Deeq A.

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  1. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to cut diplomatic ties with Israel over reports that the United States plans to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. Such a move would be a “red line” for Muslims, Erdogan said on Tuesday. Reports emerged on Friday that US President Donald Trump was considering recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a move that would be symbolised by relocating the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, upsetting decades of US policy. The plan has drawn criticism from a number of world leaders, who fear it would further escalate regional tensions. French President Emmanuel Macron told Trump by telephone that Jerusalem’s status must be decided in peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. The Arab League was holding an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss developments on the status of Jerusalem, after a request by Palestinian officials. The diplomatic adviser of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian leadership would cut contact with the US if it recognises Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Jerusalem’s status is an extremely sensitive aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel claims the city as its capital, following the occupation of East Jerusalem in the 1967 war with Syria, Egypt and Jordan, and considers Jerusalem to be a “united” city. Palestinians have long seen East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. No country currently has its embassy in Jerusalem, and the international community, including the US, does not recognise Israel’s jurisdiction over and ownership of the city. President Donald Trump is also considering moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley said an announcement would be made “in coming days” but that the president remained committed to the move: “It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when,” he said. However, Trump was expected to continue delaying moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, despite his campaign promise to do so. US Congress passed legislation in 1995 to move the embassy by 1999, but a provision in the law allowed the president to sign a waiver every six months, in the interests of national security. Every president since 1998 has done so, including Trump in June. The deadline for the current waiver will expire on Monday. Source Aljazeera The post Erdogan: Jerusalem status a red line for Muslims – Al Jazeera appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. The Somali government and the United Nations on Tuesday signed the UN Strategic Framework for Somalia (UNSF), mapping out the world body’s support to the country’s development priorities in the next four years. The UNSF articulates the collective strategy, commitments and actions of 23 UN agencies and the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia in support of the country’s development priorities, as outlined in the National Development Plan, and towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. “UNSF recognizes past efforts, cements the close partnership between Somalia and the United Nations, and reiterates our commitment to working together for the delivery of tangible results to the Somali people,” said Peter de Clercq, the UN Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia. The UN said in a joint statement issued in Mogadishu that the Plan follows an extensive strategic assessment that gathered inputs, feedback, hopes and aspirations of a broad range of stakeholders, including Somali civil society, government counterparts and the public. The framework has adapted gender equality and women’s empowerment, human rights, and youth engagement and empowerment as cross-cutting issues, and is structured along five strategic priorities. Among the priorities include deepening federalism and state-building, supporting conflict resolution and reconciliation, and preparing for universal elections; and supporting institutions to improve peace, security, justice, the rule of law and safety of Somalis. The Plan is structured to strengthen accountability and support institutions that protect; strengthen resilience of Somali institutions, society and population; and support socio-economic opportunities for Somalis. The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Michael Keating, said the framework sets out how the UN will support Somalia, including in key areas such as achieving universal elections, strengthening the rule of law and improving governance. “It will guide our collective efforts to improve the quality of life and opportunities for all Somalis,” Keating said. Enditem Source: Xinhua The post Somalia, UN sign 4-year development strategy appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Wasiirkii hore ee dib u heshiisiinta iyo Dastuurka maamulka Galmudug, Cismaan Maxamed Cali ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka ku dhaqan degmada Cadaado ee gobolka Galgaduud iney ka shaqeeyaan amniga iyo kala dambeynta. Wuxuu sheegay Cismaan in la yaab ay noqotay kadib markii maalmihii ugu dambeeyay degmada Cadaado ay kusoo bateen falalka amni darrada ah oo uu sheegay in horey aan degmadaasi looga baran. Waxgaradka, Haweenka, culimada iyo dhallinyarada degmada Cadaado ayuu sheegay in waajibka ugu horreeyo ka saaran yahay amniga degmadaasi. “Wax qof kasta u muuqda ayaa jira, maalmihii ugu dambeeyay waxaa gacanta kusii baxaya dhaqankii Cadaado lagu yaqaanay ee amniga iyo kala dambeynta, waxaa dhacaya rasaas, gaadiid ayaa la kala dhacayaa, waxaan oo dhanna waxay dhibeysaa shacabka Cadaado” ayuu yiri Cismaan Dheere. Ugu dambeyn, wasiir hore Cismaan Maxamed Cali ayaa ugu baaqay maamulka Galmudug iney kasoo baxaan waajibaadka saaran ee ah sugista amniga iyo in si daacad ah ugu shaqeeyaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan kuwa Galmudug. Goobjoog News Source
  4. Ciidamada dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in habeenkii xalay ahaa ay howlgallo ballaaran oo amniga lagu sugayo ka sameeyeen xaafadaha qaar ee magaalada B/weyne. Ciidamadan ayaa lagu arkayey iyaga oo baaraya gaadiidka, sidoo kalena waxay galayeen guryaha si ay amniga u xaqiijiyaan. Saraakiisha hoggaamineysay howlgalkaasi ayaa sheegay in ciidamada ay baadigoobayaan rag ka tirsan Xarakada Al-shabaab, kuwaasi oo la rumeysan yahay iney ku dhuumanayaan xaafado ka tirsan B/weyne waa sidey hadalka u dhigeenne. Sidoo kale, saraakiishan ayaa sheegay in Al-shabaab kasoo baxsaday duqeymaha ka socda qaar kamid ah gobollada dalka ay soo aadeen dhanka B/weyne iyo nawaaxigeeda. Goobjoog News Source
  5. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa bogaadiyey taageerada iyo mashaariicda horumarineed ee dawladda Mareykanku ay la garab taagan tahay Soomaaliya. Kadib heshiis horumarineed oo ay kala saxiixdeen Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Hay’adda USAID kaasoo ku kacaya lacag dhan 300 Milyan oo Dollar. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ku tilmaamay heshiiskan inuu yahay horumar iyo tallaabo wanaagsan oo loo qaaday dhanka dib-u- dhiska iyo dib-u-soo kabashada Soomaaliya, waxaana uu ku ammaanay dawladda Mareykanka sida ay uga go’an tahay taageeradooda aan shuruudu ku xirnayn. “Maanta waa maalin kale oo macne ku yeelan doonta mustaqbalka, dawladnimada, nabadda iyo horumarinta Soomaaliya, waxaan uga mahadcelinayaa dawladaha aan saaxiibada nahay taageerada ay la garab taagan yihiin dawladda iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed.”Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaaraha. Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa sheegay in dawladdu ay xaqiijin doonto mashaariicda horumarineed ee heshiiskan in ay u fulaan si hufan oo daah-furan ayna gaari doonto dalka oo dhan. “Soomaaliya waxaa ay ku socotaa dariiqii saxda ahaa ee dib-u-dhiska, waxaan leenahay hay’ado shaqeynaya oo adduunku kalsooni ku qabo diyaarna u ah isla-xisaabtan iyo daah-furnaan” ayuu yiri R/Wasaare Khayre. —DHAMMAAD—- Source
  6. Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Dowland Trump ayaa lagu wadaa in saacadaha soo socda uu magaalada Qudus u aqoonsado caasimadda Isra’il, tillaabadaas oo aanu sameyn madaxweyne hore tan iyo markii Yuhuudda xooga ku yimaadeen dhulka Falastiin 1948-dii. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Trump uu dib u dhigi-doono go’aanka 2aad oo ah in uu safaaradda dalkiisa u raro Qudus, lamana oga xilliga uu taasi ku dhaqaaq—doono, waxaana laga yabaa in bilooyin ama sanado qaadato. Mr. Trump waxaa uu shalay la hadlay madaxweynaha Masar Cabdifitaax Al-sisi, Boqoradda Sacuudiga Salmaan iyo Urdun Cabdalla iyo madaxweynaha Falastiin Maxamud Cabaas, waxaa kale uu la hadlay ra’isul wasaaraha Isra’il Benjamin Netanyahu. Dunida Muslim-ka ayaa ugu horjeeda in magaalada barakeysan ee Qudus laga dhigo caasimadda Isra’il ama in loo raro safaaradda Mareykanka. Madaxweynaha Turkiga iyo madax kale oo dunida muslimka ka tirsan ayaa ku han-jabay in tillaabooyin qaadi-doonaan haddii Trump sidaasi sameeyo. Goobjoog News Source
  7. Xildhibaannada golaha shacabka ee baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta oo Arbaco ah waxay leeyihiin kulankoodii caadiga ahaa, iyadoo Hal ajende looga hadli doono kulankaan. Waxaa xildhibaannada loo qeybin doonaa, lagana hor akhrin doonaa qorshe howleedka guddiyada golaha shacabka. 15-ka guddi ee golaha shacabka ayaa mid walbao wuxuu soo dhameystiray qorshe howleedkiisa, waxaana maanta si dhammeystiran loo akhrin doonaa guddi walbo iyo qorshihiisa. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Insha Allah. Goobjoog News Source
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warbaahinta dalka Lubnaan ayaa baahisay in Ra’isul wasaaraha dalkaasi Sacad Xariiri uu si rasmi ah uga laabtay go’aankii is casilaadiisii ahaa. Sacad Xariiri, ayaa markii hore is casilaadaasi ku dhawaaqay xili uu ku sugnaa dalka Sacuudi Carabiya muddo laga joogo bil. Warbaahinta oo xiganeysa xubno ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirada Lubnaan ayaa sheegtay in Sacad Xariiri uu mar kale hortagay Golaha isla markaana uu iclaamiyay inuu ka laabtay is casilaadiisa. Xubintan ayaa laga soo xigtay in Golaha qudhooda ay aad uga mahad celiyeen go’aanka uu Sacad Xariiri uga laabtay is casilaada kediska ahaa. Sacad Xariiri, waxa uu Golaha ka dalbaday in laga fogaado wax waliba oo keenikara khilaaf, carqalad iyo siyaasad aan maslaxad ugu jirin Lubnaan. Sidoo kale, Sacad Xariiri waxa uu cod dheer ku sheegay in go’aankiisa is casilaada ay qeyb ka aheyd dowlada Sacuudiga waxa uuna soo jeediyay in Lubnaan laga fogeeyo siyaasada la xiriirta arrimaha Carabta oo aan loo arag maslaxad. Waxa uu Sacad Xariiri, sheegay in go’aankiisa uu yahay mid dhabar jabin doona wadamo carbeed oo dhowr ah, kuwaa oo uu sheegay inaysan ka raali noqon doonin go’aankiisa cusub. Tani waxa ay kusoo beegmeysaa xili Ra’isul wasaare Sacad Xariri bil bil ka hor si lama filaan ah isaga casilay xilka Rai’sul wasaaraha mar uu ku sugnaa magaalada Riyaad ee dalka Sacuudiga isagoo xiligaas Ururka Xisbullaah ku eedeeyay in uu halis gelinayo naftiisa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Sacad Xariiri oo qaatay go’aan cusub oo dhabar Jab ku ah dowlado dhowr ah (Maxaa soo kordhay) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Axmed Cali Cabdalla Saalax oo ah wiil uu dhalay madaxweynihii hore ee Yeman ayaa sheegay in aabihiis lagu dilay guriga isaga oo hub wato kooxdiisana ay la socdeen. Axmed waxaa uu sheegay inay been abuur tahay warka ka soobaxay wasaaradda gudaha ee raacsan kooxda Xuutiyiinta kaasi oo ahaa in Cali Cabdalla la dilay isaga oo isii cararayo gobolka uu ku dhashay ee waqooyiga magaalada Sancaa. Waiilka uu dhalay Cali Cabdalla Saalax ayaa ballan qaaday in laga hortagi doono cadowga dalka, isaga oo intaas ku daray in Xuutiyiinta yihiin cadowga dalka iyo bani’aadanimada, oo isku dayaya in ay gumeystaan dalka Yemen. Hadalka Axmed Saalax ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli galabnimadii Axadda aheyd ay aabihiis ku dileen kooxda Xuutiyiinta ah magaalada Sanca, waxayna ku sheegeen war-saxaafadeed ay soo saareen inay dileen isaga oo u sii baxsanaayo magaalada Sanjaa ee uu ku dhashay, balse wiilka uu dhalay ayaa qaadacay warka ka soobaxay wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha ee raacsan Kowthiyiinta waxaa uuna sheegay in aabihiis guriga lagu dilay. Goobjoog News Source
  10. Since too many people are afraid to speak about the President-elect’s recent op-ed, because they desperately want a position in the upcoming Kulmiye administration – it’s now time to step up and share my two cents on this contentious issue. Last week, President-elect Musa Bihi Abdi authored an op-ed that was published in the Financial Times, an English-language international daily newspaper with an average daily readership of 2.2 million people worldwide. In his piece, Musa highlighted several key issues his administration intends to focus on such as: national security, the economy, healthcare, education and foreign affairs. He also said his administration will ‘seize the opportunity’ to root out corruption that he argues ‘remains all to present in Somaliland’ and more controversially, he claims that it’s one of the areas where President Silanyo’s government has ‘fallen short’ in within the past seven years. We all know that corruption exists in Somaliland – just like it does in every other country – but what exactly is Musa implying? Is Musa insinuating that President Silanyo has been turning a blind eye to corruption for the past seven years? Is Musa beginning to distance himself from his longtime mentor and colleague – and his own party? Pledging to root out corruption, while simultaneously claiming that the outgoing Kulmiye administration failed to tackle corruption, is a contradictory statement. Wasn’t Musa elected on the Kulmiye party ticket? Or was he running as the presidential candidate of another party? What is even more worrying, is the fact that Musa never criticized Silanyo’s government on the campaign trail. On numerous occasions during the campaign, Musa promised to ‘carry on’ President Silanyo’s and Kulmiye’s legacy if he is elected. It is also very concerning to see these claims coming from Musa – just two weeks after winning the election. Jamal Ali Hussein’s open letter to Musa, that was published a few days before this op-ed, was also highly critical of Silanyo’s government and his fiscal record. Both of these critical essays are now leading many people to believe that the President-elect and his administration might also backtrack on many other campaign promises. However – there is still time to put an end to all this confusion. If Musa didn’t properly read this essay before approving it, and wasn’t aware of these claims, now is the time to step up and clear the air, and reassure the hundreds of thousands of citizens that voted and campaigned for him because of Kulmiye’s achievements under President Silanyo. Robleh Mohamud Aidid Lafcanbe Hargeisa, Somaliland
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa safar deg deg ah toddobaadkan ugu baxaya dalka Masar, sida ay ilo-wareedyo ku sugan Villa Somalia u xaqiijiyeen Caasimada Onlie. Framaajo ayaa ka qeyb galaya shir ku saabsan maalgashiga iyo ganacsiga, oo uu magaalada xeebta ah ee Shara El Sheikh ku marti-gelinayo madaxweye Cabdifatax Al Sissi ee dalka Masar. Shirkan ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ka qeyb galaya lagua casuumay madaxda dalalka Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Guinea iyo Comoros. Waxaa sidoo kale imanaya wafuud heer hoose oo ka socda dalal kale oo Afrikan ah. “Dhiiri-gelinta Maalgashiga Africa iyo kobcinta wadajirka ah ee Dhaqaalaha” ayaa ah hal ku dhigga shirka, sida laga soo xigtay xubno ku dhow shirka. Ka sokow shirkan ayaa Farmaajo wuxuu kulan gaar ah la qaadan doonaa madaxweynaha Masar Al-Sissi, oo ay ka wada hadli doonaan xiisadda dalalka Carabta, oo Masar ay ka mid tahay isbaheysiga Sacuudiga. Sissi ayaa horey isugu soo dhoweeyey dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Sacuudiga, wuxuuna hadda ka shaqeynayaa inay isku soo dhawaadaan Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira The post Xog: Farmaajo oo safar deg deg ah ugu baxaya Masar iyo qorshe culus oo socda appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. Qaahira (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Masar ayaa ku sii siqeysa inay abuurto isbaheysi Afrikan ah oo dhinacooda soo mara, xilli ay aad uga soo horjeedo biyo-xireenka webiga Nile ee ay Ethiopia dhiseyso. Wargeyska Al-Shorouk ee dalka Masar ayaa sheegay in isbaheysigan ay shaqdiisa noqon doonto inuu la socdo dhibaatada Masar uga iman karta biyo-xireenka Ethiopia. “Shaqada dhismaha biyo xireenka ma joogsan doonto hal daqiiqo xitaa, tani waa mowqifka dalkeena, waana xuquuq aas aasi ah oo Ethiopia ay u leedahay inay isticmaasho biyaheeda, si ay uga soo saarto tamar koronto” ayuu yiri wasiirka dhulka Ethiopia. Khuburada biyaha ee Masar ayaa sheegay in biyo-xireenka Ethiopia ee Nile uu qasbi doono in Masar ay lumiso 55.5 bilyan oo kubik meter biyo ah. Hase yeeshee Ethiopia ayaa ku adkeysaneysa in biyo xireenka laga dhalinayo korontada uusan dhibaato ku ahayn Masar. Dhinaca kale madaxweynaha golaha biyaha carabta, Mahmoud Abi Zeid ayaa sheegay in Ethiopia ay dhiseyso mashruuca biyo xireenka ayada oo aan la tashan dalalka deriska la ah sida Sudan iyo Masar, taasi oo aan waafaqsaneyn xeerarka caalamiga ah. Mashruucan ayaa dhismihiisa waxaa la billaabay 2011, waxaana laga dhisayaa meel 15 KM u jirta xuduudda Sudan, waxaana uu ku kacayaa 4.2 bilyan oo dollar. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Masar oo dhisaysa isbaheysi ka dhan ah Ethiopia xiili ay xiisadda kasii dareyso appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay muhiim tahay in mar waliba lagu qanco talaabooyinka ay qaadeyso dowlada Somalia ee u taagan dadaalka nabadeynta Somalia. Waxa uu Madaxweyne Farmaajo sheegay dowladiisa ay muddo gaaban ku qaday talaabo lid ku ah kooxaha nabadiidka, waxa uuna bidhaamiyay inay yareeyen khasaarihii shacabka kasoo gaari jiray falalka amni darro oo ay geystaan al-Shabaab. Waxa uu tilmaamay in dowladiisa ay inta badan ka dhabeysay ballanqaadkii amni oo ay sameysay waxa uuna tusaale usoo qaaday inay nusqaan ku sameeyen weerarada al-Shabaab iyo in magaalada Muqdisho ay noqotay mid lagu soo hirto markii laga soot ago falal yaryar oo dhaca xili ay ciidamadu ku raad joogan. Waxa uu Farmaajo sheegay inay jiraan dad dhiirigalinaaya nabadiidka balse ay muhiim tahay in mar waliba ay dadku noqdaan kuwo arka wanaaga ay sameyneyso dowlada Somalia isla markaana la kala qaado danta guud iyo mida gaarka ah. ‘’Dowladu kama gaabin wax kabedelka amniga ee waxa ay sameysay guulo la taabankaro cidii wanaaga jecel wey aragtaa horumarka aan ka gaarnay Nabadda markii aan kasoo tagno falal kadis ah oo ka dhaca magaalada xili lagu dabajiro’’ Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxa uu Umadda Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay inay u istaagan sida ay nabad uga dhalin lahaayen dalkooda isla markaana ay uga shaqeyn lahaayen Horumarkiisa, maadaama ay iminka kasoo gudbeen dhibaatooyinkii ugu badnaa. Haddalka Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili magaalada Muqdisho muddo laba cisho ah ay ka socdeen shirar looga hadlaayay Amniga, Dhaqaalaha iyo Horumarka Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Farmaajo oo jawaab culus u diray mucaaradka kana dalbaday inay arkaan… appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Ra’isul wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in Madaxda Qaarada Madow ee Africa laga doonaayo inay ka mirro dhaliyaan axdigii ahaa in Africa la gaarsiin doono awood ku filan. Hailemariam, oo ka hadlaayay shirka dhaqaalaha Afrika ee 2017 oo lagu qabtay magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia ayaa sheegay in ballanqaadka shirkii hore uu ahaa in si mideysan Afrika loo gaarsiin doono awood isku filan oo dhan dhaqaale ah. Waxa uu Hailemariam tilmaamay in Africa ay awood walba u leedahay inay go’aamiso mustaqbalkeeda waa haddii ay qaab beddelaad ah ku sameyso dhaqaalaheeda si ay uga faa’idaystaan muwaadiniinteeda. Waxa uu tilmaamay in ahmiyada ugu weyn ee xiligaan ay tahay in la hirgaliyo qaab beddelaad ah oo lagu sameeyo wax soo saarka ilaha dhaqaale oo uu sheegay inuu leeyahay dal walba oo ku yaalla Africa, sida uu haddalka u dhigay. ‘’Inaan ka dhabeyno ballanqaadkii hore waxaa ka harsan isbedel aan ku sameyno qaabka aan u sameyno dhaqaalaha si ay fursad baaxad leh u helaan muwaadiniinteena dhaqaale raadiska ah’’ Sidoo kale, waxa uu Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Madaxda Africa ugu baaqay inay hirgaliyaan Hal arrin oo uu ku sheegay isbedel dhaqaale iyo mid wax soo saar ah. Waxaa la rajeynayaa muddada uu socdo shirka in la isku weydaarsado fikradaha ku saabsan horumarka laga sameeyey dhanka isbedelka dhaqaalaha ee dowladaha Afrikaanka ah. Docda kale, shirka dhaqaalaha Afrika ee 2017 ee hadda socda ayaa soconaya muddo saddex maalin oo laga soo bilaabo maalintii Isniinti ilaa Arbacada Diseembar 6 deeda oo maanta ku beegan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Hailemariam oo hal arrin usoo jeediyay madaxda Africa iyo awood uu rabo in… appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo aan ka heleyno Saraakiil ka tirsan Booliska dowlada ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ay qorsheynayaan in weeraro argagixiso ay ka geystaan magaalada Muqdisho. Saraakiishan ayaa xaqiijiyay in amaanka magaalada Muqdisho uusan weli ku taagneyn caga wanaagsan isla markaana ay jiraan xogo muujinaaya in magaalada ay ku jiraan gaadiid sida Qaraxyo tan culus. Gaadiidkan ayaa laga cabsi qabaa in magaalada Muqdisho ay ka geystaan falal amni darro xili dhawaan ay magaalada Muqdisho marti galisay Qaraxii ugu cuslaa oo maalin madow u diiwaan galisay dadka ku nool magaalada Muqdisho. Gaadiidka la sheegay inay ku dhex jiraan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa la xaqiijiyay in looga shakisan yahay Degmooyinka Dharkiinley, Waaberi, Wadajir, Hodan iyo Dayniile oo inta badan gabaad u ah maleeshiyaadka dhuumaaleysiga ku jooga magaalada Muqdisho. Gaadiidkan ayaa noocyadooda lagu kala sheegay Noah, Caasi, Dheyno iyo Gaari sida Booyad shidaala, sida ay xaqiijiyeen Saraakiisha amaanka. Ciidamada amaanka magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku jira heegan buuxa waxaana xusid mudan in Seddexdii habeen ee ugu danbeysay magaalada Muqdisho laga howlgaliyay Eeyo u tababaran ka hortaga Qaraxyada. Ma cadda sida uu xaalka noqon doono inkastoo ciidamada amaanka ay juhdi galinayaan ka hortaga wax waliba oo caqabad ku ah amniga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xog: Al-Shabaab oo laga cabsi qabo inay qaraxyo culus ka fuliso Muqdisho appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Hey’adda (USAID) oo wakiil ka ah Mareykanka ayaa heshiis horumarineed oo taariikhi ah la saxiixatay Soomaaliya, Heshiiska oo (DOAG) loogu magac-daray waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre, Wasiirka qorsheynta Jamaal Maxamed iyo Wasiirka maaliyadda Cabdiraxmaan Beyle. Dhanka Mareykanka waxaa joogay ku-xigeenka USAID Afrika Julie Koenen iyo safiirka Mareykanka Martin Dale. Heshiiskan waxaa uu ka dhigan yahay kii ugu horeeyay ee labada dhinac ay galaan muddo 30 sano ka badan, ujeedka waa in barnaamijkan lagu xoojiyo dowladnimada Soomaaliya, xasiloonida iyo dimoqoraadiyadda. Waxyaabaha dowladda federaalka laga taageerayo waxaa ka mid ah dowlad wanaagga, maamulka, waxbarashada, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo howlaha lagu horumarinayo nabadda iyo xasiloonida dalka. Howlaha uu heshiiska dhigayo waxaa la fulinayaa iyada oo ay ka wada shaqeyn-doonaan dowladda federaalka ah. “Dowladda Mareykanka, waxaa ay aad u taageereysaa dadaallada xukuumadda Soomaaliya ee lagu soo celinayo xasiloonida, dowlad wanaagga, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo waxbarashada” sidaa waxaa yiri Julie Koenen. “ Waxaan rumeysanay in heshiiskan uu ka tarjumayo sida ay nooga go’antahay garab istaagista sidii ay Soomaaliya dib ugu soo noqon laheyd iyo in la helo hadaf horumarineed oo fog” sidaasi waxaa yiri Martin Dale isaga oo intaasi raaciyay ” Heshiiskan waxaa ay ka dhigan tahay iskaashi ballaaran oo dhex-mara Mareykanka iyo Soomaaliya, waxaan ballan-qaadeynaa in aan taageerno himilada shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ku heli lahaayeen horumar”. Wasiirka qorsheynta ee Soomaaliya Jamaal Maxamed ayaa sheegay in maanta uu goobjoog ka ahaa heshiis ay dalka Mareykanka 300 oo Milyan oo doolar la saxiixdeen, kaas oo loogu talo-galay in wax looga qabto horumarka Soomaaliya. 2011-kii, USAID waxaa ay in ka badan $1.3 billion ku qarash-gareeysay arrimaha banii’aadnimada iyo $328 million o arrimaha horumarka ah. The post 30 sano kadib: Mareykanka iyo Somalia oo kala saxiixday heshiis $300 milyan ah appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa daah furay shirka Qaran ee (Somali Partnership Forum) ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho 4-ilaa 5-ta bishan December. Shirka ayaa diiradda lagu saaray, arrimaha amniga, dhaqaalaha, siyaasadda iyo banii’daamnimada, waxaana qeybta danbe shir guddoomineyey Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre. Iyadoo ay hadallo ka jeediyeen madaxda dawlad gobolleeyada Puntland, Jubbaland, Galmudug, Koonfur Galbeed, Hirshabelle iyo Wakiillo ka socday bulshada Caalamka. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa ka hadlay horumaradii ay dawladdu gaartay 8dii bilood ee la soo dhaafay, waxaana uu sheegay in horumar ballaaran laga sameeyey 3 arrin oo uu ku sheegat dhinacyada Amniga, Horumarka iyo Dhaqaalaha guud. Sidoo kale waxaa la muujiyey sida ay laga maar-maan u tahay in dalka ay ka dhacdo doorsho qof iyo cod ah sanadka 2020. Waxuuna ugu baaqay dalalka iskaashiga la leh Soomaaliya inay maalgashi ku sameystaan dalka, maadaama uu amnigu soo hagaagayo. Madaxda shanta maamul Gobolleed ayaa dhankooda codsaday in laga caawiyo dhanka amniga iyo dhaqaalaha, si kor loogu horumarinta bulshada iyo dagaalka argagixisada. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa soo xiray shirka, isagoo ugu baaqay bulshada caalamka inay ka dhabeeyaan taageerada ay siinayaan Soomaaliya, si loo xaqiijiyo horumarka la higsanayo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post RW Kheyre oo sheegay 3 arrin oo ay ka gaareen Horumar (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. BOSASO—Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland declared a state of emergency on Tuesday and appealed for food and water because of shortages triggered by a severe drought. Drought has gripped large parts of the Horn of Africa country this year and the United Nations says children face acute malnutrition. The crisis is compounded by al Shabaab’s Islamist insurgency that seeks to topple the central government that is backed by African Union peacekeepers and the West. Al Shabaab militants carry out bombings in the capital Mogadishu and other regions. Militants killed more than 500 people in the capital in an attack last month. Puntland’s government said 34,000 households across the region are affected by the drought due to the failure of successive rainy seasons. Puntland “launched a wide-ranging humanitarian appeal to secure food, water and other resources for the affected region,” a government statement said. It said 70 percent of the area faced extreme drought and was unlikely to receive rain for five months. Militant attacks in Puntland are rare compared to the rest of Somalia mainly because its security forces are relatively regularly paid and receive substantial U.S. assistance. But this year there has been an upsurge in violence as al Shabaab and a splinter group linked to Islamic State have attacked government troops. Reuters
  19. In two weeks, Somaliland’s president elect Muse Biehi Abdi will quickly put the long and rough campaign behind him and turn to taking over the most powerful office in the country which is at the moment, fiscally distressed indeed. Whatever else awaits inside the Somaliland presidency on the 14th of December there isn’t much to read on the topic of “How to successfully lead Somaliland out of economic deprivation.” Nor is there any crystal vase on the long table at the presidential conference room that says “here is the answer” NOP, there is none. Major candidates for Somaliland President talked about their (easily said) plans for dealing with the major problems facing Somaliland, and certainly have had different ideas for dealing with issues ranging from unemployment, poverty, security and to the growing inflation.. And despite what you might imagine after reading those ordinarily inexplicit and indistinguishable party programs from all political parties—- there is no binder full of special instructions or step-by-step blueprint awaiting the Somaliland President-elect in the office. Now, what does the new Somaliland president do first? I’ll impart my thoughts in this, but first, it is clear in the eyes of struggling families that Somalilanders expect a lot from their new President. Understandably, they want the President to take quick action on problems facing the nation, such as poverty, unemployment and relentless draughts. However, with a revenue barely covering government budget, they do expect miracles. And yes, miracle can be achieved with a phenomenal game-plan. And this president with all good intentions may be able to accomplish considerable improvement in all sectors. Having said that, the new Somaliland president should ask himself the following seven questions; 1- First and foremost, am I a leader who understands and realizes that the country is being torn apart over the recent years and during latest elections by clan divisiveness? The incredible polarization that exists today needs to be acknowledged, and then dealt with effectively in Somaliland’s traditional way “NOW”. 2- Am I a leader who knows he doesn’t have to be perfect, but desires perfection as a goal? A leader who puts country over party or clan no matter the consequences, and who is genuine in his approach to all important developmental mechanisms for a better tomorrow.. 3- Am I a leader who doesn’t just follow what someone else did, but rather someone who wants to set a higher standard of behavior for himself, his team and his government as a whole? This could involve competence, accountability and transparency. 4- Am I a leader who can hold strong and calm in a storm of crisis? A leader who is intellectually curious, who looks for new solutions to problems and is not trapped in the mantra of the old ways, but has a big enough heart to embrace “a can do attitude” with vision while surrounding himself with highly capable team. A leader setting a much higher goal for us as a government and a country than just the norm or status quo. 5- Am I a leader who just didn’t talk about fighting corruption in all its forms, and injustice, but actually would put sets of policies together that did just that. A leader who draws a firm line between government offices and corrupt especial interest groups. 6- Am I a leader who is authentic? What does this mean? It means a leader whose thoughts and actions are in alignment with a set of genuine values. People disagree about what character traits are most important in a President. But there are some commonly accepted things that people look for, such as integrity, strength, fairness and caring. 7- And finally, am I a leader who can delegate and practice accountability in management and leadership. In a complex institution building all decisions cannot be forced through a hierarchical model. It is important that creativity and responsiveness is encouraged through delegation. But delegation without accountability is chaos. And this accountability needs to not only be conducted outward from the leader’s office, but to come back inward from people outside the decision makers circle. Accountability is a two-way street. If all the answers are YES, then you won’t need a policy of hit and miss solutions and you therefore are a leader who understands that, this poor nation shall not benefit from the old-fashioned trial-and-error methods, such as the Uncompassionate Developmental Approach of “The ends justifying the means”. It is the means that tell us the kind of leader you are, not the ends you may be promising. Show us how you govern and with whom, how you design your step-by-step plan for the journey into prosperity with feasible steps. This should tell us a lot and would represent confidence and trust in your leadership. If you fix the means of governing and of politics and institution building, then the ends will work themselves out and be good. Concentrate on making sure the means are filled with reform, knowledge and expertise with integrity and the ends will be just fine. So, what does the new Somaliland president do first? Assuming he is preoccupied on the notion “How he should be leading Somaliland into prosperity.” Just a thought….. First, the newly selected team will reflect the new strategy in the horizon. The world is full of proven experts with the tools of the trade in designing developmental strategy for a nation the size of Somaliland. Just like how Dr. Albert Winsemius helped Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, American Economists like Richard W. Rahn has advised many developing countries into a better economic and social status. He wrote this piece about Somaliland in the Washington Times long time ago. So is the well-known Peruvian economist Hernando De Soto. His award winning work include the following “Dead Capital” And “Of Property and Poverty” by De Soto ………. many developmental economists like MIT’s Abihijit Banerje or the Danish professor Finn Tarp are examples of who to turn to for strategic advice. It is important to consider the fact those who would help design a sound development plan based on where Somaliland currently is, in terms of human development and economic means and what resources are available to fit in on that design into prosperity are FREE. Yes, their advise is available at anytime and it is free to Somaliland. Paid by their countries of-coarse. Mr. Rahn once spent some-time reading about Somaliland and later told me a long story, but to make it short, he said “A nation the size of Somaliland should be spending most of its first $500m revenue in building a sound justice and investment protection institution. And only then, may a serious developmental strategy have a chance to thrive and therefore a realistic hope could be in the prospect within a reasonable time.. A leader who understands all the challenges facing Somaliland and accepts the only proven and realistically attainable success plan is a serious government reform is where everything starts. In order to achieve a set of policies put in place, such as constitutional reform, a capable entity in charge of good governance. That Start with Policies and systems development such as financial reform, tax reform, justice reform, property law and much much more policies and systems. But anyone can talk about how all those good things are important to be done, but the real question is how?……. And that is where experts come and put the step-by-step game-plan in place and answer all your skeptic and probably apathetic questions. In this capacity is where most of the developing countries leaders and their supposedly educated elites get reluctant and even embarrassed to learn and get genuinely curious instead of haphazard and bewildered path which its likely outcome often turns out to be waste of time and resources. This step is where miracles happen if a leader is merely serious. A leader who sees what is in place in Somaliland at the moment as a skeleton government institutions can accomplish a lot more then what ignorance has been incubating over the last two decades. That kind of realization has been the secret to their success for many smaller countries who had struggled like Somailand. Build with a good innovative vision that moves us all to a better Somaliland. You can’t find the promised land if you are looking backwards at some long-gone era and rereading the lines of a clan and sub-clan accommodation strategy. To the young generation reading this……………., the above list of assessments should be your list of things you all ought to be looking for, in the leaders ahead, and we should be watching the new Somaliland president and hope he is aligned best with that list. If so, brace Allah for giving Somaliland this golden chance. Abdirahman I. Waberi Email: Hargeisa, Somaliland
  20. Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” Mohamed has refused to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit to Kenya. Farmajo was in Kenya to attend an African Heads of State meeting in Nairobi. Hamas praised the leader’s move in standing in the face of the oppressor and refusing to meet him. Senior Hamas member, Mousa Abu Marzouq, said: “With the example of these leaders, attitudes have value and meaning, and their country has respect and appreciation, and their people have dignity.” Hamas’ Izzat Al-Rishq also thanked the Somali president’s position which he said “reflects the authenticity of the brotherly Republic of Somalia in standing with Palestine and rejecting any normalisation with an entity which occupies land and holy places.” Middle East Monitor
  21. By: Ms. Farrah Mohumed HARGEISA—Former President of Somaliland, HE Dahir Rayale Kahin and former First Lady, Ms. Huda Barkhad Aden return home on Tuesday after spending years living in exile. Rayale was welcomed by Somaliland government officials. Mr. Rayale ruled the country starting from 2002 and took office due to the unexpected death of the late Egal. Mr. Riyale stayed in power since 2010 and was defeated in the presidential polls by the incumbent president, Silanyo who is about to transfer power to his successor, the president Elect, Musa Bihi who will take the oath of office within days. The former president, Rayale is remembered as the only leader who spearheaded the implementation of multi party politics in the country and is labeled as the founding father of Somaliland’s thriving democracy. Presidential affairs minister, Mohamoud Hashi who was among officials that greeted the former president and his wife upon arriving at Egal airport said that the ex-leader was invited to be in attendance of the upcoming inauguration of President-Elect, Musa Bihi who was elected in 2017 presidential polls. Mr. Rayale will be among the politicians who will deliver a speech at the swearing in ceremony.
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia si rasmi ah loogu soo gabagabeeyay shirka madasha iskaashiga Somalia. Shirkan oo ahmiyad gaara u lahaa Somalia ayaa waxaa ka qeybgaleen, Madaxda Qaranka, Madaxda dowlad goboleedyada iyo marti ka socday beesha Caalamka oo aad u daneeya arrimaha Somalia. Shirka ayaa waxaa laga soo saaray War-murtiyadeed qodobeysan, waxaana sidoo kale goortii lasoo gabagabeeyay qodobada ugu muhiimsan ee laga soo saaray shirka saxaafada la wadaagay Wasiirka warfaafinta XFS C/raxmaan Cumar Cismaan. Wasiirka waxa uu sheegay in War-murtiyeed kasoo baxay shirka uu ka kooban yahay 48 qodob waxaana khudbadii ugu dambeesay ee Xeritaanka Shirka madasha ka jeediyay Ra’isul wasaaraha dalka Xasan Cali Kheyre. Waxaa uu bogaadiyay doorka ay Beesha Caalamka ka qaadatay dhismaha Somalia, waxaana uu rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay in ay fulaan qodobada la isla gartay. Haddaba Hoos ka dhageyso qodobada kasoo baxay shirkaasi oo warbaahinta uu u aqriyay wasiirka warfaafinta: The post Daawo: Shirkii Muqdisho oo soo xirmay iyo war-murtiyeed laga soo saaray appeared first on Caasimada Online.