Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya Gobolka Awdal ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ay baadi goob xoogan ugu jiraan Fanaanka Nimcaan Hilaac. Hilaac ayaa Todobaadkii hore gaaray Magaalada Boorame isagoo safar dhanka dhulka ah kaga tagay Dalka Jabuuti, Waxa uu ka baqday fanaanka iney xiraan Ciidanka ilaalada Garoonka Cigaal ee Magaalada Hargeysa balse waxa uu doorbiday inuu Jabuuti marka hore tago kadibna Socdaal dhulka ah uu ku tago deegaanka uu ka soo jeedo ee Awdal. Ciidamo wata sadex gaari ayaa maanta tagay guriga Fanaanka iyagoo qoyskiisana ka dalbaday iney dibeda usoo saaraan Sharcigana isu dhiibo balse dadweyne arinkaa ka careysan ayaa isku gudbay Fanaanka iyagoona goobta ka bixiyay Nimcaan Hilaac oo hada Xuduuda ku sugan. Ciidamadii duulaanka ahaa iyo dadweynaha Fanaanka la safnaa ayaa waxaa dhexmaray dagaal rasaas iyo gacan ka hadalba la isu adeegsaday taasoo dhalisay dhaawaca dhowr qof oo Shacab iyo Bileesba isugu jira. Ciidanka ayaa markii danbe go’aansaday iney xabsiga dhigeen sadex qof oo kamid ah ehelada Fanaanka Nimcaan Hilaac oo uu ku jiro Aaabihiis sida ay Saxaafaad usheegtay Hooyada dhashay Fanaanka. Nimcaan Hilaac ayaa goordhow bartiisa Facebook ku soo qoray in isagoo nabad qaba uu ku suganyahay Xuduudka Wajaale, wuxuuna amaanay shacabkii ka soo badbaaday Ciidanka Booliska. Somaliland ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore xirtay Fanaaniin iyo Wariyayaal deegaanada Maamulkaa ka soo jeeda oo Muqdisho soo gaaray, Hilaac waxa uu sanadihii danbe ku sugnaa Magaalada Muqdisho iyo dalalka deriska ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maxay tahay sababta keentay in Somaliland laga baadi goobo Fanaanka Nimcaan Hilaac. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka naga soo gaaraya deegaanka Abal ee gobalka Bakool ayaa sheegaya in halkaa ay ka taagan tahay xiisad u dhexeysa ciidamada maamulka Koonfur Galbeed oo garabsanaaya kuwa Mukhtaar Roobow iyo maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab oo dhinac ah. Xiisada ayaa ka taagan deegaan aan sidaa uga sii fogeyn Abal oo dhawaan la geeyay ciidamo Ethiopian ah, isla markaana la doonaayo inay la dagaalamaan al-Shabaab. Xiisada cusub ee iminka taagan ayaa imaaday kadib markii al-Shabaab ay dageen fariisimo ay ka carareen Xoogaga daacada u ah Mukhtaar Roobow, waxaana tuullo aan sidaa uga fogeyn la dajiyay ciidamada Ethiopia oo dusha ka ilaalinaaya kuwa Mukhtaar Roobow. Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa al-Shabaab oo isku muuqda ayaa mararka qaar is weydaarsanaaya Hub ay qolo waliba ku muujineyso joogitaankeeda. Maleeshiyada al-Shabaab ayaa dooneysa in deegaanka Abal iyo dhammaan deegaanada ku hareereysan ay kala wareegan Mukhtaar Roobow oo halkaa ka arimiya, waxaana arrintaa kasoo horjeeda Xoogaga Roobow oo garab ka helaaya Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed iyo ciidamada Ethiopia. Cabsida ugu weyn ayaa ah in ciidamada Ethiopia ay isaga soo baxaan deegaanka ay iminkaku sugan yihiin oo ay ka ilaalinayaan kuwa Roobow. Dhinaca kale, Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ayaa sheegay inay wadaan qorsho al-Shabaab looga sifeynaayo dhammaan deegaanada maamulka Koonfur Galbeed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ethiopia oo ku biirtay xiisada deegaanka uu ka arimiyo Roobow & Cabsi laga qabo in deegaankaas ay gasha gacanta Shabaab appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirkii hore ee Wasaarada Haweenka Xukuumadii KMG aheyd ee Somalia Aamiino Maxamed Mursal kana mid aheyd Xildhibaanadii Baarlamaankii 9aad, ayaa shaacisay inay ku sigatay in magaalada Muqdisho ay ku dhex dilaan ciidamo ay usoo adeegsatay Wasiirada Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Somalia Khadiijo Max’ed Diiriye. Ex Wasiir Aamiino Maxamed Mursal, ayaa sheegtay in dhacdadaan ay timid xili ay ku sugneyd Garoonka Kubada cagta Koonis ee magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ka socdaan ciyaaraha Gobolada. Waxa ay xaqiijisay in iyadoo ay soctay cayaarta ay Biyo u geyso ciyaartooyda Koonfur Galbeed oo xiligaa dheelaayay, balse ay mar qura la kulantay hujuum kaga imaaday dhanka Wasiir Khadiijo. Waxa ay tiri ‘’falkaan waxa uu dhacay xili ay socotay Ciyaartii u dhaxeysay Puntland iyo Koonfur Galbeed, waxaan isku dayay inaan biyo gaarsiiyo ciyaartooyda Koonfur Galbeed oo aan taageeraayay. Waxaan la kulmay wasiir Khadiijo kadib markii ay isku dayday in Kursigii aan ku fadhiyay ay iga kiciso waxa ayna igu dalbatay ciidamo halis galiyay nafteyda’’ Waxa ay sheegtay in la qalqal galiyay amnigeeda isla markaana loo adeegsaday ciidamo xili ay ku guda jirtay jawi farxad leh oo ay la qaadaneysay Ciyaartooyda Koonfur Galbeed. ‘’Wasiirada waan kula xisaabtami doonaa qaabka xun oo ay igula dhaqantay, waayo waxa ay ka gudubtay xeerka waxa ayna ii isticmaashay awood ciidan’’ Sidoo kale, mas’uuliyiinta dowlada ayay ugu baaqday inay la dhaqmaan bulshada oo aysan u adeegsan Hubkooda sida dhaqanka u ah inta badan Madaxda dalka. Dhinaca kale, Aamiino ayaa hadalkaan sheegtay xili ay u warameysay Idaacada Dalsan ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxa ayna ku celcelisay in arrinta noocaas ah laga fogaado. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ex Wasiir ‘’Khadiijo Diiriye ayaa ii adeegsatay ciidamo qalqal galiyay nafteyda’’ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dastuurka qabyo-qoraalka ah, waxaa ku xusan Awoodaha sharci-dejinta ee golaha shacabka iyo aqalka sare, awoodaha mid weliba uu gaar u leeyahay iyo qaar ay wadaagaan. Habraaca Sharci-dejinta Baarlamaanka Sida ku qoran dastuurka qabyo-qoraalka ah qodobada 79aad, 80aad iyo 81aad waxaa ku xusan habraaca sharci-dejinta labada aqal ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Qodobka 79aad: (1): Si waafaqsan Dastuurka, habraaca sharci-dejintu waa hindise sharciyeed qabyo ah oo ku saabsan: (a) Dib-u-eegidda iyo soo jeedinta wax-ka-beddelka Dastuurkan dib ugu noqoshada Dastuurkan; (b) Qoridda iyo diyaarinta sharci qabyo ah oo cusub oo aan la xiriirin miisaaniyad-sanadeedda; (c) Soo-jeedinta sharci-qabyo ah oo cusub oo aan la xiriirin miisaaniyad-sanadeedda; (d) Dib-u-eegid sharci hore u jirey. (2) Ka doodidda sharci qabyo ah oo la xariira wax-ka-beddelka Dastuurkan waxay ka billabanayaa Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka. (3) Ka-doodidda sharci kasta oo qabyo ah wuxuu ka bilaaban karaa mid kasta oo ka mid ah labada aqal ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka. Qodobka 80aad: Curinta sharciyada: (1) Sharci qabyo ah oo heer qaran ah, waxaa curin kara: (a) Golaha Xukuumadda; (b) Ugu yaraan 10 xildhibaan oo ka mid ah xubnaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah, marka laga reebo sharci qabyo ah oo la xiriira arrimaha miisaaniyadda sanadlaha ah oo Golaha Xukuumadda oo keliyihi curin karo. (2) Sharciyada qabyada ah waxaa Golaha Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah u soo bandhigi kara: (1) Ugu yaraan hal wakiil oo ka socda Dowladaha Xubinta ka ah Federaalka; ama (2) Guddi kasta oo ka mid ah Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah. Qodobka 81aad: Go’aammo Siyaasadeed (1) Labada Aqal ee Baarlamaankuba way curin karaan Sharci. (2) Aqalka Shacabka oo keliya ayaa leh awoodda diidmada sharci qabyo ah. (3) Haddii labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah uu dhex yimaado khilaaf ku saabsan sharci qabyo ah, mid kasta oo ka mid ah labada Aqal ayaa Guddi wadajir ah oo ka kooban labada Aqal ugu baaqi kara in uu isku dayo in uu xalliyo khilaafaadka iyo in uu labada Aqal u soo jeediyo sharci qabyo ah oo la is-waafajiyey iyada oo laga duulayo iskaashiga dowladaha ee ay dhigayaan Qodobbada 51aad iyo 52aad. (4) Golaha Shacabka oo keliya ayaa sharci qabyo ah u diri kara Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda si uu u saxiixo, una faafiyo si rasmi ah. Hadaba, Waa Maxay Awoodaha Uu Aqal Weliba Gaar U Leeyahay? Sida ku qoran qodobka 63aad, Golaha Shacabku ee Baarlamaanka Federaalku wuxuu matilaa dhammaan shacabka Soomaaliya, Awoodda sharci-dejinta ee Golaha shacabku keligii leeyahay waxaa ka mid ah: (a) Ka-qaybgalka wax-ka-beddelidda Dastuurka, si waafaqsan Cutubka 15aad; (b) Ansixinta, wax-ka-beddelidda iyo diidmada sharciyada la horgeeyo, si waafaqsan Cutubkan iyo Cutubka15aad; (c) Ka-baaraandegidda sharciyada uu ansixiyo Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka; (d) U-igmashada Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka awoodaha sharci-dejinta marka laga reebo wax-ka-beddelidda Dastuurka. Qodobka 69aad. Awoodaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah (1) Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah wuxuu leeyahay awood sharci-dejin oo ah: (a) Inuu ansixiyo, wax-ka-beddelo ama diido sharciyada la horkeeno; (b) Inu curiyo sharci kasta oo cusub oo aan ka ahayn kan la xiriira miisaaniyadda sanadlaha ah, kaas oo uu diyaarinayo Golaha Wasiirrada. Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka waxaa kale oo uu leeyahay awoodahan dheeriga ah ee soo socda: (a) Inuu oggolaado ama diido guddiyada madaxa bannaan ee Ra’iisul-Wasaaruhu hor-keeno Golaha Shacabka; (b) Awoodda la-xisaabtaanka iyo kor-joogtaynta hay’adaha Dawladda ee Heerka Qaranka, gaar ahaan dhinaca hubinta dhaqangelinta sharciyada dalka; (c) U-yeeridda Rai’iisul-wasaaraha, xubnaha golaha wasiirrada, Gudoomiyayaasha Guddiyada Qaranka iyo Xafiisyada Madaxa Bannaan. Mas’uul kasta oo uu u hoggansami waaya u-yeeridda, wuxuu Golaha Shacabku awood u leeyahay inuu dib-u-eegid ku sameeyo xilkiisa; (d) Inuu Ra’iisul Wasaaraha, xubnaha Golaha Wasiirrada iyo barnaamijika xukumadda kalsooni ku siiyo codayn gacan-taag ah ee aqlabiyadda tirada guud ee Golaha Shacabka 50% +1; (e) Inuu cod aqlabiyadda tirada guud ee Golaha Shacabka 50% +1 oo gacan-taag ah kalsoonida Golaha Shacabka ugala noqdo Ra’iisul-Wasaaraha iyo ku-xigeenka/kuxigeennada Ra’iisul-Wasaaraha; (f) Doorashada iyo xil-ka-qaadidda Madaxweynaha sida ku cad Dastuurka; (g) Hirgelinta muhiimadaha kale ee uu u oggolaadey Dastuurku, si loo hubiyo dhaqan-gelin habboon iyo dib-u-eegid Dastuurka. Dhinaca kale, sida ku qoran qodobka 71aad, Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalku wuxuu matalaa Dawladaha xubinta ka ah Dawladda Federaalka, masuuliyadihiisa sharci-dejintaba waxaa ka mid ah: (a) Ka-qayb-qaadashada wax-ka-beddelidda Dastuurka, si waafaqsan Cutubka 15aad; (b) Ansixinta, wax-ka-beddelidda iyo diidmada sharciyada la horkeeno, si waafaqsan Qodobbada 82-83; (c) Eegidda sharciyada loo igmadey si waafaqsan Qodobbada 82-83; (d) Ka-qayb-qaadashada doorashada Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya si waafaqsan Qodobka 89aad; (e) Xil ka qaadida Madaxweynaha si waafaqsan Qodobka 92aad; (f) Ka-qayb-qaadashada habraaca ku-dhawaaqista xaalad dagaal si waafaqsan dastuurkan; (g) Hirgalinta muhiimadaha kale ee uu u oggolaaday Dastuurka si loo hubiyo dhaqangalin habboon iyo dib-u-eegid Dastuurka; (h) Ka-qayb-qaadashada habraaca ku dhawaaqa xaalad deg-deg ah si waafaqsan dastuurkan; (i) Ka-qayb-qaadashada nidaamka lagu magacaabayo xubnaha soo socda ee hay’adaha Dawladda ee soo socda si waafaqsan Dastuurkan: Xubnaha Golaha Adeegga Garsoorka; Guddoomiyaha iyo Garsoorayaasha Maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah; Xubnaha Guddiga Qaranka ee Madax-bannaan ee Doorashooyinka; Xubnaha Guddiga Xuduudaha iyo Federaalaynta; Xubnaha Guddiga Xalinta Khilaafaadka. Waxaa sidoo kale jira labo qodob oo ku jira dastuurka loo aqalka siinaya awood gaar ah sida lagu sheegay qodobka 71aad, faqradda(b), Labadaasi qodob waxaa ay kala yihiin: Qodobbada 82-83; Qodobka 82aad. Hindise sharci qabyo ah oo ka bilawday Golaha Shacabka (1) Golaha Shacabka marka la horkeeno handise sharci qabyo ah waxaa u furan inuu sameeyo mid ka mid ah sida soo socota: (a) Inuu u ansixiyo sharcigaas sida uu yahay ama inuu ansixiyo isagoo wax ka beddelay, markaa loo diro Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka si uu u ansaxiyo; (b) In uu diido, kuna wargeliyo Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka, isagoo raacinaya sababaha loo diidey. (2) Marka Aqalka Sare uu soo gaaro sharci qabyo ah oo uu soo ansixiyay Golaha Shacabka, waxaa u furan mid ka mid ah arrimaha soo socda: (a) Inuu u ansaxiyo sida Golaha Shacabku ugu soo gudbiyay sharcigaas ka dibna dib ugu diro Golaha Shacabka; (b) In ay ku sameeyaan wax-ka-beddel iyagoo sababeynaya isbeddeladaa, dibna ugu diraan Golaha Shacabka; (c) In ay diidaan una gudbiyaan Golaha Shacabka iyagoo raacinaya sababaha ay u diideen. (3) Marka Golaha Shacabka uu soo gaaro hindise sharci qabyo ah oo u soo ansixiyay Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ihi, waxay u dirayaan Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda si uu u saxiixo, uguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah. (4) Marka Golaha Shacabka uu soo gaaro hindise sharci qabyo ah kaasoo uu soo beddelay Aqalka Sare waxaa u furan inuu sameeyo arrimaha soo socda middood. (a) Inuu oggolaado wax-ka-beddelkaa lagu sameeyay hindisaha sharciga qabyada ah, ka dibna u gudbiyo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda si uu Saxiixo uguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah; (b) Inuu diido isbeddelada la sameeyay uuna ku baal maro go’aanka Aqalka Sare aqlabiyad 2/3 ah marka la eego tirade guud ee xubnaha aqalka, ka dibna uu u diro Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda si uu u saxiixo uguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah. (5) Marka Golaha shacabka uu soo gaaro sharci qabyo ah oo uu soo diiday Aqalka Sare, Aqalkaasi wuxu samyn karaa arrimahan midkood: (a) Inuu uu aqbalo diidmada, sharcigaana uu faraha ka qaado; (b) In uu ku baal maro diidmaddii Aqalka Sare aqlabiya 2/3 ah marka la eego tirade guud ee xubnihiisa, ka dibna uu u diro Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda si uu u saxiixo, uguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah. Qodobka 83aad. Hindise Sharci oo Qabyo ah oo ka bilowday Aqalka Sare. (1) Markuu Aqalka Sare soo gaaro hindise sharci oo qabyo ah, waxaa u furan inuu sameeyo mid kamid ah, arimaha soo socda: (a) Inuu ku ansixiyo sharcigaas sida uu yahay ama isagoo wax-ka-beddel ay kaddibna u gudbiyo Golaha Shacabka si uu u oggolaado; (b) Inuu diido sharcigaas kuna wargaliyo Golaha Shacabka isagoo raacinaya sababaha uu ku diiday. (2) Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalku marka uu helo hindise sharci oo qabyo ah, kaas oo Aqalka Sare oggolaadey, waxaa u furan inuu sameeyo mid ka mid ah arrimaha soo socda: (a) In uu u oggolaado sharcigaas sida uu ugu soo gudbiyey Aqalka Sare, ka dibna uu u gudbiyo Madaxweynaha Dawlada Federaalka si uu ugu ogolaado, u saxiixo looguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga; (b) Inuu wax kabeddelo sharcigaas dibna ugu celiyo Aqalka Sare isagoo raacinaya sababaha uu wax ugu beddeley; (c) Inuu diido, dibna uga celiyo Aqalka Sare, isagoo raacinaya sababaha uu u diidey. (3) Markuu Aqalka Sare soo gaaro hindise sharci qabyo ah, kaas oo uu wax ka beddeley Golaha Shacabku, waxaa u furan inuu sameeyo mid ka mid ah arrimaha soo socda: (a) Inuu aqbalo wax-ka-beddelidda sharciga qabyada ah, isagoon codayn una gudbiyo Madaxweynaha Dawlada Federaalka si uu u oggolaado, u saxiixo, looguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah; (b) Inuu diido wax kabeddelka sharcigaas, kagana gudbo/ku baalmaro go’aanka Golaha Shacabka cod aqlabiyad ah oo 2/3 tirada xubnihiisa ah, dibna ugu celiyo Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah. (4) Markuu Aqalka Sare soo gaaro hindise sharci qabyo ah, kaasoo uu diiday Golaha Shacabku, waxaa u furan inuu sameeyo mid ka mid ah arrimaha soo socda: (a) Inuu aqbalo diidmada sharcigaas isagoon u codeyn, joojiyana hindaha sharciga qabyada ah; (b) Inuu kaga gudbo/ku-baalmaro diidmada Golaha Shacabka cod aqlabiyad 2/3 tirada xubnaha Aqalka ah, dibna ugu celiyo Golaha Shacabka Federaalka ah. (5) Haddii uu Golaha Shacabka soo gaaro hindise sharci qabyo ah, kaasoo uu horay wax uga beddelay, isbeddeladdii uu hore u sameeyayna uu Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalku aqbalay, waa in uu Hindisahaa Sharci Qabyada ah u diraa Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda si uu u saxiixo, faafinta rasmiga ahna ugu soo saaro. (6) Haddii Golaha shacabka uu soo gaaro Hindise Sharci qabyo ah, kaasoo ay hore wax uga beddeleen ama ay hore u diideen, go’aankooda horena uu baal maray Aqalka Sare, Golaha Shacabku wuxuu sameyn karaa arrimahan midkood: (a) In ay ku baal maraan go’aanka Aqalka Sare cod aqlabiyad 2/3 tirada xubnahooda ah, halkaa ayeeyna ku joojin karaan hindisahaa sharci ee qabyada ah; (b) In ay aqbalaan go’aanka Aqalka Sare, ka dibna Hindisahaa Sharci ee qabyada ah u gudbiyaan Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda si uu u saxiixo, faafinta rasmiga ahna ugu soo saaro. (7) Haddii ay ku kala aragti duwanaadaan Hindise Sharci qabyo ah Labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah marka uu marayo Hindisahaa Sharci heerka lagu qeexay Qaybta 4aad ama 6aad ee qodobkan, Labada Aqal midkood ayaa dalban karaa in la saaro Guddi wadajir ah oo labada aqalba ka kooban si la isugu dayo in la xalliyo khilaafkaa, loona helo Hindise Sharci qabyo ah oo labada aqalba isla waafaqsan yihiin, iyadoo laga duulayo iskaashiga Dawladaha ka dhexeeya sida ku cad Qodobbada 51aad iyo 52aad ee Dastuurkan. Isha Goobjoog News Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Dastuurka: Habraaca Sharci-dejinta Baarlamaanka Federaalka Iyo Awoodaha Mid Weliba Gaar U Leeyahay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Wararka Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST Ay ka heleeyso Magaalada Boorama ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ay weerar ku qaadeen hooy uu magaaladaasi ka dagay Fanaanka Nimcaan Hilaac. Goobjoogayaal ayaa sheegaya in ciidamadaan oo ah kuwa amaanka Soomaaliland oo doonayay in ay xiraan Fanaanka uu isku dhac dhexmaray dadka deegaanka oo ka hor istaagay in ay xidhaan ciidamada Fanaanka. Nimcaan Hilaac ayaa Boorama ka soo galay dhanka iyo xuduuda wadanka Djabouti. isku dhacaasi dhexmaray ciidamada amaanka iyo dadka deegaanka oo difaacayay fanaanka uu geeystay qasaaro isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Fanaanka Nimcaan Hilaac ayaa la sheegay in uu hadda u baxsaday dhanka iyo dalka Itoobiya sida ay sheegayaan warar aan helnay. Soomaaliland ayaa xirta dadka magaca leh ee yimaada Koonfurta Soomaaliya iyada oo u aragta in ay qilaafsanyihiin gooni isutaaga ay ku dhawaaqeen. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Ciidamada Somaliland oo weeraray ku qaaday Fanaanka Nimcaan Hilaac appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Wararka ka imaanaya gobolka Bakool, gaar ahaan deegaanka Abal iyo sidoo kale deegaano halkaasi ku dhow ayaa waxay sheegayaan iney jirto xiisad dagaal oo u dhaxeysa ciidamada dowladda oo garabsanaya kuwa Mukhtaar Roobow iyo sidoo kale dagaalyahannada Al-shabaab oo dhinac ah. Xiisaddan ayaa daba socota dagaallo ka dhacay deegaanka Abal, waxaana la tilmaamayaa in is abaabul xooggan ay wadaan ciidamada xoogga dalka iyo kuwa Mukhtaar Roobow oo deegaankaasi fariisin u ah. Goob joogayaal la hadlay Goobjoog News, ayaa sheegaya in cabsi daran ay jirto, iyadoo dhanka kale saraakiisha dowladda ay aysan wax war ah kasoo saarin dagaalladaasi. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Insha Allah. Goobjoog News Source
  7. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo ka hadlayay hakinta dawladda Mareykanka ee gargaarkii ay siin jirtay qeyb kamid ah ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in Is-afgarad dhex-maray dawladaha Soomaaliya iyo Mareykanka uu sababay in si kumeel gaar ah loo hakiyo mushaar bixinta qaar kamid ah ciidamada Xoogga dalka. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa tilmaamay in dawladdu ay ka shaqeynaysay in muddo ah sidii loo dhaqangelin lahaa nidaam ku dhisan iska xisaabtan iyo daahfurnaan, isla markaana ay dalalka caalamka ee taageera Soomaaliya ku qanceen. Iyadoo tani ay cadeyn u tahay warbixintii ay dhowaan soo saartay Hay’adda Lacagta Adduunka (IMF) oo muujisay sida ay nooga go’antahay inaan dib u habeyn ku sameyno hay’adaha dawladda iyo daahfurnaanta maamulka maaliyadda dalka. “Annaga oo taas ka duuleyna waxaan hirgelinay in ciidankeenna lagu diiwaangeliyo qaab casriyeysan oo electronic ah kaasoo ka hortagaya in la musuqmaasuqo dhaqaalaha ay dowladda ku bixiso ciidamada iyo gargaarka amni ee aan ka helno dalalka saaxiibada nahay”.Ayuu yiri RW Khayre oo intaas raaciyey. “Waxaa kale oo aan rabaa inaan idinla wadaago in dawladda Soomaaliya ay sameysay daraasad muddo dheer aan wadnay oo haatan lasoo gabogabeeyay. Daraasaddaas oo lagu qiimeynayay tirada, tayada, qalabka ay haystaan iyo meelaha ay ka hawlgalaan ciidamada XDS”. Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa xusay si loo ogaado caqabadaha ragaadiyay dhismaha ciidamada in la sameeyey baaritaano qoto dheer oo lagu ogaaday in ay jiraan ciidamo diiwaangashan balse aan soo shaqo tagin, kuwa naafo ah oo shaqeynaya iyo kuwa dhintay oo wali ku jira liiska ciidamada shaqeeya, taasina waxay sababtay in la ogaado tirada dhabta ah ee ciidamada, agabka ay haystaan, darajooyinka ay sitaan iyo meelaha ay ka hawlgalaan. “Waxaa jira dalal naga caawiya mushaar bixinta ciidamada oo aan horay isula garannay inaan soo dhameystirno daraasadda aan soo xusay si aan u dejino qorshe dhameystiran oo qeexayo taageerada aan ka rabno iyo qaab dhismeedka ciidamada. Is-afgaradkan ayaa waxaa uu sababay in dawladda Mareykanka oo dalalkaas kamid ah ay si kumeel gaar ah u hakiso mushaar bixinta qaar kamid ah ciidamada”.Ayuu yiri R/Wasaaraha oo intaas ku daray in Dawladda Mareykanka aysan joojin taageerada ay la garab taagantahay Dowladda Soomaaliya ee dhanka amniga ah. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre waxuu sheegay in heer gabogabo ah marayo qorshe ka dhashay daarasadka la sameeyay ee xoojinaya isla xisaabtanka iyo hufnaanta hannaanka loo maamulo kaalmada dhanka amniga ah ee Soomaaliya ka hesho caalamka, dhowaana ay dib u bilaaban doonto mushaaraadka iyo kaalmada amniga. —DHAMMAAD—- Source
  8. Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa weeraray hoyga uu magaalada Boorama ka degan yahay fanaanka Nimcaan Hilaac, markii la sheegay in fanaanka uu halkaasi tagay, kadib safar dhulka ah oo uu kaga baxay dalka Jabuuti. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in shalay ay ciidankaan qaadeen weerar xooggan, iyagoo xiray Aabaha dhalay Nimcaan Hilaac, gabar isaga la dhalatay iyo sidoo kale wiil uu abti u yahay. Hooyada dhashay Nimcaan Hilaac oo la hadashay warbaahinta ayaa sheegtay in si xun ay ula dhaqmeen ciidamada Somaliland, iyaduna loo geystay jir dil aad u xooggan. Dhanka kale, shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Borama ee gobolka Awdal ayaa ciidamada Somaliland kala hortagay dibadbax xooggan oo ay xarig kaga difaacayeen Nimcaan Hilaac, waxaana jira rasaas ay fureen ciidamada oo waxyeello soo gaarsiisay dadka shacabka ah. Ciidamadan weerarka qaaday uma aanay suurtagelin iney xiraan fanaan Nimcaan Hilaac oo illaa hadda la sheegayo inuu ku dhex sugan yahay magaalada Boorama. Nimcaan ayaa muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ku sugnaa magaalada Muqdisho, waana fanaan taageero weyn ku leh meel walbo oo ay Soomaali joogto ama degan tahay. Goobjoog News Source
  9. Ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Libya ayaa badbaadiyey in ka badan 250 qof oo muhaajiriin aha, kuwaasi oo doonayey in dooman yaryar ay uga baxaan Libya. Muhaajiriintaan la badbaadiyey ayaa waxay ku sii jeedeen dalka Talyaaniga halkaasi oo ay rabeen in si sharci darro ah ay ku galaan. Xeebaha galbeed ee Libya ayaa waxay noqdeen meelaha ugu waaweyn oo ay ka dhoofaan dadka tahriibiyaasha ah intooda badan waxay ka soo jeedaan dadkaani dowladaha ka hooseeya saxaraha waxayna doonayaan inay galaan wadamada Yurub iyaga oo wadamadooda uga cararaya Saboolnimada iyo dagaalada ka jira. Waxaa hoos u dhacay tirada dadka tahriibiyaasha ah oo gaaraya Talyaaniga tan iyo bishii July ee sanadkaani marka lala barbardhigo sanadkii hore, ka dib markii mas’uuliyiin ka shaqeeya dowladda ay taageereyso qaramada midoobey ay ka shaqeeyeen in hoos loo dhigo howlaha Tahriibka ee ka socda magaalada Sabratha. Source
  10. Golaha ammaanka ee qaramada midoobay ayaa ka doodaya beri oo Isniin ah mashruuc ku saabsan go’aankii madaxweynaha mareykanka uu ugu aqoonsaday Qudus inay tahay caasimadda Isaeal. Dowladda masar ayaa mashruucaan waxay u gudbisay golaha ammaanka shalay oo Sabti aheyd, waxaa uuna ku baaqayaa in meesha laga saaro go’aan walba oo ku saabsan bidixeynta Qudus. Masar waxay qoraal u qeybisay dowladaha xubnaha ka ah golaha ammaanka kaasi oo ka hor imaanayo in diblomaasiyiinta iyo safaaradahooda ay u rartaan magaalada Qudus,sidoo kale waxaa ku xusan qoraalka la qeybiyey go’aan walba oo dhinaca oo ku saabsan xaaladda magaalada inuu san yeelan raad sharci ama is qabqabsi. Go’aanka Donald Trump uu ugu aqoonsaday Qudus inay tahay magaalo madaxda Israel waxaa dabo yeelay inuu ugu baaqay saafadda mareykanka ee ku taalo Tel Aviv in loo raro Qudus waxaa uuna ugu baaqay dowladaha kale in ay iyaguna safaaradahooda ay ka furtaan . Source
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online): Miisaaniyaddii ay toddobaadkan ansixiyeen Baarlamanka Soomaaliya waxa ay la jaanqaadeysaa is bedelka dhinaca lacagaha ah ee ay sameysay dowladda markii ay ku biirtay barnaamij ku deeqaha lacagaha oo caalami ah bishii Maajo, waxaa sidaas u sheegay Reuters masuul ka tirsan IMF-ta. Somalia waxa ay haatan ku jirtaa qiimeyntii labaad oo 12 bilood ah oo ay ku sameenayaan shaqaale u xil saran IMF-ta kaddib laban sano oo ay xasarado iyo dagaalo ku jirtay, buuxinta shuruucda lacagaha ee IMF-ta waxa ay u fureysaa albaabaddii ay ku heli lahayd deymo iyo in loo ogolaado maalgalin dhaqaale oo ay ka hesho haayaddaha dhaqaalaha caalamiga ah. Miisaaniyaddii $274 million ee la meelmariyey arbacaddii waxaa qeyb ka ah tallaabooyin la filayo in sare loogu qaado dhakhliga la soo uruuriyo $20-$25 million, Waxaa ku jira soo kordhinta iibka iyo canshuurta lacagaha shirkadaha isgaarsiinta iyo in meesha laga saaro canshuurtii aan laga qaadi jirin sharci dejiyeyaasha, sidaas waxaa yiri Mohammed Elhage oo hogaaminaya shaqada IMF-ta Somalia. “Kuwani waa calaamado aad muhiim u ah.” Waxa uu sheegay intii ay socotay booqashadii bishii September, in IMF-tu ay ka niyad jabsaneyd horumarka ay sameysay dowladda, taas oo xafiiska la wareegtay doorashadii Febraayo kaddib, Laga soo bilaabo September ilaa iyo hadda, waxaan aragnaa ka’gonaansho is bedel oo xooggan, masuuliyiinta waxa ay si dhaw uga shaqeenayaan waxa loo baahan yahay in la sameeyo. Miisaaniyadda waxa ay muujineysaa in dowladdu qabatay ku dhawaad $156 million oo ah dhakhliga gudaha iyo $118 million oo deeqo ah, Dalka ka dhisan geeska Africa waxa uu ka soo kabanayaa labaataneeyo sano oo colaad ah iyada oo maleyshiyada Al Shabab wali yihiin Qatar. Miisaaniyadda cusub wali waxaa aad ugu badan deeqaha, kuwaas oo sanadkii hore ku qarash gareeyey ku dhawaad $1.5 billion deeqaha raashinka, caafimaadka iyo nadaafadda, Kor joogeyaasha waxa ay tilmaamayaan miisaaniyadda cusub iyo meelmarinta Baarlamaanka in ay tahay tallaabo hore loo qaaday. “Haddii ay IMF-ta ku qanacdo, taasi waxa ay muujineysaa in dowladdu ay bilowday soo uruurinta dhakhliga,” waxaa sidaas yiri dimlomaasi reer galbeed ah. “Haddii ay helaan deymo, taasi waxa ay caddeyneysaa in dahab ka dambeeyo qaanso-roobadka.” Deymo ay ka hesho IMF-ta waxa ay dowladda dhexe siin doontaa fursad ay ku saameyso dowlad gobolleedyadyada xubnaha ka ah, ayuu intaa raaciyey dimlomaasiga. Dowlad gobolleedydu waxa ay xukumadda Muqdisho ku khilaafsan yihiin qodobo dhawr ah oo ay ka mid tahay xasaradda u dhexeysa Qadar iyo dalalka kale ee Khaliijka. Deymaha dibadda Soomaaliya looga leeyahay waxa ay gaareysa 5.2 billion sida ay sheegtay IMF-ta. Iskama aysa gudin tan iyo markii uu dagaalka sokeeye ka dilaacay muddo 25 sano hadda laga joogo, IMF-tu waxa ay sheegtay toddobaadkan koboca dhaqaalaha waxa uu gaari doonaa 2.5 boqolkiiba sanadka 2018 isaga oo ka soo booday 1.8 oo uu ahaa sanadkan, markaas oo ay abaraha iyo amaan daradda ka hoos marisay sadaashadii IMF-ta oo ahayd 2.5 boqolkiiba. Caasimadda Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Miisaaniyadda Soomaaliya waxa ay buuxisay shuruudihii hay’adda lacagta aduunka, waxaa sidaas sheegay sarkaal ka tirsan IMF appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Puntland iyo wefdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa gaaray Kastamka Tuurbidi ee magaalada Galdogob, waxaana la filayaa Todobaadka soo socda iney xariga ka jaraan Mas’uuliyiin ka socota Puntland iyo Ethiopia. Wasiirka Ganacsiga & Warshadaha ee dawladda Puntland Cabdiweli Xirsi Indho-Guran oo ah wakiilka dawladda ee arrimahan ayaa kulamo la yeeshay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey ganacsato ka socotay dalka Itoobiya iyo shirkado kale, kuwaas oo ay ka wada hadleen Maalgashiga Puntland. Ganacsatada Puntland ayaa fursado waa weyn oo Ganacsi ka helaya Kastamka cusub, maadaama Ganacsigoodu toos ugu gudbayo gudaha dalka Itoobiya oo ay ku nool yihiin Shacab aad u fara badan.
  13. By: M. A. Egge The President H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi has just shown that his administration during his tenure will be one that would uphold equality and dismantle tribalism hence fight against clannism. This hint was portrayed and depicted in his firs full cabinet meeting he had with his newly named administration yesterday whereby the ministers were directed not to attend or be part of a function held in their honour by the members of their kinfolks or communities they hail from. In an hour-long meeting that was graced by all but one of the 32 named members of the new cabinet, the Head of State outlined that his administration was chiefly focused on adhering to its agenda as based on the ruling Kulmiye party’s campaign objectives. He noted that the implementation of the National Development Plan Phase 2 was also the issues at hand expected to be expedited. The President underpinned the importance of patriotism while underscoring the prioritization of national cohesion hence impressed upon the ministers the need for stepping up the peaceful stability cherished and sealing rifts opened in the wake of tense political campaigns. The Head of State especially noted that the above efforts were to be collectively carried out and indulged into such that unity and solidarity may be maintained. According to the Presidential Spokesman Hussein Aden Egeh who told the media of the meeting, it was expected that they were to uphold equality in all matters of development and justice nationally. These and more directives were contained in a seven-point items articulated in a resolute meeting held. 1. All members of the council of the cabinet took oaths of allegiance and secrecy of officialdom. 2. Ministers were to verify all their movable or immovable wealth. 3. Supply personal CVs as per constitution. 4. To hold consecutive cabinet meeting in line with working procedures 5. All regions should be equally subjected to justice and development aspects. 6. Since all ministers are national leaders they ought to uphold the stature hence should refrain from gracing, participating or indulging into partisan functions that are tribally based or aligned with clannish innuendoes. 7. All ministerial changes-of-guard functions should be held in or on government premises only. The above directives gives a hint that the new Head of State is bent on fighting against tribalism, pilfer by official status or misuse of public property or office
  14. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo ka hadlayay hakinta dawladda Mareykanka ee gargaarkii ay siin jirtay qeyb kamid ah ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in Is-afgarad dhex-maray dawladaha Soomaaliya iyo Mareykanka uu sababay in si kumeel gaar ah loo hakiyo mushaar bixinta qaar kamid ah ciidamada Xoogga dalka. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa tilmaamay in dawladdu ay ka shaqeynaysay in muddo ah sidii loo dhaqangelin lahaa nidaam ku dhisan iska xisaabtan iyo daahfurnaan, isla markaana ay dalalka caalamka ee taageera Soomaaliya ku qanceen. Iyadoo tani ay cadeyn u tahay warbixintii ay dhowaan soo saartay Hay’adda Lacagta Adduunka (IMF) oo muujisay sida ay nooga go’antahay inaan dib u habeyn ku sameyno hay’adaha dawladda iyo daahfurnaanta maamulka maaliyadda dalka. “Annaga oo taas ka duuleyna waxaan hirgelinay in ciidankeenna lagu diiwaangeliyo qaab casriyeysan oo electronic ah kaasoo ka hortagaya in la musuqmaasuqo dhaqaalaha ay dowladda ku bixiso ciidamada iyo gargaarka amni ee aan ka helno dalalka saaxiibada nahay”.Ayuu yiri RW Khayre oo intaas raaciyey. “Waxaa kale oo aan rabaa inaan idinla wadaago in dawladda Soomaaliya ay sameysay daraasad muddo dheer aan wadnay oo haatan lasoo gabogabeeyay. Daraasaddaas oo lagu qiimeynayay tirada, tayada, qalabka ay haystaan iyo meelaha ay ka hawlgalaan ciidamada XDS”. Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa xusay si loo ogaado caqabadaha ragaadiyay dhismaha ciidamada in la sameeyey baaritaano qoto dheer oo lagu ogaaday in ay jiraan ciidamo diiwaangashan balse aan soo shaqo tagin, kuwa naafo ah oo shaqeynaya iyo kuwa dhintay oo wali ku jira liiska ciidamada shaqeeya, taasina waxay sababtay in la ogaado tirada dhabta ah ee ciidamada, agabka ay haystaan, darajooyinka ay sitaan iyo meelaha ay ka hawlgalaan. “Waxaa jira dalal naga caawiya mushaar bixinta ciidamada oo aan horay isula garannay inaan soo dhameystirno daraasadda aan soo xusay si aan u dejino qorshe dhameystiran oo qeexayo taageerada aan ka rabno iyo qaab dhismeedka ciidamada. Is-afgaradkan ayaa waxaa uu sababay in dawladda Mareykanka oo dalalkaas kamid ah ay si kumeel gaar ah u hakiso mushaar bixinta qaar kamid ah ciidamada”.Ayuu yiri R/Wasaaraha oo intaas ku daray in Dawladda Mareykanka aysan joojin taageerada ay la garab taagantahay Dowladda Soomaaliya ee dhanka amniga ah. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre waxuu sheegay in heer gabogabo ah marayo qorshe ka dhashay daarasadka la sameeyay ee xoojinaya isla xisaabtanka iyo hufnaanta hannaanka loo maamulo kaalmada dhanka amniga ah ee Soomaaliya ka hesho caalamka, dhowaana ay dib u bilaaban doonto mushaaraadka iyo kaalmada amniga. —DHAMMAAD—- The post Khayre “Dowladda Mareykanku ma aysan joojin Taageerada Dawladda Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. I spent my younger years trying to assimilate. Now I know better. BY SAFY-HALLAN FARAH Growing up as a Somali girl in the 90s, I saw Somalia’s civil war everywhere. I saw it on television, where countless shows would reference some variation of “starving children in Somalia,” usually as a punch line. I saw it in movies like “She’s All That,” where an early scene showed Rachel Leigh Cook’s character making art that represents the “pain” from a night a “riot” took place in Mogadishu, Somalia. And, of course, I saw it on the news, where one day, while watching CNN with my dad, I noticed the chyron read, “THE CIVIL WAR IN SOMALIA.” “What civil war?” I asked him. But he avoided the question — because while Somalia’s civil war was a topic of discussion pretty much everywhere else, the only place it was never acknowledged was in my own home. I do not fault my parents for this. They wanted to preserve my carefree-ness, a resource I’ve learned over the years is finite for someone like me, who is terminally concerned. But much to the chagrin of my parents, I eventually put two and two together. And unfortunately, this meant I learned about the civil war the same way most kids who didn’t get the “sex talk” learn about sex: through real and fictional people — on television, in books — who aren’t my parents. Over the years, my relationship to Somalia, and by extension myself, has mostly been filtered through the media, which has not been friendly to my people. Prominent images of us include the AK-47-wielding “warlord”; the “pirate”; the “terrorist”; and the young woman whose circumcision is at the crux of her narrative, because white people can’t seem to look past the fact of it. I could never see myself in these crude, alienating images and narratives. And even though I knew I wasn’t getting the full picture, I still believed what I saw: Somalia is a failednation. Somalia is scary. Why don’t we stop killing each other? I was convinced we were the sole problem. Never once did I level blame — full or partial — at our colonizers, Western media conglomerates, and everyone else with blood on their hands. I used words like “failed” and “war-torn” to describe Somalia — when in truth, Somalia could more aptly be described as “beautiful” and “rich in natural resources.” My parents, who had put a concerted effort into shielding me from negativity, unknowingly created distance where there should have been an opportunity for early intervention. In the same way I had learned white was right à la Mary Kate and Ashley, I learned Somalis were pariahs and I had to do everything in my power to not confirm biases people may have about us. When kids at school would ask me, “Why are all Somalians (note: not Somalis) scared of dogs?,” I would reply, “Because house pets aren’t a part of our everyday lives, so sometimes they startle us.” Then, I’d do my best to pretend that I wasn’t scared of dogs, either, even though I totally was. On numerous occasions, I almost shit myself in terror just to avoid this stereotype. My best friend at the time, who had immigrated from China the year before, watched me chase this sort of elusive approval so often, that she eventually tried to give me some perspective on the matter: One day, she took me aside and said, “At least they don’t think you eatdogs.” At my lowest, I reveled in compliments from my non-Somali peers, essentially praising me for not doing that thing your people do, good job! I knew they didn’t like me for me, but I wanted to be liked regardless — and more importantly, I wanted to fit in — so assimilation was at the top of my priorities, every single day. I know now that the onus shouldn’t have been on me to dispel stereotypes. I was but one little girl, who shouldn’t have been expending her energy on anything outside of school, my Neopets obsession, the cast of “Holes,” and buzz bands. But it took time to get there. The turning point for me was when my dad sent me to an Afrocentric charter school (whose name comically borrows from a famous black movie). In retrospect, it might have been a cult: At this school, the students had to sing songs in praise of the school and were only allowed to wear red, black, yellow, and green — the colors of the Pan-African flag. We even had a song about it: “red, black, yellow, and green / these are the colors of our liberation.” Suddenly, I was forced to assimilate to a very specific idea of blackness that excluded my Somaliness. But it was there I learned to embrace stereotypes against Somalis, because it was the only way to keep my sense of self — which the school was trying to systematically erode — intact. It was also at this school that I realized that stereotypes can often be aspirational: A lot of the Somali girls at my school, the ones who didn’t want to be nurses, teachers, or lawyers, either wanted to be models or have their life story written for them like “The Caged Virgin” or “Desert Flower,” because that seemed like the only path to real existence in the eyes of people who aren’t Somalis. This was before the Warsan Shires and Nadifa Mohameds of the world — when Fatima Said, who competed on cycle 10 of “America’s Next Top Model” (and sobbed about her circumcision on national TV), was the closest thing to a psychic culmination of their aspirations. These were often the most interesting Somali girls, with complicated personal histories I couldn’t relate to and enthralling personalities that magnetized our peers. Little has changed since then, and we still have work to do in how the media presents Somalia and Somalis. In 2014, when the producers of “Captain Phillips” came to Minneapolis to find pirates, my mom’s slick-haired first cousin Rinji auditioned for a role. The criteria was simple: dark-skinned, lanky, tall — what many Somali men, Rinji included, naturally look like. He showed up to the Brian Coyle Center near the Cedar Riverside apartments where the auditions were taking place, fully convinced he’d become an overnight celebrity — not the “next” of something, but a long-overdue first. He was precisely what they were looking for, after all. When he didn’t receive a callback, and it was announced on television that the producers had found their pirate, Barkhad Abdi, Rinji screamed at the TV, “Man, I thought they said dark-skinned and skinny, not ugly as hell!” I cackled for days every time I recalled Rinji’s reaction, not because I found Barkhad Abdi particularly ugly, but because Hollywood’s stereotypes are absurd — and represent just how much work we have left to do. Despite the unlearning I’ve done over the years, I still struggle to see myself doing something the world hasn’t seen yet — like writing a show or book whose protagonist looks like me and hails from my culture. This year, I vowed to myself that I will actively work to combat the limitations of my own imagination, so I started a zine with my friends, called 1991. The name comes from the fact that Somalia’s civil war broke out that year. And while Somalis’ stories — especially my own — don’t start or end there, the year was a turning point for us globally, and it’s more than ripe for art that goes beyond stereotypes. I wonder now, had my father and mother been frank with me, if I would have reached these conclusions any faster. My instinct is to say it would have went down the same way, but I’ll never truly know. What I do know is that I have a chance to be a part of the changing narrative, and create new images of us — ones that aren’t interpolated with the white gaze — something I can’t wait to do for the rest of my life. Safy-Hallan Farah is a writer whose work has appeared in the Awl, Vogue, GQ, and Nylon Magazine. Standard
  16. HARGEISA–The new President of Somaliland H.E Muse Bihi Abdi has met with a delegation from the Federal Government of Ethiopia which consisted of Ministers and Diplomats, who come to attend Presidential inauguration. The Delegation, led by Ethiopia’s Minister of Transportation Ahmed Shidde, discussed the importance of strengthening the relationship between Somaliland and the Federal Government of Ethiopia with the president. Somaliland’s Foreign Minister Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, who has accompanied President in the meeting, briefed the issues discussed and said “The President has met with the Ethiopian Delegation and they passed on a congratulations message to the new President and Vice President on behalf of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, and The President confirmed that his government will continue and strengthen the traditional engagement and relations between the two governments.” President Muse Bihi also met with a delegation from the Somali region of Ethiopia arrived in the country to attend the Inauguration of President Muse Bihi’s presidency and jointly held bilateral talks for a long time at the president’s residence and the outcome was to strengthen the relationship and co-operation between the two sides. The meeting ended with a bilateral understanding, and the parties expressed their determination to reach a higher level of cooperation. On the other Hand Somaliland New President Muse Bihi Abdi meets with a higher delegation from IGAD Participated inauguration ceremony for the new president. Horndiplomat
  17. Hassan Ali Daoud in the mission of saving Somaliland mothers #ReachTheNeglectedMothers Why did you choose to study Medicine? The number one blessing behind me to be study Medicine is my parents who were educated and they knew the importance of a doctor to the community, and they used to tell me and my siblings the benefits of being a doctor. I took my first diploma in First Aid when I was in grade 10 in high school. I liked it and it became an area I got more interested in. I had a hard time when I was joining my medical school as well, I applied for Cairo University in Egypt, and my application was not accepted. I applied again and accepted to sit for the entrance exam of the school of medicine of University of Hargeisa with 540 applicants. 3 days later, I saw my name not in the list of 44 students who were accepted. I didn’t lose hope, and my mother advised me to Join Amoud University. I had another big challenge because there were 940 applicants and only 25 spaces available. We all had one year of foundation and by the end of the year, I was the second top student. I am now enjoying my second last year in the medical school. What was the first development project you got involved in? I established a student Union in my high school, and I succeeded to publish the first publication of the school Journal, the Voice of Qalax. I visited back the next year for the event of the second publication. It was a remarkable experience for me and I still look back. In 2012, luckily, I remember in my annual university holiday, I entered a hall that Hargeisa International Book fair event was happening, I saw the leading individuals like Edna Adam (My Role Model, the mother of Somaliland Health), Abwaan Hadraawi (our Somali Shakespeare poet) and many others from every sector in my community gathered to discuss and debate society problems to find solutions. It was going on for 1 week. In 2013 I volunteered in this wonderful event to understand and digest the ideas of our elder generation. From 2014 up till now I am the volunteer coordinator of HIBF (which now gathers around 100 international guests from all over the world) and I do organize more than 70 volunteers each year. There I met with Somaliland Life Makers, a youth group from all over the world who were all Somalilanders and gathered to introduce to the youth how volunteering is important in our region. I asked them to become a member of that team, they welcomed me warmly. I became one of them, we were doing campaigns for providing shelter, food and health facilities to those who need most. We were spreading for 6 years only one message (Somaliland is not waiting others but only its people, to build invest, improve and sustain) It was 5 months ago, when I succeeded to collect some of the active youth in Borama City and delivered them the message and we announced Somaliland Life Makers Borama team. We did the same task and provided food during Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month and clothes for Eid which marks the end of fasting. Tell me about your volunteering in the field of maternal health. What’s your vision? How will you achieve it? Two years before, I started to volunteer with some other students at two big campaigns of fistula repair for almost more than 200 women per year from all over the Somali speaking regions at Borama National Fistula Hospital. We use to go to take the history, physical examinations and prepare them for the operations. The most shocking part was when you see very young women at the age of 15 years or less got married and developed obstructed labor for more than 5 days in somewhere that has no medical facilities at all. And you keep listen and some say the head of the baby came out and the rest couldn’t deliver and she kept travelling hours over the rough roads by a car (they even don’t know who will pay the rent of the car!) from that day I liked to volunteer more in the maternal health. We are one of the countries that has the highest maternal morbidity and mortality rate in the world. My vision is to save all mothers not only in Somaliland, but the whole continent. I was asked by Micheala, a German friend of mine, what gift I’d like, once she was coming for the Somaliland Presidential Election of the past month as international observer. I chose to bring us an ultrasound machine to work for those who have less and far and can’t reach the health centers. I have donated to my university and they they donated to the regional public hospital. I recognized it needs a long journey and time to decrease it dramatically as the developed countries, but I have been thinking about a way that the mothers of tomorrow, the mothers of 2020, those who are in the universities, colleges, and school girls can be saved. They are all using smart phones, and I want to develop a mobile app that can educate them on the important health messages, like how many times they should go for antenatal and postnatal care, and the warning signs, more over not to cut their baby girls later on and we all clear the FGM from the region as well. I feel like they are all waiting me and I have to take always more steps forward. The delegation from Germany donating Ultra-Sound Machine to Amoud College of Health ScienceHow do you think the development of Somaliland’s health care will help in the country’s overall development? if someone has a MI or serious condition and he or she needs PCI or other advanced procedures that we don’t have in the country, he or she needs to travel to another country to seek treatment. Some don’t have the money, some get difficulties of getting visa’s, or the passport (because we are not recognized country), if our health care is developed, we will not lose our genius babies, our heroine women and girls, our intellects and our doctors and many health care professionals. The more we build our health sector, the more we live in a better environment. How can Somaliland Health System be improved? Well this is quite big question, but I believe it needs to be corrected both on an individual and institutional level, let me start with the administrative and lower health care workers, they should have the proper skills, their educational level should be upgraded by get training regularly. General physician doctors get medical license which has an expired date, we don’t have postgraduate medical studies in the country which would have saved many people. There are too many people who are just practicing medicine and running their own clinics, giving unnecessary medications to the patients and all these need quality care. Moreover, there are too many doctors from the neighboring countries who established their own clinics and getting no observations and sending the patients unnecessary laboratory investigations Some monitoring mechanism that can allow the real professionals to provide the health services as well upgrade those who are just practicing. We don’t have any screening, diagnostic, and treatment center for all types of cancers. We send some times the biopsy to Kenya or another neighboring country. Fortunately we have in the country for the past years two mammography machines in the capital city. The country needs to establish its first oncology department center. If any accident happens people take the injured people and reach them to the nearest hospital. They may take the patients in a wrong position and may worsen his condition or make other multiple fractures. Community areas have no emergency call services at all, and we really don’t have any ICU’s in the regional hospital, just an emergency department. The more shocking part is we don’t have any paramedics at all. In our ambulances, we have the driver only (sometimes, his phone may be switched off). Getting the surgeon, the anesthetist may take us 3 hours or more and some of our patients may get serious conditions. Our public health sector is completely in the border line. Our ministry of health and the doctors they rarely organize public health awareness, we are all the time dealing with the complications in the hospital. Fortunately, Amoud University, the college of health science, has been doing community activities for more than 10 years in Borama Region. Luckily I am very proud to lead this year the community activities program of our university. More than 1000+ Medical, Dental, pharmacy, laboratory, Nursing and public health students with their supervisors go two areas where there are many poor socio-economic people lives two days in the week. Where do you hope to see Somaliland in 5/10 years time? I see beautiful future studies and fellowships, and more over less patients in our hospitals. I hope this will uplift so high the quality of health sector, we will get postgraduate and will build together free health service for all. We will leave no one behind. Who do you hope to be in 10 yrs.? It’s a difficult question, and no one can predict how things will be tomorrow. But I am sure of one thing, I will be a better change maker. In 2 years time, I will be doing my internship. I hope I will go round the country to see real problems that my people are encountering. I will study in what ways it could be solved. I will proceed my career to study public health or the global health to promote the universal health coverage and the sustainable development goals particularly Goal 3. I will fight until no mother dies of Infections, Anemia, Pre-eclampsia, Antepartum or Postpartum Hemorrhage and many other preventable illnesses in Africa. What does a typical day as a medical student involve? It’s very tough and challenging. We go to classes 6:30 A.M till 7:30, we had some snacks for 20 minutes by 8 in the morning we all go to the ward rotations. We do patient history, physical examinations and do assessment and plan. Doctors come and check with us and they discuss with us the most likely disease it will be, the next best step in management and the patient approach till 1 :00 P.M. we go back to our houses, at 4 PM and 6 P.M in the afternoon, some days we may have classes again and for our free time we dive our books. One thing that is different from any other medical schools in the developed world apart from the resources and the quality of the teachers we have is, stressful life of typical medical student. It is not coming from the medical school but it’s coming from the patients we have and the system of our health care. For example, we have two types of patients, one is very poor and one is in the middle class or rich. For those who are poor, they don’t even afford to pay the lab investigations like checking the Blood Group and or the Urine analysis or the IV cannula etc. Sometimes we go to the hospital admin and we make them for free, but sometimes they make it for many people this day, and the hospital can’t accept more than that. We collect from our pocket money. Our second type of patient is very rich and has many family visitors, our hospitals don’t have the machines and the diagnostic tests we could send for them. For example, No CT scans, or MRIs in our public hospitals and even not available in the private hospitals of some of the regions. How has Medicine Africa and the kings Somaliland partnership helped to enhance your learning? The first time I heard of Medicine Africa was my first year 2013, I joined a dinner event for saying good bye to the teachers from UK ( I remember the teachers Dr. Lora and Dr. Alexander), and as well the students from University of Hargeisa in the 2 weeks of interactive learning of psychiatry. I signed up that day and I use to see the different sectors of Aqoon program. The students in UK and students from here in Somaliland discussing about cases. The clinical reasoning tutorials is the best tutorial we get from kings college and medicine Africa, it builds our thinking and our approach to the patients. How do teaching sessions from UK based doctors help improve your learning of a topic? The tutorials starts from the communication skills course and later we go to the courses we are feeling we don’t have any teachers in that field like the Radiology course. The sessions are interactive, the teacher is asking, students are answering and the teacher is explaining and commenting finally. We all take part together and its one of our most interesting classes we get in the week. We are very happy to have senior professional doctors from NHS, volunteering their valuable time to teach students how to interpret the basics of some diagnostic machines that even don’t exist in our settings. What inspired you to start up your blood transfusion project? How is It going? It was November 2016, when I was in the maternity ward and we received a patient with Antepartum hemorrhage and she was transferred from an MCH with an ambulance. Her initial blood level was 7.5 which is low amount of blood and was still bleeding, after we stabilized her and we asked to get blood transfusions, we didn’t get it earlier, and the doctors said her blood group named B- is not found widely. Her pregnancy was always at risk because we had rare B- individuals. We have a booklist of donors in our lab, and we called two men. The first one said I donated one month ago and the other one said I am quite far from the city. The doctors have seen the condition of the baby which was worsening and prepared quick emergency C-section. The family took a car and got the man and he donated one bag. The lady came out after an hour from the surgery and she asked the doctor, Is my baby alive? He said we couldn’t save the baby. Later on, the mother developed postpartum depression, and it took us a week to keep her mood up. I took an attention of why we don’t have in the hospital a blood bank so that we give the transfusions earlier. It was not that much longer, a week later when again we received the end of the day a mother with postpartum hemorrhage(bleeding during/after childbirth) and she was shivering and conscious, but completely blue lips and very pale hands. After we stabilized her condition and sent urgent investigations, results came out with a blood level of 2 grams/dl. Luckily her blood type was O- and she found 3 units of transfusions, she got the transfusions and she was getting better hour by hour. I left the hospital and went my classes worrying about her condition, next morning I came early and went directly to see her. I saw an empty bed and rushed to the nursing office and they told she passed away two hours ago! And it was very hard moment, I was remembering her history and she was bleeding for 4 days somewhere close to the border of Somaliland-Ethiopia, she was telling me she couldn’t find a car and family was quite poor and found late time. That day I decided whatever it takes to me, I will establish Borama Blood Bank. After long run in the social media and tweeting for 1 month, I found my intermediate classmate Marwa Mohamed, who is registered nurse graduate from Edna Adan university. We calculated the money of the machines and it was $10,000. We use to tag the different sectors of the community, local politicians and ambassadors. Finally, we met with Nimco Ali who has already fought for ending FGM and she said to us “you guys, what you are looking for is exactly drops of hope, and I am ready to help you”. We started a gofundme page ( during the UK campaign of the #Callthemidwife. Thanks to the 130 UK citizens who had participated the donations. Later on I remembered one reason that the mother was died was include no transportation. And we again look for a donor and again Nimco has found a donor from UK who has paid the money of the Ambulance. Thanks to Nimco Ali as well who has turned my dream into reality and now saving Somaliland mothers. The journey was quite long and the hospital admin found a temporary machine from Hargeisa. Then I started a blood donation campaign from my medical school. Students were donating their blood. The unforgettable moment was, when the first donor, Mawlid, a lady suddenly appeared and said, I need a blood transfusion. We gave her and she said, I have been looking for this type of blood for 4 days. I was there and encouraging students to donate. For the past two months, I was very busy on finding the equipment’s and finally we found it from china with $14,000. So now the items are in the procurement stage and will be sent upon completion. Reach Hassan Ali at
  18. BORAMA— Police in Borama have launched a man hunt operation in order to detain a pop singer known as Niman Hilaac. The pop singer has arrived in Somaliland by crossing the border between Djibouti and Somaliland. He traveled to Mogadishu and has clearly violated a bar which is in place deterring all Somaliland nationals not to go to Somalia. The singer was previously detained at Egal airport on his return from Mogadishu but after spending days in captivity was released without trail. The singer, Niman Abdirahman is on the run and is hiding from law enforcement agencies in Awdal province. Reports coming from Borama confirm that while police put the father of the singer behind bars. There are reports indicating that rowdy residents in Borama have staged a protest against police which are looking for the fugitive pop singer who is hiding in the city. Two policemen have been injured in the clashes while one civilian is reported to have sustained minor injuries. The whereabouts of the pop singer is not known as far as he is concerned.
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay qorshaha ay dowlada Mareykanka ku jartay deeqaha ay siisi ciidamada dowlada. Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa sheegay in go’aankaasi lagu hakiyay kaalmada uu ahaa mid ay isla ogaayen dowladaha Somalia iyo Mareykanka. Waxa uu tilmaamay in ujeedka loo jaray uu yahay mid lagu saxaayo khaladaadka weli ka dhex jira ciidamada dowlada, iyadoo dib loo bilaabi doono sixitaanka kadib. Waxa uu Kheyre sheegay inuu jiro khaladaad farabadan oo ay kamid tahay bixinta mushaaraadka ciidamada iyo howlaha kale ee ku xeeran baahiyaha ciidanka. Waxa uu Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre intaa ku daray inay jiraan warar been abuur ah oo la xiriirta in kaalmada loo jaray sababo la xiriira musuq-maasuq ka dhex jira ciidamada. Kheyre waxa uu hadalkan ka sheegay shir Jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho, waxa uuna rajo weyn ka muujiyay in dib loo bilaabayo kaalmada Mareykanka. Haddalkan ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili dowlada Mareykanka ay daboolka ka qaaday inay hakisay deeqaha ay siiso ciidamada dowlada Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post RW Kheyre oo shaaciyay sababta rasmiga ah ee dowlada Mareykanka u jartay Kaalmada Ciidamada DF appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wargeyska Daily Mail ee kasoo baxa dalka Ingiriiska ayaa qoray in maxkamad Ingiriiska ku taala ay 15 bilood oo xabsi ah ku xukuntay fanaanka caanka ah ee Soomaaliyeed la yiraahdo Max’ed Axmed Qoomaal markii lagu eedeeyay in guri uu London ku lahaa uu kiraystay Soomaaliyana iska soo aaday. Wargeyska waxaa uu sheegay in fanaanka Max’ed Axmed Qoomaal uu muddo 2 sanno ka badan Soomaaliya joogay asagoo iska qaadanayay lacagta cawinaada loo siiyo ee ceyrta loo yaqaan sidoo kale iska kiraystay guri dawlada Ingiriisku siisay. Sidoo kale warkaan waxaa lagu sheegay in fanaanku qaatay lacag dhan 39 kun oo lacagta Ingiriiska ah taasoo kaga timid gurigii ay siisay xukuumadda Britain oo uu kiraystay sida warka ku qoran . Dacwad oogayaasha waxay ku eedeeyeen inuu ka been sheegay safarkii uu Soomaaliya kusoo aaday isagoo khiyaameeyay waaxda socdaalka ee Ingiriiska. Wargeyska aanu xiganayno ee Daily Mail ayaa baahiyay in fanaan Qoomaal qirtay inuu ku guul daraystay inuu shaaciyo sida uu u qaatay lacagta ceyrta ah ee la siiyo dadka soo galootiga ah iyo lacagta uu kirada guriga ka qaatay intii u dhaxaysay sanadihii 2013 iyo 2016. Miss Lisa Matthews oo ka mid ah dacwad oogayaasha fanaanka kiiskaan kusoo oogay ayaa sheegtay in Qoomaal uu waqti dheer Soomaaliya iska joogay asagoo iska qaadanayay lacagta ceyrta ah iyo tan guriga uu kiraystayba. Haweeneydaan waxay sheegtay in fanaanku markuu Ingiriiska iska dhiibayay uu hay’adaha socdaalka u sheegay in dalkiisa halis badan ka jirto haddana uu ku noolaa wax ka badan 2 sanno taasoo uu ka qariyay hay’adaha u xilsaaran. Wargeyska kale ee The Mirror ayaa baahiyay in Mariska Van Leeuwen oo ka mid ah qareenadda fanaanka ay ku doodayaan in xaaladiisa caafimad hagaagsaneyn. Qareenku waxay ku doodaysaa in fanaanku ka xanuunsanayo wadnaha iyo lugaha intabada sidaa darteed ay ku daadalaayaan inay wax ka badalaan xukunka ku dhacay. Qoomaal sida oo kale waa uu beeniyay eedaha loo jeediyay sida warbaahinta Ingiriisku qorayaan. Max’ed Axmed Qoomaal oo oo da’da Tobobaatameedyada ku jira waxaa uu ka mid yahay fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed kuwooda ugu caansan ee heesahooda aad loo dhagaysto waxaana uu in muddo ah ku noolyahay dalka Ingiriiska oo uu dhalashadiisa haysto. W/tarjumay Burhaan Diini Faarax Xigasho Daily Mail iyo The Mirror. The post Sawirro: Al-fannaan Qoomaal oo la dhigay xabsi ku yaalla magaalada London & Xukun dhowr ah oo ku dhacay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. Somalilanders are quietly and confidently concretizing their dreams of statehood – all with the wish of one day being recognised as a political entity in its own right. The last few months of 2017 have been characterised by global debates in relation to statehood recognition and its consequences for global order and the expansion of citizens’ rights. From Europe to the Middle East and Africa, we are openly discussing, for example, what takes to recognise a new country; what are the political consequences of recognition in terms of socio-political and economic stability, inclusion and citizens’ rights; or what are the consequences in terms of prevention of conflict and sustaining long-term peace. I think – just to name a few – of the political struggle in Catalunya, the independence referendum in Kurdistan, the continuous debate in relation to Palestine, renovated in times of Trump, and the on-going civil war in one of the newest and internationally backed countries, South Sudan. Meanwhile, in Somaliland – north of Somalia, East Africa – Somalilanders, quietly and confidently, continued concretizing their own statehood dreams: over the last few months, Somaliland has organised its third presidential election, which took place on November 13, demonstrating the strength of its electoral, multi-party and hybrid political system. All with the wish of one day being recognized by the world as a political entity in its own right. Kate Stanworth. All rights reserved.Twenty-six years ago, Somaliland unilaterally declared independence from Somalia and now enjoys peace and stability in a volatile and violent regional context. Nevertheless, Somaliland is not recognised by a single country. Over all these years, Somalilanders, step by step, have overcome the most complex of socio-political and economic challenges and, with little support from the international community, have co-created what is today considered a unique peace and state-building example, attracting the attention of many people like us who want to understand how local organized citizens can craft their own solutions to civil war, insecurity, poverty, environmental problems and instability. As members of Somaliland Focus UK, we accompany Somalilanders’ efforts. Recently, we co-organised the International Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) to the presidential elections. We also disseminate knowledge about this East African country, which is offering unique lessons to the world. In this article, I present a brief account of the formation of Somaliland and its current achievements and challenges. We hope this is a small contribution to share information on what is certainly an example to the world. I will publish an extended research report early next year (together with Dr. Marta Fernandez, Brazil). The EOM will publish the final report on its observation mission in the first half of 2018. Peace and state-building in East Africa Kate Stanworth. All rights reserved.Somaliland is a successful example of peace- and state-building. Unlike some other African countries – still suffering diverse violent conflicts and intensive flawed and/or militarized international intervention – in Somaliland, local actors were and are the main stakeholders leading, creating and sustaining a legitimated political order. The end of the civil war was possible because of the implementation of a locally led model of clan negotiation: a customary system of “social forgetting” which endorsed reconciliation and dialogue towards peace and constitution making. Since 1991, local clans organised and self-funded several “national” inter-clan peace conferences and grassroots local assemblies dealing with clan reconciliation, constitutional issues and institutional formation. Kate Stanworth. All rights reserved.All this follows local customs: a local- and indigenous-lead conference lasted several months, implied commitment to arduous consensus-building facilitated by local elders, entailing long discussions among citizens held under the acacia trees and inspired by ancient poetry. The scenery, and peoples’ predispositions, were the gateway to what is called “sympathetic attention” and mutual interest, two pre-conditions to generate collective agreements, new ideas, joint decisions and finally, create a country with its own constitution and new institutions – all achieved despite various challenges, including the outbreak of violence in between meetings. Today, for example, Somaliland has its local councils, a bicameral parliament – including the “Guurti” formed by indigenous elders and an elected one – its executive representatives and institutions including various specialized ministries, a central bank and local currency, a budget financing national public policy (the National Development Plan and other policies) and several functioning international representations working abroad as “embassies”. Somalia does not recognise Somaliland’s self-declared independence. As a consequence, there is an ongoing dialogue process taking place, mediated by Turkey. Legitimacy: a state created by and for citizens Kate Stanworth. All rights reserved.Many studies evidenced the legitimacy of Somaliland peace and state-building process: “Somaliland had more success in legitimating the state in the eyes of its citizens at least because it was based on cultural notions that neither colonialism nor “scientific socialism” were able to eradicate… it could, indeed, be seen as a first indigenous modern African form of government which entails traditional forms of organisation based on reaffirmation of lineage identity and territoriality within a democratizing framework containing an emphasis on self- reliance” (Kibble, 2001). “Sympathetic attention” and mutual interest were two pre-conditions to generate collective agreements, new ideas, joint decisions and finally, create a country with its own constitution and new institutions. Somaliland’s nation-state was demanded and co-created from the painful lessons of internal war, struggles after independence and divergent political options in Cold Ward times. In this context, Somaliland’s people deposited faith in the security and predictability that the kinship system could provide during state collapse and the long and painful process of post-independence politics and post-civil war reconstruction. Because of this society-wide support for its young democracy, Somaliland’s nation-state is defended and nurtured by the vast majority of Somalilanders despite the lack of international recognition and existing differences between various clans and political parties. Against all odds, they are united in the common idea of sustaining their nation’s security and safety, while working hard to promote more development opportunities for all. It is noteworthy that respect for local dynamics and a politics of legitimation are prevalent in contrast to the somtimes short-term objectives and interests pushed by “international actors” actively engaged in other peace and state-building processes on the continent. Third elected president and the future ahead Kate Stanworth. All rights reserved.As mentioned above, in November 2017, Somaliland organised its third presidential election, efficiently coordinated by the National Electoral Commission (NEC). Three political parties’ candidates successfully ran their campaigns and the election resulted in the confirmation late in the month of Musa Bihi Abdi of the Kulmiye Party as new president. Unlike in other African countries -where presidents stay in power for decades creating a suffocating political context-, in Somaliland, the incumbent President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silanyo), also of the Kulmiye Party, did not run for a second term. In the days following polling day, tensions emerged between political parties and their supporters and the associated clans, from some perceived and real institutional challenges linked with running a well-organised and transparent election. Nevertheless, these disagreements were, again, eventually successfully managed by local leaders -from political parties, institutions and traditional representatives- with the aim to “defend” peace, coexistence and democratic stability above all. Remarkably, the defeated candidate openly declared in a press conference days after the election: “I don’t want my desire to hold this post to destroy my country and shed my people’s blood”. As Edna Anan -one of the most recognised local social leaders- mentioned in one of the public meetings organised after election day: “above all, Somalilanders recognise that with democracy everyone wins”. On November 21, the election result was declared by Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission. On November 28, the Supreme Court endorsed the result, after no formal complaints were received. Somalilanders in every country corner -from desert rural areas to busy cities- flooded schools and community centres to cast their vote. Young leaders -for example, a group of more than 600 local observers and hundreds of electoral staff, national police and political parties’ agents- worked tirelessly to, yet again, demonstrate their belief in democracy. It was moving to see social mobilisation on such a scale to support the right to decide. Kate Stanworth. All rights reserved.While traditional forms of organisation are still very important, new generations are quickly entering into the public space, organising initiatives to open up debates and provide increased transparency and public scrutiny to clan and political parties negotiations and practices. Youth and women-led organisations are working hard to change discriminatory, dangerous and unjust traditional customs. For example, during this election period, “Inspire” a new youth-led social enterprise, organised the first national presidential TV debate: all candidates had to respond to concrete policy questions as the nation watched and openly debated the quality of the proposals and their options. Social media is widely used to share ideas and information, connecting everyone beyond any social, gender or clan distinction. Somaliland might be the first African country to prohibit female genital mutilation (FGM) as per the promises shared by all presidential candidates. Many challenges still lie ahead: new investors and regional interests might need to think smart in terms of conflict prevention and national sovereignty. For example, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has signed an agreement to develop the Berbera port and open a military base nearby. Issues in relation to land prizes and management as well as the transparent management of resources are already causing concerns. As soon as investments and development funds start coming to the country, Somaliland might need to reaffirm its commitment to put citizens and peace before everything, demonstrating solid human rights, anti-corruption and transparent development practices that distinguish it from other countries. Similarly, the country must start pulling together resources in the areas of education, health, infrastructure and small-scale development, overcoming years of mainly spending on security and some institutional building. It will be good to see if Somaliland can put human rights and citizens’ peace and dignity at the centre of every future policy decision. This is the time to make the right choices. In times when we face new questions in relation to secessionist and independence movements, Somaliland offers an examplehow citizens can come to organise their own socio-political processes, making theirnvoices heard so as to create fairer social orders without much “international aid”. In all, Somaliland poses questions to the world: when and why to recognise the creation of a new country and how best this facilitates peace and security? What are the limitations and problems of international intervention – by action or omission – when the challenge is to understand and support socio-political harmony? Can this country become an example to the world in respecting human rights and citizens’ dignity? We hope so and we will stay close to observe and support. Opendemocracy
  22. Israel’s Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz has invited Saudi Arabia’s crown prince to visit Israel in an interview with a Saudi news outlet, according to Haaretz. Katz confirmed to the Israeli daily that he extended the invitation to Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday in the interview with the UK-based independent news website Elaph. According to Haaretz, the excerpt with the invitation was edited out of the final version of the wide-ranging interview. Katz, in the interview, described Saudi Arabia as the “leader of the Arab world” and recommended that peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel happen under the kingdom’s auspices. Israeli-Palestinian talks have been at a standstill, but US President Donald Trump had pledged to revive talks, with the US acting as a mediator in the process. Last week, Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, while planning to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, prompted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to “disqualify” the US to act as a mediator in future talks. Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has reiterated the kingdom’s stated commitment to a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. This has been the kingdom’s official position on Trump’s decision. The US move triggered a wave of protests from the Arab and Islamic world. However, according to a Reuters news agency report, Mohammed bin Salman is said to be acting on behalf of senior White House advisor Jared Kushner, and has presented Abbas with an American plan for Middle East peace. Officials from Saudi Arabia and Israel reportedly met in the past and a handful of similar invitations have been extended. Last month, Israeli Communications Minister Ayoub Kara invited Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh to visit Israel. Several days later, Israel’s chief-of-staff Gadi Eizenkot gave the first-ever official interview to Elaph, saying that Israel is ready to share intelligence with Saudi Arabia on Iran. Though Saudi Arabia does not officially maintain diplomatic ties with Israel, recent developments appeared to have pushed Riyadh and Tel Aviv closer together. Analysts have said the covert ties between the two countries are based on the “common threat” of Iran and are part of a new regional dynamic. Iranian proxy Katz, who expressed his plans to lead Israel’s right-wing Likud government in the future, said that Israel would act to prevent Iranian presence in Lebanon, which is home to the Shia Hezbollah movement. In reference to Hezbollah, Katz said that his country could “return Lebanon to the stone age” should Hezbollah decide to attack Israel from over its borders. He added that Israel possesses information that proves Iran is assisting Hezbollah in manufacturing arms in Lebanon. “The more accurate that Hezbollah’s missiles get, the stronger and wider Israel’s strike will be. This time, all of Lebanon will be a target,” he said. “As is happening with Syria.” In October, cross-border violence between Israel and Syria set off an exchange of heated threats between the two sides. They traded blame when Israel attacked Syrian artillery, claiming it was responding to what may have been errant rocket fire that landed the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Katz added that in discussions with the French President Emmanuel Macron and the European Union, it was agreed that if necessary “military force against Hezbollah could be used particularly at this time,” referencing Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri’s halted resignation. “The Arab League considers Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation,” he said, adding that this would help Israel in a decision to attack, if necessary. ‘Golden opportunity’ Katz also talked of a railway proposal that would connect Israel’s port city of Haifa to the Arabian Gulf. “This is not a dream at all. This could become a reality very soon,” he said. The project proposes a shorter and cheaper route to transfer goods from Europe and the Americas, said Katz, as a railway would extend from Israel through King Hussein Bridge crossing with Jordan. “The Jordanians would then go on to extend that from the northern town of Irbid, all the way to the Saudi border,” he added. “This is what we propose to the Gulf.” Katz concluded the interview by drawing attention to “Iranian influence” in the region once again. Despite Iran’s “interference to destabilise the region”, Katz pointed to the railway project as an opportunity to achieve lasting peace. “It is important for Saudi Arabia to join the peace efforts and lead the way for peace by promoting such significant economic projects. Also to form a strategic alliance with the United States in the face of Iranian extremism and terrorism,” he said. “It is a golden opportunity”. Source: Aljazeera The post Israeli minister Katz ‘invites Saudi crown prince’ – Aljazeera appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Gaalkacyo (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa si rasmi ah maanta leysugu furay waddooyinkii ku xirmay colaada ka taagneyd magaalada Gaalkacyo oo muddo dhowr jeer ah ay kuwada dagaalameen ciidamada Puntland iyo Galmudug. Waddooyinkaan ayaa waxaa isku furkooda ka qeybqaatay Hogaamiyaha maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaalle Geelle ,Taliyaha Ciidamada xoogga Cabdiwali Jaamac Gorod iyo Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Puntland. Labada dhinac ayaa furitaanka waddooyinkaas ku sifeeyay baahi xiligeeda kusoo aaday, waxa ayna si wada jira u sheegeen in cidii caqabad ku noqotaa laa qaadi doono talaabo sharci ah. Isku furka wadooyinkaan ayaa yimid ka dib markii maalmihii lasoo dhaafay Hogaamiyaha maamulka Galmudug Xaaf uu magaalada Gaalkacyo ka waday ololo nabadeyn ah. Sidoo kale, wadooyinka maanta la furay ayaa ah kuwo muhiim u ah isku socodka dadka iyo sidoo kale Gaadiidka u kala goosha labada dhinac. The post Sawiro: Xaaf & Gorod oo ku guleystay talaabadii ugu horeysay oo ay ku midooben (Maxaa soo kordhay?) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  24. Dutch judges jailed a onetime aide to Ethiopia’s former communist ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam for life on Friday for war crimes carried out during Ethiopia’s “Red Terror” purges of the 1970s, including the execution of 75 prisoners. Eshetu Alemu, 63, was found guilty at his trial in the Hague of ordering the 1978 killing of camp detainees – many of them under 18 years of age – who were taken from their cells and strangled with ropes in a church. In the hearings held under Dutch universal jurisdiction, Alemu, a former Mengistu regional representative, was convicted of all charges brought by prosecutors, including arbitrary detention, inhumane treatment, torture and mass murder. “The fact that the majority of victims were children younger than 18 makes the crimes all the more cruel,” said presiding judge Mariette Renckens. Alemu came to the Netherlands as an asylum seeker in 1990 and had been in custody since 2015. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges but was not present when the verdict was read out. Negus Gebeyehu, a prisoner in a camp under Alemu’s control, gave an emotional speech in the Hague court following the verdict as other victims cheered. “Justice has been done for Ethiopia,” he said. “I was imprisoned as a young man and I survived. This is also the day for us to forgive.” An Ethiopian court had sentenced Alemu to death in absentia in 2007 for his role in the “Red Terror”, which Mengistu’s communist military junta conducted after Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selassie, was ousted in 1974. Mengistu was found guilty in absentia of genocide in the same trial in 2007, where he and top members of his military government were accused of killing thousands during his 17-year rule. “Today’s verdict shows perpetrators that the Netherlands will not be a safe haven,” Jirko Patist of the national prosecutor’s office said. The Netherlands is one of the European countries that has established an international crimes prosecution unit to prosecute alleged war criminals residing in the Netherlands even if their crimes were committed abroad. Source: – Reuters The post Ethiopian ex-official gets Dutch life sentence for war crimes appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  25. The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced, on behalf of the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, that Canada will provide $10.4 million for humanitarian assistance to vulnerable communities in Somalia. Minister Hussen made the announcement during an event with members of the Somalian community at the Kingsview Village Junior School in Etobicoke, Ontario. This new funding will be allocated to the World Food Programme, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Programme and the American Refugee Committee to help address the critical needs of Somalis affected by the ongoing severe drought and food insecurity in Somalia. “While Somalia has taken great steps in recent years toward peace and stability, the country remains vulnerable to both natural disasters and conflict. Canada stands in solidarity with Somalia and the millions of Somalis requiring humanitarian assistance in the face of drought and insecurity. Canada is proud to provide this humanitarian assistance to address the needs of the most vulnerable and ensure those requiring emergency assistance are reached.” Said Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Since 2015, Canada has allocated $89.3 million to address drought- and conflict-related humanitarian needs in Somalia, which includes $4.6 million from the Famine Relief Fund. This funding has been channeled through UN agencies, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and non-governmental organizations to help provide food, water and sanitation; treatment for acute malnutrition; and other medical support, shelter and protection to those in need. Canada also provides humanitarian support for approximately 1 million Somali refugees living in neighbouring countries through its funding to the UN Refugee Agency and the World Food Programme. During the announcement, Ahmed Hussen was accompanied by fellow Cabinet member, Kirsty Duncan who is also the member of Parliament for North Etobicoke. Other federal government officials and representatives included Borys Wrzesnewskyj, The member of Parliament for Etobicoke Central who is a great friend of the Somali Community in Toronto. Ahmed Hussen said, “Borys made history as one of the few western politicians to visit Somalia in 2005 when no other Western politician was interested in doing so. His trip to war-torn Somalia got press coverage that reignited the interest of the International community in helping Somalia and the Somali people” Canada is a significant humanitarian donor in Somalia. This assistance to humanitarian partners will help save lives and alleviate suffering among the Somali people in many ways. The World Food Programme will receive $5.25 million to provide emergency food assistance to millions of drought-affected Somalis. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will receive $2.5 million to deliver health and nutrition services, water and sanitation, and education and protection to children. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will receive $1.7 million to support local and international humanitarian organizations in providing flexible and timely assistance to those in need. The American Refugee Committee has received $950,000 to provide water and health interventions to drought-affected regions in northern Somalia. The post Canada will provide $10.4 million for humanitarian assistance to Somalia appeared first on Caasimada Online.