Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Websiteka Daily Sabah ayaa soo daabacay warbixin xiiso badneyd oo kashiftay waxyaabo badan oo qarsoonaa kuna saabsan in wadanka Soomaaliya la doonayo in la qabsado iyadoo ay dowladaha Reer Galbeed ay arrintaas usoo marayaan Dowladaha Carabta, gaar ahaan Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Sacuudiga. Haddaba warbixintaas oo aad u dheer waxaa idiin soo turjuntay Shabakadda Caasimadda Online, maadaama markii hore ay warbixintaan ku qorneyd luuqadda Inigiriiska, waxayna warbixinta ku bilaabaneysaa sida hoos kaaga muuqato. Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Xulafadeeda waxay leeyihiin ajandooyin aad halis ugu ah Soomaaliya, maadaama ay qorsheynayaan in ay ka faa’iideystaan xasillooni la’aanta joogtada ah ee ka jirta dalka sida inay iyaga xasilooni keenayaan oo kale (imperialists). Soomaaliya waxay la kulantay laba weerar oo argagixiso ah Bishii October, Waxaana la sheegay in qaraxii dhacay 28 uu ahaa mid aad u weyn inkastoo uusan Khasaaro ku gaari karin midkii dhacay Magaalada Gilgilay 14 October kaasoo ay ku dhinteen in ka badan 358 Qof. Wargeysyada Reer Galbeedka waxay qaraxyada ku eedeeyaan inay ka dambeeyaan Ururka Argagixisada ah ee tabarta daran ee Al-Shabaab, waxaana muuqato inay qaar badan oo ka tirsan Warbaahinta ay iska indha tirayaan Xaqiiqda rasmiga ah ee jirto oo ah inay Soomaaliya u dhibaatooneyso Istaraatiijada dhuleed oo ay heysato iyadoo lagu dadaalayo in wadanka lala wareego, waxaana arrintaas loo marayaa inuu dalka kusii jiro Dagaalo Sokeeye, Khilaafaad iyo Musiibooyin ay dad sameenayaan (Man-made Disasters.) Maraykanka iyo Xulafadiisa Reer Galbeedka ah ee ku midoobay Dambiyada ayaa isku dayeen in ay burburiyaan Soomaaliya oo ay Caburiyaan sanado badan, Mareykanka wuxuu Soomaaliya ku ridaa Bombooyin uu ku sheegay in lagula dagaalamayo Argagixisada Al-Shabaab balse lagu doonayo in lagu burburiyo Soomaaliya, halka dowladda Ingiriiska ay Xayiraad saartay Xawaaladaha Soomaalida, yoolka ugu dambeeyana wuxuu yahay burburinta qayb ka mid ah jinsiyadda aadanaha. Waxay isku dayayaan inay ku guuleystaan waxa gumeysiga yurubiyanku ku guul daraystay. Sidoo kale Dalalka qaar sida Emirate-ka Carabta iyo Sacuudiya Carabiya waxay Soomaaliya maamulideeda ka leeyihiin yool siyaad juqraafiyad ku dheehan. Sacuudiga maal mahan awood waali ku dheehan ayay muujinayaan balse waxaa muhiim ah in la xuso inay raali galinayaan reer Galbeedka sida Mareekanka, Ingiriiska, Faransiiska, Israa’iil ama Jarmalka. Sacuudiga waxay doonayaan inay maamulaan in ka badan 3,300 km xeeb dhirarkeeda, tamarta iyo qeyraadka badda Soomaaliya, waxayna diyaar u yihiin inay dhiiga Soomaalida si toos ah iyo si dadban u daadiyaan inta ay u jeedaan fursad ay dhul xeebeedka Soomaaliya ku maamuli karaan u muuqato. Waxaa fariin cad loo diraa kuwa Sacuudiga madax furashada u heestaan oo ay doonayaan sidii Soomaaliya ay ku dhiig maran lahaayeen inay ka caawiyaan. Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Sacuudiga waxaa lagu eedeyn karaa hab dhaqankooda aan sharaxaada la soconin faa’iidad ay leedahay awoodoodda Militari iyo siyaasadooda dibada inay dan ugu jirto shacabkooda iyo guud ahaan gobolka. Talaabooyinka ay qaadayaan waa kuwo reer Galbeedka lagu raali galinaayo waxayna caddow ku yihiin Soomaaliya weliba talaabooyinka ay qaadayaan waxay ku dul adeegsanayaan wadan dhaqaale ahaan iyo siyaasad ahaan aad u daala dhacayo. Emirate-ka Carabta iyo hogaankeeda waxay si dhaqsi ah ku dareemeen muhiimada ay leedahay Soomaaliya qaran ahaan. Sidaa darteed hadafkooda wuxuu yahay inay bur buriyaan xiriirka Soomaaliya iyo Turkiya u dhaxeeyo iyo xulufooyinka kale ee aan danta Emirate-ka ka talineyn. Emirate-ka hadii Soomaaliya ay sidaan muhiim ugu tahay waxay ahayd inay marhore dalkaan ka caawiyaan kasoo kabashadii abaarihii iyo colaadihii dalka hareeyay, laakiin Emirate-ka sidaas uma shaqeeyaan siyaasad ahaan. Marwalbo dagaalka Mareekanka hogaamiyaan waa mid ku dheehan in dadka nolol ahaan iyo amni ahaan la ragaadiyo si ay isku dhiibaan, sidaa darteed talaabooyinka uu Mareekanka ka wado Soomaaliya waa sidaas madaama sida saxda uusan Soomaaliya u garab taagneyn. Sacuudiga iyo Emirate-ka marka ay Soomaaliya deeq siinayaan kama ahan walaaltinimo ee danaha Mareekanka ayay hirgalinayaan. La yaab ma ahan in labadaan wadan oo Muslimiin ah in Soomaaliya aysan waligood usoo gurmanin si deg deg ah marka abaaro xoogan dalka dilaaceen xiliyo kala duwan, waxay ka noqotay Khaliijka sadaqo soo daahday inay Soomaaliya siiyaan xiliga boogta laga soo kabanaayo. Emirate-ka, Sacuudiga iyo reer Galbeedka wey badaleen siyaasadii ay Soomaaliya kula dhaqmi jireen kadib markii ay arkeen in Turkey ay ka go’antahay caawinta Soomaaliya. Waxay fahmeen inay la macaamil tamayaan Turkiga oo ah dal awood badan kaasi oo awood u leh inuu Soomaaliya si joogto ah u caawiyo si ay argagaxisada caalamiga ah kaga guuleestaan. Tan iyo markii uu Madaxweyne Recep Tayyip Erdoğan booqdey Muqdishu sanadkii 2011, Turkigu wuxuu ku lug lahaa mashaariic badan oo Soomaaliya ka jira si uu uga caawiyo Soomaaliya inay noqoto waddan xasilloon oo awood leh, xiriirkaaan Soomaaliya iyo Turkiga dhex maray waa mid la dagaalamayo Xulafada Sacuudiga iyo Imaaraadka oo doonayo inay dhacaan oo ay ka faa’ideystaan Soomaaliya iyo guud ahaan dhul weynaha Qaaradda Africa, waxaana xusid mudan in Xulafada Caalamiga ah ee Neocons iyo Zionists ay yaqaaniin sida loo xukumo dowladaha Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga. Neocon: Waxaa laga soo qaatay Neoconservatism oo ah dhaqdhaqaaq siyaasadeed oo ka dhashay waddanka Maraykanka intii lagu jiray 1960-kii oo ka mid ahaa garabyada xoriyada ee xagjirnimada ah kuwaas oo aan la socon siyaasadda dibadda ee Maraykanka. Zionists: Waa dhaqdhaqaaqa Qaranka ee leeyihiin dadka Yahuuda ee taageersan dib-u-abuuridda Wadan ay leedahay Yahuudda oo la doonayo in lagu abuuro Dhulkii Taariikhiga ahaa ee Reer Israa’iil ee loo yaqaan (Kancaan, Quduuska ah, ama gobolka Falastiin). Dhibaatada loo geystay Dalka Qatar ee dhawaan dhacday ayaa ahayd dhacdo kale oo ku saabsan ciyaarta juqraafi ee ballaaran oo lagu ciyaaro Bariga Dhexe iyo Afrika. Sida laga soo xigtay warbixinnada, Sacuudi Carabiya iyo Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa tobanaan milyan oo Dollar oo laaluush ah siiyay Siyaasiyiin ku sugan Muqdisho si loo mucaarado Xukuumadda Soomaaliya oo go’aan dhex dhexaad ah ka qaadatay go’doominta la saaray Qatar, Way ku fashilmeen, laakiin taasi ma ayan ku niyad jabin wadamadan in ay isku dayaan inay helaan siyaabo cusub oo cadaadis loogu saaro Soomaaliya. Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa ka faa’iideysanaya qaybo ka mid ah Soomaaliya oo ay ka jirto Xasilooni la’aan si ay halkaas uga fuliso Mashaariic Logistics ah, Meelahaas waxaa kamid ah Maamulka Puntland ee isku arko inuu Soomaaliya ka madax banaan yahay, waxaana Dakadda Boosaaso lagu wareejiyey Shirkadda uu fadhigeeda yahay Magaalada Dubai ee DP Word, Sidoo kale DP Word waxaa 30 Sano oo lacag dhimis ah loogu wareejiyey Dakadda Berbera si loogu sameeyo dayactir, waxaana la qorsheenayaa in halkaas laga sameeyo waxaa loogu yeeray aag dhaqaale oo lacag la’aan ah (Xor ah). Kadib qaraxii argagaxiso ee dhibaatada geestay, wariyayaasha Soomaalida ee saameynta leh waxay ka dhawaajiyeen in Imaaraadka Carabta (UAE) yihiin wakiil bur bur u horseedayo Soomaaliya, , waxayna ku eedeeyeen inay Imaaraadka dhinacyo Soomaaliya kamid ah la gashay heshiisyo Sheydaani ah isla markaasna ay Soomaaliya ku sameysay faragelin aan loo baahneyn. Dhawr jeer ayaa Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta loogu baaqay inay Soomaaliya ka joojiso howlgalkooda diblomaasiyadeed ee dhibaatada ku ah dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed. Imaaraadka Carabta, Xulafadeeda iyo madaxdooda reer Galbeedka waxay Turkiga u arkaan inuu halis ku yahay qorshahooda Africa ee ku dhisan dhul qabsahada. Dagaalka ka socda Yemen ayaa qayb ka ah isla xisaabtaan, maadaama uu wadankaan ku yaalo Jasiiradda Carabta weliba meel u dhow waddooyinka muhiimka ah ee badaha. Yaboohidda Dalka Yeman wuxuu ahaa qorsho ay soo maleegeen dowladaha Reer Galbeedka, waxaana fulinayey Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Sacuudiga, Waxaa si weyn loo rumaysan yahay in Dhaxal Sugaha Imaaraadka Mohammed bin Zayed uu saameyn ku yeeshay Boqorka Sacuudi Carabiya Mohammad bin Salman si uu ugu biiro qorshayaashii dhintay-dhamaadka. Cadowga Soomaaliya waxay jeclaan lahaayeen inay marmarsiiyo u helaan bilaabashada dagaal furan, laakiin waxay arrintaas ka doorteen Argagixin Qaawan halkii ay qorshahaas bilaabi lahaayeen, waxaa jiro nooc kale oo kamid ah argagixisada oo uu sameenayo Mareykanka isagoo arrintaas u marayo duqeyn uu ku fulinayo Diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha laheyn, ujeedka ugu weyna wuxuu yahay inaysan Soomaaliya ka nabad gelin awodda burburinta ah oo uu wado Mareykanka. Hawlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AMISOM) ayaa sidoo kale loo arkaa in uu kaalin ka ciyaarayo dhibaatada ka jirta dalka halkii uu fullin lahaa Waajibaadkii loo xil saaray ee aheyd nabadda. Xarunta cusub ee militariga ee Turkiga ayaa ka caawin doonta Soomaaliya horumarinta awooda Ciidamada Difaaca, taas oo ka dhigan inay ka hortageyso marmarsiiyo reer Galbeedka ah oo abuuraya nooc ka mid ah joogitaanka ciidamada Saldhigoodu yahay Dalka Jabuuti oo daris la ah Soomaaliya. Warbixinnada sirdoonka ayaa sheegayo in Qaraxii Weynaa ee 14 October ka dhacay Muqdisho loola dan lahaa Saldhigga Cusub ee Turkiga uu ka furtay Muqdisho, Waxaa macquul ah inaysan warbixinadaan run aheyn ama ay run yihiin, Si Kastaba Argagixisada iyo kuwa taageera waxay maskaxda ku hayaan inay Mar uun sameeyaan Aargudashada Turkiga ee lama huraanka ah. Waa in la ogaadaa in argagixisada lagu hago Soomaaliya ay si ula kac ah u beegsaneyso xarumo rayid ah. Masaajidada, dhismayaasha dawladda, hudheelada, makhaayadaha iyo suuqyada si loo suurta geliyo inay Soomaaliya noqoto meel foodo ah markaasna ay abuuraan fursad ay dalka kusoo galaan dowladaha Soomaaliya cadowga ku ah ee doonayo inay dalkaan qabsadaan. Si kasta oo ay noqotaba waxay arrintaas kaliya noqon doontaa qalqalgelin iyo booto ka imaaneyso Reer Galbeed iyo Dowladaha Khaliijka ee dabadhilifka u ah, waxaana xaqiiq ah inay Soomaaliya hagardaamadaan ka dhaxli doonto awood (Soomaaliya way guuleysan doontaa). Waxaa Waajib ku ah Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ee sii kordhineyso dhaqdhaqaaqeeda Debadda inaysan isku dayin inay weeraraan wax ka badan inta ay cuni karto. Xigasho: Waxaa Turjumay: Cabaas Cali Xasan (Xaliye) Email: Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Kadib markii ay soo baxdey warbixintii Guddiga aqalka hoose ee Barlamanka Federaalka Soomaaliya u xilsaarey kiiskii Qalbi-dhagax ayaa waxaa jira warar sheegaya in madaxda sare ee Hay’ada fulinta dowlada wadahadal la bilaabeen taliyihii hore ee ciidamada Nabad Sugida Cabdulahi Maxamad Cali “Sanbalooshe’. Wadahadlkaan ayaa xubnaha u sareeya Hay’adaan kaga hortagyaan in Taliyihii hore ee NISA sidii uu jawaab uga bixin laheyn eedynta guddiga aqalka hoose ee Barlamanka Federaalka u soo jeediyeen. Guddiga loo xilsaarey iney go’aan kasoo gaaraan dhiibista kiiska Qalbi-dhagax ayaa eeda dhacdadaan waxa ay dusha ka saareen Haya’adii Cabdulahi Maxamad Cali ‘ Sanbalooshe’ madaxda uu ka ahaa kuwaasoo yiri, “Kaddib markaan aragnay dhammaan Dastuurradii ay Soomaaliya soo yeelatay taniyo xorriyaddii 1960-kii iyo shuruucda dalka ee ku aaddan arrinta isu-gudbinta eedeysanayaasha iyo dambiilayaasha, Guddiga waxaa usoo baxday in dhiibista Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse “Qalbi Dhagax” aan loo marin hab sharci ah, lagana talo-gelin Hay’adaha Garsoorka, iyada oo ay isla markaasna maareysay Hay’adda Sirdoonka iyo Nabad Sugidda Qaranka keliya, laguna saleeyay go’aan ku dhisan xog aan sugneyn oo la siiyay Madaxda Qaranka.” Dhinaca kale warar kale ayaa sheegaya in Taliyihii hore ee NISA isu diyaarinayo dib uga mid noqoshada Golaha Barlamanka Federaalka Soomaaliya kaasoo iska casiley xilkaan markii loo magacaabey Hay’adaan. Xogtaan ayaa sheegeysa in Villa Soomaaliya u balan qaadey Taliyahii hore sidii ay ugala shaqeyn laheyd in markale dib loogu soo doorto xubinta Barlamanka Federaalka ama xilal kale loogu magacaabi lahaa. Sanbalooshe oo cabsi ka qaba raadka sharciyan ku yeelan karto eeda dusha laga saarey hadii uusan jawaab ka bixin ayaa sida ay sheegeen sharci yaqaano, waxay saameyn ku yeelan kartaa kamid ahaanshihiisa Barlamanka Federaalka Soomaaliya halka qoyska Qalbi-dhagax dacwad ku soo oogi karaan. Mucaaradka dolwada Federaalka ayaa sidoo kale tan iyo markii ay soo baxdey warbixintaan eedymo u jeedinayey madaxda sare ee Hay’ada fulinta dowlada ( Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isal wasaaraha) ku lug lahaanshahooda go’aanka hay’adda NISA ku dhiibtey Qalbi Dhagax halka dhinaca kale ku cadaadinayeen in Sanbalooshe jawaab ka biixyo sida uu wax u og yahay. Taliyaha ciidamada NISA ayaa waxaa lagu magacaabaa wareegto Madaxweyne iyadoo shaqadiisu hoostimaado Ra’isal wasaaraha Soomaaliya. Barlamanada dowlada Federaalka ayaa iyagu nidaam ahaan wax lug ah ku lahyn ansaxinta madaxda hay’adaha amniga. Isha: GO Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Muqdisho in ay Maamul Goboleed u gaar ah yeelato waxa ay maslaxad u tahay dalka oo dhan. Muqdisho waa muraayaddii dalka Somaaliya, waxana ku nool oo ay degane iyo degaanmba u tahay shacabka soomaliyeed ku dhawaad saddex meelood meel oo aan dood la gelin karin, waxana ay ka kooban tahay 17 degmo. Dowoladda dhexe waxa ay dadaal ku bixisay iyada oo Muqdisho awoodeeda dhaqaale ku tiirsan sidii ay u dhismi lahaayeen Maamul Geboleedyadu, madaxda Maamul Goboleedyaduna waxa ay taa beddelkeeda dadaal ku bixiyeen iyaga oo badankoodu Muqdisho deggan yihiin ama kuba dhashay sidii ay shacabka Muqdisho uga hor istaagi lahaayeen in Muqdisho maqaamkeeda hesho, taas oo meesha ka saareysa in ay muuqato awoodda siyaasadeed, dhaqaale, aqooneed ee shacabka Muqdisho Alle ku maneystay. Waxa is weydiin mudan waxa ay diidan yihiin madaxda Maamul Goboleedyadu, ma in shacbiga Muqdisho talada dalka wax ku yeesho ayaa dhib ugu jiraa, mase siyaasad gurracan oo qarsoon ayaa jirta. Waxa aan wada ognahay sababta loo dhisayo Maamul Goboledyada waa in si caddalad ah lagu wada noolaado shacbkuna helo xuquuqda dhaqaale, waxbarasho iyo siyaasadeed ee ay leeyihiin meelkasto oo ay joogaan , Gobol, Degmo iyo tuulaba. Dowladdii waddanka hal meel ka hagi jirtay waxa lagu diiday in xuquuqda muwaadin kasta la ilaaliyo oo xukunka hoos loo dhaadhiciyo. Marka haddii ay tahay in xukunka hoos loo dhaadhiciyo dalkaan shacbiga ku nool qaar, qaarna loo diido in ay xuquuqdoodi helaan maxaa isbedelay, waxay noqoneysaa oo kaliya, markii hore Dowladdii hal meel ka hageysay dalka Goboladii ayey xaqoodii u diiday hadana Gobolladi ayaa raba in ay Gobol ka mida dalka shacabka ku nool u diidaan xaquuqdiisa. Taas waxa kaliya ee lagu fasiri karo waa cadowtinimo muuqata oo anigu cod baan leeyahay adiguse cod ma lihid la yiraahdo. Waxa kale oo suurto gal ah in miisaanka Muqdisho ay ku leedahay caalamka la rabo in la qariyo sidaasna shacabka Muqdisho uga haro xaqa uu u leeyahay in codkiisa la maqalo. Tani haddii ay dhacdo ama sababta maqaamkeeda looga soo horjeedo uu sidaas yahay, waa doqonnimo waayoo Muqdisho waa sharafka qof kast oo soomaali ah. Adduunka Ayaana sidaas u sameysan, Shacabkasta oo dunida guud keeda saaran waxa lagu aqoonsadaa calamka iyo caasimadda dalkiisa. Waxa kale oo aan rabaa in aan Duqa ahna Guddomiyaha Gobolka banaadir Mudane Thabit u sheego in uusan uga baahaneyn Maamul Goboleeydyada in ay iyagu go’aan ka gaaraan haddii Muqdiaho Maamul Goboleed dhisaneyso iyo haddi kale, waxa aan leeyahay Guddoomiye adigoo ku mahadsan dadaalkaaga waxa aan rabaa in aad ogaato in aqoonsiga Muqdisho loo aqioonsado Maamul goboleed uu jeebkaaga kuugu jiro, maxaa yeelay shacbiga Muqdisho ayaa xaq u leh in ay sameystaan Maamul Goboleedkooda, sida Gobollada kaleba u sameysteen iyaga oo aan Muqdisho kala Tashan. Waxa kuu dheer maamullda la dhisay waxa lagu dhasay kharash fara badan oo shacabka Muqdisho bixiyeen, badankoodana Muqdisho ayaaba lagu amaamuday. GUNAANAD Mudane Guddoomiye Muqdisho in ay Maamul Goboleed yeelato Gobolka Benaadir ee aad madaxda u tahay ayaa ka masuul ah, waxana kugu filan in shacabka Muqdisho Kula jiraan raalina ka yihiin sameynta Maamul Goboleedka BENAADIR. Madaxda Maamul Goboleeydyaduna waxa ay ku mashquulsan yihiin sidii ay Gobolladooda u horumarin lahaayeen, Muqdishana cod ugala diriri lahaayeen. Marka adiga ayey kuu taal haddii aad iyaga ka sugeyso aqoonsi iyo haddii aad shacbiga Muqdisho ee xaqoodi ay tahy arrinka la’isku hayo aad kala tashaneysid. Waxa aan ku soo xirayaa Aqoosiga Maamul Goboleedka Benaadir Jeebkaaga ayuu ku jiraa. W/Q: Dr. Axmed Cumar Calasow
  4. Addis-Ababa (Caasimada Online) – Hogaamiyaha maamulka Puntland C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas, ayaa ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia, kadib markii uu casuumaad ka helay Ra’isul wasaaraha dalkaas Hailemariam Desalegn. C/weli Gaas, ayaa la xaqiijiyay in safarkiisa uu ahaa asbuuc ka hor balse sababo mashquul oo dhanka Ra’isul wasaare Hailemariam aawgii uu u baaqday. Ilo ku dhow dhow C/weli Gaas ayaa laga soo xigtay in Socdaalka Hogaamiyaha maamulka uu yahay mid ku aadan taageero dhanka la dagaalanka al-Shabaab. Waxa uu ilo wareedka xaqiijiyeen in C/weli Gaas uu Ra’isul wasaare Hailemariam Desalegn ka dalban doono saanad Militery oo ay isaga difaacan maleeshiyaadka ku sugan buuraaleyda Galgala ee Puntland. Waxa intaa kusii darayaa in C/weli Gaas horay looga ballanqaaday ka garab istaaga la dagaalanka al-Shabaab, balse iminka uu ujeedku yahay in lagu caawiyo saanad Militery. Sidoo kale, Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn, ayaa C/weli Gaas, wax ka weydiin doona Heshiis ay dhawaan la galeen Shirkad Shisheeye oo ka qeybqaadaneysa dhismooyinka goobo muhiim ah oo ka tirsan Puntland, iyadoo la hakiyay heshiis hore loola galay Shirkad kale oo ay damaanad ka aheyd Ethiopia. Geesta kale, Buuraaleyda Galgala ayaa waxaa ka howlgala maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab iyo Daacish oo weeraro kala duwan horay uga geystay xarumo ciidan oo ay leedahay Puntland, taa oo dib usoo nooleysay rajada Puntland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Hogaamiyaha Isbahaysiga Mucaaradka NASA Raila Odinga ayaa ku goodiyay inuu amri doono taageerayaashiisa inay awood ku galaan dhammaan xarumaha dowlada. Raila Odinga, waxa uu sheegay inaanu qaadan doonin go’aanka kasoo baxay Maxkamadda Sare ee dalka Kenya oo ayiday guusha madaxweyne Uhuru Kenyatta. Waxa uu Raila Odinga cod dheer ku sheegay in Madaxweynaha Kenya ee sharci darada uu noqon doono Uhurro Kenyatta, halka uu isaguna ka noqon doono Madaxweynaha dhabta ah ee awoodiisa ka hirgaliya Kenya. Raila Odinga, waxa uu tilmaamay inaanu ogolaan doonin in awooda codadka loogu sheegto dhaqaalaha Qaranka oo uu cadeeyay in lagu tagrifalay, isla markaana lagu iibsaday Guddiga doorashada. Nuqul kamid ah hadalkiisa ayaa ahaa ”Uhurro Kenyatta waa Madaxweynaha sharci darada ah, aniguna waxaan noqon doonaa Madaxweynaha dhabta” Waxa uu intaa raaciyay ”Dalka waxaa maamuli doona taageerayaasha NASA oo iyagu la joogo xiligii ay adeegsan lahaayen awoodooda” Mr Odinga, oo hadal ka soo baxay usoo gudbiyay lataliyihiisa Salim Lone, ayaa sheegay in xukuumadda Jubilee ay tahay mid sharci-darro ah, isaga oo intaa ku daray in go’aanka Maxkamadda Sare uu ku yimid cadaadis iyo xaalad adag. Geesta kale, Guusha Mr Kenyatta ee doorashadii 26ka Oktoobar ayaa waxaa si wada jir ah u taageeray lixda garsoore ee dacwada dhageesanayay ee Maxkamadda Sare. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  6. Abu Dhabi (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo booqasho labo cisho ah ku jooga dalka Isu-tagga Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa wadahadallo la yeeshay Dhaxal Sugaha Imaaradda Abu Dubay, ahna Ku Xigeenka Taliyaha Guud ee Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ee dalkan Sheekh Maxamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Madaxweynaha ayaa ka mahadceliyay soo dhoweynta diirran iyo taageerada joogtada ah ee ay Dowladda Isu-tagga Imaaradka Carabtu la garab taagan tahay walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed oo ay ugu dambeysay gurmadkii caafimaad ay u fidiyeen dadkii ku dhaawacmay qaraxyadii xanuunka badnaa ee bishii Oktoobar ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho. Sheekh Maxamed Bin Zayed ayaa sheegay muhiimadda ay leedahay in dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka ay kor u qaadaan xiriirka iskaashi maadama ay kawada dhaxayso taariikh iskaashi oo soo jireen ah, isaga oo ballan qaaday in ay dowladdiisu kordhineyso dadaallada lagu nabadeynayo Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha iyo Dhaxal Sugaha ayaa isku afgartay dhammaan arrimihii ay ka wada hadleen oo ay kamid ahaayeen xoojinta xiriirka taariikhiga ah ee labada dal, iskaashiga dhinacyada amniga, ganacsiga, maalgashiga, horumarinta, iyo la dagaallanka kooxaha xagjirka. Kulankan waxaa Madaxweynaha ku wehliyay Wasiiru Dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda Mudane Cabdulqaadir Axmed Khayr, La-taliyaha Madaxweynaha ee dhanka Istiraatiijiyadda Prof. Nuur Diiriye Xirsi, Sen. Mahdi Daahir Sheekh Nuur iyo Danjiraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee dalka Isu-tagga Imaaraadka Carabta Mudane C/qaadir Sheekheey Maxamed Al Xaatimi. -DHAMMAAD- Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Tani waa fariin warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST kasoo gudbinayso mid ka mid ah cuqaasha Gobolka Nugaal ee ku hawlan ilaalinta deegaanka iyo ugaarta oo dareenkiisa ku muujinaya xasuuqa lagu hayo ugaarta tan iyo intii ka dambeysay burburkii 1991-dii Dowladdii Soomaaliya. Nabadoon Xiir Ceydiid Soo-dhakhsade oo hawdka Gobolka Nugaal kula kulmay Tafatiraha PUNTLAND POST Abshir Dhiirane ayaa sheegay inuu ka mid yahay waxgarad khaati/maaro ula joojinta iyo ka hortagista dabargoynta lagu hayo ugaarta. Wuxuuna soo gudbiyay fariin ka dhan ah dadka ku hawlan ka ganacsiga iyo laynta ugaarta duurjoogta ah. Xasuuqa ugaarta ayaa qeyb ka ah musiibooyinka dabiiciga ee ka jira deegaanka iyo dalka Soomaaliya. Haddaba Daawo. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Somalia:- Dadka laaya Ugaadha oo la habaarey appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. eft to right: Amy Bergquist, Advocates for Human Rights staff attorney joins Husen Beriso, Endris Hundissa, Kathleen Seestadt, Nagessa Oddo Dube, Genemo Uka and Amsalu Mayessa, all members of the United Oromo Voices group. A panel discussion will focus on publicizing the plight of the Oromo people, including ongoing alleged human rights violations that some say the U.S. government ignores while continuing to support Ethioipia. Oromia is a region of Ethiopia and Oromos are an oppressed ethnic minority. A new group dedicated to raising awareness of human rights violations in Ethiopia against the Oromo — an Ethiopian ethnic minority with a significant Minnesota presence — held its first event Sunday in Minneapolis. More than 70 people crowded into Norway House to hear the “Ethiopia to Minnesota” speakers panel, sponsored by United Oromo Voices, a coalition formed about six months ago. Panelists spoke about Ethiopia’s history and ethnic groups, its current government and ideas for how the country can change. “We need Americans to understand us, to push their representatives to [be a] voice for the Oromos to stop the ongoing genocide,” said Nagessa Oddo Dube, a United Oromo Voices member. Minnesota has the largest concentration of Oromos in the United States. The Oromos are Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, making up between 33 and 50 percent of the country’s population. The state demographer’s office says 8,500 Oromos live here, but the Oromo Cultural Institute of Minnesota believes the number is much higher. Oromos are often mistaken for Somalis in Minnesota and thus not very visible, Dube said. Dube recounted how he survived years of persecution in Ethiopia as an Oromo activist, including repeated arrests, beatings, threats and a murder attempt. Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 protesters and others and arrested tens of thousands more during widespread protests in the Oromia region since November 2015, according to Human Rights Watch. United Oromo Voices aims to inform Americans that Ethiopia is the second-largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid among low-income countries, funds they say support a government that terrorizes the Oromos by unlawfully arresting them, imprisoning, torturing and even killing them. The St. Paul-based Center for Victims of Torture sees more Oromos than any other ethnicity, said Curt Goering, the center’s executive director. Staff there treat torture victims’ physical wounds — broken bones and perforated eardrums — and provide counseling for the psychological ones, Goering said. “It gives you some sense of the magnitude of the severity of the human rights violations,” Goering said on the panel. Sen. John Hoffman, DFL-Champlin, attended the discussion to show support for the Oromo, many of whom are his constituents, he said. “My neighbors are Oromo, my best friends are Oromo,” said Hoffman, who authored a Minnesota Senate resolution in 2014 calling out Ethiopia for killing 85 college students. Pending resolutions in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives condemn the Ethiopian government’s human rights violations — including allegedly killing hundreds and arresting thousands of dissidents, journalists and other civilians — and demand political prisoners’ release. Kathleen Seestadt, an event organizer and group member, has been working with the Oromo community since 2001. The night was a success, especially because many non-Oromos showed up, she said. “The real challenge is to get people who don’t know the Oromos [to come],” Seestadt said. Startribune
  9. Cholera treatment unit in Burao, Somaliland, which was at the heart of an outbreak in recent months. Photo by: Sara Jerving / DevexBurao, SOMALILAND — On a recent afternoon, six patients remained in a cluster of tents making up the cholera treatment unit in the Togdheer region in central Somaliland. Most of the other beds were empty and the last patients were on the path to discharge. A recovering 1-year old boy named Abdirahman scurried through the children’s inpatient tent giggling. Dr. Abdillahi Ali Musa remembered more somber days. When the outbreak peaked in June, he and other doctors here were treating over 200 new patients in a day, 70 more than their entire bed capacity. Two twins Abdirahman’s age were admitted too late to be saved, among the nearly 300 deaths recorded by the Somali Red Crescent Society during the outbreak. The SRCS treated over 12,000 cases in the Togdheer region alone, 70 percent of the total cases in Somaliland. Cholera infections spread through contaminated food or water. In recent years as more severe, drug-resistant strains of the bacteria have emerged, both the frequency and length of global outbreaks have increased. Amid a civil war and collapsing public service system, Yemen saw the largest cholera outbreak in recent history this year, with over 860,000 suspected cases and over 2,000 deaths. In Somaliland, cholera is a symptom of drought. Rainy seasons in the Horn of Africa have disappointed for three consecutive years, now heading into the fourth. As crops fail, livestock die and boreholes dry up, communities drink whatever water they can find. Prolonged malnourishment compromises immune systems, making patients more susceptible to cholera. According to Oxfam, cholera has been associated with more than 1,500 deaths this year in this part of Africa. Cholera is also a symptom of weak health and water systems, and ultimately, lack of access to universal health coverage, said Amanda McClelland, health security and risk management advisor for the IFRC. “These outbreaks tend to occur in areas where surveillance systems pick up the outbreak much later,” she said. The disease is endemic in Somaliland, but for the moment, the country has curbed its outbreak. The humanitarian strategy, led by the Somali Red Crescent Society, included deploying community-based volunteers, increasing public health education, and coordinating with the government. Relief efforts are now working with Somaliland’s Ministry of Health to prevent another outbreak and ensure that if and when cholera returns, the government can take greater ownership of the response. Somaliland’s unique experience is particularly important as the global public health community aims to curb deaths from cholera. In October, the Global Task Force on Cholera Control, a network of U.N. and international agencies, academic institutions, and NGOs, launched a strategy to globally reduce deaths from cholera by 90 percent by 2030. The strategy aims to better coordinate efforts by governments, donors, and technical partners, as well as to strengthen water, sanitation, and hygiene efforts in hotspots and improve early detection. “Nobody should die from cholera,” said Dorothy Francis, acute watery diarrhea, drought and food security operations manager for International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Somalia Country Office. “People die from cholera when they don’t know what’s happening, and when they don’t get help quickly.” The outbreak Cases of cholera began to pop up in Somaliland in late 2016, following the failure of two rainy seasons. Health workers say it became difficult to convince people to use limited stocks of water for sanitation. Without toilets in many rural areas, open defecation can seep into groundwater. The disease spread further as nomadic populations moved from place to place in search of water, including across borders. Internally displaced persons camps also became hotbeds of cholera, because of the absence of latrines and clean water. Cases continued to rise throughout the spring. Somaliland unilaterally declared independence from Somalia in 1991, but this independence has not been recognized by the international community. Since then, Somaliland has been independently governed, with its own decentralized ministries. The national government places high priority on security spending, leaving only 4 percent of its budget for health, said Ahmed Bakal, Somaliland coordinator for the SRCS. With this limited budget, the Ministry of Health prioritizes hospitals in urban areas. Mobile clinics bring stable care to moving populations in Somaliland Nomadic communities are among the most challenging populations to reach with consistent health care. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is using a system of mobile clinics in Somaliland to reach these roving populations. Devex goes inside the operation to understand how it works and what lessons it might hold for reaching patients on the move. The SRCS and other organizations work to fill the gaps in rural areas. The SRCS has 33 fixed clinics and 33 mobile clinics in Somaliland funded through the International Red Cross community, in collaboration with UNICEF and other U.N. agencies. Services are free of charge, said Bakal. The SRCS clinics are equipped to handle acute watery diarrhea, but a large cholera outbreak could quickly overwhelm the system. In April 2017, as the crisis grew, the national society decided to scale up its response, applying for funds from the IFRC’s revolving Disaster Relief Emergency Fund, a global facility that provides rapid emergency financing. In May, the IFRC and SRCS conducted a rapid assessment in some of the worst-affected areas and realized that the outbreak was worse than initially believed. In response, IFRC deployed an emergency response unit in May, supported by the Canadian Red Cross and the Norwegian Red Cross. Emergency responders established a cholera treatment center in Burao — a group of tents that included inpatient and observation wards. A few smaller cholera treatment units were also deployed in hotspot areas. SRCS also launched an education campaign in Burao. They distributed 20,000 flyers and drove through villages and towns broadcasting messages on cholera prevention from loudspeakers on top of vehicles. They urged residents to chlorinate water, build latrines, and avoid open defecation. Public places such as markets and schools broadcasted a documentary film on cholera prevention. Faith leaders were also looped into the efforts. During Friday prayers, these leaders would teach community members about hygiene and sanitation practices, such as hand washing. A doctor checks on a baby with cholera at the treatment unit in Burao, Somaliland. Photo by: Sara Jerving / Devex Health volunteers IFRC trained and deployed unskilled health workers as Somali Red Crescent Society volunteers to run 43 oral rehydration points in outbreak hotspots. The volunteers became the first point of contact for patients coming in for cholera or acute watery diarrhea and were trained how to physically examine a person, for example, by pulling their skin to check the patient’s level of dehydration. Volunteers gathered basic information from the patient, such as the frequency of their stool, and categorized patients by severity. Acute cases were referred to the cholera treatment centers and units where trained health professionals could prescribe antibiotics and IV treatments. For mild and moderate cases, volunteers offered oral rehydration salts, zinc, and soap, and then sent patients home. After each day of work at an oral rehydration point, volunteers sent a text message to a data manager in the capital city of Hargeisa, reporting the number of cases they handled, including patient details. The idea for an SMS reporting mechanism emerged after the 2012 outbreak of cholera in Sierra Leone, said McClelland of IFRC. The constant data stream in Somaliland helped the IFRC pivot its response based on needs, whereas before the organization would wait until the end of the crisis to sift through paper records. Volunteers were crucial to lessening the load on skilled medical workers. Ninety percent of cases were handled in the oral rehydration points, said Kaltuun Hussein, national health officer for SRCS. The teams were also mobile, offering a cost-effective, community-based response. Local volunteers were also vital because expat relief workers are unable to travel to many parts of the country because of security concerns, said McClelland. “The unique part of the Somaliland response is the difficult security context,” she said. “We made sure we got care out to the lowest level, even when we couldn’t necessarily get there in terms of medical support teams.” Volunteers also helped demystify the treatment of cholera, said Kwame Darko, health delegate to the IFRC Somalia Country Office. The disease can now be viewed as something that can be tackled by communities, not only in clinics and hospitals. Volunteers are part of IFRC’s strategy to reach last mile populations with universal health coverage, by expanding the network of health providers. Government participation Somaliland’s Ministry of Health does not have an early warning system in place to spot a cholera outbreak, said Hussein. Hospitals and clinics collect their own data, largely without sharing. Even if the government had been alerted early, social stigma is an enormous barrier to combatting cholera. The government has been hesitant to use the word “cholera,” preferring the term “acute watery diarrhea,” said Hassan Abdi Jama, deputy national health officer for SRCS. Acute watery diarrhea is a symptom of cholera. In severe cases, if left untreated, cholera can kill within a few hours. If it’s not contained, the disease can spread across borders, making many governments fear that being transparent about a cholera outbreak could negatively hit sectors such as tourism and trade. Despite the disincentives, however, the Somaliland government worked to ensure the cholera response teams were able to move quickly, said Bakal of the SRCS. At the onset of the outbreak, Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud gave an order to all government agencies to support the Red Cross in its outbreak response. When equipment arrived in the Port of Berbera, on Somaliland’s coast, it was instantly released, even without the usual customs paperwork, said Bakal. Tax-exemption paperwork usually must be processed through the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Planning, and Ministry of Finance, as well as payment of port charges, before equipment is released, he said. This can take at least a week. Throughout the outbreak, the IFRC worked to increase the capacity of the government. The cholera treatment center in Burao was staffed by a mixture of Ministry of Health workers, as well as the SRCS, who were training the government workers throughout the crisis, said Francis of IFRC. Daily coordination meetings between U.N. agencies, local NGOs, and the government also improved capacity, said Jama. IFRC emergency response units are intended to provide a country with relief for up to three months. So as the outbreak wound down, the cholera treatment center was broken down into smaller cholera treatment units. The equipment has been handed over to the government’s Ministry of Health. A warehouse is being built in Burao to store the treatment units, which will be at the government’s disposal for deployment during the next outbreak. The IFRC will also hold a training in November for the Ministry of Health. “This has been an eye-opener to try to put things on the right track for future emergencies,” said Darko. “It was a wake-up call.” The next outbreak Somaliland’s cholera outbreak was successful because of the coordinated international response, willingness of the government to allow responders to operate without restrictions, and the use of volunteers at the oral rehydration points to not only reach areas that were difficult to access because of security concerns, but also lessen the load of the trained health workers. Somaliland is not in the clear yet. The Deyr rainy season is expected to have below-average rainfall in the Horn of Africa, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network. This is expected to exacerbate a situation that has already left an estimated 15 million people facing food insecurity. Somaliland will likely face emergency food insecurity until at least January, according to Oxfam. Another outbreak could hit the country again as the water crisis continues to cripple the region, weakening immune systems and pushing people to drink contaminated water. Cholera can enter countries in times of crisis, as happened in Somaliland, but outbreaks are also exacerbated by already weak health systems. The weak health infrastructure in Somaliland and delay by the government to acknowledge the outbreak contributed to the ability of the outbreak to reach the levels it did, said Francis. In the future, the SRCS is hoping the government will take more ownership over outbreaks of cholera, including implementing early detection systems. The IFRC is currently paying for the Ministry of Health staff salaries in the cholera treatment unit that remains in Burao. Starting December, the government will be responsible for paying the salaries. It’s unclear whether the funding will be there, said Darko. Despite efforts to build the government’s capacity, the process is slow moving, said Francis. The SRCS expects to continue to play a support role to the government when the next cholera outbreak hits Somaliland. Devex
  10. By: Ms. Farrah Yusuf The government on Monday lifted the two week-long ban on Kalsan TV news channel in Somaliland. The Information ministry had banned the channel on November 4 for telecasting an allegedly “fake” news on the presidential election campaign. The TV channel aired false news which falsely claimed that Lasanod residents staged a demo against the governing party presidential candidate, Hon. Musa Bihi who was on the campaign trail on November the 4. In an official statement, the ministry said that the channel had made an apology over the broadcast of the fake news. The government closure of Kalsan TV was made after it accused of posing threat to national security. Human rights and Media associations have done all they can to convince the information minister to lift the temporary ban on Kalsan TV. Somaliland government had come under severe flak for its shut down of the TV channel.
  11. Hargeysa-[Puntland Post]-Gudoomiyaha xisbiga Wadani ee Maamulka Soomaliland Cabdiraxaman Cabdilaahi Ciro oo goor dhawad la hadlay wrabahainta Magaalada Hargeysa ayaa si kulul uga hadlay Doorashada Soomaliland . Hoos ka Daawo hadalka Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Wadani. Cabdiraxaman Ciro Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post The post Daawo-Musharax Ciro’’ Waa lagu shubtay Doorashada Soomaliland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. A high level delegation from Germnay led by its ambassador to Somalia/Somaliland arrives on official working visit to Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Amb. Markus Bollmohr, the German ambassador is accompanied by Mr. Peter Finger, who is in charge of politics and World Security department. First of all, the delegation held a high level discussion with governing party presidential candidate, Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi who was flanked by the party spokesman, Hon. Hassan Gafadhi, Somaliland internal security affairs minister, Hon. Yasin Mohamoud and the Mayor of Hargeisa, Abdirahman Mohamoud Aidid. The two sides held talks on the significance of the presidential polls held in Somaliland on 13th Nov. 2017. Amb. Markus Bollmohr has lauded the presidential elections that were smoothly held in Somaliland. The German diplomat has urged that all political parties must accept the final results and further called on political party that has concerns on the credibility of the elections should take matter to court. Amb. Markus Bollmohr has pledged to work with Somaliland in regard to support in the reconstruction of its road infrastructure. The presidential candidate of unity, peace and development party has expressed deep thanks to the German government for the close cooperation between Somaliland and German government.
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-War goordhow nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in xil ka qaadis lagu sameeyay Taliyihii Ciidanka Booliska Qeybta Galbeed G/le Sare Maxamed Daahir. Taliyaha Qeybta Galbeed, ayaa waxaa xilka looga qaaday wareegto kasoo baxday Xafiiska Ku-simaha Taliyaha Booliiska Generaal Mukhtar Xuseen Afrax. Xil ka qaadista G/le Sare Maxamed Daahir, ayaa ka danbeysay kadib markii uu u gacanqaaday Ku-simaha Taliyaha Booliiska afar maalin ka hor inta aan xilka laga qaadin. Gacan qaadka ayaa dhacay xili Saraakiisha ugu sareysa Booliska ay ku jireen shir amniga khuseeyay, waxa uuna falkaan dhacay kadib markii Ku-simaha Taliyaha Booliiska uu amar duldhigay Maxamed Daahir. Dhinaca kale, Ku-simaha Taliyaha Booliiska ayaa sheegay in G/le Sare Maxamed Daahir uusan xil u heyn Taliska Booliska sababo la xiriira amar diido iyo gacan qaad uu sameeyay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  14. AMISOM & Somali National Army troops [AMISOM Public Information/Flickr] If its current timetable isn’t revised, by December 2020, AMISOM combat troops are scheduled to withdraw from all of Somalia’s cities, towns and villages that they’ve liberated from the Al-Shabaab terrorist organisation. The troops have been in Somalia for over a decade to support the Federal Government of Somalia against radical elements of Al-Shabaab who continue their insurgency against the Federal Government of Somalia’s institutional and military presence in Somalia. AMISOM is comprised of troops drawn from Uganda, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Burundi deployed in six sectors covering south and central Somalia through funding support from the EU and UN. The troops, alongside the Somali National Army (SNA), remain the main source of protection for the government as they patrol major roads connecting the Somali capital to other regions and managed to liberate significant cities such as Mogadishu, Kisimayo, Beledweyne and Baidoa. Though the African Union mission didn’t fully pacify the country as required and expected, it deserves applause for creating an enabling environment for the Somali government to re-organise and prioritise its resources and establish a national army to build on the current progress in liberating the remaining areas still under Al-Shabaab’s control. The effects in the reduction of AMISOM troops have already been felt in different parts of Somalia in spite of Special Representative of the African Union Chairperson for Somalia, Francisco Madeira, stating that the transition would be gradual, conditions-based, responsible and done in a manner that will not compromise the safety and security of the Somali people. Somalia’s readiness for a takeover Besides their military operations against Al-Shabaab, the AMISOM troops have been training and equipping the Somali National Army (SNA) with the objective of gradually handing over security duties in liberated areas to the SNA. After close to 18 months of successful operations that uprooted Al-Shabaab’s control over major cities, by mid-2013 the offensives by AMISOM and the SNA came to a halt. Neither AMISOM nor the Somali army had the capacity to push beyond areas already recovered and their hold on the existing territory would be tenuous if the current status quo continued. In recent years, a range of external actors have played a role in training the SNA. These include the European Union, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the US and a private security company, Bancroft Global. Although their help has been valuable, the lack of consistency and proper coordination in the different training techniques was a challenge for the SNA. The Somali military significantly lacks proper equipment and coordinated training that will inculcate it with same military discipline, national ownership and patriotism to liberate its country from extremists. As currently constituted, the SNA is more of a collection of regional clan militias than a unified national force that can take over security tasks from AMISOM. Somalia’s stability primarily relies on its own military and police forces to secure their own territory. That prospect, however, seemed to be a long way off until recently when the Turkish government opened a $50 million military training facility in Mogadishu capable of accommodating the training of 1,500 forces at the same time with the presence of more than 200 Turkish military trainers. This, it is hoped, will help in the reconstruction of a strong Somali national force that can tackle the threat of Al-Shabaab after the withdrawal of AMISOM forces. Al-Shabaab attack military base near Mogadishu Somalia is still under a partial UN arms embargo that prevents it from importing heavy weaponry while allowing it to import light weapons for its security forces. This embargo is a major setback for the government to be really “self-sufficient” in terms of military offensives to confront Al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab’s capability to re-emerge While AMISOM/SNA troops mainly focused on liberating major cities and headquarters of regional administrations, the Al-Shabaab extremists were taking advantage of the relative freedom they had in the vast Somali countryside to regroup, plan and execute attacks against civilians. The group has recently demonstrated its ability to conduct numerous complex raids against hard AMISOM targets, causing significant casualties. Its ability to conduct attacks which resulted in mass-casualties in the capital Mogadishu and sustained small-arms attacks against Somali government and security officials is yet to be contained. The recent bloody bombings in Mogadishu which injured and claimed the lives of more than 400 people are an indicator that the extremist group is still active and capable of re-emerging in the event that a military vacuum arises in the country. The failure of AMISOM and Somali National Army to pursue Al-Shabaab into the hinterlands because of constraints – or perhaps even a lack of political will – has provided Al-Shabaab the ability to maintain access to financial resources, recruitment and training of new foot soldiers, and a space to operate relatively freely outside of major populated centres. Aftermath of Somalia’s 9/11 counter-terrorism quandary Al-Shabaab has exploited shifts in the AMISOM force posture to prepare for its counteroffensive. When the Ethiopian contingent of AMISOM pulled back in early 2017, Al-Shabaab immediately reentered numerous towns across the country. The ease with which Al-Shabaab flipped the towns shows that it had retained a presence nearby and that other territory could be as susceptible to an Al-Shabaab re-conquest. With the presence of AMISOM forces, Al-Shabaab’s disastrous presence has not been isolated to Somalia only; the group has expanded its area of operations into northern and coastal Kenya and demonstrated its capability to hit targets outside Somalia. It is poised to exploit the region’s religious and security conditions. Who knows what will happen over the next 25 months as AMISOM troops steadily withdraw lowering their profile to the vanishing point. Somalia might revisit its anarchic history, or President Farmajo might manage to clench onto control and wipe out Al-Shabaab before the last batch of AMISOM troops withdraws from the country. Abdi Adan Tawane
  15. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Wasiirka Maaliyadda Dowladda Federaalka Somalia, C/raxmaan Ducaale Beyle ayaa maanta Baarlamaanka hor-geeyay Faah-faahin ku saabsan Miisaaniyadda Sannadka soo socda ee 2018-ka. Miisaaniyaddii sannadkan 2017-ka ayaa waxay ahayd $245.9 milyan, balse miisaaniyadda sannadka soo socda waxaa lagu sameeyay is-beddel. Miisaaniyadda Dowladda Federaalka ayaa si ay u meel-mariso hawlaha u qorsheysan sanad miisaaniyadeedka ka bilaabanaya 1-da Janaayo ee sannadka 2018-ka, kuna dhammaada 31-ka December ee 2018-ka, ayaa si hoos ku qoran loo qoondeeyay Dakhliga khasanadda iyo Lacagaha kale ee Dowladda, iyadoo sidan loo qeexay; Wadarta Guud ee Miisaaniyadda waa sidan: 1. Kharashka joogtada ah: US$ 260,171,727 2. Kharashka Raasumaalka: US$ 14,458,464 Wadarta Guud: US$ 274,630,191 Haddaba Haddii ay timaado hoos u dhac kharashaadka ah, waxaa mudnaanta la siin-doonaa: Raashiinka iyo Gunnooyinka ciidamada qalabka sida Khidmadda maaliyaddu ku shaqeyso(Banka iyo Gobolka) Mushaarooyinka/Gunooyinka shaqaalaha rayidka ah Gunnada Xildhibaannada iyo G/Wasiirada Mushaaraadka iyo Gunnooyinka gashibaxa ku jira ee ka soo wareegay sanadkii hore Adeegga iyo Agabka xafiisyada dowladda qaranka iyo gobollada Gashibaxa alaabta iyo qaamaha la hormarsaday Qeybta Laga Qaadayo Canshuurta shaqaalaha dowladda 0-200 dadka dakhligooda yahay waa 0 ama waxba lagama rabo. 201-800: waxaa laga rabaa: 6% 801-1,500 waxaa laga qaadayaa: 12% 1501 iyo wixii ka sareeyay: 18% Canshuuraha kale: Noocyada Tobacco: $6 iyo midda magaadka $4, Sigaarka royal iyo Sports: $22, sigaar Benson $24. Qaadka: 2.5 per KG Bansiin iyo Gaas: $56.25, Naafto MT $50.00, Fuusto Bansiin: $12.50 iyo Fuusto Naafto, Gaas: $11.25 Canshuuraha soo degayaasha iyo dhoofayaasha: $30 Canshuurta Hotellada Muqdisho: 5% adeegga ay bixiyaan. Canshuurta iibka isgaarsiinta, Korontada iyo Biyaha: dhammaan shirkadaha isgaarsiinta, korontada iyo biyaha waxaa waajib ah in ay bixiyaan canshuurta iibka sida tacrifada ku cad jaantuska hoose Isgaarsiinta: 15%, Korontada: 5%, Biyaha: 5% iyo Internetka iyo TVyada: 5% Deeqaha ay Dowladda Filayso: Dowladda Turkiga oo sanadka laga helay 28,,105,332 waxaa laga filayaa sanadka 2018-da illaa 20,000,000 Dalka Sacuudiga oo sanadkan waxba aan bixin sida miisaaniyadda ku qoran waxaa laga filayaa sanadka 2018-dda illaa 32,360,000, Dalka Qatar waxaa sanadkan ay bixiyeen 10,000,000 isla Tobankaas Milyan ayaa laga filayaa sanadka soo socda. PUNTLAND POST The post Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo Maanta la Hor-geeyay Miisaaniyad sannadeedka 2018-ka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. ABU DHABI, 20th November, 2017 (WAM) — His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, received today at Al Shai Palace, Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, who is currently in a visit to the UAE. Sheikh Mohamed welcomed the Somali President and his accompanying delegation and discussed fraternal relations and ways to enhance them in the best interest of the two fraternal countries. Sheikh Mohamed and the President of Somalia reviewed issues of joint interest, especially development issues, development, humanitarian and charitable projects , and reconstruction projects implemented by the UAE to carry out the directives of President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan to support the fraternal Somali people. They discussed cooperation and coordinating efforts to fight terrorism, violence, armed groups and joint work to preserve security and stability in the Somali territories. Meanwhile, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi was briefed by the Somali President on the latest developments in Somalia, the government’s efforts to implement development programmes and efforts in combating terrorism, extremism, violence, terrorist groups and terrorist organisations. While speaking with the Somali President, Sheikh Mohamed emphasised that the UAE continues its approach aimed at supporting the Somali people to build its national institutions and preserve its security and stability. Sheikh Mohamed wished progress and development, cooperation and solidarity for the people of Somalia to continue building and reconstruction as well as achieve aspirations, security and stability. The Somali President extended thanks and appreciation to the UAE stances and continued support for Somalia, which notably contributed to restoring normalcy, stability and development to life of the Somalis in a number of areas. They also tackled a number of regional and international developments, as well as issues of mutual concern. Among those who attended the meeting were Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashimy, Minister of State for International Cooperation; Ali bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Supreme National Security Council, Mohammed Mubarak Al Mazrouei, Under-Secretary at the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince’s Court, and Mohammed Ahmed Othman Al Hammadi, UAE Ambassador to Somalia.
  17. “We don’t accept the election results,” Mr. Irro told in a press conference in Hargeisa. HARGEISA–Somaliland main opposition party (Wadani) has rejected the results of Monday’s presidential election results. In a press conference held at Ambassador Hotel, the party chairman and presidential candidate has completely refused to accept the outcome. He has claimed that his concerns on the presidential polls fell into the deaf ears and the National Election Commission (NEC) failed to address the complaints. Hon. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi has said that the presidential polls were marred by vote rigging. The presidential contender for SL main opposition unequivocally stated that having the ruling party used widespread fraud in the election that his party will not accept the final result.
  18. Your Excellency; Mr. Abdurrahman Cirro you need to concede defeat and respectfully accept the election results. Before I got into my information and analysis regarding the free and fair election that has taken place on 13th of November, 2017. I would like to send a word of advice to Wadani. I am urging Wadani party and its leaders to stop the baseless propaganda they are waging, and accept the results to be forwarded by the election committee. They need to stop their propaganda and the defamation of the election committee who are a non-partisan entity selected from all parts of the Republic of Somaliland. I am urging Wadani not to destroy themselves and their dignity. I am urging Mr. Abdurrahman Cirro that election is over, and Kulmiye part has won fair and square. The more your drag and try to stall the election results to be postponed the more you are destroying your dignity. If you care about this country, people, and your future you need to respectfully concede defeat, and congratulate Kulmiye party. If you insist on your baseless fabrication and propaganda; the more you drag out and use of your delaying tactics of the announcement of election results; the more you damage your dignity. Te Republic of Somaliland was the first country to use the IRIS Biometric Technology. This is a state of the art system that is a combination of both identification and voting. Somaliland is a mature democracy which is more advanced than all of Africa and many other countries including some so-called advanced ones.The Somaliland presidential elections have happened in a peaceful manner throughout the country. Since the early morning of the 13th of November; the citizens of Somaliland have flocked to polling stations and one can see people forming long lines. Some of the people in those lines have stayed in those lines for more than five hours. Moreover, all people in those lines were peaceful and polite. Excellent services were given to the weak, the elderly and people of special needs. The way this election was held, the signing of United Arab DP World, and other achievements will increase the pressure on the so-called international community to recognize this maverick, and unique state that has emerged in the Horn of Africa. Mahatma Gandhi Fought for the freedom of India, Ho Ch Minh Fought against three major colonial and imperial powers, Japan, the United States and France and forced them to make Vietnam an independent country. Somaliland has waged a war of liberation to regain and its lost independence. That freedom for over 25 years of independence has led to a one man one vote system where every citizen can participate in the election of the president of Somaliland. What has happened in Somaliland is an unprecedented episode that so new in Africa. Somaliland’s democracy has allowed its citizen to participate in one man one vote exercise to elect the next president of the country. What paved the way for that monumental opportunity that can’t happen in Africa, Middle East, and most of the world is the nascent Somaliland democracy. Somaliland is a new phenomenon just started in late the 20th century; to be continued in the 21st century where the old arbitrary colonial borders created by European colonial powers are crumbling and a natural realignment of the world will s slowly, but surely happening. November 13, the old; corrupt, and troubled world, the crumpling world order put in place in 1945 by the formation of the so-called vestige of the old colonial world was watching a nascent, maverick country; outside their crumpling order exhibiting a real democracy in action. That troubled world led by the so-called United Nations got a rude awakening. They were so shocked how a country they refused to recognize its independence is moving on without them. Somaliland Republic is a self-reliant and self-sustaining country that has refused the dictations of unelected UN bureaucrats, refused to listen to the highly paid U.N. consultants, so-called experts, international mercenaries and took care of itself. The broken world has been watching a maverick country taking its place under the sun. Somaliland is a resilient country put forth a teaching moment for the world. Somaliland Republic takes care of itself without any foreign help. They are in full control of the their security, governance, affairs, and destiny. Suleiman Egeh is a freelance writer and a senior science instructor.
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Somalia Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa maanta kulan khaas ah magaalada Muqdisho kula yeeshay xubnaha Guddiga dib u heshiisiinta Qaranka. Cali Maxamed Geedi, ayaa Guddiga dib u heshiisiinta Qaranka kala hadlay halka uu maraayo qorshahooda dib u heshiisiineed iyo waxyaabaha horyaal ee iminka laga doonaayo inay qabtaan. Cali Maxamed Geedi, ayaa xubnaha Guddiga ku wargaliyay inay muhiim tahay in Somalia laga dhaqan galiyo dib u heshiisiin dhab ah, waxa uuna xubnaha xasuusiyay in Soomaalidu ay tahay kuwo ay kala geysay colaad. Waxa uu Cali Maxamed Geedi xubnaha Guddiga u cadeeyay inay adag tahay in Somalia laga helo laba beel oo uu xiriir wanaagsan ka dhexeeyo, taa oo uu sababteeda ku sheegay colaadaha ka dhex oogan beelaha Soomaaliyeed. Cali Geedi waxa uu sidoo kale, cadeeyay inuu aad uga xun yahay in muddo intaa kabadan ay Soomaalidu kasii dhaxeyso colaado salka ku haya beelbeel. Sidoo kale, Ismaaciil Macalin Muuse oo ah Gudoomiyaha Gudiga Dib u Hishiisiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in degaano hoosyimaada Gobalada Gal-Gaduud iyo Shabeelaha Hoose ay ugu dambeysay meelaha ay ka dhaceen dagaalada, balse waxa uuna carab dhabay inaanu yareen dadaalkooda ku aadan dib u heshiisiinta. Geesta kale, Gudoomiyaha Gudiga Dibu Hishiisiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed iyo Cali Geedi, ayaa isla fahmay in dib u heshiisiinta dhaqan galeysa ay noqoto mid dhaba oo aan loogu roonaan beel gaara. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  20. Kenya’s supreme court has dismissed two petitions against the Oct. 26 reelection of president Uhuru Kenyatta. In a summary of their judgment, the six-judge bench unanimously decided that the petitions had “no merit” and upheld his win for a second term. “Having carefully considered the above issues, the specific players in each petition, as well as the constitution and the applicable laws, the court has unanimously determined that the petitions are not merited,” chief justice David Maraga said today (Nov. 20). “As a consequence, the presidential election of 26 Oct. is hereby upheld as is the election of the third respondent,” president Uhuru Kenyatta. As per the constitution, Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto will now be sworn in on Nov. 28. The decision comes after violence in the capital spiraled out of control over the weekend, leading to deaths, protests, and destruction of property. On Friday (Nov. 17), at least five people were killed as police dispersed supporters of opposition candidate Raila Odinga, who were welcoming him back from a trip abroad. Four people were also killed over the weekend, while an opposition lawmaker was shot in the leg during scuffles with the police. The opposition National Super Alliance coalition said that “state-sponsored thuggery” was plunging the country into a crisis. In a majority decision in early September, Kenya’s supreme court called the August reelection of president Uhuru Kenyatta “invalid, null and void” and ordered a new vote be held in 60 days. After blaming the electoral commission for stonewalling meaningful deliberations, Odinga bowed out of the repeat polls in October and urged his supporters to stay home. Kenyatta won the redo with 7.4 million votes or 98% of the total, with more than 12 million registered voters not participating in the polls. Rejecting the results as a “sham” and “a meaningless exercise,” Odinga called for a campaign of civil disobedience and peaceful resistance in order to safeguard Kenya’s democracy. He also called for an economic boycott targeting companies aligned with the government and the ruling Jubilee party. The results were also challenged in the supreme court by two cases: one filed by a former lawmaker and another by two members of human-rights organizations. The uncertainty over the repeated elections and court rulings have also deepened the political crisis in the east African nation and intensified the sense of resignation among citizens. Citing political and economic marginalization, opposition-aligned regions have started calling for secession. The political and legal quagmires have also come at a huge cost for the Kenyan taxpayer, with about $600 million spent conducting the two elections. Source: Quartz
  21. Hargeysa (PP) ─ Waxaa warbaahinta kula hadlay Magaalada Hargeysa Inj. Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ah guddoomiyaha xisbiga UCID, isla markaana ka mid ahaa saddexdii musharrax ee u tartamay doorashada madaxnimo ee Somaliland, wuxuuna si kulul uga hadlay Doorashadii Somaliland dhawaan ka dhacday. Inj. Waraabe ayaa sheegay inay doorashada ku tartaameen xisbiyo, Haddana uu xisbi ka mid ah suulaystay. Wuxuuna ka digay inay dhibaato dhacdo isagoo sheegay inaan Reer Hargeysa iyo Beesha uu kasoo jeedo aysan marbana rabin inay dagaal ka qayb-gelaan. Sidoo kale, wuxuu ku baaqay in Maxkamad lasoo taago raggii rabshadihii ka dhacay dhawaan magaalooyin ka tirsan Somaliland kiciyay, kuwaasoo ahaa kuwo ka dhashay doorashada madaxnimo ee Somaliland oo aan natiijadeedii weli lagu dahawaqqin. Dhinaca kale, Inj. Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa eedayn dusha u saaray xisbiga WADDANI oo uu sheegay inay billaabeen hanaan beeleysi ah, isagoo xusay in doorashadu ay dhexmartay saddex xisbi oo reer Somaliland oo aan xilligaan loo baahnayn in beel-beel wax lagu raadiyo. Ugu dambeyn, Inj. Faysal Waraabe ayaa wuxuu hadalkiisu u muuqda inuu ku guulestay doorashadii madaxnimo ee Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo ku tartamayay magaca xisbiga talada dalkaasa haya ee KULMIYE, inkastoo aan weli si rasmi ah loogu dhawaaqin cidda doorashada ku guuleysatay. Haddaba, Daawo muuqaalka Shirka jaraa’id ee Inj. Faysal Cali Waraabe PUNTLAND POST The post Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID oo si kulul uga hadlay Doorashadii ka dhacday Somaliland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa maanta Saldhiga Turkiga ee Magaalada Muqdisho booqday Taliyaha Ciidamada Xoogga dalka C/wali Jaamac Xuseen (Gorod) iyo Saraakiil ka tirsan Taliska ciidamada Xoogga. Taliyaha ayaa halkaa ku gacanqaaday Saraakiil iyo ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa tababarka u socdo oo gaaraya ilaa 400. Inta uu ku sugnaa Saldhiga ayaa waxa uu sidoo kale Taliyaha kulan la qaatay Saraakiisha Turkiga ee Tababarka siineysa Ciidamada Xoogga dalka, wuxuuna ka dhageystay warbixin ku saabsan sida Tababarka uu u socdo. Gorod, waxa uu sidoo kale kormeeray qeybaha Cuntada, Jiifka, Tababarka iyo Fasalada ay ku wax ku bartaan ciidamada. Intaa kadib Gorod waxa uu Saraakiisha iyo ciidamada ku baraarujiyay in ay tababarka si wanaagsan kaga faa’iideystaan, maadaama uu yahay mid tayo fiican leh isla markaana ay tahay fursad qaali ah oo ay ciidamada u heleen inay ku tababartaan Saldhigan leh adeeg kasta oo ka jira Saldhigyada caalamka.
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Sida ay xogta ku heshay Shabakadda Caasimadda Online Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur oo kamid ah Siyaasiyiinta Mashaariicda kasoo qaatay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa Maalinta Arbacada ah ee Taariikhda ku beegan tahay 22 Bishaan iskula doodi doono Xaflad uu ku bixinayo lacag taasoo ka dhici doonto Hotel SYL ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Xafladdaaan ayaa loogu magac daray (Dood furan oo uu Marti ku yahay Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur), waxaana qof kasta oo ka qeybgalayo la siinayaa 100 Dollar si ay xafladda u noqoto mid camiran. Balse nasiib darro, sida aan xogta ku helnay dhammaan Saxafiyiintii lagu casuumay kulankaas way ka cudur daarteen kadib markii la fahmay qorshaha qarsoon ee uu Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur ka leeyahay kulankaas, maadaama uu rabo inuu kaligiis isla doodo, taasoo ka dhigan in ajande qarsoon uu ka leeyahay kulanka Arbacada. Wariyeyaal waaweyn oo uu ka codsaday in ay barnaamijka u camiraan ayaa ka diiday, wuxuuna mid kamid ah wariyaashaas Caasimadda u sheegay inuu hortiisa ku jeex jeexay waraaqdii Casuumadda. ” Maxaa doodda furay haddii uu albaabka ka xirtay dadkii la doodi lahaa. Alleylahe waa dood xiran oo xujo kale laga leeyahay ee ma aha mid furan” ayuu Caasimadda Online u sheegay mid kale oo kamid ahaa Wariyaashii lagu casuumay shirkaas ee qaadacay oo ka gaabsaday inaan warbixintaan ku xusno magackiisa. ” Qof kasta oo ka qeybgalayo Shirkaas waxaa la siinayaa 100 Dollar, marka dood dadka ka qeybgalayo lacag lagu siinayo maxay tahay ujeedka laga leeyahay, aniga ma fahmin, balse wax iga weyn ayaa jiro” ayuu sii raaciyey. Kulankaan ayaa wuxuu kamid yahay kulamada uu Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur qabanayey maalmihii ugu dambeeyey, waxaana la xaqiijiyey inuu Imaaraadka Carabta kasoo qaatay mashruuc uu dulaal ka ahaa Cumar Cabdishariid oo lagu doonayo in dalka xasilooni darro lagu geliyo. Cabdiraxmaan Cabdushakuur oo hore u iibsaday Badda Soomaaliya, ayaan weli ka quusan siyaasadda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna dhawaan kamid ahaa musharixiintii isku soo taagtay Doorashadii ka dhacday Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho