Deeq A.

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  1. Musa Bihi Abdi, the new president of Somaliland, speaks to the media after casting his vote, Hargeisa, Somaliland, Nov. 13, 2017 (AP photo by Barkhad Kaariye) The candidate of Somaliland’s ruling party, Musa Bihi Abdi, was finally declared the new president of this semi-autonomous region of northwestern Somalia late last month, after eight days of counting, recounting and closed-door negotiations between him, his main rival and the National Electoral Commission. Now Bihi faces the task of dealing with Somaliland’s many challenges, most of all turning a nascent democracy and East African success story into a fully functioning and independent state recognized by the world. The election was declared peaceful and free by both local and international observers, who despite concerns claimed to have “observed a poll that in the main seems to have preserved the integrity of the electoral process.” But less than 24 hours after the closure of the polls on Nov. 13, Bihi’s main rival in the race, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi, the candidate from the opposition Waddani party, complained of irregularities, sparking protests that resulted in several deaths and injuries. Fearing that the situation could escalate further, the electoral commission agreed to a partial recount. Days later, the commission announced Bihi’s victory with 55 percent of the vote. Irro, as Abdullahi is known in Somaliland, won 40 percent. Faisal Ali Waraabe of the For Justice and Development party finished a distant third with about 4 percent of the vote. Somaliland had once again pulled back from the brink of a possible crisis. “One of the successes of Somaliland has been its relationship between modernity and tradition, and the way it uses traditional means to resolve political issues,” says Mohamed Farah, director of the Academy for Peace and Development, a research institute in Somaliland’s capital, Hargeisa. According to Farah, Somaliland’s political system, which incorporates both traditional clan elements and modern political structures, has been key to its ability to manage crises over its 26 years of self-declared but still internationally unrecognized independence. Despite a history of delays and complications—November’s election was first scheduled for 2015, but was postponed because of lack of funding, political disagreements and complications caused by drought—Somaliland can boast a relatively long list of polls going back to 2001’s constitutional referendum. In stark contrast to Somalia, which it broke away from, Somaliland is considered one of the most stable and functioning democracies in East Africa. A former British protectorate, Somaliland existed as a sovereign entity for five years before choosing to join what was then Italian Somalia in 1960. But after years of brutal civil war and the collapse of Somalia’s central government, the territory once again asserted its independence in 1991. Since then, it has existed as a de facto state, with its own governance institutions, a constitution and a vibrant civil society. The presidential election was important not only for its results, but for what the process signified. Another peaceful and democratic transition of power was a sign of Somaliland’s political stability and maturity, which many Somalilanders hope will bolster their case for international recognition. But while those achievements are impressive, especially when compared to the state of all its neighbors, Somaliland is not without its challenges. “Everyone focuses on Somaliland being democratic,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, chairperson of Somaliland’s Human Rights Center, a local watchdog. “But issues like the state’s human rights abuses are overlooked.” Journalists, opposition leaders and government critics are regularly imprisoned and harassed. The police force remains a highly militarized institution, which is not subject to civilian courts and operates largely with impunity. Women’s political participation is limited, and the law—especially related to citizenship rights and gender-based violence—betrays deeply ingrained gender inequalities. Somaliland has made great strides in developing its democracy, but officials’ focus on stability has prevented them from confronting other problems. Farah insists that political freedom and independence of the judiciary will have to be a priority for the new president, if Bihi is serious about reviewing areas of the constitution related to human rights. “Our constitution was founded in a period when there was internal conflict, but that is no longer the case,” he says. “Our constitution no longer reflects the political maturity of Somaliland.” During the election campaign, Bihi pledged to protect the rights of women and increase their political participation. He also laid out a plan to strengthen the independence of the judiciary. Having served first in Somalia’s air force under the nationalist leader-turned-dictator Mohammed Siad Barre, who was ousted in 1991, and as a commanding officer with the rebel Somali National Movement during the armed struggle against Barre’s rule in the 1980s, Bihi is seen as a strong leader who will uphold the rule of law and fight corruption. As president, Bihi will have to deal with the pressing issue of political reform. The lower chamber of parliament, the House of Representatives, has served since 2005, well past its mandate, which ended in 2015. The upper chamber, the House of Elders, known as the Guurti, has not had a new election since 1997. Parliamentary elections were initially due to be held at the same time as the presidential vote, but they have now been controversially postponed until April 2019, with authorities citing inadequate funding and logistical difficulties. Despite playing a central role in conflict resolution, the Guurti, which is made up of elders and other traditional leaders, has over time become more politicized. Coupled with the practice of hereditary sucession upon the death of the chamber’s original members, that politicization has undermined its effectiveness as an independent body. Bihi’s new administration will have the job of overseeing a long-overdue overhaul for both houses of parliament, a reform that has the potential to change the makeup of Somaliland’s political system. As important as it is for Somaliland’s domestic politics, Bihi’s election could also shape Somaliland’s emerging foreign policy. While other candidates were skeptical about two recent controversial deals with the United Arab Emirates, which will see major development of the port of Berbera and the establishment of an Emirati military base there, Bihi vowed to uphold them. The deals will bring unprecedented levels of investment in the country, putting Somaliland on the region’s geopolitical map. Bihi has also voiced his plans to develop a trade relationship with neighboring Ethiopia, while maintaining closer ties with the UAE. “Balancing Ethiopian interests and those of Arab countries will be a challenge,” Farah says. “And how they do that will be very important for the future of Somaliland.” Despite the challenges, Somaliland has made strides in establishing a stable, peaceful and relatively functional proto-state. But after a quarter of a century, its people say they feel like “hostages to peace,” as the government puts stability before all else. In a 2009 report for Human Rights Watch, many Somalilanders said they were “unable to confront Somaliland’s deepest problems effectively for fear of upsetting the fragile balance that has kept the territory from going the way of Somalia and other countries in the region.” Bihi will have to demonstrate that he is capable of moving beyond a narrow definition of democratic success in order to make Somaliland more inclusive and equal for all its citizens. Megan Iacobini de Fazio is a freelance writer based in East Africa. She has written and reported from the region for Al Jazeera, El Pais and other publications. World Politics Review
  2. Since 2008, the EU has provided more than €1.2 billion in assistance to Somalia. The EU’s aid focuses on three sectors: state building and securing peace, food security and education. Abdulkadir Muktar, a Somali Security officer, explains why investing in Somali security is a wise choice for European citizens. Abdulkadir Muktar is the Commander of a special branch of the Somali Police called the Maritime Police Unit, operating in the capital Mogadishu. Abdulkadir was born in 1991, the year Siad Barre’s dictatorship collapsed, marking the beginning of a quarter of a century of civil war which would forever change the capital Mogadishu from a place once known as “The Pearl of the Indian Ocean” to the most war-ravaged place in the Horn of Africa. “Growing up with the war drove me to want to become a Law enforcement officer,” says Abdkdir, who sports a short, trimmed beard. “As a boy I could figure out what normality and peace were like as my father, who was an officer in the Somali Army prior to Barre’s regime, and my mother, used to tell us children about Somalia in former times”, he continued. Abdulkadir dreams to see the setting up of a proper Coast Guard patrolling the 3,333 km of Somali coastline (the longest in Africa) so that weapons and people smuggling, along with other Maritime crimes – not least illegal fishing – could be defeated, or, at least appropriately countered. “We are still far away from ensuring the security of our coasts”, says the officer. “We even lack the ability to search vessels conducting illegal activities”, he added. The challenge of security in Somalia An (indirectly) elected government recognized by the international community and strongly committed to Peace and Security, leads Somalia nowadays. Up to 2011, the streets of Mogadishu were a scene of fighting between the extremist insurgency group Al-Shabaab and peacekeepers deployed by the African Union since 2007 (AMISOM), based on a UN Security Council resolution. Although ousted from the Somali capital, Al-Shabaab retains the ability to commit atrocities in Somalia, as well as in neighbouring countries. Whilst working to rebuild the security apparatus in Somalia and re-establish the Rule of Law in the Country, police officers like Abdulkadir Muktar, who works daily with EU and international colleagues, are faced with extraordinarily difficult security challenges. The most recent terrorist attack in Mogadishu (at the time of writing) signed by Al-Shabaab happened on 28 October 2017, targeting a hotel and killing 29 people during a siege that lasted nearly 12 hours. A fine young Maritime Police Officer who participated in many EUCAP Somalia’s activities, Major Mohammed Botan Hussein, a colleague of Abdulkadir, was among the dead. Among the dead were also a mother and her three children. This atrocity happened 14 days after a truck loaded with explosives took at least 358 Somali lives, injuring hundreds in the Somali capital. This was the worst attack Somalia experienced since the Al-Shabaab insurgency began in 2007. The global threat of terror and illegal activities coming from the Horn of Africa inevitably will have an effect on Europe unless challenged. That such violence can still take place, despite the fact the Government is committed to establishing a stable and secure society and state, based on the rule of law, demonstrates clearly that Somalia cannot face these security challenges on its own. Among the international community, the EU plays a significant role in the rehabilitation of the country’s security architecture and structures as a main donor. The EU: providing direct security support and helping build the capacity of Somali forces Since 2008, the EU has provided more than €1.2 billion to Somalia. The EU’s aid focuses on three sectors: state building and securing peace, food security and education. Somali officers as Abdulkadir are familiar with the EU, particularly with European fellow officers working in Somalia for EU Security Sector Reform Missions. Three EU Missions are currently deployed in Somalia under the auspices of the Common Security and Defence Policy: these are, firstly, EUCAP Somalia, a civilian maritime security capacity building Mission; EU NAVFOR Atalanta, a naval military mission patrolling the Coast to ensure safety of foreign aid and supporting the wider EU capacity building efforts, and EUTM Somalia, mentoring the Somali army. Abdulkadir Muktar and many of his colleagues have been mentored and trained by EUCAP Somalia and international partners participating in joint activities aimed at making Somalia a safer place, including the AMISOM troops (particularly the maritime unit) and UN Agencies such as UNODC. “I have been learning hands-on skills on three EU ships: A Dutch, an Italian and a Spanish one” says Abdulkadir, referring to joint activities at sea organised by EUCAP Somalia and practiced in conjunction with EUNAFOR Atalanta and other partners, such as the UN. It was the first time Abdulkadir could see and – experience being on – a real ship and touch equipment in order to learn how to use it. Coming soon: the Somali Coast Guard Saving lives at sea is now possible for Somali officers thanks to EUCAP Somalia and partners’ advising and training activities, which cover subjects such as investigation and searching techniques, police-prosecutor cooperation, IT training, helping to draw up police curricula, among many others. Exercises at sea with simulation of arrests for arms smuggling have also been organised by the EU maritime capacity building mission in cooperation with partners such as AMISOM. These are initial but essential steps for officers like Abdulkadir to acquire experience and skills to put into practice when the Coast Guard he dreams about will be patrolling the Somali Coasts. EUCAP Somalia has assisted the Somali Federal Government’s National Security Office in developing strategic options for a Federal Coast Guard Model. “I am grateful to the EU for its commitment in Somalia and I really hope they will help us to build premises for my unit,” (the maritime police). "This is important not only for us Somalis.” The bad guys here share the same ideology and agendas of some of those targeting other countries, including in the EU. Abdulkadir refers to the Maritime Police Development Project (3.2 million euros budget) developed by EUCAP Somalia in cooperation with EU Delegation to Somalia in partnership with the Somali Authorities, which will be funded through the EU development instruments. This EU project aims at improving the capabilities of the Mogadishu Maritime Police Unit, including boarding and search operations of vessels approaching the port. The globalisation of security threats Progress in Somalia will be achieved once the security situation has been stabilised, so that investment can flow and the huge potential of the country, from oil exploration to the development of a flourishing marine economy, to tourism, can be positively exploited. “This is important not only for us Somalis,” observed Abdulkadir, explaining that the “bad guys” affecting security in Somalia share the same ideology and agendas of some of those targeting other countries, including EU ones. Al-Shabaab is part of the al-Qaeda franchise and splinter groups have declared allegiance to the so-called “Islamic State”. The global threat of terror and illegal activities coming from the Horn of Africa inevitably will have an effect on Europe unless challenged. This is why by deploying Missions and personnel and providing aid to help Somalia the EU invests in its own security.
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa garoonka Diyaradaha Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta KMG ah ee maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ka degay diyaarad gaar ah oo siday Wadaadka Mukhtaar Roobow ‘’Abuu Mansuur’’. Roobow ayaa waxaa safarka ku wehlinaayay mas’uuliyiin dhowr ah oo uu kamid ahaa Wasiirkii hore ee Difaaca Somalia C/rashiid C/laahi Maxamed iyo Saraakiil Ciidan. Roobow iyo mas’uuliyiinta wehlineysa ayaa ka hor inta aysan gaarin magaalada Baydhaba ka amba baxeen Magaalada Xudur ee xarunta Gobolka Bakool. Garoonka diyaaradaha ayaa waxaa ku soo dhaweeyay Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Koonfur Galbeed, waxaana intaa kadib loo galbiyay Madaxtooyada maamulka Koonfur Galbeed. Mas’uuliyiinta ka tirsan maamulka ayaa sheegay in Mukhtaar Roobow uu ku nagaan doono magaalada Baydhabo muddo ku eg asbuuc, iyadoo halkaa lagu dajin doono qaabka uu u dhici doono duulaanka ka dhanka ah al-Shabaabka ku dhaqan Koonfur Galbeed. Abuu Mansuur ayaa inta uu ku sugan yahay magaalada Baydhabo mar kale la kulmi doona Hoggaamiyaha maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan iyo Wasiirka Amniga Xasan Xuseen (Eelaay).
  4. Isku aadka koobka Aduunka 2018 wareegiisa Group-yada ayaa la sameeyay iyadoo ay kasoo baxeen kulamo culus, waxaana isha lagu heyn doonaa wixii dhaca bartamaha sanadka soo aadan markaas oo la isugu imaan doono ciida qabow ee Russia. Argentina iyo Nigeria ayaa mar kale isku arki doona wareega group-yada iyadoo la xasuusto iney isku arkeen koobabkii aduunka ee 2010 iyo 2014 waliba groupyada, dhinaca kalana ma dhicin kulamo waaweyn oo la filayay sida inuu England ku aado wadamada kale ee ugu waaweyn. Wadanka loo saadaalinayo koobka Aduunka ee Brazil waxey galeen meel qabow marka loo fiiriyo iney ku qol tahay Switzerland, Costa Rica iyo Serbia. Wadamada Africa waxaa fursadda ugu fiican heysta Senegal oo ku group noqday ay iska caabin karaan sida Poland, Colombia iyo Japan, dhanka kalana Egypt ayaa la oran karaa iney fursad fiican heysato madama ay ku group noqotay Russia, Uruguay iyo Saudi Arabia. Haddaba halkaan hoose ka akhriso qaabka ay isugu aadeen Wadamada: ISKU AADKA OO DHAMEYSTIRAN: Group A Russia Saudi Arabia Egypt Uruguay Group B Portugal Spain Morocco Iran Group C France Australia Peru Denmark Group D: Argentina Iceland Croatia Nigeria Group E: Brazil Switzerland Costa Rica Serbia Group F: Germany Mexico Sweden Korea Republic Group G: Belgium Panama Tunisia England Group H: Poland Senegal Colombia. Japan.
  5. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo wefti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa manta 01 December 2017 dalka dib ugu soo laabtay, kana soo degey magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda dawladda Puntland, kadib safar shoqo oo ay ugu maqnaayeen dalka Ethiopia. Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa ayaa waxaa Garoonka diyaaradaha Kanooko ee magaalada Garoowe kusoo dhoweeyey masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha dawladda Puntland, saraakiil ka tirsan Madaxtooyada Puntland Puntland iyo masuuliyiin kale. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo warbaahinta kula hadlay qasriga Madaxtooyada Garoowe ayaa sheegay in safarka ay ku tageen dalka Ethiopia isaga iyo weftigiisu uu haa casumaad rasmi ah oo ay ka heleen Ra’iisul Wasaaraha dalkaasi, waxaana uu tilmaamay Madaxweynuhu in ay kawada haleen Madaxda dalkaasi arrimo la xidhiidha iskaashiga ganacsi, dhaqalaha, amniga iyo sidii laysaga kaashan lahaa soo afjaridda cadawga tamarta yar ee kudhuumaalaysanaya dalka. Halkaan ka daawo. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Madaxweyne Gaas oo dib ugu soo laabtay Puntland kana warbixiyey safarkiisi dibadda appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo wefti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa manta 01 December 2017 dalka dib ugu soo laabtay, kana soo degey magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda dawladda Puntland, kadib safar shoqo oo ay ugu maqnaayeen dalka Ethiopia. Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa ayaa waxaa Garoonka diyaaradaha Kanooko ee magaalada Garoowe kusoo dhoweeyey masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha dawladda Puntland, saraakiil ka tirsan Madaxtooyada Puntland Puntland iyo masuuliyiin kale. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo warbaahinta kula hadlay qasriga Madaxtooyada Garoowe ayaa sheegay in safarka ay ku tageen dalka Ethiopia isaga iyo weftigiisu uu haa casumaad rasmi ah oo ay ka heleen Ra’iisul Wasaaraha dalkaasi, waxaana uu tilmaamay Madaxweynuhu in ay kawada haleen Madaxda dalkaasi arrimo la xidhiidha iskaashiga ganacsi, dhaqalaha, amniga iyo sidii laysaga kaashan lahaa soo afjaridda cadawga tamarta yar ee kudhuumaalaysanaya dalka. Madaxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale xusay in arrimaha ay kawadahadleen Madaxda dalka Ethiopia ay kamid ahayd fududaynta isusocodka shacabka labadadhinac, ganacsiga iyo adkaynta amaanka xuduuddaha Puntland iyo Ethiopia, waxaana uu hoosta ka xariiqay Madaxweynuhu in dhammaan arrimaha laga wadahadlay ay guul kusoo dhammaadeen, islamar’ahaantaana uu guul u ahaa safarkoodu Dawladda Puntland iyo dalka Ethiopia. “Sidoo kale waxaanu kawada hadalnay in la fududeeyo isusocodka dadka iyo ganacsiga Puntland iyo Ethiopia, waxaanu aragnay Madaxdiidalkaasi u saraysey oo uu ka mid ahaa Ra’iisul Wasaaraha dalka Etiopia iyo qaar kamid ah Wasiirada dalkaasi, waxaan is leeyahay safar-kaasi wuxuu ahaa safar Puntland guul u ah, Ethiopia-na guul u ah, wuxuu muujinayey baahida labada dhinac oo ay kamid yihiin ganacsiga iyo amniga, waxaanna is leeyahay safar-kaasi wuxuu kusoo dhammaaday guul nabadbaanna kusoolaabanay”ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland. Ugudanbayn, Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa sheegay in ay farxad iyo guul u tahay inuu kusoo laabto dalkoo nabad ah, waxaana uu shacabka reer Puntland iyo masuuliyiinta dawladdaba kubooriyey inay illaashadaan nabadda, xasiloonida iyo kaladanbaynta. =DHAMMAAD= XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland oo Dalka Dib Ugu Soo Laabtay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa goordhow war kasoo saartay Soomaalida ku dhibaateysan dalka Libya. Warsaxaafadeed ay soo saartay wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Soomaaliya oo arrintan ku saabsan hoos ka aqriso. Warsaxaafadeed Ka dib markii Madaxweynaha Jamhuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed, uu wadatashi kala yeeshay dhibaatada isa soo tareysa ee Soomaalida ku sugan Liibiya, ayuu Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya, Yusuf-Garaad Cumar, wuxuu u xil saaray Danjiraha Soomaaliya u fadhiya xarunta Midowga Yurub ee Brussels, Dr. Cali Saciid Faqi, in uu u kuurgalo, soo ururiyo, warbixinna ka soo diyaariyo xogta dhabta ah ee Soomaalida ku xanniban dalka Liibiya. Maaddaama uu Madaxweynuhu amar ku bixiyay in ay Dowladdu deg deg u qaaddo tallaabo kasta oo sharci ah oo Soomaalida Liibiya loogu soo celin karo dalkooda hooyo, Wasiirku wuxuu Danjiraha farayaa in uu laba toddobaad gudahood ku soo diyaariyo xog sugan oo ku saabsan Soomaalida joogta dalka Liibiya iyo waliba talooyin ku saabsan waxa la gudboon Dowladda Soomaaliya in ay ku dhaqaaqdo. Mas’uuliyiinta iyo hey’adaha Dowladda ee uu u baahdo in uu waajibkaas loo xil saaray uu la kaashado, wuxuu Wasiirku ka codsanayaa in ay Danjiraha gacan ku siiyaan gudashada waajibaadka Qaran ee xasaasiga ah. Waxaa xusid Mudan in Danjiraha Soomaaliya u fadhiya xarunta Midowga Afrika ee Addis Ababa, Maxamed Cali-Nur Xaaji uu hoggaamin doono ergo diblomaasiyiin ah oo uu Midowgya Afrika u xil saaray in ay booqdaan Liibiya si ay qiimeyn ugu sameeyaan xaaladda dadka Afrikaanka ah ee ku xanniban dalkaas. ###
  8. Waxaa maanta laga xusay magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe, Maalinta Caalamiga ah [1 December, 2017] ee loo asteeyay Cudurka AID-ka, kasoo sannadkan hal ku dhig looga dhigay Caafimaadku waa Xuquuq Sugan iyo Aan CiribtirnoTakoorka. Munaasabad ay soo qaban qaabisay hay’adda Puntland u qaabilsan AIDS-ka ee PAC, ayaa looga hadlay cudurkan iyo sida bulshada looga wacyigalin lahaa, waxaana dadweyne kala duwan oo kula bisan Funaanado iyo boorar lagu xardhay hal ku dhigyo midaysan ay socod kusoo mareen waddooyinka magaalada Garoowe. Sidoo kale waxaa xafladda dabaal degga maalintan lagu qabtay xarunta Jaamacadda PSU. Guddoomiyaha hay’adda PAC, Cabduqaadir Maxamed Bur-burshe, ayaa sharaxaad ka bixiyay waxqabadka xaruntan, isagoo tilmaamay in sannadkan uu ka duwanyahay kuwii hore oo ay munaasabadda maalinta ka sameeyeen Shan gobol, halka wacyigalin ay ka bilaabayaan masaajidda, goobaha waxbarashada iyo warbaahinta. “Sannadkan waxaa laga xusayaa maalinta degmooyinka Puntland, sidoo kale waxaa casho sharafyo iyo munaasabado waxa la isaga weydiinayo cudurkan lagu qabanayaa meelo ka baxsan Puntland, waxaan sidoo kale wacyigalino Agaasimaha oo sidoo kale sheegay in ay korodhay tiradada dadka la nool cudurkan oo sida uu xusay u badan dumar, wuxuuna sabab uga dhigay wacyigalin la’aan dadka haysatada “Cudurkan waxaa faafinaya, dadkeenu wali uma wacyigalinsana, waxaa sidoo kale faquuq lagu hayo dadka la nool cudurkan oo keentay Aargoosi iyo cadowtinimo.” Mid kamid ah dadka la nool cudurkan ayaa sheegay inaysan helin xuquuqdii iyo ixtiraamkii ay ku lahaayeen bulshada. “Waxaan kamid ahaa ciidamadii Soomaaliya, kuwa Puntland, xanuunkan waa i asiibay, xaaskaygii waa dilay… Markii cudurkan igu dhacay waxaan ahaan Kornayl kamid ah ciidamada Puntland shaqadii waa la iga ruqseeyay,” sidaas waxaa yiri Maxamud Warsame Maxamud oo kamid ah dadka la nool cudurkan. Maxamud ayaa sidoo kale eedeeyay shacabka Puntland oo uu ku dhaliilay inay dayaceen takooreen islamarkaana ka qayb qaateen inuu fido cudurkan. Qaar kamid ah dadkii kasoo qayb galay oo isugu jiray mas’uuliyiin kasocotay dowladda iyo bulshada rayidka ah ayaa ugu tilmaamay inay ka qayb qaadanayaan Cismaan Diiriye Kulane, oo kamid ah guddiga Barlamanka Puntland ee Arrimaha Bulshada, ayaa sheegay inay samayn doonaan Sanduuq dadkan wax loogu aruurin doono, isagoo bulshada ugu baaqay inay door ka qaataan sidii dadka wax loo tari lahaa. Dhinaca kale waxaa caawa la filayaa in Garoowe lagu qabto munaasabad casho ah oo u dhaxaysa dadka la nool cudurkan iyo bulshada fayow taasoo uu kasoo qayb gali doono Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland. Ugu dambayn goobtii xafladdu ka socotay waxaa joogay bahda caafimaadka, waxaana baaritaan lagu sameeyay dadkii kasoo qayb galay munaasabadda taasoo ahayd mid qofkii raba uu tagayay, waxaana is-baaray mas’uuliyiin ay kamid yihiin Xildhibaan Kulane iyo Agaasime Tigaana kuwaasoo helay natiijo caafimaad qab ah. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Maalinta Aids-ka oo maanta laga xusay magaalada Garowe appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda Somalia ayaa war-saxaafadeed kasoo saartay tahriibayaasha Soomaaliyeed ee ku xiran dalka Liibya, iyadoo lagu sheegay warbixinta in loo kuur-galayo xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin Soomaalidaas. Haddaba, War-saxaafadeedka Xukuumadda Somalia ay soo saartay ayaa wuxuu u qornaa sidan; Kaddib markii Madaxweynaha Somalia, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed, uu wadatashi kala yeeshay dhibaatada isa soo tareysa ee Soomaalida ku sugan Liibiya, ayuu Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya, Yusuf-Garaad Cumar u xil saaray Danjiraha Somalia u fadhiya Xarunta Midowga Yurub ee Brussels, Dr. Cali Saciid Faqi inuu u kuur-galo, soo ururiyo, Warbixinna ka soo diyaariyo xogta dhabta ah ee Soomaalida ku xanniban dalka Liibiya. Maaddaama uu Madaxweynuhu amar ku bixiyay in ay Dowladdu deg deg u qaaddo tallaabo kasta oo sharci ah oo Soomaalida Liibiya loogu soo celin karo dalkooda hooyo, Wasiirku wuxuu Danjiraha farayaa in uu laba toddobaad gudahood ku soo diyaariyo xog sugan oo ku saabsan Soomaalida joogta dalka Liibiya iyo waliba talooyin ku saabsan waxa la gudboon Dowladda Soomaaliya in ay ku dhaqaaqdo. Mas’uuliyiinta iyo hey’adaha Dowladda ee uu u baahdo in uu waajibkaas loo xil saaray uu la kaashado, wuxuu Wasiirku ka codsanayaa in ay Danjiraha gacan ku siiyaan gudashada waajibaadka Qaran ee xasaasiga ah. Ugu dambeyn, Waxaa xusid mudan in Danjiraha Somalia u fadhiya xarunta Midowga Afrika ee Addis Ababa, Maxamed Cali-Nur Xaaji uu hoggaamin doono ergo diblomaasiyiin ah oo uu Midowgya Afrika u xil saaray in ay booqdaan Liibiya si ay qiimeyn ugu sameeyaan xaaladda dadka Afrikaanka ah ee ku xanniban dalkaas. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Somalia oo War Qoraal ah kasoo Saartay Soomaalida ku xiran Dalka Liibiya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Sida lagu sheegay qoraal ka soo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda, dowladda federaalka ah waxaa ay todobaad gudahiisa ku diyaarineysaa xog ku aadan Soomaalida ku sugan dalka iyo Liibiya iyo xaaladooda. Qoraalka waxaa uu u qornaa sidan: Ka dib markii Madaxweynaha Jamhuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed, uu wadatashi kala yeeshay dhibaatada isa soo tareysa ee Soomaalida ku sugan Liibiya, ayuu Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya, Yusuf-Garaad Cumar, wuxuu u xil saaray Danjiraha Soomaaliya u fadhiya xarunta Midowga Yurub ee Brussels, Dr. Cali Saciid Faqi, in uu u kuurgalo, soo ururiyo, warbixinna ka soo diyaariyo xogta dhabta ah ee Soomaalida ku xanniban dalka Liibiya. Maaddaama uu Madaxweynuhu amar ku bixiyay in ay Dowladdu deg deg u qaaddo tallaabo kasta oo sharci ah oo Soomaalida Liibiya loogu soo celin karo dalkooda hooyo, Wasiirku wuxuu Danjiraha farayaa in uu laba toddobaad gudahood ku soo diyaariyo xog sugan oo ku saabsan Soomaalida joogta dalka Liibiya iyo waliba talooyin ku saabsan waxa la gudboon Dowladda Soomaaliya in ay ku dhaqaaqdo. Mas’uuliyiinta iyo hey’adaha Dowladda ee uu u baahdo in uu waajibkaas loo xil saaray uu la kaashado, wuxuu Wasiirku ka codsanayaa in ay Danjiraha gacan ku siiyaan gudashada waajibaadka Qaran ee xasaasiga ah. Waxaa xusid Mudan in Danjiraha Soomaaliya u fadhiya xarunta Midowga Afrika ee Addis Ababa, Maxamed Cali-Nur Xaaji uu hoggaamin doono ergo diblomaasiyiin ah oo uu Midowgya Afrika u xil saaray in ay booqdaan Liibiya si ay qiimeyn ugu sameeyaan xaaladda dadka Afrikaanka ah ee ku xanniban dalkaas. Goobjoog News Source
  11. Wasaarada Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska DPL oo kaa shanaysa Hay’adda ARC International ayaa biyo xireeno ka dhagax dhigay deegaano katirsan gobolada Bari, Karkaar iyo Haylaan ee Puntland, biyo xireenadan oo ah kuwo casri ah islamarkaasna la jaanqaadaya kawa laga dhiso dunida horumartay ayaa laga dhagax dhigay deegaanada Qodax, Sheerbi, Balli-busle, Xiriiro iyo Meeladeen. Eng, Cabdiweli Yussuf Aden oo ah Injineerka wasaarada Deegaanka oo ka hadlay biyo xireenadan ayaa sheegey in ay noqonayaan kuwo ka duwan kuwii ay horey u waday wasaaradu waxaana uu sheegey in ka koobnaan doono qaybo kaladuwan islamarkaasna loo qoodi doono Hoos loona balaarin doono dhinacyada iyadoo Bac lagu xiriri doono, Sidoo kale Injineerku wuxuu sheegey in Biyo Xireenadan oo Shan meelood laga sameeyey lagu wareejin doono Silig si loo ilaaliyo nadaafada Biyaha iyo Haamo biyaha Kaydiya. Saalax Cabdirashiid Maxamed oo madax ka ah hay’adda ARC International qaybteeda Puntland oo iyadu fulin doonta Biyo Xireenadan ayaa sheegey in ay hay’addu rajaynayo inay mashaariic kale kasameeyaan Puntland, Mashaariicdan hada socda ee biyo xireenada ah ayaa uu sheegey inay barbar socon doonaan tababaro iyo barnaamjyo kaladuwan oo ay ka faa’iidaysan doonaan dadka degen deegaanada laga samanayo Mashaariicdan. Agaasimaha Waaxda shuruucda ee wasaarada Deegaanka Puntland Axmed Aadan Faarax oo isna ka qaybgalay dhagax dhiga Biyo Xireenadan ayaa sheegey in tani ay qaybwayn ka tahay dadaalka ay Wasaarada Deegaanka Puntland oo kaashanaysa hay’adaha ay wada shaqaynta leeyihiin ugu jiraan laga boxo Biyo yarida islamarkaasna laga faa’iidaysto Biyaha Roobka waxaana uu sheegey in wasaaradu ay rajaynayso in ay sii laba jibaarto qorshaheeda ku aadan ka faa’iidaysiga biyaha Roobka. Gudoomiyeyaasha Degmooyinka, kuwa deegaanka iyo maamulada gobolada kala duwan ee laga samaynayo Biyo xireenada cusub iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada deegaanadaas ayaa siwayn usoo dhaweeyey dhismaha biyo-xireenka,iyagoo u mahadceliyey Hay’adda ARC International iyo Wasaaradda Deegaanka, waxayna sheegeen inay noloshoooda waxbadan ka badi doonaan marka la dhiso Biyo-xireenadan. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Wasaarada Deegaanka Puntland oo biyo xireeno ka dhiseysa Bari,Karkaar iyo Haylaan appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. Jabuuti (PP) ─ Maamullada Ahlusunna iyo Galmudug oo Wada-hadallo ay uga socdeen Dalka Jabuuti, ayaa isku af-gartay qodobbo dhawr ah, kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin; habka awood-qaybsiga maamulka Galmudug. Kulankaan oo socday muddo Toddobaad ah ayaa ugu horreyn ku billowday siminaar looga hadlayay xalinta khilaafaadka oo ay soo qaban-qaabisay Urur Goboleedka IGAD, iyadoo siminaarka kaddib la galay wada-hadalladii tooska ahaa ee labada maamul ee Galmudug iyo Ahlusunna. Heshiiska labada dhinac ay gaaraan ayaa la filayaa inay Muqdisho si rasmi ah ugu saxiixaan, waxaana labada dhinac ay go’aansadeen inay keligood wada-hadleen oo aan loo dhexeyn. Qodobbada ay illaa hadda isku af-garteen labada maamul ayaa kala ah; 1. In Ahlu Sunna ay aqbashay magaca Galmudug. 2. In Ahlu Sunna ay aqbashay ku biiritaanka Galmudug. 3. In Ahlu Sunna ay xubno ku yeelato Baarlamaanka Galmudug. 4. In Ahlusunna ay yeelato Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Galgaduud, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare Galmudug iyo Taliye-yaasha Ciidamada Nabad Suggida & Booliska Galmudug. 5. In sidoo kale Ahlusuna ay yeelato Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, Ku xigeenkiisa, 11 xildhibaan iyo 5 Wasiir. Ugu dambeyn, Tallaabadaan ayaa muujinaysa in Ahlusunna ay si rasmi ah ugu biirayso maamulka Galmudug, kaddib khilaaf muddo dheer soo socday, waxaana la filayaa in qodobbo kale oo xasaasi ah ay is-af-garad ka gaaraan dhinacyadan. PUNTLAND POST The post Maamullada Galmudug iyo Ahlusunna oo heshiis is-af-garad ah ku gaaray dalka Jabuuti appeared first on Puntland Post.
  13. Baladweyne (PP) ─ Xoogaga Al-Shabaab ayaa maanta Weeraray Gaadiid uu la socday Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan, Cali Jeyte Cismaan oo marayay inta u dhaxeysa degmooyinka Maxaas iyo Matabaan ee Goolka Hiiraan. Guddoomiyaha la weeraray ayaa kasoo ambabaxay Beledweyne isagoo kusii jeeday degmada Maxaas, iyadoo weerarkan uu yimid intii uu safarkisa kusii jiray , iyadoo la sheegay in guddoomiyuhu uu bad-qabo. Ilaaladii guddoomiyaha iyo xoogaggii Al-shabaab ee weeraray ayaa waxaa dhex-maray dagaal culus oo muddo kooban socday, inkastoo la ogeyn inta uu le’eg yahay khasaaraha weerarkan ka dhashay. Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegay in weerarkaas lagu dilay afar ka mid ah xoogagii Al-shabaab ee weerarka geystay, tiro kale oo intaas ka badnana la dhaaway. Inkastoo aysan sheegin khasaare iyaga ka soo gaartay weerarka. Sidoo kale, Al-shabaab ayaa iyaduna dhankeeda sheegtay in weerarkaas uu ahaa mid dhabo-gal ah, ayna ku dileen saddex ka mid ah Askartii ilaalada u ahayd guddoomiyaha gobolka Hiiraa, tiro kalena ay dhaawaceen. Ugu dambeyn, Kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa maalmihii u dambeeyay weerarro ka waday deegaanno ka tirsan Gobolka Hiiraan, iyagoo dhawr maalmood ka hor weerar ku qaaday deegaan u dhaw degmada Beledweyne, kaasoo khasaare geystay. PUNTLAND POST The post Weerar Khasaare geystay oo lagu qaaday kolonyo uu Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan la socday appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. Puntland- Waxaa laga xusay magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe, Maalinta Caalamiga ah [1 December, 2017] ee loo asteeyay Cudurka AID-ka, kasoo sannadkan hal ku dhig looga dhigay Caafimaadku waa Xuquuq Sugan iyo Aan CiribtirnoTakoorka. Munaasabad ay soo qaban qaabisay hay’adda Puntland u qaabilsan AIDS-ka ee PAC, ayaa looga hadlay cudurkan iyo sida bulshada looga wacyigalin lahaa, waxaana dadweyne kala duwan oo kula bisan Funaanado iyo boorar lagu xardhay hal ku dhigyo midaysan ay socod kusoo mareen waddooyinka magaalada Garoowe. Sidoo kale waxaa xafladda dabaal degga maalintan lagu qabtay xarunta Jaamacadda PSU. Guddoomiyaha hay’adda PAC, Cabduqaadir Maxamed Bur-burshe, ayaa sharaxaad ka bixiyay waxqabadka xaruntan, isagoo tilmaamay in sannadkan uu ka duwanyahay kuwii hore oo ay munaasabadda maalinta ka sameeyeen Shan gobol, halka wacyigalin ay ka bilaabayaan masaajidda, goobaha waxbarashada iyo warbaahinta. “Sannadkan waxaa laga xusayaa maalinta degmooyinka Puntland, sidoo kale waxaa casho sharafyo iyo munaasabado waxa la isaga weydiinayo cudurkan lagu qabanayaa meelo ka baxsan Puntland, waxaan sidoo kale wacyigalino Agaasimaha oo sidoo kale sheegay in ay korodhay tiradada dadka la nool cudurkan oo sida uu xusay u badan dumar, wuxuuna sabab uga dhigay wacyigalin la’aan dadka haysatada “Cudurkan waxaa faafinaya, dadkeenu wali uma wacyigalinsana, waxaa sidoo kale faquuq lagu hayo dadka la nool cudurkan oo keentay Aargoosi iyo cadowtinimo.” Mid kamid ah dadka la nool cudurkan ayaa sheegay inaysan helin xuquuqdii iyo ixtiraamkii ay ku lahaayeen bulshada. “Waxaan kamid ahaa ciidamadii Soomaaliya, kuwa Puntland, xanuunkan waa i asiibay, xaaskaygii waa dilay… Markii cudurkan igu dhacay waxaan ahaan Kornayl kamid ah ciidamada Puntland shaqadii waa la iga ruqseeyay,” sidaas waxaa yiri Maxamud Warsame Maxamud oo kamid ah dadka la nool cudurkan. Maxamud ayaa sidoo kale eedeeyay shacabka Puntland oo uu ku dhaliilay inay dayaceen takooreen islamarkaana ka qayb qaateen inuu fido cudurkan. Qaar kamid ah dadkii kasoo qayb galay oo isugu jiray mas’uuliyiin kasocotay dowladda iyo bulshada rayidka ah ayaa ugu tilmaamay inay ka qayb qaadanayaan Cismaan Diiriye Kulane, oo kamid ah guddiga Barlamanka Puntland ee Arrimaha Bulshada, ayaa sheegay inay samayn doonaan Sanduuq dadkan wax loogu aruurin doono, isagoo bulshada ugu baaqay inay door ka qaataan sidii dadka wax loo tari lahaa. Dhinaca kale waxaa caawa la filayaa in Garoowe lagu qabto munaasabad casho ah oo u dhaxaysa dadka la nool cudurkan iyo bulshada fayow taasoo uu kasoo qayb gali doono Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland. Ug dambayn goobtii xafladdu ka socotay waxaa joogay bahda caafimaadka, waxaana baaritaan lagu sameeyay dadkii kasoo qayb galay munaasabadda taasoo ahayd mid qofkii raba uu tagayay, waxaana is-baaray mas’uuliyiin ay kamid yihiin Xildhibaan Kulane iyo Agaasime Tigaana kuwaasoo helay natiijo caafimaad qab ah.
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ka socdo Mooshin ay wadaan Xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, waxayna mooshinkaas ka gudbinayaan madaxda ugu sareyso dalka. Haddaba waxaan warbixintaan kusoo qaadan doonaan waxyaabaha keenay mooshinkaas iyo Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo garan waayey waxa ay garteen Gabdhaha Nadiifiyo Xafiisyada dowladda ee lacagta yar qaata. Maxaa keenay Mooshinkaan?: Dhawaan Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa Canshuur kusoo rogtay Mushaarka ay qaataan Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya kadib markii ay dowladda dhexe ay qaadatay nidaamka isla xisaabtanka iyo maamul wanaaga. Tallaabadaas lagu amaanay Wasaaradda Maaliyadda kadib, Xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa bilaabay ololo ay mooshin kaga diyaarinayaan madaxda ugu sareyso dalka kadib markii ay ka xanaaqeen Canshuurta ay Wasaaradda Maaliyadda soo rogtay. Xildhibaanadaan ayaa sheegay inaysan macquul aheyn in Mushaarkooda laga jaro lacagta Canshuurta dalka, waxayna bilaabeen inay mooshino diyaariyaan si ay Canshuurtaan uga badbaadaan. Xildhibaanada oo garan waayey waxa ay garteen Gabdhaha nadiifiyo Xafiisyada dowladda!!: Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa garan waayey waxa ay garteen Gabdhaha Nadiifiyo Xafiisyada dowladda Soomaaliya kuwaas oo qaata lacag aad u yar marka loo fiiriyo lacagaha aadka u badan oo ay qaataan Xildhibaanada Dowladda Soomaaliya. Ifraax oo kamid ah Shaqaalaha Nadiifiyo Xafiisyada dowladda Soomaaliya oo la hadashay Caasimadda Online ayaa sheegtay inay wax lala yaabo tahay in Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya diidaan Canshuurta dalka wax loogu qabanayo. Ifraax waxay sheegtay inay iyadana diyaar u tahay in mushaarkeeda laga jaro lacagta Canshuurta si dalka wax loogu qabto sida ay hadalka u dhigtay, waxayna sheegtay inay niyad jab weyn ka qaaday tallaabada ay Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ku diideen inay Mushaarkooda ka jaraan lacagaha Canshuurta. ” Waxaa niyad jab weyn ka qaaday go’aanka ay Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ku diideen in Canshuur laga jaro Mushaarkooda, aniga waxaan qaataa lacag aad u yar sidaas oo ay tahay waxaan diyaar u ahay inaan mushaarkeeda ka jaro lacagta Canshuurta dalka” ayey tiri Ifraax. ” Marnaba ma fileyn inay XIldhibaanada dowladda diidaan Canshuurtii iyagoo Kitaabka Alle ugu dhaartay inay ka shaqeyn doonaan danta Diinta, Dalka iyo Dadka Soomaaliyeed, Canshuurta waa waxyaabaha ugu horeeyo ee dalka lagu hormariyo, haddii ay Xildhibaanada diidaan waxaa muuqato inay jabiyeen dhaartii aheyd inay dalka wax u qaban doonaan” ayey sii raacisay. Mid kamid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo isna la hadlay Caasimadda Online isla markaasna codsaday inaan magaciisa lagu xusin warbixintaan ayaa sheegay inay Xildhibaanada diidan Canshuurta ay muuqaal qaldan ka bixinayaan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo uu sheegay inuu u taagan yahay hoggaaminta iyo toosinta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Go’aanka XIldhibaanadaan muxuu kaga dhigan yahay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed?: Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya waxay matalaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, tallaabo kasta oo ay qaadayaana waxaa muhiim ah inay noqoto mid ku dayasho mudan isla markaasna dalka u horseedayo horumar iyo cadaalad. Prof. Yaxye waa mid kamid ah macalimiinta wax ka dhiga jaamacadaha Muqdisho ku yaalo, wuxuuna qabaa in talaabadaan ay Xildhibaanada ku diidan yihiin Canshuurta ay dalka u horseedi doonto foodo iyo inay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka hor imaadaan Canshuurta. ” Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya waa meesha ay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed kaga dayanayaan wax kasta, waxaa muhiim ah inay ogolaadaan Canshuurta dalka, qaarkood waxaa wax lagu soo baray Canshuurtii dowladda qaadi jirtay, waxaa ayaan darro ah inay Maanta diidaan Canshuurtii ilmahooda iyo jiilka cusub wax lagu bari lahaa isla markaasna dalka lagu horumarin lahaa” ayuu yiri Prof. Yaxye. ” Haddii ay Maanta Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka diidaan in Canshuur laga jaro mushaarkooda, waxay keeni doontaa inay ganacsatada iyo muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ka hor imaadaan Canshuurta dowladda, maadama Baarlamaankii dalka ugu awoodda badnaa uu diiday” ayuu sii raaciyey Prof. Yaxe. Ugu dambeyntii mooshinada ay diyaarinayaan Xildhibaanada diidan Canshuurta, ayaa waxaa garab socdo ololo ay wadaan Xildhibaano kale oo ogol in la bixiyo mushaarka isla markaasna kasoo horjeedo in dowladda mooshin looga gubdiyo dood ku saabsan Canshuurta lagu soo rogay Xildhibaanada dowladda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  16. HARGEISA— A low profile delegation from Djibouti arrived in Hargeisa yesterday on official working visit to Somaliland. The mission of the delegation was to convey a congratulatory message to President-Elect, H.E Musa Bihi Abdi and Vice President-Elect, Abdirahman Sayli’i. Law maker, Hon. Ali Abdi Farah, who holds a dual nationality of Djibouti and Somaliland, special adviser to Djiboutian Prime Minister, Hon. Najib Kamil Abdalah, Djibouti consulate to Hargeisa, Hon. Hussein Omar Kawaliye, and other officials were part of the delegates. The delegation met and held talks with President and Vice President Elect yesterday. Djibouti, Somaliland have unique unbreakable bond which demonstrates the dispatching of Djiboutian delegation to come to Somaliland to personally congratulate on the president and vice president elect. SL representative to Djibouti, Hon. Abdifatah Said Ahmed speaking on the arrival of the delegation said that this shows the close bilateral ties based on brotherhood which share common mutual interest. Djibouti MP Hon. Ali Abdi Farah speaking on behalf of the delegation told that their mission was to congratulate on the decisive victory for the new president.
  17. Jabuuti (Caasimadda Onlne) – Wararka ay Caasimadda Online ka heleyso wadahadalka Magaalada Jabuuti uga socdo Maamulka Galmudug ee uu hoggaamiyo Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf iyo Maamulka Ahlu Sunna Wal-Jameeca oo uu madaxweynaha u yahay Sheekh Maxamed Shaakir ayaa sheegayo inay jiraan isku soo dhawaansho. Wadahdalda oo meel xasaasi ah marayo ayaa waxaa soo baxayo qodobo ilaa hadda la isku afgartay oo ay kamid yihiin sidii loo qeybsan lahaa awoodaha dowladda, Baarlamaanka, iyo Golaha Wasiirada. Labada Maamul ayuu ku heshiiyey Afartaan Qodob: 1- In Ahlu Sunna ay aqbashay magaca Galmudug 2- In Ahlu Sunna ay aqbashay ku biiritaanka Galmudug 3- In Ahlu Sunna ay xubno ku yeelato Baarlamaanka Galmudug 4- In Ahlu Sunna ay yeelato Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Galgaduud, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare Galmudug iyo Taliye-yaasha Ciidamada Nabad Suggida & Booliska Galmudug Sida aan ku helnay warar hoose waxay Ahlu Sunna iyo Galmudug ku heshiiyeen in Ahlu Sunna Baarlamaanka loogu daro ilaa 40 Xildhibaan. 40 xildhibaan ee Ahlu Sunna loogu daray ayaa la sheegay inay Ahlu Sunna awoodda loo siiyey inay iyada soo xusho iyadoo loo fiirinayo hab Beeledka iyo sida ay Beelaha ugu kala badan yihiin Deegaanada ay Ahlu Sunna gacanta ku heyso. Warar aan la hubin ayaa sheegayo inay Ahlu Sunna beelaha ugu qeybisay sida hoos ku qoran: Habargidir iyo Duduble 15 Xildhibaan Mareexaan 10 Xildhibaan Mursade 7 Xildhibaan Dir 7 Xildhiban. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  18. Xuska Maalinta caalamiga ah ee cudurka AIDS-ka oo ku beegan sannad kasta 1 bisha Dec ayaa Garoowe laga xusay,waxaana munaasabadda lagu soo bandhigay heerka cudurkaan ee guud ahaan degaannada Puntland. Agaasimaha hay’adda la-dagaallanka AIDS-ka Puntland ee PAC,cabdulqaadir Maxammed Burburshe oo munaasabadda hadal ka jeediyey ayaa ka warbixiyey heerka cudurka ee guud ahaan degaannada Puntland. Mid kamid ah dadka la’ nool cudurkaan oo lagu magacaabo Maxamud warsame Maxamud ayaa ka ilmaysiiyey dhammaan ka qayb galayaashii munaasabadda,kadib markii u soo bandhigay sheeko ku saabsan dhibaatada iyo takoorka uu kala kulmay bulshada. Halkaan ka daawo. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Heerka cudurka AIDS-ka ee degaannada Puntland. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Jowhar (Caasimada Online)-Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan al-Shabaab ayaa weerar culus ku qaaday Gawaari uu la socday Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan Cali Jeyte Cismaan. Guddoomiyaha ayaa ka soo amba baxay magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan, waxaa uu ku sii jeeday degmada Maxaas, halkaasi oo howlo shaqo uu ugu socday. Mas’uuliyiinta wehlineysay Guddoomiyaha ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Xeerilaaliayaha Maxkamadda Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ee Gobolka Hiiraan Maxamed C/qaadir Maxamed. Xeer ilaaliyaha ayaa sheegay inay iska difaaceen maleeshiyaadkii wadada u galay, isla markaana ay u geysteen jab xoogan, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Khasaaraha ay gaarsiiyeen al-Shabaabka ayuu ku sheegay 4 dhimasho ah, halka 11 kalane ay ka dhaawaceen. Weerarka ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili waayadan ay maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab dhaqdhaqaaq kawadeen qeybo kamid ah Gobolka Hiiraan. Dhinaca kale, weerarkaan ayaa noqonaaya kii ugu xooganaa ee uu la kulmo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Jowhar
  20. Golaha Baarlamanka Kuuriyada Koonfureed ayaa Jimcaha Maanta ansixiyey in ballaarin lagu sameeyo muddo hal sano ah ciidamada dalkaas ee ku sugan waddamada Lebanon,South Sudan,Imaaraadka Carabta iyo xeebaha Soomaaliya. Laba kamid ah hindisayaasha uu ansixiyey Baarlamanka ayaa ogolaanaya in la ballaariyo ciidamada K/kuuriya ee ku sugan Lebanon iyo South Sudan,kuwaasoo qayb ka aha hawl galka Qaramada Midoobay ee dalalkaas. Hindisayaasha kale ee uu anxisiyey ayaa ogolaanaya in la siyaadiyo ciidamada K/Koonfureed ee ku sugan Imaaraadka Carabta iyo kuwa la-dagaallanka burcad-beedda ee ku sugan xeebaha Soomaaliya. 30 Nov ee sannadkii tegay K/koonfureed waxaa Imaaraadka ka joogay ciidamo gaaraya 329 askari,halka South Sudan ay ka joogeen 293 askari,sida ay sheegtay Wasaaradda difaaca dalkaasi sannadkii 2016. Xeebaha Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ka jooga 302 askari,iyadoo Imaaradaka Carabtana ay ku sugan yihiin 146 askari. Tirada guud ee cadamada K/Koonfureed ka jooga caalamka ayaa gaaraysa 1,100 askari oo ku kala sugan 13 dal. PUNTLAND POST The post Baarlamanka K/koonfureed oo ansixiyey in la ballaariyo ciidamada ka jooga Xeebaha Soomaaliya. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Dear Mr. President, let me first extend my heartfelt congratulations to your historic victory. May Allah ease the responsibility you took and guide you throughout your journey. You might be exhausted and out of energy because of months of long campaigns for both the presidency and party’s nomination. however, without a pause and resting, you are starting a new long journey that bears both challenges and opportunities. The people of Somaliland have spoken with their vote and elected you as the 5th president of this nation with an optimistic of hope and prosperity that manifested throughout your campaign. It’s time to lead the country and to live up the campaign promises with clear and communicable strategies that leaves no fellow Somalilanders behind. The history of your government has just started, everything you say, every step you take matters now and above all measured with the promises made during the campaign. While I am not a politician or have no experience to advise you, nonetheless, I felt the urge to give you my humble advice on issues that I feel are truly important and might want your urgent attention in early time of your tenure in the office. Mr. President here are my simple advices to you. 1) Unite the People Understandably, people of Somaliland are divided after months of campaigning, some have supported your candidacy while others did not. But, despite their party affiliation, you are now the president for all. Unfortunately, there were issues of negative campaigning, against the will of all the parties, in many instance, damaging campaign messages that includes cliquishness have been used which has done more harm than good. its time to heal these wounds and I encourage you, in your first order of business to be uniting the people. Another major issue your administration can take forward is a campaign reform, especially setting policies, laws and guidelines that prevents negative, ethnic line provocative campaigning. This. I view this as a major disease that if not cured early will have unwanted consequences. Therefore, in collaboration with other parties, I feel the importance of finding a lasting solution to this widespread malady before next campaign nocks around. 2) Select adept and capable team In most of the world’s democracies, the pieces of a newly elected government are already in place in the form of a shadow cabinet whose members have been serving as the campaign teams, contributors, advisors and all other people who helped put the new president in the office in one way or another. When a new leader takes office, members of the new cabinet are immediately available. I strongly advise you against this. Take your time, choose a capable team who will serve the people and have their interest in the heart. When selecting your team ask yourself, do they have what it takes to hold so and so office, what are their interests, do they believe in the nation and so forth. Don’t nominate based on he or she was with you all along, a Sultan or Aqil has recommended or simply he/she deserves the job. All should be selected on merit base. You may be widely acquainted with the typical denizens of a cabinet but the new president’s first challenge, between election day and inauguration day, is to select his team to serve in his cabinet and as his top advisors and staff. The cabinet includes the ministers and an assortment of other top echelon jobs. At all cost, avoid to follow our traditional way of putting people together. For those on the inside of the selection process, noted Martin Anderson in Revolution: The Reagan Legacy, the transition is a time of “delicious chaos.” You and your team may think you have really won and rub your eyes in wonderment. That feeling is natural but what is unnatural is if that feeling overtakes you and your team. For those on the outside, including other parties who lost the election, the press and the population will closely follow your first order of business and selection process. The selection process particularly, is a complicated business, largely conducted behind closed doors. Yet the selection of these individuals determines, in large measure, the initial success and lingering impression of each presidency. An orderly transition shows any presidency predisposed for success. But personnel mistakes, sometimes serious errors, can and have plagued presidents even before they took office. Don’t assume I am only discoursing the cabinet and advisors’ positions. in fact, equal important positions usual given less attention are the governors. for unknown reasons, it seems previous administrations have not given adequate scrutiny to gubernatorial positions. I think they are as important as cabinet position if not more important. I strongly advise you to give equal attention as to that of your cabinet and nominate capable technocrats for they are your extended arm and representatives. Select them wisely and consider people with know-how, knowledge in the context and first-class leadership skills. Remember – governors are your reflection. Local people will see you based on how your governors are. Another major challenge will be the influence of clan politics led by so called Aqils and Sultans which is solely used for individual gain or interest in contrast with national interest. This is major social problem and will continue to be so for I don’t know how long. How you deal with this problem could determine your success and failure partially. I don’t mean that our traditional leaders are evil on the contrary they are our strength but recently, changing environment have forged their role and derailed from important aspects of this country. For sure, you will feel their pressure and long list of their proposal of preferred individuals and posts. Every traditional leader will ask you for a position for his clan and sub clan for unqualified people. Remember a qualified person will submit his bio-data to you directly instead of his traditional leader. Be mindful of all lists from the traditional leaders, they might not be qualified and or have no confidence in their capacity. 3) Focus on Effective (Good) Governance Had I written or contributed to your manifesto, I would have given all chapters the tittle “Good Governance”. I am saying this because of its importance to the people and the government. Many administrations might focus on how many roads, schools, hospitals, government edifices to construct or how many project to implement. In fact, many administrations end up doing nothing by focusing on projects that would make them look good rather than do good. Please don’t look good but do good. I encourage you to focus on system, focus on good governance or let me say “better governance” system in place, focus on transparency and accountability. I am recommending this because without better system in place none of your projects will do good. it is like a laptop taken to a place without power, it may run for few hours but eventually will shut down. In fact, I would advise not to build roads, schools or implement good projects without better system in place. They would shut down at the end without proper system in place. Let your legacy be a reform of the current system. A construction will be repainted, a road will be rehabilitated but a system that benefits for generations to come will be there forever and could be your legacy. A question deeply discussed by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson in their book titled Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. Was “Nogales, Arizona” of the United States of America “and Nogales, Sonora” of Mexico “have the same people, culture, and geography. Why is one rich and one poor? How could the two halves of what is essentially the same city be so different? There is no difference in geography, climate, or the types of diseases prevalent in the area”. The answer as concluded by the writers of the book was simply. It is because of the system in place. One side of the city which is the US side has good governance system in place including political and economic institutions. While the other side the Mexican side have different system in place. The very system in place will determine whether one society prospers or falls into despair conditions. I am quoting this because I want to emphasis the importance of proper and good governance system in place. 4 )Communicate effectively and Regularly Somali people are oral society. Communicate with them as much as you can through social and other traditional media infrastructures in place. Without regular communication confusion and rumor escalate and needless to say many evil doers will fill the void and use it for their agenda. Preempt all rumormonger and people with special agendas by connecting with the people and informing about your plans, your position of any situation and the progress you are making. I suggest you start regular communication to the people, a monthly address to the nation could be an ideal step and can connect you to the people. I also suggest a development of effective communication strategy which aim to inform, educate and inspire citizens. In today’s world there is huge opportunity available at your disposal, use them for your advantage. 5) Don’t do everything (Micromanage) Have a well-organized staff. Don’t end up doing too much of the work you should have largely delegated to some discreet aides. When we think of manly leadership, thoughts of courage, resiliency, boldness and determination come to mind. We think of the man confidently in charge, steering the ship and leading the men. What we often do not think of is delegation. The ability to wisely and effectively delegate is a quality far more quiet than others, and yet one of the most crucial to a leader’s success. You will have list of people who want to meet you and only you, everybody wants you to handle his situation. It is in our nature as Somalis to go to the president for every issue or case and believe me you will have many issues/cases brought to you that one of your team could have handled. Delegation will empower your team and make you trusted leader, frees you up to tackle the truly important aspects of your policies and most importantly give a chance to do good work on a daily basis. Don’t attend to everything, let your team deal with majority of the issues and update you regularly. Effective delegation is one of the keys to achieving your goals. A man who insists on maintaining all control and authority is insecure and actually fails to even meet the definition of a leader. A leader is an executive, a man who manages time, resources, and people. A leader does not do everything by himself, rather he marshals all of these elements on the pathway to success. Let your team carryout their functions, give them space, advise them when needed and when you think they are not executing their functions properly but never overrule them. In fact, It is better to terminate than to overrule. 6) A Whole New Ball Game Although you are Kulmiye same as the previous administration but that doesn’t mean you can make changes and come up with a completely new administration. We go for elections to make changes and this include not only the leader but also how government operates, policy issues, priorities etc. Have new teams, new priorities and govern differently. Policies and issues that were priority seven years ago are no longer relevant. Other parties have campaigned that change in Kulmiye is the change people need. Confute them, come up with real changes without disowning your party. I was listening to the presidential debate the other night and Faisal Ali Waraabe the candidate of UCID party said that other parties have the same people since 1991. While experience is essential equally important is the new blood which come with fresh ideas and energy. I believe we shouldn’t be confined to a list of few people who always fill ministerial positions. Have few ministers from the previous administration and bring new team to the political sphere and give priority to youth and women. One of my favorite quote is noted in Seth Godin’s book ‘Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us’ and it says “how was your day? if your answer was “fine,” then I don’t think you were leading.” Get ready for tough and insomniac days ahead of you and may Allah make it easy for you. All the best, Ahmed Ali Mire Hargeisa,
  22. On the margins of the ongoing African Union – European Union summit in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia Yusuf Garaad Omar on 30 November signed a Joint Communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In the meeting, Linkevičius presented Lithuania’s participation in Operation Atalanta – the European Union’s counter-piracy operation off the coast of Somalia and briefed about the departure on 29 November of Lithuanian soldiers to take part in the operation. The Foreign Ministers also discussed Somalia’s internal challenges, the country’s future prospects, and security situation in the region. Lithuania has participated in the EU’s counter-piracy operation off the coast of Somalia since 2013. The Lithuanian soldiers will protect the vessel of the United Nations World Food Program sailing in the Indian Ocean and carrying food to Somalia. It is already the fourth rotation of Lithuanian soldiers, who will participate in the operation with about 1,000 forces from EU member states and partner countries, as well as ships and aircraft, until March 2018. Somalia became the 184th country with which Lithuania has established diplomatic relations. Currently, the United Nations has 193 member states. Mofa, Lithuania
  23. MOGADISHU — The United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) on Wednesday congratulated Muse Bihi Abdi on his election as president of the breakaway republic of Somaliland after confirmation by Supreme Court on Tuesday. The UN mission said in a statement issued in Mogadishu commended the political and traditional leaders in Somaliland for resolving the elections-related disputes that emerged. “UNSOM urges the incoming administration to continue to advance inclusive politics and consolidate democracy, peace and stability among Somalilanders,” it said. Abdi, from the ruling Kulmiye party, garnered 350,909 votes or 55.1 percent of the total votes cast. Both international and domestic observers have indicated that the electoral process and the voting itself were conducted in a generally peaceful manner and yielded a credible outcome. UNSOM said it looked forward to building on the existing relationship with Somaliland based on the agreed roadmap for United Nations support to Somaliland and Somaliland’s Development Plan II. “UNSOM also stands ready to support the resumption of dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland,” it said. Xinhua
  24. ‘Before the drought we were self-sufficient. We had a large number of animals – they gave us enough milk and meat for our family to prosper. But the drought has been going for two years now. ‘There is very little pasture and water. Our livestock started dying one by one. My child became very weak and malnourished. Some children in this village died.’ This is what Kadra told us. She’s a mother of one who lives with her own mother and four siblings in Dhanano village, Somaliland. It is now the third rainy season in a row where there has been little or no rain in this East African nation. Most people in Somaliland are semi-nomadic pastoralists who herd goats, sheep and camels. When your livestock die, it can be deadly for you and your family. So why isn’t it raining? Andy Morgan, Deputy Head of East and Southern Africa, says: ‘This drought is due to climate change. Over the last few years there has been a very strong El Niño effect, which in the Horn of Africa has led to rainfall well below typical levels or non- existent. ‘In the semi-arid environment of Somaliland this means there is no pasture, and we’re seeing a 80-90 per cent loss of livestock. Without livestock these pastoralist communities have no income, no food, no water – hence a humanitarian crisis.’ Reaching the most vulnerable Tearfund’s partner, World Concern, is in the area delivering assistance to the most vulnerable families, providing clean water and cash grants to enable them to purchase food and other essential items. Additionally, we are supporting the treatment of malnourished children in the drought-affected areas. Through our local partners in Somaliland, Tearfund has been able to help over 7,000 individuals in these ways. Aaden also lives in the Dhanano village. He told us of his concerns and how Tearfund’s partners in the area are helping: ‘It is so dry here. People are suffering. Everyone is in need. The cash that has been given has helped us a lot. It saved us from death. If we didn’t have the support from you we would have died. We are asking this assistance to continue until we can recover from our losses.’ Grateful for support Josie Smith, Programme Coordinator for the East Africa Crisis, has recently visited our work in Somaliland. She says: ‘I am encouraged that our partners really are reaching the people in greatest need in some of the most remote and hard hit communities in Somaliland. ‘The rains have failed to arrive again and we expect to have to continue to assist those who are left with no means of supporting their families. We’re grateful for all our Tearfund supporters, whose giving has made this work possible and saved thousands of lives. Please continue to remember the people of Somaliland in your prayers and giving, so that we can keep being Jesus’ hands and feet in this desperate situation.’ PRAYER FOCUS: Thank God for the work of our partners in Somaliland who are able to reach those most in need. Rain is desperately needed, please pray that it will fall. Pray that we can continue our work in Somaliland and across East Africa, and expand it so that we can impact more lives. Andrew Horton Andrew is Online News and Film Editor for Tearfund. This involves finding and writing up inspiring articles for the website, and capturing compelling stories on video.