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Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho Eng Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Yariisow) ayaa sheegay in xirnaanshiyaha waddooyinka Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwo ay sabab u sameysay dowlada Somalia. Guddoomiye Yariiswo, waxa uu sheegay in Hay’adaha Amniga ee dowladda uu kala hadlay Cabasho dadweynaha kasoo gaartay Xirnaashiyaha Wadooyinka Caasimadda. Waxa uu sheegay in lagu qanciyay sababo dhanka amniga ah, balse uu markii danbe dalbaday in shacabka laga dulqaado culeyska oo aan la xirin waddooyinka aadka u mashquulka badan. Yariisow ayaa tilmaamay in intii ay xirnaayeen wadooyinka Muqdisho ay Ciidamada Ammaanka kahor tageen Qaraxyo la damacsanaa in Magaalada laga geysto, taasina ay qeyb ka aheyd asbaabaha loo xiray waddooyinka. ‘’Dadku ma arkaan waxa loo xiray waddooyinka hadda tusaale maalmaha ay xirnaayeen waddooyinka waxa ay ciidamadu gacanta ku dhigeen Gaadiid sida Qaraxyo’’ ‘’Shacabku ha muujiyaan dulqaad si loo xaqiijiyo amnigooda,waxaanu u taaganahay ka hortaga weerarada’’ Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayuu intaa raaciyay in shacabka ay ka raaligelinayaan xirnaanshaha wadooyinka, wuxuuna tilmaamay sababta loo xiray wadooyinka in ay aheyd in ammaanka la xaqiijiyo, si looga hortago falal amini xumi oo dhaca. Dhinaca kale, hadalka gudoomiye Yariisow ayaa imaanaya kadib maalmo ay xernaayeen wadooyinka qaar ee Muqdisho shalay na dib loo furay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post ‘’Gaadiid lagu soo raray Qaraxyo ayaan qabanay ee shacabku ha muujiyaan dulqaad si loo xaqiijiyo amnigooda’’ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa lagu wadaa in uu maanta ka furmo shir looga hadlaayo arrimaha barakacayaasha gudaha iyo Dadka Soomaalida ah ee ka soo laabtay dalka Yemen. Shirkan oo uu qaban qaabiyay Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, ayaa waxaa ka qeybgelaya dowladda Federaalka ah,Dowlad Goboleedyada,Hay’adaha ka shaqeeya arrimaha bani’adamnimada iyo Ururrada Bulshada Rayidka ah. Qodobada xooga lagu saari doono shirka ayaa waxaa kamid ah: 1-Xaaladda Dhabta ah oo ay ku nool yihiin Barakacayaasha Muqdisho. 2-Xaaladda amni ee kaamamka Barakacayaasha Muqdisho. 3-Aragtida iyo Sharuucyadda dalka ee la xariira Arrimaha Barakacayaasha iyo Qaxootiga soo laabtay. 4-Sida dib u dejin loogu sameyn karo barakacayaasha iyo Sida loogu celin karo meelihii ay ka kala yimaadeen. Sidoo kale, shirkan ayaa socon doonaa maanta kaliya sida uu qorshuhu yahay,waxaana furmaya madaxda dowladda Federaalka ah iyada oo gaba gabadiisana war murtiyeed laga soo saarayo. Dhinaca kale, Furitaanka shirka ayaa waxa lagu wadaa in ay ka qeyb galaan madaxda sare ee dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo maamulka gobolka banaadir. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Akhriso qodobada diirada lagu saari doono shir muhiim ah oo ka furmaaya magaalada Muqdisho appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Prof Abdi Ismail Samatar oo ah aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka hadlay heshiiskii dhex maray Maamulka Somaliland iyo Dalka Imaaraadka Carabta kaasoo ku saabsanaa sida loo qeybsanayo daqliga Dekadda Berbera. Heshiiskaas ayaa waxaa 19% laga siiyey dowladda itoobiya, wuxuuna Prof-ka Su’aal geliyey sababta keeni karto in Itoobiya saami intaas la eg laga siiyo Dekadda Berbera. Sidoo kale Prof-ka ayaa ka hadlay wadada iyo xalka ugu fudud oo ay dowladda Soomaaliya arrintaan ku wajihi karto. Haddaba halkaan hoose ka akhriso hadalka kasoo baxay Prof. Cabdi ismaaciil Samatar Ugu horeeynti walaalayaal waan idin salaamayaa, tan xigta waxaan rabaa bal inaan hal iyo labo ka idhaahdo arinka berbera. Waxaa layaab igu noqotay in dowlada Ethiopia 19/100 ku yeelato dakhliga kasoo xaroonaya dekada berbera, waar shicbiga hargeeysow bal weeydiiya mexeey beey ku muteeysatay Ethiopia saamiga intaa la eg, weligeed lama maqal lamana arag in dowladi dowlad kale kula share garoowdo ileheeda dhaqaalaha iyadoonan maalgashi ku sameeysan, bal iminka weeydiiya Ethiopia ma Dubai ayeey ku darsatay lacag maalgashi, inkastoo wasiirul khaarijiyaha Hargeeysa leeyahay waxbeey ku darsatay hadana ma ahan jawaab ina qancisa. Emaaraatku wuxuu faragelin ba’an ku hayaa madaxbanaanida jamhuuriyada somaliya, hase ahaatee waxaa iiga daran qolooyinkan xamar jooga ee fulin iyo baarlamaanba leh ee aanaanba garaneeyn halkeey ku socdaan, bal Hassan Ali kheeyre maxaa geeyay emaaraatka ayadoo halkaas heshiiska kan lagu saxiixayay? Wexeey eheeyd in dowlada somaliya sii ogaataa waxa halkaas ka dhacayo intaanaan raisulwasaaruhu tegin halkaas, runti arinkaas wuxuu weji gabax ku yahay xildhibaanada iyo xukuumada soomaaliya ee ayagu is heeysta. Hadda maxaa inala gudboon? Doowlada somaliya waa ineey wafdi ashtako ah u dirtaa xarunta midawga afrika iyo kan qaramada midoobay, codsataana inaanan lagu xad gudbin madaxbanaanida jamhuuriyada federaalka soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waa ineey u yeedhaa safiirada Mogadishu ka fadhiya emaaraatka iyo Ethiopia codsataana bal ineey arinkaa isaga ah faahfaahin ka bixiyaan. Mahadsanidiin. Prof Abdi Ismail Samatar Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Prof Abdi Ismail Samatar oo ka hadlay Saamiga Itoobiya laga siiyey Dekadda Berbara iyo wadada Dowladda Somalia u furan appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)– Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka federaalka Somalia ayaa bilaabay inay dib u soo celiyaan mooshinkii ka dhanka ahaa heshiiska dekadda Berbera ee Somaliland la gashay DP World, kaasoo hadda si rasmi ah loo shaaciyay in dowladda Ethiopia ay salami dhan 19% ku yeelaneyso dhaqaalaha dekaddaasi. Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay in marka uu furmo kalfadhiga 3-aad ee golaha shacabka inay horgeyn doonaan mooshin ka dhan ah heshiiska seddax geesoodka ah ee dekadda Berbera. Mudanayaasha mooshinkaan wada inay horgeeyaan fadhiga baarlamaanka ee sabtida oo ku beegan 10-ka bisha uurmaya ayaa waxaa ka mid ah xildhibaan Aadan Isaac ayaa sheegay in heshiiskaas seddax geesoodka uu yahay mid sharci daro ah, isla markaana marnaba la aqbali akrin. “Xildhibaanada wey ka hadleen heshiiskaasi, waxaana u balansaneyn in kalfadhiga marka uu furmo aanu mooshin heshiiskaas ku saabsan soo bandhigo, mooshinkii horay looga keenayna wuxu kaga duwan yahay in la soo bandhigay saamiga iyo qaabka loo kala qaatay”ayuu yiri Xildhibaanka Aadan Isaac. Dhamaadkii sanadkii hore ayaa baarlamanka la horkeenay mooshinkaan ka dhanka ah heshiiska dekadda Berbera iyo saldhiga milateri ee Imaaraadka ka dhisanayo, waxaana markii danbe soo farageliyay madaxda dowladda oo safiirka Imaaraadka kulamo gooni gooni ah la yeeshay, aakhirkiina la joojiyay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Kulanka baarlamaanka oo lagu furaayo mooshin ka dhan ah heshiiska dekadda Berbera ee Itoobiya wax ku yeelaneyso appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasiirka Gaashandhiga Xukuumada Somalia, Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan, ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ay wadaan qorshayaal cusub oo ay ku geysanayaan weeraro. Wasiir Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan, ayaa sheegay in maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ay ku howlan yihiin fulinta weeraro dhowr ah, waxa uuna tilmaamay in ciidamada Qaranka laga doonaayo inay ka feejignaadan. Waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ay diyaar u yihiin in ay ka hortaggaan weerar kasta oo ka yimaada dhanka al-Shabaab. Sidoo kale, Wasiir Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan,waxaa uu tilmaamay in Shabaab ay waddaan qorshayaal cusub oo ka dhan ah dowladda , islamarkaana ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed laga doonaayo in ay la yimaadaan qorshe cusub. Waxa uu Wasiirka hadalkaan sheegay xili uu tababar u furay cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada Madaxtooyadda Soomaaliya. Geesta kale, Wasiirka ayaa ku baaqay in si dhaba loogu midoobo maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ee dagaalka kula jira dowlada Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Wasaarada difaaca oo shaaca ka qaaday in al-Shabaab ay damacsan yihiin fulinta weeraro culus appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-War qoraala oo kasoo baxay Xafiiska Hoggaamiyaha maamulka Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa waxaa lagu mamnuucay in Golaha Wasiirada maamulka ay la hadlaan Saxaafada. Waxaa qoraalka lagu sheegay in Hoggaamiyaha maamulka uu mamnuucay in Wasiirada maamulka ay la hadlaan Warbaahinta iyagoo aan heysan amar ku saabsan la hadalka Saxaafada. Waxa uu Hogaamiyaha maamulka Somaliland Biixi faray Wasiirada in la hadalka Saxaafada bedelkeeda ay wax walba ku wadaagan qoraalo sharci ah oo aan wax u dhibi Karin maamulka. Muuse Biixi, ayaa dhammaan Wasiirada iyo mas’uuliyiinta kale ee xilalka ka haya maamulka ku amray inay dhaqan galiyaan amarka looga mamnuucaayo la hadalka Saxaafada Madaxa-banaan. Dhinaca kale, talaabadan ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili dhawaan Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre uu Golihiisa Wasiirada ka mamnuucay la hadalka Saxaafada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Muuse Biixi oo wasiiradiisa dul dhigay amar la mid ah kii ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Howlgalka ICRC ay ku kala wareejineysay maxaabbiista dagaal ee Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia wuxuu billowday Talaado 23 Agoosto 1988, wuxuuna socday toban maalmood. Inta badan laba dullimaad ayay sameyn jirtay dayaaraddu maalin kasta oo laba jeerna ay Muqdisho ka kaceyso, laba jeerna ay ka soo kacayso Dire Dawa. Laakiin maalmaha qaar waxay sameyneysay saddex duullimaad. Qormadii tan ka horreysay waxaan ku sheegay in Muqdisho uu soo gaaray duullimaadkii ugu horreeyay ee keenay maxaabbiista Soomaaliyeed. Madaxweyne Maxamed Siyaad oo ay wehliyaan Madax kale oo badan ayaa ku soo dhoweeyay garoonka. Waxaan xusay in ehelka Maxaabbiistu ay yimaadeen airporka iyo in ciidanka salaan sharaftu ay miyuusik tumayeen. In dadweyne fara badan uu isugu soo baxay gegida oo uu ka qeyb qaatay soo dhoweynta, damaashaadka iyo farxadda galabtaas ka jirtay gegida dayaaradaha, ayaan xusay. Ciidanka Soomaalida ah ee ku xirnaa Ethiopia in ka badan toban sano, waxaa keenay saddex duullimaad oo ka soo qaaday Dire Dawa. Dullimaad kastaa mar gooni ah ayuu yimid. Kii ugu dambeeyey habeen ayuu soo degey. Madaxweynaha Jamhuriyadda ayaa duullimaad kasta Maxaabbiista la socotay ku soo dhoweeyay garoonka. Maxaabbiista Soomaalida waxaa la dejiyay Dugsiga tababbarka militeriga ee Xalane si ay ugu nastaan, caafimaadkooda loo baaro, ciidanku uga warqaato, ehelkoodu ugu soo booqdo, iyaguna marka ay doonaan ay magaalada u baxaan. Aniga iyo Sarkaal kale oo ka tirsan ICRC, ciidanka Soomaaliyeed ee xabsiga Ethiopia laga soo daayay waxaan ugu tagnay xerada xalane, waxaanan isaga daba noqoneynay dhowr maalmood halkaas oo aan mid mid wareysi ugula yeelannay. Maxaabiista Ethiopian-ka ah Maxaabbiista Ethiopia qaybtii ugu horreysay markii laga keenay Ceel Jaalle oo ay soo gaareen Garoonka Dayaaradaha ee Muqdisho, Wasiir ku Xigeenka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Soomaaliya, Cabdullaahi Maxamed Maax ayaa si rasmi ah ugu wareejiyay Danjiraha Ethiopia u fadhiya Muqdisho, Asmamaw Kelemu. Richard Anderegg oo ah Madax Ergada ICRC ee Soomaaliya, ayaa isuguna daraf ka saxiixay warqadda lagula kala wareegayo Maxaabbiista. Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed, Sarreeye Gaas, Axmed Sahal Cali, ayaa goobjoog ka ahaa munaasabadda Maxaabbiista Ethiopia lagu wareejinayo Dowladdooda. Wasiir ku Xigeenku oo hadal gaaban jeediyay wuxuu xusay in isu celinta maxaabbiistu ay qayb ka tahay fulinta heshiiskii dhex maray labada Dowladood. Danjiraha Ethiopia oo munaasabadda ka hadlay wuxuu sheegay xusuusta ay maalintani ku reebi doonto shucuubta labada dal. Maxaabbiista Ethiopian ayaa iyagana duullimaadkoodii ugu horreeyay uu maalintaas ka duulay Muqdisho. Garoonka dayaaradaha ee Dire Dawa soo dhweyn xoog leh ayaa loogu sameeyay maxaabbiista Ethioppia ee aan Muqdisho ka qaadnay. Jawiga garoonka Dire Dawa wuxuu ahaa mid aad uga duwan kan garoonka Muqdisho. Taas waxaan ku faahfaahin doonaa qormada tan xigta. Isu geyn labaatan dullimaad oo Muqdisho iyo Dire Dawa u kala gooashaya ayay sameysay dayaarad u kireysan ICRC oo Maxaabbiista labada dhinac mid walba ku celineysay dalkiisa. Sawirrada ka muuqda boggan waxaa qaadday Wakaaladda Filimmada Soomaaliyeed oo ahayd hey’adda keliya ee oggolaasho u haysata qaadidda sawirrada rasmiga ah ee Dowladda iyo dhacdooyinka dalka. Waxaana daabacay Wargeyska Xiddigta Oktoobar. Labaduba waxay hoos imaanayeen Wasaaradda Warfaafinta. FG. Taxanaha waxaa ka harsan Jawiga gegida dayaaradaha ee Dire Dawa sida uu ahaa soo dhoweyntii loo sameeyay maxaabbista Ethiopian-ka ah ee ku xirnaa Soomaaliya in ka badan toban sano. Waxaa kale oo aan taaban doonaa maxaabbistii Soomaalidu markii ay ku soo laabteen dalka sida loola dhaqmay iyo inta aan ka warqabo waxa ay maanta, 2018, ku sugan yihiin. Waxaa kale oo aan ka warrami doonaa gabar Soomaaliyeed oo ka mid ahayd Maxaabbiista Ethiopia. W/Q. Yuusuf Garaad Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Wasiir Maax iyo Danjire Asmamaw – Taxanaha Maxaabbiistii 77 – Qaybta Labaatanaad appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Mr. Abdillahi Mohaud-Qarshe- was the father of Somaliland traditional classical music. Abdi Deqsi Warfa- (Abdi-Sinnimo), was the father of Somaliland Ballad songs namely “The Balwo Music”. Mr. Hussein Aw Farah and Mohammed Omar Huryo, were the best authors of Somaliland lyric songs in poetry literature, whereas Mr. Ali Sugulle and Hassan Sh. Mumin were among the best playwrights of our home literature. All of them are deceased. As a critical reader, you can learn some lesson about the logistical approach of theme information organized. For instance in constructing from abstract image to a concrete picture, about the song called “The Real Love” (Ki dhad ah Jacayl), Hussein aw Farah wrote thus; “Roofs are the basic pillars of all trees, likewise a real life, never, would fall down but would stand still forever! “Trees have trunk various and big strong branches, that firmly help to sing and dance in the sky! Thus, a real love, would rotate on it’s own axis, by being standstill forever! (This is first among several tit-bits of traditional folk literal items to be availed by the author) “The target goal of a real love, is to marry each other cementing partnership of real life, and bear babies as parents.” By Dahir Mohamoud Hadi
Over the past few days, Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia and East Africa, has claimed several attacks on Somali and African Union troops across southern Somalia. The first attack was an attempted suicide bombing on a Somali military base near the town of Afgoye, just north of Mogadishu. A suicide car bomb was detonated near the base’s perimeter, killing one soldier and injuring three others. However, when the three soldiers were being transported for medical attention, Shabaab ambushed the vehicle with an improvised explosive device (IED). The IED killed four soldiers in the truck. Other sources have put the combined fatalities closer to 11. Additionally, other sources have stated that foreign troops, namely South Africans, were killed in the suicide bombing at the base. This has yet to be confirmed. Shortly thereafter, Shabaab’s forces also ambushed a convoy of Burundian troops near Balad, which also sits north of Mogadishu. The jihadists hit the African Union troops with small arms and explosives, destroying several vehicles and leaving at least five Burundian soldiers dead. After the ambush, Shabaab then launched a coordinated assault on Balad, briefly taking control over the town. When AMISOM sent reinforcements to the area, the jihadists then withdrew. Today, Shabaab has claimed responsibility for an attack on Ethiopian troops near the city of Baidoa. While Shabaab claims to have killed 30 soldiers in the strike, local reporting has not confirmed that number. Shabaab quickly claimed credit for the attacks, saying its forces killed over 80 Somali troops in Afgoye, 23 Burundian troops in Balad, and 30 Ethiopian troops near Baidoa. However, Shabaab routinely inflates the number of casualties in its assaults. Elsewhere, the Somali jihadist group also killed five Kenyan police officers in northern Kenya yesterday. Shabaab has been resurgent in Somalia since losing ground to a combined African Union (AU) and Somali offensive in 2011. The jihadist group has slowly but methodically retaken several towns and villages that it lost in both central and southern Somalia – often after AU or Somali forces withdraw. In addition, it remains a potent threat against both African Union and Somali military bases in central and southern Somalia. The al Qaeda branch also remains a serious danger inside northern Kenya, where it has undertaken several assaults and improvised explosive device attacks and even increased its operational tempo there last year. Caleb Weiss is an intern at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a contributor to The Long War Journal.
HARGEISA–Local firms and int’l organizations seed dealers are apprised to comply with set of procedures for ensuring the quality of seeds in Somaliland. This was disclosed by the Minister of Agricultural development, Hon. Ahmed Mumin Seed who issued directives on keeping the quality of seed imports in Somaliland. It is ordered that seeds will be sold in local markets if they are bought in the Horn of Africa Kenya and Ethiopia which have the climate with Somaliland. Seeds should have certifications and should be purchased from aforementioned countries. The ministry prefers the farmers to use home grown seeds and those provided by local NGO’s such as HAVOYOCO and FAO as well as the ministry of agriculture. Seeds imported from overseas should be brought to the ministry for ensuring seed quality. The farming community are advised to keep home grown seeds in order to use when they are faced with lack of it. Seed dealers must receive certifications from the ministry once new seeds are brought and a sample should be brought to the ministry. The directive will go into effect until Seed quality policy is formed by the ministry
Turkey is the latest country to consider buying F-35Bs in order to field an “aircraft carrier in disguise.” The Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News reported the news on February 27. According to the paper, along with the 100 F-35As that Turkey is planning on buying to replace its F-16s, a fleet of F-35Bs are also “planned to be procured in line with Ankara’s growing interest in strengthening its naval forces, mainly for overseas operations.” IHS Jane’s confirmed Turkey’s interest in the the F-35B, citing Turkish and Western defense industry sources. According to IHS Jane’s “A senior Turkish Defence Industries undersecretariat official expressed his country’s interest in buying F-35 STOVL variants to Vice Admiral Mathias Winter, head of the US Defense Department’s F-35 programme office, during a meeting held in Ankara in mid-October.” The F-35B is the Joint Strike Fighter variant that have short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) capabilities. This enables them to operate off of smaller ships because they don’t need as long of a runway. Notably, as the Hurriyet report points out, Turkey is currently building a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD)/Amphibious Assault Ship, TCG Anadolu, that would be able to launch the F-35B from its flight deck. Turkey signed an agreement in 2015 with the Spanish firm Navantia for help in building Anadolu. It will be designed by Navantia and based on the Spanish landing helicopter dock (LHD) Juan Carlos I. According to some media reports, besides designing the ship, Navantia will supply five sets of diesel generators and the IPMS (Integrated Platform Management System) for it. Navantia built the Juan Carlos I and two similar ships for Australia, the HMAS Canberra and the HMAS Adelaide. Source: – The National Interest The post Turkey Wants F-35Bs to Field an ‘Aircraft Carrier in Disguise’ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
South Africa’s parliament has taken steps to urge the redistribution of farming lands which would allow for land to be stripped from owners, particularly white farmers, without any compensation. In this regard, white South African landowners are seeking help from President Trump to let them migrate to the US. More than 10,500 people have already signed an online petition calling for President Trump to allow white South African landowners, who have had their farming lands seized by the country, to migrate to the United States. The movement began after South African President Cyril Ramaphosa called for land redistribution in order to reform the racial disparities in land ownership in the country. The parliament supported Ramaphosa’s decision and passed the motion 241-83 in favor. White South African farmers believe they are being removed from their land and thrown out of the country, News.com.au reported. So they made a petition asking for President Trump to “take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States.” Boer is the term used to describe South Africans of Dutch, German, or Huguenot descent, and are also commonly called as Afrikaners. The petition also suggests Trump not to admit refugees from Somalia and the Middle East because they “cannot be properly vetted” and welcome South Africans instead because they “can be easily vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.” South Africa’s Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department advised the public not to worry so much about the situation in a series of tweets saying, “This is a serious matter. It’ll be handled through dialogue and in a stable manner. No need for beating war drums and creating unnecessary panic! South Africa belongs to all who live in it!” However, many are saying that if the basis would be on Trump’s known preference for white immigrants, the South African farmer’s petition will most likely receive a favorable answer. Source: – BlackNews The post White South African Farmers Reportedly Want to Migrate to the U.S. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
We liberated Somaliland From those liberated early !! When the former Somali government collapsed SNM had seized control of Norwest regions which Borama became a victim of their invasion.Following the SNM’s victory in 1991, clans living in the northern regions of the former Somali Republic (present-day Somaliland), held a four-month long consultative conference to determine the regions’ future after the regime was toppled. On May 1991, the Republic of Somaliland was declared as the independent country. Somaliland was ruled by former SNM militia Chairman Abdurahman Tour for two years. During this period the country was unstable. There were no peace and order, clan wars were existed and continued. Living condition of the community was getting worst and deteriorating day after day. No one knew what coming future will bring them, civilian were desperate, poor sanitation no clean water and food scarcity affected people and caused contagious diseases.. There were no functional public institutions such as police department, justice system, education, health and even business. There were armed militias in every place who could take people’s property by force. They set up illegal controls at the main inter connecting roads between Somaliland cities. This militia was called (Dayday), looting and robbery were their everyday business and even ways of collecting revenues and money from civilian. To make matters worse these armed men sometimes carried out killing of innocent people.1992 first clan civil war started between two rival tribes who compete looting and control of the Barbera main port. After that the social entrepreneurs and community elders of Somaliland particularly Gadabursi realized that if these clan wars not minimize or not prevent it could spread, and reach and destroy whole country. They knew that value of their role about putting that fire off would be for Somaliland. They saw developing peace as an opportunity that no one else could think at that time .They decided to mediate and arbitrate between these Isaaq clan fighters. They planned how and when. After that they initiated peace trip to Berbera to intervene and ease situation These grouped from Awdal risked their lives they took white flags and travelled to dangerous trip. Although on their way to Berbera, they had faced worst danger. Militias threatened them several times to take their cars and other property. However they somehow managed to reach Berera safely. Among those members from Awdal, were Formal ministry of finance Mr Mohamed Abdi Galbedi, former vice president of Somaliland Mr Abdirahman Awali Farah, Senior politician Mr Djamac Rabile God. Haji Dahir Cilmi, Haji Jamac Muhumed, Sheikh Musa Djamac, Sheikh Abdilahi Sh. Ali Jowhar, Suldaan Muhumed Nuur Guray, Suldan Mohamed Djamac Samater Haji Muhumed Nuur, Haji Abuubakar and the only victim of that trip Mr Ali Farah Sayeh who died in Berbera when a gum man came suddenly in to his hotel and shot him to take his new car. May his Sold rest in peace! AAMEEN. These legendry groups never become disappointed after that incident happen. They continued the peace proposal and conflict resolution. As Sheikh Abdilahi Sheikh Ali Jowhar quoted. He said.” Our piece proposal was accepted by both sides because first we were not ISAAQ rather we came from Awdal and we asked the fighters the following emotional questions, such as why are you killing and firing these huge missiles? Which you had not fired us, (your former enemies Gadabursi Harty tribes )when you invade in Borama town . Why did you fight the former military government at the first place if you would do such hostilities after your success struggle? And many other speeches Ma waxa aad isku ridaysaan hubkii cuslaa ee anaga oo cadawgiina ahayn aad noo quudhi waydeen in aad nagu graacdaan biniaadamnimo darted markaad Borama qabsateen ee dawladii Siyaad Bare ee aanu taageersanaydna aad jabiseen. These words and many other conflict resolution statements became effective and clan militia s who were fighting one another realized the importance of peace and ended the war. The Awdal elders had also promised to offer and host next year National Reconciliation Conference on in Borama. The Grand Conference on National Reconciliation in Borama was initiated in 1993, with the aim of ending the large-scale violence then newly self-declared Republic of Somaliland established. I was one of Awdal youth groups members who were included in the peace process as observers to the Conference for the first time, formally. Despite this, our influence was curtailed by exclusionary selection criteria and procedures as well as patriarchal elder attitudes. We used to serve Somaliland elders who were participant at Sheikh Ali Jowhar School in Borama Awdal, we used to bring supply such as food dress water and other facilities who mainly from local community. During conference Awdal Band had lunched well produced concerts. The great composer producer and director of famous Somali concerts and shows films Mr. Hasan Sheik Mumin Gafane Produced wonderful play entitled WAXAN AAN DAACAD AHAYN BA DABADUU KA XUMAADAA. This explains importance and values of honest forgiveness, peace and governance for the nation. In the play there were Somali poetry wisdom words and constructive slogans that all audience appreciated. After four months the process was successful in transitioning Somaliland from a military government to a civilian regime and institutionalizing the political system. In addition, the Conference led to the disarmament and demobilization of large parts of the militias. It was elected H.E Mohamed H I Egal as first civil president. However, the Conference did not manage to cease all hostilities between the clans. After that Egal government had moved to Hargisa. Many politicians newly elected Barlament and Gurti elders and even military army from Awdal also went there. Movements of people from Borama to Hargeisa began which latter restored trust among Gadabursi and ISAAQ gradually. Awdal community were continuing their campaign efforts in peace, social integration, and supporting fragile Somaliland government. It is worth to mention here the initiative stability and social integration role that Awdal sports started in 1993. Unlike other Somaliland cities Borama had well developed football teams, because there were no other entertainments and schools at that time I was one of those players who regularly play football. We formed regional football team which players were selected from premier football teams. After one week of training we decided to visit Hargaisa and play friendly football match with UFO team that we already communicated and agreed day. There were no bus or suitable car for football team which willing to rent us for Hargeisa due to the insecurity. It took us more than a month to get it. Luckily we rented load truck Dyna instead bus. We prepared sport slogans and white flags which we painted words written on big readable fonts explaining how sports can create well peace atmosphere among communities and attached to the front of the car. ( ISBOORTIGU WAXA UU ABUURAA NABADA IYO ISDHEXGALKA BULSHADA ). In that way we travel to Hargeisa. On our way we wonder when SNM militias DAYDAY who used to rob and loot stranger travelers ever saw our car they used to greet and let us to pass them without conditions. When we reach Satdium Hargeisa which Somali military missiles destroyed the surrounding walls? We saw (Sancani ) SNM militia who settled and made base near the stadium. During the play we used to hear shells and sounds of the un targeted missiles, (Golaften) several times. The referees were two former Northwest region football players, Mr. Dhabo and Sacad. Sorry to not mention their full names here. It was a historic football friendly match between players with different background tribes, negative attitude and even stereotypes. It created trust among us and changed our unconstructive feelings that some players perceived enemies for one another before. At the end of the game we won and scored 2 nil. But our aim was tot only to be winners but rather to develop friend ship trust and contribute the national peace building process, which nation successfully achieved. After two years, Egal government had lunched militia disarmament programs in which tribal forces were united under Somaliland national army. Everyone who owns a gun had a right to be enrolled a government paid solders. Awdal people were the first whom joined Somaliland national army During nationalizing of public infrastructure national revenue sources, Egal’s week government faced huge challenges from some former SNM militia who controlled Hargaisa international airport. They refused to hand in over airport to the government and it was necessary to fight against them, during that war Awdal militia who recently nationalized along with other Somaliland collected army forces had fought against oppositions and liberated airport finaly. During Egals era Somaliland government used to fully control only 4 regions, such as Awdal Marodijex Saxil Togdheer. In 2002 May after former president passed away Somaliland house of elders had elected H.E Dahir Riyale Kahin who from Awdal region as Somaliland president. He continued the legacy of Egal and he extended government rule to the Easteren regions such as Sool and Sanaag. He also successfully conducted national elections which citizen freely elected his/her favorite local councils, Parliament and president for the first time in Somaliland history. Anyway our people are good people if you give them a glass of water they will provide you a glass of milk reward and respect. Awdal people helped Somaliland when country was most in need they paid their money and even their life in contribution to piece and development of Somaliland. They deserve to be given their honorable status. Unfortunately our brothers ISAAQ not recognized these efforts and contributions for Awdalian they even eliminated these Nobel works from Awdal communities to mention Somaliland history. According to ISAAQ view only former SNM fighters are national heroes which are not fair. BY Mohamed Aden Ibrahim (D.ADAMZE) Freelance writer and Journalism
Jowhar (Caasimada Online)-Maamulka Hir-Shabeelle ayaa maanta Hub laga badbaadiyay maleeshiyada al-Shabaab ku wareejiyay Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM. Hubkaan uu maamulka ku wareejiyay Saraakiisha AMISOM ayaa Jimcihii la soo dhaafay laga soo badbaadiyay al-Shabaab kadib dagaalkii ka dhacay degmada Balcad. Hubkaan oo u badnaa mid ka culus iyo rasaastooda ayaa ciidamada AMISOM gaar ahaan kuwa Burundi waxa ay kaga tageen wadada Haansheekh ee degmada Balcad kadib weerar jidgal ah oo ay ku sameeyen al-Shabaab. Goobta lagu wareejinaayay Hubka ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Taliyaha ciidamada booliska Hirshabeelle Kornel Xasan Dhicisow waxaana uu sheegay in gurmad ay sameeyeen ciidamada booliska iyo kuwa Miltarigaba ay ka soo qabteen al-Shabaab. Saraakiil ka socotay ciidamada AMISOM ayaa lagu wareejiyay 2 qori oo noocoodu yahay dhashiike oo laga soo furay gaadiid tikniko ah oo lagu gubay duleedka Balcad, waxaana ay saraakiisha ciidamada AMISOM u mahadceliyeen ciidamada dowlad goboleedka Hirshabeelle. The post Sawirro: Ciidamada DF oo AMISOM ku wareejiyay Hub looga soo badbadiyay al-Shabaabkii weerarka ka geystay Balcad appeared first on Caasimada Online.
JIGJIGA, Ogaden (Somaliland Informer) —Released from Jail Ogaden, Mohamed Kilas wanted to reunite his wife and children but he was told that his wife got married another man after she had been told that he died 10 years ago. Kilas was among of several dozen of inmates released from one of Ethiopia’s torture chambers, better known as “Jail Ogaden” two weeks ago following a pardon by Ethiopia’s appointed head of the region Abdi Mohammed Omer (Abdi Iley). Most of those political inmates were jailed by Abdi Iley after false confessions. He is the only person who can be authorise access to the jail. Relatives of Kilas said that his wife and children live in the United States and his medical condition was not even good before Ethiopia detained him for allegedly being ONLF sympathizer. He is a man with epilepsy. 20,000 inmates are believed to be held incommunicado throughout the Ogaden territory. In Ogaden, ordinary prisoners and prisoners of conscience alike spent many long years in detention, awaiting a trial that never came; thus they were exposed to very low conditions of hygiene and nutrition. According to Ahmed Yusuf Omar, who spent a year in this notorious Jail, hundreds of detainees have died because of diarrhea and other contaminations. The cells are at times flooded with evacuation waters, and this often causes repeated cholera outbreaks that eliminate many prisoners. Nevertheless, the survivors still face an unusually brutal attitude from the guards and are constantly beaten and hit with various instruments with catastrophic results for their integrity and health. For all cases of imprisonment, after their incarceration and for several weeks, prisoners are placed in the horrendous cells known as “neef-diid”; these cells are airless and dark, and the prisoners are exposed to different types of torture in order to be forced to confess that they are ONLF members or sympathizers. Over the span of the last decades, many innocent civilians suffocated and died in those airless cells. Ethiopia reported that it was released 1,500 prisoners from Jail Ogaden last month but most of said released are taken back to Jail Ogaden.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Munaasabadan oo ku saabsaneyd mid Mashaariic horumarineed ay ku kala saxixanayeen Wasaaradda Beeraha Dowladda Federaalka iyo Hay”adda Horumarinta dalka Turkiga ee TiKA ayaa ujeedada tahay wax ka qabadashada biya xireenada wabiga shabeelle, Saabuuni iyo keydka Biyaha Xawaadleey,waxaana goobjoog ka ahaa Ku simaha Ra”iisul Wasaaraha ahna Ra”iisul Wasaare Ku_xigeenka dalka Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guleed, Qaar ka mid ah Golaha Wasiirada, Ganacstada beeraleyda dalka,Safiirka dalka aan walaalaha nahay ee Turkiga iyo Madaxda Hay’adda TIKA. Wasiirka Beeraha iyo Waraabka Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Mudane Saciid Xuseen Ciid ayaa muhiimada uu leeyahay heshiiskan faah faahin ka bixiyay ayaa sheegay in mashruucaan faa’ido weyn u yeelan doono Beeraleyda,wuxuuna biyo ku filan siin doonaa dhul ku dhow boqol kun oo Hectar. Sidoo kale,Wasiirka Beeraha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Mudane Saciid Xuseen Ciid ayaa sheegay in Heshiiskaan sidoo kale uu wax badan ka tari doono Fatahaada uu sameeyo Wabiga,islamarkaana dhibaato geystay dhul beereed iyo sidoo kale deegaano badan oo dad degan yihiin. Isku xiraha Hay”adda TIKA Galib Yilmaz ayaa sheegay in mashaaricdan horumarineed ay ka shaqeyn doonann sidii wax looga qaban lahaa biyaha xireenka Wabiga shabeele iyo keydka biyaha, wuxuuna saxiixa maanta wada gaarnay Wasaaradda Beeraha Dowladda soomaaliya muhiimad siinayaa horumarka wax soo saarka Soomaaliya. Safiirka dalka Turkiga Soomaaliya olgan Baker oo munaasbada ka hadlay ayaa waxuu tilmaayay in ay dowladda Turkiga ay go’an tahay gacansiinta shacabka Somaaliyeed iyo Dowladda. Wuxuuna carabka ku adkeeyay Safiirka Turkiga u fadhiya Soomaaliya Mr. Olgan Bakar iney rajeynayaan in sanad gudihiisa mashruucani ku soo dhamaado. Ra’iisal Wasaare ku_xigeenka dalka ahna ku_simaha Ra”iisul Wasaare Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guuled (khaddar). Wuxuu sheegay hadii uu hirgalo mashruucaan in 10 qodob oo muhiim ah dalka in uu wax ka qaban doona. Wuxuu Sheegay ku simaha Ra’iisal wasaaraha ahna Ra’iisal wasaare ku-xigeenka dalka Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed (Khadar), in ugu yaraan 10-sheey oo 8-ka mid ah uu xusi doono laga faa’idi doono Biyo Xireenkaa Saabuuni iyo Keydka Biyaha Xawaadley. 1-In Wax soo saarka dalka Kordho lana yareeyo Cunada yarida iyo Gaajada. 2-Helitaanka Biyo joogta ah Waraab ha noqoto ama Xoolaha oo ka faa’idaya ha noqoto. 3-In la maareeyo Fatahaada Wabiga marka uu soo jabo baabi’inaya Beerihii dalagii,gurihii u gudbaya baa’i’inaya isku socodkii kala xiraya,taa iyana wax badan ayay ka tareysaa. 4-Dhaqaalihii baa korayaa marka ay beeraha soo go’aan, shaqaa abuuranta ee wax soo saarkii kordho. 5-Dhoofkii baa iyana oo wax soo saarka aanu soo saarno suuqooda inuu furaan kala hadalnay ayay wax badan ka tareysaa. Heshiiskan ayaa wuxuu qeyb ka noqonayaa heshiisyo noocan oo kale ah oo Wasaaradda Beeraha dalka ay hore ula soo gashay dalal dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yahiin Masar, Suudan iyo Turkiga wuxuuna dhamaantood ay qeexayaan sidii loo horumarin lahaa Beerlayada Somaaliyeed iyo kobcinta wax soo saarka dalkeeena. The post Sawirro: Sidee ayuu u dhacay heshiiska ay kala saxiixdeen DFS iyo Turkiga appeared first on Caasimada Online.