Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. MANDERA, Kenya, March 2 (Xinhua) -- Five Kenyan police officers were killed early Friday after suspected Al-Shabaab militants attacked two camps in Mandera County, northeast Kenya. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Mogadishu (HOL)) Somali President, Mohamed Abdullahi arrived in Uganda's capital Kampala on Thursday evening to attend a summit of AMISOM Troop Contributing Countries. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is on tour in Africa again. It is no longer about economic cooperation only. Turkey could also be much involved in the issue of security in the future. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Bosaso-[Puntland Post]-Shirkadda Nooceeda ku cusub yahay Puntland kana shaqeyn doonta hilibka ayaa markii ugu horeysay laga hirgaliyey Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta gobalka Bari,. Shirkadan ayaa loogu magacdaray Rugsan waxana fikir keeda leh dhalinyaro. Xafladda xarig jarka oo ka dhacday xarunta gudaheeda ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay mas’uuliyiin ka socotay wasaaradda xanaanada xoolaha Puntland, xildhibaano ka tirsanaa golaha deegaaanka degmada Bosaso iyo madax ka socotay Amal Bank. Dr Cabdiqani Huurse ismaaciil oo ah Maamulha shirkada ayaa sharaxaya adeegyada ay shirkada Rugsan ay bixin doonto. Shirkada Rugsan waxa ay ka shaqeyn doonta ibinta hilibka iyada oo la ilaalinayo tayada neefka la qalayo iyo caafimaadkiisa. ”Rugsan waxa ay u shaqeyn doonta qaab caalami ah oo dinida hor martay ay isticmaasho ‘ Shirkadda qof walba isagoo gurigiisa jooga ayuu ka helayaa hilibka tayo leh, waa shirkadda casri ah oo lagu soo kordhiyey markii ugu horeysay ”.Puntland ayuu yiri Sidaas wax yiri Madax shirkada Rugsan Dr Cabdiqani Huruuse . Isuduwaha wasarad Xanaanada Xoolaha ee gobalka Bari,Maxamed Warsame iyo Madaxa Arima Buslshada ee dawlada hoose xildhibaan Galeyr ayaa si wada jir ah u soo dhaweyey shirkadan waxana ay qireen in adeegyada noocan oo kale ah baahi loo qabay. shirkadan Rugsan ka shaqeyn doonta iibinta hilibka iyada oo adeegsanaysa qalab casri ah ayaa noqonays markii ugu horaysa oo shirkada qaabilsan hilibka laga hirgaliyo Puntland . Hoos ka Daawo Muuqalka Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post- Bosaso The post Magaalada Bosaso oo laga hir geliyey shirkad iibisa hilibka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. So far, SEK 200 million ($24 million) has been transferred abroad using the Transfer Galaxy service, but soon it could be a matter of billions. The team at the transfer galaxy. From the left: Khalid Qassim, CEO Yosef Mohamed, Mustafa Ibrahim, Ali Mohamed and Abdirahman Ahmed Huhule. Photo: Press image Transfer Galaxy, a company founded by Somali immigrants for cheap and handy money transfers is expanding rapidly and has acquired SEK 30 million ($3.6 million) in venture capital, the Dagens Industri economic daily reported. The company was founded by Somalis Yosef Mohamed and Khalid Qassim in the migrant-dense Vivalla district in the city of Örebro, which is present on the police list of blighted areas as “extremely vulnerable.” Before Transfer Galaxy arrived, Somali immigrants had to avail themselves of a local representative’s services for money transfers, which spurred the entrepreneurial duo into creating “Swish for migrants” as a cheap alternative. “Send money to your loved ones,” the front page of the service’s website says. The aim of the $3.6 million support from the company Backing Minds and the Alfvén & Didrikson investment company will allow it to grow internationally. Earlier, the company grew by customers recommending the service to others, now extra staff will be employed to speed up the growth. According to Susanne Najafi, one of the founders of Backing Minds, Transfer Galaxy is one of the fastest-growing companies in Sweden. “I believe this company will be valued at over one billion kronor in the future,” Najafi told Dagens Industri, pointing out that the company is growing by a double-digit percentage each month. The company was started in 2015 and subsequently grew to attract 600 loyal customers. Since then, the company has grown considerably and after acquiring a license from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, helped its customers from 25 European nations to send almost SEK 200 million ($24 million) abroad via mobile or computer. “We want to become a global company and Vivalla’s largest employer,” Transfer Galaxy CEO Yosef Mohamed told Dagens Industri. At present, unemployment in Vivalla is three times higher than in the rest of Orebro. According to Transfer Galaxy, $605 billion is being sent to immigrants’ home countries every year internationally. Therefore, the company aims to specifically address those two billion people in the world who do not have access to a regular bank. “For example, in Somalia, the founders’ home country, 73 percent use mobile money, compared with only 15 percent of the population who use a traditional bank,” the company wrote in a press-release. Source: The post Swish for Migrants’ One of Sweden’s ‘Fastest-Growing Companies’ appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. KAMPALA — Officials from countries that contribute to AMISOM, the African Union force in Somalia, are meeting this week in Uganda to discuss a transitional security plan for the troubled country. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Dubai (Caasimadda Online)– Ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda federaalka Somalia, Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa ogolaaday heshiis meel ku dhac ku ah qaranimada Somalia, meel ku dhacna ku ah dowladda federaalka, muujineysana faragelinta ay dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ku hayso Somalia. Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa shirqool siyaasadeed u dhigay Xasan Cali Kheyre, hase ahaatee lagama fileyn inuu ogolaado shirqoolkaasi loo dhigay oo uu ku ogolaaday in heshiiska dekadda Berbera dhaco, dowladda Itoobiyana saami ku yeelato halka dowladda Somalia ay banaanka ka taagan tahay. Heshiiskaan oo dhacay 1-Marso, ayaa dowladda Itoobiya saami dhan 19% ku yeelan doontaa dekadda Berbera, halka maamulka Somaliland qaadan doono 30% inta soo hartayna oo ah 51% shirkadda DP World ee Imaaraadka la tegayaan. Heshiiskaan oo lagu soo beegay xili Xasan Cali Kheyre uu ku sugan yahay Imaaraadka, sababta loogu casuumayna ay tahay in uu ogolaado oo cadaadis lagu saaro inuu dhaco heshiiskaan, taasoo uu si fudud u aqbalay. waxaase ay fadeexad iyo wajigabax ku tahay ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre inuu cod hoose ku ogolaado faragelinta qaawan ee Imaaraadka iyo meel ku dhaca qaranimada Somalia. Warar hoose ayaa xaqiijinaaya in RW Kheyre loo gacan geliyay malaayiin dollar iyo balan qaadyo loo sameeyay, tasoo keentay in si fudud ku aqbalo heshiiskaan oo aan la ogeyn sida ay isku fahmi doonaan madaxda sare sida madaxweynaha iyo guddoonka labada aqal. Baarlamaanka Somalia ayaa looga fadhiyaa tallaabada uu ka qaadan doono arrintaan foosha xun, hase ahaatee waxaa horay baarlamaanka u yiilay mooshino ka dhan ahaa heshiisyada Imaaraadka ee maamulka dekaddaha Berbera iyo saldhiga milatari ee uu ka dhisanayo, kaasoo hakad la geliyay kadib culeys madaxda sare lagu saaray inay arintaan laalaan. Madaxda dowladda ayaa balanqaadyo dhaqaale ka hela Imaaraadka oo sameyn ballaaran ku yeeshay arrimaha Somalia, danahoodana si fudud u fuliya. The post Ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre oo wax ka ogolaaday heshiiska ay Itoobiya saamiga ugu yeelaneyso dekadda Berbera appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. The post Daawo Video: Dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo malaayiin dollar oo maalgashi ah ku guuleystay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Dubai (Caasimadda Online) – Heshiis saddex geesood ah oo ay wadagaleen shirkadda dekedaha ee DP World, Somaliland iyo Itoobiya; ayaa dowladda Itoobiya la shaaciyay inay si rasmi ah qeyb uga noqotay maamulka Dekadda Berbera. Heshiiskan oo maanta ka dhacay magaalada Abu Dhabi ayaa DP World waxa ay yeelaneysaa maalgashiga dekedda Berbera saami dhan 51%, halka ay Somaliland yeelaneyso 30%; Itoobiya ayaa oo DP World u aqoonsatay heshiiska ka noqoto dhinac Istiraatiijia ah, iyadoo la siiyay saami gaaraya 19%; iyada oo Itoobiya maalgashan doonto dhismaha muhiimka u ah dekedda Berbera. Guddoomiyha Shirkadda DP-World Axmed Bin Suleymaan ayaa ku sheegay heshiiska u dhexeeya shirkaddiisa DP-Worl, Somaliland iyo Itoobiya mid waxtar leh, isaga oo muujiyey sida uu ugu faraxsan yahay hirgelinta fursad ay kuwada shaqeeyaan Itoobiya oo ku sheegay in ay tahay waddanka 110; milyan oo dad ah. Sacad Cali Shire; Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda, iskaashiga & xiriirka caalamiga ah ee Somaliland ayaa sheegay dhankiisa in mashruucani yahay mid aad muhiim ugu ah Somaliland; kaas oo xal u noqon doona mashaakil ay wajaheysay Somaliland; sida shaqo la’aanta iyo maalgashiga. Heshiiska dekeda Berbera ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo dowlada Jabuuti ay ka laabatay heshiis ay shirkadda DP WORLD ku dhiseysay dekeda Dooraale ee dalkeeda. The post Akhriso Qoraalka Rasmiga ah ee DP World oo Dowladda Itoobiya lagu siiyey Saami ka mida Dekadda Berbera appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. The Agricultural Development Minister Hon. Ahmed Mumin Seed on Thursday visited Gebiley region to inspect water and soil conservation project which was launched in Biji district. The minister was accompanied by the director general, German Development Bank officials who have funded the project. The minister has expressed his hope that the project will bear fruit and will increase food production in Somaliland. He urged that the farmers in the district to set a good example that the rest of farming community in the country will emulate. Mr. Seed revealed that this the beginning of project which has just started in the district and will be followed by other various projects. The minister in his speech has reiterated that the time is right to benefit from running water which will be conserved and will not erode the soil. These are the problems that hampered the farmers in the country to develop and be successful. The minister has expressed thanks to the German Development Bank (KFW) for their support.
  11. By Ahmed Abdi Hargeisa, Somaliland (Somalilandinformer) President Muse Bihi Abdi made a surprise visit to the Ministry of Defense and Police HQ in Hargeisa on Thursday. President Abdi was greeted warmly by the senior military officials from the military and the police including the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Somaliland Police Force Major General Abdilahi Fadal Iman and Minister of Defense Isse Ahmed Yusuf (Hawar). During his visit, President Abdi has inspected the armies battle readiness, their moral and their situation and has seen new buildings and infrastructures. The President commended for their contribution to the national service and told them that he will make his priorities for the well-being of these national institutions. The President was accompanied by deputy interior minister Mohamed Muse Dirie.
  12. The self-declared Republic of Somaliland is looking to the Gulf secure its borders within the horn of Africa due to the regional instability. The autonomous state is also looking to deepen its economic and security ties with Arabian Gulf countries, Foreign Minister Saad Ali Shire told Al Arabiya English’s exclusive #TheUnrecognizedRepublic. In February 2017 the Somaliland parliament voted to provide the United Arab Emirates a military and naval base in the port city of Berbera. The vote followed an agreement between Dubai Ports World and the Government of Somaliland to acquire the port of Berbera over a 30-year period. “More than 30 thousand ships pass through the red sea every year and into our seas and we see it important to keep that important maritime route open and free from piracy and we hope that the presence of the UAE military will add to the security of the region,” the foreign minister said on #TheUnrecognizedRepublic. Despite the country’s 800-kilometer-long shores on the Indian ocean they were able to free it from the threat of piracy. “Piracy is a land base crime and we have managed to ensure that pirates do not have that base in Somaliland, we have a coast guard that is efficient and is developing and we hope that it will be further developed with the United Arab Emirates which is taking care of the security of the seas” Shire insisted that the presence of the UAE in Somaliland will strengthen the stability and security in the region. “There is a lot of contention in this region at the present time and unfortunately we are being brought back to the bad cold war days and we believe that the presence of the United Arab Emirates will bring stability in the region,” he said. The country is facing a number of threats, the minister said, therefore making a security partnership with the UAE vital. Threats include extremism, piracy, illegal immigration, human trafficking, as well as the unstable situation in Somalia and the war in Yemen. “We have given a security facility to the United Arab Emirates and people have raised concerns regarding this being destabilizing to the region, however we view this as a stabilizing factor in the region,” he said. Deepening relations with the Gulf Economically, the foreign minister Shire said that Somaliland would like to deepen its relations with the Gulf countries. “We would like to get more investors from the gulf countries and we would like to see more trade flows from the region and I would like to see our economies more integrated,” he said. Currently Saudi Arabia is the country’s main export destination. The main exports are livestock as well as commercial ties and relations with Oman and Kuwait, he said. “We have a lot of opportunities for investments in different areas, in agriculture in livestock, minerals, tourism, and services.” The Somaliland government is also planning to set up an investment company with in the Dubai International Financial Center to facilitate investment in Somaliland. “Its role will be to create, joint venture companies with investors from different parts of the world and it will be a facilitating company basically where the companies would be working in Somaliland but the formation will take place here in Dubai,” Shire said. Al Arabiya English
  13. This report comes from an activist whose family comes from the Somali region of Ethiopia. 20,000 inmates are believed to be held incommunicado throughout the Ogaden territory. Most of these inmates are the local population who were thought to be sympathetic to Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF.) However, many of them were residents in the neighbouring countries, Djibouti and Somalia’s autonomous states (Somaliland, Puntland, Galmugud, SouthWest state, etc) and Mogadishu, who were transferred to Ethiopia with the help of the Ethiopian security operating in Somalia and Djibouti and Ethiopian embassies and consulates in Djibouti city, Hargeisa, Garowe, Badao and Mogadishu. Most of those political inmates were jailed by Abdi Iley after false confessions. In 2005, Abdi Mohamoud Omar, the Ethiopia-appointed Regional President of Ogaden, which is officially named ‘Somali Regional State of Ethiopia (RSE)’, then the head of the Security Forces of the Somali militias launched a massive counterinsurgency campaign in the Ogaden regional state with the goal of wiping out the ONLF. In his brutal campaign, Abdi Iley sent tens of thousands of people to the notorious camp better known as ‘Jail Ogaden’ in Jigjiga, about 80 kilometers east of the city of Harar. He is the only person who can be authorise access to the jail. Abdi Mohamoud Omar holds also the post of the Chief Commander of Liyu Police, which clearly shows the importance attributed to this shameful, repressive institution and to the destructive role it plays within Ogaden. Abdi Mohamoud Omar (Abdi Ilay) holds a meeting with every fresh graduate; in the brief discussion, he offers his dark advice to the graduates, asking the well-trained forces to “indoctrinate the women with the male phallus and the men with guns”. The notorious Liyu Police, a paramilitary combat force, was founded on 5 May 2005 and are trained in Garab’ase military barracks of Jigjiga, Capital of Ogaden. Abdi Iley has built his core power base on members of his own Reer Ali Yusuf sub-clan of the Ogaden clan, who make up 1 percent of the Ogaden population. Reer Ali Yusuf – percent of the population He receives the support of the Ethiopian Generals stationing in the provinces of Harar and Qorahay of the Occupied Ogaden region. The commander of Special (Liyuu) Police Abdirahman Laba’gole arrested nearly 100 people from Djibouti on January 20, 2011. Sanyare and another cruel colonel called Muktar Suubane are the two special assassins that Abdi Iley uses for high-profile killings and often go after refugees in Kenyan camps and elsewhere. My younger brother who was deported from Saudi Arabia was among of them. He tried to enter into the Ogaden and he was arrested by the Somali militia that he has always adored them. They asked him to get off from the truck and arrested him from the border town of Tog Wajaale (Wajaale) and took him to Jigjiga prisoner, which he served 9 months before he and 800 others were released following a pardon by Abdi Mohammed Omer. Sanyare and another cruel colonel called Muktar Suubane are the two special assassins that Abdi Iley uses for high-profile killings. Eritrea Hub
  14. Demada Burtinle ee Gobolka Nugaal waxaa si hab sami leh uga socoda Mashruuc biyo galin ah oo laga samaynayo Afarta xaafadood ee degmadu ay ka koo ban tahay Mashruucan ayaa soo socday mudo 2- bilood ah ,waxaana dhawaan lafilayaa in la soo gaba gabeeyo wajiga koowaad ee biyo galinta Degmada Burtinle. Dhalinyaro farabadan ayaa Mashruucan biyo galinta Magaalada ka helay shaqo Abuur ,kuwaa oo nolol maalmeedka ay ka helaan shaqadan ku dabara nolosha qoysas kooda. Mash,ruucan biyo galinta degmada ayaa waxaa iska kaa shaday Shirkada Mawaazii, Ganacsato, Dowladda , iyo Hay,ada Baasawayn . Halkan ka dhagayso . Codada burtinle
  15. DUBAI, March 1 (Reuters) – Dubai’s state-owned DP World said on Thursday the Ethiopian government had taken a 19 percent stake in Somaliland’s Port of Berbera. The port operator said it would retain a 51 percent stake in the port and that Somaliland would retain 30 percent. DP World took a 65 percent stake in the port in 2016 as part of a joint venture with the government of Somaliland under a 30-year concession. Financial details were not disclosed but the statement said the Ethiopian government would invest to develop the Berbera Corridor, a road from the border with Ethiopia to Berbera. DP World said in 2016 that up to $442 million would be invested to develop the port. Somaliland’s small port exports camels to the Middle East and imports food and other items. It also provides some transport links for neighbouring Ethiopia, a landlocked country that has friendly relations with the breakaway region. Thursday’s deal with Ethiopia comes a week after neighbouring Djibouti ended its contract with DP World to run its Doraleh Container Terminal. The port operator has called the move an illegal seizure.
  16. Transfer Galaxy, a company founded by Somali immigrants for cheap and handy money transfers is expanding rapidly and has acquired SEK 30 million ($3.6 million) in venture capital, the Dagens Industri economic daily reported. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. Madaxweynaha Dowlada Fadaraalka soomaaliya Maxamed C/laahi farmaajo ayaa manta u Ambabaxay Magaalada Kampala ee Caasimada Uganda halkaas oo uu kaga qaybgali doono shir looga hadlayo istiraa tiijiyada xoojinta Ciidamada Soomaliya si loogu diyaariyo Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya in ay lawareegaan Amaanka dalka Soomaaliya marka ay Ciidamada Amisom bixidood ay ka faaruqdo Soomaaliya. Shirka ayaa waxa uu furmi doonaa maalinta bari ah ,waxaana ka qayb gali doona Madaxda wadamada ay Ciidamadooda ay kaga sugan yihiin dalka Soomalaiya. Shirkaasi ka furmaya Magaalada Kampala ayaa ka hor inta uusan maalinta bari ah furmin waxaa maanta Kampala ku shiray Wasiirada gaashaan dhiga ee Ciidamadooda ay ka joogan dalka Soomaaliya , waxaana laga soo saaray Shirka baaq lagu dalbanayo taageero dheeraad ah oo la siiyo Amisom. Shirkan ayaa daba socday shir horay uga dhacay Sanadkii hore ee 2017 kii dalka Maraykanka. Ciidamada Amisom ee soomaaliya ku sugan ayaa lagu sheegay shirka in ay hada yihiin 21,626 Askari, kuwaas oo la sheegay in meelihii ay kaga sugnaayeen dalka soomaaliya Amisom ay soo yaraanayso Awoodii iyo is gaarsiintii Ciidamada ay kuwada xiriirayeena ay sii kor dhayso, sidaasi darteedna waxa ay dalbadeen taageero dhaqaale oo deg deg ah .
  18. Members of Somali women lawmakers and senior officials from AMISOM in a group photo at the end of a workshop on capacity building in Mogadishu on February 28, 2018. The workshop was aimed at empowering lawmakers, to protect and promote rights of women, children and other marginalized groups. AMISOM Photo / Ilyas Ahmed MOGADISHU (AMISOM) – Somali women legislators today resolved to work together in parliament to push for laws targeting the protection of the rights of women, children and marginalized groups. The legislators from both the House of the People and Upper House made the resolution at the end of the three-day workshop, organized by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), to train them on their legislative roles. Some of the topics covered during the workshop are; constituency relations management, interpersonal skills for parliamentarians, networking, leadership, team-building and effective communication and enacting laws that protect human rights. Led by the Chairpersons of the Women Caucuses of the House of the People and Upper House, the parliamentarians resolved to apply the knowledge gained from the workshop to formulate bills and push for enactment of laws that will improve the lives of women and children. “We have been undergoing a three-day training which has concluded today and the objectives of the training were met, the participants from both houses achieved their goals. The training was useful,” said Shukri Aden Mohamed, the Chairperson of the Women Caucus of the Upper House. Ms. Mohamed said the legislators were also taught how to lobby their fellow parliamentarians to support bills that will benefit their constituents. The Chairperson of the Women Caucus of the House of the People, Mina Hassan Mohamed, expressed similar sentiments, noting that the training was timely, given the number of new female parliamentarians in the August House. “The training was extremely important to us because being a parliamentarian is not only in the name but also your ability to learn,” Dr. Mohamed observed. She noted that the knowledge acquired will enable women parliamentarians discharge their duties effectively and also actively participate in the decision making process in Somalia. The two chairpersons urged development partners to emulate AMISOM by helping organize similar training workshops in federal states to benefit women MPs in regional assemblies. Ms. Fawzia Yusuf Adam, a member of the House of the People, also lauded AMISOM for organizing the workshop, adding that the gesture was proof of African Union’s commitment to the advancement of the rights of women and protection of children in Somalia. Due to the elaborate advocacy programmes launched by AMISOM and other development partners, the representation of women in parliament increased to 24 percent in the 2016 electoral process, up from 14 percent in the previous parliament of 2012-2016 period. The three-day workshop, held in Mogadishu, was funded by the British Embassy in Mogadishu as part of the support to the AU Mission’s stabilization efforts in Somalia. Source: AMISOM The post Somali women MPs resolve to push for gender-sensitive laws in parliament appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Ethiopia will hold 19 percent stake of the Somali port of Berbera, following its signing of an agreement Thursday with Dubai Ports (DP) World and the Somaliland Port Authority. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Afgooye (Caasimadda Online) – Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Shabeellaha Hoose Ibraahim Aadam Najax oo u waramay Radio Muqdisho waxa uu ka digay dhulalka la kala iibsanayo iyo kuwa uu sheegay in la boobayo oo ku yaala Deegaanka Jazeera ee Duleedka Muqdisho oo hoostaga Degmada Afgooye. Gudoomiyaha waxa uu tilmaamay in dadka looga baahanyahay inaysan Waraaqo been abuur ah in dhulal looga iibsado ha dhowna ay ka timaado dhibaato. “Waxaan rabaa inaan halkaan baaq uga diro dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool nawaaxiga Jazeera iyo ganacsatada ah inaan lagu qaldin dhulka ay dowladda leedahay, sharciyadana ay iyada u leedahay inay bixiso, waan ognay waxaa jira shaqsiyaad wata waraaqo been abuur ah oo doonaya inay dadka ka iibiyaan dhulka danta guud” ayuu yiri Guddoomiyaha. Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Shabeelaha hoose ayaa intaa kudaray inay kawarhayaan kuna dabajoogaan dadka sidasharcidarada ah ku iibanaya dhulalka danta guud. Ibraahim Aadan Najax ayaa sheegay in si gaar ah ay uga digayaan dadka Boobaya ama sida Sharci darada ah u iibsanaya dhulka ku teedsan xeebta Jazeera. Ugu danbayntii guddoomiyaha ayaa tilmaamay in arintaan ay soo faragalinayaan maamulka deegaanka Jasiira ee degmada Afgooye iyo hay’adaha amaanka talaabo sharci ahna ay ka qaadi doonaan dadka arimahaan ku lugta leh. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Guddoomiyaha Gobalka Shabeellaha Hoose oo ka digay dhul boob ka socda deegaanka Jazeera appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ugu yaraan lix qof ayaa la xaqiijiyay inay ku dhinteen tiro intaas ka badanna ay ku dhaawacmeen hoobiyeyaal gellinkii dambe ee maanta ku dhacay qaybo ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho. Madaafiicdan oo aan la ogeyn meel ay ka yimaadeen ayaa ku dhacay Xaafado ka tirsan Degmada Yaaqshiid – Gaar ahaan agagaarka Garoonka kubadda cagta ee Stadium Muqdisho oo saldhig u ah ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM. Goobjoogayaal ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in illaa toban hoobiye ay kusoo dhaceen deegaannadaas, kuwasoo inta badan ku dhacay xaafado daris la ah Baar Ayaan oo ku yaalla Waddada Soddonka dhinaca Degmada Yaaqshiid. “Hoobiyeyaal tiro ah ayaa xaafadda kusoo dhacay, waxaana ku dhintay inta aan ognahay lix qof, tiro intaas ka badanna way ku dhaacmeen, mana ogin cidda lagu weerarayay,” ayay yiraahdeen dadka deegaanka oo warbaahinta la hadlay. Ma jirto cid sheegatay inay mas’uul ka tahay duqeyntan, waxaana goobtaas gaaray ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda Somalia, kuwaasoo billaabay inay baaraan goobaha ay madaafiicdan ka yimaadeen iyo cidda ka dambeysa. Dhanka kale, Qarax is-miidaamin ah oo lala eegtay ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda Somalia oo ku sugnaa bar koontarool oo ku taalla dulleedka Muqdisho, waxaana mas’uuliyaddiisa sheegatay kooxda Al-shabaab. Mas’uuliyiin la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in weerarkaas ay ka hor-tageen ciidamada, isla markaana khasaaraha uu geystay ay tahay mid aad u yar, xaaladduna ay hadda daggan tahay. Sidoo kale, Goobjoogayaal ku sugan deegaanka Siinka dheer oo ah halka uu Qaraxu ka dhacay ayaa sheegay in gaariga uu dhibaato xooggan halkaas ka geystay ayna arkeen dhaawacyada saddex qof oo laba ka mid ah ay shacab ahaayeen. Kooxda Al-shabaab oo ka hadashay Qaraxan ayaa sheegay inay la beegsatay ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda Somalia ayna ku dileen tiro askar ah oo halkaas ku sugnaa. Ugu dambeyn, Weerarkan Ismiidaaminta ah iyo duqeymahan Muqdisho ka dhacay ayaa waxay kusoo beegmayaa iyadoo shalay Qaramada Midoobay ay ka digtay in laga yaabo inay Muqdisho ka dhacaan Qaraxyo ismiidaamin ah oo ay soo abaabushay Al-shabaab. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaafiic lagu duqeeyay Muqdisho iyo Qarax ka dhacay Siinka Dheer oo Sababay Dhimasho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Shirkii Golaha Wasiirada dowladda Puntland ee maanta ayaa lagu ansixiyay,xeerarka Habka Hubinta Badeecooyinka iyo kan shaqaalaha rajidka ah ee Puntland,sida ku cad qoraal laga soo saaray shirkaasi. Xeerka Habka Hubinta Badeecooyinka ayaa looga golleeyahay,sidii looga hortegi lahaa waxyeellada badeecooyinka dhacay iyo kuwa sumaysan ee la soo geliyo degaannada Puntland,halka xeerka shaqaalaha rayidka ahna lagu xoojinayo horumarinta shaqaalaha Puntland. Dhinca kale madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland,Cabdiweli Maxammed Cali(Gaas) oo shirkaan guddoominayey ayaa Wasaaradda Amniga ku amray in la ilaaliyo xuquuqda askarta ku dhinta difaaca Puntland. Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa sidoo kale Wasaaradaha ay khuseyso ku amray in la fuliyo dhammaan go’aannada ku aaddan xakameynta khatarta kaalmaha shidaalka ee magaalooyinka Puntland,go’aannadaasi oo ay dhowaan soo gudbiyeen guddi loo xilsaaray. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Gaas oo amray in la ilaaliyo xuquuqda askarta dhinta difaaca Puntland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa galabta u ambabaxay magaalada Kampala ee caasimadda dalka Uganda, halkaas oo Maalinta berri ah uu ka furmi doono shir ku saabsan istaraatiijiyadda xoojinta Ciidanka Soomaaliya. Shirkan ayaa diiradda lagu saari doonaa iskaashiga dagaalka ka dhanka argagixisada Alshabaab, tayeynta Ciidanka Soomaaliya iyo xoojinta wada shaqeynta ka dhaxeysa Ciidamada Qalabka Sida iyo kuwa AMISOM. Madaxda dalalka ciidamdu ay ka joogaan Soomaaliya, xubnaha joogtada ah ee Golaha Ammaanka Qaramada Midoobey, Madax ka socota Beesha Caalamka, Midowga Yurub iyo Midowga Afrika ayaa ka qeyb gelaya shirkan, iyadoona Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu u hor dhigo doono qorshe Soomaaliyeed oo ku qotoma ammaanka iyo dib u dhiska ciidamada. Madaxweynaha oo maalmihii u dambeeyey kormeer ku tagay xarumaha Gaashaandhigga, Nabad Sugidda iyo Booliska ayaa kala hadli doona Beesha Caalamka in ay kala shaqeeyaan hir gelinta istaraatiijiyaddan, maadama ay ka tarjumeyso rabitaanka dhabta ah ee Dowladda iyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Wasiirka Gaashandhigga Xukumada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Sheekh C/raxmaan oo ka mid ah wafdiga Soomaaliya uga qeyb galaya shirka ayaa yiri “Shirkan waa mid muhiimad gaar ah u leh qorsheyaasha la xiriira dib u dhiska ciidanka, iyadoona DFS ay u gudbineyso Madaxda shirkan qorshe cad oo ku saabsan sidii ciidamada Soomaaliya ay ula wareegi lahaayeen masuuliyadda difaaca dalkooda, taas oo Madaxweynuhu ka codsan doono in ay ku taageeraan.” Sidoo kale, inta uu shirku socdo waxa jiri doona shirar-doceedyo uu Madaxweyne Farmaajo la yeelan doono qaar ka mid ah Madaxda iyo masuuliyiinta ka soo qeyb galaya shirka, iyadoona uu kala hadli doono sidii ay u dardar gelin lahaayeen taageerada ay ku siiyaan DFS dagaalka ka dhanka ah argagixisada Alshabaab . Ugu dambeyn, Wafdiga Madaxweynaha ee ka qeyb gelaya Shirkan waxaa ka mid ah Wasiirka Gaashandhigga Xukumada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Sheekh C/raxmaan, Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Sarreeye Gaas C/wali Jaamac Warsame Gorod, La-teliyaasha Madaxweynaha ee dhanka Amniga Qaranka iyo Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidanka. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Somalia oo ka Qayb-galaya shir ku saabsan Xoojinta Ciidamada Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Benaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho Mudane C/raxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Eng. Yarisow) ayaa maanta xariga ka jaray xafiisyada Adeegga ee degmooyinka Hodan iyo Hawlwadaag ee Gobolka Benaadir. Xafiisyada Adeegga heer degmo ee la hir geliyey ayaa bixin doona adeegyada shatiyada, dhalashada iyo sugnaanta, kaarka aqoonsiga ee dawladda hoose, Nootaayooyinka iyo adeegyada kale ee aasaasiga ah, kuwaas oo markii hore shacabku ay u soo doonan jireen Xarunta Gobolka. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Eng. Yarisow ayaa sheegay in xarumahan cuusb oo maamulku hirgaliyey ay bilow u yihiin daadajinta adeegyada bulshada, isaga oo xaqiijiyey in Maamulka Gobolka uu xooga saarayo sidii dadweynaha ku nool Gobolka Benaadir ay degmooyinkooda uga heli lahaayeen adeegyada ay uga baahanyihiin Maamulka gobolka. “Waxaan kula dardaarmayaa shaqaalaha howsha qaban doona in ay bulshada ugu adeegaan si hufan iyo in loo fududeeyo dadweynaha adeegyada ay xafiisyadan uga baahan yihiin, iyada oo sharafatooda la dhowrayo, waxaana ka maamul ahaan diyaar u nahay in aan dhammaan adeegyada asaasiga ah sidaan oo kale bulshada usoo gaarsiinno.” Ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Yariisow. Sidoo kale, Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Maamulka iyo Maaliyadda ee Gobolka Banaadir iyo Guddoomiyaasha labada degmo ayaa goob joog ka ahaa furitaanka xarumahan. Ugu dambeyn, Dadka ku nool degmooyinka Gobolka Benaadir ayaa aad usoo dhaweeyey tallaabadan Maamulka Banaadir uu qaaday maadaama ay markii hore adeegyada maanta degmooyinkooda loogu geeyey ay usoo aadi jireen Xarunta Dawladda Hoose ee Xamar. PUNTLAND POST The post Xarummo cusub oo bixin doona Adeegga Bulshada ku nool Muqdisho oo xarigga laga jaray appeared first on Puntland Post.
  25. Labo wareegto oo maanta ka soo baxay xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa mid lagu kala diray Golahii deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso, halka mida kalana lagu magacaabay Gudoomiye iyo ku xigeenka kumeel gaarka ah. Kala dirada Golahii deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso ayaa loo cuskaday markii la sheegay inay hanan waayeen shaqadii loo igmaday kana bixi waayeen is-qabqabsi. Dhanka kale Waiir ku xigeenkii Wasaarada Maaliyadda Puntland Cabdisalaan Bashiir Cabdisalaan ayaa si ku meel gaar ah loogu magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Degmada Boosaaso, halka Siciid Cabdirxmaan Maxamed loo magacay ku xigeen. Wareegtadii lagu kala diray Golaha deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso. Xeer Madaxweyne Lr. 31March 01, 2018, kuna saabsan Kala dirid Golaha Deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland. Markuu arkay: Dastuurka Dawladda Puntland. Markuu tixgaliyey: Tala soo Jeedinta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer Miyiga. Marky caddaatay: Inay hanan waayeen shaqadii loo igmaday kana bixi waayeen is-Qabqabsi . Wuxuu xeeriyey. Waxaa la Kala diray Golaha Deegaanka Degmada Boosaaso. Xeerkani wuxuu dhaqan gelayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxeexo, wuuna saxeexay Madaxweynuhu. Wareegtadii lagu magacaabay Guddoomiyaha iyo ku xigeenka ku meel gaarka ah ee Degmada Boosaaso. Xeer Madaxweyne Lr.32 March 01, 2018, kuna saabsan magacaabid Guddoomiyaha Iyo Gudoomiye Ku Xigeenka Kumeel Gaarka ah ee Degmada Boosaaso. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland. Markuu arkay: Dastuurka dawladda Puntland. Markuu tixgaliyey: Baahida loo qabo in ay sii socoto shaqada maamulka Degmada Boosaaso. Marku Qiimeeyey: Tala soo Jeedinta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta reer miyiga. Waxaa Cabdisalaan Bashiir Cabdisalaan si ku meel gaara loogu magacaabay Guddoomiyaha Degmada Boosaaso. 2.Waxaa Siciid Cabdirxmaan Maxamed si ku meel gaar ah loogu magacaabay ku – Xigeenka Guddoomiyaha Degmada Boosaaso. Xeerkani wuxuu dhaqan gelayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxiixo, wuuna saxiixay Madaxweynuhu. PUNTLAND POST The post Golihii deegaanka Bosaso oo la kala diray iyo Gudoomiye iyo ku xigeen ku meel gaara oo la magacaabay appeared first on Puntland Post.