Deeq A.

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  1. Oyster Oil & Gas Ltd (CVE:OY) president and chief executive Michael Wood updates investors at the World Oil & Gas Week in London. He talks to Proactive’s Andrew Scott about the “huge potential” of its two assets in Djibouti and Madagascar. “Both assets have the potential to make new world-class discoveries.” Wood adds: “Arguably why I started Oyster was to get back into that block in Madagascar [where] we saw huge potential with map structures that are measuring potentially into tens of billions of barrels.” Proactiveinvestment
  2. Baydhabo (PP) ─ Afhayeenkii hore ee Al-shabaab Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali [Abu-Mansuur], ayaa sheegay inuusan Dowladda federalka Somalia isku soo dhiiibin, laakiinse uu ku yimid wadahadal yeesheen. Abu-Mansuur oo maanta kula kulmay Baydhabo Qaar ka mid ah Weriyaasha ayaa ka codsaday inaysan ugu yeerin Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow oo isku soo dhiibay Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya. “Aniga dagaal ayaan la galay Al-shababa, kadib markii ay isku dayeen inay i dilaan, balse u tegistayda Dowladda Somalia waxay ku timid wadahadal aan la galay, heshiis ayaana ku imid Magaalada Xudur, kaddibna waxaan tagay Muqdisho,” ayuu yiri Sheekh Roobow oo ay ka muuqatay kalsooni markii uu maanta warfidiyeenka kula hadlayay Baydhabo. Balse, Sheekh Mukhtaar ayaa Weriyaasha u sheegay inuusan maanta diyaar u ahayn inay cod ama sawirro ka qaadaan laakiinse uu ugu yeeray oo kaliya inay is-bartaan. “Fagaare ayaan bulshada kula hadli doonaa maalmaha soo socda markaasna waxaan bal-balaarin doonaa qorshahayga,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali. Sidoo kale, Wadaadkan ayaa Waddooyinka Baydhabo lagu arkayay dhawrkii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay isagoo dhex lugeynaya, isla markaana dadka la sheekeysanaya. Ugu dambeyn, Sh. Roobow ayaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafay wuxuu ku sugnaa Baydhabo, isagoo hore u soo maray degmada Xudur halkaa oo ahayd halka oo uu tuulooyin ku dhow dhow muddo sanado ah ku noolaa. PUNTLAND POST The post ABU-MANSUR: Anigu isma dhiibin ee Wadahadal ayaan Dowladda Federaalka kula joogaa appeared first on Puntland Post.
  3. Somaliland’s ruling party candidate and newly elected president Musa Bihi Abdi. Stringer/Reuters The Republic of Somaliland is recognised as an autonomous region in Somalia’s northwestern region. Since it broke away from Somalia in 1991, it has held five successful elections. Such an electoral record, despite extensions and delays in almost every case, is enviable by regional standards. And as a result, Somaliland has garnered significant donor support. The November 13 polls followed the same script. Although they were twice delayed, only minor irregularities were reported by the international observer mission. These included vote buying and lack of secrecy during voting. Unlike previous elections, however, the 2017 presidential contest marked the highest stakes yet, that revealed deep cracks in the country’s revered consensus politics. Election day itself proceeded peacefully. 78.85% of the 704,089 registered voters who had collected their cards participated in the election. And for the first time elections were held in parts of Sool and Togdheer. These are the insecure border regions that are disputed between Somaliland and Puntland (now a member state of the Federal Government of Somalia). Yet, the process was marred by incendiary party rhetoric and violent protests before and after the elections. The protests were largely youth-led, with a number of casualties reported. Both parties seemed unable to contain their supporters, or instil popular confidence in the process. Voters were deeply divided along clan and party lines. The electoral commission’s four-day social media ban and delay in releasing provisional results (nearly a week after the polls) provided ample room for rumour mongering and confusion. By election night both the main opposition party – Waddani – and the ruling Kulmiye party were celebrating a win. False results circulated on Whatsapp the next day suggesting a win for Kulmiye. Waddani reacted quickly by challenging the impartiality of the process. Seemingly emboldened by the Kenya example, the opposition party claimed that Kulmiye had circulated fake ballot papers. It threatened to suspend cooperation with the election commission. No formal complaint was filed at the Supreme Court but Waddani had succeeded in bringing opposition supporters to the streets in unprecedented numbers. The final announcement of results on November 21 confirmed that Kulmiye’s Muse Bihi Abdi had won by a margin of nearly 80,000 votes. Back in 2003, the incumbent Ahmed ‘Silanyo’ Mohamoud had conceded defeat to a much smaller margin of 83 votes. As such, it looked like Waddani’s hands were tied. Behind-the-scenes, former statesmen and other impartial stakeholdersstepped in to calm the storm and convince Waddani to concede defeatquietly. The concession speech came on November 22, a day after the announcement of results. Opposition candidate Abdirahman Cirro called for national unity, but Somaliland’s fragile political fabric had already been put through the wringer. Election tension Heightened election tensions were made worse by the political inexperience of the two presidential candidates who both employed deeply polarising rhetoric. This was an unprecedented and risky combination for the country’s conservative political system. The personal attacks between Kulmiye’s Muse Bihi Abdi and Waddani’s Abdirahman Cirro hinged both campaigns on their personalities, Somaliland’s civil war grievances, and clan divisions. Muse Bihi harped on his war record, at one time saying We won’t accept a candidate who has never fired a gun, and is afraid to hold one. This suggested that the political transition could turn violent. Widespread concerns were vocalised by locals and Somalilanders in the diaspora alike. Fierce competition was also fuelled by large amounts of money. Both parties pushed ahead with early campaigns despite the threat of hefty fines from the election commission. Payouts to constituencies, including money for drought relief, contributed to what many estimate may be the costliest election since the local council elections in 2012. Geo-strategic weight Somaliland’s enhanced regional standing certainly heightened the ambitions of both presidential candidates, and contributed to the high costs of the elections. Its strategic positioning in the Gulf of Aden, where Saudi Arabia is leading an offensive against Yemen, secured Somaliland massive port investment. The USD$442 million deal signed with UAE company, DP World, in September 2017 came with additional commitments to development in Somaliland, as well as plans for a military base at Somaliland’s Berbera port. The deal, however, is also highly politicised and dogged by corruption allegations. It closely aligns Somaliland with the UAE in the unfolding Gulf crisis and disrupts other regional alliances with Djibouti and Ethiopia. It also places Somaliland at odds with Somalia which is maintaining a neutral stance in the conflict. Challenges that lie ahead Musa Bihi may be the leader best-placed to steer the country away from further fragmentation and political instability. But his ability to do so will depend, in part, on his regional tenacity and commitment to conciliatory politics at home. During the electoral process, and laudably so, the opposition galvanised momentum around righting Somaliland’s political imbalances. These include widespread corruption and nepotism that is aided by weak institutions and a political environment that stifles criticism. Tackling these issues head on will require appointing a new cabinet void of corrupt state officials, but also a strong commitment to reforming Somaliland’s outdated political system. This means prepping legislation for holding parliamentary elections in 2019, but also opening up the political space and pursuing genuine power-sharing. Cementing regional trade links and pursuing talks with Somalia will no doubt keep the new president busy. But these elections have revealed the desperate need to look inward, heal the nation and foster national cohesion. The Conversation
  4. Delhi (PP) ─ Shashi Kapoor oo ahaa jilaa iyo soo saare ka tirsanaa Bollywood ayaa ku dhintay hindiya wuxuuna ahaa 79 sano jir. Kapoor, oo jilay aflaan badan oo meel sare gaaray sida Deewar iyo Kabhie Kabhie, wuxuu xanuunsanaa muddo oo uu ku jiray cisbitaal. Jilaagan geeriyooday wuxuu xubin ka ahaa qoysaska Kapoor, kuwaas oo tobannaan sanno aad ugu badnaa jilidda aflaanta Hindiga. Wuxuu dhowr goor ku guuleystay abaalmarinno qaran, waxaa sidoo kale dowladda Hindiya ay siiyay abaalmarinta sharfidda shacabka ee Padma Bhushan, sannadkii 2011-kii. Sidoo kale wuxuu ka qeybgalay jilliinka aflaan British iyo American ah. Kapoor wuxuu aflaanta ku soo biiray isagoo aad u yar, wuxuuna jilay illaa 150 filim oo ay ka mid yihiin tobannaan ah aflaanta Britain. Aflaantiisa qaar waxaa loo turjumay Afsoomaali waxaa daawado dad badan oo Soomaali ah oo taageera jilaagan. Wuxuu aflaan badan la jilay jilaaga caanka ah Amitabh Bachchan (oo Soomaalida qaar ay u garanayaan Cali Dheere), kaas oo ahaa ragga ugu aflaanta fiican Bollywood. Sannadihii 1970-maadkii illaa 18-meeyadii, waxay labada jilaa sameeyeen aflaan ay walaalo wanaagsan yihiin ama saaxiibo aad isugu fiican. Hadalkiisii ahaa “Mere paas maa hai” (Laakiin waxaan haystaa taageerada hooyo) – xilli ay murmeen Cachchan oo walaalo ay ku jilayeen Deewar, wuxuu haqday middkii ugu sareeyay ee malaayiin tqof oo caalamka ku kala sugan ay taageereen. Xigasho BBC PUNTLAND POST The post Jilaagii caanka ahaa ee Reer Hindiya Shashi Kapoor oo u Dhintay Xanuun muddo hayay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo weftigii uu hogaaminayey ayaa maanta 04 December 2017 magaalada Muqdisho kaga qayb galay shirka Amniga ee Madaxda qaranka Soomaaliyeed iyo Beesha caalamka. Shirka ayaa waxaa sidoo kale kasoo qayb galay Madaxweynaha DFS Mudane. Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo, Ra’iisul Wasaare Ku-xigeenka Soomaaliya, Madaxweyneyaasha Jubbaland, Koonfur Galbeed, Galmudug iyo Hirshabeelle, ergayga gaar ka ah ee qaramada midoobey ee Soomaaliya, danjirayaasha waddamo badan oo aduun ka ah, Saraakiil ka socdey AMISOM, masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha DFS, masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha dawladdaha xubnaha ka ah DFS, aqoon-yahano, siyaasiyiin iyo masuuliyiin kale. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas oo khudbad muhiim ah ka jeediyey furitaanka shirka amniga ee u dhexeeyey Madaxda qaranka Soomaaliyeed iyo beesha caalamka ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya u baahan tahay in si wada jira oo adag loosugo amaanka iyadoo la xoojinayo hay’addaha amaanka si Soomaaliya looga cidhib-tiro kooxaha argagixisada ah ee Alshabaab, Daacish iyo cid kasta oo gacan saar-laleh. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa tilmaamay si loosugo amaanka Soomaaliya in loo baahan yahay sharci iyo kala danbayn, sugidda xaquuqda hay’addaha garsoorka, shaqo abuurka dhalinyarada, la dagaalanka fekerada taban, isla markaana waxa uu xusay Madaxweynuhu in intaasi ay buldhig u tahay in la helo sugidda amiga iyo siyaasad ku salaysan nabad iyo xasilooni. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo kahadlaya marxaladdihii kala duwanaa ee Soomaaliya Soo martay ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in Soomaaliya maanta marayso meel wanaagsan oo ay dib uga wanaajin karto ugana yagleeli karto waxkasta oo ka xumaaday, waxaana uu sheegay Madaxweynuhu in DFS iyo dawladdaha xubnaha ka ah DFS isla meel dhigeen qorshaha dib u dhiska dawladd-nimada Soomaaliya. Dhinaca kale Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa cadeeyey in dawladda Puntland gaadhey 20kii sano ee ugu danbeeyey horumar lixaad leh, waxaana uu sheegay Madaxweynuhu in dawladda Puntland tahay curadkii dawladdaha xubnaha ka ah DFS, isla markaana waxa uu u tusmeeyey Madaxweynuhu Madaxda kasoo qayb gashay shirka in Puntland 4tii sano ee ugu danbaysay wax qabad la taaban karo ka samaysay, Amaanka, cadaaladda, qaabaynta iyo tayaynta shaqaalaha dawladda, isla mar’ahaantaana waxa uu Madaxweynuhu sheegay haddi ay hagaagaan hay’addaha dawladdu in la helayo dawladdnimo wanaagsan [we believe if we have good intuitions be get god Government]. Ugu danbayn, Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa cadeeyey in dawladda Puntland ku deeqaday 2400 oo askari kuwaas oo ka qayb noqondoona ciidamada qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee ka qayb qaadan doona xasilinta, nabadda, guud ahaan Soomaaliya iyo ka xoraynta dalka kooxaha xagjirriinta ah, waxaana uu Madaxweynuhu Qaranka Soomaaliyeed u rajeeyey guul, horumar, nabad iyo himilo wanaagsan. =DHAMMAAD= XAFIISKA, WAR-FAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka qayb galay Shirka Madaxda Soomaaliya Iyo Beesha Caalamka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ayaa sheegaya in Madaxtooyada maamulka uu saacado ka hor kulan khaas ah ku dhexmaray Horjooge ku-xigeenkii hore ee al-Shabaab Mukhtaar Roobow iyo Suxufiyiinta Baydhabo. Kulanka Roobow iyo Suxufiyiinta ayaa salka ku hayay hakinta qaabka ay Suxufiyiintu u tabiyaan wararka Roobow iyo in meesha laga saaro ‘’Roobow oo isku soo dhiibay dowlada’’. Inta lagu guda jiray isbarashada Mukhtaar Roobow ayaa Suxufiyiinta ka dalbaday inay damiyaan dhammaan qalabka codadka duuba iyo Kaamiradaha, waxa uuna intaa kadib ka dalbaday inaysan Oran ‘’Mukhtaar Roobow oo isku soo dhiibay dowlada’’ Roobow waxa uu Suxufiyiinta ka dalbaday in xiliyada ay tabinayaan wararka isaga khuseeya ay adeegsadaan ‘’Roobow oo ku yimid wada hadal uu la galay dowlada’’ Waxa uu sheegay inuusan isku dhiibin dowlada, balse uu la galay wadahadal sidaana uu ku helay magangalyo, wuxuuna qiray in Saxaafada ay si khaldan u tabiso wararka isaga khuseeya. Nuqul kamid ah haddalka Roobow ayaa ahaa ‘’Suxufiyiintu waxa ay wararkooda ku tabiyaan Roobow oo isku soo dhiibay dowlada, anigu isma soo dhiibin ee waxaan dowlada la galay wadahadal’’ ‘’Is dhiibid waxaa la dhihi karaa sida Horjoogayaasha ku jira gacanta dowlada ee is dhiibay’’ Roobow wuxuu ka dalbaday Suxufiyiinta in qalabka warbaahinta aysan u adeegsan ‘’Roobow oo Dowladda isku soo dhiibay” balse taas bedelkeeda ayuu sheegay in Dowladda uusan isku soo dhiibin ee uu ku yimid wada hadal. Sidoo kale, Suxufiyiinta ayuu sheegay in looga baahan yahay in ay sidaas ula socdaan oo aysan isku khaldin sifaha u dhexeeya labada eray. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Ajandaha Roobow ee la kulanka Suxufiyiinta ayaa ahaa keliya qodobkaasi oo uu sheegay inuu u leeyahay ahmiyad gaara. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Arrin cusub: Roobow oo shaaciyay inuusan isku dhiibin Dowlada & Suxufiyiinta oo uu ka dalbaday hal arrin (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh has been killed in Sanaa, the radio station of the Houthi-controlled interior ministry said. Footage circulating on social media on Monday appeared to display a body resembling Saleh, with one video showing how armed militiamen used a blanket to move the corpse into the back of a pickup truck. There has been no independent confirmation of Saleh’s death. Saleh’s party earlier denied that their leader had been killed and said he was continuing to lead forces in their clashes against the Houthis in the capital, Sanaa. He has made no public appearances since the reports of his death surfaced. Sources close to Saleh told Al Jazeera that the head of the former president’s security detail, Hussein al-Hamidi, was also killed, but did not provide further details. Earlier on Monday, a Sanaa-based activist told Al Jazeera that the Houthi rebels had gained control of the majority of the country’s capital from Saleh’s forces. “Only small pockets remain,” Hussain Albukhaiti, who has close ties to the Iranian-backed Houthis, added. Albukhaiti said that fighters had secured key areas south of the capital, including the “very strategic” Al-Mesbahi residential area, which is approximately 200 metres from Saleh’s home. “The area around his home is completely surrounded and may be taken over by the Houthis within the next few hours,” he said. Saleh ruled Yemen for more than three decades and played a pivotal role in the country’s ongoing civil war. Source: Aljazeera The post Houthi media: Ali Abdullah Saleh killed in Sanaa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Wasaaradda maaliyada Dawlada Puntland ayaa horgeysay golaha wakiilada miisaaniyada cusub ee ay Dawladu ku shaqayn doonto sanadka soo-socda ee 2018 taas oo wadata koror dakhli oo dhan $1,406,743 oo Doolar bishii. Wasiirka Maaliyada Dawlada Puntland Cabdilaahi Saciid Carshe oo khudbad ka horjeediyey Baarlamaanka wuxuu ka codsaday inay ansixiyaan miisaaniyadan maadama wasaaradu in mudo ah u fadhiday shaqada miisaaniyada ayna isku taxa-lujisay inay keento odoroska miisaaniyada 2018. Miisaaniyada Puntland ee 2018 oo ku salaysan lacagta doolarka ayaa gaaraysa $177,441,564 sanadkii oo ah dakhli iyo kharash is le’eg halka miisaaniyadii 2017 ka ahayd $160,560,648 sanadkii, waxaana halkaa ka muuqda koror miisaaniyadeed oo dhan $16,880, 916 sanadkii, waxaana xusid mudan inay miisaaniyadan ay ku jiraan miisaaniyadaha 7-degmo oo katirsan degmooyinka Puntland iyo deeqaha ka yimaada hay’adaha caalamiga sida Qaramada midoobay iyo Bangiga aduunka. Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST oo la hadashay qaar kamida xildhibaanada golaha wakiilada Puntland waxay sheegeen inay cod u qaadi doonaan meel marinta miisaaniyadan marka ay soo akhriyaan kana soo baaraan degaan. Inkasta oo sanad walba miisaaniyada Puntland uu baarlamaanku ansixiyo hadana waxaa la sheega inaan loogu dhaqmin sidii ay ahayd aysana si billa ah hay’adaha kala duwan ee Dawlada iyo ciidamadu u helin xaquuqda ugu jirta miisaaniyada sida mushaaraadka iyo gunooyinka, sidoo kale waxaa muuqata inay meesha ka maqan tahay la xisaabtankii golaha wakiilada oo mar walba ah kuwo gacanta un u taaga miisaaniyad walba iyo sharci kasta oo ay xukuumadu usoo gudbiso. PUNTLAND POST The post Wasaaradda maaliyada Puntland oo horgeysay baarlamaanka miisaaniyada 2018 appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Sanca (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka YemenCali Cabdalla Saalix ayaa lagu dilay magaalada Sanca, sida laga sheegay raadiyaha wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha Yemen, oo ay maamulaan kooxda Xuutiyiita. Xisbiga Saalix ayaa sidoo kale xaqiijiyey in hoggaamiyahooda la dilay. Ilo-wareedyo ku dhow Saalix ayaa taleefishinka Aljazeera u sheegay in madaxa kooxda qaabilsan sugidda ammaanka Salah, Hussei al-Hamidi sidoo kale la dilay. Madaxweynihii hore ee Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalix oo ka baxay magaalada Sanca ayaa gaadiidkiisa wadada loo galay, waxaa la socday kaaliyaha xogheyaha guud ee xisbiga Yaasir Cawaadi, General Cabdalla Maxamed qowsi iyo wiilkiisa Khaalid Cabdalla Saalix. Markii ay soo gaareen tuulada Jaxshi oo u dhaw Sanca ayaa waxaa soo weeraray 20 Tikniko ah oo Xuutiyiinta ah, kadibna nolosha ayaa lagu qabtay Cali Cabdalla Saalix, gaariga aya laga soo dejiyay, Madaxa ayaa laga toogtay, waxaa sidoo kale la dilay kaaliyaha ururka halka wiilkiisa Khaalid oo dhaawac ah la afduubtay! Dhinaca, waxaa la la’yahay mas’uuliyiinta ka tirsan ururka, Lama oga halka ay joogaan xogheyaha guud ee ururka Mu’tamar Caarif Zuuka iyo taliya ciidanka Dhaariq Saalix.  The post Video: Sidee ayaa loo dilay madaxweynihii hore ee Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalax? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. Madaxweynihii hore ee dlaka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalax ayaa lagu dilay dagaal uu Xuutiyiinta kula galay magaalada Sanca. Telefishin ay Xuutiyiinta maamulaan oo lagu magacaabo al-Masirah ayaa baahiyay muuqaalka nin wasiirka arrimaha gudaha lagu sheegay oo shaacinaya in “la afjaray dhibaatada maliishiyada khiyaanada qaran sameysay, lana dilay hoggaamiyahooda”. Dad ka tirsan xisbiga Mr Saalax ayaa sidoo kale xaqiijiyay geeridiisa, sida uu baahiyay TV-ga Al-Carabiya. Sawirro iyo muuqaallo lagu baahiyay baraha bulshada waxay muujinayaan maydka qof u eg saalax oo dhaawacyo xun ay ka gaareen madaxa. Xisbiga siyaasadeed ee uu ka tirsan yahay ayaa beeniyay in la dillay xilli hore, ka dib markii kooxda Xuutiyiinta ay qarxiyeen gurigiisa ku yaalla caasimadda Yaman ee Sanca. Halkaan ka daawo muuqaalka Cali Cabdalla Saalax.
  11. Duqa Caasimadda Garoowe Xassan Maxmmed Ciise(Goodir) oo ka soo laabtay safar debadda ah ayaa saxaafadda uga warbixiyey wixii uga qabsoomay socdaalkiisa,sidoo kale wuxuu ka jawaabay su’aal ku saabsaneyd bal in uu is-casilayo iyo in kale?. Halkaan ka daawo muuqaalka. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo:Xassan Goodir oo la weydiiyey in uu is-casilayo. Muxuu ku jawaabay? appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. Bosaso-[Puntland Post]-Munaasabadan oo lagu qabtay hoolka Jaamacada Bariga Africa ee Magaalada Bosaso, ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay Xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirada Puntland Maamulka Gobalka Bari ,Maamulka Jaamacada Bariga Africa, Waalidiin, Aqoonyahano, iyo Marti sharaf Kale oo badan. Munaasabada a oo ahayd mid qaab ahaan ka duwanayd kuwii lagu qaban jiray jaamacada marka laga fiiriyo sida loso Agasimay, ayaa lagu sagootinaayay ardaydii ka qalinjabisay Kuliyaddaha kala duwan ee ay Jaamacdu bixso. Waxaa Sido Kale Ardayda Qalin Jabinaysay Ku Jiray 8 Arday Oo Kuliyada Sharecada Ka Qatay Shahadada Mastarka Ah Ee Waxbarashada Heerka Labaad Ee Jamacada. Dr Adaan Sheikh Doon Cali Gudomiyaha Jamacada Bariga Afrika ayaa hambalyo u diray ardayda qalinjabisay iyo Eheladooda ,wuxu sido kale u mahadceliyay maamulka iyo macalimiinta Jaamacada Bariga oo uu sheegay in ay dadaal badan galiyeen sidii ardaydan ay heerkan uso gaari lahaayeen ,wuxuuna dhanka kale amaanay waxyaabihii ay qabteen ardayda mudadii ay dhiganaayeen jaamacada . Macallimiin oo ka mid ahaa macalimiinii wax-soo-baray ardayda ayaa dhankooda ardayda kula dardaarmay in ay ugu adeegaan cilmigii labaray bulshadooda, sidoo kalana ay Midoobaan. Qaar ka mid ah ardayda dhameystay waxbarshada Jaamacad ayaa uga mahadceliyay dadaalkooda maamulka iyo Macalimiinta jaamacad E A U iyo waalidiinta, waxan sida oo kale sheegan in Mudad ay wax baranayeen ay wax badan u qabteen bulshada si gaar ah dadka danyarta ah iyo kuwa magaalada . Wasiir Dowlayaasha Wasaraha Warfaafinta Iyo Dekadaha Puntland Cabdifataax Nuur Ashkir iyo Axmed Siciid Cabdirixmaan Ayaa Ardayda Kula Dar Darmay Inaysan halkasi wax barshad kaga harin. Gudomiyaha Gobalka Bari Dr Yuusuf Maxamed Waceys Dhado Ayaa Goobta Uga Balan Qaday Drs Maryan Maxamed Oo Baratay Cafimaadka Iyo Faadumo Oo Ka Qalin Jabinaysay Kuliyada Enjinerinka Inay La Shaqayn Donan Shirkada Dhisaysa Dekada Bosaso. Ugu Danbeyn ayaa Waxaa Ardayda la Gudoonsiiyay Shahaadooyin Kala Duwan waxaanna Gudoonsiiyay Gudomiyaha Jaamacad Bariga Afrika Dr Aadan Sheekh Doon Cali iyo Qaar Ka mid ah masuuliyiintii ka qeyb galay. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post- Bosaso The post Arday Ka Qalin Jabisay Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Ee Bosaso. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  13. Madaxweynihii hore ee Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalix oo ka baxay magaalada Sanca ayaa gaadiidkiisa wadada loo galay, waxaa la socday kaaliyaha xogheyaha guud ee xisbiga Yaasir Cawaadi, General Cabdalla Maxamed qowsi iyo wiilkiisa Khaalid Cabdalla Saalix, markii ay soo gaareen tuulada Jaxshi oo u dhaw Sanca ayaa waxaa soo weeraray 20 Tikniko ah oo Xuutiyiinta ah, kadibna nolosha ayaa lagu qabtay Cali Cabdalla Saalix, gaariga aya laga soo dejiyay, Madaxa ayaa laga toogtay, waxaa sidoo kale la dilay kaaliyaha ururka halka wiilkiisa Khaalid oo dhaawac ah la afduubtay! Dhinaca, waxaa la la’yahay mas’uuliyiinta ka tirsan ururka, Lama oga halka ay joogaan xogheyaha guud ee ururka Mu’tamar Caarif Zuuka iyo taliya ciidanka Dhaariq Saalix. Goobjoog News Source
  14. Fallaagada Xuutiyiinta ayaa dilay cali Cabdallle Saalax, madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Yemen. Halkaan ka daawo isagoo la dilayo. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo:Madaxweynihi hore Yemen Cali Cabdalle Saalax oo la dilayo. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Karkaar Cabdullaahi Maxammed Barre(caato) oo duhurnimadii Maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar,ayaa ku dhawaaqay go’aanno cusub oo lagu soo rogay gobol. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Guddoomiyaha gobolka karkaar oo soo rogay go’aanno cusub. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. On 4 December 2017 the President of the Federal Government of Somalia, H.E. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed “Farmaajo” convened the Somalia Security Conference in Mogadishu with representatives of the Federal Member States of Somalia and the Benadir Regional Administration. The conference was co-convened by the United Nations and African Union, and attended by 29 of Somalia’s friends and partners. The Somalia Security Conference offered a pivotal opportunity to reflect on the progress made by the Federal Government of Somalia, the Federal Member States, and Benadir Regional Administration supported by the international community, in reforming the security sector. Somalia continues to face a grievous threat from Al Shabaab who continue to perpetrate atrocities across Somalia. The Conference paid tribute to all those who have lost their lives as a result of these acts and expressed condolences to their families. These attacks serve as a reminder of the grave nature of the threat and of the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to security and to accelerate security sector reform in a unified, determined and comprehensive manner. Progress since the London Conference: delivering a Comprehensive Approach to Security Reform of the security sector has been a central priority for the Federal Government of Somalia and its partners, as set out in the landmark political agreement by Somali leaders on the National Security Architecture in April 2017, and the launch of the Security Pact at the London Somalia Conference on 11 May 2017. The participants recognized that progress has been made possible by the continued bravery and heavy sacrifices made by the AMISOM Troop and Police Contributing Countries in the pursuit of peace, stability and development in Somalia. AMISOM’s presence remains critical in order to allow Somalia to protect the political process, build its security institutions, embed reforms, and take the necessary steps to assume responsibility for security across the country. Somalia remains committed to achieving full Somali ownership of security. All Somalia’s partners once again committed to work in a coordinated and coherent manner through the mechanisms agreed at the London Somalia Conference in order to support Somalia’s Security Sector. Notable achievements include agreement of the implementation plan for the National Security Architecture, the integration of 2,400 Puntland troops into the SNA, and the completion of the Operational Readiness Assessments as an essential component for ‘right-sizing’ and reforming the Somalia National Army (SNA) and the Somali Police Force. Participants commended this first realistic assessment and looked forward to the assessment of regional and local forces to complete the picture and form the foundation for transition over the coming years. Some work has been undertaken to inform planning for the transition from AMISOM to Somali security forces and institutions. Four National Security Council meetings have taken place and participants welcomed the decisions made at the National Security Council on 3 December 2017 which approved the National Security Architecture Implementation Plan, State Police Plans, and the Justice and Corrections Model. Whilst participants welcomed progress made in the implementation of the National Security Architecture since 11 May 2017, they also underlined the challenges identified in the Operational Readiness Assessment and the need for the Government with the support of International Partners to redouble efforts to address them. Agreeing the next steps The participants agreed that the three priorities for immediate action were: 1. Implementation of the National Security Architecture; 2. Urgent development of a realistic conditions-based transition plan with clear target dates to transfer security responsibility from AMISOM to Somali security forces; the completion and implementation of which will be essential to enable sustainable and predictable financing for AMISOM. This plan must be guided by the rule of law, respect for human rights and should include countering violent extremism, stabilization and governance. 3. Continued international support to build the capacity of Somali security forces and institutions targeted in line with needs emerging from progress on the above priorities. 1. Implementation of the National Security Architecture The Federal Government of Somalia, the Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration agreed to work closely together to accelerate agreement on the political decisions necessary to ensure full implementation of the National Security Architecture. Participants welcomed the agreement reached by the Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration on 5 November 2017 to enhance security and improve their collaborative relations on constitutional and federal issues. Priority areas for implementation of the National Security Architecture include political agreement on implementation between the Federal Government and Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration, integration of regional forces into Somali security forces and institutions, definition of roles and responsibilities of security forces under civilian oversight, and operationalization of Regional Security Councils with agreed roles and responsibilities in relation to the National Security Council. 2. Conditions based transition plan from AMISOM to Somali security forces Participants agreed that a transition plan should be immediately developed by the Federal Government of Somalia, together with the Federal Member States and with the support of the African Union, United Nations, European Union and other international partners. They agreed that work would begin at once on a realistic, phased, conditions- based transition plan with clear target dates, drawing on the ORA results, to transfer security responsibility from AMISOM to the Somali security forces, using the existing CAS mechanism. As a first step all stakeholders would develop a process to plan for transition by 31 December 2017, with a view to completing a draft transition plan before the Joint Review of AMISOM requested by the Security Council in 2018. This will need close cooperation and partnership between the FGS and FMS, and between the Somali government and AMISOM, in order to ensure clear outcomes. The transition plan will lay the foundations for activity over the coming months and years and will set out the strategy, priorities, milestones and conditions for transition, including on stabilization and state-building activities as well as military, police and justice plans, in order to ensure a lasting peace. These should be affordable, accountable, and acceptable forces, able to provide security across Somalia. They will require transparent and effective financial and human resources systems in place, and frameworks to ensure human rights compliance as a matter of urgency. The Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration committed to continue to lead the implementation of the National Stabilization Strategy to tackle the underlying drivers of conflict and set the conditions for economic growth. Civilian-led stabilization interventions will remain critical to consolidating security gains and extending the legitimacy and credibility of the authorities. All Somali’s leaders agreed to continue to initiate local solutions to prevent recruitment and radicalization to violent extremism and enable effective human rights protection, conflict resolution, including through local governance structures and civil society. They recognized the roles of youth, women and local reconciliation efforts to prevent further recruitment and radicalization and will prevent and counter violent extremism and terrorism as a durable, sustainable and long term solution. AMISOM will continue to support the transition through the priority tasks set out in resolution 2372. These include among others, securing main supply routes, securing key population centres, to mentor and assist Somali security forces, both military and police, in close collaboration with UNSOM and in line with the National Security Architecture; further degrading Al Shabaab, and implementing the transition process. They committed to continuing joint AMISOM-SNA efforts in executing these tasks. 3. Continued international support to build the capacity of Somali security forces and institutions targeted in line with needs emerging from progress on the above priorities. As agreed in the Security Pact based on the principle of mutual accountability, international partners reiterated their commitment to provide sustainable, political and material support to Somalia’s security reform. We agreed it was essential to support the capacity building of Somali security forces, in accordance with implementation of the National Security Architecture. We also agreed that it is crucial to put in place a realistic, phased transition plan from AMISOM to Somali security forces. They committed to ensure that assistance is distributed across the Comprehensive Approach to Security in order to embed military and police activities, tackle the underlying drivers of conflict and violent extremism and set the conditions for economic growth. International partners committed to support the transition plan through the Comprehensive Approach to Security, including by exploring options for sustainable, predictable funding for AMISOM in a spirit of burden sharing. Participants welcomed the concerted efforts of the Federal Government of Somalia to take the lead role for security in Somalia, and to assume greater financial responsibility for its security forces, and in turn to strengthen domestic revenues and public financial management. The next Security Conference will be held alongside the next Somali Partnership Forum in 2018 in order to assess progress and set the priorities for the next phase. This communique was adopted in Mogadishu on 4 December 2017 by the Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member States, Benadir Regional Administration and international partners.
  17. Xulka kubada cagta Puntland ayaa maanta si dhiiran loogusoo dhoweeyay magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo halkaas uga qeyb galaya tartanka kubada cagta maamul goboleedyada. Sawirradaan hoose ayaa isugu jira markii ciyaartoydu ay ka duulayeen garoonka kumeel gaarka ah ee diyaaradaha Garowe iyo markay gaareen Muqdisho.
  18. Wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha Xuutiyiinta ayaa sheegtay in ay dileen madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalix. Saalix ayey ku gurigiisa ku dhufteen gantaal taasi oo keentay in xabad uga dhuftaan madaxa halkaasina uu ku dhinto, warar kale ayaa sheegaya in uu dagaal ku dhintay. Xisbiga Saalix oo war saxaafadeed soo saaray ayaa sheegay in madaxweynaha lagu dilay qoryaha meel dheer wax ka toogta ee aanu dhiman duqeynta. Vedio la wado ayaa tusinaya Xuutiyiinta oo jiid-jiidaya meydka Cali Cabdalla Saalix, lama oga sida xaaladda noqon-doonta. Cali Cabdalla Saalix waxaa xukunka laga tuuray 2011-kii, waxaa uu intaasi ku jiray dagaallo uu dib ugu soo noqon lahaa. Goobjoog News Source
  19. Madaxweynaha maamulka K/galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa sheegay in xilligaan aan la joogin waqtigii ay ciidamada AMISOM ka bixi lahaayeen Soomaaliya. Wuxuu sheegay Shariif Xasan in ciidamo Soomaaliyeed oo awood leh aysan dhisneen, sidaasi darteedna aanay macquul ahayn in shacabka Soomaaliyeed sidan looga tago waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye. “Waqtigii AMISOM bixi lahayd lama joogo sababtoo ah ciidamadiina ma dhismin dhulkiina nabad ma noqon, dadka Soomaaliyed haddii sidan looga tago dhibaato ayeey noqoneysaa, waxaan rajeeyneynaa in ciidamadii la dhiso, AMISOM iyadoo ciidamadii la dhisay, dhulkana nabad yahay, jidadkana furan yihiin markaasi la helo ciidamo kala wareegi kara, taas ayaana abaalmarin u noqon karta iyaguna shaqadii ay qabanayeen” ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan. Sidoo kale, madaxweynaha K/galbeed ayaa ku baaqay in gacan weyn laga geysto sidii loo dhisi lahaa ciidamada Soomaaliyeed, looguna qalabeyn lahaa hub culus. Dhanka kale, Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa ka codsaday AMISOM in ciidamo la geeyo deegaanka Leego ee Shabellaha Hoose, halkaasi oo uu sheegay in markii AMISOM kasoo baxeen lagu dhibaateeyo dadka shacabka ah. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso: News Source
  20. Sanca (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Yemen Ali Abdallah Salah ayaa lagu dilay magaalada Sanca, sida laga sheegay raadiyaha wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha Yemen, oo ay maamulaan kooxda Xuutiyiita. Ma jiraan warar kale oo madax banaan oo arrintan xaqiijinaya. Xisbiga Salah ayaa goor hore beeniyey in hoggaamiyahooda la dilay, waxayna sheegeen inuu weli hoggaaminayo ciidamada dagaalka kula jira Xuutiyiinta ee ku sugan magaalada Sanca. Salah ayaan si kastaba sameyn wax soo muquasho shaacsan ah, tan iyo markii warkan la baahiyey. Ilo-wareedyo ku dhow Salah ayaa taleefishinka Aljazeera u sheegay in madaxa kooxda qaabilsan sugidda ammaanka Salah, Hussei al-Hamidi sidoo kale la dilay. Goor sii horreysay ayaa waxaa sidoo kale soo shaac baxay in kooxda Xuutiyiita ay qabsadeen inta badan gacan ku haynta magaalada Sanca, ayna ka adkaadeen ciidamada Ali Abdallah Salah uu hoggaamiyo. Warbaahinta Xuutiyiinta ayaa baahiyey muuqaal ay ku sheegeen meydka Ali Abdallah Salah. The post Xuutiyiinta oo ku dhawaaqay in la dilay madaxweynihii hore ee Yemen Ali Abdallah Salah + Sawir appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. SOMALIA SECURITY CONFERENCE, MOGADISHU 4th December 2017 COMMUNIQUE On 4 December 2017 the President of the Federal Government of Somalia, H.E. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed “Farmaajo” convened the Somalia Security Conference in Mogadishu with representatives of the Federal Member States of Somalia and the Benadir Regional Administration. The conference was co-convened by the United Nations and African Union, and attended by 29 of Somalia’s friends and partners. The Somalia Security Conference offered a pivotal opportunity to reflect on the progress made by the Federal Government of Somalia, the Federal Member States, and Benadir Regional Administration supported by the international community, in reforming the security sector. Somalia continues to face a grievous threat from Al Shabaab who continue to perpetrate atrocities across Somalia. The Conference paid tribute to all those who have lost their lives as a result of these acts and expressed condolences to their families. These attacks serve as a reminder of the grave nature of the threat and of the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to security and to accelerate security sector reform in a unified, determined and comprehensive manner. Progress since the London Conference: delivering a Comprehensive Approach to Security Reform of the security sector has been a central priority for the Federal Government of Somalia and its partners, as set out in the landmark political agreement by Somali leaders on the National Security Architecture in April 2017, and the launch of the Security Pact at the London Somalia Conference on 11 May 2017. The participants recognized that progress has been made possible by the continued bravery and heavy sacrifices made by the AMISOM Troop and Police Contributing Countries in the pursuit of peace, stability and development in Somalia. AMISOM’s presence remains critical in order to allow Somalia to protect the political process, build its security institutions, embed reforms, and take the necessary steps to assume responsibility for security across the country. Somalia remains committed to achieving full Somali ownership of security. All Somalia’s partners once again committed to work in a coordinated and coherent manner through the mechanisms agreed at the London Somalia Conference in order to support Somalia’s Security Sector. Notable achievements include agreement of the implementation plan for the National Security Architecture, the integration of 2,400 Puntland troops into the SNA, and the completion of the Operational Readiness Assessments as an essential component for ‘right-sizing’ and reforming the Somalia National Army (SNA) and the Somali Police Force. Participants commended this first realistic assessment and looked forward to the assessment of regional and local forces to complete the picture and form the foundation for transition over the coming years. Some work has been undertaken to inform planning for the transition from AMISOM to Somali security forces and institutions. Four National Security Council meetings have taken place and participants welcomed the decisions made at the National Security Council on 3 December 2017 which approved the National Security Architecture Implementation Plan, State Police Plans, and the Justice and Corrections Model. Whilst participants welcomed progress made in the implementation of the National Security Architecture since 11 May 2017, they also underlined the challenges identified in the Operational Readiness Assessment and the need for the Government with the support of International Partners to redouble efforts to address them. Agreeing the next steps The participants agreed that the three priorities for immediate action were: Implementation of the National Security Architecture; Urgent development of a realistic conditions-based transition plan with clear target dates to transfer security responsibility from AMISOM to Somali security forces; the completion and implementation of which will be essential to enable sustainable and predictable financing for AMISOM. This plan must be guided by the rule of law, respect for human rights and should include countering violent extremism, stabilization and governance. Continued international support to build the capacity of Somali security forces and institutions targeted in line with needs emerging from progress on the above priorities. Implementation of the National Security Architecture The Federal Government of Somalia, the Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration agreed to work closely together to accelerate agreement on the political decisions necessary to ensure full implementation of the National Security Architecture. Participants welcomed the agreement reached by the Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration on 5 November 2017 to enhance security and improve their collaborative relations on constitutional and federal issues. Priority areas for implementation of the National Security Architecture include political agreement on implementation between the Federal Government and Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration, integration of regional forces into Somali security forces and institutions, definition of roles and responsibilities of security forces under civilian oversight, and operationalization of Regional Security Councils with agreed roles and responsibilities in relation to the National Security Council. Conditions based transition plan from AMISOM to Somali security forces Participants agreed that a transition plan should be immediately developed by the Federal Government of Somalia, together with the Federal Member States and with the support of the African Union, United Nations, European Union and other international partners. They agreed that work would begin at once on a realistic, phased, conditions- based transition plan with clear target dates, drawing on the ORA results, to transfer security responsibility from AMISOM to the Somali security forces, using the existing CAS mechanism. As a first step all stakeholders would develop a process to plan for transition by 31 December 2017, with a view to completing a draft transition plan before the Joint Review of AMISOM requested by the Security Council in 2018. This will need close cooperation and partnership between the FGS and FMS, and between the Somali government and AMISOM, in order to ensure clear outcomes. The transition plan will lay the foundations for activity over the coming months and years and will set out the strategy, priorities, milestones and conditions for transition, including on stabilization and state-building activities as well as military, police and justice plans, in order to ensure a lasting peace. These should be affordable, accountable, and acceptable forces, able to provide security across Somalia. They will require transparent and effective financial and human resources systems in place, and frameworks to ensure human rights compliance as a matter of urgency. The Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration committed to continue to lead the implementation of the National Stabilization Strategy to tackle the underlying drivers of conflict and set the conditions for economic growth. Civilian-led stabilization interventions will remain critical to consolidating security gains and extending the legitimacy and credibility of the authorities. All Somali’s leaders agreed to continue to initiate local solutions to prevent recruitment and radicalization to violent extremism and enable effective human rights protection, conflict resolution, including through local governance structures and civil society. They recognized the roles of youth, women and local reconciliation efforts to prevent further recruitment and radicalization and will prevent and counter violent extremism and terrorism as a durable, sustainable and long term solution. AMISOM will continue to support the transition through the priority tasks set out in resolution 2372. These include among others, securing main supply routes, securing key population centres, to mentor and assist Somali security forces, both military and police, in close collaboration with UNSOM and in line with the National Security Architecture; further degrading Al Shabaab, and implementing the transition process. They committed to continuing joint AMISOM-SNA efforts in executing these tasks. Continued international support to build the capacity of Somali security forces and institutions targeted in line with needs emerging from progress on the above priorities. As agreed in the Security Pact based on the principle of mutual accountability, international partners reiterated their commitment to provide sustainable, political and material support to Somalia’s security reform. We agreed it was essential to support the capacity building of Somali security forces, in accordance with implementation of the National Security Architecture. We also agreed that it is crucial to put in place a realistic, phased transition plan from AMISOM to Somali security forces. They committed to ensure that assistance is distributed across the Comprehensive Approach to Security in order to embed military and police activities, tackle the underlying drivers of conflict and violent extremism and set the conditions for economic growth. International partners committed to support the transition plan through the Comprehensive Approach to Security, including by exploring options for sustainable, predictable funding for AMISOM in a spirit of burden sharing. Participants welcomed the concerted efforts of the Federal Government of Somalia to take the lead role for security in Somalia, and to assume greater financial responsibility for its security forces, and in turn to strengthen domestic revenues and public financial management. The next Security Conference will be held alongside the next Somali Partnership Forum in 2018 in order to assess progress and set the priorities for the next phase. This communique was adopted in Mogadishu on 4 December 2017 by the Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member States, Benadir Regional Administration and international partners. =END= DIRECTORATE OF COMMUNICATION, MOBILIZATION AND CULTURE HERITAGE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT PUNTLAND STATE OF SOMALIA. The post COMMUNIQUE: SOMALIA SECURITY CONFERENCE, MOGADISHU 4th December 2017. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Former President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh has been killed by Houthi fighters, according to reports by Iranian media citing informed sources. However, Saleh’s party denies reports of his death. Both Iranian state Press TV and private Tasnim News Agency‏ reported the alleged death of the former Yemeni leader. The deposed leader was reportedly killed while on his way to the city of Maarib in Yemen, according to the agency. The reports emerged following earlier news suggesting Houthis had blown up Saleh’s home in the capital, Sanaa. Since then, the ex-leader’s whereabouts have been unknown. Heavy fighting has been ongoing in Yemen’s capital in recent days, with the Saudi-led coalition launching strikes on Houthi positions. On Monday, the Houthis made gains against forces supporting the former president. According to witness reports in local media, there was intense fighting overnight, with explosions rocking the city into Monday morning. The alliance between the Houthi rebels and former Saleh recently seemed to be on the verge of a split. Together these groups have been fighting against the Saudi-backed forces of ousted President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi since 2015. On Sunday, the former leader of the war-torn country formally renounced his alliance with the Houthis. Saleh pledged to step up his fight with the Iranian-backed group, having re-aligned his forces with Saudi Arabia. In an earlier televised speech, Saleh said that he made the decision to cease fighting in the country, having asked Riyadh to stop attacks on Yemen in exchange for his support. “I call upon the brothers in neighboring states and the alliance to stop their aggression, lift the siege, open the airports and allow food aid and the saving of the wounded and we will turn a new page by virtue of our neighborliness,” he said. The address came as forces loyal to Saleh were engaged in battle with the troops of Ansar Allah, or the Houthi rebels, in the capital Sanaa. Hostilities between the two sides broke out on Wednesday. More than 100 people , mostly Houthis, were killed in clashes between Houthis and forces loyal to ex-President Saleh on Saturday, Sky News Arabia reported, citing military and medical sources.
  23. Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Sanca ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynihii hore ee dalkaasi Cali Cabdalla Saalix la la’ yahay kadib madkii ay maanta gurigiisa duqeeyeen kooxda shiicada ah ee Xuutiyiinta. Arrintan waxaa ay ka dambeysay kadib dagaal maalmahan dhex-marayey xisbigiisa iyo Xuutiyiinta, dagaalka ayaa ka dhacay gudaha sanca. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Xuutiyiinta looga awood roonaaday dagaalka Sanca, qoysas badan oo ku abtirsadana ay ku qaxeen. Goobjoog News Source
  24. Saakey waagu markuu Waaga baryey ayey dadka ku soo tooseen Wadooyinka Muqdisho Xiran , qof waliba waxaa uu maaleyey Lugtiisa , anigana inta Lugta furay ayaa waxaa dhacdey in intii aan socdey waxaa iga horyimid nin Saaxiibo Nahay , markiiba waxaa uu igu soo tuurey hadal aan aad ula yaabey oo ahaa “Saaxiib waxba ma ogid ma taqaanaa sababta ay Wadooyinka u Xiran yihiin “ markaas baa iiri “ oo maxay tahay” Markaasuu I yiri “ inta dhegta ii soo dhaweeyey “ma ogid miyaa in Madaxweyne Farmaajo Xilka laga qaadayo oo Mooshin laga keeney Waa sii dhaqaaqey intii aan soio socdey ayaa hadana Telka ii soo dhacay markii aan qabtey ayaa ninkii I soo wacay igu yiri isagoo waxba I weydiin “Wariye Wadooyinka waxay u Xiran yihiin ma garaneysaa markaas baan iri “Maya Saaxiib markaas buu I yiri “Waxaa maqley in Raiisul Wasaare Khayre Xilka laga qaadayo haatana uu kulan uu ka socdo Xarunta Madaxtooyada “ Markii aan gaarey Goobtii aan doonayey oo aan fariistey Shaahna Dalbadey ayaa hadana telkii ii soo dhacay waaba nin aan aqaan “markaasuu I weydiiyey sababta ay Wadooyinka u Xiran yihiin “Waxaa ku iri “Waxaa maanta jira shir weyne looga hadlayo arriimaha amaanka” markaasuu I yiri “Wariye Saas ma aha” markaas baan iri “ adiga ii sheeg “ inta Warkii xoogaa hoos u dhigey ayuu yiri “ Qof kale ha u sheegin “ Waxay Wadooyinka u Xiran yihiin waxaa isku dhacay Farmaajo iyo Khayre marka Saaxiib wax ma ogid sidaa ula soco” Markii Laba jeer Kabadey Shaahii waxaa I soo ag fariistey Nin odey ah markaasuu iri “ Saaxiib waan soo lugeeyey waxaan kuu sheegayaa “Dowladii hore waan inkaareyney hadii aan nahay Shacab maanta sowa ma mudna in aan inkaaro Farmaajo” waxaan ku iri “Maxaa intaa u gaarsiineysaa “ markaasuu I yiri “intaa iyo ka badan baa leeyahay waayo Fiiri haweenka uurka leh ee Lugeynaya, Fiiri Gawaarida Khudaarta sida ee Wadooyinka laga xirey, Fiiri Haweenka Shaaha iibiya ee uu ku baarey Shaahii, fiiri Maqaayadaha iyana Cuntooyinka wax ka Cuna la waayey sow inkaar kama imaaneyso aawey Shacabkii loo hiilinayey ee Banaanbaxyada Taageerada u sameeyey Farmaajo Calaa kuli Xaal waxaan ku leeyahay Dhamaantood kuwii hore iyo kuwaan waa isku Naqshad wax isbedel oo aan hayno ma jiraan” waxaan ku iri “Saaxiib ha deg degin ee arrinta Habaar ha gaarsiin waxaa ii Muuqda ifafaalo Nabadeed” isku soo duubo Shacabka waxay Mudnaayeen Wargelin ah in Wdooyinka la xiraayo si ay ugu tashadaan W/D Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro E-Mail E-Mail Tel 00252615532494 Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid The post Wadooyinka waxay u Xiran yihiin Farmaajaa Xilka laga qaadayaa !! appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  25. Soomaali badan ayaa aqbaar fiican ku sheegay inuusan madaxweyne Farmaajo la kulmin ra’iisul wasaaraha Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, labadda nin ayaa ka mid ahaa madaxdii ka qeyb gashay caleemo saarkii madaxweynaha Kenya, sida aan xogta ku heyno ma jirin kulamo qaas ah oo qorshaha ugu jiray madaxweyne Farmaajo. Laakiin waxaan fahmi waayay colaadda ka dhaxeysa Somalia iyo Israelkuwaas oo aan xuduud wadaagin, weligood is colaadin ,badanaa is arkin, galaangal siyaasadeed uusan ka dhaxeynin , taa badalkeeda isla dadkaas waxey ku faraxsan yihiin in madaxweyne Farmaajo la far fariisto Itoobiya, heshiisyo la galo, deeqo waxbrasho ka dalbado, ciidan iyo garab walaaltinimo weydiisto iyo inuu madaxdooda xabadka galiyo lana shaaxo. Inkastoo aaney waxba ka jirin sheekadda kulanka Farmaajo iyo Benjamin Netanyahu hadana waxaan qaadan waayay hadaladda dadka arintaas aqbaarta fiican ka dhigay, halkee u socona ?, waase kuma cadawgeenu Itoobiya mise Israel ? Itoobiya waxey Somalia ku dishay in ka badan 40 kun oo qof tan iyo markii ay dhacday Dowladii Siyaad, hubka ay isugu diibtay Soomaalidda in ka badan 20 kun oo ruux ayuu galaaftay, boqolaal Soomaali ah ayaa u xiran, oo qaar la jirdilay kuwana lagu xad gudbay oo la kufsaday, dhul Soomaali leedahay oo 1500km ka badan ayey xoog ku heysata, siyaasad ahaan ayey Somalia oo dhan u adoonsata maalintii Siyaad baxay ilaa hadda, inaan helno Dowladd awoodleh ayey hortaagan tahay sidaas oo ay tahay waa walaalaheen ayaan dhahnay, laakiin Isreal oo xitaa aanan qaarad wadaagina waa cadawgeena. Ma aaminsani in uu madaxweyne Farmaajo diidi lahaa hadii kulankaas lagu casuumi lahaa marka aan ka cabir qaato sidda ay isugu xiran tahay siyaasadda USA, Isreal iyo Itoobiya, baqtiga waa cunaa laakiin fuudkiisa ma cabo. Nasiib daro ka xun ma jirto in aadan aqoonin cida aa tahay iyo meesha aad u socoto, mida kale iska dhaa dhicinta qiyaaligu waa fikir xumo ee ma’ahan muxaafidnimo ama mucaaradnimo. Waxaa Qoray: Cabdulaahi Cismaan Faarax Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid The post Itoobiya iyo Israel yaa u daran Soomaaliya ? appeared first on Caasimada Online.