Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya Gobolka Bari ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada maamulka Puntland ay culeys xoogan kala kulmayaan Daacishta Somalia ee ka howlgasha Buuraaleyda Galgala. Wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamada Puntland ee dhawaan la geeyay afafka hore ee buuraaleyda Galgala ay dib uga soo gurteen Saldhigyadii ay ku sugnaayen, kadib hujuum ay kala kulmeen maleeshiyaadka Daacish. Maleeshiyaadka Daacish oo baqdin ka qaba in ciidamada Puntland ay gudaha ugu galaan Buuraha ayaa Hoobiyayaal joogta ah ku garaaca Saldhigyada ciidamada. Hoobiyayaasha qaar ayaa la xaqiijiyay inay burbur xoogan u geysteen Gaadiid iyo barokoontarool oo fadhiisin u aheyd ciidamada. Hoobiyayaasha ayaa la sheegay inay yihiin kuwo lagu waabinaayo ciidamada maamulka Puntland oo iyagu wada qorsho ay ku doonayaan inay ku galaan Buuraha. Sidoo kale, Saraakiisha hogaamineysa ciidamada ku sugan difaaca Galgala ayaa dhankooda kawada abaabul ciidan oo sahli kara in Daacish looga faa’iideysto duqeymaha ku socda Saldhigyadooda. Geesta kale, diyaaradaha Mareykanka ayaa maamulka Puntland garab kusiinaya duqeymo cirka ah si ay ugu sahlanaato galitaanka Buuraha Galgala oo Saldhig u ah maleeshiyaadka Daacishta Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Kenya ayaa daboolka ka qaaday inay marti galisay Hogaamiyayaal ka socda dalalka saaxiibada la ah Kenya oo la filaayo inay ka qeybgali doonaan caleemasaarka Madaxweyne Uhuru Kenyatta. Wasaaradu waxa ay tilmaantay in caleemasaarka dhacaaya maanta oo talaado ah ay ka qeybqaadan doonaan 24 dal. Madaxda xaflada ka soo qeyb galaysa ayaa isugu jira 11 Madaxweyne iyo 13 mas’uul kale oo loo soo wakiishay in dalkooda ay xaflada umatalaan. Waxaa caleemasaarka qeyb ka noqon doona marti sharaf kale oo wehlin doona Madaxweynayaasha iyo kuwo saaxiibo la ah Madaxweyne Kenyatta. Caleemasaarka ayaa ka dhacaaya Garoonka cayaaraha ee Kasaraani ee magaalada Nairobi waxaana aad loo adkeeyay amniga Garoonka iyo guud ahaan kan magaalada. Madaxda ilaa iyo hadda la casuumay ee ka qeybgalaaya caleemasaarka ayaa waxaa kamid ah: 1-Ra’isul wasaaraha Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. 2-Madaxweynaha Uganda, Yoweri Musaveni. 3-Madaxweynaha Rwanda, Paul Kagame. 4-Madaxweynaha Tanzania, John Magufuli. 5-Madaxweynaha Botswana, Ian Kama. 6-Madaxweynaha Somalia, Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo. 7-Madaxweynaha Jabuuti, Ismaaciil Cumar Geele. 8-Ra’iisulwasaaraha Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn 9-Madaxweynaha Namibia, Hage Geingob. 10-Madaxweynaha Togo, Faure Gnassingbe. 11-Madaxweynaha Zambia, Edgar Lungu Waa markii labaad ee Madaxweyne Uhuru Kenyatta iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa, William Ruto loo caleemo-saari doono xilkaasi, iyadoo Maxkamadda Sare ee dalkaasi ay bishan November 20-dii ansixisay inuu Uhuru ku guuleystay Doorashadii Madaxtinimadda ee ku celiska ahayd. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Agaasimaha Warfaafinta, Wacyigelinta, Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ee Madaxtooyada dawladdda Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl ayaa maanta 27 Nov 2017 Kormeeray xarumaha dawladda ee degmada badhan ee gobolka Sanaag. Kormeerka ayaa waxaa Agaasimaha ku wehelinaayey Guddoomiyaha gobolka Sanaag Maxamuud Ismaaciil Jaamac Ciyoon, Maayirka degmada Badhan Cabdirisaaq Axmed Ciise, Isu duwaha Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Wershedaha dawladda Puntland iyo Masuuliyiin kale. Agaasimaha ayaa soo kormeeray xarumaha dawladda degmada Badhan ee kala ah Wasaaradda Waxbarasha, Wasaaradda Degaanka, Wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Arrimaha Qoyska, Jeelka weyn ee magaaaladaasi oo dhisme kasocdo, Jammacadda Maakhir, riigga magaalada iyo biyo gelinta magaalada oo shaqadeedii socoto, sayladda Xoolaha iyo sidoo kale xarumihii qadiimiga ahaa ee dawladda kuwaas oo u baahan dayactir. Agaasimaha Warfaafinta Madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegay in degmada Badhan ee gobolka Sanaag laga hirgeliyey inta badan dhismayaasha dawladda ee muhiim ka ah, isla markaana ay dhammaan xarumahaasi gacanta kuhayaan shaqaale waddaniyiina oo masuuliyad gaara iska saaray illaalinta xarumahaasi muhiim ka ah . Sidoo kale Agaasimaha ayaa tilmaamay in ay jiraan xarumihii dawladda ee qadiimiga ahaa qarkood oo burbur xoogani soo gaadhan, isla mar’ahaantaana ay u baahan yihiin dayactir xoogan oo ku yimaada isku-tashi bulshada dhexdeeda ah iyagoo cuskanaya halku dhiggii Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ee ahaa [PUNTLAND HA ISKU-TASHASHO], waxaana uu Agaasimuhu ku booriyey maamulka gobolka iyo kan degmadaba inay masuuliyad gaara iska saaran sidii wax looga qaban lahaa xarumahaasi u baahan dayactirka madaama ay kaga faa’iidaysan karaan dayactir kadib shaqooyinka qaarkood ee ay u hayaan Bulshadooda. Dhinaca kale Agaasimaha oo soo kormeeray Jeelka weyn ee degmada Badhan ayaa cadeeyey in jeelku qabyo yahay inta hadda dhisan iyo inta hadda la dhisayoba lagu hirgeliyey isku-tashi bulsho, waxaana uu shacabka reer Puntland gaar ahaan shacabka reer Sanaag kula dardaarmay inay ka qayb qaataan dhismaha Jeelka maadaama uu muhiimad gaara u leeyahay gobolka gaar ahaan degmada. Ugu danbayn, Agaasimaha Warfaafinta, Wacyigelinta, Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ee Madaxtooyada dawladdda Abwaan Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl ayaa soo kormeeray degaanka Xubeera halkaasi oo hore u hayad xaruntii Sandaladda beel-weynta Warsangeli iyadoo ay wax-yeelo ba’an u geysatey duufaantii 1974-1975, waxaana uu Agaasimuhu booqday Gurigii Alle haw-Naxariistee Marxuun. Suldaan Maxamuud Cali Shire oo wakhti dheer kadib weli dhismihiisu taagan yahay. =DHAMMAAD= XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYIGELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Agaasimaha Warfaafinta Madaxtooyada Puntland oo Kormeeray Xarumaha Dawladda Ee Degmada Badhan. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. As friends of Somaliland and members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Somaliland in the UK Parliament, we want to offer our warm congratulations to HE Muse Biihi Abdi – President-Elect, on his election, and the people of Somaliland for their continued commitment to advancing democracy, the rule of law and development as a beacon of stability in the Horn of Africa. We look forward to working closely with the President-Elect and his new administration to advance the cause of Somaliland, in particular the crucial issues of recognition, trade, development and human rights, and we would welcome an early chance to meet with him in London or Hargeisa. We want to also offer our sincere commiserations to the candidates not elected, and to praise them for their leadership and their focus on stability, democracy and the national interests of Somaliland in recent days and for working through established channels to address grievances. We would like to echo the comments of the international community in congratulating the people of Somaliland on the largely smooth and peaceful conduct of voting, while at the same time expressing our deepest condolences and sadness at the loss of life caused by violence in a minority of locations. We look forward to being briefed by members of the International Election Observation Mission in due course. We want to add our thanks to the UK Government and other members of the international community who have supported these elections and all the members and volunteers who took part in the IEOM. We hope that this increased engagement and continued respect for Somaliland by the UK will continue over the coming months and years, in particular by helping to address Somaliland’s priorities going forward. We stand ready as friends of Somaliland to do whatever we can to assist. On behalf of: All Party Parliamentary Group for Somaliland Westminster LONDON SW1A
  5. In an exclusive interview with The Reporter, Ambassador Kaysar A. Mohamed, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland, revealed that the temporarily interrupted Khat trade between Ethiopia and Somaliland is returning to normalcy owing to the calming down of the Somali-Oromia border conflict. According to Ambassador A. Mohamed, the Somaliland government is aware of the interruption of the Khat trade from Ethiopia and it has got nothing to do with Somaliland. “The business is still there, but what happened was that the bulk of the Khat trade to Somaliland comes from Oromia Region of Ethiopia and because of the conflict this trade was interrupted. “It was the traders who have decided to shift temporarily to Kenya to source their Khat because the trade route was affected by the conflict,” he told The Reporter. But, argued that government policy or demand for the product has not changed only the problem with conflict forced the shift. In a related news, the minister also said that there were no ethnic Oromos or Ethiopians who were forced out of Somaliland in relation to the recent border conflict between Oromia and Somali regional states of Ethiopia. According to the vice-minister, with the exception of 300 Oromos, who were living in Somaliland illegally, or having refugee status and who then decided to leave as the conflict erupted in Ethiopia, there is no displacement from his country. According to Ambassador A. Mohamed, the hundreds of Oromos, who left Somaliland, did so out of their own accord, “perhaps feeling threatened personally by the situation.” “Although, most of them were in Somaliland illegally or have refugee status, there was absolutely nothing forcing them out of the country,” he said in an exclusive interview with The Reporter. We still have a number of Oromo communities living in different regions of Somaliland, the minister said, and that they are living peacefully and with no problem. Our security was alert in sense that as soon as news of the conflict started to drip in from the Ethiopian side of the border it gave statements on the national television assuring Ethiopians (Oromos) living in the Somaliland that their security will be guaranteed. He further said that the Somali and Oromo people are brotherly people with similar culture and living in close proximity to one-another. Nevertheless, according to official reports by the Government of Ethiopia at the time, there were as much as 3,000 Oromos who were displaced from Somaliland. Negeri Lencho (PhD), head of Government Communication Affairs Office, told the media at time that close to 3,000 ethnic-Oromo Ethiopians have been displaced from Somaliland. As far as the minister is concerned, there is only one incident worth mentioning in this ordeal. “There was only one incident around Ethiopia- Somaliland boarder where one officer shot dead an ethnic Oromo in midst of a commotion created among a group of people trying to cross the border back to Ethiopia,” he told The Reporter. Furthermore, he disclosed that the officer involved in that incident is still in prison awaiting the outcome of a court proceeding for the crime he committed. The Reporter
  6. Militariga Maraykanka ayaa sheegaya in hal argagixiye ku dhintay duqeyn ka dhan ah Daacish oo ay ka fuliyeen Waqooyi Bari Soomaaliya. Qoraal uu soo saaray Taliska Ciidanka Maraynkanka ee Afrika ayaa lagu sheegay in duqeynta oo lala kaashaday dowladda Soomaaliya ay dhacday Galabnimadii Maanta oo Isniin ah. Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa horraantii bishaan bilowday beegsiga kooxdaan yar,laakiin sii fidaysa ee Daacish. Bilowgii sannadkaan maamulka Trump ayaa ballaariyey weerada militari ee ka dhanka ah xagjirka,gaar ahaanna Al-shabaab ee xiriirka laleh Al-Qaeda. Daacishta Soomaaliya oo la sheegay in ay gaarayaan 2oo,ayaa tiro badan oo kamid ah Al-shabaab ka soo goosteen. Diyaaradaha drones-ka Maraykanka ayaa sannadkaan qaaday in ka badan 20 weerar oo ka dhan ah ururada xagjirka ah. PUNTLAND POST The post Maraykanka oo duqeyn ka fuliyey Puntland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  7. The Somaliland President- Elect Muse Behi Abdi is assured of a conducive working relation with the international community once he assumes office. his development follows the huge commendations accorded the just concluded presidential elections by a diverse IC Membership. Among the countries and bodies within the IC with a stake in the Somaliland democratization process that issued congratulatory statements include U.K. , Sweden, Denmark, USA and the EU. Sources close to the president-elect indicate that the change of heart by the IC is a bonus atop his election victory considering sour relations with the outgoing government The bad blood between the current administration of President Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo and the IC emanated from regular election postponements and subsequent executive term extensions which, was seen and termed as injurious to the Somaliland democratization process. “Now that Anomalies related to election postponement have been assuaged by successful conduct of presidential polls, our relations are back to normal” was a gist of the various IC statements.
  8. The confirmation of Muse Behi Abdi as the fifth president of Somaliland is to be made by the Supreme Court. This was revealed by the chef Justice Prof Adan Haji Ali during a briefing to Geeska Afrika in Hargeisa where he informed that the national election commission has submitted its provisional results to his office. “As per constitutional dictates NEC has submitted its provisional election results to the Supreme Court which shall officialize Muse Behi Abdi as president within seven days from date of initial announcement by NEC” said the CJ. In the hotly contested elections held on the 13th November 2017 the Kulmiye party candidate emerged winner having garnered 55% of the votes cast. His main opponent Abdirahman Irro of Wadani party emerged second with over 40% of votes cast while Eng Feisal Ali of UCID recorded 4%. According to the Chief Justice the seven days prior to official confirmation are allocated to enable any complaints to be submitted to the country’s highest law Court. “If any stakeholder submits any complaints against the results submitted by NEC then official announcement shall deferred to a later date” said the Somaliland Chief Justice Prof Adan Haji Ali
  9. As he prepares to ascend to the Somaliland presidency as the fifth occupant of the office, President-elect Muse Behi Abdi is confronted by a myriad of challenges to his administration. While most of these challenges are addressed in the Kulmiye party manifesto in which he campaigned during the presidential elections of 13th November that he won, implementation strategies embarked upon shall define his tenure. Among the various challenges Muse Behi Abdi shall face as president include but not limited to Administration Capacity Politically polarized communities Corruption Tribalism Economy and Democratization process Administration Capacity Currently Somaliland has a very bloated administration that exceeds 80 ministers For the president-elect the bloated cabinet of his predecessor was a major issue during his campaign from which he pledged to reverse matters “If elected I will build a lean and functional cabinet composed of capable citizens” Muse Behi pledged at various campaign venues For Somalilanders the huge administration put in place by president Silanyo has been of concern especially as a source of central coffers drainage. Apart from the huge sums expended in remunerating the ineffective cabinet, citizens also perceived the many persons in office as not only corrupt but appointed without regard to equity within local communities, that is an administration in which a majority of Somaliland clans missed out For example the outgoing administration is composed at all levels of a large number of president Silanyo’s clansmen. Since establishment of an administration is the first act Muse Behi Abdi shall perform as president, citizens have antennas raised as per not only the size but clan diversity. Politically Polarized Communities Since 2016 when the presidential election became certain Somaliland communities have been politically polarized to never unseen extends. Though three political parties namely UCID, Kulmiye and Wadani contested the 2017 presidential elections support within the country for the later two saw a major divide whose retraction is of major import. Though his first words were reconciling thence eliminate the political polarization in the country, President Muse Behi has the onerous task of ensuring that his administration leaves none out thus all inclusive. Corruption From 2015-2017 the government of Somaliland was termed as very corrupt in subsequent reports submitted to the United Nations by its local watchdog namely the Somalia Eritrea Monitoring Group. these reports were conformation of what citizens already knew about the maladministration antics seemingly institutionalize by the over-bloated administration of president Silanyo. For president Muse Behi the urgency of reversing this issue that has not only almost bankrupted the central coffers but led to a poor international image for Somaliland, is imperative Currently public assets be it physical or liquid seems to have became individual property of those appointed by president Silanyo. That said, the president elect didn’t only make pledges to this effect but followed the matter up in later post election statements must implemented the pledges thence gain the confidence of his constituents. Tribalism Prior to the ascension of president Silanyo, Somaliland communities were a very cohesive people driven by the one aim, the quest of their country’s international recognition as a sovereign nation. Come mid 2010 and president Silanyo things turned completely away from the now almost hopes for recognition to citizens turning to clan alignment on whatever matter. “ Reer Hebel baanu nahay , Reer hebel baad tihiin (we are this clan, you are that clan) became the rallying call all over Somaliland. With this belief it has of late been the norm that any criticism on any, of the government means you are from the opposing clan while support means you are from the opposite camp, read clan. This clan divide which was bred by the administration composition of president Silanyo in which his clansmen and a few from other clans deemed supportive were apportioned almost all appointive posts in the country. Come presidential elections in which political parties were not only seen but actually were clan oriented matters took a dire direction that must be remedied and urgently. For the tenure of president Muse Behi to enter the annals of history his total elimination of this tendency that has been exacerbated by the rough election campaign is one that shall surely rely on his known toughness in reconciliation. More so, composition of his administration shall be a major yardstick in this matter as pertains equitable distribution of posts especially the embracing of clans hitherto absent as well as from those supporting Opposition parties. Economy President Muse Behi Abdi takes over the reigns of power at a time when Somaliland is facing its severest economic woes. Whether caused by maladministration, drought, inflation, unemployment and lose of investor confidence among others citizens of Somaliland are bearing huge livelihood difficulties. Despite huge civil service salary increases by the administration of president Silanyo, the massive devaluation of the Somaliland shilling has seen a majority of citizens devoid of ability to afford basic needs. While apt strategies to stimulate economic growth thence improve livelihoods is a must, for the incoming president a recent study which indicates that in Somaliland where youths are almost 70% of the population have 75% of their lot unemployed is of concern. Democratization Process The two past elected administrations almost made term extension legal thence the IC perceived injury to the democratization process that was touted as exemplary in the Horn Region. Similarly the long tenure of House of Representatives the Somaliland lower chamber of parliament now in its thirteenth year is deemed as of negative impact to the democratization process. In addition to the legislative assembly, local councils have also surpassed their legal term office due to the Said term extensions that dictate that once that of the executive and parliament is extended then so too local government’s As for citizens the election laws in the country need to see a huge review especially as pertains how and when polls are conducted in the country. Another poignant issue is amalgamation of presidential and parliamentary polls that should be held timely after conduct of local councils one. In Somaliland only three political parties can exist at any given time thence local council elections take precedence since political groups take part with the top three registered as national parties. Driven by his pledges of never extending his term the administration of president Muse Behi, must also embark of reviewing the Said laws thence a truly democratic Somaliland that is properly aligned with president international norms. Finally now that elections are over and despite allegations of vote fraud, Somalilanders regardless of party or clan affiliation owe President Muse Behi Abdi a supportive hand and breathing space to govern Horn
  10. Nayroobi, Nofeembar, 27, 2017– Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo oo ka qeybgalaya caleema-saarka Madaxweynaha Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa soo gaaray Maagalada Nayroobi. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha Jomo Kenyatta ku soo dhaweeyay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Kenya Danjire Aamina Maxamed, Sii-haya Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Kenya Cali Maxamed Sheekh (Bagadi) iyo Diblomaasiyiin ka tirsan Safaaradda. “Xiriirka ka dhaxeeya labada dal waa mid ku dhisan iskaashi iyo wax wada-qabsi. Madaxweyne Farmaajo bishii Maarso ee sanadkan ayuu booqasho rasmi ah ku yimid Kenya si loo xoojiyo xiriirkaas, haatanna waxa uu ka qeyb galayaa caleema-saarka Madaxweyne Kenyatta.” ayuu yiri Agaasimaha Warfaafinta Madaxtooyada Mudane Cabdinuur Maxamed Axemed. Socdaalka Madaxweynaha ayaa qaadan doona muddo hal maalin ah, waxaana berri oo Talaadada ah uu ku biiri doonaa hoggaamiyeyaal ka socda qaaradda Afrika iyo Caalamka oo ka qeyb galaya caleema-saarka. Soomaaliya iyo Kenya waxaa ka dhaxeeya xiriir iskaashi oo dhinacyada ammaanka, ganacsiga iyo horumarinta ah, iyada oo uu shaqeeyo guddi wadajir ah oo labada dhinac u qaabilsan dhaqan-galinta heshiisyada is-kaashi ee u dhaxeeya labada dal. The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo gaaray Magalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya+Sawirro. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. I would like to send my warmest greetings to President-elect. You have indeed shown resilience and determination for taking over the highest office of the nation. May the lord, the almight Allah help you lead Somaliland to the promised land of peace and prosperity. For ambitious leader, there are many obstacles to success. The journey to better Somaliland is often a lonely one. Suldans, cheifs and business men knocking your door telling that generosity becomes a liability beyond elections and It is like a nuclear bomb in Somaliland politics. Hopes are initially high that the new government would build a different kind of state. But hundred of problems will confront you their diversities and multitudies. Mr. President we expect setting targets of development and building institutions that will genuinely serve the interests of Somalilanders where rule of law to be a pillar of state policy. The starting point of development should be the people. Many Somaliland people lack access to clean water, education and health. Thousands struggle to make the daily bread. And more of our people in every corner of Somaliland may never get a decent meal for the whole day, severe drought affected most of populations and left nothing to survive, inflation became a daily reality and people are desperate in mounting all aspects of life necesities. The magnitude of need in Somaliland is a great, but accountability, transparency, responsibility, equity and the rule of law are what people expecting from you. Mr. presedent people are waiting to form a small high quality government where the right person is in the right position and representation is not based on clans but education with strong morals, ethics and complete honesty. Interestingly, if you do this people will admire your presidency but many more probably ready to come against it due to resistance to change because of their power-hungry nature. Opportunists forgotten that you are practised politician who rolls back his political foundation. Mr. President you closed the door of your office and resident where queue politicians who value their pockets knocking the door even in the dead of the night asking for positions, contracts and favors. Told them that people behind you and your successes/failures will be counted from the day in the office. Truth must be told, Group dominance is a true reflection of what is currently happening in the country. History is for us to learn from the past and not to repeat the same mistakes once again . Mr. President, don’t forget the hard lesson that passing in Somaliland where group of constracts ( Opportunists) took the key influence positions in the government and create a political space for their followers demand in the name of the clan to the government portfolios by changing the way people value to form a small high quality governement. Many ministries, DGs and head of government agencies came to this group’s political formula. They set of practices for domination based on partisan interests that began with the internal takeover and run most of the government duties. Groups, Groups Groups, Never allow them to decieve you! The majority of Somaliland’s population is below the age of 30 years constituting 75 percent of Somaliland’s entire population. This poses rasping challenges including chronic unemployment. Youth are the key to Somaliland continuation and were players in and advocates of social transformation and development in many spheres of life. They make an essential contribution to today’s societies and prepare a better future for the coming generations. Today’s young people are more considerably educated and high expectations of better life than the old generation. Somaliland can achieve better future, if the new governments develop job creation plans in to their development frame work. And that is the only way to tackle job unemployment existing in our country. A substantial focus to be placed on kick-starting Somaliland’s economies that have experienced at minimal growth in the last years. This will entail creating comprehensive, integrated and coherent macroeconomic view and employment policies that will benefit young people through job creation in the formal labor market. And in conclusion, we hope that with the help of the Somaliland citizens you will leave lasting legacy. May Allah, the almighty bless you today, tomorrow and hereafter. Written by : Farhan Abdi Suleiman ( Oday) Email : Phone: 063 4401132
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudg Cali Gacal Casir ayaa ku hadlay laba hadal oo aad loo yaabay oo ku saabsan wadahadalka u socdo Maamulka Galmudug iyo Ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca. Guddoomiye Casir ayaa Shalay sheegay in shirka ka dhacay Nairobi iyo kan ka furmayo Jabuuti labaduba ay yihiin Siminaar la qabtay oo aysan kasoo bixi doonin wax natiijo ah. Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay in wixii kasoo baxo aysan aqoonsan doonin isla markaasna aysan Galmudug khuseyn. Halkaan hoose ka daawo hadalkaas Midda lala yaabay ayaa haddana noqotay inuu Maanta sheegay inay madaxdaas matalaan Maamulka Galmudug isla markaasna ay dowladda dhexe heshiisiisay oo ay gacanta isku gelisay madaxdii is khilaafsanaa ee Galmudug. Wuxuu sheegay in natiijada kasoo baxdo shirkaas ay wax fiican u noqon doonto Galmudug isla markaasna uu taageersan yahay. Halkaan hoose ka daawo hadalkaas. Haddaba waxaa is waydiin mudan Casir Shalay miyuu saxnaa Mise Maanta? maxeyse tahay sababta keentay isbadalkaan laba maalin ee isku xigta ah?. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida lagu sheegay qoraal kasoo baxay Taliska Ciidanka Mareykanka Afrika ee ”AFRICOM”, waxaa maanta oo ku beegan 27-ka November mar kale duqeyn cirka ah loo geystay Saldhiga weyn ay Daacishta Somalia ku leeyihiin buuraaleyda Galgala. Duqeynta oo cusleyd ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay dhacday maanta saacadu marka ay aheyd 03:00-Pm, waxaana la xaqiijiyay in lagu khaarijiyay hal ka tirsan maleeshiyaadka Daacishta Somalia. Qoraalka waxaa lagu sheegay in duqeynta ay ka qeybqaaten ciidamada dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia oo garab ka helaaya kuwa Taliska Mareykanka ee Africa. Waxaa qoraalka lagu sheegay in Ciidamada Mareykanka ay sii wadi doonaan Duqeymaha ay ka fulinayaan gudaha Somalia, ee sida tooska ah loola beegsanaayo Al-Shabaab iyo Daacishta Somalia. Taliska Ciidanka Mareykanka Afrika ee ”AFRICOM”, ayaa dhawaan sheegay inay laba jibaarayaan duqeymaha ay ku hayaan maleeshiyaadka Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish ee ka howlgala Somalia. Diyaaradaha Mareykanka ayaa xoojiyay howlgalada ay ka fuliyaan Somaliya, waxaana xusid mudan in bishan ay fulisay in ka badan 5 Weerar Saddex ka mid ah ay dhaceen 24 saac gudahooda.
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowladda Ethiopia ayaa markii ugu horeysay shaaca ka qaaday in dad ka badan 20 ruux ay ku dhinteen dagaal todobaadki hore dhex maray qowmiyadaha Soomaalida iyo Oromada ee Ethiopia. Dowlada ayaa sheegtay in colaadaha sababay geerida in ka badan 20 ruux ay ka danbeeyen shaqsiyaad iminka ku jira gacanta dowlada. Negeri Lenco, oo ah afhayeen u hadlay Dowlada Ethiopia, ayaa sheegay in dad gaaraya 98 Ruux loo xiray falkaasi, isla markaana xariga uu saameeyay dad kasoo kala jeeda qowmiyadaha Soomaalida iyo Oromada ee Ethiopia. Negeri Lenco, waxa uu sheegay in deegaanka Oromada laga soo xiray 98 halka dhulka Soomaalidana laga soo qabtay shan ruux. Dadkaan ayaa lalal xiriirinayaa in ay ku lug leeyihiin colaadda. Negeri Lenco, waxa uu cadeeyay in dadkaasi la marin doono ciqaab ay ku muteysan doonaan kiiska dilalka ah ee loo qabtay. Qowmiyadaha Soomaalida iyo Oromada ayaa ku muransan soohdinta labada dhinac. Sidoo kale, Deegaanada ay colaaddu ka jirto ayay Dowladu sheegtay in ay geysay ciidamo dheeraad ah oo ka tirsan millatariga. Dhinaca kale, dowlada ayaa sheegtay inaysan weli ka gaabin xal u helida colaadaha ka dhashay soohdinta labada dhinac. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. Norwegian Refugee Council says over 1M people have been internally displaced in drought-stricken country since January ANKARA–More than 10,000 local residents are reported displaced in November due to an ongoing conflict in Middle and Lower Shabelle region in Somalia’s south, a Norway-based humanitarian agency said on Monday. The displacement of people has been triggered by recent fierce fighting between al-Shabaab militants and government forces in the region, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) said in a statement. “We’re seeing a spike in families fleeing fighting that are arriving in overcrowded camps in Mogadishu. The camps are already overfilled with drought-stricken people, barely surviving in flimsy shelters,” said Victor Moses, the NRC’s country director in Somalia. “The double shock to people fleeing both conflict and drought means that they have to endure multiple crises at once, and this can push them over the brink,” he added. The statement said that more than a million people have been internally displaced in the war-torn country since January due to conflict, insecurity and flooding. Last week, the UN Refugee Agency said that tension in Bal’ad and Afgooye districts escalated in November, triggering thousands to flee. “This generalized insecurity, which has led to a sharp increase in the number of road blocks and checkpoints, has also precipitated movement restrictions, extortion, torture and sexual abuse by all parties,” it said. Added to terror attacks, Somalia is also suffering from drought. At least half of Somalia population is in need of humanitarian emergency support as the drought in horn of African nation is the worst since 1945, according to the United Nations. Last week, the U.S. said it had killed some 100 al-Shabaab militants in an airstrike in a camp, 201 kilometers (125 miles) northwest of the capital Mogadishu. An Oct. 14 truck bombing in Mogadishu that killed over 350 people was blamed on al-Shabaab. AA
  16. Worries over water security for millions of people prompted the Arab League yesterday to say it is following “with extreme concern” talks between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia over the latter’s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which it is building on the Blue Nile. Ethiopia was not “cooperating and coordinating enough”, said Ahmed Abul-Gheit, secretary general of the league, a regional association of 22 countries in Africa and the Middle East. His comments came after negotiations between the three countries broke down earlier this month over how to conduct technical studies on the dam’s impact on Egypt and other countries downstream. Abul-Gheit told the Fourth Arabic Forum for Water in Cairo that water security for Egypt, the most populous Arab country, was a matter of Arab national security. “We do not feel that Ethiopia was cooperating and coordinating enough. The Ethiopian plans to operate the dam and use its water in irrigation are ambiguous and concerning,” he said, reportsEgyptian news site Ahramonline. Abul-Gheit called on Ethiopia to show more openness and cooperation given that “there are currently 400 million people living on the banks of the Nile who will reach one billion by 2050”. He said Egypt receives 85% of its water from the Ethiopian highlands through the Blue Nile. As its name suggests, GERD, set to be Africa’s biggest dam, is a project of supreme national importance to Ethiopia. Now more than half built by Italian contractor Salini Impregilo, the hydroelectric plant will have an installed capacity of 6,000 MW – more than double Ethiopia’s current generating capacity – and is central to Ethiopia’s plan to be a net power exporter to the electricity-starved continent. Construction began in early 2011 as Egypt was convulsed by its January revolution. Since then, fearing for its water security, Egypt has strongly opposed the dam, with concerns over the possibility of the conflict escalating to violence emerging in 2013. Since then, without relinquishing its concerns, Egypt has acquiesced in principle to Ethiopia’s right to build GERD. In March 2015 Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi and his counterparts from Ethiopia and Sudan signed a cooperation deal on the principles of sharing the Nile River water and the construction of the GERD. Then in September 2016 Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia agreed that French consultants BRL and Artelia would carry out studies on GERD’s impact on the flow of the Nile. However, negotiations held 11-12 November in Cairo between the three parties broke down over the studies, with Egypt’s water minister accusing Sudan and Ethiopia of trying to direct them in a way that would “render them useless”, reported Middle East news site Al-Monitor. Meanwhile, Ahramonline reported that Egypt’s president and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn are scheduled to meet in Cairo next month to discuss the deadlock. Globalcontruction
  17. jaaliyadda Puntland ee dalka Jarmalka ayaa Maanta deeq-dawo ah ku wareejisay Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Dowladda Puntland. Deeqdaan ayaa ka kooban 5 tonne oo isugu jirta noocyada kala duwan dawooyinka. Guddoomiyaha Jaaliyadda Puntland ee dalka Jarmalka, ahna Xoghayaha guud ee Midowga jaaliyadaha Yurub,Maxammed Cabdiraxmaan Cali Ciise,oo deeqdaan ku wareejiyey wasiirka caafimaadka dowladda Puntland,. Dr. Cabdinaasir Cismaan Ciise(Cawke), ayaa sheegay in jaaliyaddiisu ay mar walba ka qayb qaadanayso horumarinta caafimaadka dalkooda,islamarkaana ay wadaan qorshe la-isugu xirayo jaaliyadaha debadda iyo bulshada rayidka ah ee gudaha dalka si dadaalkoodu miro-dhal u noqdo. Agaasimaha Maamulka ee Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Puntland Xassan Shire Abgaal ayaa sheegay in marar badan oo hore jaaliyadda Puntland ee Jarmalka ay dawooyin ka wareejisay wasaaradda Caafimaadka Puntland,dawooyinkaas lagu daboolay baahiyo ka jiray xarumo caafimaad. wasiirka Caafimaadka dowladda Puntland Dr.Cabdinaasir Cismaan Ciise(Cawke) oo deeqda la wareegay ayaa si weyn ugu mahadceliyey jaaliyadda Puntland ee Jarmalka,wuxuuna sheegay in deeqdaan ku soo beegmatay xilli aad loogu baahnaa oo qaar kamid ah xarumaha caafimaad ee degaannada Puntland uu ka jiro gabaabsi dhinac dawooyinka ah. Dr.Cawke ayaa Jaaliyadda Jarmalka ku tilmaamay”mid si joogta ah uga war haysa dalka”,islamarkaana Wasaaradda Caafimaadka ka caawisa dhinaca dawooyinka,gaar ahaanna xilliyada aadka loogu baahanyahay.
  18. Turkey will this week press the UK government to extradite fugitive businessmen and activists living in Britain who were allegedly involved in the 2016 failed military coup in Ankara and Istanbul. In an interview with the Guardian, Özlem Zengin, a senior presidential adviser and former MP in the governing Justice and Development party (AKP), called for an organisation supposedly associated with the US-based preacher Fethullah Gülen to be outlawed as a terrorist organisation in the UK. Zengin was speaking ahead of a visit to London by the Turkish prime minister, Binali Yıldırım, with a meeting with Theresa May scheduled for Monday. Yıldırım is due to see British ministers and will urge them to improve security through close cooperation between the two countries. Despite Turkey attempting to enter the EU as Britain is exiting, diplomatic relations between the two Nato member states are strong. May met the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in Ankara in January; the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, was there a few months later. MPs on the foreign affairs select committee, however, have condemned the Turkish president for exploiting the failed July 2016 coup to purge opponents and suppress human rights. Tens of thousands of teachers, lawyers, police officers, judges and other officials and citizens have been removed from their posts or detained following the coup. Zengin said the Turkish government estimates there were 60,000 people involved in the conspiracy. Many suspects have been detained on the basis of downloading an encrypted messaging app, called ByLock, which was allegedly used by those behind the plot. Zengin denied anyone had been detained solely for using ByLock. A former television producer and lawyer, Zengin is a senior adviser to Erdoğan. Like most female supporters of the AKP, she wears the hijab – the Islamic headscarf banned by previous governments in schools, universities, the army and state institutions. She was in London for meetings organised by the Democratic Progress Institute, a conflict resolution organisation. Pursuing those linked to Gülen and the coup was, she said, one of the Turkish government’s priorities. “We have good relations with the UK. There have been extradition requests made regarding some businessmen in the UK,” Zengin said. “The ministry of justice [in Ankara] is working on these issues. Interpol has also been involved [in the hunt for Gülenist suspects]. “One of the businessmen escaped illegally to the UK. It’s a brutal organisation. We are talking about a structure that has been in existence for 40 years. All these people were under the control of the leadership. The [Turkish] prime minister is coming to the UK in order to have special talks. This will be one of the issues. “We call it the Fethullah Terrorist Organisation (Feto). It’s not an ordinary organisation. They are trouble for Turkey now in different parts of the world. You don’t know what they are going to do. “They may have a 100-year plan for the UK. Today they are a problem for us, but tomorrow they may be a problem for you [in the UK]. We would like to see Feto banned in the UK. In my personal view, it is more dangerous than the PKK [the Kurdish separatist paramilitary group that is already banned in Britain]. They directly target kids and brainwash people. It’s like a cult.” Gülen’s supporters have denied being involved in the coup and have accused Erdoğan of staging it for his own political advantage. Gülen himself lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania. Turkey has tried to extradite him from the US without success. A Gülen supporter in the UK said he was not aware of any extradition notices being enforced in the UK but added: “We are expecting them.” Gülen supporters, he claimed, had been abducted in Malaysia and Pakistan before being removed to Turkey. A Home Office spokesperson said: “As a matter of longstanding policy and practice, the UK will neither confirm nor deny that an extradition request has been made or received until such time as an arrest has been made in relation to that request.” Interpol headquarters in Lyon also declined to comment on any Turkish requests for red-notice arrest warrants. A spokesperson pointed, however, to article 3 of Interpol’s constitution that explicitly prevents it from undertaking “any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character”. Source: – Theguardian
  19. A university graduate who left home to command Al-Shabaab units in Somalia has moved closer to the Kenyan border, escaping imminent execution by fellow commanders after a fallout. Ahmed Iman, alias Kimanthi, who acquired an Engineering degree from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Jkuat) in Juja, Kiambu County, is on the run, together with a group of terrorists, the Sunday Nation has established. He had a disagreement with Al-Shabaab supremos Ahmed Diriye and Mahad Karate, who are Somalis. FACTIONS The two are said to have sent emissaries – Somali elders – in a bid to talk to Iman and convince him to mend fences with his colleagues, thereby consolidating Al-Shabaab factions against African Union (AU) forces fighting them. However, one of the Jayshi Ayman terrorists who surrendered to Kenyan authorities last month confessed that the apparent extension of an olive branch is part of a bigger plan to have Iman executed. Jayshi Ayman is a faction of Shabaab that operates in Boni, a forest area that extends from Lamu County in Kenya to southern Somalia. This faction is loyal to Iman. AMNESTY The Shabaab defector, according to sources privy to security interrogations, said the graduate is seeking amnesty from the Kenyan Government in exchange for information that would help in the war against the terrorist organisation. The government has in the past offered to pardon and rehabilitate radicalised Kenyans who crossed the border to fight in lawless Somalia. Somalia has not had a functional government since 1990. “Recent reports indicate that Iman – who has largely operated in isolation, having fallen out with Al-Shabaab leadership – is increasingly getting desperate and willing to save himself by submitting to Kenyan authorities,” a confidential document circulating among agencies operating in Somalia says. EXECUTION The report further says: “According to information by a returnee from the Jayshi Ayman militia group who surrendered himself to the Kenyan security on October 2017, Iman has reportedly moved towards the Kenyan border in an attempt to submit himself to Kenyan authorities.” This is not the first time Al-Shabaab is turning against terrorists within its ranks. Victims – most of them foreigners, including Kenyans – have been executed on suspicion that they are spies for the AU forces in Somalia. Fazul Abdullah Mohamed, the most wanted terrorist and commander of Al-Qaeda’s network in East Africa, was killed in a setup similar to the one Iman is facing. SETUP In his heyday, Fazul had the ear of the slain Al-Qaeda supremo, Osama bin Laden, and received direct orders from him, besides being in charge of the funds from his larger global terror network. Godane Ahmed Abdi Godane, alias Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, who is Diriye’s predecessor, commanded Shabaab at the time. He deliberately gave Fazul misleading coordinates to Al-Qaeda training camps in Somalia. That way, the man, who was wanted over the 1998 bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi, in which 220 people died, landed in a camp manned by forces loyal to Somalia’s fragile government, where he was felled in a hail of bullets. AMISOM RAIDS Godane was later killed in a joint operation by the United States soldiers and Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) in Somalia. Iman and his fleeing colleagues are mainly foreign fighters. Diriye and his associates have accused them of spying on Shabaab activities and passing the information to the KDF. His situation has been worsened by the increasingly successful raids by the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom) and US forces in the troubled country. AIRSTRIKES On Tuesday, 100 Shabaab terrorists were killed in an air strike by the US. “In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, US forces conducted an air strike in Somalia against an Al-Shabaab camp at approximately 10.30 local Somalia time, killing more than 100 militants. “The operation occurred 125 miles northwest of the capital, Mogadishu,” a statement from the US Africa Command says. It further says: “US forces will continue to use all authorised and appropriate measures to protect Americans and to disable terrorist groups. “This includes partnering with Amisom and Somali National Security Forces in targeting terrorists, their training camps and safe havens throughout Somalia, the region and around the world.” CAPTURE The Sunday Nation learnt that the plot to execute Iman, who rose through the Shabaab ranks to become its posterboy before being confirmed a commander, was orchestrated in Jilib township, Somalia. It was agreed at the meeting that the best way to capture Iman was by sending “friendly elders to reach out to him and convince him to reconsider his rebellion”. Source: – Daily Nation
  20. Ciidamada badda dowladda Iran ayaa fashiliyey weerar weyn oo burcad-badeed ku qaadday markab ganacsi oo laga leeyahay dalka Iran gacanka Cadmeed. Markab dagaal oo ay leeyihiin ciidanka badda Iran,kaasoo lagu magacaabo The Alvand 48 ayaa markabka ka badbaadiyey weerarka burcadda oo saarnaa 7 laash,meel u dhow marinka Bab el-Mandeb subaxnimadii Isniinta. Burcad-badeedda Gacanka Cadmeed oo badanaa ka yimaada Xeebaha Soomaaliya,ayaa hubka fudud iyo kan culays-xigaha ku weeraray markabka ganacsi,si ay u af-duubtaan. Markabka ganacsi oo siday xamuul qiimihiisu yahay malaayiin Dollar,ayaa gurmad weydiistay The Alvand,wuxuuna u weecday dhinaca xeebta,taasoo burcadda ku khasabtay in ay cararaan. The Alvand 48,ayaa 2-dii bishii Sep halkaasi yimid si u xoojiyo awoodda Jamhuuriyadda Islaamiga ah ee biyaha caalamiga ah iyo ilaalinta marinnada badda. Taliyaha Ciidanka badda Iran Admiral.Habibollah Sayyari ayaa bishii September sheegay in lixdii sano ee tegay ciidankooda baddu ay galbiyeen 4200 doonyo iyo maraakiib ganacsi ah,kuwaasoo isugu jira qaar Iran laga leeyahay iyo kuwa aanay lahaynba,si ay nabad ugu maraan Gacanka Cadmeed. Sannadihii u dambeeyey Ciidanka badda Iran ayaa siyaadiyey joogitaankooda biyaha caalamiga ah,si ay u ilaaliyaan marin-biyoodka,islamarkaana nabad ugu gudbaan doonyaha ganacsi iyo maraakiibta. Iyadoo lala jaanqaadayo dadaalka caalamiga ah ee la-dagaallanka burcad-badeedda,ciidanka badda Iran ayaa kormeer ka ah Gacanka Cadmeed tan iyo bishii Nov ee sannadkii 2008,waxayna ilaalinayeen maraakiibta ganacsi iyo kuwa shidaalka qaada ee laga leeyahay ama laga soo kiraystay Iran,ama dalalka kale. Ciidanka badda Iran ayaa fashiliyey tiro weerarro burcadnimo ah oo lagu qaaday maraakiib Iran iyo kuwa ajnebi ah hawlgallo ay ka sameeyeen biyahay caalamiga ah. Xigasho/ Cabdiraxmaan Ciise Cumar PUNTLAND POST The post De deg: Burcad-badeed weeraray Markab Ganacsi. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa maalmahaan magaalada Muqdisho ku sugnaa Wafdi uu Hogaaminaayay Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Jabuuti oo ay ku jireen Xildhibaano ka tirsanaa baarlamaanka dowladaas. Wafdigaan baarlamaaniga ah ayaa maanta magaalada Muqdisho Heshiis kula saxiixday baarlamaanada Somalia,kaasi oo ku dhisan wadashaqeyn iyo walaaltinimo. Waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa kulanka Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Jamhuuriyadda Somalia Federaalak Somalia Maxmed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari, Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka 1aad ee Aqalka Sare ahna ku-simaha guddoomiyaha Abshir Axmed Maxmed(Bukhaari), Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Dalka Jabuuti Maxmed Cali Xumud iyo xubno xildhibaano ah. Labada dowladood ayaa waxaa Heshiiska u kala saxiixay Guuddooiye Jawaari iyo Abshir Bukhaari Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Aqalka sare ahna ku simaha Guddoomiyaha, halka Baarlamaanka Jabuutina uu u saxiixay Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Jabuuti Maxmed Cali Xumud. Heshiiskan oo dhowr qodob ka kooban ayaa waxaa ka mid ah furista wada hadalo lagu xoojinayo wada shaqeynta labada Baarlamaan iyo sidoo kale sameynta Guddiga saaxiibtinimada ee labada Baarlamaan, Xildhibaan Maxamed C/laahi Xasan Nuux oo ah habdhowraha Golaha shacabka ayaa sheegay in heshiiskan uu muhiimad gaar ah u leeyahay labada wadan. Waxaa kulanka intii uu socday la isku la soo hadal qaadey muhiimadda ay leedahay wadashqeynta iyo walaaltinimada barlamaanada labada dal ,iyadoo la ammaanay dowrka Jabuuti ay ku leedahay taageerada Soomaaliya. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad ee Golaha Aqalka Sare Abshir Maxamed Axmed (Abshir Bukhaari) ayaa sheegay in xiriirka dalalka Soomaaliya iyo Jabuuti uu yahay mid ku dhisan walaaltinimo. Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Qaranka ee Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti Maxamed Cali Xumad ayaa sheegay in qodobada heshiiskan ku qoran sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan u hir gelin doonaan.isagoona bogaadiyay xoojinta xiriirka labada wadan. Guddoomiyaha Golaha shacabka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari ayaa sheegay in dadka Soomaaliyeed iyo Dowladooda aysan marnaba iloobi doonin abaalkii ay u galeen shacabka reer Jabuuti iyo dowladooda, sidoo kalana Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay ka go’an tahay xoojinta wada shaqeynta Baarlamaanka walaalaha Jabuuti. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  22. Waxaa maanta magaalada Garowe lagu qabtay shir ku saabsan dib loogu eegayo ansixinta Siyaasadda adeeg daadajinta qaybta wadooyinka Puntland. Kulankaan ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay Madaxda Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud iyo Gaadiidka,Hay,adda wadooyinka (PHA),Hay,adda shaqaalaha Aduunka (ILO)masuuliyiinta hay,adaha bahwadaagta la ,ah mashruuca Horumarinta degmooyinka Puntland JPLG oo ay ka midyihiin howlwadeenadda degmooyinka Garoowe,Galkacyo iyo Qardho oo uu barnamijku ka socda. Muhiimadda kulankaan lagaa lahaa ayaa ahayd, marka siyaasadaan dib eegis lagu sameeyo in hadana lagu sameeyo ansixin loogu samayn lahaa siyasadda adeeg daadajinta dhanka wadooyinka ee Puntland. Siyaasadaan ayaa mudo waxaa ku howlanaa aqoonyahana Maxali ah iyo kuwo caalami ah oo ka tirsan hay’ddaha dowladda Pununtland dee qaabilsan mashruuca horumarinta degmooyinka iyo hay’addaha caalamiga ah ee Puntland ka tageera barnamijkan. Steven oo ah khabiir katalo bixinayey mashruuca ayaa sharaxay ahmiyadda uu leeyahay iyo marxaladihii uu siyasadani ay soo martay,iyadoo uu sheegay in heerkani yahay mid meel wanaagsan maraya una bahan in waqti iyo cilmi dheeri ah la galiyo si wax wanaagsan uga soo baxaan hanaanka dib loogu eegayo siyasaddan. Masuul u hadlay Hay,adda Wadooyinka Puntland ayaa isna u mahadceliyey khuburadda gudaha iyo tan dibada ee waqtiga badan ku bixiyey sidii loo heli lahaa siyasadda adeeg daadajinta qaybteeda wadooyinka oo muhiimad gaar ah u leh hay,adda wadooyinka,waxaana uu Gudoomiyhu sheegay in il gaar ah lagu eego sida ay howlaha u wadaan degmooyinku ,iyadoo laga caawinayo dhanka hirgelinta dhismaha iyo dayactirka wadooyinka. Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud & Gaadiidka Puntland Cabdiqaadir Sheikh Maxamuud oo si rasmi ah u daahfuray kullanka dibu eegista siyasadda adeeg daadajinta qaybta wadooyinka ,waxaa uu sheegay in xil gaar ah ay iska saran aqoonyahanada loo fadhiisiyey howshan si wax miro dhal ah ay usoo baxaan. Agaasimuhu waxaa uu xusay in barnamijka horumarinta Degmooyinka ee JPLG uu soo idladay wajigiisii kowaad isla markaana la filayo kii labaad,balse loo bahanyahay in aan lagu xirnaan mashruuca banaanka ka imanaya ee la dardargeliyo dhaqaalaha gudaha si bulshadu u qabsato mashariic ay lacagtooda geliyeen dowladuna farsamada iyo qalabka ka caawinto. Kullanka ayaa laga filaya in aqoonyahanada iyo xeer dherayasha ku howlani ay kasoo saran siyasadii lagu haji lahaa daadajinta adeegga wadooyinka Puntland.
  23. Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha dowladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer Miyiga Puntland Cabdullaahi Cali Xirsi(Tima-cadde) ayaa xoghaye cusub u magacaabay degmada Garoowe,kadib markii xilka laga qaaday Cabdiqafaar Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Axmed,xoghayihii hore. Warqad ka soo baxday xafiiska Wasiirka oo ka taariikhaysan 27 Nov 2017,ayaa Maxamuud Cali Xassan loogu magacaabay xogahaya cusub ee dowladda hoose ee degmada Garoowe. Xoghayaha Cusub ee lo magacaabay dowladda hoose ee degmada Garoowe ayaa horay u soo noqday guddoomiye ku xigeenkii hay’adda Waddooyinka Puntland ee PHA, waxaana lagu magacaabaa Maxmuud Cali Xasan. Halkaan ka akhriso warqadda magacaabista. PUNTLAND POST The post Xoghaye Cusub oo loo magacaabay Caasimadda Garoowe. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Nairobi (PP) ─ Ciidanka Amniga Kenya ayaa shaaciyay inay burburiyeen lix saldhig oo kooxda Al-shabaab ay ku lahaayeen deegaanka Lamu ee ku dhaw xadka u dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Kenya. Agaasimaha hawlgalka Keymaha Boni ee Kenya Joseph Kanyiri ayaa qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta u sheegay inay guud ahaan burburiyeen saldhigyadaas oo kooxda Al-shabaab ay ka abaabuli jirtay weerarrada kala duwan ee Kenya ay la beegsadaan, gaar ahaan gobolka Waqooyi Bari. Sidoo kale, Sarkaalku wuxuu sheegay in ciidamada Kenya ee saldhigyadaas bur-buriyay ay heleen hub fara badan, dawo, cunno iyo agab laga sameeyo walxaha qarxa. Kanyiri ayaa intaas ku darya inay dileen xubno ka tirsan Al-shabaab intii ay hawl-galkaas ku jiren, inkastoo tiradooda uusan sheegin, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in hawlgallada noocan ah ay sii wadi doonaan inta ay curyaaminayaan Al-shabaab. Dhanka kale, Hawl-galka ka dhanka ah Ururka Al-shabaab ee Kaymaha Boni ayaa sannadkii 2015-tii billowday, kaddib markii weerarro dhawr ah halkaas ka fulisay Al-shabaab. Ugu dambeyn, Dowladda Kenya ayaa sheegeysa in hawl-galkaas uu gebo-gebo ku dhaw yahay maadaama sida laga guuleystay Al-shabaabkii gudaha dalka Kenya ku sugnaa, sida ay sheegeen. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowlada Kenya oo sheegtay inay burburisay lix saldhig oo ay lahayd Al-shabaab appeared first on Puntland Post.
  25. Lamu (Caasimadda Online) – Ciidamada Ammaanka dalka Kenya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in guud ahaan ay burburiyeen lix Saldhig oo Al-shabaab ay ku lahaayeen degaanka Lamu ee Sohdinta Soomaaliya u dhow. Agaasimaha howlgalka Keynta Boni ee dalka Kenya Joseph Kanyiri ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in ay guud ahaan dhulka la simeen Saldhigyaddaasi oo Al-Shabaab ay kasoo qaadi jireen Weeraradda dalka Kenya gaar ahaan gobolka Waqooyi Bari. Waxaa uu sheegay in Ciidamada Kenya ee saldhigyadaas bur buriyay ay heleen Hub farabadan,Daawo,Cunto iyo agab kale oo laga sameyn karo walxaha qarxa. Waxaa kale oo uu xusay in intii uu socday howlgalkaas ay dileen tiro ka mid ah Ciidamada Al-shabab ee degaankaas ku dhuumanayay islamarkaana kuwo kale ay dhaawacmeen. Mr Kanyiri ayaa saraakiisha Caafimaadka ee Isbitaallada degaannada kala ah; Lamu, Tana River, Garissa, Kilifi iyo Mombasa,ka codsaday in ay Booliska ku wargeliyaan dhaawacyada AL-shabaab ee la geynayo iyada oo laga dhigayo dad shacab ah oo ku dhaawacmat howlgalladaas. Howlgalka ka dhanka Al-Shabaab ee Booni ayaa Sanadkii 2015-tii billowday kaddib markii weerarro dhowr ah ay Al-shabaab ka fuliyeen gudaha Kenya,waxaana dowladda Kenya ay hadda sheegeysaa in howlgalkaas uu gebo gebo ku dhowyahay maaddaama sida ay ku faaneyso laga guuleystay Al-shabaab gudaha Dalka Kenya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho