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Dowladda Fadaraalka soomaaliya ayaa faah faahin ka bixisay Gaari wax yaabaha Qarxa laga soo buuxiyay oo manta ku Qarxay bar kaan-tarool oo ku taalay duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho. Afhayeenka Wasaarada Amniga ee Xukuumada Soomaaliya C/casiis Xildhibaan ayaa sheegay in gaariga uu Qarxay ka dib markii ay joojiyeen Ciidamada ,waxuuna sheegay in uu ku dhintay 1 Askari oo Ciidamada katirsan iyo Darawalkii wadaha ka ahaa gaarigii Qaraxa sameeyay . Qaraxa ayaa waxaa ku dhaawacmay sidookale sadax qof oo shacab ah ,kuwas oo dhaawac yadooda loo qaaday ispitaalada ku yaala Magaalada Muqdisho. Halkan ka dhagayso Afhayeenka . Afhayeenka
The ex-Somaliland President, His Excellency Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo accomapnied by former first lady, Ms. Amina Weris are in Dubai while the country’s foreign minister, Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire and SL representative to the UAE Mr. Bashe Awil are also in the UAE. The UAE authority called on former President for talks having inked the UAE deal with Somaliland over the construction of UAE military base in Berbera and Dubai Ports World takeover of Berbera port. The UAE and Somaliland authority are locked horns over the terms of the agreement signed while the incumbent president is eager to see the UAE to review the terms. Somaliland’s FM Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire has categorically said that the mayor of Berbera, Hon. Abdishakur Idin has temporarily halted construction work at the site of a proposed UAE military base in the port city of Berbera which was under construction. The minister while in the UAE spoke to Geeska Afrika newpaper staff who contacted via e-mail and said that the SL authoriity has demanded to the UAE to submit the design of the military base which he siad that they dragged their feed to urgently submit the request. The minister has admitted that the land donated to the UAE to construct their base is owned by civilians which they refused to accept compensations to be piad. Dr. Sa’ad said that he will meet with UAE officials in order to bring the stand off to an end about the military base. The minister further added that it was become beyond the capability of SL authority to pay the compensation to many civilains who owned the land donated to the UAE to build the military facility and due to that circumstance then the land has been decreased. The FM has further added that the new land design has been sent to the UAE and still they are awaiting their response. The FM has reiterated that work of the construction of the military base will resume soon. The new adminstration has put pressure on Dubia Ports World to start the construction of new port despite the modernization of Berbera port as being part and parcel of the agreement which the UAE is still dragging their feet.
Afgooye (Caasimadda Online) – Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Shabeellaha Hoose Ibraahim Aadam Najax oo u waramay Radio Muqdisho waxa uu ka digay dhulalka la kala iibsanayo iyo kuwa uu sheegay in la boobayo oo ku yaala Deegaanka Jazeera ee Duleedka Muqdisho oo hoostaga Degmada Afgooye. Gudoomiyaha waxa uu tilmaamay in dadka looga baahanyahay inaysan Waraaqo been abuur ah in dhulal looga iibsado ha dhowna ay ka timaado dhibaato. “Waxaan rabaa inaan halkaan baaq uga diro dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool nawaaxiga Jazeera iyo ganacsatada ah inaan lagu qaldin dhulka ay dowladda leedahay, sharciyadana ay iyada u leedahay inay bixiso, waan ognay waxaa jira shaqsiyaad wata waraaqo been abuur ah oo doonaya inay dadka ka iibiyaan dhulka danta guud” ayuu yiri Guddoomiyaha. Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Shabeelaha hoose ayaa intaa kudaray inay kawarhayaan kuna dabajoogaan dadka sidasharcidarada ah ku iibanaya dhulalka danta guud. Ibraahim Aadan Najax ayaa sheegay in si gaar ah ay uga digayaan dadka Boobaya ama sida Sharci darada ah u iibsanaya dhulka ku teedsan xeebta Jazeera. Ugu danbayntii guddoomiyaha ayaa tilmaamay in arintaan ay soo faragalinayaan maamulka deegaanka Jasiira ee degmada Afgooye iyo hay’adaha amaanka talaabo sharci ahna ay ka qaadi doonaan dadka arimahaan ku lugta leh. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Guddoomiyaha Gobalka Shabeellaha Hoose oo ka digay dhul boob ka socda deegaanka Jazeera appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Berbera (Caasimadda Online) – Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa si rasmi ah uga mid noqotay heshiis shirkadda DP World ee dalka Imaaraadka kula wareegtay maamulka dekadda Berbera ee maamulka la baxay Somaliland. Heshiis maanta ka dhacay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa si rasmi ah looga dhawaaqay goor dhoweyd in Itoobiya ay saami dhan 19% ku leedahay Dekadda Berbera, halka Shirkadda DP World ay sideedii hore u heysan doonto 51%, laakiin Somaliland ay ku soo hartay saami dhan 30%. Heshiiska waxaa dhinaca Somaliland u saxiixay Sacad Cali Shire oo ah wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Somaliland, dhinaca Itoobiya waxaa u saxiixay Wasiirka Gaadiidka Itoobiya Axmed Shadi. Dhinaca kale waxaa Shirkadda DP World ay shaacisay in ku biirista ay Itoobiya ku biirtay heshiiskan uu wax weyn ku kordhin doono horumarinta dekadda Berbera iyo jid dheer oo isku xira Itoobiya iyo Berbera. Mas’uuliyiinta saddexda Geesood ee heshiiskan dhex maray ayaa bogaadiyey qorshaha ay ku shirkoobeen, waxaana Wasiirka Itoobiya uu sheegay in muddo sanad ka badan oo wadahada ay socdeen ugu danbeyn ay Itoobiya ku biiray mashruuca dekadda Berbera. Hore ayay Somaliland u shaacisay in Itoobiya ay qeyb ka tahay heshiiska DP World ee dekadda Berbera, iyadoo xilligaas aanay sharci ahayn ama qarsoodi loo sheegay, balse maanta uu dhacay saxiixaasi. Saxiixa heshiiskan oo kulmiyey dowladaha Itoobiya iyo Imaaraadka ayaa ka dhacaya dalka Imaaraadka iyadoo uu ku sugan yahay Ra’iisal Wasaaraha xukuumadda Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Itoobiya oo si rasmi ah ugu biirtay Heshiiska DP World kula wareegtay Dekadda Berbera (Akhriso Heshiis cusub) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland oo Si Ku-Meel Gaara U Magacaabey Guddoomiyaha iyo Guddoomiye Ku Xigeenka Degmada Boosaaso. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 01 March 2018 xafiiskiisa kasoo saaray wareegtu lagu magacaabay Guddoomiyaha iyo Gudoomiye ku xigeenka ah ee kumeel gaarka ah ee Degmada Boosaaso Xeer Madaxweyne Lr.32 March 01, 2018, kuna saabsan magacaabid Guddoomiyaha Iyo Gudoomiye Ku Xigeenka Kumeel Gaarka ah ee Degmada Boosaaso. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland. Markuu arkay: Dastuurka dawladda Puntland. Markuu tixgaliyey: Baahida loo qabo in ay sii socoto shaqada maamulka Degmada Boosaaso. Marku Qiimeeyey: Tala soo Jeedinta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta reer miyiga. Waxaa Cabdisalaan Bashiir Cabdisalaan si ku meel gaara loogu magacaabay Guddoomiyaha Degmada Boosaaso. 2.Waxaa Siciid Cabdirxmaan Maxamed si ku meel gaar ah loogu magacaabay ku – Xigeenka Guddoomiyaha Degmada Boosaaso. Xeerkani wuxuu dhaqan gelayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxeexo, wuuna saxeexay Madaxweynuhu.
Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta soo saaray wareegtu ku saabsan kala dirid Golaha Deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso. Xeer Madaxweyne Lr. 31March 01, 2018, kuna saabsan Kala dirid Golaha Deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland. Markuu arkay: Dastuurka Dawladda Puntland. Markuu tixgaliyey: Tala soo Jeedinta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer Miyiga. Marky caddaatay: inay hanan waayeen shaqadii loo igmaday kana bixi waayeen is-Qabqabsi . Wuxuu xeeriyey. Waxaa la Kala diray Golaha Deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso. Xeerkani wuxuu dhaqan gelayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxeexo, wuuna saxeexay Madaxweynuhu. =DHAMMAAD=
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online)– Wararka naga soo gaaraya xaafado ka tirsan caasimada dalka ee Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in dhowr hoobiye ay kusoo dhaceen xaafado ka tirsan degmada Wardhiigley. Warku wxuuu intaa ku darayaa in qaraxyada hoobiyeyaasha oo laga maqlay magaalada ay ahaayeen ilaa shan hoobiye oo kusoo dhacay xaafadaha Baar Ayaan, Garoonka Stadium Muqdisho, Cali Kamiin iyo xaafadaha u dhow dhow. Ilaa hadda lama oga khasaaraha ka dhashay madaafiicdaasi hoobiyaha ah, inkastoo gaadiidka gurmadka ay goobaha ay kusoo dhaceen qaraxyadaasi ay gaareen. Qaraxyadaan ayaa imaanaya saacado kadib, markii gaari isku miidaamiyay deegaanka Siinka Dheer, halkaasoo ciidamada ku baaraan gaadiidka soo gala Muqdisho. Sidoo kale, wadooyinka magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta loo xiray arrimo amni. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Xaafado ka tirsan Muqdisho oo madaafiic hoobiyeyaal ah kusoo dhaceen appeared first on Caasimada Online.
HARGEISA— Somaliland authority has finally said that plans are on their final stages in order the country to have an international country code despite lacking int’l recognition 27 after declaring independence. Somaliland govt says it has reached a deal with Djibouti that will allow to use and share with Djibouti’s international telephone dialing code (+253) for the time being once plans are underway to the introduction of new country code although Somaliland which is recognized as part of Somalia entity shares with Somalia’s dailing code (+252). Since the new adminstration led by incumbent president Musa Bihi has promised to get an int’l dailing code for the country as the minister for Posts and Telecommunication, Hon. Abdiwali Sheikh Abdilahi has made the statement before the house of parliament during a breifing on his ministry’s duties for the nation. The minister has reiterated his commitment that the unveiling of new int’l dailing code for Somaliland will be the first 100 days acheivement of President Bihi’s govt. Local telecommunication firms are keeping on a watchful eyes on govt’s move and said that the plan is intended to undermine their business. Some of the firms have started a lobby to form a union that will go against the govt plan to leave Somalia’s dailing code. They have called to join hands to oppose against the ministry of posts plan which is a threat to their thriving business in Somaliland. Some of Somaliland’s telcommuniction firms assocaition met with the opposition leaders at Ambassador Hotel but declinced to speak to the media about their gathering which they said was a hidden agenda. The Justice and Welfare party leader, Faisal Ali Warabe has critized the govt of Djibouti which was interpreted as he was citing firms greivances against the govt. Somaliland, which is currently using the dialing code of Somalia has said that the time is right to have its own country calling code. Somaliland has declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but it has not been recognized internationally.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Qarax ismiidaam ah ayaa ka dhacay barkoontarool oo ciidamada dowlada ku leeyihiin deegaanka siinka dheer ee duleedka Muqdisho waxaana uu qaraxu yimid kadib markii gaari uu waday shaqsi isa soo miidaamiyay uu galay goob gaadiidka lagu baaro oo halkasi ku taala uuna is qarxiyay. Mid kamid ah dadka shacabka ee ku dhaqan deegaanka siinka dheer ee duleedka muqdisho ayaa idaacada kulmiye u sheegay sida uu qaraxa u dhacay waxaana uu sheegay in inta la ogyahay ay ku dhaawacmeen Sadex qof oo labo shacab yihiin halka midka kale uu yahay askari ka tirsanciidanki ku sugnaa barta koontarool ee siinka dheer. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maamulka Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa idaacada Kulmiye u xaqiijiyay in Ciidamada Amaanka kahor tageeen gaari nuuca raaxada ah oo laga buuxiyay walxaha qarxa oo doonayay inuu u gudbo Gobolka Shabeelaha hoose. Qaraxani oo ah mid loo adeegsaday gaari ayaa waxaa uu imaanayaa xilli ay isa soo tarayaan digniinaha la bixinayo ee ku aadan in ay jiraan qaraxyo lala damacsanyahay gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ugu danbeysay shalay oo ay Qaramada midoobey iyo qaar kamid ah Safaaradaha ku yaala muqdisho ay soo saareen digniin dhanka Amniga ah. Faarax Cabdullaahi Xasan oo ka tirsan Maamulka degmada Kaxda ayaa sheegay in Gaariga oo ay ka buuxeen waxyaabaha qarxa uu ka tegay dhanka Muqdisho,basle markii uu marayay Siinka-dheer Koontoroolka Ciidamada dowladda uu qarxay. “Inta la xaqiijiyay waxaa qaraxaasi ku geeriyooday Wadihii Gaariga,waxana sidoo kale ku dhaawacmay laba ruux oo shacab ah oo wadada marayay iyo mid ka mid ah ciidanka dowladda oo kontoroolka ku sugnaa ayuu yiri Faarax Cabdullaahi Xasan “. Waxaana dhinaca kale war ay soo saareen Al-shabaab ku sheegteen in ay ka dambeeyeen qaraxa ka dhacay Siinka dheer waxaana ay sheegeen in ay ku dileen in kabadan 20 kamid ah askarta Nabad sigida Soomaaliya oo ku kulansanaa siinka dheer , mana jirto cid ka madax banaan Al-shabaab oo dhimashada askartaasi xaqiijin karta. Wararkii u dambeeyay ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in xaaladu iminka ay tahay mid degan,isla markaana ciidamadu ay dib u fureen isu-socodka dadka iyo Gaadiidka isticmaala Wadadaas ee kala aada Muqdisho iyo Afgoye Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Wararkii ugu dambeeyey Qarax Ismiidaamin ah oo ka dhacay Duleedka Muqdisho iyo Khasaaraha ka dhashay oo.. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Shirkii Golaha Xukuumadda Dawladda Puntland ayaa looga hadlay Amniga Puntland, Ilaalinta xuquuqda Ciidanka, Ansixinta xeerka Habka Hubinta Badeecadaha, Ka Hortagga khatarta kaallimaha shidaalka ee Magaalooyinka waaweyn iyo Ansixnta Xeerka Shaqaalaha Rajidka ah ee Puntland. Golaha xukuumadda Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegay in amniga Puntland uu wacan yahay, waxayna laamaha amnigu ku hawlan yihiin ka hortagga khatarta cadowga, waxaana ka socda magaalooyinka waaweyn baaritaano joogto ah, Isla markaana wuxuu Madaxweynuhu u sheegay Wasaaradda Amniga inla ilaaliyo xuquuqda ciidanka ku dhinta hawl-galka dalka. Golaha xukuumadda Dawladda Puntland ayaa maanta Ansixiyay xeerka Habka Hubinta Badeecadaha dalka soo gelaya si looga hortago waxyeelada badeecaha dhacay iyo kuwa sumaysan. Golaha xukuumadda Dawladda ayaa ka dooday sidii si dhamesytiran loogu fulin lahaa dhammaan go’aamadii goluhu kasoo saaray kharta kaallimada shidaalka oo ku soo badanaya magaalooyinka waaweyn, wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu faray dhammaan wasaaradda ay khusayso go’aamadaan in ay si dag dag ah uga hawl-galaan. Puntlandi.com
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya deegaanka Siinka-dheer ee duleedka muqdisho ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaasi uu goordhow ka dhacay qarax ismiidaamin ah. Qaraxa ayaa ahaa gaari laga soo buuxiyay waxyaabaha qarxa,waxana Goobjoogayaal ay Dalsan u sheegeen in Gaariga uu ku qarxay Koontoroolka ay Ciidamada dowladda Gawaarida soo galeysa Muqdisho ku baaraan ee Siinka-dheer. Wararka hordhaca ah ee la helay ayaa sheegaya in Gaariga oo ahaa Nuuca raaxada oo ka yimid dhinaca magaalada Muqdisho kadibna uu isku qarxiyay dhismo ay Ciidanka deganaayeen oo ku yaalo meel laamiga dhowr tilaab ujirta oo ay Ciidamada deganaayeen. Waxaa la sheegay in Gaariga oo ay ka buuxeen waxyaabaha qarxa uu ka tegay dhanka Muqdisho,basle markii uu marayay Siinka-dheer Koontoroolka Ciidamada dowladda uu qarxay. Inta la xaqiijiyay waxaa qaraxaasi ku geeriyooday Wadihii Gaariga,waxana sidoo kale ku dhaawacmay laba ruux oo shacab ah oo wadada marayay iyo mid ka mid ah ciidanka dowladda oo kontoroolka ku sugnaa. Ciidamo kale oo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda ayaa haatan Goobta gaaray,waxana la xiray dhaq dhaqaaqii Gawaarida iyo dadweynaha ee koontoroolka Siinka-dheer. Al-Shabaab ayaa baraha Internet-ka ku shaaciyay in weerar ismiidaamin ah ay la beegsadeen koontarool Ciidamada Nabadsugida ku sugnaayeen, ayna ku dileen 20 askari. Ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay laamaha ammaanka oo ku aadan qaraxan, sidoo kale waxaa jiray qarax goor sii horeysay laga maqlay agagaarka deegaanka Carbiska, kaasoo la sheegay in ciidamada ammaanka ay qarxiyeen. Qaraxa goor dhow ka dhacay duleedka Muqdisho ayaa ku soo aadaya, xilli saaka la xiray waddooyin dhowr ah, iyadoo heegan iyo feejignaan sare la geliyay ciidamada ammaanka, kaddib markii la helay digniino ku aadan weerar suurta gal ah in Al-Shabaab ka fuliso gudaha Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Qarax Ismiidaamin ah oo lala eegtay Xarunta ay Ciidamada NISA Baabuurta ku baaraan ee Siinka Dheer appeared first on Caasimada Online.
By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur Immediately after defeating the government troops and capturing of the entire regions of the North, the SNM administration embarked on initiating processes of reconciliation to settle outstanding scores of differences between the different clans in Somaliland. The SNM chose to engage with the different clans through peace negotiations aimed at the reconciliation and cessation of hostilities to avoid destructive acts of retribution. The ultimate principle was the achievement of a lasting peace, security, and stability, the first and foremost strategic goal. That was an important challenge the SNM leadership faced. With sheer determination, patience, and perseverance of the SNM leadership, the clan elders as well as the people that was eventually achieved. But it was accomplished through staged and long processes. The main architect pillar used was the traditional structures of the communities. Traditional elders, chiefs, sultans, and leaders of the different clans in Somaliland played a pivotal role. Without that the peace and stability Somaliland enjoys today would have been substantiated. Consensus indicates that the reconciliation process which took place in Somaliland was rather a unique one in Africa. How the traditional institutions were used was distinctively exceptional to Somaliland in a way that no other African country which came out of a civil war has ever employed it. Meetings were immediately organized exploiting the local traditional institutions and structures of the society positively for reaching resolutions for the standing clan conflicts and differences. Mutual contracts and treaties (‘Heer’), a form of social and political contract in which there is a sense of democratic organization in the local community meetings or councils (‘Shirar’), was reviewed and revisited. The councils are held on the ad-hoc basis by the Council elders (‘Guurti’) to discuss the standing issues and the pressing needs of the local community. The Somali ‘heer’ or the social contract which covers a wide range of issues such as homicide, injuries and wounds, fighting between groups of the community, i.e., as well as relations during crisis in resources management (water, land, pasture) etc. was used as being essential for the multi-level application of conflicts and for the solution at different levels of the socio-political organization of the Somali society. The utilization of this social instrument was exactly what Somaliland resorted to and used in a positive and advantageous manner. Through this method, Somaliland has achieved a successful and fruitful reconciliation process by way of a series of conferences, summits and public meetings to secure security and acquire a successful peace-building process. The peacebuilding process The sustained inputs of the local lineage elders made possible the creation of favorable environments for reconciliations. The elders of Somaliland people meant to preserve the peace. That firmly set the groundwork for an encouraging tendency in which peaceful dialogues were favored as a means of settling legitimate grievances and old scores in lieu of the use of force. That in return produced the promulgation of legal contracts through a series of consultations and conferences that ultimately defined the political and socio-economic relations between local clans in contemporary Somaliland. Somaliland takes pride in such efforts and events as part of its modern history. Throughout the decade liberation struggle by the SNM, the traditional Council of elders (Guurti) and their advice was always at the forefront to the specific roles of socio-cultural inputs and roles in all activities: a) fundraising for the struggle or war efforts; b) mobilization of recruiting fighters to contribute to the SNM fighting with the Government; c) mediating the SNM military wing Officers and civilian politicians when problems arise; d) maintain dignity and respect within the communities by not accepting bribery or corruption in the functions for the society. At the end of the war, a series of conferences at the national level were then held. The council of elders ‘the Guurti’ of the SNM, which was nominated at the 6th Conference of the SNM at Balligubadle in 1990, added members of elders from other clans to the Council to form all-northern clans ‘guurti. The SNM rank and file were mature and conscious of the real politics at any stage. They were highly politicized and reconciliations for securing the peace became a cardinal objective. The SNM officers and politicians started individual peace meetings with the intellectuals from the other regions where SNM was not supported from. Peace summits were organized at Oog, Las Anod and Yogori with Sool and Sanaag intellectuals. Colonel Mohamed Kahin and others were at the forefront to accomplish that. They met colleagues from Sool such as Garaad Abdulgani, Suleiman Dahir Afgarshe, Yasin Ahmed, Ahmed Haji Nur, Said Ali Gir and others. A series of conferences and consultations were organized between the various clans and within clans so to speak. The main objective was the reconstruction and rebuilding of the country but first and foremost to bring back the disintegrated society back to a single fabric. A string of meetings and consultations at grassroots levels that involved the SNM leaders and liberation fighters, the various clan elders, Sultans, Garaads, tribal chiefs etc., intellectuals, religious leaders, women, youth etc. were held across the regions of Somaliland. Diverse methods of traditional conflict mediations have been widely and successfully used. The role of the tribal or clan elders were given respect, positively used and reinforced for purposes of reaching a lasting peace and stability. An external or outside intervention was evaded. Outside interference was never allowed in the arbitration processes. This sharply contrasted to the complex activities in Somalia whereby thickened and entrenched warlords took out war on each other openly and played on each other to settle old scores which marginalized the peace that would have been the possibility and still not achieved. In Somaliland disputes were resolved at the grassroots level, using the proper and existing traditional social organization of the society without resorting to externally organized mediations. This is a new phenomenon in the history of conflict resolution in the African continent. This situation deprived politicians or those with conflicts of interest to dominate the process and inject possibilities of inciting conflicts for own interests. It is exactly this peculiar characteristic that helped Somaliland to accomplish peace and security. This type of conflict resolution sets as a universal operational model in the future of conflicts in the world in general and in Africa in particular. Berbera peace summit As the SNM leadership and politicians took control of some parts of the North, the SNM administration called for a national congress for all Somaliland elders and clan leaders in the different regions (Northwest, Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag) to be held in Berbera which was held from 15 to 27 February 1991. The theme was how to achieve reconciliation with the purpose of restoring the trust and confidence between the different clans who fought the opposite sides in the conflict and, thus, to settle any old and outstanding score. The Berbera conference achieved a touching success. It laid the foundation for a broader plan for a major all-clan conference to reconsider the union with Somalia situation and the independence of Somaliland which was forfeited and sacrificed for its union with Somalia. It was decided to hold a broader conference to be held in Burao to be participated all clans of Somaliland. The Grand Burao conference This conference was held in Burao from 27 April to 18 May 1991. It was a historical conference. The conference was organized by the SNM leaders, chaired by the Vice Chairman of the SNM, Hassan Essa Jama. The conference was attended by representatives of clans in the north and the elders asserted themselves as an autonomous force and fully established its role as an institution in the leadership. The conference was the starting point for the new potential powers of the Guurti in Somaliland. The decision makers were the clan elders. No one was at a gunpoint to endorse the withdrawal from union with Somalia. In fact, politicians had divergent ideas whether it was the right time to declare independence and what approach to take but the majority of them were for the reclamation of independence. The purpose of the conference was the reaffirmation and cementing of the peace across all regions of the North (Somaliland). Throughout the period of the conference, extensive consultations, deliberations, and wide discussions were not spared. The conference was attended by representatives of all clans who inhabit in Somaliland as well as all the categories of the Somali society. The conference finalized and formalized the peace agreement earlier made in Berbera as a starting point for unity among all people in the north. The final outcome of the conference was declared on 18 May 1991 and a declaration of independence was signed. The conference participants overwhelmingly agreed to restore Somaliland’s sovereignty and borders by declaring withdrawal from the union between Somalia. They also agreed to continue the peacebuilding process. Another important issue discussed was the vitality of preparing for setting up of civilian government and whether that civilian government should have an executive president or a constitutional president and a prime minister. The former chairman of the SNM, Abdirahman Ahmed Ali, was chosen by a majority vote in favor of the first executive provisional president and Hassan Essa Jama as the Vice President for a term of two years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm8XrSC05K8 The overall majority of the Convention consisting of the representatives of the people and the SNM fighters and commanders fully supported the declaration of independence and regaining of the territorial integrity of Somaliland. The representatives 17 clan elders signed a document ‘declaration of independence of Somaliland’. The conference agreed that extra efforts for peace had to be made in Erigavo and Sool regions. The SNM leadership took the mandate to draft a constitution and prepare Somaliland for elections in the future. The memorable Borama conference The chairman of the Guurti announces the election results. Mohamed Ibrahim Egal is elected president by a substantial majority and Abdirahman Aw Ali Farah is declared vice-president An attempt is made by Omar Arteh Ghalib – seen here remonstrating with members of the Guurti secretariat – and a small group of his supporters to have the vote for a new president and vice-president canceled at the last minute. The cause of his ire was the realization that the mood in the hall was overwhelmingly in support of Mohamed Ibrahim Egal rather than himself and Abdirahman Ahmed Ali “Tuur”. Daud Mohamed Gheli (left) is imploring him to obey the wishes of the Guurti and participate in the election. Representatives voting for the offices of president and vice-president. This conference was held in Borama from 1st February to 23rd May 1993. All clans were represented. The conference was attended by a 150 –member Council of elders and 500 representatives drawn from a cross-section of the society consisting of elders, religious leaders, politicians, ex-civil servants, intellectuals, and businessmen. The conference coincided with the end of the two-year term of the government elected at Burao in 1991 led by the late president, Abdirahman Ahmed Ali (Tuur). At that time there were different factional alliances rooted in previous differences by different sects within the SNM. The conference was held at a popular public school in Borama, Sh Ali Jowhar Secondary school. The intention of the conference was to set grassroots-based peace and to place effective reconciliation initiatives in place. That target itself stimulated the impetus of holding the grand conference in Borama for representatives of the different clans. The conference marked a special defining event in the landscape of political history of Somaliland. It formed a watershed for the inception of the natural reputation of Somaliland and of the formation of statehood. The issues of representation and power sharing were dealt with decisively through the institutionalization of the clans and their leadership into the system of governance. The conference was a touching success. The principal achievements were: a) that a peace agreement and a security framework was reached in consensus; b) that a final peace was struck among the communities in the West; b) that a national constitutional charter was produced.; c) that Mohamed Ibrahim Egal was elected as the president and Abdirahman Aw Ali as the Vice president. A cabinet of 17 Ministers was chosen; d) that a 30-point Transitional National Charter was drawn; e) that a Council of elders ‘Guurti’ and the House of Representatives were established forming a bicameral Parliament. 75 members for each were nominated though the number was later increased as described below to 82. The outgoing president, Abdirahman Ahmed Ali “Tuur”, leaves the hall alongside newly elected President Egal. “Tuur” is being congratulated by an elder on his decision to accept the outcome of the election and stand down peacefully after several days intense debate and negotiation. A hybrid system of political representation was decided to be in place, i.e., mixing the traditional system and western form consisting of an executive president, an independent judiciary and bicameral parliament comprising of an upper House of Elders incorporating the ‘Guurti’, and a parliament made up of a lower House of Representatives (‘Golaha Wakiilada’) the members of which were nominated on clan basis by an electoral college of elders was taken. The conference oversaw a peaceful transfer of power from SNM leadership to a new civilian administration headed by Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, a widely respected politician, and a statesman since the independence of Somaliland in 1960. The conference produced a Transitional National Charter and an Interim Peace Charter. The conference defined the political and institutional structures of a three-year administration until the promulgation of a constitution. The Peace Charter entrenched the use of Somali traditional ‘Xeer’ as the basis of the law. During the conference rival clan members accepted a deal in power-sharing treaties and agreed on the representation in the government and the legislature of the 82 members in each of the senate house (Guurti) and the house of representatives or parliament (Golaha Wakiilada). Egal immediately announced a non-clan pluralist system to propel the political process (Kibble, 2001:15) and aspiring parties were introduced to adopt an inclusive platform in an attempt to avoid clan and religious affiliations and loyalties. The system of Government established in Borama was a community-based kind of ‘beel’ system, a power-sharing coalition government between all clans that inhabit in Somaliland. The ‘beel’ system was meant to be in place for three years but Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, the president, was re-elected for the next two years. This was because at the end of president Egal three-year term in early 1996, an advantage was taken of an emergency clause ratified at Borama agreement which resulted in Egal’s term being extended until the end of 1997 after which a convention was called again along the same lines as the Borama conference. In 1994 during Egal’s term, there was a conflict between two clan militias that broke loose around Berbera and Buroa. The situation was serious and fear of a civil war was felt imminent. However, once again the traditional conflict resolution and peace reconciliation efforts, Somaliland style worked again and saved the country from another disaster that hovered around. A peace summit was organized at Sheikh. The period of the presidency under Egal was difficult. But nevertheless, tangible achievements were made. In February 1994, Egal’s government and the Guurti (the Upper House) initiated a process of demobilizing and disarming the armed clan-based militias roaming at will. The process of demobilization was extremely successful in laying firm for the foundation of peace, security and the stability of Somaliland. That was followed by another peace summit at Sheikh. Sheikh summit The peace summit was organized to mediate differences which resulted in the serious rift that emerged in 1994 between two major groups within the Isaaq clans of the SNM alliance around Burao and Berbera towns. Somaliland drifted into a crisis and was then on the verge of conflict. This conference had the purpose to bring those clans together closely. The conference was named as the brotherhood summit (Shirkii Walaalaynta Beelaha). What is Interesting here is that it was specially initiated and encouraged mainly by the elders from non-Isaaq clans who took the responsibility to intervene and called for that meeting. The mediation was very successful. Hargeisa conference This conference was held from October 1996 to February 1997 at the Labor House (Guriga Shaqaalaha) Conference Hall, Hargeisa. The conference was attended by 315 delegates from across Somaliland (164 were members of the elders ‘guurti’ and representatives, the rest from the different categories of the society and 100 observers). The conference was chaired by Sheikh Ibrahim Sh Yusuf Sh. Madar; the vice-Chairs were Dr. Mohamed Abdi Gabose and Sultan Abdirahman Sheikh Muhumed and attended by most of the traditional chiefs and elders, Sultans and Garaads of Somaliland. The panel consisted of Sultan Esse Suldan Hersi Ghani, Sultan Mohamed Sultan Abdulqadir, Garaad Abdulghani Garaad Jama, Garaad Ismail Ali, and Sultan Mohamed Sultan Farah). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHOtKode-3o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABqwmv-mCt4 The main achievements of the conference were: a) agreement on the show of a signal for formal ending and conclusion of the civil war in the North. b) Successful ending of conflicts between clans was reached; c) election of President M I Egal with the majority for a second term while Dahir Rayale Kahin was chosen for the Vice President post. Suleiman Adan Mohamoud and Eng. Mohamed Hashi Elmi were the other contesting candidates for the presidency. Egal immediately appointed his cabinet of ministers. This time the term for the presidency was agreed to be 5 years rather than the 3 years as was previously agreed at the Borama conference. d) During the conference the existence of some values and trust between the clans were confirmed even more strongly; e) demobilization and disarming of clan militias were made peacefully. It is often considered that the day Somaliland set the foot on the road to nationhood was actually the 23rd of February 1997. Inter-clan peace summits It is important to mention that even after the major and grand peace conferences a series of both inter-clan negotiations were held across Somaliland such as Oog (February 1991), Yogori (March/April 1991), Hudun, Garadag (November – December 1992), Shimbiraale (August, 1992), El-Gohle (1992), Borama twice (1991 and 1992), Sheikh (October 1992), Hargeisa (October 1992), Dararweyne (Jan.-February 1993), Jiidale (October 1992), Garadag (November 92- Feb. 1993), Ainabo (April 1996), Gashaamo (June 1996), Duruqsi (July 1996), Waraabeeye (August 1996), Camp Abokor (June 1996) to settle differences in the past and for purposes of consolidating peace and security in Somaliland. Without the Somaliland elders (Guurti) who were the organizers and the vanguard in implementing, all those negotiations would not have taken place. The road to peace and stability in Somaliland was not set at ease but took a long winding path and a tedious process but with patience, perseverance, honesty, and commitment of the people of Somaliland. In other words, the peace relished today did come overnight. Nothing of the kind of peace summits, conferences and consultations and efforts in search of reconciliations and peacebuilding processes took place in Somalia despite a countless number of externally organized peace conferences despite the international community support, promotion from transitional governments to the presently recognized government of Somalia s=dominated by lack of security, stability and democratic principles. No effort of reconciliation and intermediary between the different clans and groups who are being/still at loggerhead since after the collapse of central government in 1991 was attempted. A countless number of superficially cosmetic peace conferences (about 20 in total), all of which were externally sponsored organized, were held outside Somalia (Sodare, Djibouti, Asmara, Nairobi, Eldoret, Embagathi ) save two of them (Garowe I and II) which were also externally sponsored. Such conferences and meetings were all organized, hosted and funded by outsiders, i.e., the international community and the neighboring countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Djibouti. Not a single one of them was organized by the Somalis themselves. Comparatively, however, indigenously organized negotiations in Somaliland led to peace, reconciliation and finally formation of the essential democratic structures. To be continued ………..
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Mu’asasada Alkata’ib oo ah garabka warbaahineed ee Xarakada Al Shababa ayaa faafisay qeybta Shanaad ee silsiladda ربح البيع oo lagusoo bandhigo hoggaamiyaasha kaga dhjintay dagaalka ay ka wadaan Soomaaliya. Filimkan hoggaamiyaasha lagusoo bandhigayo waxaa kamid ah Sheekh Xudeyfa oo ahaa hoggaamiyihii hore ee Jubbooyinka oo sanaddii lasoo dhaafay ku dhintay duqeyn ka dhacday Koonfurta Soomaaliya sidoo kale waxaa kamid ah hoggaamiyaasha lagusoo bandhigay Sheekh Max’med Dulyadeyn. Hoggaamiyaal ciidan iyo kuwa Maleeshiyadooda tashkiiliyo ayaa ayaa sidoo kale kasoo muuqanaya isdaarka cusub ee 5ربح البيع Halkaan ka daawo muuqaalka The post Muuqaal + Sawirro: Shabaab oo faafisay Filim lagusoo Bandhigay Hoggaamiyaal kaga dhintay dagaalka ay ka wadaan Soomaaliya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee dawladda Puntland ayaa maanta imtixaan ka qaaday 9 xubnood oo u tartamayey booska agaasima tiro-koobka (Director of Statistics) oo ka bannaan Wasaaradda qorshaynta iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah ee Puntland. Booskaan ayaa hore loo soo dhejiyey balse tirada soo codsatay ayaa noqotay mid ka yar tiradii loo baahnaa inay soo codsadaan sida uu qabo sharciga shaqaalaysiinta ee hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah sidaa awgeed ayaa mar labaad loosoo xayaysiiyey si bulshada loogu soo bandhigo hannaanka hufnaanta iyo sharci ilaalinta hay’adda shaqaalah rayidka ah. Imtixaanka ayaa waxa loo qaaday hab casri ah oo waafaqsan hannaankii ay beryahaan dambe hay’adda shaqaaluhu u dejisey qaadista imtixaanka taas oo ay qayb ka tahay imtxaanka lagu galo hab (Computerized) ah. Dawladda Puntland ayaa muddooyinkii dambe xoogga saareysey in shaqooyinka dawladda loo galo imtixaan furan oo dadka lagu kala xulanayo aqoontooda iyo khibraddooda si loo tayeeyo hay’adaha dawladda iyo dawladda kaashanaysa Baanka adduunka. The post Hay’adda Shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee Puntland oo Imtixaan qaadday appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaa meel xun sii gaarayo Khilaafka u dhaxeeyo dowladda Jabuuti iyo Shirkadda laga leeyahay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ee loo yaqaan Dp World kadib markii laga joojiyey mashaariicdii ay ka wadeen dalka Jabuuti. Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa dhawaan shirkadaas ka joojiyey heshiiskii lagula jiray ee Dekadda Jabuuti, waxaana lagu wareejiyey shirkad kale oo laga leeyahay dalka Shiinaha. Haddaba Ninka ugu sareeyo Shirkadda Dp World oo lagu magacaabo Sultan Axmed Bin Salim ayaa sheegay hadal si weyn loola yaabay. Wuxuu sheegay inay iyaga Jabuuti ka dhigeyn bini’aadam balse ay sidoodii hore ku celin doonaan “Jabuuti waxaan ka dhignay Bashar (Bini’aadam) balse waxaan ku celin doonaa sidii ay beri ahaayeen” ayuu yiri. Hadalkaas ayaa u muuqdo inuu yahay mid hanjabaad ah, waxaana soo baxay warar kala duwan oo ku aadan sababta looga ceyriyey dalka Jabuuti. Telefishinka caanka ah ee Al-Jazeera oo laga leeyahay dalka Qatar ayaa sababta ka dambeyso arrintaas ku sheegay inay tahay kadib markii DP World ay kasoo bixi weysay heshiisyadii lala galay iyo sidoo kale ballan qaadyo ay sameeyeen markii heshiiskaas loo saxiixayey. Suldaan Axmed Bin Salim Madaxii Shirkadda Imaaraadka laga leeyahay ee Dp World ayaa laga soo xigtay hadal u muuqday mid jees jeesa ah kaas oo ahaa in iyagu ay Jabuuti dad ay ka dhigeen bale ay haatan meeshoodii hore ay ku celin doonaan. Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa heshiisyo caalami ah la gashay shirkado laga leeyahay dalka Shiinaha, waxayna dooneysaa in ka faa’ideyso Malaayiin Dollar oo ay dowladda Shiinaha sheegtay inay ku maalgelineyso dowladaha Africa. Shirkadda DP World ayaa qalalaaso siyaasadeed ka horisay dalka Soomaaliya iyadoo heshiisyo aysan dowladda Soomaaliya ka warqabin kula wareegtay Dekadda ku yaal Soomaaliya, waxayna wadddaa olole ballaaran oo ay ku qabsaneyso Dakadaha ugu muhiimsan ee ku yaalo dalalka Africa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Madaxa Shirkada DP World”Jabuutiyaanka anagaa ka dhignay Dad balse waxan ku celin doonaa sidii hore” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) _ Wararka naga soo gaarayo Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegayo in mid kamid ah Wasiirada Xukuumadda Xasan Cali Kheyre lagu ganaaxay qashin lagu arkay gurigiisa hortiisa. Sida ay sheegtay Idaacadda Dalsan ee Magaalada Muqdisho Dowladda Hoose ee Xamar ay Ganaax lacageed ku ganaaxsaday Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha Soomaaliya Xaaji Cali Sheekh Maxamed Nuur kadib markii Gurigiisa hortiisa lagu arkay Qashin buuxa oo laga rabay inuu ka qaado. Sida ay Sheegtay Dalsan Wasiir ku xigeenka ayaa waxaa lagu ganaaxay lacag dhan Hal Milyan oo Shiilinka Soomaaliga ah kadib markii sida la sheegay Gurigiisa hortiisa lagu arkay Qashin. Wararka ayaa intaas kusii darayo inuu Wasiirka bixiyey lacagtii lagu ganaaxay isla markaasna uu u hoggaansamay amarka Dowladda Hoose. Waa markii ugu horeysay Wasiir ka tirsan Xukuumadda Kheyre lacag lagu Ganaaxi isla markaana uu bixiyo,waxana tani ay ku soo aadeysaa xili ay weli jiraan Wasiiro kale oo u baahan in la dabagalo. Inta badan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa lagu arkaa qashin iyo wasaq aad u badan welina Magaalada kama hirgelin sharci xakameynayo qashinka iyo ganaaxyo shaqeeyo oo la dul dhigay dadka leh Guryaha qashinka hor yaalaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Wasiir ka tirsan xukuumadda Kheyre oo loo ganaaxay qashin lagu arkay Gurigiisa hortiisa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ammaanka magaalada Muqdisho ayaa la xoojiyey iyadoo feejignaan la geliyay ciidamada kadib xog ku saabsan weerarro ay qorsheysay Alshabaab oo la sheegay in laga war helay. Maalmihii ugu danbeeyay aya ciidamo badan lagu arkay wadooyinka, waxaana inta badan la xiraa isu socoka labada dhinac ee loo qeybiyay magaalada oo ah wixii labada dhinac ka xiga Jidka Wadnaha inaysan isu gudbin. Tallaabooyinka ay qaadeen ciidamada amniga ayaa wararku sheegayaan inay ka danbeeyeen markii ilo sirdoon ay ku warrameen weerarro Alshabaab ku qorsheysay laba hotel oo ku yaalla Wadadda Maka Almukarama iyo Garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Dadka Muqdisho ayaa dareemay culeys uga yimid isu socodka magaalada oo ciidamadu ka hor istaagaan iyadoo Wadadda Wadnaha wixii waqooyi iyo galbeed ka xiga loo bixiyay Hirshabeelle. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Magaalada Muqdisho oo la geliyay Xaalad feejignaan Amni & Weerarro cusub oo laga digay in qaadaan Alshabaab appeared first on Caasimada Online.
As if South Africa’s crime rate wasn’t already a problem, the country also has the highest reported rate of economic crime in the world. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (PP) ─ Wakiilka Midowga Afrika ee Somalia, Francisco Madeira ayaa ku ammaanay dowladda Mareykanka taageerrada joogtada ah ay u fidiso hawlgalka AMISOM ee ku aaddan dagaalka ay kula jirto argagixisada. Wuxuuna danjiruhu hadalkan ka sheegay munaasabad diyaarado Drones ah lagu siinayay Dowladda Somalia iyo AMISOM oo ka dhacday Balli-doogle. Madeira ayaa sheegay in Qalabkan uu noqon doona mid xoojiya ciidamada, isla markaana ay fulayaan inuu horumariyo hufnaanta Hawl-gallada ciidanka AMISOM ay ka wadaan Qaybaha kala duwan ee Dalka. “Qalabka ilaalinta waa mid ahmiyad weyn u leh ciidanka AMISOM maadaama ay kaalin wax ku ool ah ay ka qaadanayaan xallinta mid ka mid ah waxyaabaha hoos u dhigayo awoodda AMISOM. Waxaan aan daahfureyno maanta waa qalab lagu xoojiyo ciidanka oo aan in muddo ah codsaneynay, codsigaas oo maanta miro dhalay,” ayuu yiri ergayga Midowga Afrika. Marar badan ayay AMISOM codsatay qalab lagu xoojiyo ciidanka si ay ugu suurtagasho in ay howlgallo militari ah oo hufan ku qaaddo Al-Shabaab, ayna xorreyso deegaannada ku jira gacanta maleeshiyada. AMISOM waxaa ay qorsheyneysaa in ay ballaariso howlgallada ay ku sugeyso amniga dalka, iyada oo weli sidii qorsheysneydba loo wado xil wareejinta mas’uuliyadda amniga ee lagu wareejinayo ciidamada ammaanka ee Soomaaliya. Danjire Madeira, oo ay wehelinayeen mas’uuliyiinta sarsare ee AMISOM ayaa xusay in qalabkan ay ciidamada siin doonan fursad ay ku helaan xogta ay u baahan yihiin ayna ku helaan wakhtiga saxda ah, kuwaas oo gacan ka geysan doono in la ogaado lalana socdo dhaqdhaqaaqa kooxaha hubeysan. Sidoo kale, wuxuu ugu baaqay bah-wadaagta kale ee horumarineed in ay ku daydaan Dowladda Mareykanka, taasi oo aan kaliya taageerro u fidin AMISOM, balse sidoo kale taageerta Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliya. Wakiilka Midowga Afrika ayaa sheegay in xoojinta ciidamada ammaanka ee Soomaaliya ay muhiim u tahay in uu dalka helo nabad waarta iyo amni. “Sida tan waxaa sare loogu qaadaya awooddeenna, balse waxaa muhiim ah in Soomaalida loo yeello awood; waayo, anaga iyo ciidamada ammaanka ee Soomaaliya waxaanu nahay sida labada dhinac ee shilinka. Waxaa laga yaaba in aan awood xoogganahay, balse haddii aysan Soomaalidu awood lahayn, wax suurtagalayo malaha,” ayuu yiri Madiera hadalkiisa ku daray. Madaxa Arrimaha Howgalka Mareykanka ee Soomaaliya, Martin Dale, ayaa carrabka ku adkeeyay sidii ay dowladda Mareykanka uga go’an tahay in ay caawiso Midowga Afrika, Waddamada Ciidamada qaybta ka ah AMISOM deeqay, iyo dadaallada loogu jiro in ay Soomaaliya nabad hesho. Mudane Dale ayaa rajo ka muujiyay in qalabka cusub ee ilaallada ay kaalin wayn ka ciyaari doonaan in howlgallo militari oo hufan laga fuliyo dalka. “Waxaan halkan u joogna kaliya ma aha in aan xaqiijinno amniga ciidamadeenna (askarta AMISOM) balse sidoo kale in aan xoojinno cadaadiska aan ku hayno argagixsada si ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay u helaan nolol fiican. Waxaa la joogaa xilligii si wadajir ah loo wada shaqeyn lahaa. Waxaa aan u baahannahay in aan dhammaan si wadajir ah u wada-shaqeyno si aan u xoojinno cadaadiska aan ku hayno,” ayuu raaciyay. Mas’uulka matalayay dowladda Mareykanka ayaa ku baaqay in la sii wado iskaashiga ku aaddan dagaalka ka dhan ah Al-Shabaab, isla markana la taageerro ciidamada ammaanka ee Soomaaliya si loo kobciyo kartidooda si ay uga adkaadaan argagixisada ayna dalka ka dhigaan mid ammaan ah. “Waa qayb muhiim ah,” ayuu yiri Mudane Dale. “Soomaalida waxaa ay rabaan in ay maal-geliyaan amnigooda si ay barwaaqo u gaaraan, anaguna waxaa aan halkan u joognaa in aan arrintaasi suurtagelinno.” Ugu dambeyn, Xafladda waxaa sidoo kale ka qayb-galay Taliyaha Ciidamada AMISOM, Sarreeye Guud Jim Owoyesigire; Ku Xigeenka Taliska Ciidamada Isku Dhafan ee Geeska Afrika (CITF-HOA) ee Soomaaliya, Sarreeye Guuto Miguel Castellanos, iyo Ku Simaha Taliyaha Booliska AMISOM, Christine Alalo, iyo kuwo kale. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Mareykanka oo DF iyo AMISOM ugu Deeqday diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha lahayn appeared first on Puntland Post.
In kasta oo ayna Soomaalidu qayb ka ahayn xisbiga haya talada Itoobiya ee (EPRDF), haddana waxay Soomaalidu shacab iyo dowladba aad u taageertaa nidaamka federaaliga ah ee uu waddanku ku socdo. Taasna waxaa sabab u ah xasuustii xumayd ee ay ku reebeen dowladihii hore ee boqortooyooyinkii dad- qalka ahaa iyo kii dhergiga. Sidaa daraadeed waxa ay Soomaalidu u arkaan inay is- gaabiyaan kana faa’iidaystaan nidaamkan u saamaxaya maamul-hoosaadka ay haatan ku haystaan. Dhinaca kale waxaa muddooyinkii u danbeeyeyba kacdoonno waday qowmiyadaha shucuubta Koonfureed (Dhabuub), Amxaarada iyo Orommada, waxayna saddexdan is-maamulba ka mid yihiin afarta xisbi (TPLF, ANDM, OPDO, SEPDP) ee isu tagay kuna bahoobay xisbigii aan soo sheegnay ee EPRDF, waxayna saddexdooduba mucaaradsan yihiin qowmiyadda Tikreega oo ay u arkaan inay ka badsadeen dhinacyo badan. Soomaalidu waxay fursad u heshay inay xisbiyadan ka mid noqoto xilligii ay siyaasiyiinta aan qaan-gaadhin ee ONLF ay talada dhinaca Soomaalida hayeen, taas oo noqotay kabbo oo saydh. Kacdoonku wuxuu socdaba, qowmiyadda Orommada ayaa intii kale oo dhan ku tidhi bal idinku iska fadhiista annagaa kacdoonka keliganno wadaynee! Orommadu waxa ay rabto maxaa ka mid ah? Shaki kuma jiro inay Orommadu sida Soomaalida ka faa’iidaysteen nidaamkan hadda jira. Weliba in aad uga badan inta ay Soomaalidu ka faa’iidday. Haddana waxay la noqotay inayna intaa ku joogsannin ee ay kacdoon ku raadiyaan arrimo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin: 1. Qowmiyaddani maadaama ay tiro ahaan tahay qowmiyadda ugu tirada badan, waxay u aragtaa inay laga maarmaan tahay inay ka dhex muuqato oo ay hoggaamiso siyaasadda iyo cududda waddanka 2. Waxay rabaan in ardaydooda tirada badan ee shaqo-la’aantu haysto ay helaan shaqooyin 3. Waxay sheegeen inay rabaan in dheriga uu ku karsamayo dhaqaalaha waddanku ayna iyagu noqonnin dhar-dhaarka uu dherigaasi saaran yahay uune ay waxa ku jira wax ka leefaan. Kacdoonka Orommada oo saameeyey Itoobiya, gaar ahaan dhinaca Bari ee waddanka ayaa sababay inuu kursiga banneeyo af-hayeenkii baarlamaanku iyo inay dowladdu sii daayaan maxaabiis badan, Hase ahaatee intaas kuma uusan joogsannin, waxaana ugu danbayn isna inuu kursigiisa bannaynayo ku dhawaaqay wasiirkii koowaad ee waddanka. Kolkii uu wasiirka koowaad ku dhawaaqay inuu kursiga bannaynayana, waxa uu ciidanku baahiyey inuu waddanku galay xaalad deg-deg ah muddo lix bilood ah. Arrinkaana waxaa aad uga hor yimid waddamada reer galbeedka, wuxuuna safiirka Maraykanka u jooga Adis-ababa uu aad ugu adkeeyey inay dawladdu ka noqoto mowqifkeeda iyo inay maqasho shacabkeeda, isla markaana ayna cidhiidhi gelinnin xorriyada hadalka… Illaa iyo waqtiganna EPRDF, ma ayna soo magacaabin wasiirkii koowaad ee la sugayey, waxaana aad la isu waydiinayaa qowmiyadda uu noqon doono, Waxaa loo badinayaa inuusan noqon doonin qowmiyadda wasiirkii koowaad ee is-casilay oo ahaa shucuubta koonfureed iyo qowmiyadda tuhunka laga qabo ee Tikreega, ayna ku tar-tami doonaan qowmiyadaha Amxaarada iyo Orommada, illeen sida aan soo sheegnay afartaa ayuu xisbiga talada hayaa ka kooban yahaye! Haddii ay sidaa noqoto, waxay u badan tahay inuu wasiirka koowaad noqon doono mid ka imaanaya qowmiyadda Orommada oo uu u sharraxan yahay nin uu Aabihii muslim ahaa laguna magacaabo AbiyAhmed. Haddaba su’aashu waxay tahay haddii wasiirka koowaad la siiyo qowmiyadda Orommada ma laga yaabaa inay arrinkaa ku qancaan oo ay joojiyaan kacdoonka, mise way sii wadi doonaan illaa ay ka xaqiijayaan dalabaadkooda oo dhan. Haddiise uu kacdoonku sii socdo, waddankuna uu ku jiro xaaladdan deg-degta ah oo internet-kii muddoba maqan yahay, maantana uu xidhan yahay telefoonku maxaa xigi doona? Ma milleteri ayaa iman? Ma dowladdan ayaa dibu-habayn siyaasadeed la imaan iyo fur-furnaan kasii badan siday tahay? Ma Amxaaro boqortooyo iyo dhergi soo celisa ayaa imaan? Ma sida Ex-Yuguslavia iyo kala goo- go’ ayaa dhici? Allow sahal. W/Q: Abdirahman Sheikh Bihi The post Maqaal: Xaaladda kulul ee Itoobiya iyo kacdoonka Orommada appeared first on Puntland Post.
(ERGO) – The collapse of the local shilling is forcing pastoralists from remote parts of central Somalia to grapple with the use of foreign currency as well as mobile phone technology when they try to sell their livestock. Source: Hiiraan Online
Mogadishu (HOL) - Mogadishu's local government has launched a week-long campaign to clean up the city on Thursday. The campaign was initiated by Mogadishu's districts' in partnership with the local government. Source: Hiiraan Online