Deeq A.

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  1. Kuuriyada waqooyi ayaa ku tilmaantay maanta oo Axad, cunnu-qabateymah cusub ee kaga yimid dhanka Qaramada Midoobay in ay tahay howl-dagaal. Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee Kuuriyada Waqooyi ayaa ku sheegtay bayaan ay baahisay in cunno-qabateymaha qaramada midoobay uu ka horimaanayo danaha Kuuriyada Waqooyi waxayna ku tilmaanatay go’doon ganacsi oo ka dhan ah dalka. Bayaanka wasaaradda ka soo baxay waxaa uu intaasi ku darayaa “ Mareykanka waxaa uu dareemayaa cabsi aad u daran taasi oo ku saabsan guuleysiga arrinteena taariiqiga ah ee dhameystirka awoodeenna hubka wax gumaada”. Arrintaan ayaa waxay ku soo beegmeysaa xilli golaha ammaanka ee qaramada midoobay uu shalay ku soo rogay cunnu-qabateyn Kuuriyada waqooyi taasi oo falcelin looga dhigayey gantaal ay tijaabisay. Dhanka kale madaxweyne Trump ayaa soo dhaweeyay go’aanka golaha ammaanka uu cunno-qabateynta ku saaray Kuuriyada waqooyi. Trump ayaa bartiisa Twitterka ku qoray “ codeynta golaha ammaanka ee cunno-qabateynta Kuuriyada waqooyi waxay sugeysaa in dunida ay dooneyso Nabad-gelyo aysan dooneynin dhimasho”. Goobjoog News Source
  2. Shirka Madasha Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Dastuurka kulankiisii sedexaad ayaa ku soo gebagaboobay magaalada Garoowe, waxaana laga soo saaray War-murtiyeed ka koobnaa 12 qodob. Lataliyaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dastuurka ee XFS ee arrimaha Warfaafinta iyo Xiriirka, Cabdicasiis Cabdi Xaaji Gobdoon ayaa Wadaxaajood iyo falanqayn dheer kadib warfidiyeenada u aqriyay qodobadan soo scoda oo ay madashu isku raacday:- 1) Madashu waxa ay uga mahadcelisay Dawladda Puntland ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya martigelinta shirka sadexaad ee madasha. 2) Madashu waxa ay soo dhaweysay heshiiskii ay gaareen Wasaaradda Dastuurka ee XFS, Guddiga La-socodka Dib-u-eegista Dastuurka ee Baarlamaanka, iyo Guddiga Madaxanabnaan ee Dib-u-eegista iyo hirgelinta Dastuurka. 3) Madashu waxay ay ka mahadcelineysaa ammaanta ay u soo jeediyeen madaxdii ka qaybgashay shirkii Madasha Iskaashiga Soomaaliya ee ka dhacay Muqdisho 5tii November 2017. 4) Shirka Madasha waxaa lagu ansixiyay Istiraatiijiyadda Waxbarashada Madaniga iyo Wacyigelinta Dadweynaha ee Geedi-socodka dib-u-eegista Dastuurka ee labada sano ee soo socota. 5) Madasha waxaa lagu go’aamiyay daadejinta Waxbarashada Madaniga iyo Wacyigelinta Bulshada illaa heer gobol, degmo iyo tuulo, iyadoo kaalin lixaad leh ay ka ciyaarayaan Wasaaradaha Dastuurka ee Dawladaha Xubanaha ka ah Dawaladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir iyagoo kaashanaya bulshada qaybaheeda kala duwan. 6) Madashu waxa ay soo dhaweeysay safar hawleedka wadajirka ah ee ay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dastuurka XFS iyo labada Guddi ee ku shaqada leh arrimaha dib-u-eegista Dastuurka ay ku tagi doonaan Dawladaha Xubanaha ka ah Dawaladda Federaalka Soomaaliya si ay wadatashi ula sameeyaan madaxda sare iyo Wasaaradaha. 7) Madashu waxay soo dhaweyneysaa qabashada shirweynaha qaran ee daahfurka Ololaha Dib-u-Eegista Dastuurka, kaas oo ka dhici doono magaalada Muqdisho horaanta 2018. 8) Madashu waxa ay isku raacday in Guddiga Farsamada ee Golaha Iskaashiga Dawladaha Xubanaha ka ah Dawaladda Federaalka Soomaaliya lagu soo daro Madasha Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Dastuurka ee Dawladda Federaalka, Dawladaha Xubanaha ka ah Dawaladda Federaalka iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir. 9) Madashu waxay isla garatay in kulanka afaraad ee madasha lagu qabto magaalada Baydhabo ee Caasimadda kumeel gaarka ah ee Dawladda Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya. 10) Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dastuurka XFS waxaa ka go’an xoojinta wadashaqaynta iyo wadajirka Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Dastuurka ee Dawladaha Xubanaha ka ah Dawaladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir si looga guul gaaro Geedi-socodka dib-u-eegista Dastuurka. 11) Madashu waxay si weyn u bogaadinaysaa kaalinta madaxda sare ee Qaranka iyo sida ay ugu heelanyihiin dib-u-eegista iyo dhameystirka Dastuurka. 12) Madashu ugu dambayn waxay u mahadcelinaysaa Beesha Caalamka taageeradooda ku aadan hanaanka dib-u-eegista dastuurka iyo dhameystirkiisa. —–DHAMAAD—– Source
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Iyadoo Madaxweynaha dalka Mareykanka Donald Trump lagu tilmaamo shaqsi Digtaatoori ah, ayaa waxaa arrinkaasi ka hadlay Agaasimihii hore ee CIA, Mr John Brennan. Agaasimihii hore ee CIA, Mr John Brennan, ayaa sheegay in Trump uu yahay Madaxweyne meyl adag oo ku sifoobay laba arrin oo kala ah kuwa naceybka, iyo gumaysiga jecel. Mr John Brennan, waxa uu tilmaamay inaanu dalka Mareykanku soo mari doonin Madaxweyne ku dhaqan ah Trump oo uu sheegay inuu ka weekday xadka Diplumaasiyada. Mr John Brennan oo ahaa madaxa CIA-da ee xukuumadii madaxweynihii hore ee Barack Obama, ayaa hadlakan ka dhawaajiyay isagoo farriin Twitterka ku qoray maalin un ka hor. Mr John Brennan, waxa uu Trump ku sifeeyay Hogaamiye aan haba yaraatee laheyn xushmad iyo anshax, waxa uuna sidoo kale ku fogaaday caga jugleenta aan horay loo arag ee Trump ku caanbaxay. Mr John Brennan, waxa uu tilmaamay in Trump habayaraatee uusan laheyn shaqsiyad Diplumaasiyadeed waxa uuna si gaara u dhaleeceeyay go’aankiisa uu ugu aqoonsaday al-Quddus caasimadda Israa’iil. Brennan ayaa sheegay in hanjabaada Maamulka Trump ee waddamada inay gutaan xuquuqdooda madaxbannaan ee Qaramada Midoobay si ay uga soo hor jeestaan mawqifka Maraykanka ee al-Qudus] ay tahay arin aad u xun ama xad-dhaaf ah. Dhinaca kale, Trump ayaa ka digay in dawladiisa ay joojin doonto kaalmada dhaqaale ee dalalka codkooda siiya hanaanka qabyada ah ee QM ee ka soo horjeeda go’aankiisa uu ugu aqoonsaday Jerusalem al-Qudus caasimadda Israel. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post John Brennan oo dhulka ku jiiday Donald Trump oo lagu sifeeyay 2 arrin oo aad u foolxun (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee DKMG Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa markii ugu horeysay wax kama jiraan ka dhigay haddal kasoo yeeray CC Shakuur ee ahaa inay jiraan dad Muqdisho ku ah marti. Cali Geedi oo ujeedka hadalkiisa uu ahaa inaan la faquuqin dadka ku nool magaalada Muqdisho ayaa aad u dhaliilay CC Shakuur oo isagu meel uga dhacay rajadii uu mar kale isugu soo taagi lahaa Madaxweyninimada maadaama uu faquuq kala dhex dhigay Bulshada. Haddalka Cali Geedi oo u muuqday mid lagu difaacayay shacabka kala jaanka ah ee kuwada nool magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa waxaa si aad ah uga soo horjeestay Xildhibaano iyo Siyaasiyiin madaxbanaan oo deegaan ahaan sheegtay Gobolka Banaadir. Xildhibaanada iyo Siyaasiyiinta hadalka Geedi ka gubtay ayaa siyaabo kala duwan warbaahinta magaalada Muqdisho uga sheegay in Gobolka Banaadir la kala xigo, isla markaana ay ku tashtaan beelo gaar ah. Waxa ay sheegen in Cali Geedi uu u gafay nidaamka lagu kala dago dhulka, isla markaana laga doonaayo inuu ka fiirsado hadalada abuuri kara xamaasada. Waxa ay tilmaameen in Gobolka Banaadir uu yahay mid ay degaan keliya Beelaha Hawiye, isla markaana wixii kasoo haraa ay marti ku yihiin. Xildhibanada iyo Siyaasiyiinka dhaliisha ka keenay haddalka Cali Geedi ayaa rumeysan in Mr Geedi uu garab u yahay Dowlada Somalia, hase ahaatee uu arrinku yahay mid kaa ka duwan. Mucaaradka ayaa aad uga carooday haddalada kasoo yeeray Cali Geedi ee u muuqday mid iyaga ku fooraaray, waxa ayna si gaara uga danqadeen Nuqulkii ahaa inay ‘’Jilaafeynayaan Qaranimada iyo Rajadii laga qabay Soomaali is raacda’’ Docda kale, Dowlada Somalia ee uu Hogaaminaayo Farmaajo ayaa noqoneysa tan ugu shacbiyada badan oo kasbatay Culimada iyo Mucaaradkii hore ee aadka uga soo horjeeday dowlada Xasan Sheekh. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Mucaaradka DF oo daldaloolo ay ku duulaan tagaan ka raadinaaya dhaliisha Cali Geedi appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa weli taagan khilaafka ka dhex aloosan Guddoomiyayaasha labada Aqal ee baarlamaanka Somalia Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari iyo Cabdi xaashi Cabdullaahi. Khilaafka oo ka dhashay awoodaha labada baarlamaan ayaa waxa ay soo shaac baxday wixii ka danbeeyay goortii Guddoomiyaha BFS Jawaari uu isku dayay in Aqalka Sare uu la baalmaro shir uu ku qaban lahaa magaalada Baydhabo. Labada Guddoomiye oo aad ugu kala fogaaday Khilaafka ka dhashay shirka la joojiyay ayaan weli xal ka gaarin khilaafkooda, wallow mid waliba uu si cad u diiday inuu ka gorgortamo awooda Golaha uu Hoggaanka u hayo. Xildhibaano ka kala tirsan labada Gole oo isku xil qaamay xalinta khilaafka labada Guddoomiye ayaa ku fashilmay muddo Seddex jeer, kadib markii Guddoomiye waliba uu isa siiyay awooda sharciga. Guddoomiyaha Aqalka Sare Cabdi xaashi Cabdullaahi, ayaa mar kale Guddoomiyaha BFS ku dhaliilay inuu jecleystay in wixii kasoo hara BFS aan waxba laga soo qaadin. Cabdi Xaashi waxa uu ku doodayaa in Jawaari uu doonaayo arrimo kale oo aan ku shaqo laheyn sharciyada, sidaa aawgeed la doonaayo in la kala cadeeyo awoodaha labada Aqal. Sidoo kale, Jawaari ayaa weli ku doodaaya in awooda ugu badan uu leeyahay BFS, halka awooda Aqalka Sare uu yahay mid xadidan oo aan xiligaan loogu talo galin. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa hadda mugdi kujira wada shaqeynta labada Guddoomiye oo markii hore aheyn mid muuqatay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maxaa iska bedelay Khilaafka Guddoomiyayaasha Aqalka Sare & Aqalka Hoose ee BFS appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  6. Waxaa in Mudo ah Magaalada Hargeisa ku sugnaa Ex Madaxweynihii Hore Khaatumo Cali khaliif Galaydh oo Wadahadal uu la Galay maamulka somaliland Kadib iska Dhiibay Hargeisa. Cali khaliif oo Hada si caadiyana u dagan Hargeisa, islamarkaana ku rajo weynaa in loo furo Dastuurka maamulka somaliland oo qodobkaasi Dastuur furkuna ka mid ahaa kuwii lagu soo xero galiyay, ayaa waxaa wajahday arrin uusan ka filayn Somaliland. Kulan dhexmaray cali khaliif galaydh iyo muuse biixi ayaa oday cali runta la taabsiiyay iyadoona la yidhi hadad rabto in dastuurka oo la furo cali khaliifow fuli qodobadan. 1. In Aad Guud ahaan keento 13 Isim Ee Sool sanaag Cayn. 2. In Aad guud ahaan beelaha SSC iyo hubkooda inta aanay gacanta ku jirin somalialnd aad soo gacan galiso ama waxa loogu yeedhay hubka dhigis ama hubkaasi aad ku qarameeso maleeeshiyaad daacd u ah somaliland. Cali khaliifa ayaa la kulmay labadan su aallod oo u wajahay markii uu muuse ka dalbaday dardar galinta wadahadalkaasi iyo furista dastuurka somalialnd. Muuse ayaa intaasi cali khaliif galaydh u raaciyay in 80 nin oo SSC ah oo hargeisa jooga aan loo furi karin dastuur islamarkaana loo baahan yahay Isimada xamar iyo buuhoodle tuman ee SSC ka soo jeeda. Isku soowada duubo oday cali ayaa U Muuqda mid Siilaanyo soo ciyaar siiyay Runtana uu taabsiiyay Muuse Biixi cabdi.
  7. By: M. A. Egge The President H. E. Muse Bihi Abdi gave an unprecedented and patriotically passionate speech to the members of the cabinet as he kicked off a four day equally unprecedented special workshop for the newly appointed ministers. In a grand outline in which the Head of State spelt out yesterday the manner in which the cabinet ought to chart out its way forward hence plainly put it that their collective responsibility was a must and has got to be exhibited in their public and personal conducts at a working retreat held at the Royal Palace Hotel. The workshop mainly entails the ways and means of implementing the six-pillar agenda that the KULMIYE ruling party had as its election pledges and the 2nd Phase of the National Development Program while prioritizing issues, matters and areas as needs may be. The President who depicted a pragmatic style of leadership bonded with a hands-on mode of operation was quite frank, candid and bold as to the monumental expectations awaited from the country’s fifth administration vis-à-vis the situation at hand. He told the participants that the workshop expected them to put into perspective the mode, priorities, collective responsibilities and associated aspects to chart the way forward in a consultative manner such that maximum fruits may be reaped from the values of their efforts as they duly expedite their duties in diligence. The President said that line ministries ought to pluck programs that concerns their respective portfolios from the agendas availed hence they ought to, thus as expected, make their own quarterly, bi-annual and annual plans so as to implement the programmes spelt out in the assigned policy plans. The Head of State was quite frank and candid as he said that lip-service was out of question since baseless propaganda was always blurring, distorting and scandalous in the long run. He said that the peoples’ expectations were quite high and they could always palpitate any tangible development, and vice versa. Indeed this manner of consultative meeting undertaken in a working retreat is unprecedented in the country; it is however common in other countries. To indulge in this manner on a task to chart the way forward only underscores the patriotism and seriousness of the President’s enthusiasm to be a sincere leader who has the interests of the people and the nation at heart. He boldly noted that the main backbone of the country’s economy, which is livestock, is in disarray for they are banned for export by the traditional importers hence the nation is seemingly playing down the fact by assuming it. He also noted the irony of funding unproductive ministries or departments at the expense of others. He gave the example of the fisheries department which is indeed underfunded whereas others like the national television receive more than it. This and more are examples of what opportunity cost is at stake for the ministers to ponder on in consultations amongst themselves hence pinpoint priorities by being sincere to themselves, their tasks, and their country . The President spelt out security (both internal and external), job creation and fight against tribalism, nepotism, clannish and associated factors as some of the major areas that need addressing. Depicting a good grasp of engineering knowledge, the President used the parable of production of kinetic energy through internal combustion system to propel the administrative vehicle so as to underscore the importance of the notion of collective responsibilities amongst the ministers. The workshop is being conducted by the Civil Service Institute.
  8. Taliyaha Ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliya Sarreeye gaas C/wali Jaamac Xuseen(Gorod), ayaa Magacaabay Taliyaha Ciidamada Xoogga Dalka Qeybta 27-aad, waxaana loo Magacaabay S/Guuto Maxamuud Maxamed Macalin(Koronto). Sarreeye Guuto Maxamuud Maxamed Macalin(Koronto) ayaa horay u ahaa Abaanduulaha Qeybta 12-ka April ee Ciidamada Xoogga Dalka. Wareegto ka soo baxday Xafiiska Taliyaha Ciidamada Xoogga Dalka oo la soo gaarsiiyey PUNTLAND POST, ayaa Lagu Magacaabay taliyaha cusub. Halkaanka ka akhriso Wareegtada. The post Taliska Ciidanka Xoogga dalka oo magacaabay Taliyaha qeybta 27aad ee XDS appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. HARGEISA – According to Geeska Afrika Newspaper, a young man has married two women in the same night in Gadhyogol, a district in Faraweyne. The groom, Mr. Mohamed and the prides Ms. Suhur Abdi Iidle and Ms. Roda Osman reportedly had a lavish, well-orgnaized wedding attended by a large crowd who were surprised by this rare wedding. Although the groom had engage the two women one after the other but decided to hold joint wedding ceremony. Youth attended the wedding delivered praiseworthy traditional Somali songs and poems.Polygamy is not uncommon in Somali traditional culture but marring two women at the same night is not rare in Somaliland.
  10. Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali maxamed Geeddi ayaa ka hadlay marxalada uu dalka marayo, isagoo si gaar ah u soo hadal qaaday mucaaradada xooggan ee ay wajaheyso dowladda uu hoggaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa sheegay in burburkii kaddib ay dowladda Farmaajo ay tahay tii afaraad, isagoo tilmaamay in dowladdii dhalata ay tahay in meel gaarsiiso, isla markaana mida maanta jirta ay tahay guul umadda u soo hoyatay, isla markaana ku dadaashay inay ka sii ambaqaado meesha ay ugu timid, isla markaana meel ka wanaagsan gaarsiiso. Mar uu ka hadlayay mucaaradka dowladda ayuu xusay in dowladdan curdunka markii la dhisay lagu bilaabay jilaafooyin iyo in qodxo iyo masaamiir loo dhigo, si aysan horay ugu socon, isagoo ka digay in aan dib dalka loogu celin dhibaatadii. “Dowladda mucaarad waa yeelan karta, laakiin mucaaradka lama rabo inuu wax burburiyo ee waa inuu saxaa, oo dhaliilaha uu sheegi karo, laakiin haddii ay wax burburin noqoto umadda Soomaaliyeed dan uma ahan, caalamka nagama aqbali doono”ayuu yiri. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa soo hadal qaaday siyaasiyiin ku hadaaqayay in magaalada Muqdisho la kala leeyahay iyo in marti lagu yahay, waxaa uu sheegay in Muqdisho aanay jirin cid marti ku ah iyo cid marti loo yahay. “Waxaa arkaa muddooyin siyaasiyiin fara badan oo dhowr jeer ku hadaaqaya Muqdisho cid marti loo yahay ma jirto iyo cid marti ka ah, siyaasiyiinta waxaa ugu baaqayaa in aysan Soomaaliya kala geyn” ayuu yiri Cali Geeddi oo hadalkan u muuqday mid uu ugu jawaabayay hadal ka soo yeeray C/raxmaan C/shakuur. Isha: The post Daawo: Geedi oo weeraray, shaacana ka qaaday qorshaha siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Kibarkingmad is impressed by the continent’s most recent election but Olushambles thinks Somaliland should get its act in order. (Illustration of our satirical Resident Presidents. Credit: BBC)
  12. Baashe Cabdulaahi Maxamudu Aw Cusmaan oo kamid ah Isimada Puntlabnd ayaa baaq nabadeed kasoo saaray dagaalada udhexeeya beelaha walaalaha ee ku dagaalamaya koonfurta gobolka Sool, halkaasi oo beryahaan ay ka taagnayd colaad geysatay khasaare nafeed. “Ugu horeyn waxaan tacsi u dirayaa dhamaan ehelada dadkii ku geeriyooday colaadaan, waxaana marka labaad leeyahay dagaalka ha la joojiyo maadaama uusan labada dhinacba wax faa’iido ah u laheyn khasaare mooyee” ayuu yiri Baashe Cabdulaahi Maxamuud Aw Cusmaan. Baashe Cabdulaahi ayaa si sharuud la’aan ah uga codsaday labada beeloodna ee walaalaha ee dagaalamaya in ilaaheey laga cabsado oo la damiyo colaada ibliis hagayo oo diinta rabbi lagu xaarantinimeeyey. “Waxaan ugu baaqayaa dhamaan wax garadka, odayaasha, culima udiinka iyo dhalinyaradaba in ay ka qayb qaataan daminta colaada oo arrinta loo weeciyo laguna xaliyo xikmad iyo xasilooni, Ciddii sidaas uga qayb qaadata iyo ciddii sidaas aqbashaba ilaahay xagiisa ayaa laga karaamaynaya,” ayuu yidhi Baashigu.
  13. On the second day of my visit to Mogadishu within a couple of days of the truck bombing, I visited the site of the explosion in the company of Prof Abdullahi Shirwa, the chairman of the National Emergency Operation Centre. At some point, a man explaining things to me glanced nervously around, and bent down to pick up “something”. He said to me, “Here,” and offered me whatever it was that he had picked up from under a piece of wood. CHARRED METAL I did not like his bothered look and I asked: “What is it?” He replied: “These are pieces of human flesh.” Shocked, I averted my eyes, unready to accept the man’s extended hand and was relieved when Prof Shirwa assured me that these were fragments of charred metal thrown out by the massive explosion. Of the numerous assaults and the bomb attacks that will haunt every Somali’s mind, none has been dastardlier than the one on October 14. A heinous act of incomparable devastation, nearly 400 lost their lives and an equal number of people suffered serious injuries, many needing major surgeries, with many others either unaccounted for or missing. Al-Shabaab served notice on everyone that the terrorist organisation is still capable of striking panic into the nation’s heart, despite its territorial loss. As we mourned the dead, we sought answers to the question we have been asking for the past decade. Now we ask now if this would be the watershed event that would drive African Union Mission in Somalia and the national army towards the decisive final push to rid the country of Al-Shabaab once and for all. AL-SHABAAB Neither did Al-Shabaab, masters in dark arts of stonewalling, claim responsibility for the attack, fearing a popular backlash. It is worth remembering that the terrorists did not own up to the December 4, 2009, Hotel Shamo blast in which a male suicide bomber disguised as a hijab-wearing woman detonated a device, killing three government ministers, two professors of medicine and nine students at a medical school graduation ceremony. Even so, nearly everyone suspected them of being the perpetrators of the atrocity. A Somali proverb has it that lies have short legs and that sooner or later the truth will catch up with them. And so it is something of a relief when the truth has caught up with Al-Shabaab’s taciturnity. The Somali Internal Security minister released the names of the six men behind the truck bombing a month after the deadly incident and two weeks following the Hotel Naasa Hablood assault, in which 17 people died and 23 were wounded and which Al-Shabaab claimed to have carried out. The minister, Mohamed Abukar Islow, identified Osman Hajji, aka Maadey, as the suicide bomber and driver of the truck. He also named five other individuals, who are now in custody, accused of having a hand in the bombing: Hassan Adan Isack, the driver of the second car; Ali Yussuf Wacays, aka Duaale, thought to be the second suicide bomber; Abdiweli Ahmed Dirie, aka Fanax, the group’s head of explosive experts in Mogadishu; Mukhtar Mohamed, also known as Gardhuub, a senior leader of the team; and Abdullahi Abdi Warsame. FARAH AIDEED The minister added: “Apart from those in custody, our forces are hunting down the owner of the truck who is on the run.” Alone in my hotel room late that evening following my meeting with the Internal Security minister, his bodyguards hovering nearby, I remembered a conversation I had in London with a leading scholar on Jihad insurgency in Somalia. My English friend said: “Do you know why the majority Muslim countries such as Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan serve as religious battlefields, when no majority Arab country has ever been torn apart by similar religion-based conflicts until ISIS appeared on the scene?” “It is because Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia pay the wages of the Jihadist on the proviso that all the religious battles are fought elsewhere, away from their countries. (Osama) Bin Laden operated from his Afghan base until his stay in that country became untenable. Then he moved his base to Pakistan.” “Where does Somalia fit in?” I asked. The analyst claimed that it all began when General Mohamed Farah Aideed met Bin Laden at the latter’s retreat home in Soba, an ancient Nubian city about 20 kilometres away from Khartoum. In 1997, the leader of Al-Qaeda would later tell two CNN journalists that his men had trained the Somalis in downing Black Hawks by aiming at the tail rotors. BIN LADEN In the event, Bin Laden dispatched Abu Hafs Al Masri, an Egyptian, to provide on-the-ground training to Aideed’s militiamen on downing a helicopter. When the two met, Bin Laden was living openly in Khartoum and putting together a plan to launch the attacks on the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya; and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which followed before his men carried out the game-changing 9/11 assaults on the Twin Towers. A lot has happened in Somalia since the Black Hawk Down days caused the United States to withdrew its army. It seemed Somalis were left to their own devices to deal with the nefarious interference in the country’s affairs by Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea, Uganda, the US, the European Union and a handful of Arab states, each having its own self-serving design, some in an underhand way, others with worrying blatancy. A rap sheet of crimes was committed against Somalia. The country’s wealth was looted, its seas emptied of fish, its shores polluted with nuclear and chemical waste and the chance of it putting a government together continuously sabotaged by one foreign party or another. SIYAD BARRE When I visited Mogadishu in 1996 after a 22-year exile, I found a divided city run by two warlords, each claiming his half as his fiefdom. And with no government to provide any civic amenities and no state-run schools functioning, the Qataris, the Saudis and the Emirates entered Somalia, especially in the educational sector, as if to bring Bin Laden’s plans finally into fruition. Under Siyad Barre, Somalia had been a secular state, quite unlike any other Muslim nation. Now the Arabs had free rein to impose their language, harden the Somalis’ moderate way of worship and change the traditional manner in which our women and men dressed. Unchallenged, the Saudis, the Qataris and the Emirates introduced their school curricula, which was adopted by the teachers whose salaries they paid. Within 10 years, the Islamic Courts Union exerted control over much of southern Somalia. The US awoke to the ‘dangers’ the courts could present and gave its tacit approval to Ethiopia to invade. And Al-Shabaab, as the court’s offshoot, emerged. Thus, while the Arab States’ threat to Somali sovereignty has its origin in Bin Laden’s secret pact with Aideed through a series of permutations, the snake ended up biting its tail — morphing into Shabaab. Source: – Daily Nation The post How Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden sowed seed of Somalia’s woes appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. A U.S. appeals court on Friday said President Donald Trump’s hotly contested travel ban targeting people from six Muslim-majority countries should not be applied to people with strong U.S. ties. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers several West Coast states, also said its ruling would be put on hold pending a decision on the latest version of the travel ban from the Trump administration by the U.S. Supreme Court. Since taking office in January, Trump has been struggling to enact a ban that passes court muster. A three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit narrowed a previous injunction from a lower federal court to those people “with a credible bona fide relationship with the United States.” It also said that while the U.S. president has broad powers to regulate the entry of immigrants into the United States, those powers are not without limits. “We conclude that the President’s issuance of the Proclamation once again exceeds the scope of his delegated authority,” the panel said. The ban targets people from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen seeking to enter the United States. Trump, a Republican, has said the travel ban is needed to protect the United States from terrorism. The state of Hawaii, however, challenged it in court, and a Honolulu federal judge said it exceeded Trump’s powers under immigration law. Trump’s ban also covers people from North Korea and certain government officials from Venezuela, but the lower courts had already allowed those provisions to go into effect. The same three-judge 9th Circuit panel, which limited a previous version of Trump’s ban, heard arguments earlier this month. Trump issued his first travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries in January, which caused chaos at airports and mass protests. He issued a revised one in March after the first was blocked by federal courts. That expired in September after a court fight and was replaced with the current version. The ban has some exceptions. Certain people from each targeted country can still apply for a visa for tourism, business or education purposes, and applicants can ask for an individual waiver. “We are pleased that the Supreme Court has already allowed the government to implement the proclamation and keep all Americans safe while this matter is litigated. We continue to believe that the order should be allowed to take effect in its entirety,” U.S. Justice Department spokeswoman Lauren Ehrsam said in a statement. Source: Reuters The post Trump travel ban should not apply to people with strong U.S. ties: cour appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Madaxweynaha JFS Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa tababar u soo xiray dufcaddii ugu horreysay ee ka qalin jabiya Kulliyadda Tababarka Ciidamada Turkiga ee Soomaaliya (Turky-Som). Madaxweynaha ayaa uga mahad celiyey dowladda Turkiga dadaalka ay la garab taagantahay dowladda Soomaaliya taas oo ay qeyb ka tahay tayeynta iyo dib u dhiska Ciidanka Qalabka Sida. “Waxaan idiin haynaa abaal weyn oo ku aaddan sida qiimaha badan ee aad noo garab istaagteen. Siyaasaddeena arrimaha dibadda waa mid ku saleysan iskaashi cid walba u furan.” Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo si gaar ah ula dar daarmay ciidankan oo dhammaytay dhammaan tababarrada ciidanka Lugta “Efenteri” ayaa faray in ay ka soo dhalaalaan himillada iyo shaqada ay ka sugayaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. “Waxaad tihiin kuwa aan dooneyno in ay asaas u noqdaan ciidamo hanta amniga dalka, shacabkana ka samata bixiya dhibaatada ay ku hayaan argagixisadu. Si taas loo xaqiijiyo waa in aad ku tilmaamantihiin dhaqanka iyo anshaxa ciidannimo.” Sidoo kale, munaasabadda waxaa khudbado ka jeediyey Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga, Taliyeha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka, Taliyeyaasha iyo Howl-wadeennada Kulliyadda. Saraakiisha iyo Askarta tababarkan qaadatay ayaa u soo bandhigey Madaxweynaha dhoolla tus ay ku muujinayaan xirfaddooda iyo sida ay ugu diyaarsanyihiin difaaca iyo u adeegidda dalka iyadoona uu guddoonsiiyey abaal marinno askarta kaalimaha hore ka galey tababarka. Ugu dambeyntii, Madaxweynaha waxaa loo soo bandhigey qalabka iyo hubka dufacaddan, isagoona kormeeray fasallada iyo goobaha ay tababarka ku qaataan ciidamada. -DHAMMAAD- The post Sawirro: Farmaajo “Turkigu waxa uu nooga sokeeya dalalka kale wuxuuna degay qalbigeena” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. The Wales Somaliland Community Achievement Awards returned to Cardiff after a brief pause for a few years, its return was highly anticipated and it didn’t disappoint as it certainly wasan exceptional and more enriched ceremony than previous years. Cardiff hosts one of the largest Somali communities in Britain, with seamen settling in Wales during the late 1800s, fast-forward to today and the community is thriving with Graduate Engineers, Doctors, Pharmacists, Accountants, Educators and other professionals ready to help shape the future of Wales and contribute to the development of Somaliland. Pictured here is Rt.Hon Alun Michael the Police Crime Commissioner for South Wales receiving a Friend of the Somaliland Community Award from Ali Abdi one of the Event Organisers for his contribution to the SomalilandCommunityThe awards were re-established for the purpose of acknowledgement, encouragement and raising the awareness of the talent that exists in the community. The awards celebrated the success of students from Key Stage 3 right up to PHD Level, Sporting Excellence Awards and Community Contribution was also recognised during the day. The ceremony which took place on Saturday at thenew state of the art Cardiff and Vale College, City Centre Campus and was opened by the college Vice Principal Emil Evans who set the tone for the awards and declared the college’s support for the community who live a stone throw away, there were many dignitaries from Councillors, University Professors, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Executives, local MP Stephen Doughty, Third Sector Partners and Alun Michael, the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales and also theDeans of various faculties of the college who made presentations on the pathways available at the college. Rt.Hon Alun Michael, the Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales has himself been actively involved with the Somaliland Community for over two decades and said: “For 25 years as an MP and five years as the Police & Crime Commissioner I have worked closely with the Somaliland community in Cardiff and I am very proudof the contribution they have made to our Capital City of Cardiff.Achievements from this community have been many but they are not always seen and celebrated. That’s why the awards event is so important to buildingconfidence within the community and support from the wider communityofCardiff. I am delighted to see the awards event renewed and to give it myfull support.”Rt Hon Alun Michael Pictured here is Dr.Richard Gale Dr.Andrew Williams both from Cardiff University School and Ali Abdi Event Organiser presenting one ofthe Outstanding Contribution to the Community Awards to Sara Kalinleh and Zack Ahmed for estabHayaat Women Trust and SEF-Cymru were behind this year’s awards and often work together on projects and activities that enhance the livesof the Somaliland Community in Cardiff andFowzia Ali, Director of Hayaat Women Trust said that “I am very proud of the awards ceremony and recognising all our stars in the community and I want to say a massive thank you to all the Sponsors and Supporters who without them we wouldn’t have been able to pull this off and the Mums, Dads and Carers of the Achievers who go above and beyond to help their children succeed and become successful, last but not leasta huge Well Done to everyone recognised and that achieved an award – next year will be even bigger.” Cardiff University has recently began conducting a pilot research project which focuses on the needs of the Somali community in Cardiff. Dr. Richard Gale and Dr. Andrew Williams who have worked closely with the community also pledged their support for the achievement ceremony. “Cardiff University expresses its full support for the Somali Awards Ceremony. These awards powerfully express the vital, though sometimes overlooked, role the Somali community plays within the social, cultural and economic life of Cardiff. We are proud to participate in an event that celebrates and gives voice to members of the Somali community in the city.” Dr. Richard Gale and Dr. Andrew Williams- Cardiff University. Pictured here is Tom Overton Head of Community Sport at Sport Wales pictured here presenting the Sporting Excellence Award in Basketball to Mohamed Dirie and Yunus Mohamed along with Shakilah Malik Chair of SEF Cymru and FowziaTom Overton, Head of Community Sport (Governance & Leadership) at Sport Walesthe national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales, said “It is so exciting to be part of this celebration to recognise the achievements of the Welsh Somali Community, particularly the sporting achievements. I hope that those receiving awards today can be the aspirational role models for others to achieve their potential in the future.” The awards were also a chance to bring people in the community together by creating volunteering opportunities in the planning process and to identify nominations to ensure the event runs smoothly. Somali students studying at Cardiff University organised themselves commendablyto be available and lend a hand every step of the way and they were rightfully recognised for this. The country’s first ever Somali society was co-founded by Sara Kalinleh, as the Society President she said: “We’re thrilled that the awards have returned this year and we are even more pleased to be part of the revival which has allowed society members to actively become a part of the community and be role models for those growing up. We are also pleased to have been given the chance to assist and look forward to mentoring young people being awarded today on reaching university.”Co-founder and President of Cardiff University Somali Society- Sara Kalinleh Picture here are the team of Volunteers from Hayaat Women Trust and Cardiff University Somali Society that helped to organise the Welsh Somali Achievement Awards at Cardiff and Vale CollegeMr. Ali Abdi, one of the Awards Organiser says “the awards ceremony was attended by over 250 members of the community and was an opportunity to shine the light on the hugely talented and successful members of the Somalilandcommunity who often don’t get any positive attention, however after 100 plus awards in 10 categories there is a buzz in the air now that will pave the way for younger members of the community to identify with their new role models and one day follow in their footsteps, work hard, not give up and be recognised at future awards.” The Welsh Somali Achievement Awards 2017
  17. Mounira, a 20-year-old Somali with her son Mubarak, shortly after being evacuated with others from Libya to Italy © UNHCR/Alessandro Penso ROME, Italy – A first group of 162 refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen has arrived safely in Italy from Libya, in a landmark operation putting an end to months of detention and suffering. The group which included families, single mothers, unaccompanied children and disabled people was evacuated on Friday(December 22) in two Italian military aircraft. All of them are in need of health care and counselling after being held captive in inhumane and degrading conditions and undergoing abuse from traffickers, smugglers and others on hazardous journeys across Africa. “This is really ground-breaking.” “For the first time, we have been able to evacuate vulnerable refugees straight from Libya to Italy. This is really ground-breaking and a much welcome development that could not have happened without the strong commitment of the Italian authorities and the support of the Libyan Government,” said Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR’s Special Envoy for the Central Mediterranean Situation. “We really hope other countries will follow the same path,” Cochetel added. One of the evacuees, Timnit – a 25-year-old Eritrean – was almost overcome with emotion and relief. “I didn’t believe it when UNHCR told me that I was coming to Italy,” she said. “I still cannot believe it now that I am here.” Timnit had been trying to join her husband in Germany for nearly two years. Alone in Libya, she was detained on several occasions for long periods. She sits in a wheelchair with a thick blanket around her legs, as she explains she can no longer walk on her own due to the pain. “My pain is psychological, my legs hurt more when I am angry,” she said. In an attempt to end her suffering, 10 days ago Timnit made the risky attempt to cross the Mediterranean with smugglers. Her travel companions carried her on their backs to the boat, but after three hours it was intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard and all 100 passengers were brought back to Libya and detained. Timnit, a 25-year-old Eritrean refugee, sits on a wheelchair unable to move due to the pain in her legs, shortly after being evacuated from Libya to Italy. © UNHCR/Alessandro Penso “I haven’t spoken to my husband since attempting to cross by boat. When I call him and tell him UNHCR has taken me to Italy by plane, he’s never going to believe me,” she smiled. The group was accompanied from detention facilities by Libya-based UNHCR staff and then flown to Italy on two separate aircraft to the military base near Rome. UNHCR has welcomed the evacuations as a new mechanism to deal with people in need of resettlement in Libya, where many countries do not have embassies and dealing the complex mgiration issues is particularly challenging. Upon arrival, all refugees went through medical checks and were given warm clothes and a hot meal before undergoing identification procedures. UNHCR staff and CARITAS volunteers welcomed the refugees and provided them with information upon arrival. The refugees will now be transferred to several reception facilities where accommodation and assistance will be provided by the Episcopal Conference of Italy through Caritas. Shawki, 19, fled Ta’izz in Yemen because of war. “The situation at home was terrible, but Libya is worse than Yemen because you are not scared only of the fighting, you are scared of people coming to kidnap you and asking for ransom. Anything can happen to you. My friend and I paid US$5,000 just to be freed,” he explained. “The number of refugees evacuated from Libya is expected to reach 400.” Shawki entered Libya through Egypt to where he had flown. “I tried to get a visa to enter Europe, but it wasn’t possible. That’s when I decided to come by sea,’ he added. The number of refugees evacuated from Libya is expected to reach 400 with a third evacuation from Libya to Niger in the coming days. “This has only been made possible after intensive efforts from our staff and partner organizations. The smile of relief on the faces of those evacuated is a source of additional motivation to save more. We really count on international solidarity to help us reach our objective of bringing to protection 1,300 highly vulnerable refugees out of Libya as soon as possible.” added Cochetel. UNHCR
  18. Our new generation need to know that our Country, “Somaliland”, is not an entity which was born after the disintegration of the SiadBarre dictatorship, they need to know that in recent Historyof Somaliland was part of the Uthman Empire under the Khalif of Egypt. It was then known as “ArdaSomal “—The Land of the Somalis or Somaliland. In 1884, the British have taken over from the Turko-Egyption rule and established over this land the British Somaliland Protectorate. A country which on the 26th of June 1960 had taken its independence from Britain as the Republic of Somaliland… These brief chapters are designed to prove beyond doubt, that the Republic of Somaliland was never an integral part of the former Italian colony, and subsequently the United Nations Trust Territory of Somalia. People who are not aware of these facts are invariably left with the mistaken impression that Somaliland is a renegade region of Somalia. On the 1st of July 1960 this country “ Somaliland “, has voluntarily and against the wishes of the main body of the Political Leadership is Somaliland, had united with Somalia in pursuit of the ideal of creating a Great Somaliland, consisting of the five segments into which the scramble for Africa had divided homogenous nation. That ideal has atrophied under the Dictatorship of SiadBarre and because of the unrelenting opposition of all the International Community. There was a time when Great Britain under Tory Government have briefly accepted the idea and decided to relinquish the Somali inhabited districts of Kenya to Somalia. But at the request of Emperor Haile Selassie, President of America President Kennedy, have prevailed upon his friend Mr. Harold Macmillan, the then Prime Minster of Britain, to ditch the Somali cause. From the time all the international community stood together solidly against the unification of the Somali people. Our Fathers and Grandfathers who have live through the magnificent years of the fifties will never forget that great wind of change which blew across the continent and that great continental levee-en-masse which for the first time in history produced a black, purposeful solidarity throughout the whole continent, and for a brief period gave to the people of all the African Countries a common initiative, a common purpose and a spirit of a nationhood. The independence which should have fostered that magnificent spirit and should have build nations on the Euphoria of the period and on the ashes of tribalism, have failed miserably. No attempt was made to pioneer a new form of governance. Instead a band of black men have merely taken over from the retiring former colonial Civil Servants. The system of colonial rule whether legal or administrative was allowed to function as severely and obnoxiously as it did in the past with the only different that the enforcers of the rule were Now black men. In few short years the petty dictators who have taken over from the colonial governments have dissipated the euphoria and dismantled the levee—en—masse which should have carried the continent to new heights of human endeavor. The men that should have helped short of their eloquent rhetoric, the mediocre Harold Wilson who coined “ The diminished self pity. In France, de Gaulle was gone and the search for a successor is still going on. All these men in the pursuit of influence and allies for the cold war have abetted , encouraged and wooed an abrupt end with independence. The people of Africa were forced in silent rage to go back to the only social and political organization they knew—Tribalism. The unification of the Somali people which was attempted in 1960 was part of that nation building and like the rest it died an untimely death. Somaliland is now the only country In the Horn of Africa where an effective program of Nation building is being vigorously pursued. We have now conquered the anarchy bequeathed to us by the disintegration of the Dictator ship. Peaceful co-existence between all over clans have been painfully nurtured and is now fully established. We elected a new government and we will elect a new parliament that would lead this nation and this country to a renewed social and economic leap. We hope that within the next future we can redesign the pastoral nomadic existence of the nation on the basis of a scientific ecological engineering. We “ Somalilanders “. Intend to survey the whole country for underground and surface waters and then zone our pastoral land into seasonal zones. There are men in Mogadishu and in other cities of former Somalia who having failed their people and ruined their country and in the process shed rivers of innocent blood, are now enviously trying to compromise and hamper our progress and our achievement. These men have no say in our affairs, just like they have had no say in our decision in 1960. In their utter poverty of political ideas and innovations the are clinging to one slogan which they repeat like a Parrot “ Babqaa “, unaware of its emptiness and insignificance. That slogan is ; “ SOMALI UNITY IS SACRED “ SOMALINIMADU WAA MUQADIS “ They have never stopped to ask themselves whether that sacred unity included the Republic of Djibouti, the 5th Region of Ethiopia , and the NFD of Kenya. There is nothing sacred about something that does to exit and we reject them and their childish slogan and their evil blood –stained leadership. We apply ourselves to address directly the whole international community and specially our brother in Africa to take notice of our existence, to recognize our sovereignty and to help the rest of Somalia to rid themselves of the painful burden of the war lords and to rebuild their county and their lives, as we did from grass roots of the Nation,” SOMALILAND “ ANIIS ABDILLAHI ESSA…..HEAD SOMALILAND ADVOCACY GROUP WASHINGTON DC USA
  19. Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Wasiiru Dawlaha Madaxtooyada ee xiriirka goleyaasha Ahna Afhayeenka Dawladda Puntland ayna ka mid ahaayeen Agaasimeyaal kala ah Wasaaradda shaqada shaqaalaha dhalinyaradda iyo ciyaaraha, Jaamacadda PSU gaar ahaan Machadka tababarka shaqaalaha Dawladda Puntland iyo xubno ka socda mashruuca tayeynta shaqaalaha Dawladda oo beryahaan safar shaqo ku joogey dalka Kenya ayaa la sixiixatay qorshe lagu tababarayo madaxda sare ee Dawladda Puntland Machadka tababarka iyo horumarinta shaqaalaha ee Kenya School of Government (KSG) Ujeedka heshiiskaan ayaa ah tababarka iyo tayeynta madaxda sare ee Wasaaradaha iyo Hay’adaha Dawladda gaar ahaan Wasiiradda, Wasiir ku xigeenadda, Wasiir Dawleyaasha iyo Agaasimayaasha guud si ay Puntland ula jaanqaado Dawladaha Horumaray xagga Maamul wanaagga iyo hannaanka Dawladnimo. Tababarkaan horumaraneed ayaa waxaa iska kaashan doona mac-hadka tababarada shaqaalaha Dawladda Puntland ee Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), waxaana la filayaa in dhawaan uu bilowdo gaar ahaan bilaha hore ee sanadka 2018. Tababaradan ayaa qeyb ka ah qorshaha dib u qaabeynta maamulka shaqaalaha iyo hay’adaha Dawladda (Civil Service Reform Management), waxaana Dawladda Puntland ka caawin doona Baangiga Adduunka (World Bank). -DHAMAAD- The post Dawladda Puntland oo Kenya la saxiixatay qorshe hawleed dhaxal gal u ah shaqaalaha dawladda. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Siyaasiga Mucaaradka Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiashakur oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay hoygiisa ayaa dhaliilay sida ciidamada dowladda u soo weerareen oo ay ilaaladiisa u laayeen. “ Halkani waa halkii la igu soo weeraray , dowladda ciidan ka socda gaar ahaan NISA oo ay nagu soo qaadeen, weerar habeen saqdhexe ah iyada oo aan la socon wax horudhac ah albaabka ayey nagu soo jabiyeen, waxaa ugu horreeyay oo ay qabteen waxay aheyd in ay laayeen ilaaladii oo markaas kala daadsan oo aan diyaarsaneyn, kuligoo waa ay dileen….. Sidaas daraadeed waxaan halkaani ka cadeyneynaa in nagula soo qaaday weerar la doonayey in nalagu qaarijiyo mas’uuliyadda weerarkaas waxaa iska leh maxamed cabdullahi farmaajo” Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakur oo sii hadlaya waxaa uu intaasi ku daray in uu la kulmay ehalada ilaaladii la laayey iyaga oo aad ula yaaban sida dadkooda loo laayey isla markaana dhaqid iyo salad loo diiday hal god lagu wada shubay. Siyaasiga waxaa uu sheegay in arrinta lagu laayey ay tahay fatwo ay culimada ka dambeeyeen maadaama ay wadeen olole isaga ka dhan ah isaga oo intaasi raaciyay in masaajidyada ka sheegaan oo sababeeyaan oo sax ka dhigaan wixii la iigula kacay. Dhinaca kale, Cabdiraxmaan Warsame waxaa uu aad u dhaliilay in lagu bartilmameedsado ra’yigiisa “Hub ma heysanno, dhufeysyo kuma jirno, dad la yaqaano ayaa nahay, oo siyaasadda dalkan ka soo shaqeeyay, kaalimo waaweyn ka soo qabtay, dib u heshiisiinta dalkan wax ka keenay ..waa nala yaqaana, doorashada ka qeybgalay, Farmaajo ninka uu codkiisa weydiisto ayaan ahaa wareegga 2aad, codka iga baryey, magaaladan ayaan joogaa, xisbi ayaan guddoomiye u ahay, nin la yaqaano ayaan ahay, ma hubeysni, dagaal kuma jiri, haddii marka codkeyga iyo dhaliisha aan u jeedinaayo dowladda ay dhibtay Maxamed Cabdulahi Farmaajo waxaa laga rabaa dastuurka in baa’biyo, waxaa laga rabaa in dimoqoraadiyaddii lagu soo heshiiyay baa’biyo, dalkan u celiyo 90kii wixii ka horeeyay. Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakur waxaa todobaadkii hore lagu xiray Muqdisho isaga oo goor habeen ah loo dhacay hoygiisa, waxaana la soo daayey kadib markii maxkamadda gobolka Banaadir ku weysay wax dambi ah. Goobjoog News Source
  21. HARGEISA— The President, Col. Musa Bihi Abdi officially opened a four day consultative national action plan dubbed as (Somaliland National Plan II). The event which has kicked off on Saturday and which was held at Hotel Royal Palace saw the attendance of the vice president, the new cabinet ministers, and Head of Somaliland’s Civil Service Commission. The mission of the consultative meeting is to jot down the plans that the new administration led by Col. Musa Bihi and his gov’t is about to implement in the First 12o days in office. Ways to boost collaborative efforts among various government agencies and to prevent from lack of cooperation is high on the agenda of the meeting. The President, HE. Musa Bihi has articulated that the cabinet must be the central machine carrying out the projects that the new administration is about to implement in its tenure. His excellency, incumbent president in his speech at the meeting has stresses that the government must change the promises during election campaign into actions and deeds. The promises made by the incumbent leadership and used as a ticket for the presidential election is enshrined in Somaliland National Plan 2. Mr. Bihi has apprised the attendees that 23 ministers that is being appointed must formulate plans on three monthly , six monthly and yearly basis plans. He stated that the mission is to write down the immediate projects that will be carried within the first 120 days in office. The president remarked that the ministers are serving for the nation and do not represent particular clan. He informed that serving for all citizens on equal and fair basis is a first priority for his government. He took for instance that the president himself was not elected by a particular clan.
  22. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa tababar u soo xiray dufcaddii ugu horreysay ee ka qalin jabiya Kulliyadda Tababarka Ciidamada Turkiga ee Soomaaliya (Turky-Som). Madaxweynaha ayaa uga mahad celiyey dowladda Turkiga dadaalka ay la garab taagantahay dowladda Soomaaliya taas oo ay qeyb ka tahay tayeynta iyo dib u dhiska Ciidanka Qalabka Sida. “Waxaan idiin haynaa abaal weyn oo ku aaddan sida qiimaha badan ee aad noo garab istaagteen. Siyaasaddeena arrimaha dibadda waa mid ku saleysan iskaashi cid walba u furan.” Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo si gaar ah ula dar daarmay ciidankan oo dhammaytay dhammaan tababarrada ciidanka Lugta “Efenteri” ayaa faray in ay ka soo dhalaalaan himillada iyo shaqada ay ka sugayaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. “Waxaad tihiin kuwa aan dooneyno in ay asaas u noqdaan ciidamo hanta amniga dalka, shacabkana ka samata bixiya dhibaatada ay ku hayaan argagixisadu. Si taas loo xaqiijiyo waa in aad ku tilmaamantihiin dhaqanka iyo anshaxa ciidannimo.” Sidoo kale, munaasabadda waxaa khudbado ka jeediyey Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga, Taliyeha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka, Taliyeyaasha iyo Howl-wadeennada Kulliyadda. Saraakiisha iyo Askarta tababarkan qaadatay ayaa u soo bandhigey Madaxweynaha dhoolla tus ay ku muujinayaan xirfaddooda iyo sida ay ugu diyaarsanyihiin difaaca iyo u adeegidda dalka iyadoona uu guddoonsiiyey abaal marinno askarta kaalimaha hore ka galey tababarka. Ugu dambeyntii, Madaxweynaha waxaa loo soo bandhigey qalabka iyo hubka dufacaddan, isagoona kormeeray fasallada iyo goobaha ay tababarka ku qaataan ciidamada. Goobjoog News Source
  23. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somalia, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa tababar u soo xiray dufcaddii ugu horreysay ee ka qalin jabiya kulliyadda Tababarka Ciidamada Turkiga ee Soomaaliya (Turky-Som). Madaxweynaha ayaa uga mahad celiyey dowladda Turkiga dadaalka ay la garab taagantahay dowladda Soomaaliya taas oo ay qeyb ka tahay tayeynta iyo dib u dhiska Ciidanka Qalabka Sida. “Waxaan idiin haynaa abaal weyn oo ku aaddan sida qiimaha badan ee aad noo garab istaagteen. Siyaasaddeena arrimaha dibadda waa mid ku saleysan iskaashi cid walba u furan,” ayuu yiri Farmaajo. Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo si gaar ah ula dar daarmay ciidankan oo dhammaytay dhammaan tababarrada ciidanka Lugta “Efenteri” ayaa faray in ay ka soo dhalaalaan himillada iyo shaqada ay ka sugayaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. “Waxaad tihiin kuwa aan dooneyno in ay asaas u noqdaan ciidamo hanta amniga dalka, shacabkana ka samata bixiya dhibaatada ay ku hayaan argagixisadu. Si taas loo xaqiijiyo waa in aad ku tilmaamantihiin dhaqanka iyo anshaxa ciidannimo,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray. Dhanka kale, Munaasabadda waxaa khudbado ka jeediyey Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga, Taliyeha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka, Taliyeyaasha iyo Howl-wadeennada Kulliyadda. Saraakiisha iyo Askarta tababarkan qaadatay ayaa u soo bandhigey Madaxweynaha dhoolla tus ay ku muujinayaan xirfaddooda iyo sida ay ugu diyaarsanyihiin difaaca iyo u adeegidda dalka iyadoona uu guddoonsiiyey abaal marinno askarta kaalimaha hore ka galey tababarka. Ugu dambeyn, Madaxweynaha waxaa loo soo bandhigey qalabka iyo hubka dufacaddan, isagoona kormeeray fasallada iyo goobaha ay tababarka ku qaataan ciidamada. PUNTLAND POST The post Ciidamadii u Horreysay ee ka Qalin-jabiya Kuliyada Turky-Som oo Tababar loosoo xiray appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Siyaasiga C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in weerarkii dhawaan ka dhacay gurigiisa amarka lagu weeraray ay bixiyeen Ra’isal wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo Madaxweynahaba. Waxaa uu sheegay in weerarkaas lagu doonayay in isaga lagu dilo, hayeeshee aysan dhicin, islamarkaana uu ka badbaaday. C/raxmaan C/shakauur waxaa uu xusay in Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisal wasaarahaba uu ku dacweynayo maxkamadaha waddamada ay dhalashada 2-aad ka heystaan ee ay ka yimaadeen. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa haysta dhalashada dalka Mareykanka, halka Kheyre uu asna haysto dhalashada dalka Norway. Dhinaca kale waxaa uu beeniyay warar uu sheegay in la isku aaddiyay oo isaga lagu eedeeynayay in uu sheegay in Muqdisho ay qolo gaar ah leedahay, inkasta oo uu jiro muuqaal arrinntas muujinaya, waxaana uu ku tilmaamay been abuur ay ka dambeeyaan kuwa isaga afduubtay. Xariga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur ayaa waxaa amray sida uu qirtay xeer ilaaliyaha qaranka Axmed Daahir, lamana oga illaa iyo hadda kaalita ay ku lahaayeen madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisul wasaaraha. Caasimada Online