Deeq A.

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  1. “As men, our family role is outside [the house], women do the housework and look after the children. They waste so much time watching these Turkish TV series and therefore neglect their husband who needs attention after coming home from work tired,” Abdi Qadir Sheikh, a 29-year-old father-of-two, told Al Jazeera.
  2. Kooxaha Chelsea iyo Barcelona ayaa kulan xiiso iyo xamaasad badan oo ka tirsanaa lugta hore ee wareega 16-ka tartanka horyaalada kooxaha Yurub ee Champions League-ga ku yeeshay Garoonka Stamford Bridge ee magaalada London. Ladabada kooxood ayaa kulankan ku kala baxay barbaro 1-1 ah, waxayna labada goolba yimaadeeen qeybtii danbe ciyaarta. Willian oo ahaa xidigii kulanka ayaa Chelsea hogaanka u dhiibay daqiiqadii 62-aad, kadib markii uu kubbad uu ka leexsaday Busquets shabaqa meel hoose ka galiyay, wuxuuna sidoo kale goolka ka hor uu tiirka ku dhuftay kubbada. Balse Lionel Messi ayaa daqiiiqadii 75-aad goosha barbarah u keenay kooxdiisa Barcelona, kadib markii uu shabaqa dhexdhigay kubbad sahlanayd oo uu xerada ganaaxa dhexdeeda u soo dhigay Iniesta. Goosha Lionel Messi ka dhaliyay Chelsea waxay noqotay gooshii ugu horeysay ee uu shabaqa kooxdaas taabsiiyo 9 kulan oo ay wada dheeleen tartanka Champions League-ga. Labada kooxood ayaa ku kala bixi doona kulanka lugta labaad ee wareega 16-ka tartanka Champions League-ga oo ka dhici doona magaalada Barcelona, waxaana faa’iido barbarahan ku qabta Barcelona, maadaama ay wadato gool marti ah. Dhanka kale kooxda Bayern Munich ayaa 5-0 ugu awood sheegatay kooxda Besiktas ciyaar ay min laba ka dhaliyeen Muller iyo Lewandowsk, wuxuuna ahaa kulan kale oo ka tirsan wareega 16-ka ee Champions League-ga PUNTLAND POST The post Chelsea iyo Barcelona oo barbaro galay tartanka Champions League-ga appeared first on Puntland Post.
  3. Ciidanka Amniga Puntland (PSF) waxay maanta 20 February, 2018 hawlgal dagaal oo qorshaysan oo ka dhan ah cadowga Al Shabaab ka fuliyeen Buuraleyda deegaanada Dhadhaabo iyo Ceeldibir ee Buuraha Cal Madow,Puntland, Soomaaliya. Intii hawlgalkani socday, waxay ciidanka PSF dileen 3 xubnood oo ka tirsan cadowga Al Shabaab , tiro kale oo intaa ka badana waxay gaarsiiyeen dhaawacyo. Dhanka kale, ciidanka PSF waxay gacanta ku soo dhigeen 2 maxbuus oo ka tirsan ururka argagixisada Al Shabaab, kuwaas oo loo gudbiyey xabsiyada magaalada Bosaso. Ciidanka PSF way sii wadi doonaan hawlgallada joogtada ah ee ay kaga hortagayaan falalka argagixisanimo ee kooxaha cadowga ah ee damacoodu yahay in ay geystaan falal argagixisanimo oo ka dhan ah shacabka iyo dawladda Puntland.
  4. By Ahmed Hargeisa—The Judiciary system in Somaliland will be enhanced very quickly, President Muse Bihi Abdi announced Tuesday’s Judiciary Council meeting at the Presidential Palace in Hargeisa. During the meeting, the President and Judiciary Council discussed a wide range of issues among them the judicial system, the role of the judicial branch and the Supreme Court. The Council asked the president to collaborate with it, in terms of enacting and enforcing the constitutional laws. President Abdi lauded the role of the judicial system of Somaliland and told the Supreme Court and Judiciary Council that he will increase the budget of the institution.
  5. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa maanta kulan soo dhawayn iyo dhiirigalin ah hooygiisa ugu sameeyay dad tahriibayaal ah oo go’aan saday in ay dib ugu laabtaan dalkooda hooyo, Kuwaas oo ay xukuumaddu ka soo qaaday dalka Liibiya. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre Waxaa kulanka qaddada ah Ku waheliyay Wasiiradda Wasaaradaha Amnigga, Arrimaha Gudaha, Dastuurka, Wasiir dawlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandigga Soomaaliya. Soo dhawayn Ka dib Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa dhalinyaradda ka dhagaystay warbixin Ku saabsan dhibaatooyinkii ay kala kulmayn Xabsiyadda iyo gudaha dalka Liibiya iyo sidda loogu dhibaateeyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed dalka dibadiisa. Iyagooona madaxdii ka soo qabgashay kulanka ka codsadayn in ay ka caawiyaan sidii loo xalin lahaa cabashooyinkooda gaarka ah. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa ugu horayn muwaadiniintan Ku soo dhawayay dalkooda hooyo. Waxuuna u balan qaaday in uu xalindoono waxkasta oo ay ka cabanayaan, isagoona sheegay in uu horay u sameeyay guddi ka shaqayndoono xaladda dadka ka soo laabanaya dalka Liibiya, si loogu abuuro fursado Shaqo, Waxbarasho iyo kuwo Caafimaad. “Waxaan qorshaynay in aan qayb qayb usoo qaadno dhammaan dhibanayaasha Soomaaliyeed ee joogo Liibiya iyo guud ahaan dalka dibadiisa. Waxaana farxad wayn noo ah in aan aragno shacabkeena oo dib ugu soo laabanaya dalkooda.” Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre. Ugu dambayntii Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa kula dardaarmay dhalinyaradda Soomaaliyeed in ay ku kalsoonaadaan dalkooda, iskana dhaafaan tahriibka wadamada shisheye. Isagoona cadeeyay in aysan jirin meel u dhaanta dalkooda Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre oo kulan soo dhawayn ah la qaatay Muwaadiniin Soomaaliyeed oo ka soo laabtay Liibiya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa MUHUMED HUSSEIN AHMED u magacaabay Unuga Isku Xirka Deeqaha (aid coordination unit- Acu). Xilkaan ayaa waxaa horey u haayey Axmed Caynte, waxaana waraaq kasoo baxday Xafiiska Ra’isulwasaaraha loogu magacaabay Maxamed Xuseen Axmed oo ah nin aqoon fiican u leh shaqadaan sida ka muuqato taariikhdiisa. Muxuu yahay Xilkaan? Unuga Isku Xirka Deeqaha (aid coordination unit- Acu) waxay u taagantahay taaba gellinta iyo socodsiinta hanaanka fullinta qorshahha qarranka , isku xirka deeqa iyo taaba gellinta hanaan ay kuwada hadlaan somaliada iyo deeq bixiya yaasha, waxay ka caawisaa hanaanka qorshaha qaranka taageero farsamo sidaa Arrimaha xog ururinta iyo loojistikada. Waxay qaban qaabisaa shirar kala duwan ee qorshaha qaran lagu taaba geliyo., sida 1- Hanaanka Wadaaga ee Somalia ( Somalia Partnership Forum) 2- Sanduuqa Dib u diska Somalia ( SDRF) 3- Shirarka Tiirarka (Pillars) waxay kaloo dawladda ka caawisaa · isku xirka hay’adda dawladda.iyo gobollada · Daba galka Dhaqdhaqaha Deeqaha ( aid mapping Exercise) · Taaba Galnimada Deeqah ( aid Effectivness) Halkaan hoose ka akhriso taariikhdiisa: MUHUMED HUSSEIN AHMED PROFILE Extensive operational and managerial experience in humanitarian, resilience and development programming in Eastern Africa (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda). Worked with diverse donors (Norwegian, Swedish, USA, DFID, EU and UN agencies) in the aforementioned contexts. Motivated to contribute to human development, capacity enhancement and governance. EDUCATION August 2013 – July 2016: Kenyatta University: MBA strategic Management: Some of main courses including financial management, human resource management, change management, strategic Management, entrepreneurship and research methods. February 2010- Feb 2011: Management and leadership training. On the job hands-on training for managements and leadership with secondment exposure April 2009 – September 2010: Cambridge Association of managers (CAM), postgraduation. Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management. Main courses: Financial management; Project cycle management; Organizational behavior; Human resources Management; Operational management March 2005 – Feb 2009: SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia. Business Administration Bachelor Degree. Main courses: Research methods; Project and Operational management; International business; Public finance; Total quality management. EXPERIENCE November 2017 to date NRC- Norwegian Refugee Council Country Director for NRC Uganda Overall leadership for NRC programmes, personnel and resources in Uganda, nurturing a growing program to ensure quality and responsiveness in meeting the needs of the persons of interest. Responsible for strategy development, representation, Advocacy, personnel management and development and spokesman organization and stakeholders. November 2016 to October 2017 NRC- Norwegian Refugee Council Roving Country Director for NRC Uganda, Tanzania and Djibouti Overall leadership and representation responsibility for NRC operations and resources in Uganda, Tanzania and Djibouti. Together with relevant staff and structures, take leadership in sound programming and strategy development, advocacy, networking with relevant stakeholders, fundraising, financial oversight, personnel management and development and official spokesman for NRC in the said programmes September 2014 to October 2016 NRC- Norwegian Refugee Council Area Manager for NRC South Central Somalia- Mogadishu, Somalia Overall responsibility of the NRC South Central, Somalia programs and operations, Ensuring sound program strategies development, quality, timely and methodical program management and coordination with relevant stakeholders. Ensuring development of relevant and dynamic programming together with the communities and community owned implementation of programme. Giving leadership in risk management and mitigations strategies development, recruitment, development and management of dynamic team (140 staff) and reporting to the country Director for Somalia. March 2012 to August 2014 NRC- Norwegian Refugee Council Area Manager for NRC Dollo Ado Program- Dollo Ado, Ethiopia Overall responsibility of the NRC Dollo Ado programs and operations, Ensuring sound program strategies development, quality, timely and methodical program management and coordination with ARRA, UNHCR, other IPs, host communities, local authorities, refugee community committees and beneficiaries. Ensuring all NRC systems for program administration, financial management and monitoring programme/project activities are implemented and adhered to. Reporting and proposal writing as required; recruitment and supervision NRC Dollo Ado program and operation staff (120 staff), Monitoring proper utilization of program funding and reporting to the Country Director for Ethiopia. March and April 2013 NRC- Norwegian Refugee Council Start-up support – South Central Somalia Two months assignment to undertake feasibility study on scale of humanitarian needs, access and establishment of NRC programming in Baidoa (Bay), Dollo (Gedo) and Dobley (Lower Juba) towns in Southern Somalia. During this period, I successfully established NRC presence in Baidoa and Dollo; acquiring office space, identification and recruitments of relevant staff and commencement of Shelter programs for the IDPs. Comprehensive needs assessment undertaken in Dobley and its environs deducing recommendations and clear startup strategy to the NRC Somalia program. Reporting to country Director Somalia and Kenya. January 2011 to February 2012 NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council Emergency Coordinator – South Central Somalia Leading role during the set-up of the Central Somalia sub-office, including assessments and actual set-up; responsible for the design, implementation and monitoring of all food security and livelihood activities in south and central Somalia; formulation of annual plans of action, contingency plans, and emergency preparedness plans for EFSD; responsible for all the food and non-food item distributions in Mogadishu and south and central Somalia including leading NRC’s famine response interventions; external representation during meetings with various stakeholders including government, non-government, other humanitarian actors, private sector and civilians; Reporting and proposal writing as required; recruitment and direct supervision of 8 staff; monitoring of approx. March 2011 NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council Assessment – Shire (Tigray) and Dollo Ado (Somali region), Ethiopia In the context of the regionalization of the NRC Kenya/Somalia office, responsible for the assessment of the humanitarian situation in the two main refugee camps of Ethiopia (Shire and Dollo Ado) to plan for the start of NRC operations in the country. Focus on security and access, Shelter and Livelihoods. The assessment led to establishment of NRC programmes in different parts of Ethiopia. October- December 2010 NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council Emergency Project Coordinator – Aweil, South Sudan Setting up emergency preparedness plans and logistics for floods affected IDPs and returnees from North Sudan during the pre-referendum period. Training of all staff on emergency preparedness and response plans. Coordination with other programs active in the region in development of emergency preparedness plans. Reporting and proposal writing as required; recruitment and direct supervision of 4 staff. August 2009 – September 2010 NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council Emergency Preparedness Project Coordinator – Mogadishu, Somalia Responsible for all the food and non-food item distributions in Mogadishu and south and central Somalia; formulation of plans of action, contingency plans and emergency preparedness plans for the program; Coordinating with Area Manager in formulating, updating and implementation of security SOPs; security focal point; officer in charge (OIC) of the Mogadishu office in the absence of the Head of Office; external representation during meetings with various stakeholders including government, non-government, other humanitarian actors, private sector and civilians; Reporting and proposal writing as required; recruitment and direct supervision of 11 staff; June 2008 – July 2009 NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council Emergency and Logistics Officer – Mogadishu, Somalia Responsible for all logistical (including fleet and procurement) matters of the program; security focal point; management of food and non-food item distributions in Mogadishu and other parts of south-central Somalia; M&E focal point; management of multiple warehouses; external representation during meetings with various stakeholders including government, non-government, other humanitarian actors, private sector and civilians; officer in charge of the office in the absence of the Area Manager; contributions to formulating, updating and implementation of security SOPs; external representation during meetings with various stakeholders including government, non-government, other humanitarian actors, private sector and civilians; Reporting and proposal writing as required; recruitment and direct supervision of 3 staff. May 2007 – May 2008 NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council Project Officer – Mogadishu, Somalia Facilitating the establishment of the NRC in Mogadishu, namely facilitating contacts with various authorities, groups and other humanitarian actors, and during the actual set-up of the Mogadishu office; security focal point; management of all food and non-food item distributions in the region; overseeing the implementation of shelter and sanitation activities in IDP settlements; officer in charge in the absence of the Area Manager; responsible for all logistical matters (including fleet, warehouses and procurement) of the program. Dec 2006-July 2007 Coalition for Grassroots Women Organization (COGWO) Executive secretary – Mogadishu, Somalia Monitoring of all projects of the organization; monitoring communications with member organizations and partners; proposal writing and reporting as required; coordination of meetings and chairing trainings for the member organizations; keeping track of Human Rights violations in Mogadishu and other parts of Somalia, with documentation for future follow-up. TRAININGS/ SEMINAR CONDUCTED Risk management and anti-corruption training NRC South central, Somalia Staff July 2015 Anticorruption training and mapping for NRC Dollo Staff; Dollo Ado, Ethiopia, July 2012 Sphere in Humanitarian practice for NRC program and partner’s staff; Hargeisa, Somaliland. Feb 2011. Negotiating access in complex emergencies: acceptance approach. NRC Peshawar, Pakistan; Jul 2011. TRAININGS/ SEMINARS ATTENDED HEAT security training – Oslo, Norway May 2017 Project cycle management – Hargeisa, Somaliland 2016 Risk Management and counter terrorisms – Nairobi, Kenya 2015 Induction training NRC – Oslo, Norway. Sep 2010. Security Management training, NRC – Hargeisa, Somaliland, Mar 2010. Sphere in humanitarian practice- RedR – Pune, India, Jun 2010. People management workshop, People in Aid – Nairobi, Kenya, Jan 2010. Field Security training – NRC- Oslo, Norway Apr 2009 M&E Outcome mapping, Measure Africa – Nairobi, Kenya, Sep 2008. SSAFE Pre-deployment security training, UNDSS – Nairobi, Kenya, Aug 2008. LANGUAGES • English – (fluent) Oral and written • Somali – (Fluent) Oral and written REFERENCES Available upon request Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ra’isulwasaare Kheyre oo Shakhsi cusub u magacaabay Unuga Isku Xirka Deeqaha (Akhriso Taariikhdiisa) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. MA XUURTUU DALKU KU JIRAA MISE WAA XEELAD QABIIL. 56 MPs for Beesha Dhexe vs 32 MPs for the rest of Somaliland clans combined. 18 ministers Beesha Dhexe vs. 7 ministers for all other clans combined Source: Qaran News
  8. The Somali Cabinet has unanimously endorsed Abdi Sheikh Ahmed for the post of Director-General of the National Communications Authority (NCA), which has been established under Somalia's Communications Law 2017 Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Ciidanka difaaca dowladda Puntland ee PSF ayaa maanta hawlgal qorshaysan ku dilay saddex ka tirsan argagixisada Al-shabaab,sida lagu sheegay qoraal ka soo baxay taliska PSF. Hawlgalka oo laga fuliyay degaannada Dhadhaabo iyo Ceeldibir oo hoosyimaada buuraleeyda calmadoow ee gobolka Bari ayaa sidoo kale lagu soo qabtay laba sarkaal oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab,kuwaasoo loo gudbiyay xabsiyada magaalada Boosaaso. Qoraalka ka soo baxay taliska ciidanka difaaca dowladda Puntland ee PSF ayaa lagu xusay in ay jiraan dhaawacyo badan oo la gaarsiiyay malayshiyaadka Al-shabaab ee hawlgalka lagu qaaday. Warar hoose oo PUNTLAND POST ay ka heshay taliska PSF ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi lagu weeraray koox ka tirsan Al-shabaab oo ku dhuumanayey meel gebi ah,islamarkaana qaarkood ay carareen iyagoo dhaawacyo qaba. Taliska ayaa intaasi raaciyay”ciidanka PSF ay sii wadi doonaan hawlgallada joogtada ah ee ay kaga hortagayaan falalka argagixisanimo ee kooxaha cadowga ah ee damacoodu yahay in ay geystaan falal argagixisanimo oo ka dhan ah shacabka iyo dawladda Puntland”. The post Ciidanka difaaca dowladda Puntland oo dilay saraakiil ka tirsan Al-shabaab. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa caawa inta badan xiran waddooyinka waaweyn ee magaalada Muqdisho oo ay tuban yihiin ciidamada amaanka Nisa iyo Booliska. Ciidamada ayaa Gaadiidka dagaalka ku jaray waddooyinka waxaana laga celinayaa dhammaan gaadiidka raaxada iyo kuwa BL-ka. Dhexbartanka iyo hareeraha waddooyinka ayaa waxaa la arkayaa shacab farabadan oo ku lugeynaaya kuwaa oo hoyaad u ah xaafadahooda. Dadka lugeynaayo ee shacabka ah ayaa intooda badan waayay gaadiidka ay ku gaari lahaayen xaafadahooda, taa oo ay ku eedeynayaan dowlada Somalia oo xili gabal dhac ah waddooyinka ka xiratay shacabka u hoyaadaya guryahooda. Wadooyinka xeran waxaa kamid ah Km4 ilaa Isgoyska Banaadir ee magaalada Muqdisho Dadka ayaana ah caawa kuwo lugeynaya iyadoona hareeraha wadooyinka ay taaganyihiin ciidamada Amaanka ee dowlada Somalia. Si rasmi ah looma oga sababta ka danbeysa xirnaanshaha wadooyinka xiran inkastoo shacabka ay xirnaanshiyaha waddooyinka u barteen xiliyada ay magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacayaan shirarka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Waddooyinka Muqdisho oo Caawa xiran & Ciidamo farabadan oo lagu daadiyay goobo badan appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. The EU Supported Lot2 project implemented by Fair Fishing has failed significantly The main reason for this failure according to the local fisherman is the current Fair fishing project management and the Chairman Claus Bindslev and his father Carl Jørgen Bindslev Head of Fair Fishing Secretariat Fair Fishing writes the following about the LOT2 project on their website “In mid-2016, Fair Fishing received a grant from the European Commission, aiming to boost income, livelihood and nutrition through a fishery-based economy at the Horn of Africa. For the coming years, until the end of 2018, Fair Fishing will develop more fishery stations along the coast of Somaliland and establish or improve fish markets in several cities to support the whole fishery value chain. Until early 2017, we are validating the action plan to ensure that we achieve the biggest possible impact with the funds at hand.” The questions we have asked the local fishermen from Berbera and other sources from the Ministry of Fisheries in Somaliland is the following. 1. How many fishery stations have fair fishing built? 2. How many fish markets have fair fishing establish or improved? 3. How have the boosted the income and livelihood? The EU supported LOT2 project is already ending December this year We have not been able to find other Fair Fishing built stations, or locate Fair Fishing built fish markets also we lack of real evidence that the project has strengthened and boosted the local income, livelihood and nutrition through a fishery-based economy in Somaliland. But why is this the case According to the local fishermen, Fair Fishing has changed its course led by their new chairman Claus Bindslev. Who is Claus Bindslev? what is his purpose, and why has it resulted in such a big local disappointments and the loss of confidence from so many local fishermen.According to the local fishermen Kurt Bertelsen the former project manager and fishery expert and the two Somali founding members Said Hussein and Mahad Aden have no longer a role in Fair Fishing. Kurt Berthelsen has openly quit his job as project manager and fishery expert. His disappointments of Fair Fishing new direction dictated by the new chairman is Well-known among the local fishermen in Berbera. The local fisherman and the fishing local organization POOF are incredibly disappointed with this new direction and hope that the EU and Somaliland government will support the fishermen and stop fair fishing. Yasin Jama Ali
  12. A 17-year-old Portland girl who summoned the courage last year to call 911 to report being sexually abused told a judge Friday she was angry her molester was convicted. The girl repeated her testimony at trial: She had never been molested and had lied to investigators. But the judge wasn’t buying it, having found two months ago that the girl was the product of intense pressure from family and others in her Somali American community not to speak out. In an emotional hearing Friday, Multnomah County Circuit Judge Leslie Roberts sentenced the molester — 46-year-old Hassan Mohamedhaji Noor — to 12 ½ years in prison. “There is no point in arguing that it didn’t happen,” said Roberts, directing her comments to the girl and an audience of more than 30 Noor supporters. Some cried as Noor was sentenced. After the four-day trial in December, the judge found Noor guilty of sexually abusing three girls in his tight-knit immigrant community, which numbers about 8,000 in Portland. In the spring, victims told police and later a grand jury that Noor had asked them to give him leg massages, then directed them to work their way up to his genitals. They ranged in age from 11 to 16 years at the time of the abuse. The girls also had explained how unsupportive their mothers, fathers, aunts or other adults had been after they confided in them about the abuse. The girls said those trusted adults warned them that if they reported the abuse to police, no one would believe them and no one would want to marry them. The adults also told them it was up to Allah to decide Noor’s guilt, not a court of law, investigators said. In the months leading up to trial, two of Noor’s victims recanted. The third — who stuck by her story — testified her parents had disowned her. A fourth young woman also testified that she’d been disowned for coming forward about Noor’s abuse of her. She was allowed to testify, even though the statute of limitations had already passed and Noor couldn’t be convicted of molesting her. Friday, prosecutor Amber Kinney told the judge that despite the 17-year-old’s recantation, she admires her for calling 911 to stop Noor. “I have never met a stronger woman than when I met her at grand jury,” Kinney said. “She had no independence, yet she knew what was right. And she fought for what was right.” Kinney said the hardest part for the victims wasn’t coming forward with their reports. Instead, it was the campaign of “suppression” from Noor and the people around them, Kinney said. Friday, the 17-year-old girl sat next to Kinney, less than 10 feet from Noor. She said she didn’t appreciate the prosecutor’s statement. She repeatedly insisted she wasn’t an abuse victim but acknowledged she has been through a lot. “Ever since this happened, I’ve been forced to grow up. I’m 17, and I feel 35,” she said. Noor crinkled his face, frowned and cried during the hearing. But he declined to make any statements. During recorded police interrogations, Noor defended himself by saying he couldn’t have done such terrible things because he is a religious man who prays five times a day. Oregon law allowed the judge to sentence Noor to as few as 6 ¼ years in prison and as many as 70 years. Kinney asked the judge for 25 years. Kinney said Noor still claims he’s innocent, which makes him unlikely to benefit from sex-offender treatment. A presentence investigator — who delved into Noor’s life history and mindset — determined Noor was at high risk of offending again, Kinney said. Noor’s defense attorney, Christopher McCormack, asked for 6 ¼ years. He said Noor has done a lot of good as a hard-working father of six. “He’s not a monster,” McCormack told the judge. “He’s a kind person who has won the hearts of the Somali community.” Noor immigrated to the United States more than 20 years ago. He was working full-time as a Lyft driver at the time of his arrest, according to court papers. Noor’s wife spoke, saying life without her husband has been tough. She then started to scream “Please! Please!” at the top of her lungs, before collapsing onto the courtroom floor in tears, where she lay for a minute. In sentencing Noor to 12 ½ years, the judge said she was not giving him a lighter sentence than the prosecutor had asked out of lack of confidence in her verdict. Rather, Roberts said, she thought the sentence would be adequate in protecting society. The judge also acknowledged that a defendant’s crimes affect a larger number of people than the victims. The harm “ripples out in concentric circles through a family” and “throughout a community,” the judge said. Source:- The Oregonian The post Convicted Portland child molester gets 12 years despite victims being pressured to recant appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Police in Wajir have arrested one person suspected to be among the group that carried out an attack an attack at Qarsa Primary School that left three people. Among the victims were two teachers and the wife of one of the teachers. Another teacher was also injured during the attack. ARREST In an interview with the Nation, Wajir County Commissioner Loyford Kibaara confirmed the arrest saying the suspect was apprehended on Sunday in Konton area which borders Somalia. The commissioner added that the individual was believed to be among the militants who carried out last week’s attack that has sent shockwaves across the country. “I can confirm that we have arrested one individual who we believe was part of the group that carried out an attack at Qarsa Primary School on Friday,” he said. Mr Kibaara said that the suspect – Abdow Shukri Isack – was in police custody and security agencies were continuing with investigations. He added that they would continue to pursue the culprits until they were all apprehended. SUSPECTS This arrest comes some days after Northeastern regional co-ordinator Mohamud Saleh revealed three other names of individuals suspected to have masterminded the attack. Mr Mohamud named Maalim Yusuf Abdullahi, who comes from Bojigaras, as the commander of the group that carried out the attack. He is married with three children. The other suspects are cousins Daud Ahmed Mohamed from Kutulo and Mr Abdirashid Ibrahim Osman. Mr Saleh directed the chiefs in the area to produce the suspects to the authorities for action to be taken. He warned residents against harbouring terrorists, as they would be prosecuted. Source: – Daily Nation The post KENYA: One suspect arrested over Wajir school terror attack appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Hargeisa – The head of United Nations humanitarian efforts in Somalia today underlined the importance of improving communities’ resilience to better withstand the effects of recurring droughts, such as famines. “After a year of very hard collective work, having avoided so far the famine, we don’t want to just say we have postponed it, we want to say that we have successfully fought and overcome the famine,” the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Peter de Clercq, said. “Supporting people in emergency situations together with simultaneously building resilience,” he added, “will help prevent the next famine and not only delay it.” The UN official was speaking in Hargeisa, the capital of ‘Somaliland,’ where he met with various high-level officials and civil society representatives. A key topic in his encounters was that while famine had been averted in the northeast of the Horn of Africa in 2017 – thanks to the efforts of Somalis and their international partners – the risk of famine associated with the drought is still very present, with millions of people in the region still in need of life-saving humanitarian assistance. “The humanitarian effort is our foremost priority,” he said. “It is, of course, first on our minds.” Results of a recent drought impact needs assessment, led by Somalia’s federal and regional governments with the support of international partners, point to food insecurity and rapid urbanization as some of the underlying causes of the humanitarian emergency. “We are seeing a lot of displacement,” the UN official said. “We are seeing the cities and towns in ‘Somaliland’ growing, and more and more destitute people who have lost their livestock and livelihood coming to the cities in expectation of some support and assistance – many of these people will not be going back.” In his meetings, the Humanitarian Coordinator – who also serves as the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Somalia and the UN Resident Coordinator – highlighted that, far from competing, both emergency relief and longer-term resilience-building efforts complemented each other with a view to breaking the cycle of drought and famine. Mr. de Clercq added that in the next ten to 20 years, around 80 per cent of the population will be living in towns and cities, no longer relying on livestock or a nomadic lifestyle, noting that, “In our plans we need to support this reality.” The UN official recalled what ‘Somaliland’ officials had previously told him almost two years ago: “‘We are going to have a drought and conditions will be very bad, but we want this cycle to stop, we don’t want to have to launch another relief operation every few years. We want the country to grow its own food, to produce its own wealth so that it doesn’t have to rely on outside handouts.’” During his visit, Mr. de Clercq met with different key actors in ‘Somaliland,’ including the President, Vice-President and Foreign Minister as well as civil society representatives. Their discussions included resilience efforts which can be aligned with ‘Somaliland’s’ development plan, taking advantage of the existing coordination between the Government, UN agencies and programmes, and international partners. Relief Web
  15. A United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report released on Tuesday has named Somalia one of the riskiest places to be born. According to UNICEF, Somalia is in a four-way tie for the fourth most dangerous country to be a newborn. 1 in 26 babies from Somalia, Lesotho, Guinea-Bissau and South Sudan die before celebrating their first birthday. Somalia scored slightly better than Pakistan, Central African Republic and Afghanistan where babies face the worst odds of survival. The report, entitled ‘Every Child Alive: The urgent need to end newborn deaths’ concluded that global deaths of newborn babies remain alarmingly high among the world’s poorest and most conflict-wracked countries. “While we have more than halved the number of deaths among children under the age of five in the last quarter century, we have not made similar progress in ending deaths among children less than one month old,” said Henrietta H. Fore, UNICEF’s Executive Director. “Given that the majority of these deaths are preventable, clearly, we are failing the world’s poorest babies.” The report stated that almost half of all children under-five who died in 2016 were newborns. More than 80 percent of the newborn deaths are due to prematurity, complications during birth, or infections. These deaths can easily be prevented with access to healthcare professionals along with proven solutions like clean water, disinfectants, breastfeeding within the first hour, skin-to-skin contact and good nutrition. However, as the report points out, while there are 218 doctors, nurses and midwives in Norway per 10,000 people, that ratio falls to one per 10,000 in Somalia. Globally, the average newborn mortality rate in low-income countries is 27 deaths per 1,000 births. In high-income countries, that rate drops to 3 deaths per 1,000. Newborns from the riskiest places to give birth are up to 50 times more likely to die in their first month than those from the safest places. The report also notes that 8 of the 10 most dangerous places to be born are in sub-Saharan Africa, where pregnant women are much less likely to receive assistance during delivery due to poverty, conflict and weak institutions. However, Rwanda, a low-income country, has had tremendous success in caring for newborns. The East African country halved its newborn mortality rate in the last two decades, from 41 in 1990 to 17 in 2016. Highest newborn mortality rates 1. Pakistan: 1 in 22 2. Central African Republic: 1 in 24 3. Afghanistan: 1 in 25 4. Somalia: 1 in 26 5. Lesotho: 1 in 26 6. Guinea-Bissau: 1 in 26 7. South Sudan: 1 in 26 8. Côte d’Ivoire: 1 in 27 9. Mali: 1 in 28 10. Chad: 1 in 28 Lowest newborn mortality rates 1. Japan: 1 in 1,111 2. Iceland: 1 in 1,000 3. Singapore: 1 in 909 4. Finland: 1 in 833 5. Estonia: 1 in 769 5. Slovenia: 1 in 769 7. Cyprus: 1 in 714 8. Belarus: 1 in 667 8. Luxembourg: 1 in 667 8. Norway: 1 in 667 8. Republic of Korea: 1 in 667 The report was released in conjunction with the launch of ‘Every Child Alive’ – a global campaign aimed at ensuring “affordable, quality health care solutions for every mother and newborn.” The numbers 7,000 – the number of newborn babies who die every day 5 – the number of newborn babies who die every minute across the world 50 – how many more times newborns from risky places are likely to die than those from the safest place 2.6 million – the number of babies who do not survive through their first month. 16 million – the number of lives that could be saved if every country brought its newborn mortality rate down to the high-income average by 2030 27 deaths per 1,000 births – the average newborn mortality rate in low-income countries. 3 deaths per 1,000 – the average newborn mortality rate in high-income countries. The post Somalia among the riskiest places to be born: UNICEF appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Biixi and the DPW delegation have agreed to speed up the development projects that the two sides have inked the deal previously.
  17. Djibouti is the only country in the world that hosts military bases for both the United States and China. The US base, Camp Lemmonier, hosts US special forces and its only a few kilometers from China’s only military base outside of Asia. France, the former colonial ruler, also has a base in the country. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Kismaayo (PP) ─ Kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa sheegtay in Dagaal ka dhacay dulleedka Kismaayo ee xarunta Gobolka Jubadda Hoose ay ku dishay askari Mareykan ah iyo afar askari oo ka tirsan ciidanka AMISOM, inkastoo kooxdu aysan sheegin khasaare kasoo gaaray dagaalka. Warbaahinta taageera Al-shabaab ayaa sheegay in dagaal ka dhacay inta u dhaxeysa deegaanka Yoontoy iyo Buulo-gaduud lagu dilay Askari Mareykan ah iyo Askar kale oo ka tirsan ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee ka hawl-gala Soomaalya. Sidoo kale, Dadka deegaanka ayaa laga soo xigtay in shalay gelinkii dambe ay dagaallo ka dhaceen duleedka Kismaayo, kaasoo u dhaxeeya ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa maamulka Jubbaland, Kenya iyo ciidammo Mareylanka ah. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in diyaarado nooca qumaatiga u kaca ah ee loo yaqaan Helicopter-ka ay dul heehaabayeen deegaanka dagaallada culusi ay ka dhaceen, iyadoo weli ay xaaladdu kacsan tahay. Dhanka kale, Ma jirto illaa iyo hadda war ka madax-banaan sheegashada Al-shabaab ee ku aaddan dilka Aksariga Mareykanka ah iyo Ciidamada kale ee ka tirsan AMISOM. Ciidamada Mareykanka ayaa ka taageera Ciidamada Kumaandoosta Somalia hawl-galada ka dhanka Al-shabaab ee ka dhaca deegaannada kala duwan ee ay ay Kooxdani ka maamusho Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyn, Maamulka Jubbaland iyo Talisyada Ciidamada AMISOM iyo Mareykanka ee Somalia ayaan weli ka hadlin dilka la sheegay in askartooda ay u geysatay iyo dagaalka ay la galeen. PUNTLAND POST The post Al-shabaab oo sheegtay inay Jubbooyinka ku dileen Askar isugu jira Mareykan iyo AMISOM appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. The hopes and experiences of several Somali-Americans are shown in “(Mid)west of Somalia,” a documentary by a professor-student team at Gustavus Adolphus College. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. The Cabinet has unanimously endorsed Abdi Sheik Ahmed for the post of Director-General of the National Communications Authority (NCA) of Somalia, which is established under Somalia’s Communications Law 2017. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Jamaame (PP) ─ Waxaa dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya duqeyn ay saaka diyaarado u geysteen saldhig ay Al-shabaab ku lahaayeen degmada Jamaame ee Gobolka Jubbada Hoose. Duqeyntan ayaa sida la sheegayo sababtay Qaraxyo waa-weyn ayaa cabsi-gelisay dadka Jamaame ku nool, kuwaasoo sheegaya inay duqeyahan cabsi weyn geliyeen, maadaama degmadaas ay ka mid tahay kuwa ay Kooxda Al-shabaab haysato. Shacabka ku nool Jamaame ayaa sheegay in saakay ay kusoo tooseen jugta madaafiicda culus, kuwaasoo ku dhacayay saldhig ay Al-shabaab degmadaas ku leedahay, waxaana magaalada oo dhan dul-hee-haabyay diyaarado kuwa dagaalka ah, sida ay dadku sheegeen. Duqeyntan ayaa la sheegay inay kusoo aaday xilli saldhigga la weerara ay ku sugnaayeen saraakiil ka tirsan Al-shabaab, kuwaasoo doonayay inay ka qayb-galaan shir degmadaas uga furmayay saraakiisha kooxda. Saldhigga la duqeeyay ayaa 5-km u jira degmada Jamaame, waxaana warar hoose oo la helayo ay sheegyaan in duqeyntaas ay khasaare xooggan kasoo gaartay saraakiisha Shabaab, inkastoo aan tiro rasmi ah la hayn. Ugu dambeyn, Duqeyntan ayaa imaanaysa xilli ay xilliyadii u dambeeyay sii kordhayeen duqeymaha ay diyaaradaha dagaalka Mareykanku ka geysanayeen deegaannada Koonfurta Somalia ee ay Al-shabaab ka taliso. PUNTLAND POST The post Diyaarado duqeymo culus ka geystay Saldhig ay Al-shabaab ku leedahay leedahay Jamaame appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan waxa uu ka mid yahay tahriibayaal Soomaalida oo dhawaan laga soo daayay xabsiyada Liibiya oo Muqdisho lagu soo celiyay. Muwaadinkaan oo la hadlayay BBC-da ayaa ka sheekeeyay rafaadkii uu soo maray iyo dhibaatadii ku qabsatay dalka Liibiya. Maxamed ayaa sheegay in afar jeer lagu kala iibsaday gudaha dalka Liibiya. “Afarta jeer ee la i gatay qiimo kala duwan ayaa la igu iibsady, mar la iga bixiyay $5,500, mar al iga bixiyay $6,250 iyo mar $4000 la iga bixiyay” ayuu yiri Maxamed Tahriibayasha ayaa doonaya in ay Liibiya uga sii gudbaan dalalka Yurub. Liibiya ayaa waxaa muddooyiinkii ugu dambeeyay ka jiray addoonsi la sheegay in lagula kaco muhaajiriinta gaar ahaan kuwa Afrikaanka ah, sida ay sheegtay hay’adda socdaalka adduunka ee IOM. Dalka Liibiya waxaa ku xiran ama tahriib sugayaal ah boqolaal Soomaali ah oo doonaya in ay dalkaasi uga sii gudbaan dhanka Taliyaaniga. Dadkan xiran waxay isugu jiraa kuwa xabsiyada dowlada Liibiya ku jira iyo kuwo gacanta ugu jira maleeshiyaad aan cidna ka amar qaadan. Maxamed ayaa xusay in ciaqaab kala duwan la amrsiiyo muhaajiriinta la afduubay. “Ciqaantu way kala duwan tahay. Mararka qaar cunnada ayaa lagaa jarayaa,xerooyiin usha ayaa laguugu badinayaa, halka meelaha qaarna biyo qabow lagugu rusheynaa” ayuu intaa ku daray Maxamed. Baxsashadii Maxamed Maxamed C/raxmaan Maxamuud, ayaa sheegay inuu kooxdii u dambeysay ee afduubka u haysatay uu si lama filan ah uga soo baxsaday. “Markii salad subax la tukaday intaan iska dhigay wax suulida aadaya ayaan aayar albaabka iska furay dabeedna gidaar dheer ayaan ka booday” ayuu yiri Maxamed. Maxamed ayaa sheegay in markii uu gidaarka ka booday uu suuxsanaa muddo 20 daqiiqo ah balse waxaasi oo dhan ay uga darnaayeen in dib ugu laabto gacanta kooxdii haysatay. “Markii dambe waxaan is iri xanuunkan lagaaga daran, aniga oo si daciifnimo ah ku kacaya oo gidaarada cuskanaya ayaan is iri sidan haddii laguugu soo gaaro xaaladaada way cuslaanaysaa”ayuu yiri Kaddib markii uu sii lugayanay muddo laba saaca ah ayuu gaaray magaalo yar halkaa oo uu masaajid ku yaalla ku noolaa muddo lix bari ah. Waxaa dabadeedna u suuragashay inuu Tripoli gaara halkaasi oo uu la xiriiray safaarada Soomaaliya oo uu u sheegay in uu doonayo in uu dib ugu laabto Soomaaliya. Waxa uu sheegay inuusan mar dambe tahriib ku laaban doonin, balse uu rajeynaya inuu fursado shaqo ka hela dalkiisa, dibna ugu laabto waxbarashadii uu markii hore ka tagay. Xigasho; BBC PUNTLAND POST The post AKHRISO: Muwaadin Soomaliyeed oo Afar jeer Addoon ahaan loogu kala iibsaday Liibiya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wasaaradda Warfaafinta dowladda ayaa sheegtay inay la soo wareegtay qalabkii Idaacada Andalus ee Al Shabaab ugu tiilay degaanka Mubaarak ee Gobolka Shabellaha hoose. C/raxmaan Iidaan Yoonis oo ah Siihayaha Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliya, ahna Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradaasi ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in qalabka Idaacaasi lagu soo qabtay howlgal ay sameeyeen ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya. Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in hadda ay si buuxda ula wareegeen, islamarkaana ay hadda gacanta ku hayaan. Wasiirka ayaa ku ammaanay Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed howlgalkaasi qorsheysanaa oo ay ku burburioyeen saldhigyo ay Al-shabaab ku lahaayeen deegaanno badan oo ka tirsan Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose, sida Mubaarak,Awdheegle,Sablaale,Kunturwaarey iyo Tuulooyin kale. Qalabkii laga soo furtay Idaacadii Al-Shabaab ee ku taalay deegaanka Mubaarak ayaa la soo gaarsiyay magaalada Muqdisho,iyadoo ay gacanta ku hayaan Hay’adaha Ammaanka Dowladda Soomaaliya,sida uu xaqiijiyay Mudane C/raxmaan Iidaan siihayaha Wasiirka Warfaafinta. “Waxaa guul u soo hooyatay Umadda Soomaaliyeed iyo Dowladdooda in Shabaab la gala soo wareegay Idaacadii ay dadka ku marin habaabin jireen,taasina waxaa ku ammaanaan Ciidanka xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed oo u taagan difaaca dalka iyo bur burinta Al-Shabaab,hadana qalabkaasi waxaa gacanta ku haya laamaha ammaanka Soomaaliya.” Ayuu yiri Wasiir Iidaan Yoonis. Ciidamada Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa sii kordhiyay bilihii ugu dambeeyey howlgalada ka dhanka ah Al-Shabaab,waxaana howlgaladii ugu dambeeyey ay ka dheceen Gobolada Gedo,Shabeelooyinka iyo Hiiraan,kuwaasi oo Alshabaab looga qabsaday deegaanno badan sida ay sheegeen saraakisha ciidamada xoogga dalka. Abaanduulaha Ciidamada xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed Cabdullaahi Cali Canood ayaa sheegay in maalmo ka hor ay Burburiyeen Idaacadda Anduluus Laanteeda degaanka Mubaarak. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maxaa ka jiro inay Dowladda la wareegtay qalabkii Idaacada Shabaab? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  24. Somaliland marked its National Youth Day on Tuesday and urged to face the life challenges in the country with courage. In Hargeisa, Somaliland President, Musa Bihi has attended the 36th anniversary of National Youth Day which is commemorated in nationwide. As part of President’s pledge is that the youth graduates from high schools and universities must enlist into the national services. The Head of State has revealed that the new govt created Somaliland Youth Fund account which is intended to improve the quality in terms of education and skills. The President has vowed to combat corruption in his administration and has asserted that the new cabinet received their first pay since the assumption of office. Hon. Musa has reminded the attendees that Somaliland youth confronted with military junta in students protest using stones to topple the regime which deprived all sorts of freedom from Somaliland citizens during the emancipation struggle. He announced that public school students will receive free text books under the his leadership which will be spearheaded by the education ministry. Somaliland National Youth Day is commemorated every year on 20th of February in remembrance of the youths who play a huge role in the ongoing development in the country. The President has pledged to improve the quality of education in public schools against their counterparts. Somaliland is facing massive domestic problems including the high inflation, unemployment and the lack of provision of basic services to its citizens.
  25. Police in Wajir have arrested one person suspected to be among the group that carried out an attack an attack at Qarsa Primary School that left three people. Source: Hiiraan Online