Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. HE the the Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr Mohamed Abdul Wahed Ali al-Hammadi met Somalia’s Minister of Education, Culture and Higher Education, Abdirahman Dahir Osman, and his accompanying delegation, in Doha yesterday. The meeting discussed co-operation between Qatar and Somalia in the education sector and means to develop them. The Somali minister and his accompanying delegation are scheduled to hold field trips to educational, cultural and social institutions in Qatar. Source – Gulf Times The post Qatar-Somalia ties reviewed appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare ee Soomaaliya Cabdiraxmaan Daahir Cismaan iyo wefdi uu hoggaaminayo shalay magaalada Doha kula kulmay Wasiirka waxbarashada dalka Qatar Cabdulwaxiid Cali Al-hammadi. Labada Wasiir ayaa ka wada-hadlay iskaashiga horumarinta dhinaca waxbarashada ee Soomaaliya iyo Qatar,sida lagu sheegay qoraal ay soo saartay wasaaradda Waxbarashada dalka Qatar. Qoraalka ayaa sidoo kale lagu xusay in wasiirka Waxbarashada Soomaaliya iyo wefdigiisa ay booqan doonaan xarumaha waxbarashada iyo dhaqanka ee waddanka Qatar. PUNTLAND POST The post Soomaaliya iyo Qatar oo ka wada-hadlay Iskaashiga Waxbarashada. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  3. Somalia is seeking urgent actions to prevent the recruitment and use of child soldiers in armed conflicts in the Horn of Africa. According to a joint statement issued in Mogadishu on Sunday after a five-day meeting of key representatives from the government and federal member states, recruitment and use of children is a key security concern and has the potential to undermine efforts aimed at bringing lasting peace to Somalia. African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)’s Child Protection Adviser Musa Gbow stressed the importance of coming up with a roadmap that will be translated into a policy document and implemented at both the federal and regional levels. “Our aim is to have a smooth transitional exit strategy, but we cannot just leave vacuum. We have to ensure that the federal government and federal member states continue to work together especially with regards to dealing with the prevention of the recruitment and use of children as soldiers in the conflict in Somalia,” Gbow said. Various international instruments across the globe criminalize the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict. Available statistics also show that 70 percent of the children in armed conflict in Somalia are recruited by Al-Shabaab terror group. During the forum, organized by AMISOM, participants discussed how to prevent the recruitment of and use of children in armed conflicts. The forum provided an avenue for various government departments including the security sector to interface alongside AMISOM military, in coming up with tangible solutions to the problem. Deputy Special Representative of the AU Commission Chairperson (DSRCC) Simon Mulongo said the AU mission is addressing the issue of use of child soldiers in armed conflicts as part of its transitional arrangements. “That is as we transit from activities being managed and overseen by AMISOM, we would like to prepare the Somali people to manage these programs by themselves,” Mulongo said. According to a UN Security Council Report on Children and Armed Conflict in Somalia published in January, 5,933 boys and 230 girls were recruited as child soldiers between April 1, 2010 and July 1, 2016. Statistics show an improvement between 2012 and 2014, but the figures sharply rose in 2016, when 1,092 children were used as child soldiers in the first six months. Source: Xinhua net The post Somalia mulls swift actions to prevent use of children in armed conflicts appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Ciidamada dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa saakay xiran qaar kamid ah waddoyinka magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana tani ay saameysay isku socodka gaadiidka dadweynaha. Ciidamada ayaa la arkayaa iyaga oo gaadiidka dadweynaha celinaya, islamarkaana ku amraya iney ka laabtaan waddooyinka xiran. Sidoo kale waxaa la arkayaa shacab badan oo lugeynaya, kuwaasi oo markii hore aan fileyn in la xiro waddooyinka Muqdisho. Sababaha loo xiray waddooyinkaan ayaa loo maleynaa iney tahay shirka Madasha “Somali Partnership Forum” oo ah madal Soomaalida iyo beesha caalamka uga wada hadlayaan xallinta arrimaha la xiriira Amniga, siyaasadda iyo dhaqaalaha. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source
  5. Garowe ( Xulka kubada cagta Puntland ayaa maanta u safraya magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada gobolka Banaadir, si ay uga qaybgalaan tartanka kubada cagta ah dowlad goboleedyada iyo gobolka Banaadir. Tartanka kubada cagta ah ayaa waxa uu magaalada Muqdisho ka furmayaa todobada bishaan sida uu qorshuhu yahay, waana sannadki labaad oo xiriir ah oo la qabanayo. Puntland oo ah horyaalka kubada cagta Soomaaliya, ayaa sannadkaan mar kale rajeynaysa inay guul taariikhi kasoo hoyaan tartankaan. Warsidaha Puntlandi ayaa dhinaca kale ogaaday in marka laga reebo Jubbaland ay dhammaan dowlad goboleedyada kale laga xulay magaalada Xamar, halkii loo baahnaa in dowlad goboleed kasta ay ka yimaadaan kooxahaooda.
  6. Waxaa maanta lagu wadaa in magaalada Muqdisho lagu qabo Madasha “Somali Partnership Forum” oo ah madal Soomaalida iyo beesha caalamka uga wada hadlayaan xallinta arrimaha la xiriira Amniga, siyaasadda iyo dhaqaalaha. Madasha waa mid horay usoo socotay, waa heshiis ay Soomaalida iyo beesha caalamka ku galaan fulinta barnaamijyo gaar ah, tusaale ahaa shirkii (HLPF) ee Istanbul waxaa ka soo qeyb-galay madax ka socotay 46 dal iyo mas’uuliyiin ka socota 11 urur. Saaka waxaa xiran jidadka ugu muhiimsan magaalada Muqdisho, waxaa la istaajiyay gaadiidka dadweynaha arrintaas oo dhibaato ku ah ganacsatada, shaqaalaha iyo ardeyda. Shirkan kala soco, Goobjoog News Source
  7. Gaalkacyo (Puntlandi) Jaaliyada Puntland ee Londan ee dalka Ingiriiska ayaa lacag $8000 gaarsiiyay guddiga dib udhiska isbitaalka guud ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. lacagtaan ayay jaaliyaddu ugu talo gashay inay kaga qeyb qataan dhismaha ka socda qeybihii horey u burburay oo hadda meel wanagsan maraya Guddga ayaa shir ay ku qabteen isbitaalka gudihiisa waxa ay kaga warameen lacagtaasiGudomiyaha Guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Xasan Maxamed Khliif oo guddiga xubin ka ah ayaa waxa uu shegay in loo bahan yahay in laga wada qeybqaato dhismaha isbitaalka wuxuuna u mahad celiyay jaliyada puntland ee landon ee lacagtaasi ugu deeqay isbitaalka.
  8. Waxaa ka furmay magaalada Djibouti ee caasimadda dalkaasi bandhig ganacsiyeedkii ugu horreyay kaasi oo ay ka qeyb galayaan 500 oo shirkadood iyo 9 dowladood oo ay ka mid tahay Turkiga. Ra’iisulwasaaraha Djibouti Cabdulqaadir Kaamil Maxamed iyo madaxa rugta ganacsiga Djibouti ayaa ka qeyb galay furitaanka xafladda bandhig ganacsiyeedka taasi oo socon doono ilaa 7 December. Cabdulqaadir Kaamil Maxamed ayaa yiri “Dhacadaani muhiimka ah waxay ka qeyb qaadan doontaa horumarinta dhaqaalaha wadanka,sidoo kale waxay xaqiijineysaa horumarka ay ku talaabsaneyso qaaraddeena Afrika”. Bandhig ganacsiyeedkaan caalamiga ah ayaa waxaa uu ka qeyb qaadan doonaa kobcinta dhaqaalaha gobolka sidoo kale waxay fursad maalgashi u tahay maalgashiga caalamiga ah oo ay sameynayaan shirkadaha shisheeye. Dowladaha ka qeyb-galaayo bandhigaani ayaa waxay kala yihiin Turkiga, Japan, Soomaaliya, France, Imaaraadka,UK, Canada, Itoobiya iyo Djibouti oo ah dalka martigalinayo. Bandhig ganacsiyeedkaan ayaa waxaa uu furmay shalay oo Axad aheyd waxaana lagu wadaa inuu socdo ilaa 7 December. Goobjoog News Source
  9. Wararka laga helayo dalka Jabuuti ayaa ku waramaya in halkaasi heshiis hor dhac ah ay ku kala saxiixdeen Madaxweynaha Galmudug iyo Madaxweynaha Gobalada dhaxe ee Ahlusunno Waljameeca. Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf i Sheekh Maxamed Shaakir ayaa kala saxiixday heshiis hor dhac ah oo labada dhinac ay isku fahmeen kadib 8 cisho oo ay ku shirsanayeen gudaha Dalka Jabuuti. Heshiiskaan ayaa waxaa goob-joog ka ahaa Mas’uuliyiin katirsan Dowlada dhaxe iyo xubno ktirsan labada Maamul Galmudug iyo Ahlu-suna iyo Madax ka socotay Ururu Gobaleedka IGAD. Labada Maamul ayaa waxaa dhax maray shirar gaar gaar ah kuwaa oo sababay iney isku soo dhawadaan labada Maamul, arintaana ay sababtay inuu dhaco heshiis labada dhinac ay gaaren. Qodabadii hor dhaca ee lagu heshiiyay ayaa lagu wadaa heshiiska rasmiga in qodobada lagu heshiiyay lagu soo bandhigi doono magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Gal-Mudug iyo Ahlusunno oo Heshiis Hordhac ah ku Gaaray Djabouti appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeenii hore ku sheegnay Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Masar ahna murashax u taagan xilka Madaxweynaha Masar Axmed Shafiq ayaa dib ugu laabtay magaalada Qaahira kadib markii laga tarxiilay dalka Istuga Imaaraatiga Carabta oo uu muddooyinkii danbe ku noolaa. Shafiq ayaa Arbacadii lasoo dhaafay si rasmi ah u shaaciyey inuu ka qeyb geli doono Doorashada Madaxweynaha Masar ee sanadka soo socda 2018, isagoona la loolami doona Madaxweyne Cabdifatax Al Sisi. Axmed Shafiq waxaa loo haystay arrimo la xiriira musuqmaasuq iyo wax isdaba marin. Qoyska iyo Qareenka Axmed Shafiq, ayaa sheegay in dowlada Imaaraatiga ay xirtay hogaamiyahaasi Jimcihii lasoo dhaafay, iyagoona xili danbe u tarxiilay wadankiisa Masar maadaama Imaaraadka uusan la dhacsaney musharaxnimada Shafiq. Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Masar Axmed Shafiq oo goor dhow kasoo muuqday Telefeshinada isla markaana ka jawaabaya walaaca ay qabaan Taageerayaasha iyo qooyskiisa ayaa sheegay inuu nabad qabo oo aanan la afduubin. Axmed Shafiq, waxa uu sheegay inuu weli ku taagan yahay mowqifkiisa la xiriira musharaxnimada, isla markaana aysan saameyn u geysan doonin sharaf dhaca uu kala kulmay Imaaraadka Carabta. Sidoo kale, Axmed Shafiq waxa uu tilmaamay in Imaaraadka Carabta uu ku ahaa deegan isla markaana uusan uga maarmi doonin degnaanshihiisa inta uu ka qabanaayo xilka maadaama ay ku noolyihiin qoyskiisa. Dhinaca kale, dalka Masar ayaa iminka marti galinaaya dhaqaale xumi iyo amaan darro baahsan oo ka jirta deegaano dhowr ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Muxuu Axmed Shafiq ka yiri bahdilkii uu kala kulmay dowlada Imaaraadka & Rajadiisa Madaxweyninimo ee Masar? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Wasiirka aririmaha dibadda ee qartar Maxamed Bin Cabdiraxmaan Aala-thani ayaa sheegay in Amiir Tamiin uu ka qeyb gali doono shir madaxeedka sanadlaha ah ee ay ku yeelanayaan hogaamiyayaasha Khaliijka magaalada Kuwait ee dalkaasi. Shir-madaxeedka ay yeelanaa hogaamiyayaasha Khaliijka ayaa waxaa la qaban doono 5- 6 bishaani December inkastoo oo ay jiraan khilaafyo diblomaasiyadeed oo ka dhex jiraan kooxdaani. Khilaafka diblomaasiyadeed ee u dhaxeeya dowladaha Khaliijka ayaa waxaa uu soo bilowday bishii June, markaas oo dowladaha Sacuudiga,Imaaraadka,Baxreyn iyo Masar ay ku eedeeyeen Qatar inay taageerto argigixisada balse dooxa ay iska fogeysay eedeymahaas. Goobjoog News Source
  12. Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Shabeelaha hoose ayaa ku waramaya in dagaalyahano ka Tirsan Al-shabaab in ay weerar ku qaadeen Saldhig Ciidamada midowga Afrika AMISOM ay ku leeyihiin Gobolkaas. Al-shabaab ayaa weeraray Saldhig ciidamadda AMISOM ku leeyihiin deegaanka lagu magacaabo Mashalaayo ee hoos taga degmada Qoryooley ee Shabeelaha hoose. Goobta la weeraray wuxuu ahaa saldhiga weyn oo Ciidamada AMISOM ku leeyihiin Gobolkaas waxaana halkaas ka dhacay dagaal waqti badan qaatay. Warbaahinta Al-shabaab ayaa lagu baahiyay in saldhigaas laga weeraray dhowr jiho islamarkaana khasaaro la gaarsiiyay Ciidamada AMISOM. PUNTLAND POST The post Al-shabaab oo Weeraray Saldhig AMISOM Ku Leeyihiin Shabeelaha Hoose appeared first on Puntland Post.
  13. Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Dagaal culus ayaa waxa uu ka socdaa Magaalada Sanca ee Xarunta Wadanka Yemen, kaa oo u dhexeeya Maleeshiyada Shiicada Yemen iyo Ciidamo taabacsan Madaxweynihii hore ee dalkaasi, Cali Cabdalla Saalax. Dagaalka oo leysu adeegsanaayo Hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa qarxay kadib markii Maleeshiyada Shiicada Yemen ay weerar gaadmo ah ku qaaday mas’uuliyiin si dhow ula shaqeynaayay Cali Cabdalla Saalax. Maleeshiyada Shiicada ayaa weerar dhinacyo badan leh ku qaaday dhowr guri oo magaalada Sanca ay ka degnaayen mas’uuliyiintaasi taabacsanaa Cali Cabdalla Saalax. Mas’uuliyiinta lagu weeraray guryahooda ee taabacsanaa Cali Cabdalla Saalax, ayaa qeyb weyn ka ahaa ololaha lagu doonaayo in xulafada Sacuudiga kusoo celiso heshiis mar kale awooda Yemen loogu gacan galinaayo Cali Cabdalla Saalax. Maleeshiyada Shiicada Yemen ayaa markii hore siyaasad ahaa garab u ahaa Cali Cabdalla Saalax, waxa ayna dagaal mideysan kula jireen isbahaysiga uu hormuudka ka yahay Sacuudiga, balse isu dhacooda waxa uu yimid, markii Cali Cabdalla Saalax uu wadahadalo ugu baaqay isbahaysiga Sacuudiga. Dagaalka hadda socda ayaa albaabada usii furaaya dagaal hor leh oo dhexmaray Maleeshiyada Shiicada Yemen iyo Cali Cabdalla oo iminka la qorsheynaayo inuu soo laabto. Geesta kale, waxa uu dagaalkan sii adkeynaaya nolosha dadka reer Sanca, oo markii horeba la daallaa dhacayay duqaymaha dalalka isbahaysiga. The post Sawirro: Qeybo kamid ah Magaalada Sanca oo marti galineysa Dagaal culus & Awooda Cali C/Saalax oo soo rogaal celisay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. HARGEISA—-As opposed to prior elections the 2017 presidential polls saw local media houses perform devoid of any unethical acts. This was revealed by a committee appointed to monitor local media performance during the 2017 presidential elections during a meeting organized by the Somaliland Journalists Association SOLJA in Hargeisa To brief participants among them a representative of the national election commission NEC were members of the media monitoring committee, SOLJA chairperson and minister of information while others representing international organizations opted to witness SOLJA Executive Director Yahye Mohamed Abdi MadarAccording to the SOLJA Executive Director Yahye Mohamed Abdi Madar the main import of the gathering was to get a brief from the monitoring committee as well as recognize organizations that assisted in making the exercise possible Thanking SOLJA for availing office space and relevant tools during its entire lifespan, chairman of the committee monitoring local media during the 2017 Somaliland presidential Elections, Mohamed Hasan Ali ‘Wejiye’ said that not a single media house or journalist was found to have contravened the Elections media code of conduct The Media Code of Conduct during Presidential Elections with the aim of setting parameters guiding responsibilities of media before, pre-election, election and post-election election periods was jointly signed by SOLJA and NEC in mid September 2017 brieing Stressing that the professionalism portrayed by local media houses made his committee’s work very easy Mohamed Hasan Ali ‘Wejiye’ said that it was also evident that all sectors in Somaliland have attained highest maturity in tenets of democracy. Revealing that the complete report shall be submitted to NEC soon the veteran journalist concluded by thanking all those who made the monitoring possible. The seven members of the media monitoring committee during 2017 presidential elections were pooled as follows a. Two representatives nominated by Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) b. Two representatives nominated by ministry of information. c. One representative from the women in Journalism Association (WIJA) d. Two representatives nominated by the National Electoral Commission more so from among lawyers and intellectuals of the country According the chairman of SOLJA Mahmud Abdi Jama ‘Huto the good performance by local media houses is directly related to enhanced skills acquired during various trainings undertaken by his organization ‘It is of great pride that for the first time local media houses are reported to have performed professionally during elections, that is without bias to anyone political party or candidate said Huto committee monitoring local media during the 2017 Somaliland presidential Elections Chairman Mohamed Hasan Ali WejiyeRevealing that the local journalists body could not have achieved anything without support, The SOLJA chair went on to thank various partner organizations like Coffey international, IMS, Free Press, NED, UNSOM and VIKES among many ‘These organizations played a big part in helping achieve current success achieved by media in Somaliland be it through funding trainings, availing technical expertise and equipment supply said Huto In conclusion Huto who congratulated President-Elect Muse Behi Abdi on behalf of local journalists also pledged apt cooperation with the incoming administration While the entire Somaliland fourth estate was reported to have carried-out election related reporting in a most professional manner, the state media received special commendation from left Somaliland information minister Osman Sahardiid and SOLJA Chairperson Mahmud Abdi Jama Huto at the briefing’Contrary to expectations all branches of the state media acted professionally by availing the three parties equal coverage said the minister of information Osman Abdilahi Sahardiid ‘Adani’ Stating that ruling Kulmiye and opposition Wadani and UCID parties had all their campaign activities given equal coverage by Radio Hargeisa, Somaliland National TV and Dawan Group of Newspapers, Minister Adani said this was made possible not only by pursuit of adhering to media conduct but courtesy of prevailing professionalism as well political impartiality While the media code of conduct for the 2017 polls had set out general guidelines for the entire Somaliland fourth estate there were specific ones relevant to the state owned ones namely: State-owned media such as Radio Hargeisa, Somaliland National TV and Dawan Group of newspapers should be impartial to all political parties and it must provide equal platform and time to all parties during campaign period. The Somaliland presidential elections contested by Kulmiye, Wadani and UCID parties were held the 13th November with Muse Behi of Kulmiye emerging winner with 55% followed by Abdirahman Irro of Wadani 40% and Eng Feisal Ali o UCID with 4% of the Votes cast. Somaliland journalists
  15. Turkish companies are participating in an international trade fair launched on Sunday in the strategically heavy-weight but tiny Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti. More than 500 companies from more than 10 countries are taking part in the five-day fair, dubbed the first of its kind to be organized in the port city-state, which lies at a point along the Red Sea, which is the busiest maritime lane in the world. Turkey, Japan, France, Djibouti, the United Arab Emirates, the U.S., Somaliland, Canada, Ethiopia and Egypt took part in the fair. “We are major flour manufacturers in Turkey and we have a major market base in Africa,” Turkan Tulum, sales and marketing manager of Taflan Flour, told Anadolu Agency “We supply markets in 24 countries across Africa,” she said. According to her, participating in the Djibouti International Fair would help businesses get more customers in Africa and elsewhere. “Establishing more business contacts is one of our targets of participating in this trade fair.” Marland, a Turkish construction firm engaged in building pre-fabricated homes, also took part in the fair. Tolga Capraz, general manager of the company, told Anadolu Agency his firm wishes to enter the African market. “At present, we have our customer base mainly in Djibouti,” he said, adding the company was planning to expand to Ethiopia and other places in East Africa. Speaking at the event, Prime Minister of Djibouti Abdulkadir Walid said that the international fair constitutes a strong integration of economies and provides an opportunity to benefit from international experience in various sectors. The event coincides with the country’s 40th independence anniversary and 110th anniversary of the Djiboutian Chamber of Commerce. Source: Yenisafak
  16. The Somaliland local governments have been an essential entities in balancing to those of the central government and in the interests of the local residents as they satisfy the common community needs, despite the overwhelming challenges the Somaliland municipalities have faced in addressing the intended services over the last decades, the local councils were moderately introduced to facilitate the burden of the tasks and support the smooth implementation of the strategic plans in place, since then almost every attempt dramatically failed to bring the expected outcomes and the fruitful aspirations which ended up in absurd situations, the services were not sufficiently delivered and never-ending greediness for power was always contested, challenged and propagated on the media outlets as well and needless to mention is the poor institutional capacities that are almost at the peak of the issues, In this regard, the Somaliland citizens have usually shown an extreme concerns over the disorganized functions of the local governments/councils whereby recommendations put forward to the improvements be made as part of fast trucking the requirements they needed to assume and carry on within the sphere of their own local authorities. In the light of this, I am about to draw the attention of the president-elect and the public at large to the importance of steering the wheel of the municipalities in wing-wing drive model for a sustainable development so as to be realized in the course of the term of the president-elect over the upcoming 5 years. Firstly, there is a need for the government to emphasize on the status of the local government’s role in the overall good governance and the development, in which there should be a Ministry of Local councils and governments to be established in order to specifically coordinate and give the intended directions and accountability. The government also ought to offer a merit-based award for the achievements of the local councils on a yearly basis to motivate a healthy competition among them Finally, What I would like to share with the new government is that they should more likely achieve aspirations of the development goals by initially setting a frontline strategic cooperation with the local governments in addressing the basic needs of the urban context. According to the World Bank, It’s estimated that over 80% of the global GDP and economic growth is generated within the cities and that we the Somaliland citizens desperately look forward to the social development and the environmental focus, last but not least contribute to an outstanding compatible cities that are clean, green and with the livability infrastructures and services in particular Abdifatah Hussein Dahir Student of Masters in Urban Development Studies +8801632698069 Bangladesh
  17. (Left to right) Abdirahman Ahmed, Abdiamin Hassa, Saada Abdar, Mohamed Bakal and Said Tahar celebrate Somaliland’s recent presidential election at the Portuguese Cultural Centre at 12964 52 St. in Edmonton on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017 “Our people have spoken and expressed their wishes by their votes rather than violence and bombings.” The much anticipated election of a new president in Somaliland had expats dancing the night away Saturday in Edmonton. Chair covers decked out in the red, white and green of the Somaliland flag, balloons and banners in the yellow and green of the victorious Kulmiye party, and thumping music was the backdrop for the celebration at the Portuguese Cultural Centre at 12964 52 St. Wearing a Kulmiye scarf and cap, Mohamad Bakal said the party is closest to what the people want. Somaliland, a semi-autonomous region in the northwest of Somalia, elected president Muse Bihi Abdi of the Kulmiye party — also known as the Peace, Unity and Development Party — on Nov. 13. The results of the region’s fifth presidential election were confirmed by Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission a week after recounts. Guests who attended the celebration were greeted with a petition, which will be sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, asking for Somaliland’s independence to be recognized. Bakal said it will be good to get a somewhat younger president in power who will bring fresh ideas on how to develop Somaliland. Abdi is 68 while outgoing president Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud is 86. Somaliland was previously colonized by the United Kingdom while the rest of Somalia was colonized by Italy. The recent election had been delayed for two years due to drought and lack of funding. Britain funded the election. To prevent electoral fraud, iris-recognition technology was used in the elections, Bakal said. Mohamoud Jama with the Somaliland Cultural Association said in a speech that Somaliland’s democratic elections can serve as an example for the rest of Africa. “Our people have spoken and expressed their wishes by their votes rather than violence and bombings,” Jama said. “All parties have won in this case there are no winners or losers. We are all winners.” Source: Edmintonsun
  18. Xildhibaan Axmed Macallin Fiqi ayaa weerar ku qaaday xaflad habeen hore uu Muqdisho ku qabsaday ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre, oo golaha wasiirada ay kusoo bandhigeen wax qabadkooda. Fiqi oo qoraal soo dhigay barta facebook ayaa si gaar ah u dhaliilay hal ku dhigga xafladdaas oo ahaa “Soomaalida cusub”. “Somalia waxey noqotay macmal (lab) wax kasta lagu tijaabiyo, sanadkaan waxaa soo kordhay Soomaalida cusub! ma muwaadin dal kale ha loo dhoofiyaa, mise barlamaanka iyo madaxdii hore aflagaadee baa? Mase waa hool xaafad ku yaalla waxqabad ku soo bandhig, oo barlamaanka ka carar baa?!” ayuu Fiqi ku yiri qoraalkiisa. Intii ay socotay xafladaas ayaa ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre iyo xubnihii ka hadlay waxay si gaar ah u dhaliileen siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka ku ah xukuumadda Kheyre, ayada oo Sheekh Nuur Baaruud oo xafladdaas ka hadlay uu soo jeediyey in xubnahaas “cunaha la qabto.” Axmed Macallin Fiqi ayaa ka mid ah xildhibaaada mucaaradka ku ah xukuumadda, waxaaaa la rumeysan yahay inuu ku lug leeyahay qorshaha mooshin diyaarintiisa laga wado Muqdisho oo ka dhan ah madaxweynaha. Source:
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaan Axmed Macallin Fiqi ayaa weerar ku qaaday xaflad habeen hore uu Muqdisho ku qabsaday ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre, oo golaha wasiirada ay kusoo bandhigeen wax qabadkooda. Fiqi oo qoraal soo dhigay barta facebook ayaa si gaar ah u dhaliilay hal ku dhigga xafladdaas oo ahaa “Soomaalida cusub”. “Somalia waxey noqotay macmal (lab) wax kasta lagu tijaabiyo, sanadkaan waxaa soo kordhay Soomaalida cusub! ma muwaadin dal kale ha loo dhoofiyaa, mise barlamaanka iyo madaxdii hore aflagaadee baa? Mase waa hool xaafad ku yaalla waxqabad ku soo bandhig, oo barlamaanka ka carar baa?!” ayuu Fiqi ku yiri qoraalkiisa. Intii ay socotay xafladaas ayaa ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre iyo xubnihii ka hadlay waxay si gaar ah u dhaliileen siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka ku ah xukuumadda Kheyre, ayada oo Sheekh Nuur Baaruud oo xafladdaas ka hadlay uu soo jeediyey in xubnahaas “cunaha la qabto.” Axmed Macallin Fiqi ayaa ka mid ah xildhibaaada mucaaradka ku ah xukuumadda, waxaaaa la rumeysan yahay inuu ku lug leeyahay qorshaha mooshin diyaarintiisa laga wado Muqdisho oo ka dhan ah madaxweynaha. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Fiqi oo weeraray Kheyre: “Somalia waxey noqotay macmal (lab) wax kasta lagu tijaabiyo” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia dib uga bilowday Howlgalada Hub ka dhigista oo dhawaanahaani ahaa kuwo hakat ku jiray. Howlgalada xooligooda ayaa ka socda guud ahaan magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan wadada Makka al-Mukarama, Wadnaha, Gaashandhiga iyo qeybo kamid ah Xaafadaha Degmooyinka. Waddooyinka magaalada ayaa waxaa buux dhaafiyay ciidamo farabadan oo ka tirsan Hay’adda NISA kuwaa oo hal hal u baaraya gaadiidka Hubeysan iyo kuwa aan Hubeysneyn. Gaadiidka ay la socdaan Askarta aan wadan aqoonsiga ayaa waxaa laga reebayaa Hubka ay wataan waxaana suuragal ah in halkaa uu ka dhaco iska hor imaad. Sidoo kale, baaritaanada ayaa saameyn ku yeesha Gaadiidka shacabka oo la rumeysan yahay inay ku dhuumaaleysan karaan maleeshiyaad baxsad ah, waxaana gabi ahaan laga dajiyaa alaabaha iyo dadka saaran. Xildhibaano ka tirsan baarlamaanka Somalia ayuu sidoo kale saameyn xoogan ku yeeshay baaritaanka socda, waxaana Hubka looga qaaday tirro Xildhibaano ah oo iyagu watay Askar iyo Hub aan u diiwaan gashneyn. Qaarkood ayaa durba dacwad ka gudbiyay Wasiirka Gaashandhiga oo isagu leh amarka lagu sameynaayo Hub ka dhigista iminka mar kale ka bilaabatay magaalada Muqdisho. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Wasiirka Amniga Soomaaliya Maxamed ABuukar Isloow Ducaale ayaa November 30 2017 digniin uu soo saaray ku sheegay inaan magaalada Muqdisho lagu dhex arki Karin mas’uul wata wixii kabadan Afar Askari. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Hub ka dhigista Muqdisho oo dib loo billaabay iyo xildhibaano la beegsaday appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Hogaamiyaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe oo qeyb ka ah shirka Golaha Amniga Qaranka ee ka furmay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay dhibaatooyinka amni ee ka taagan magaalada Muqdisho. Axmed Madoobe, ayaa sheegay inaanu waxba soo kordhineynin shirar looga hadlo amniga oo aan mirro dhal laheyn waxa uuna ku baaqay in bedelka shirarka amni loo rogo ficil. Waxa uu sheegay inay muhiim tahay in dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia, gaar ahaan Hay’adaha amniga ay marka hore ka dhabeeyan natiijooyinka kasoo baxa shirarka, waxa uu arrin nasiib darro ah ku sheegay in shirarka amniga qaarkood ay noqdeen kuwo aan lasii tixraacin waxa kasoo baxa. Axmed Madoobe waxa uu soo jeediyay ilaa Seddex qodob oo la rumeysan yahay haddii la dhaqan galiyo waxbadan looga qaban karo amniga magaalada Muqdisho waxaana kamid ah: 1-In dowlada Somalia ay marka hore ka dhabeyso qodobada kasoo baxa shirarka amniga ee xalka loogu raadinaayo, waxa uuna fashilka koowaad ee dhanka amniga ku sheegay inuu caajis ka jiro dhanka Saraakiisha loo xilsaaray amniga. 2-In dowlada Federaalka, gaar ahaan Hay’adaha amniga ay kaalinta koowaad siiyaan ciidamada ka howlgala Xarumaha iyo Waddooyinka oo intooda badan aan iminka lasiin xuquuqdii ay ku lahaayen dowlada, wuxuuna farta ku goday inaan shaqo wanaagsan laga sugeynin Askari baahan. 3-In la helo sharciyo ay ciqaab ku muteysankaraan Saraakiisha hogaamineysa ciidamada amniga ee goobaha ay ku qoran yihiin ka dhacaa falal amni darro, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay inaanu amni ka dhalan doonin magaalada Muqdisho haddii aan la helin isla xisaabtanka Taliyayaasha, Saraakiisha iyo Ciidamada oo qaarkood aan iska warqabin. Axmed Madoobe waxa uu aad u dhaliilay hanaanka ay ku shaqeynayaan Hay’adaha amaanka dowlada oo Taliyayaashooda ay iska indha sarcaadiyeen bixinta xuquuqda ciidamadii sugi lahaa amniga, waxa uuna soo jeediyay in marka hore lala xisaabtamo shaqsiyaadka mas’uulka ka ah Hay’adaha amniga. Madoobe ayaa sheegay in maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab aysan ka awood badneyn ciidamada dowlada, balse loo dhabar jabiyay maadaama aan lasiin xuquuq joogta ah. Dhinaca kale, waxa uu ku taliyay inaan meel looga dhaqaajin natiijooyinka laga soo saaro shirarka khuseeya amniga ee xalka loogu raadinaayo magaalada Muqdisho iyo Gobolada ay soo waafaqday amni darada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Axmed Madoobe oo soo jeediyay 3 arrin oo Muqdisho la xiriira appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. Waxaa maanta magaalada Muqdisho lagu guddoonsiiyay shahaaddo illaa 7 xisbi siyaasadeed, kuwaas oo horay isku diiwaan-geliyay, tiiyoo rasmi ka dhigtay in Soomaaliya laga hirgeliyo nidaam xisbiyo badan kadib 48 sano. Hadaba, Goobjoog News waxaa ay akhristayaasheeda u soo gudbineysaa magacyada axsaabta shahaadada la siiyay, guddoomiyeyaashooda iyo xarunta. Halkan Ka Akhriso 1. Xisbiga Garsoor, Waxaa guddoomiye u ah Zakariye Maxamud Xaaji oo ah xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha shacabka. 2. Xisbiga Midnimada iyo Qaranka Soomaaliyeed waxaa guddoomiye u ah Salaad Cali Jeelle, oo horay usoo noqday wasiir ku-xigeenka gashaandhigga ee Soomaaliya, Xaruntiisa waa Muqdisho. 3. Xisbiga Qaranka iyo Dimoqoraadiyadda, Waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Fowsiyo Xaaji Aaden, oo horay usoo noqotay ra’isul wasaare ku-xigeen iyo wasiirka arrimaha dibadda, xarunta xisbiga waa Muqdisho. 4. Xisbiga Midnimada iyo Jamhuuriga, Waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Cali Maxamed Tima-jilic, Xarunta Muqdisho. 5. Xisbiga Umadda Soomaaliyeed , waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Cabdirashid Maxamed Cali, Xaruntiisa Garoowe 6. Xisbiga Midnimada Bulshada Soomaaliyeed , Waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Yaasin Maxamed Macalin (Yaasin Maaxi), xaruntiisa waa Sweden 7. Xisbiga Horumarinta; Suleymaan….lama yaqaano Axsaabtan shahaadada la siiyay waxaa ay horudhac u yihiin kuwoo badan oo sugaya in la siiyo shahaado iyo qaar kale oo aan weli diiwaan-gelin, waa tilaabo loogu dhawaanayo in Soomaaliya ka guurto qaabka qabaliga ah oo u guurto in dadka isku baheystaan qaab fikir iyo aragti ah iyo doorashada 2021-ka noqoto mid axsaab. W/Q: Cabdi Caziz Gurbiye The post Akhriso: Magacyada xisbi siyaasadeedyada la diiwaan geliyey iyo guddoomiyeyaashooda appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Health worker absenteeism As we know low health workers or any professional staff absenteeism causes low productivity for that business sub type, As we are all serving clients whether they are business shops, Drug companies, Supermarkets, the bellow diagrams and points summarized and identified problems that are culprit for low work productivity in general not specific to a country or institution, reasons is to help my study assignments in learning MPH studies In John Hopkins University,(With my experience in working low in come countries as Clinician, Health workers supervisor, coordinator in both governmental and international NGOs/Humanitarians). I witnessed almost all this points for my time working in health sector. Health Facility In inefficiencies. Health Worker Absenteeism or Ghost workers in some countries. Low patient Demand. In sufficient accountability. Low salary or external opportunities. poor work climate, low patient or client demand. In Security for the staff in some areas of the world (where I witnessed during my field worker south central Somalia). Low health workforce productivity may be due to health worker absenteeism. Absenteeism is the chronic, unexcused absence from work. The definition of absenteeism can be extended to include excused absences—such as for training workshops, sickness, vacation, or scheduled leave for social obligations—which can also result in the interruption of health service delivery. Absenteeism may vary from working reduced hours each day (i.e., arriving late, leaving early), only regularly working a few days per week, or even taking lengthy excused absences without having another worker fill in (e.g., health worker away at a one-year training program). In some cases, health workers may be assigned to a specific facility and may appear in official human resources for health (HRH) statistics without ever reporting to work. Absenteeism can result in patients being turned away because the decreased number of health workers cannot attend to all the patients. In some cases, facilities may close for a period of time due to health workers not reporting to work. To compensate for high health worker absenteeism, facilities may hire additional staff to provide health services. The increase in health worker inputs will reduce productivity. It can also decrease the number of patients seen, impose heavy and demotivating workloads for those health workers who are present, and/or lower the quality of services. Absenteeism can lower quality in a number of ways, including because the remaining health workers may experience the following: Have many more patients to attend Have to step in and perform tasks that they are not trained to do Become demotivated by the absence of their colleagues and their increased workload. Health worker absenteeism may be a result of one of more underlying causes: Insufficient accountability: If accountability mechanisms to keep health workers on the job when they are supposed to be present are weak, then absenteeism may persist. Weak accountability mechanisms may also be related to issues of governance, leadership, and/or poor management. Low salary and external income opportunities:An inadequate income can cause absenteeism for multiple reasons. On one level, health workers may become de-motivated by their low salaries and not want to go to work, thus resulting in absenteeism and its respective effects on service quality. To compensate for low salaries, health workers may engage in additional earning arrangements. This may be a clinical job in the private sector, or outside the health sector in agriculture, trade, or other businesses. Where such opportunities are available, health workers may absent themselves from their official work hours at the health facility to instead engage in their other income-generating activities. Delayed remuneration or payroll issues can also encourage health workers to be absent from work. Poor work climate: Staff may more frequently be absent when there is an unsafe working environment in terms of occupational safety and health, sexual harassment, violence, or other security issues. The lack of adequate supplies and equipment could also contribute to a poor climate. Low patient demand: Absenteeism could also be the result of low demand for services. If there are very few or no patients (maybe due to perceptions of poor quality, access issues, or other reasons), health workers may not come to work because they feel they are not needed. When patients do seek services, there may not be a health worker to attend to their needs. This can lead to a vicious cycle, creating poor perceptions of service quality on behalf of the patients who inform others of their experiences, thus possibly resulting in a further decrease in patients visiting the facility. In Security for the staff in some areas of the world( where I witnessed during my field experience around the globe). By Dr Essa A Djama MD, MPH
  24. The Incipit-CSIC project in Somaliland, 2017 field season presentation by Alfredo González-Ruibal (Titular Scientist of the Incipit-CSIC) Video Transcript “During the 2016 campaign in Somaliland we have had the opportunity to study several archaeological sites that significantly transform our knowledge of the history of the Horn of Africa and Indian trade in general during the last two millennia. In this talk we will present the main findings -from caravan stations to Persian emporiums, passing through a prehistoric sanctuary- and explain how they will allow us to change some of the perspectives that up to now we had on the social processes in the African coast of Indian Ocean. In the 2016 field season in Somaliland, we had had the opportunity to study several archaeological sites that significantly transformed our knowledge of the history of the Horn of Africa and the Indian trade in general during the last two millennia. In this talk of research study, we will make known the main findings made -from posts caravan to Persian emporiums, through a prehistoric sanctuary- and explain how they will allow us to change some of the perspectives that they have had on Social processes on the African coast of the Indian Ocean. Place: Assembly Hall, IIAG, Santiago de Compostela. Date of event: 03/15/2016 Director: Rubén Vuelta-Santín (Research Assistant of the Incipit-CSIC). SOURCE:Incipit – CSIC