Deeq A.

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  1. By: M.A. Egge The President H. E. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo has inaugurated the country’s first national Library which has been subsequently named after him. The president who gave a short speech at the function beckoned to his successor to see to it that the national objectives of establishing similar institutions at both regional and district levels to be realized country wide. He greeted the audience and lauded all individuals and institutions through whom the fete of establishing the Library saw their efforts bear fruits. The Head of State is set to hand over the baton of power in four days time. His successor President-elect H. E. Muse Bihi Abdi is slated to be sworn in on Thursday the 14 th December 2017. President Silanyo pointed out that it was his administration’s ambition to have a national Library of note to be put up. Opposition UCID party leader Mr. Feisal Ali Warabe who addressed the function said it was a good thing to name the institution after the president. He thanked the outgoing administration and said that he was ready to work with the incoming one as per cue. Those who also spoke include education minister Hon. Abdillahi Deere and finance minister Hon. Zamzam Abdi who pondered at length on the processes underwent to put up the Library. Hon. Abdillahi Deere revealed that the Berbera Library has also been completed. Other speakers included Ahmed Dahir Elmi who happens to be the Library head and Sh. Said Farah Jire.
  2. For two decades Somaliland people has witnessed a great progress of internal government building progression without international help and making a progressive nation, that their people has one mission to improve their country with transparency and affection among the community, the prove is that their acceptance outcome of the Last presidential election, in November 13th 2017: historical event for all Somalilanders both winners and opposition groups. History is the mirror of civilizations that communities use to have in 17th February 1960 the British colony declare that Somaliland will have a first parliamentary election, in thirty three seats, there are a number of political parties who were participating, but only three of the political parties win besides they were Somali National League( SNL)United Somali Party (USP) and National United front (NUF) thus all the other parties accept the result from that elections , since that time and before it to elect the leader was a part of Somali lander’s culture, by choosing the person that has capacity to lead; thus before transforming from traditional system to modernized/ urbanized politics they were having to choose an intellectual persons like, a good public speakers, negotiators, poetry’s and any other person who can contribute to the community. Somaliland political cultural was different than most of other Somali regions since, they are societies who has compromise talent, in their traditional system when it comes to conflicts people use to solve problems by their own law and regulations, mostly bay elders and poets, that is why poet is an crucial when it comes Somali political leadership plus since they were oral traditional society poet was the only way to preserve history. Pastoralist communities are known for their movement cultural since their climate is semi-arid land, people were move to the places that they can find grass and water to their animals: so writing wasn’t important and they use to memorizing poets in order to preserve. So after independent of 26, June 1960, it was the begging of Pan-Somali and lead by northern people, which was an idea to make one great five Somali nations, at that time there were uniting ideologies for mostly African and African scholars suggesting to make united states of Africa like Kwame Nkrumah who was an advocate to make USA, same like Pan-Arabism leaded by Gamal Abdi Naser who was an advocate to Arabs to unite and make a great nation which has ability defend their land and , So northern people unite the southern Somali without any condition to make reality for their dream so in first June 1960 the union take part in Mugaisho but after three decades of union among Somalis they didn’t reach the goal which was to make union between five Somali’s in the horn of Africa for most of Somaliland it makes them disappoint that the union they start fail, so now it’s time to rebirth again in 18, May 1991 as an independent country in the Horn of Africa. Subsequently, after civil wars started in 1991-1995, thus they have rules and regulation even during wars, to not kill kids, women, elders, poets, and well-know people, in laws, and mostly Somali clans get married to one another: community inter-connection among them make easy to build bottom up peace building process, hence it was starting of new historical dimensional administrative leadership “Clan democratization” since Somalilanders didn’t leave completely their traditional system of life, which is decent culture and mix with democracy, free and fair elections “one man one vote”, equality among people, press freedom ect. In 1999 the government was fully governed in most of Somaliland and the governmental duties restart from ground, they made a constitution and people vote to have their own, and then parliamentary elections, after that a local governance and presidential, after fourth presidential elections it’s time to vote the fifth president of Somaliland, competition among three political leaders, Eng Faysal Ali Waraabe (UCID) , Muuse Biihi Abdi (Kulmiye) and Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi ( Wadani) , it was an astonishing struggle among them, during campaign Kulmiye and Wadani they seem very close to one another, thousands of people were coming out each one, peacefully success it ends and all supporters of three different political parties were in same line voting same place with confident, quietly and delightful among them. For the first time presidential elections in Somaliland done by Inspire group, a group of young educated Somalilanders who lead to new phenomena of thinking to the youth, taken part in political with a productive ideas who can lead furthermore development in this country, it was vital event and historical for all Somalilanders, to ask questions about their future plans of Social, economical, political and environmental development, it was also a chance for the voters to know well the leaders that they will elect. Since people has the power to select the president that they want they also have right to know in order to judge who they will elect. The ideal days of Somaliland were not only post 1991 but they were having a pastoral civilization during the Othman empire, Egyptian empires, under-British colony, during colony and after independence, one of the view nations that has agreement with colony, because of Somaliland elders has worthy sympathetic what a colonizer can do to harm their communities if they don’t give settlement. People who understand the meaning of peace and to live together with different ideology of developing a nations, Since they have traditional way of protecting peace which was to protect the clan peace since they are clan based community so to live as organized groups, who has intellectual leader, who always give priority to the national interest then personal interest. Politics is the power to change the globe and people learn from one another the good culture that a society has, Somalilanders deserve to teach other African nations importance to peace and tactics to choose a good leader, along with leaders must know that they are not antagonist they all have one goal to develop their country, if your opponent wins it’s not the end of the game. By: Nasra Dahir Mohamed
  3. On Wednesday 6, 2017 The Minister of Justice in the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Faarah Adare welcomed warmly a delegation from Work Bank consists of Mr. Robert Struthers, David Sparks, Patrick and others at headquarter of the ministry. The minister profusely discussed with the delegation investment climate reform program, public private dialogue to enable design formulation and implementation of policy reforms to accelerate development and establishment platforms for the business in the Republic of Somaliland. The delegation stressed on transformation the lives of Somalilanders through expanding market opportunities, supporting legal frame work of custom law which was not fully implemented. The important topics that the minister talked about with the delegation were the importance of maritime security, possibilities of creating electronic signatures and documents. One of the most needed element in Somaliland as the minister and the delegation agreed upon is regulatory reform to stimulate reforms in key areas such ports which considered most burdensome of businesses in Somaliland. The World Bank promised to deliver capacity building for the government officials and private sector institutions on discussed issues. The delegation pointed out that Somaliland is promising country although there are challenges and obstacles face the country trade across border, paying taxes and custom code among others. This work will strengthen the security and the developments of the country while there is a need support to enable fulfill institutions’ mandates. Finally, the minister and the delegation assured to continue the dialogue and resolve the challenges and obstacles that face Republic of Somaliland. By: Mukhtar Abdi Ismail
  4. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa Dagaal qaraaran oo u dhexeeyay maleeshiyaad kawada tirsan al-Shabaab kaa oo ka dhacay Gobolka Gedo. Dagaalka oo mudadii uu socday leysu adeegsaday Hubka culus ayaa waxa uu si gaara uga dhacay deegaan lagu magacaabo Ceel-cadde oo ku yaala duleedka degmada Garbahaarey ee Xarunta Gobalka Gedo. Dagaalka ayaa si gaara ugu dhexeeyay Horjoogaha al-Shabaab ugu sareeya ee Gobolka Gedo Sheekh Fiidow iyo Maleeshiyaad uu soo diray Horjoogaha maleeshiyada ugu magacaaban Gobolada Jubbooyinka Sheekh Maxamed ‘’Abu Cabdalla ‘’. Dagaalka ayaa xoogeystay kadib markii Horjoogaha al-Shabaab ee Gobolada Jubbooyinka uu amar ku bixiyay inay soo dilaan Sheekh Fiidow isla markaana kasoo qaadan Gaadiid iyo Hub farabadan oo uu heystay, waxaana arrintaa difaac ka sameeyay Fiidow oo Dagaal culus la galay maleeshiyaadka uu soo diray Abuu Cabdalla. Maleeshiyaadka ku socday amarka Abuu Cabdalla ee duulaanka qaaday ayaa watay afar Gaari nooca dagaalka ah, halka Sheekh Fiidow uu ka watay maleeshiyaad tirro ahaan lagu sheegay lixdan iyo Lix gaari nooca dagaalka ah. Weerarka lagu qaaday Sheekh Fiidow ayaa yimid kadib markii ay soo baxeen warar sheegaya in wadaadkaasi uu baxsad u ahaa dhanka Dowlada isla markaana uu soo idlaaday wadahadal kala dhexeeyay dowlada oo kama danbeyntii uu isku dhiibi lahaa. Fiidow ayaa waxaa garab taagan Horjoogayaal la sheegay inay gaarayaan 5 kuwaa oo iyaguna ka gadoodsan maamulka Sare ee al-Shabaab, taa oo keentay inay gooni uga baxaan Maleeshiyaadkii kale ee ku sugnaa deegaano ku dhow dhow Ceel-Cadde. Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada Xoogga dowlada Federaalka oo ku sugan Gobolka Gedo, ayaa xaqiijiyay in xogta ay helayaan ay tibaaxeyso in labada dhinac ay iska dileen maleeshiyaad dhan 7 kuwaa oo Meyd ahaan goobta looga kala gurtay, halka dhaawacana uu yahay mid kor u dhaacaya 12. Sidoo kale, Sarkaalkan ayaa sheegay inay maqlayaan Rasaas goos goos ah oo weli ay is weydaarsanayaan maleeshiyaadka ku dagaalamaaya deegaanka Ceel-Cadde, kuwaa oo u muuqda inay isku waabariisanayaan. Ma cadda waxa la gudboon maamulka gacanta ku haya deegaanka uu dagaalka ka socda iyo kuwa kale oo ay ku dhuumaaleysanayaan al-Shabaabka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo The post Khasaaro intee la’eg ayaa ka dhashay dagaalka u dhexeeya Horjoogayaasha al-Shabaabka Gobolka Gedo (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. President Ahmed Silanyo of Somaliland on Saturday inaugurated the National Library Service Facility Building dubbed as “Siilaanyo National Library”. The official opening ceremony saw the attendance of government officials and Khatumo leader, Ali Khalif Galeyr. Silanyo National Library Chairman, Ahmed Dahir Elmi reminded the attendees the stages that the inception of the library had gone through. Hon. Ahmed has expressed deep thanks to the outgoing president Ahmed Silanyo for his contribution, UCID chairman Hon. Faisal Ali Warabe also thanked President Silanyo’s role in the realization of the library. The president, Silanyo stressed the importance of the library in which it is aimed at boosting the intellect and urged his successor and his administration to further develop the center. Mr. Silanyo said that it was historic progress for all Somaliland and particularly for the youth who will improve their reading and writing skills. The president has reiterated that this accomplishment was part and parcel of his government’s development. He did not hesitate to thanks all those who have contribute to the building of the center.
  6. Somalis protest against President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Mogadishu, Somalia Dec. 8, 2017. Two East African countries say U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is “dangerous” and could spark an international crisis. “We are urging the U.S. government to seriously reconsider the risks that its decision could have on the future of the Middle East and the world in general,” said a statement Friday from Somalia’s foreign ministry. “We call for Arab, Muslim and other nations to redouble their efforts to find a solution to the Palestinian issue in order to end the crisis in the region,” said the ministry. The government said it and the Somali people are prepared to support Palestinians’ struggle for their rights. Neighboring Djibouti says it rejects the U.S. decision on Jerusalem. “This grave decision, contrary to international law and United Nations resolutions, is potentially dangerous insofar as it fears an escalation of tensions in the Middle East and beyond.” “The Republic of Djibouti reiterates its commitment to the two-state solution, living side by side in peace and security with East Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Palestinian state.” The statements came as hundreds of residents protested in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, against President Trump’s decision. “We have gathered here to express our reaction and show our solidarity with Palestinians who are suffering from Israeli aggression,” protester Abdullahi Dabar said. “This is unacceptable, and Trump’s decision, as Muslims, only unites our hearts and minds.” Another protester, Garad Hassan, said “Trump cannot give a historic Islamic city to Israel, and we will fight against any such move to the last drop of our blood”. The protesters, led by several imams of the city’s major mosques, rallied at the bustling K4 junction, where they chanted anti-Israel and anti-Trump slogans including “Down, Trump!” Source: – VOA The post Somalia, Djibouti Say Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem is ‘Dangerous’ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. Jerusalem – Somalia’s government says it is closely following with concern the “dangerous” decision by President Donald Trump to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. “We are urging the US government to seriously reconsider the risks that its decision could have on the future of the Middle East and the world in general,” Somalia’s foreign ministry says. The statement by the Horn of Africa nation also calls for Arab, Muslim and other nations to redouble their efforts to find a solution to the Palestinian issue in order to end the crisis in the region. It says Somalia’s government and people are prepared to support Palestine’s struggle for its “rights.” Source: AP The post Somalia calls Trump Jerusalem move ‘dangerous’ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Muqdisho (Puntlandi) Jubbaland ayaa gudbisay dacwad ka dhan ah Gobolka Banaadir, waxay Jubbaland ku eedaysay Banaadir inay jebiyeen xeerkii u yaalay tartanka, gaar ahaan qodobka 1aad , farqada 1.7 oo sheegaya inaanu tartanka ka qeybgeli karin qof ajenebi ah. Jubbaland ayaa sheegtay in Banaadir ay qodobkaasi jebisay oo ay ciyaarsiisay Ciyaartoo u dhashay Kenya oo Baasaboorkiisa kusoo galay dalka una yimid koox ka mid ah kooxaha heerka kowaad.
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa weerarkii dhawaan ka dhacay deegaanka Bariire ee qaababka kala duwan loo fasiray kaa oo la sheegay in lagu dilay xubno ka tirsan maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab. Weerarka oo ahaa mid dhacay wakhti aan munaasib aheyn ayaa waxa ay waaxda Difaaca Mareykanka sheegtay inuu ahaa mid lagu bartilmaameystay xubno qorsheynaayay weeraro ka dhan ahaa ciidamada Mareykanka iyo kuwa dowlada ee ku sugnaa Bariire. Ted Lieu oo ka tirsan xubnaha Congesska Mareykanka oo ka hadlaayay dhibaatada iyo wararka kala duwan ee ka dhashay weerarkii bariire ee lagu dilay Xubnaha Al-shabaab ayaa sheegay inay muhiim tahay in dib loogu laabto baaritaanka dadka lagu dilay weerarka Bariire. Mr Ted Lieu, ayaa waaxda Difaaca ka dalbaday inay dib u muraajaceeyan kiiska Bariire iyadoo laga duulaayo xaqiiqda kiiska weerarkaas. Ted Lieu, ayaa sheegay in Saraakiisha Waaxda Difaaca laga doonaayo in ay bilaabaan baaritaan cusub oo ku saabsan dadkii rayidka ah ee ay waxyeelado kasoo gaartay howlgallada ciidamada ay ka fuliyaan Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Bariire iyo goobaha kale. Waxa uu Mr Ted Lieu, ku celcelshay in warbixin cad laga keeno toogashadii lagu dilay ilaa10-kii qof ee kamid ahaa dadka deegaanka ku ahaa Bariire marna la sheegay inay ahaayen Al-Shabaab weerar isku diyaarinaayay. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay haddii ay dhacdo in warbixin cad laga keeni waayo kiiska toogashada 10ka qof ee Bariire uu howlgalka Mareykanka ee Afrika noqon doono mid guul dareystay. Sidoo kale, waxaa baaqa Xildhibaanka ka jawaabay ku-simaha xog-hayaha difaaca siyaasadda Mareykanka David Trachtenberg, oo sheegay in uu gudbin doono wasaaraddiisa ayna bilaabi doonaan Baaritaano cusub. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, kiiska dilka 10kii Maleeshiyo ee la sheegay inay ka tirsanaayen Al-Shabaab ayaa caqabad ku noqday howlgalka ciidamada Mareykanka ka jooga Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Congesska Mareykanka oo ka hadlay weerarkii Bariire ee muranka badan dhaliyay (Warbixin) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. A federal appeals court has upheld a decision to dismiss a lawsuit claiming a money-transfer firm with ties to Minnesota was involved in the death of famed Somali activist Saado Ali Warsame. The case, filed in late 2015, was brought by Warsame’s son, Harbi Hussein, who claimed the firm Dahabshiil was behind payments to Al-Shabab, a terrorist group whose operatives gunned down Warsame in July 2014. Dahabshiil houses a subsidiary headquarters in Minneapolis and is widely used by Minnesota Somalis to wire money to relatives back home. The appeals court ruled that Hussein failed to raise a “plausible allegation” that Dahabshiil staff “knew or were deliberately indifferent to the fact that their services were used to send funds to Al-Shabab on any specific occasion.” In a statement after the lawsuit was filed, Dahabshiil said that Hussein’s claims were “completely absurd and absolutely false. We have absolutely no involvement whatsoever with the funding of terrorist organizations … Every customer [who] uses our services to transfer money is clearly identified and subject to a rigorous due diligence process before and during every transaction. We operate as a fully licensed and internationally regulated money services business with the full confidence of our banking partners.” Warsame was a Somali icon who lived in New York and Minneapolis before returning to her homeland in 2012. Her longtime campaign for social justice included roles in pushing out the country’s military regime and becoming one of the country’s first female members of parliament. Startribune
  11. Norwegian-speaking Ibrahim Mohammed Hassan, 66, may become oil minister in Somaliland, according to Nettavisen newspaper. Hassan came to Norway in the 1970s and is an oil engineer, who’s worked in London and Stavanger. He has a background in Saga Petroleum and Asante. Now, he is considered one of two candidates to become Somaliland’s new oil minister. Somaliland, which is not internationally recognized as an independent state, held its presidential elections in November. Next week, Musa Bihi Abdi will become the new president. Somaliland has, potentially, huge oil and gas reserves. This may mean good news for Norwegian investors. Somalia Expert Stig Jarle Hansen‘Of course, I think that there may be additional sympathy for Norwegian investors, and there will be language and communication benefits,’ said Stig Jarle Hansen, Associate Professor in International Relations at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Ås. “But Somaliland has institutions that work to some extent, which means that it will be” check and balance “of a single person’s sympathies. It can be valuable in some areas, but you should not hope too much, “says Hansen. “Norwegian investors may go in, but they should think carefully about safety aspects and Norway’s general attitude towards Somaliland as an independent state,” he said. “But it is also possible that oil investors can get a drilling permit from Mogadishu (Somalia’s capital red.anm.), Although the money goes to Somaliland, he adds. Jobs in Somaliland Hassan is an oil engineer from London and Stavanger. He has backgrounds from, among other things, Saga Petroleum and Asante. He is married to a Norwegian woman. Hassan works for the international oil company Genel Energy, and is based in Hargeisa in Somaliland. Genel Energy is heavily in Somaliland , where they have already investigated 2000 kilometers of seismic in two fields where the company is an operator and has ownership interests. The results have been uplifting and the company has surveyed several areas to be investigated further by the end of 2017 and next year. Genel Energy’s forecasts are no less than two billion barrels of oil. Several Norwegian investors have already been in Somaliland , who declared independence in 1991 after a bloody civil war. Even though Somaliland has a relatively good state-of-the-art state of affairs, there is still a lot of policy governed at the client level. “It is difficult for oil companies to navigate in clan policy. An oil investor entering Somaliland should also have a dialogue with local clans, and not just the authorities, “says Hansen. Somaliland’s newly elected President Musa Bihi Abdi depicted during the election campaign last month. Photo: Stringer Reuters“The President is a former Marxist. In advance of the elections in November, the great tension was attached to a possible government change in Somaliland. Hansen, however, believes that the new president will be given peace and support to govern the victims provinces. – The president is former Marxist and was part of the Alanas wing of Somali National Movement in the 1980s. But that’s probably forgotten. The people remember him as an old veteran of the independence warfighting Somalia. He probably does not support the entire population, but those who do not support him are people who accept a consensus solution. So Musa Bihi Abdi has enough consensus that he will be president, says Hansen. Hansen believes the prospects of being internationally recognized as an independent state are rather gloomy. “They are weaker now than they have been for a long time. South Africa was an ally as they had before, and Ethiopia is a de facto-allied, but has never pressured for international recognition by Somaliland. Somaliland enjoys strong ties with neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Djibouti, while experiencing massive investment from the Gulf countries. The authorities in Somaliland have also granted the United Arab Emirates permission to establish a military base in the port of Berbera, reports Reuters . The breakout province has about four million inhabitants.
  12. On December 6, 2017, the president of the Somali Region (DDSI), Mr. Abdi Mahmoud Omar, was interviewed by the Addis Abba-based Radio ZAMI, 90.76 FM. Conducted in the Amharic language, the focus of the interview was to deep dive into the recent conflict between the Oromos and the Somalis. Following is a reproduction of the interview in English. At the end, I will have short remarks on the overarching issues that blanketed the interview – the Oromo and Somali conflict and the resultant massive displacement on both sides. ZAMI: Why so many Oromos have been displaced from the Somali region? President Abdi: To this, the President gave a long and contextual answer. He explained in detail the history of the Somalis and how they treat those who live in their regions. Somalis are known to be tolerant and magnanimous to their guests, the President said. In no time in history have Somalis mistreated their brethren Oromos or other Ethiopians,” he informed the interviewer. In Jigjiga, we had never known a history of dividing each other. Nor do we divide each other on ethnic basis in modern times. As a matter of fact, of the 93 districts the DDSI administers, displacement of Oromo civilians occurred only in Jigjiga; Oromos are still living peacefully in “Qabridhahar, Godey, Dagahbuur… The displacement of Oromo civilians from Jigjiga was a spontaneous but unfortunate development that took place in an instinctive reaction to the massacre which some ill-intentioned Oromos committed in Awadey, where over 40 Somalis civilians were massacre in day light. He continued to say that both sides have been negatively impacted by this recent and devastating conflict. This is the first time, he added, that such an Oromo-Somali conflict took place in urban settings. In the past, most conflicts used to take place in the rural areas, mainly as a result of disagreements over scarce resources. Somalis and Oromos live side by side, share culture, religion and blood, and therefore should not have such experience and this type conflicts. But this time, the Awadey massacred and the actions of some mischievous elements who posted the dead bodies of the Somali victims on social media changed the calculus of the conflict. In a short period of time, the conflict expanded and was globalized quickly and fast. We are doing our level best to arrest the situation and make sure that such a thing does not occur in the future. ZAMI: The border conflict has not been resolved. Who is responsible for this? President Abdi: First of all, I like to stress that the agenda is to repatriate all those who have been displaced from any region be it Somali region or Oromo region, said the President. He continued to say that the federal government is taking the lead on this. “On our part, we will do everything possible within our power and ability to bring the displaced citizens back to their properties and to their homes. Most of those impacted have already peacefully returned and reclaimed their properties. Those coming soon will also be protected and helped reclaim their properties with no resistance. Our people respect the rule of law. We have placed our call and waved an olive branch to anyone who has been impacted to fully be repatriated. We are committed, he stressed, to help with our limited capacity, to see a complete and comprehensive repatriation effort take place. Having said that, the President dived deep into the root cause of the problem; this conflict emanates from a 2004 plebiscite conducted in Oromo and Somali regions, he said. This was an effort carried out by the federal government for a lasting demarcation between the two brotherly nations. Interpreting the results of that plebiscite, he underlined, generated significant misunderstanding between Oromos and Somalis. There are still contested border areas, although these areas and their fate have been addressed by a study and by the security council of the country. In some situations, the federal government arbiter disagreements; in other situations, the two traditional elders have reached some consensus on demarcation. All issues have been addressed, except about 9 districts that are in the hands of the federal government which await a lasting resolution. I like to add, the President said, that current political environment that prevails at the federal level (the country in general) also impacts us Somalis. As far as we are concerned, we adhere to the rule of law and live and be governed by the tenants and principles of the federal constitution. We are deeply committed to the constitution. ZAMI: The Oromo side and your side don’t talk. How true is this? President Abdi: “I don’t think this that is the case,” the President said emphatically. We (Atto Girma and I) have good relationship and even as late as yesterday, we talked. We both lead our people. It is a must that we talk and work together. We need each other and we like to cooperate and collaborate. As matter of fact, they are our big brothers in development, President Abdi said. To elaborate this, the President went on to explain how the federal government paired those regions designated as the less developed with a mentor from the coalition of EPRDF. He said Somalis are mentored by the Oromo region, and as the mentee, we have tremendous respect for our brothers. Oromos work in my own office, the President underlined in an effort to show how Somali authorities are open to a brotherly coexistence. ZAMI: Some say the conflict is based on contraband. What do you say about that? President Abdi: There are contrabands that come in and out illegally. The Somali region has worked hard to mitigate any contraband in the region. For your information, the President said, there is no US dollars that is originated from Togwajaale, The recently capture contraband US dollars in the millions was money actually taken out of Ethiopian banks by corrupt businessmen who then turned around and tried to make such huge sums of money as remittance coming through Togwajale. Remittance monies, as far as we know, come in small amounts, but not in million dollars. The so-called contraband money that was captured originated from Addis Ababa and was planned to reenter the country through Togwajale as fake remittance money. You see, he explained, corrupt businessman in Addis took foreign currency from Ethiopia banks and wanted to recycle it as fake remittance money Togwajale and the Somali region is being used as a cover. The dollar is actually originated from Addis Ababa. I his conclusion of this far-reaching interview, the President of DDSI reemphasized how the Somali region respects and lives by the principles enshrined in the federal constitution which is the product of the long-struggle waged by the multinational struggles of the oppressed peoples of Ethiopia. He added that his administration would not accept the old order of ethnic inequality of the Dergue and beyond years. Towards his conclusion, he emphasized both his personal rights as well as his ethnic rights within the new order that is the order of the country. He finally said that those that deny the individual or the rights of the nations within the country will not come back to governing. Those days of small group ruling the country are passé. Personal Remarks Overall, the interview was good and the question posed were timely. However, it appears as if the interviewer was under the impression that only Oromos are displaced. To the contrary, more Somalis have been impacted, and more Somali civilians have been killed and displaced by the recent Somalo-Oromo conflicts. There are entire regions where Somalis have been completely ejected in the tens of thousands. The region known as Balbalyte valley, a region where Somalis and Ormos have lived together since Emperor Menelik invaded and conquered Oromos and Somalis alike, is cleaned off of Somalis. Moreover, the city of Nagele where Somalis used to be the majority and are now barely 50% of the residents are under serious attack by the OPDO forces. A recent BBC reporter interviewed a Nagele resident who said that his community is on the verge of losing grounds. He continued to say Somalis are being wantonly attached by militia and OPDO soldiers. If help does not come soon, all of us may be forced to leave Nagele, he reported in a distraught voice. Somalis and Oromos have been close allies in the struggle for freedom and democracy. They also share the Latin script which was developed by Somali scholars. But the 2004 plebiscite, which sought to settle lingering boundary issues, the results disproportionately favored Ormomo side. Of the 480 districts that were covered by the 2004 referendum, over 80% of the districts were given to the Oromos, annexing many Somali majority districts to Oromia. This happened because 1, at the time of the referendum, the Somali administration in Jigjiga was in a disarray, and 2, OPDO negatively used its EPRDF membership to sway the results of many districts in its favor. OPDO took advantage of its membership of the ruling EPRDF coalition. Most of the commanders of the federal troops are biased Oromos and are known to intimidate and harass Somalis. That intimidation and harassment is at a critical stage in Nagele. If the federal government ignores the problems of the Somalis that would certainly violates federslim. There should be a lasting solution to the Somalo-Oromo conflict. But the solution should be just, unbiased, and fair, a value that is supposed to be central to the federal constitution. Translated and commented by Faisal Roble Faisal Roble Email:
  13. The 12th Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Day of Ethiopia/Constitution Day/ was colorfully marked in Somaliland, Hargeisa at Maansoor Hotel on December 7/2017 with a theme of “Our Constitutional and Colourful Multi-nationalism for our Renaissance”. The celebration was attended by hundreds of resident Ethiopians in Somaliland, Community Representatives and families. Also present in the event were Somaliland officials including the State Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Hon. Mohamed Mihile Boqore. A short documentary film that spectacles immense progress Ethiopia has made over the last two decades or so economically, politically and in the areas of diplomacy was on the show. Representatives of the Ethiopian Somali and Oromo community displayed Cultural unity songs and dancing in traditional dress. The Day is celebrated in commemoration of the endorsement of the constitution that guaranteed and protected the rights of the various nations, and nationalities by declaring their equality and just representation in the political milieu, as enshrined in the noble document. With the demise of the dictatorship of Derg, the country’s first democratic constitution, enshrining all basic rights and freedoms, was ratified on December 8, 1995. That is the reason to celebrate December 8, the historic day marking the ratification of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, a constitution which formally guarantees the rights and equality of Ethiopia’s nations, nationalities and peoples. In his remarks, Consul General of the Ethiopian Consulate Office in Somaliland, B/General Berhe Tesfay, pointed out key issues being addressed in the FDRE Constitution which have helped Ethiopia and its people to join hands and usher their renaissance. These include the significant emphasis given in the current Ethiopian Constitution on the equality of all Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia and of language, religion, culture and history. He also emphasized the attention being given to the full respect of human and democratic rights which constitutes two-third of the total volume of the current Constitution as well as the constitutional provisions pertaining to decentralization of power, self-governance and equitable utilization of national resources and revenues, equitable job opportunities to all and proportional basic services and infrastructure in all regions. The Consul General also recalled the oppression during the previous regimes in which some of the nations and nationalities have been treated as second class citizens and deprived of equal opportunities within their own country. This led to the near two decades of struggle to create a political system under which their human and democratic rights can be respected, their languages, cultures, identities and history can be freely exercised and their right to self-administration and self-determination recognized. B/General Berhe Tesfay further elucidated the outcome of the constitution by underscoring the progress Ethiopia has made in the expansion of infrastructure and social development over the last twenty six years. Total road network has reached over 110,000 km while the country is planning to build over 5,000 km railway lines in different parts of the country. It was noted that the electrified Addis Ababa Djibouti railway line has started operation and is expected to improve transport service significantly. Ethiopian nations and nationalities flagship project, Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, is 63% complete and is expected to increase the country’s power generation capacity to 10,000MW upon completion. To realize the vision of becoming a manufacturing hub in Africa by 2025, Ethiopian government is establishing Industrial parks. Currently, Ethiopia has four operational industrial parks while another four are expected to be operational soon. It is hoped that these industrial parks will facilitate structural change in the economy and create millions of jobs. The Consul General also explained similar achievements in key human development indicators: primary school enrollment has reached 96%, higher education expanding radically and the country has now over 40 government universities and students graduating in hundred thousand every year, child mortality rate significantly cut and the number of people with access to clean water more than doubled and reaches at 84%. Telecommunication is another area that has seen expansion of service coverage and it is noted that currently ethio -telecom has 57.34 million subscribers. The Consul General also accentuated how the stellar economic growth Ethiopia has registered increased its capacity to resist the worst drought it faced without loss of life. And the results achieved so far have proven that various policies and strategies put in place by EPRDF in a bid to create peaceful, prosperous and democratic Ethiopia are bearing fruits and the journey of the country is at the right direction. Not only Ethiopia has been able to achieve sustainable development but has also been able to join the ranks of the world’s fastest growing economies. Moreover, structural transformation is already underway. In the area of diplomacy, Ethiopia is now becoming an influential nation in the world. The significant contribution Ethiopia has been making towards the maintenance of peace and security in Africa in general and in the horn of Africa in particular has helped it win trust, support and acceptability among the international community. This achievement has proven itself as promising. And the renaissance journey that the country pursues towards middle income economy would be realized in the coming ten years. On the other hand, the Consul General congratulated the people of Somaliland for concluding the third round presidential election peacefully and democratically. He also underscored his government’s commitment and readiness to work with the new Somaliland government to further strengthen Ethiopia’s relation with Somaliland in security, trade and people to people relation. Mr. Berhe Tesfay concluded his remark by urging all Ethiopians resident in Somaliland to renew their commitment to realize the renaissance of Ethiopia. He called on all Ethiopians to positively engage in the development efforts of their country and to play their own part to struggle the destructive activity of anti-peace elements, rent seeking and problems of good governance that are threats to the democracy and development of the country. The State Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Hon. Mohamed Mihile Boqore who was attending the celebration delivers a speech and expressed his hope that the cordial relation between Ethiopia and Somaliland will be further strengthened under the new Somaliland administration.
  14. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo weftigii uu hogaaminayey ayaa maanta 09 December 2017 dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda dawladda Puntland. Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa ayaa waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha Kanooko ee Magaalada Garoowe kusoo dhoweeyey Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka dawladda Puntland Eng. Cabdixakiin Xaaji Cabdullaahi Cumar Camey, maamulka gobolka Nugaal iyo kan degmada Garoowe, masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha dawladda Puntland, saraakiil ka tirsan Madaxtooyada Puntland, aqoon-yahano, siyaasiyiin iyo qaar kamid ah shacabka magaalada Garoowe. Madaxweynaha oo warbaahinta kula hadlay qasriga Madaxtooyada Garoowe ayaa ka warbixiyey shirkii amniga qaranka Soomaaliya iyo kii beesha caalamka iyo Madaxda Soomaalida, waxaana uu sheegay Madaxweynuhu in dhammaan shirarkaasi kala duwan ay kusoo dhammaadeen guul, maxsuul wanaagsanina kasoo baxay. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in shirka amniga qaranka Soomaaliya uu wax badan kusoo kordhiyey geedi socodka dawladdnimada qaranka Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana waxa uu xusay Madaxweynuhu in shirkani lagu dhisidoono ciidan Soomaaliyeed oo Soomaali oo dhan ka dhexeeya, astaan qaranle, ka qayb-qaata amniga iyo xasilinta dalka. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland ayaa xusay in 2400 oo cidanka dawladda Puntland ahi ay qayb-noqon doonaan ciidanka qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee hadda layagleelayo dhisitaankiisa iyo isku dhafkiisa. Ugu danbayn, Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in shirka madaxda qaranka Soomaaliyeed iyo beesha caalamka looga hadlay arrimaha amaanka iyo dhaqaalaha, waxaana uu Madaxweynuhu tilmaamay in labada ajandeba ay muhiim u ahaayeen qaranka Soomaaliyeed .
  15. Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka madaxa-bannaan ee Somaliland (Human Rights Centre) ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay warbixin sadeedka 2017 ee xaaladda xuquuqda Aadamaha ee Somaliland iyo gabood-fallada ay diiwaangaliyeen ee sanadkan sii dhamaanaya ee 2017-ka. Munaasibadda lagu soo bandhigayay warbixinta waxa kasoo qayb-galay, madaxda ururada maxalliga ah ee Somaliland, weriyeyaal, qareenno iyo qaar kamid ah difaacayaasha xuquuqda aadamaha. Tacaddiyada ka dhanka xuquuqda aadamaha ee sanadkii 2017ka ka dhacay Somaliland ee isla markaana lagu soo bandhigay wabrixin sanadeedkan 2017ka ayaa waxa kamid ah tacaddiyo ay ciidamada boolisku u gaysteen dad shacab ah oo mudaharaaday muddadii lagu gudo jiray doorashada, iyadoo tacaddiyadaasi ay ku geeriyoodeen dad shacab ah. Sidoo kale, xarunta waxaa ay soo bandhigtay tacadiyada ka dhanka ah; Dumarka, beelaha la hayb sooco, difaacayaasha xuquuqda aadamaha, Xadhiga ka dhanka siyaasiyiinta Mucaaridka ah iyo tacaddiyada ka dhanka saxaafadda oo qaar kamid ah hay’adaha warbaahinta Somaliland ay xidhan yihiin muddo sanado ah. Tacaddiyada Booliska ee Shacabka: Afar qof ayay ciidamada boolisku ku dileen magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Burco wakhtigii lagu gudo jiray doorashada kaddib markii ay mudaharaad dhigeen qaar kamid ah shacabka magaalooyinkaasi halka halka sagaal kalena ay dhaawaceen ciidamada boolisku iyagoo adeegsanaya xabbad nool – sida ay warbixintu sheegtay. Tacaddiyada ka dhanka Haweenka: Tacaddiyada ka dhanka ah Haweenka ayay xaruntu diiwaangalisay in ay kamid tahay gudniinka fircooniga oo ay sheegtay in haweenka Somaliland 97% la gudo sida ay xaruntu kasoo xigatay cisbitaalka dhallaanka iyo hooyada ee Edna Aden. Tacaddiyada ka dhanka ah difaacayaasha xuquuqda aadamaha: Sanadkan 2017ka waxa magaalada Hargeysa lagu xidhay afhayeenka xarunta xuquuqul-insaanka madaxa bannaan ee Somaliland Axmed Xuseen Cabdi kadib markii ay ciidamada Boolisku dhibsadeen codsi-dadweyne oo lagu doonayo in dib-u-habayn loogu sameeyo ciidamada Booliiska oo Xaruntaasu ay wadday – sida lagu sheegay warbixinta. Halka guddoomiyaha xarunta xuquuqul insaanka Guuleed Dafac isna lagu soo oogay dacwad ciqaab ah. Xadhiga Siyaasiyiinta Mucaaridka ah: Toban kamid ah siyaasiyiinta Somaliland oo siddeed ka mid ah ay ka tirsan yihiin xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee Waddani ayaa xabsiga loo taxaabay sannadkan, iyadoo tirada ugu badan la xidh-xidhay muddadii lagu gudo jiray doorashada iyo arrinta saldhiga millatariga ee Berbera – sida ay warbixintu sheegtay. Xadhiga Weriyeyaasha: 26 weriye ayaa sanadkan siyaabo kala duwan loogu xidhay guud ahaan Somaliland inta ay diiwaangelisay xarunta xuquuqul insaanka Somaliland. Xadhiga weriyeyaasha ayaa hoos u dhacay marka la bar-bardhigo sanadkii hore ee 2016 oo dalka lagu xidhay 28 weriye siday xarunta xuquuqul insaanka madaxa bannaan ee Somaliland sheegtay. Goobjoog News Source
  16. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane. cabdiweli Maxammed Cali(Gaas) oo Galabta dib ugu soo laabtay Puntland,gaar ahaanna magaalada caasimadda ah ee Garoowe ayaa ka warbixiyey shirkii amniga qaranka Soomaaliya iyo kii beesha caalamka iyo Madaxda Soomaalida, waxaana uu sheegay Madaxweynuhu in dhammaan shirarkaasi kala duwan ay kusoo dhammaadeen guul, maxsuul wanaagsanina kasoo baxay. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in shirka amniga qaranka Soomaaliya uu wax badan kusoo kordhiyey geedi socodka dawladdnimada qaranka Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana waxa uu xusay Madaxweynuhu in shirkani lagu dhisidoono ciidan Soomaaliyeed oo Soomaali oo dhan ka dhexeeya, astaan qaranle, ka qayb-qaata amniga iyo xasilinta dalka. Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in shirka madaxda qaranka Soomaaliyeed iyo beesha caalamka looga hadlay arrimaha amaanka iyo dhaqaalaha, waxaana uu Madaxweynuhu tilmaamay in labada ajandeba ay muhiim u ahaayeen qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Halkaan hoose ka daawo. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Gaas oo Puntland kusoo laabtay kana warbixiyey Shirkii Amniga Qaranka ee Muqdisho. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo ka qeyb-galaya madasha ganacsiga Afrika 2017 ee Magaalada Sharma- Sheekh ayaa sheegay in baahi weyn loo qabo mideynta dadaallada iyo qorsheyaasha wadamada Afrika ee ku aaddan maal-gashiga iyo kor u qaadista iskaashiga ganacsiga. Madaxweynaha oo hadal ka jeediyey fagaare ay kasoo qeyb galeen Madaxda Afrika ee shirkan qaybta ka ah, madaxda bangiyo caalami ah, ganacsato, khubaro dhaqaale iyo maal-qabeenno ayaa yiri. “kulammadaani waxa ay muujinayan baahida aan u qabno in aan abuurno jawi maalgashi oo soo jiidanaya maalgashade-yaasha shisheeye iyo kuwa gudaha, waa hiigsi ay dooneyso dowladda kasta in ay ka dhabayso. Si loo gaaro iskaashi dhaqaale oo dhexdeenna ah waa in aan arrinkan ka wada shaqeynaa oo xirriir qoto dheer ka yeelannaa.“ Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxa uu madasha ku soo bandhigay khayraadka ay hodonka ku tahay Soomaaliya, fursadaha maal gashi iyo kaalinta ay ka qaadan karto suuqa ganacsiga xorta ah ee Afrika ay qorshaynayso in dhidibada loo taago. “Soomaaliya waa dal hodan ku ah macdanta noocyadeeda kala duwan, gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo saliidda kuwaas oo dhammaantood soo jiidanaya indhaha maalgashade-yaasha Afrika iyo caalamkaba, waxaan kale oo leennahay xeebta ugu dheer Afrika iyo dhul aad u ballaaran oo ku habboon beeraha iyo wax soo saarka taas oo suurta gelineysa in Soomaaliya ay hormuud u noqoto haqab-tirka baahiyaha cunto ee Qaaradda Afrika,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray. Ugu dambeyn, Madaxweynaha Somalia ayaa maanta ka qeyb galaya kulamo muhiim ah oo xoogga lagu saarayo maal-gelinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha, beeraha, dhaqaale abuurka dhallinyarada, isgaarsiinta, fursadaha maal-gashiga tiknoolajiyadda iyo kor u qaadista adeegyada waxbarashada iyo caafimaadka. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo baaq u jeediyay Madaxda Afrika appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. Bosaso-[Puntland Post]-Magaaladda Bosaso waxaa lagu qabtay Munaasabad ballaaran oo Tababar loogu soo xiray in ka badan 300 askari oo ka mid noqday ciidamadda badda Puntland ee PMPF. Munaasabadda oo lagu qabtay xarunta ciidamada badda ee Bosaso, waxaa ka soo qaybgalay, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Bari, Duqa degmadda Bosaso, Agaasimaha Ciidamada Badda Puntland, Taliyaha Ciidamada Badda, Saraakiil ka socotay dowladda Imaraadka iyo Marti sharaf kale. Taliyaha ciidamadda Badda Puntland Admiral Cabdirisaaq Diiriya Faarax oo munaasabadda hadal kooban ka jeediyay wuxuu u mahadceliyay dowladda Imaraadka carabta, isagoo tilmaamay in Tababarkan iyaga la’aantood uusan hirgalayn. “dowladda walaalaheen ah oo iyagu Mashruucan tabababarka ciidanka badda Puntland samaysa hayday anaan lahayd dhaqaale iyo aqoon ahaanba” ayuu yiri Gudoomiyaha gobalka Bari, Yuusuf Maxamed Waceys dhado ayaa u hambalyeeyay ciidamada cusub ee tababarka dhamaystay, wuxuuna sheegay inuu ciidamada ay ka caawin doonaan la dagaalkanka Cadawga Puntland. Mudadii ay socotay Munaasabada xiritaanka Tababarka, ciidamadu waxay soo bandhigeen dhooltus ay ku muujinayeen siday ay diyaarka ugu yihiin difaaca iyo ilaalinta dalka, waxaana la guddoonsiiyay qaarkood shahaadooyin iyo abaalmarino kale. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post- Bosaso The post Ciidamo Ka Tirsan Kuwa Badda Puntland Oo Tababar Loo soo xiray appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Riyadh (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Sucuudiga ayaa Falastiiniyiinta ku war gelisay in ay ka tanasulaan in ay Caasimaddooda Mustaqbalka Noqoto Bariga Magaalada Quddus ee ay Yuhuuddo xoogga ku heysato. Kulan dhexmaray Bishii la soo dhaafay Madaxweynaha Falastiin Maxamuud Cabas iyo dhaxal sugaha dowladda Sucuudiga Amiir Maxamed Bin Salmaan ayuu Cabaas u sheegay in uu muddo labo bilood ah kaga soo jawaabo soo jeedintiisa Caasimadda Mustaqbalka Falastiin. Dhaxal suge Maxamed Bin Salmaan ayaa sheegay in Caasimadda Falastiin ee Mustaqbalka tahay Tuulada Abu Diis ee Bariga Quddus dhacda. Qorshaha Maxamed Bin Salmaan ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa qorshaha nabadda bariga dhexe ee Mareykaka uu soo diyaariyey, looa dhiibay dhaxal-sugaha, si uu uga dhaadhiciyo Falastiiniyiinta. Hindisaha Sucuudiga oo uu ku sheegay xalka Israel iyo Falastiin ma damaanad qaadayo in Falastiiniyiinta ku maqan dibadda ee qaxootiga ah ku laabanayaan Falastiin, sidoo kale dhismayaash sharci darrada ah ee Israel ka sameysay gudaha daanta Galbeed iyo marinka Gaza ayaa sidooda sii ahaan doona. Wargeyska Newyork Times ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweyne Cabaas ay ku adkaatay qaadashada go’aankaas, iyada oo muddada loo qabtayna ku ektahay Bishan December dhamaadkeeda. Sidoo kale Dowladda Jordan ayaa dowladaha Sucuudiga iyo Masar ku eedeeyay in go’aanka Trump ee Quddus iyaga laga talo geliyay waxbadanna ka ogyihiin. Warbixinta New York Times halkan ka aqri Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira The post Sacuudiga oo la saftay Yahuuda, una sheegay Falastiiniyiinta inay ka tanaasulaan Qudus appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. HARGEISA-– According to highly reliable sources within the presidential palace confirm that a ban on leaving the country has been placed on outgoing president Silanyo’s ministers. The temporary barring of all ministers to remain in Somaliland during the transitional period where the incumbent president, Ahmed Silanyo is to transfer power to the 5th democratically elected president, Musa Bihi on 15th Dec. Somaliland authorities directed officials at airports across the country to bar ministers from going abroad. The authority directed immigration officials at all international airports to stop outgoing government ministers in president Silanyo’s administration from travelling abroad. The authorities formally issued written orders to immigration officials in this regard. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the outgoing president incurred massive debt which is likely that the upcoming president is to inherit. The President-Elect is due to appoint ministers who have a zero tolerance policy towards corruption.A question mark is hanging over the intention of president-elect if he is about to pick one or two ministers of the outgoing cabinet. The ban placed on all ex-ministers is mean that those who committed widespread corruption must face the justice. Those who will be caught for corruption charges will be brought before a court trail.
  21. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo ka hadlayey maalinta caalamiga ah ee ku astaysan la dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa, ayaa hadal adag ku yiri “Xukuumadaydu haba yaraatee wax dulqaad ah u yeelan doonto musuqmaasuqa iyo wax-is-daba-marinta, isla markaana waxaan dadaal badan ku bixin doonaa sidii loo ciribtiri lahaa musuqa”. Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa tilmaamay in dawladdu ay dedejisay ansixinta sharciga dhismaha guddiga la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa, oo baarlamaanku meelmariyey bishii hore, isagoo caddeeyey in ay qaadeen tallaabooyin dheeri ah oo ay ka mid tahay magcaabista Hanti-dhawre Guud iyo Xisaabiye Guud oo shaqo-yaqaanno ah. Waxuna raaciyey in bilaha soo socda la qaadi doono tallaabooyinka iyo hanaanka hay’adeed ee ku xusan xeerka la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa oo ka mid tahay magcaabista guddiga la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa iyo hay’adaha kale ee hufnaanta. “Hambalyo maalinta la-dagaalanka musuq-maasuqa, Xukuumadeyda waxaa ka go’an la dagalanka musuqa iyo dib-u-soo celinta dawlad wanaagga, waxaan horumar gaari karnaa markii aan ka guuleysano musuqa”ayuu yiri R/W Khayre. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa xusay in Soomaaliya ay haystaan caqabado badan oo uu ka mid yahay musuqmaasuqa oo ka dhashay tobanaan sano oo sharci-darro ay ka jirtay dalka, tanina ay curyaaminayso hiigsiga horumarineed iyo koboca dhaqaalaha. Waxana uu intaa ku daray in iyadoo la garawsan yahay xajmiga dhibaatadan, ay xukuumaddu mudnaan weyn siisay xakamaynta musuqmaasuqa iyo meelmarinta maamul wanaagga. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre “Xukuumadaydu wax Dulqaad ah uma yeelan doonto Musuqmaasuqa” appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Baqdaad (PP) ─ Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Ciraaq Xaydar Al-Cabadi ayaa shir ka socda magaalada Baqdaad ka sheegay in ciidammada Ciraaq ay si buuxda gacanta ugu dhigeen xadka Ciraaq iyo Suuriya. Goobihii u dambeeyay ee ku harsanaa gacanta kooxda isku magacawda Dawladda Islaamka ayaa ku yaallay agagaarka xadka ka dib markii ay gacantooda ka baxday magaalada Rawa bishii Nofembar. Ku dhawaaqiddan Ciraaq ayaa ku soo aadaysa labo maalmood ka dib markii ciidammada Ruushku ay shaaciyeen in ay ka guulgaareen hawlgalkii ay Kooxda Dawladda Islaamka kaga xoraynayeen deegaannada Suuriya. Kooxaha Jihaad doonka ah ayaa qabsaday dhul wayn oo Suuriya iyo Ciraaq ku yaalla sannadkii 2014kii, waxaana maamulkooda ku hoos noolaa dad lagu qiyaasay 10 milyan oo ruux. Laakiin jab badan ayaa soo gaaray labadii sano ee u dambaysay, iyaga oo ay gacantooda ka baxday magaalada labaad ee ugu wayn Ciraaq ee Mawsil bishii Luulyo ee sannadkan, bishii horana waxaa gacantooda ka baxday magaalada Raqqa oo xarun u ahayd. Qaar ka mid ah dagaalamayaashii kooxda isku magacawda dawladda Islaamka ayaa la sheegay in ay u firxadeen dhulka baadiyaha ah ee Suuriya, kuwo kalana waxaa la rumaysan yahay in ay u baxsadeen dhanka xadka Turkiga. Ra’iisulwasaare Cabadi ayaa Sabtidii yiri “xoogagganaga ayaa gacanta ku wada haya xadka Ciraaq iyo Suuriya waxaana ku dhawaaqayaa in la soo afjaray dagaalkii ka dhanka ahaa Daacish. “Caddawganagu wuxuu doonayaa in uu dilo ilbaxnimadanada, balse wadajir iyo ka go’naansho ayaan kaga guulaysanay. Wakhti yar ayaana ku guulaysanay.” Ugu dambeyn, War qoraal ah oo uu soo saaray milatariguna waxaa lagu sheegay in Ciraaq “oo dhan laga xoreeyay” Kooxda igu yeerta Dawladda Islaamka. Isha BBC PUNTLAND POST The post Xukuumadda Ciraaq oo ku dhawaaqday in la soo af jaray dagaalkii “Dawladda Islaamka” appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Ceel-cadde (Caasimadda Online) – Dagaal culus oo u dhaxeeyo Dagaalamayaasha Al-Shabaab dhaxdooda ayaa la sheegay in uu ka dhacay deegaan lagu magacaabo Ceel-cadde oo ku yaala duleedka degmada Garbahaarey ee Xarunta Gobalka Gedo. Dagaalka ayaa la sheegay in uu u dhaxeeya Sarkaalka Al-Shabaab ugu sareeyo ee Gobalka Gedo oo magaciisa lagu soo koobay Fiidow iyo Ciidamo kale oo shabaab ka tirsan waxaana ka dhashay khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay uu khilaaf ka dhax taagnaa Al-Shabaab iyo Sarkaal gadood ka sameeyay oo ku sugnaa Ceel Cadde ee Gobalka Gedo. Saraakiil ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ayaa Taliyahooda ugu sareeyo G/Gedo oo Magaciisa lagu soo koobay Fiidow ka dalbaday in uu soo wareejiyo hub Gaadiid iyo Ciidan la socda kadib markii ay Shabaab ugu shakiyeen in uu iska dhiibo Gobalkaasi Gedo. Ugu yaraan 5 maleeshiyo oo ka tirsan Labada dhinac ayaa la sheegay in ay ku dhintayn dagaalkaasi, dadka dhintay ayaa Labo ka mid ah waxaa la xaqiijiyay in ay ka dhintayn Sarkaalka weerarka lagu soo qaaday. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Gaalkacyo The post Dagaal aad u culus oo saraakiisha Shabaab ku dhexmaraya Gedo iyo dhimashada oo… appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  24. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo ka hadlayey maalinta caalamiga ah ee ku astaysan la dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa, ayaa hadal adag ku yiri “Xukuumadaydu haba yaraatee wax dulqaad ah u yeelan doonto musuqmaasuqa iyo wax-is-daba-marinta, isla markaana waxaan dadaal badan ku bixin doonaa sidii loo ciribtiri lahaa musuqa”. Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa tilmaamay in dawladdu ay dedejisay ansixinta sharciga dhismaha guddiga la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa, oo baarlamaanku meelmariyey bishii hore, isagoo caddeeyey in ay qaadeen tallaabooyin dheeri ah oo ay ka mid tahay magcaabista Hanti-dhawre Guud iyo Xisaabiye Guud oo shaqo-yaqaanno ah. Waxuna raaciyey in bilaha soo socda la qaadi doono tallaabooyinka iyo hanaanka hay’adeed ee ku xusan xeerka la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa oo ka mid tahay magcaabista guddiga la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa iyo hay’adaha kale ee hufnaanta. “Hambalyo maalinta la-dagaalanka musuq-maasuqa, Xukuumadeyda waxaa ka go’an la dagalanka musuqa iyo dib-u-soo celinta dawlad wanaagga, waxaan horumar gaari karnaa markii aan ka guuleysano musuqa”ayuu yiri R/W Khayre. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa xusay in Soomaaliya ay haystaan caqabado badan oo uu ka mid yahay musuqmaasuqa oo ka dhashay tobanaan sano oo sharci-darro ay ka jirtay dalka, tanina ay curyaaminayso hiigsiga horumarineed iyo koboca dhaqaalaha. Waxana uu intaa ku daray in iyadoo la garawsan yahay xajmiga dhibaatadan, ay xukuumaddu mudnaan weyn siisay xakamaynta musuqmaasuqa iyo meelmarinta maamul wanaagga. —DHAMMAAD—- Caasimada Online Xafiiska Gaalkacyo The post Khayre “Xukuumadaydu wax Dulqaad ah uma yeelan doonto Musuqmaasuqa” appeared first on Caasimada Online.