohammed Ali, a midwife with one of the Somali Red Crescent Society’s mobile clinics, checks one of her patients for anemia. Photo by: Sara Jerving / DevexContinuity and accountability The clinics, of course, have their limitations — for example in emergencies, situations that require complex procedures, or even maternal health care. Muna Juma Elmi, a midwife with one of the mobile teams, offers pregnant women her telephone number and asks them to call her when they go into labor. If she is nearby, Elmi rushes to the home with her delivery kit, she explained to Devex. But if the patients have moved, and Elmi is far from their home, she may take time to reach the woman in labor. If she can’t make it personally, Elmi calls for an ambulance. If the woman is in an area not accessible by car, Elmi is driven as far as the car will go, and then she walks to the woman. But delays could lead to complications in the delivery. Understanding the health history of a nomadic patient can also be tricky. SRCS provides patients with health cards that detail their basic information. The goal is to ensure that their visit to a health worker is a continuation of previous care, said Faisal Farah, health officer for the SRCS Berbera Branch. For example, if a patient is taking medication but moves to a new location, a new clinic could help ensure continuity of access. Farah says the records are largely effective, although some patients forget to carry them to visits. Samiira Mohammed Ali checks the blood pressure of one of her patients. Photo by: Sara Jerving / DevexThe constant turnover of people also makes it harder to check back in with individuals to evaluate if the aid given to them was effective. Francis said it has been important to be upfront with donors about this challenge, ensuring they accept the ambiguity of the circumstances. “It’s not the easiest operation to be accountable,” she said. “But we are able to demonstrate that the process is there.” Funds for the mobile clinics are not stable, said Kaltun Hussein, national health officer for the SRCS. Funds are currently coming from the Icelandic Red Cross, the Finnish Red Cross, and the Swedish Red Cross. Money from IFRC’s emergency appeal in response to the drought is also supporting the mobile clinics. Mobile services are expected to become increasingly important as the food crisis deepens in the Horn of Africa. The Deyr rainy season, which runs from October to December, is expected to be below average for the fourth year in a row. This may push 2.3 million people into crisis conditions, and another 800,000 into emergency conditions, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network. As the crisis moves forward, the mobile clinics are an effective use of funding to reach broader populations and more investment should be funneled into their operations, said Darko. Editor’s note: IFRC facilitated Devex’s travel and logistics for this reporting. However, Devex maintains full editorial control of the content.
  21. Urur weynaha Haweenka Puntland ee sagaalka gobol oo kaashanaya hay’adda Forum SYD,ayaa maanta magaalada Garoowe ka qaybiyey deeq ka kooban raashinka noocyadiisa kala duwan,waxaana deeqda la siiyey qoysas ku cayroobay abaartii “SIMA”,kuwaasoo isaga yimid saddex xero oo ku yaalla daafaha magaalada. Wakiilka hay’adda Forum SYD ee mashruuca taakulaynta dadkii ku cayroobay abaartii”SIMA” Maxammed Cabdi Xaashi oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in hay’addiisa ka go’antahay in ay caawiyaan dadka ay baro-kicisay abaarta,balse aan dhammaan baahiyaha jira la dabooli karin,wuxuuna ugu baaqay qoysaska ku tabaaloobay abaarta in ay baahiyaha ugu daran soo gudbiyaan,si wax looga qabto. “Waxaad u baahantahay haddaanad qeexi karin,tusaale ahaan,adiga oo biyo raba haddaad shiminto dalbato,shiminto ayaa laguu keenayaa,marka waxaa la rabaa inaad ka hadashaan baahida muhimka ah maadaama ay jiraan baahiyo badan oo aan la dabooli karin.Waa baahannahay haddaad aniga igu tiraahdaan,waxaan oronayaa waa baahian yihiin oo keli ah,laakin haddii aad qeexdaan waxaan idiin dalbayaa wixii aad codsateen”,ayuu yiri Xaashi. Faadumo Axmed Cabdi oo ku hadlaysay magaca dadkii deeqda loo qeybiyay ee ka soo baro-baxay degaannada miyiga ah xilligii abaarta ayaa si weyn ugu mahadcelisay guddoomiyaha Ururka Haweenka Puntland Marwo.Khadro warsame Jaamac oo wakhti badan gelisay wax u qabashada dadkii ku ceyroobay abaartii”SIMA”. “Waxaan aad iyo aad ugu mahadcelinayaa guddoomisada urur weynaha sagaalka gobol ee haweenka Puntland oo har iyo habeen u taagan caawinta inta dhibaataysan gaar ahaanna dadka ku waxyeelloobay abaarta ee aan aniguba ku jiro,waxaan ilaahay uga baryayaa in uu ajar iyo xasanad ka siiyo,waxaan leenahay guddoomiyaha Alle ha ku barakeeyo“,ayey tiri Faadumo. Guddoomiyaha ururka haweenka Puntland ee sagaalka gobol Marwo.Khadro Warsame Jaamac ayaa sheegtay in deeqdaan aanay meel kale ka imaan balse ay tahay dhaqaale kooban oo ay iska uruuriyeen hay’adda Forum SYD iyo urur weynaha haweenka Puntland kadib markii ay arkeen dhibaatada haysata dadkii ay baro-bixisay abaartii SIMA/Oday-ka-weyn ee dalka soo martay. “Deeqdaan waa dhaqaale aan iska uruurinay iyo maskax aan isku darnay kadib markaan aragnay dhibaatada haysata reer guuraagii ay cayraysey abaarta ee wax la’aanta ku soo dhacay,waxaan ka danqanaya hooyooyinka uurka leh ee wax ay afka geliyaan waayey iyo carruurta dayac iyo rafaadka qabta ee ka soo jeeda qoysaska abaartasi xoola tirtay”ayey tiri Khadro. Sawirro. PUNTLAND POST The post Deeq loo qeybiyey qoysas kamid ah reer guuraagii ku cayroobay abaartii SIMA. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. At a press conference, the 60-plus international observers called here in Hargeisa, this afternoon, they stated that they were pleased to have observed an election day and related activities that ‘preserved the integrity of the electoral process”. The observers pointed out that the Monday, yesterday, polling brought out large queues of voters lining up to cast their votes for the presidential candidate of their choice among the three contenders. They said there were a number of issues and challenges that did not, however, significantly impact on a balloting process that was as nearly faultless as could be hoped in the circumstances. “Limitations to voter education may have had implications as voters appeared unsure as to how to vote,’ they observed. This, they said, exposed how some voters marked their ballot papers which were to have been strictly secret otherwise. The observers were drawn from 27 countries around the world. Besides, missions heads and top officials from 17 embassies were congregated in Somaliland for observations of their own. Below is a copy of the observers’ statement.
  23. The weapons were on their way to war-torn Somalia when they were caught by an inspection looking for contraband. A UN diplomat earlier asked: “Why are Iranian and North Korean small arms finding their way into Somalia from Libya? Do they date from before the arms embargoes (against both North Korea and Iran)? How did they get there from Libya? “It certainly emphasises the point that Somalia is a country awash with arms and still very fragile.” It is believed the weapons were sent by Iran in an attempt to arm militants fighting in Somalia. The ships were intercepted in the Arabian Sea by a French vessel. The Type 73 machine guns were manufactured in the prison country before being sold to Iran between 1970 and 1980. The hermit kingdom has repeatedly taken part in a series of illegal activities to fund its nuclear and missile programmes. Kim Jong-un’s grandfather, Kim Il-sung sanctioned the production of opium and other drugs, including fake prescription medicine. In 2001 the income from these activities was estimated to be as high as £800,000 ($1billion). The news follows shocking claims that Kim Jong-un was prepared to sell nuclear weapons to “anybody with hard currency” including to Iran and terrorist groups, an ex-UN ambassador has claimed. John Bolton, former US ambassador to the UN, said North Korea could also sell nuclear weapons to aspiring nuclear powers unless the rogue nation was stopped. North Korea has continued with its development of a nuclear weapons arsenal despite international condemnation. After the rogue state’s despot leader Kim Jong-un started a furious war of words with US President Donald Trump fears of the possible outbreak of World War 3 intensified. Mr Bolton added his “preferred outcome” to the growing US-North Korea crisis would be to “reunite the two Koreas” but conceded talks with the hermit state would be a “complete non-starter”. He said: “My preferred outcome is to reunite the two Koreas. That wouldn’t happen overnight. “There are a variety of possibilities, one possibility is the Chinese said ‘we’re doing all we can, why don’t you sit down and negotiate with the North Koreans’, which is a complete non-starter in my view. “I think then the outcome is nearly certain that North Korea will get nuclear weapons and not just North Korea since they’ll sell to anybody with hard currency, Iran, terrorist groups, other aspiring nuclear powers. “That’s why the resolution of the North Korea issue is so important because the proliferation impact of North Korea visibly getting nuclear weapons around the world would be considerable.” Source: – Express
  24. 14 November 2017 – Shir gaar ah oo ay maanta yeesheen Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya oo uu shir-guddoominayey Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre, ayaa lagu ansixiyey miisaaniyadda 2018 isla markaasna hambalyo loo direy doorashooyinka Somaliland. Golaha Wasiirada ayaa ugu horeyn warbixin ka dhageystay guddi heer wasiir ah oo daraasad ku soo sameeyey dardargelinta xasilinta dalka gaar ahaan caasimada Muqdisho. Guddiga ayaa warbixin dheer ka dib ay soo jeediyeen tallooyin muhiim ah oo ay ka mid ahaayeen in amniga caasimada la deegaameeyo oo barnaamijka dariseynta la dhaqangeliyo, in la diiwaangeliyo gaadiidka iyo guryaha, in taariko gaar ah loo sameeyo caasimada si gaadiidka soo galaya loo ogaado, in aaladaha casriga loo isticmaalo amniga iyo in wacyigelin buuxda bulshada loo sameeya si ay amniga kaalin buuxda uga qaataan. Golaha ayaa ka dooday oo su’aalo weydiiyey guddiga, ka dibna isku raacay in waxii tallooyin dheeri ah loo soo gudbiyo hay’adaha amniga si loo dardargeliyo barnaamijka xasilinta dalka. Wasiirka Maaliyada ayaa golaha wasiirada u soo bandhigay Miisaaniyada 2018 oo faahfaahsan una sharaxay muhiimada ay u leedahay dalka. Miisaaniyadan ayaa ah mid si casri ah loo soo diyaariyey kuna timid wadatashiyo lala sameeyey dhammaan hay’adaha dawliga ah oo ay ku jiraan dawlad goboleedyada, iyadoo diirada lagu saaray adeegyada bulshada sida waxbarashada, caafimaadka, oo weliba la qorsheynayo in Iskuulo lagu dhiso, iyadoo weliba miisaaniyad loo qoondeeyey lagu xoojinayo afka Soomaaliga oo la dhisayo xaruntii Akademiyada Afka Soomaaliga. Sidoo kale waxaa miisaaniyadan ku jiro in la dhiso warshada dharka ciidamada, dhismaha hay’adaha horumarinta dhaqaalaha iyo miisaaniyad loo qoondooyey la dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa. Golaha Wasiirada ayaa dood dheer ka dib ansixiyey miisaaniyada 2018 oo dhan $274,640,191 (labo boqol iyo toddobaadan iyo afar Milyan, lix boqol iyo afartan kun, boqol iyo sagaashan kow dollar). Ugu danbeyntii Golaha Wasiirada ayaa dhageystay warbixin la xiriirta doorashooyinka ka socda deegaanada Somaliland iyo ololahii ballaarnaa ee doorashadii shalay ka horeysey. Dood dheer ka dib, Golaha Wasiiradu waxey aad u ammaaneen isla markaasna ay hambalyo u direen doorashooyinka Somaliland oo si nabad ah u dhacay, kuna tilmaamay doorashooyin si dimoqraadiyad ah u dhacay oo xitaa ka fiican wadamada galbeedka qaarkood. Golaha ayaa sheegay inay habboon tahay in warbixinta rasmiga ah laga sugo guddiga doorashooyinka oo cidii ku guuleysata la soo dhoweeyo lalana shaqeeyo. The post Shirka Golaha Wasiirada oo lagu ansixiyey Miisaaniyada 2018, hambalyana loo direy doorashooyinka Somaliland “Sawirro” appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
  25. Mogadishu – The Islamic State group’s growing presence in Somalia could become a “significant threat” if it attracts fighters fleeing collapsing strongholds in Syria and Iraq, experts say, and already it seems to be influencing local al-Shabaab extremists to adopt tactics like beheadings. The US military this month carried out its first drone strikes against ISIS fighters in Somalia, raising questions about the strength of the group that emerged just two years ago. A second strike targeted the fighters on Sunday, with the US saying “some terrorists” were killed. The Islamic State group burst into public view in Somalia late last year as dozens of armed men seized the port town of Qandala in the northern Puntland region, calling it the seat of the “Islamic Caliphate in Somalia.” They beheaded a number of civilians, causing more than 20 000 residents to flee, and held the town for weeks until they were forced out by Somali troops, backed by US military advisers. Since then, ISIS fighters have stormed a hotel popular with government officials in Puntland’s commercial hub of Bossaso and claimed their first suicide attack at a Bossaso security checkpoint. This long-fractured Horn of Africa nation with its weak central government already struggles to combat al-Shabaab, an ally of al-Qaeda, which is blamed for last month’s truck bombing in the capital, Mogadishu, that killed more than 350 in the country’s deadliest attack. The Trump administration early this year approved expanded military operations in Somalia as it puts counterterrorism at the top of its Africa agenda. The US military on Sunday told The Associated Press it had carried out 26 airstrikes this year against al-Shabaab and now the Islamic State group. For more than a decade, al-Shabaab has sought a Somalia ruled by Islamic Shariah law. Two years ago, some of its fighters began to split away to join the Islamic State group. Some small pro-ISIS cells have been reported in al-Shabaab’s southern Somalia stronghold, but the most prominent one and the target of US airstrikes is in the north in Puntland, a hotbed of arms smuggling and a short sail from Yemen. The ISIS fighters in Puntland are now thought to number around 200, according to a UN report released this month by experts monitoring sanctions on Somalia. The experts traveled to the region and interviewed several imprisoned ISIS extremists. The UN experts documented at least one shipment of small arms, including machine guns, delivered to the Islamic State fighters from Yemen. “The majority of arms supplied to the ISIL faction originate in Yemen,” ISIS defectors told them. A phone number previously used by the ISIS group’s US-sanctioned leader, Abdulqadir Mumin, showed “repeated contact” with a phone number selector used by a Yemen-based man who reportedly serves as an intermediary with senior ISIS group leaders in Iraq and Syria, the experts’ report says. While the Islamic State group in Somalia has a small number of foreign fighters, the Puntland government’s weak control over the rural Bari region where the ISIS group is based “renders it a potential haven” for foreign ISIS fighters, the report says. The ISIS group’s growing presence brought an angry response from al-Shabaab, which has several thousand fighters and holds vast rural areas in southern and central Somalia, in some cases within a few dozen miles of Mogadishu. Al-Shabaab arrested dozens of members accused of sympathising with the Islamic State faction and reportedly executed several, according to an upcoming article for the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point by the center’s Jason Warner and Caleb Weiss with the Long War Journal. Civilians in areas under al-Shabaab control have suffered. “Possibly in response to the growing prominence of ISIL, al-Shabaab imposed more violent punishments, including amputations, beheading and stoning, on those found guilty of spying, desertion or breaches of sharia law,” the new UN report says. Some Somali officials say al-Shabaab has begun to de-escalate its hostility against the ISIS fighters as its initial concerns about rapid growth have eased. Al-Shabaab has begun to see ISIS in Somalia as a supplementary power that could help its fight against Puntland authorities, said Mohamed Ahmed, a senior counterterrorism official there. Officials also believe that the Islamic State group has difficulty finding the money to expand. Its fighters are paid from nothing to $50 a month, the UN report says. “For them, getting arms is a lot easier than funds because of the tight anti-terrorism finance regulations,” said Yusuf Mohamud, a Somali security expert. For now, no one but al-Shabaab has the ability to carry out the kind of massive bombing that rocked Mogadishu last month. For the Puntland-based ISIS fighters to even reach the capital, they would have to pass numerous checkpoints manned by Somali security forces or al-Shabaab itself. That said, two Islamic State fighters who defected from al-Shabaab and were later captured told the UN experts they had received airline tickets from Mogadishu to Puntland’s Galkayo as part of the ISIS group’s “increasingly sophisticated recruitment methods,” the UN report says. Scenarios that could lead to ISIS fighters gaining power include the weakening of al-Shabaab by the new wave of US drone strikes, a new offensive by the 22 000-strong African Union force in Somalia or al-Shabaab infighting, says the upcoming article by Warner and Weiss. On the other hand, “it is a strong possibility that given the small size of the cells and waning fortunes of Islamic State globally, the cells might collapse entirely if their leadership is decapitated.” That’s exactly what the US military’s first airstrikes against the Islamic State fighters this month were aiming to do, Somali officials told the AP. The US says it is still assessing the results. Source: – AP