Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. The federal government and the pharmaceutical company that developed mefloquine are trying to shut down a lawsuit launched in 2001 on behalf of veterans who believe the anti-malaria drug they were forced to take while deployed to Somalia caused them irreversible brain damage. The government and Hoffman-LaRoche argue there is a “substantial risk” that a fair trial would not be possible as a result of the time that has passed. “The plaintiffs have not taken any steps in the case for 17 years and they now require leave of the court to take the next step, certification,” which the government opposes, the Defence Department said in an e-mail on Nov. 16. The case against Ottawa, Hoffman-LaRoche and Barry Armstrong, one of the doctors who was part of the ill-fated Somalia peacekeeping mission in the 1990s, was launched on behalf of Ronald Smith, a former member of the now-disbanded Canadian Airborne Regiment. According to Mr. Smith’s statement of claim, the drug he was required to take in Somalia as part of a poorly executed clinical trial left him with a host of residual mental-health issues, including depression, aggressive behaviour, poor concentration, social isolation and suicidal thoughts. His lawyer, Wayne Stickland, will appear before an Ontario Superior Court judge in Mr. Smith’s former hometown of North Bay on Dec. 8 to argue that time should not prevent certification as a class action. “Mr. Smith has always wanted his day in court,” Mr. Stickland said, “and that seems to be something that the government does not want to provide to him because of their procedural wrangling and their attempts to dismiss the motion.” The government argues that Mr. Smith and his lawyers have not provided a reasonable explanation for the 17-year delay. Mr. Smith says the government owed a duty of care to all of the soldiers it sent on the mission. Instead, he says in his statement of claim, the military forced them to take mefloquine and ignored the rules of the clinical trial, which said the soldiers must provide consent and be advised of the risks, be told to abstain from alcohol, be monitored for adverse reactions and be treated for any side effects in a timely manner, among other things. Two of the soldiers on that mission were charged in the beating death of a Somali teen, and many others complained of alarming dreams, hallucinations and depression. After the mission, Dr. Armstrong was among those who expressed concerns publicly about the anti-malarial drug. In a postdeployment analysis, he said the failure of the United Nations forces in Somalia was “rather exceptional,” and “I believe that a simple reason may exist. Canadian and American troops may have been impaired by the use of mefloquine.” Mr. Smith’s case was launched in 2001 at a time when less evidence of the drug’s harmful effects was available. Little happened in the intervening years except for discussion among lawyers about who was prepared to take the matter to court. In 2016, Health Canada updated the warning labels for mefloquine to emphasize that certain side effects can persist for months or years after use of the drug is discontinued and may be permanent in some patients. The department said the symptoms reported include anxiety, paranoia, depression, hallucinations, psychotic behaviour and, in rare cases, thoughts of suicide. The Canadian military conducted a subsequent review of the medical literature and concluded there is no evidence that the drug causes long-lasting problems. Even so, it now recommends that alternatives be considered the preferred options for soldiers who deploy to countries where malaria is a risk. That aligns with policies in Australia, the United States and Britain that mefloquine is a drug of last resort for military use. Germany has banned the drug outright for its soldiers. Last year, as concerns about mefloquine were making the news, including multiple stories in The Globe and Mail, Mr. Stickland reactivated the case. Between 60 and 70 Somalia veterans since have contacted his office to indicate that they wish to be part of it. In their motion to have the case thrown out, Justice Department lawyers point out that, under the Rules of Civil Procedure, a case will be dismissed if a trial is not scheduled within five years after the action is commenced. They also reference the Class Proceedings Act, which says an application for class-action certification must be made within 90 days of parties providing a statement of defence. Source: – Globe and Mail
  2. Senator Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid) oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay Goobjoog ayaa sheegay inuu soo dhoweynayo doorashadii ka dhacday 13-kii bishan degaannada Somaliland. Wuxuu sheegay in reer Somaliland uu ugu hambalyeeynayo doorashadani iyo qaabka ay u mareen. “Marka hore waxaan rabaa inaan u hambalyeeyo doorashada ay reer Somaliland ay doorteen madaxweynahooda cusub, walaalaheen oo tartankii ay ku tartameen Saddex xisbi, umadda Soomaaliyeed oo dhan ee guushii meeshaas ka dhacday, deganaantii iyo sharaftii, Soomaali oo dhan ayay hambalyo u tahay waana isku hambalyeynaynaa, waxaan u hambalyaynayaa walaalkeey Muuse Biixi oo loo doortay madaxweynaha Somaliland” ayuu yiri Cabdi Qeybdiid. Dhanka kale, Senator Cabdi Qeybdiid ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya ay wax badan ka baran karto doorashada Somaliland isagoo sheegay in Somaliland ay muujiyeen wax wanaagsan oo Soomaaliya taariikh fiican u ah. Halka hoose ka dhagayso wareysiga: Source
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa lagu wadaa in maanta uu Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho kasoo dago Wafdi uu hoggaaminaayo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Jabuuti. Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa Safarkiisa ku wehlinaaya Xubno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Jabuuti iyo Mas’uuliyiin kale oo ka tirsan Madaxtooyada Jabuuti. Guddoomiyaha iyo Mas’uuliyiinta la socta ayaa waxaa Garoonka Muqdisho kusoo dhaweyn doona dhigiisa Somalia Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari, Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan BFS. Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Jabuuti iyo Xildhibaanada uu hoggaaminaayo ayaa sidoo kale lagu wadaa in magaalada Muqdisho ay ku sugnaan doonaan Muddo Seddex Cisho ah, iyadoo shirka Golaha Baarlamaanka ee Somalia uu ka jeedin doono Khudbad. Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan ”Jawaari”, Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in dhigiisa Jabuuti uu Khudbad u jeedin doono Xildhibaanada BFS maalinta Sabtida ah ee fooda nagu soo heysa. Sidoo kale, Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Somalia Jawaari waxa uu Xildhibaanada BFS ku wargaliyay iney soo xaadiraan kulanka Sabtiga oo noqon doono sida Guddoomiye Jawaari uu sheegay kulan aan caadi ahayn. Dhinaca kale, Jawaari ayaa sheegay in imaanshiyaha Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka dalka Jabuuti ay ka marqaati kici doonto sida uu usii xoogeysanaayo xiriirka labada Baarlamaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  4. Isbaheysiga Carbeed oo uu hogaaminaayo Sacuudiga ayaa sheegay in ay furi-doonaan dekadda iyo Garoonka magaalada Sanca maanta oo khamiis ah si ay u maraan kaalmooyinka gargaar ee la gaarsiiynayo dadka dhibaateytsan. Todobaadkii la soo dhaafay ayaa waxaa la furay dekadaha dhulka iyo cirkaba kuwaasi oo horay ay u maamuleysay dowladda. Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegtay in intaasi keliya aysan ku filneyn, dadka rayidka ahna ay u dhimanayaan macluul ayna ka sii dareyso maalimba maalinta ka dambeysa. November 6 ayey aheyd markii sibaheysiga Carbeed oo uu hogaaminaayo Sacuudiga ay sheegeen in si ku meel gaar ah ay u xireen dhammaan xaduudaha Yeman oo iskugu jira Cirka,Dhulka iyo Badda, waxayna arrintaasi ka dhalatay labo maalin ka dib markii Kooxaha Xowthiyiinta ah ay gantaal ku soo tureen dhanka magaalada Riyaadh. Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegtay in 20 milyan oo Yemaniin ah ay u baahanyihiin Kaalmooyin degdeg ah ,waxaan ku jira milyan oo caruur ah sidoo kale 400 oo kun oo kale oo caruura kuna sugan Yeman waxay la ildaranyihiin nafaqo darro. Goobjoog News Source
  5. The head of Public Policy for the Kulmiye party, whose candidate was declared Somaliland’s president this week, tells The National there are lots of areas for further collaboration with the Emirates. Muse Bihi Abdi, from the ruling Kulmiye party, was on on November 21, 2017 declared the winner of November’s presidential poll in the self-proclaimed state of Somaliland, election officials said. AFP As the self-declared state of Somaliland welcomes its new president – the fifth in a line since breaking away from Somalia in 1991 – it is looking to the UAE for a new chapter of cooperation. Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar, head of Public Policy for the ruling Kulmiye Party, told The National that its victorious candidate, Muse Bihi Abdi, views the UAE’s achievements with “admiration” and is keen to develop the existing ties between the two regions. “The new partnership that’s developing between Somaliland and the UAE is a high priority for the government,” he said. “We want to deepen and strengthen and thicken the relationship with the UAE.” The region of 4 million people has not been internationally recognised but it has recently drawn in sizeable investments from the Gulf. Earlier this year, the government agreed to let the UAE establish a naval base in its port of Berbera. That came after Dubai’s DP World last year signed a multimillion dollar, 30-year contract to develop the same port, which is on the south coast of the Gulf of Aden. This month, DP World said it would also develop an economic zone in the region, modelled on Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone. The new economic zone is aimed at positioning Berbera as a gateway port for East Africa, by encouraging investments and trade in the warehousing, logistics, manufacturing and related businesses. “DP World building out the port of Berbera is an excellent way of injecting energy into the economy,” said Professor Samatar, who is himself formerly a Somali presidential candidate and Member of Parliament. “There is a great deal of anticipation around the project. The people of Somaliland are hoping it becomes a major hub for goods to come and go, and of course there are other positive side-effects, such as increasing employment and developing infrastructure. “For the military base, too, there are benefits such as greater security for the people of Somaliland. However, these benefits need to be fleshed out in more detail to the people.” The Kulmiye party has six core public policy priorities, as laid out in their manifesto. These are: economic growth; national security and unity; foreign policy; healthcare; justice; and education. In each of these, Professor Samatar believes there is room to develop the relationship with the UAE. “There is so much that Somaliland can pick up from the UAE, whether it’s in education, health, business, technology, security, international relations, you name it,” he said. “The UAE is a very cosmopolitan place; its government is run properly, its businesses are run properly, and there are international standards that the Somaliland people and their new president view with a great deal of admiration,” he said. “They want to adopt the same practices, so they can lift their own country up.” “Even just the culture of competence, and having institutions that work well. And having an ambition to improve them even further. In that way, the UAE is a model for us, and we would be wise to observe it and learn the tricks of the trade. “But it is important that the relationship is built carefully, it is deep, and it is intelligent.” Asked about future projects with the UAE, “there is lots we would like to propose,” Professor Samatar said. “Take a look at our long coast line, for instance. We need to think about how to use and really maximise that coast – from building fishing ports to developing tourism. These are areas where we can certainly learn from the UAE. “Exploration for energy is another thing this government is focused on – not just using solar, but also natural gas, petroleum and so on. This is something else the UAE is very good at. “And then there’s infrastructure building – this country badly needs roads, and telecommunications systems. “So I see lots of areas where we can partner with the UAE. Indeed, the possibilities of collaboration are much more promising than just the port and the military base.” Dr Michael Walls, chief observer for the International Election Observation Mission in Somaliland, agreed that the relationship between the UAE and Somaliland has the potential to grow further under the new president. “A win for the ruling Kulmiye party’s candidate was always going to result in the easiest transition in terms of a relationship with the UAE,” he said. “It means there’s no need to go back and renegotiate deals struck by the previous government. So, from the UAE’s perspective, it’s really business as usual.” He added: “Now the election is out of the way, I think things will move much faster on the port as well as developing the military base. And I have no doubt the new president will be hoping to benefit from closer cooperation with the Gulf, from improving the roads, to health, to education. “From here on, I believe we will see more investment and what’s more, we’ll see evidence of that investment, as the projects start to come to life.” The National
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Mar kale ayay ilaalada madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya ku lug yeesheen dilka muwaadin kale oo isna ah xildhibaan maamul Goboleed. Falkan oo Shalay ka dhacay Muqdisho, weliba goob ay ciidamada dowladda ku sugan yihiin oo si weyn loo ilaaliyo oo ah Isgoyska Sayidka waxaa geystay ilaalada xildhibaan Maxamuud Abuukaate oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya. Arrintan ayaa ka dambeysay markii gaari uu watay xildhibaan xildhibaan ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Galmudug oo lagu magacaabi jiray Maxamed Cabdi Guuleed, kaasoo daba socday gaariga xildhibaanka Federaalka uu dhinaca danbe si fudud ugu dhacay Gaariga Toyot Hilux ee ay dhinaca danbe ka saarnaayeen ilaalada xildhibaan Abukaate. Askari ka tirsan ilaalada xildhibaanka ayaa sida uu ku dooday Maxamuud C/llaahi Axmed (Abuukaate) waxay ka shakiyeen Gaariga ku dhacay iyo askari ka soo degay oo bistoolad watay wuxuu rasaas ku furay gaariga yar ee raaxada, taasoo keentay in rasaastii la riday ay madaxa ka haleesho Xildhibaanka Galmudug ee Maxamed Cabdi Guuleed, iyadoo dhaawac culus uu soo gaaray, iyadoo markaas kadib loola cararay isbitaalka. Xildhibaan Maxamed Cabdi Guuleed oo la dhigay isbitaalka Digfeer ayaa daqiiqado kadib ugu geeriyooday dhaawacii cuslaa ee soo gaartay. Ciidamada ammaanka ayaa gacanta ku dhigay askarta ilaalada u ahayd xildhibaan Abukaate ee dilka geysatay. Askariga rasaasta furay ayaa warar kala duwan kasoo baxayaan, iyadoo la sheegey inuusan u diiwaan gashaneyn ciidamada dowladda oo uu ahaa maleeshiyo, iyadoo xildhibaan Abukaate laga yaabo in arrintan ay dhibaato weyn u keento inuu ilaalo u qorto qof aan ka mid ahayn ciidamada dowladda.- Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Qoraal ka soo baxay gollaha Iskaashiga maamul gobolleedyada ayaa lagu dalbaday in la hakiyo dhamaanba ansixinta Hindise Sharciyeedyada xukuumaddu ay horgeysay baarlamaanka inta laga wada tashanayo. Warqad ka soo baxay Golaha Iskaashiga dowlad goboleedyada oo uu ku saxiixnaa Guddoomiyaha Golaha ahna Madaxweynaha Puntland C/wali Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa ku taariikheysneyd 14-kii bishan. Golaha Iskaashiga dowlad goboleedyada ayaa sheegay in xilligan ay jiraan Hindise sharciyeedyo aan lagala tashan, kuwaasoo horyaala Golaha shacabka, halka qaarkood la ansixiyay, kaasoo ugu dambeeyay Hindise sharciyeedka Biyaha. Akhriso Qoraalka ka soo baxay gollaha Iskaashiga maamul gobolleedyada : Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Ciidamada Amniga Somaliland ayaa xabsiga dhigay wasiirkii hore ee Kalluumaysiga iyo dekeddaha Dr. Maxamed Yaasiin oo ka mid ah saraakiisha xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee WADDANI iyo Xildhibaan Maxamed Warsame Caalin (Tima-Cadde) oo ka tirsan golaha deegaanka ee Hargeysa. Sida wararka ku halayno waxaa Maxamed Yaasiin lagu eedeeyey Buuggii codeynta ee laga xaday goob doorasho oo ku taalla magaaladda Berbera, kaddibna xisbigiisa WADDANI ku eedeeyey Komishanka doorashooyinka in lagu codaynayey Buugaag foojari ah oo aan ahayn kuwii loogu tallagalay doorashadda. Hasse ahaatee markii xisbiga WADANI iyo Komishanku kulmay ayeey cadaatay in buuggaasi la raadinayey oo laga xaday Komishanka. Illaa hadda xukuumadda iyo xisbiga WADDANi ka soo saarin war ku saabsan xadhiga masuuliyiintaasi, waxaana la filayaa in saacadaha soo socda ka hadli doonaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  9. Makka Al-Mukarama (Caasimadda Online) – Sawir uu muwaadin Israa’iili ah ku dhex galay masjidka nebiga ee ku yaal Madiina ayaa caro badan ka dhex abuuray baraha ay bulshada ku wada xiriirto ee Carabta. Ben Tzion oo 31 jir ah kuna dhashay Ruushka ayaa bartiisa Facebook soo dhigay sawirro uu ku galay magaalooyin ku yaal Iiraan, Sacuudi Carabiya, Lubnaan iyo Urdun. “Shacabka Sacuudi Carabiya waxay garab istaagayaan qaranka Yuhuuda. Nabada ka curata Bariga Dhexe oo ku salaysan jecayl iyo is xushmeyn.” ayuu ku sheegay bartiisa Facebook. Dadka aan Muslimka ahayn ayaa laga mamnuucay inay galaan magaalada Maka, waxaana lagula taliyaa inay ka joogsadaan qeybo ka mid ah bartamaha Madiina ee uu ku yaal masjidka nebiga. Balse Tzion ayaa sheegay in masaajidda Madiina ay u furan yihiin dadweynaha. Ninkan oo sanadkii 2014 qaatay dhalashada Israa’iil ayaa u sheegay wargeyska Times of Israel inuu hiwaayad u noqatay booqashada dalalka Muslimka, uuna u gudbiyo farriin ah “ixtiraamidda dhaqanada iyo diimaha kale”. Waxa uu sheegay in dadka Carabta ah ee uu la kulmay ay u muujiyeen “kalgacayl iyo maxabo ay u qabaan Israa’iil iyo dadka Yuhuuda ah”. Tzion ayaa sidoo kale soo bandhigay sawirro uu ku galay magaalooyinka Tehran iyo Qom ee dalka Iiraan. Xukuumadaha Tehran iyo Tel Aviv ayaa waxaa ka dhexeysa cadaawad weyn, Iiraan-na ma ogola in muwaadiniinta Israa’iil ay dalkeeda galaan. Mr Tzion ayaa booqday goob barakaysan oo ku taalla Iiraan inkastoo dad u dhashay Israa’iil ay mamnuuc ka tahay inay dalkaasi galaanInkastoo uu nabad ka hadlayay, ayaa hadda sawirrada Tzion waxaa ka dhashay caro badan. 24-kii saac ee lasoo dhaafay, in ka badan 90,000 oo farrin oo lagu baahiyay Twitter-ka ayaa looga hadlay booqashada ninkaas ee masjidka nebiga. “Culimadii ayaa xabsiyada ku jira, Yuhuudna waxay gashay masjidka nebiga. Waa wax laga xumaado,” ayuu qof Carab ah Twitterkiisa ku qoray. Sida uu sheegay wargeyska Times of Israel, jawaabaha carada wata ee ka dhashay sawirrada ninkan ayaa dhaliyay in barta Instagram ay xayirto cinwaankiisa. Arrintan ayaa kusoo beegamaysa xilli uu soo wanaagsanaanayo xiriirka Sacuudiga iyo Israa’iil ayagoo wadaaga mucaaradad ka dhan ah galaangalka sii kordhaya ee Tehran ay ku yeelanayso gobolka. Taliyaha ciidamada Israa’iil sareeye gaas Gadi Eizenkot, ayaa dhawaan u sheegay bar online oo laga leeyahay Sacuudiga in dalkiisa uu diyaar u yahay inuu “xogta sirdoonka” la wadaago xukuumadda Riyaadh. Xigasho: BBCSOMALI Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Qoraal kooban oo kasoo baxay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Mareykanka ayaa waxaa looga digay muwaadiniinta Mareykanka ee u socdaala dalka Sacuudiga. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Mareykanka ayaa muwaadiniinteeda uga digtay inay u safraan wadanka Sacuudi Carabiya, iyaga oo sababta digniinta ku sheegay hanjabaadyo argagixisannimo iyo rabshado uga imaan kara Sacuudiga dalka Yeme. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Mareykanka, ayaa sheegtay inay suuragal tahay in maleeshiyaadka argagixisada ah ay falal amni darro ka geystaan gudaha dalka Sacuudiga, iyadoo laga faa’iideysanaayo dhibaatooyinka ka taagan Yemen. Wasaaradu waxa ay sheegtay inay suuragal tahay in Sacuudiga ay usoo gudbaan gantaalada ballistic-ga ah ee kooxda xuuthiyiinta dalka Yemen kusoo tuuraan dhanka boqortooyada Sacuudiga. Sidoo kale, Gantaalkii ugu dambeeyay ee lagu soo riday Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa lagu qabtay hawada waqooyiga caasimadda, Riyadh, November 4-deedii, waxana lala beegsanayay garoonka diyaaradaha ee King Khalid International Airport. Tani ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili dowlada Sacuudi Carabiya ay hogaamineyso isbahaysiga dagaalka kula jira Yemen tan iyo bishii Maarso 2015, markii boqortooyada ay soo faragalisay inay dib u riixaan ciidamada Xuutiyiinta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  11. Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UCID, Faysal Cali Waraabe, ayaa ka hadlay Guusha hogaamiyaha Kulmiye, Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo noqday Madaxweynaha Shanaan ee maamulka Somaliland. Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa warbaahinta la hadlay waxyar uun kadib markii lagu dhawaaqay guusha xisbiga Kulmiye, ayaa sheegay in doorashadu u dhacday qaab Qabiil loo ekaysiiyay hal qof iyo cod, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in isaga ay u codaysay Beeshiisa uuna u hambalyaynayo. “Horta doorashadu waa doorasho dimuqraadi ku dhacday, waxayna ku dhacday qaab qabiil, hal cod iyo qof weeye qabiil ku dhacay, qabaa’il baa loo codeeyay ee looma codayn yaa dalkan wadi kara, kitaab looma codayn iyo yaa ilaahay ka baqaya,” ayuu yiri Waraabe oo hadalkiisa kusii daray isagoo qoslaya, “Waan hambalyaynayaa aniga Beeshaydii ayaa ii codaysay inkastoo la ila qaybsaday oo inbadan la iibsaday.” Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa sidoo kale shaaciyay inuu aqbalay natiijada doorashada isagoo u turaya shacabka iyo oofinta ballanqaadkii uu horay u galay iyo axdigii ay isla ogaayeen beesha caalamka ee ahaa inay ku qanci doonaan natiijada doorashada. Waraabe ayaa sidoo kale daaha ka qaaday in guul in KULMIYE iyo UCID ay ahaayeen Garab, halka WADDANI uu ahaa Somali-weyn wuxuuna yiri, “Markay anaga noo noqoto KULMIYE iyo WADANI, KULMIYE isku Kitaab baa nahay, WADANI-na wuxuu ahaa Somalila-weyn markaa guusha waan la leenahay, marka guusha Somaliland-deriska waan la qaybsanaynaa mar hadii aan jabinay xisbigii aan garan waynay qorshah uu ku socdo iyo jihada uu u socdo.” Wuxuu hanjabaad u diray dad uu sheegay inay kasoo qaylinayaan London oo uu ku eedeeyay inay kala qaybinayaa shacabka, isagoo tilmaamay in sharcigu qaban doono. Shacabka dabaal dagga dhigaya ayuu ugu baaqay inay guryahooda ku farxaan maadama xaalku kacsanyahay, isagoo intaas ku daray in hannaankii ay wax u dhaceen uu yahay mid ay ku faani karaan Soomaali oo dhan islamarkaana ka difaaci kara magac xumada loo galiyay caalamka. Guddoomiyaha UCID, ayaa sidoo kale soo jeediyay in loo istaago sidii waddanka iyo shacabka loo midayn lahaa islamarkaana loo dhammaystiri lahaa arrimaha qabyada, wuxuuna uga digay inay dib ugu laabtaan wuxuu ugu yeeray “Sharciga Bisadaha” kaasoo uu ku macneeyay in dheeftay iyagu isku koobaan oo ay cabtaan shacabka Somaliland. Wuxuu ku goodiyay hadii ay taas dhacdo inay kala laaban doonaan wada-shaqaynta. Isagoo sii waramaya wuxuu cadeeyay in Somaliland aysan ku kala qaybsanayn siyaasad ee ay ku kala duwanyihiin qabaa’il taasna dib ugu eegis lagu sameeyaa, wuxuuna sharci darro ku tilmaamay qaabka loo dhisay dowladaha hoose kuwaasoo uu codsaday in wax laga badalo, sidoo kale shaqo loo abuuro dhalinyarada. “Doorashadan sida ay u dhacday iyo nabadgalyada Somaliland oo dhan guul uma ahane, Soomaali oo dhan ayay guul u tahay, magaca Soomaaliyeed oo xumaaday oo loo yaqaan Soomaaliga inay yihiin dad Qayru mas’uuliin ah oo burcad ah, oo lagu xasuusto, isqarxin iyo argagixiso, ayaa ugu yaraan maanta la ogaan karaa in dad Soomali ah oo wanaagsan oo is ogol ay jiraan.” ayuu yiri Cirro. Shacabka Somaliland ayuu ugu hambalyeeyay sida wanaagsan ee ugu dulqaateen ololihii doorashada, wuxuuna yiri, “Waxaan aad iyo aad Shacabka Somaliland ugu hambalyaynayaa sida wanaagsan ee 21 cisho ee culaysku saarnaa ee islaanta Khudaarta iibinaysa khudaartii iibin wayda, ee ardaygu iskuulkii tagi waayay, ee Ololihii foosha xumaan ee aan galnay noogu dul qaateen, ayaan aad iyo aad ugu hambalyaynayaa,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray Guddoomiyaha xisbiga UCID. Hadalkan ayaa yimid xilli Murashaxa Xisbiga WADANI, uu isna aqbalay natiijada Doorashada isagoo tilmaamay inuusan ugu turayn KULMIYE ee uu daneeyay shacabka Somaliland. Halkaan hoose ka daawo Muuqaalka Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  12. Buufow (Caasimadda Online) – Ururka Al Shabaab, ayaa galabta Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose ku gubay mid ka mid ah gaadiid ay wateen Ciidanka Militariga Uganda, ee qaybta ka ah Xoogaga Nabad Ilaalinta Midowga Afrika. Ciidanka Uganda ayaa marka ay marayaan inta u dhaxeysa Buufow Bacaad Iyo Ceelwareegow waxaa lala eegtay weerar culus iyadoo halkaas uu ka dhacay dagaal aad u culus. Wararka, ayaa sheegaya in qaraxaasi uu burbur soo gaarsiiyay gaarigaasi, sidoo kalena ay waxyeelo ka soo gaartay dhawr askari oo gaarigaasi saarnaa. Qaraxa oo ahaa mid aad u xoogan, ayaa waxaa xigay rasaas ay dhawr jiho u furayn Ciidanka Uganda, inkastoo aan la soo sheegin cid wax ku noqotay rasaastaasi. Dadka deegaanka, ayaa waxay sheegeen in qaraxa iyo rasaastuba ay baqdin ku abuurtay, balse ay mahdinayaan in labaduba aanay waxyeelo ka soo gaarin shacabka. Idaacadda Andalus oo ku hadasha afka Al Shabaab, ayaa sheegtay in qaraxaasi uu ahaa miinada nooca dhulka lagu aaso ee meelaha fog fog laga haggo. Xoogaga Amisom oo xiray wadada qaraxa lagula eegtay gaarigooda, ayaa u gurmaday askartii ku waxyeelooday qaraxaasi, waxayna goor dambe halkaasi ka jiiteen gaarigii laga gubay. Gelinkii dambe ee Talaadadii shalay, ayay ahayd markii Shabaabku ay qarax miino la eegteen gaari xamuul ahaa oo ay leeyihiin Ciidamada Amisom, xilli uu maraayay duleedka Degmada Baraawe. Gaarigan ayaa lagu galbinaayay gawaarida dagaalka ee Amisom, iyadoo gaadiidkaasi aanay waxyeelo ka soo gaarin qaraxaasi, marka laga reebo gaarigii xamuulka ahaa ee lala beegsaday. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  13. Somalia’s President, Mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo today congratulated Colonel Musa Bihi Abdi on his victory in Somaliland presidential election. First of all, Mr. Farmajo has praised the people, the political parties, law enforcement agencies and the contenders for holding peaceful, free and fair elections in Somaliland. The president has said that Somaliland election elevated Somalia’s image around the globe. Mr. Farmjo who was closely watching the democratic elections in Somaliland has vowed to work with president-elect, Hon. Musa Bihi on the resumption of Somalia and Somalia stalled talks so as to restore the trust of the people. Finally, He pray for his success.
  14. Abdallah Abdillahi Miguil, Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti The two countries maintain a strategic partnership in development and security. It is an honor for our country and our president to be the first African and Arab Head of State to be officially invited to China since the re-election of His Excellency President Xi Jinping as general secretary of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee, who is also president of the People’s Republic of China. This is a testimony to the strong relations between the two countries and the two peoples. It’s a relationship that has evolved over time. But it’s a relationship that has grown exponentially. It is a relationship that has gone from a normal relationship to a strategic partnership relationship. It is a relationship that must match the vision of our President of the Republic Ismail Omar Guelleh who plans to make our country the Singapore of Africa. Taking into account the geo-strategic position of our country, we want to make a node and a multi-modal maritime hub in Djibouti. And China is well positioned today knowing full well that China is a key player in international trade and on the maritime front. We need the creation of a free zone to be able to attract all the manufacturing and industrial Chinese products in Djibouti so that Africans and Arabs can come to buy, and make Djibouti more than an open place for trade and shopping for all people from different continents. Finally, we would like to turn Djibouti into an international financial and banking center like Hong Kong because we have a very strong currency tied to the dollar since 1949. These are the objectives and ambitions of our country which will be on the agenda during discussions between the two parties chaired by the two Heads of State. As Ambassador of my country to the People’s Republic of China, I am proud of the dynamic relations between our two countries and I am sure that the future will be bright. Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti Abdallah Abdillahi Miguil GlobalTimes
  15. HARGEISA--The heated debate over which party won the just concluded presidential elections continue to heat up, a young man has sustained severe gunshot injuries inflicted by a ffriend According to the presidency minister Mahamud Hashi Abdi the injured boy is receiving medical attention at the Hargeisa hospital while his assailant is in police custody. The minister made the revelations at the hospital where he also informed that 18 police officers are also nursing injuries sustained during fracases that ensued in Burao and Hargeisa after news of vote rigging in favour of Kulmiye party were made public by Wadani party officials. Reports indicate that the injured youth and his detained colleague who are life long friends came to their current predicaments after disagreements as pertains winner of the presidential elections. One supported ruling Kulmiye while the other is a Wadani adherent thence the dispute with each claiming that his candidate was to be new president of Somaliland. Following the deadlocked argument the injured boy is said to have club the other with a wooden club which led to the other rushing for a gun with which he shot his colleague once After his visit to the o Jared boy the presidency minister who reported that the ailing boy is out of danger went on to urge citizens against acts of election related violence. In his brief he also revealed that apart from one police officer who was shot all the other 17 received their injuries from rocks thrown at them by youths during the short lived protests in the capital Hargeisa and Burao town. On the other hand the Wadani leader Abdiqadir Jirde and party’s presidential candidate Abdirahman Irro also called upon citizens to desist from acts of violence in response to alleged vote fraud. The duo of Oppostion politicians made the appeal during a visit to the international hospital where a 13 year old boy is nursing bullet inflicted injuries sustained during the fracas in Hargeisa. The acts of violence though not widespread are in direct response to the alleged rigging by the national elections commissions and more so it’s procrastination in releasing results. Horn
  16. The Government are pleased with the work we have done to support the Government in Somaliland to ensure that the elections could take place freely, Fairly and in a transparent manner This was stated by the British Prime Minister Theresa May during a session of parliament in London where legislators Stephen Doughty of Labour and Zac Goldsmith of the conservative had brought attention of the just concluded presidential elections in Somaliland, a former British protectorate. Below are the questions raised by the MPs and answers given by the government. Stephen Doughty Labour/Co-operative, Cardiff South and Penarth On a point of order, Madam Deputy Speaker. You may be aware that very important elections have taken place in Somaliland in recent days, towards which the UK has provided important support. But it has come to my attention that the Prime Minister, when answering a question in Prime Minister’s questions earlier, interchangeably used the words Somaliland and Somalia. Obviously, they are not one and the same, and I wondered how I might be able to encourage thePrime Minister just to be clear on the matter. It is of great concern toSomalilanders, and we should be celebrating the election. Eleanor Laing First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means I appreciate that the hon. Gentleman wishes to bring this matter to the attention of the House. It is not a point of order for the Chair, but I am quite sure that Members on the Treasury Bench have heard him. Zac Goldsmith Conservative, Richmond Park With recent events in Zimbabwe and total electoral chaos in Kenya, will the Prime Minister join me in celebrating the hugely successful elections this week in Somaliland? With direct help from this country and our Government, the National Election Commission in that country has conducted a template election described by the international observer mission as peaceful, transparent, fair and totally uncontested. What is more, the winning candidate has announced that one of his first acts will be to legislate against female genital mutilation, as a direct consequence of work by a British campaigner, Nimco Ali, who deserves the House’s respect. Theresa May The Prime Minister, Leader of the Conservative Party My hon. Friend raises an important issue. The Government are pleased with the work we have done to support the Government inSomaliland to ensure that the elections could take place in the way he described, and we continue to provide support. I was pleased earlier this year to chair the Somalia conference here, and I am pleased to hear of the intention to deal with female genital mutilation, which is an important issue that has been raised by Members across the House. We want it dealt with not just in Somalia but here in the UK.
  17. Copenhagen ( Caasimadda Online) – Labo ka mid ah Soomaalida degan dalka Denmark ayaa loo doortay Xildhibaanada Golaha Deegaanka Magaalooyinka Copenhagen iyo Odensa. Labada Xildhibaan ee la doortay ayaa la kala yiraahdaa Ibrahim Dhaqane oo doortay Xildhibaan Golaha Deegaanka Denmark iyo Abdinur Adan Hire oo loo doortay Xildhibaan Golaha Deegaanka Odense oo ah Magaalada 3aad ee ugu weyn Dalka Denmark. Xildhibaan Ibrahim Dhaqane ayey tahay Markii 3aad ee loo doorto Golaha Deegaanka Magaalada Copenhagen arintaasoo lagu tilmaamay dib u doorashadiisa inay ku timid wax u qabashada Soomaalida degan Magaalada Copenhagen. Xildhibaan Abdinur Aadan Hire ayaa markii koowaad loo doortay Golaha Deegaanka Odense balse waxaa ay dadka soomaaliyeed ee Degan Magaaladaasi ay sheegeen inuu wax badan u qabtay intii uu ka shaqaynayey dawladda Hoose ee Odense. Doorashada Labada Xildhibaan ee Golaha Deegaanada Copenhagen iyo Odense loo doortay Muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ayey Guul u tahay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan Dadka Degan Denmark. Talaabadan ayey ku tilmaameen dadka degan Dalka Denmark inay tahay talaabo hore loogu qaaday arimaha Siyaasada Yurub. Inkastoo ay jiraan Muwadiniin Soomaaliyeed oo Jagooyin Waaweyn ka qabtay Wadamo kala duwan oo Caalamka ah haddana arintan waxa ay ka sii qayb qaadanaysaa Doorka ay Soomaalidu ku yeelanayso arimaha Siyaasada dalalka Yurub.
  18. Dilalka ay fuliyaan ilaalada madaxda ayaa kusoo badanaya Muqdisho, goor walba ayey dhacdaa in gaadiidka ay saaran yihiin masuuliyiinta Dowladda ay shacab jiiraan ama toogtaan. Mararka qaar madaxda dhexdeeda ayaa is toogata waana meesha lagu ogaado sababta ay mar walba u dhibaateeyaan shacabka. Markii askarta nin masuul ah ay disho masuul kale waxa ugu horeeya ee masuulka eedeysan uu saxaafadda u sheego ayaa noqda “Askarteyda ayaa ka shakiyay sidaas ayeyna xabadaha ugu fureen” Yaa baneeyay in cid walba oo laga shakiyo la dilo ?, Diin ahaan ma banaana sidoo kale dastuurka Somalia wuxuu sheegaya inaan qofna la dili karin bilaa maxkamad taas oo ka dhigan in xitaa kuwa Al Shabaabka ka tirsan aan la dili karin hadii laga shakiyo ilaa ay maxkamadi xukunto. Markii shacabka sidaan loo dilo qeexitaankan lama helo laakiin waxaa halkaan ku cad in ilaaladda madaxdu ay qabaan hal dar daaran oo ah “dila wixii aad ka shakisaan aniga ayaa ka jawaabaye”. Dhowr bilood ka hor sheekadda waa ka shakinay waxaa lagu dilay Wasiir Cabaas Siraaji oo ay toogteen ilaaladda hanti dhowrihii Qaranka Dr Nuur Faarax, maanta oo ah 22/11/2017 ilaaladda Xildhibaan Abuukate oo ka tirsan Baarlamanka Somalia ayaa toogtay Xildhibaan Madoobe Cabdi Guuleed oo ka tirsana Baarlamanka Gal-Mudug kadib markii ay gaarigiisa ka shakiyeen sidda uu xildhibaan Abuukate saxaafadda u sheegay. Waxaa jira shacab badan oo waa ka shakinay lagu dilay waqtiyo kala duwan la iskumana qabsan ama si hoose ayaa looga xaalay, micnaha laga fahmi karo halkaan waa iney madaxda askartooda siiyeen amarka kor ku xusan oo ah iney dilaan cidii ay ka shakiyaan intii isaga ay wax soo gaari lahaayeen. Falkan guracan kadib waxaa badi la ciqaabaa askartii fulisay amarkii uu masuulku bixiyay laakiin wax weyn looma geysto masuuliyiinta bixisay amaradda nuucaan ah, ugu badnaan xilka ayaa laga qaadaa. Waxaa la joogaa xiliga madaxda sare ee Dalka ay go’aan ka soo saari laheyd dhaqanka nuucaan ah si aaney u dhicin masuuliyiin sar sare oo waa ka shakinay lagu dilo. Waxaa kaloo Dowladda Somalia hortaala sidii laga yeeli lahaa xildhibaan Abuukate oo ay maanta ciidankiisu dileen Xildhibaan Madoobe. Wararka Muqdisho laga helaayo caawa ayaa sheegaya iney kulan gaar ah lee yihiin odayaasha iyo xildhibaanadda marxuum Xildhibaan Madoobe Cabdi Guuleed kaas oo ay kaga arinsanaya sidii ay xukun cadaalad ah ugu heli lahaayeen falkaan foosha xun, sidoo kale Senetor Dhageey Geele Ugaas oo ay xildhibaanka dhintay qaraabo yihiin oo arintaan ka hadlay wuxuu ku tilmaamay fal wuxuushnimo ah oo cidii geysatana aan looga hari doonin. Waxaa Qoray: Cabdulaahi Cismaan Faarax
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada Somalia ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka qeybqaadan doona dhoolatus dalka Sudan loogu qaban doono ciidamo laga soo kala xulay 10ka dal ee qeybta ka ah Ciidanka Heeganka ee dalalka Bariga Afrika (EASF). Tirada Ciidamada uu tababarka u furmi doono ayaa la sheegay inay gaari doonaan 1,000 Askari oo laga soo dhex xuli doono dhammaan dalalka ku mideysan Taliska Ciiddanka Heeganka ee dalalka Bariga Afrika. Dhoolatuska ayaa la xiriira hawlgalladda Nabad ilaalinta iyo Ammaanka kaa oo lagu qaban doono Dekedda Port Sudan ee dalka Sudan, sida ay baahiyeen wargeysyada Khartoum. Tababarkaasi oo socon doona muddo 2 Asbuuc ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay Ciiddamo ka kala socda dalalka Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Komoros iyo Seychelles. Dhoolatuskan ayaa waxaa loogu wanqalay ”Mashariki Salaam 2”, kaa oo bilaaban doona bishan November 25-da. Waxaa la xaqiijiyay in lasoo gabagabeynaayo Bisha December 3-da ee sannadkan. Qoraal kooban oo kasoo baxay Taliska ”The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF)” ayaa lagu sheegay inay Ciidanka qaadan doonaan Tababaro dhinaca Rayidka, Boliska iyo Milliteriga, si loogu xoojiyo awoodooda ku adaan inay si degdeg ah uga hawlgalaan goobaha ay ka dhacaan Colaadaha ee dalalka Bariga Afrika. Geesta kale, ciidamadan ayaa la qorsheynayaa in lasii xareeyo wakhti hore si ay usii helaan awood ay kula qabsan karaan Jawiga Sudan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  20. When Somaliland went to the polls last week, the self-declared state had more at stake than a transfer of power. The vote, if conducted in a peaceful and orderly way, would have been a chance for the self-declared state to make a compelling bid for international recognition. While the polls themselves occurred without major hiccups, violence erupted afterwards, when the Wadani opposition party to the ruling Kulmiye party claimed serious polling irregularities. In the ensuing chaos, seven people were killed amid outgoing President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo’s pleas for all sides to show restraint. The recent developments are an unexpected tragedy for a would-be country known for its relative stability since it declared independence from Somalia in 1991. For seasoned observers, it wasn’t surprising that in the electoral run-up, the authorities seemed committed to get things right. Unlike neighboring Kenya, whose electoral process was flawed from the very beginning, the Somaliland government sought to avoid such attacks by using biometric voter registration in a bid to ensure the legitimacy of the vote. What’s more, outgoing President Silanyo banned government staff from using state funds for campaigning, and urged state media to provide equal coverage of all candidates. The nominees also participated in a presidential debate that was live-streamed from the capital, leading international observers to brand the process a success. However, all these accomplishments are now on the verge of being undone. The accusations of vote-rigging levied against Kulmiye by Wadani party candidate Abdiraham Irro are threatening to throw Somaliland into political disarray. Not only is this undermining the state’s claim to legitimacy and recognition, it also has potentially far-reaching consequences. Without international recognition, Somaliland will face difficultiesgaining international assistance to achieve a lasting peace accord with Somalia. Strategically located at the Gulf of Aden, Somaliland is crucial for achieving greater stability and security in the region. Along with the allegations, Wadani officials suspended cooperation with the National Election Commission (NEC) and presented a book of empty ballot papers supposedly forged by Kulmiye. The announcement was enough to incite hundreds of irate Wadani supporters to take to the streets in clashes with law enforcement. It is true that the riots have so far been relatively small and highly localized. But they may point to rising tensions simmering beneath the surface that are now coming to the fore. As such, they carry a serious inherent risk of fracturing what is still a clan-based society. Somaliland has owed much of its internal stability to the 1993 Boroma conference, where questions pertaining to representation and power-sharing between clans were resolved through the clans’ effective institutionalization. Clans were “turned” into parties, with the two most important ones – Habar Awal and Habar Yonis – controlling the country’s major political entities: the Kulmiye and Wadani party, respectively. The new system established an upper house of clan elders, fusing indigenous forms of organization with contemporary modes of governance that ensured a democratic, consensus-based governing system. That way, political leaders succeeded in implementing a constitutional mechanism for settling differences, rather than resorting to violence. While this broadly appeased society, clan competition continues and society remains formally divided along clan lines, most of which are in coalition with either Kulmiye or Wadani. Still, there is no indication that the riots were orchestrated from the top. In fact, amidst the violence, it did not take long for Wadani officials to reach an agreement with the NEC. Consequently, cooperation with NEC was restored and an investigation into the allegations will be initiated. The swift resolution was hailed by international observers and regarded as proof that all parties continue to support the electoral code of conduct signed in April this year. While a bitter taste remains, goodwill and a desire to avoid further bloodshed were factors driving the agreement with the NEC. This alone is no mean feat in a region where stalled or non-existent elections are the norm, and where political figures are generally much less concerned about maintaining internal peace than clinging to their power. Thus, Somaliland is in a much better condition than countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where President Joseph Kabila has lingered in office past the end of his second, and ostensibly final, term in December 2016. Blatantly disregarding an agreement with the opposition to hold elections by the end of 2017, the government has now announced that the long-overdue votes will not be held until December 2018. Naturally, not only has this prompted ethnic conflict, but is also raising the question of whether the polls will continue to be pushed back indefinitely. With the political crisis in the country driving a humanitarian disaster in the eastern and central parts of the DRC, the international community and the opposition have balked at Kabila’s latest announcement. Ida Sawyer, head of Human Rights Watch for Central Africa, noted that although Kabila had slightly curtailed the delay, “a large number of Congolese are, rightly, skeptical.” Moïse Katumbi, the opposition’s most credible candidate against Kabila, also criticized the continual postponements as a “maneuver by a predator regime, which wants to hold onto power indefinitely.” Considering how Kabila has entrenched his grip on power through corruption, violence, and an ever more forceful crackdown on the opposition, the DRC is only going to be slipping deeper into chaos. It remains to be seen what results Somaliland’s NEC investigations will yield. Whether or not electoral fraud will be proven to have taken place, Somaliland must be able to show that its democratic institutions are strong enough to resist attacks on their credibility. Otherwise, Somaliland could face a similar fate to DRC: ravaged by internal conflict, becoming just another name on Africa’s long list of failed democracies. Malik Ibrahim
  21. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed iyo weftigii uu hogaaminayey ee hawlaha shaqo u joogey dalka Ethiopia ayaa maanta gelinkii danbe 22 Nov 2017 kulan kula yeeshay magaalada Addis Ababa qaar kamid ah Wasiirada Wasaaraddaha dalka Ethiopia, kuwaas oo kala ahaa Wasiirka Ganacsiga Mr. Bekele Bulado,Wasiirka Customka iyo Xuduudaha iyo Wasiirka Canshuuraha iyo Ganacsiga Mr. Molges Balga G/Medhin. Kulanka Madaxweynaha iyo Wasiirada dalka Ethiopia ay wada qaateen ayaa waxa ay kaga wada hadleen arrimo la xidhiidha furitaanka Custom-ka xuduudda Puntland iyo Ethiopia ee Tuur-dibi, kaas oo dhowaan la dhamaystiray dhismihiisa, Custom-kaas oo ka kooban xafiisyada Laamaha Socdaalka, xafiisyada Boolis ka ,iyo xadiisyada cashuuraadka. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa cadeeyey in dawladda Puntland diyaar u tahay furitaanka custom ka Tuur-dibi iyo dardargelinta shaqadiisaba, kaas oo laga hirgeliyey xuduudda u dhexaysa Puntland iyo Ethiopia, waxaana uu Madaxweynuhu tilmaamay in Customku halbeeg u noqon doono wada shaqaynta wanaagsan ee ka dhexaysa labada dhinac taas oo ku salaysan ganacsiga, amaan iyo siyaasadda xuduudaha Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia gaar ahaan xuduudaha Puntland laleedahay Ethiopia. Dhinaca kale Wasiirada dalka Ethiopia ee uu Madaxweynuhu layeeshay kulanka ayaa waxa ay sheegeen inay diyaar u yihiin dhankooda inay fuliyaan soo jeedinta Ra’iisul Wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Mr. Haile-Mariam Desaglen taas oo ku aadan furitaanka Customka tuurdibi maadaama la dhamaystiray, Wasiirada ayaa cadeeyey in dhowaan u soo diridoonaan wefti furitaanka custom kaasi, Waftigaasi oo ka socda dhammaan laamaha ku shaqada leh dardargelinta hawlaha shaqo ee custom-ka. Ugu danbayn, Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo weftigiisa ku sugan magaalada Addis-Ababa ee caasimada dalkaasi Ethiopia ayaa waxaa weli u socda kulamo ay la leeyihiin madaxda ugu saraysa dalkaasi Ethiopia. =DHAMMAAD= XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYIGELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland oo Kulan La Yeeshay Qaar kamid Ah Wasiirada Dalka Ethiopia. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumadda Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay. Soo dhaweynta Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa waxaa ka qeybqaatay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamul Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed. Booqashada Kheyre ayaa salka ku heysa u kuurgalka xaaladaha guud ee deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed iyo xogwareysiga bulshada ku dhaqan magaalada Baydhabo oo kulan gaar ah uu la yeelan doono. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa sidoo kale la kulmaya madaxda Dowlada Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed iyo Saraakiisha iyo Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka ee kusugan deegaanadaasi. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa booqday Jaamacadda Khayre ee degmada Baydhabo, waxaana halkaasi uu kula hadlay ardeyda Jaamacadda dhigata oo ku dhiirigeliyey iney sii wataan waxbarashadooda. Inta uu joogo magaalada Baydhabo, Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre waxa uu la kulmi doonaa golayaasha, waxgaradka iyo qaybaha bulshada ee Dawlad Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed.
  23. Baydhabo ( Caasimadda Online ) Tan iyo markii uu xafiiska baneeyey Wasiirkii hore ee Gaashaandhigga Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdirashiid Cabdi Maxamed, waxaa soconayay dadaallo ay ku doonayaan labada kooxeed ee ku loolama siyaasadda deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed ee Madaxweyne Shariif iyo Guddoomiye Jawaari in mid walba loo magacaabo shaqsi uu wato ama ay xulafo yihiin. Xiligan oo heer-gabagabo ah marayo latashadii lagu magacaabayay kursiga banana ee gaashaandhigga maadaama ay dawladdu dagaal galaysa, waxaa muuqata inuu booskaasi buuxin doono shaqsi ka socda dhinaca madaxweyne Shariif Xasan. Kulan hoose oo dhex marey labada masuul ee kala Ra’isul Wasaare Khayre iyo Madaxweyne Shariif oo ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo ayaa ku dhamaaday is-afgarad, waxana halkaasi balanqaad ku helay shaqsiga uu wato Shariif Xasan. Madaxweyne Koonfur-galbeed oo saameyn badan ku dhex leh siyaasadda Soomaaliya ayay sheegayaan dadka orodorosa siyaasaddu inuu xulafo la sameystay Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali khayre. Iyadoo arrintani ay walaac ka qabaan xubnaha ku dhow-dhow Jawaari oo dhowrkii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay waday dadaallo ay ku doonayaan iney kursiga uga tuuraan Madaxweynaha maamulkaasi Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aaden.