Deeq A.

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  1. Hey’adda (USAID) oo wakiil ka ah Mareykanka ayaa heshiis horumarineed oo taariikhi ah la saxiixatay Soomaaliya, Heshiiska oo (DOAG) loogu magac-daray waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre, Wasiirka qorsheynta Jamaal Maxamed iyo Wasiirka maaliyadda Cabdiraxmaan Beyle. Dhanka Mareykanka waxaa joogay ku-xigeenka USAID Afrika Julie Koenen iyo safiirka Mareykanka Martin Dale. Heshiiskan waxaa uu ka dhigan yahay kii ugu horeeyay ee labada dhinac ay galaan muddo 30 sano ka badan, ujeedka waa in barnaamijkan lagu xoojiyo dowladnimada Soomaaliya, xasiloonida iyo dimoqoraadiyadda. Waxyaabaha dowladda federaalka laga taageerayo waxaa ka mid ah dowlad wanaagga, maamulka, waxbarashada, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo howlaha lagu horumarinayo nabadda iyo xasiloonida dalka. Howlaha uu heshiiska dhigayo waxaa la fulinayaa iyada oo ay ka wada shaqeyn-doonaan dowladda federaalka ah. “Dowladda Mareykanka, waxaa ay aad u taageereysaa dadaallada xukuumadda Soomaaliya ee lagu soo celinayo xasiloonida, dowlad wanaagga, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo waxbarashada” sidaa waxaa yiri Julie Koenen. “ Waxaan rumeysanay in heshiiskan uu ka tarjumayo sida ay nooga go’antahay garab istaagista sidii ay Soomaaliya dib ugu soo noqon laheyd iyo in la helo hadaf horumarineed oo fog” sidaasi waxaa yiri Martin Dale isaga oo intaasi raaciyay ” Heshiiskan waxaa ay ka dhigan tahay iskaashi ballaaran oo dhex-mara Mareykanka iyo Soomaaliya, waxaan ballan-qaadeynaa in aan taageerno himilada shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ku heli lahaayeen horumar”. Wasiirka qorsheynta ee Soomaaliya Jamaal Maxamed ayaa sheegay in maanta uu goobjoog ka ahaa heshiis ay dalka Mareykanka 300 oo Milyan oo doolar la saxiixdeen, kaas oo loogu talo-galay in wax looga qabto horumarka Soomaaliya. 2011-kii, USAID waxaa ay in ka badan $1.3 billion ku qarash-gareeysay arrimaha banii’aadnimada iyo $328 million o arrimaha horumarka ah. The post 30 sano kadib: Mareykanka iyo Somalia oo kala saxiixday heshiis $300 milyan ah appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa daah furay shirka Qaran ee (Somali Partnership Forum) ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho 4-ilaa 5-ta bishan December. Shirka ayaa diiradda lagu saaray, arrimaha amniga, dhaqaalaha, siyaasadda iyo banii’daamnimada, waxaana qeybta danbe shir guddoomineyey Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre. Iyadoo ay hadallo ka jeediyeen madaxda dawlad gobolleeyada Puntland, Jubbaland, Galmudug, Koonfur Galbeed, Hirshabelle iyo Wakiillo ka socday bulshada Caalamka. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa ka hadlay horumaradii ay dawladdu gaartay 8dii bilood ee la soo dhaafay, waxaana uu sheegay in horumar ballaaran laga sameeyey 3 arrin oo uu ku sheegat dhinacyada Amniga, Horumarka iyo Dhaqaalaha guud. Sidoo kale waxaa la muujiyey sida ay laga maar-maan u tahay in dalka ay ka dhacdo doorsho qof iyo cod ah sanadka 2020. Waxuuna ugu baaqay dalalka iskaashiga la leh Soomaaliya inay maalgashi ku sameystaan dalka, maadaama uu amnigu soo hagaagayo. Madaxda shanta maamul Gobolleed ayaa dhankooda codsaday in laga caawiyo dhanka amniga iyo dhaqaalaha, si kor loogu horumarinta bulshada iyo dagaalka argagixisada. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa soo xiray shirka, isagoo ugu baaqay bulshada caalamka inay ka dhabeeyaan taageerada ay siinayaan Soomaaliya, si loo xaqiijiyo horumarka la higsanayo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post RW Kheyre oo sheegay 3 arrin oo ay ka gaareen Horumar (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. BOSASO—Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland declared a state of emergency on Tuesday and appealed for food and water because of shortages triggered by a severe drought. Drought has gripped large parts of the Horn of Africa country this year and the United Nations says children face acute malnutrition. The crisis is compounded by al Shabaab’s Islamist insurgency that seeks to topple the central government that is backed by African Union peacekeepers and the West. Al Shabaab militants carry out bombings in the capital Mogadishu and other regions. Militants killed more than 500 people in the capital in an attack last month. Puntland’s government said 34,000 households across the region are affected by the drought due to the failure of successive rainy seasons. Puntland “launched a wide-ranging humanitarian appeal to secure food, water and other resources for the affected region,” a government statement said. It said 70 percent of the area faced extreme drought and was unlikely to receive rain for five months. Militant attacks in Puntland are rare compared to the rest of Somalia mainly because its security forces are relatively regularly paid and receive substantial U.S. assistance. But this year there has been an upsurge in violence as al Shabaab and a splinter group linked to Islamic State have attacked government troops. Reuters
  4. In two weeks, Somaliland’s president elect Muse Biehi Abdi will quickly put the long and rough campaign behind him and turn to taking over the most powerful office in the country which is at the moment, fiscally distressed indeed. Whatever else awaits inside the Somaliland presidency on the 14th of December there isn’t much to read on the topic of “How to successfully lead Somaliland out of economic deprivation.” Nor is there any crystal vase on the long table at the presidential conference room that says “here is the answer” NOP, there is none. Major candidates for Somaliland President talked about their (easily said) plans for dealing with the major problems facing Somaliland, and certainly have had different ideas for dealing with issues ranging from unemployment, poverty, security and to the growing inflation.. And despite what you might imagine after reading those ordinarily inexplicit and indistinguishable party programs from all political parties—- there is no binder full of special instructions or step-by-step blueprint awaiting the Somaliland President-elect in the office. Now, what does the new Somaliland president do first? I’ll impart my thoughts in this, but first, it is clear in the eyes of struggling families that Somalilanders expect a lot from their new President. Understandably, they want the President to take quick action on problems facing the nation, such as poverty, unemployment and relentless draughts. However, with a revenue barely covering government budget, they do expect miracles. And yes, miracle can be achieved with a phenomenal game-plan. And this president with all good intentions may be able to accomplish considerable improvement in all sectors. Having said that, the new Somaliland president should ask himself the following seven questions; 1- First and foremost, am I a leader who understands and realizes that the country is being torn apart over the recent years and during latest elections by clan divisiveness? The incredible polarization that exists today needs to be acknowledged, and then dealt with effectively in Somaliland’s traditional way “NOW”. 2- Am I a leader who knows he doesn’t have to be perfect, but desires perfection as a goal? A leader who puts country over party or clan no matter the consequences, and who is genuine in his approach to all important developmental mechanisms for a better tomorrow.. 3- Am I a leader who doesn’t just follow what someone else did, but rather someone who wants to set a higher standard of behavior for himself, his team and his government as a whole? This could involve competence, accountability and transparency. 4- Am I a leader who can hold strong and calm in a storm of crisis? A leader who is intellectually curious, who looks for new solutions to problems and is not trapped in the mantra of the old ways, but has a big enough heart to embrace “a can do attitude” with vision while surrounding himself with highly capable team. A leader setting a much higher goal for us as a government and a country than just the norm or status quo. 5- Am I a leader who just didn’t talk about fighting corruption in all its forms, and injustice, but actually would put sets of policies together that did just that. A leader who draws a firm line between government offices and corrupt especial interest groups. 6- Am I a leader who is authentic? What does this mean? It means a leader whose thoughts and actions are in alignment with a set of genuine values. People disagree about what character traits are most important in a President. But there are some commonly accepted things that people look for, such as integrity, strength, fairness and caring. 7- And finally, am I a leader who can delegate and practice accountability in management and leadership. In a complex institution building all decisions cannot be forced through a hierarchical model. It is important that creativity and responsiveness is encouraged through delegation. But delegation without accountability is chaos. And this accountability needs to not only be conducted outward from the leader’s office, but to come back inward from people outside the decision makers circle. Accountability is a two-way street. If all the answers are YES, then you won’t need a policy of hit and miss solutions and you therefore are a leader who understands that, this poor nation shall not benefit from the old-fashioned trial-and-error methods, such as the Uncompassionate Developmental Approach of “The ends justifying the means”. It is the means that tell us the kind of leader you are, not the ends you may be promising. Show us how you govern and with whom, how you design your step-by-step plan for the journey into prosperity with feasible steps. This should tell us a lot and would represent confidence and trust in your leadership. If you fix the means of governing and of politics and institution building, then the ends will work themselves out and be good. Concentrate on making sure the means are filled with reform, knowledge and expertise with integrity and the ends will be just fine. So, what does the new Somaliland president do first? Assuming he is preoccupied on the notion “How he should be leading Somaliland into prosperity.” Just a thought….. First, the newly selected team will reflect the new strategy in the horizon. The world is full of proven experts with the tools of the trade in designing developmental strategy for a nation the size of Somaliland. Just like how Dr. Albert Winsemius helped Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, American Economists like Richard W. Rahn has advised many developing countries into a better economic and social status. He wrote this piece about Somaliland in the Washington Times long time ago. So is the well-known Peruvian economist Hernando De Soto. His award winning work include the following “Dead Capital” And “Of Property and Poverty” by De Soto ………. many developmental economists like MIT’s Abihijit Banerje or the Danish professor Finn Tarp are examples of who to turn to for strategic advice. It is important to consider the fact those who would help design a sound development plan based on where Somaliland currently is, in terms of human development and economic means and what resources are available to fit in on that design into prosperity are FREE. Yes, their advise is available at anytime and it is free to Somaliland. Paid by their countries of-coarse. Mr. Rahn once spent some-time reading about Somaliland and later told me a long story, but to make it short, he said “A nation the size of Somaliland should be spending most of its first $500m revenue in building a sound justice and investment protection institution. And only then, may a serious developmental strategy have a chance to thrive and therefore a realistic hope could be in the prospect within a reasonable time.. A leader who understands all the challenges facing Somaliland and accepts the only proven and realistically attainable success plan is a serious government reform is where everything starts. In order to achieve a set of policies put in place, such as constitutional reform, a capable entity in charge of good governance. That Start with Policies and systems development such as financial reform, tax reform, justice reform, property law and much much more policies and systems. But anyone can talk about how all those good things are important to be done, but the real question is how?……. And that is where experts come and put the step-by-step game-plan in place and answer all your skeptic and probably apathetic questions. In this capacity is where most of the developing countries leaders and their supposedly educated elites get reluctant and even embarrassed to learn and get genuinely curious instead of haphazard and bewildered path which its likely outcome often turns out to be waste of time and resources. This step is where miracles happen if a leader is merely serious. A leader who sees what is in place in Somaliland at the moment as a skeleton government institutions can accomplish a lot more then what ignorance has been incubating over the last two decades. That kind of realization has been the secret to their success for many smaller countries who had struggled like Somailand. Build with a good innovative vision that moves us all to a better Somaliland. You can’t find the promised land if you are looking backwards at some long-gone era and rereading the lines of a clan and sub-clan accommodation strategy. To the young generation reading this……………., the above list of assessments should be your list of things you all ought to be looking for, in the leaders ahead, and we should be watching the new Somaliland president and hope he is aligned best with that list. If so, brace Allah for giving Somaliland this golden chance. Abdirahman I. Waberi Email: Hargeisa, Somaliland
  5. Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” Mohamed has refused to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit to Kenya. Farmajo was in Kenya to attend an African Heads of State meeting in Nairobi. Hamas praised the leader’s move in standing in the face of the oppressor and refusing to meet him. Senior Hamas member, Mousa Abu Marzouq, said: “With the example of these leaders, attitudes have value and meaning, and their country has respect and appreciation, and their people have dignity.” Hamas’ Izzat Al-Rishq also thanked the Somali president’s position which he said “reflects the authenticity of the brotherly Republic of Somalia in standing with Palestine and rejecting any normalisation with an entity which occupies land and holy places.” Middle East Monitor
  6. By: Ms. Farrah Mohumed HARGEISA—Former President of Somaliland, HE Dahir Rayale Kahin and former First Lady, Ms. Huda Barkhad Aden return home on Tuesday after spending years living in exile. Rayale was welcomed by Somaliland government officials. Mr. Rayale ruled the country starting from 2002 and took office due to the unexpected death of the late Egal. Mr. Riyale stayed in power since 2010 and was defeated in the presidential polls by the incumbent president, Silanyo who is about to transfer power to his successor, the president Elect, Musa Bihi who will take the oath of office within days. The former president, Rayale is remembered as the only leader who spearheaded the implementation of multi party politics in the country and is labeled as the founding father of Somaliland’s thriving democracy. Presidential affairs minister, Mohamoud Hashi who was among officials that greeted the former president and his wife upon arriving at Egal airport said that the ex-leader was invited to be in attendance of the upcoming inauguration of President-Elect, Musa Bihi who was elected in 2017 presidential polls. Mr. Rayale will be among the politicians who will deliver a speech at the swearing in ceremony.
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia si rasmi ah loogu soo gabagabeeyay shirka madasha iskaashiga Somalia. Shirkan oo ahmiyad gaara u lahaa Somalia ayaa waxaa ka qeybgaleen, Madaxda Qaranka, Madaxda dowlad goboleedyada iyo marti ka socday beesha Caalamka oo aad u daneeya arrimaha Somalia. Shirka ayaa waxaa laga soo saaray War-murtiyadeed qodobeysan, waxaana sidoo kale goortii lasoo gabagabeeyay qodobada ugu muhiimsan ee laga soo saaray shirka saxaafada la wadaagay Wasiirka warfaafinta XFS C/raxmaan Cumar Cismaan. Wasiirka waxa uu sheegay in War-murtiyeed kasoo baxay shirka uu ka kooban yahay 48 qodob waxaana khudbadii ugu dambeesay ee Xeritaanka Shirka madasha ka jeediyay Ra’isul wasaaraha dalka Xasan Cali Kheyre. Waxaa uu bogaadiyay doorka ay Beesha Caalamka ka qaadatay dhismaha Somalia, waxaana uu rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay in ay fulaan qodobada la isla gartay. Haddaba Hoos ka dhageyso qodobada kasoo baxay shirkaasi oo warbaahinta uu u aqriyay wasiirka warfaafinta: The post Daawo: Shirkii Muqdisho oo soo xirmay iyo war-murtiyeed laga soo saaray appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa dhaqdhaqaaq ay maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab kawadaan qeybo kamid ah Gobolka Gedo. Dhaqdhaqaaqa ay wadaan maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ayaa waxaa qeyb ka ah Horjoogaha ugu sareeya maleeshiyada Axmed Diiriye ‘’Abuu Cubeyda’’. General Ismaaciil Saxardiid oo ah Taliyaha Qeybta 43aad ee Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka oo ka hadlay dhaqdhaqaaqa Abuu Cubeyda iyo maleeshiyaadkiisa ku sugan qeybo kamid ah Gobolka ayaa tilmaamay inay heleen xogo muujinaaya in Horjoogaha uu ku dhuumaleysanaayo Gobolka. Waxa uu General Ismaaciil Saxardiid, tilmaamay in xogta ay heleen ay muujineyso in Horjooge Abuu Cubeyda uu si gaara uga soo cararay Degmada Jilib ee Gobalka Jubada dhexe. Waxa uu cadeeyay in Abuu Cubeyda uu kasoo cararay duqeymaha ay diyaaradaha Mareykanka kawadaan qeybo kamid ah Gobolada dalka. General Ismaaciil Saxardiid, waxa uu bidhaamiyay inay socdaan dadaalo lagu beegsanaayo goobaha ay iminka ku dhuumaaleysanayaan Horjooge Abuu Cubeyda iyo Maleeshiyaadka u dagaalamaaya. ‘’Waxaa socda dadaalo lagu beegsanaayo goobaha ay hadda ku sugan yihiin Abuu Cubeyda iyo maleeshiyaadkiisa waxaa naga go’an inaan soo afjarno dhaqdhaqaaqa ay wadaan al-Shabaab’’ ‘’Waxaa hadda nagu maqaal ah in maleeshiyaadkan baxsadka ah ay dhibaato ku hayaan dadka deegaanka oo qaarkood ay xirteen qaarna ka uruuriyeen teleefoonada ay heysteen’’ Dhinaca kale, General Ismaaciil Saxardiid ayaa sheegay in ciidamada xoogga dalka ay weerar ku qaadi doonaan goobaha ay ku sugan yihiin al-Shabaabka, isla markaana ay la wareegi doonaan goobahaasi. The post Sawirro: DFS oo weerar ku ah goobo ay ku sugan yihiin Horjoogaha al-Shabaab & Maleeshiyo uu wato appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Communiqué Somalia Partnership Forum Mogadishu 5th of December 2017 Preamble Representatives from 25 countries and 6 multilateral organizations, as well as representatives from all of Somalia’s Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration, gathered in Mogadishu on the 5th of December 2017 to participate in the inaugural Somalia Partnership Forum officially opened by H.E. Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed (Farrmajo), the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia and chaired by H.E. Hasan Ali Khaire, the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia. Somalia is emerging from a long and difficult period of instability that has negatively and adversely affected the nation. However, Somalia is undertaking a robust process of recovery, aimed at bringing peace, a culture of respect for human rights, development, and prosperity to the entire country. We deplore and regret the loss of innocent lives as a result of continued terrorist attacks. In particular, we strongly condemn the 14 October 2017 attack in Mogadishu that resulted in the deaths of more than 500 innocent women, men, and children. We are collectively committed to supporting Somalia to confront, deter and eradicate extremism in all its forms, and in assisting with the development of effective justice processes as Somalia moves towards reconciliation. The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has taken concrete steps to secure its long‐term goal of achieving peace and prosperity for the Somali people, as evidenced by Somalia’s National Development Plan (NDP), endorsed in 2016, with sets out the government’s security, politics, and development priorities. The FGS and the international community also endorsed, at the May 2017 London Conference the New Partnership for Somalia (NPS), a framework for cooperation in support of Somalia’s National Development Plan. The NPS identifies security, the constitutional settlement, inclusive politics, human rights and the rule of law, good governance, measures to tackle corruption, responding to humanitarian crises, and promoting economic recovery as priorities for shared action. In 2017, the FGS, together with its international partners, reviewed and revised the aid architecture to ensure coherence and complementarity between the work of the Somalia Development and Reconstruction Facility (SDRF), the Pillar Working Groups, the Comprehensive Approach to Security Executive Group (CAS EG) and associated Strand Working Groups. We call upon all parties to engage with the new coordination architecture to ensure collective alignment, coherence and strong cooperation to implement the ambitious agenda ahead. As the apex body for both the SDRF and CAS EG, the Somalia Partnership Forum convened for the first time today to discuss shared priorities, take stock of progress achieved in 2017 and review milestones to be achieved in 2018. Throughout the day, partners discussed the importance of linking political and security progress with economic recovery and humanitarian intervention, noting the importance of building accountable state institutions, generating greater opportunities and livelihoods for the benefit of the population, and breaking the cycle of humanitarian crises. The Somalia Partnership Forum provides the forum for such overarching discussions and strengthens the spirit of mutual partnership required to sustained progress. Political Progress Recognizing that Somalia’s Federal Constitution will be the foundation for stability and peaceful politics, we welcome the agreement of a road map and Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) to complete the review of the provisional constitution. We welcome the plan to take the MOU to Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration for consultations to ensure greater participation and awareness of all stakeholders. In this regard, we welcome the establishment of theMinistry of Constitutional Affairs Forum, which brings together Federal and State Ministries of Constitutional Affairs and the Benadir Regional Administration together on a quarterly basis, thereby enhancing participation and inclusivity amongst stakeholders. We welcome the FGS’s commitment to one‐person one‐vote elections in 2021. We urge all parties to agree on a roadmap to achieve this goal as that reflects the Somali people’s wish for a more representative and accountable democracy. The roadmap that has been agreed on to secure an electoral law in 2018, the creation of a working group to take that work forward and the planned consultation with Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration create a platform to realize the hopes and the aspirations of the Somali people. We welcome the conclusion of recent elections in Somaliland and encourage the resumption of talks between the FGS and Somaliland. We welcome the joint effort, vision and commitment to Federalism at all levels of government and the commitment to continued regular and substantive dialogue between the FGS, FMS and Benadir Regional Administration which will help to take political decisions to advance the constitutional review process. This unity will be key to successful progress across Somalia, including during transition and hand over of security from AMISOM to Somali Security Forces. We welcome progress made in the dialogue process between the Galmudug Interim Administration and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a and encourage further progress. We also welcome the FGS’s prioritization of anti‐corruption initiatives and recognize progress made to develop the building blocks for a culture of accountability, recognizing the need to engage citizens and create strong institutions to jointly fight corruption. We urge all parties to continue to advance progress on this front including through finalization of legislation and implementation of key fiscal and legal reforms that eliminate corruption. Security We recognize the valiant efforts by the Somali security forces and AMISOM in the fight against al‐Shabaab and commend the bravery and commitment of their troops. We note the Somalia Security Conference held on 4 December 2017 where discussions were held on progress on implementation of the Comprehensive Approach to Security, the National Security Architecture, AMISOM conditions‐based transition and the Somali Security Sector, as well as efforts on Stabilization and Preventing / Countering Violent Extremism. We welcome the discussions held and key decisions taken at the 4 December Conference, as outlined in that Conference’s Communique. We also recognize that security does not exist in a vacuum and that sustainable security reform will enable, but also rely on, broader equitable political, socio and economic progress as well as strengthened governance and peace‐ and institution‐ building as part of a comprehensive approach to delivering our long‐term vision of a peaceful and prosperous Somalia. We urge all partners to continue and further advance this comprehensive approach to security, enabling local reconciliation, community recovery and prevention of violent extremism to ensure human security. Humanitarian and Resilience/Recovery We applaud the efforts of the FGS and local relief efforts in responding to the severe drought that affected Somalis. In particular, we praise the role played by the Somali people, both in Somalia and abroad, in helping to avert famine. We also applaud the efforts of the international community to mobilize resources and coordinate relief efforts, which have been instrumental in saving lives in 2017. We welcome the efforts of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management in the formulation of the National Disaster Management Policy. This will enhance strategic policy support towards strengthening resilience and ensure greater inter‐ministerial co‐ordination, as well as effectiveness in overall disaster management. We also acknowledge Somalia’s leadership on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and welcome progress on the drafting of the National Action Plan due to undergo consultations and for presentation at the IGAD meeting of Foreign Ministers in January 2018. We however remain concerned that 6.2 million people are still in need of humanitarian assistance due to drought and conflict in Somalia and are particularly concerned that below average rain falls for a fourth consecutive season and forecast indications of a fifth consecutive below average season indicate that a risk of famine remains in many areas in 2018. We also remain concerned that over 1 million people have been newly displaced, in addition to the 1.2 million already in a state of protracted displacement. We strongly urge all partners, both local and international, to take necessary actions, including provision of resources, to ensure continued delivery of urgent humanitarian relief. The needs of women and vulnerable groups need to be taken into special account. We also recognize that sustainable investment into resilience and durable solutions, alongside humanitarian relief, can lift the country out of poverty and reduce risks from climate‐induced crises and insecurity. It is crucial that we start planning recovery and durable solutions now to begin reducing levels of chronic vulnerability and risks. We therefore welcome the FGS’s leadership in undertaking a Drought Impact Needs Assessment, which will inform the development of a Recovery and Resilience Framework (RRF), with the full cooperation of the Federal Members States and with support from the United Nations, World Bank, and the European Union. We endorse the approach of building long‐term recovery and resilience solutions that address root causes of drought and famine. Somalia is at a critical junction where it has made huge progress, and these significant yet fragile gains should be protected and enhanced. The country has stronger, more effective and more accountable institutions which should increasingly play a role in breaking the cycle of recurrent crisis. We look forward to the launch of the RRF and the Humanitarian Response Plan early in 2018, and urge all partners and the FGS to make progressive and incremental recovery investments targeting priorities. Future investments should be in a sequenced manner addressing root and structural causes of vulnerability whilst the humanitarian response proceeds. Economic Recovery We recognize the important efforts being made by partners to implement the NDP, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome the establishment of the National Development Council and plans to create the National Economic Council. Successful and sustained efforts to implement the NDP will contribute to Somalia’s overall economic recovery. We welcome the drafting of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s Company Law and understand its crucial role in modernizing the business environment in Somalia. it will enable formalization of the business practice as well as provide a legal framework conducive for a progressive globally recognized private sector in partnership with the government. We look forward to the passing of the Company Law in 2018. We commend the ongoing work on the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law and support continued development of necessary regulatory frameworks. Full implementation of this legislation will undoubtedly improve the investment climate in order to attract foreign investment to drive the economic engine of Somalia. We recognize progress achieved since the London Conference on advancing the Public Private Dialogue and welcome the recent passing of the Communications Act and we seek to support the administration in establishing the National Communications Authority in a timely manner. We urge all partners to promote a conducive environment for private sector to flourish in close partnership with government. We stress the importance of creating sustained employment opportunities, especially for youth, as the backbone for sustainable economic development. We also recognize progress made in rehabilitating and building crucial infrastructure, including on sustainable energy sources, to foster economic growth in Somalia. Substantial further investment is required. We acknowledge the Ministry of Finance’s concrete steps to increase internal revenue collection and are encouraged by the FGS’ prioritization on achieving reliable domestic revenue. This will reduce aid dependency and help government finance its security, human development, institutional recovery as well as provision of social services to its citizens. Continuous progress on resource mobilization is a fundamental element to pursue IFI normalization and debt relief to which the international community reaffirms it commitment and for which effective working partnerships with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank is playing an effective role. We welcome the steps taken by the FGS, in line with FGC recommendations, to directly manage revenue collections and the successful agreement reached between the FGS and Federal Member States on custom tariff harmonization. We urge that further progress be made on revenue and resource sharing, especially with regards to offshore fisheries and extractives. We commend the steps taken by the Benadir Regional Administration to self‐fund and invest in Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms such as implementing a robust financial management information system. We call upon the international community to take responsibility for and work with Somalis to stop illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing by foreign boats, and to criminalize the actions of distant water fleets that operate within the unprotected marine environments of Somalia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). We also call upon the international community to support Somalia track the presence of foreign vessels within their EEZ through the sharing of real‐time data and information gathered from all domestic patrol boats and navies that operate in or near Somali maritime boundaries. We recognize the significant progress made by the FGS and its commitment to successfully completing the second IMF Staff Monitored Programme. We look forward to the outcomes of the ongoing IMF review. We strongly emphasize the fundamental role that expanded, equitable access to quality basic services – particularly health, education and social protection – will play in Somalia’s recovery and collectively commit to support the institutional, legislative and delivery frameworks needed to achieve this. We recognize that youth remain the backbone of Somalia’s future and call for action to ensure that youth are empowered and that there are social and economic opportunities for them. All parties commit to play our part to protecting and enhancing human rights, particularly the rights of women, girls and marginalized groups, and call for action to establish the institutions needed to enhance oversight, monitoring, reporting and protection of these rights. New Partnership for Somalia We welcome the development of the Mutual Accountability Framework of the NPS and endorse this tool as a framework for joint Somalia‐international community oversight and accountability, recognizing that this tool does not duplicate the NDP monitoring framework. We applaud the progress achieved in 2017 and urge a collective redoubling of efforts on those areas where further progress must be achieved. We affirm our collective commitment to achieving the 2018 milestones set out in the Mutual Accountability Framework, including strengthening our application of partnership principles. The FGS wishes to thank its development partners for the support provided in 2017. According to preliminary data, aid to Somalia reached a record high in 2017 estimated at US$ 1.7 billion. This marks a 30% increase compared to the average of the past three years, primarily driven by the surge in humanitarian support in response to the ongoing drought. Development aid was also up more than 10% on . However, there is more to do to make progress on all the partnership principles. In particular, all partners are urged to meet aid flow reporting requirements, and to undertake joint planning and implementation of ongoing and future programmes and projects to minimize duplication and maximize overall impact. We agree to use the Mutual Accountability Framework to inform the agendas of regular SDRF meeting, to undertake light touch quarterly reviews of the Mutual Accountability Framework at the SDRF, and to undertake a first substantive review in six months’ time at the next Somalia Partnership Forum. Conclusion 1.We thank the FGS for hosting the inaugural Somalia Partnership Forum in Mogadishu and commit to using this Forum as the venue for high‐level stock‐taking on overall progress achieved for Somalia. 2.We agree to reconvene the Somalia Partnership Forum, at a to‐be‐determined venue, at the end of the first half of 2018. =END= DIRECTORATE OF COMMUNICATION, MOBILIZATION AND CULTURE HERITAGE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT PUNTLAND STATE OF SOMALIA The post Communiqué: Somalia Partnership Forum, Mogadishu 5th of December 2017 appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 05 December 2017 ka qayb galay maalintii labaad shirka Madaxda qaranka Soomaaliya iyo beesha caalamka. Shirka ayaa waxaa sidoo kale kasoo qayb galay Madaxweynaha DFS Mudane. Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Ra’iisul Wasaare Ku-xigeenka Soomaaliya, Madaxweyneyaasha Jubbaland, Koonfur Galbeed, Galmudug iyo Hirshabeelle, ergayga gaar ka ah ee qaramada midoobey ee Soomaaliya, danjirayaasha waddamada shisheeye, Saraakiil ka socdey AMISOM, masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha DFS, masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha dawladdaha xubnaha ka ah DFS, xeeldheerayaal, siyaasiyiin iyo masuuliyiin kale. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo Khudbad muhiima ka jeediyey shirka horaantiisii ayaa sheegay in qabyo tirka geeddi-socodka dastuurka Soomaaliya aanu dhameystirnayn, isla markaana waxa uu xusay Madaxweynuhu inay jiraan qodobo muhiima oo u baahan in si wadajira loo dhugto kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin fadaraalisamka, khayraadka dalka, doorka DFS iyo kuwa dawladdaha xubnaha ka ah DFS, waxaana Madaxweynuhu uu hoosta ka xariiqay in wada xaajoodka ku saabsan arrimahaasi weli aan la dhamaystirin. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa tilmaamay in ay tahay muhiim in xil la iska saaro dhamaystirka dastuurka Soomaaliya, waxaana uu Madaxweynuhu ku booriyey Madaxda Soomaaliyeed in dastuurka si xalaala loo gunaanado, isla mar’aahaantaana waxaana uu Madaxweynuhu sheegay in dastuurku yahay asaaska sida guri aan ku dhex nool nahay oo kale, Dhinaca kale Madaxweyne dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegay si looga soo kabto dagaalkii sokeeyo in loo baahan yahay in lasameeyo qodobo ay kamid yihiin hay’adaha maamulka dalka oo dib loo dhiso, loo baahan yahay in ay noqdaan kuwo wax ku ool ah. xukunka sharciyada, mabaadii’da cadaaladda iyo sinaanta oo iyana lagu saleeyo sida ku xusan diinteena Islaamka iyo dhaqankeena wanaagsan. Shacabka oo la wacyigeliyo, loona sameeyo shaqo abuur, cadaalad, sinaan iyo wanaajinta masuuliyadda. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa tilmaamay in qaadashada fadaraaliisamku ay tahay talaabo ay Soomaaliya hore u qaaday, waxaana uu xusay Madaxweynuhu inay dawladda dhexe ee Soomaaliya u madaxbanaan tahay masuuliyaddina ka saaran tahay arrimaha Ciidanka, Difaaca Qaranka, Siyaasadda Soomaaliya, Socdaalka [immigration] iyo Dhalashada [Naturalization], iyo sidoo kale Siyaasadda arrimaha Dibadda. Ugu danbayn, Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa cadeeyey in talaabo kasta oo hore looqaado iyo caqabad walba oo timaada ay tahay cashar laga baranayo nidaamka fadaaraliisamka, waxaana uu Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland ku booriyey Madaxda qaran ka Soomaaliyeed in aan laga daalin dedaalka loogu jiro horumarinta qaranimadeena iyo halganka dib u xasilinta dalka. =DHAMMAAD= XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Madaxweynaha Puntland oo Maalintii 2-aad Ka Qayb Galay Shirka Madaxda Soomaaliya iyo Beesha Caalamka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” Mohamed has refused to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit to Kenya. Farmajo was in Kenya to attend an African Heads of State meeting in Nairobi. Hamas praised the leader’s move in standing in the face of the oppressor and refusing to meet him. Senior Hamas member, Mousa Abu Marzouq, said: “With the example of these leaders, attitudes have value and meaning, and their country has respect and appreciation, and their people have dignity.” Hamas’ Izzat Al-Rishq also thanked the Somali president’s position which he said “reflects the authenticity of the brotherly Republic of Somalia in standing with Palestine and rejecting any normalisation with an entity which occupies land and holy places.” Source: Middle East Monitor The post Somali president refuses to meet Israel’s Netanyahu appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. Governments and other key global partners are convening in Mogadishu today to discuss plans for sustaining humanitarian support for Somalia. In response to a recent alert that parts of Somalia could face severe famine in 2018, Action Against Hunger urged the international community to sustain large-scale levels of assistance to save the lives of acutely malnourished children and meet the urgent survival needs of communities devastated by extreme drought and conflict. “We face a critical window of opportunity,” said Action Against Hunger’s East Africa Regional Director, Hajir Maalim. “The surge in humanitarian assistance in Somalia this year successfully averted famine, but the drought is intensifying—and expected to worsen in 2018. If current levels of aid are reduced or compromised, Somalia could quickly spiral into catastrophe.” According to a new report from the Somalia Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU), more than 3.1 million people across Somalia are now in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, and acute malnutrition is a major public health emergency threatening the lives of 1.2 million children. Four consecutive seasons of failed rains have wiped out crops and livestock, leaving communities without food or income. Rising prices for basic commodities are pushing the poorest families deeper into debt and jeopardizing their ability to meet their daily survival needs. In the past year alone, drought has displaced an estimated 948,00 people from their homes.1 Data from Action Against Hunger nutrition assessments in 2017 among displaced populations in Mogadishu indicated that 30 percent of children were acutely malnourished, signifying a very critical emergency. Results from the organization’s assessments in November 2017 in Hudur district in Bakool also indicated a nutrition emergency, with rates of acute malnutrition at 17.2 percent among displaced children. Action Against Hunger’s field teams have also documented extreme water shortages among communities in Bakool, with many people unable to access more than 7.5 liters of water per day, which is below the minimum humanitarian standard for survival needs in emergencies. When famine was declared in Somalia in 2011 under similar conditions, the world was slow to rally a large-scale response, and an estimated 250,000 people died. Despite significant efforts from the government of Somalia and humanitarian partners over the past year, the extended, severe drought has caused a sharp deterioration in food insecurity and a huge increase in needs. The failed rains—along with ongoing conflict, entrenched poverty, and the lack of a functioning health care system outside the capital city—have delivered a crippling blow to extremely vulnerable populations still struggling to recover after the 2011 famine. “Famine never happens out of the blue,” said Maalim. “Today, the warning signs are in plain view. We must learn from the past and take action—both now and over the longer term—to prevent the worst.” As the international community convenes in Mogadishu this week, Action Against Hunger calls for: Ddonors to mobilize full funding for the 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan and translate pledges into funding at the frontline now; parties to conflict to uphold international humanitarian law and ensure that populations in need have access to aid; the government of Somalia to guarantee safe, unimpeded humanitarian operations to address the crisis. “We must act quickly to sustain current levels of aid and save lives,” said Maalim, “It is equally vital to help people rebuild their livelihoods; strengthen social safety nets; bolster the resilience of communities and markets; and most of all, to prioritize political solutions to end the conflict.” NEWS PROVIDED BY Action Against Hunger USA Source: – Prnewswire The post Intensifying Drought In Somalia Heightens Risk Of Severe Famine appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. The African Union’s plan to trim its Somalia peacekeeping force (AMISOM) will hurt the mission unless extra equipment is found to offset the troop decrease, the mission’s leader told Reuters on Monday. The force of 22,000 deployed a decade ago is set to lose 1,000 soldiers this year as part of a long-term plan to pull out of the country and hand security to the Somali army. AMISOM is confronting the Islamist militant group al-Shabab, whose ranks have been swelled by Islamic State fighters fleeing military setbacks in Libya and Syria. Militants killed more than 500 people in an attack in the capital Mogadishu last month. It was the deadliest such attack in the country’s recent history. AMISOM deployed to help secure the government of a country that since 1991 has struggled to establish central control. The peacekeepers helped push al Shabaab out of Mogadishu but the group still frequently attacks civilian and military targets. “Unless we have a proportionate forces multiplier in terms of equipment … intelligence, electronic intelligence, that (withdrawal) will have a very considerable effect on our mission,” AMISOM head Fransisco Madeira told Reuters. “We believe the U.N. will find ways and means of covering or making up the gap that might result.” The diplomat from Mozambique was speaking on the sidelines of a security conference in Mogadishu. He said it was hard to estimate the number of al-Shabab fighters. Somalia’s minister of internal security Mohamed Abukar Islow told Reuters the government wants the lifting of an arms embargo “so that our forces get enough weapons and military equipment.” The United Nations imposed an arms embargo on Somalia shortly after the nation plunged into civil war in the early 1990s. It partially lifted the ban in 2013 to help equip government forces. Source: Reuters The post Mission Chief: Somalia’s Peacekeeping Mission Could Be Hurt by Cut in Force Size appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha JFS Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay ku guuleystay fulinta qorsheyaashii Lix biloodlaha ahaa ee ay higsaneysay muddadii koobnayd ee ay jirtay. Madaxweynaha oo khudbad ka jeediyey Shirweynaha Muqdisho oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen ku dhawaad 30 dowladood oo saaxiib la ah Soomaaliya, Saraakiil ka socotay Beesha Caalamka iyo Qaramada Midoobay, Madaxda dalka heer Qaran iyo heer Dowlad Gobolleed ayaa tilmaamay sida ay uga go’antahay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in ay sii amba-qaaddo qorsheyaasha horumarineed ee loo jeexay sannadka cusub ee 2018ka. “Siddeed bilood ka hor, markii aan Xafiiska qabannay waxaan qorsheynay hiigsi lix biloodle ah oo ku aaddan sidii aan u yagleeli lahayn hannaan isbadel oo ku dhisan daah-furnaan, kobcinta dhaqaalaha, xoojinta ammaanka iyo xakamaynta musuq-maasuqa. Si taas loo gaaro waxaan guda galnay diyaarinta sharciyadii nagu hagi lahaa arrinkaas oo ilaa haatan waxaan u gudbinnay Baarlamaanka sharciyo gaaraya 15 Sharci, halka Toban kalena ay qabyo yihiin.” Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in sharciyada la horgeeyey Baarlamaanka ay asaas u yihiin tiirarka dowlanimada maadama ay ku saabsanyihiin dhinacyo muhiim u ah nolasha shacabka sida Sharciga Isgaarsiinta, Shaciga la-dagaalanka Musuq-maasuqa, Sharciga la-dagaallanka argagixisada iyo Sharciga maamulka Lacagta Dowladda. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxa uu sheegay in dowladdu ay ku guuleystay dhaqaajinta qorshayaasha dib u eegista dastuurka iyo hannaanka doorashooyinka sannadka 2020ka oo ah qorsheyaal u baahan xasillooni siyaasadeed oo ka jirta dalka. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda waxa uu ku boggaadiyey Beesha Caalamka iyo Qurba Joogta Soomaaliyeed kaalinta ay ka qaadanayaan qorsheyaasha horumarineed ee dalka. Madaxweynaha ayaa yiri: “Waxaan dareensannahay in saaxiibadeenna caalamka aan waydiisanayno in ay khatarta qaataan oo ay Soomaaliya maalgashadaan. Balse si taas lamid ah waxaa naga go’an in aan si wada jir ah ugu wada xisaabtanno qorshayaasha iyo hawlaha aan ku heshiinno.” Shirweynaha Muqdisho oo soconayey muddo labo maalmood ah ayaa waxaa lagu falanqeeyey hirgelinta qorshaha qaab-dhismeedka Amniga Qaranka, sidii Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay ugala wareegi lahayd amniga dalka Ciidanka nabad ilaalinta Afrika ee soomaaliya AMISOM, xoojinta hannaanka Federaalka, doorashooyinka sanadka 2020, kobcinta dhaqaalaha iyo maalgashiga dalka. The post Sawirro cusub: Farmaajo ‘’Wey naga go’an tahay inaan kuwada xisaabtano hawlaha aan ku heshiinno kulankan iyo wixii xigi doona” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somalia, Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay ku guuleystay fulinta qorsheyaashii lix biloodlaha ahaa ee ay higsaneysay muddadii koobnayd ee ay jirtay. Madaxweynaha oo khudbad ka jeediyey shirka Muqdisho oo ay kasoo Qayb-galeen ku dhawaad 30 Dowladood oo saaxiib la ah Soomaaliya, Saraakiil ka socotay Beesha Caalamka iyo Qaramada Midoobay, Madaxda dalka heer Qaran iyo heer Dowlad Gobolleed ayaa tilmaamay sida ay uga go’antahay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in ay sii amba-qaaddo qorsheyaasha horumarineed ee loo jeexay sannadka cusub ee 2018ka. “Siddeed bilood ka hor, markii aan Xafiiska qabannay waxaan qorsheynay hiigsi lix biloodle ah oo ku aaddan sidii aan u yagleeli lahayn hannaan isbadel oo ku dhisan daah-furnaan, kobcinta dhaqaalaha, xoojinta ammaanka iyo xakamaynta musuq-maasuqa. Si taas loo gaaro waxaan guda galnay diyaarinta sharciyadii nagu hagi lahaa arrinkaas oo ilaa haatan waxaan u gudbinnay Baarlamaanka sharciyo gaaraya 15 Sharci, halka Toban kalena ay qabyo yihiin,” ayuu yiri Farmaajo. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa intaas ku daray in sharciyada la horgeeyey Baarlamaanka ay asaas u yihiin tiirarka dowlanimada maadama ay ku saabsan yihiin dhinacyo muhiim u ah nolasha shacabka sida Sharciga Isgaarsiinta, Shaciga la-dagaalanka Musuq-maasuqa, Sharciga la-dagaallanka argagixisada iyo Sharciga maamulka Lacagta Dowladda. Sidoo kale, Mudane Farmaajo wuxuu xusay in Dowladdu ay ku guuleystay dhaqaajinta qorshayaasha dib u eegista dastuurka iyo hannaanka doorashooyinka sannadka 2020-ka oo ah qorsheyaal u baahan xasillooni siyaasadeed oo ka jirta dalka. Dhanka kale, Madaxweynaha DF wuxuu ku boggaadiyay Beesha Caalamka iyo Qurba-joogta Soomaaliyeed kaalinta ay ka Qaadanayaan Qorsheyaasha horumarineed ee dalka. “Waxaan dareensan-nahay in saaxiibadeenna caalamka aan waydiisanayno in ay khatarta qaataan oo ay Somalia maalgashadaan. Balse si taas lamid ah waxaa naga go’an in aan si wada jir ah ugu wada xisaabtanno qorshayaasha iyo hawlaha aan ku heshiinno,” ayuu khudbaddiisa ku xusay. Ugu dameyn, Shirka Muqdisho oo soconayey muddo labo maalmood ah ayaa waxaa lagu falanqeeyey hirgelinta qorshaha qaab-dhismeedka Amniga Qaranka, sidii Ciidamada Dowladda Somalia ay ugala wareegi lahayd amniga dalka Ciidamada Afrika ee Somalia AMISOM, xoojinta hannaanka Federaalka, doorashooyinka sanadka 2020, kobcinta dhaqaalaha iyo maalgashiga dalka. PUNTLAND POST The post MADAXWEYNE FARMAAJO: Waxaa naga go’an inaan ku xisaabtanno wixii aan ku heshiinno appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Jubbaland, Axmed Maxamed Islaam oo ka hadlayay shirka amniga Somalia oo ay ka qayb-galayaan dalalka tageera Sooamaliya, ayaa su’aal adag ka keenay sababaha ururka Al-shabaab looga saari la’yahay deegaannada ay kaga sugan yihiin Somalia. Axmed Madoobe ayaa hadal uu ka jeediyay shirka ku sheegay in loo bahan yahay in la sameeyo daba-gal dhab ah iyo isla-xisaabtan la xiriira sababaha ururka Al-shabaab looga saari la’yahay deegaannada ay wali joogan, iyadoo lacag gaaraysa boqollaal milyan oo Doollar lagu bixiyo hawl-galka AMISOM, taas badalkeedana aanay si joogta ah mushaarka u helin ciidanka Somalia. Sidoo kale, Madoobe wuxuu xusay in beesha Caalamka looga baahan yahay in ciidamada AMISOM ay kula xisaabtamaan dhaqaalaha faraha badan ee ay ku bixiyaan dagaalka ka dhanka ah ururka Al-shabaab, sidoo kalana DFS iyo maamul-goboleedyada looga bahan yahay inay ku xisaabtamaan in Somalia uusan weligii Ajnabi joogayn ee ay dhisaan ciidamada Qaranka. Madaxweynaha Jubbaland, ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in ciidamada Somalia oo kumannaaan askari ah aysan haysanin tasiilaadkii ku filaa iyo tababar toona, balse marka iyaga iyo AMISOM la isku geeyo ay ka badan yihiin kana awood weyn yihiin Al-shabaab. Dhanka kale, Shirarka ayuu Madaxweynaha Jubaland ka sheegay in la joogo xilligii ficil loo badali lahaa, isla markana su’aalo la iska weydiin lahaa halka ay wax ka khaldan yihiin, iyadoo horay loo sii soconayo. Ugu dambeyn, Axmed Madoobe ayaa ku baaqay in hawl-galada wakhtigan la dar-dar-geliyo oo laga shaqeeyo sidii xilliga kooban ee AMISOM u haray uu u noqon lahaa mid laga faa’iidaysto, isla markana la da-dajiyo dhismaha guud ee Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ee Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo ku baaqay in si dhab ah loola xisaabtamo Ciidamada AMISOM appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. Hey’adda (USAID) oo wakiil ka ah Mareykanka ayaa heshiis horumarineed oo taariikhi ah la saxiixatay Soomaaliya, Heshiiska oo (DOAG) loogu magac-daray waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre, Wasiirka qorsheynta Jamaal Maxamed iyo Wasiirka maaliyadda Cabdiraxmaan Beyle. Dhanka Mareykanka waxaa joogay ku-xigeenka USAID Afrika Julie Koenen iyo safiirka Mareykanka Martin Dale. Heshiiskan waxaa uu ka dhigan yahay kii ugu horeeyay ee labada dhinac ay galaan muddo 30 sano ka badan, ujeedka waa in barnaamijkan lagu xoojiyo dowladnimada Soomaaliya, xasiloonida iyo dimoqoraadiyadda. Waxyaabaha dowladda federaalka laga taageerayo waxaa ka mid ah dowlad wanaagga, maamulka, waxbarashada, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo howlaha lagu horumarinayo nabadda iyo xasiloonida dalka. Howlaha uu heshiiska dhigayo waxaa la fulinayaa iyada oo ay ka wada shaqeyn-doonaan dowladda federaalka ah. “Dowladda Mareykanka, waxaa ay aad u taageereysaa dadaallada xukuumadda Soomaaliya ee lagu soo celinayo xasiloonida, dowlad wanaagga, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo waxbarashada” sidaa waxaa yiri Julie Koenen. “ Waxaan rumeysanay in heshiiskan uu ka tarjumayo sida ay nooga go’antahay garab istaagista sidii ay Soomaaliya dib ugu soo noqon laheyd iyo in la helo hadaf horumarineed oo fog” sidaasi waxaa yiri Martin Dale isaga oo intaasi raaciyay ” Heshiiskan waxaa ay ka dhigan tahay iskaashi ballaaran oo dhex-mara Mareykanka iyo Soomaaliya, waxaan ballan-qaadeynaa in aan taageerno himilada shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ku heli lahaayeen horumar”. Wasiirka qorsheynta ee Soomaaliya Jamaal Maxamed ayaa sheegay in maanta uu goobjoog ka ahaa heshiis ay dalka Mareykanka 300 oo Milyan oo doolar la saxiixdeen si wax looga qabto horumarka Soomaaliya. 2011-kii, USAID waxaa ay in ka badan $1.3 billion ku qarash-gareeysay arrimaha banii’aadnimada iyo $328 million o arrimaha horumarka ah. Goobjoog News Source
  19. Ankara (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Dalka Turkiga Erdogan ayaa si carro leh uga hadlay arrinta ku aadan inuu Mareykanka dhawaan qorsheenayo inuu Magaalada Qudud u aqoonsado inay tahay Caasimadda dalka Israa’iil. Madaxweynaha dalka Turkiga ayaa si cad u sheegay inuu dalkiisa xiriirka u jari doono dalka Israa’iil haddii uu Mareykanka u aqoonsado Qudud inay tahay Caasimadda Israa’iil. Recep Tayyip Erdogan ayaa sheegay haddii uu Mareykanka tallaabadaan qaado inay ka dhigan tahay inuu si cad usoo dhaafay Khadka Cas. Waxaa jira warar sheegaya in madaxweyne Trump uu arrintaas ku dhawaaqi doono isbuucan, isaga oo fulinaya ballanqaadkii uu sameeyay markii uu ku jiray ol’olaha doorashada. “Mr Trump! waxaad ogaataa in Qudus khad casa ay uga dhigan tahay Muslimiinta,” ayuu yiri Erdogan oo khudbad xasaasi aheyd ka jeediyay telefishinka dalka Turkiga. “Waxay arrintaa horseedi kartaa inaaan calaaqaadka diblomaasiyadeed u jarno Israa’iil”, ayuu sii raaciyay Erdogan. Haddii Washington ay u aqoonsato Qudus inay tahay caasimadda Israa’iil, waxay noqoneysaa dalkii ugu horreeyay ee sidaa sameeyo tan iyo markii la alkumay xukumadda Israa’iil 1984. Israa’iil ayaa haysatay bariga Qudus tan iyo markii uu dhacay dagaalkii Bariga Dhexe sannadkii 1967. Waxayna goosatay 1980kii. Waxay u aragtaa in ay iyadu leedahay, laakiin shuruucda caalamiga ah waxay dhigayaan in ay tahay dhul la haysto. Israa’iil-na waxay Qudus u aragtaa in ay waligeed ahaandoonto caasimaddooda aanan la kala qaybin karin, Falastiiniyiintu waxay u arkaan Bariga Qudus in ay tahay caasimadda dalka ay Mustaqbalka yagleeli doonaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Erdogan: ” Haddii uu Mareykanka Qudus u aqoonsado inay tahay Caasimadda Israa’iil, waxaan si cad u sheegayaa inaan… “ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Laatikiya (Caasimadda Online) – Bishaar Al-Asad Madaxweynaha Dalka Syria ayaa Aroos wadareed u sameeyay boqolaal Askari oo ku dhaawacmay dagaalka ay dowladdiisa kula jirto Ururka Daacish iyo xoogaga ka soo hor jeeda dowladiisa ee Syria. Madaxweynaha Dalka Syria iyo Ururro ka shaqeeya arrimaha gudaha oo ka jira Dalkaaasi ayaa Aroos wadareed u sameeyay boqolaal ka mid ah Askarta dalkaas oo ku dhaawacmay dagaalka ay dowladda Syria kula jirto Ururka Daacish. Munaasibaddan ayaa lagu qabtay Magaalada Laatikiya ee dalka Syria,halkaas oo Askarta aroosayay ay xirnaayeen Tuutaha dagaalka halka Gabdhaha loo xiray Taaj ka sameysay Caddaan iyo Calanka Dalka Syria. Dadka ka hadlay Munaasibaddan ayaa u jeedka ku sheegay in Dadka dalkaas iyo Carruurtooda la jecleysiiyo dalkooda,Askartii naftooda u hurayna la abaal gudo. Dhacdadii tan ka horreeyay 2013kii ayaa 15 Askari mar qura loo guuriyay Dadka ka hadlay Munaasibaddan ayaa u jeedka ku sheegay in Dadka dalkaas iyo Carruurtooda la jecleysiiyo dalkooda,Askartii naftooda u hurayna loo abaal gudo. Arrintan ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in ay dhiirro gelin u tahay Qoysaska Wiilashooda ku dhaawacmeen dagaalka ay kula jiraan waxa ay dowladda Syria ugu yeerto Argagixisada. The post Sawiro: Madaxweyne hal sabab darteed qaar ka mid ah Ciidankiisa u dhigay Aroos wadareed appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. The Government of the United States, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a landmark Development Objective Assistance Agreement (DOAG) with the Federal Government of Somalia in Mogadishu today. The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Ali Khayre, the Minister of Planning, Investment, and Economic Development, H.E. Gamal Mohamed Hassan, the Minister of Finance, H.E. Abdirahman Dualeh Beileh, the USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Africa (DAA), Julie Koenen, and the U.S. Charge d’Affaires (CDA) to Somalia, Martin Dale, presided over the signing ceremony. The DOAG represents the first comprehensive bilateral development agreement signed between the U.S. government and the Federal Government of Somalia in over 30 years, and outlines USAID’s commitment to support activities that strengthen the foundation of a more stable, democratic and prosperous Somalia through support to democracy, governance, education, economic growth, and stabilization activities across the country. Activities funded under this Agreement will be implemented in close coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia. “The U.S. Government is committed to support the Federal Government of Somalia’s efforts in achieving stability through good governance, economic recovery, education and health.” said DAA Julie Koenen. “We believe that this agreement demonstrates our steadfast commitment to Somalia’s recovery and long term development goals.” CDA Martin Dale added, “This agreement marks a tremendous moment for the U.S. – Somali partnership, and underscores the U.S. commitment to helping the Somali people realize their aspirations for a more peaceful and prosperous future.” Since 2011, USAID has provided over $1.3 billion in humanitarian assistance and $328 million in development assistance to the people of Somalia. The post Press Release: USAID signed a landmark Development Objective Assistance Agreement (DOAG) with the Federal Government of Somalia appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Doha (Caasimada Online) – Wasiirka wasaaradda waxbarashadda, Hidaha iyo Tacliinta sare ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Cabdiraxmaan Daahir Cismaan iyo Wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa Booqasho Rasmiya oo Saddex Maalin Qaadatay ku yimid magaalada Dooxa ee Caasimada dalka Qatar. Wafdiga ayaa la kulmay Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare ee Dawladda Qadar Maxamed Xamaadi iyo Madaxda Wasaarada , Waxayna ka wada hadleen Dar-dar gelinta Heshiiskii ay horay labada dal u Saxeexdeen Sanadii 2015 kaasi oo ku saabsan Waxbarashada, Tacliinta Sare iyo Cilmi baadhista, iyadoona hada lagu Lagu kordhiyey Farsamada. Wafdiga Soomaaliya ayaa soo bandhigay Mashaariic ku saabsan dhinaca Horumarinta, Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare kuwaasi oo ay doonayaan in laga caawiyo, Iyadoona oo labada dhinac ay isku Afgarteen. Dhinaca kale Wafdiga DF-Somalia ayaa Kulan la Qaatay Agaasimaha guud ee Sanduuqa horumarinta ee Qatar Khalifa Jassim Al kuwari, iyo Madaxa Hay’ada Qatar Khayriya Yuusuf Al-kawari , Sidoo kalana waxay Booqasho ku tageen Jaamacadda Xamad Bin Khaliifa. Wasiirka wasaaradda waxbarashadda, Hidaha iyo Tacliinta sare ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Cabdiraxmaan Daahir Cismaan ayaa sheegay in dhamaan waxyaabihii ay ka wada hadleen Labada Dawladdood laga gaadhay guulo la taaban karo “Waxaanu ka wada hadalnay oo isla garanay Fulinta Heshiisyadii Hore, waxaana u sheegnay in Soomaaliya ku socoto Marxalad Horumarineed, oo aanu ka gudubnay Xaaladii Bini’aadanimo “ ayuu yidhi Wasiirka. The post Daawo Video: Maxaa u hirgalay wafdigii ay DF u dirtay dalka Qadar? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Waxaa Maalintii Labaad xiran Waddooyinka ugu muhiimsan Magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaas oo loo diiday inay isticmaalaan gawaarida dadweynaha iyo kuwa sida gaarka ah loo leeyahay. Haddaba waxaa Labadaan Berri jidadka Muqdisho ka bilowday isbaarooyin dadban oo ay dhiganayaan Ciidamada Dowladda. Kontaroolada ay Ciidamada dowladda ka joogaan jidadka la xiray ee Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka bilaabatay in gawaarida sida gaarka ah loo leeyahay, kuwa dadweynaha iyo Bajaajyada laga qaato lacago baad ah isla markaasna loo fasaxo inay jidadka isiticmaalaan. Ciidamadaan ayaa ka faa’ideysanayo xirnaanshiyaha Jidadka Muqdisho, waxaana la celinayaa gawaarida diido inay bixiyaan lacagta halka kuwa bixinayana la fasaxayo. meelaha ay sida weyn uga socoto arrintaan ayaa waxaa kamid ah Kontaroolada Ciidamada Xasilinta Muqdisho ee Isgoyska Digfeer, kan Seybiyaano iyo Midka Tarabuunka. Kontarooladaas ayaa waxaa mararka qaar laga maqlayaa rasaas lagu ridayo Gawaarida diido lacagtaas, waxaana muuqato in Xirnanaashaha jidka Muqdisho loo adeegsanayo qaab aysan dowladda iyo Saraakiisha Ciidamada waxba ka ogeyn. Arrintaan ayaa noqoto dhibaato kale oo kusoo korortay Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana muuqato inaysan Ciidamada dowladda iska dhaafi karin Isbaarooyinka iyo lacagaha baada ah. Jidadka Muqdisho ayaa loo xiray sabab lagu sheegay shirka Amni ee Muqdisho uga socdo Maalintii labaad dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Beesha Caalamka, kaasoo ah wajigii labaad ee Shirkii London ka dhacay. Source:
  24. Taliyaha qeybta 43-aad ee ciidanka xoogga dalka, Jeneraal Ismaaciil Saxardiid ayaa sheegay iney heleen xogo sheegaya in hoggaamiyaha Xarakada Al-shabaab Axmed Diiriye uu ku sugan yahay deegaanno ka tirsan gobolka Gedo. Taliyaha oo la hadlay warbaahinta dowladda ayaa sheegay in hoggaamiyaha Al-shabaab iyo ciidamo la socday ay kasoo tageen degmada Jilib ee Jubada Dhexe kadib cadaadis uu sheegay inuu kala kulmay howlgallada dhulka iyo kuwa cirka ah ee ay iska kaashanayaan ciidamada dowladda Federaalka iyo saaxiibada caalamka. “Xogo aan helnay ayaa sheegaya in Horjoogaha Al-shabaab ugu sareeya uu ku dhuumaaleysanayo qeybo ka mid ah Gobalka Gedo, isagoona kasoo cararay Degmada Jilib ee Gobalka Jubbada dhexe halkaas uu ku dhuumaaleysan jiray, isagoo ka baxsanaya hawgalada iyo duqeymaha Ciidamada xoogga dalka iyo Saaxibada caalamka ay ka wadaan qeybo ka mid ah Koonfurta Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri Taliyaha. Ugu dambeyn, taliyaha ayaa sheegay in ciidamada xoogga dalka ay diyaar u yihiin in gobolka Gedo iyo guud ahaan dalka laga saaro Al-shabaab. Goobjoog News Source