Deeq A.

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  1. I guess we should note, Mogadishu is in control of the government. But if U.S. diplomats are restricted to the airport, Mogadishu cannot be the most secure city. February 27, 20185:02 AM ET Heard on Morning Edition Steve Inskeep talks to Democratic Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island about the fight in Somalia against the terrorist network al-Shabab. Reed just visited East Africa. STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: When four members of the U.S. special forces were killed last year in Niger, many Americans, even lawmakers, responded with surprise – surprise that the U.S. military was quite so involved in Niger. Think of this next interview as an opportunity not to be surprised because the U.S. military is busy in multiple African nations, including Somalia. The U.S. works with local forces that control Mogadishu, the capital on the coast. An extremist group called al-Shabab controls parts of the countryside. Democratic Senator Jack Reed, a leading voice on foreign affairs, visited Mogadishu a few days ago. JACK REED: I left there feeling that we can keep al-Shabab off-base, off-kilter, if you will, but that, you know, they control so much territory. And there is a situation where the Somali government doesn’t have the confidence of its people. And ironically, al-Shabab is operating outside of Mogadishu, but they’re effectively collecting taxes. They’re adjudicating local disputes. They have a legitimacy in some places that the government doesn’t have. And until we reverse that – and that’s not just military action; that’s a lot of support for economic development, support for expanding government’s – the Somali government’s role – al-Shabab will still be there. And if they’re there, they have the capacity to plot against us not just there, but throughout the region and the world. INSKEEP: And I guess we should note, Mogadishu is in control of the government. But if U.S. diplomats are restricted to the airport, Mogadishu cannot be the most secure city. REED: It is not the most secure city. They had a terrible incident last October 14. Five hundred people were killed in a vehicle-borne explosive device. In fact, it was so shocking that I think al-Shabab basically didn’t want to claim responsibility. I was there 25 years ago in the 1990s when we had forces there, and to go back – the city itself has actually grown, expanded. Business is – seems to be improving. The Turks have invested in the airport and also a seaport. So there’s economic activity that didn’t exist before, but there’s a suspicion that that’s being tolerated, if you will, by al-Shabab because they’re getting some kickbacks. INSKEEP: We’re talking here about an area of foreign policy where President Trump has been very engaged. He’s been very vocal against terrorism. This is one thing he definitely wants to do overseas. Having traveled around the region a little bit, do you feel that you were looking at part of a coherent strategy on the part of the United States? REED: I was looking at a strategy from a military perspective that is focused. It’s also well-resourced. They’re also beginning to understand that the battle is not just kinetics – you know, shooting back and forth. It’s information warfare. It’s disrupting the websites. It’s getting into their – the whole social media message of these terrorist groups. But what’s lacking is the complimentary and sometimes more important domestic or diplomatic effort. That seems to be something that is being shunned by the administration – not just not resourced properly, but shunned. INSKEEP: Do you think it’s being shunned because that’s viewed as nation building? REED: Well, I think it’s being shunned for many reasons. I think it’s being shunned – the view is nation building, but I think it’s being shunned also with the notion that, you know, it’s like a business deal. You know, you go in, and you send in your top negotiator. He doesn’t need expert – or she doesn’t need experts. You know, that’s not, in many respects, the way to do it. You need experts. You need constant dialogue. You need to implement anything you agree to. And you need to sort of verify and check out all the different proposals you’re hearing from experts. INSKEEP: Senator Jack Reed, always a pleasure talking with you. Thank you very much. REED: Thanks, Steve. Copyright © 2018 NPR. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information.
  2. Somali security forces have retaken control of Moqorki town in Central Somalia from Al-Shabaab on Wednesday morning. Driving out the militants who have controlled the town since 2016. Military officials confirmed to local media that the town was under government control after a ferocious firefight that lasted close to an hour. “As dawn broke, government forces moved into Moqorki district, they were met by Al-Shabaab and there was a heavy exchange of gunfire,” The number of casualties in the skirmish is still unclear. According to several high-placed sources, the Somali government and her allies have been preparing for a large-scale offensive against Al-Shabaab militants. Moqokori was captured by Al-Shabaab militants in 2016 during a land offensive that was spurred by a sudden pull out by Ethiopian troops. Source: Hol The post Somali forces recapture Moqorki town from Al-Shabaab appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Waxaa tacsi guud loo dirayaa dhamaan Qoysks Reer Xaaji xuseen geerida ku timid Marxuum Alla ha u naxariistee Bashiir Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen oo loo yaqaanay Bashiir Baafaan, Marxuumka oo ahaa Injineer dhismaha ayaa axsdii lagu diley Gaalkacyo. Waxaan illaahay Uga baryaynaa Marxuumka Jano waarta iyo dambi dhaaf Aamiiin Aaamiin. Jaaliyada Puntland ee Denmark ayaa sigaara ugu tacsiyeynaysa qoyska reer xaaji xuseen geeridaa ku timid marxuum Bashiir Bafaan Geerida ku timid Walaalkood, Illaahay samir haka siiyo dhamaan Ehelka iyo Asxaabta , Marxuumkana ilaahay haka waraabiyo Janatul Fardowsa. Aaaamiin Aaaamiin
  4. Reuters BEIRUT/GENEVA (Reuters) — A Russian call for a five-hour truce on Tuesday failed to halt one of the most devastating campaigns of the Syrian war, where residents said government warplanes resumed striking the eastern Ghouta region after a brief lull. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. MOI took action against 24 reporters. Information Minister Abdirahman Abdilahi Guri Barwako today has suspended and withholds the salaries of about 24 reporters at state run television in Somaliland. The minister announced the suspension in a circular which stipulates that their salaries will be witheld for three months and are ordered not to come to the ministry premises. In the letter Mr. Guri Barwako said the action was for administrative reasons. The minister’s move to suspend the reporters will add fuel to the situation. The new information minister reshuffled directors in the ministry which caused an uproar among the reporters in the ministry.
  6. Dowladda Netherlands,ayaa ku dhawaaqday in ay ka baxday howlgalka dhinaca amaanka ah ee uu Midowga Yurub ka wada Soomaaliya. Dowladdu waxaa ay sheegtay in 15 Askari oo u badan tababarayaal iyo la taliyayaal dhinaca amaanka ah ay ku lahayd howlgalka Midowga Yurub ee Dowladda Soomaaliya looga caawiyo amaanka iyo tababarka Ciidanka. Netherlands,waxaa ay sheegtay in Bisha April ee soo socota ay Ciidamadeeda kala bixi doonto Soomaaliya taas oo sida lagu sheegay warbixintan dib u dhac ku ah howlgalka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya. Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee Dalka Netherlands,ayaa sheegay in Ciidan yari dalkiisa heysata ay ku qasabtay in ay Ciidankooda kala baxaan Soomaaliya,isaga oo intaas ku daray in madaxbanaanida Netherlands ay muhiimadda kowaad u tahay Dalkiisa. Wasiirku waxaa uu sheegay in Netherlands ay sii wadi doonto howlgallada kale ee dhinaca Bani’adamnimada ah ee Midowga Yurub uu ka wado Soomaaliya hayeeshee qeybta amaanka ay intaas uga egtahay.
  7. Waa dhacdo ugub ah oo aan gayiga Soomaaliyeed inta badan lagu aqooni jirin, sida uu kusoo waramayo wariyaha BBC-da ee Hargaysa. Maxkamadda rafcaanka Hargaysa, ee Jamhuuriyadda Iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbanaannida ee Somaliland ayaa labo qof oo lagu kala magacaabo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdullaahi Xasan iyo Khadra Cabdullaahi Maxamed midkiiba ku xukuntay labo sano iyo lix bilood oo xabsi ah, kadib markii lagu heley in ay ilmo ka xadeen qoys. Waxaa la sheegay in qof ka mid ah dadka la xukumay uu ilmo ka kaxaystay magaalada Hargeysa, ilmaha waxaa dhalay reer ay qaraabo ahaayeen qofkan, wuxuuna geeyay magaalada Abaarso, kadibna waxaa la qabtay iyaga oo ilmaha yar dalka dibedda uga dhoofinaya. Lama oga ujeedka rasmiga ah ee ku kaliftay in ay ilmaha wataan, balse waxaa la qabaa tuhun ah in uu jiro suuq madoow oo carruurta looga ganacsado, waxaana arrintan sii xoojinaya Guuleed Dafac oo ah madaxa hay’adda xuquuqda aadanaha oo yiri “Marka laga qiyaas qaato cabashooyinka dadka ka imanaya, dhoofinta carruurta waa ay badatay, waxayna ku dhacdaa dadka ciyaalka ah ee ka yar 15 jirka, dhibta jirtaa waxaa weeye sharcina noogama dagsana, wacyiga dadkana aad ayuu u liitaa”. Balse taliyaha booliiska Somaliland Cabdullaahi Fadal Iimaan ayaa BBC-da u sheegay in aysan ka warhaynin wax suuq madoow ah oo jira oo carruur looga ganacsado. Hooyadii dhashay ilmahan yar ee la xaday ayaa iyadu lafteeda ku baraarugsan suurtogalnimada in ilmaha dalka dibediisa loo dhoofiyo, waxayna muddo bil ah ka raadinaysay meelaha dadka laga tahriibiyo sida Boosaaso oo kale. “Garowe ayaan maray, Boosaaso ayaan tagay, 18 cisho ayaan meel buuro ah ku sugnaa oo aan wiilka ka raadinayay meelaha dadka laga tahriibiyo” ayay tiri hooyada ilmaha dhashay. Sida uu sheegayo Aadan Salaad Seed oo ah xeer illaaliyaha dacwadan gacanta ku hayay , ma jiraan xeerar u gaar ah dambigan oo kale oo loo cuskado xukunka, sidaasi darteed ayaa laga yaabaa in ay ugu wacantahay xukunka dbacsan ee ku dhacay dadkan. Hooyada dhashay ilmaha ayaanan ku qanacsanayn xukunka, waxayna sheegtay in aysan suurtogal ahayn in 2 sano iyo 6 bilood oo kaliya lagu xukumo dad ay sheegtay in ay doonayeen in ay ka ganacsadaan xubnaha jirka wiilkeeda. Ma jiraan wax tirakoob ah oo laga hayo carruuraha la xaday, waxaana ugu wacan “waalidiinta oo marka ay ilmaha waayaan, raadiya, kadibna ka quusta, dowladana aanan u sheegin” sida uu sheegay Guuleed Dafac. Dhawaan gobolada Somaliland waxaa laga mamnuucay ugaarsiga iyo dhoofinta diinka, kaas oo loo dhoofinayay dalal ku yaala Aasiya oo dadka ay aaminsanyihiin in uu dawo yahay. Balse lama oga xiriirka Ka dhaxayn kara dhoofinta xayawaanka iyo tan carruurta oo hadda soo shaac baxaysa. Hase yeeshee ka ganacsiga xubnaha carruurta waa arrin adduunka meelo badan ka jirta, waana mid ka mid ah ganacsiyada sharci darrada ee ugu halista badan.
  8. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Mudane Jack Reed oo ka mid ah Senator-rada dalka Mareykanka oo maalmo ka hor booqasho gaaban ku yimid Muqdisho, ayaa ka warbixiyay safarkiisa iyo kulan uu la qaatay Madaxweynaha Somalia oo ka dhacay garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Xildhibankan ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay in Mareykanka Taageero dheeraad ah siiyo Somalia, si kooxda mayalka adag ee Al-shabaab looga adkaado, inkastoo uu xusay in dowladda \somalia aysan haysan kalsoonida shacabkeeda. “Kooxda Al-shabaab dhul ballaaran ayay ka talisaa, waxayna si firfircoon uga qaataan dadka canshuur, meelaha qaarkood oo aysan Dowladda Soomaaliya heysan ayay sharciyad ku haystaan oo ay dadka ugu kala garsooraan,” ayuu yiri Jack Reed oo ka tirsan xisbiga Dimuquraadiga, Senator-ka ayaa intaas ku daray. “Haddaan taas wax laga qaban Al-shabaab way jirayaan, waxayna kari karaan inay na shir-qoolaan, mana aha oo keliya Somalia, laakiinse waa gobolka oo dhan.” Xidhibaanka ayaa la weydiiyay amniga Muqdisho iyo wuxuu kusoo arkay intii uu ku sugnaa, wuxuuna ku jawaabay. “Muqdisho amni waa ka jiraa, laakiin ma ahan agaalada ugu amniga badan gobolka, isla markaana dhacdooyin argagax leh ayaa ka dhaca, sida qaraxii 14-kii bishii Oktoobar ee 2017-kii oo lagu dilay 500 dad ka badan. Muddo 25 sano ka hor ah ayaa Muqdisho tagay waana ka bedelan tahay magaalada sidii ay markaas ahayd.” Ugu dambeyn, Xildhibaanka ayaa hadalkiisa ku daray. “Magaaladu aad ayay u ballaaratay, horumarro ganacsiyeed oo baaxad leh ayaa ka jira, Laakiinse anigu waxaan qabaa in baaritaanno ciidaan aan waxba laga qaban Karin Al-shabaab, balse loo baahan yahay horumar dhaqaale, si loo kobciyo howlaha iyo waxqabadka dowladda federaalka Somalia. PUNTLAND POST The post Senator Mareykan ah oo sheegay in Dowlada Somalia aysan haysan Kalsoonida Shacabka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Wasiirka warfaafinta maamulka Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Guri-barwaaqo ayaa shaqadii iyo mushaharkii ka joojiyay 24 weriye oo ka hawl-gala idaacadda Radio Hargeysa iyo SomailandTV. Weriyayaashaan ayaa dhawaan ku eedeeyay wasiirka inuu sameeyay cadaalad darro kadib markii uu isku shaandhayn ku sameeyay shaqaalihii warbaahinta maamulka Hargeysa.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Iyado dhawan uu boqasho ku yimid Magaalada Muqdisho Senator Jack Reed oo ka mid aqalka Senetka Mareykanka ayu ka warbixiyay waxyaabihi uu ka bartay booqashadiisa muqdisho. Jack Reed aya shegay in dowlada soomaaliya aysan heysan kalsoonida Shacabka oo ah haldoorka dowlad nimo iyo suurtagalnimada in amanka la xaqiijiyo waxa uu shegay in dagaalka al shabaab ee dowlada uusan dhaman karin iyado dowladu aysan heysan kalsoonida shacabkeda. “Al-Shabaab dhul baaxad leh ayay ka taliyaan, waxay si firfircoon leh uga qaataan dadka canshuurta, meelaha qaarkood oo aysan dowladda heysan ayay sharciyad ku heystaan oo ay dadka ugu kala garsooraan”ayuu yiri oo wareysi siiyay Idaacad lagu magacaabo National Public Radio. Isago ka hadlayay amanka magaalada Muqdisho ayu shegay in Muqdisho aanay aheyn magaalada ugu ammaanka badan, isla markaana dhacdooyin argagax leh ay ka dhacaan dowladana aysan wax ka qaban arimahasi. Isagoo wareysi lala yeeshay ayuu si cad u sheegay senatorka kasoo jeeda xisbiga dimoqraadiga, kana tirsan guddiga ciidamada qalabka sida in Alshabab ay canshuur urursadaan, ay dadka u kala garsooraan dadka, ayna sharciyad ku heystaan degaanada aanay joogin dowladda. Wuxuu intaas ku daray in si wax looga bedelo xaaladaasi aan kaliya loo baahney awood milateri ee la doonayo taageero dhaqaale, horumarin iyo taageerada is balaarinta dowladda, sida uu yiri. Dhinaca kale Senator Jack Reed ayaa beeniyey inuu socdaalkiisa Muqdisho ee dhacay 20-kii bishan aanu ahayn qarsoodi ee hore loo shaaciyey, isla markaana uu raacay xeerka u yaalla amniga oo garoonka Muqdisho uu kula kulmay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Senator Jack Reed”Dowlada Farmaajo Ma Heysato Kalsonida Shacabkeeda oo Wey Ku Guldareysatay” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. A woman participates in a discussion about FGM in Somalia (Photo: Nichole Sobecki/AFP/Getty Images) The government in Somaliland is expected to pass legislation addressing the rampant problem of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the region. Somaliland is an autonomous area inside Somalia, a country where 98 percent of women and girls have been cut, the highest rate of FGM in the world. The government recently issued a fatwa (religious edict) banning the two most extreme forms of the practice (see below). However, the fatwa has no legal authority. Moreover, the fatwa failed to ban the practice altogether, leaving open the possibility of Type I FGM, which involves the partial or complete removal of the clitoris. Now activists fear that when subsequent legislation is passed, it will not go far enough. Initial reports on the fatwa stated that the government had made Type I FGM mandatory for all girls in Somaliland. Meanwhile in Switzerland, the Islamic Central Council of Switzerland recently issued a legal opinion saying Islamic law justifies the practice of FGM and that it is not harmful to girls. FGM is illegal in Switzerland and any type of cutting is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. FGM refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia and/or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-medical reasons. The practice has serious and permanent negative impacts on the heath and sexuality of women and girls, including, in the short term, severe pain and bleeding, infection and urinary disturbances. Long-term effects include complications during childbirth, anemia, the formation of cysts and abscesses, keloid scar formation, damage to the urethra resulting in urinary incontinence, painful sexual intercourse and sexual dysfunction, hypersensitivity, increased risk of HIV transmission, as well as serious psychological effects. Watch a clip from Clarion Project’s film Honor Diaries about FGM:
  12. HARGEISA–The leaders of Somaliland’s main opposition parties namely Wadani and UCID jointly named commission to luanch investigation into corruption scandals that are rife in Mayors of major townships in Somaliland. The Anti- Graft commission which is being announced in a joint meeting saw the attendance of Hon. Abdirahman Irro, Wadani party leader and his Justice and Welfare party counterpart, Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe. In a press conference held in Hargeisa today, the two oppposition leaders have said that the fact finding commission will present the investigation before the public. It is said that the commission will luanch a fact finding investigation into local councils in Somaliland. The commission is to commence with Hargeisa muncipality where it is thought that all forms of corruption are practised on braod daylight. The mission is to educate the citizens to vote for honest, clean and comptenent candidates during the upcoming municipal elections in Somaliland. Accusations are often leveld against local councillors in Somaliland of misapproriting public taxes and stealing public lands.
  13. Wasiirka Wasaarada Maaliyadda ee Xukuumada Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Ducaale Bayle oo Shir Saxaafadeed ku qabtay Xafiiskiisa Muqdisho ayaa ka warbixiyay waxyaabihii u qabsoomay wasaaradiisa bishaan febraayo. Wasiir Bayle ayaa sheegay in shaqo joojinta ay sameeyeen ganacsatada gobolka banaadir iyo khilaafka Wasaarada iyo ganacsatada soo gala dhex galay inuu saameyn ku yeeshay dhaqaalaha dalka soo geli jiray. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Xukuumadda Federalka Soomaaliya waxa uu tilmaamay in Febraayo lacago badan aysan dalka soo galin daqliga dowladda soo geli jirayna uu ku yimid hoos u dhac balaaran. Wasiirka Wasaarada Maaliyadda ee Xukuumada Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Ducaale Bayle ayaa sheegay in Hay,adda lacagta aduunka ee IMF ay amaanay hanaanka maamulka maaliyadeed ee Soomaaliya. Halkaan Hoose ka dhegeyso Shirka Jaraa,id ee Wasiirka. 150706_001 - My Recording
  14. The group have said the human rights of young Somali girls are being breached in Bristol A Bristol Somali community group has publicly condemned the practice of female genital mutilation – but has raised fears about the “abuse and harassment” of Somalis living in Bristol. The Bristol Somali Forum has released a statement after a high-profile FGM case involving a dad living in the city was thrown out following a three-day trial. Anti-FGM campaigner Sami Ullah claimed a cab driver from Bristol told him he had allowed his daughter to undergo a procedure but the “deeply troubling” case was thrown out by a judge, bringing to an end an attempt to secure the UK’s first ever FGM conviction. The Somali Forum says it fears innocent parents with young daughters could be targeted during the nationwide campaign to end FGM. A statement from the group, released on Monday February 26, said: “We, the Somali community in Bristol, do neither condone nor support FGM because it is against the law and our Islamic religion. We completely support the campaign to eradicate FGM and we also agree anyone who breaks the law by practicing this barbaric custom should be prosecuted. “The collapsed FGM trial has highlighted the systematic abuse and harassment faced by Somali parents with young daughters in the city. “The targeted aggressive approach of the professional FGM campaigners has caused stress to many Somali families with young children in Bristol. “We are very concerned about the number of young girls being examined with evidence.” On Thursday February 22 Judge Julian Lambert directed a Bristol Crown Court jury to acquit the father, who cannot be named to ensure the child’s anonymity, after finding a lack of evidence an offence had taken place, meaning there was no case to answer. The 29-year-old dad, who lives in an inner city area of Bristol, faced a charge of assaulting, ill-treating or neglecting a child or young person, to cause unnecessary suffering or injury. The case related to an allegation that an FGM procedure was carried out on his daughter, due to an injury found on her when she was aged six. Bristol Somali Forum has called for an inquiry into the anti-FGM campaign, calling it “systematic abuse.” The group’s statement added: “The human rights of many Somali young girls has in the city have been breached.” Questions have been asked of the senior police officer in the landmark case. DCI Leanne Pook, of Avon and Somerset Police, led the investigation after campaigner Sami Ullah claimed a cab driver from Bristol had allowed his daughter to undergo a form of FGM. National newspaper The Mail on Sunday has since revealed that DCI Pook is a trustee of the anti-FGM charity where Mr Ullah worked and knew him personally. Tory Bridgwater MP Ian Liddell-Grainger claimed this represented a “conflict of interest”, although Avon and Somerset police say her role with the charity was “compatible with her position as a police officer” and no complaints relating to the case have been made. Avon and Somerset police Deputy Chief Constable Sarah Crew said: “Together, the police, health, children’s services and the community themselves all have a responsibility to safeguard our children and young people. This is a responsibility that none of us should shoulder alone. We live in a world where we police by consent and, when we are given information we have a duty to follow it up, and through to trial and conviction should CPS believe there is enough evidence to meet their charging threshold. “We know that FGM is prevalent and accepted in a number of countries around the world. Young people in Bristol have told us that this is happening and we must do everything in our power, within the law, to protect them.” Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens said: “Policing is too big a job for the police alone, so it’s important that we continue to work closely with our partners to ensure local people are safe and feel safe. As a charity, Integrate UK do a phenomenal amount of work in schools, supporting and guiding young people through a myriad of complex issues they face in modern society. “Working together we all have a responsibility to safeguard our young people and there is always more work that can be done to raise awareness and prevent crimes from happening in the first place. We live in a world where we police by consent and when the police are given information or evidence they have a duty to follow up on that information, taking it seriously and investigating it further. “One day there will be a prosecution in this country because FGM is happening and together we must tackle this form of child abuse.” Britsol Post
  15. His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi President of the Republic of Somaliland The Presidential Office Road Number 1 Hargeisa, Somaliland Hand-delivered to the Presidential Office by Human Rights Center, Somaliland for CPJ. February 26, 2018 Dear President Muse Bihi Abdi, We at the Committee to Protect Journalists, an independent press freedom organization, urge your administration to free imprisoned journalists and ensure that all news outlets can publish freely. You committed to uphold Somaliland’s democratic ideals in your November 2017op-ed in the Financial Times, and Somaliland’s constitution enshrines the freedom of the press as an essential part of the country’s democracy. However, your government has fallen short in its support for press freedom: our research shows that working conditions for journalists have deteriorated in Somaliland. State authorities use repressive regulations to muzzle the press, arrest journalists, and shutter media outlets. At least six journalists were detained in connection with their work since your inauguration as president in December, according to CPJ research. While most of the journalists detained were released, arresting journalists on charges such as criminal defamation and “fake news” can intimidate them into self-censorship, limiting the public’s information and undermining democracy. We have included information from CPJ’s research on several concerning arrests and sentences below: Mohamed Aabi Digale, Hargeisa bureau chief for Universal TV, was arrested February 17 in connection with one of the station’s recent stories, and has since beendetained without charge. On February 19, police remanded him for seven more days, pending investigations and on February 26, a regional court denied him bail, according to the local advocacy group Human Rights Center. Mohamed Abdilaahi Dabshid and Ahmed Dirie Liltire were sentenced to two years in prison in Borama on charges of carrying out propaganda against the state. They were released on appeal on February 7 after their sentences were reduced and converted to fines. Mohamed Adan Dirir was sentenced in October 2017, to 18 months in prison on charges of criminal defamation and writing “false news.” He was sentenced in a one-day trial; neither his family nor his lawyer were informed of the trial date. Ahmed Sa’ed and Abdirahman Mohamed Ege were detained for five days in Berbera before being charged for defamation in connection with their coverage of alleged misuse of public property. Their seven-month jail terms were converted into a US$140 fines. Courts and the office of the attorney general have ordered newspapers to cease publication. The courts have also asked telecom companies to block certain news websites. While the shuttering of some media outlets predates your presidency, we urge you to lift immediately all bans and put in place safeguards to ensure that your government does not take similar actions against the press in the future. Accusations of “false news” and improper registration have been used to shutter and block online media outlets. Some illustrative examples are outlined below: Haatuf newspaper and its sister publication Somaliland Times have not gone to press since 2014 when they were suspended from publication by a court order amid allegations of publishing false news, according to media reports and CPJ research. The attorney general ordered Hubsad and Codka Shacabka to stop printing in 2016, alleging that the newspapers were improperly registered, according to CPJ research. The newspapers remain off the streets, according to the local advocacy group Human Rights Center. A Hargeisa court blocked five news websites in Somaliland in July 2017 after the government accused them of disseminating false news, according to CPJ research. Four of the websites remain banned, according to Human Rights Center in Somaliland. During the election, when citizens most needed access to information, internet companies blocked more than a dozen social media websites on the order of the electoral commission which argued that it was fighting “fake news”, according to media reports and CPJ research. We are also concerned by the conduct of public officials. Your newly appointed information minister recently stated that the government would only communicate through state-owned media. Such a policy would stifle the independent press. We urge your government to ensure that both private and state-owned media have access to public information. The attorney general, who also served under the previous administration, on at least two occasions asked courts to retry journalists who were acquitted, according to media reports and CPJ research. Most notably, after a lower court dismissed an incitement case against Ahmed Mouse Sakaaro, the attorney general challenged this decision in an appeals court. The appeals court sided with the official, ordering a retrial in Ahmed’s case, according to media reports. We are committed to working with you in helping to create an environment conducive to press freedom in Somaliland. We are available to meet you or a representative of your government at your convenience to elaborate on our recommendations. We look forward to your response. Yours Sincerely, Angela Quintal Africa Program Coordinator cc: Abdurrahman Abdullahi Farah, Somaliland Information Minister Adam Haji Ali, Somaliland Chief Justice Hasan Ahmed Hasan, Somaliland Attorney General SOURCE: CPJ
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Netherland ayaa ku dhawaaqay in ciidamadoda ka jooga soomaaliya ee howlgalka dhinaca amaanka ah ee uu Midowga Yurub ka wadan Soomaaliya. Netherlands,waxaa ay sheegtay in Bisha April ee soo socota ay 15 Askari oo u badan tababarayaal iyo la taliyayaal dhinaca amaanka oo Ciidamadeeda ah ay kala bixi doonto Soomaaliya taas oo sida lagu sheegay warbixintan dib u dhac ku ah howlgalka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya. Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee Dalka Netherlands,ayaa sheegay in Ciidan yari dalkiisa heysata ay ku qasabtay in ay Ciidankooda kala baxaan Soomaaliya,isaga oo intaas ku daray in madaxbanaanida Netherlands ay muhiimadda kowaad u tahay Dalkiisa. Wasiirku waxaa uu sheegay in Netherlands ay sii wadi doonto howlgallada kale ee dhinaca Bani’adamnimada ah ee Midowga Yurub uu ka wado Soomaaliya hayeeshee qeybta amaanka ay intaas uga egtahay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Mid ka mid ah wadamada ugu waa weyn Dalalka Yurub oo ciidamadiisa kala baxaya Soomaaliya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wasiirka Wasaarada Maaliyadda ee Xukuumada Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Ducaale Bayle shir jaraa’id oo bille ah ku qabtay ayaa ka hadlay waxyaabihii u qabsoomay wasaaradiisa bishaan Febraayo. Wasiir Bayle ayaa inay saameyn ku yeelatay canshuurta ayu diideen ganacsatada oo wax badan aanay bishan soo xaroon, laakiin ay bixinayaan mushaarka bishan, wuxuuna digniin ka bixiyay in canshuurta haddii la bixin waayo uu dalku xirmayo ayna noqoneyso in lagu kala tago. Wasiirka Wasaarada Maaliyadda ee Xukuumada Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Ducaale Bayle ayaa intaas ku daray in wadahadallo u socdaan ganacsatada kala duwan oo laga doonayo inay bixiyaan canshuurta laga rabo. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso: Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Dhageyso: Wasiirka Beyle: “Qof waliba waa inuu Canshuur bixiyaa, haddii kale waa in Wadanka la xiro oo la isaga tago..” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Digniino ku aadan weeraro Al-Shabaab ku qaado Garoonka diyaaradaha iyo Labo Hotel oo ku yaalla Wadada Maka Al-Mukarama ayaa la soo saaray, iyadoo farriimahan la xiriira digniinahan ay soo saareen sirdoono shisheeye oo ku sugan Xerada Xalane. Goobaha laga digay in weeraraddu ka dhici karaaan waxaa ka mid ah Hotello ku yaalla Magaaladda gaar ahaan Wadadda makaa Al- mukarama iyo Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho, Weeradda nuuca ay yihiin lama Faaah faahin. Hotellada iyo garoonka Diyaaaradaha ee Muqdisho ayaa bartilmaameedyo u ah Al-shabaab oo horay weerarro uga geeystayn goobahaas, tiro dhowr jeer ah ayey Al-shabaab weerareen Garoonka Diyaaradaha iyo Xerada Xalane. Sidoo kale inta badan Hotellada ku yaalla Waddadada Maka Al-mukarama ayaa marti galiyay weerarro Al-shabaab ay ku qaadeen oo ismiidaamin iyo weeraro toos ah isugu jiray. Dad shacab ah iyo Saraaakiil Doowladeed ayaa ku dhintay weeradddi Al-shabaab ay horay uga geysteen goobha digniintu ku wajahantahay. Digniinta amni ee ay Soo saareen Xafiisyada QM iyo safaaradaha ku yaala Xalane ma ahan mid si guud loo faafiyay laakiin waxaa la siiyay Shaqaalaha Xarumahaas u shaqeeya oo looga digay in aysan tagin Xarumaha qatartu ku wajhantahay. Xogta ayaa sheegeysa in labo baabur qaraxyo loo diyaariyay iyo kuwo ay la socdaan dabley hubeysan ay jiraan oo qeyb ka ah weerarada. Al-Shabaab ayaa jimcihii labo weerar oo qarax iyo mid toos ah ku qaaday agagaarka Madaxtooyada iyo Hotelka Doorbin oo ku yaalla KM-0 oo u dhow Xarunta NISA. Shirkii Khamiista ee Golaha Wasiirada ayaa laga soo saaray digniin amni oo ku aadan baabuur qaraxyo sida, iyadoo maalin kaddib magaalada ay ka dhaceen labo qarax oo dad badan ku dhinteen. Khamiistii lasoo dhafay ayey ahayd markii Golaha Wasirada ay Bixiyeen Digniin amni, Jimcihii ka dambeeyayna ay Magaladda Ruxeen Qaraxyo iyo Weeraro toos ah oo ka dhacay Goobo si aad ah loo laaliyo gaar ahaan Meel u dhow Xarunta Hay’adda Nabad sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka iyo waliba Iridda laga galo Madaxtooyadda Soomaaliya. Weeraradii ugu dambeeyay oo Al-shabaab sheegteen waxaa ku dhintay Dad ka badan 40 ruux,waxaana dhaawacmay ku dhawaad 30 kale. Hay’adaha amaanka ayaa qaatay shirar isdaba joog ah oo amaanka lagu adkeeynayo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Digniin laga soo saaray weeraro la sheegay in ay ku soo wajahan yihiin Muqdisho. (Halkee lagu wajahan yahay?) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. A Bristol Somali community group has publicly condemned the practice of female genital mutilation - but has raised fears about the “abuse and harassment" of Somalis living in Bristol. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Beledweyne (Caasimadda Online) – War hadda soo dhacay ayaa sheegay in la qabtay Gaari waxybaaho qarxa laga buuxiyay iyo rag lagu tuhunsan yahay Alshabaab oo la socday. Saraakiisha ciidamada dowladda SOomaaliya ee Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa shaaciyay goor dhoweyd in howlgal ay ka sameeyeen Xaafada Buundoweyn ee magaalada Beledweyne ay ku soo qabteen Gaari ay buuxaan Biraha qaraxyada oo loo diyaarineyay inuu fal qarax ah geysto, hub iyo rag gaaraya 13 qof oo goobta ku sugnaa. Waxaa la soo bandhigay 13-ka qof sida uu sheegay Abaaduulaha Ciidamada Xooga dalka ee Gobolka Hiiraan Isaaq Idiris Cismaan, wuxuuna faahfaahin ka bixiyey howgalka lagu soo qabtay Gaariga iyo hubka, iyadoo ay baaritaan ku wadaan arrintan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Deg deg: Qaari loo diyaarinayey Qarax iyo xubno lagu tuhunsan yahay Alshabaab oo gacanta lagu dhigay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. Wararka Goordhow Warbaahinta Puntland Post ay ka heleeyso Magaalada Baled-weyne ee xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamada amaanka dowlada Soomaaliya ay halkaasi ku qabteen gaari siday waxyaabo qarxa iyo ragii siday. Qabashada gaarigaan iyo ragii watay ayaa timid kadib markii ciidamada amaanka ay howlgalo ka sameeyay gudaha magaalada Baledweyne. Ciidamada ayaa ka soo qabtay gaarigaan kadib howlgak ka dhacay XaafadaBuundaweyn ee magaalada Baledweyne. Saraakiisha ciidamada ayaa sheegay in ay qabteen 13 ruux iyo gaarigaan siday waxyaabaha qarxa. Faah Faahinta dib ugala soco Insha allah Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Ciidamada Dowlada oo qabtay Gaari siday waxyaabaha qarxa iyo ragii watay appeared first on Puntland Post.