Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa isa soo taraaya danbiyada dagaal ee lagu eedeynaayo dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta kaa oo ay ka geysato dalka Yemen. Kooxda xuquuqda aadanaha AOHR, ayaa dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta ku eedeysay in si ula kaca ay u duqeyso Xarumaha ay ku noolyihiin dadka shacabka ah ee ku sugan qeybaha ay ka socdaan dagaalada Yemen. AOHR ayaa ku baaqday in baaritaan lagu sameeyo dambiyada dagaalka dawlada Imaaraadka Carabta ee loo geysto dadka rayidka ah ee dalka Yemen. AOHR, ayaa sheegtay in danbiyada dagaalka ee Imaaraadka ay xadka kasii baxayaan, iyadoo lahayo cadeymo muujinaaya in diyaaradaha Imaaraadka ay geysteen duqeymo ku talagal ah oo lagu dilay qoysas kaamil ah. Kooxda AOHR, ayaa sidoo kale sheegtay in Imaaraadka Carabta ay isticmaashay bambooyinka la mamnuucay ee loo yaqaan ”Cluster Bombs”. Kooxda waxa ay sheegen in dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta ay xasuuqa shacabka Yemen u xilsaartay qandaraaslayaal ajanabi ah si ay u jirdilaan ama u dilaan dadka reer Yemen. Saraakiisha hogaamisa Kooxda ayaa sheegay in dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta la doonaayo in la horgeeyo Maxkamada danbiya dagaal, si looga abaalmariyo falalka xasuuqa ah oo ay kawado Yemen. Mid kamid ah Saraakiisha ayaa sheegay in bartilmaameedka Imaaraadka Carabta uu yahay kuwa u saaxiibka ah nolosha liidata ee aanu jirin cid ka naxeysa. Dhinaca kale, Xasuuqa ugu badan ee ka dhaca dalka Yemen ayaa waxaa loo tiirinayaa diyaaradaha Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga oo dhaqan u leh beegsiga goobaha ay ku noolyihiin dadka liita ee shacabka ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  2. Dowladda Kuuriyada Waqooyi ayaa goor dhoweyd ridday gantaal nooca ballistic-ga ah,sida lagu sheegay qoraal ka soo baxay waaxda difaaca Maraykanka ee Pentagon. Qoraalka laguma xusin halka gantaalka laga riday,masaafada uu jaray iyo halka uu ku dhacay midna,laakiin Af-hayeenka Waaxda difaaca Maraykanka Korneyl.Robert Manning ayaa weriyaasha u sheegay in ay weli qiimeyn ku hayaan. Dhinaca kale militariga Kuuriyada Koonfureed ayaa xaqiijiyey gantaalka,waxayna sheegeen in ay raadinayaan faahfaahin ku saabsan xilliga la ganay iyo awooddiisa. Gantaalkan cusub ayaa ku soo beegmay,todobaad kadib markii maadxweyne Trump shaaciyey in uu Kuuriyada Waqooyi dib ugu celiyey liiska dalalka taageera argagixisada oo horay looga saaray. In ka badan laba bilood ayaan Kuuriyada Waqooyi wax gantaal ah tijaabin,waxaana socday dadaal cadaadis lagu saarayo xukuumadda Pyongan in ay joojiso tijaabinta gantaalaha,taasoo ay ku gacansayrtay. PUNTLAND POST The post Deg deg:Kuuriyada Waqooyi oo ridday gantaal nooca ballistic-ga appeared first on Puntland Post.
  3. Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda Dekedaha, gaadiidka badda Puntland iyo ka hortaga dambiyada ka dhaca Badaha Cabdi Majiid Samatar Jaafaan oo Warbaahinta kula hadlay Dekeda magaalada Boosaaso, ayaa sheegay in Dekeda Boosaaso ay tahay Dekeda ugu raqiisisan Dekedaha ku yaala dalka Soomaaliya. Jaafaan, ayaa sheegay in Dekeda Boosaaso ay aaad iga raqiisan tahay Dekedaha Berbera iyo Muqdisho, waxaana uu isbarbar dhigay qiimaha Khidmado ee laga kala qaado Badeecadaha ka daga Dekedahaas. Cabdi Majiid Samatar Jaafaan, ayaa sheegay in Raashinka daruuriga ah sida bariiska sonkorta burka iyo wixii lamid ah in dekadda Bosaso looga dejiyo halkii ton (1000kg) khidmad dhan $0.8 halka Berbera ay tahay $3.5, dekadda Muqdisho ay tahay tan ugu qaalisan oo gareysa $16.8, Ganacsatada Muqdisho iyo Berbera ay oggol yihiin in a bixiyaan khidmadaas halka Ganacsatada Bosaaso qaarkood ay diidan yihiin tan Boosaaso oo ay ka doorbideen in ay indhaha isugu qabtaan dekadda. Sido kale wuxuu sheegay in Kiraalayaasha Doonyuhu ay isbadal ku sameeyen Doonayaha, waxaana uu soo bandhigay kordhinta ay sameeyen. shaxda qiimaha ay kiraalayaashu kordhiyeen CUMMAN:- Gaadiidka ka yimaada waxaa halkii tan lagu daray 5 Dollar waxaana laga dhigay $27 halka uu ka ahaa 22Dollar. (kirada Doonyaha). DUBAI:- Baabuurka yar waxaa lagu daray kirada $100, Baabuurka Dhexe waxaa lagu daray $150. (Kirada Doonyaha) Shidaalka waxaa lagu daray 3 Dollar fuustadii, 1 Kartoon oo kasta waxaa lagu daray 1Dirham. (kirada Doonyaha ). DUBAI:- Halkii Kunteendhar waxaa lagu kordhiyey 700 Dirham. (Kirada Doonyaha). Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda Dekedaha Puntland, ayaa soo bandhigay shaxda isbarbar dhig ee Badeecadaha Soomaaliya, waxaana Dekeda Boosaaso ay aad uga jaban tahay Dekedaha kale. Markii ugu horaysay ayaa Puntland, ay soo bandhigtay xaqiiqda ka jirta Dekeda magaalada Boosaaso, taas oo Agaasime Jaafaan uu si xirfadaysan uso bandhigay. Wuxuu Jaafaan sheegay inay jiraan Ganacsato ka macaashi jiray 30-kii sano ee tagay Dekeda magaalada Boosaaso, kuwaas oo doonaya inaysan Dekedu hormar samayn. Ugu dambayn wuxuu sheegay inay ka go’an tahay in hormarin iyo balaarin lagu sameeyo Dekeda magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Hoos Ka Dhagayso Shirka Jaraa’id Ee Jaafaan: JAAFAAN
  4. Dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Qatar ayaa maanta Muqdisho ku kala saxiixday illaa iyo shan heshiis oo kul sal go’an maalgashiga, dib u dhiska iyo fulinta mashaariic horumarineed oo waxtar leh. Heshiiskan oo dhanka Dowladda Soomaaliya ay u kala saxiixeen Wasiirka Qorsheynta, Maalgashiga iyo Horumarinta Dhaqaallaha H.E. Amb. Gamal Mohamed Hassan iyo Wasiir kuxigeenka Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga H.E. Mr. Mukhtar Mahad Daud, ayaa dhanka Dowladda Qatar waxaa u kala saxiixay Siihayaha Safaaradda Qatar ee Muqdisho Eng. Hassan Bin Hamza Asad Mohamed, Agaasimaha guud ee Sanduuqa Qatar ee Horumarinta Mr. Khalifa Jassim Al kuwari iyo seddex wakiil oo kala matalayay hey’adaha kala ah Hey’adda Samafalka Qatar “Qatar Charity”, Hey’adda Waxbarashada ka shaqeysa ee loogu yeero “Education Above All” iyo hey’adda horumarinta bulshada ee loo yaqaan “Silatech”. Munaasabadda saxiixidda heshiisyadan oo ka dhacday Xafiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya H.E. Mr. Hassan Ali Khaire, qaar ka mid ah xubnaha golihiisa wasiirada iyo mas’uuliyiin kale. Shir jaraa’id oo ay si wadajir ah u qabteen Wasiirka Qorsheynta, Maalgashiga iyo Horumarinta Dhaqaallaha H.E. Amb. Gamal Mohamed Hassan iyo Agaasimaha guud ee Sanduuqa Qatar ee Horumarinta Mr. Khalifa Jassim Al kuwari ayey ku faah faahiyeen heshiisyada labada dhinac ay kala saxiixdeen. Wasiir Jamaal Maxamed Xasan waxa uu caddeeyay in mashaariicda Dowladda Qatar ay ka fulin doonto Soomaaliya lagu qiimeeyay lacag dhan 200 milyan oo doolarka Mareykanka ah, isaga oo ammaanay kaalinta muuqata ee Dowladda Qatar iyo hey’adaheeda ay ku yeelanayaan fullinta heshiisyada lagu ballamay in lagu horumariyo Soomaaliya. Dhankiisa, Agaasimaha guud ee Sanduuqa Qatar ee Horumarinta Mr. Khalifa Jassim Al kuwari ayaa sheegay in mashaariicda ay Soomaaliya ka fulinayaan ay ka mid yihiin dib u dhiska wadada isku xirta Muqdisho iyo Jowhar oo dhirirkeedu yahay 90 KM, wadada isku xirta Muqdisho iyo Afgooye oo dhirirkeedu yahay 30 KM, dib u dhiska Machadka Daraasaadka Diblomaasiyadda Soomaaliya ee hoostaga Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga, barnaamijyo waxbarasho kala heer duwan, shaqa abuurid, tababarro farsamo-gacmeed, dib u dhiska qaar ka mid ah xarumaha dowladda ee ku yaalla Muqdisho iyo mashaariic kale oo horumarineed oo laga hirgelinayo gobollada kala duwan ee dalka Soomaaliya. Fulinta heshiisyadan ayaa lagu hanweyn yahay in ay ka guul keenaan qorshaha qaran ee horumarinta dalka oo ay ka qeyb tahay sare u qaadidda tayada waxbarashada, dib u dhiska kaabayaasha dhaqaallaha iyo xoojinta horumarka dhaqaalle. PUNTLAND POST The post Qatar oo mashaariic ka fulinaysa Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa maanta madaxda caalamka kala qeybgaley xafladda caleema saarka Madaxweynaha dalka Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta oo ka dhacdey magaalada Nayroobi. Munaasabaddan oo si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay ayaa waxaa khudbadku aaddan hiigsiga, horumarka Kenya iyo xirriika uu dalkaasi laleeyahay waddamada kale ee qaaradda Afrika waxaa ka jeediyay Madaxweye Kenyatta, iyadoo ciidammada Baambeyda ee Kenya ay halkaasi ku soo bandhigayeen salaan sharaf lagu maamusayo caleema saarka. Xafladda caleema saarka Madaxweyne Kenyatta ayaa ka dhacdey Garoonka Ciyaaraha ee Kazarani waxaana Madaxdii lagu marti qaaday ka mid ahaa Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo, Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, Madaxweynaha Uganda Yoweri Museveni, Ra’iisal Wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya Mudane Hailemariam Desalegn iyo hoggaamiyaal kale oo Afrika iyo caalamkaba ka socday. Dalka Kenya ayaa waxaa dhawaan ka dhacday doorasho ku celis ahayd oo uu ku guuleystay Kenyatta, iyadoo mucaaradka dalkaasna ay qaadaceen. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ka qeyb-galay caleema-saarka Uhuru Kenyatta appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. On November 13, Somaliland presidential election held peacefully; voters queued long lines in the capital Hargaysa to cast their vote for their favourite future leader, and it was a turning point for our small nation of Somaliland in limbo for decades since its inception in 1991. The elections by far was the fairest and freest election in the continent ahead of Kenya and sometimes South Africa—the North Africans had seen one or two presidents in their whole lifetime—Somaliland has chosen its fifth president and power has been transferred peacefully—the irony is that the president of Somalia Farmaajo who went to the UAE to cancel multimillion investment in Berbera seaport city to create jobs for multitudes of jobless youth aiming at the Med risky voyage, willy-nilly congratulated the nation he and his suffering people most hated after the world admired the vibrant democracy in action in full view of the entire world to see it! Somaliland is both an African and Muslim country, two characters widely believed to be inherently incompatible with democracy. Muse’s second speech disappointed the vampire vermin diaspora and his greedy backers who intended to use him as a tool for massive embezzlement as they did to the outgoing president, so far so good, he displayed the true leadership traits: aggressive, decisive, and effective. “You’ll regret your votes, don’t inflate your expectations on me! Sometimes I displease you” delivered Muse in front of his fans, in other words, Muse burnt bridges behind to rebuild a nation in dreams in tatters: economically devastatingly. President-elect Muse Bihi won landslide victory of not less than 50 % of the total casted votes; it wasn’t without controversy. The main opposition party Waddani called the result “widely rigged” but the ruling party responded “it’s an unsubstantiated allegation!” Waddani presidential candidate following his days of silence and no-response-state, speculation what might happen to people of Somaliland if he boycotts the election outcome, had worried the people but he elaborated his stand on it “I am sacrificing my personal ambition for the sake of my nation to avoid bloodshed of my people” this historic address from a great minded leader Iro of Waddani opposition party reassuring the region of the Horn of Africa and the entire world that Somaliland at crossroad passed the last enormous challenge to face ever and will remain safe forever. This remark disappointed Somaliland’s fifth column and other external arch foes awaiting a war breakout so that our girls rushed to everywhere in the world and become open game. Iro’s historic concession for the sake of his nation reminded me as a pessimist national when American senator regretted the massacred Jews in the Holocaust out of political negligence by the free world “if I could talk to Hitler, all this (the bloodbath of the Jews) could be avoided” expressed George the junior the former US president to Knesset of the Israeli parliament during his last visit to the State of Israel. Remember words matter. Imagine if Iro insisted on a rigid position about the election result regardless the harm his words can do to his people and the globalized world of which insecurity of one part affects the rest. Somalilanders walk a tightrope amidst of sleeping cells of criminality and live in fragile peace. A slip of a tongue can launch a deadly conflict but Somalilanders, unlike Somalis, know to smartly navigate the shark-infested sea safely. The president-elect’s first speech broadcasted on the national television was one of unity and reconciliation, to the election campaign polarized nation; it was a step in the right direction. What can be expected of the president-elect? In 2010, when the outgoing president Silanyo came office, I wrote an article about how he and his team will rule the country for the next seven years or more, much of what I said in the article proved prophetic! The massive corruption, and the mismanagement of the state contract, the nepotism and cronyism. But this time, I will try to view Muse Bihi the president-elect through democratic process as an individual who has pros and cos and politically matured with the passing time and I try to judge him fairly as much as I can with my ‘biased’ eyes perhaps. Is he the man of 1994, the emotional, the sentimental at the behest of cruel statesmen who are much older or more seasoned ones than him? The answer emphatically is big NO. During the last five years, he endured power struggle and faced life tests when the president provoked him to know exactly who Muse Bihi is. His first speech in post-elections sounded very much unifying leaving no room for a doubt. “Not only Kulmiye (his ruling party) won but entire Somaliland has won). Said he. Before the elections many local politics commentators including myself thought of him as a troublemaker, vengeful who would take the country back to 1991 or even beyond when the wars were the norm. But so far so good; his conciliatory short address to the nation inspired his rivals and fans alike. His old colleagues have high expectations in him that he’ll lead the nation better than his aged predecessor victimized by his family and tribe who ruled Somaliland on his behalf using him as a rubber stamp. Muse Bihi will dismiss the vermin ministers, tackle the massive corruption the economic cancer that paralyzed the nation’s economy: the ongoing looting of the nation’s public purse, common theft of state money, enforce the rule of law, and fight militancy and radicalism, and form a lean government to wisely utilize the national budget, bring Buhoodle, the last remaining outpost, under Somaliland’s control. In realpolitik, much of the electioneering slogans “the law is upheld” “no longer a pushover to anybody” are not fulfilled in the post-power games but will he keep his some of his promises? I really doubt if the Jeegaan dispute will arise. Jeegaan or bi-tribal ‘holy’ alliance of Habar Jeclo and Sacad Muse tit for tat or mere luck enabled Muse Bihi to secure power. Each tribe sends its candidate in every ten years. The outgoing president tested successfully with the ruling party having an icon of two hands in glove only death can depart us mood. This clannish structure, Silanyo’s greatest legacy, born out of paranoia against a certain tribe will soon lose its taste and weaken the nation’s resilience in the time of the enormous challenges ahead. ‘Hostile’ tribe perceived by some sister clans need to build trust and love relationships extending peaceful hand to fearful smaller clans in Somaliland, heal the old wounds, and mend ties. Otherwise, Somalia’s air forces and an army under buildup from Turkey and other Western countries that trains Somali cadets in and out of the country will relaunch deadly attacks against it when Somaliland is losing its highly trained ex-commandoes to unnecessary replacements. Somaliland lacked effective leadership it had before the outgoing president fell sick therefore the socioeconomic hardships intensified immediately. During Siilanyo-led administration, the local currency lost 50% of its value against the dollar—5000 shillings during Silanyo’s predecessor to 12,000 Somaliland shillings in his reign. Life toughened for millions of Somalilanders cursing the elder economist who under his leadership, life became out of the frying pan into fire. Millions of heads of camels perished in hellish famine in the East never seen before. IDPs knocked every door in Burco or elsewhere. Will the president-elect Muse Bihi Abdi able to turn over apart from his honeyed remarks can’t be harshly judged until time and space are given to him? Only time will tell but the status quo isn’t sustainable because Somaliland soon or later heads into Somalia’s style political disintegration unto fiefdoms and brutal sheikhdoms of midget presidents with nominal power over their claimed territories. By Abdirahman M Dirye Dirye is a Somaliland Writer based in Hargaysa, email, or twitter account @mrdirye
  7. On behalf of the Somaliland Community at Southern California (San Diego, Los Angeles and beyond) we would like to extend our sincerest congratulations on your impressive victory in election to the President and vice president of Somaliland for next five years. We are delighted that you will continue to work for the good of the people of our country. We sincerely congratulate you and send our best wishes for every success and wisdom in discharging the important and responsible duties of your positions. We are confident that the trust placed in you by the citizens of Somaliland will inspire you to continue important efforts in promoting the unity of our country, leading it on the path of prosperity, further well-being and security for our people. We believe both of you will exercise outstanding leadership and achieve great success, leading your distinguished team on each field including foreign policy, national security, education, economy, environment, in overcoming the serious economic situations and other difficult challenges. We are very pleased that Somaliland and international communities are becoming increasingly close partners. We firmly believe that our country will continue to develop dynamic, mutually beneficial relations, and that our joint initiatives in the fields of security, economy, environment and education will strengthen all nations. We strongly hope that working together decisively and in the spirit of solidarity and unity in Somaliland. We will defend the interests and common values of our neighbor countries and rest of the world. Somaliland’s people trust you, because they gave you their votes and they are looking to you and they have huge expectation. We believe you have lot of tasks ahead of you, if you are working hard and with honesty, Allah will help you, because you are going in the right direction. As we know, statistically 88% of our people are under the poverty line, therefore, we need to help them in order to reduce poverty in Somaliland people. Overall, we are giving a congratulations to Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi “Irro” and his team, because they took a very strong decision. Mr. Abdirahman’s speech was history for us, he quoted great words from our patrician former president Mr. Dahir Riyale. We believe all of you are winners, because you only look at national interest. Therefore, take your part to build our nation from corner to corner. Thank you all, Ali A. Hori, M.Ed, San Diego, CA.
  8. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets with Djibouti Minister of Defense Ali Hasan Bahdon in Riyadh in April. (SPA) Riyadh—-Djibouti’s defense minister, Ali Bahdon, welcomed the presence of a Saudi military base in his country, pointing out that the relationship with Riyadh exceeded military cooperation, to reach historical, ideological and cultural ties. He added that the military agreement between the two sides has many aspects of cooperation, including the Joint Military Commission, which meets every few months, as well as supporting and strengthening the military forces in Djibouti. In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Bahdon said that Saudi experts had arrived in Djibouti to assess military cooperation, and that trainees and students from Djibouti were studying in military colleges in the Kingdom. “There are historical, ideological and cultural relations with the Kingdom, and we are one people who share the same values, and we have the same issues and problems; relations are much greater now, as we are in a new phase of geopolitical changes in the region,” he stated. Asked about the building of a Saudi military base in Djibouti, Bahdon replied: “As you know, in terms of cooperation, there is a military agreement signed between the two sides. This agreement has many aspects, including the Joint Military Commission.” He noted in this regard that the military base was part of comprehensive cooperation and the “relationship between the two countries is not limited to the base, but it is even greater.” On whether the establishment of the Saudi military base would contribute to combating smuggling across the sea, the defense minister stressed that it would not be the solution to this matter, as “it has limits in which it operates and powers that serve specific goals.” “Therefore, when we talk about military cooperation, it is a comprehensive strategic cooperation between the two countries in various military aspects, not in a specific sector and role,” he explained. He blamed the economic, social and security situation for the migration outflow in the countries neighboring Djibouti, noting that these factors had affected migrants in various nearby countries. “We believe that the development of countries suffering from migration would be the cornerstone for curbing this problem,” Bahdon stated, underlining a common vision between the Kingdom and Djibouti and a determination to work together and achieve security and stability in the region. On whether Djibouti was exchanging information with Yemen to prevent arms smuggling to Bab al-Mandab, the minister said: “Djibouti is a member of the Arab alliance, and it is coordinating with the different concerned parties. It is also a country that has received many refugees from regional states, especially from Yemen. The country has incurred major losses due to migration.” Commenting on the outcome of the first meeting of the Islamic Alliance to Counter Terrorism, Bahdon replied: “The next phase will see further development and improvement of this strategy, which was launched with the first meeting of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the Islamic Military Coalition to Combat Terrorism, and here we congratulate Saudi Arabia on this meeting and the important initiative” launched in this regard. Al Sharq Al Awsat
  9. On the 14 of December 2017 Somaliland is having another democratic peaceful transfer of powers from President Ahmed Silanyoo to President Elect Muusa Bihi. Former MP Jeremy Carver CBE and Friend of Somaliland msg is Somaliland deserves international recognition.
  10. Garoowe (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa mar kale ka hadashay duqeyn xoogan oo ay la beegsatay Saldhiga ay maleeshiyaadka Daacishta Somalia ku leeyihiin gobolka Bari. Dowlada Mareykanka oo faahfaahin dheeraad ah ka bixineysa duqeynta ayaa sheegtay inay ka dhacday Tuullo 70-KM ujirta Magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari. Tuulada ay ka dhacday duqeynta ayaa lagu magacaabaa Boholo oo 70-KM ujirta Magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana la xaqiijiyay in duqeyntaasi lagu dilay Horjooge sare oo ka tirsan Daacishta Somalia. Horjoogaha lagu dilay duqeynta ayaa waxaa lala dilay ilaa 15 ka mid ah ilaaladiisa oo xiliga duqeynta ay wada joogeen. Sidoo kale, duqeynta ayaa waxaa lagu gubay 10 ilaa 8 Gaari kuwa dagaalka ah oo ay lahaayen Daacishta Somalia. Waxaa sidoo kale, lagu burburiyay saldhigyo ay maleeshiyada ku lahaayen Buuraaleyda Galgala gaar ahaan Tuulada Boholo oo 70-KM ujirta Magaalada Boosaaso. Docda kale, Hogaanka Daacishta Somalia ayaan weli ka hadal warbixinta kasoo baxday Wasaarada Difaaca Mareykanka ee muujineysa in duqeyn lagu dilay Horjooge iyo 15 kamid ahaa ilaaladiisa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garoowe
  11. Ref: RSL/P/IC/KEN/288-5262/112017 Date: 28/11/2017 H.E Uhuru Kenyatta President, The Republic of Kenya Your Excellency, Please accept my warm congratulations on your victory and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office for a second term. Here, in Somaliland, our people went to the polls recently to elect a new president, who I can assure you, will be as committed to continued friendship and cooperation between our people and their representatives. We look forward to working with you not only to develop closer relations between our countries but also to concert our efforts in the cause of peace and prosperity in our region. Yours Sincerely, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo President, Republic of Somaliland
  12. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta was sworn-in for a second five-year term in front of a rapturous crowd on Tuesday as riot police sealed off an area where the opposition planned a rival gathering and teargassed people trying to reach it. Kenyatta won a repeat presidential election on Oct. 26 that was boycotted by opposition leader Raila Odinga, who said it would not be free and fair. The Supreme Court nullified the first presidential election, in August, over irregularities. The extended election season has divided Kenya, a Western ally in a volatile region, and blunted growth in East Africa’s richest economy. Odinga’s supporters, many drawn from poorer parts of the country, feel locked out of power and the patronage it brings. Political arguments often have ethnic undercurrents, with Odinga’s supporters pointing out that three of the country’s four presidents have come from one ethnic group, although the country has 44 recognised groups. But such arguments seemed far from the happy crowds at the celebration, who cheered wildly as Kenyatta was sworn into office and as he received a 21-gun salute. “I … do swear … that I will always truly and diligently serve the people of the Republic of Kenya,” Kenyatta said, his hand resting on a Bible. Before he arrived, a military band in gold and blue uniforms serenaded heads of state from Somalia, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Zambia and other nations as they arrived at the stadium where the ceremony took place. More than 60,000 Kenyatta supporters, many clad in the red and yellow Jubilee party colours and carrying Kenyan flags, filled the stadium benches. Thousands of others waited outside. Some, chafing at the restrictions, overwhelmed police and streamed in. Officers were forced to fire teargas to control them. BURNING TYRES Supporters of Kenyatta – who won with 98 percent of the vote after Odinga’s boycott – was the opposition to engage in talks and move on. “I’m sure Uhuru will be able to bring people together and unite them so we can all work for the country,” said Eunice Jerobon, a trader who travelled overnight from the Rift Valley town of Kapsabet for the inauguration, before the disturbance. But Odinga supporters say such talk of unity is tantamount to surrender. They accuse the ruling party of stealing the election, rampant corruption, directing abuse by the security forces and neglecting vast swathes of the country, including Odinga’s heartland in the west. “A return to the political backwardness of our past is more than unacceptable. It is intolerable … This divide cannot be bridged by dialogue and compromise,” Odinga’s National Super Alliance opposition alliance said in a statement. The opposition planned to hold a prayer meeting in the capital on Tuesday, saying it wanted to commemorate the lives of Odinga supporters killed during confrontations with the security forces over the election period. More than 70 people have been killed in political violence this election season, mostly by the police. Such killings are rarely investigated. A Reuters team at the scene of the planned rally said the area had been sealed off by seven truck loads of police in riot gear. Two water cannons were standing by and a helicopter hovered overhead. Police began firing teargas in nearby residential areas two hours before the rally was due to start, apparently attempting to prevent opposition supporters from gathering. Several roads were blocked by burning tyres, rocks, glass and uprooted billboards. Police shot in the air to disperse anyone trying to gather. But Dennis Onyango, a spokesman for Odinga, told Reuters on Tuesday morning they were still planning to hold the rally. Source: – Reuters
  13. National Super Alliance (Nasa) leader Raila Odinga now says, like President Uhuru Kenyatta, he will also be sworn in as “the people’s president”. He made the declaration on Tuesday moments before police used teargas to stop him and his supporters from marching to Jacaranda grounds in Embakasi, Nairobi, for a prayer rally. DEC 12 Mr Odinga said he will take oath of office on December 12 using Chapter 1 of the Constitution, which states that sovereign power belongs to the people. “I am not a coward, I will be sworn as president on Jamhuri Day, I am the legitimate president,” he told his supporters, who defied police operation to listen to him, during a stop-over on Mayanja Road. The swearing-in, he said, will be based on the results of August 8 presidential election, which he claims he won but was rigged out through manipulation of figures. “Server indicated that we had 8.8 million votes while Kenyatta had 7.1million votes,” he said. He reiterated his vow not to recognise President Kenyatta and his government despite being sworn in on Tuesday. “We went to the courts and they said Kenyatta was not duly elected… They ordered IEBC to open servers but they refused because they knew all the secrets were there.” CLASHES The inauguration, Mr Odinga, will be like that of new Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa and not Kizza Besigye of Uganda. Mr Besigye, President Yoweri Museveni’s doctor-and-friend-turned-foe, has become the symbol of police repression and brutality in Uganda. “Our first resolution is that we don’t recognise Kenyatta as president,” Mr Odinga said. Clashes between Mr Odinga’s supporters started in the morning, with officers in anti-riot gear sealing off the venue as early as 8.30am. The opposition leaders said they wanted to mourn and pray for their 54 supporters they claim were killed by police in the aftermath of the October 26 repeat presidential election. Nairobi County Police Commander Japhet Koome had warned the opposition against holding the meeting. On Sunday, Mr Koome denied knowledge of the Nasa event and, a day later, vowed not to allow it, saying the only major public event that would take place in Nairobi on Tuesday would be President Kenyatta’s swearing-in. ‘FEAST’ But Nasa co-principal Moses Wetang’ula on Monday dismissed Mr Koome’s claims. “We are planning prayers for our supporters who were shot dead during protests. We will also fundraise for the victims’ families so that they can hold a befitting send-off for their loved ones,” Mr Wetang’ula said. The Jacaranda meeting was a culmination of a series of memorial services held in other parts of the country. Mr Odinga, who pulled out of the October 26 repeat presidential election, has vowed not to recognise Mr Kenyatta’s presidency despite the Supreme Court upholding the Jubilee leader’s 98 percent-of-votes-cast win. All Nasa leaders turned down President Kenyatta’s swearing-in invitation, with Mr Odinga terming it “a feast” as other Kenyans “mourn”. “We are mourning, and on the other side, Uhuru is preparing a feast, a ceremony. All patriotic Kenyans will be at Jacaranda mourning our people brutally killed by this regime,” said Mr Odinga. Source: Daily Nation
  14. Guddiga difaaca Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta booqday Saldhiga Turkiga ee magaalada Muqdisho. Saldhiga Turkiga oo dhawaan xariga laga jaray ayaa waxaa tababarbuga socdaa ciidamo Soomaali ah oo gaaraya 400 oo askari oo ay ku jiraan Saraakiil. Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Difaaca Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Xildhibaan Xuseen Carab Ciise ayaa kulan la qaatay Saraakiisha Turkiga ee tababar siinaya ciidamada Soomaaliya, isagoo ka dhageystay Warbixin ku saabsan habka tababarka uu socdo. Xildhibaan Xuseen Carab oo la hadlay Ciidamada tababarka u socdo ayaa ku dhiiri galiyay inay ka faa’iideystaan tababarkan heerkiisu uu sareeyo. Dowladda Turkiga ayaa ka qeyb qaadanaysa dhisida ciidamo xoog leh oo ay yeelato Soomaaliya, waxayna Muqdisho ku leedahay saldhiga ugu weyn ee ka baxsan dalkeeda. PUNTLAND POST The post Xubno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo booqday Saldhiga Turkiga ee Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Hogaamiyaha xisbiga mucaaradka dalka Kenya Raila Odinga oo la hadlay saxaafada Kenya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dhawaan loo dhaarin doono xilka Madaxweyninimo ee Kenya. Raila Odinga, waxa uu saxaafada u cadeeyay in Kenya ay leedahay labo Madaxweyne, isla markaana Madaxweynaha labaad oo isaga ah la dhaarin doono bisha December. Nuqul kamid ah hadalkiisa ayaa ahaa ”Dadka taageeraha ii ah waxaan u sheegayaa inaan sameysaneyno xaflad dhaarin ah oo dhici doonta 12 bisha December” Waxa uu intaa raaciyay ”Kenya waxa ay leedahay laba Madaxweyne midka sharciga waa aniga, Madaxweynaha labaad ee aan sharciga aheyn waa Uhurro Kenyatta” Hogaamiyaha mucaaradka Raila Odinga ayaa sheegay inaan la aqbali doonin riyada Uhurro Kenyatta, waxa uuna sheegay inay muhiim tahay in la fashiliyo qorshooyinka xisbiga Kenyatta. Geesta kale, Raila Odinga ayaa cadeeyay in xafiiskiisa uu noqon doono magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya, mana uusan tilmaamin halka rasmiga ah ee uu fadhiisan doono. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  16. Labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliyeed waxaad u badan tihiin Dad aqoonyahano ah oo ka nadiif ah Qabiil islamarkaana ay ka go’an tahay in soomaaliya ay hesho Dowlada Cadaalad ah gaar ahaan dhinaca Garsoorka sidaa Darteed waxaan nahay Dad Dhibanayaal ah oo Xaquuqdoodii ka waayey Garsoorka iyo Maxkamadaha, qaarkoodna inta Niyad jabeen ayey Dalka ka dhoofeen kuwa kale markii Dhaqaalihii iyo Kabiihii ka dhamaadeen ayey iska quusteen Mudanayaal Garsoorkii dalka waxaa uu noqodey mid qabiil gaar uu Maamulo oo oo waxaa uu doono ka sameeyo sidoo kalena Dhamaan Garsoorayaasha iyo Shaqaalaha ka shaqeeye Adeega garsoorka sida Maxkamadaha iyo Xeer Ilaalinta waxay noqdeen kuwa ay yeeshaan dad isku hayb ah wuxuuna garsoorkii uu noqdey mid ay sii aad ah ugu Dulman yihiin Dad fara badan oo Soomaaliyeed ka dib markii ay Halkaas u raadsadeen in ay helaan Xukun cadaalad ah . Xildhibaanada sharafta leh waxaa la Qorsheynayaa in Dhawaan la magacaabo Golihii adeega Garsoorka oo aad ansaxin doontaan sidaa Darteed waxaan Baarlamaanka waa Golaha Shacabka iyo midka aqalka sare uga digeynaa in Liiska Golaha Adeega garsoorka lagu soo daro Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Sare iyo xeer ilaaliyaha Qaranka iyo Xubnaha lagu tuhmayo in ay sameeyeen Laaluush iyo Xadgudub dhinaca Garsoorka ah Mudanayaal Waa la yaab leh in Wasiirka Cadaalada ee Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya in uu Wado Qorshe uu ku doonayo in Labadaas Xubnood ku soo daro Liiska Golaha Adeega Garsoorka isagoo og Dhibaatada maanta ka taagan Garsoorka u geysteen islamrakaana ah kuwa Cuuryaamiyey in Cadaalada ay hore u dhaqaaqdo si Bulshada Soomaaliyeed u helaan Xukun ku dhisan Cadaalad iyo Sinaan, sidoo kale waxaa ka sii yaab badan in Labadaas Xubnood inta dacwado Furaan ka dibna si iskood ah u joojiyaan . Mudanayaal hadii ay dhacdo in Labadaas Xubnood lagu soo daro Golaha Adeega Garsoorka in Garsoorkii dalka uu uu Hoos ka sii marayo halka maanta uu taagan yahay waxayna Bulshada Soomaaliyeed ay la kulmi doonaan Niyad jaba iyo waxaana adkaan doonto in Soomaaliya ka hanaqaado Dowlad daahfuran oo Kalsooni ka hesho Shacabka soomaaliyeed. Waxaan idiin Sheegeynaa in Dowlada Soomaaliya ay ka lug jiideyso wax ka qabashada Garsoorka dalka , waxaana Moodaa in ay raacdey Wadooyinkii ay raaceen Dowladihii ka horeyeey kuwaa oo ku fashilmey in ay Xooga saaraan sidoo Soomaaliya uga dhaqanj geli lahayd Garsoor ay bulshada Aamini karo kuna Kalsoonaan karto. Xildhibaanada Sharafta leh waxaan idiin ka Codsaneynaa hadii aan nahay Dhibayaal Xaquuqdoodii ka waayey Garsoorka dalka in aad ummada Soomaaliyeed u soo Xushaan dad Aqoon u leh Garsoorka dalka si ay wax uga qabtaan cadaaladarada weli ka taagaan garsoorka dalka oo maanta maraya halkii ugu Xumeyd sidoo kale waxaa idiin ka codsaneynaa in aad wax ka soo ogaataan xaalada Maxaabiista Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan Noloshooda iyo waliba waxan idiin sheegeynaa in qaarkood iyagoo Xukuneyn ayey halkaas ku jiraan ka dib markii ay waayeen Garsoor cadaalad ah. Ugu dambeyn Mudanayaal Shacabka soomaaliyeed Maanta wuxuu u baahan yahay in la badbaadiyo islamarkaana ay helaan Garsoor cadaalad ah oo dhowra Xaquuqda mawaadinka Soomaaliyeed hadii aan nahay bulshada Soomaaliyeed waxay idiin ka sugeynaa in aad u soo Xushaan Gole adeeg Garsoor oo wax ka qabta laalluushka iyo gabood Falada ka taagan Garsoorka dalka hadii aad saxi weydaan Garsoorka Ummada Soomaaliyeed waxaan u qaadaneynaa in anaan dooneyn in Soomaaliya hesho Dowlada la jaan qaadi karta dowladaha kala ee caalamka oo Horumar weyn ka gaarey Adeega Garsoorka iyo dhowrista Xaquuqda Mawadiniintooda. Sidoo kale waxaan ka codsaneyaa Gudiga Baarlamaanka ee Dhinaca Garsoorka in aad qayb weyn ka qaadataan sidii wax looga badeli lahaa Garsoorka dalka oo aad wax badan ka ogtihiin waxaa maanta ka taagan sidii Darteed haddii aad hagaajisaan Cadaalada wadanka in ay taariikhda idin Xusi doonto hadii aad indhaha ka qarsataan waxay Bulshada idiin arki doonaan kuwa meesha u jooga Magac u yaal oo ku fashilmey wixii lagu soo doortey oo ah Badbaadinta ummad Soomaaliyeed. Halkaan ka Akhriso Liiska Shaqaalaha Maxkamadaha Dalka oo Hal Beel u Badan Halkaan ka Dhageyso Wiil Soomaaliyeed oo fashiliyey arrimo ku saabsan Garsoorka Fadeexo_ Codad sira Wiilkii fashiliyay Lacagtii laga xadi rabay Bankiga dhexe oo shaqada laga eryay[Trim].mp4 Aqoonyahan Maxamed Bille Samaan E-Mail
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Guddiga Difaaca Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa Maanta booqday Saldhiga Dowlada Turkiga ee Magaalada Muqdisho, halkaas uu ka socdo tababar tayo sare leh oo la siinayo ciidamo gaaraya 400 oo isugu jira Saraakiil, Saraakiil xigeen iyo ciidamo. Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Difaaca Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Xuseen Carab Ciise ayaa kulan la qaatay Saraakiisha Dowlada Turkiga ee Tababarka bixineyso, isagoo ka dhageystay Warbixin ku saabsan habka Tababarka uu socdo. Xuseen Carab Ciise ayaa la hadlay Ciidamada Tababarka uu u socdo, isagoo ku dhiiri galiyay inay ka faa’iideystaan Tababarkan heerkiisu uu sareeyo, maadaama ay yihiin geesiyada difaaci doona dalka, lana dagaalami doono cadowga umadda Soomaaliyeed ee Al shabaab. Sidoo kale Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Difaaca ayaa kulan gaar ah la qaatay Saraakiil Soomaali oo ka mid ah Macalimiinta bixineysa Tababarka, waxayna warbixin dhinacyo badan taabaneysa ka siiyaan sida tababarka u socdo, dhinkiisa Guddoomiyaha wuxuu u sheegay Saraakiisha in howl wanaagsan ay u hayaan Qaranka Soomaaliya lagana doonayo in ciidamada ay si joogta ugu bogaadiyeen si Wadaniyad iyo dal jaceyl ku jiro inay u qaataan tababarka, isagoo sheegay in tababarka ciidamada la mideyn doono si loo helo ciidamo Tababar isku mid ah qaba.. Guddiga Difaaca Baarlamaanka ayaa gaba gabadii mid mid u kormeeray qeybaha Cuntada, Jiifka, Tababarka iyo Fasalada ay ku wax ku bartaan ciidamada.
  18. In one of the presidential polls, an incumbent lost and handed power peacefully while in another, the presidential race was so tight that the opposition candidate lost by only 80 votes out of almost half a million votes cast, with the resultant dispute resolved without an outbreak of violence. The laudable conduct of recent presidential elections in the self-declared republic of Somaliland has offered welcome food for thought for a region and continent that continues to experience political turmoil triggered by polls of questionable credibility. For an unrecognised state with a nascent economy and only limited access to development finance from external sources, Somaliland deserves credit for delivering elections that are relatively credible and peaceful compared to many others in region and the continent. An influential international publication went as far as suggesting that Somaliland could be “East Africa’s strongest democracy”, an assertion that some people may find debatable. Indeed, regional and international pundits have repeatedly noted the culture of credible and largely peaceful electoral processes in Somaliland after it broke away from the rest of Somalia in the early 1990s following the catastrophic state collapse of the Horn of Africa country. In one of the presidential polls, an incumbent lost and handed power peacefully while in another, the presidential race was so tight that the opposition candidate lost by only 80 votes out of almost half a million votes cast, with the resultant dispute resolved without an outbreak of violence. In the latest presidential polls this month, the main opposition leader conceded defeat, despite raising concerns about some aspects of the election, saying he wants to preserve the good reputation of Somaliland and its push for international recognition. The campaigns were conducted vigorously but peacefully by the three main political parties, and included televised debates on policy issues, even though voting was mainly along clan lines. Interestingly, Somaliland became the first jurisdiction globally to use iris-scanning technology for voter identification in a bid to minimise risks of multiple voting. This reflects a laudable effort and ingrained culture and commitment for fair polls. The relative electoral and political stability in Somaliland has partly been attributed to the innovative integration of customary laws and traditions with modern state structures including having an upper house of clan elders that plays an influential role in resolving political and national disputes. Though the electoral and political processes and practices of the breakaway state may not be beyond reproach, they may offer some valuable and transferrable insights to the troubled region and continent at large. A cursory look around the region shows that relatively more established states have experienced political and existential turmoil as a result of doubts on the integrity of electoral processes. The latest one is Kenya which has experienced a drawn-out political crisis triggered by disputes over the credibility of elections, resulting in considerable polarisation of the country. Similarly, polls in other countries in the region and the continent have faced varying levels of credibility deficits resulting in protests and violence including Uganda, Djibouti, Gambia and others. These worrying developments continue to fuel growing concerns that poor management of elections and election disputes are fast becoming an existential threat to many African states. Somaliland drive for peaceful and credible polls may be partly a foreign policy tool to persuade the world to recognise it officially as an independent state that is not part of Somalia by extolling its alleged democratic credentials. While international recognition has not been realised for the last three decades, it is undeniable that the unrecognised state is gradually winning the respect and admiration of many in Africa and around the world as a result of its laudable track record of credible electoral process and an innovative political system. Hopefully, the welcome conduct of polls in Somaliland will help encourage the government of Somalia based in Mogadishu and the people to strive harder to stabilise the country’s political systems and institutions and deliver the long-awaited one-man-one vote polls soon despite the existing security challenges. In addition, Somaliland’s electoral performance offers a positive challenge to countries in the region and continent, including Kenya, where credibility of polls have faced increasing questions . Somaliland already forms a good case study in regional and international circles for innovative peace building led by clan elders from the grassroots in the early 1990s when other parts of Somalia were experiencing devastating civil war. It may be the right time for Kenya and countries in the region to learn a thing or two from Somaliland, a unrecognised country that also has a lot to learn from others as it seeks to improve the wellbeing of its people. Ally Jamah is a Media Practitioner and Analyst based in Nairobi
  19. Maxkamad kutaala magaalada Gotoberg ee dalka Sweden ayaa 10 sano oo xabsi ah ku xukuntay nin Soomaali ah oo lagu helay danbi ah isku day dil oo uu u geystay sagaal qof oo ku sugnaa goob suuq ah. Labo qof oo kamid ah dadkii ku sugnaa goobta uu ninka soomaaliga ah weeraray ayaa waxaa soo gaaray dhaawac, kuwaas oo markhaati furayaal ka ahaa dhageysiga dacwada kiiska ninkan soomaaliga ah. Xeer ilaalinta maxkamada ayaa ninkan ku heshay danbiga lagu soo oogay ee ahaa inuu sameeyay isku day dil oo bareer ah, iyo inuu dhaawac u geystay dad aan waxbo galabsan. Ninkan Soomaaliga ah ayaa dhankiisa iska fogeeyay eedeymaha lagu soo oogay ee ah inuu rabay inuu dil geysto, balse waxaa maxkamada ka markhaati furay dhowr kamid ah dadkii goobjooga ka aha dhacdadaas. Falal danbiyeedyada ay geystaan dhalinyarada soomaalida ah ayaa aad ugu soo badanayo magaalooyinka waaweyn ee dalka Sweden.
  20. Following the announcement by the Supreme Court of the final results of the 2017 Presidential elections in Somaliland, international partners congratulate Mr Muse Bihi Abdi on his election. Somalilanders and Somaliland institutions have shown a strong commitment, responsibility and engagement in the electoral process, strengthening democracy in Somaliland. International partners look forward to partnering closely with the new President and his Government to secure a prosperous and peaceful future for all Somalilanders. This Statement was signed by the following partners: Belgium, Denmark, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and The United States Of America.
  21. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) – Maxkamadda sare ee Somaliland ayaa maanta ku dhowaaqday natiijadii rasmiga ahayd ee doorashadii 13-kii bishan ka dhacday deegaannada Somaliland. Waxay maxkamaddu go’aamisay in doorashada madaxtooyada Somaliland ay ku guuleysteen musharraxiintii xisbiga Kulmiye ee madaxweynaha iyo ku xigeenkiisa. Guddoomiyaha maxkamadda sare Professor Aadan Xaaji Cali oo ay dhinac fadhiyeen garoosaraasyaha maxkamaddaasi ayaa sheegay inaanay jirin cid cabasho kasoo gudbisay natiijadii horudhaca ahayd ee ay usoo gudbiyeen guddiga doorashada ee Somaliland. “Maxkamadda sare ee Dastuuriga ah waxay ansixisay natiijada KMG ah doorashada madaxtooyada 2017-ka ee ay usoo gudbiyeen guddiga doorashooyinka qaranka oo ah sidan, Xisbiga UCID oo helay 23,141 cod oo u dhiganta 4.17%, xisbiga Kulmiye oo helay 305,909 cod oo u dhiganta 55.1% iyo isbiga wadani oo helay 226,029 cod una dhigantay 40.73%, taas oo sharci ah in xisbiga Kulmiye oo helay tirada ugu badan ee cododka kuna guuleystay tartanka doorashada, musharraxiintiisana ku guuleysteen xilalka madaxtooyada Somaliland” ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Aadan. Doorashadii 13-kii bishan ka dhacday Somaliland ayaa waxaa ku guuleystay xisbiga Kulmiye oo uu musharrax madaxweyne u ahaa Muusi Biixi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  22. Maxkamadda sare ee Somaliland ayaa maanta ku dhowaaqday natiijadii rasmiga ahayd ee doorashadii 13-kii bishan ka dhacday deegaannada Somaliland. Waxay maxkamaddu go’aamisay in doorashada madaxtooyada Somaliland ay ku guuleysteen musharraxiintii xisbiga Kulmiye ee madaxweynaha iyo ku xigeenkiisa. Guddoomiyaha maxkamadda sare Professor Aadan Xaaji Cali oo ay dhinac fadhiyeen garoosaraasyaha maxkamaddaasi ayaa sheegay inaanay jirin cid cabasho kasoo gudbisay natiijadii horudhaca ahayd ee ay usoo gudbiyeen guddiga doorashada ee Somaliland. “Maxkamadda sare ee Dastuuriga ah waxay ansixisay natiijada KMG ah doorashada madaxtooyada 2017-ka ee ay usoo gudbiyeen guddiga doorashooyinka qaranka oo ah sidan, Xisbiga UCID oo helay 23,141 cod oo u dhiganta 4.17%, xisbiga Kulmiye oo helay 305,909 cod oo u dhiganta 55.1% iyo isbiga wadani oo helay 226,029 cod una dhigantay 40.73%, taas oo sharci ah in xisbiga Kulmiye oo helay tirada ugu badan ee cododka kuna guuleystay tartanka doorashada, musharraxiintiisana ku guuleysteen xilalka madaxtooyada Somaliland” ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Aadan. Doorashadii 13-kii bishan ka dhacday Somaliland ayaa waxaa ku guuleystay xisbiga Kulmiye oo uu musharrax madaxweyne u ahaa Muusi Biixi. Goobjoog News Source
  23. Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo dowladda Qatar ayaa maanta waxay magaalada Muqdisho ku kala saxiixdeen mashaariic horumarineed oo ku kacaya 200 Milyan oo doolarka Maraykanka ah. Goobta heshiiskan lagu gaarayey waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo xubno ka tirsan Labada dowladood. Wasiirka Qorsheynta xukuumadda Soomaaliya, Jamaal Maxamed Xasan ayaa sheegay in la fulin doono mashaariic badan, sida shaqo abuurka dhallinyarada, waxbarashada iyo dhismayaal. “Mashaariicdan aan saxiixannay waxay dhammaantood ka kooban yihiin kuwo horumarineed, shaqo abuuris iyo kocinta dhaqaalaha, waa jidad, dhismayaal, shaqo abuur iyo waxbarasho, haddii Alle idmo lacag badan ayaan kala saxiixannay oo mashaariicdaasi ku fuli doonaan oo qaarkood wey bilowdeen kuwo kalena waa ay bilaaban doonaan” ayuu yiri wasiirka. Dhinac kala waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay madaxa Sanduuqa dowladda Qatar ee mashruucan fulineysa Khaliif Bin Jaasim, wuxuuna sheegay in dhammaantood mashaariicdan yihiin kuwo horumarineed. “Waxaan cusbooneysiineynaa taageerada aan siinno Soomaaliya innaga oo u mareyna shaqo abuurka dhallinyarada iyo dhismooyinka waddooyinka, waxaana ku kaceysa 200 Milyan oo doolar” ayuu yiri Khaliif. Dowladda Qatar ayaa kamid ah dowladaha taageera Soomaaliya, sidoo kalena saaxiib la ah dowladda Federaalka. Goobjoog News Source