Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. With the ongoing killings in Western Oromia and today’s open order to the military to shoot and kill our people, the country is sliding to dangerous territory. Qeerroo are preparing while awaiting for the parliament to make a decision on either passing or rejecting the state of emergency. We are hearing the regime is threatening MP’s to pass the SOE when it meets on Friday. If in fact the parliament passes this unnecessary and unconstitutional decree, it will be met and reversed with fierce resistance. Therefore, we strongly advice all to postpone their travels to and within Ethiopia from Friday onward until things clear up. Jawar Mohammed Oromo activist Head of Oromo Media NetworK TV
  2. The post THE US Government has donated a new Aerial Surveillance System to the African Union Mission in Somalia (VIDEO) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. An airstrike targeting al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab in Somalia killed two fighters and injured a third on February 26, the U.S. military’s Africa Command said. “In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. forces conducted an airstrike against al-Shabaab militants on Feb. 26, in the vicinity of Jilib, Somalia, killing two (2) terrorists and wounding one (1) terrorist,” Africom said in a Tuesday, February 27 statement. The command said no civilians were killed in the strike.
  4. Civic sense, or rather the lack of it, is a topic that has been widely discussed and argued in Somaliland. Somehow, most Somalilanders do not care much for civic sense. And this attitude is prevalent across all sections of society. People today are so driven towards their personal goals that civic sense as an ethic has become a low priority, almost a nuisance. But this attitude could be harmful for India in the long run. Civic sense has dropped to an all-time low in recent years, as is rather obvious from the current state of society. Let’s see what people and specifically parents can do to curb this downswing. What is Civic Sense? Civic sense is nothing but a common sense in general. It means that that our behavior at certain places and in certain walks of life shouldn’t create problems for others. In other words our behavior should be what is expected from a civilized society. Civic sense is nothing but social ethics. It is consideration by the people for the unspoken norms of society. A lot of people assume that civic sense is just about keeping the roads, streets and public property clean. But civic sense is more than that; it has to do with law-abiding, respect for fellow men and maintaining decorum in public places. A lot of foreign countries function in a smooth manner because of the strong civic sense amongst its people. With the exception of a every view oral lessons in school, not a lot of attention is given to civic behavior. Schools and homes do not teach their children about the importance of civic sense and how it could make a difference to the country as well as the quality of their lives. Let’s see why civic sense is so important. Separatism, vandalism, intolerance, racism, road rage etc. are all examples of lack of civic sense. People are becoming less and less tolerant of each other, of other’s cultures, backgrounds, and other similar traits. In Somaliland fortunately has not really diverse people and the need of the hour is general civic sense. It is not uncommon to read or hear about communal friction. Even living in the city has become difficult because people have no consideration whatsoever for fellow city-dwellers When civic sense is absent in a society, it leads to a lot of problems. Disregard for the law is a primary cause for lacking civic sense. A person who has high civic values does not resort to shortcuts and unethical tactics to get his work done. And being unethical in daily activities does not benefit anyone, as the behaviour only gets emulated by other members of society. Ultimately, the situation will reach a point where hardly anything can be done to restore it. For example, being inconsiderate towards fellow society members will only come right back at you. You have to be social, mature and unbiased when it comes to situations in public. The current state of public property , for example, is disheartening. And we have no one to blame but ourselves for this condition. Where do lack civic sense? There are spit marks, urine, vulgar graffiti, random garbage and overflowing sewers at every nook and corner of India. NO city in this country has managed to fight the menace. It is easy to pin everything on the government, but people must first question themselves and their own civic sense. Roads are not dirty because nobody cleaned it, but because somebody dirtied it in the first place Our countrymen lack civic sense at almost every place but roads and public places are favourite spots. Traffic conditions have been worsening in somaliland in not only big cities but many other small cities. But even then the huge number of road accidents and incidents of road rage can’t be attributed to this fact. The apparent lack of civic sense is the major reason behind it. Most of the people do not drive keeping other drivers in mind. They view the road as a race track and other vehicles as either obstructions or mere spectators. Rash driving has killed many people in somaliland in past few years. Add to it blatant ignorance of the safety measures as well as traffic rules and you get a complete picture of the sorry state of the civic sense of the people on roads. In the smaller cities drivers do not care a dime for safety equipment’s like helmets and seat belts. How can you teach Your Child about Civic Sense? When you when you teach your child about civic sense, you also teach him about civic responsibility. Children need to be taught civic sense early because unlike a specific skill, civic sense is a school of thought in itself. It is belief in hygiene, respect for other members of society, and humane behaviour. So how do you go about teaching your child civic sense? Begin by teaching him to keep his immediate surroundings clean and tidy. If he learns to appreciate cleanness he will be able to practice it outside of home as well. Explain to him that just because other people dirty their surroundings does not mean he should too. Encourage him to mix with people from different backgrounds and not harbour prejudice against them. India is a mix of a variety of people and patience and tolerance in your child will make him more accepted and respected. With such small steps you can teach your child about civic sense and the importance of it in his life. And by teaching your child about civic sense, you are not only making him a better human being but also doing your bit for the future of the country A freedom without discipline leads to disorder. Our freedom fighters wouldn’t have imagined that the people would so soon forget their sacrifices and care the least about the places of their own country. The public places, whether it is a park, a zoo, a bus stand and even roads, become the worst victims of the lack of civic sense. Irrespective of the class of the society they belong to, people tend to throw garbage on the road, spill waste water, spit on it and treat it as a place owned by them. We often question the administration on the issue of the garbage and dirt in the various corners of the city, but fail to remember our role in keeping the city clean. We try to keep only our houses clean and care least about the others. We don’t even make use of the garbage bins to dispose of the garbage. Finally civic sense is not something that you learn or can make someone learn in a single day. It takes time and should begin at one’s home only. We should not wait for our kids’ school teachers’ to impart them the basics of civic sense. Instead, we ourselves should serve as an example in front of our kids. Then only the society can improve. By: Abdisalaan Ahmed
  5. Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa caawo liiska argagixisada ku dartay hoggamiye sare oo ka tirsan kooxda Daacish ee ku sugan buuraleeyda gobolka Bari ee Puntland. Qoraal ka soo baxay Waaxda Arrimaha debadda Maraykanka ayaa lagu sheegay in liiska argagixisada lagu daray,ku xigeenka hoggaamiyaha Daacishta Soomaaliya oo lagu magacaabo, Mahad Macallin. Ninkaan ayaa sidoo kale qaabilsan fududaynta sanaadda iyo hubka kooxdaan uga yimaada dalka Yemen,sida lagu xusay qoraalka ay soo saartay Waaxda Arrimaha debadda Maraykanka . Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa aaminsan in Daacishta Soomaaliya ay hubka ugu badan ka heshay dhinaca waddanka Yemen oo ay ka socdaan dagaallo ba’an,islamarkaana hubkii dowladdu gacanta u galay Islaamiyiinta xagjirka ah. Wadaadka Xagjirka ah ee Cabdulqaadir Mu’min oo ay weheliyaan 20 kamid ah taageerayaashii hore Al-shabaab,ayaa bishii October ee sannadkii 2015 ku dhawaaqay in uu daacad u yahay hoggaamiyaha sare ee Daacish,Abuu-bakar Albaqdaadi,isagoo ku xigeenkiisana u magacaabay,Mahad Macallin oo ah ninka haatan liiska argagixisada lagu daray. Bishii Agoosto ee sannadkii 2016,dowladda Maraykanka ayaa liiska argagixisada ku dartay wadaadka Cabdulqaadir Mu’min. 26 bsihii October sannadkii 2017,malayshiyada Cabdulqaadir Mu’min ayaa qabsatay magaalada qandala ee gobolka Bari,halkaaso in muddo ah ay haysteen inkastoo markii dambe laga saaray. Daacish ayaa markii u horraysay bishii May ee sannadkii 2017-kii sheegatay weerar lagu qaaday goob gaadiidka lagu baaro oo ku taalla bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso,kaasoo ay ku dhinteen 5 ruux,12 kalena ku dhaawacantay. Sidoo kale kooxda ayaa sheegatay weerar kale oo isla sannadkaasi lagu qaaday hoteelka Village ee magaalada Boosaaso. PUNTLAND POST The post Maraykanka oo liiska argagixisada ku daray ku xigeenka hoggaamiyaha Daacish ee Puntland. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Aadan Maxamuud Qalinle waa wiil yar oo ka jabay gacanta kadibna ay kansar isku badashay sida ay hooyadiisa sheegtay waxaa uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka doonayaa Caawinaad. Daawo Hooyo Faadumo Cabdiwaaxid Xashaash oo ka waramaysa shacabka Soomaaliyeedna Baaq u dirtay.
  7. A man deliberately tried to kill a Muslim woman by driving his car into her, just days after the Parsons Green terror attack, a court has heard. Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. When civil war broke out in Somalia, Ali Hassan Suufi and his wife fled to Yemen. But after the Yemeni Civil War began they returned to their home country, which had been ravaged by terror and poverty. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. LAMU, Kenya — Across a narrow channel from this historic port town, where baobabs tower over the forest and tiny crabs skitter in and out of the mangroves, Kenya could soon get its first coal-fired power plant, courtesy of China. Source: Hiiraan Online
  10. DEGDEG: Afar sarkaal oo kamid ahaa Ilaalada Al-shabaabkii ka baxsaday Garoowe oo xabsiga la dhigay. Wararkaan haatan ka helayno magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland ayaa sheegaya in xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Garoowe la dhigay afar kamid ah ilaalada Al-shabaabkii ka baxsaday xaruntii lagaga hayey gudaha magaalada Garoowe. Saraakiishani la xidhay ayaa lagu helay kiisas iyo cadaymo miuujinayo in ay qayb ka ahaayeen qorshihii ay ku baxsadeen ragaasi ka tirsanaa Al-shabaab, waxaana qaarkood lagu eedaynayaa in ay ku qaateen fulinta qorshahaasi lacago aad u badan. Sidoo kale waxaa iyaguna baadhis lagu hayaa isla markaasna lagu guda jiraa kiisaskooda saraakiil fara badan oo ka tirsan Laamaha amaanka Puntland kuwaas oo ciidamada amaanku ay ku wadaan baadhis xoogan. Ciidamada amaanka Puntland ayaa gacanta kusoo dhigay qaar kamid ah rag ka tirsanaa Al-shabaab oo ka baxsaday xarun lagaga hayey magaalada Garoowe, kuwaas oo xiligii gacanta lagu dhigayey cararayey deegaano Baadiye ah oo ka tirsan gobolka Nugaal, waxaana qorshihii ay ku baxsadeen ragaasi ku lug yeeshay qaar kamid ah ilaaladoodii oo haatan xabsi ku jira.
  11. The government of Somalia has partnered with various stakeholders, including telecoms operators and the World Bank, to roll out a phased project towards establishing the country's first telecoms sector regulator. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. NAIROBI — The FIFA World Cup trophy has arrived in Kenya. A tour that began last September will see the famed trophy make stops in more than 50 countries across six continents ahead of its ultimate destination - Russia, the host of this year's World Cup tournament. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Maxaabiistii Alshabab ee Garoowe ku xirnayd oo Alshabaab dib u iibsatay Maalinimadii shalay ayaa la ogaaday inay baxsadeen 13 ka mid ahaa dhalinyaro ka tirsanaa Ururka Al-shabaab oo bishii Marso ee sanadkii 2016 lagu soo qabtay dagaal ku dhex maray Ciidamadda Puntland iyo Kolonyooyin ka tirsanaa ururka Al-shabaab oo doonyo kaga yimid Koonfurta Soomaaliya dagaalkaasoo ka dhacay xeebaha ku teedsan Badwenta Hindaya ee kulaala dhulka Puntland. Xiliga ay baxsanayeen Maxaabiistan ayaa la sheegay inay aheyd abaarihii 12kii habeenimadii Axada, waxaana goobjoogayaal ay u sheegeen inaysan jirin wax rasaas ah oo ka dhacday jeel guriga ay ka baxsadeen maxaabiistu. Maxaabiistan dhaqan celinta loogu tala galay oo tiradoodu gaareysay 40 qof, kuwaasoo ka tirsan ururka Al-shabaab, ayaa ka koobnaa dhalinyaro iyo caruur, waxaana lagu xiray xabsiga magaaladda Garoowe, balse markii danbe looga soo wareejiyey guri ku yaal magaaladda gudaheeda, gurigaasoo loogu magac daray “Save House”, kadib markii lagu dooday in da’doodu ka hooseyso 15 sanadood. Gurigan ayaa waxaa maamulkiisa lagu dhaqaaleeyey urur Waddani ah oo loogu magac daray Puntland Youth and Social Development Organisation (PSA), iyadoo hawlwadeenka ururkaasina uu ku magacaaban yahay Abdifatah Mohamed Sugulle oo ah nin si weyn uga ag dhow Madaxtooyadda Puntland, waana ninka Saddexda goor heshiiska la saxiixday hayadda UNICEF. Wejiga Koowaad ee Mashruucan ayaa dukuminti la helay wuxuu muujinayaa in mashruuca Children Al-shabaab armed Force Group (CAAFAG) 38 caruura oo ka mid aheyd maxaabiistii dagaalka lagu soo qabtay ay hayadda UNICEF ku bixisay dhaqaale dhan 86% oo u dhiganta US$ 259,449.00 (Laba Boqol Konton iyo Sagaal Kun, Afar Boqol Afartan iyo Sagaal Doolar) Lixda bilooda ee wajiga Labaad ee oo ka soo bilaabanayey 24kii January 2017kii. 23kii Agoosto 2017kii Waxaa mar kale Haya’dda UNICEF heshiis kula gashay ururka Puntland Youth and Social Development Organisation (PSA) inay ku maamulaan dhaqaale dhan $165,450.00 (Boqol Lixdan iyo Shan Kun, Afar Boqol iyo Kontton Doolar) 40 Maxbuus oo ka mid ah mashruuca Children Al-shabaab armed Force Group (CAAFAG) Dhalinyaradan iminka la soo sheegayo inay ka baxsadeen gurigii lagu hayey ee “Safe House” ee magaaladda Garoowe ayaa u badnaa caruur iyadoo warar kalena sheegayaan inay ka mid ahaayeen rag ku jiray da’da dhalinyaranimada, balse lagu qoray kuwa aan sharcigu xukumi karin, waxaana tiradooda guud ay aheyd 60 qof balse waxaa magaaladda Muqdisho loo gudbiyey 20 ka mid ah oo ay gacanta ku hayaan Ururka Waddaniga ah ee Alamagan. Hayadda UNICEF ayaa mudaddii gacanta lagu hayey maxaabiistaan waxaa ay ku bixisay Adduun gaaraya Nus Milyuun Doolar oo loogu tala galay masaariifta Maxaabiista, Agabka waxbarashadda, mushaharka macalimiinta wax u dhigeysa, hugooda iwm. Waxaa iminka la helayaa warar sheegaya in dhalinyarada baxsatay ay intooda badan dhaafeen xiligii caruurnimada wixii ka danbeeyey markii la keenay magaaladda Garoowe, balse aysan aheyn kuwo aqoon fiican u leh haddii ay baxsadaan halka ay wajahi doonaan. Warku wuxuu intaas ku darayaa in la la’yahay ilaa iminka 12 ka mid 13ka baxsaday, iyadoo ciidamadda amaanku ay dib u soo qabteen hal wiil oo keliya, kaasoo la sheegay inuu magaaladda gudaheeda kaga haray saaxiibadiis, balse si dhab ah looma oga halka ay ku sugan yihiin iyo dariiqa ay magaaladda Garoowe kaga baxeen. Waxaa si weyn u soo baxaya tuhun sheegaya in si farsameysan lagu kala iibsaday dhalinyaradaas, iyadoo ay is dhaafsadeen Hay’adii gacanta ku haysay iyo wakiilo ururka Al-shabaab u jooga magaaladda Garoowe. Waxaa sidoo kale laga cabsi qabaa in dhalinyaradaas ay iibsadeen ururada Al-shabaab ama Daacish ee ka dagaalama buuraleyda Cali Miskeed iyo Cal Madow ee Goboladda Bari iyo Sanaag. Arrintu siday doonto ha ahaatee, , waxaa cad inay jirto farsamo heer sare ah oo dhex martay kooxo lacag raadis ah oo u bareeray inay iibsadaan Maxaabiis ka diiwaangashay Hayaddaha Qaramadda Midoobay, balse gacan ku hayntooda lagu ogaa maamulka Puntland. Hoos ka akhriso heshiiska PSA iyo Hay’adda Unicef.
  14. MOGADISHU, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- At least five Al-Shabaab militants were killed on Tuesday during heavy fighting between the group and Somali National Army (SNA) in Gedo region of southwest Somalia, local authorities said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Steve Inskeep talks to Democratic Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island about the fight in Somalia against the terrorist network al-Shabab. Reed just visited East Africa. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. Members of the Ethiopian parliament have been notified to reconvene from their recess for an emergency meeting this coming Friday , according to a local news portal, Addis Standard (AS). The news was also carried by state affiliated FanaBC, which reported that the legislators are expected to report for duty as early as Tuesday this week. The national assembly is expected to discuss and ratify a state of emergency that was installed by the country’s council of ministers following the resignation of the prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn. The legislators would also be expected to approve a new premier who will be nominated by the ruling coalition that is set to start its congress on Thursday March 1. Protests have been banned under the state of emergency but many analysts including Ethiopia’s allies in the international community have criticised the restrictions imposed by the government, which they say could reverse any gains made by recent moves such as the release of political prisoners. Over the weekend, opposition leaders from the Oromia region were briefly detained by the authorities after they tried to address a rally in Nekemte. Source: – Africanews The post Ethiopian parliament summoned out of recess, fresh protests in Oromia appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. STANBUL: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday embarked on a five-day tour of west Africa in a bid to ramp up Turkey’s growing influence throughout the continent. Just two months ago, Erdogan made his first trip to Sudan, where he met President Omar Al-Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), before continuing on to Tunisia and Chad. Turkey has scented an opportunity to build influence in Africa through delivering aid, setting up transport links and offering its expertise in construction. “With each passing day, our cooperation deepens in the areas of tourism, culture, trade, defense and education. God willing, we will take this further in the future,” he told reporters before leaving for Algiers. Turkey currently has 41 embassies in Africa, up from 12 in 2009, and wants to eventually have top-level representation in all 54 nations on the continent, state media said. Flag-carrier Turkish Airlines, 49 percent of which is held by a sovereign wealth fund, has also expanded its network to reach 52 destinations in Africa, from Accra to Johannesburg. An infrequent visitor to Europe as ties with the West strained, Erdogan has made repeated visits to Africa since becoming president in 2014. In Algeria, all eyes will be on Erdogan’s expected meeting with ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, 80, who rarely appears in public. Bouteflika, who has held office since 1999, suffered a mini-stroke in 2013 that affected his speech and mobility. The APS news agency said they would meet. His trips to Mali and Mauritania will be the first-ever by a Turkish president, with security is likely to feature high on the agenda in Mali which is battling with a string of attacks and kidnappings by militant groups. Last year, Erdogan visited Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania and has also made trips to Ethiopia, Uganda, and conflict-torn Somalia where Turkey has taken a lead in rebuilding efforts. Aside from bolstering trade and political ties, a major priority for Erdogan has been to stamp out the influence of a network run by Fethullah Gulen, the exiled US-preacher whom Ankara blames for a failed coup in 2016. Gulen, who denies ordering the putsch, has built up an educational network in Africa. But Erdogan says the continent has served as a center for “exploitation” by Gulen. Source: – Arab News The post Erdogan on new Africa tour to push Turkey’s influence appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Ethiopia on Monday reaffirmed its open-door policy for refugees that are flocking into the East African country mainly from its unsettled neighboring countries. The Ethiopian refugee agency (ARRA) said on Monday that even though the country presently shelters more than 900,000 refugees, it will maintain its open door policy towards refugees and “continue to receive new arrivals from several of its neighbors, notably from South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan and Yemen.” Ethiopia, which is home to the second largest refugee population in Africa next to Uganda, further affirmed its commitment to improving refugee lives through the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and the Nine Significant Pledges it has made in September 2016. “As a country proud for its long-standing history of hosting refugees and home to the second largest refugee population in Africa, our commitment to improving refugee lives will continue unabated in light of the CRRF and the Nine Significant Pledges we made in September 2016,” Zeynu Jemal, Deputy Director of Ethiopian Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA), told journalists on Monday. Jemal also revealed Ethiopia’s plan to formulate a strategic plan that envisaged to help refugees both through support packages and prevention of challenges towards bringing lasting solution. “We are now in the process of formulating a Ten-Year Strategic Plan to comprehensively respond to the multifaceted needs of refugees that is creating strong linkages between humanitarian assistance, development and of course peace-building,” Jemal said. The Ethiopian government, through ARRA and other governmental institutions, is currently implementing a program of protection and hospitality of refugees in several refugee camps across the country. The protection program guarantees, among other things, education for children and youth, health services and the distribution of basic needs, food and security. Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in his recent visit to Ethiopia’s Gameblla regional state, which is housing most of the South Sudanese refugees, had praised efforts made by the Ethiopian government in handling the regional refugee crisis. “Ethiopia is a very good model of how a country with a limited resources and a great challenge of its own keeps its doors open, its arms open to people from neighboring countries that are in trouble and seek protection here,” Grandi said during his visit. Source: Xinhua The post Ethiopia reaffirms open-door refugee policy amid continuing refugee influx appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. United States government on Monday donated Aerial Surveillance System to African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). In a handing over ceremony, Martin Dale, the Charge d’Affairs of U.S mission to Somalia has handed over the equipment to AMISOM. Speaking at the even, Special Representative of African Union Chairperson (SRCC) Francisco Madeira has commended U.S government for its continued support to AMISOM in its fight against terrorism. ” It (the AerialSurveillance System) is of critical importan to AMISOM forces as it will go a long way in addressing one of AMISOM’s capability shortfalls. What we are launching today (Monday) is a force enabler, which we have been requesting for, over a period of time, which has now come fruition,” Madeira said. Madeura noted that the platform will provide troops with much needed real time intelligence, which will help detect and monitor armed groups. He appealed to other development partners to emulate the U.S., which not only supports AMISOM troops but also the Somali National Army ( SNA). “We are being empowered this way but it is important that Somalis themselves are empowered; because we ans the Somali National Security Forces are like two sides of a coin. We might be strong; but if the Somalis are not strong, it won’t work,” he observed. For his part, Dale reiterated the commitment of the U.S government to helping AU, troop contributing countries and the cause for peace in Somalia. “We are here to facilitate not only the safety of your troops ( AMISOM troops) but also to help put increasing pressure on the terrorists so that the people of Somalia can have a better life. Now is the time for everybody to work together in unison. we all need to be working together to facilitate increasing pressure,” Dale said. AMISOM has on numerous occasions appealed for force enablers to enable it launch successful milutary operations against Alshabaab and liberate areas under the control of the militants. AMISOM which came to Somalia in 2007 is helping Somali government in the against Alshabaab. The post U.S. donate Aerial Surveillance System to AMISOM appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Mogadishu (HOL) - The Ministry of Defence has been directed to draft military pay and allowances regulations following a Tuesday meeting with the Parliamentary Defence Committee. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ahna ku-simaha R/W Soomaaliya Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Gulleed (Khadar) oo ka duulaya barnaamijka isla xisaabtanka xukuumadda ayaa saaka kormeer shaqo ku tegay qaar kamid ah xafiisyada hay’addaha dawladda. Waxuuna booqday Wasaaraddaha Aminga, Maaliyadda iyo Bangiga dhexe ee dawladda Soomaaliya. Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya ayaa kormiisa shaqo ku bilaabay Wasaaradda Amingga, waxaana ku soo dhaweeyay Wasiir dawlaha Wasaaradda Xasan Macalin Xuseen, isagoona uga xog-waramay howlahooda shaqo iyo hannaanka maalin-laha ah ee ay ku wajahaan shaqada isku xirka ee ku aadan doorkooda amnigga. Kusimaha Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in ay ku dadaali doonaan illaalinta howlaha shaqo ee dalka mar walbana ay la socon doonaan sida ay shaqooyinka u wadaan dhammaan hay’addaha dawladda, taas oo noo fududayn doonta daedargalinya qorshaha xukuumadda Soomaaliya. “Barnaamijkani waa mid sii socon doona oo aanu ku joogtayn doono dar-dar gelinta shaqada Qaranka iyo Joogtaynta isla xisaabtanka ee Xukuumadda, si aan ula socono habka ay shaqadooda ugu danayaan hay’addaha dawladda.” Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya. Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed ku xigeenka Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale kormeerkiisa ku soo maray Wasaaradda Maaliyadda iyoxarunta Bangiga dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Waxuuna warbixin soo koobaysa shaqada Maaliyadda ka dhagaystay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle, isagoona usoo bandhigay dakhli urrurinta iyo fulinta Barnaamijka dib-u habaynta Maaliyadda dalka. Guddoomiyaha Bangiga dhexe ee Soomaaliya Dr Bashiir Ciise Cali, ayaa dhankiisa ka waramay sida ay shaqadu u socoto iyo qorshayaasha ay doonayaan in wax ugu badalaan hannaanka bangiga dawladda si loo horumariyo shaqada bangiga dalka, taas oo kordhinaysa dhaqaalaha dalka. Sidoo kalena waxuu R/W ku xigeenka soo tusay dhammaan qaybaha kala duwan ee Bangigu ka kooban yahay. PUNTLAND POST The post R/W ku xigeenka Soomaaliya oo kormeer ku tagay qaar kamid ah xarumaha Dawladda appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye ayaa sheegay in Guddi ay u saareen Baaritaanka dhacdadii Ciidamada AMISOM ay ku dileen Askari ka Tirsanaa Ciidanka Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka ee NISA kuna dhaaweceen shacab. Magacaabista guddigan ayaa ka dambeysay kadib kulan ay magaalada Muqdisho ku yeesheen Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Dowladda Soomaaliya oo ay wehliyaan, Wasiiru Dowlaha Amniga, Taliyaha Hay’adda NISA iyo Wakiilka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya Faransisco Madera oo ay wehliyaan Taliyaasha Booliska iyo Militariga ee AMISOM. Wasiirka arrimaha Gudaha Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye ayaa balanqaaday in sihufan ay u sameyndoonaan baaritaankaasi,isagoo dhanka kale ka tacsiyadeeyey geerida Askarigii NISA ee geeriyooday,wuxuuna eebe uga baryay in uu bogsiiyo dadkii ku dhaawacmay dhacdadaasi. Dhanka kale Danjiraha Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uu ka xunyahay falkii dhacay,isagoo intaasi ku daray in uusan marnaba soo laaban doonin falkaasi. Danjire Francisco Madera ayaa sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin ka qeyb qaadashada baaritaanka lagu sameynayo sida ay u dhacday arrintaasi,si loo ogaado xaqiiqda jirta. The post Sawirro: DFS oo AMISOM kala xisaabtameysa dhacdadii foosha xumeyd ee KM4 appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Kampala (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, ayaa ku dhawaaqay in dalkiisu uu marti-gelinayo shir ay isugu imaanayaan madaxda dalalka ay ciidamada AMISOM ka socdaan, kaasoo dhici doona sida uu xusay 02-da bisha Maarso ee sannadkan. Shirkaan ayaa daba socda shir lagu qabtay New York sannadkii hore, kaasoo lagu go’aamiyay in la is-dhaafsado Xogaha Ciidamada AMISOM iyo sida uu u socdo hawlgalkooda, si mar walba loola socdo halka ay wax marayaan. Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa horay u meel-mariyay in la dhimo tirada ciidamada AMISOM ee Somalia ku sugan, isla markaana ay si tartiib-tartiib ah hawlaha sugidda amniga ula wareegaan Ciidanka Dowladda Federaalka Somalia. Shirkan ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa inay ka qayb-galaan dalalka deeqaha-bixiya iyo dowladda Somalia, si ay aragtiyadooda ugu daraan doodaha kulankan oo noqon doona kuwo intooda badan lagu soo qaadi doono hawlgalka AMISOM ee Somalia. Dhanka kale, shirka lagu wado inuu Kampala ka dhaco ahaa wuxuu fursad u siinayaan madaxda ka Qayb-galaya in ay kaga doodaan halka ay marayaan hawl-gallada ka socda Somalia ee ay wadaan ciidamada Midowga Afrika iyo doorka ay ku leeyihiin dalalka Caalamka. Wufuudda ka qayb-galaysa shirkan ayaa waxay ka imaan doonaan dhamaan dalalka ay ciidamadu ka joogaan Somalia sida; Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya iyo Jabuuti, sidoo kalena wafdi heer caalami ah oo ka socda dowladda Somalia ayaa shirkan ka qayb-geli doona. Xubnaha beesha caalamka ee iyaguna shirkan ka qayb-geli doona ayaa ka kala imaan doona; Qaramada Midoobay, Midowga Afrika, Midowga Yurub iyo dalalka taageera hawlgalka AMISOM ee Somalia iyo waddamo kale. Ugu dambeyn, Waxaa la filayaa in shirka qaybtiisa hore uu furmo Berri oo ah Arbaco kuna beegan 28-ka Feberaayo, 2018-ka oo ay kulmi doona Wasiirada Gaashaandhigga dalalka AMISOM, Sidoo kale, 01-da Maarso oo Khamiista ah ay iyadana kulmi doonaan Wasiirada Arrimaha Dibadda Wadamada AMISOM, halka maalinta xigtana ay kulmi doonaan madaxda dalalka ay ka socdaan ciidamada AMISOM. PUNTLAND POST The post Uganda oo marti-gelinaysa shir ay isugu imaanayaan dalalka ay ka socdaan ciidanka AMISOM appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Dood-cilmiyeed ku saabsan doorka Aqoonyahannada ee sare u qaaddidda maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka musuq maasuqa oo ay soo agaasintay hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Garoowe. Shirkan dood-cilmiyeedka ah ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay aqoonyahanno,Culimaa’udiin,Siyaasiyiin iyo marti sharaf kale. Agaasimaha hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa Puntland,Cabdiraxmaan Cali Guureeye ayaa sheegay in ujeedka shirkaan loo qabtay yahay sidii bulshada loo fahamsiin lahaa maamul wanaagga la doonayo in uu Puntland ka taabba-gelo iyo musuq maasuqa la cirib-tirayo,si bulshada Puntland ay u hesho adeeg hufan. Sidoo kale Agaasimaha ayaa sheegay in hammigoodu yahay in guud ahaan Puntland uu ka hirgelo maamul wanaag,islamarkaana la dabar-gooyo musuq maasuqa,wuxuuna rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay in arrintaasi lagu guulaysto. Dhammaan aqoonyahannadii iyo culimaa’udiinkii ka soo qeyb galay dood-cilmiyeedka ayaa soo dhoweeyay dadaalka ballaaran ee hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa Puntland ee ku aaddan sare u qaadidda maamul wanaagga iyo la-dagaallanka musuq maasuqa,iyagoo tilmaamay in arrintaasi lagu heli karo siyaasad hufan iyo isla-xisaabtan,sidoo kalena dadweynaha ugu baaqay in ay dowladda kala shaqeeyan hirgelinta hawshaas. Wasiirkii hore ee Amniga dowladda Puntland,Xassan Cismaan Alloore ayaa isaguna shirka ka sheegay in Puntland horumar ka samaysay sare u qaaddidda maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka musuq maasuqa tan iyo intii la dhisay hay’addaan. Alloore oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa dhinaca kale bogaadiyay hawsha ballaaran ee uu wado agaasime Cabdiraxmaan Cali Guureeye,taasoo la xiriirta taabba-gelinta maamul wanaagga iyo la-dagaallanka musuqa. Halkaan ka daawo muuqaalka. Hoos ka eeg sawirrada. PUNTLAND POST The post Hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa Puntland oo aqoonyahannada u qabatay dood cilmiyeed maamul wanaagga ah. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  25. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wareysi ay Shabakadda Caasimadda la yeelatay qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha Soomaaliyeed waxay ku ogaatay in xil dhibaanada labada aqal Soomaaliya laga dhimay ama laga qafiifiyay canshuurtii ay bixin jireen. Xil dhibaanada ayaa heshiis la galeen wasiirka maaliyada ayagoo laga dhimay canshuurtii laga qaadi jiray halka iyagana ay wasaaradda culeeska ka qaadeen si dacwad ka dhan ah wasaarada loogu soo oogin madaama ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan ganacsatada ay dhabarka ka saareen canshuur adag. Sida shacrciga canshuuraadka Soomaaliya uu dhigaayo waxaa ku qoran in dhamaan shaqaalaha ay bixiyaan canshuurta marka laga reebo kuwa mushaarkooda ka yar yahay $200 bishii. Saamiga shacriga canshuurta wuxuu dhigayaa qofkii mushaarkiisa la egyahay $1500 bishii waxaa qasab ku ah %18 daqliga soo galo canshuur ah laga qaado. Laakiin xil dhibaanada oo bishii qaataan $3000 mushaar ahaan iyo %1000 oo guno ahaan loo siiyo si ay amaankooda ugu hagaajistaan waxay bixiyaan 8% canshuur ah daqliga soo galo. Heshiiskan waxaa xaqiijiyay kana shaqeeyay baarlamaanka qaybta ama gudiga dhaqaalaha (Maaliyadda) qaabilsan ayagoo arinkaan ka dhameesteen wasiirka maaliyada intii laga shaqeenayay dajinta miisaaniyad dhexeedkii 2017. “Tani waa cadaalad darro aad u weyn waayo gudiga Maaliyadda baarlamaanka awoodooda ayay kaga faa’iideesteen in xil dhibaanada laga qafiifiyo canshuurta laga rabay inay bixiyaan ayagoo horey daqli badan u kasbanayeen” sidaas waxaa tiri Caasho Cabdi oo dukaan ku leh degmada Hawl wadaag. “Xildhibaanada ma ahan kuwo astaan wanaagsan u taagan waayo kaliya dantooda ayay ka shaqeenayaan, waxaa qasab ahayd inay bixiyaan canshuurta sharciga kusoo rogay lana qeybsadaan shacabka bixinta canshuuraadka” Sidaas waxaa dhahay shaqaale ka tirsan hay’adaha aan faa’iido doonka ahayn. Wuxuuna sii yiri “Aadban u careesanahay waayo $1800 ayaan bishii mushaar ahaan u qaataa waxaana bixiyaa canshuur ka badan midda ay xil dhibaanada bixiyaan, kuwaas oo iga hodansan iyagana awood badan una shaqeenayaan naftooda laakiin aan shacabka danahooda ka shaqeyneyn” Xil dhibaanada qaar oo ay la xariirtay Caasmadda Online waxay sheegeen inay dareemi karan carrada shacabka laakiin iyaga culeesyo kale saaran yihiin sida inay Hoteelo dagan yihiin, qaraabadooda ay taakuleeyaan sidoo kalena ay ka qayb qaataan gurmadka arimaha deg dega ah iyo marka duug qaran loo baahdo. Sidaa darteed waxay aaminsan yihiin in canshuurta laga qafiifiyay ay qalad tahay balse daruufo jiro awgeed u dalbadeen in sidaas loo sameeyo. “Hadii aan bixino canshuurta nagala rabo ee 18% waxaan galeynaa xaalad dhaqaale oo aad u adag mana awoodi doono inaan Muqdisho ku dhex noolaano” sidaas waxaa yiri xil dhibaan difaacayo canshuurta laga qafiifiyay xil dhibaanada. Wuxuuna kusii daray “Hadii canshuurta nagala rabo oo dhameestiran aan bixino waa qasab inaan helno hooy aan degno iyo amaankeena inay dolwada sugto mana awoodo midaas” Dadka dhaliilsan xil dhibaanada in canshuurta laga qafiifiyay waxay ku doodayaan in xildhibaanada ay shacabka matalaan lagana rabo inay shacabkooda culeeska canshuurta ka xigsadaan balse ma ahan inay aqalada dowlada u galeen inay hanta tacbadaan, waana qasab inay bixiyaan canshuurta laga rabo. “Dhamaan xildhibaanada qaranka waa la yaqaan shaqada ay qaban jireen ka hor inta aysan xildhibaano noqonin qaarkood waxay ahaayeen ganacsato, waa qasab inay canshuurta u bixiyaan sida aan u bixiyo” sidaas waxaa dhahay Maxamed Cilmi kaasi oo ganacsiga ka baranaayo mid ka mid ah jamaacadaha Muqdisho ku yaalo” “In qaraabada la taakuleeyo, amnigooda iyo Hoteelada ay dagayaan xil dhibaanada waa arimo iyaga u qaas ah, waa qasab inay canshuurta si toos ah u bixiyaan waayo anagana canshuur dhameestiran ayaa nagala qaadaa anagoo qabno culeyska ay qabaan” “Tani marmarsiyo uma noqoneyso xil dhibaanada inay canshuur yar bixiyaan halka shacabka canshuur badan bixiyaan” waxaa intaas kusii daray arday xisaabaadka barto kaasi oo diiday in magaciisa lasoo xigto. Nidaamka Canshuurta Daqliyada Soomaaliya: Mushaar ($) Canshuurta (%) 0-200 wax canshuur ah lagama qaado 201-800 6 801-1500 12 1501 iyo wixii ka sareeyo 18 Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo heshiis qiyaano ku ah Canshuurta dalka la galay Wasaaradda Maaliyadda appeared first on Caasimada Online.