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Ugu yaraan 2 qof ayaa ku dhimatay halka labo kale ku dhaawacmeen kadib isku dhac ciidamada nabad sugidda iyo ciidan kale oo ay tababareen Imaaraadka Carabta, dagaalka waxaa uu ahaa Tarabuunka, Hodan ee magaalada Muqdisho. Ra’isul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Xasan Kheyre oo arrintaasi ka hadlay waxaa uu sheegay in dagaalka ahaa mid foolxun, isaga oo intaasi raaciyay in askar qoryaha loogu dhiibay difaaca dalka, Kheyre oo arrintaasi ka hadlaya waxaa uu yiri “Mar hore waxaan leenahay in ciidamo kala duwan ay sugayaan ammaanka Muqdisho, iyada lafteedu waa horumar, intaadan amniga sugin waa in aad adkeysaan wada shaqeytiinna, qalabkan iyo qoryahan waxaa la iidiinkugu dhiibay canshuurta shacabka laga uruuriyay si amniga ku sugtaan, waxaan idiinka codsaneynaa adinka iyo taliyeyaashiina in aaney dhicin isku dhac ciidamo kala duwan, qalabkan waxaad u heysataan in aad u difaacdaan umadda iyo cadawga ijaafeeyay ee ma aha in aad isku qaldantaan”. Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre waxaa uu taliyeyaasha ka codsaday in mar dambe qaladkan aanu soo laaban “taliyeyaasha waa inaad qaadaan tillaabo kasta si aaney isku qatalmin ciidamada”. Arrinta in ay isku dhacaan ciidamo meelo kala duwan ka amar-qaata oo ka wada tirsan dowladda ayaa noqoday kuwa soo noq-noqda, arrintaas oo caadi ka noqotay meelo badan oo dalka ah.
Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Cabduweli Sheekh Ibraahim Muudey oo ah ku simaha Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo goor dhawayd Shir jaraaid ku qabtay Magaalada Nuqdisho ayaa xildhibanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee dalka kamaqan ugu yeeray in sida ugu dhaqsaha badan ay ku soo galaan dalka si ay ugutaan waajibaadka saaran . Waxa uu sheegay in Xildhibaan kasta oo Fasax lahaa uu fasixii ka qaadan maadaama uu yahay kusimaha Gudoonka . Waxa uu sheegay Muudeey in Xildhibaanada ay fikirka ku kala duwanaan karaan balse looga baahanyahay in ay ilaaliyaan haybada iyo karaamada Golaha Shacabka, shaqadoodana ay ugutaan sida uu qabo xeer hoosaadka iyo Dastuurkaba dalka. Halkan ka dhagayso . Gudoomiye Muudey Muqdisho
Taliska Qeybta Booliiska gobolka Nugaal ayaa maanta faahfaahin ka bixiyay hawlgallada lagu sugayo amniga ee ka socda magaalada Garoowe ee caasumadda dowladda Puntland. Taliyaha Qeybta Booliiska gobolka Nugaal,G/Sare. Faarax Cabdiraxmaan Warsame(Galangoolli) oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garoowe ayaa ka hadlay arrimo kala duwan oo ku saabsan sugidda amniga caasumadda Puntland,gaar ahaanna dhalinyarada kooxaha u abaabulan ee habeenkii dhaca geysta iyo sidoo kale muranka ku salaysan bogcadaha la cabbirto ee magaalada daafaheeda. Gaashaaanle Sare.Faarax Galangoolli ayaa sheegay in hawgallo ay Boooliisku ka sameeyeen magaalada Garoowe ay ku soo qabteen dhalinyaro badan oo dhibaato ku hayey amniga magaalada,kuwaasoo qaarkood ay kufsi-wadareed u geysteen gabar da’yar,halka qaar kalena ay dhac iyo fowdo ka wadeen xaafadaha. Sidoo kale taliyaha ayaa sheegay in la soo xiray waalidiinta dhalay dhalinyarada kufsi -wadareed geystay,isagoo digniin adag u diray waalidiinta kale ee carruurtooda ku garab-siiya dhibaateynta amniga iyo dhaca dadweynaha. Taliye Galangoolli ayaa dhinaca kale shaaciyay in Booliiska Nugaal uu dalbaday ciidamo dheeraad ah oo ka tirsan Birmadka,kuwaasoo ka imaanaya gobolka Bari,islamarkaana lagu caawinayo Booliska gobolka Nugaal,si ay xoog ugu muquuniyaan kooxo caadaysatay in ay dhacaan bogcadaha dhulka ee ku yaalla daafaha magaalada caasumadda ah ee Garoowe.Kooxahan ayuu sheegay in ay u abaabulanyihiin qabaa’il ahaan iyo ururro-diimeedyo. Gaashaaanle Sare.Faarax Galangoolli ayaa ugu dambeyntii ka hadlay bacaha madoow ee lagu dhejiyo muraayadaha gawaarida,wuxuuna sheegay in ganaax-lacageed la saarayo gaadiidkii lagu qabto bacaha madoow,si loo adkeeyo amniga magaalada. Dadweynaha ayaa dhankooda ka ra’yi dhiibtay,sida ugu macquulsan ee lagu sugi karo amniga caasumadda Garoowe,gaar ahaanna wax ka qabashada arrimaha hadda taagan. Halkaan ka daawo shirka jaraa’id iyo dadweynaha. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Booliiska Nugaal oo ciidamo dheeri ah u dalbaday sugidda amniga gobolka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
Moqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Sheekh Isxaaq Xuseen Mursal, Guddoomiye Ku-xigeenka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca ee Gobollada Koonfureed ayaa ugu baaqay Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya inay xal u helaan Khilaafka hareeyey Golaha Shacabka. Sheekh Isxaaq Xuseen Mursal oo la hadlay Raadiyaha Shabeelle ayaa aaminsan in khilaafka labada dhinac u kala jebiyey Xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya uu rajo xumo ku ridayo Umadda Soomaaliyeed. Sheekh Isxaaq Xuseen Mursal wuxuu yiri: “Waad ogtihiin dalka badbaado ayuu rabaa, wuxuuna uga baahan yahay Baarlamaanka. Shacbiga Soomaaliyeedna adinka ayey idin eeganayaan. “Marka khilaafka hadda taagan waa mid nasiib darro ah, shacbiguna dowladda ayuu ka wardhowrayey. Maantana waxay ku habbooneyd in bedelkii la isqab-qabsan lahaa dalka la xoreeyo lana midoobo”. Halkaan hoose ka dhegeyso baaqa Alhusunna. https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Ahlusunna-Oo-Baaq-u-dirtay-Xildhibaanada-BFS-—-Shabelle.mp3 Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Mubaarak (Caasimadda Online) – Taliska Ciidamadda Mareykanka ee Qaaradda Africa ee AFRICOM ayaa sheegay in uu fuliyay Howlgal uu ku caawinayo Ciidamada Dowladda Faderalka ah ee Soomaaliya kaas oo laga sameeyay Gobalka Shabeelaha Hoose. Ciidamada Mareykanka oo kaashanaya Ciidamada Dowladda Faderalka ah ee Soomaaliya waxay fuliyeen Duqayn ka dhan ah Al-shabaab Subaxnimadii 19 kii March oo ahayd Isniintii lasoo dhaafay waxayna ka fuliyeen Meel u dhow Deeganka Mubaarak,waxaana halkaas ku dhintay Labo Dagaalame, Sadax kale waa ay ku dhaawacmeen, sida lgu Daabacay Barta uu Internet-ka ku leeyahay Howlgala AFRICOM. War saxaafadeedka ka soo baxday Taliska Mareykanka ayaa lagu sheegay in duqeynta lagu dilay labo xubnood oo ka tirsan Shabaab, saddex kalena lagu dhaawacay, iyadoo lagu burburiyay gaadiidkii ay wateen. Taliska Mareykanka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Duqayntooda ay ku burburiyeen Gari ay Wateen Dagaalamayaashii ay beegsadeyn. Ciidamadda Mareykanka waa ay sii wadi doonaan tilaabo kasta oo loo ogolyahay kuna haboon ilaalinta Muwaadiniinta Mareykanka iyo burburinta Qatarta Argagixisadda ayaa lagu yiri Warka kasoo baxay Taliska Qaarada Africa uu Mareykanka ku leeyihiin. Dowladda Mareykanka waxay kordhisay Duqaynta ay ka fulineyso Soomaaliya waxayna Duqaymaheeda Badanaa lala beegsadaa Al-shabaaab, waxaa jiray Duqamo Dhif ah oo Mareykanka uu la beegsaday Daacishta ka Dagaalama Soomaaliya. Mareykanka ayaa sheegay inuu sii wadayo duqeymaha lagu bartilmaameedsanayo argagixisada, kaasoo lagu taageerayo dowladda Soomaaliya, sida lagu yiri war saxaafadeedka. Deegaano ka tirsan Shabeellaha Hoose ayaa noqotay goobaha ugu badan ee duqeymaha laga fuliyo, waxaana bishii hore kaliya dhacay dhowr duqeyn ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
MOGADISHU (HOL) - President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has mourned former Djibouti Prime Minister, Barkat Gourat Hamadou who died on Monday aged 88. Source: Hiiraan Online
Rival Somali government forces on Wednesday morning briefly clashed in the capital, Mogadishu. Local residents near Tarbunka Square confirmed HOL the skermishes and said that they could hear sparodic gunfire around area. It is yet unclear casualties and what has triggered the clashes between the two forces. The movement people and vehicles in the area have been curtailed as the tension is still high. Sources close to initial investigation confirmed HOL that the clashes is between NISA and the forces trained by UAE based in Mogadishu. This is not the first time the government forces fought in the capital. In January this year, two soldiers were killed and several other sustained injuries in similar incident. The security forces and the city's Stabilization forces engaged in brief gun battle following dispute
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiye ku xigeenka 1-aad ee Golaha Shacabka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Cabdi wali Shiikh Ibraahim Muudey oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa u yeeray dhamaan Xildhibaanada ka tirsan Golaha ee ka maqan Dalka in ay si deg deg ah ku soo laabtaan. Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in uu fasaxa ka qaaday Xildhibaan walba oo fasax ka heestay guddoonka, waxa uuna sheegay in meel dhaw iyo meel fogba Xildhibaankii jira in uu si deg deg ah ku soo laabto. Arintaan ayaa ku soo beegmaysa iyada oo sii xoogeysanaya abaabulka iyo kala jiidashada Xildhibaanada, wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in dhinacyada aysan farqi badan u dhaxeyn tirada Xildhibaanada ay kala heestaan. Guddoomiye Muudeey ma sheegin xilliga uu furmayo Baarlamaanka Golaha shacabka ee uu ugu horreeyo mooshinka ka dhanka ah Guddoomiye Jawaari. Xildhibaannada ayuu ugu baaqay in si waafaqsan xeer hoosaadka Baarlamaanka iyo Dastuurka dalka ay u gutaan shaqada iyo waliba mooshinka,waxaa kale oo uu ugu baaqay in ay meesha ka saaraan nin jecleysiga islamarkaana ay fiiriyaan kaliya sharafta xildhibaanka uu leeyahay. Mooshinka ka dhanka ah Goddoomiyaha Golaha shacabka ayuu waqtigiisu ku egyahay 24ka Bishan,waxaana uu soo billowday 14kii bishan,sidaas darteedna Xildhibaannada wada mooshinka ka dhanka ah Jawaari ayey tahay in ay mooshinkaas qaadaan ka hor taariikhda 24ka Bishan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Qardho-[Puntland Post]-Tababarkan oo looga hadlayey Xuquuqda qoxootiga ka soo haajiray dalkood oo ku sugan Deegaanada Puntland ayaa loo qabtaya Qoxootiga ku nool Qardho ee ka soo qaxay dalka Yaman. Tababarkan ayaa furitaankiisa waxaa ka qaybgalay Masuuliyiinta ka socday qaxootiga ku dhaqan qardho iyo masuuliyiinta Hay’ada Kaalo waxuuna uga mahadceliyay ka soo qaybgalkooda Tababarkaan . bixiyaha tababarka ayaa ayaa kula dardaarmay in ay ka faaiidaystaan caasharada ay qaadanayaan . Wuxuu kale oo xusay in la ilaaliyo xuquuqda bini aadanka gaar ahaana xuquuqda qaxootiga maadaama ay yihiin dad ka soo qaxay wadan koodii hooyo kuna sugan Puntland si sharciga caalamiga iyo kan Puntland udagan waafaqsan . Fulinta tababarkan ayaa waxaa iska kaashaday Hay’ada Qoxootiga u qaabilsan qaramada Midoobe UNHCR iyo haya’ada Kaalo waxaana tababarkan horay loogu qabtay Magaalooyinka kale ee Puntland wxuuna Qayb ka yahay mashaariic ay Kaalo ka fulinayso deegaanada Puntland. The post Hay’ada Kaalo oo Qardho ku qabatay tababar ku saabsan xuquuqda qaxootiga ku nool Qardho appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ciidamo ka wada tirsan kuwa Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa hadda ku dagaallamaya Xaafadaha Tarabuunka iyo Warshadda Caanaha ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Rasaas xoog leh ayey Ciidamada isku weydaarsanayaan Ciidamada dagaallamaya iyada oo dadka degaanka ay sheegayaan in ay xabadka dhulka ku hayaan. Goobjoogayaal ayaa u sheegay Idaacadda Mustaqbal in Ciidamada dagaallamaya ay kala yihiin Ciidamada ay tababartay Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Ciidamada kale ee Milatariga Soomaaliya. Ilaa hadda lama xaqiijin khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalka u dhaxeeya Ciidamada ka wadatirsan Dowladda,wixii ku soo kordha waxaad ka aqrisan doon taan wararkeenna dambe. Xaafadaha Tarabuunka si caadiyaan ah waxaa u degan ciidamo Militari ah oo hub ku dhex haysta xaafadahaasi, lamana oga illaa hadda waxa sababay iska hor imaadkaan ciidamada ka wada tirsan dowladda ku dhexmaray Magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidanka NISA ee Koontaroolka ku leh Isgoyska Tarabuunka ayaa ku jira feejignaan iyo difaac, laakiin dhankooda qayb kama ahan dagaalka halkaasi ka dhacay. Degmada Hodan, ayaa inta badan waxaa ka dhaca iska hor imaadyada u dhaxeeya ciidamada ka wada tirsan dowladda Federalka Somaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka 1-aad Ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Cabdiwali Sh Ibraahim Muudeey oo wariyaasha Goordhow kula hadlay Xarunta Villa Hargeysa ee Muqdisho ayaa baaq u diray Xildhibaanada. Cabdiwali Sh Ibraahim ayaa ku amray dhamaan xildhibaanada dalka ka maqan in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay dalka ugu soo laabtaan si looga galo mooshinka laga keenay Gudoomiye Jawaari. Dhinaca kale Gudoomiye Muudeey ayaa sheegay in lakala fikirduwaanaan karo isaga oo sheegay in waajib ay tahay in la ilaaliyo kaaramada iyo sharafta Baarlamaanka. Xildhibaano katirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa soo gudbiyay Mooshin xilka looga qaadayo gudoomiye Jawaari taasi oo dhowaan cod loo qaadi doono. Puntland Post
MOGADISHU - (AFP) - Shortly after sunrise, a group of young women arrives at a football pitch in Mogadishu, where they shrug off their hijabs — some changing underneath the billowing veil — to reveal their team kit. Source: Hiiraan Online
The opposition National Party chairman Hon.Abdirahman Mohammed Abdillahi (Irro) speaking during an interview with Horn Cable television journalist Mr. Hamse Ali Bulbul confirmed his party stance on Somaliland independence. Hon. Irro stated that his party fully supports the independence of Somaliland, he went further to criticize Somalia government open interference in Somaliland sovereignty. When asked why he did not accompany president Musa Bihi to UAE he had this to say “The president called the two opposition parties because he had received an urgent invitation for an official tour so he requested us to go with him. However on my part I had some misgivings which stopped me from going; firstly my party was not invited to attend the previous meetings in the UAE, secondly the president caught me by surprise before I could consult my party top officials.” Hon.Irro lashed at Somalia government meddling in Somaliland internal affairs he said “Our conscience is clear my party Wadani is fully behind the independence of Somaliland, its supports the unity of her people and the landmarks of Somaliland borders is nonnegotiable.” The opposition chief stated that his National Party (Wadani) is abides by Somaliland constitution and supports the power bestowed by it to the government to initiate economic development deals and bilateral relations with any parastatal, company or country. “The Somalia government should know that Somaliland attained her independence from Britain on 26th June 1960. Frankly speaking when Somaliland united with Somalia it was not forced by the barrel of the gun and today no one can command it to rejoin Somalia.” The opposition boss went further to clear the air about his party ideology pertaining the agreements reached by the former Kulmiye administration he had this to say “We only want all agreements to be transparent so that the opposition party can also review them to see if they have any substance to add to Somaliland general well-being. The National Party chairman criticized the agreements reached by the government with DP World he stated “We were told the former president a Mr. Silanyo signed an agreement with DP World now we hear the current president H.E Musa Bihi Abdi is signing a deal with DP World the opposition have been kept in the dark. Let them come clean and put the deal on the table for us to scrutinize. Another issue of concern is our opposition to these sprouting of military bases in our country which my party fears will embroil us in an arms race. This country is not ready to become a theatre of war games amongst different warring foreign countries.” Horn
The recent DP World investment in Ber-bera Port is the largest single direct foreign investment in Somaliland so far. In this join investment, shares will be divided as follows: DP World 51%, Somaliland 30% and Ethiopia 19%. This investment will have many positive outcomes for Somaliland in terms of new revenue, overall economy, stability, recognition, and future foreign investments. In the following paragraphs, I will highlight the most essential benefits that Somaliland will reap from this investment. Revenue Before DP World investment, Ber-bera Port’s capacity was 40,000 meter ton, generating $175 million annually. But DP World will expand the Port’s capacity to 200,000 meter ton, five-times its original capacity, according to the agreement. This expansion will generate $875 million annually—which is five-times more than what the Port was generating before DP World. In addition, the expansion of the Port will attract more shipping lines to Ber-bera Port which will generate additional revenues. This will undeniably spur regional economic growth by attracting investments and trade in the warehousing, logistics, manufacturing and other businesses. Moreover, Dubai will assist Somaliland (re)build the road between Somaliland and Ethiopia; the development of a free-zone area; grant Somaliland workers ‘favorable migration terms’ in order for them to work in Dubai; build fisheries industry; erect four-star hotel in Ber-bera or Hargeisa. These benefits will surely bump up Somaliland’s economic growth in the near future. Technological Transfer Technological transfer is the process of disseminating technology from one company or country to another. In this context, DP World will transfer technologies, knowledge, skills, equipments, tools, and modern management techniques to Somaliland. This technological transfer will modernize Port’s operations in many different ways. It will provide modern technologies, equipments and tools needed to sufficiently operate the port. It will also introduce the modern management system of ports and other sectors. Both of these aspects will enhance and accelerate the productivity of the port as well as its proficiency. In addition, Somaliland labor force, from many different sectors, will master how to operate these new technologies; they will master an advanced and modern management system; sharpen their communication skills; transform their newly acquired knowledge. In a nutshell, technological transfer will boost Somaliland economy. Attracting Foreign Investment Countless companies around the world were not previously confident to invest in Somaliland. They have worried about the risk involved in investing “unrecognized” country. But their worries have been mitigated due to the recent investment of DP World in Somaliland. Before investing in Somaliland, DP World has done extensive study on Somaliland which revealed Somaliland’s political stability and rule of law. Therefore, DP World has realized that there is no risk involved in investing Somaliland. This means that DP World has paved the way for other foreign investors. In other words, other companies will follow the footsteps of DP World and will soon start investing in Somaliland. This is an unprecedented success for Somaliland. Strengthening Independence The DP World’s investment in Somaliland has, loudly and clearly, proven Somaliland’s independence. The agreement between DP World and Somaliland has shown that Somaliland is independent country that can engage in international deals without regard to Mogadishu’s government. It is indeed the last nail to Somalia’s irredentism coffin. That is to say, DP World’s agreement has ended Mogadishu’s claim for controlling Somaliland territory. This has causes desperate uproar in Mogadishu’s parliament and government. Mogadishu has desperately attempted to stop the agreement, but to no avail. Their desperate begging and pleading has repeatedly fallen on deaf ears. DP World unequivocally told Mogadishu’s government that Somaliland is an independent country and does not need any approval from Mogadishu. “We are not concerned,” says DP World’s Chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, “the objections of Somalia’s Federal Government. Somaliland is an independent country for the last 28 years. It is very stable country. It has a vibrant democratic system.” The Chairman added that “Our project won the endorsement of Somaliland’s Parliament. Somalia’s Federal Government cannot change anything about this agreement. Whatever they say would have no effect on this agreement.” This demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt Somaliland’s independence and authority to enter any agreement with foreign investors or foreign governments. It is another success for Somaliland. Ethiopia’s Role Whether we like it or not, Ethiopia is a regional power to reckon with. And its share of Ber-bera Port will provide many essential benefits for Somaliland. First, the agreement enumerates that landlocked Ethiopia will invest Ber-bera Port as a trade gateway. Since Ethiopia has a share in the Port, it will become its sea route which will help both Somaliland’s and Ethiopia’s economic growth. Second, since Ethiopia invested in Somaliland, Ethiopia will assist Somaliland strengthen its peace and stability. Ethiopia will not tolerate any regional authorities, Mogadishu’s government, or enemies to sabotage Somaliland’s stability. Lastly, Ethiopia and Dubai will work closely together to ensure Somaliland’s recognition provided that the Port attains its intended objectives. In conclusion, DP World’s investment in Ber-bera Port is a success story which will have positive effects in Somaliland’s economy, stability, recognition and future foreign investments. Abdi Hussein Daud Minneapolis, MN He can be reached at: abdihdaud@yahoo.com
Eastern Africa is splitting from the rest of the continent in a geological event that will occur in millions of years, eventually leaving Africa without its horn. The geologic rift running down the eastern side of the continent, which will be replaced with ocean, is widening at a faster rate than expected, geologically speaking. And it may already be causing problems. Kenya's busy Mai Mahiu road caved in after it developed a volcanic fault-line, the Kenya National Highways Authority told Daily Nation. Geologist David Adede blames the split - where sections of the road sunk, endangering drivers and holding up traffic, according to The Star - on volcanic activity. In the near future if this happens we shall have Somali plate separating from the other Nubian plate. He explained that after the road cracked, a big hole opened up and swallowed all the water (there had been recent flooding in the area), resulting in more cracks in the ground. He added: There is a great need for researchers to conduct a comprehensive study on the terrain of this region so that they can advise on where roads and residential buildings can be established. This can play a key role in dealing with such natural disasters should they happen. The two massive chunks of land - the Nubian plate and the Somali plate - are separating by a few millimetres each year due to a 'superplume', a giant section of the earth's mantle that carries heat from near the core up to the crust.
Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ugu yaraan laba ruux ayaa ku geeriyooday tiro intaas ka badanna way ku dhaawacmeen, dagaal culus oo Muqdisho ku dhexmaray ciidammo kawada tirsan kuwa Dowladda Somalia. Dagaalkan ayaa u dhexeeyay ciidammo ka mid ah kuwa uu tababaray dalka Imaaraadka iyo ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa NISA ee Dowladda Somalia, iyadoo rasaasta ay is-weydaarsanayeen ay gaartay xaaado ka tirsan degmada Hodan ee Gobolka Banaadir. Ciidamadan ayaa ku dagaalamay xaafado ka tirsan degmada Hodan, gaar ahaan tarabuunka iyo warshadda caanaha oo dhexdooda ay fariisimo ku leeyihiin ciidamada Imaaraadku tababaro. Hay’adaha ammaanka dowladda Somalia ayaa weli ka hadlin dagaalkaan ku dhexmaray Muqdisho ciidammo kawada tirsan kuwa Dowladda Soomaaliya, iyadoo dagaalkan uu ahaa mid xoog leh oo rasaas culus la isku dhaafsaday. Illaa hadda lama oga sababta keentay inay ciidamadan dagaalkaan, laakiinse wararka ayaa sheegaya in ciiadmadii Imaaradku ay ku awood bateen, balse rasaasta ayaa haatan qabowday. Ugu dambeyn, ma ahan markii ugu horreysay oo dagaallo noocan oo kale ah ay ciidammo kawada tirsan kuwa Dowladda ku dhex-maro goobaha ay saaka ku dagaalameen. Wixii kasoo kordha kala soco Puntlandpost haddii Alle idmo. PUNTLAND POST The post FAAHFAAHIN: Dagaal Muqdisho ku dhexmaray Ciidammo kawada tirsan Dowladda Somalia appeared first on Puntland Post.
Dubai: Somaliland opened on Monday a trade office in Dubai as the country works to boost its trade ties with the UAE. The trade office will offer import and export advice to help Somaliland companies in the UAE, and will support investment between the African country and the UAE. “The UAE is our main trading partner in the region, and this is an important landmark in our relationship — one that has been in the making for some time now,” said Somaliland’s President Muse Behi Abdi, who was speaking at a press conference to announce the new office. “Dubai is the main transit hub for goods destined to Somaliland, and with many of our traders based out of the city, it serves as our principle financial centre for trading with the rest of the world.” The President added that the trade office will promote already-growing trade ties between the two countries. He said bilateral trade stands at around $300 million to $400 million (Dh1.1 billion to Dh1.47 billion). Abdi is currently in Dubai on an official visit, on which he has been accompanied by various ministers from Somaliland, to discuss strengthening cooperation with the UAE. His delegation has also met with representatives from DP World over a dispute started by Somalia, whose government is attempting to ban the ports operator from operating in Somaliland. Speaking on the matter on Friday, Abdi stressed that the deal with DP World will be implemented and that Somaliland is an independent nation. On Monday, the president also said that the UAE will invest in development projects in Somaliland, without disclosing details. Gulf News
Dagaal u dhaxeeya ciidamo kawada tirsan kuwa dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa haatan ka soconayo Degmada Hodan ee Muqdisho. Iska hor imaadkaan ayaa waxa uu u dhaxeeya ciidamada NISA iyo kuwa Milatariga ee uu tababaray Imaaraadka. Dagaalka ayaa hadda si toos ah uga socdaa Isgooyska Tarabuunka ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Goobjoogayaal ayaa PUNTLAND POST u sheegay in dagaalkaan uu yimid kadib markii Ciidamada Imaaraadku ay xireen wadadaasi islamarkaasina kuwa NISA Ay ka biyo diideen xirirtaankaasi. ilaa hadda si rasmi ah looma oga qasaaraha dagaalkaasi maadaama dagaalka uu u socdo iminka. Waxaa la xiray guud ahaan ganacsigii halkaasi ka socday waxaana istaagay isku socodka gaadiidka iyo dadka. Muqdisho waxaa ku soo laa laabta dagaalada u dhaxeeya ciidamada ka wada tirsan kuwa dowlada Soomaaliya. Faah Faahinta dib kala soco Insha allah Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Iska Hor imaad u dhaxeeya Ciidamada Dowlada oo ka socdo Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
Gaalkacyo (Puntlandi) Wasiirka cadaalada iyo arrimaha diinta ee dowladda Puntland, Saalax Xabiib Jaamac, ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay awood dowladdeed in lagu dhaqangaliyo xeerka ciqaabta kufsiga, si Puntland looga ciribtiro tacadigaan. Wasiir Saalax wuxuu sheegay inay ka go’an tahay inuu shaqeeyo xeerkaan islamarkaana ay culayska saarayaan sidii uu uga dhaqan gali lahaa dhammaan gobolada Puntland, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in lagala xisaabtamidoono cid walba oo xeerkaan kaalin ku leh fulintiisa. Saalax Xabiib waxa uu ugu baaqay garsoorayaasha maxkamadaha Puntland inay ciqaabta ugu weyn marsiiyaan dadka geysta tacadiyada kufsiga, si ay ugu tusaale qaataan kuwa kale ee ku haminaya inay ku kacaan fal caynkaan oo kale ah. “Garsoorayaasha waxaan ka codsanaynaa haddii qofka dambiga lagu helo inaysan u naxariisan oo ay ku ridaan ciqaabta ugu weyn ee uu xaqa uleeyahay, siiba kuwo kiiskaan kusoo noq noqday,” ayuu yidhi wasiir Saalax Xabiib Jaamac. Hadlakaan ayuu wasiirku ka sheegay shir magaalada Gaalkacyo lagu qabtay oo ku saabsanaa caqabadaha hor taagan fulinta xeerka la dagaalanka Kufsiga. Puntlandi.com
By Ahmed Abdi Australia and wealthy states give 60 billion dollars aid to Africa. There are various spheres that Australia donates, in terms of humanitarian assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa alone from years 2016-2018. 1.Humanitarian Aid, 2. Social Services 3. Health Services 4. Agriculture productivity 5. Scholarships 6. Training Skill 7. Empowering women and girls 8. Humanitarian and Environmental Catastrophe 9. Economic growth (And here below are the details of other humanitarian aid and projects) Overview of Australia’s aid program to Sub-Saharan Africa How we are helping 2016-17 Total Australian ODA Estimated Outcome $136.6 million 2017-18 Bilateral Budget Estimate $31.8 million 2017-18 Total Australian ODA Estimate $108.2 million The Australian Government will provide an estimated $108.2 million in total Official Development Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa in 2017-18. This will include an estimated $31.8 million in bilateral funding to the Africa Program managed by DFAT. Australia has a clear national interest in the security, stability and prosperity of Sub-Saharan Africa. African countries are important in global economic and political terms, including in relation to addressing economic growth, trade liberalisation, agricultural productivity and food security and trans-national crime. Many African economies are growing, presenting increasing opportunities for trade and investment-led development gains. Australia is developing strong economic partnerships with African states, including through targeted development assistance. Sub Saharan Africa is a diverse region: the development context and challenges faced differ dramatically between the 49 countries. However, many of the key constraints to economic growth are shared across the continent, including: skills shortages; poor enabling environments for business and governance; food insecurity and low agricultural productivity; humanitarian crises; and gender and other inequalities. Africa is at the bottom of almost every knowledge economy indicator, and many of its tertiary education systems are not capable of meeting the immediate skill needs or supporting sustained productivity-led growth. These skill shortages are particularly acute at the professional levels. In the public sector, these skill deficits hinder the capacity of governments to deliver services, support sustained growth and address development challenges. Australia’s aid contribution to Sub-Saharan Africa is carefully targeted for greatest impact. Australian aid has the capacity to make a difference and be recognised if we target sectors where Australian experience and knowledge visibly adds value; concentrate our efforts in countries where we can also deepen our engagement; and continue to be a flexible and responsive donor within our chosen areas of expertise. Australia has particular expertise and experience to offer in human capacity building and the agriculture and extractive sectors, which will be shared through Australia Awards. Australia Awards Australia’s flagship aid investment to Africa is a substantial but targeted Australia Awards Scholarship program. Australia Awards promote and support Australian development and economic diplomacy objectives in Sub-Saharan Africa by contributing to African leadership and human capacity development in the areas of extractives, agricultural productivity and public policy. The program helps to address some of the key constraints to economic growth in Africa including skills shortages in the agricultural and extractives sectors, gender inequality, governance and the enabling environment for investment. In addition to building critical skills and knowledge, Australia Awards foster an engaged and influential network of leaders, reformers and advocates, and help promote valuable people-to-people links between Australia and Africa. Australia Awards in Sub-Saharan Africa Agricultural productivity Australia is supporting market development to promote growth and improve livelihoods. Our program focuses on better research and innovative technology adoption, on boosting private sector activities and improving access to key services to enhance agricultural productivity and food security. By sharing its highly relevant technical, research and agri-business expertise, including through the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Australia is supporting practical solutions to enhanced agricultural productivity and growth. Agricultural productivity assistance in Sub-Saharan Africa Humanitarian assistance Working with effective humanitarian partners, Australia provides assistance to communities in Africa affected by humanitarian crises. We will continue to focus our humanitarian assistance on responding to urgent humanitarian needs, including protection, food security and nutrition. The disproportionate impact of conflict and disasters on women and girls is of utmost concern and Australia will advocate for better monitoring of gender and protection issues. Australia will advance the interests of affected populations and influence policy decisions in line with best-practice humanitarian principles. Humanitarian program in Africa Humanitarian preparedness and response Humanitarian policy and partnerships Empowering women and girls and improving gender equality outcomes Gender equality is an important right and a powerful tool for development, economic growth, and stability. The Australian aid program focuses on enhancing women’s economic participation and voices in decision making, particularly in the agriculture and extractive sectors. We aim for gender equality in access to our flagship Australia Awards aid program to Sub-Saharan Africa. Our Women in Leadership Network is continuing to provide ongoing professional development support to female awardees and alumni. We also provide advocacy and support for gender equality in all our negotiations with African partners. Civil society engagement Australia is engaging with non-government organisations (NGOs) to provide community based interventions to poor and marginalised people in Sub-Saharan Africa. NGOs are key development partners, offering a unique depth of experience, skills and community awareness to the development sector. Support to civil society in Africa is primarily delivered through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), the Direct Aid Program (DAP), and Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID). Engaging with civil society in Sub-Saharan Africa Our results In 2017, 440 Australia Awards scholarship recipients from Africa will study with Australian institutions (48 per cent to women). There are around 6,000 Australia Awards Alumni in Africa, contributing to development and prosperity in their countries. Ninety-eight per cent of Alumni surveyed in 2015 reported that they were applying their Award acquired learning to their job, demonstrating the continued effective implementation of the Australia Awards program to Africa. In 2016-17 our humanitarian support provided life-saving assistance to more than 758,000 vulnerable men, women and children in 13 countries Australia delivered improved agricultural productivity by conducting research into food security and farming techniques that increased crop yields and benefitted the livelihoods of African farmers. More than seven million people in Africa had improved access to food security, better health outcomes and better water and sanitation through the work of 28 NGOs funded under the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) in 2015-16. Our changing program Our changing aid program in Sub- Saharan Africa reflects the priority areas of the Australian Government and our partner African countries. Following the release of the 2015-16 aid budget and consultations with program partners, we consolidated investments to focus on four main areas – leadership and human capacity development; agricultural productivity; humanitarian assistance; and women’s empowerment and gender equality. We will continue to work predominantly in Eastern and Southern Africa where we have historical program ties and presence, long-term Australian NGO experience, economic and security interests and diaspora links. This is also consistent with the Indo-Pacific focus of the aid program. Australia Awards will form the flagship of the African aid program, offering around 450 Awards annually. DFAT is transitioning out of major bilateral and sub-regional investments in food security, agriculture, and water, sanitation and hygiene programs. Australia’s support for these sectors will largely continue through global programs. While DFAT will not be investing in new major agricultural productivity programs, a range of our fully funded agriculture investments will continue implementation over the coming years. This includes Australia’s support to the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) and ACIAR’s investments in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Xildhibaan Cabdifitaax Ibraahim Geeyseey oo Xilal kala duwan ka soo qabtay Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed oo wariyaasha kula hadlay Muqdisho ayaa eedeeyn u jeediyay Madaxweyne Shariif Xasan. Geeyseey ayaa ugu horeeyn wax lagu xumaado ku tilmaamay xildhibaano katirsan Koonfur Galbeed oo Muqdisho ku qabtay shir ay uga soo horjeedaan Jawaari. Waxa uu sheegay in xildhibaanadaasi ay lacago ka qaateen Xafiisyada Dowlada Soomaaliya. Dhinaca Kale Xildhibaan Geeyseey ayaa eedeeyn u jeediyay Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan. Geeyseey ayaa ku eedeeyay in Shariif Xasan uu Mooshinkaasi wado lacago badana uu ku bixinayo. Ujeedka Shariif Xasan ayuu ku sheegay in uu doonayo in uu bur buriyo Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee ka soo jeedo Koonfur Galbeed ayaa ku kala qeeybsan siyaasada qaar waxa ay taageersanyihiin Jawaari halka kuwa kalena ay saxiixeen Mooshinka kalsoonida loogala noqonayo Jawaari. Hoos ka Dhageyso Codka http://puntlandpost.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Geeyseey.mp3 Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Shariif Xasan oo lagu eedeeyay Mooshinka laga geenay jawaari appeared first on Puntland Post.