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Degmada Dhahar ee Gobolka Haylaan waxaa ka curtay Roobkii Guga oo in badan ay sugayeen dadka kudhaqan Gobolkaasi Haylaan oo ay mudo badan haysatay Abaar Saameen kuyeelatay dadka Xoolahaba. Roobabka ka da,ay Degmada Dhahar 24 saac ee la soo dhaafay ayaan gaysan wax khasaare ah sida la soo seegayo , waxaana uu Roobku uu ku teed sanyahay Tuulooyinbadan oo oo hoos yimaada Degmada dhahar ee Gobolka Haylaan. Ugu yaraan ilaa iyo 800 oo qoys oo xoolo dhaqato ah ayaa ku sugnaa Deegaanada ay Roobabkaasi ay ka da,een kuwaas oo aad ugu farxay Roobkan maanta dushooda ku hooray. Halkan ka dhagayso Dadka degmada dhahar
Waasiir kuxigeenka Wasaarada Caafimaadka ee Puntland Faarax Maxamed Warsame iyo Wafti uu hogaaminaayay oo safar shaqo kutagay Degmada Taleex ee Gobolka Sool ,ayaa sheegay in Gobolkaasi ay geeyeen deeq daawo ah oo loogu talagalay dadka ku dhaqan Degmada Taleen si wax looga qabto baahiyaha Caafimaad xumo ee halkaasi kataagan . Wasiir kuxigeenka Caafimaadka ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay dayacyad, oo faraheeda ay ka baxeen Degmooyin katirsan Gobolkaasi Sool . Wasriir Faarax ayaa sheegay in markii ay la sheekeesteen Odayaasha Deegaanka ay usheegeen in Gobolka ay ka jiraan baahiyo badan oo ay bulshado uga fadhiday in dowladda Puntland ay wax ka qabato . Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in ay Degmada Taleex ay ka jirto Abaar saamaysay dadka iyo duunyada iyo Biyo la,an haysata dadka Xoolo dhaqada ah. Waxa uu sheegay Wasiirkuxigeenka in uu uujiro qorshe ay dowladda Puntland wax uga qabanayso xaalada Gobolkaasi ka jirta ,balse haatan aysan shaaca ka qadi doonin xiliga talaabooyinkaasi la qaadi doono . Halkan ka dhagayso . Wasiir kuxigeenka Caafimaadka
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wararka hadda naga soo gaarayo Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegayo inay ciidmada Xasilinta faarujiyeen dhammaan koontarooladii ay kaga sugnaayeen gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidamadaan ayaa mar qura isaga baxay dhammaan goobihii ay Muqdisho kaga sugnaayeen iyagoo ka qaatay dhammaan agabyadoodii. Caasimadda Online ayaa ogaatay inay ciidamadaan gadoodeen kadib markii la sheegay inaysan dowladda Soomaaliya ka helin xuquuqdii ay ku lahaayeen. Ciidamada Xasilinta oo shalay isku dhigay laba baabuur qaraxydo waday ayaa la sheegay inay Xalay Ra’isulwasaare Kheyre oo booqday ka waayeen waxyaabihii ay ka filayeen. Waxaa lasoo sheegayaa inay ka tabanayaan xuquuq la’aan iyo inaan mushaarkooda la siinin, iyagoo sheegay inaysan isku darsan karin naf huris iyo wax la’aan. Ra’isulwasare Kheyre oo xalay Ciidamadaas ku booqday goobahooda ayaa sheegay in xuquuqda la siin doono, lamana ogo ilaa hadda tallaabada ay dowladda qaadi doonto. Dhammaan goobihii ay ciidamadaas ka joogeen Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa hadda faaruq ah waxayna Magaalada Muqdisho halis ugu jirtaa inay soo laabtaan qaraxyadii waaweynaa ee lagu soo xiri jiray Gawaarida Xamuulka kadib muddo badan oo laga nastay. Haddii aanan ciidamadaan lasoo celin isla markaasna la qancin waxay Muqdisho marti u noqon doontaa Qaraxyada Al-Shabaab oo jaanis fiican u heli doono kadib muddo badan oo ay xayirnaayeen. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudah dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta shaacisay in Golaha Degaanka cusub ee loo soo xulayo caasimadda Garoowe ay mamnuuc ka yihiin dhammaan xubnihii ka tirsanaa Golihii Degaanka ee maalmo ka hor la kala diray. Qoraal ay Sabtida maanta ah soo saartay Wasaaraddu,ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in aan gebi ahaanba la aqbali doonin xubnihii ka tirsaa Golayaashii la kala diray ee caasimadda Garoowe soo maray,islamarkaana lagu celin doono beeshii soo xulata xubin ka tirsanaa Golyaashaasi. Dhinaca kale wasaaradda ayaa shuruudaha ku soo dartay in aan qof ka tirsan shaqaalaha dowladda Puntland loo soo xuli karin, xubnaha cusub ee Golaha Degaanka Garoowe. Halkaan ka akhriso qoraalka oo dhammaystiran. PUNRLAND POST The post Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha Puntland oo mamnuucday Xubnihii la kala diray ee Golaha Degaanka caasimadda Garowe. appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddi Xildhibaano ah oo ka tirsan garab Guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka Soomaaliya Maxamed Shiikh Cusmaan Jawaari ayaa hada kulan madaxtooyada Soomaaliya kula leh Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo. Xildhibaano ka tirsan golaha shacabka ayaa Caasimadda Online u xaqiijiyay in hada kulanka socdo waxaana looga hadlayaa sidii xal loogu heli lahaa khilaafka Baarlamaanka. Gudigaan ayaa la sheegay in ay ka kooban yihiin 7 xubnood oo ka socda garabka guddoomiye Jawaari Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale la kulmi doono guddi kale oo ka socda dhinaca Guddoomiye ku xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Shacabka Cabdi wali shiikh Ibraahim Muudey. Guddiga uu Jawaari magacaabay ayaa kala ah 1- Xildhibaan C/qaadir Cosoble Cali 2 – C/raxmaan Beene Beene 3 – Xildhibaan Sacdiyo Salaad 4 -Xildhibaan Fowsiya Sheekh 5- Xildhibaan Xasan Cabdi Ismaaciil 6 – Xildhibaan Axmed Macalin Fiqi Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha waan idinla soo socodsiin doonaa Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ciidamada dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa weli wada howlgal ay ku kala xireen isku socodka Waddooyinka ugu mashquulka badan ee magaalada Muqdisho oo kala ah Wadnaha iyo Makka Al-mukarrama . Waxaa joogto noqday in gaadiidka ku sugan Jidka Wadnaha loo diido inay u soo gudbaan ama u soo tallaabaan dhinaca Maka Almukarama, waxaana gaadiidka lagu celinayaa isgoysyada Sanca, Jardiinka, Xararyaale, Howlwadaag, Sheekh Cali Suufi ilaa Trebuunka, taasoo keentay inay magaaladu noqoto laba qeybood. Gaadiidka iyo Mooto Bajaajka ayaa ku qasban inay sameysteen bar kala wareeg ah oo ay dadka kula kala wareegaan, waxaana soo kordhay in ciidamada ilaalada ka ah isgoysyadaasi ayay mararka qaarkood gaadiidka lacago ka qaataan si ay ugu ogolaadaan inay u gudbaan wadadda Maka Almukarama. Dhibaatada ka taagan xeritaanka Wadooyinka Muqdisho oo joogto noqotay ayaa hadda yeelatay muuqaal kale oo ah magaalo laba qeybsan oo khad cagaaran yeelatay iyo musuq ay ciidamada ku kacayaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muwaadin Ali Al Mazrouei April 7, 2018 Amiirka Mandaqada Dubai, ahna Madaxweyne ku xigeenka iyo Raisal Wasaaraha Dalka Isutaga Imaarada Carabbta Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum ayaa ku marti qaaday inuu shirka golaha wasiirada ka qeyb galo muwaadin waayeel oo u dhashay dalka Imaaratka, kana soo jeeda Mandaqada Ras Al Khaimaha. Muwaadinkaas oo lagu magacaabo Ali Al Mazrouei ayaa isaga oo ka qeyb galay dood ka soctay Radiyaha si toos ah aflagaadooyin ugu geystay Amiirka Dubai, isagoo ka cabanaayey kor u kaca qiimaha nolosha ee dalkaasi. Raisal Wasaaraha Dalka Isutaga Imaarada Carabta Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum ayaan maanta oo sabti ah barta uu ku leeyahay Twitterka ugu baaqay in muwaadin Ali Al Mazrouei uu ka qeyb galo shirka golaha wasiirada oo diirada lagu saarayo Wasaarada Horumarinta Bulshada iyo Gargaarka Mujtamaca dan yarta ah
Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari ayaa Goordhow oo maanta ah magacaabay Guddi xaliya khilaafka siyaasadeed ee ka jira Baarlamaanka. Guddigaan oo ah xubno katirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay kala yihiin:- 1- Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Cosoble, 2- Xildhibaan Been Beene 3- Xildhibaanad Sacdiyo 4- Xildhibaan Foowsiya Sheekh 5- Xildhibaan Xasan Yare. Xildhibaanadaan ayaa xal u raadinaya khilaafka ka dhexjira Baarlamaanka iyo Mooshinka laga keenay Gudoomiye Jawaari. Xildhibaanadaan ayaa la kulmi doono Xildhibaanada wada Mooshinka Jawaari si ay ugala hadlaan xalinta khilaafka Siyaasadeed. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Gudoomiye Jawaari ayaa Magacaabay Guddi xal ka gaara Mooshinka appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Hoggaamiayaha Aqlabiyadda Baarlamaanka Dalka Kenya Xildhibaan Barre Ducaale ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyey fara gelinta Dowladda Imaaraatku ku hayso arrimaha Soomaaliya. Xildhibaanka ayaa qoraal uu soo dhigay bartiisa Twitter-ka ku yiri “Dowladda Imaaraatka Carabta waxaa waajib ku ah in dhowrto madax bannaanida shacabka Soomaaliyeed, kana fogaato in ay curyaamiso shaqada hay’adaha Dowladda.” Sidoo kale Xildhibaan Barre Ducaale waxa uu ugu baaqay dalalka Ururu Goboleedka IGAD in ay isugu yimaadaan kulan deg deg ah oo ku saabsan xal u helista khilaafka ka jira Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed. “Waddamada IGAD waa inay isugu yimaadaan kulan degdeg ah oo ku saabsan xallinta khilaafka siyaasadeed ee u dhexeeya Baarlamaanka, si loo ilaaliyo guulaha laga gaarey dhinacyada ammaanka iyo xasilloonida, inta uu Madaxweyne Farmaajo talada hayey.” Dad badan oo ka fallooda arrimaha siyaasadda ayaa ku fasiray hadalka Hoggaamiyaha Aqlabbiyadda Baarlamaanka Kenya mid muujinaya tuhunka laga qabo kaalinta ay Imaaraatka Carabta ay ku leeyihiin qalalaasaha haatan ka dhex jira Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Saacadihii ugu dambeeyay ayaa kulamo waxay ka soconayeen magaalada muqdisho, gaar ahaan Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya, kulamadaasi ayaa ahaa kuwoo xal loogu raadinayay xiisada siyaasadeed ee ka dhalatay Mooshinkii ka dhanka ahaa Gudoomiye Jawaari. Ilo wareedyo lagu kal soonyahay ayaa sheegay in Guddoomiye Jawaari uu soo magacaabay Guddi ka kooban 7 xubnood, oo la kulmi doona guddi kale oo dhanka Guddoomiye ku xigeenka 1aad iyo Xildhibaanada mooshinka wada ka imaanaya, si ay xal ugu raadiyaan xiisada siyaasadeed ee taagan. Wararka soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in kulan deg deg ah ay ku yeelanayaan Villa Hargeysa gudi ka kooban 14 xubnood oo ka kala yimaanaya labada dhinac ee kala ah dhinaca Mooshinka wada iyo dhinaca ka soo horjeeda. Sidoo kale waxaa la sheegayaa in xubnaha Guddiga 7-da xubnood ee Jawaari uu magacaabay ay la kulmi doonaan Madaxweynaha, si ay uga arrinsadaan xal u helida arrimaha taagan iyo sidii sharciga loogu kala bixi lahaa. Sidoo kale waxaa la sheegayaa in xubnaha Guddiga 7-da xubnood ee Jawaari uu magacaabay ay la kulmi doonaan Madaxweynaha, si ay uga arrinsadaan xal u helida arrimaha taagan iyo sidii sharciga loogu kala bixi lahaa. Wakiilada Beesha Caalamka ee fadhigooda yahay Xalane ayaa walaac ka muujiyay khilaafka taagan in loo adeegsado xoog iyo awood maquunin baal marsan xeer hoosaadka iyo dastuurka, waxaana xiriiro ay la soo sameeyeen Madaxda u soo jeediyeen in khilaafka lagu xaliyo dastuurka ama wado kale oo isu tanaasul ah. Dadaalada socda ayaa ka duwan kuwii hore ee fashilmay, waxaana ay u badan tahay in la gaaro xal ku jira tanaasul, maadaama uu khilaafka daba dheeraaday, isla markaana amni ahaan iyo siyaasad ahaan uu saameyn keenay. Kulamadaan ayaa imaanaya xilli uu cirka isku sii shareeyo khilaafka siyaasadeed ee ka dhax taagan Golaha Shacabka, iyadoo la filayo in kulamadooda ay ka soo baxaan qodobo ay isugu soo dhawaanayaan labada dhinac. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Raisal Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre – April 7, 2018 Ra’isul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre ay wehliyaan Wasiirka Amniga Gudaha iyo Taliyaha Hay’ada Nabad sugida ayaa xalay booqasho dhiiro galin ah ugu tagay ciidamada ku sugan koontarooladii shalay qaraxyada ka dhaceyn. Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo Masuuliyiinta kale ee la socday ayaa xalay xili dambe tagay koontaroolada ay ku sugan yihiin Ciidanka Nabad sugida ee kuyaala agagaarka Igsooska KM-4 iyo Isgooska Banaadir. Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre ayaa mid mid u Gacan qaaday Ciidankii ku sugnaa koontarooladii lagu fashiliyay qaraxyada , wuxuuna taliyeyaasha koontarooladaasi ka dhagaystay Warbixinno ku aaddan sidii ay ugu ho tageen Qaraxyadii shalay dhacay. Waxa uu uga mahad celiyay Ra’isul Wasaaraha geesinimada iyo dadaalka badan ay sameeyeen kuna fashiliyeen qaraxyada, waxa uuna R/Wasaaraha ciidankaasi gudoonsiiyay abaal marin lacageed oo ay ku farxeen. Waxa uu sheegay Kheyre in geesinimada ciidankan badbaadisay naf badan oo Soomaaliyeed, isagoo Ciidanka howl-galkaasi ku guuleystay iyo taliyeyaashooduba u sheegay inuu Salaan diirran iyo hambalyo baaxad leh kaga sida Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Mudane; Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo. Ciidamada Nabad Sugida ee ku sugan Koontaroolada KM-4 iyo Banaadir ayaa shalay fashiliyay qaraxyo la doonayay in laga geesto goobo Muqdisho katirsan, waxaana qaraxyadan ka dhaceen koontaroolada iyada oon khasarao geesan Xigasho Axdle
By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur INTRODUCTION The Horn of Africa region has always been a major cockpit for the world politics and a playground for the world powers and the geopolitical strategy of Somaliland is important for the security of the region. Since Somaliland’s withdrawal from union with Somalia in 1991, it has achieved a relative peace, security, and stability and embarked on the development of successful democratization and pluralism. The remarkable achievements Somaliland has made since then link it to the international agenda, i.e., in the prevention of international terrorism, sea piracy and extremists and the security of the region. Somaliland after having emerged from the ruins, the destruction of the civil conflict and liberation struggle by the SNM and a decade of oppression before that by the Barre regime, Somaliland has eventually produced a functional government complete with all the accoutrements of modern statehood and most of the international community show commitment to strengthen to support democracy, pluralism and good governance. The peace and stability that Somaliland relished reinforce its role of acting as a bulwark against extremist ideologies and terrorist violence in the region. It was exactly because of that that some American scholars even made the argument that it is important to encourage Somaliland through appropriate economic, political and security cooperation to anchor it within America’s orbit as an international society. In the international political arena, Somaliland is considered as an African success story and has become a model for the rest of the conflict-ridden parts of the world particularly Africa including Somalia which has so far not produced tangible results in terms of the peace, stability and not to mention democratization and pluralism. But Somaliland’s success lies within its expertise in peace, reconciliations and nation building and to overlook that is to undermine the international goals of poverty alleviation, achieving peace, stability and good governance in the region. In consensus, Somaliland’s outstanding features are attributes by a grassroots involvement of the people; a positive role of traditional authorities; an asset of a culture of negotiation and conflict resolution, as well as temperance of ethnicity and deployment of constructive purposes. Somaliland merits international recognition The recognition of Somaliland would surely boost prosperity in the Horn region and would be a credit to human rights and democracy in the region in general and in its neighbor, Somalia in particular. The last presidential election (2017) has further consolidated a successful pluralistic democracy in action. I retain that if the West is truly serious about democracy promotion, peace, stability, security, counter-terrorism, curtailment of the spread of religious fundamentalism (a comprehensive package that Somaliland possesses and committed to sustaining), they should officially recognize it. The Europeans pushed the issue of recognition to the African. But the African Union (AU) chose to be silent about the issue. Ironically, the AU’s overall mandate is to safeguard the wish of the African people and that, of course, includes the wish, motivation, and enthusiasm of the people of Somaliland who chose their destiny and self-determination and motivation. Within the social context, self-determination is understood to be a natural phenomenon of human motivation concerned with development and functioning of personality. The definitive goal of Somaliland is to stay out of a botched union to preserve its peoples’ interest who, by a wide majority (97%), voted to their fate in the 2001 constitutional referendum to revoke its union with Somalia and regain its sovereignty and independent status before unity with the south. It is, therefore, the peoples’ consecrated principle that needs to be respected by the African Union and the international community as that is concomitant with legality and a human rights. Comparatively, in Somalia, both earlier transitional governments (the TNG and TFG) failed and provided no beneficial impetus for the Somali society in the realization of peace, security, and stability. Both transitional administrations were classed as pretenders and predators. The present Federal government of Somalia, though a product of well-intentioned efforts of the international community to set up a proper democratic government, is technically and practically still indicates a failed state. It is merely ineffective and toothless and has no capacity or endurance to shed off the malaise of the tribal divisions it vows in theory. The government is dominated by the popular 4.5 clans coded system topped up with an utter lack of security and peace. Despite being an undemocratic entity, the federal government of Somalia has been recognized by the international community. In addition, it is being kept floating above the water by an injection of huge external finances and assistance from the international community. The security of Somalia is in the hands of foreign troops (AMISOM) consisting of six African nations with a huge budget that runs more than US$1.3 million a year (The Economist, 2016). Somaliland merits recognition. The case of Somaliland for international recognition is strong. The argument for recognition of Somaliland is firmly grounded on legality. A robust legal ground clearly puts it forward to achieve it’s independent statehood that it has lost to Somalia in 1960 as some British lawyers (members of the European Parliament in Brussels stress. Somaliland has the essential paraphernalia for recognition as an independent state. It is relatively peaceful and stable and developed visible engagement with the rest of the world with excellent relationships with independent states, governments and excellent relationship with the rest of the world (the international community, UN agencies, the Arab League, the EU, and the AU). The cooperation of Somaliland with the principal nations in the developed world (America, Europeans, and others) is irrefutable. “Somaliland has undoubtedly the most democratic political system in the entire Horn of Africa”. During the 2017 presidential elections, political pundits described Somaliland as the strongest democracy in East Africa ( ). But recognition is more to do with politics and is more dependent upon the prevailing world political game in play. In 2005 the African Union itself admitted that Somaliland’s claim for recognition is not much about legality but that it remains in political limbo despite that it ticks all the statehood boxes. Five years ago, in 2013, the international community set Somaliland and Somalia apart by setting mutually exclusive claims of both authorities in Mogadishu and Hargeisa. Hence, by endorsing a system named ‘the Somali Compact’ (SC). In fact, the SC indirectly settles Somaliland’s political destination. An entire section of the compact ‘Somaliland Special Arrangements (SSA)’ acknowledges Somaliland’s development efforts and circles the institutionalization of its on-going process and initiation with an overarching and equal partnership between the Somaliland government, its people, and the international community. The argument here is that Somaliland clearly moved from a non-existent object to an object of recognition in the international discourse. Arguments against Somaliland international recognition mainly focus on false presumptions – that the recognition of Somaliland will open a ‘Pandora’s Box’ in Africa and that would, therefore, encourage other African entities to follow suit which would lead to claims of secessionists and that would, in turn, lead to instabilities in the continent. This is purely a hypothetical and delusive theory. Somaliland’s case would not lead to redrawing of boundaries. In 1991 the Somaliland Protectorate borders during the colonial times were restored exactly as they were when it was granted independence on 26 June 1960, i.e., its same borders when it was granted independence by Britain and when at the same time it joined with Italian Somalia on its independence day (1 July 1960). For more than thirty years Somaliland and Somalia were in a loose and illegal union. The union process took place in haste with no ratified or agreed Act of Union by the two states uniting. There were two distinctly different versions of Acts of Union which made the union legally impossible and impractical. Nevertheless, that was overshadowed by the extreme public pressure and the highly charged emotion of the people who expected that would lead to Greater Somalia. There was no interest and no time in the consideration of the fine details of the Union Act and any legal flaws or mistakes of technicalities. Therefore, the Act of the union was an unequivocally illegal and invalid tool according to the international law. Thus, there was no legal binding contract that could hold the two together. The illegality of the union was clearly proven by the case of the aborted junior military officers (discussed in an earlier part of this series and in details in author’s forthcoming book ‘The Rebirth of Somaliland’). Somaliland is wrongly described as ‘secessionist’ by those against recognition of Somaliland or the unionists. However, Somaliland is not (and has never been) a region or a territory seceding from a country called ‘Somalia’. Somaliland is neither carving a region out of a country (Somalia) nor dismembering a sovereign state (Somalia). Somaliland is neither a territory incorporated into a sovereign state nor a territory seceding from a country called Somalia. After more than three decades, the union did not work and withdrawal of one (Somaliland) from the union is in full in accord with the international law. Rather Somaliland only restored its own sovereignty and territorial integrity. Somaliland is NOT a secessionist. The case of Somaliland is a case of ‘dissolution’ of a failed union between two distinct separate independent states and there are precedent cases. There are precedents for Somaliland’s dissolution of the union. A number of independent African independent states dissolved their unions before. For example, the union of the United Arab Republic between Egypt and Syria was dissolved in 1961; the union between French Sudan and Senegal (the Malian Federation) was dissolved in 1960; Senegambia (Gambia and Senegal) was dissolved in 1989. In other parts of the world, the chain of the breakdown of federations of the former USSR and Yugoslavia, East Timor among others are relevant examples. The concept of greater Somalia State which was a sacrosanct issue among all Somalis during the pre-independence period is nowadays twisted and equated the union of two Somali-inhabited territories (Somalia and Somaliland) as irreversible disguising the term ‘Somali Unity’. The Somali unity which is staunchly and persistently expressed by Somalia is actually a kind of a daydream though technically, practically and politically a dead and an obsolete term. Claims of Somali unity of two territories, instead of the five Somalis parts, has no bearings in the modern politics. What Somaliland should do compromise, and is fond of, is the Somali identity, the socio-cultural and societal ties, the relationships, cooperation and mutual support between Somaliland and Somalia as two separate independent states. This concept of Greater Somalia had faltered apart a long time ago. It is a surreal ambition and practically proven unachievable expectation. Each one of the five Somali-inhabited territories went on its own way one after the other. For instance, when Kenya achieved its independence from Britain in 1963, the Northeast province (NFD) Somali speaking province officially became part of the independent country of Kenya. In 1977, Djibouti, another Somali-speaking territory with a large section of population Somali which was under French control was declared independent as the Republic of Djibouti. A third Somali inhabited territory (aka the ‘Ogaden’) together with the grazing lands of ‘Haud and Reserved Area’) of Somaliland annexed to Ethiopia in 1954, presently forms part of Ethiopian Democratic Federal State ‘the fifth region’. In 1991 Somaliland (a fourth Somali speaking territory) withdrew from the union with the South (Somalia). That was the end of the Somali unity (Greater Somalia notion or perception or dream. That literally put the nail in the coffin of the unity notion though still being voiced by unionists of Somalia and their cohorts. Those successive historic events rendered the Pan Somalia notion obsolete and utopian. The union of the two does not mean the unity of Somalis. The unity of all Somalis does not mean the union of only two Somali entities (Somaliland and Somalia). The Montevideo Convention Somaliland perfectly complies with the international Montevideo Convention Test. It fulfills all of the Convention’s Rights and Duties of States. The Convention holds the conditions of statehood against specific criteria: a permanent population, a defined territory, a functioning government, and the capacity to enter relations with other states. The requirements of Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on rights, duties, and requirements of a State are fulfilled. Somaliland has a permanent population (about 3.5 million) with a distinct colonial experience; a defined territory (area of 246,000???m2; a fully functioning government with essential fundamental institutions and structures; and has the capacity to enter into relationships with other states. Somaliland has undoubtedly established the most democratic political system in the entire Horn of Africa. Somaliland withdrew from the union for a number of reasons: a) Somaliland people expectations of the union ended with failure and Somaliland experienced injustices in power-sharing with South Somalia and b) Somaliland people were oppressed, alienated and subjugated followed by systematic destruction by its government and c) the North did not have its share in development. Somaliland’s declared independence as a result of all Somaliland people’s wish and choice and its withdrawal does not contravene the principle of utti possidetis juris which should not be annulled or disregarded. Utti possidetis juris is a principle of customary international law that provides emerging independent states to retain the same borders that their preceding dependent areas had before independence. What makes Somaliland an exception to the rule is the pertinent question that needs to ask. Utti possidetis has been already applied to some South American countries, Africa, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union and others where centralized governments were broken up or where imperial rulers were replaced. The principle of inviolability of boundaries is rightly applicable in Somaliland. Somaliland does not claim any land beyond its legitimate borders boundaries. By reclaiming its territorial integrity and its sovereignty, Somaliland borders or boundaries are coterminous with the borders of British Somaliland protectorate during the colonial period. The Organization of African Union (OAU) Charter mentions the inviolability of colonial borders. This clause should be enforced and respected. In the 1970s the late president of Tanzania, Julius Nyrere strongly made this argument for African countries not to violate the colonial borders they inherited during independence. The same argument was used against the union of all Somali-inhabited territories that the Somali Republic in search for the unity under the popular notion of Greater Somalia. The colonial borders of Somaliland have been confirmed by an AU Fact-Finding mission to Somaliland in 2005 and concluded that Somaliland’s case is unique and self-justified in the African political history and, therefore, that should not be linked to the notion of ‘opening Pandora box’. Somaliland is not breaching the clause. It is not causing disintegration of the colonial borders of Somalia as expressed by the official report of the AU fact-finding mission to Somaliland in 2005 led by the Deputy Chairperson of the AU, Patrick Mazimbaka. Whilst the African Union acknowledges Somaliland’s unique circumstances in principle, yet it chose not to take Somaliland seriously. The mandate of the OAU (AU’s predecessor) is to support respect for the colonial borders. The borders of Somaliland are the colonial borders. The 1963 AU Charter recognizes the independent states of colonial territories and the borders they inherited from colonial regimes. In accordance with an OAU decision in 1964 that became operational in July of that year, article 16(1) of the OAU constitution clearly clarifies the colonial borders. Similarly, the AU Charter has its predecessor’s (OAU Charters II and III) in its original form and not even amended, setting the responsibility of the organization to respect borders left behind by colonial governments and the integrity of the independent states formed therewith after. The borders of Somaliland have been clearly demarcated according to the international law through international agreements made by Britain with France (The Anglo-French Treaty of 1888); Italy (The Anglo-Italian Treaty of 1894) and the Ethiopian Emperor (The Ethiopian Treaty of 1897). Without exception to other African independent states, Somaliland borders are also internationally established and supported by the principles of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) (AU’s parent organization). The borders drawn by the colonial powers are not based on lineage but on land like many other African countries. The division of people of Somali ethnic origin and their spread in different parts of the region was therefore not based ethnicity. Like Somalis, many Africans such as the Fulani (in Nigeria, Niger, Chad etc.) inhabit in lands within different neighboring countries. Somali people live in different territories in East Africa (Kenya, Djibouti, and Ethiopia). In fact, the people of Somaliland have a distinct identity. The North is inhabited by a diverse number of Somali clans or tribes sharing the same culture and tradition who were living together since time immemorial. As a result of that, they have developed a sense of deep political identity. The lack of international recognition of Somaliland is often used as a smokescreen to overshadow Somaliland’s achievements. One of the most common, but rather weak, arguments against the independence of Somaliland is that it cannot secede from Somalia because of the nativity of Somalis and that Somalis speak the same language, share a common culture and have the same religion (Islam) as the people of Somalia. A glimpse on the currently existing more than 50 separate Arab countries that are internationally recognized as independent states with different borders despite them having a common language (Arabic), same religion (Islam) and sharing common culture and traditions. After all, it was the Somaliland people who chose, in the first place, to unite with their brothers in Somalia with no strings attached to. It is equally the Somaliland peoples’ who wished to exercise their right to reclaim their independence back. Since its withdrawal, Somaliland proved to be a shining beacon of hope, peace and a model of democracy in the African continent. This was achieved through a carefully planned comprehensive process of reconciliations between rival clans. Somaliland is internationally ‘recognized’ as an oasis of peace in an otherwise turbulent region. Somaliland has taken full advantage of democratic principles for the formation of a pluralistic society in which four free and fair democratic elections (two presidential elections, a parliamentary and a municipality election) witnessed by international observers and covered by the world media took place. Four presidents, elected through the ballot have changed presidencies. The third presidential and Parliamentary elections are planned in 2017. In Somalia, the 2016 elections took place in a bidding war financially both for candidates amidst corruption and foreigners who have diverse interests. Somaliland has established successful democratic process and pluralism. It has a series of direct successful elections (six of them). The fact that a presidential candidate lost the vote by a mere 80 votes in public polls (2003) and conceded defeat is extraordinarily a miracle in the African politics. That shows how serious Somaliland is about the principles of democracy. Contrarily, Somalia’s feet are still stuck in the mud of the 4.5 clan code system that demeans and marginalizes minority clans. It has not yet stepped on the democracy ladder. 2016 despite the corruptions and sale of votes of its indirect elections, Somalia is as yet undemocratic even though it is being supported by the international community for political reasons. In conclusion, Somaliland asserts independence as a separate independent and holds a strong card, even stronger than the ones Bosnia-Herzegovina had, to qualify for an independent status. Since Somaliland complies with the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States that holds the conditions of statehood. This constitutes a compelling legal basis for international recognition, under the international law. Somaliland has a proven right to abrogate from the union because its people are not satisfied with the union. Somaliland is a model for other conflict-ridden states of Africa by virtue of its peculiar successful peace-building process and democratization. It is indisputably one of the most democratic political systems in the entire Horn of Africa. It is known to be a unique experiment and a miraculous example to the rest of the African continent in achieving a lasting peace and security by virtue of unsupported efforts and hard work. Without foreign aid money, Somaliland did not a debacle for nearly 26 years and did not disintegrate as many advocated and probably wished. The resilience and progress are mainly due to Somaliland’s entrepreneurial streak and bare bones of efficiency. A two-state approach is the only way forward to the solution of the political stalemate between Somaliland and Somalia as two independent Somali states will be working together in collaboration with each other and maintaining cooperation in the economic, socio-cultural and traditional aspects. Somalia’s newly-elected government led by the new president, Farmajo and his Prime Minister (Khayre) stand tough challenges in future negotiations with Somaliland. They have a mammoth task to bring Somalia out of the impasse. The government is not a product of directly conducted democratic elections. It came in the most corruptive manner where votes were marketed and sold openly with huge finances. The government is also a product of the corrupt duopoly system (between two major clans, Mogadishu Clan and Darod) as professor Samatar stresses. The recognition of Somaliland would definitely enhance the progress, development, and stability in Somalia and the region. Recognition of Somaliland would be the most cost-effective means to ensure security in an otherwise troubled and problematic region. In pursuit of international recognition, Somaliland should develop a stratagem for convincing the rest of the world. There is a need for a strategic thinking spearheaded by competent multi-disciplined with professionals including technocrats and politicians. The road to achieving recognition is still long, tortuous and winding. A comprehensive thinking, approach, and development of a strategic plan are imperative.
Deeq Mohamed Ali, a metal worker in Hargeisa, has been frustrated by the lack of business in the last few months, as the drought caused the pastoralist families his trade depends on to migrate away to other areas in search of food and water. Deeq, who leads the local blacksmiths association, estimates that 950 men involved in metal working have been made unemployed in the past six months in this part of Somaliland. At Birmaal Workshop, Deeq’s own business, they produce spades and other tools, water storage tanks, instruments for livestock slaughtering, construction equipment and fencing for livestock. “My livelihood depended on the rural families, so when they migrated away we couldn’t find people to purchase our products,” said Deeq Deeq told Radio Ergo that some members of the trade association are now spending most of their time at home. They cannot provide for their families or pay school fees for their children. Abdi Mire Aadan, a father of seven, stopped working five months ago when business dried up. The family was evicted from their three room house last December for failing to pay the $90 rent. They now sleep in a makeshift hut Abdi erected on an open plot of land, owned by a relative, alongside other destitute families. Abdi, who has been in the trade for the last 20 years, used to make between $30 and $50 a day. Now, he has to beg to get food for his family. In the six months he has not been able to pay school fees for his four children at their Koranic school. “I used to be well off before. The people that supported our business have been struggling, so what do you think we can do? We can’t do much, only God can help us,” said Abdi. Others are earning reduced income from the sale of cheap items like charcoal stoves. The stoves, hammered out from old tins, sell for just $1 each. Muhydin Hersi, a metal worker, told Radio Ergo he made 10 axes last month but finds they are hard to sell. He is struggling to support his wife and three children on around $3 a day if he is lucky, down from the $10 or so he used to earn. “The drought has not only affected the local pastoralists. We are just like the families that lost their livestock – just as they are struggling we can also understand their situation,” he said. He hopes life will improve after the drought, when the livestock trade resumes. Ergo
A South Korean court has found former President Park Geun-hye guilty on multiple counts of abuse of power, bribery and coercion and sentenced her to 24 years in prison. Park’s conviction brings to close a corruption scandal which gripped South Korea, upending the country’s politics and implicating some of the country’s most powerful figures. “The President abused the power which was given to her by the citizens,” the judge said, adding a tough sentence was needed to send a firm message to the country’s future leaders. Prosecutors had asked for Park to receive a 30 year sentence. Park was found guilty of 16 of the 18 charges she faced, related to a massive influence-peddling case that removed her from office last year. As well as the prison sentence she was also fined $17 million. The former president was not in the Seoul Central District Court to hear the verdict. Park and her lawyers refused to participate after the court decided to live broadcast the judgment, the first time this has happened in South Korea, after a law was passed last year to enable it. Park is expected to appeal. Outside the court, hundreds of supporters of Park had gathered, waving Korean and US flags and calling for the former president’s release. Older, conservative South Koreans, who remembered the dictatorship of Park’s father fondly as a period of strength for the country, were her electoral base and a common sight throughout the impeachment process. Dramatic downfall South Korea’s first female president, and the daughter of former dictator Park Chung-hee, Park Geun-hye was arrested in March 2017 shortly after she was stripped of her office by the country’s Constitutional Court, which upheld a parliamentary vote to impeach her. That vote came after millions of South Koreans took to the streets over a period of several months to demand Park’s ouster, after revelations of the alleged massive influence wielded by her adviser and confidant, Choi Soon-sil. Choi, the daughter of a cult leader once accused of having “complete control over Park’s body and soul during her formative years,” held no political office but is accused of using her influence over the President to funnel money to organizations she controlled and get her daughter a place at an elite university. Park was accused of being unduly influenced by Choi. The court which upheld her impeachment agreed with accusations that Park had abused her authority in helping Choi raise donations from companies for foundations she had set up. In February, Choi was sentenced to 20 years in jail on 18 charges including abuse of power, coercion, fraud and bribe, and fined $16.6 million. Also implicated in the scandal was Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong. The 49-year-old billionaire was found guilty of bribery and other corruption charges last year and sentenced to five years in prison, but in February a higher court reduced his sentence and suspended it for four years. Source: Hiiraan Online
The establishment of a friendly relations between Somaliland and Somalia, let alone the reunification of the two countries, is becoming increasing improbable. This is because the Somali government continues to breach one internationally recognized guiding principle of reconciliation after the other. The basic tenets of these guiding principles stipulate that reconciliation is a process of healing relationships that requires public truth sharing, apology, and commemoration that acknowledge and redress past harms; that requires political will, joint leadership, trust building, accountability, and transparency, as well as a substantial investment of resources; that requires constructive action on addressing the ongoing legacies of the failed union between British Somaliland and Somalia that have had destructive impacts on the people of Somaliland; and that requires sustained public education and dialogue, including youth engagement, about the history and catastrophic legacy of the unification of July 1st, 1960. As a starting point, the recognition of these guiding principles and applying them in earnest to help resolve the affiliation issue which set Somaliland and Somalia at loggerheads cannot be repulsed under any pretext. Furthermore, we need to establish a few historical facts for the record. First, as the former president of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo, expressed in a letter entitled ‘Why the UK Should Support a Sovereign Somaliland’ dated June 23, 2016, the London Gazette published a proclamation by Her Majesty the Queen terminating British protection over the Somaliland Protectorate and declaring that Somaliland would become an independent country on June 26. That day in Somaliland’s capital, Hargeisa, the Union Flag was lowered for the last time and the United States Secretary of State sent a message of congratulation. Over 30 countries from across the globe recognized Somaliland’s independence right away and welcomed the new nation to the fold of the international community. Five days later, Somaliland voluntarily joined Italian Somalia to form a new state: the Somali Republic.’ If there is to be reconciliation, it is imperative that Somalia understand that this is a historical fact that could not be changed or misrepresented in any shape or form. Secondly, when Siyad Barre’s forces were ultimately driven out of Somaliland in early 1991, Somaliland embarked on a long road of reconciliation and reconstruction. On the other hand, Mogadishu and the rest of Somalia engaged in a vicious cycle of revenge killings that are comparable only to the infamous massacres that took place in Rwanda between the Tutsis and the Hutus. While the people of Somaliland chose reconciliation over conflict, the misgivings and wrong doings of the military regime, with Siyad Barre at the helm, cannot be underestimated. The marginalization and brutality that the citizens of Somaliland suffered and the atrocities that were committed there are vividly engraved in the people’s collective psyche. The mass murders, the lootings, the rape of girls and women, the killing of innocent children are all crystal clear in everybody’s mind. The bombing raids carried out by mercenaries on Hargeisa and vicinity and other towns, including refugees who were fleeing the onslaught, will forever be difficult to shake. The roundup, the incarceration, the summary execution of scores of intellectuals and community leaders, simply because they belonged to a distinct social group, could never be erased from memory. Again, if there is to be reconciliation, it is vital that Somalia realizes that these are the realities that precipitated Somaliland’s reclamation of its sovereignty and that Somaliland’s grievances should be given the affirmation that they deserve. To suggest that the process which led to the reclamation was impulsive or spontaneous, as some people would like to believe, is utterly ridiculous and counterproductive. As a matter of fact, a constitutional referendum was held in Somaliland on 31 May 2001 on a draft constitution that affirmed Somaliland’s independence from Somalia as a separate state. Two-thirds of eligible voters took part in the referendum and 97.1% of them voted in favour of the constitution. Therefore, Somalia needs to understand that Somaliland is unlike any of the so-called Somali Federal States which typically resemble the tribal homelands that existed in South Africa for the Black South Africans during the apartheid era. On the contrary, Somaliland is a multi-clan, multi-party democracy that proved to the international community and to itself that all is not lost in the Horn of Africa. This being the case, Somalia still willfully dismisses, underestimates or denies the gravity of the atrocities that were committed in Somaliland; they vilify the aspirations of the people of Somaliland and treat their indelible right to self-determination with disdain, cynicism and sarcasm, thus denigrating the hard thought efforts of the people of Somaliland; and they routinely bring a few self-styled opportunists from Somaliland to their fold and then claim that the people of Somaliland are represented in the Mogadishu administration. As Aldous Huxley wrote in one of his famous essays, “facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Therefore, unless Mogadishu wakes up and their so-called leadership demonstrates some form of situational wisdom, the current fallacy that they are entertaining will lead to nowhere. Thirdly, reconciliation needs superb leadership skills, empathy, wisdom and goodwill. Leaders who could bring reconciliation efforts to fruition are endowed with high order thinking. They are known to exercise critical reasoning and utilize superb problem solving skills. They inspire people and give them hope in places where hopelessness is prevalent. In addition, they are flexible, open minded, observant, sensitive, objective, and generally free from extreme dogmas and ideologies. They strife for consensus, refrain from unnecessary divisive rhetoric, and show a tremendous respect for divergent opinions and thoughts. Most importantly, they uphold a universal protocol where they stick to the issues at hand rather than engage in personal attacks, witch-hunt, and scapegoating. Although Somalia’s current leaders, namely Farmajo and Kheyre, sport the title of president and prime minister respectively, their track record when it comes to their brief involvement in the Somali politics indicates that they are utterly devoid of any of those distinctive characteristics that define effective leadership. A CASE IN POINT: As the former president, Silanyo, also communicated to the UK Foreign Office, Somaliland has worked hard to develop the economic potential of its citizenry. In May 2016, the country signed a 30 year agreement with DP World to manage the strategic Port of Berbera. Significant investment in the port and the road corridor that links Berbera with Ethiopia will be unlocked, and Ethiopia plans to import 30% of its goods through Berbera. The government and the people of Somaliland understand the significance of the agreement and the economic prosperity that it will create for the people of Somaliland that will result from the integration in the regional economy. Instead of welcoming this tremendous opportunity that dawned on the people of Somaliland and giving it a positive spin that may have softened the hearts and minds of the people of Somaliland, Mogadishu kicked up a fuss that exposed the enduring hostility that Somalia harbours towards its neighbour to the north. Mogadishu remains to be oblivious to the fact that, despite the political and geographic divide that is obviously affecting the relations between the two countries, it is a well-known fact that the two territories are economically integrated and that there is a free movement of goods and services across the borders. This being the case, it is a no-brainer that a significant investment like the one that DP World is undertaking at Berbera will have a trickle-down effect that would definitely improve the lot of many in the region. If the Mogadishu administration could not fathom that prosperity is their best public relations instrument, one wonders what else we could expect from the likes of Farmajo and Kheyre. It is quite evident that the Mogadishu administration continues to push all the wrong buttons when it comes to their understanding of the Somaliland phenomenon. They seem to be unaware of the circumstances that precipitated the re-creation of Somaliland as a sovereign state. The only plausible explanation for their callous disregard is the fact that inefficacious people tend to believe that scapegoating would detract from their own failures. The earlier they realize that running away from your problems is a race you will never win, the better things could be better for the people of Somalia. Finally, if Mogadishu is serious about negotiating with Somaliland and is not engaged in the process as a distraction from its own failures, they should meet the following preconditions that may pave the way to some form of harmonious neighbourly relations: Unambiguous affirmation of Somaliland’s indelible right to self-determination. Validation of the genuine grievances of the people of Somaliland and unequivocal recognition of the atrocities that were committed there in the name of the Somali government. Extradition of Mohamed Saeed (Morgan), the architect of the ethnic cleansing manifesto dubbed “Top Secret” that became the guiding strategy of Siyad Barre’s engagement in Somaliland. Explicit acceptance of responsibility of what happened in Somaliland and a sincere apology to its people. Terminating the use of the inflammatory rhetoric that they continue to spew, including that Somaliland is just another region of Somalia. Establishment of a trust fund for the victims and a compensation procedure that is transparent and verifiable. It is about time that Somaliland plays a hard ball with the Mogadishu administration and not allow them to continue to add insult to the injury. In the absence of Somalia agreeing to these preconditions, Somaliland should not even entertain sitting across the table from Somalia. Mohamed A. Suleiman is a freelance writer and could be reached at: burao572@gmail.com
The battle to establish new ports on the Red Sea corridor with Gulf money could create better African economies and could define exactly who controls the Red Sea, according to analysts. Sudanese state media announced that Qatar will finance the redevelopment of the historic Red Sea port of Suakin to the tune of 3.2 billion euros, to be completed and running by 2020. “There are big challenges around the Red Sea and who’s going to win over the other,” Marc Lavergne, Sudan expert with the Paris-based French National Centre for Scientific Research tells RFI. “Qatar is strangled by Saudi Arabia, and is responding by challenging to Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea, facing Jeddah and Mecca. Qatar is not on the defensive any more, but on the offensive now.” Lavergne is referring to the boycott carried out against Qatar by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC), with the United Arab Emirates as a staunch Saudi ally. Involving Sudan in the current GCC-Qatar spat complicates the issues, says Issam Mohamed, a Sudanese economist and dean of the Nile Basin Research Center at Alneelain University in Khartoum. “Sudan is saying it’s neutral and Saudi cannot spend such money. So when Qatar comes with a big investment like this, Sudan has to accept,” says Mohamed. “But at the same time, you understand that establishing a new trade region will always be competing with Jeddah,” he adds. The population in the area is expected to grow as well. United Nations estimates that the population of the 20 countries that use the Red Sea as their primary shipping corridor will increase by 110 per cent– to 1.3 billion people in 2050. The amount of money for the port is seemingly more than for just the refurbishment of an old port, says Mohamed. He believes that an airport or free trade area would be part of the package. “This money cannot only be to fix the small island of Suakin it needs to be extended to other areas or regions of eastern Sudan,” he says. Both UAE and Qatar are jostling for position, says Benedict Craven, a Horn of Africa analyst with the Economist Intelligence Unit in London. Craven believes land-locked Ethiopia could be the major customer they are looking for. He says that countries are hoping to tap into Ethiopia’s double-digit growth. “I would see Suakin serve as a gateway to East Africa, through Ethiopia, which is obviously the biggest economy,” says Craven, adding that Massawa Port in Eritrea is completely closed off to competition due to the strife between the two countries that continues. Nostalgia In terms of practicalities, there is a lot to be done, says Sudan expert Lavergne, who has been a number of times to Suakin since the 80s. Although Khartoum has reportedly denied that Turkey is involved in the process, economist Mohamed says Turkey will contribute to the engineering and infrastructure. And for Turkey, the port is a nod to the Ottoman Empire, when it used the ancient area for trade and for the pilgrimage to Mecca, right across the Red Sea. “In Africa, especially on the Sahelian Belt, there is nostalgia surrounding Suakin, especially for everyone who goes on the pilgrimage to Mecca,” says Lavergne, referring to the Senegal-Mauritania-Burkina Faso-Mali-Niger-Sudan route. Red Sea Corridor The port of Suakin will have some competition in the Red Sea corridor, namely in Berbera Port, in Somaliland, a project won by UAE company DP World in 2016. Separate deals were signed with the UAE to build a military base in Somaliland along with a new 250-kilometre highway, known as the Berbera Corridor, according to Robleh Mohamud, an analyst and former consultant to the Somaliland presidency. “The highway will link Ethiopia with Somaliland, and turn Berbera into a major regional trading hub,” says Mohamud, adding that the highway will begin at Berbera Port, through Wachale, an important border town for animal trade. Somaliland, the self-declared country often confused with its unstable neighbour to the south lacks international recognition– until now. While some point to the lack of Western involvement in the Red Sea Corridor ports, Mohamud maintains that there is plenty of room for future US or European investment. “Now that there are many ports undergoing development, there will be a rapid increase of opportunities in the region,” he adds.
Mogadishu (HOL) - AMISOM has dismissed claims it took full charge of the Lower House building following Wednesday's standoff which saw the interventions of the African Union troops. Source: Hiiraan Online
Maanta oo Sabti ah waxaa lagu waday in xarunta Golaha shacabka ee Muqdisho uu ka qabsoomo kulan Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay codka kalsoonida ugu qaadayaan Gudoomiye Jawaari. Xalay saqdii dhexe ayaa Muqdisho waxaa kulamo ku yeeshay Xildhibaanada wada Mooshinkaan iyo madaxda Dowlada Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo ka codsaday in kulankaasi maanta la hakiyo. Waxaa wali jira khilaafka siyaasadeed ee u dhaxeeya Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo labo garab u kala jaban, Arbacadii la soo dhaafay ayaa buuq hareeyay isaga oo oo fashil ku dhamaaday. Warar soo baxaya ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in laga yaabo in kulankaasi mooshinka Jawaari lagu soo bandhigayo uu dhaco maalinta Isniinta ah ee soo socoto. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Kulankii Baarlamaanka ee Mooshinka Jawaari oo baaqday appeared first on Puntland Post.
Ra’iisul wasaaraha xukumadda federaalka Soomaaliya oo ay wehliyaan Wasiirka amniga , Maxamed Abuukar Isloow, agaasimasha hay’adda nabad-sugidda iyo sirdoonka Qaranka, Sarkiil Ciidan iyo xubno ka socday maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa booqasho ku tagay Xalay saqdii dhexe xarumo ay ka howl-galaan Ciidanka nabad sugidda iyo sirdoonka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Booqashada Ra’iisul wasaaraha Dalka uu ku tagay Ciidanka NISA ayaa ku saabsanayd dhiirri gelin iyo mahad naq ku aaddan sidii ay Ciidanka Nabad sugidda u fashiliyeen Laba qarax oo ay Al-Shabaab doonayeen in ay ka fuliyaan Magaaladda Muqdisho. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Dalka ayaa mid mid u Gacan qaaday dhammaan Ciidankii ku sugnaa goobihii lagu fashiliyay qaraxyada , wuxuuna taliyeyaasha halkaasi ku sugnaa ka dhagaystay Warbixinno ku aaddan sidii ay ugu ho tageen Qaraxyadii lala damacsanaa in lagu wax yeelleeyo Ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Wuxuuna Ra’iisul wasaarahuhu intaa ka dib guddoonsiiyay abaal marin Lacageed oo uu ku dhiiri gelinayey Ciidanka maadama ay bad-baadiyeen Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayna diyaar u yihiin difaacidda Dalka iyo Dadka Soomaaliyeed. Mudane Kheyr ayaa sidoo kale sheegay inay geesinimadooda badbaadisay naf badan oo Soomaaliyeed, isagoo Ciidanka howl-galkaasi ku guuleystay iyo taliyeyaashooduba u sheegay inuu Salaan diirran iyo hambalyo baaxad leh kaga sida Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane; Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo. Booqashada uu Ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka mudane; Xasan Cali Kheyre ku booqday ciidanka nabad sugidda Qaranka iyo goobaha ay ka howl-galayaan ayaa qayb ka ah dhiirri gelinta iyo Garab istaagga Ciidamada iyo inuu gaarsiiyo farriin ah sida ay Madaxda Dalku u garab taagan tahay had iyo goor Ciidamada kala duwan ee Qaranka. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’isilwasaare Kheyre oo Booqasho Tagay xarumo Ciidamada Amniga Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
Ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub ee Dalka Itoobiya DR Abiy Axmed Cali ayaa maanta oo sabti ah booqashadiisii ugu horeeysay ku tagaya Magaalada Jig Jiga. Abiy ayaa lagu wadaa in uu kulamo la qaato Madaxweynaha Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar iyo xubnaha Maamulkiisa DDSI. Ujeedada Safarka Ra’isilwasaraaha cusub ee Itoobiya uu maanta ku tagayo Jig Jiga ayaa noqoneeyso xal u raadinta xiisado gacan ka hadal ah oo u dhexeeyso Oromada iyo Soomaalida. Dhanka kale Ra’isilwasaaraha cusub ee Itoobiya ayaa booqan doono deegaanada ay ku xooganyihiin Oromada si uu ugala hadlay joojinta dagaalka u dhaxeeyo Oromada iyo Soomaalida. Dr Abiy ayaa laga filayaa in joojinta xiisada soo laa laabatay ee u dhaxeeysa Soomaalida iyo Oromada oo dagaalka u dhaxeeya ay kumanaankun ku dhinteen. Xasan Maxmed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Ra’isilwasaaraha Itoobiya oo Booqanaya Maanta Jig Jiga appeared first on Puntland Post.
Amina Abdulrashid, 23, is a self-taught designer. By LILYS NJERU More by this Author In a market with numerous fashion designers, Amina Abdulrashid, 23, understood that the only way to stand out in this crowded field was by being different. She also knew that she had to identify a gap and fill it, only then would her business succeed. And hence Moderne was born, a clothing label located along Luthuli Avenue in Nairobi’s CBD. “Our outfits are modest but modern – we infuse modest pieces with a touch of what’s currently trendy in the world of fashion and give special attention to the fabrics that we use,” explains Amina, who points out that every week she introduces a new design. “The reason we showcase a new design on a weekly basis is because we make limited pieces of each design, 10 at most. The idea is to have our clients have their own fashion identity,” she explains. MODEST BUT MODERN When she set up her business in August 2016, she had the Muslim woman in mind, but she later realised that there are many non-Muslim women looking for something modest to wear. This informed her decision to expand her niche. “While Islamic fashion is about loose garments that don’t reveal a woman’s form, modest fashion is about being fashionable without having to wear short or see-through clothes,” she explains, pointing out that every week she serves at least 50 clients, who are predominantly between 18 and 50 years and cut across all religions. Interestingly, Amina doesn’t have a background in fashion or entrepreneurship. At Kenyatta University, her alma mater, she studied Bachelor of Arts, Gender and Development Studies. “I got the inspiration to start Moderne from my classmates, who were familiar with my blog, aminafemshion.blogspot.co.ke and followers of my Instagram page. They would keep asking where I get my clothes from. At the time, most of my dresses were made to measure by a tailor in Eastleigh.” Amina Abdulrashid models one of her designs. FIRST ATTEMPT After graduating in July 2016, she decided to try her hand at tailoring as she looked for a job – her market test collection performed so poorly that she backed out of the business after only two months. “I had invested all my Sh20,000 savings into the business. I used the money to buy fabric and meet stitching expenses. Since I don’t know how to stitch, I would design what I had in mind and take it to a tailor to put it together. I used online platforms such as Instagram to market my clothes, but I didn’t get a return for my money. I was so disappointed, I felt I wasn’t cut for business, and reminded myself that I didn’t come from a business-oriented family to begin with.” In spite of her misgivings, in December 2016, she decided to give the business another shot. She used the remaining fabrics she had bought earlier to design what she felt were better garments. This time round, things worked in her favour. “I had a tailor make 20 pieces, which I sold for between Sh2,500 to Sh3,600 each. Within a month, I had sold out the outfits. When I first started, the main challenge I had was lack of a store, somewhere clients could walk in and look around and meet the owner face-to-face and hand over their money.” This time round, even though she did not rent a working premises immediately, instead of asking for money before hand, she decided to make it a pay-on-delivery kind of business to inspire trust. It worked. Now that she has a shop, clients pay a deposit before she embarks on the work. Amina Abdulrashid models one of her designs. DETERMINED Seeing her determination to succeed, Amina’s dad injected Sh100,000 into her business in May last year, money that she used to rent working space, buy two sewing machines, buy more fabric and employ a tailor. “Before this, I outsourced one, who would end up disappointing me because his clients came first. He could only manage five outfits a week, yet at times, I would get more than 20 requests in a week.” She has since employed two more tailors, who manage to stitch about 10 outfits on a daily basis. She says that she makes an average of Sh100,000 in profit every month. The price tag is pegged on the fabric and the type of outfit she designs. Most of her pieces go for between Sh2,500 and Sh3,600. “We source for the fabric locally and abroad. I first make a sample collection then do a photo shoot and post the pictures on our Instagram page, mode_rne. Clients order and either send their measurements or come to the workshop to have them taken. We take three days at most to work on the orders.” Amina Abdulrashid in a modest outfit. FLEXIBLE WORK When Amina is not at the workshop, she is either out sourcing for fabric or carrying out assignments for her employer, Elman Peace, an NGO based in Mogadishu, Somalia, that promotes peace and uplifts the lives of the marginalised in society to be decision makers. She is their Gender-based violence (GBV) programme associate in Kenya. Her roles include strategic planning of the organisation’s activities in Kenya, maintaining contact with donors in Kenya and representing the organisation in meetings. The job is quite flexible and allows her to work from home. “When I am busy with my employer’s work, my elder sister is very supportive, and helps me run my business. She handles administrative tasks such as taking orders and models most of our sample collections,” Amina explains. Though her business is on firm ground now, just like any other business, it has challenges. The main one, one she has grappled with since its inception, is clients who make orders, only to change their mind and then demand a refund. She doesn’t sweat it though, after all, every business comes with its own headache. Although Amina lacks advanced stitching skills, this did not stop her from establishing and running what could be described as a successful clothing label. With a good eye for fabric and great designing skills, all she needed was to team up with experienced tailors who were outstanding in their craft, tailors whom she attributes for the continuous growth of her business.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa sii kordhaaya tirada Xildhibaanada ka tirsan baarlamaanka Somalia ee is casilaada ku cadaadinaaya Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Somalia Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari. Xildhibaanada oo kusii kordhaaya dhanka warbaahinta maxaliga ah, ayaa Guddoomiye Jawaari ugu baaqay inuu faarujiyo Kursiga ka hor inta uusan ku bixin qaab aan wanaagsaneyn. Xildhibaanada Mooshinka ka keenay Guddoomiye Jawaari, ayaa sheegay inay sii kordheyso tiradooda taasina ay ka turjumeyso inaanu Jawaari sii joogi doonin booska, sida ay hadalka u dhigeen. Xildhibaanada ayaa ku eedeeyay Guddoomiye Jawaari inuu jebiyay dastuurka iyo xeer hoosaadka, isla markaana ay ka dalbanayaan inuu mar kale is casilo. Xildhibaan Axmed Dhimbil Casoowe iyo Xildhibaan Maxamed Cumar Dalxa ayaa sheegay in guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka loogu baahan yahay inuu si nabad ah isku casilo. Xildhibaan Axmed Dhimbil ayaa yiri ‘’Waxaan ku talinayaa in Jawaari uu isaga tago booska kama heebeysan doono waxaana naga go’an inaan ka tuurno Kursiga ama uu is casilo saacadaha u harsan’’ Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Xildhibaanadan ayaa sheegay in Guddoomiye Jawaari aysan kusii deynkarin khaladaadka uu ku hayo Dastuurka dalka, waxa ayna ku baaqeen in wakhti hore uu iska casilo xilka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com