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Hanti qaran ama hay’ad qaran in ay shakhsiyaad dantooda wataa si gaar ugu tarki falaani, waa mid baal marsan sharciga iyo dastuurka Somaliland iyo ka caalamigaba. Isla markaana ka hor imanaysa qarannimada ay reer Somaliland uga fadhiyaan xukuumadda Muse Bixi. Sidaasi daraaddeed in qaladkaa la saxaana waa mid looga fadhiyo Madaxweynaha Somaliland, golayaasha sharci dejinta, hoggaanka xisbiyada qaranka iyo hay’adaha ay khusayso. Haddii kale waxa loo arkayaa in Madaxweynaha, hoggaanka xisbiyada iyo madaxda golayaasha sharci dejintuba ay qayb ka yihiin boobka hantida qaranka ee loo samaystay shirkaddaasi Dubai laga diiwaan gashaday. Muse Bixi iyo xukuumaddiisa cusubi waxa ay marba marka ka danbaysa ku joogsanaysaa dhuxul dab ah oo danbas huwan. Taasi waxan u jeedaa hawlaha culayska badan ee sidii boogta kolba midi dillaacayso. Shalay waxa xal loo raadinayey dagaalka sokeeye ee beelaha bariga ka dhex holcaya, ee aan weli xal loo hayn. Hoos haddii loogu dhaadhacana la leeyahay dawladdii hore ee Siiraanyo ayaa dagaalkaa ka danbeysey amma isku hubaysay. Oday dhaqameedyadii iyo siyaasiyiintii xalka raadin lahaana ay noqdeen kuwo la kala safta amma dabka holcaya xaabada ku sii shida. Dagaalka u dhexeeya ciidammada Somaliland iyo Puntland ayaa iyaduna ah mid la kowsatay xukuumadda cusub ee Muse Bixi. Taa lafteedana waxa la leeyahay, waa carqalad ay abuureen siyaasiyiintii hore ee dawladdii Siiraanyo. Ujeedkuna uu yahay in lagu jaha-wareeriyo maamulka cusub ee aan weli kursiga sida fiican ugu fadhiisan. Sicir bararka, nolosha qaaliga noqotay iyo dhaqaala xumada uu Muse Bixi dhaxlay ayaa iyaduna ah mushkilad aan si dhib yar xal loogu heli karin. Mar uu Muuse isku dayey in uu sicir-bararka wax ka qabtana…… gidaarka ayuu ka soo go’ay, oo waxa ka socon weydey talooyin loo keenay, isla markaana xaalka cirka ku sii shareeray. Arrimahaasi oo dhan waxa iyana ka sii wada daran oo isku fuuqsaday shirkadda Dubai laga furtay, ee haddana lagu sheegay mid dalka faa’iido u leh. Ceebta ugu weyna waxa sameeyey mas’uulyiintii hore ee dawladdii Siilaanyo ee isku qoray in ay yihiin mulkiilayaasha shirkadda ku ah. Ee haddana lagu andacoonayo ama ku adkaysana in ay shirkaddaasi xalaal tahay oo qaranka Somaliland leeyahay. Balse la arkayo in qaranimadii ay dad si privet ah u xalaashadeen, magacoodana ku diiwaan geliyeen shirkaddaasi. Xeer iyo sharci ay cuskadeenna aanu jirin. Marka uu Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda waa Dr. Sacad-e , uu leeyahay waa shirkad qaran, ee uu haddana leeyahay hebel iyo heblaayo ayaan ku sii qorray, waxa ay u eg tahay laba aan is qaban. Waxana ka sii daran sida sharciga baal marsan ee ay shakhiyaadka uu ka midka yahay uuni ay taladaasi u gaadheen. Balse aan golayaashii sharci dejinta la soo marin. Hanti qaran ama hay’ad qaran in ay shakhsiyaad dantooda wataa si gaar ugu tarki falaani, waa mid baal marsan sharciga iyo dastuurka Somaliland iyo ka caalamigaba. Isla markaana ka hor imanaysa qarannimada ay reer Somaliland uga fadhiyaan xukuumadda Muse Bixi. Sidaasi daraaddeed in qaladkaa la saxaana waa mid looga fadhiyo Madaxweynaha Somaliland, golayaasha sharci dejinta, hoggaanka xisbiyada qaranka iyo hay’adaha ay khusayso. Haddii kale waxa loo arkayaa in Madaxweynaha, hoggaanka xisbiyada iyo madaxda golayaasha sharci dejintuba ay qayb ka yihiin boobka hantida qaranka ee loo samaystay shirkaddaasi Dubai laga diiwaan gashaday. Isku soo wada duub oo waxa aan shaki ku jirin in Muse Bixi uu dhulka isku dhigayo baahida uu maanta qabo, ee ay ugu horreyso kharash la’aanta uu dhaxlay khasnado faaruq ah iyo dhibaatooyinkaa aan hore u soo sheegnay. Tallaabada uu kaga bixi karaana ay tahay in uu qaato mawqif cad oo uu ka daba tago hantidii qaranka ee la dhacay, si ay dawladdiisu u bad-baaddo. Waayo, mar haddii wasaaradihii, wakaaladihii iyo hay’aadkii dawladdu ay wada fara madhan yihiin, hantidii qarankana la feentay, oo aan waxba lagaga tegin dalkii. Tallaabo kale oo u bannaani ma jirto. Ugu danbayn waxan Muse leehay, ” Musow DP World lacagta ay Berbera ka qaadataa waxa ay tagtaa Dubai waxbana kama ogid, xisaabta la mariyo Accountka Shirkadda Dubai laga furtay waxba kama ogid kamana ogaan kartid. Oo haddii aad amarto in laguu keeno xisaabta account-yada dibadda lagu furtay magacyada Somaliland, waxa laguu soo samayn warqado been ah oo dillaaliini samaysay. Dad ilbax ku ah arrimahan oo kuu soo ogaan kara amma agtaada ka dhawina ma jiraan ama ma haysatid. In aad miskiinnimo iyo dhulka is dhig aad shirkaddan wax kaga sugtana haba sheegin. Balse inta aanay xeedho iyo fandhaal kala dhicin, dirso Audit soo ogaada wax walba oo ay ka mid yihiin shirkaddaasi iyo hantida Somaliland laga dhacay ee dibadda la dhigtay “. Ahmedweli Goth Qaran News
Waxaa Goordhow Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada dalka Soomaaliya ku geeriyooday Nabadoon Axmed Diiriye Cali. Nabadoon Axmed Diiriye Cali ayaa kamid ahaa Nabadoonada sida weeyn caanka uga ahaa Dalka Soomaaliya. Nabadoonka ayaa Xanuunsanaa baryihii ugu dambeeysay iyada oo ugu dambeeyna caawa uu geeriyooday. Nabadoonka ayaa ku dhintay isbitaalka Digfeer ee magaalada Muqdisho. Faah Faahinta kala soco Wararkeena soo socdo Insha allah Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Nabadoon Axmed Diiriye Cali oo Muqdisho ku Geeriyooday appeared first on Puntland Post.
By Ahmed Abdi President of Somaliland received the UN Deputy Special Representative and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia and Somaliland at presidential Palace in Hargeisa on Monday. In the meeting, Muse Bihi Abdi discussed with the UN delegation led by Peter de Clercq for various issues including the recurrent droughts in Somaliland. President Abdi requested from the UN team to increase its financial support and assist in reducing unemployment, its developmental programs reach the Northern parts of Somaliland and other forms of infrastructure. The chairman of the Disaster Preparedness and Food Storage agency, Faisal Ali Sheikh and a number of the cabinet were present at the meeting. Peter de Clercq congratulated President Abdi for his victory in the election and said that he welcomed all the issues discussed in the meeting. The UN Deputy Special Representative encouraged president Abdi to continue encouraging the youth.
The objective of this policy paper is to advise the Ministry of Finance, Federal Government of Somalia on the current constraints to domestic revenue collection in Somalia and then to suggest Source: Hiiraan Online
Hodan Ahmedan was sexually assaulted two days prior to this photograph being taken, on her way to the open air lavatories. Most women claim cases of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) are on the rise. They blame gangs of young men who operate in the area photographs by Alice Rowsome Tens of thousands of people have been displaced as a direct result of the Horn of Africa’s ongoing unprecedented drought. But it is women and young mothers who are bearing the brunt Alice Rowsome Hargeisa Friday 17 February 2017 20:18 GMT146 comments The Independent Online Somaliland “Two days ago four men came, grabbed me and started raping me. Most women and girls in the camp have been assaulted or raped by gangs,” begins Hodan Ahmedan, 23, sitting in her makeshift shelter where she has lived since she arrived from drought-ridden eastern Somaliland to a camp for internally displaced in Maxamed Mooge, Hargeisa. Cases of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) are rife here. A lack of police presence, inadequate lighting, an absence of sanitary facilities and an increase in the number of female-only households has rendered this camp an ideal ground for SGBV. “The ground is really hard here so we can’t dig to make lavatories. This means we have to go outside and because there is no privacy in the open, we only go once it gets dark,” explains Hodan “and by the time it is dark enough for us to go, it also becomes very dangerous as many gangs operate here. These are the circumstances in which I was raped.” “It happens to all of us, all the time,” concludes Sahra Hussein, one of the oldest residents in the camp. Somaliland, an arid and internationally unrecognised state in the Horn of Africa, is suffering from one of the worst droughts in years, aggravated by one of the strongest El Niño events on record, which has led to the displacement of tens of thousands of Somali rural pastoralists communities. Triggered by weak winds and warm water in the Pacific Ocean, the El Niño climate cycle, is according to a new study published by the American Meteorological Society, being worsened by climate change. The study claims that “anthropogenic warming contributed substantially to the very warm 2015/2016 El Niño” and as a consequence is intensifying the cyclical droughts in Somaliland to unprecedented levels. Hargeisa, the capital, has been the main the destination for most climate-forced refugees and according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), is now home to 85,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs). But life here is a far cry from the relief most had hoped for, the situation proving even worse for women refugees. When women arrive in the capital they find themselves cast to the margins, in hostile environments with few employment opportunities. While men have found it possible to find jobs in the city, the multitude of dangers the drought has exposed women to – from sexual assaults, to illegal land grabbing, to lack of sanitary facilities – clearly demonstrates that it is the women who are bearing the brunt of the drought and its consequences. Amina Abdul Hussein sits with her three-year-old daughter Sabrin inside their makeshift tent “I arrived here two months ago. The drought killed my animals. But the lack of water has affected us in many other ways. Just before coming here, I went into labour but I had no water and so I lost my baby. I became very weak and could not stop bleeding,” explains Amina Abdul Hussein, mother of three, inside her makeshift shelter away from the sun’s glare, in a camp for internally displaced in Maxameda. Many women in the camp report they have suffered from miscarriages because of the drought and a recent study in Global Environmental Change found that reduced rainfall and high heat has resulted in low birth rates, stemming from the increased likelihood of miscarriages. “In the very early stages of intra-uterine development, climate change has the potential to significantly impact birth outcomes,” said Kathryn Grace, professor of geography at the University of Utah and lead author of the study. “As soon as my husband saw me in this state [having miscarried a child], he left. I came to Hargeisa and ended up here,” continues Amina. In order to survive, she, like the other women in the camp, picks up stones and sell them at market. They claim to make about 60,000 SOS (approximately £5.60) per ton but as Amina emphasises, “it is difficult work. I suffered many complications following my miscarriage and carrying heavy loads puts me in a lot of pain”. The money is used to pay rent and buy food. The women explain that the land they stay on is privately owned and recount frequent visits by violent landlords. “If we don’t pay, they set our shelters on fire,” explains Amina, “so many have here have been burnt”. This camp, like most of the country, receives no humanitarian support from the international community or the government. Nima Berashe, 45, explains that although various agencies have come to ask questions and assess the situation, “they have never come back”. Dacar stands among the remains of his livestock But women are not the only ones bearing the brunt of the drought. The elderly and their grandchildren, too weak to flee, have also been left to die in the rural areas of Somaliland. The last remaining donkey lies, close to starvation underneath a tree “He is the last of our animals,” sighs Dacar Yusuf Galaydh, 75, as he stands over his donkey, which is lying close to starvation head sunk to the ground. When one of his animals passes away, Dacar carries their limp bodies from his home out to a field. The harshest drought to have the racked the Horn of Africa in two decades has killed off all of his cattle, sheep and goats. “Even our donkeys have died, this is the last one,” he claims. “We’ve had droughts here in the past but I don’t remember one as bad as this one. And look at my age!” says Dacar as he marches towards the dry community well. “We have no water left. Until recently we were still able to walk for a couple hours with our donkeys to fetch water but now there is no water anywhere and we don’t even have donkeys to carry the water back,” says Dacar, “we are facing an emergency.” As aid from the government and humanitarian agencies fails to arrive, those left in the village, he explains, are now relying on water extracted from the roots of old cacti. Hatto Hussain’s livelihood has all but disappeared because of the drought Hatto Hussain, 65, says she used to own 200 goats and cows and would live off the income generated by the sale of milk and meat. “I have one cow left, the rest have died. We have nothing.” Livestock production is the backbone of Somaliland’s economy with around 60 per cent of the population practicing some form of pastoralism. With no income, the community’s food supplies have dwindled to alarming levels. “We have calculated that we have enough food for the next five days and that’s only with one meal a day,” Hatto says. Many of her grandchildren, she explains, are suffering from stomach cramps. They are lucky, she claims, none have suffered complications yet, but Dacar adds that with no water or food he expects a crisis in the coming days. “We urgently need water and food, or we will die.” As most Somalilanders have had their very way of life ripped away from them by the drought – and the lack of national and international support – it is the women and most vulnerable who are bearing the brunt.
At this time when faced with tumultuous events the government and people of Ethiopia should rest assured of full support from counterparts in Somaliland. This was stated by the Somaliland foreign minister Dr Saad Ali Shire during a briefing to Geeska Afrika in Hargeisa that pertained to ongoing events in neighbouring Ethiopia where a state of emergency has been put in place following the abrupt resignation of Prime Minister HaileMariam Desalegn Stressing on the very important and historic ties between the two countries the foreign minister also pointed out the fact that the same relations dictate that prevalent events affect Somaliland either positively or negatively. Pledging full support from the people and the government of Somaliland , Dr Saad Ali Shire was equivocal Ethiopia which enjoys tremendous political maturity will come out of its current predicament triumphantly. Though Somaliland remains unrecognized International as a sovereign nation, it enjoys good relations with Ethiopia, which is the only country to establish a fully fledged diplomatic mission in Hargeisa
By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur Siyad Barre tried different tactics to pacify his political impasse and weaken the SNM and oppositions. To defuse tension, Barre ordered the release of numerous civil servants, top officials and businessmen incarcerated in the jails, lifted the state emergency and curfews in the North and announced an amnesty for all Somali exiles and whoever wanted to return home. In fact, numerous SSDF exiled from the Northeast region (today’s Puntland) took the offer as a golden opportunity. But nevertheless, the tactics did not work with the SNM opposition supporters. That put the SNM on the defensive side politically. That never worked for him. Historically the relations between the two countries were always rocky and were on the freeze for some time since the Ethiopian-Somali war of 1977/78. However, out of the blue, on 3rd April 1988 relations thawed when an unexpected peace accord was agreed between Barre and Mengistu. A peace treaty was an alternative for both. That was an opportunity of a mutual benefit for both of them. Mengistu was eager to use and release his tied-up resources and troops at the Somali border for the debilitating war in the North with Eritrean and Tigrayan opposition liberation forces. Barre also saw that as an opportunity that he would extract benefits from the deal in the sense that he would deprive sanctuary to the SNM and discourage its forays into Somalia. But there was another bonus point for Mengistu in signing the agreement – that Barre would no longer be able to lay claim to the long-disputed Somali-inhabited region and the Haud and Reserve Area. Meanwhile, in return Mengistu showed the will to deprive the SNM sanctuary, stop giving assistance and spell them out of Ethiopian territories for good. Ethiopian politics was in bad shape and the years of the 1980s were difficult for Colonel Mengistu’s leadership. Those were turbulent times for him. His forces were engaged in fierce struggles with the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) and Eritrean Peoples’ Liberation Front (EPLF) in the northern fronts of the country. As such Mengistu needed additional troops to reinforce his troops in the north. Consequently, he desperately needed to relocate his troops stationed along the southern border with Somalia and deploy them to contribute to war fronts with the Eritrean and Tigrinya liberation fighters. On the other hand, Barre’s troops were weak and demoralized after their defeat in the 1977/78 war with Ethiopia. Following unaccountable defections to the SNM, the government forces thinned and faced an increased resistance from the SNM freedom fighters. Barre was left with no option but to sign an agreement with his arch-rival, Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam of Ethiopia merely to isolate the SNM which proved to be a major threat. The agreement had its impacts of varying degrees and consequences for Bare and for the SNM. On 3rd April 1988, an unexpected peace accord was agreed between Barre and Mengistu. A peace treaty was a common alternative for both of the leaders, the opportunity presented as it was mutually beneficial for both. Barre and Mengistu took the opportunity to meet face to face during the IGADD Summit at Djibouti. Barre on his way back from the IGAD Summit after he signed the peace agreement with Mengistu stopped in the North en route to Mogadishu. On 27 March 1988, after a brief stop at Gabiley, Barre flipped in Hargeisa. At Gabiley before arrival in Hargeisa, he met an unexpected public disapproval and rejection. Verily Barre and his delegation were not welcomed at Gabiley at all and the delegation proceeded to Hargeisa where at the Hargeisa Football Stadium, Barre addressed a huge crowd including students, the elders, and the public. In a patronizing but a scornful speech, he started ordering local chiefs to convince and encourage their youth who joined the SNM to return home. In addition to that, he also made sarcastic and derogatory remarks and jokes about the people of Gabiley region by saying, “People of Gabiley used to be nice before but now Satan has farted on them and made whispers into their ears”. The chiefs and elders who were present courageously and bluntly retorted to him by responding “It was you who farted on Gabiley and the North as a whole. It was you who is the ‘Satan’”. They (chiefs and sultans) boldly and unequivocally expressed their opinions one after the other expressing the people’s feelings. They told him it was his government that neglected the north, oppressed and unfairly treated its population. Immediately, the youth in the stadium who were mostly school students started throwing stones in the Palestinian ‘intifada style’. Barre’s bodyguards and soldiers responded with live bullets killing dozens and arresting hundreds including elders, sultans, and chiefs. Barre flew to Mogadishu. In brief, the major highlights of the agreement were as follows as they were read by the Ethiopian Foreign Minister (Berhane Banyeh). The main points included: The withdrawal of forces from the disputed territory inhabited by Somalis; the creation of a demilitarized buffer zone and both countries to withdraw 10-15 km from the border (the formation of the buffer zone was actually a renewal of a previous agreement in 1964); that the two sides to refrain from use of political force against the territorial integrity or political independence of each other and to settle disputes between them exclusively by peaceful means; that the two sides convene to appoint a ministerial committee to consider the boundary question at a time to agree upon by both sides; that both refrain from hostile propaganda or acts of subversion or destabilization against each other; that the countries exchange prisoners within four months of the accord; that both countries debase and stop supporting opposition guerrilla forces in each other’s country, i.e., Somalia to dismantle bases, and stop support and use of each country as their bases, i.e., the WSLF, ONLF, EPLF and TPLF and Ethiopia to expel the SNM and SSDF. At that point, the SNM politicians and commanders reached an overwhelming decision. The agenda was made secret and the resolution was hidden. A meeting was held ‘Dhoobo guduud’ and they agreed to proceed and continue the fighting with Barre’s regime even though the terms of the agreement directed to the contrary. According to the Chairman, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Sillanyo (BBC interview) afterwards when he left the scene, noted “Instead of backing off the 15km buffer zone directed by the agreement between Barre and Mengistu, our focus was to prepare our forces after both Mengistu and Barre completely withdrew from the 15 km zone alongside the border on both sides”. The SNM made an assault (continued).
Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur Throughout the 1980s a scorched earth policy was effectively in place in the whole of the Northern regions (Somaliland). One of the decisive factors that increased the tension and dissidence in the North and which accelerated the formation of an all-war open opposition, i.e the SNM, was the extreme and mounting political instability and government pressure on the local population coupled with the implementation of treacherous policies of obliteration of large sections of the population (in the North). Meanwhile, as the SNM finally became a real threat to the government troops, in retaliation (as ill-mannered responses to SNM’s activities) the government waged campaigns and a full-scale war against its citizens, the entire civilian population in the North. Civil liberties and human rights were eroded and abused. Policies and campaigns of eradication of the population in masses became the order of the day. Destruction of human settlements, towns, and villages was common and part and parcel of the government’s integral policy. That was sadly detailed by a secret letter which became popularly known as the ‘letter of death’ which was written by General Mohamed Said Hirsi ‘Morgan’, president’s son-in-law, the Commander the 26th sector of the national army stationed at Hargeisa. The letter was sent as a confidential document. It was a blueprint for social engineering and a deliberate ethnic cleansing report, so to speak, to the president of the country, Said Barre. The letter was compellingly undisputable evidence and a prime example of the devious policies of the government against innocent civilians. It carried vengeance, hatred and animosity showed by the Generals towards the people of the North. The ‘letter of death’ and its detailed contents are dealt with below. In the 1980s the government encouraged, organized and armed tribal militias of clans in alliance with the government to unashamedly ignite clan feuds and reanimate past differences just to keep the fire blowing merely for the survival of the regime and for Barre to buy more time to stay on the saddle of the power. Nevertheless, such activities eventually backfired and did not pay dividends. In fact, they turned out to be a blessing in disguise for local people in producing regrettable results for the regime. Some clans actually read Barre’s mental map and exactly understood his hidden tricks while others didn’t. However, by the late 1980s, political analysts began to relate Barre’s fate comparable to what happened before elsewhere by contemporary dictators like Idi Amin of Uganda, the Marcos of the Philippines and Baby Doc Duvalier of Haiti. With the increase of security-related incidents in the North, public demonstrations in particular by the students at high schools were rather a common denominator and a major activity particularly in Hargeisa, the capital of the North. Dusk-to-dawn curfews were drawn in Hargeisa and main towns (Buroa, Berbera, Gabiley, and others). At the same time, General Mohamed Said Morgan ordered the army commanders to proceed to the destruction of large swathes of rural settlements merely in an attempt to deprive SNM support. In rural areas, wells and boreholes were sealed, poisoned and destroyed. Crops in farms in agricultural areas were burnt and not spared and burnt to eliminate peasant farmers and settlements suspected of supporting the SNM opposition organization. The Letter of ‘Death’ It was in 1986 when the president appointed General Mohamed Said Hersi (Morgan) was appointed as the military ruler in the North. He was appointed to succeed his predecessor, General Mohamed Hashi Gani, who was a cousin of the president and the top commander of the north as he was unable to crush the opposition revolt in the North and failed to put down the SNM opposition struggle, its supporters, and its recruits. But nevertheless, General Gani was also a ruthless man in nature and vulgar expressionist in terms of a relationship with the citizens and alienated the majority of the population. He was still unable to gain the trust of the public and local elders in his determination to smite the jugular vein of the SNM, cut its head off and succeed in the putting an end to the uprising of the population. Soon after his arrival, General Morgan stepped up the repression of the civilian people and military operations, the only technique the clique in power knew. But he also did not succeed in his operations to stamp out the SNM, as he often boasted and vowed, and it’s guerrilla tactical operations which were continuously causing great havoc and humiliation to the government troops. Persistent frustrations and hatred led him to devise the most deceitful Machiavellian styled plan one could ever think of. In fact, the plans were already operational and in place by the militarily but Morgan decided to write a damning report (dated 21 January 1987) to his boss, the president, pretending to make a formal and official request or permission to launch a sinister programme of obliteration of the main clans from which the SNM draws and relies for support. He did so simply as a show off to his boss, the president. The plan confidently displayed its sinister operation at length (but remember that was already going on without seeking permission) included the destruction of towns and villages inhabited by those clans along the long border with Ethiopia and to substitute the local population with people of loyal close kinship clans (mostly refugees), controlling the trade, commerce and business. The plan was clearly specified in the letter which later leaked and popularly became known as the ‘letter of death’. The letter was simply a show off ‘this is what I am already doing’ kind of. Although the letter was strictly a top secret and a copy was filed in archives of the Ministry of the Interior in Mogadishu which was headed by General Ahmed Suleiman Abdalla, one of Barre’s son-in-law, it was leaked finally by an employee who was working at the Archives Department of the Ministry of the Interior who passed it to another employee at the Mogadishu Electricity Power Supply (Ahmed Mohamed Tukale known as ‘Berberawi’). Berberawi provided copies of the letter to a friend, Jama Ali Osman who successfully smuggled it to the SNM. By the end of 1988 General Morgan, the commander of 26th sector in the North, after receiving authority of the President ordered total war against the population in the North under the code name of ‘Operation North’ as revealed by the leaked confidential letter by General Morgan directly to the president on 23 January 1987 and copied to the Minister of Defense, a post held by late General Mohamed Ali Samatar who was then promoted to first Premier as well as to the Minister of Interior, Ahmed Suleiman Abdulla (Dafle), the son-in-law of the president and the third deputy prime Minister. The letter made a detailed account of horrendous proposals aimed at the eradication of large section of the population in the North. It specifically targeted major clans. As the letter leaked it became a hit and popular within the international press and media and was named as the ‘letter of death’ (Africa Now July 1987, Africa Confidential, 1987 etc.). The letter became the biggest scandal of the regime after it was translated in London by a well-known Somali lawyer, Mohamoud Sh. Ahmed Muse (a former High court and a Somali government prosecutor). The letter exposed the typical plan which was already underway. It was just one of the blueprints of many plans already in action as part of campaigns of obliteration of large sections or proportion of the population in the North. That showed the nature of the government and its extreme revulsion towards the people in the North. The General showed a bitter dislike and aversion against the people. At best General Morgan was only a representative master of ‘social engineering’. “…….and its (SNM) supporters are subjected to a campaign of obliteration, there will come a time when they will raise their heads again” was part of his own words clearly expressed in the letter. An outline of repressive measures proposed (albeit they were already effectively in place) included: a) Elimination of selected wealthy people suspected of supporting the SNM; b) Re-organization of the Local councils consisting of dilution of school population with an infusion of children from refugee camps; c) Rendering uninhabitable large swathe of land, i.e., the territorial area between the national army and the SNM forces, by destroying the water reservoirs and tanks and villages lying around and across the territory used by the local population and suspected for the SNM for infiltration; d) Removing and suspending those holding key posts in the army and civil service held by northerners especially from Isaaq clan f) Confiscating and reducing number of public transport buses, especially in Hargeisa, owned by people from specific clans and use those confiscated by the army; g) Detaining businessmen and well-to-do people of the Isaaq clan; h) Transferring chiefs, sultans, and headmen in Mandhera prison, North East of Hargeisa, to Laanta Buur prison in South Somalia. General Morgan was given the seal of approval and the authority by the president in a flick of time to proceed with the operation. The letter had unashamedly pointed out how to ‘lay waste’ and make vast areas in the North uninhabited. The destruction and razing of entire villages and towns, poisoning wells and cutting off electricity and water supplies, uprooting crops on farms and fruit trees, imprisonment of key entrepreneurs, confiscating money of wealthy traders and businessmen and their vehicles and transport, persecution of prominent intellectuals and students, arresting and detention of school children were amongst the activities proposed. In the schools, pupils were substituted by children from refugee camps in order to plant informers and spies within the students and teachers community. Some teachers were trusted than others because of clan affiliation and loyalty were given arms with pistols in the school classes. Raaqiya Omaar (1988) of the Africa Watch rightly referred to the actions of the regime as a ‘government at war with its own people’. In the north of the country deteriorated and escalated to an explosive point. Of course, the SNM stepped up its guerrilla operations along Ethiopian the border. On 17 March 1988, the SNM captured Tog-Wajale, Godka and Geed Baladh after skirmishes with the government troops inflicting heavy casualties. The SNM also attacked the road between Bali Gubadle and Gumuburaha. How Siad Barre regime mismanaged national resources and endowments; foreign financial aid; misused even the refugee food aid and arming militias from refugee camps are detailed elsewhere (in author’s forthcoming book ‘The Rebirth of Somaliland’). To be continued…
Hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee Puntland ayaa maanta qaaday imtixaanka boosas ama jagooyin cusub oo shaqo ay dawladdu hore usoo dhejisey, kuwaas oo loo qaadanayo madaxqaybeeddo cusub maadaama ay yihiin jagooyin cusub oo looga gol-leeyahay dardargelinta shaqada. Boosaskaan ayaa kala ah Talent Management Section Head, Training and Development Head Section, Appointment and Promotion Head Section, HR Policy and Strategy Development, Pension Policy, Banking Supervision and GIS Officer kuwaas oo ka kala hawlgeli doona hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah, Bangiga dawladda, Wasaaradda qorshaynta iyo Wasaaradda shaqada iyo shaqaalaha. Tartamayaasha ayaa oo isugu jirey rag iyo haween ayaa guud ahaan ahaa 80 qof oo dhallinyaro ah kuwaas oo wax kusoo bartay jaamacadaha gudaha iyo dibadda isla markaana waxay isugu jireen xirfadlayaal soo shaqeeyey iyo dhallinyaro cusub oo dhowaan soo dhammeeyey Jaamacadaha. Imtixaanka ayaa waxaa qaaday khuburo isugu jira Soomaali iyo Ajaanib kuwaas oo si gaar ah loogu xilsaaray inay qaadan imtixaan hufan isla markaana ay ilaaliyaan dhexdhexaadnimada iyo tartamayaasha iyo ilaalinta kalsoonida shacabka. Baanka adduunka ayaa ka caawinaya dawladda Puntland tayaynta shaqaalaha iyo hay’adaha dawladda kaddib markii la arkay inay dawladda Puntland tahay mid ka gudubtey heerka (Emergency) isla markaana ay u gudubtey heerka horumarka sidaa awgeedna ay saaxiibada caalamka uga baahan tahay inay kala shaqeeyaan hannaanka dawlad wanaagga iyo ku baahinta maamulka dhulka fogfog. The post Hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee Puntland oo qaadday Imtixaan shaqaale cusub appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (PP) ─ Shirkii Gollaha Wasiirada Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ee ka dhacay maanta Muqdisho ayaa looga hadlay Qodobo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Sharciga Shirkaddaha iyo magacaabista taliyeyaasha Ciidanka Booliiska, Nabad sugidda iyo Asluubta. Ugu horeyn Shirka gollaha ayaa looga dooday ansixinta shirciga shirkaddaha ee Soomaaliya, waxaana soo gudbiyay Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshaddaha, iyadoo dood dheer kadib ay golluhu meel mariyeen sharciga shirkaddaha Soomaaliya, waxaana uu fududeyn doonaa Nidaamka Diiwaangelinta shirkaddaha dalka ka howlgala iyo habka maalgashiga dalka. Sidoo kale, shirka gollaha ayaa lagu meel mariyay magacaabista Taliyaha Ciidanka Boliiska Soomaaliyeed S/gaas Bashiir Cabdi Maxamed, Taliyaha Hay’adda Nabadsugida iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka (NISA) Xuseen Cismaan Xuseen, Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta S/guud Bashiir Maxamed Jaamac. Gabagabadii kulanka ayaa looga hadlay ansixinta magacaabista Maareeyaha Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Soomaaliya oo ay soo gudbisay Wasaaradda Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta, waxaana loo magacaabay Maareeyaha hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka Mudane Cabdi Sheekh Axmad, waxayna hay’addani ka shaqeyn doontaa dhaqangelinta sharciga Isgaarsiinta iyo horumarinta Nidaamka guud ee Isgaarsiinta dalka. PUNTLAND POST The post Maxaa kasoo baxay Shirkii Golaha Wasiirada Somalia oo looga hadlay Qodobo dhawr ah? appeared first on Puntland Post.
Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Tacliin sare ee Puntland Abshir Aw Yusuf Ciise ayaa Gudoomiyaha Waxbarashada Gobolka Nugaal u magacaabay Cabdisamad sheikh Xaamid, sida ku xusan wareegto magacaabis ah oo soo gaartay warsidaha Puntlandi Halkaan hoose ka akhriso.
Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare ee dowladda Puntland,Abshir Yuusuf Ciise ayaa maanta xilka ka qaaday guddoomiyihii Waxbarashada gobolka Nugaal,Xaashi Xuseen Faarax,waxaana xilkaasi loo magacaabay,Cabdisamad Xaamud Maxamed,sida ku cad Warqad ka soo baxday Xafiiska Wasiirka. The post Guddoomiyihii Waxbarashada gobolka Nugaal oo xilka laga qaaday. appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Federaalka ayaa maanta cod aqlabiyad leh ku ansixiyay Maareeyaha Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka oo loo magacaabay Mudane Cabdi Sheekh Axmed, oo ah khabiir dhinaca isgaarsiinta iyo teknoolojiyada ah. Tallaabadan ayaa aasaas u ah dhismaha Guddiga Sare ee Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta oo lagu hawlanaa tan iyo markii uu madaxweynaha dalka uu saxiixay Xeerka Isgaarsiinta Qaranka 2dii Oktoobar 2017, isla markaana ay ku soo baxday faafinta rasmiga ah 20-kii bishii Nofeembar eeisla sanadkaas. Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, Mudane Eng Cabdi Cashuur Xasan oo soo dhoweeyay ansixintan ayaa uga mahad celiyay Golaha Wasiirrada ansixinta Maareeyaha Hay’addani oo noqoneysa tii ugu horreysay ee nooceeda ah ee uu dalku yeesho. “Farxad ayay noo tahay inaan dhismaha hay’addan ku soo gabagabeyno 90-kii cisho ee uu sharciga na siinayay oo ka billaabaneysay saxiixa madaxweynaha iyo faafinta rasmiga. Waxa ugu muhiimsan ee uu sharcigu dhigayay waxay ahayd dhismaha Hay’addan oo qaban doonta dhammaan hawlaha la xiriira nidaaminta isgaarsiinta dalka,” ayuu yiri wasiir Cashuur. “Ballan baan ku qaadnay in ansixinta sharciga aysan noo ahayn hadaf haddii aysan la socon fulintiisa. Maantana waa tallaabo kale oo taariikhi ah oo loo qaaday hirgelinta sharcigan oo muhiim u ah dalka,” ayuu yiri wasiirku. Taariikhda Maareeyaha Cusub Mudane Cabdi Sheekh waa khabiir aqoon iyo waayo-aragnimo dheer u leh arrimaha la xiriira isgaarsiinta, teknoolojiyada iyo maamulka. Wuxuu muddo ka badan 23 sano la shaqeynayay mid ka mid ah shirkadaha isgaarsiinta ugu waaweyn dalka Mareykanka oo la yiraahdo Verizon Communications, halkaasoo oo uu ka soo qabtay xilalka kala duwan oo heer maamul sare ah. Laga soo billaabo Nofeember 2012-kii – kolkaasoo uu dalka ku soo laabtay – wuxuu la-taliye sare ka ahaa Xafiiska Ra’iisul-wasaaraha, isagoo la soo shaqeeyay ra’iisul wasaareyaal kala duwan. Intuu uu xafiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha ka shaqeynayay laga soo billaabo 2013-kii wuxuu dareemay baahida loo qabo in la aasaaso waax qaabilsan dhisidda awoodda hay’adaha dawladda (capacity development), taas oo uu Ra’iisul wasaare Saacid ku magacaabay wareegto. Si arrintaas loo fuliyo wuxuu kala shaqeeyay Bankiga Adduunka iyo UNDP sidii loo sameyn lahaa mashruuc ballaaran oo lagu horumarinayo awoodda hay’adaha dawladda (Capacity Injection Program), kaas oo haatan hirgalay, ayna ku kacayso $53 milyan oo doolar. Laga soo billaabo bishii Abriil 2017, wuxuu ka shaqeynayay Wasaaradda Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, isagoo gacan weyn ka geystay ansixintii Sharciga Isgaarsiinta Qaranka, dhismaha awoodda Wasaaradda iyo xiriirka ay Wasaaraddu la leedahay dalalka iyo hay’adaha horumarinta ka shaqeeya oo ay ka mid tahay Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Caalamiga ah (ITU), wuxuuna ka shaqeeyay in xiriirkii Wasaaradda ee heer caalami uu sare u kaco. Dhinaca aqoonta, Mudane Cabdi Sheekh wuxuu shahaadada koowaad ku qaatay cilmiga kumbutarka ee jaamacadda Houston, isagoo shahaadada heerka labaad ee Master of Science (specialization in Information Systems) iyo Maamulka Hawlaha (MBA) uu ka kala qaatay ee jaamacadaha Denver iyo North Carolina oo dhammaantood ku yaalla dalka Mareykanka. DHAMMAAD Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Golaha Wasiirrada oo ansixiyay Maareeyaha Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
The Horn and East Africa region has been affected by yet another drought with hardly any reprieve from the 2016 El Nino induced crisis. By end of March 2017 the UN estimated that 22.9 million people in the greater Horn were food insecure, a figure expected to rise as the crisis worsens. The number of people affected in the three countries is 8.5 million people in Ethiopia, 3.2 million in Somalia and 3.4 million in Kenya. Source: Hiiraan Online
Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Federaalka ayaa maanta cod aqlabiyad leh ku ansixiyay Maareeyaha Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka oo loo magacaabay Mudane Cabdi Sheekh Axmed, oo ah khabiir dhinaca isgaarsiinta iyo teknoolojiyada ah. Tallaabadan ayaa aasaas u ah dhismaha Guddiga Sare ee Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta oo lagu hawlanaa tan iyo markii uu madaxweynaha dalka uu saxiixay Xeerka Isgaarsiinta Qaranka 2dii Oktoobar 2017, isla markaana ay ku soo baxday faafinta rasmiga ah 20-kii bishii Nofeembar ee isla sanadkaas. Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, Mudane Eng Cabdi Cashuur Xasan oo soo dhoweeyay ansixintan ayaa uga mahad celiyay Golaha Wasiirrada ansixinta Maareeyaha Hay’addani oo noqoneysa tii ugu horreysay ee nooceeda ah ee uu dalku yeesho. “Farxad ayay noo tahay inaan dhismaha hay’addan ku soo gabagabeyno 90-kii cisho ee uu sharciga na siinayay oo ka billaabaneysay saxiixa madaxweynaha iyo faafinta rasmiga. Waxa ugu muhiimsan ee uu sharcigu dhigayay waxay ahayd dhismaha Hay’addan oo qaban doonta dhammaan hawlaha la xiriira nidaaminta isgaarsiinta dalka,” ayuu yiri wasiir Cashuur. “Ballan baan ku qaadnay in ansixinta sharciga aysan noo ahayn hadaf haddii aysan la socon fulintiisa. Maantana waa tallaabo kale oo taariikhi ah oo loo qaaday hirgelinta sharcigan oo muhiim u ah dalka,” ayuu yiri wasiirku. Taariikhda Maareeyaha Cusub Mudane Cabdi Sheekh waa khabiir aqoon iyo waayo-aragnimo dheer u leh arrimaha la xiriira isgaarsiinta, teknoolojiyada iyo maamulka. Wuxuu muddo ka badan 23 sano la shaqeynayay mid ka mid ah shirkadaha isgaarsiinta ugu waaweyn dalka Mareykanka oo la yiraahdo Verizon Communications, halkaasoo oo uu ka soo qabtay xilalka kala duwan oo heer maamul sare ah. Laga soo billaabo Nofeember 2012-kii – kolkaasoo uu dalka ku soo laabtay – wuxuu la-taliye sare ka ahaa Xafiiska Ra’iisul-wasaaraha, isagoo la soo shaqeeyay ra’iisul wasaareyaal kala duwan. Intuu uu xafiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha ka shaqeynayay laga soo billaabo 2013-kii wuxuu dareemay baahida loo qabo in la aasaaso waax qaabilsan dhisidda awoodda hay’adaha dawladda (capacity development), taas oo uu Ra’iisul wasaare Saacid ku magacaabay wareegto. Si arrintaas loo fuliyo wuxuu kala shaqeeyay Bankiga Adduunka iyo UNDP sidii loo sameyn lahaa mashruuc ballaaran oo lagu horumarinayo awoodda hay’adaha dawladda (Capacity Injection Program), kaas oo haatan hirgalay, ayna ku kacayso $53 milyan oo doolar. Laga soo billaabo bishii Abriil 2017, wuxuu ka shaqeynayay Wasaaradda Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, isagoo gacan weyn ka geystay ansixintii Sharciga Isgaarsiinta Qaranka, dhismaha awoodda Wasaaradda iyo xiriirka ay Wasaaraddu la leedahay dalalka iyo hay’adaha horumarinta ka shaqeeya oo ay ka mid tahay Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Caalamiga ah (ITU), wuxuuna ka shaqeeyay in xiriirkii Wasaaradda ee heer caalami uu sare u kaco. Dhinaca aqoonta, Mudane Cabdi Sheekh wuxuu shahaadada koowaad ku qaatay cilmiga kumbutarka ee jaamacadda Houston, isagoo shahaadada heerka labaad ee Master of Science (specialization in Information Systems) iyo Maamulka Hawlaha (MBA) uu ka kala qaatay ee jaamacadaha Denver iyo North Carolina oo dhammaantood ku yaalla dalka Mareykanka. ____DHAMMAAD____ The post Golaha Wasiirrada oo ansixiyay Maareeyaha Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka appeared first on Puntland Post.
NAIROBI — The humanitarian sector should aim to deliver aid in the most cost-effective, efficient ways, and this can be reached through unconditional cash transfers, argued panelists in Devex’s recent webinar on the use of cash transfers in crisis responses. The delivery of in-kind food aid can result in aid recipients selling the food in local markets, often at a discount to the original value, because what was given to them wasn’t what they needed at the time, they said. Source: Hiiraan Online
One hundred national police reservists (NPR) have been deployed along the border of Wajir East and Tarbaj sub-Counties in a bid to boost security. Last Friday, Al-Shabaab militants attacked Qarsa Primary School and killed three teachers. SECURITY Wajir County Commissioner Loyford Kibaara said the officers would assist in patrols in the schools along the Kenyan border with Somalia that have increasingly become a soft target. “Earlier today, we deployed 100 well-armed national police reservists to the border areas along Wajir East and Tarbaj sub-Counties,” he said. This move comes as non-local teachers continue to flee the schools in the border areas, disrupting classes. MASS EXODUS More than 15 schools have been affected by the mass exodus of non-local teachers, which has dealt a huge blow to the education sector in the county. More than 60 percent of teachers in Wajir County are non-locals and their exit could create a huge crisis in schools. Meanwhile, some non-local teachers from Habaswein Sub-County in Wajir on Monday protested the deteriorating security. The teachers also accused the sub-County of discrimination in regards to promotion and delayed transfers at the end of contract years. The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) continued to pressure the government to withdraw non-local teachers from schools in Northeastern region. Source: Hiiraan Online
ADDIS ABABA, Feb. 19 (Xinhua) -- The African Union (AU) has deployed its election observers in Djibouti, for the legislative elections scheduled to take place on Friday in the Horn of African nation. Source: Hiiraan Online
MOGADISHU, Somalia–Sudd Khalif, 16, was among 35 students competing recently to answer a teacher’s question in a packed classroom at the Yemeni Community School here. Source: Hiiraan Online
Shir deg-deg ah oo ay golaha wasiiraddu yeesheen ayaa lagu magacaabay Taliyeyaasha Booliska, Nabadsugida iyo Asluubta Soomaaliya, xilalkaas oo ay muddo si kmg ah u hayeen ku xigeenadooda marka laa reebo taliyaha ciidanka Asluubta. Bashiir Cabdi Maxamed, oo ahaa taliye ku xigeenkii ciidanka booliiska Soomaaliya ayaa loo liyaha ciidanka booliiska, Taliyaha Nabadsugida ayaa loo magacaabay Xuseen Cusmaan Xuseen, halka Taliyaha Asluubta loo magacaabay Jen. Bashiir Maxamed Jaamac (Bashiir Goobe). Shirka Golaha Wasiirada ayaa soo dhamaaday, iyadoo saxaafada looga wargbixiyay magacaabida Taliyeyaasha iyo waxyaabihii kulanka looga hadlay oo saacado badan qaatay. Puntlandi.com