Deeq A.

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  1. If you hate the government so much, why don’t you move to Somalia? That might soon be a great option. The truth is Somalia is not without government. It actually has multiple governments. In the south, you see corruption, crime, and gang-like government oppression. This is what the United Nations and most of the international community call the official government of Somalia. And in the north there is a separatist state called Somaliland. Here crime is lower, and the economy is freer. More people have power and water. The standard of living is higher. The region bases its law on the historical Xeer system, similar to Common Law. And until now, no international entity wanted to recognize Somaliland. Did the people protest? Did the government petition the UN? Did they rebel against the southern “official” government? No. Economic opportunity surfaced. Somaliland’s first international ally is not a government, but a business. The fourth largest port company in the world made a deal with the government of Somaliland. DP World will build an economic free zone in the new Republic. A total of 12.2 square kilometres of land has been earmarked for the Berbera Free Zone (BFZ), which is to be modelled on Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza), the Middle East region’s biggest free zone. The Dubai-based ports operator signed a 30-year concession agreement to manage the Port of Berbera in May 2016. In September 2017, the port recorded a 40 per cent year-on-year increase in container volumes – the highest total volumes in the port’s history, DP World said in a statement. The new economic zone aims to position Berbera as a gateway port for east Africa, by encouraging investments and trade in the warehousing, logistics, manufacturing and related businesses. DP World will develop the free zone in phases, with the first phase focusing on 4 sq km of land, according to the terms of a deal signed this week between Somaliland’s foreign affairs minister Saad Shire and DP World group chairman and chief executive, Sultan bin Sulayem. This is actually a really big deal. It shows a number of developments. The northern region of Somalia effectively seceded from the south. Its economy is doing much better than the rest of Somalia. And by opening up some of their land to free zones, the government of Somaliland is proving that they are forward thinking. They are ready to bring this unstable region of Africa into the modern economy. And that is all well and good. But now a successful company with an amazing track record is making a deal with Somaliland. This company had no small hand in developing Dubai into the economic powerhouse and model modern economy that it is today. This partnership is huge for Somaliland. And at the same time, it promises to be quite the boon for DP World as well. The company has the opportunity to design a Special Economic Zone from scratch. They can take all their best practices from other special economic zones, and apply them in a region scarred by anarchy. And this will show the world just what kind of governance can be built by private companies. “Somaliland’s development opportunities…has parallels with the start of our own growth in Dubai and the UAE,” said Mr bin Sulayem. “Our vision is to make Berbera a trading and transportation hub for the Horn of Africa.” Somaliland gave DP World a 30-year concession and majority control to manage the new port. Now the new country can gain a foothold with a powerful ally on their side. And DP World can design a governing structure for their port that will attract business and investment. Somaliland was an isolated separatist region of a war-torn vacuum of power. Now, they are positioned to become the next Dubai. Zero Hedge
  2. Overview IREX Europe will run a series of drama-based activities across Somaliland to promote peaceful co-existence. Working with partner Kow Media Corporation from Hargeisa, a drama team will travel through six regions in Somaliland exploring tribalism, radicalisation, community tensions and other drivers of conflict in the region. Following each show, the theatre troupe will organise sessions using traditional spontaneous poetry blended with modern discussion techniques to promote critical thinking about Somaliland’s challenges. Background Since declaring independence in 1991, Somaliland has surprised the world as a fledgling democracy, holding three consecutive competitive elections since 2001 and successfully integrating traditional Somali modes of governance into contemporary politics. However, following postponed national elections and increased regional instability, Somaliland remains vulnerable to extremism and violence. Communities have few models for civil discourse and little opportunity for constructive debate of political issues. As a result Street protests and violence are too often the way in which people attempt to resolve political and social issues. As Somalis become increasingly disenfranchised and frustrated, extremist voices can appear an increasingly attractive alternative to democracy. IREX Europe’s Theatre Road Show program aims at helping people address and work through conflict using Drama for Conflict Transformation (DCT) methods that combine theatre debate, poetry and reflection to create a “safe space” for exploring incendiary issues. The program builds on Kow Media’s work through its “Geediga Nabada” Peace Caravan team of trained theatre practitioners. Drama for Conflict Transformation is a rich methodology that encourages improvisation and play to help participants develop new views and behaviors. In situations of entrenched conflict, where debate and historical analysis rarely serve to change minds, DCT unlocks the creative power of individuals and communities to adopt new perspectives and develop novel solutions. Not only is DCT a powerful tool for transforming attitudes, it also provides a platform for practicing conflict resolution strategies. Project Activities IREX Europe, with its partner Kow Media Corporation, will utilise Drama for Conflict Transformation methodologies to organise a traveling theatre caravan to offer shows across Somaliland. Following each performance, members of the theatre troupe with training in facilitating discussion sessions will encourage dialogue amongst the community members present to promote critical thinking and challenge entrenched views. The theatre performances are envisaged as opening dialogue in the community and encouraging constructive exchanges. Community members will be invited to speak about challenges specific to their lives and areas, encouraging dialogue and the collective identification of solutions. During these discussion sessions, facilitators will also encourage viewers to create their own poetical verses discussing the issues addressed in the theatre performances. This is especially relevant in Somaliland, where poetry is an important component of l cultural expression. Project History IREX Europe built upon the success of its Indonesia Interactive Theatre Project, supported by the United Kingdom’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Strategic Programme Fund, to explore similar themes of conflict and extremism in Somaliland. IREX Europe’s network partner, IREX, also is using interactive theatre models to address conflict in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. IREX Europe also drew on the experience of IREX media and civil society projects in Somalia. Kow Media Corporation is using theater-based approaches to conflict in Somalia through its “Geediga Nabada” Peace Caravan project funded by the United Nations Development Fund. Europe.Fr
  3. Somaliland has achieved a great deal in consolidating peace after a brutal war, and in establishing a system of electoral democracy – Dr Michael Walls. The International Election Observation mission chief observer in Somaliland Dr Michael Walls spoke to The EastAfrican’s Fred Oluoch about the recent election and the issues of international recognition. ——————————– From what you have observed, how has the election gone, from voter registration and voter security to polling and tallying? The process of counting and tallying is not complete yet, so I can’t offer an assessment at this stage. However, we were happy to be able to observe the elections in all regions without experiencing insecurity or violence. There was some concern when the Parliament in Puntland declared its intention to obstruct the election in eastern areas, but in effect that disruption affected only a small number of polling stations in Badhan town. We applaud Somaliland for holding a peaceful election. Is there a sense of free campaigns and that the incumbent is not being used to influence the election outcome? There is almost always some degree of incumbency advantage, but we were impressed with the relative evenness of media coverage. We are aware of complaints from different parties about intimidation of their supporters and of misuse of resources, early campaigning etc, and some of those complaints were upheld by the Electoral Monitoring Committee. That there are many international observers flies in the face of the non-recognition of Somaliland; does this give an endorsement of a viable separate state? In my opinion, Somaliland has achieved a great deal in consolidating peace after a brutal war, and in establishing a system of electoral democracy. Of course, I am not in a position to determine Somaliland’s sovereign status internationally, but there is no doubt that many governments are keenly aware of Somaliland’s success in those regards and have been watching this election closely. There was a larger number of foreign diplomats and officials present in Somaliland for this election than I have seen before. With the British government financing the international observers, does it mean that individual countries are silently recognising Somaliland? No, at this stage, no country recognises Somaliland although there is a growing de facto acceptance of the importance of supporting the peace in Somaliland and that leads to some creative approaches to engagement. British financial support for election observation represents just such a pragmatic accommodation. Do you think a free elections in Somaliland in a region that is fraught with claims of election rigging and violence, would put the country in good stead with the international community? Yes — again, as per the above answers. There has been significant international interest in this election, and that arises from a growing awareness of Somaliland’s peace and electoral democracy. Somaliland’s stability and electoral democracy are impressive and should be supported. It is heartening that international actors increasingly acknowledge that. What does a free and democratic election in Somaliland portend for Somalia? This is difficult to answer, as Somaliland has effectively established a very different path from Somalia in terms of politics. I suspect that the lessons that can be learned by one from the other. East African
  4. FACT ONE: TURKEY Turkey is one of the most powerful and influential countries in the emerging world. It has an impact on the world stage as part of the NATO alliance and increasingly encourages its domestic companies to flex their muscles in the third world. This political and economic renaissance, spearheaded by Erdogan in the past 10 years, is more visible in Africa, than any region in the globe, as it poured Billions in direct investment into African infrastructure projects. FACT TWO: TURKEY IN SOMALIA The opening of Turkey’s largest military base outside of its borders in Mogadishu this past September, was a spectacle for the diehard Turks craving for a bit of Ottoman Nostalgia. It also pointedly confirmed Turkey bet on Somalia as an important pawn in its geopolitical game to box out other regional rivals. This military base was in addition to the large international airport that was inaugurated last year, numerous roads, hospitals, and not to mention direct cash contribution provided to the nascent Somali Army. FACT THREE: SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA TALKS The government of Turkey played a major part as the primary mediator in the talks between Somaliland and Somalia, when they hosted the two delegations in Istanbul. in many instances, the dialogue were welcomed by observers as both Somaliland and Somalia, discussed a number of strategic issues, and agreed to resolve few contentious points. However, on important issue related to the future political relationship of the two entities, the Turkish government has left no doubt about their bias in favor of the Somalia side, to the detriment of Somaliland. Consequently, the sacrosanctity of the role devoted to the honest broker was muddied, and by the same token crushed the trust of a Somali population waiting for an amicable resolution of a long running conflict. This failure as a witness and mediator of the Turkish Government has in turn emboldened the Somalia government, as it pursued to break many of the points agreed in the final communique, including the Air Space management and control, and the sharing of international aid. FACT FOUR: TURKEY’S LACK OF INVESTMENTS IN SOMALILAND Few years later, the Turkish government double standards continues. It still pours massive investment into a failed state which has no accountability, and flagrantly disregard the political and economic progress on the other side. Fortunately for Somaliland, there are many other governments that support the government including the government of Kuwait, UAE, UK, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, European Union, USA and Ethiopia. Their support have built the country’s public infrastructure and contributed to the private sector, the capacity building of institutions, and upcoming infrastructure investment. FACT FIVE: POLITICAL NON-ALIGNMENT Somaliland is a country that has a long history of democracy, institutional building and positive contribution by civil society, as presented in the just concluded presidential election which was heralded as one of the most transparent in Africa. Somaliland also is punches above its weight in regional affairs whether Is the fight against terrorism, the reduction of piracy in the red sea or in the current political crises in the Gulf of Saudi-led groups, emirates, Kuwait, Egypt. In the later, Somaliland airspace was crucial to the interest of the alliance. Therefore, the very good relations between the countries of the United Arab Emirates and the Saudi Arabia, is more strategic & important than having Turkey on its side. FACT SIX: A MONUMENTAL MISTAKE Given the above, it is surprising to hear the Turkish government has begun negotiation with the current administration of Somaliland on a possible concession to take over the management of its largest airport, the capital city’s Egal International Airport. Once the discussion have concluded the same company that is managing the Mogadishu Airport is expected to also take over the Hargeisa Airport, thus handing over all Somali Airspace to a Turkish company (FAVORI LLC). It would certainly be a monumental mistake, for the Ministry of Civil Aviation to continue these discussion, let alone award this contract to a Turkish company, as it would directly jeopardize the National Security and sovereignty of the Somaliland Air Space. Furthermore, the negative impact that such a decision would have on the bilateral and multilateral partners of the Somaliland government will be felt immediately as the entire region navigates tense geopolitically tides. CONCLUSIONS FAVORI LLC was very shrewd in trying to take advantage of a caretaker administration in Somaliland, whose sole responsibility, in the last few months, was to organize the important presidential election that just took place commended for. In the future, we hope and expect that, large investment and long term concessions get the scrutiny and strategic analysis they deserve. Using the Somaliland legal framework for foreign investment, we believe it is possible to find a better way to develop and manage investment projects, that are aligned with our national interest & values. Khalid A. HERSIBy: Khalid A. HERSI Email:; Hargeisa – Somaliland
  5. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Ethiopia’s government says more than 20 people have been killed in renewed clashes between ethnic Oromos and Somalis in the past week. Spokesman Negeri Lenco says 98 people were arrested in the Oromia region and five arrested in the Somali region. A long-standing border dispute and an increased military presence in the regions triggered the recent fighting. Officials agreed to reconcile differences in April and troops were deployed to major roads, but clashes have continued. Fighting in September killed several dozen people and displaced tens of thousands of Oromos. “People were fighting with whatever means they have against the Somali Special Police,” Galagalo Daalacha, an ethnic Oromo, told The Associated Press of Friday’s fighting in the Borana area. “Many people fled to the forest after troops … entered the area.” AP
  6. Somaliland citizens did their job, the NEC did their job, the ruling party did their job, and the police and army forces did their job. But there was something wrong with the manner in which the election was conducted. In fact, how each one of these entities involved in tthe election did its job is what makes a mark of timeless difference. It has been a vivid demonstration of how power really works. What patently works well in Somaliland presidential elections is not the political programs that contesting parties use to sell. It is the power that is behind each party. So what is the power that can promote a political party to the position of victory? We the Somaliland people are tribes. We even go further and are clans and subclans. The battle between our tribes was and still continues to be the battle for power. The history of how Somaliland people always struggle for power is not something that we are able to appreciate. This does not mean that the concept of power struggle is not healthy and wholly. It means that the basics of Somali politics is a one way street. There is a sense in which the wall we built for power interpretation looks like a kraal with no exist and escape. Power is not only the driving force in Somaliland presidential election. Tribalism is more powerful than power and money. The combination of power and bane of tribalism is always the firm factor that is crucial to Somaliland presidential election. While there is always a traditional buffer zone between Somaliland tribes, trials to intimate and intellectualize politics is out of everyone’s scope and understanding. Indications brazen with such comprehensive poverty of understanding are plain for all to see through existing Somaliland political landscape. Humans need to be educated and trained to the tasks, but when they remain traumatized, they will tend to revert to what they know best – which will often be the tribe, the totem, the taboo, or the traumatizatiion. Somaliland’s winner-takes-all politics lie at the heart of everything that goes wrong with the country. It is the reason why Somaliland has fallen behind the rest of the world economically, the reason for its bad governance and poverty. Somaliland people have basically no common understanding or experience of nationhood. Nationalism, in the good sense of positive loyalty to one’s country and fellow citizens, is in short supply. If one wants power, he plays the tribal card or smears his political rivals. When one achieves power, he brings his own people into government – and even more important, into the army forces. The state treasury becomes his private bank account. When he runs for election the entire state structure and all its officials are at his disposal. If anyone inside the country says anything, he accuses them of high treason and puts them in jail. If anyone outside the country criticises him, he accuses them of sponage. This failure of politics has not become a cataylist to create national awareness to disencourage or discredit Somaliland politicians. Even the role of intellectuals and elites seemed so disturbed and demoralised. The oxygen of tribal intrigues is what actually controls the minds of almost all Somaliland voters, when it comes to elections in any level, specifically those voters hailing from the tribes which formed “The Rainbow Alliance.” The rainbow coalition worked well and all their votes probably went into Kulmiye pocket. During the voting day, the entire government apparatus and its officials were at Kulmiye’s disposal. Logistics including food supplies, transportation, and energy was free for Kulmiye election campaign. And this shows how what belongs to all Somaliland people is ill-used, missed, and manipulated for a party gains. The scandals that occured in the voting day were many. There were cases where there were no voters but ballot boxes full of votes in favor of kulmiye party have been returned. There were other cases where voters were intimidated and attacked and Wadani vote observing agents expelled from polling stations. Bribery played its roll, buying cards brought thousands of votes to Kulmiye, removing so many Wadani votes out of the ballot boxes was a preplanned tactic. Imagine what happens when the ballot boxes were intentionally kept at Districts for a considerable number of days? Evidences showing illegible voters voting in many strongholds of Kulmiye party have been reported officially, but the commissiin failed to take action against such occurences. It was remarkably easy for someone to vote more than once on polling day on same polling station. There were cases where many people have even impersonated others at the ballot box, because there were no mechanisms preventing multiple voting. Some people were forced on threat of arresting to vote the opposite of what they wanted. Apart from intimidation, making sure that everyone who has the right and the desire to vote is able to do so—has always been the more troubling Election Day problem. The Electoral Commission is the body supposed to ensure that the system is planned and made to prevent multiple voting. But if you look at their remit, you will see that they only focused more on receiving the ballot boxes and putting the data into the system than on engagement and on making votes trustworthy. The national electoral commission had their share in Somaliland presidential election vote irregulatities. The role the national electoral commission played in this presidential election was non-partisan in every way we see it. The worst, weakest and most wicked candidate is Faisal Ali Waraabe, because his intention for running in the race was just to reduce Wadani votes, a kind of deep grudge against Abdirahman Cirro. A strategy to get Jamal Ali Hussein out of the race so that the votes of Habar Awal not to be divided, was fulfilled long before the election campaign. Faisal was the facilitator of this contract. The whole problem with Somaliland elections is the choice the people make. When it comes to leadership change, Somaliland people make bad choices, and they get what they ask for. If they even want good outcomes, they vote for (and thus reward) candidates who produce bad outcomes. They get bad government because they are bad at governing themselves. One good exampe is the year 2010 when Somaliland elected Siilaanyo as a president. The homework ahead of Muse Biixi is not easy. It needs a lot of run-in, an objectivity in vision, a lot of time to think and tolerence to do the right things, and redress what went wrong. How the country’s huge unemployment crisis to be curbed, corruption be eradicated, equal opportunities be created, rules and regulations be enforced, public property loot be stopped, nepotism be eliminated, abuse of power be wisely controlled, those who amassed opulent wealth through illegal procedures be brought to the book and punished – these are the issues that need to be addressed without fail. Muse Biixi will have a hard time if he will talk more and act less. What small problems do we have that could grow into bigger ones? What slows our work or makes it more difficult? What do we often fail to achieve? Where do we have bottlenecks? What is frustrating and irritating people? For sure, opposing party, wadani, will be tough and terribly active and truely arrange their ideas and efforts for what might happen next. What are we going to do if nothing will change in fields of governance, justice, accountability, and transparency? What are we going to do if “I-take-and-you-take policies” of Kulmiye continue? What if the crackdown on Wadani cadres continues? What if the culture of divide and rule remains the same? What if the abuse of authority and excercise of exessive force are to be the only working element and puplic regrets and rights will not be heard and honored? All leaders meet problems. But the way they solve the problems and meet the pressing challenges is what makes them different. Only time will tell whether Muse Biixi will be a different president, a president who has integrity, a president who believes that honesty is the best policy, a president with adult supersion, a president whose national vision stays ahead of the public, a president with the ability to set political agenda, or a president with hidden agendas for retaliation. Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress. The need for the hour is to find out where the rule of law is in Somaliland. Eventually, everyone of us must remember the old age saying: “When mother cow is chewing the grass, the baby cow, probably the calf, looks very keenly.” Whether Muse Biixi will follow the policies of his politics teacher, Siilaanyo, remains to be seen. By:Jams Falaag Hargeisa, Somaliland.
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenka Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed (Khadar), ayaa magaalada Riyad ee dalka Sucuudiga uga qeyb galay shirka Wasiirrada Gaashaandhigga ee isbahaysiga la-dagaalanka argagixisada. Waxana kulankani ka qeyb galaya in ka badan Afartan waddan, iyadoona diiradda lagu saaray dhibaatada ay kooxaha argagaxisada ah ku hayaan dalalka Islaamka. Ra’iisul wasaare ku-xigeenka Soomaaliya oo khudbad dheer ka jeediyey shirka ayaa ugu horeyn uga mahad celiyey Boqortooyada Sucuudiga ee marti gelisay shirka, wuxuuna ka waramay sida ay dawladda Soomaaliya uga go’an tahay ciribtirka kooxaha xagjirka ah. Mudane Khadar ayaa ka warbixiyay dhibaatada Al-shabaab ku hayso shacabka Soomaaliyeed, isagoo soo qaatay qaraxyadii ugu dambeeyey ee ka dhacay Muqdisho oo ku naf-waayeen shacab aan waxba galabsan iyo sidoo kale qaraxii bishan ka dhacay dalka Masar. Ra’iisul wasaare ku-xigeenka ayaa la kulmay dhaxal sugaha boqortooyada Sacuudiga Amiir Mohammed Bin Salmaan, waxaana ay ka wada hadleen adkeynta xiriirka labada dal iyo sidii la iskaga kaashan lahaa arrimaha amniga, dhaqaalaha, Waxbarashada iyo Caafimaadka. Wafdiga Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenka ayaa waxaa kamid ah La-taliyaha Madaxweyne ee arrimaha ciidamadda S/Guud Bashiir Maxamed Jaamac iyo saraakiil sare oo ka tirsan Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha. -DHAMMAAD-
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia kulan ku yeeshay Xildhibaano ka tirsan Golaha Aqalka Sare ee baarlamaanka Somalia iyo Xildhibaano uu Hogaaminaayey Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Jabouti. Kulankan labada dhinac ayaa ahaa mid isbarasho ah, waxaana leyska wareystay hanaanka wada shaqeeneyd iyo in la xoojiyo xiriirka ka dhaxeeyn kara labada baarlamaanka. Sanatorada Aqalka Sare ee wafdiga Dowladda Jabuuti la kulmay ayaa waxaa Hogaaminaayey Gudoomiye ku-xigeenka 1aad ee Aqalka Sare, halka Xildhibaanada Jabuuti uu ka hogaaminaayay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Dalkaas Xaamud. Xildhibaano ka kala tirsan labada dhinac ayaa siyaabo kala duwan u sheegay inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin in markii ugu horeysay ay is horfadhiistan, iyadoo leyska wareysanaayo shaqooyinka labada dhinac. Xildhibaanada waxa ay tilmaameen inuu sii socon doono is aragooda inta laga yagleelaayo xiriir joogta ah oo dhexmara labada baarlamaan. Wafdiga ayaa sidoo kale qadka Teleefanka kula hadlay Gudoomiyaha Aqalka Sare Cabdi Xaashi C/laahi oo xaalad Caafimad ugu maqan Dalka Turkiga waxaana ay allah uga baryeen in uu Caafimad siiyo.
  9. Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Kheire on Sunday named Mohamed Mursal Osman as Somalia’s new defense minister after his predecessor left the office on October this year. The Former Somalia envoy to Turkey was announced to head the ministry after an appointment statement which is released by the PM’s office on Sunday. The new minster who also served as Energy and Water ministry in the government of prime minister Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke is due to replace Abdriashid Abullahi who had resigned last month. Mohamed Mursal was also the first Somali envoy to be sent to Turkey since the collapse of President Barre’s Gov’t. The appointment comes as Gov’t and AU troops intensified their war against Al-shabaab. The group which is also took credit of deadly attacks in Somalia aims to impose its own radical brand of Islam on the horn of African country.
  10. A steep shortfall in donor funding for refugee services in Kenya and other host countries is leading the United Nations to seek new ways of aiding the nearly 400,000 Somalis and South Sudanese living in the Dadaab and Kakuma camps. The UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) has requested $231 million (Sh23.7 billion) this year to cover its operations in Kenya. But as of early November donor countries had provided only $66 million (Sh6.7 billion), or less than one-third of the required sum. Asked to suggest reasons for that wide gap, UNHCR spokeswoman Yvonne Ndege said “donors sometimes shift resources to ongoing emergencies around the globe where displaced persons are in need of more urgent life-saving services.” SELF-RELIANCE Protracted situations such as in Kenya, where the Dadaab complex opened in 1991, are consequently experiencing funding reductions, Ms Ndege added in an email. “Funds have been diminishing globally, and Kenya’s funding situation is not actually uncommon,” she noted. In response, UNHCR is “shifting its focus from a purely humanitarian- based approach to initiating ideas, projects and solutions that foster self-reliance and innovation among refugees,” the Nairobi-based official wrote. “So it’s not a case of what we can no longer provide. It’s pushing and promoting socio-economic empowerment of refugees that’s very much the agenda now.” Refugees in Dadaab and Kakuma are nonetheless feeling the impact of the drop in funding. The UN’s World Food Programme announced last month that it is cutting food rations by 30 per cent for inhabitants of the Kenyan camps due to insufficient donor assistance. WFP said it “urgently” needs $28.5 million to provide adequate food aid for refugees in Kenya for the next six months. CLOSE UNHCR acknowledged earlier that it plans to close its Alinjugur field office in Dadaab by next March. Overall, the UN budget for the Dadaab complex has fallen by 70 per cent since 2011, a rate of contraction that outpaces the nearly 50 percent decline in Dadaab’s population during the same period. UN refugee officials are turning to Africans to compensate for at least some of the shortfall in assistance from rich countries. An initiative known as LuQuLuQu is being launched in Kenya and five other African countries to encourage private donations to refugee programmes. “The negative shift [in donor aid] calls for new home-grown ideas for refugees, internally displaced persons and asylum seekers on our doorstep,” Ms Ndege said at a LuQuLuQu roll-out event in Nairobi. Another, bigger UN effort to make up for the funding deficiency goes under the heading of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework. Source: – Daily Nation
  11. Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Jubbaland ee Soomaaliya Mudane Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa maanta shir gudoomiyay kulankii ugu horeeyay ee golaha amniga heer Dowlad Goboleed kaas oo ka farcamay golaha Amniga Qaranka. Labada Madaxweyne ku xigeen Sarakiisha Ciidamada iyo qaar kamid ah xubnaha golaha Wasiirada ee gudigan ku jira ayaa kulanka ka qayb galay. Xaaladaha Amniga deeganada Jubbaland iyo abaabulka Ciidamada ayaa kamid ah qodobada kulanka lagaga hadlay. Xubnaha golaha uu ka kooban yahay ayuu Madaxweynahu ka dhagaystay xog uruurin iyo tixraac ay maalmahan wadeen oo la xiriira tayada iyo tirada Ciidamada iyadoo la qorshaynayo in mudo kooban hawshaa lagu soo dhameeyo. Dhaqaalaha deeganada Jubbaland ayaa la isku raacay in la mideeyo isla markaana miisaniyad kordhin la sameeyo mudada loo diyaar garoobayo hawlgalada la qorsheeyay si joogto uu u noqdo mushaarka Ciidanka iyo saadka ay u baahan yihiin. Arimaha maamulka iyo adeega Bulshada ayuu golahu isku raacay in la dardar galiyo gaar ahaan Garsoorka iyo Cadaalada iyadoo wakhti dhaw la dhisi doono gudiga adeega Garsoorka. Shirka Amniga Qaranka oo dhawaan ka dhacaya Magaalada Muqdisho ayay Jubbaland la tagi doonta qorshe dhamaystiran oo la xiriira sida ay noqonayaan hawlgalada lagu xoraynayo deeganada ay Al-Shabaab wali kaga sugan yihiin Jubbaland. -DHAMAAAD-
  12. Shirkaan oo looga hadlayey hannaanka siyaasadaha kaydinta maamulidda xogta dawladda ayaa lagu qabtay xarunta wasaaradda qorshaynta, waxaana ka soo qayb galay agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda shaqada, shaqaalaha, dhallinyarad iyo ciyaaraha Axmed Cabdalla Tigaana, Agaasimaha Waaxda shaqada iyo shaqaalaha ee Wasaaradda Barni Ciise, madax qaybeedada dhammaan hay’adaha ka faa’iidaysanaya Mashruuca CIP ee Baanka adduunku ka caawinayo Dawladda, Xubno ka socdey xiriirka Mashruuca CIP ee PCU iyo Khuburo caalami ah ka socotey Baanka adduunka. Shirka ayaa waxaa lagu lafo gurayey isla markaana wax ka beddel loogu samaynayey siyaadaha Kaydinta xogta dawladda oo dhowaan laga diyaariyey dhammaan xarumaha dawladda isla markaana la doonayo in dib loo eego lana tafaftiro kadibna si toos ah loogu dhaqan geliyo xarumaha dawladda. Yusuf Dahir oo ku hadlayey magaca xiriirka Mashruuca ee PCU oo hadal ka jeediyey shirka ayaa tilmaamay muhiimadda mashruucaani uu u leeyahay bulshada iyo isbeddelka muuqda ee ka hirgalay dalka isagoona xusay in uu mashruucu marwalba dhiirri gelinayo inuu dawladda kala shaqeeyo tayaynta shaqaalaha, dejinta siyaasadaha iyo dhammaan arrimaha la xiriira horumarinta hannaanka dawladnimo. Barni ciise oo ah agaasimaha waaxda shaqada iyo shaqaalaha oo iyaduna kelimadeeda goobta ka jeedisey ayaa bogaasidey shaqaalaha dawladda ee isu xilqaamay kasoo qayb galka shirkaan, isla markaana waxay xustay inay muhim tahay in si taxadar leh looga baaraan dago arrinta la xiriirta siyaadaha maamulka iyo kaydinta xogta dawladda iyadoona ku adkaysay inay juhdi geliyaan sidii ay talooyin wax ku ool ah ugu biirin lahaayeen arrintaan. Sidoo kale Mrs. Rosa oo ah la taliye khibrad dheer u leh dejinta siyaadaha maamulidda iyo kaydinta xogaha ama waxa afka qalaad lagu yiraahdo Record and Archive management ayaa ku dheeraatay muhimadda ay arrintaani u leedahay dawladda Puntland. Agaasime Axmed Cabdalla Tigaana oo shirka furay ayaa ku boorriyey daadihiyayaasha shirka iyo dhammaan kasoo qayb galayaashiiba inay si qoto dheer u dersaan Siyaasadahaan , waxna ka beddelaan, waxna ku daraan isla markaana ay soo saaraan siyaasado dhaxal gal u ah mustaqbalka hannaanka maamulka iyo kaydinta xogta dawladda. Shirka ayaa socon doono muddo shan maalmood ah waxaana la filayaa in maalinta la soo gunaanadayo ay kasoo bixi doonto natiijo wanaagsan oo wax ka beddeli doonta sida loo kaydiyo loona maamulo xogaha dalwadda, maadama dadka shaqadaan qabanayaa ay yihiin dhallinyaro aqoon yahan ah oo dadka iyo dalka wax usoo bartay. The post Shir looga hadlayey siyaasadaha hannaanka maamulidda iyo kaydinta xogta dawladda oo Garoowe lagu qabtay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  13. Kismaayo (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Jubbaland, Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa maanta shir-gudoomiyay kulankii ugu horeeyay ee Golaha Amaanka ee heer Dowlad-goboleed, kaasoo ka farcamay golaha Amniga Qaranka. Labada Madaxweyne ku xigeen Sarakiisha Ciidamada iyo qaar kamid ah xubnaha golaha Wasiirada ee gudigan ku jira ayaa kulanka ka qayb galay. Xaaladaha Amniga deeganada Jubbaland iyo abaabulka Ciidamada ayaa kamid ah qodobada kulanka lagaga hadlay. Sidoo kale, Xubnaha Golaha uu ka kooban yahay ayuu Madaxweynahu ka dhagaystay xog uruurin iyo tixraac ay maalmahan wadeen oo la xiriira tayada iyo tirada Ciidamada iyadoo la qorshaynayo in mudo kooban hawshaa lagu soo dhameeyo. Dhaqaalaha deeganada Jubbaland ayaa la isku raacay in la mideeyo isla markaana miisaniyad kordhin la sameeyo mudada loo diyaar garoobayo hawlgalada la qorsheeyay si joogto uu u noqdo mushaarka Ciidanka iyo saadka ay u baahan yihiin. Arrimaha maamulka iyo adeega Bulshada ayuu golahu isku raacay in la dardar galiyo gaar ahaan Garsoorka iyo Cadaalada iyadoo wakhti dhaw la dhisi doono gudiga adeega Garsoorka. Ugu dambeyn, Shirka Amniga Qaranka oo dhawaan ka dhacaya Magaalada Muqdisho ayay Jubbaland la tagi doonta qorshe dhamaystiran oo la xiriira sida ay noqonayaan hawlgalada lagu xoraynayo deeganada ay Al-Shabaab wali kaga sugan yihiin Jubbaland. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo guddoomiyay Kulankii ugu Horreeyay ee Golaha Ammaanka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. Bosaso-[Puntland Post]-Magaalada Boosaso ee xarunta gobalka Bari ayaa maanta waxa lagu soo dhaweeyey Ciyaar Toy Somaliyeed oo Ka Yimaday Dalka ustuleriya . Kooxdan ayaa maalinta bari ah waxa ay la ciyaari doonta kooxda FC Bari oo dhawaan ku guleysatay koobka Horyaalka Puntland. Sida oo kale kooxda Melbounr somali team ayaa lagu wadaa in ay gaarto magaalada Garowe ee Caasimada Puntland si ay uga qeyb galaan tartan kubadeed oo halakaasi ka furmaya. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post- Bosaso The post Kooxda kubada Cagta ee Melbounr Somali Team oo Bosaso lagu soo dhaweeyey appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. By: Farrah Yusuf HARGEISA–Somaliland’s Ex-finance minister, Hon. Mohamed Hashi Elmi has called on President–designate that his cabinet should not exceed by 15 lean and competent ministers who could deliver. Hon. Hashi said on Sunday that 70 ministers are now in Silanyo’s government which is straining the country’s economy. The former minister urges that the president-elect should not appoint ministers on tribal basis. He bluntly accused ministers of misappropriating public funds. The minister has asserted that appointing small based cabinet would perform the daily day operations and focus on the difficult task ahead. The minister has revealed that gov’t officials spend public money on the consumption of Khat. Once asked on reinstating the current ministers serving under outgoing president, Mr. Hashi responded that they have not accomplished anything. He scathingly attacked the cabinet, the house of assembly and the elders have failed to live up to their duties. The former minister has stated that the their is a huge responsibility on president designate to protect the public asset. Hon. Hashi has urged the new Head of State to know that the civil servants and men and women in uniform are in need. He cited that they are not well paid. He took as an instance that during his tenure as finance minister that he made 100% increment for their salaries. He uttered that he was about to increase the salaries for a second time but said that he was sacked unfortunately. He advised the president elect to give a proper care to the armies and the civil servants. He spoke of the traits that the new president has and said that he is a man of his words and takes decisions. Once asked if he is seeking a cabinet portfolio in the upcoming government and responded that he does not remain ready to serve due to old age. The former treasury minister has called on president elect to emulate the Rwandan president who developed his country’s economy. He also said that Hon. Musa Bihi should emulate the example set by Turkish president and Malaysia. The President-Elect is due to sworn in to office on 14th December,2017 and once the presidential election results which was submitted to the constitutional court approves it. Hon. Musa Bihi won Somaliland presidential election held on 13 Nov. by defeating his main rival, the former house speaker, Mr. Irro. Hon. Musa garnered 55% while Irro got 40 percent of voted cast. Citizens are waiting with bated breath to know the size of the Council of Ministers that President-designate Musa Bihi will have. Speculation was rife on who would be included in the Cabinet. The names doing the rounds include Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar, Hon. Jamal Ali Husein and Hon. Mohamed Ali Bile. Former finance minister, Abdiasis Mohamed Samale is poised to be in the new cabinet.
  16. Maanta oo ay tariikhdu tahay 26/11/2017 waxaa soo dhawayn diiran loogu sameeyay magaalada Bosaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari, kooxda kubada cagta ee Melbourne Somali team. Kooxdaan ayaa galabta isniinta ee berrito ah waxay kulan ciyaareed saaxiibtinimo ah la qaadandoonaan kooxda Fc, Bari ee ku guulaysatay horyaalkii kubada cagta ee Puntland. Waxaa kale oo kooxdaan tagidoontaa magaalada Garowe, iyagoo halkaasi la filayo inay kaga qeyb galaan tartan afar kooxood ah, oo sanadkii hore sidaan oo kale la qabtay. Kooxdaan ayaa saddex habeen kahor magaalada Muqdisho kulasoo ciyaartay xulka kubada cagta gobolka Banaadir, iyagoo ka guulaystay, waxayna kadib maanta usoo baqooleen dhinaca Puntland. DAAWO SAWIRRADA.
  17. Guddiga joogtada ah ee aqalka sare ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta kulan isbarasho iyo soo dhaweyn ah u sameeyay wafdi ka socda baarlamaanka Djibouti, kulanka ayaa waxaa looga wada hadlay xiriirka soo jireenka ah ee labada dal. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka 1aad ee golaha aqalka sare Abshir Maxamed Axmed(Bukhaari) ayaa soo dhaweeyay wafdiga Djibouti, wafdiga ayaa sidoo kale loo xiriiriyay khadka Telefoonka guddoomiyaha aqalka sare Cabdi Xaashi oo hadda xaalad caafimaad u jooga dalka Turkiga. Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Djibouti Maxamed Cali Xumad oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay sii wadi-doonaan wada shaqeynta ay la leeyihiin goloyaasha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. “Kulanka iyo booqashada aad noogu iman-doontaan waxaa ay sii xoojineysaa xiriirka labada dal, golaha shacabka iyo Senatoradana in ay ka wada shaqeeyaan guud ahaan dhismaha iyo midnimada Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri Xumad Qaar ka tirsan Senatarada aqalka sare ayaa sheegay in ay wax lagu farxo tahay booqashadan, iyaga oo intaasi raaciyay in labada gacmood midba mar la barkado. Maxamed Cali Xumad, Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Djibouti waxaa uu khamiisii booqasho ku yimid Muqdisho isaga oo Jimcihii tagay Baladweyn halkaas oo ay joogaan ciidamada Djibouti ee”Hiil-walaal” kuwaas oo ka tirsan AMISOM, waxaa uu sidoo kale la kulmay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Hirshabeelle halka shalay oo sabti aheyd oo ka hor khudbeeyay golaha shacabka ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Goobjoog News Source
  18. Agaasimaha Warfaafinta, Wacyi-gelinta, Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ee Madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl iyo wefti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa maanta 26 Nov 2017 magaalada Yubbe ka dhagax dhigay Saldhiggii Afraad ee gobolka Sanaag laga dhagax dhigo. Agaasimaha Warfaafinta Madaxtooyada Puntland iyo weftigiisa ayaa waxaa magaalada Yubbe ee gobolka Sanaag kusoo dhoweeyey Boqorka Ibraahin Maxamed Xasan Isdeldel [ Gamacma Yare], Nabadoon Cige Jaamac Shire, Nabadoon Saciid Faarax Xasan, aqoon yahano, siyaasiyiin iyo masuuliyiin kale. Agaasimaha Warfaafinta Madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl ayaa ugu horayn shacabka magaalada Yubbe, isimada, Nabadoonada iyo masuuliyiinta kale ee soo dhoweyseyba uga mahad celiyey sida waddaniyaddale ee ay usoo dhoweeyey isaga iyo weftigiisa, waxaana uu timaamay Agaasimuhu in magaalada Yube tahay meel muhiim ku ah gobolka iyo guud ahaanba Puntland, isla markaana ay tahay meel ay ku dhaqan yihiin dad dhaqan yaqaana, waxgaradda, sharaf iyo maamuus u saaxiiba. Sidoo kale Agaasimaha ayaa xaqiijiyey in Saldhiggii afraad maanta laga dhagax dhigay magaalada Yube ee gobolka Sanaag, isla markaana waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay in ka dawladda ahaan wax kasta oo lagu hirgelinkaro saldhiggaasi ka diyaar yihiin wakhti xaadirkan, si daasi daraadeedna looga baahan yahay maamulka magaalada, isimada iyo waxgaradka kaleba ka qayb qaadashada dhismaha saldhigga. “Yubbe waa magaalo muhiimad gaara u leh gobolka, dad dhaqan soo jireen ah leh ay degen yihiin, sidaa daraadeed waxaan garan karaynaa Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas in uu gartay qiimaha iyo ahmiyadda ay leedahay magaaladan iyo dadka degan ee ku dhaqanba, waxaan ka cudur daaranaynaa wixii gaabis ah ee dhankayaga kayimid laakiin maanta waa sidaa inagoo isku duuban aynu u dhagax dhignay Saldhiggii Booliska ee Afraad ee muddo Afar cisho gudohooda aanu ka dhagax dhigno gobolka Sanaag “ ayuu yiri Agasimuhu. Dhinaca kale Agaasimaha Warfaafinta Madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland ayaa ku booriyey maamulka magaalada Yube iyo shacabkooda inay ku dedaalaan ka qayb qaadashada hirgelinta dhismaha saldhigga, maadaama uu muhiimad gaara uleeyahay xasiloonida, kala danbaynta iyo amaanka magaalada iyo guud ahaan degaanada hoosyimaada, isla mar’ahaantaana waxa uu kula dardaarmay shacabka magaaladaasi inay kawada shaqeeyaan nabadda iyo horumarka magaaladooda. Boqorka Ibraahin Maxamed Xasan Isdeldel [ Gamacma Yare] ayaa dhankiisa cadeeyey inay u heelan yiihin gacan qabashada horumarka dhan walbale ee ay dawladda Puntland kawaddo gobolka Sanaag gaar ahaan saldhiggyada muhiimka ah ee laga dhagax dhigay magaalooyinka waaweyn ee gobolka Sanaag, isla markaana waxa uu xusay in masuuliyiinta iyo shacabka magaalada Yube uga mahad celinayaan Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo xukuumaddiisaba waxqabadka balaadhan ee ay kafuliyiin magaalada Yube iyo guud ahaanba sagaalka gobol ee Puntland. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sanaag, taliyayaasha ciidamada Booliska iyo Daraawiishta ee gobolka, cuqaasha, siyaasiyiinta iyo nabadoonada ka hadlay madasha dhagax dhigga ayaa iyana dhankooda si wada jira u xusay in Saldhigga Booliska maanta laga dhagax dhigay magaalada Yube uu yahay horumar u soo kordhay magaalada iyo guud ahaan degaanada hooyimaada, waxaana ay tilmaameen in uu ka qayb qaadan doono Saldhiggu nabadda, xasiloonida iyo kala danbaynta magaalada Yubbe ee gobolka Sanaag. Ugu danbayn, Agaasimaha Agaasimaha Warfaafinta, Wacyi-gelinta, Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ee Madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl iyo weftigiisa ayaa kormeeray xarunta Hooyada iyo Dhalaanka ee magaalada Yubbe iyo sidoo kale tuulada Jiingadda oo hoostimaada magaalada Yubbe ee gobolka Sanaag. =DHAMMAAD= XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADA PUNTLAND. The post Puntland oo Saldhigii 4-aad ka oo laga Hirgalinayo Gobolka Sanaag ka dhagax dhigtay Magaalada Yubbe appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Maamullada Galmudug iyo Ahlu-sunna Waljameeca ayaa lagu wadaa in Isniinta berri ah (27-11-2017) wadahadal uga furmo magaalada Jabuuti ee xarunta dalka Jabuuti. Madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaalle Geelle Xaaf iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta u ambabaxay dalka Jabuuti, iyadoo sidoo kale mas’uuliyiinta Ahlu-sunna ay iyaguna u ambabaxayaan dalkaasi. Ulajeedka shirkaan ayaa ah in ay isku soo dhowaadaan Ahlu-sunna iyo Galmudug, waxaana isku keenistooda kaalin ka qaadanaya ururka IGAD. Madaxweyne Xaaf ayaa horey u sheegay in dedaal walbo u mari doono sidii ay ula heshiin lahaayeen maamulka AHlu-sunna oo maamula qeybo kamid ah Galgaduud. Goobjoog News Source
  20. Tripoli (Caasimadda Online) – 31 ruux oo tahriibayaal ah ayaa ku dhintay sida ay sheegayaan wararka ay baahinayaan Warbaahinada qaar kadib markii ay doon ay la socdeen tahriibayaashaan ay ku quustay Badda Mediterranean-ka loo yaqaan. Dadka geeriyooday oo la socday doon ka baxday dalka Libya waxaana ay ku socdeen dalka Talyaaniga halkaasoo ay doonayeen inay uga sii gudbaan wadamada Yurub sida ay Xaqiijiyeen Saraakiil ka tiesan Ciidamada Badda dalka Liibiya. Sida ay wararka sheegayaan dadka Musiibadaas ku dhintay waxaa ku jiray Haween iyo Carruur aad u yar yar oo qaarkood ay ku jireen Xilligii Umusha. Sidoo kale ciidamada illaaladda badda Yurub ayaa bad baadshay 60 ruux oo kale oo la socday doon kale oo iyana la socotay doontay degtay. Sargaal u hadlay ciidamada badda Libya oo la yiraahdo Korneyl Abu Ajala Cabdilbaari ayaa sheegay in dadka dhintay iyo kuwa la bad baadshayba ay u dhasheen dalalka Soomaaliya, Ethiopia, Eritrea Nigeria, iyo Pakistan. Shilkaan waxaa uu ka dhacay meel qiyaastii 37 mile u jirta caasimada Libya ee Tripoli. Khamiistiina 250 ruux oo tahriibayaal Afrikaan ayaa la bad baadshay sidoo kalena ciidamada badda Talyaaniga illaa Taladaadii hore waxay sheegeen bad baadsheen in ka badan kun ruux oo doonyo ku tahriibayay. Hay’adaha ka shaqeeya arrimaha dadka magangalyo doonka ah ayaa sheegay in 17 sanno ee lasoo dhaafay dadka ku geeriyooday badda Libya iyo Talyaaniga u dhaxaysa ay ku naf waayeen qiyaastii 33 kun oo ruux. Sanadkaana waxaa la aaminsanyahay in dadka ayagoo tahriibaya ku maqan badda Mediterranean,ka waxay gaarayaan 3 kun oo ruux sida laga soo xigtay hay’adda IMO. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  21. Qaar kamid ah dhallinyarada ku dhaqan magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay ayaa magaaladaasi ka bilaabay Olole ay dib ugu soo celinayaan bilicda magaaladaasi. Dhallinyaradan oo la hadlay Goobjoog ayaa sheegay in si iskood ah ay u nadiifinayaan magaalada, waxaana ay hal ku dhig ka dhigteen u hiili dalkaaga oo qurxi magaaladaada. Waxaa la arkayey dhallinyaradan oo wata qalabka wax lagu nadiifiyo, waxaana ay magaalada ka qaadayeen qashinka. Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ayaa qaarkood tusaale wanaagsan waxaa u noqday Dhalinyaro si iskood ah isku xilqaamay kuwaa oo ku howlan sidii ay uga shaqeen lahaayeen qurxinta iyo nadiifinta magaalooyinka ay ku nool yihiin. Goobjoog News Source
  22. Garoowe (Caasimadda Online) – Ciidamada Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay qabteen rag Ajaanib ah oo looga shakisan yahay in ay ka tirsan yihiin dagaalyahanada Al-Shabaab. Dadkaasi ayaa lagu soo qabtay howlgal ay ka fuliyeen ciidamada Ammaanka degaanka Garacad ee gobolka Mudug. Ragga la qabtay ayaa la sheegay in ay wateen Doon, waxaana la socday nin Soomaali ah sida ay sheegeen Saraakiisha ciidamada maamulka Puntland. Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Puntland ayaa sheegay in dadka ay qabteen ay u dhasheen dalka Yemen,islamarkaana ay ku waddaan baaritaano kala duwan. Sarkaalkaasi ayaa sidoo kale tilmaamay in dadkaasi yihiin kalluumeysato iyo in ay ka tirsan Al-shabaab ay baarayaan. “Saddexdaan Qof Labo waa Ajaanib midna waa Soomaali waxaan uga Shakisan nahay in ay yihiin Al-shabaab ama ay la shaqeeyaan Baaritaan ayaan ku wadnaa oo wixii ka soo baxa Saxaafadda waan la wadaagi doonaa”ayuu u sheegay Warbaahinta Puntland Sargaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Badda Puntland. Puntland ayaa Shalay Ciidamo badan geysay Magaalada Garacad ee Gobolka Mudug kadib markii ay sheegeen in ay heleen Xog muujineysa in Al-shabaab ay doonayaan in ay isku Fidiyaan Magaalo Xeebeedka Garacad oo ay Weeraro ka soo qaadaan. Hayeeshee Dhowr jeer ayaa Ciidamada Puntland ay Xeebaha Puntland ku qabteen Dad Ajaanib ah oo u badnaa Kaluumeysato lagu Eedeeyay in ay si sharci daro kuga Jilaabanayay Degaanada Puntland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  23. Ciidamada Booliiska ee dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa howlgal ay ka sameeyeen degmada Cabdicasiis ee magaalada Muqdisho waxay kusoo qabteen waxyaabo maanka dooriye, rag iibinayey iyo kuwo isticmaalayey. C/fitaax Cumar Xalane, afhayeenka maamulka gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay in howlgalkaan uu dhacay habeenkii xalay ahaa, islamarkaana looga gol lahaa sidii waxyaabahaasi maanka dooriye iyo cid walbo oo ku lug leh gacanta lagu soo dhigi lahaa. Wuxuu sheegay afhayeenka in dadkaan hadda lagu hayo xarunta dambi baarista ee CID, islamarkaana baaritaan kadib cadaalad la horkeeni doono. Sidoo kale afhayeenka gobolka Banaadir wuxuu sheegay in ciidamada sidan oo kale ay u bartilmaameedsan doonaan cid walbo oo iibineysa ama cabeysa waxyaabaha maanka dooriya. Ciidamada dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa marar badan waxay sidan oo kale usoo qabteen rag isticmaalayey waxyaabaha maanka dooriya iyo sidoo kale kuwa iibiya. Goobjoog News Source