Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. The senior basketball standouts for Lee Academy have vague memories of their early years in Northeast Africa, where they often were on the move and walked around barefoot on sandy terrain. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. The Ethiopian diaspora in the US uses social media to great effect in shaping coverage of events back home, especially the protest movement that has pummeled Ethiopia for more than two years Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. To my knowledge, I had never eaten Somali food prior to walking into Faridas Somalian Cuisine a couple weeks ago. Had anyone bothered to ask, I would not even have been able to identify a single dish. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Air freight cost has dropped by at least 15 per cent between Mogadishu and Nairobi following the resumption of direct flights to Somalia last year. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. A Canadian family is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to negotiate the release of a citizen imprisoned in Ethiopia saying "there will never be a better time than now to get him home". Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. SHaki la’aan Nuur Cadde wuxuu wax ka ogaa shirqool loo maleegay dowladdii uu isaga Ra’iisal wasaaraha ka ahaa, wuxuu wax ka ogoo oo lagu qanciyay inuuu dumiyo dowlad Soomaaliyeed oo markaas iyada keliya rajada keliya ee in dib loo soo unko qarankii Soomaaliyeed ee burburay!…Nuur Xasan wuxuu noqday udub-dhexaadkii uu isku taagay qorshihii burburinta ahaa ee ay waxa Beesha Caalamka loogu yeero la damacsanayd Soomaaliya. Wuxuu gogol xaar u noqday oo irridaha u balaqay nidaamkii dhicisoobay ee uu Maraykanka u dhisay Is-bahaysigii la dagaalanka Argagixisada ee ay hoggaaminayeen Dagaal-Oogayaashii Muqdisho; Muuse Suudi Yalaxow oo ahaa Wasiirka ganacsiga, Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo ahaa Wasiirka Amniga, Bootaan Ciise Caalin oo ah Wasiirka hub ka dhigista maleeshi yooyinka, Cumar Maxamed Maxamuud (Cumaar Finish) oo ah Wasiirka awqaafta iyo arrimaha Diinta, C/rashiid Shire Ilqeyte, Cabdi Nuure Siyaad (Cabdi Waal), Ganacsade Bashiir Raage Shiraar, Cabdi Shukri Cali Xirsi, Cabdi Ciise. Waa dhab oo arrin qarsoon ma ahayn in khilaaf siyaasadeed soo dhex galay isaga iyo Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, laakiin Nuur Cadde ama ha fahamsanaado ama yuusan fahamsanaan oo nin la isticmaalay ha ahaado wuxuu si buuxda wax uga fuliyay qorshe cad oo waxa Beesha Caalamka loogu yeero ay ku duminaysay dowladdii uu isaga Ra’iisal wasaarha ka ahaa, qorshahaas oo ay hor kacayeen dowladda Marykanka iyo Itoobiya ayaa ahaa mid aad uga qoto dheeraa in la rido Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed, oo isagu lagu tuhmayay inuu lahaa hankii iyo wadaninimmadii lagu yaqaanay dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ay ku soo shaqeeyeen dowladihii dalka soo maray. Waxaana qorshaha oo dulucdiisu aad u qoto dheereyd ujeeddadiisu ahayd in hoggaanka Soomaaliya lagala dagaalo inay qabtaan, dad wax ka garanaya ama xambaarsan dareenkii gumeysi diidka ahaa iyo halgankii ay ummadda Soomaaliyeed u soo martay gobanimadeeda, si taas loo gaarana waxaa lama huraan ahayd oo waxa Beesha Caalamka loogu yeero qasab ku noqotay inay marka hore la dagaalamaan Cabdullaahi Yuusuf oo ay meesha ka saaraan, waxayna dad badan oo horay ula soo shaqeeyay Nuur Cadde rumaysanyihiin inuu Ra’iisal wasaare Nuur Xasan Xuseen qorshahaas loo adeegsaday, waliba isaga oo aan garanayn ujeeddada loo riday Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, iyo khatarta iyo cirib xummada uu qorshahaas dalka uga tagayo, qayb kale oo isla dadka horay ula soo shaqeeyay Nuur Cadde ayaa ku tilmaamay nin waligiis basaas u ahaa dalalka shisheeyaha ah isla markaas ay aad ula yaabeen magacaabiddiisii, wuxuuna sameeyay wixii la filaayay inuu samaynayo…. {Midowga Yurub waxa ay innaga damceen haddii ay u saxiixeen niman aan xil-kas ahayn ma aha wax laynaga helayo!} Si kastaba ha ahaatee, is-casilaaddii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf (December 29,2008) hal maalin kadib (Decembe31,2008) iyadoo uusan dalka Madaxweyne lahayn, isla markaasna walaahow hor leh la geliyay, ayaa dalalka Midowga Yurub si aad moodo inay sugayeen inta Madaxweynaha xilka laga qaadayo ama lagu qasbayo inuu dego waxay safiirkii Soomaaliya u joogay Kenya Maxamed Cali Ameerika ula tageen barnaamij baaxad weyn oo runtii khatar ku ah dalka, barnaamijkaas marka sida uu yahay loo qeexo Nuur Caddde wuxuu dalka siiyay Midowga Yurub, waxaana cajiib ah marka aad fiiriso sida uu u qoranyahay Heshiis-ku-sHeegga waxaad garanaysaa xil-kasnimo darrada meesha ka dhacday inta ay la egtahay, heshiis-ku-sheeggaas wuxuu ceeb ku ahaa cid kasta oo wax ka saxiixday ama ha noqdaan dalalka ka bahoobo Midowga Yurub oo isu qaba dad dhoohan oo aan wax kala garanayn ay ka caqli badiyeen, ama ha noqoto kuwii la glay. Waxaa sidoo kale ay far-ku-godantahay Amb. Max’ed Cali Ameerika oo sida muuqata kaalin weyn ka qaatay dhagarta xafiiska Nuur Cadde la soo mariyay, maxaa yeelay waxa meesha ka qoran ma ahayn wax xataa Madaxweynaha dalka uu saxiixo karo, waayo waxa meesha ku qoran waxay ahaayeen hadal macnihiisu yahay Qaran iyo Dowlad ma tihiin!… Marka waxay su’aal ka taagantahay sidee Amb. Max’ed Cali Ameerika u saxiiay arrintaas ?!… sow inuu u bareeray ma aha? Waayo heshiiskaan wuxuu si cad u leeyahay ciidammada Midowga Yurub (European Union-Led Naval Force) ay kaga xaquuq badanyihiin ciidammada Soomaaliyeed dalka Soomaaliya, xuquuqdaas waxaa kamid ah in askari ka tirsan ciidmmada Midowga Yurub aan la xiri karin, laakiin askariga Soomaaliyeed ee dalk iska leh waa la xirayaa haddii uu danbi galo, waxaa kamid ah in dalka Soomaaliyeed uu meeshuu doono ka mari karayo oo aan la baari karayn askariga Midowga Yurub iyo Hawl-Wadaannada Madaniga ah, aan lala hadli karayn, aan wax la weydiin karayn, macnaha meeshuu doono ayuu baaran karaa, wuxuu doono ayuu ka samayn karaa!! …Nuur Cadde isagu ma uusan joogin meesha lagu saxiixayay heshiis-ku-sheeggaas isagoo malaha ujeeddadiisu ahayd inuu isu ekeysiiyo inuusan waxba kala socon saxiixa arrinkaas. Marka la fiiriyo guud ahaan dabeecadda heshiiska iyo sida uusan u waafaqsanayn xeerarka dowladnimo guud ahaan iyo gaar ahaan qaranimmada Soomaaliyeed, marka aad fiiriso waqtiga lala beegsaday in la saxiixo,iyo sida loo dedejiyay, iyo marka aad fiiriso sida Ra’iisal wasaarihii dalka isu moogaysiiyay, waxaa kuu muuqanay arrimaha siday isugu wada xirnaayeen waxaana si aan shaki kaa geleyn u garowsanaysaa in Nuur Cadde uu qorshaha iyo dagaalka dowladda dalka lagu af-gembinayay uu isagu ahaa ninkii loo soo maray isla markaasna fuliyay! Qiyaas! Madaxweynuhu wuxuu is casilay December 29-keedii, hal maalin ka dib oo ku beegan December31keeda Max’ed Cali Ameerika wuxuu Midowga Yurub u saxiixay in gaadiidkooda Badda, Cirka, iyo Dhulka Soomaaliyeed ay meeshay doonaan ka mari karaan iyadoon wax shuruud ah iyo xudduud aan lagu xirin, isla markaasna aan haba yaraatee waxba lagu bedelan aan ka ahayn in loo muujiyo JACAYL!…aan ka ahayn in loo muujiyo DIMUQURAADINIMO!…..aan ka ahayn in loo muujiyo in iyaga DAACAD loo yahay gar iyo gar-darraba!….Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf sababta loola dagaalay waxay ahayd inaysan ka suuroobayn waxaas iyo wax la mid ah, waxay ahayd in lagu arkay inuu hiddo raacayo dhaqankii iyo caadooyinkii gumeysi diidnimmada ahaa ee madaxdii Soomaaliya ee dalka soo maray ay lahaayeen!….Marka, weydiinta haboon in qof kasta iyo siyaasi kasta oo Soomaaliyeed uu is weydiiyo waxay tahay heshiiskaas sharci ma noqonayaa?!…Jawaabtuna iyadoo aan feker badan la gelin waa MAYA !…MAYA!…MAYA!… Midowga Yurubna sidaas way ogyihiin, laakiin waxaysan arag cid wax ku qabsanysa… Midda kale ee meesha ku jirta waxay tahay oo xoojinaysa tuhunka ah in Nuur Cadde loo adeegsaday riditaankii dowladda, sida uu u yeelay heshiis gaarsiisan heer ciidamo dalka loo fasaxayo inuu Safiir saxiixo, iyadoo uusan dalka Madaxweyne lahayn, xaalad degdeg ah oo kala guur ah uu galay, maxaa yeelay heshiiska heerkaas ah haddiiba uu qof saxiixayo ma aha mid heer safiir anasax ku noqon kara, waxaase wada tashi qoto dheer kadib haddii laysku af garto saxiixi kara labo Madaxweyne iyo Ra’iisal-wasaare, waxaan inta badan lagu wada saxiixdaa gudaha labada dal ee heshiiskaas galaya midkood, taasoo cadaynaysa muhimadda iyo baaxadda heshiiskaas leeyahay inay tahay mid labada dhinac ay wada ogyihiin! laakiin inuu safiir keligiis ku tagri falo oo saxiixo waa sharci daro! Marka laga hadlayo dalalka sheegta inay yihiin quwadaha adduunka safiiradooda heshiis kaas la mid ah iyo mid ka baaxad weynba way u saxiixi karaan dowladahooda, waxaase shardi ah in heshiiskaas yahay mid uu safiirka wax ka soo bilaabay,oo horay u soo socday oo madaxda labada dal ay horay u soo wadeen isla markaasna uu safiirka xog-ogaal u ahaa oo uu la socday xaaladihiisa ilaa la soo dhameeyay, waxaana intaas oo dhan ka weyn dalka ay heshiiskaas la gelayaan inuu yahay mid kamid ah kuwa ay ugu yeeraan Dunida Seddexaad! oo aysan uga baqayn cudud ciidan ama miisaan siyaasadeed oo saamayn ku yeelan karta caalamka intiisa kale! {Adan Max’ed Nuur iyo Xildhibaannadii maxaa ku dhacay oo heshiis-ku-sheeggaas uga hor imaan waayeen?!…CABSI!….VISA!…wax kasta rakhiis!} Max’ed Cali Ameerika, wuxuu kamid ahaa dhalin yaradii dibadaha ama dalalka reer galbeedka uga yimid ama uga yeereen siyaasiyiinta fadhiyay shirkii Mbagathi, wuxuuna markii u horeysay shaqadiisa ka bilaabay xafiiskii Ra’iisal wasaarihii hore Cali Max’ed Geeddi. Waxaa ka horeeyay oo isagana Geeddi xoogaa la shaqeeyay, markii horena loo malayniyay inuu xilkaas safiirnimmada ah qabanayo nin kale oo isagana kamid ahaa dadkii qurbaha ka yimid oo lagu magacaabayay Cabdiraxmaan Maleeshiyo. Waxaa iyadana sidaa soo kale Wasiir kasta, ama Xildhibaan kasta maalmahaas ka ag dhowaa oo boorsada ka daba waday dhallin-yaro ay intooda badan uga yeerteen dalalka reer galbeed ah, iyadoo ujeeddaduna ahayd in lagu gaaro kalsoonida dalalka dhalintaas laga keenay ama ay ka yimaadeen si loogu gaaro hadaf siyaasadeed ama haddaan si kale u iraahdo xil ama mansab siyaasadeed…qaabkaas uu Max’ed Cali Ameerika ku yimid wuxuu ahaa qaab ama nidaam ay waxa Beesha Caalamka loogu yeero ku shaqaalaysatay dad badan uguna soo darsatay hoggaanka siyaasadda dalka; qaar noqday xil-dhibaano, kuwa noqday Wasiiro, agaasimayaal, waxa ugu badan ee kaalin ahaan ay u haleen waxay ahayd safiirnimo, iyo xiriirrad arrimaha dibadda….Ugu dambayntiina waxa Beesha Caalamka loogu yeero waxay ku guuleysatay inay hoggaankii siyaasadda dalka ka dhigto mid dunida oo dhan ay wada leedahay….Is-casilaaddii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ka dib Af-hayeenkkii Baarlamanka Adan Madoobe wuxuu ku dhawaaqay in doorashada Madaxweynaha dhaqso loo qabanayo ayna ka dhacayso Baydhabo laakiin ma dhicin sidaas!…. W/Q:- Axmed-Yaasiin Max’ed Sooyaan The post Maqaal: Madax dalal kale xilka u haya, Soomaaliyana xukuma!….V appeared first on Puntland Post.
  7. Dowladda Djibouti ayaa gebi ahaanba ka baxday heshiis ay la gashay Dubai DP World oo kamid ah shirkadaha ugu waaweyn ee ka shaqeeya dekadaha caalamka,sida lagu sheegay qoraal uu soo saaray xafiiska madaxweynaha Khamiisti maanta. Heshiiska ayaa ku saabsanaa in shirkadda Dubai DP World ay maamusho dekedda Dooraale ee dalka Djibouti,balse qoraalka maanta ka soo baxay Xafiiska madaxweynaha Djibouti oo ay baahisay Wakaaladda Wararka Reuters ayaa lagu yiri”Jamhuuriyadda Djibouti waxay go’aansatay in ay joojiso sii wadidda hal dhinac oo saameyn degdeg ah ku leh qandaraaska la siiyay DP World”. Dhinaca kale shirkadda DP World ayaa sharci-darro ku tilmaantay tallaabada ay qaadday dowladda Djibouti ee kaga baxday heshiiska””Waxaan dalbaneynaa in xukuumadda Djibouti ay joojiso dhaqankeeda sharci-darrada ah ayna sii waddo heshiiska,“ayaa lagu yiri qoraal ka soo baxay shirkadda. Laakiin DP World ayaa sheegaysa in ka bixitaanka dowladda Djibouti ee heshiiskaan uusan saameyn dhaqaale ku yeelan doonin shirkadda. Dowladda Djibouti heshiiskan oo soconaya muddo 50 sano ah horay ula gashay shirkadda DP World ,balse sannadkii 2012 ayaa muran ka dhex abuurmay labada dhinac,xilligaasoo xukuumadda Djibouti ay sed-bursiinyo ku eedaysay shirkadda,islamarkaana ay shaacisay in ay heshiiska ka baxayso. Dowladda Djibouti ayaa horay dacwad ka dhan ah shirkadda DP World u gudbisay maxkamad ku taalla magaalada London,laakiin maxkamadda ayaa ka beri’yeeshay dhammaan eedaymihi Djibouti u jeedisay shirkaddaasi. Go’aanka haatan ka soo baxay madaxweynaha Djibouti ayaa lagu sheegay in heshiiska la soo afjaray,kadib markii lagu fashilmay xallinta khilaaf muddo u dhexeeyay labada oo soo bilowday sannadkii 2012. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Djibouti oo gebi ahaanba ka baxday heshiiskii shirkadda DP World. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. Feb, 22, 2018— Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa caawa kulan soo dhawayn ah la yeeshay Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka dalka Turkiga Hakan Cawuşoglu, iyo wafti ballaaran uu hogaaminiyey, waxuuna Soomaaliya u yimid dardargalinta mashaaariic horumarineed oo dalkaTurkigu uu ka fuliyo Soomaaliya iyo xoojinta heshiisyo ganacsi oo ay wada galayn labada dawladood. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa sheegay in uu ku farxsan yahay booqashada uu Soomaaliya ku joogo Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Turkiga oo wadankiisa labaad yimi, waxuuna u mahed celiyay shaqaalaha safaaradda iyo safiirka Turkiga u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, sida ay marwalba ula shaqayaan dawladda Soomaaliya iyo sida ay uga qayb qaataan xaaladaha deg deg ah ay marar qaar la kulmaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Hakan Cawuşoglu Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Turkiga ayaa ka warbixiyay socdaalkiisii uu ku marayay qaarada Africa iyo booqashadiisa Soomaaliya, isagoona maanta dhagax dhigay jid isku xiridoona magaalada Muqdisho iyo xarun lagu tobaboro ciidamada oo ay dhismaheeda hirgaliyeen Turkiga. Waxuuna bogaadiyay Goloha midowga ee wasiiradda dhaqaalaha labada dal, heshiiska Kulluumaysiga ee Soomaaliya, Xoojinta Amnigga, kobcinta dhaqaalaha dalka iyo dardaergalinta siyaasada loo dhanyahay oo dhamaantood ay ku guulaystay Xukuumadda haatan jirta. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa dalka Turkiga ka codsaday in la fuliyo heshiiskii dhaqaalaha ee ay wada saxiixdeen labada dal iyo in bangiyada dalka Turkiga ay xarumo ka furtaan Soomaaliya iyo sidoo kale in la balaariyo xarunta ay Turkigu ku tobobaraan ciidmada Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa waftiga la wadaagay in ay ka caawiyaan habkii ay biyo xirayn ugu samayn lahaayeen Wabigga Shabeelle oo haatan qalallay. Riisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa cadeeyay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay dadyowga kale ka dhawaystaan walaalahooda reer Turki, taasina ay tahay dareen ay ku abuurteen qalbiyada dadka Sooomaaliyeed, waligoodna ma iloobi doonaan sidii aad u garab istaagtayn wakhti ay dawladnimadoodu daciif ahayd. The post Ra’iisul Wasaare Ku xigeenka Turkiga oo Waddo ka dhagax dhigay Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. 22 Febraayo 2018: Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay, Ra’iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka Turkiga Mudane Hakan Çavuşoğlu iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayey. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa uga mahadceliyey Dowladda Turkiga taageerada ay mar walba la garab taagantahay Soomaaliya, waxa uuna ammaanay xiriirka walaaltinnimada leh ee kala dhexeeya Turkiga. Ra’iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka Turkiga ayaa dhankiisa uga mahadceliyey sida diirran ee ay Dowladda Federaalka usoo dhaweysay isaga iyo wafdiga la socday, wuxuuna ammaanay dadaallada dib u heshiisiineed ee ay Dowladda Federaalka ka wado dalka iyo horumarka dhanka Siyaasadda ay ku tallaabsatay. Ra’iisal Wasaare Kuxigeenka ayaa caddeeyey in ay fulin doonaan heshiisyadii ay Soomaaliya ku kala saxiixdeen Ankara bishii Janaayo ee sannadkan, ayna ka bilaabayaan maalgashiga Kalluumaysiga Soomaaliya. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa kala hadlay Ra’iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka Turkiga sidii loosii adkeyn lahaa loona horumarin lahaa xiriirka labada dal iyo iskaashiga dhanka dhaqaalaha iyo maalgashiga, wuxuu Madaxweynuhu ku bogaadiyey Dowladda Turkiga tababaridda, tayaynta iyo qalabaynta ciidanka Soomaaliyeed si ay uga xoreeyaan dalka argagaxisada. Ra’iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka Turkiga ayaa sheegay in sannadkan ay kordhiyeen miisaaniyadda ay ku kabaan Dowladda Federaalka, sidoo kalena ay maalgashi ku samayn doonaan webiga Shabeelle si kor loogu qaado waxsoosaarka Beeraha Soomaaliya. Waxaa kulanka kasoo qeyb galay Ra’iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed, Wasiiru Dowladaha Arrimaha Dibedda Mudane Cabdiqaadir Axmed Kheyr, Lataliyaha Madaxweynaha Arrimaha Dimuqraadiyadda Mudane Maxamed Cabdirisaaq. Dhinaca Turkiga waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Safiirka Turkiga u fadhiya Soomaaliya Mudane Olgan Bekar, Madaxa Hay’adda TIKA Mudane Serdar Çam, Xildhibaan Muhammed Müfit Aydın, Xildhibaan Halil Etyemez oo kamid ah Xildhibaannada Golaha Shacabka Turkiga. The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo Xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Ra’iisul wasaare kuxigeenka Turkey appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Lab technician Fadumo Jama Yousuf at the Puntland Forensic Center — a new weapon against Somalia’s rape epidemic The power of the genetic code: DNA recovered from fluids is now standard evidence in crime cases. The new freezers at Somalia’s only forensic laboratory can store thousands of DNA samples, although for now there are just five. The big hope is that they could be the start of a revolution in how the troubled Horn of Africa country tackles its widespread sexual violence — provided some daunting hurdles are overcome. The first sample arrived at the start of the year taken on a cotton swab from the underwear of a woman, a rape victim from the village of Galdogob. It was wrapped in paper and driven 250 kilometres (155 miles) to the Puntland Forensic Centre in Garowe, capital of semi-autonomous Puntland, slipped into a protective glass tube and placed in one of the three ultra-low temperature fridges. If DNA ID can be teased from the sample, this would be a crucial step in convicting the woman’s rapist. No longer would it be a case of he-said-she-said, in which the survivor is less often believed than the accused. Two decades of conflict and turmoil have made Somalia a place where lawlessness and sexual violence are rampant. “Now, people who have been raped hide because they don’t have evidence,” said Abdifatah Abdikadir Ahmed, who heads the Garowe police investigations department. But with the lab, he said, “it’s a scientific investigation. There are biological acts you can zero in on.” – Challenges – Not yet, however. Abdirashid Mohamed Shire, who runs the lab, has a team of four technicians ready but is awaiting the arrival of the final pieces of equipment. Their work to provide the evidence that might convict or exonerate is yet to begin. And the pressure is on. The freezers mean the DNA samples can be safely stored for years but Somali law allows a rape suspect to be held for a maximum of 60 days. Shire needs the analysis and identification machines urgently so that, as he put it, “justice will be timely served”. The laboratory, partly funded by Sweden, was launched last year after the Puntland state government enacted a Sexual Offences Act in 2016, which criminalised sexual offences and imposed tough penalties. But technology alone will not solve Somalia’s many judicial weaknesses. The DNA sample from Galdogob, for example, was stored in unclear and unrefrigerated conditions for five days before being sent to the lab, meaning a defence counsel could potentially argue the DNA evidence had been tampered with. Human rights lawyers worry the new lab might backfire for this reason. “A lot of thought needs to be given to how the chain of custody can be preserved in these kinds of cases,” said Antonia Mulvey of Legal Action Worldwide, a Kenya-based non-profit organisation. More fundamental still is the failure of Somalia’s police to take sexual assault cases — and their jobs — seriously. Corruption is rife, with a legal advisor to Puntland’s justice ministry saying officers “meddle” in cases, undermining them for personal gain. “My concern is that the corrupted system could not make a sure success of the lab,” the advisor said, requesting anonymity to speak candidly. “Investing in the lab is good, but we need to think about the preconditions.” The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) which helped pay for the lab is trying to address this by running training programmes for dozens of the Garowe police on sample collection, gender violence investigations and documentation. But, the legal advisor cautioned that donors can only do so much. “The issue is more complicated than training police. It relates to the political commitment of the government. UNFPA can train police but who will pay those you train? Are they given power to do the work?”
  11. Militariga Maraykanka ayaa mar labaad maanta shaaciyay in ay duqeyn cirka ah ku dileen xubno ka tirsan Xagjiriinta Al-shabaab ee Soomaaliya. Qoraal ka soo baxay Taliska Ciidanka Maraykanka ee Afrika ayaa lagu sheegay in duqeynta oo Arbacadii lagu qaaday meel u dhow degmada Jamaame ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose lagu dilay 4 ka tirsan Al-shabaab. Taliska ayaa sheegay in aanay jirin dad rayid ah oo duqeyntaasi khasaare ka soo gaaray,waxaana weerarku noqonayaa kii shanaad ee militariga Maraykanku sannadkaan ku qaaday mintidiinta Al-shabaab ee Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Maraykanka oo mar kale sheegay in uu dilay Xubno ka tirsan Al-shabaab. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. For more than two decades, Ethiopia is governed by the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition consisting of four major parties: the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF), the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. DJIBOUTI, (Reuters) - Djibouti has ended a contract with Dubai’s DP World, one of the world’s biggest port operators, to run its Doraleh Container Terminal, the president’s office said on Thursday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Detectives have promised to learn lessons after the groundbreaking trial of a father accused of allowing his six-year-old daughter to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) collapsed. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. General Cali Nuur Cumar, Taliyaha ciidanka Asluubta Puntland ayaa hambalyo u diray qaybaha kala duwan ee Ciidanka Asluubta 48 guuradii kasoo wareegatay xuska Maalinta Ciidanka Asluubta oo ku beegan 22-February sanadkii 1970kii. “Sanadguurada 48aad ee kasoo wareegtay markii la aas-aasay Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed awgeed, waxaan Hambalyo leeyahay, Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed Gaar ahaan Puntland, iyo dhammaan Ummadda Soomaaliyeed inay horumar ku gaaraan Sanadkan kiisa kale” ayuu yiri Sareeyo Guud Bashiir. 48-kii Sana ee uu soo jiray Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxa uu soo maray marxalado kala duwan, iyadoo wixii ka dambeeyay 1991-kii oo ah xilligii ay meesha ka baxday Dowladdii Milliterigana uu talisku marayo heerkii ugu tayada wacnaa. Halkaan Hoose Ka Dhegeyso. Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta Puntland General Cali Nuur Cumar
  16. NAIROBI (Reuters) – Ethiopia has released more than 1,500 prisoners in its eastern Somali region, government officials said on social media, days after the government declared a state of emergency to try to tamp down unrest in Africa’s second most populous nation. “On Wednesday, over 1,500 prisoners were released following a pardon by President Abdi Mohammed Omer,” the Somali Region’s communications bureau said on Facebook late on Wednesday, referring to the regional president. “The inmates had been jailed on charges that include anti-peace activities,” it added, without giving details. Ethiopia has already released more than 6,000 prisoners since January, including some high-profile journalists and opposition leaders. They were charged with a variety of offences, including terrorism. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said the releases were designed to increase “political space” in Ethiopia following anti-government protests that began in 2015. Hundreds of people were killed during two years of protests that convulsed the country’s two most populous provinces, whose ethnic Oromo and Amharic communities complain they are under-represented in the country’s corridors of power. Friday’s declaration of a six-month-long state of emergency followed Hailemariam’s surprise resignation on Thursday. He remains in office, overseeing the region’s biggest economy, until a new prime minister is appointed. The government previously imposed a state of emergency in October 2016, which was lifted in August 2017. During that time, curfews were in place, movement was restricted and about 29,000 people were detained. It’s unclear how many remain in prison.
  17. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Shirkii Golaha Wasiirada Somalia ayaa looga dooday heshiiskii ay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda la gashay ha’aydda “MIGA” ee bankiga aduunka, Hirgalinta barnaamijka xakamaynta iyo qoondaynta ee dhaqaalaha dawladda, Ansixinta heshiisyadii hore ee loo gudbiyay Gollaha, Warbxin ku saabsan ceelasha biyaha, Amnigga iyo arrimo kale oo Muhiim ah. Ugu horreyn Wasiirka Amnigga Gudaha Somalia Maxamed Abuukar Islow Ducaal, ayaa laga dhagaystay warbxin soo koobaysa xaaladda guud ee amanigga dalka gaar ahaan amaanka Muqdisho. Waxuuna wasiirku cadeeyay in ay jiraan baabuur kuwa raaxda ah oo lagu soo xiray qalabka waxyaabaha qarxa ay ku jiraan si loogu dhibaateeyo bulshada, isagoona u digay shacabka Soomaaliyeed in ay ka fogaadaan gaarigaas hadii ay arkaan ay ku soo wargaliyaan laamaha amnigga. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Soomaaliya Abdiraxmaan Ducaale Bayle, ayaa gollaha usoo bandhigay barnaamijka xakamaynta iyo qoondaynta dhaqaalaha dawladda (Commitmenta Control) kasoo ay dajisay xukuumaddu si loo ogaado dhaqaalaha soo gala iyo kan baxa dawladda Soomaaliya. Waxuuna tilmaaamay in dhaqan galinta barnaamjkan uu meel fiican marayo, dhammaan wasaaradihii ay khusaysana ay fuliyeen. Wasiir Bayle ayaa intaas ku daray in ay Soomaaliya ka mid noqotay 10-ka dal ee uu soo wanaagsanaaday nidaamkooda maaliyadeed, isagoona taas u sababeeyay dadaalka ay xukuumaddu ugu jirto la dagaalanka musuq maasuqa, sidoo kalena ay tahay guul usoo hoyotay dawladda Soomaaliya. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Axmed Ciise Cawad, ayaa ka warbixiyay heshiis ay wasaaraddu la gashay hay’adda “MIGA” ee hoostimaada bankiga aduunka, taas oo maalgashiyo badan ka hirgalisay dalka. waxuuna tilmaamay in heshiiskan uu faa’iido wayn uu uleeyahay Soomaaliya. Waxuu kaloo sheegay wasiirku in heshiiskaas ay saxiixayn 82-wadan, aduunkuna uu isku raacay in ay Soomaaliya gaartay horumar wayn, ayna tahay in lala galo heshiiyo maalgashi oo caalami ah. Ugu dambeyn, Wasiir Dawlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga Maxamed Cali Xagaa, ayaa ka warbixiyay howlgaladda ay ciidanka Soomaaliya ka wadaan dhammaan degmooyinka iyo goboladda dalka, waxuuna tilmaamay in ay meel fiican marayaan dhawaana Alshabaab laga sifayn doono guud ahaan dalka. PUNTLAND POST The post Qodobbo muhiim ah oo looga hadlay shirkii Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. The Minister of Information & National Guidance H E Abdirahman Abdilahi Guri Barwako has issued decisions, appointing Heads at several departments at the ministry. Hon. Musa Jambir has been named as the new Manger of Somaliland National Television replacing Mr. Khader Mohamed Akule. Hon. Omar Mohamed Farah has been appointed as the new chairman of Somaliland News Agency and has replaced Hon. Husein Kurdi. Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Jama aka Alolay has been named to head of Dawan newspaper replacing Mr. Sayid Osman Madar
  19. As with the light railway, the reality of the Ethiopia-Djibouti link is dashing high hopes. Furi-Lebu Station, outside of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. There are numerous examples of the successful and tangible manifestations of China’s Africa policy all across the continent. Two recent projects have placed a spotlight on Ethiopia, where the Chinese presence is overwhelming: the first modern light railway (tram) system of sub-Saharan Africa in the capital, Addis Ababa, and the Addis-Djibouti railway, connecting the landlocked country to the maritime trade routes of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. In this two-part analysis, we evaluate these Chinese investments after visiting these projects in January 2018. Part 1 looked at the light railway; below, we explain our findings on the Addis-Djibouti railway. If you have ever been to any of the newly built railway stations in China, you will not be surprised by the interior of the waiting hall at the Furi-Lebu Station. Though smaller in size, it is designed using the same standards, even using the very same colors and displays. The only difference is that it was built in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, to serve as the first station of the New National Railway Network in Ethiopia. While the media covered the brand new Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway connection after its completion, there were loads of question marks in the story that we wished to unravel. In order to do so, beside searching for sources and conducting interviews, we decided to travel to Furi-Lebu Station to find out everything about the project humanly possible. Enjoying this article? Click here to subscribe for full access. Just $5 a month. The first wall we bumped into was determining the location of the station. While it was finished and inaugurated at the end of 2016, few had a clue about its whereabouts. Luckily, our driver (recommended by a superb Czech Ethiopia expert, Jan Záhořík) made a few calls and drove us out of the city to the middle of nowhere. This is not an exaggeration. It took nearly an hour and a half to get to the station from Addis Ababa (outside of rush hour, and without road construction, the trip probably could have been 20 minutes faster. The roads were not finished on the last 3 kilometers of the trip, so we had to take dirt roads in order to arrive at what is billed as the country’s brand new main station. Furi-Lebu Station, viewed from a distance. Photo by Istvan Tarrosy. The Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway is a roughly 759 kilometer-long railway connecting the capitals of Ethiopia and Djibouti. Constructed between 2011 and 2016, it was financed by the Ethiopian government and by a loan from China’s Exim Bank. Details are not quite clear, but according to an article published by one of the embassies of Ethiopia, the total cost of construction reached $4.5 billion, at least half a billion more than originally planned. According to various sources, China’s ExIm Bank offered a loan of around $2.4-3 billion. In 2017, the Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) faced financial issues without having finished the project and the connecting infrastructure on time. According to reports, ERC had a stunning $3.7 billion in debt at the end of 2016, and had already started to repay those loans — without a functioning railway connection. Apparently, Ethiopia decided to build a railway network with standard gauge railways, replacing the old colonial meter gauge lines, and the Addis Ababa-Djibouti route is the first one to be finished. As an official commented (all sic): The reason why the trunk lines had not been built is that the Ethiopian government’s focus was on building the main railway line […] The construction of the trunk lines was not included in the contractual agreement. We first had to build the main line. Since the trunk lines are many we would need to conduct a study and build them later based on the study. We would connect the railway line to industrial zones, dry ports, national depot, and private depots. So the rail connection was inaugurated in October 2016, and ERC was already paying back the loans from the summer of 2016, yet the railway failed to start operations in 2017. It was only on January 1, 2018 that trains started to operate – still with substantial challenges, as you will see. The outside of Furi-Lebu station. Photo by Istvan Tarrosy. After arriving at the station, there was no activity and we bumped into a second wall: soldiers guarding the seemingly empty station. Since there is no other way you can buy a ticket before going to the station, it was quite interesting to see that our driver had to come up with a story in order the enter the massive, eclectic but impressive building. The lack of infrastructure was clearly visible at the station itself as well. While there were ongoing construction work, and according to the plans, a new line of the city’s light railway system will also terminate here, the area was quiet – nearly abandoned. From the outside, nothing indicated that this was a Chinese project, but as mentioned above, inside the station we definitely had the “Made in China” feeling. The ticket office was at another part of the building, separated from the waiting hall, with four out of eight ticket windows open. Considering the lack of interest at that time of the day, even this was a bit too much. The women at the ticket office were nice; we even learned that as foreigners, we should pay more for tickets than Ethiopian citizens. After the women spent more than ten minutes calculating the prices, a young Chinese male supervisor arrived to check if everything was okay. We chatted a bit with him in his mother tongue, which the Ethiopian staff members enjoyed. As was the case with light railway system, this railway is also operated by a Chinese company — in this case a consortium of two companies, the China Railway Group (CREC) and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CRCC), which were responsible for the constructions as well. Their job now is to operate and maintain the line, and also train local personnel for an undisclosed fee until 2023. The waiting hall of Furi-Lebu station. Photo by Istvan Tarrosy. After leaving the ticket office, we paid a visit to the waiting hall through the main entrance. It was empty, with locked doors leading toward the platforms. After taking a few photos, we were kindly asked by one of the soldiers to leave. Train operation is still unpredictable. According to the timetable, passenger trains are to leave Addis on every odd numbered day, but in January there were still problems with keeping to the timetable because of collisions with various animals on the way as well as occasional power cuts – despite the fact that the system had been tested for more than a year. As for the freight trains, there is still no reliable information about the amount of goods transported through the railway from Djibouti, but since the main station there is also outside of the city proper, there are a few pessimistic opinions about the operation. According to official data, the freight trains can move up to 3,500 tons at a time, but the actual transports will not be able to reach the desired capacity for many years. This project, similarly to the light railway system, is failing to meet its original goals, which has quite alarming financial consequences. While the light railway was mainly constructed in order to ease Addis Ababa’s traffic issues, this railway was built in order to help the landlocked country to reach maritime trade routes, and also to import much needed fuel as well in order to boost the economy. Failing to generate income needed to repay the loans might have negative consequences for the ERC and thus on future projects, not to mention the Ethiopian government. At the same time, it is of utmost importance that Ethiopian connectivity – and that of the entire continent – has been developing rapidly in order to bring some more benefits from the global economy and to ease prevailing disparities in the transnational global system, if only by a little. For this reason, China-built infrastructure projects are obviously welcomed by African governments. The frequently asked question, however, will stay with us: Are African agencies equipped to make sound choices about what the best option is, and under what circumstances development should take place? Dr. Istvan Tarrosy, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Pecs, Hungary. He is Director of the Africa Research Centre and Secretary of the Africa Sub-Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Zoltán Vörös, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor at the University of Pecs, Department of Political Science and International Studies. The Diplomat
  20. DJIBOUTI, Feb 22 (Reuters) – Djibouti has ended a contract with Dubai’s DP World, one of the world’s biggest port operators, to run its Doraleh Container Terminal, the president’s office said on Thursday. “The Republic of Djibouti has decided to proceed with the unilateral termination with immediate effect of the concession contract awarded to DP World,” the office of President Ismail Omar Guelleh said in a statement. A DP World spokesman declined to comment. Last February, the London Court of International Arbitration cleared DP World of all charges of misconduct over a concession to operate the terminal, Dubai’s government said at the time. In 2014, the government of Djibouti lodged claims accusing DP World, majority-owned by the Dubai government, of illegal payments to secure a 50-year concession for the Doraleh Container Terminal, the Dubai government said. The president’s office said the contract was ended after the failure to resolve a long-running dispute between the two parties that started in 2012. It gave no other details on the nature of the dispute, but said it took the decision to protect its “national sovereignty and economic independence.” “It should be noted that the Doraleh Container Terminal (DCT) will now be under the authority of the Doraleh Container Terminal Management Company which is fully owned by the government,” the statement said.
  21. Police arrested Mohamed on February 17 and have been holding him without charge Somaliland authorities should immediately release Mohamed Aabi Digaale, the Hargeisa bureau chief for the London-based broadcaster Universal TV, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Police arrested Mohamed on February 17 and have been holding him without charge, Guleid Ahmed Jama, chairperson of the advocacy organization Human Rights Center, and Abdullahi Hersi Kulmiye, the East Africa director of Universal TV, told CPJ. Authorities on February 19 brought Mohamed to court, where he was remanded to the Counter Terrorism Unit for seven more days while investigations continued, Guleid and Abdullahi told CPJ. Mohamed was relocated today to Hargeisa’s central police station, Guleid said. Guleid and Abdullahi separately told CPJ that Mohamed’s arrest was likely related to a February 2 story another Universal TV journalist published about conflict in Somaliland’s Sanaag region. Guleid said that some of the people interviewed for the report complained about police conduct in quelling regional violence. “The arbitrary arrest and detention of Mohamed Aabi Digale, simply because authorities dislike his TV station’s journalism, is outrageous and a violation of justice” said CPJ Africa Program Coordinator Angela Quintal in New York. “Somaliland should immediately free the journalist without charge and allow him, as well as his Universal TV colleagues, to work without fear of retaliation.” The arbitrary arrest and detention of Mohamed Aabi Digale, simply because authorities dislike his TV station’s journalism, is outrageous and a violation of justice Somaliland’s deputy police commissioner, Abdirahman Liban Fohle, on February 17 told journalists that Mohamed was arrested because the station had aired a report that was damaging to police, according to a video posted online that was translated and summarized for CPJ. CPJ was unable to determine if Abdirahman was referring to the February 2 story. Abdullahi and Yahye Mohamed, executive director of the Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA), told CPJ that Mohamed had previously written a letter to the Information Ministry apologizing for the February 2 story. Somaliland’s information minister, Abdurrahman Abdullahi Farah, referred CPJ to a ministry spokesperson, Yonis Ali, for comment. Yonis today told CPJ that police informed the Information Ministry that Mohamed’s arrest was not related to his journalism, but to security matters. Yonis declined to elaborate on the nature of the security issues, but said that the controversy associated with the February 2 broadcast had been resolved after the ministry received the apology letter, contradicting Abdirahman Libaan Fohle’s February 17 statement. Abdirahman, the deputy police commissioner, referred CPJ to the police commissioner Abdillahi Fadal Iman for comment. CPJ’s attempts to reach the commissioner on his mobile phone were unsuccessful, and he did not immediately respond to a text message from CPJ today. Mohamed’s arrest is the latest case in a deteriorating and hostile environment for the press in this semi-autonomous region of Somalia. CPJ has documented at least five cases of journalists who were detained in connection with their work in Somaliland since September 2017. During the elections in November 2017, authorities also shut down social media sites. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).
  22. MOGADISHU– The deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, HE Mahdi Mohamed Guleid received here on Thursday a high level Turkish delegation led by his counterpart, Turkish deputy Prime Minister, HE Hakan Çavuşoğlu who arrived in Mogadishu on working visit. The Turkish Deputy Prime minister is accompanied by members of Turkish govt and businessmen. Hon. Mahdi has said that Turkey is welcomed with open arms as it is one of the closest friend of Somalia in the world. He said that the remarkable support that Turkey offers Somalia is unforgettable.On his part, HE. Hakan Çavuşoğlu, Turkish PM said that he is happy to visit Somalia and the gist of his trip is to portray to the world that Somalia is peaceful and visitable. He has reiterated that Turkey, a powerful nation in the world in terms of military might is standing by Somalia which is recovering decades of hostilities and civil wars that ravaged the country.The Turkish delegation led by the deputy PM is due to hold high level talks with Somalia’s president, Hon. Farmajo and his Prime Minister, Khaire.
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynihii hore ee Galmudug, horena u soo noqday wasiir C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa su’aal ka keenay in Soomaaliya ay sanadkii 2017 kaalinta koowaad ka gashay dalalka ugu musuqa badan dunida. C/kariin Guuleed oo ahaa mid ka mida saaxiibadii ugu waaweynaa ee madaxweynihii hore Xasan Sheekh, isla markaana la sheego in xilka madaxweyne ee Galmudug uu ku helay lacag dowladda Soomaaliya ku bixisay ayaa is weydiiyey: War halkee Salaaddu iska qabsan la’dahay!? “Sidaan la waxada socono Barnaamijka Xukuumadda ay soo bandhigtay inay ku hawlgaleyso waxaa aasaas iyo gundhig u ahaa la dagaalka iyo ciribtirka Musuqmaasuqa iyo wax isdabamarsiinta xagga maamulka iyo maaliyadda intaba, meel kasta oo ay madaxda sare ee xukuumaddu ka hadleysayna sanadkii 2017dii waxay khudbadahooda diiradda ku saarayeen arinkaas kor ku xusan, bulshada Soomaaliyeed inteeda badanna arinkaas waa u guuxeen waana soo dhaweeyaan…” ayuu yiri C/kariin Guuleed oo soo xigtay warbixinta Hay’adda International Transparency. Wuxuu sheegay in in Hay,adda Caalamiga ah ee Daahfurnaanta ay warbixin sanadeedkeedii 2017 ku sheegtay in Soomaaliya ay gashay xagga qiimeynta dalalka uu musuqmaasuqu dilooday dalka ugu ugu sareeyo dunida, waliba sanadkii 2017kiina uu noqday mid ka sii musuqmaasuq badan sanadkii ka horeeyay ee 2016-kii. Caasimada Online
  24. HARGEISA– Somaliland President, HE Musa Bihi Abdi chaired a meeting of cabinet ministers which took place at the presidency on Thursday morning. The Vice President also was in attendance. The committee of the council of ministers in charge of national security made a report at the session in which they have suggested the best way forward for the prevention of clan skirmishes which are rampant in Somaliland rural areas. The committee said that the major cause of clashes between clans is the dispute which often arise from the resources sharing be it water, land dispute and other political wrangles that lead to fights. The council of ministers have reiterated that there should be justice for all Somaliland citizens in regard to job opportunities be it public or private. The Head of State has that a priority should be given to work over time for the nation. The following points have been agreed within the council of ministers meeting:- The national security committee of the cabinet was given time to accomplish possible remedies aimed at bringing the deadly inter clan skirmishes to end. As part of giving priority to gender, the council of ministers have agreed to give opportunities to females in Somaliland when it comes to job opportunities particularly to govt ministries and other public agencies should give first priority to women. The council of ministers have endorsed that the Civil Service Commission should arrange a particular way for women to be recruited into the civil service so that they should work in ministries. The outcast clans should also be given their opportunities pertaining to jobs and public officials at federal, regional and district level are urged to comply with the order. Finally, the cabinet have seen the significance of applying the rule of law in order the strengthen good governance.