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Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia ayaa waxaa ka dhacay Qaraxyo iyo dilal kala duwan tan iyo markii 8 February 2017 la doortay Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo. Qaraxyada iyo dilalka ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa u badnaa kuwo ay taargeedkoodu ahaayen shaqsiyaad ka tirsan dowlada. Qaraxyada ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho tan iyo markii la doortay Madaxweynaha ayaa u badnaa kuwo miinooyin, waxaana xusid mudan in Qaraxyada waaweyn ay ahaayen ilaa 4 Qarax oo taariikhi ah. Dilalka ugu badan ee mudada uu dooran yahay Madaxweynaha Somalia ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa u badnaa kuwo loo geysgtay shaqaale dowladeed waxaana barbar socday kuwo lagu fulinaayay gaadiid raaxo oo lagu hor jaraayay gaadiidka ay la socdaan shaqsiyaadka ay muhiimka u arkayeen Shabaabka. HOOS KA AKHRISO TIRADA QARAXYADA IYO DILALKA KA DHACAY MUQDISHO TAN IYO MARKII LA DOORTAY FARMAAJO QARAXYADA Bishii March: Waxaa dhacay (8 Qarax) Bishii April: Waxaa dhacay (11 Qarax) Bishii May: Waxaa dhacay (9 Qarax) Bishii June: Waxaa dhacay (10 Qarax) Bishii July: Waxaa dhacay (13 Qarax) Bishii August: Waxaa dhacay (7 Qarax) Bishii September: Waxaa dhacay (6 Qarax) Bishii October: Waxaa dhacay (9 Qarax) Bishii November: Waxaa dhacay (8 Qarax) Bishii December: Waxaa dhacay (8 Qarax) Bilihii Sanadka 2018 waxaa ilaa iyo hadda dhacay Bishii January: Waxaa dhaca (11 Qarax) Bishii February: Waxaa ilaa iyo hadda dhacay (1 Qarax) (Isku darka 101) DILALKA DHACAY TAN IYO MARKII LA DOORTAY DOWLADA SANA JIRSATAY DILALKA Bishii March: Waxaa dhacay (8 Dil) Bishii April: Waxaa dhacay (24 Dil) Bishii May: Waxaa dhacay (13 Dil) Bishii June: Waxaa dhacay (11 Dil) Bishii July: Waxaa dhacay (8 Dil) Bishii August: Waxaa dhacay (10 Dil) Bishii September: Waxaa dhacay (21 Dil) oo 5-kamid ah loo adeegsaday gaadiid lagu hor jaray Gaadiid kale. Bishii October: Waxaa dhacay (8 Dil) 1 Bishii November: Waxaa dhacay (11Dil) Bishii December: Waxaa dhacay (12 Dil) Bilihii Sanadka 2018 waxaa ilaa iyo hadda dhacay Bishii January: Waxaa dhacay (8 Dil) Bishii February: Waxaa dhacay (2 Dil) (Isku darka 136 Dil) Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post AKHRISO: Qaraxyada iyo dilalka dhacay sanadkii ay jirtay dowladda appeared first on Caasimada Online.
War qoraal ah oo kasoo baxay Wasaaradda Duulista Hawadda iyo Garoomadda Diyaaradaha Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay dib u dhac muddo kooban oo aan la shaacin ku yimid shaqooyin imtixaan loo gali lahaa 10 bisha Febraayo 2018. War qoraala oo kasoo baxay Xafiiska Agaasimaha waaxda Shaqaalaha Wasaaradda Duulista Hawadda Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cilmi ayaa lagu shaaciyay in dib looga soo sheegayo dadkii codsiga usoo gudbiyay shaqooyinka loo tartami lahaa saddex maalmood ka dib. Haddaba soo ka akhriso nuqul ka mid ah qoraalka kasoo baxay Wasaaradda oo soo gaarey Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Wasaaradda Duulista Hawada Puntland oo dib u dhigtey tartan loo galayo shaqooyin banaan appeared first on Puntland Post.
Minister: region is ripe for investment as new government aims to rebuild infrastructure destroyed during years of war DP World signed a US$442 million agreement with the Government of Somaliland to develop and operate a regional trade and logistics hub at the Port of Berbera. A Somaliland government minister is in the UAE to drum up investment for power projects to stabilise the self-declared state’s precarious economy where energy costs are among the highest in the world. The self-governing region which broke away from Somalia in 1991 is seeking to build on its relationship with Gulf nations to improve its infrastructure following the election of a new president last year. The investment minister, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud, is in Dubai to meet investors and try to secure funds for renewable and traditional energy projects and for agricultural sector as 80-90 per cent of food is imported. He said there was great potential for international investors to tap into the country’s mineral wealth. He said he had spoken with “six or seven” energy companies seeking to invest in Somaliland as the government sought to build a secure and stable environment for investment. Somaliland, a region of four million people, has previously secured sizeable investments from the Gulf with its access to the international markets limited by Mogadishu’s refusal to recognise it as an independent state. No foreign government recognises its sovereignty. “When we were campaigning, we promised economic growth for Somaliland and we want to improve healthcare and education,” said the minister. “But we have one of the most expensive energy sectors anywhere in the world. When it comes to renewable energy, the sun and the wind, we have a great potential. “We can generate a lot of cheap electricity but what we need is investment. The potential is there, which is why a lot of Chinese companies and Middle East companies are coming to me and showing their interest in investment.” The country effectively broke relations with Somalia in 1991 and has held democratic elections since 2003. Its GDP per head is only about $500 after its infrastructure was destroyed during fighting in the run-up to the independence declaration. Its main export is livestock. Its push for foreign investment has seen the UAE establish a naval base in its port of Berbera, on the south coast of the Gulf of Aden. Dubai’s DP World last year signed a 30-year contract to develop the same port. DP World said it would also develop an economic zone in the region, modelled on Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone. The new economic zone is aimed at positioning Berbera as a gateway port for East Africa, by encouraging investments and trade in the warehousing, logistics, manufacturing and related businesses. The National
Ganacsatada gobolka Bari ayaa bilaabay gurmad lagu badbaadinayo hantida saaran doon maalmo ka hor ku caariday meel u dhow xeebta magaalada Boosaaso. Sheekh Fu’aad Maxamuud Xaaji Nuur oo ka tirsan guddiga ganacsatada u gurmanaya shixnadda saaran doonta, ayaa sheegay in ay haatan dhisayaan deked macmal ah si loo gaaro doonta,islamarkaana loo badbaadiyo hantida saaran. “waxaanu wadnaa dadaallo runtii xoog leh,waxaa ugu muhiimsan in aan deked macmal ah samayno oo ilaa doonta aannu ka gaarno.Runtii shaqadaas si xoogleh ayey ku socotaa,meel fiican bay hadda maraysaa”,ayuu yiri Sheekh Fu’aad oo caawo la hadlay idaacadda Radio Garowe. Sheekh Fu’aad ayaa sheegay in dhismaha dekedda macmalka ah ay ka shaqeynayaan 15 gaari oo nooca Soomaalidu u taqaan “Iska-rogada” kuwaasoo soo guraya dhagax yo carro laga buuxinayo halka laga samaynayo marsada cusub. “Dekeddaas macmalka ah hadda waxaa ka shaqeynaya baabuurta waaweyn ee Iska-rogooyinka labada candho leh,waxaa ka shaqeynaya 15 xabbo. Waxa shaqeynaya ilaa lix todoba baalle oo soo raraya baabuurta qeyb,qeybina meesha ka shaqeynayso”,ayuu yiri Fu’aad. Halkaan ka daawo. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Sida loo badbaadinayo hantida saaran doontii ku caariday Xeebta Boosaaso. appeared first on Puntland Post.
Xiisad Colaadeed ayaa markale ka soo cusboonaaday magaalada Boocame oo Garoowe 30Km ku dhowaad toosnaanta quman kaga beegan galbeed kadib markii koox dabley ahi ay warbaahinta ka sheegeen in Somaliland lawareegtey. Arintan oo Jaahwareer ku ridey dadka degan magaalada Boocame oo aan inta badan warbaahinta maahaane aan waxba ka kala socon dhacdooyinka runta ah ee ka socda gobolka Sool, waxana ayna is weydiiyeen xilliga ay qabsatay Somaliland magaaaladda ay ku nool yihiin ee Boocame. “Waxaan la yaabanaa warka baraha Bulshada aan ka arkay hadaan magaalada galayna waxaan ka warhelay in ciidan loo qoray Somaliland oo la geeyey magaaladda geeskeeda isla markaasna magaaladda Laascaanood Suxufiyiin laga soo diray ay ka soo duubeen muuqaal nin Korneel sheegtay oo sheeganaya in uu ka tirsan yahay ciidamadda Somaliland isla markaasna ay ciidankiisu qabsadeen magaaladda Boocame” sidaana waxaa ii sheegay Cabdilaahi Cumar oo dadka degaankaas ka mid ah. Qalalaasahaasi ka dhashay oo kiciyey bulshada degaankaas ayaa wuxuu ka bilaabmay dhaqdhaqaaq lagu diidan yahay sii joogida ciidka degaankaas looga qoray Somaliland, iyadoo ay waqtigan taagan tahay xiisad colaadeed oo u dhexeysa Somaliland iyo Puntland. Xaaladda ka taagan Boocame ayaa ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay sheegayaan in ay ka dhalatay laba Arimood oo tan hore ay tahay khilaaf ka dhashay Saldanada Beesha deegaankaas ka dib markii uu geeriyoodey Ugaas C/laahi Ciise Nuur Ilaahay ha unaxariistee cidii buuxin lahayd booskiisii. Nin lagu magcaabod Cabdi Xasan sarkaalna ahaa ayaa isgu isu wadey in uu xaq u leeyahay dhaxalka Isimnimo, maadaama 2008dii uu xilkaas isagu isu caleemasaaray, waxaana uu taageero ka helaayey Somaliland oo oodi weyday in ay hanato madaxda dhaqanka ee beelaha Sool, Sanaag iyo Caynba. Gudidii hore loogu xilsaaray xulista Ugaaska Beesha ayaa ka talaabsaday Sarkaalkan isla doonayey in uu hanto xilka Isinimo ee beesha, waxana dhaliil uga dhigeen in uu yahay nin fidno iyo fawdo beesha horey ugu jideeyey, waxayana Guddigaasi u calaamadiyeen wiil la sheegay in bulshadda deegaanku si weyn ugu guuxaysay hadal hayntiisa kaasoo uu dhalay Ugaas C/laahi Ciise Nuur oo xilkaas ka geeriyooday. Haseyeeshee, Sarkaalka lagu magacaabo Cabdi Xasan ayaa wuxuu wacad ku maray inaanay laba lagu lulan doonin, wuxuuna taageero u doontay dhinaca Hargeysa oo xiligaas diyaargarowga ay Tukaraq ku qabsadeen ku hawlanayd, waxaana adkaatay in codsiga Sarkaalkan uu u helo jawaab deg deg ah, balse lagu wargeliyey in uu jawaabta sugo. Arrinta Labaad; Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo Somaliland ugu hanjabi jirey hadii aan Puntland lagula duulin in uu heshiiskii ka baxayo taageero ciidan oo uu isku haleeyona aan degaanka uu ka soo jeedo ku lahayn ayaa loogu bushaareeyey in laga aqbalay, waxana loo raaciyey in uu diyaariyo 600 oo ciidan ah oo loo qarameeyo. Galaydh oo qaybta ku koobay beelihii u debecsanaa ayaa beeshiisa siiyey 250, halka Widhwidh beelaha degana uu 150 ugu abaal gudey maadaama uu waqtigii adkaa la deganaa, Boqolka soo hadhayna waxa uu u diray in uu ku ciil boxo Cabdi xasan oo uu ku soo ceshado Ugaasnimada dhaca kaga maqan, taas oo ah ta maanta isa sudhay Boocame dadkeeda una taagan in dhexdooda ay colaadi ka dhacdo. Arrintu siday doonto ha ahaatee, waxaa soo shaac baxaya inay furantay Jiidii Labaad ee ay fooda iskula geli doonaan ciidamo kala taabacsan S/land iyo P/land. Magaaladda Boocame ayaa ah mid ay ku xoog weyn yihiin taageerayaasha maamulka Puntland, waxaana ciidamo ka tirsan deegaankaas ay dhufeyska ku weheliyaan kuwa Puntland, ayaa la is weydiinayaa cawaaqibka mustaqbalka dhow ka dhalan doona magaaladda Boocame. Madal Furan.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa shir guddoomiyey fadhi ka mid ah Shirka Amniga Qaranka oo u dhexeeya Madaxda Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Dowlad Goboleedyada. Waxaa ka qeyb galay Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xiggeenka dalka Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed, dhammaan Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada, Guddoonka Gobolka Banaadir, Wasiiro iyo La Taliyeyaal Arrimaha Amniga iyo Doorashooyinka. Shirkan ayaa waxaa looga hadlay hanaanka ay u dhaceyso doorashada dalka sanadka 2020, Dib u eegis lagu sameynayo Dastuurka dalka, Xasillinta amniga guud ee dalka iyo sidii loo sii xoojin lahaa wada shaqeynta hay’adaha amniga ee heer Federaal iyo mid Dowlad Goboleed. Kulanka maanta ayaa waxaa warbixino looga dhageystay Madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada, Xubnaha Arrimaha Dastuurka iyo Doorashooyinka, iyada oo sidoo kale shirkan looga dooday arrimaha amniga oo diirada lagu saaray sidii Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ay ula wareegi lahaayeen ammaanka dalka. Madaxda Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Maamul Goboleedyada marka ay yeelanayaan shirarka nuucaan oo kale ah waa u caado iyo dhaqan in ay mudo kororsi ku sameystaan maalmaha loogu tala galay inuu shirka socdo. Shirkan oo shalay ka furmay Muqdisho ayaa qorshaha waxa uu ahaa in laba maalmood uu socdo oo maantana la soo gaba gabeeyo, balse ma aanay dhicin, sida muuqatana maalmo kale ayuu qaadan doonaa, maadaama berri Muqdisho looga dabaaldegayo 8-da Febraayo oo ku beegan markii la doortay Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Shirka Golaha Amniga Qaranka oo noqonaya midkii 6-aad oo Goluhu yeesho tan iyo markii lagu dhawaaqay, ayaa la filayaa in ay ka soo baxaan qodobbo muhiim ah, oo ay isku raacsan yihiin xubnaha ka qeyb galaya. The post Sawirro: Sidee ayuu u qabsoomay qeybta uu RW Kheyre ka shir guddoomiyay Shirka Amniga appeared first on Caasimada Online.
UK ambassador to Somalia, David Concar has visited Hargeisa today leading a high level delegation. Hon. Phil Evans, head of DFID Somalia, Ms. Rosie Tapper, head of UK office to Somaliland, special DFID adviser Hon. Kate Greany are with British envoy’s visit to Somaliland. The envoy met with Head of State, Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi at the presidency. Mr. Concar has reaffirmed the importance of UK’s partnership with Somaliland. The UK envoy announced that it has allotted 25 million US dollars to be channeled through the Somaliland Development Fund (SDF). Somaliland authority and British envoy to Somalia have also discussed on aid directed via the United Nations Organizations and the World Bank which is funded by development projects including health, education, tax system reforms, police training and the reform of justice, judiciary and courts. They also raised on ways to provide relief to thousands of people affected by the drought which is hard hitting Somaliland regions at the moment.
Safiirka dalka Ingiriiska ee Soomaaliya Amb. David Concar iyo wafdi uu hogaaminyo ayaa maanta magaalada Hargeysa kula kulmay madaxda ugu sareysa Somaliland. Wafidiga uu hogaaminayay safiirka dalka Ingiriiska ee Soomaaliya oo ay kamid ahaa yeen saraakiil Milateri ayaa sida ay PUNTLAND POST ku heshay warar hoose oo xog-ogaal ah kala hadlay madaxda Somaliland arimo ay kamid yihiin xaalada colaadeed ee ka taagan Gobolka Sool, iyagoo ugu baaqay in ay deegaanka Tukaraq kala baxaan ciidamooda. Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in Somaliland oo xariir dhow la leh Ingiriiska dhowrn jeer oo horena ay beesha caalamku cadaadis ku saartay in ay ciidamada kala baxaan Tukaraq ay ogalaatay arintaas. Madaxdii uu la kulmay Safiirka Ingiriiska waxaa kamid ahaa Madaxweynaha Somaliland, ku xigeenkiisa, Wasiirada Arimaha Dibada, arimaha Gudaha, Gaanshaandhiga, Waxbarashada, qorsheynta, taliyaasha Milateriga iyo Booliska, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Sare iyo masuuliyiin kale. Dhanka kale waxaa maanta kulan gaar ah wada qaatay Muuse Biixi iyo Guddoomiyeyaasha labada xisbi ee mucaarad Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Cirro iyo Faysal Cali Waraabe waxayna ka wada hadleen qodobo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid tahay Colaada Tukarad, wuxuuna ahaa kulankii labaad oo ay Isbuucan wada qaataan. Tan iyo 8-dii Janaayo oo ay Somaliland qabsatay deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool waxaa halkaas kataagnaa xiisad colaadeed oo u dhaxaysa Puntland iyo Somaliand, waxayan dowladaha deriska iyo beesha caalamku Somaliland ugu baaqayeen in ay ciidamada la baxdo, si loo baajiyo dagaal dhaca. Tukaraq ayaa hada waxaa is horfadhiaya Ciidamada Puntland iyo kuwa Somaliland, waxaana xili walba halkaas laga filan karaa dagaal ka qarxa. PUNTLAND POST The post Safiirka Ingiriiska ee Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Madaxda Somaliland muxuu kala hadlay? appeared first on Puntland Post.
A race is underway between Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Turkey to build naval and military bases right across the Horn of Africa. This threatens to change the naval balance in the north-west Indian Ocean. But it may also presage the beginnings of a new strategic order in this complex and multipolar region where a host of major and middle powers jostle for influence and position. Source: Hiiraan Online
In some ways, 2017 was a year to forget for African democracy. According to Freedom House, the decline of civil rights and democratic freedom continued across many African nations, contributing to what it’s calling democracy’s worst crisis in decades. Source: Hiiraan Online
The recently-launched iRise hub has opened applications for its first incubation programme, which aims to mentor and support local entrepreneurs to help create sustainable and scalable businesses in Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online
Beled Weyne (HOL) - Security forces in Beledweyne have arrested several suspected Al-Shabaab members in operation conducted after two attacks in the town, an official confirmed Wednesday. Source: Hiiraan Online
Congratulatory messages from Somali and other parts of the world are being shared on social media following the election of Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf as president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The Somali judge was elected to the court’s Chamber of Summary Procedure along with four other judges and two alternate judges, who shall henceforth hear and detrmine cases brought before the court. The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. Established in June 1945, the court settles, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by states and gives advisory opinions ob legal questions referred to it by duly organs and agencies of the United Nation. Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf has been the vice president of the ICJ since February 2015 and has been a judge at the court since 2009. Yusuf is the founder and General Editor of the African Yearbook of International Law and is also one of the founders of the African Foundation for International Law, as well as the chairperson of its Executive Committee. In addition, Yusuf has authored several books and numerous articles on various aspects of international law as well as articles and op-ed pieces in newspapers on current Northeast African and Somali affairs. Africa News
The government and Muslim clerics in the self-declared republic of Somaliland have issued a fatwa, or religious edict, banning some forms of female genital mutilation and promising to punish violators. The fatwa says it is “forbidden to perform any circumcision that is contrary to the religion [of Islam], which involves cutting and sewing up”, the Voice of America’s news site reports. It adds that girls who suffered from such circumcision will be eligible for compensation “depending the extent of the wound and the violation caused”. “Any one proven to be performing the practice will receive punishment depending on the extent of the violation,” the fatwa says. Somaliland’s parliament is expected to pass legislation approving the ban after the fatwa was issued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and religious scholars, reports the BBC’s Ahmed Said from the capital, Hargeisa. Most people in Somaliland, which broke away from Somalia in 1991, are Muslims. BBC
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxammed Cabdullaahi Maxammed(Farmaajo) ayaa shalay Xarunta Villa Somalia kula kulmay Safiirka Imaaraadka Carabta u fadhiya Soomaaliya Mohammed Ahmed Othman Al Hammadi,sida ay qortay Wakaaladda Wararka Emirates News Agency. Kulanka ayaa looga hadlay xoojinta xiriirka laba-geesoodka ah ee u dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka,si loo gaaro danaha wadaagga ah ee labada dal. Intii kulankaasi socday madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxammed Cabdullaahi Maxammed(Farmaajo) ayaa Imaaraadka Carabta uga mahadceliyay taageerada joogtada ah ee ay u fidiso Soomaaliya,isagoo ammaanay xiriirka taariikhiga ah ee labada dal. Dhinaca kale Safiirka Imaaraadka Carabta u fadhiya Soomaaliya Mohammed Ahmed Othman Al Hammadi ayaa madaxweyne Farmaajo u mahadceliyey,wuxuuna ballanqaaday in dowladda Imaaraadku ay sii wadayso taageerada dhinacyada badan ee ay siiso Soomaaliya. Xigasho:-Emirates News Agency PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ammaanay Xiriirka Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka Carabta. appeared first on Puntland Post.
In my article I would like to enlighten the increasing gangs in Hargiesa city, the worsening of the Security and it is impact on the people living in the city. Generally, Gang violence is a major problem in the world. It equally affects and puts in danger in the lives of many people living both economically developed and developing countries. It is far and widely recognized as a big threat to the global, national and local security. In societies most people feel safe and do not have a sense of urgency that something appalling will transpire around them. Although these people may hear the surplus of current events going on around the world and the gang violence is major social problem in most poor nations and developing countries. In our level, when we compare the gang rate of Hargeisa city at the moment and around a millennium before, the rate increased unexpectedly that have resulted a shocking results from property robbery to costing the lifes of many victims by the hands of the Gangsters’ in Hargiesa and other regions of Somaliland by either force raid towards people walking in dim lighted streets of the cities or by fighting with each other due to an angry raised from sharing of theft properties mainly lab tops, mobile phones and money. Moreover, the male dominated gang groups are mainly between the ages of 14 to 20 according to a research that Social Work students have carried out in two main districts in Hargeisa, Mohamud Haybe and Koodbur District respectively. Similarly, most gangs are drop out teens that left school in Secondary level. Our research have also enlightened the biggest reasons that members join up gang groups are to get Identity within their peer group or society and Unemployment. Figure below illustrates the ages of the gangs Most importantly, let me jot down some of the worst consequences of gang violence. Firstly, Gang groups take the properties of the people forcefully usually Cell phones, Laptops and Money. Secondly, they group themselves and takes bribe from the local shops and business centers which they threaten if any of those business owners rejects their will. Thirdly, this occurrence is very popular in all areas of Hargeisa, the gangs fight each other through football teams which is the very basic building block that Gangs is generated and scarcity of playgrounds are the fueling factor of the class between youth football teams. When they are fighting together, they hurt themselves due to the usage of dangerous sharpen long knife (Baangad) and other harmful tools causes a life time injuries and even death more often. In fact, above mentioned are the causes and backsides of the gang violence in Hargeisa city but the government of Somaliland seems to be inattentive on the aspirations of the gangs because if we evaluate the past incidents and future it seems nightmare as their root will deepen until organized to weapons where their tacking would be unbearable. Hence, I do believe the intention of keeping on eagle eye to this matter and making use of this below recommendation will be benefited by all of us if government and mandated institutions address and consider as valuable. Most importantly, gang violence can be illuminated or reduced its uprising significances by improving Police interventions on gang acts and developing new strategies to avoid the exceeding evil acts of gangs for example through community level intervention. Also building new police stations in most dangerous gang sites in the City. In contrast, there is a shortage of police station in Somaliland where reintegration of this youth seems impossible. In addition, we can also build a well-maintained rehabilitation centers that are kept in the Gang members in order to change their attitude and returned back to adjust the community. Another worthy idea of reducing gang violence in Hargiesa City is to build a playgrounds for the Youth that will make them busy and feel enjoyment rather than having a very much spare time that lead them to take this wrong bath. Holding seasonal sports events and champions are really alternatives for restoring hope of these youth. Creating job opportunities for the freshly graduators is a way of encouraging others to keep on their route of educational journey complexion. So, they believe their future is bright and education is a tool for attaining your dreamed life. Hence, number of drop outs will be less because currently they see no hope in education. To cut the long story short, Gang violence is becoming one of the uprising social problems that is facing not only in Hargiesa city but rather other Somaliland main cities such as Burao and Borama as well. Thus, we need all of us to be aware of this unexpected social challenge and collaborate with authorities for alleviating or at least minimizing the costs of gang violence where the gang’s cases have increased even in day lights. That will make Hargiesa a safer, enjoyable and entertaining city that all Somaliland visitors feel saved and secured in their precious breath and property. Mr. Yahye Mohamed Abdi (Xanas) Email: xanas08@gmail.com Tell: +252 63 4772121 Master Candidate of Peace and Conflict studies, Community Development advocate, Columnist and freelancer journalist.
Al-shabaab oo kor dhiyay dilalka ay ka fulinayaan Muqdisho.
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Al-shaab ayaa baahiyay inay ka danbeeyeen dilkii saaki loo geystay sarkaal ka tirsanay ciidamada Xooga Soomaaliya. Sarkaal kaan ayaa lagu magacaabi jiray Farxaan Xuseen Barkhad Maanta ayaa rag ka tirsan Al-shabaab waxay ku toogteen xaafadiisa oo ku taala degmada Hodan ee Gobolkaan Banaadir. Dagaalamayaasha Al-shabaab ayaa kor dhiyay weerarada iyo dilalka qorsheysan ee ay ka fulinayaan Magaalada muqdisho, xalay waxay hoobiyaal ku weerareen Saldhiga ciidamada AMISOM ay ku leeyiin xerada Maslax, sarkaal kaan ayey ku dileen degmada hodan ee Gobolkaan Banaadir iyo Sedax ruux oo shalay ay siyaabo kala duwan ugu dileen magaaladaan muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Al-shabaab oo kor dhiyay dilalka ay ka fulinayaan Muqdisho. appeared first on Caasimada Online. -
Forbes magazine on Wednesday issued its first-ever list of the world's richest people in cryptocurrency. Source: Hiiraan Online
Wasiirka Maaliyadda Xukuumadda Federalka Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle oo ay wehliyaan qaar ka mid ah Wasiirada Xukuumadda ayaa maanta la shiray Madaxda xafiiska Qaramada midoobay ee Somaliya uu ugu horeeyo Michael Keating iyo Xubno kale oo Un-ka ah. Shirka ayaa ku saabsanaa sidii loo xoojin lahaa wadashaqaynta Qaramada Midoobay iyo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya , bixinta Canshuuraha waajibka ah, sugidda Amniga, dib u eegista heshiiska SOMA iyo in wada jir looga shaqeeyo qorshayaasha guud ee labada dhinac. Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaliya Michael Keating ayaa u mahadceliyay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda XFS Dr Bayleh iyo qaabka uu usoo agaasimay shirka, isagoona balan qaaday in Qaramada Midoobay ay si dhaw ula shaqeyn doonto hey’adaha kala duwan ee Dowladda. Sidoo kale Wasiirka Maaliyadda Soomaaliya Md Cabdiraxman Ducaale ayaa ka dalbaday Madaxda Q.M in ay Dowladda kala shaqeeyaan kor u qaadida Dakhliga Dalka oo la doonayo sanad kaan 2018 inuu ka badnaado sanadii hore. Gabagabadii shirka ayaa waxaa lagu magacaabay guddi labada dhinac ah oo ka wada shaqeyn doona dib u eegista heshiiska SOMA. ___DHAMMAAD____ The post Wasiir Beyle oo la Kulmay Michael Keating iyo Xubno kale oo Qaramada Midoobay ka socda appeared first on Puntland Post.
Since Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was nominated as President of Somalia, he could not rest from conspiracies against Republic of Somaliland in different forms including diplomatic and finally full-scale war. Farmajo spends a lot of the public money on media propaganda against Somaliland like social media. He beckons the politicians, businessmen, students and different tribe chiefs (known Traitors in Somaliland) to come to Mogadishu to use against Somaliland. He appoints the traitors in his cabinet, in an attempt to misguide the international community over having support in Somaliland and there are people who don’t support Somaliland independence. He even sponsored militia to disturb the recent presidential elections in Somaliland, mainly in the far east of Somaliland. The militia troubled voting process by attacking voting centers, stealing ballot boxes and threatened election stuff. The Somaliland National Military Forces chased them away and tightened the grip across far east of Somaliland. The election completed successfully and won praise from international election observers. The President of Somalia Farmajo who was a member of Siyad Barre regime who committed crimes against humanity in Somaliland (1978 – 1991) including ethnic cleansing, displacement and widespread bombing and killing, violated terms of the agreements between Somaliland and Somalia over airspace management of former Somali Republic. He unilaterally declared control of the airspace without discussing with Somaliland and ICAO. He installed dummy equipment with help of Italian Mafia in Mogadishu Airport, as part of his illegal claim over control of the airspace. Furthermore, and due to the silence of the international community over all provocations and hostilities against Somaliland, Farmajo dared to send a minister in his cabinet (a traitor) into Somaliland territory. This is the first time in the history that Somalia President sent a member of his cabinet (traitor) to enter Somaliland territory for incitement. The traitor met members of the local community in the remote areas and encouraged them to take up arms against their own government, Somaliland. During visit of Farmajo in North-East regions of Somalia known Puntland that borders Somaliland, Farmajo instructed military buildup at the border with Somaliland including many tribal militia who later infiltrated into Somaliland territory. Somaliland army chased the militia and took over the control of TUKO-RAQ village, which fall into the hands of the militia. The militia went back into save heavens in Somalia’s region of Puntland. First hand reports say, that more pro-Farmajo militia are gathering in order to retaliate. This hostility has direct link with recent visit of Farmajo to Puntland. Disingenuously, Farmajo is trying to tell the international community that the conflict is between Somaliland and Puntland but reality is that Mogadishu regime is financing, equipping and mentoring such militia against Somaliland’s democracy and good governance. Farmajo is supporting the war against Somaliland on the bases of tribe, claiming that majority of the inhabitant of Somaliland’s far east regions belong to Darood tribe, in which Farmajo belongs too. This is serious claims because there are also Darood kinsmen in Ethiopia and Kenya. The question lingering in mind is, will the Farmajo’s tribe based land-expansion campaign extend into Ethiopia and Kenya like 1963 and 1977. Farmajo is losing his mind over constant uplift of Somaliland in good governance, democracy and human rights, while his country is falling into starvation, war, terrorism and poor social services. Farmajo team in Mogadishu is against recent peace agreement between Somailland and KHAATUMO led by Pro. Khalif Galydh and Faysal Ali Wareeb. The agreement was successful and all disagreement settled. Somaliland used its homegrown peace-making technique to end the difference with KHAATUMO. Today Pro. Galydh, KHAATUMO Leader, is in Hargeisa to further solidify the agreement. The international community welcome the agreement. The self-styled region of Puntland, Somalia, relocated its forces from the mountainous region of Galgala, which they were fighting Al-Shabab group, to border with Somaliland. This will give Al-Shabab good time to regroup due to failed policy of Farmajo against Somaliland. Farmajo believes to overpower Somaliland militarily just like his mentor Siyad Barre, which violates the agreement between Somaliland and Somalia under patronage of the international agreement, AU and EU. The agreement states that Somalia and Somaliland should maintain peaceful coexistence and avoid any statement that could trigger rift. International community and regional government like Ethiopia should know that Mogadishu regime will be sole responsible of any war in the region, because Somaliland is within its 1960 border, while Somalia militia is infiltrating into Somaliland. By\ Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi Email: az.almutairi@yahoo.com
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