Deeq A.

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  1. Nairobi-(Caasimadda Online)-Hoggaamiyaha Aqlabiyadda Baarlamaanka Kenya Aadan Barre Ducaale ayaa u digay Siyaasiyiinta iyo Xildhibaanada mucaaradka ku ah dowladda uu hoggaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo inay shirar ku qabtaan magaalada Nairobi. Aadan Ducaale ayaa tilmaamay in dowladda Kenya oo uu ugu horeeyo Madaxweyne Uhuru Kenyatta aysan marnaba ogoleyn in laga mucaarado dowladda Soomaaliya magaalada Nairobi ”Xiriir aad u wanaagsan ayaa nagala dhaxeeya dowlada ay hogaamiyaan Farmaajo iyo Kheyre, Kenya raali ka ma ahan in gudaheeda shirar Siyaasadeed lagu qabto lagana mucaarado dowlada Somalia, ” Ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Aadan Barre Ducaale. Waxaa uu sheegay in siyaasiyiinta iyo Xildhibaanada ay u ogol yihiin inay Nairobi yimaadaan, kuna nastaan, balse aysan ogolaan doonin inay dowladda ku mucaaradaan. “Halkaan Nairobi uma ogolin inay ku mucaaradaan, hadii ay rabaan Jabuuti, Addis Ababa iyo Dara salama ha aadaan, hana ku mucaaradeen”ayuu yiri Aadan Barre Ducaale oo xilligan wajahaya cadaadis uga imaanaya Maxkamadda Kenya oo ku aadan qaabkii uu ugu guuleystay doorashada, isla markaana la filayo in mar kale lagu celiyo doorashadii uu ku guuleystay bishii August ee sanadkii hore. Siyaasiyiin iyo Xildhibaano katirsan dowlada Soomaaliya mucaaradna ku ah dowlada Farmaajo ayaa saldhig waxa ay ka dhigteen dalalka Kenya iyo Imaaraatka si ayu uga mucaaradaan Dowlada uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Dowladdii ee Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa la xusuustaa in meelaha siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka geed fadhiga u ahaa ay ka mid ahayd magaalada Nairobi, iyadoo Madaxweyne Farmaajo halka uu Ololihiisa doorasho iyo midii mucaaradnimo ee uu kala soo horjeeday dowladdii Xasan Sheekh uu ka soo bilaabay Nairobi oo muddo deegaan u aheyd. macadda sida ay usaamayn doonto mucaaradka dowladda hadalka Hoggaamiyaha Aqlabiyadda Baarlamaanka Kenya Aadan Barre Ducaale. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post mucaaradka dowladda Farmaajo Oo godkooda biyo ugu soogeleen kadib go,aankii Aadan Barre appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Madaxweynaha Maamulka Hir-shabeela Maxamed Cabdi waare ayaa waxa uu dhawaan magacaabay Gudi madax banaan oo Baar lamaanka hortagi doona iyo Taliye yaal Ciidan, taas oo ay ka soo hor jeesteen qaar kamid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Maamulka Hir-shabeele. Xildhibaanada ka soo hor jeestay magacaabista Madaxweyne waare ayaa sheegay in uu Madaxweynaha baal maray Dastuurkii udag sanaa Maamulkaasi kaas oo dhigaya in hadii uu Madaxweynaha xilalkaasi magacaabayo marka hore uu soo jeedinta leeyahay Wasiirka Amniga ee Maamulkaasi taas oo la sheegay in uusan samaynin Madaxweynaha . Xildhibaan Geele Warsame oo kamid ah Xildhibaanada ka soo hor jeestay magacabsita uu sameeyay Madaxweyne Waare ayaa sheegay in aysan magacaabistan aysan waxba ka ogayn Baarlamaanka Maamulka Hir- shabeele iyo Xeer ilaalinta oo ay tahay Warqad uu Waare jeebkiisa kala soo baxay. Arintan ayaa noqonaysa khilaaf kale oo horleh oo soo kala dhax gashay Madaxweynaha iyo Baarlamaanka Maamulkaasi ee Hir-shabeele . Halkan Hoose ka dhagayso . 140227_005 - My Recording
  3. 2018 opens a new cycle in Somaliland’s foreign policy. The result of the 2017 presidential election showed that hardliners won the election. By hardliners, it means that Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Maamulka Gal mudug ayaa sheegay in howlgalo ay Ciidamada Gal mudug ka sameeyeen Magaalada Gaalkacyo ay ku soo qabteen rag xiliyada habeenkiiya Nalalka Soolarka ah ee kuxiran wadooyinka Magaalada Cadaado kala bixi jiray Batariyada kujira. Duqa Degmada Gaalkacyo Xirsi Yuusuf Barre oo Magaalada Gaalkacyo kulahadlay Warbaahinta ayaa shacabka ugu baaqay in ay soo sheegaan ragaasi Burcada ah ee labaxaya Batariyada kujiran Nalalka kuxiran Wadooyinka Magaalada ee ka qayb qaadanaya bilcda Magaalada iyo Amniga. Sidookale Duqa degmada ayaa shacabka waxa uu faray in ay Biyaha wasaqaysan ee fariista meelaha gododka ah laga sii daayo si aysan uga dhalan cudurada faafa. Xirsi Yuusuf Barre duqa gaalkacyo
  5. Maamulka gobolka Bari ayaa kulan deg deg ah isugu yeeray Dhamaan Shirkadaha Qandaraas layaasha ah ee ka howlgala gudaha Magaalada Bosaaso. Shirkan ayaa ka dhici doona xarunta Rugta ganacsiga ee Magaalada Bosaaso. Maamulka ayaa sidookale kulanka ku casuumay Culimaa udiinka Puntland ee Magaalada Bosaaso. Ujeedada kulankan ayaa lagu sheegay sidii looga tashan laaha dayactirka Wadada hal bowlaha ah ee dhexmarta Gudaha Magaalada Bosaaso oo ah wadada kaliya ee magaalada laga soogalo lagana baxo. Gudoomiyaha gobolka bari Yuusuf Maxamed Wacays Dhado ayaa ku amray in shir ka dahaasi ay soo xaadiraan shirkaasi, si loo Qiimeeyo dhaqalaha ku baxaya dhismaha wadadaasi. Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay inaysan ka soo qayb gali doonin Shirkan Shirkadihii aan ka qayb qaadan bad baadinta doonidii ku soo Caariday xeebta magaalada Bosaaso 4tii bishan . Halkan ka dhagayso Gudoomiyaha hadalkiisa. Gudomiye dhado
  6. Question: What does a Republican call a black woman who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Illinois, finished Harvard Law School, won the Miss America Pageant and became a successful attorney? Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Ciidanka difaaca cirka ee Uganda ayaa guutadii ugu horraysay u soo diray Soomaaliya,si ay u taageeraan hawlgalka Nabad Ilaalinta Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM. Guutadan cirka ayaa waajibaadkoodu yahay sahminta waddooyinka saadku u maro ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM,gaarsiinta gurmadka caafimaad,soo badbaadinta askarta go’doonta iyo duqeynta Al-shabaab,sida lagu sheegay qoraal ka soo baxay Wasaaradda difaaca Uganda. Ciidanka oo isugu jira duuliyaal rag iyo dumarba leh oo wata diyaaradaha helicopters ayaa shalay lagu wareejiyay hoggaanka sare ee ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM,waxaana Wasaaradda difaaca Uganda ay sheegtay in diyaaradaha helicopters ay cirka ka taageeri doonaan ciidamada dhulka kala dagaallamaya Al-shabaab. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Uganda oo markii u horraysay ciidamo cirka ah u soo dirtay Soomaaliya. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Iyadoo magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia ay dib uga bilowdeen isticmaalka Hubka waaweyn ee lala maro waddooyinka ayaa waxaa arrintaas mar kale amar kasoo saaray Wasiirka Amniga Soomaaliya Maxamed Abuukar Islow (Ducaalle). Wasiir Ducaalle, ayaa sheegay in Wasaaradiisa ay si toosa ula xisaabtami doonto dhammaan Hay’adaha amniga, Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaanada dowlada. Wasiir Ducaalle, waxa uu sheegay in dhammaan dhinacyada kor ku xusan uu kula xisaabtami doono Hubka ay ku dhexwataan magaalada Muqdisho iyo waddooyinkeeda. Wasiir Ducaalle, waxa uu cadeeyay in mar kale ay mamnuuceen in magaalada lagu dhexwato Hubka kaweyn AK47, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay in sharciga ay la tiigsan doonaan cidii jabisa amarka, isla markaana ka qaadi doonaan Hubka dheeriga ah ee laga mamnuucay magaalada. Ducaalle, ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada Millitariga Soomaaliya ee ka imaanaya Shabeelooyinka si gaara uga digayaan in ay Hubka waa weyn la soo galaan gudaha magaalada, sida Daba-jeexa iyo Qoriga Dhashiikaha. Sidoo kale, wuxuu Wasiir Ducaalle sheegay arrintan inuu kala hadlay Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga dalka, wuxuuna Taliyaha soo saaray wareegto ah, marka Ciidamada xoogga imaanayaan Muqdisho in ay fasax ka qabaan isaga. ‘’Looma baahno in Hubka kaweyn AK47 lagu dhex isticmaalo magaalada Muqdisho, waan ku celineynaa ciidankii lagu qabtaa Hubka mamnuuca ah in lala hortagi doono sharciga’’ Dhinaca kale, Ducaalle ayaa Hubkaasi sababta loo mamnuucay ku sheegay in loogu tallo galay furumaha dagaalka iyo in lagu qalqal galiyo shacabka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Wasiirka amniga oo mar kale digniin culus u kala diray dhinacyada Hubka culus wata (Go’aan) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. The three day trial cost an estimated £10,000 before it was thrown out of Bristol Crown Court by a judge Questions have been asked of the senior police officer in a landmark female genital mutilation case thrown out of court due to insufficient evidence and her relationship with a key witness. DCI Leanne Pook, of Avon and Somerset Police, led the investigation after campaigner Sami Ullah claimed a cab driver from Bristol had allowed his daughter to undergo a form of FGM. But last week, after three days on trial at Bristol Crown Court, a judge threw the “deeply troubling” case out – extinguishing any hopes the prosecution had of securing the UK’s first ever FGM conviction. National newspaper The Mail on Sunday has since made a number of claims regarding DCI Pook and her relationship with Mr Ullah. According to the paper, DCI Pook is a trustee of the anti-FGM charity where Mr Ullah worked and has known him in a personal capacity for several years. The paper also reported it was DCI Pook who first took Mr Ullah’s police statement, in which he alleged the taxi driver had said his daughter had undergone a form of FGM in Bristol. Read More By June 2016, three months after the alleged conversation between Mr Ullah and the driver, DCI Pook had been made a trustee of Integrate – the anti-FGM charity Mr Ullah worked for at the time. After Mr Ullah reported the cab driver to police, the man’s six-year-old daughter was examined by two experts for evidence of FGM but only one identified a possible mark. During an interview with police, the 29-year-old Somali driver insisted he was against FGM and called his passenger a “liar” for claiming they discussed the practice. The father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was charged with assaulting / ill-treating / neglecting a child or young person to cause unnecessary suffering or injury on June 13 last year The judge called the prosecution “deeply troubling”, described Mr Ullah’s evidence as “inconsistent” and said the medical evidence in the case was “inconclusive at its highest”. Ian Liddell-Grainger, MP for Bridgwater and West Somerset, told the Mail on Sunday DCI Pook’s and Mr Ullah’s relationship in the case was a “conflict of interest”. “That is unbelievable – it’s a total conflict of interest,” he said. “This shows there are major issues at Avon and Somerset Police – the force is losing credibility with the public it’s there to serve.” In a short statement, Avon and Somerset Police confirmed DCI Pook took Mr Ullah’s initial statement, and that her role in the case was senior investigating officer. After being cleared of any wrongdoing, the father said in a statement released by his solicitors: “The investigation by the police began in 2016. “It has placed an intolerable pressure upon him and his family. “He wishes to thank his wife and the wider community for their support throughout this process. “He is very pleased that the proceedings are finally over.” Source: – Bristol Post The post Questions asked of lead investigator in collapsed Bristol FGM case and her relationship with key witness appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. Hong Kong (CNN) The announcement Sunday that China will drop term limits on the presidency clears the way for Xi Jinping to rule the country indefinitely. However, analysts warned that what initially seems like a demonstration of absolute power could actually be a sign of weakness, with Xi apparently unwillingly to allow the rise of a potential political rival. This could lead to future instability in the world’s most populous country as wannabe successors jockey for power within a Communist Party (CCP) completely dominated by Xi. And his absolute authority will also leave him vulnerable to absolute blame in the instance of an economic shock or foreign policy crisis. Factional politics Following Mao Zedong’s death in 1976– in the wake of the Cultural Revolution, during which tens of thousands of people were killed and the country was racked by civil war — his successors moved away from one-man rule towards a consensus system where power was shared by a handful of high-ranking Party officials. This resulted in relatively straightforward transition of power from Presidents Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao to Xi Jinping, after each served two five-year terms in office. Early in Xi’s first term however, it became apparent he would seek to buck this trend. He was declared “core leader” of the Party, and state media began building up his public image with the type of hagiography not seen since Mao. This culminated with “Xi Jinping Thought” being added to the Party constitution last year, at a key meeting in which Xi failed to nominate an obvious successor, fueling speculation he would stay on as leader past 2023. Margaret Lewis, a law professor and expert on China’s constitution at Seton Hall University, said under Xi “what we’ve seen is an increasing lack of sharing of power even among the top leadership.” “Xi’s modus operandi is consolidation of power,” she said. That could pose a problem to him in the long run. While Chinese politics is not remotely democratic in the traditional sense, there are certain checks and balances within the Party system itself, with reformers and conservatives seeing their power and influence waxing and waning over time. Jon Sullivan, director of the China Policy Institute at the University of Nottingham, said Xi remaining as President and head of state, “negates the institutionalization of power transitions that have served the Party well for 35 years, enabling it to avoid damaging schisms that have plagued other Communist regimes.” While many internal CCP matters happen are a black box, most experts agree that there are factions within the party — such as the so-called “Shanghai clique” around former President Jiang Zemin. Some have argued Xi’s far-reaching anti-graft campaign is itself a tool to go after factional enemies and potential rivals. Message to enemies Richard McGregor, author of “The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers,” wrote after Sunday’s announcement that it “sends a warning to his legion of enemies at the top of the party who have been hit by the anti-corruption campaign: he is not going anywhere.” “Xi’s ability to push this decision through in the short-term is undoubtedly a display of his grip on all levers of power,” McGregor wrote. “But the very fact that he feels the need to do so could easily be a sign of something else — that he is possessed by an urgency to gather even more power than he already has to keep his enemies at bay.” This could result in increased pushback from within the Party, as those who had hoped to weather the Xi storm now have no option but to fight against him out of self-preservation. According to Sullivan, term limits not only restrict the power of individual leaders, they give other elites and factions the consolation that there would be an opportunity to change the status quo after two terms. “That ‘consolation’ is an important pressure valve that prevents crippling inner party battles. By getting rid of it, Xi is banking on being able to contain and neutralize his opponents,” said Sullivan. But doing so, Sullivan added, “will necessitate greater levels of repression, both in society and within the Party-state.” Repression and tyranny Some of that repression was on show in the immediate aftermath of the announcement, when a flurry of discussion and criticism on Chinese social media was swiftly censored and controlled. Comments on posts by state broadcaster CCTV announcing the news were deleted, as were those on the People’s Daily newspaper and Xinhua news agency, and searches for key terms were blocked. According to watchdog service FreeWeibo, top searches ahead of the blocking including “ascension to the throne,” “term limits” and “Winnie the Pooh,” a reference to the cartoon character which has become a mocking symbol of Xi on the Chinese internet. Results for some of those topics on Weibo itself appeared to be being actively filtered, while others returned the message “search results are not shown in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies.” One term being completely censored was “Yuan Shikai,” the former President of the Republic of China who dissolved a democratically-elected parliament in 1913 and appointed himself emperor. A statement signed by a dozen leading Chinese dissidents, including former Tiananmen Square protest leaders Wang Dan and Wu’er Kaixi, also referenced the short-lived reign of the “Hongxian Emperor.” “We believe that the abolition of (term limits) is the equivalent of Yuan Shikai’s revival of the imperial dynasty, it is the implementation of a new imperial system,” the statement said. History shows, they added, that lifelong “supreme rule and tyranny are inseparable and will surely bring great disasters to the country and its people.” Great power, great responsibility While Xi’s immediate grip on power is in little doubt, enabling him to enact whatever reforms and policies he desires, analysts warned that if things go south, he will have little room to avoid blame. “If ‘consolidation of power’ was a precondition for implementing his reform program and leading the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, that condition has now been met and he needs to deliver,” said Sullivan. “And, if he doesn’t deliver and refuses to go quietly, well that’s a scenario we’ve seen play out in other regimes many times before,” said Sullivan A key test may come from outside China. Nowhere has Xi’s new bullish leadership been more obvious than in China’s foreign and military policy. In the South China Sea, Beijing has continued the militarization of islands, reefs and islets in defiance of an international court ruling. Last year, the People’s Liberation Army — reform and modernization of which has been a key Xi policy — engaged in a months-long stand off with Indian troops over the disputed territory of Doklam, in the Himalayas, and China has sought to increase its military and economic influence in South Asia. Under Xi, China has also taken a much tougher line on Taiwan. Beijing considers the self-ruled island, officially the Republic of China, part of its territory, and has not ruled out military action to reclaim it, even as support for full-independence from the mainland has grown among Taiwanese. Tom Rafferty, a China expert at the Economist Intelligence Unit, said China’s “move in an authoritarian direction will harden the divisions that have emerged between it and the major western powers, pointing to heightened international tensions over security and economic policy in the coming years.” And if the Chinese economy under-performs or in an event of a foreign policy crisis like Taiwan, Xi’s political strengths could quickly translate into liability, analysts warned. For now, Rafferty said, “Xi is set to lead China until he dies, chooses to step down, or is purged.” Source: CNN The post President, or Emperor? Xi Jinping pushes China back to one-man rule appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa soo bandhigtay magaca iyo qabiilka mid kamid ah ragii fuliyay weerarkii Jimcihii la soo dhaafay ka dhacay Muqdisho. Warbaahinta ku hadasha Al-shabaab ayaa sheegay in Cabdullaahi sheekh Aadan Sheekh Axmed Guure oo Al-shabaab dhexdooda looga yaqaabanay Cadiyatullaah uu ka dambeeyay weerarkaasi. Al-Shabaab ayaa sheegay in Cabdullaahi uu ka soo jeedo Beesha mareexaan oo degta Gobolka Gedo sida ay sheegeen. Al-Shabaab ayaa sidoo kale baahiyay fariin is qarxiya ka hor inta aanu is qarxin uu kaga hadlayo sababta uu isku qarxinayo. Weeraro is qarxin ahaa ayaa jimcihii la soo dhaafay ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho waxaana xusid mudan in qaraxyadaasi ay dad rayid ah ku waxyeeloobeen. Dadka dhintay ayaa waxa ay u badnaayeen dhalinyaro ka yimid xeebta Liido ee Muqdisho maadaama maalintaasi ay aheyd Jimco dad badana ay xeebta u damaashaad tageen halka qaraxa uu ka dhacayna ay aheyd marinka loo maro Xeebta Liido. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Al-shabaab oo Shaaciyay Magaca iyo qabiilka Mid Kamid Ahaa Ragii Fuliyay Qaraxyadii Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. Police and armed gangs killed at least 37 people in Nairobi between September and November 2017, during the second phase of Kenya’s presidential election, Human Rights Watch said today. Kenyan authorities should urgently investigate these killings and all others documented during the entire elections period, and ensure that all of those found responsible for unlawful killings are held to account. “Authorities need to acknowledge the full scale of election-related violence, and thoroughly investigate each and every killing,” said Otsieno Namwaya, Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The families of victims need justice.” Police killed at least 23 people, most of them opposition supporters, during and after the second phase of the 2017 presidential elections in various Nairobi neighborhoods, and armed gangs killed at least 14. The first presidential election was held on August 8, but the results were annulled by Kenya’s Supreme Court and a second election was held on October 26. President Uhuru Kenyatta was sworn in for a second term in November. Between November 2017 and January 2018, Human Rights Watch researchers interviewed 67 people, including 30 relatives of victims, 27 witnesses, two human rights activists, three aid workers who helped victims’ families, three community leaders and two police officers in the field. Researchers also examined hospital records and bodies in mortuaries, reviewed 32 reports of the government’s chief pathologist on the causes of death, and interviewed people in Nairobi’s Muthurwa, Kawangware, Kibera, Mathare, Dandora, Kariobangi, Babadogo, and Riverside neighborhoods. The pathologist reports showed that most victims were shot and killed at close range and, in most cases, by a high caliber rifle. Most of these killings, according to Human Rights Watch research, occurred when police confronted protesters with teargas and live bullets, but in some cases police shot at passersby going about their daily routine, or at groups of youths standing together. Human Rights Watch research since August, when the first vote was held, has found that police and armed gangs killed more than 100 people during Kenya’s prolonged elections period. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International found in a joint report in October that at least 67 people were killed countrywide during the first round of voting in August, most of them either shot or beaten to death by police. During the second election, Human Rights Watch documented 37 more killings, most by police, in Nairobi’s Embakasi, Kawangware, Dandora, Mathare, Kibera, Kangemi, Kariobangi, and Riverside neighborhoods. Armed gangs killed some people they identified by tribe as likely opposition supporters. During and after the August and October elections, opposition supporters in Nairobi, the coast and western Kenya protested the alleged rigging of polls. The National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition of opposition parties called weekly protests across the country in September and October, first to press for reforms, then to boycott the second vote. In the initial stages, police did not attempt to intervene, and most protests ended peacefully. In October and November, however, Kenyan police violently dispersed protests, in many cases shooting or beating demonstrators and bystanders to death. On significant dates, police carried out house-to-house operations in opposition stronghold areas such as Kariobangi, Dandora, Mathare, and Kibera and shot to death, beat, and injured dozens of people. These dates included the opposition candidate Raila Odinga’s return from overseas on November 17, the supreme court decision to uphold Kenyatta’s second victory on November 20, and Kenyatta’s swearing-in ceremony on November 28. Under international human rights norms, police may disperse unlawful or violent assemblies but should avoid the use of force or, where that is not practicable, use force only to the minimum necessary extent. They should use firearms only in extreme cases that involve an imminent threat of death or serious injury – and even then, only when less extreme methods are insufficient. The intentional lethal use of firearms is permissible only when strictly unavoidable to protect life. The government should thoroughly investigate all killings by police, and hold personnel accountable for any unlawful killings. Kenyan authorities have been slow to investigate all the documented killings. In a statement on November 14, the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA), Kenya’s police accountability institution, said that it had only investigated two killings from around the time of the elections – of 6-month-old Samantha Pendo, who was assaulted in her parents’ house in Kisumu and died on August 15, and of 9-year-old Stephanie Moraa, who was shot by police on the third floor balcony of her family’s house in Nairobi and died on August 12. IPOA has recommended a public inquest for both killings and disciplinary action against commanders who were in charge on the day Pendo was assaulted. The inquest on Pendo’s killing started in Kisumu on February 15. Twice in January and February, Human Rights Watch wrote to IPOA and the police requesting more information on the killings, and the status of the investigations, including a list of names of victims, and for interviews, following a similar request in August. At time of writing, IPOA and the police spokesperson are yet to respond to our requests. Kenyan and international human rights groups have repeatedly called on Kenyatta to ensure accountability for all unlawful killings carried out during the election period. A report of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, a constitutionally mandated institution, found in December that at least 97 people died countrywide during the 2017 elections. The Independent Medico-legal Unit (IMLU), a Kenyan nongovernmental group, documented at least 36 police killings nationwide between August and November. Both organizations have called on Kenyan authorities to ensure those responsible for unlawful killings are held to account. Kenyatta has neither acknowledged the killings nor called for them to be investigated, while at the same time lavishing unqualified praise on the police. In a December 2 letter on behalf of the president, Benson Kibui, the director of operations of the National Police Service, said that Kenyatta praised the police service for “remain[ing] firm in executing its mandate and in the service of the Kenyan people” during the election period. Kenyan authorities have a responsibility to investigate all the killings that took place in the period before and after the October general elections, whether by police or armed gangs, Human Rights Watch said. The authorities should ensure that all of those responsible for unlawful killings are investigated and prosecuted. “President Kenyatta needs to demonstrate that he believes in the rule of law by publicly condemning all unlawful killings, and ensuring they are investigated,” Namwaya said. “Lack of accountability is a longtime concern in Kenya, and officials need to show that they are committed to seeing justice done for these killings.” The Presidential Elections Kenya held general elections on August 8. The electoral commission declared Kenyatta, the incumbent, the winner, amid allegations of electoral fraud. On September 1, following a legal challenge by Odinga, the Supreme Court nullified the election and ordered a revote. A new election was held on October 26, but Odinga withdrew from the election, saying that the government had not carried out reforms he considered necessary to ensure its fairness. On October 30, Kenyatta was declared the winner. On November 7, Odinga left the country amid ongoing tension, returning on November 17. He publicly rejected Kenyatta’s victory, and, on January 30, staged an informal ceremony where he swore himself in as the “people’s president.” The government restricted media organizations from covering the event, shutting down four TV stations for several days. The government also cracked down on opposition politicians involved in Odinga’s swearing in, arresting at least 5, revoking travel documents for 15 opposition legislators, and withdrawing security for over 100 opposition legislators. Supporters of Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga of the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition gather ahead of Odinga’s planned swearing-in ceremony as the President of the People’s Assembly at Uhuru Park in Nairobi, Kenya, January 30, 2018. © 2018 R Supporters of Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga of the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition gather ahead of Odinga’s planned swearing-in ceremony as the President of the People’s Assembly at Uhuru Park in Nairobi, Kenya, January 30, 2018. © 2018 Reuters Kenya has had a history of election related violence since 1992, with the worst in 2007-2008 during which at least 1,100 people were killed and more than 600,000 displaced. A 2008 Human Rights Watch report, alongside numerous other reports by government institutions, have blamed the violence and resultant deaths on both police and armed gangs. In 2008, the report of the Commission of Inquiry into the 2007 Post Election Violence attributed killings and forced circumcision of opposition supporters in Naivasha and Nakuru to the mungiki gang. Police killings in Nairobi in October and November Human Rights Watch documented police killings on October 26, the day of the repeat election; on November 17-19, following Odinga’s return from his 10-day trip overseas; November 20, when the Supreme Court upheld Kenyatta’s victory; and November 28, the day Kenyatta was sworn in. Most occurred during protests, public meetings, and on the day of Odinga’s return when police blocked his convoy from the airport to central Nairobi, the site of a planned rally. Witnesses said that on November 17, police deployed to the airport and along main roads into downtown Nairobi, aimed and shot at and killed opposition supporters who had come out to welcome Odinga. Kenyan television stations also captured police stoning cars in Odinga’s convoy. Police also blocked roads, fired teargas to disperse protesters, and, in many cases, shot at crowds and passersby at close range. President Kenyatta needs to demonstrate that he believes in the rule of law by publicly condemning all unlawful killings, and ensuring they are investigated. Lack of accountability is a longtime concern in Kenya, and officials need to show that they are committed to seeing justice done for these killings. Otsieno Namwaya Africa Researcher, Human Rights Watch Armed groups, which witnesses described as pro-government, were responsible for at least 14 of killings Human Rights Watch documented, most on the Friday of Odinga’s return and through that weekend. Eight witnesses of six incidents of gang killings said that on November 17, armed men around Muthurwa market and along Landhies road all the way to City Stadium, to the east of Nairobi’s Central Business District, demanded to see national identity cards and singled out suspected opposition supporters by their ethnicity, beating and slashing the victims with machetes. Three witnesses said they saw gang members drag two corpses to Landhies road, 100 to 200 meters away, from where police later collected them. Five witnesses said they saw the killings taking place in the full view of police officers and saw officers collect bodies without apprehending the killers. Witnesses alleged that the armed gangs were mungiki, a pro-government militia that was responsible for much of the violence Kenya suffered in the aftermath of its 2007 elections. At least two killings occurred in the days just after the repeat election. On the morning of October 26, police shot and killed Willis Ojenge, a 30-year-old man from Homabay. His step-brother, who was with him at the time, said that his brother left his house at about 9 a.m. to go shopping and joined demonstrations. The stepbrother said he saw an armed officer run after Ojenge, who knelt down in surrender, but the officer ordered him to stand up and run, then shot him in the back. On October 31, police shot and killed Philip Mutisya Musyemi, 31, outside his house on the Riverside estate in Ruaraka. His father, who witnessed the killing, said that Mutisya Musyemi was seated outside the family house with four friends when six anti-riot officers on patrol, who accused them of having been among demonstrators, opened fire on them, shooting him in the stomach. The men were admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital with gunshot injuries, where Mutisya Musyemi died from gunshot injuries on November 21. The others survived. Many of the killings occurred on November 17 when opposition supporters rallied along several main roads in Nairobi to welcome Odinga from overseas. At about 11a.m., even before Odinga landed, a police officer allegedly shot dead Patrick Muasya, 39, as he tried to escape the crowd near the GM auto company along Mombasa road on route from the airport. Muasya, a street vendor in Nairobi and a resident of the Mukuru Kwa Reuben neighborhood, was on his way to his rural village, when police shot him through the ribs, killing him instantly, said a friend who was with him. At 2 p.m., police shot dead Tom Atura, 30, who was demonstrating at Kawangware 56 area, during which the youth lit bonfires and blocked roads. A relative who was with Atura said police appeared to target both demonstrators and other residents with live bullets, in some cases shooting into residential and business premises. The autopsy by the government’s chief pathologist, a copy which is on Human Rights Watch file, found that he was shot four times in the head and chest. Eleven witnesses told Human Rights Watch that at least six young men were killed along Landhies road as Odinga’s convoy accompanied by his supporters approached central Nairobi. In one case at about 4 p.m. said a businesswoman at Muthurwa market who witnessed the killing, police shot Evans Owino, 23, a college student who had gone to welcome Odinga, in the back, killing him. Owino’s father told Human Rights Watch that neither police nor IPOA had interviewed witnesses to his son’s killing. The police also shot dead Elisha Osenyo, 25, a construction worker, at about 4 p.m., just moments before Odinga’s convoy passed, said a man who witnessed the killing. Osenyo left his house in Kangemi for work early in the morning but called his family before noon to say he was returning to the house due to the growing tension, his cousin said. He never reached the house. Police collected his body along Landhies road at around 9 p.m. and took it to the Nairobi City Mortuary, according to the mortuary records. The report of the chief government pathologist found that Osenyo was shot through the armpit, damaging his heart, and that he died instantly. On the evening of November 17, anti-riot police fired a teargas canister directly onto the chest of Kennedy Owino, a 30-year-old man from Nairobi’s Katwekera area, Kibera neighborhood, killing him, his brother said. Owino had been at the airport with his older brother and ran into demonstrations in his neighborhood on his way home. A witness among the demonstrators said a General Service Unit (GSU) police officer deployed to disperse the demonstrators fired the cannister at Owino. The other people killed by police on November 17 include Josephat Sakas, 39, who, relatives and witnesses said, police shot dead along Landhies road; and Maurice Otieno Odipo, 23, from Kawangware, who witnesses said police shot and killed at the Landies road roundabout. Human Rights Watch also saw records at the city mortuary that police brought an additional five bodies on the night of November 17. On November 19, police shot dead Gabriel Onyango Obiero, 35, an auto factory employee, along Nairobi’s outer ring road at around 8:30 a.m. His wife said the area was tense after media reported that five people had either been shot or hacked to death and bodies dumped on streets in the Riverside neighborhood, Babadogo. Onyango Obiero, who feared riots might erupt, went out at around 8 a.m. to withdraw money from the bank. A shopkeeper along outer ring road who witnessed the killing said that Onyango Obiero encountered police collecting bodies of people found dead on that road, and that a female officer aimed and shot Onyango Obiero as he walked along the road. Residents flee as anti-riot policemen pursue opposition protestors in Mathare, Nairobi, on August 12. Expand Residents flee as anti-riot policemen pursue opposition protestors in Mathare, Nairobi, on August 12. © 2017 Thomas Mukoya/Reuters Also, on November 19, police shot dead Stephen Mbaluka Mbui, a 17-year-old high school student, in Mathare 4A at about 5.p.m. as he was on his way to visit his uncle. A neighbor saw Stephen pass anti-riot police officers, who were battling demonstrators in the area, and saw one of them aim and shoot him in the back of his head. He died minutes later while awaiting treatment at MSF clinic in Eastleigh, his uncle said. Demonstrations escalated with news of his death, and police responded with house-to-house operations in Mathare 4A during which they beat people, mainly men. On November 20, police shot Elvis Otieno Ogutu, 30, a construction worker, in the chest in the Kariobangi area at about 9 p.m. killing him instantly. Residents said that anti-riot police had deployed heavily in anticipation of any trouble. A relative said that Otieno Ogutu had left the house in Kariobangi to buy groceries for his family. The killing prompted local riots, which police responded to with house-to-house operations, during which they beat and injured scores of residents. Also, on November 20, a police officer attached to Ayany Police Post shot and killed David Omondi Otieno, 22, in Olympic Kibera area, said his brother, who saw the killing. Omondi had just closed his shop due to violence following the Supreme Court decision, when police shot him. Records at Kilimani Police station seen by Human Rights Watch say that police shot him while he was “looting”. A report by the chief government pathologist found that Otieno Ogutu was killed by a single bullet in the forehead. Family members said they gave a statement to the Industrial Area Police Station and IPOA but knew of no ongoing investigation. As in other cases, police did not respond to Human Rights Watch inquiries about the case. Demonstrations and political tension continued in many opposition strongholds in Nairobi until November 28, when Kenyatta was sworn in. On that day, police barricaded roads, fired teargas canisters to disperse crowds, and used live ammunition to prevent Odinga from meeting with his supporters in eastern Nairobi. Human Rights Watch found that, on that day, police shot and killed at least three opposition supporters in Embakasi and Donholm neighborhoods, including a 7-year-old boy, Geoffrey Mutinda, who was shot as he stood on the balcony of his family house in Embakasi. Witnesses said that, beginning early in the morning, police battled opposition youth protesting the swearing-in by lighting bonfires, blocking roads and throwing stones. They said that anti-riot police were using live bullets and shooting randomly into houses and at passersby, as well as at demonstrators. At about 11 a.m., police shot and killed Faith Oduor Onyango, 30, at Kawangware 56 terminus, while he was buying groceries for the family, said a relative who witnessed the shooting: “He met police just a few meters from the door to his house. One officer aimed and shot him in the stomach.” The autopsy by the government’s chief pathologist, seen by Human Rights Watch, confirmed that the bullet ruptured his intestines. The other victims on November 28 include Erick Ochieng, 28, who witnesses said police shot dead in Embakasi area. As Kenyatta was taking his oath, Odinga attempted to hold a public meeting in Embakasi area but police sealed off the site and dispersed supporters with teargas, beating some of them with batons. Killings by armed gangs Witnesses told Human Rights Watch that armed gangs they believe to be aligned with the government attacked people they believed to be opposition supporters, often profiled along ethnic lines, in various neighborhoods in Nairobi. They said the gang members slapped, kicked, beat, and cut the victims with machetes. Witnesses referred to the gang members as the “mungiki,” an outlawed armed gang whose members operate in Nairobi, central Kenya and parts of the Rift Valley region. Human Rights Watch documented at least 14 deaths these armed gangs appear to have been responsible for. On November 16, as tension rose ahead of Odinga’s return from overseas the next day, witnesses said, pro-government armed youths attacked Martin Otieno Olot, 33, at night as he printed t-shirts for the opposition NASA coalition at his printing business along River road in down town Nairobi. “A group of youth stormed into his business and beat him unconscious,” said a witness who was in a nearby office that evening. “They then locked the door from outside and threw a petrol bomb inside.” His brother said that, although Otieno Olot was rescued by fire fighters who responded to the explosion, he died from severe burns and machete cuts three days later. Hospital records showed over 86 percent of his body was burned. Most of the killings occurred between November 17 and November 20. On the evening of November 17, a group of armed young men attacked Stephen Omondi, a 20-year-old student, at Muthurwa market in Nairobi’s central business district, where he was running a family shop. A relative who saw the attack said: “the youth dragged his body from the market and dumped it by the roadside in full view of police.” On November 17, witnesses alleged, police shot dead Kennedy Odhong Obel, 30, along Jogoo road at about 2 p.m. A relative who lived with him said Odhong Obel was among hundreds of young people who had turned up to receive Odinga from his overseas trip. Even though witnesses said they saw police shoot him in the neck, a report of the chief government pathologist appeared to contradict the witness accounts. The report showed he died of injuries caused by a sharp object in the neck. The same day, in Shauri Moyo neighborhood in eastern Nairobi, relatives said, Collins Owino, 33, a plumber, failed to return from work. A coworker who saw the attack said Jubilee supporters armed with machetes profiled his ethnicity using a language test, then hacked him to death: “Jubilee party supporters first asked him to speak in Kikuyu language. They started beating and cutting him with machetes as police watched when he failed to speak the language.” Two days later the family found his body at City Mortuary in Nairobi, brought in by a police officer, with machete cuts on his head and arms. A report by the government’s chief pathologist showed that Owino died from the injuries and severe bleeding. On the same day, armed youth suspected by witnesses to support the ruling Jubilee party killed John Omondi Ojwang, 33, a mechanic near Burma market, not far from Kamukunji police station in eastern Nairobi, witnesses and family members said. Two family members and three witnesses said that pro-government gangs were also responsible for the deaths of Kennedy Okoth Barasa, 30, and Mary Atieno, 31, both from Kibera. The two had gone to receive Odinga at the airport, were assaulted on their way home, and died from the injuries, witnesses said. A witness said that pro-ruling party youth assaulted Kennedy Okoth Barasa, 35, near City Stadium and that he died four days later. Report of the chief government pathologist showed he died of severe internal bleeding. A relative who was with Atieno said she was assaulted and killed on their way back to his house in Kibera. On November 19, Kenyan media reported that the bodies of four residents of Riverside, Babadogo and Dandora neighborhoods were found dead on the streets in Riverside, killed overnight by unknown assailants. Residents and a night guard who survived that early morning attack told Human Rights Watch that they saw a man administering a language test and killing people who failed. “He first greeted me in Kikuyu Language and when I responded in Swahili he attacked me with a machete,” the guard said. “He would shoot at or attack with a machete anyone who failed to respond to him in his mother tongue. To him, this meant you were a NASA supporter.” said the survivor. The same day in Korogocho, suspected Jubilee party supporters beat to death George Owino Odhiambo, 40, witnesses said. His brother said the attackers threw the body from the overhead crossing at the Kariobangi-Huruma interchange: “When we collected his body, all the bones on his body were broken – all arms, legs and the back were broken due to the fall. He also had machete cuts all over his body.” In some cases, opposition youth gangs fought against the ruling party supporters, or attacked them. On November 17, in the aftermath of the chaos and police killings, opposition youth in Nairobi’s industrial area killed Patrick Baariu Kathure, 25, a businessman. His aunt described his injuries when they found the body at Matter Mission Hospital in industrial area: “The left eye had a big hole. The eye had been removed. The neck too had a big hole and the cheeks had machete cuts.” A witness said armed opposition youth killed George Mwambura, 34, a businessman, on the night of November 19 in the Dandora neighborhood. “George had deep cuts on one hand, the back, shoulder and one side of his head,” his father said. “All his teeth had been knocked off.” Human Rights Watch has not confirmed the identity of the gangs operating during the elections period. Human Rights Watch found no evidence that police had opened any investigations into the role of these gangs during the elections violence. In August, the interior cabinet secretary, Fred Matiang’i, denied media reports that pro-government gangs had attacked residents in opposition strongholds in Nairobi and instead threatened those making the allegations with arrest. The post Kenya: Fresh Evidence of Election-Period Abuses appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Jubbaland ee Soomaaliya Mudane Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa caawa shir gudoomiyay Shir lagaga hadlayay tageerada Dowlada Turkiga ee dhinacyada Samafalka adeegyada hormarinta iyo amaanka ee Jubbaland. Masuuliyiinta labada gole ee Dowlada iyo xubno kala duwan ayaa kulanka ku matalayay Jubbaland iyadoo dhinaca turkigana ay kasocdeen Safiirka Turkiga ee Soomaaliya Olgan Bekar iyo Xog-hayaha Dowladaha Hoose ee Turkiga Hayrettin Gungor iyo masuuliyiinta Hay’adaha Turkiga ee ka howlgala Soomaaliya. Waxaa kale oo shirkan ka qayb galay Wasiirka Howlaha guud ee Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Eng, Saadiq Cabdulahi Cabdi, Shirkan oo socon doona mudo labo maalmood ah ayaa diirada lagu saari doona hormarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha Jubbaland iyo taakulada Dowlada Turkiga ay ka gaysan karto sidii loo hormarin lahaa si gaar ah dhismaha Magaalooyinka adeegyada Caafimadka Waxbarashada kaluumaysiga xoolaha iyo beeraha. Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo kulankan Khudbad ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in Jubbaland ay diyaar u tahay maalgashiga kala duwan iyo tageerada Bulshada Caalamka si horay ay ugu socdaan howlaha la xiriira samafalka iyo adeegyada Bulshada. Madaxweynahu wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay in Turkigu uu door muhiim ah ka yahay tageerada Soomaaliya isla markana uu yimid xili ay Soomaalidu u baahnayd tageeradooda isagoo xusay in loo baahan yahay dalka oo dhan waxqabadkooda in ay gaarsiiyaan. Jubbaland ayuu Madaxweynahu sheegay in ay baahi weyn u qabto tageerada dhinaca amaanka iyo taaba galinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha oo wax badan oo bilow ah laga sameeyay. Amaanka deeganada xorta ah ayuu Madaxweynahu sheegay in ay saamaxayso in la maalgashado isla markana laga faa’iidaysto si mar walba ayna dadku tageero dibada ah ugu tiirsanan. Howlaha dib u xoraynta ayuu Madaxweynahu sheegay in ay tageero Jubbaland uga baahan tahay dhamaan saxiibada Soomaaliya in ay ku garab istaagan sidii Argagixisada looga saari lahaa deeganada hodanka ah ee Jubbaland Dowlada Turkiga tageeradeeduna ay lagama maarman tahay.
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa magaalada Muqdisho C/raxmaan Cumar Cusmaan ‘’Eng. Yariisow’’ ayaa sheegay inay xooga saarayaan xaqiijinta amniga magaalada Muqdisho. Eng. Yariisow, waxa uu sheegay inay dhameeyen qorshaha lagu xaqiijin lahaa amniga Gobolka Banaadir, waxa uuna cadeeyay in iminkaba ay diyaariyeen ciidamadii sugi lahaa amniga magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa uu Eng. Yariisow, carab ***** inay mudnaanta koowaad siinayaan arrimaha amniga, waliba si ka duwan sidii hore. ‘’Waxaan shacabka ugu bishaareyneynaa inaan diyaarinay ciidamo isku dhaf ah oo sugaya ammaanka guud ee magaalada Muqdisho si looga hortago Arbushaad dhacda’’. Eng. Yariisow, wuxuu sheegay inay wadaan daraasad ah darseynta oo ah degmooyinka ugu dhibka badan, casharada laga baran karo dhibaatooyinkii dhacay iyo sidii shacabka loogu dhiiragalin lahaa in ay ka shaqeeyaan ammaanka. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay Eng. Yariisow in ay diyaariyeen Ciidamo isku dhaf ah oo gaaraya 2,200, kuwaasi oo dardar gelinaya Barnaamijka xasilinta oo sanadkii hore si xowli ah ku socday. Sidoo kale, Eng. Yariisow wuxuu kaloo sheegay marka loo fiiriyo Dowlad Goboleedyada keliya in ay yihiin maamulka degmooyinkiisa dhammaan gacanta ku haya oo aysan ka baqeyn in Shabaab ay soo weeraraan magaalada, balse keliya ay walaac ka muujinayaan in si qaldan shacabka dhexdooda ay uga geystaan qaraxyo. Haddalka Eng. Yariisow, ayaa imaanaya iyadoo uu Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumadda Xasan Cali Khayre maalinimadii shalay kulan gaar ah la qaatay Wasiirka Amniga, Taliyeyaasha Booliska iyo Nabad sugidda Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Magaalada Muqdisho oo yeelaneysa ciidamo cusub oo si gaara u tababaran (Warbixin) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka maamulka Somaliland ee UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe, ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in dowlada Jabuuti ay caqabad ku tahay Horumarada Somaliland. Faysal Cali Waraabe, oo la hadlaayay warbaahinta maxaliga ah ayaa sheegay in dowlada Jabuuti ay cuuryaamin ku bilowday dhammaan Hormaradii ay ku talaabeysay Somaliland. Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxa uu tilmaamay in dhammaan Madaxda Jabuuti ay isku raaceen in horumarada Somaliland ay caqabad ku tahay tan Jabuuti. Waxa uu farta ku goday in Jabuuti ay Somaliland kala dagaalameyso dhinacyada Dekaddaha, waxa uuna qiray in cuuryaaminta Somaliland laga yeeshay shirar dhowr ah, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxa uu Faysal Cali Waraabe arrin aad u fool-xun ku sheegay in dowlad jaarkooda ah ay kala kulmaan dhibaato dhanka horumarada ah, waxa uuna ku baaqay in go’aan degdeg ah laga qaato. Sidoo kale, Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxa uu sheegay in talaabada ceynkaas ah ay sababi karto xitaa amni darro ka dhacda dhulka Somaliland, iyadoo lagala dagaalamaayo dhanka Horumarka. Dhinaca kale, waxa uu Guddoomiye Faysal ugu baaqay Hogaamiyaha maamulka Somaliland inuu qaado talaabo looga hortagaayo caburinta ay wado Jabuuti. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Faysal Waraabe oo weerar ku qaaday dowlada Jabuuti kadib markii uu banaanka soo dhigay.. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Antonio Guterres ayaa sheegay inay kordhinayaan taageerada ay siiyaan ciidamada Somalia. Antonio Guterres, waxa uu sheegay in QM ay aad uga walaacsan tahay amni darada ka jirta Somalia, waxa uuna carab ***** si looga baxo dhibta inay kordhinayaan taageerada. Antonio Guterres, waxa uu si gaara u sheegay inay kordhin doonaan taageerada dhinacyada sahayda iyo lacagaha isugu jirta ee ay siiso Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya qeybahooda kala duwan. Wuxuu Mr Antonio Guterres farta ku goday in QM ay ka go’an tahay isgarabtaaga ciidamada Somalia, waxa uuna cadeeyay inay muhiim tahay in Somalia laga hirgaliyo amni waara. ‘’Waxaan ahmiyad gaara u aragnaa in la taageero ciidamada Somalia, si wax badan looga qabto la dagaallanka argagixisanimada’’. Antonio Guterres, waxa uu ammaanay Ciidamada ammaanka Somalia gaar ahaan kuwii ka jawaabay weerarkii maleeshiyada al-Shabaab 23-kii bishan ay ku qaaadeen meel waxyar u jirta Madaxtooyada Somalia. Dhinaca kale, Madaxda Qaranka Somalia ayuu sheegay mar walba in ay ku fakarayaan oo ay ku dadaalayaan sidii ay uga guuleysan lahaayeen dagaalka ay kula jiraan argagixisada Somalia ee al-Shabaab. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Guterres oo shaaciyay ku dhaqaaqida talaabo aad uga farxin doonta ciidamada appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr: Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Tacsi u diray dhammaan Shacabka Puntland, Qoyska iyo Eheladii Allaah ha’u naxariistee Marxuun Cabdullaahi Ciid Cismaan oo ahaa La-taliyaha Madaxweynaha Arimaha Guddaha iyo Dawladaha Hoose ee Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa si gaar ugu Tacsiyeeyay dhammaan Eheladiisii, xaaskiisii iyo Qaraabadii uu Marxuun Cabdullaahi Ciid Cismaan ka geeriyooday Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa Allaah uga Baryay Marxuunka inuu Janno Fardowso ka waraabiyo Aamiin Aamiin, Illaahayna sabir iyo iimaan waasic ah Alle ka siiyo qaraabadii Ehelkii Asxaabtii iyo dhammaan Shacabka Puntland.
  18. Hogaamiyaha aqlabiyada baarlamaanka Kenya Xildhibaan Adan Barre Ducaale ayaa ka hadlay siyaasiin ka soo horjeedo dowlada oo shirar uga soconayo Magaalada Nairobi. Aadan Barre Ducaale ayaa sheegay in aanay u dul qaadan doonin in siyaasiin iyo xildhibaano dowlada ka tirsan in ay shirar Nairobi ku qaataan islamarkaasina dowlada ka soo horjeeystaan. ” Xilibaanadda Soomalida ee dowladooda diidan uma ogolaanayno inay Nairobi ka dumayaan dowladda Farmaajo iyo Kheyre. Waan ku kalsoonahay Farmaajo iyo Kheyre shaqo fiican ayayna hayaan “ ayuu yiri XIldhibaan Aadan Barre Ducaale. Hadalkaan ayaa ka soo beegmaya xili magaalada Nairobi ay ka dhacayaan shirar kala duwan oo looga soo horjeedo Dowlada Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Ducaale ” Xilibaanadda DFS diidan uma ogolaanayno inay Nairobi ka dumayaan dowladda appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Ciidamada amaanka dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa xalay howlgalo cuslus waxa ay ka sameeyeen qaar kamid ah degmooyinka Muqdisho. Howlgalkaan ayaa ahaa mid qursheeysan oo ay sameeynayeen ciidamo isku dhaf ah oo ka kala socdo Ciidamada xasilinta iyo Booliska Soomaaliya. Howlgalkaan ayaa ahaa amar uu shalay bixiyay Ra’isilwasaare Kheyre oo ah in la sugo amn iga caasimada islamarkaasina la qaado tilaabooyin dheeraad ah oo amniga Muqdisho lagu xaqiijinayo. Howlgalada ayaa waxa ay ciidamada amaanku ka sameeynayay Xaafado dhaca degmooyinka Yaaqshid iyo Dharkiinleey. Ciidamada ayaa guri guri u galayay xaafadaha iyaga oo baarayay sidoo kale dadka iyo Gaadiidkaba. ciidamada ayaa soo qabtay dad badan oo looga shakisanyahay in ay qeeyb ka yihiin falalka amni daro ee Muqdisho. Ha’addaha amaanka wali faah faahin kama bixin howlgalkaasi iyo sida uu u dhacay. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Ciidamada Amaanka oo Howlgalo cuslus xalay ka sameeyay Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Hong Kong (CNN) The announcement Sunday that China will drop term limits on the presidency clears the way for Xi Jinping to rule the country indefinitely. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Black Panther is beautifully made, cinematically powerful and the actors truly embody the iconic, larger than life superheroes many of us grew up with, but the caviar here is that they reflect so many of us who rarely see ourselves on the big screen. I have watched this movie three times now and every time, I leave the theatre thinking about what could have been if Africa was not colonized and exploited, including how past and current African leadership have consistently failed its people. What I have not considered though was the argument made by some Muslims about it being Islamophobic. Specifically, the opening scene of the movie, where Black American actor Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o as Nakia and Zimbabwean actress Danai Gurira as General Okoye rescue young Black girls kidnapped by men who seem to be members of the notorious Boko Haram. The film clearly states that the scene takes place in the Sambisa Forest, which is believed to be where Boko Haram is hiding many of the girls it has abducted leading some to claim that it reinforces the negative stereotype about Muslims as inherently violent. One prominent Canadian Muslim figure stated the following: Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. The three day trial cost an estimated £10,000 before it was thrown out of Bristol Crown Court by a judge Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Recent diplomatic decisions around the world have prompted a reshuffle of the world’s most powerful passports on the Passport Index, which ranks countries according to the travel freedom enjoyed by citizens. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. Dutch shipowners with vessels passing regularly through areas frequented by pirates will now be able to carry their own security guards who are permitted to carry arms and fire if necessary. Source: Hiiraan Online