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Somali parliament on Monday banned the DP World from Somalia barely two weeks after Emirati ports operator unveiled its agreement with Ethiopia and Somaliland. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa la sheegay in shaqo maalmeedkiisa u wareejiyay Xarunta Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga, sida ay soo warisay Wakaaladda Wararka Soomaaliyeed ee SONNA. Mudane Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo oo maanta ku sugan xarunta Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga ayaa halkaasi kulamo kula leh saraakiisha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka oo halkaasi ku soo dhaweeyey. Ujeedada ayaa ah sidii madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo uu u dhiiro gelin lahaa dardargelinta howlgalada military ee ka dhanka ah maleeshiyada Alshabaab. Madaxweynaha ayaa horey xafiis uga furtay xarunta Wasaaradda Difaaca Dalka,halkaasi oo dhowr jeer uu ku gutay shaqo maalmeedkiisa,waxaana tani ay qeyb ka tahay dadaalo lagu dhiiro gelinayo Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka,si ay u dareemaan in ay haystaan taageerada madaxda Dowladda. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Farmaajo uu maalmo ka hor la kulmay xaalad ka dhex jirtay Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga, Taliska Ciidamada iyo Saraakiisha Ciidamada oo ka dhex jiray buuq ku saabsan dhanka Mushaaraadka, kaddib markii dood ka dhalatay darajada ciidan ee Saraakiisha qaar. Balanqaadka Madaxweynaha ee doorashadiisa ayaa ka mid aheyd dhismaha iyo tayeynta Ciidamada qalabka sida, inkastoo xilligan ay ciidamada wajahayaan xaalado adag oo ay ka mid tahay in aanay muddo qaadan mushaar, sidoo kalena kaalmada uu siin jiray Mareykanka uu goostay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo shaqo maalmeedkiisa u wareejiyay xarunta Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Dhaxal sugaha boqortooyada Maxamed Bin Salmaan iyo Raysal wasaaraha ingiriiskaTheresa May waa laba ilmaadeer ah iyana waji ingiriis ayay ku joogtaa london isaguna waji carabeed ayuu ku jooga sucuudiga. ilmahii nabiyullaahi ibraahim caleeyhi salaam,waa fariicii labadii wiil ee uu dhalay oo kala ahaa Isxaaq iyo Ismaaciil nabadgalyo iyo naxariis korkooda ha ahaatee.labadaa wiil faracoodii ayaa hantiyay jaziiratul carab ilaa maanta.carabta waxaa dhex galay oo boqortooyada ku milmay hogaankana u haya kuwii aqoonta lahaa oo ahaa qabiilooyin kamid ah yuhuuda. maxaayeelay waligoodba waa wada daganaayeen jaziirada carabta oo isku dhex jireen, Taariikha fog waa ka gaabsanayaa intaas ayaan ku ekaynayaa.Laakiin reerkan labaxay ala sucuud iyagu waa qoyska loo gartay in ay boqortooyo ahaadaan dalkana loogu magacdaray.iyagaana xukuma inta suldaan iyo boqor ka jirta jaziirada carabta oo dhan.ala sucuud waxaa garab siiyay oo ka adkaysiiyay qabiilooyinkii daganaa maka iyo madiina niman ay isku hayb yihiin oo wata reer galbeed gaar ahaan ingiriis oo xili fog katagay dhulkaan. laakiin ragii ku haray dhulkan hada loo yaqaan sucuudiga,ayay kaalmeeyeen oo u dhiibeen boqortooyada. Dadkan ala sucuud iyo beeshooduba waxay noqdeen dad carbeed oo kamid ah beelaha degaanka,dhan guur dhan dhaqan iyo dhan diineedba.Laakiin way is ogyihiin ciday yihiin marwalba.Hadaba dadka loo taliyaa waa carab dadka taliyaana waa ragii awalba talin jiray uun. waxay soo saareen xili aan fogayn shidaalkii carbeed iyagaana gacanta ku haya.reer galbeed isagoo qaawan ninkaana maryo u xiray,isagaana soo hogaamiyay oo keenay afrika iyo carabtaba,waayo waanin leh garasho iyo aqoon durugsan oo maamul waana khabiir waayo usoo joogay. Aqoontiisa iyo dadaalkiisu waxa uu dhaliyay in uu dunida reer galbeed kanoqdo hogaamiye sare iyo dhaqaal yahan tan carabeedna qabsado wax iska yimid maha waa xikmad iyo caqli iyo dadaal uu leeyahay oo illaah siiyay sixunba ha u adeegsadee badanaa. Dalka soomaaliya isagaa hada ka abuuray qaskaa jira ee aad aragtaan ee socda 30 sanadood,isagaana abuuray argagixisada isagaana faraya in lala dagaalamo sucuudigu.waa nin meel fog wax ka arka.carabtu waad aragtaan sida loo karbaashay ciraaq,suuriya,yeman.haday isu naxayso oo ay jirto carabnimo sidaa daraadeed maha in dadka soomaaliyeed wax ka sugaan carab iyadii baa basan ee aan waxba ahayn. soomaaliya oo labaa bi inayo oo la duleeynayo miyay ka naxayaan hadii iyagii wada dhashay isu naxayn? Manaha waxaan u jeedaa in dadkeenu ku baraarugaan in carabi tahay adoon lahaysto oo kaalmo u baahan,waxan shuluga dheer idiin soo xirtayna eed carab moodaysaan dhabtu waa maha.carabtii dhaladka ahayd mar horaa laga adkaaday oo waa shaqaale biilkiisa ilaashanaya. Nimankaa ilma ibraahiim isku qabo,midna waa ninka haya hogaanka iyo saldanada nina waa carab oo waakan ah ciidanka iyo shaqaalaha labaduba maanta waxay rabaan in soomaaliya ay khayraadkeeda hantaan.hadee nimankan cadaanka ah ee reer galbeedna iyagaa wata oo saamigooday leeyihiin.hada waxaa larabaa dhulkan dihin ee hore loo sahamiyay shiidaalkiisa iyo dahabkiisa aan inagu ka baahanahay. Dhanka kale in aynu shakino oo baqno meesha mataal,waayo aduunkaan illaahay ayaa maamulkiisa wada,inagu soomaali baynu nahay dad qiimo leh oo caalamkoo dhami ka haybaysto ayaynu nahay,inagoo intan ka dhaqaalo yar kana hub yar kana dad yar ayaa awoow yaalkeen carab iyo yuhuud u diidan dhulkeena oo iska diideen gumaysi iyo duli nimo.shisheeye iyo cadaw dalkeena soo damaaciyay waa iska celinay. awoow yaasheen way ka diideen carab iyo yuhuud iyo saaxiibkood reer galbeed in ay dhulkeena inaga siistaan lacag iyo maal farabadan,waxay ka doorteen gaajo gobonimo leh oo xor ah. Soomaaliya lamid maha afrikadan kale waa dad garankara damaca shisheeye.kolkaa dalkaan inagaa leh cid inaga fara maroojinkartaa majirto,xaqna maha in dhulkeena laynagu qabsado oo dulmiyo illaahay baa inoo hiilin marwalba.Laakiin waxaa ina jilcinaya qabyaalada dhexdeena ah ee aynu beelo iyo jifooyin isu haysano taasoo cadawgeenu ogaaday kana faa iidaysanayo in uu inagu kala qaybiyo had iyo jeer.Laakiin soomaalidu waa dad garasho leh way arkeen oo dareemeen in laysku dirayo oo hada carabtu keentay lacag farabadan oo qabiilada iyo shaqsiyaad loo qaybinayo siyaasiyiin ah oo kala dila dadka soomaaliyeed. Tani waxay keentay in laga digtoonaado oo soomaalidu isku duubni muujisay oo ay difaacanayaan dalkooda iyo diintooda iyo dawladnimadooda.carab waxay kudoodaysaa oo lacag malaayiin ah kubixinaysaa dawlad soomaaliyeed majirtee waxaa jira boqortooyada ama dalka Ethiopia,soomaaliduna waa qabiilooyin kamid ah ethiopia.carab waxay kasoo horjeedaa in dawlada turkigu dhisto dib usoo noolaansho dawlad soomaaliyeed.waxay rabaan in xeebahan iyo dalkaan intii turki qabsan lahaa lasiiyo ethiopia oo ay heshiis layihiin. dadka soomaaliyeed oo ogyihiin in carabi ay kasoo horjeedo in dawlad soomaaliyeed dhalato. waxaan shaki ku jirin in dawlada soomaaliyeed hana qaadayso,dalka soomaaliyeedna Turki dhisayo,dakado caalami ah,hormarinta beeraha iyo xoolaha,wadooyin isku xira dalka oo dhan,goobo dalxiis soomaaliyana ay noqonayso wadanka aduunka uugu qanisan uuguna nolasha fiican.dadka soomaaliyeedna way u kaceen dhismaha iyo difaaca dalkooda hooyo.waxaa soomaaliya ay xukumi doontaa carab iyo afrika mudo aan dheerayn.waa in aan ismaqalaa oo madaxdeena adeecnaa si cadawgu u jabo. waa inaan xoo jinaa xiriirka turkiga soona celinaa xiriirkii ruushka si xulafada duulaanka ingu ah aan uuga guulaysano.kadibna waa in aan kabaxnaa jamaacada carabta taasoo keenaysa in soomaaliya aysan yeelan cadawdanbe.dhibka waxaa galiyay soomaaliya waa kubiiridii jaamacada carabta oo aan anigu u aqaan waxa ay yihiin oo dhabta ah oo ah gole argagixiso lagu laayo dawladaha ka tirsan qaarkood sida soomaaliya.suaashaa waxay tahay maxaa argagixiso kuraacinaya adoo soomaali ah? maxaa diintaada muslimka aad uuga tagaysaa adoo ah soomaali oo aad gole shaydaan ugu biirtay? WAA GABANKII INA BOQOR SALMAAN OO EEDADII OO BOQORAD KA AH UK. SALAAMAYA Waxaa xusid mudan ilma yacquub in ay aduunka korkiisa kusoo mareen dhib farabadan waxbadana ay usoo joogeen,arintaa oo dhaxal siisay in ay dadaalaan ku dadaalaan shaqo iyo aqoon,waxay iska diideen jiif sida basharka intiisa kale ubadan yahay. Arimahaas waxay sababeen in ay caqligooda iyo aqoontooda ku gaareen sifahan aad u jeedaan oo ah in ay aayar xukumaan caalamkan.kama saarayno meesha in illaahay siiyay cilmi isxaaq oo ah adoogii dhalay yacquub. laakiin mid ha iloobin waligaa inagaba illaahay wax wayn buu ina siiyay ee waa seexanay oo dayacnay wixii layna siiyay halkaa ayaa laysku dhaafay,ilma yacquub adeer jiif waa kala tageen dadaalana waa gaara.balhada heer ay gaareen arag riwaayada laynoo dhigayo iyagoo maaskaraati ah ayay ina xukumayaan,intaan waxkalaba la gaareen waxaan isku dilaynaa war waa iyagii iyo maha!!!!
Hay’adda Socdaalka iyo jinsiyadda dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ayaa qoraal ay soo saartay ku beenisay in ay joojisay Baasaboorka ay ka bixin jirtay Xafiiska magaalada Garowe ee caasumadda dowladda Puntland. Qoraalka ayaa lagu sheegay in hay’adda oo markii hore ku jirtay guri Kiro ah ay haatan xarun weyn ka dhisatay magaalada Garowe,islamarkaana ay xafiiska cusub ka bilaaban doonto shaqadii bixinta baasaboorrada. “Hay’addu waxay mar kale ku wargalineysaa bulshada ku xiran adeegga xaruntaan in ay adeegga bixinta baasaboorku dib uga bilaaban doonto xarunta cusub maalinta beri ah oo ay tariikhdu tahay 13/03/2018”,ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka. Sidoo kale hay’adda ayaa beenisay in wax khilaaf ah uu ka dhex jiro madaxdeeda ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho iyo xafiiska Garoowe,waxayna caddaysay in aysan mas’uuliyad hay’adda ka hayn dadkii warkaasi sheegay. “dhinaca kale Hay’addu waxay cadeyneysaa in aysan matalin isla markaana wax mas”uuliyad ah u haynin dad shaley sheegtey magaca hay’adda socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda Soomaaliya”,ayaa qoraalku raaciyay Qoraalka ay soo saartay hay’adda Socdaalka iyo jinsiyadda dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ugu dambyan loogu mahadceliyay guud ahaan madaxda dowladda Puntland,gaar ahaanna maamulka gobolka Nugaal . “Ugu danbeyn, Agaasinka Guud ee Hay’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda Soomaaliya ayaa uga mahad celiyay madaxda Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland, gaar ahaan maamulka gobolka Nugaal wadashaqeynta hagaagsan, islamarkaana ku saleysan sharciyada dalka”. The post Hay’adda socdaalka Soomaaliya oo beenisay in ay joojisay baasaboorkii laga bixin jiray magaalada Garoowe. appeared first on Puntland Post.
Kuntuwaarey (Caasimadda Online)_ – Ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya ayaa shaaciyey in wiil uu dhalay amiirka Alshabaab lagu dilay howlgal ay ciidamada kumaandooska Soomaaliya ka fuliyeen Gobolka SH/Hoose. Idaacadda Ciidamada Xoogga dalka ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegtay in howlgalka ay fuliyeen Ciidamada Kumaandooska iyo Ciidamo Mareykan ah oo wehiyay, iyadoo xalay laga fuliyey degmada Kuntuwaarey ee Gobolka Shabeellaha. Xubnaha lagu dilay howlgalka waxaa ka mid ahaa Wiil uu dhalay Hoggaamiyaha Al-Shabaab Axmed Diiriye Abuu Cubeyda oo magaciisa lagu sheegay Xasan Axmed Diiriye iyo horjoogayaal ay ka mid yihiin Yuusuf Macalin Cabdalla iyo Maxamuud Maxamed Nuur (Faruur). Ma jiro wax war ah oo kasoo baxay saraakiisha ciidamada dowladda iyo dhinaca kooxda Alsahbaab iyadoo aanay jirin cid xaqiijisay arrintan. Ciidamada Kumaandooska Soomaaliya ayaa la howlgala Mareykanka oo tababarray, waxaana saldhigoodu yahay Garoonka Ballidoogle ee Gobolka Sh/Hoose. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com The post Wiil uu dhalay Amiirka Alshabaab & Horjoogayaal lagu dilay Howlgal ay qaadeen Ciidamada Kumaandooska Somalia appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin si walba oo aad ku timaadeen hadey ahaan laheyd Muruq, Maskax iyo Maal waxaad tihiin Xildhibaanadii Qaranka Soomaliyeed, waxaan si buuxda maqsuud idiinkaga noqonay markii aad doorateen Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdilaahi farmaajo oo aan nagu cusbeyn. Dhibaatooyinku Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin waa is dabayaal maalinba maalinta ka dambeysa, dadkii aad wakiilka ka aheydeen nolol ma haystaan oo nabad ma haystaan, caafimaadna ma heystaan, su’aashu waxay tahay sidee lagu noolaanayaa oo aad nagu meteleysaan haddii aydaan noo qareemin?. Amaanka:- Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin waxaad la socotaan hadalkii uu jeediyey Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Hirshabeelle oo yiri. “Waxaan ku jirna go’doon ee halanaka soo gaaro”. waxaad kaloo ogtihiin in gudiga doorashooyinka Qaranku ay Balcad ku tageen diyaarad si ay dadka halkaas ku nool u soo wacyigeliyaan. Sidoo kale jowhar diyaarad ayaa lagu tagaa, waxayna wararka qaar sheegayaan ineyba soo xirantahay wadada xiriirisa Xamar iyo Jowhar kadib markii ay shabaab Todobadkii hore sacado kooban la wareegeen inta badan gacan ku heynta Magaalada Balcad. Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin iyadoo ay caadi tahay dilka ka dhaca Magalada Muqdisho oo loo geysto dadka rayidka ah iyo ciidamada ayaa hadana wadada xiriirisa Xamar iyo Afgooye xaalkeedu aanu fiicneyn oo waxaa khadyaan laga taagan yahay Miinooyin ay Shababku dhigeen, iyadoo la ogyahay Geeridii Masuuliyiintii Hirshabeelle iyo Koofur Galabeed ee ka dhacday nawaaxiga Wanlaweyn ayaa hadana waxaa doraad galab miino lamiga lagu aasay ku geeriyoodey ku dhowaad 10 askari oo katirsan Ciidanka Milatarga gaar ahaan kuwa ay tababareen Imaaraadka Carabta waxaana intaas dheer in habeen madow lagu aasay qabuuraha Iskuul buluusiya, marka Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin Amaan ma jiro. Nolosha:- Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin si loo noolaado waxaa muhiim ah in wax cuno, waa sidee xaalku hadda? Maciishaddii waa ay adkaatay oo waxaa lasoo qaban la’yahay nolol maalmeedkii caadaiga ahaa, shaxaad ma jiro, sababtoo ah waxaa batay shaqo la’antii ka jirtey Magaaladda. Iyadoo sidaasi jirto oo ay dalkan dhibaato ku hayaan Ganacsato gowracato ah ayaa Wasaradda Maaliyaddu waxay soo rogtaa maalin kasta Canshuur hor leh oo aan weligeed Soomaaliya lagu arag, taasoo dhibaato ku noqneysa hadii la meel mariyo dadweynihii hore u dhibanaa gaar ahaan kuwa ku nool Xamar iyo Gobolda la ologga ah, sidaa darteed Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin nololi ma jirto. Caafimaad:- Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin, dalka Soomaliya oo ay Caasimadu ugu weyn tahay waxaa laga la’yahay daawo tayo leh si loogu dabiibo dadka xanuunsan. Tusaale, Shalay waxaa Magaalada Muqdisho laga soo weriyey geeriga sedax qof oo hal qoys ka soo jeeda iyo dhaaawca intii kale ee qoyska ka hartay marka Hooyaddii laga reebo. Maxay aheyd sababtu? Sababtu waxay aheyd qoyskaas waxaa ku batay cudurka Duumada ama Malaariyadda, waa ay ku soo noqnoqtay, waxay waayeen daawo ay isaga dabar gooyaan, waxay la daalaadhacyeen dhowr sano oo is xigxigey . Qoyskaas markii dambe waxaa helay Turufatoor (dhakhtar u eke) waxa uu u sheegay in Malariyada lagula tacaalo Geed Talaalka Caleentiisa. Reerkii waxay goosteen iney Geed Talaalka ama Geed Hindiga tuntaan oo ay cabaan si ay meel isaga saaraan Maleeriyada wareerisey, taasuna waxay keentay iney ku sumoobaan oo ay sedax ka mid ahi u geeriyoodan geedkii ay cuneen kuwii kalena weli ay la il daran yihiin. waxaa intaas dheer Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin daawo la’aanta Soomaaliya ka jirta waxay sababtay in Haweenkii infection-ka qabay hadda daawo ahaan loo siiyo oo ay cunaan Geedka Diisiga, markii ay waayeen daawooyin ay kula tacaalaan infaction-ka wareeriyey marka Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin Caafimaad ma jiro. Gebagebadii Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin Mar haddii aanu jirin Amaan oo aaney Nabadi jirin oo hadana Caafimaad jirin maxaad ku meteshaan shacabka Soomaliyeed ee dhibaateysan? Dhinaca kale Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin sow lama garin waqtigii aad dib u eegi laheydeen waxqabadka Kheyre iyo Xukuumaddiisa. WQ. Cabdinaasir Xersi Iidle. Mail. naasirx1@gmail.com Tel. 00252-615503978. The post Seddex waxyaabood oo keenayo in dib u eegis lagu sameeyo Kheyre iyo Xukuumadiisa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Hargeysa (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo wareysi gaar ah siinayay mid ka mid ah Telefishinka Horn-cable, ayaa sheegay in xiligaan munaasab ahayn wadahadal ay la galaan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Muuse Biixi ayaa xoojiyay hadalkii Wasiirkiisa Arrimaha Dibadda, Sacad Cali Shire oo sheegay inay dib u dhigeen si KMG wadahadaladii ay Soomaaliya kula yeelan lahaayeen dalka Jabuuti. “Wada-hadalladu mar walba way wanaagsan yihiin, balse xilligan munaasab kuma aha, waayo yaan la hadalnaa, ma cid aan jirintaankeenna aqoosanayn. Annaga waxaan doonayno waa inaan isku soo hor-fariisano sidii labo Dal oo kale, iyaguna taas ma ogola, marka Dowladda Somalia iyo gobol Soomaaliya ka tirsan oo kale miyaan u wada-hadalnaa – Maya,” ayuu yiri Muuse Biixi. Sidoo kale, Muuse Biixi ayaa kasoo horjeestay in dowladda Turkiga ay dhex-dhexaadiso iyaga iyo Dowladda Somalia, isaga sheegay inay ku fashilmeen wada-hadalladii horay labada dhinac u dhex-maray. Dhinaca kale, Madaxweynaha Somaliland ayaa wuxuu si adag uga jawaabay go’aankii ay Dowladda Soomaaliya ka qaadatay Heshiiskii saddex-geesoodka ahaa ee Dekedda Berbera. “Marka hore waxaa is weydiin leh Berbera yaa maamula… kuwa leh heshiiska ayaan kasoo horjeednaa ma imaan karaan Berbera… marka deegaan aanu ku jirin gacantaas oo aadan tagi karin inaad ka hadasho maamulkeeda waa ayaan-darro. Annaga kama hadalno waxa ka socda Dekedda Kismaayo iyo tan Boosaaso, waayo waan ix-tiraameynaa go’aankooda,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray madaxweynaha Somaliland. Hadalka Muuse Biixi ayaa wuxuu kusoo beegmayaa iyadoo Madaxweynaha Somalia, Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo oo khudbad ka jeedinayay xafladdii furitaanka kal-fadhigii saddexaad ee baarlamaanka Smalia uu sheegay inuu si dhaqso ah u billaabmi doonaan wada-hadaladii ay Dowladda Somalia kula jirtay maamulka Somaliland. Ugu dambeyn, Xubno ka tirsan baarlamaanka iyo Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa kasoo horjeestay heshiiska Dekedda Berbera, iyagoo ku tilmaamay mid aan waafaqsaneyn heshiisyadii horey u dhaxmaray Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo shirkadda DP World, gaar ahaan waxaa ay xubnaha golaha Wakiiladu diideen Saamiga ay Itoobiya ku yeelanayso dekedda Berbera. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo ka hadlay Wadahadallada u dhexeeya DF Somalia iyo Somaliland appeared first on Puntland Post.
Musharax Gudomiyaha Golaha Deegaanka Degamada Bosaso Maxamed Faarax Xaaji Mire Ayaa maanta si weyn loogu soo dhaweyey Magaalada Bosaso ee xarunta gobalka Bari,. Soo Dhaweynta Musharax ayaa Waxaa Ka Qayb Galay Bulshada Qaybaheeda Kala Duwan Sida Haweenka Dhalinyarada Odayaasha Dhaqanka Waxgaradka Iyo Aqoonyahanada Ku Sugan Bosaso. Maxamed Faarax Xaaji Mire Waa Nin Dhalinyaro Ah Aqoonyahana Waxbadana Kala Socda Siyaasada Magaladan Bosaso Isagoona Sheegay Hadii Uu Ku Gulaysto Inuu Hormar Wacan Gaarsinayo Magaladan. Musharax Maxamed Faarax Xaaji Mire Oo Qaybta Nasashashada Garoonka Diyaaradaha Kula Hadlay Warbaahinta Ayaa Sharaxay Sababta Ku Kaliftay Inuu Isasoo Sharaxo. “…Bosaso waxay ii leedahay muhimad gaar ah waant ii maalin farxadeed, Bosaso waa meeshii muddadii dhalinyaranimadeyda aan ku qaatey wax badana aan ka qabtey, waxay astaan u tahay Qaranimada Soomaaliya in aan maanta joogno Bosaso oo ku taala cirifka Waqooyi ee xeebaha Soomaaliya…. waxana sida oo kale ku faraxsanahay in aan u tartamo xilka gudoomiyaha Degmada Bosaso hadii aan ku guuleysto waxabadan ayaan ka qabanayaa baahiyo badan oo ka taagan Bosaso ” sidaas waxa yiri Musharax Gudoomiye golaha Deegaanka Bosaso Maxamed Faarax Xaaji Mire. Waxaa Magalada Bosaso Hada Laga Daremaya Soo Xulista Xildhibanada Golaha Degaanka Bosaso Kuwaasi Oo Dooran Doona Gudomiyaha Ay Degamadan Yeelan Doonto. The post Musharax Gudoomiye Maxamed Faarax Xaaji Mire oo Bosaso lagu soo dhaweeyey appeared first on Puntland Post.
Abaaha dhalay Gabar 14jir ahayd oo lagu magacaabo Saxardiid C/laahi Cismaan oo 2 sano ka hor kufsi wadareed loogu gaystay Degmada Galdogob ee Gobolka Mudug ayna kafaale qaaday Mas,uuliyada qoyska gabadhaasi kufsiga loo gaystay iyo daryeel keedaba Wasaarada Haweenka iyo Arimaha Qoyska ee dowladda Puntland ayaa waxa uu sheegay Aabahan dhalay gabadhan in mudo 2 sano ah aysan ka helin dowladda Puntland iyo Wasaaradaba gaba dhiisa wax daryeel ah, taas oo horay loogu balan qaaday . Waxa uu sheegay in Wasiirada Haweenka iyo arimaha Qoyska ee Puntland Maryan Axmed Cali uu mudo Abar bilood ah ka daba wareegayay lacag uu Madaxweynaha Puntland ugu balamiyay in ay siiso Qoyska dhibanaha , taas oo uu markiidambe uu sheegay in kala bar lacagtaas uu helay mudo kadib markii uu rafaad iyo silic uu ka maray raadinteeda . Wasiirka Haweenka ee Puntland D.r Maryan Axmed Cali oo dhawaan Waraysi gaar ah siisay idaacada BBCda laanteeda Afka Soomaaliga ayaa waxa ay ku sheegtay in mudo 2 sano ah Qoyskaasi ay Wasaaradeeda gacanta ku haysay daryeel kooda ,Waxbarashadooda , Caafimaadkooda iyo masaariiftoodaba , taas oo uu beeniyay Abaaha dhalay gabadhan kufsiga loo gaystay. Aabe Saxardiid C/laahi ayaa sheegay in mudadaasi labada sano ah Ay san helin gabadhooda wax daryeel ah haday ahaan lahayd mid Caafimaad , mid dhaqaale iyo mid wax barasho toone, wuxuuna intaasi hadalkiisa sii raaciyay in laguba haysto kiradii guriga ay ka daganaayeen Magaalada garowe iyo korontadii. Halkan ka dhagayso Aabe Saxardiid C/laahi Cismaan . Saxar diid
After the Republic of Somaliland, the UAE and the Federal Republic of Ethiopia signed a tripartite agreement to invest and develop Berbera port as a regional hub for trade, the Farmajo- lead so-called government in Mogadishu issued floods of televised threats trying to intimidate Somaliland, Ethiopia and the UAE to submission. At first, they assumed that the International Community did not know that Somaliland was not part of Somalia, is not part of Somalia and will not become part of the failed state of Somalia. Somalia warlords/ Al-Shabaab buddies overestimated their political legitimacy, their regional geopolitical and economic leverage and their other influences in and around the international arena. It took them hours to understand that they were not a superpower country. Once they realized their international stature they immediately retracted their bizarre terrorizing narrative and adapted to a more consolatory tone towards the tripartite agreement signatories. All of a sudden, Farmajo remembered to claim deep-rooted relations between Somalia, Ethiopia and The United Arab Emirates. In point of fact, the Somaliland relations with the UAE and Gulf countries goes back centuries – there have been trade and cultural links between them since the beginning of times. Somalia connections with the Gulf began only after Somalia established its embassy in Abu-Dhabi in 1970s then the first wave of Somalia emigrants came to the UAE. By then, Somalilanders were part and parcel of fabric of the Gulf communities. Furthermore, Ethiopia was the first country to host Somaliland civilian refugees fleeing Somalia’s atrocious war machine – and to those Somalilanders are very grateful. The corrupt Mogadishu warlords in grey suits, talk in length of territorial integrity of Somalia. They call themselves the legitimate representatives of the Somalia people. No one in his right mind has problem in supporting the territorial integrity of Somalia, not Somaliland, not the Arab league and not even the UNO, as long as they do not claim Somaliland, Djibouti, the Somali administered region in Ethiopia or the NFD in Kenya. To be precise, let them stick only to the Italian Somalia and then call themselves with what name or government type they be happy with. Now, let us dissect and go deeper and see if their rhetoric is marketable or not. To begin with, Somaliland is not the northwest regions of Somalia, as they love to call it. A Somaliland-Somalia union – the Somali Republic wasn’t formed within the ordinary international norms; to have an unconditional agreement between two entities there has to be a documented conformity between the consenting parties at least stating in a documented form that they agreed to unite. There is no documentation of a signed agreement between Somaliland and Somalia to form a union- this renders Somalia’s deceitful claim of union with Somaliland null and void. Factually speaking, Somaliland was illegally annexed by then Somalia regime in July 1960. Here and again, I do not want to bore to tears the readers by going back and referencing the history of Somaliland and Somalia from the partition of Africa conference in Berlin, the annexation of Somaliland and what transpired from the brutal Somalia dictatorship and then fast forward to the present day Somaliland status as an independent, peaceful and democratic country. Because there are enough volumes of literature out there in the archives, that the Somalian- Italians in Mogadishu do not want to read and may be out of their naiveté, they believe everyone else doesn’t know better and that they are able to rewrite history with fake televised emotional speeches. Everyone knows that the Somalia leaders have no legitimacy and no loyal constituents which elected them to office and trusted them to run the country after fair, transparent and peaceful elections. Am I saying this, because the elections were rigged as it often happens in most of the developing countries? In Somaliland the president, the MPs and the municipal councilors were all elected multiple times in one person, one vote systems and those elections were all certified by the both the international and national observers as transparent, free, fair and peaceful. Comparatively, those in Somalia who claim to be the sole representative of Somalia and Somaliland were never genuinely elected into offices, but they bought their seats from handpicked assemblage of about a hundred sham clan leaders, who were there to sell their illegitimate ballots to the highest bidders. And that is how Farmajo’s fake regime and his counterfeit parliament came into being. We have an unlawful Somalia regime that claims the jurisdiction over the genuine Somaliland country and the IC continues to look the other side and it sees Somalia’s obvious illegitimate claim as justifiable. It is hard to understand why the International Community allows Somalia to illicitly occupy international organizations seats and continues to hold international organization memberships. No one knows if that is because of terrorism, piracy or charity fatigue or may be the International Community has run out somber ideas and it just wants to have some semblance of administration in that basket case – Somalia. If that is the case, then the international community needs to report to the nearest psychiatric clinic to check out the soundness of its sanity. If this international careless political trend continues, the end of terrorism, piracy, illegal human- trafficking and elimination of poverty will never see the light of the day in Somalia, but the IC reluctance to act fairly will only further complicate this already uncertain situation in the Horn of Africa and its vibrations will be felt in distant countries, which are now beyond anyone’s imaginations. The only way out of this Somalia’s dark tunnel is to grant international recognition to the Republic of Somaliland and Somalia to be allowed to become a Somaliland Republic trusteeship. As a final attempt, the agenda of the upcoming Somaliland-Somalia dialogue must be based on Somalia relinquishing its memberships and its seats in the regional and international organization back to Somaliland. Without this precondition, there must be no more time to waste and the Somaliland-Somalia talks must be suspended for good. The logic of an illegitimate and nonfunctional entity claiming its jurisdiction over a legitimate, free, democratic and peaceful country is no longer sustainable or entertaining. The United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and The UK should take lead and recognize Somaliland. By Dr. Yusuf Dirir Ali, MD Burao, Republic of Somaliland E-mail: drdirir@gmail.com
The Lower house of Somalia’s Federal Govt has a passed a bill on Monday nullifying the agreement between Somaliland an UAE based DPW firm to invest Berbera port. The new bill which is also barring Dubai Ports World (DPW) conducting investment projects in Somalia. The bill further stipulates that the Federal Govt is the sole legitimate body that can enter into international investment agreements with foreign firms. The House accused of DPW of violating the independence, the freedom and the unity of Somalia. The new law will be submitted to upper house for endorsement and the president will later sign into a law.
Waxaa isa soo taraya sida Dadka Soomaaliyeed ay uga Horjeedaan Fargelinta Dowlada Imaaraadka ku hayaan dalka Soomaaliya , waxayana sii Xoogeysatey markii imaaraadka ay Heshiis Qar iska Tuurnimo ah la galeen maamulka aan la aqoonsaneyn ee Soomaaliland iyo Dowlada itoobiya. Inta badan waa ay Guuldareystaan Dowlada sida Tooska u farageliya Dowladaha kale Tusaale Dowlada Shiinaha waxay Siyaasadii kaga dheereysey aduunka Dowlada Mareykanka waxaana ugu wacan , Marakeynaka waxaa uu Dowladaha sanka ka geliyaa Markey doonayaan in Dhaqaale Siyaan ama Maagelin Hormariyaan bixinayaan arimaha Dimoqraadiyada ,Xuquuqul Insaanka, (Gender Balance) ,Haweenka, Maxaabiista. Dowladda Shiinaha Dhamaan Sharuudaha Mareykanka kuma Xiraan Xiriirkooda Dibada , Maalgashiga waana Tan Keentey in Shiinaha uu Xagga Siyaasada kaga Dheeree yo Mareykanka ,waxaana arkeysaa Dowlado badan oo u weecdey dalka Shiinaha ka dib markii ay halkaas ka heleen soo jiidasho aad u weyn ,waxaana Dadka Siyaasada Odoresa ay sheegayaan in Dalka Shiinaha sannadaha Socda heli doono Dowlado fara badan oo la Dhacsan Waxqabadkooda. Waxaa Bilooyinkii la soo dhaafey dalka Soomaaliya ku Hardamyey Dowlado Carbeed oo iska soo hojeeda kuwaa oo markoodii hore ahaa kuwa isku Duuban , Waa markii ugu horeysey oo Dowaldo ka tirsan Khaliijka uu Xiriikooda uu Xumaado , waxaa Dowladaha Sacuudiga iyo Imaaraadka ay Dhabarka u jeediyeen Dowlada Qadar oo iyana bilowdey in ay Xiriirk adag la sameysato Dowladda Turkiga. Dowladda Qadar oo Siyaasadeeda Qunyar Socodka waxay keentey in ay Saameeyn ku yeelato Siyaasada Soomaaliya maadaama ay meel Istaraatiijiyad ku taal sidoo kale Dowlada Qadar waxay si weyn u soo dhaweysey Siyaasada Dhexdhexaadnimada ee ay qaadatey Dowlada Farmaajo hase yeeshee dowladda Imaaraadka kama Faaideysan Siyaasadaas ,waxayna Bilowdey Siyaasad wax lagu burburinaya waana mida keeney in uu sii Xumaado Xiiriirka Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka. . Dowlada Qadar oo balan qaadyadeedii Soomaaliya oo intooda badan ay Fuleen ayaa wax waliba waxay isbedeli doonaan marka uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu Booqasho ku tago Dalka Qadar , waxaana Dadka Syaasada Indha indheeya ay sheegayaan in ay ay dhici karto in Xiriirka loo jaro Dowlada Imaaraadka maadaama Dowladda Soomaaliya aysan jecleysan Siyaasada Guracan ee ay ku dhaqmeyso Dowladda Imaaraadka hadaba maxaa dhici doona Hadii Dowlada Imaaraadka Xiriirka loo jaro maadaama Ganasiga Soomaaliya uu intiisa badan uu ka yimaado Dubai islamarkaana Lacagaha ganacsiga ay Maraan isku soo duuboo sow ma moodid in Qadar ay Imaaraadka kaga dheereysey Siyaasadii Soomaaliya. Gabagabadii Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa looga Fadhiyaa sida ay ka yeeleyso Xiriirka Imaaraadka ka dib markii Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya uu meel mariyay xeer dalka looga mamnuucayay Shirkada DP World ee laga leeyahay dalka Imaaraatka , oo la sheegay in ay ku xad gudubtay jiritaanka Qaranka Soomaaliya sdiaa Darteed dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaa soo dhaweeyey talaabada uu baarlamaanka Soomaaliya uu qaadey kuwaa Dib Bulshada u xasuusinaya Go’aankii baarlamaanka ay horey uga qaateen Xadgudubkii hore loogu sameeyey Badda Soomaaliya W/D Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro E-Mail:amiinkhasaaro@hotmail.co.uk E-Mail:amiinkhasaaro@yahoo.co.uk Tel 00252615532494 The post Qadar oo Imaaraadka kaga Guueleysan rabta Siyaasada Soomaaliya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ansixiyey Qaraar dalka ka mamnuucayo shirkadda DP World ee dalka Imaaraadka Carabta oo maamusha dekaddaha Berbera iyo Boosaaso ee maamullada Somaliland iyo Puntland. Qaraar ku saabsan shirkadda Imaaraadka laga leeyahay ee DP World oo maanta looga dooday kulankii Baarlamaanka ayaa kadib cod loo qaaday waxaa si aqblabiyad ah Baarlamaanku isugu raacay in dalka laga mamnuucay shirkadda DP World oo aanay ka howlgeli karin. The post Akhriso Qaraarka Baarlamaanka Federaalka ee Dalka looga mamnuucay Shirkadda DP World ee Imaaraadka Carabta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Mudanayaasha Baarlamanka soomaliya ayaa Maanta kulan xasaasi ah waxa ay ku yesheen Magaalada muqdisho,kulankaas ayaa intiisa badan looga hadlay heshiiskii Sadex geesoodka ahaa ee dekada Magaalada berbera. Xildhibaanada ayaa dood dheer ka yeeshay heshiiskaas oo ay wada saxiixdeen Dowladda Itoobiya Maamulka soomaaliland iyo Shirkada DP World ee laga leeyahay Imaaraadka Carabta. Dood kadib 168 Xildhibaan ayaa ansixiyay Xeer dalka looga mamnuucayo Shirkadda DP World ee laga leeyahay Imaaraadka Carabta. Kulan Xildhibaanada Golaha shacabka goor dhow yeesheen ayaa waxaa soo xaadiray 170 Xildhibaan, waxaana kulanka looga dooday Xeer uu soo diyaariyay Baarlamaanka oo ku saabsanaa heshiiskii Dekeda Berbera iyo Shirkadda DP World. Xeerka ayaa waxaa ansixiyay 168 xildhibaan, halka hal Xildhibaan uu diiday, mid kalena uu ka aamusay, sidaas uu Guddoonka uu ku dhawaaqay inuu ansax yahay xeerkan. Xeerkan oo cinwankiisu yahay Xeerka dhowrida Gobonimada iyo Geyiga Soomaaliyeed ayaa dalka ka mamnuucaya Shirkadda DP World, sidoo kale waxaa lagu baabi’iyay dhamaan heshiisyadii ay gashay oo ay ku jirto tan Dekeda Boosaaso. Waxaa xeerkan lagu sheegay inuu meel marin doono Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo, laguna soo saari doono faafinta rasmiga ee Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya. Waxaa kaloo xeerkan lagu xusay in marka uu ansixiyo Baarlamaanka Federaalka uu Madaxweynaha ku meel marin doono xeer Madaxweyne, laguna soo saari doono faafinta rasmiga ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Sidoo kale qodobada Xeerka ku jira ayaa ah kuwa calculus oo ay ka mid yihiin in Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre uu Go’aankas gaarsiiyo Madaxda Dowladda Isutaga Imaaraadka Carabta. The post Deg deg: Baarlamaanka Soomaliya oo meelmariyay go’aan Dalka looga mamnuucay Shirkada DP World appeared first on Caasimada Online.
The post Is Ethiopia a Rwandan genocide in the making? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
Maamulka Jubaland ayaa ku amray Diyaaradaha rakaabka qaada ee ka shaqeeya Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada kismaayo ee Xarunta Jubada hoose in aan dadka Rakaabka ah lagu hayn karin gudaha Garoonka mudo ka badan sadax saacadood iyagoo sugaya Diyaaradii ay ku qornaayeen. Amarkan ka soobaxay maanta Maamulka Garoonka Kismaayo ayaa udhignaa sidan hoos ku xusan in qof rakaab ah oo lasoo baaray una soo diyaar garoobay bixitaan aan la reebikarin xiliga ay Diyaaradu timaado ama aan lagu badali karin dadkale. Waxaa shirkadaha duulimaadka si dookale lafaray in iyagoon ogolaansho ka haysan Maamulka Garoonka aysan xafiis ka furan karin gudaha gaoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada kismaayo. Hadaba Go,aanadan ka soo baxay Maamulka Jubaland waxaa Warbaahinta u Akhriyay Maareeyaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Kismaayo C/laahi Aadan Maxamuud . Halkan ka dhagayso. 1206493196151284
Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa dalka ka mamnuucay Shirkada DP World ee laga leeyahay Dalka Imaaraadka Carabta. Kulanka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa soo xaadiray 170 Xildhibaan,168 Xildhibaan ayaa ogolaaday in dalka laga mamnuuco Shirkada DP World halka 1 Xildhibaan uu diiday, waxaana ka aamusay mudane kalena. Gudoonka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ku dhawaaqay in dalka laga mamnuucay Shirkada DP World ee lagu eedeeyay in dalka ay ku soo xadgudubtay. Sidoo kale waxaa Baarlamaanku ay laaleen heshiiskii ay shirkadaasi la gashay maamul Goboleedyada Dalka ka Jira. Faah Faahinta dib kala soco Insha allah Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Shirkada DP World oo dalka laga mamnuucay appeared first on Puntland Post.
By Dr. Saed Nouh Ahmed 1. Introduction Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the development of resistance (microbes not responding to the administered drugs) in microorganisms—bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites—to an antimicrobial medicine to which it was previously sensitive (WHO, 2015). AMR in a wide range of infectious agents is a growing public health threat of huge concern to countries and to many sectors. Especially alarming is the rapid global spread of multi-resistant bacteria that cause common infections and that resist treatment with existing antimicrobial medicines. There were 39.5 million deaths in the developing world where 4.123 Billion (78%) of the world population lived in 1992 and 9.2 million of the deaths were estimated to have been caused by infectious and parasitic disease (Murray & Lopez, 1997). Although the discovery of first antimicrobials against bacteria (Antibiotics) in 1930s was a major breakthrough in the prevention and treatment of killer infections, warnings from the development of potential resistance to the new antibiotics surfaced. For instance, Alexander Fleming (the founder of penicillin) said in his Nobel prize acceptance speech “it is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not sufficient to kill them…there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily under-dose himself and, by exposing his microbes to nonlethal quantities of the drug, make them resistant” (Fleming, 1945). Our ability to develop and mass-produce over 25 classes of antimicrobials in seventy years may seem monumental—indeed, many hailed the new antibiotic era as the end of infectious diseases. But, truth is, Microbes have infinitely more opportunities to gain resistance genes than we have to create new antimicrobials (Laxmanirayan, 2013). The speed of emergence of multi drug resistant pathogens globally outmatches the pace of discovery of new antimicrobials. There have been no successful discoveries of new classes of antibiotics since 1987 (Patel & Banomo, 2013). For example, just three years after Fleming’s warning, 38% of Staphylococcus aureus strains in one London hospital were penicillin-resistant ( Barber & Rozwadowska-Dowzenko, 1948) and roughly 90% of strains in the UK ( Johnson, et al., 2012) and nearly all of those in the US, while in some communities more than 50% of strains are resistant to methicillin (Klevens, 2007). The burden of AMR is very high in developing countries though due to the lack of sufficient body of research available as well as rudimentary healthcare systems with limited surveillance strategies/ programs on antimicrobial resistance which makes exact quantifications of the extent of AMR difficult as in the case in Somaliland.For instance, For example, in Matlab and Dhaka, Bangladesh, over 95% of Shigella dysenteriae isolates were resistant to multiple first line drugs (Hussain & Rahman, et. al., 1998). In Somalia in a cholera epidemic in 1985-6, there was a case fatality rate of 13% because the initially sensitive V cholerae quickly acquired plasmid encoded resistance to ampicillin, kanamycin, streptomycin, sulphonamides, and tetracycline (Coppo, et. al., 1995). Therefore, considering facts presented here, multiple stakeholder cooperation is needed at national (as in Somaliland) as well as international level to fight against this serious threat facing the mankind. 2. Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance a) Impact on Health Outcomes Deaths from acute respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, measles, AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis account for more than 85% of the mortality from infection worldwide (WHO,1999) and resistance to first-line drugs in the pathogens causing these diseases ranges from zero to almost 100% ( WHO,2001). Resistance frequently leads to a delay in the administration of microbiologically effective therapy, which may be associated with adverse outcomes (Kollef, Sherman, Ward & Fraser, 1999). The impact on particularly vulnerable patients is most obvious, resulting in prolonged illness and increased mortality (Who, 2014). Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria are believed to result in higher mortality rates, longer durations of hospital stays, and higher health care costs compared to those that result from infections with their antibiotic-susceptible counterparts (Holmberg, et. al., 1987). According to Carmeli, et. al., (1999), there is an association between antibiotic resistance and adverse outcomes on the order of a 1.3–2-fold increase in mortality, morbidity, and cost for patients with resistant versus susceptible infections. Figure 1: Global attributable mortality to AMR Projections of the future deaths due to AMR based on the current trends are described in the following figure 2. b) Impact on Economy Antimicrobial resistance affects all areas of health, involves many sectors and has an impact on the whole of society. Antimicrobial resistance is a drain on the global economy with economic losses due to reduced productivity caused by sickness and higher costs of treatment (WHO, 2015). Antibiotic resistance has a significant health and economic implications, increasing national investment spending and reducing global GDP by 0.4 to 1.6 % (World Economic Forum, 2013). The annual societal cost-of-illness for AMR is considered to be roughly $55 billion for the US alone (Smith & Coast, 2013). In an American study in 2008 of attributable medical costs for antibiotic resistant infections, it was estimated that infections in 188 patients from a single healthcare institution cost between $13.35 and $18.75 million dollars (Roberts, et. al., 2009). 3. Factors associated with occurrence of AMR i. Patient factors: self-medication of antimicrobials, patient’s level of education and awareness about safe use of antibiotics, poor adherence to prescribed medications (these factors are all highly prevalent in Somaliland). ii. Irrational use of antimicrobials including lack of standard antimicrobial prescribing policies/guidelines iii. Advertising and promotions: allows pharmaceutical companies to advertise drugs directly to public. iv. Economic factors: people may buy cheap and low quality medicines due to out-of- pocket situations v. The burden of substandard and counterfeit medicines worldwide: these may contain quantities less than required for effective antimicrobial activity (above MICs/MBCs), thereby exposing low concentrations to pathogens and promoting resistance. vi. Lack of public health policies towards the containment of antimicrobial resistance nationwide as well regulations for promotion of rational use of antimicrobials. vii. Lack/poor surveillance of the burden as well as trends of antimicrobial resistance (e.g. routine such surveillance is lacking in Somaliland). 4. Impact Of AMR On Public Health Efforts To Control And Prevent Communicable Diseases AMR resistance has substantially decreased our ability in controlling several important diseases, leading not only to economic losses, but also to social damages in the Public Health field (Munir and Xagoraraki, 2011; Wiesch et al., 2011). The effect of AMR on public health summarized: a) It hinders the ability of public health measures to control the burden of infectious diseases as infections due to resistant pathogens prevail ( e.g. the challenges posed by MDR-TB associated with longer treatment periods, higher costs of therapies by using expensive second line drugs, reduced cure rates- decline from 80-90% in non-MDR cases to less than 50% in cases due to MDR-T.B; this is a global challenge as well as to the the Somaliland national TB program ,in particular, with rising prevalence of MDR-T.B.). b) It is associated with increased spending in healthcare and burden on national and institutional health budgets. c) It is associated with increased morbidity and mortality attributed to infectious diseases (e.g. Nosocomial infections and the challenge of MRSA/VRSA). d) If not contained from the current trend, the world may live similar era when a simple infection such as typhoid or plague had caused widespread epidemics/pandemics. 5. Recommendations, Way Forward ü AMR is a major threat to public health and coordinated efforts are needed nationally as well as globally to lessen and reverse its burden by Strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation and developing holistic strategies and action plans ( Somaliland can take an active role in for instance, WHO endorsed global strategy for containment of AMR). ü Routine antimicrobial resistance surveillance is vital and urgently required to fight against AMR.( Somaliland should cooperate with international partners engaged in surveillance programs for this problem; e.g. WHO international surveillance program for AMR). ü Improving regulatory frameworks based on internationally agreed principles and standards (Codex, OIE) ü Reducing the need for antimicrobials in animal husbandry, by improving animal health disease prevention and good practices along the chain ü Public health education and raising awareness (among veterinarians, value chain actors including producers and the public) about AMR ü Developing appropriate policies/guidance on the prudent and responsible use of antimicrobials in animal husbandry ü Rational prescribing and use of antimicrobials is a golden strategy to fight the AMR threat.( self medication as well as the use of antibiotics for conditions not requiring so is highly prevalent in Somaliland and the government must act to address this problem) ü Supporting research to generate data on the prevalence and trends in AMR, as well as supporting risk assessment, risk management and risk communication in the AMR area . The research data available on the magnitude as well as the health and economic implications of AMR through quality studies employing sound and standardized methodologies is limited globally and lacking in regard to Somaliland and shows the underestimation/lack of required attention to this problem. References Barber M, Rozwadowska-Dowzenko M: Infection by penicillin-resistant staphylococci. Lancet. 1948, 2 (6530): 641-644. Coppo A, Colombo M, Pazani C, Bruni R, Mohamud KA, Omar KH, et al. Vibrio cholerae in the horn of Africa: epidemiology, plasmids, tetracycline gene amplification, and comparison between 01 and non-01 strains. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1995; 53:351–359. Fleming A: Penicillin. Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1945. 1945, Available from: http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1945/fleming-lecture.pdf Holmberg, S. D., S. L. Solomon, and P. A. Blake. 1987. Health and economic impacts of antimicrobial resistance. Rev. Infect. Dis. 9:1065-1078. Hossain MA, Rahman M, Ahmed QS, Malek MA, Sack RB, Albert MJ. Increasing frequency of mecillinam-resistant shigella isolates in urban Dhaka and rural Matlab, Bangladesh: a 6 year observation. J Antimicrob Chemother. 1998;42:99–102. Johnson AP, Davies J, Guy R, Abernethy J, Sheridan E, Pearson A: Mandatory surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteraemia in England: the first 10 years. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012, 67 (4): 802-809. 10.1093/jac/dkr561. Klevens RM, Morrison MA, Nadle J, Petit S, Gershman K, Ray S: Invasive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in the United States. JAMA. 2007, 298 (15): 1763-1771. 10.1001/jama.298.15.1763. Kollef MH, Sherman G, Ward S, Fraser VJ. Inadequate antimicrobial treatment of infections: a risk factor for hospital mortality among critically ill patients. Chest 1999; 115:462–74. Laxminarayan R: Personal communication. 2013 Murray CJL, Lopez AD. Mortality by cause for eight regions of the world: global burden of disease study. Lancet. 1997;349:1269–1276. Patel G, Bonomo RA: “Stormy waters ahead”: global emergence of carbapenemases. Front Microbiol. 2013, 4: 48-xx. Roberts, RR, Hota B, Ahmad I, Scott RD II, Foster SD, Abbasi F, Schabowski S, Kampe LM, Ciavarella GG, Supino M, Naples J, Cordell R, Levy SB, Weinstein, RA. Hospital and societal costs of antimicrobial-resistant infections in a Chicago teaching hospital: implications for antibiotic stewardship. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2009; 49:1175-84 Smith R, Coast J: The true cost of antimicrobial resistance. BMJ. 2013, 346: f1493-10.1136/bmj.f1493 World Health Organization. WHO report on infectious diseases: Removing obstacles to healthy development.Geneva, 1999. WHO/CDS/99.1 By Dr. Saed Nouh Ahmed Medical logistician & Chief Pharmacist at MAS children Hospital,
Barlamaanka Soomaaliya oo maant kulan xas meel mariyay xeer mamnuucaya heshiis kasta oo aysan dowladda federalka wax kala socon. Barlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxma kama jiraan ka dhigay heshiis kasta oo lala galay Shirkadda DP world.ee imaraadka Carabta. Barlamaanku waxay sheegeen in heshiisyadii lala galay DP World ay ka horimaanayaan dastuurka Dalka, Xeerka maalgashiga shisheeyaha ee Soomaaliya iyo shuruucda kale ee dalka u degsan.
Traditionally, customs administrations all over the world used to operate mainly as gatekeepers for the collection of import, export and other revenues to support the government. Their role in ensuring security at border crossings and ports was peripheral to their main function of protecting the financial and fiscal interest of the government. Somaliland is no exception; because the national government budget is extensively dependent on customs revenue, rather than direct taxes from domestic businesses and individuals. Customs’ revenue to the central government budget averaged to 75-80%. While this is the case, the trading community who are keen to see the ministry reform its customs services are mainly Somalilanders, who are trading just for local use and do not participate in international trade as importers and exporters through the quality of customs services as part of international trade transaction costs has an impact on the price of goods. Multinational companies and academia are not yet active or interested in Somaliland as an investment destination due to lack of understanding of its strategic location and natural resources. National experts in customs administration and modernization within the Ministry of Finance are either old, with little experience in the workings of modern customs administrations, or have found employment in the private sector, international organizations, or Non-Governmental Organizations. From 2011, the Ministry of Finance set a vision for the need to reform in Public Finance and, then the Minister took the lead in seeking Public Finance Management(PFM) technical assistance programmes from bilateral donors (such as the UK Department for International Development) and the World Bank. It is through the assistance of the World Bank that Somaliland developed and enacted six Public Finance bills, including a best practice Customs Bill. These Bills were enacted in July 2016. Unfortunately, capacity building and on the job training on the new law to both management level and front-line customs officers were not implemented. Though implementation decrees were signed officially by the relevant government officials, operationally none of these have been implemented in customs except ASI (Adam Smith International) customs reform and modernization experts’ short period training in 2015 – 2016 covering Tariff Classification, Origin, Customs Valuation and use of the Single Administrative Document. The reforms introduced by the new Customs Act 2016 can only be properly implemented and sustained with competent and professional management and leadership, specifically within the Customs Department Headquarters of the Ministry of Finance. Lack of adequate leadership and managerial skills in the top Customs management has prevented the initiation of successful capacity building and training programmes to the employees, and other stakeholders including customs brokers and the Financial Guard. Training on leadership, visioning, people management, delegation, motivation, negotiations, communication, change management, and decision-making are essential for Customs Managers in the regions and those in headquarters. The Customs Organizational Structure has not yet been aligned with the new Customs law and regulations in a manner which demonstrates a political commitment to reform and modernization. The leadership and managerial resources to be built in Somaliland Customs need to show these capabilities: Competent, multi-skilled and specialist customs experts, Efficient and modern customs functions with streamlined organizational structure, Development and training on Laws/Regulations/ Policies/ Guidelines that promote an efficient, transparent and modern customs administration, and Comprehensive Customs Performance Guidelines and Evaluations standards. Frontline managers in border stations and operational supervisors are not selected by their competencies and skills as required by the new customs law and regulations and the imperatives of modern global supply chain management. Legal requirements in dealing with customs brokers or other stakeholders are not applied. For example, there are no guidelines to facilitate resolution of customs disputes and appeals against the decisions of customs. Lack of predictability, harmonization, and standardization in customs clearance procedures and documents, written policies, and procedures as well as trained human capital in customer interface areas, impacts negatively on efficient revenue collection and does not facilitate legitimate trade. A significant number of customs brokers are illiterate and are not able to complain and debate with customs officers within the provisions of the Customs law and regulations. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that private legal firms with competence and interest in customs matters have not yet been established, so the brokers are compelled to act according to the unstructured instructions from customs officers. Building modern customs management and leadership knowledge and skills will contribute to the customs reform programme and facilitate the creation of a successful and employee-owned reform roadmap. Technical operational tools would easily be developed and distributed to not only customs staff, but all other customs stakeholders with appropriate training. Better Management and leadership will help harmonize the comprehensive customs standards and operational requirements. These would influence, convince and direct all employees to focus on the mission of customs to collect revenue in accordance with the law, ensure public security, the health of citizens, and administer preferential agreements and facilitate the trade for economic growth. The Ministry of Finance has recognized the importance of building contemporary management and leadership skills throughout customs rather than developing laws and regulations that would be hard to implement without the requisite managerial and leadership skills. Lessons learned from successful case studies where the operational efficiency of some customs stations managed by properly qualified and skilled young custom officers, can be used as a pilot for future roll out throughout customs. Somaliland revenue reform projects financed by the international community and international organizations primarily require highly committed managers and leaders in the field of revenue, as studies from other countries that have successfully implemented reforms show. Good project management skills and competent and skilled human resources are the centers for success. In the past, donors and some governments have supported the implementation of sustainable revenue and trade facilitation projects. Unfortunately, many of these projects did not lead to positive changes in the operational areas, rather sessions and debates in top-level offices or hotels, and development and distribution of beautiful documents to participants. But the skills and knowledge do not transfer to the fields of operations and to project end beneficiaries. Implementing international organizations standard of project evaluation sheet and templates are filled and attached as a means of verification. The level of education and knowledge of government counterpart officials are usually much lower. Other Somaliland experts, who used to be in the projects, may not continue to be in the project for ownership. Lastly, the political figures in the field of the project usually do not set a framework for monitoring and evaluation of the results of projects and programmes. The Somaliland Government has recently signed trade and transit agreements with Ethiopia and plans to sign similar agreements in the near future with other countries in East Africa. Similarly, international investors either from governments or from private companies are coming into the country after DP World signed the largest investment project with Somaliland government. The Project, which cost around $442million for Berbera Port development and its expansion, will immediately attract other potential investors into Somaliland. DPW investment is expecting to make Berbera Port a hub and gateway connecting the Horn of Africa to Europe and Far East Asia. As a result of these projects, cross-border movement of goods will greatly increase in volume and in terms of monetary value, and there will be greater trade complexity and competitiveness. Traders and investors will closely study the efficiency and effectiveness of Somaliland customs operations to avoid high trade transaction costs and delays as compared to using other trade routes such as Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan etc. The Ministry of Finance has an opportunity to accelerate and make commitments in revenue reform and modernization in terms of building the management and leadership competencies and skills of its top to bottom people in revenue fields. It would also be useful for Somaliland project staff to have the required competencies and knowledge in dealing with international implementing agencies and companies. Mohamed A. Gurhan Mohamed A. Gurhan, MBA Project Management & Customs Reform Administration Expert and the former Berbera customs Manager
Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr: Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Tacsi u diray dhammaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, Qoyska iyo Eheladii Allaah ha’u naxariistee Marxuun Cismaan Abshir Cigaal Yey oo ahaa diblomaasi Soomaaliyeed kana shaqeynayay wasaaradda arrimahama dibedda Soomaaliya waqti dheer. Marxuumka ayaa ku geeriyay Magaalada Muqdisho maanta.Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa Allaah uga Baryay Marxuunka inuu Janno Fardowso ka waraabiyo Aamiin Aamiin. Puntlandi.com
Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo kulan ku leh xarunta Golaha Shacabka ee Muqdisho ayaa soo saaraya go’aan ku aadan shirkada DP World ee laga leeyahay Imaaraadka. Kulankaan oo ah mid xasaasi ah ayaa xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ajandahooda ku saabsanyahay in Baarlamaanku uu go’aan ka gaaro Shirkada DP World uu lagu eedeeyay xad gudub qaranimo. Wararka Puntland Post ay ka heleeyso xarunta golaha shacabka ayaa sheegaya in Baarlamaanku uu guud ahaan isku raacsanyahay in go’aan laga qaato Shirkada DP World. Go’aankaan Baarlamaanku uu gaarayo ayaa noqonayo in guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya laga mamnooco shirkada DP World islamarkaasina Baarlamaanku uu laalo heshiisyadii ay lagashay Maamulada Dalka. Go’aanka Baarlamaanka kadib waxaa loo gudbin doonaa Madaxweyne Farmaajo si uu u saxiixo diidmada Soomaaliya shirkada DP World. Arintaan ayaa timid kadib markii madaxda ugu sareeyso dalka Soomaaliya ay sheegeen in sharci daro ay tahay islamarkaasina dowlada Soomaaliya aan lagala tashan heshiiskii Dekeda Ber Bera ee Soomaaliland. go’aankaan dowlada Soomaaliya ay ka gaartay shirkada DP World ayaa u muuqda go’aan mideeyay islamarkaasina ay taageereen shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gudaha iyo dibada marka laga reebo shacabka ku dhaqan Woqooyiga Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo go’aankaan u arka mid danahooda ka soo horjeedo. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo Dalka ka mamnoocayo Shirkada DP World appeared first on Puntland Post.
GAROWE–Puntland authority has renewed its calls for the unconditional inclusion of Puntland into the dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia. This was disclosed by the speaker of the parliament Hon, Ahmed Ali Hashi and reiterated that Sool and Sanaag provinces which are geographically located in Somaliland territory is part and parcel of Puntland. The house speaker made the remarks during the 3rd session of parliament. He said that Puntland is part of Somalia and is welcoming any right steps which are aimed at bringing the unity of Somalia once again. Hon. Ahmed has advised the Federal Govt to stop the dialogue unless until Puntland is given a room to participate the talks. The house speaker accused Ethiopia and the UAE of meddling the internal affairs of Somali people. He also pointed out that the world must know the constant aggression from SL which is occupying part of their territory.