Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-In afar boqol oo ruux isla maalin gudaheed lagu dilay Muqdisho waxay ahayd murugo inteeda la’eg. Laakiin intii aan joognay Faransiiska dhibka Soomaaliya ka dhacay kuma koobnayn 400 oo ruux oo maalin keliya lagu dilay Muqdisho. Ma ahayn oo keliya in isla maalintaas xabsiga loo taxaabay dad aad u fara badan. Dilka iyo xariggu intaas kuma istaagin. Waxaa la dilay 47 qof oo rayid ah oo aan Maxkamadi xukumin. Xataa dacwad laguma soo oogin. Waxaa lagu dilay xeebta Jaziira ee magaalada Muqdisho. Waxaa la sheegay in ay qabiilka ay ahaayeen dartiis loo beegsaday. Laakiin warkaasi iguma soo gaarin inta aan joogay Faransiiska. Waxaan ogaan doonaa isla subaxa aan Muqdisho ku soo laabto. Sida ay saxaafaddu uga hadashay dhacdadii 14 – ka Luulyo ee Muqdisho, iyo wararka toos noo soo gaaray waxay nagu abuureen walaac. Qaarkeen waxay codsadeen in wakhtiga la soo gaabiyo si aan Muqdisho ugu noqonno. Waxaase jiray saaxiib aad isugu dayay in uu iga dhaadhiciyo in aan labadeennu iska dhiibno Paris. Waan ka diiday. Isaga laftiisu wuu yara shakisanaa oo markii aan ka diiday wuu na soo raacay. Laakiin Talyaaniga marka aan soo mareyno ayuu naga haray oo uu Roma iska dhiibay. Sannad ka dib ayay ahayd marka aniga oo Muqdisho ka soo cararay uu igu soo dhoweeyay Talyaaniga. Wuxuu igula kaftamay in aan hadda gartay in aan khaldanaa markii aan sannadkii hore diiday in aan is dhiibo. Qabiil Dulman War naxdin leh oo i soo gaaray inta aan Faransiiska joogay wuxuu ahaa in Xamar lagu xiray tobaneeyo dhallinyaro ah saaxiibbadeey ka mid yihiin oo lagu eedeeyay dembiyo dhowr ah oo ku abtirsada Qaran-dumis. Waa eedeyn culus oo keeni kartay dil toogasho ah. Qaar badan oo nimankaas ka mid ah waan is naqaan, ugu yaraan laba ka mid ahna waxaan nahay saaxiibbo dhow. Waraaq uu ii soo diray ayuu walaalkeey iigu sheegay xarigga nimankaas gaar ahaanna saaxiibbadeey. Labada saaxiib waa niman aan Jaamacadda wada dhigannay, isku xaafad nahay, marmar aan is raacno, mar marna aan guryaha isku booqanno. Walaalkeey isaga oo dhankaa ka eegaya ayuu iiga digay in aan dalka ku soo laabto. Walaalkeey waan ku ogaa in uu dalkiisa aamminsan yahay. Waddaniyadduna ay ku weyn tahay. In aanuu dalka ka quusanna waxaa daliil u ah in inta aanan anigu dalka ka soo bixin in yar ka hor uun uu ka soo laabtay waxbarasho uu ku soo qaatay magaalada Bath ee dalka Ingiriiska iyo ka sii hor dalka Jarmalka. Waxaanse ogaa in aan walaalkeey ogeyn in aan anigu ogaa waxa nimankaas loo xiray. Sidoo kale in aan ogaa waxa aan aniga iyo iyagu ku kala geddisan nahay. Hadda ka hor ayaa mid ragga la xiray ka mid ah oo aynaan xataa aad isu aqoon, uu igu martiqaaday in aan howsha kala qeyb qaato. Sabab wuxuu iiga dhigay in aan nahay qabiil dulman oo markaa aan u baahan nahay in aan wax iska caabbinno. Waxaan weydiiyay cidda ay howsha ku wada jiraan. Dhowr nin ayuu ii sheegay oo dhammaantood ka mid ah kuwa hadda la ii sheegay in la xiray. Waxaan ku iri ninyahow aniga iyo adigu isma naqaan. Arrinta aad igala hadleysaana waa xasaasi. Waxaan arrintaa kala xaajoon doonaa ragga aad tirisay mid ama qaar ka mid ah oo kalsooni ay naga dhexeyso. Gaarigi ayuu watay. Marka uu iga dhaqaaqay ayaan qaatay gaarigeyga oo waxaan gurigiisa ugu tegey nin saaxiibkeey ah oo kooxda ka mid ah. Cabasho ayaan u jeediyay dadka aynaan si wanaagsan isu aqoon ee ay ii soo dirayaan ee arrimaha xasaasiga ah ila soo gelaya in ay iga joojiyaan. Wuxuu ii ballanqaaday in ay ammaan i siin doonaan. Waxaan xusuustaa in habeen aniga oo tobankii fiidnimo socda oo shaqo ka soo rawaxay aan ku arkay isla saaxiibkaas asaga oo fadhiya makhaayad ku taalla Xamar Jadiid. Waxaan u sheegay saaka shaqadii aan u kallahay markii ay galabta ii dhammaatay in aan mid kale u gudbay oo aan hadda uun ku laabanayo gurigeyga. Waxaan u sheegay in aniga oo sidaa mashquul u ah aan haddana ka warhayo shirarkooda iyo dacaayadaha ay derbiyada ku qoraan ama waraaqaha ay daadiyaan. Waxaan u sheegay in aan hubo dadka sida aan howlaha kale ugu mashquulsan ahay si la mid ah u mashquulsan laakiin ku mashquulsan daba-galka dadku in aanay ku war la’ayn xogta aniga i soo gaartay. Waan xusuustaa isaga oo isku daraya kaftan iyo kiis-iska-waal ayuu igu yiri, Yusuf marka aan dalka xoreyno waxaan ka baqayaa xilka aan kuu dhiibno aad ka baqdo in aad qabato. Inahaas dartood, waxaan ogaa nimanka la xiray in ay ahaayeen koox bareertay oo ku howlan falal lid ku ah Dowladda. Anigu waan isku kalsoonaa oo waan ogaa in aanan lug ku lahayn falalka saaxiibbadeey loo xiray. Laakiin waxaanan hubin in ay nabadsugiddu sidaa og tahay iyo in kale. Inta aynaan ka soo bixin Faransiiska, waxaan la xiriiray Diblomaasi Yurub u dhashay oo aan is naqaan si aan xog uga helo xaaladda Muqdisho. Wuxuu ii sheegay in ay xaaladdu aad hoos ugu dhacday, mustaqbalkana aan la saadaalin karin. Wuxuu ii sheegay oo kale in uu diyaar iila yahay in uu igala shaqeeyo haddii aan goosto in aanan Soomaaliya ku laaban oo aan doonayo in aan dalkiisa tago si aan magangelyo u weydiisto. Waad mahadsan tahay ayaan ku iri, laakiin isma dhiibayo. ICRC oo aan u shaqeeyo iyadu waxay ii soo jeedisay in haddii ay wax i tareyso uu Peter Stocker, Madaxa ICRC ee Soomaaliya uu diyaar u yahay in uu airporka isagu iga soo doono. Taasna waan ka mahadceliyay laakiin waan iska diiday. Weli markaas waxaan aamminsanaa Qaranka iyo Dowladda. Waxaan is ogaa in siyaasadda la isku baacsanayo aanan qayb ka ahayn. Waxaan u haystay xataa haddii la igu qaldamo oo la i xiro in aan caddeyn karo in aanan qayb ka ahayn waxa socda ee aan ahay samafale qunyar socod ah. Waxaan moodaa in la kala garqaadanayo. Paris ayaan ka soo duulnay oo Roma uga degnay dayaaradda. Ka dibna Roma ayaan ka soo raacnay dayaaradda Somali Airlines oo subax hore na keentay dalkeenna. Muqdisho Airporka Muqdisho markii aan ka soo degay oo aan ka soo gudbay Saraakiisha Socdaalka, waxaan ku imid saraakiisha kastanka. Dadkeennii dayaaradda ka soo degay oo hal saf isdaba soconna ayaan ku nimid miisas is garab yaalla oo dhanka mid naga haya. Miis kasta waxaa gadaashiisa taagan nin ama laba baaraya boorsooyinka. Midka igu soo aaday wuxuu furay boorsadeyda, asaga oo aan aniga i eegeyn ee boorsadeyda marba shey kor u qaadaya ayuu igu yiri hebel iyo hebel waa la xiray. Waa labadeydii saaxiib ee walaalkeey ii soo sheegay. Waan ka gudbay waxaana i soo qaaday walaalkeey Ismaaciil oo wata gaari Land Rover ah. Markii aan ka soo baxnay albaabka airporka ayuu i weydiiyay waxa dhacay ma maqashay? Waxaan moodayay nimanka la xiray in xukun ku dhacay laakiin arrin ka culus ayuu iiga warramay. Wuxuu ii sheegay 47 ruux oo isku beel ah in lagu dilay xeebta Jaziira. Sida wax u dheceen ayuu faahfaahin iga siiyay. Madaxeyga way ka dhaadhici weyday in sidaasi ay suurta gal tahay. Wax uun baa meel ka khaldan ayaan is iri ama xogta ayaa kala dhimman. Haddana walaalkeey iga weyn oo aanan been ku aqoon Dowladdana u shaqeeya ayaa ii faahfaahiyay sida ay wax u dhaceen. Waan ka xishooday in aan ku iraa waxa aad sheegeysaa macquul ma ahan laakiin runtii warkiisu waa iga daaddegi waayay. Walaalkeey waxaa ka muuqday niyad-jab weyn iyo murugo. Sida wuxuu u hadlayay in talo fara ka baxday oo ay Dowladdu gaartay meel aan ka soo noqosho lahayn. Xataa su’aalihii aan weydiiyay qaarkood wuu ka aammusay in uu iiga jawaabo qaab muujinaya in uu ii arko nin aan weli xaaladda fahmin. Airporka ilaa Xamar Jadiid wax kale kama aynaan hadal. Xataa reerkeenna oo dhib noo gaar ahi uu nala soo gudboonaaday intii aan maqnaa, ilama soo qaadin. Markii aan shaqooyinkeygii ku laabtay, maalinba maalinta ka dambeysa xaqiiqo aan rajeynayay in ay been tahay ayaan ku khasbanaaday in aan rumeysto. Dhacdadaas xanuunka badan aad ayaa wax looga qoray. Qofka doonaya in uu wax ka ogaado buug af Soomaali ku qoran oo dhacdadaas keliya ku saabsan oo cinwaankiisu yahay Xeebta Geerida ayaa waxaa qoray Cabdi Shire. Xogta ugu badan ahna mid sugan waxaa bixiyay nin dhibbanayaasha ka mid ahaa, oo rasaasta Rabbi ka badbaadiyay. W/Q. Yuusuf Garaad
  2. The recent DP World investment in Ber-bera Port is the largest single direct foreign investment in Somaliland so far. In this join investment, shares will be divided as follows: DP World 51%, Somaliland 30% and Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Soo dhawayn balaaran ayaa magaalada Bosaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari loogu sameeyay Beeldaaje Maxamed Beeldaaje Ismaaciil Beeldaaje Cabdilaahi Oo kamid ah Isimada Puntland. Beeldaajaha waxaa soo dhoweeyay masuuliyiin katirsan dowladda, Odayaasha Dhaqanka, Haweenka Dhalinyarada Culima’udiinka Aqoonyahanada iyo bahda waxbarashada. Beeldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaaciil ayaa dhawaan loo caleemo saarayaa booskii Aabihii Eebe Ha u naxariiste isagona dalka Dibadisa waxbarasho ugu maqnaa sidoo kalena ah Isin da’yar dadkuna ku tilmaameen qof Si cadaalad ah garta u gooya, aqoona ku hogaminkara Bulshada. Gudomiyaha gobalka Bari Yuusuf Maxamed Waceys Dhedo, ayaa Beldaaje Maxamed Beeldaaje Ismaaciil kula dardaarmay inuu tiir adag unoqdo shacabka, horumarkana uu ka qeyb qaato, Caaqil Mursal Maxamuud Cabdi iyo Nabadoon Cabdiqadir Axmed Ibraahim Xaraga iyo wakiilka Boqorka Cabdicasiis Boqor Muuse waxay si wada Jir ah usoo dhaweyeen Beeldaaje Maxamed Beeldaaje Ismaciil. Beldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaciil Beeldaaje Cabdilaahi ayaa Bulshada Bosaso uga mahadceliyay soo dhawaynta ay usameyeen. Beeldaajuhu waxa uu kamid noqondoonaa Isimada gobalka Bari waaxana lagula dardaarmay in beeshiisa kaliya uusan la shaqeninm balse uu noqdo mid Bulshada Soomaaliyeed Wax u qabta. DAAWO SAWIRADDA :
  4. Soo Dhawayntan Oo Ahayd Mid Si Wayn Loga Daremayay Magalada Bosaso Ee Gobalka Bari Waxana Ka Wada Qayb Qadanayay Siyaasiyiinta Odayaasha Dhaqanka Waxgaradka Haweenka Dhalinyarada Culima’udiinka Aqoonyahanada Barayaasha Jamacadaha Iyo Schoolada Maamulka Gobalka Bari Kan Degamada Bosaso Wasiiro Ka Tirsan Puntland Iyo Ardayda Wax Ka Barta Bosaso. Beldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaaciil Beeldaje Cabdilahi Markii Uu Ka Soo Degay Madaarka Diyarahada Bosaso Waxa Uu Mid Mid U Gacan Qaday Bulshadi Soo Dhawayneysay Qaybaheda Kala Duwan Iyagona Ugu Hambalyeeyay Ka Mid Noqoshaqa Isimada Dhaqanka Gobalka Bari. Beldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaaciil Ayaa Dhawaan Loo Calemasaraya Booski Abihii Eebe Ha U Naxariiste Isagona Dalka Dibadisa Waxbarasho Ugu Maqnaa Sido Kalena Ah Isin Da’yar Dadkuna Ku Tilmaamen Qof Si Cadalada Garta u Goya Aqoona Ku Hogaminkaraya Bulshada Somaliyeed. Haween Iyo Dhalinyarado Ku Labisnaa Dharka Hidaha Iyo Dhaqanka Iyo Calamada Somaliya Iyo Puntland Ayaa Ciyaaro Dhaqameydka Ay Caanka Ku Tahay Somaliya Soo Bandhigay. Gudomiyaha Gobalka Bari Ee Puntland Yuusuf Maxamed Waceys Dhado Ayaa Beldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaciil Kula Dardarmay In Shacabka Uu Wax U Qabto. Caaqil Mursal Maxamuud Cabdi & Nabadoon Cabdiqadir Axmed Ibraahim Xaraga Iyo Wakiilka Boqorka Cabdicasiis Boqor Muuse Waxay Si Wada Jira U Soo Dhaweyeen Beldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaciil. Beldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaciil Beeldaaje Cabdilahi Ayaa Bulshada Bosaso Uga Mahadceliyay Soo Dhawaynta Ay U Sameyeen. Beldaaje Maxamed Beeldaaje Ismaciil Waxa Uu Ka Mid Noqon Doona Dhawaan Isimada Gobalka Bari Waxana Lagu La Dardarmay In Beeshisa Kaliya Uusan La Shaqenin Blase Uu Noqdo Mid Bulshada Somaliyeed Wax U Qabta. HOOS KA DAAWO SAWIRADA : The post Beldaaje Maxamed Beldaaje Ismaaciil Oo Si Diiran Loogu Soo Dhaweeyay Boosaso. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wakiilka Xogyahaya Guud ee Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Mecheal Keating ayaa sheegay in uu bur buray mooshinka ka dhanka ah Afhayeenka Baarlamaaanka Soomaaliya. Keating waxaa uu sheegay in mooshinnadan ay ku soo laa laabteen siyaasadda Soomaaliya isaga oo sheegay in mooshin kale oo ka dhan ah Ra’isalwasaaraha uu hadda socdo. Waxaa uu sheegay in loo baahanyahay xeerar adag oo arrintan wax looga qaban karo si meesha looga saaro waxa uu ugu yeeray musuq maasuqa oo sal u ah xasillooni darrada siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya. Waxa uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ugu baaqay in uu la yimaado tallaabo uun wax looga qaban karo xasaradaha taagan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan (Jawaari) ayaa sheegay in Wasiirada ka tirsan Xukuumadda Somalia ay gabeen shaqooyinkii loo igmaday. Guddoomiye Jawaari, ayaa sheegay in Wasiirada aysan ka howgelin xafiisyadooda oo ay ku mashquuleen Mooshinka, sidoo kalena xildhibaanada qaarkood ay ku howlan yihiin sidii loo xalin lahaa xiisada taagan. Waxa uu Guddoomiye Jawaari carab ***** in halkaa ay ka muuqaneyso mas’uuliyad daro ka jirta dhanka shaqooyinka, waxa uuna ku taliyay in Wasiirada ay qabsadaan howlahooda. Waxa uu carab ***** in Mooshinka daba dheeraaday uu keenay in Wasiir waliba uu dayaco shaqadiisa, isla markaana wakhtiga ku lumiyeen goobaha lagu xalinaayo Mooshinka. Guddoomiye Jawaari ayaa Wasiirada ka codsaday in ay shaqooyinkooda ku laabtaan, sidoo kale xildhibaanada ayuu ka dalbaday in ay arrintan ka howlgalaan, sida uu xeer hoosaadka farayo, maadaama ay ka turjumayaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Nuqul kamid ah haddalka Jawaari ayaa ahaa “Ma haboona in arrintan ay sii dheeraato, waayo Xukuumadii ma shaqeyneyo waxa ay ku mashquushay Mooshinka, sidoo kale xildhibaanda arrimahan in ay xaliyaan ayay ku mashquuleen, waxaan codsanayaa dhammaan Wasiirada in ay shaqadooda ku laabtaan.” Arrintaan ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili qaar ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Golaha Shacabka ay dhaliilsan yihiin qaabka ay Wasiirada ugu mashquuleen Mooshinka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Sinleys are works of master-piece poetry which are basically not odes but are indeed short poems. These songs of series of poems have been collated well by Mr. Yusuf Osman Shair recently. First of all I would like to give my thanks to the author of this literacy poetry collection. The first poem inside the story of the ‘Derial’ poetry and sayings, were written, by Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim Warsame (Hadrawi). The topic of this serial poetry articles, were discussed connecting people, time and places. The writers had been working or residing in different places. The referee of this literary works of written texts by Mr. Hadraawi and his tean were in Lafole College. The writer of the second poem of Sinley chain of poems was, in Djibouti, while writing his song at that time. Other participant poets, like Ali Sugulle had been in Mogadishu during that period while some were staying in Burao . The authors of poetry language usually use imaging, and figurative devices. For understanding purpose the readers of such poetry must think and read efficiently every phrase structure and word by word of each poem. Only by reading each line and every stanza of a poem would one be able to understand the imaginative meaning of a poetical language. Most avid readers of poetry are naturally critical ones. They critically examine the ideas. They often ask questions and draw connections between the authors’ idea and their own experience and knowledge. Certain questions of reading such serial poems include. – Who is the author of this poem? – What was the intention of the writer while writing poem? – Who is the intended audience? First all, the reader has to survey by pausing to read the main topic of each poem. Thus, you might understand about the setting, central theme, the actors, and the characters of the story in the poem, for example, the speaker of the first poem is the writer (in disguise). The topic or a title for instance ‘Saharla’- a name of a pretty lady in Somali culture is quite characteristically descriptive meaning ‘without blemish’. Another poem is given a main topic title namely ‘Suuban’- a famous name in Somali- for nice lady in behavior attitude. Other topical poems and works include, Saga and so on. Such names stand for a symbiotic object. The writer of each poem expresses his/her impression by arguing to draw a picture, according to his imagination. My view on writing a summary about the passages of these serial poems is to exhibit the fair objective of the main writers of this poetry collection. Thus; I will attempt to identify the important ideas, and in formation concept about the poem, as well as by reframing the meaning of this imaginative writing text in my own words. When writing my summary, I wish to give assumptions, the writers’ ideas, arguments and findings of conclusive assessments. With an independent mind, my summary in a single sentence adjudging the first song of the Sinley poem of the blemish-less lady below is;- Saharla’ –an ironic political symbol for military dictatorship regime of Mohammed Siad Barre. The second topic of (Suuban) is thus, again sarcastically denoting freedom struggle of Djibouti independence against the French colonial operation. By: Prof Dahir Mahmud Haddi Assessment comment and evidence for my opinion coming soon.
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan al-Shabaab ayaa goordhow oo caawa ah toogasho ku dilay Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada Xoogga dalka, oo ka howlgali jiray Wasaarada Difaaca Somalia. Dilka Sarkaalka ayaa waxaa fuliyay Seddex maleeshiyo oo ku hubeysnaa bastoolado, waxa uuna dilka Sarkaalkan ka dhacay xaafada Macalin Nuur ee degmada Dharkeynley. Dilka Sarkaalkaan lagu magacaabo Yuusuf ayaa si gaara uga dhex dhacay xarun Ganacsi oo uu ku lahaa xaafada Macalin Nuur, isla goobta ayuuna ku geeryooday. Dilka kadib waxaa goobta ka baxsaday maleeshiyaadka dilka geystay, waxaana qadar kooban kadib halkaa gaaray ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada oo Meydka Sarkaalka u qaaday Xarunta danbi barista. Dilalka qorsheysan ayaa muddooyinkan dambe Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya ka yaraa, sababo ku aadan Koontaroolada ciidanka ee baarista oo aad loo badiyay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  9. The Head of State has revealed that the agreement between SL and DP World’s take-over of Berbera Port management has become even more fruitful since the port institution has pledged to jump-start their investiture plans with construction of the extra 800m of harbor. The revelations were contained in a moving and patriotic speech that the President addressed to the Somaliland Diaspora community in Abu Dhabi, the UAE, yesterday. In a half-hour eloquent speech the he gave, the president dwelt on matters pertaining to the need of having unity, solidarity, togetherness and trustworthiness, such that a populace and a nation as such, would make development and progress. He hailed the country’s opposition parties for depicting patriotism as per cue in the hours of need, scoffed at Somalia’s political naivety and appealed for the fight against vice and tribalism. “Our people are now more united than ever given that the political differences catalyzed by the electioneering processes are now over and they now emit solidarity”, the President told a large packed hall of enthusiastic audience about the situation back here at home. He noted that given the need for international political alliances in the changing political world climates, the President said that SL was justified to join the Saudi-led GCC coalition which has UAE and most Arab countries on its side. “Most of our mega co-corporations were nurtured in the UAE and our livestock are traditionally imported by the Saudis”, he said, adding that, “each country therefore takes care of her own interests”. He pointed out the fact that SL’s treaty with the UAE’s Dubai Port World was based on the reason that they agreed to build a major carriage-way from Berbera to the frontier town of Togwajaale (otherwise dubbed Berbera corridor) on top of building a second harbor, and a third through accrued finances from the second 400m one, as opposed to competing investors. “But the DP World’s Chief executive have already pledged that they would start with both (800m long harbor terminals) right away”, said the President and by thus revealing the new DP World’s commitment to jump-start developmental aspects at Berbera port. “Our need is for us to achieve our aims and objectives as a nation and this can only be realized through unity and togetherness”, said the President. He told the happy and hilarious audience that that political parties have shown a new hope for Somalilanders by toeing patriotic lines that are in tandem with the needs and wishes of the nation and the people. “Both parties supported the government to the hilt given the recent incursions (by Somalia) at Tukaraq and also the Berbera port issue which (Somalia) indulged into hence depicting total patriotic unity in defense of the nation”, beamed the President. Somalia political hierarchy from their President to their parliaments vehemently opposed the Berbera Port deal while claiming SL as being her territory! “Theirs is mere talks for the truth and facts is known hence does not demand rhetoric”, the President said scoffing at Somalia claims and termed them as naives. He also revealed that top SL officials would visit the UAE to kick-start the agreements. “The four service commanders, ministers for livestock and postal telecommunication and the banking chief will be on the plane immediately to discuss technical aspects of bilateral relations”, said the president. The said officials have already been reported to have jetted out of the country yesterday evening. He said given that the UAE were interested in the Berbera port and also a military airbase, he said that he put it to them (the UAE) the need of recognizing SL for the cementing of further relations. He also said that he asked the emirates government to equally the Somaliland passport for eave of movement, and added that he expects positive responses from his hosts who officially invited him and his delegation. Amongst ministers with him in the UAE are those of the foreign affairs, water development, planning, investments and also UCID opposition leader Feisal Ali Hussein.
  10. President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has cancelled a three-day state visit to Qatar after dispute sparked between the leaders of executive and Lower House. The country has been facing looming political crisis since early this week when over 100 lawmakers tabled a motion against the Speaker, Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari. President Farmajo will mediate Speaker Jawaari and PM Kheire who have been trading accusations in recent days. The ongoing political stalemate between the two leaders spilled into public on Friday when the speaker held a press conference in Mogadishu accusing the PM of raiding the parliament. Last Thursday, the Parliamentary Standing Committee dropped the motion against the speaker after it failed to secure the requisite quorum. The following day, the first Deputy Speaker, Abdiweli Sheikh Muday dismissed the committee’s decision to quash the motion, saying the committee has not authority to decide the fate of proposition.
  11. Ethiopia has accused neighbouring Eritrea of attempting to destabilise its security by supporting “destructive” groups while the country continues to be under a state of emergency. According to Ethiopian state television, the country’s emergency council managed to capture weapons from “destructive” groups trying to smuggle the arms into the country from across the border. Asmara and Addis Ababa have had two bloody wars over border disputes in the past. This was the first accusation made at Eritrea since Ethiopia declared a state of emergency on February 18, following the resignation of its prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn In February, Desalegn abruptly announced he would step down as prime minister and head of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) coalition, citing ongoing “unrest and a political crisis” in the country as major factors that prompted his resignation. The current state of emergency, which is expected to last until August 2018, is the second state of emergency to be declared in Ethiopia in the last two years. In August last year, Ethiopia lifted a 10-month state of emergency imposed after hundreds of people were killed in anti-government protests, demanding wider political freedoms. The country’s Oromo and Amhara people – who make up about 61 percent of the population – have staged mass demonstrations since 2015, demanding greater political inclusion and an end to human rights abuses. The protests have continued until recently, with many people expressing frustration over a perceived slow government release of political prisoners. In January, Ethiopia promised to free all political detainees, in an effort to “foster national reconciliation”. More than 6,000 prisoners have been released so far, news. Source: – Aljazeera
  12. When Eritrea gained its independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Ethiopia became landlocked and therefore dependent on its neighbours – especially Djibouti – for access to international markets. This dependency has hampered Ethiopia’s aspiration to emerge as the uncontested regional power in the Horn of Africa. Recently, however, the ground has been shifting. As we point out in a recent article, Ethiopia has attempted to take advantage of the recent involvement of various Arab Gulf States in the Horn of Africa’s coastal zone to reduce its dependency on Djibouti’s port. The port currently accounts for 95% of Ethiopia’s imports and exports. It has done so by actively trying to interest partners in the refurbishment and development of other ports in the region: Port Sudan in Sudan, Berbera in the Somaliland region of Somalia, and Mombasa in Kenya. But it is Berbera, in particular, that will prove the most radical in terms of challenging regional power dynamics as well as international law. This is because a port deal involving Somaliland will challenge Djibouti’s virtual monopoly over maritime trade. In addition, it may entrench the de-facto Balkanization of Somalia and increase the prospects of Ethiopia becoming the regional hegemon. Ethiopia’s regional policy Ethiopia’s interest in Berbera certainly makes sense from a strategic perspective. It is closest to Ethiopia and will connect the eastern, primarily Somali region of Ethiopia to Addis Ababa. It will also provide a much needed outlet for trade, particularly the export of livestock and agriculture. The development and expansion of the port at Berbera supports two primary pillars of Ethiopia’s regional policy. The first is maintaining Eritrea’s isolation. The aim would be to weaken it to the point that it implodes and is formally reunited to Ethiopia. Or it becomes a pliant, client state. The second pillar rests on maintaining the status quo in post-civil war Somalia. Simply put, a weak and fractured Somalia enables Ethiopia to focus on quelling persistent internal security difficulties. It also keeps up pressure on Eritrea. Ethiopia’s ambitions for Berbera have been hampered by two problems. Firstly the Republic of Somaliland – a de-facto independent state since 1991 – still isn’t recognised internationally. This makes engagement a political and legal headache. Secondly, Ethiopia, doesn’t have the critical resources needed to invest and build a port. Ethiopia had been trying to get Abu Dhabi and Dubai interested in the Berbera Port for years. It’s latest push was assisted by a number of factors. These included a shift in the UAE’s military focus in Yemen and Ethiopian assurances of more trade and some financing to upgrade the port. Ethiopia’s diplomatic push – which coincided with developments across the Gulf of Aden – finally got it the result it craved. In May 2016, DP World, a global mega-ports operator, signed an agreement to develop and manage Berbera Port for 30 years. The Berbera Port deal It is unlikely that DP World would have signed the deal if it didn’t see some long-term commercial benefit. The deal also includes economic, military and political dimensions. Economically, for example, there will be investments in Somaliland’s fisheries, transportation and hospitality industry. The UAE will also establish a military installation in Berbera. The base is intended to help the UAE tighten its blockade against Yemen and stop weapons being smuggled from Iran. Politically, the Berbera Port deal has provoked mixed reactions in Somaliland. There has been some popular anger aimed at Somaliland’s former president, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud aka “Silanyo”, and his family who reportedly benefited personally from it. Anger also stems from inter-clan and sub-clan rivalry over land, particularly in the Berbera area. But the anger in Somaliland pales in comparison to the reaction in Mogadishu. This is because the Somaliland government has remained largely isolated internationally – until the port deal. Somalia Federal Government ministers have publicly challenged the right of Somaliland to enter into official agreements with any country. The Ethiopian-driven deal means that Mogadishu’s claims over the breakaway territory have weakened substantially. The deal means that Somaliland has partially broken the glass ceiling of international recognition by entering into substantive deals with viable business partners and states operating on the global stage. Mogadishu can no longer pretend it controls the government in Somaliland’s capital Hargeisa. Ethiopia’s wins The bottom line is that Ethiopia has engineered access to another port and enhanced its security and strategic economic interests. With the growth in annual volumes of transit cargo, Ethiopia has, for a long time, needed alternative routes from Djibouti. In addition, Ethiopia has ensured its presence in the running of the port by acquiring a 19% share in the deal. And by wangling a legally binding agreement between Somaliland and another state, Ethiopia has potentially paved the way for eventual international recognition of Hargeisa. Ethiopia has also further cemented its hold over Somaliland through a combination of pressure and material incentives. By bringing significant outside investment and recognition, Ethiopia can also increasingly meddle in its internal affairs. This is a conundrum for Hargeisa. It finds itself increasingly emboldened to act independently. Yet it remains constrained by the need to get Addis Ababa’s approval. As Ethiopia begins to move increasing amounts of goods and services on Somaliland’s new highway to the refurbished port of Berbera, Hargeisa may begin to question key aspects of the port deal. But one aspect will not be in question: Ethiopia’s rising power and influence over the entire region. Source: – The Conversation
  13. We are all aware that Horn of Africa and Gulf of Aden has become an athletic field of foreign powers. We can describe that the region has become a military garrison. Republic of Djibouti hosted military bases and facilities for France, USA, Germany, Japan, and Saudi Arabia; also China more recently established its first overseas military base in Djibouti. Likewise Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE have military bases in Eritrea. Turkey established military bases in Qatar and Somalia. Recently Somaliland previous government hosted UAE to establish a military base in our dear port –Berbera. Turkey also signed an agreement with Sudan that granted the right to construct a military base and Naval dock in Port Suakin- a ruined Ottoman old Port. Besides the military raises competition of the world superpowers that existed in the Horn; the less than one year-Gulf crisis and competition for influence between Gulf States stretched beyond the Arab peninsula in to the Horn. The Horn region is now becoming a Gulf states battlefield; and a theatre for the fierce rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran; a sectarian struggle between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. These together played an increasingly influential role in the Horn’s geopolitics; and are potentially fuelling the region’s internal political unrest; by placing the fragile peace arrangements in the Horn at risk. For example, when recently Sudan granted for Turkey to construct a military base in its port in the red sea; Egypt responded and sent troops to Eretria; and Sudan immediately closed its borders with Eritrea. The war in our next door country-Yemen, with the conflict between the Saudi-led coalition supporting Yemen’s weak government and Houthi-rebels supported by Iran is intensifying. However Somaliland lies in a strategic region that interfaces the southern coast of the Gulf of Aden across the strategic Bab-al-Mandab Strait, the Red sea and Horn of Africa. This strategic region is more important for the trade and security of both Somaliland and the countries that lie in this region. That is why the UAE is projecting itself as a regional military power in the war in Yemen, eager to establish foreign military bases in the region’s ports; and specially to use Berbera port as aircrafts takeoff offensive base for the bombardments on the Houthis. While DP World has been acquiring the management of Berbera port; achieving both an economic and military interrelated strategy gains. The agreement of signing a military base for one of the factions warring in Yemen has inevitable security risks for Somaliland. Deliberately being part of the conflict in the region is a blind and suicidal decision. Already the first political quarrel deepened this week when Somaliland, DP world and Ethiopia signed a tripartite Berbera Port deal that worsened the spat between Somalia and Somaliland. This provides us an incentive example to understand and take a closer look to the unpredictable consequences of mingling with these political and military rivalries in the region. And more political and security risks will be ahead of us if Somaliland hosts a foreign power military base in Berbera. So, the Policy makers of Somaliland should pursue a realistic interest-seeking political strategy; and stop putting the country on fire in exchange for dollars. Bihi’s government must reverse the decision of the previous government of hosting a foreign military base in Berbera. He should prevent this little unrecognized state from the potential risks and complications that a foreign army base comes with. In one way or another, the militarization competition of our geostrategic region (the Horn and the Gulf) has political and economic opportunity implications for Somaliland. Despite these opportunities, to mingle with the conflict, moved among and engaged with one of the warring groups; by providing a military base will have security and political risks for the country. Accordingly, since the advent of competing foreign powers in the Horn of Africa and the Gulf is both an opportunity and risk for Somaliland as an unrecognized country, there is a need for well designed, rational and assertive foreign policy aimed at utilizing the economic, social and political opportunities; while minimizing the many angled risks surrounding these opportunities. This double edged situation (opportunity and risk) will be determined by the accuracy of the diplomatic effort and policy reorientation that president Bihi’s government takes. “Opportunities and risks make a combustible mix; if you don’t get the right formula, it can blow up in your face.” .Adam Ali Younis Email:
  14. Lower House Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari on Sunday called redeployment of Regular Security Forces in the Parliament a day after AMISOM took over the security of the House. Speaking to media in Mogadishu, Jawari said the forces deployed recently in the Lower House should vacate. “We want the new forces to leave the Parliament, the regular Forces take over the responsibil6 and allow the House to conduct its business, failure to do so, We will declare armed militia have forcibly taken over the House of the people,” Jawari vowed. Jawari refuted claims that he had accepted to resign after pressure against him mounted. “I came here by ballot according to the law and will leave this office in accordance with the same law,” he responded. The speaker accepted the motion against him to be tabled before the parliament within 10 days. “The motion is now accepted and it should be tabled before the parliament within ten as per the House Standing Orders,” he noted. The sentiment of the speaker contradicts the outcome of the Parliamentary Standing Committee which declared on Wednesday that motion against Jawari was dropped after it failed secure threshold quorum. Source: Hol
  15. “Don’t think of it as a failure, think of it as a designing experiments through which you are going to learn” – Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO. 58 years ago, Somaliland has taken its long waited and struggled independence from the Colony of the United Kingdom. Within four days they sacrificed without any pre-agreed conditions to their unforgettable flag, independence, and administration to test the experiment of Somali Unity. This experiment has taken for a period of almost 30 years; during this period there were several trials to add the missing Somali states in to the unity but all failed. During this period there were wide range of complains of that was existing among the two united Somali states, i.e. (Somali Italian and British Somaliland). This complains was rooted to power sharing, inequality among national resource sharing, elimination, coercion and intimidations targeted to the people of British Somaliland and after performing this for decades, this irritated fury of people from Somaliland and has lead to the foundations of Somali National Movement (SNM), in which after decade of fighting against dictator regime of Siyad Barre, they finally ousted Barre’s regime from the power. I personally believe and consider this as an experiment that we have tried to conduct and made it successful but it was failed, and those who were responsible on its failure are yet those who want to re-try it, in a moment when Somaliland has been harvesting the benefits of the governance, peace and stability for the last 28 years. Somaliland today, is attracting foreign international investments, and optimistically looking forward international recognitions from the rest of the world. The government of Somalia and its Arab allies wouldn’t stop Somaliland to use and benefit from its resources, the way forward isn’t to try to stop the unstoppable but the way forward is to look and search a win-win solutions Somaliland is unrecognized and poor but is able and willing to use its resources and attract foreign international investment so as to tackle the level of poverty and unemployment among its societies. Even in Somaliland there are power sharing complains in which the Isaq clan has taken most comparing to other clans of Harti and Awdal Clan, but Somaliland societies have a chance to correct their errors and complains, cause of that their experiment is yet ongoing and not yet finished and if its corrected then Somaliland unity in the long run will be successful. Above all, strengthening the pillars of existing democracy in Somaliland including but not limited to freedom of speech and free and fair on time elections will help Somaliland communities remain stable and prosperous nation in the horn of Africa. Lastly Somalia should think wisely and forget the Somali unity which is an experiment tried before 58 years but failed and the only option they have is to learn lessons from that experiment. An opinion of Ahmed Suleiman Omer
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka aan ka heleyno dhanka xafiisyada dowlada Federaalka ayaa sheegaya in Khilaafka ka dhex aloosan xukuumada iyo baarlamaanka Somalia uu saameyn ku yeeshay shaqooyinka ka socday xafiisyada. Khilaafka ayaa la sheegayaa inuu saameeyay Xafiisyada qaar, gaar ahaan kuwa Xukuumada iyo baarlamaanka, sababo la xiriira mas’uuliyiinta xafiisyada oo isku bedelay dalaal u dhexeeya labada dhinac. Hakadka ku yimid shaqooyinka ka socday Xafiisyada gaar ahaan kuwa Xukuumadda iyo Baarlamaanka, ayaa ka dhalatay khilaafka siyaasadeed ee ka dhex jira Xukuumada iyo Baarlamaanka Golaha Shacabka. Dhinacyada uu khilaafka u dhexeeyo ayaa sheegay inaanu wanaagsaneen inuu sii socdo khilaafka sii butaacaya, hase ahaatee waxaan jirin dhex dhexaadiyaal wanaagsan. Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan (Jawaari), Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ayaa tilmaamay in khilaafka jira uu saameyn xoogan ku yeeshay Hay’adihii Dowladda. Waxa uu sheegay in mas’uuliyiinta ku howlanaa shaqooyinkooda ay usoo bateen dhanka khilaafka si ay u dhex dhexaadiyaan khilaafka. Sidoo kale, waxa uu ku taliyay in lasoo afmeero khilaafka taagan, isagoo sheegay inay ka dhalankato dhibaatooyin badan oo hakat galinkara shaqooyinka dowlada. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, khilaaf waliba oo ka dhex dhacaa madaxda ugu sareysa dalka, ayaa saameyn weyn ku yeesha xafiisyada dowlada, sababo la xiriira mas’uuliyiinta oo aan kala garaneynin shaqooyinkooda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  17. Hargeisa – Senior Officers from the Army, Police and the Navy as well as cabinet ministers departed to United Arab Emirates to participate in the discussion on Berbera port on Saturday. President Muse Bihi Abdi and Senior Officials from the ruling party and Opposition politicians are already in UAE after receiving an official visit from UAE’s leadership. Among of this delegation are members from the ministry of livestock and ministry of Communication and technology as well as the General Director of Somaliland’s Central Bank. The delegation will likely add their thoughts about the Berbera port developments.
  18. LONDON (Reuters) - Qatar has asked U.S. regulators to investigate the U.S. subsidiary of the largest bank in the United Arab Emirates, accusing it of "bogus" foreign exchange deals designed to harm its economy as part of a blockade by Gulf neighbors. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Mogadishu (HOL) - Lower House Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari on Sunday called redeployment of Regular Security Forces in the Parliament a day after AMISOM took over the security of the House. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. When Eritrea gained its independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Ethiopia became landlocked and therefore dependent on its neighbours – especially Djibouti – for access to international markets. This dependency has hampered Ethiopia’s aspiration Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Two rival Somali clans have signed up to a groundbreaking peace deal which aims to end the cycle of revenge killings. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Siyaasadda Soomaaliya ayaa hadda mareyso meel aad xasaasi u ah, waxaana loolan adag ka dhaxeeyaa Guddoomiye Jawaari iyo Ra’isulwasaare Kheyre. Marka ay sheekada halkaas mareyso waxaan soo qaadaneynaa qeyb yar oo kamid ah filimka Nayak oo u muuqdo inuu yahay mid ka turjumayo siyaasadda hadda ka jirto Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan loolanka u dhaxeeyo Ra’isulwasaare Kheyre oo Siyaasadda hal sano ku jiro iyo Jawaari oo muddo badan kusoo jiray. Marka laga cabir qaato qeybtaan yar ee ka tirsan Filimkaas, waxaa muuqato in Qiyaano weyn lagu sameeyey Jawaari oo isaga muddo badan kusoo jiray siyaasadda. Haddi ay wax kasta u socdaan sida Filimkaan oo kale, waxaa muuqato inuu Kheyre yahay nin siyaasadda ku cusub balse qiyaano weyn ku maray Jawaari. Haddaba Halkaan hoose ka daawo Muuqaalkaas kadibna saadaali sida ay sheekada u socoto. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Daawo Filim yar oo ka turjumayo loolanka Kheyre iyo Jawaari iyo sida la isku qiyaanayo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Mogadishu (HOL) - The Mogadishu mayor held talks with AMISOM officials over Mogadishu Stadium Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa markale ku celisay mowqifkeeda ku Aadan Go,aankii dalka looga mamnuucay Shirkada DP-world oo si sharci daro ah ula wareegtay qaybo kamid ah dekedaha kuyaalada ka Soomaaliya . Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah ee Soomaaliya, Muqtaar Mahad Daa’uud oo manta kulan ku qabtay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in Go,aankii dowladda Soomaliya aysan waxba iska badalin. Waxa uu Yiri Wasiirku “Markii ugu horreysay ee ay arrintani soo baxday wuxuu Wasiirka wasaaradda aaday Qaahira, jaamacatul Carab ayuu qudbad ka jeediyay fekerka Soomaaliya iyo mabaadii’da Soomaaliyana ayadoo qoraal ah ayuu u gudbiyay arrintaasi way socotaa Dublomaasiyad weeye kama hordhacayo laakiin arrinta Soomaaliya waa lama taabtaan” ayuu yiri wasiir ku xigeenka. Hadalkan Wasiir kuxigeenka ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili dhawaan labada Aqal ee Soomaaliya ay Dalka ka mamnuucaya shirkadda DP-World oo laga leeyahay Dalka isutaga Imaaraad-ka Carabta.
  25. Garowe (Puntlandi) Taliye ku xigeenka Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland General Dayr Xaaji Cabdi, ayaa warqadiisa iscasilaada ah ugudbiyay madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland, Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas. Iscasilaada taliye ku xigeenka ayaa waxaa Puntlandi u xaqiijiyay saraakiil katirsan ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland, oo ka gaabsadya gaabsaday inaan xusno magacyadooda. Madaxweyneyne Gaas weli ayaa ka guddoomay warqada iscasilaada, balse weli aqbalin go’aanka taliye uu qaatay. Lama garanayo ujeedada uu taliye ku xigeenku isku casilay, balse waxaa uu dhowr jeer kasoo muuqday warbaahinta gudaha isagoo ka cabanayay mushaar la’aan ciidan iyo Daryeel xumo ka taagan xerada ciidanka Daraawiishta ee 54-aad. Xidhiidh qadka taleefonka ah oo aan la sameynay taliye ku xigeenka, si aan wax ug weydiino go’aankiisa, ayaanan inoo suurto galin, sababtoo ah wicitaanka taleefoonkiisa ayuusan ka jawaabin.