Deeq A.

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  1. Bosaso (Puntlandi) Koox kor kala socota ururada xagjirka ah ayaa sheegay in kooxda Daacish ay soo daabacday waxa loo maleynayo inuu yahay fiidiyoowga ugu horreeya ee ka imanaya dagaalamayaaasha Daacish ee Soomaaliya. fiidiyoowgaan oo lasii daayay maalintii isniintii ee todobaadkaan, ayaa hogaamiyayaasha Daacish waxay taageerayaashooda ugu baaqayaan inay ugaarsadaan ama beegsadaan dadka aan muslimka ahayn, kaniisadaha iyo suuqyada dadku ku badan yihiin. Daacish waxay taageerayaasheeda ugu baaqaysaa inay ka faa’idaystaan fasaxa iyo debaal dega ciida Kirismaska, si ay u weerarto goobaha lagu xusayo. Maraykanka ayaa bishii hore bilaabay duullimaadkii ugu horreeyay ee ka dhanka ah dagaalyahannada kooxda Daacish ee ku sugan Soomaaliya.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaarihi hore ee Somalia, Cumar Cabdirishiid ayaa ka hadlay qiimeynta sanada 2017 ee hadda gabagabada ah, waxa uuna sheegay inay jiraan khaladaad iyo waxyaabo badan oo la saxay. Waxa uu Cumar Cabdirishiid sheegay inuu sii yaraanayo khaladaadka ka dhaca dowlada taa oo sabab u ah in dowladba tan ka danbeysa ay dooneyso inay waxbadan saxda oo markaa khaldan. Waxa uu Cumar Cabdirishiid tilmaamay in sanadka 2017 uu dalka soo maray marxalado badan oo qaarkood laga faa’iideystay, halka xiliyada qaarna ay dhacayeen waxyaabo laga fiicnaa sida Colaado Siyaasadeed. Wuxuu sheegay in waxyaabaha dhacay xitaa ay kamid ahaayen kuwo dhibaateynaayay Federaalka balse mar waliba ay dadku ahaayen kuwo ku fakanaayay dadaalada lagu xalinaayay dhibaatooyinka markaa jiray. Cumar Cabdirishiid, waxa uu dhibaatooyinka dhacay sanadii 2017 kusoo qaatay weerarkii lagu qaaday Hooyga CC Shakuur oo uu sheegay inuu ka dhashay khasaaro kala duwan. Cumar Cabdirishiid, waxa uu dowlada Somalia ugu baaqay inay ka faa’iideysato sanadka cusub ee dhalanaaya oo uu sheegay inuu wadan doono kheyr. Waxa uu tilmaamay in la doonaayo in ilaa iyo xad laga fogaado waxyaabaha dhibka keenikara sida Khilaaf iyo dhibaatooyin kale oo mugdi galinkara Horumarada dalka. Sanadka cusub ee dhalan doona ayuu sheegay in dowlada Federaalka laga doonaayo inay la imaado wax muuqda oo ka duwan waxyaabihii ay qabatay 2017. Waxa uu sheegay in rajada uu qabo ay tahay in la sameeyo waxyaabo badan oo isbedel iyo horumarba leh, taa oo uu ula jeedo inay imaankaraan fursado cusub. Dhinacyada uu isbedelada u saadaaliyay ayaa waxaa kamid ah Amniga, Siyaasada, Xal u helida colaadaha iyo arrimo kale oo dhibaato u noqonkara Qaranka. Haddalka Cumar Cabdirishiid ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili dowlada Madaxweyne Farmaajo ay yareysay weerarada ay geysan jireen maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab, halka dowladii hore ay saaxiib u aheyd dhibaatooyin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post CC oo ka hadlay Khaladaadka DF ka dhacay 2017 & Isbedelada laga sugaayo inay la imaado Sanadka cusub appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo ay heshay Goobjoog News, ayaa sheegaya in maanta oo Arbaco ah aanu maxkamadda racfaanka gobolka Banaadir tagi doonin siyaasi C/raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur. Lama hubo in maxkamadda ay tagi doonaan qareennada C/raxmaan iyo in kale, balse waxaa naloo xaqiijiyey in shaqsi ahaan aanu C/raxmaan Tagi doonin maxkamadda. Maxkamadda racfaanka ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa warqad ay soo saartay ku sheegtay in maanta dib loo furi doono dhageysiga dacwad loo haysto C/raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Insha Allah Goobjoog News
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee maamulka Somaliland Sacad Cali Shire, ayaa markii ugu horeeyay ka hadlay Hanjabaado kasoo yeeray Xuutiyiinta Yemen. Sacad Cali Shire, ayaa sheegay in maamulka Somaliland uu arrinkaa ka bixin doono Jawaab hadal ama ficil ah, balse waxa uu tilmaamay inaanu weli soo gaarin qoraal kaga imaaday Xuutiyiinta marka laga soot ago Muuqaalada iyo Qoraalada lagu baahiyay baraha bulshada. Waxa uu Sacad Cali Shire sheegay in xiligii uu dhacaayay heshiiska Imaaraadka lagu siiyay Saldhiga Berbera ay Somaliland kusii tashatay wanaag iyo xumaan kaga imaada dhanka Xuutiyiinta balse ay qaadan doonaan go’aan ku haboon Hanjabaada. Waxa uu Wasiirka ku celcelshay inay jawaabi doonaan hadii Xuutiyiinta ay u soo diraan war rasmi ah oo aan lasoo marin Saxaafada, maadaama aysan khiimeynkarin wararka lagu qoray warbaahinta. Sacad Cali Shire, waxa uu tilmaamay in Heshiiska Berbera uu soo maray marxalado kala duwan waxa uuna tusaale usoo qaatay inay ansixiyeen labada Gole xitaa uu ka dhashay muranbadan oo sababay in lagu xiro Xildhibaano. Muuqaal dhawaan lagu baahiyay Baraha Bulshadda ayaa lagu soo bandhigay Muuqaal ay soo duubeen niman carab ah oo la sheegay in ay yihiin Kooxda Xuutiyiinta ee ka dagaallama Yemen, kuwaa oo fariintooda muuqaalka ah ku sheegay inay gantaalo ku garaaci doonaan magaalada Hargeysa. Dhinaca kale, Xuutiyiinta Yemen ayaa la sheegay in ay ka caroodeen saldhigga dowladda Imaaraadka ay ka furaneyso Magaalada Berbera ee Somaliland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Somaliland oo si ay ku jirto ganbasho uga hadashay Hanjabaadii kasoo yeertay Xuutiyiinta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Maanta oo Arbaco ah ayaa lagu wadaa in baarlamaanka maamulka Hirshabelle ay codka kalsoonida ah u qaadaan wasiirada cusub ee maamulkaasi. Maxamuud Xasan Wabar oo kamid ah mudanayaasha baarlamaanka maamulkaasi ayaa sheegay in maanta ay rajeynayaan in codka loo qaado wasiiradan. Waxa uu tilmaamay in la xalliyey caqabado yar oo taagnaa kuwaasi oo sababay in maalintii shalay ahayd furmi waayo kulankii baarlamaanka Hirshabelle. Madaxweyne Waare ayaa maalmihii ugu dambeeyay wuxuu waday dedaallo uu xildhibaannada Hirshabelle kaga dhaadhicinayo iney meelmariyaan wasiiradiisa. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source
  6. Ismaaciil Haniyeh oo ah madaxa xafiiska siyaasadda ururka Xamaas, ayaa sheegay in Mareykanka uu falastiin uu u soo bandhigay magaalada Abuu Diis oo ku taalo duleedka magaalada Qudus inay ka dhigtaan caasimadda dowladdooda madaxa banana ayna ka baxaan arrimaha Qudusta bari. Ismail Haniyeh waxaa uu intaasi ku daray in bandhigga Mareykanka uu u soo bandhigay ay saddex qeybood u kala qeybineyso daanta galbeed taasi oo keeneysa in muslimiinta ay awoodi waayaan in Masjidu-Aqsa ay ku tukadaan salaadaha. Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Donald Trump ayaa jabiyey siyaasadda mareykanka ee ku aadaneyd loolanka u dhaxeeya Falastiin iyo Israel, waxaa uuna ku dhawaaqay in Qudus ay tahay caasimadda Yahuuda. Goobjoog News Source
  7. Guddiga madaxa bannaan ee doorashooyinka qaranka ayaa Jubbaland ka bilaabay barnaamijyo wacyi-gelin iyo wada-tashi isugu jira kuwaas oo looga hadlayo doorashada 2021-ka. Talaaladii waxaa Kismaayo laga furay Kulan wada tashi ah uu soo qaban qaabiyay Guddiga madaxa banaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka kaasoo looga hadlayo Doorashada lagu wado Soomaaliya inay ka dhacdo 2020. Kulanka waxaa furay Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Maamulka Jubbland Maxamuud Sayid Aadan, waxaa sidoo kale goobta joogay Guddoomiyaha guddiga madaxa banaan ee doorashooyinka qaranka Xaliimo Ismaaciil Ibraahim, Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan Jubbaland, Saraakiisha Ciidamada, iyo Siyaasiyiin waxaana lagu gorfeynayaa qorshaha lagu wajahayo Doorashada qof iyo cod iyo sida Bulshada uga qeyb qaadan karto. Sidoo kale Masuuliyiinta Guddiga madaxa banaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka ayaa la kulmaya Bulshada qeybaheeda kala duwan iyagoona weydiinaya sida dalka ay kaga dhici karo Doorasho qof iyo cod iyo sida ugu fudud ee loo suurta galin karo. Kulamadan ayaa ujeedadooda tahay wacyigelin iyo in dadka la baro hanaanka loo mari doono Doorashada qof iyo cod oo markii ugu horeysay la filayo inay ka dhacdo Soomaaliya. Goobjoog News Source
  8. Somali Football Federation (SFF) President Abdiqani Said Arab receives the Leader of the Year award at the Confederation of African Football (CAF) awards in Abuja, Nigeria on Jan. 7, 2016. /Reuters The Somali Football Federation (SFF) has announced plans to host international games beginning next year because of improving security, the head of the body has announced. President of the SFF, Abdiqani Said Arab, says the time has come for Somalia to organize home games in the country’s soccer stadiums in 2018. “Due to the betterment of the security situation in Somalia we have decided to stage our home games at home,” Arab said in a statement. “The Somali people have the right to watch their national team play at home and we have to make that happen now that the country is going ahead.” Arab said his federation will first invite East African soccer national teams to play friendly matches with the Somali national team. He said staging friendly matches will be followed by hosting regional soccer tournaments, such as the CECAFA (Council for East African and Central Africa Football). SFF has not released the dates and fixtures of international matches to be played at home for next year. Somalia hosted its last international match in Mogadishu in 1988. Following the collapse of the state in 1991, the Somalia national soccer team was forced to play its home games abroad in a neutral country, mainly in the region, like Djibouti and Ethiopia, denying it the all-important home advantage that other teams enjoy against opponents. The Confederation of African Football chief Ahmad Ahmad approved Somalia’s plan to host international soccer games when he visited Mogadishu in April. Somalia soccer has made steady development over the years despite the country’s difficulties. In April 2012, a suicide bomber killed both the head of the Somali Olympic Committee, Aden Yabarow Wiish, and the president of Somali Football Federation, Said Mohamed Nur. But in December that same year, the SFF completed installing an artificial turf at Mogadishu stadium. Two years later in December 2015, the soccer body had showed the first-ever live stream of a football game on TV. And in August this year, it was a bright night for Mogadishu as the first soccer game was played at night in more than 30 years. VOA
  9. Mas’uuliyiinta dalka Masar ayaa sheegay in Salaasadii Maanta la daldalay 15 ruux oo lagu helay denbiyo la xiriira argagixiso iyo khalkhal gelin amni,kadib markii la soo taagay maxkamad militari. Dadka la xukumay oo dhammaantood rag ah ayaa lagu eedeeyay weerarro argagixiso oo sannadkii 2013-kii lagu qaaday militariga Masar ee ku sugan Jasiiradda Sinai ,islamarkaana ay ku dhinteen askar badan sidoo kalena lagu burburiyo gaadiid dagaal. Hay’adaha Xuquuqda Insaanka ayaa durba cambaareeyay xukunkaas daldalaadda ah ee ay Masar fulisay,waxayna ku tilmaameen”dil wadareed aan sharciyad haysan iyo gabood-fal ka dhan ah xuquuqda banii’aadanka”. Hay’adaha ayaa sidoo kale dowladda Masar ku eedeeyay in aysan qareenno u qaban eedaysanayaasha oo aan caddeyn ku filan loo helin denbiyada loo haysto,sida ay warka u dhigeen. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Masar oo 15 ruux daldashay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Somaliland government has decided to hand over a Turkish educational foundation. U.S.-based preacher Fethullah Gülen, the main suspect in the probes into the July 15 coup attempt used to run Vifak Academy in Hargeisa. Turkey Ma’arif Foundation has officially taken over the running of the school in Hargeisa as in line with Turkish government demands after the failed coup. Spokesman of Somaliland’s ministry of education made the announcement.
  11. Somaliland government wrapped up today a four-day consultative meeting for the council of ministers at Hotel Royal Palace in Hargeisa. The gist of the high-level consultative meeting was to consolidate the partnership among government agencies. They also discussed ways to speed up the tasks ahead of new government led by incumbent president Col. Musa Bihi. The deputy president has been in attendance since day 1 of the gathering. It was a four day meeting which started on 23rd of Dec. and ministers have discussed and debated on the best possible way of executing their national duties while they have set the National Development Plan as their stepping stone. The incumbent president has campaigned to carry out promises that he made during the presidential elections in Somaliland which Kulmiye, under the ticket of reforms won landslide victory. At the conclusion, Somaliland president, Musa has wrapped up the meeting and the following points have been issued:- The council of ministers should collaborate on carrying out national tasks. The government plan must be in conformity with Kulmiye program and in line with National Development. Boosting Somaliland’s foreign policy and to step up efforts in quest of recognition. Enhance internal security and secure the borders Spur and facilitate int’l investment so as to create job opportunities Increase revenue and reform Treasury administration. Formation of commission aimed at finding a lasting solution to inflation Improvement of local production and farmer communities urged to plant. Betterment of basic services that the public is desperately in need of Establishing good governance where openness and justice should be the cornerstone Speed up national plan in order to avert droughts and famine Improving the quality of civil service should be given much importance Plans set for new government to carry out in the first 100 days that every ministry must accomplish part of its tasks.
  12. Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidanka Daraashiista Puntland ayaa caawo lagu dilay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug,sida ay sheegeen goobjoogayaal. Sarkaalka la dilay oo lagu magacaabi jiray,Qaleey Yuusuf Jiile ayaa taliye ka ahaa xero lagu keydiyo hubka oo ku taalla bartamaha magaalada Gaalkacyo,taasoo magaceeda lagu sheegay Xero Inji. Malayshiyo hubaysan oo madaxa soo duubtay ayaa rasaas la dhacay sarkaalka oo ku sii jeeday gurigiisa,kadib markii uu shaqada ka soo rawaxay,isagoo durbadiiba u geeriyooday dhaawac daran oo soo gaaray,sida uu PUNTLAND POST u xaqiijiyey mas’uul ka tirsan Wasaaradda Amniga Puntland oo ku sugan magaalada Gaalkacyo. Ciidamada Amniga gobolka Mudug ayaa gaaray goobta sarkaalka lagu dilay,waxaana halkaasi ka socda hawlgal baaritaan ah,inakstoo aan weli gacanta lagu dhigin kooxdii dilka fulisay,sida aan xogta ku helnay. Wixii ka soo kordha kala soco The post War deg deg ah:Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Puntland oo Gaalkacyo lagu dilay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  13. Somaliland elected 5 Presidents since it seceded from Somalia. Every President had its own up and down. President Mohamed Ahmed Siilanyo is the only one who has high academic qualification. He held number of ministerial positions in Mohamed Siad Bare Government. He was amongst the very few ministers who dare to say No when wrong orders were given. It was one leap forward to construct a road connecting Erigabo to Burao, and then recap the road joining Kalabaib to Dila which causes hectic journey. Their were rampant corruptions which were kept under the rug. The roles of the Parliament were marginalized and there were no checks and balances. The former President deferred to the present President legitimate complaint of two segments of Somaliland population who think their shares of Government participation are not fair. The fanfare and excitements shown by people during the election were beyond imagination. People expect much from elected President. The apparent leadership characteristics shown by the President are charismatic qualities that support justice and fights against corruption. The President made pledges to develop economic sectors that needs improvement in vital areas. Somali people are resilient to hardship and with genuine leadership they can surmount any hurdles. I mention below those development areas that has to be prioritized: Minimizing Qaat import to three days only (Thursday to Saturday.) In doing so, the country can save substantial amount of hard currency and reduce its consumption for health reasons. The young man who graduated from Colleges have no the work skills needed for jobs available in the markets. More technical schools have to be built to train the students in technical fields such as electricity, plumbing, carpentry and vehicle workshop work. I give credit to former Minister of education, Mr. Abdilahi, who with farsightedness, established first technical school in Burao. In the field of agriculture the potentiality is great for both food crops and exportable crops. It is unacceptable to find no tomatoes and potatoes in the markets during the three days when incident occurred in Aromo area. Let alone other places, these vegetables can be grown as home gardening in each family home. This is a practice common in each African countries. The reality that exists in agriculture, most of traditional farmers abandoned their lands in search of better lives in the cities. There are no incentive mechanism that lured them to go back to their lands. Credit availability, renting tractors with low prices, opening irrigation canals in fertile valleys where water is available and supply of improved seeds can be incentives for the farmers. Establishing Government autonomous Agency for tractors service with a reasonable price rent can play effective role in agricultural development. The Agency will be self financing and can buy tractors on loan bases. With improved techniques, Togwajale plane can produce enough food crops that suffice the needs of the country. There are groups of entrepreneurs who established vegetable production Project under shades in green house with minimum water requirement. They deserve help. The project that always in my mind is production of high quality oranges. The British brought early 50s orange seedlings from Natal, South Africa, and planted in Geed Deeble, Arabsiyo, and Amoud. The orchards planted 50 years ago are producing quality oranges. To grow large scale oranges needs importation of improved grafted seedlings and distribution to the farmers including farm inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. The oranges produces fruits in 5 to 6 years and can be competitive quality in Arabian markets. The inflation of Somaliland currency created havoc to the low income people. Except group Islands ruled by U.S.A, Zimbabwe and Somaliland, no other countries uses dollars as national currency. Those who amassed dollar currency should deposit it in the National Bank. The Somaliland shilling should be given fixed value in relation with the dollars. The people should be oriented in Masjids and on radios paying taxes for the development of the country is compulsory. Minimal amount of taxes should be imposed on Government employees. Likewise, agencies dealing remittance, communication services, luxury hotels, and merchandizes importers should pay taxes from their profits. The sense of national spirit be aroused among the people that depending national resource is better than foreign aid. Construction of infrastructures started by previous Government have to be completed. Feeder roads in mountainous areas where fertile valleys available be constructed. Road are essential for movement of agricultural products and goods. The country is prone to clement weather that causes droughts. It is imperative to establish Food Security Program to avert shortage at the onset of drought. Water wells are needed in nomadic areas for people and animals. People who claim enclosures in grazing areas should be given annulment. Even the worst situations have some positive aspect. People learn a lot from the last draught. People and animals should not be dislocated from their environment. Those who were brought in Awdel despite the good gesture given by the people, they suffered because of the cold season. Preparedness is what is needed to mitigate the danger of the draught. Mohamed Bahal
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa looga digay in ciidamada Qaranka ay u adeegsato qaabab khaldan oo ku xeeran dano shaqsiyadeed. Xildhibaan C/llaahi Maxamed Nuur oo kamid ah Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Somalia oo shir ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka digay in Madaxda DFS ay dano Siyaasadeed iyo mid gaar ahaaneyd u adeegsadaan awooda ciidamada. Xildhibaanka waxa uu sheegay in Madaxda Qaranka ay uga digayaan in ciidamada amniga ay u adeegsadaan caburinta iyo xariga siyaasiyiinta ka aragti duwan, waxa uuna cadeeyay in mar waliba ay ixtiraam mudan yihiin dhinacyada mucaaradka. Xildhibaan C/llaahi Maxamed Nuur, oo sidoo kale ka qeybgalay kulan wadatashi ah oo ay isugu yimaadeen qaar ka mid ah Xisbiyada siyaasadda iyo Madasha Horusocod oo ay ku mideysan yihiin Xildhibaano ayaa sheegay in laga soo gudbay xilligii awood iyo qori caaradii wax lagu raadin jiray. C/raxmaan C/shakuur ayaa kamid ahaa Shaqsiyaadka Mucaaradka ee loo adeegsaday ciidamada Qaranka kuwaa oo dhaawac iyo burbur hantiyadeed u geystay Hooygiisa, waxa uuna shirku ahaa mid looga tusaala qaadanaayay arrintaas. The post Daawo: Xildhibaano & Xisbiyo Mucaarad oo Madaxda Qaranka uga digay hal arrin oo lagu dagay CC Shakuur appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Prime Minister and Interior Minister H E Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani met with Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to the State of Qatar, Omar Sheikh Ali Idris, on the occasion of ending his tenure in the State. The Prime Minister wished the Ambassador success in his future tasks and further progress and prosperity in the relations between the two countries. Source: The Peninsule The post PM meets outgoing Somali Ambassador – The Peninsula appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. I am black. I am a Muslim. I am a war survivor and I am a refugee turned writer from Somalia who now lives in the U.S. Like you, I am a two-legged human creature. America is not a distant hope for me or, for the refugees across the United States, but it is a warm and peaceful home. Life has taught me that it is easy to destroy a nation, but it is very hard to build it up. Somalia, the country of my birth, is now on the list of banned countries for those wishing to enter the U.S. My own mother, who is a naturalized citizen, currently lives in Somalia. As her first son, I had seen the gory of war, the agony of refugee camps, but, thanks be to God, she and I made it to America in July 1993. We felt safe and made cold New England our new home. With the rise of President Donald Trump’s America, that sense of belonging is now dimmed. In September 1993 I started Bedford High School, where on my first day the school hired Estee, an English as a second language teacher for me. Staffers bought a blue flag with a white star in the middle and they told me that I was a Somali-American. In a way, this restored the dimmed identity of my fractured life. The school exposed me to books: “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway, “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” as told to Alex Haley and “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien. The first word I felt in love with in the English language was “preposterous.” There was something about this word that I liked. In Somalia, a country with a single race, a single religion and single tribe but with many clans, the war between clans was beyond preposterous. I never asked God for membership in the tribe I was born into. God chose it through my father, and the fact that my siblings and I belonged to the clan of our dead father was definitely preposterous. The hideous walk in the jungle between Kenya and Somalia was preposterous. The refugee camp was preposterous. Seeing dead people was preposterous. New England’s cold weather was preposterous; but I yearned to see the snow fall from the sky. The dream I carried to America was preposterous. Having to learn a new language and a new culture was preposterous. Working for 15 years and discovering that I was a black man in America was beyond preposterous. Above all, President Trump’s immigration ban has been the most preposterous thing of all my life, whereby America’s 70 years’ worth of post-World War II prestige is being damaged on a global scale. But since hope was all I carried to America, I am hopeful that the voices of reasons and intellect will prevail over the demagoguery. The fast-moving situation with regard to President Trump’s executive order temporarily banning people from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S., combined with his Twitter rhetoric, is not only creating doubt and fear in the heart of refugees, but it is also labeling Muslim Americans as terrorist sympathizers. For the first time since I walked on the clean American soil, I feel a danger in my belly. I am now afraid for all the Muslim refugees who left their countries because of war and who came to America to seek a better life. And I know a lot about the danger of labeling a group of people as a threat that needs to be contained and removed from society. In 1990, I was 13 years old. At the time, my world was about skipping school, flirting with girls, raising pigeons and playing soccer under the magnificent Mogadishu blue sky. I knew nothing about what was simmering behind the lips of the people. My father had died a year earlier, but as part of Somali culture, my younger siblings and I belonged to our dead father’s clan. President Siad Barre had ruled Somalia for more than 20 years, and he, too, belonged to our clan. The Somali economy was struggling and people were hurting. Jobless men often sat in groups in front of the teahouses. As they played cards, they started to blame the ruling clan for their economic ills. Politicians picked up the blame game and politicized it. It wasn’t long before the men’s tea talks over poker turned into fistfights in the markets. Frustrated men began to engage in drive-by shootings on innocent people. The murder rates went up. As people’s internal hate simmered, conflict on a larger scale erupted in the streets of Mogadishu in December 1990. A boy, a next-door neighbor, came to my house holding an AK47. He came to kill me because I was no longer his friend. I, along with my family, was among those who were libeled as being part of the enemy clan. The threat of murder hung over my family until we made a hasty departure — to anywhere. We fled our three-bedroom villa in Mogadishu, leaving behind a little of everything: my birdhouse, the chicken coop, Bella and Bilan (our goats), a broom, a wheelbarrow, examination papers, a bulky briefcase, my red typewriter, photographs, and the wooden chair with stretched animal skin that my father used to sit on before he died. The post Danger in my belly: I know where Donald Trump’s tribal rhetoric can appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Iyadoo weli ay jiraan Xildhibaano dhaliil u jeedinaaya Dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa waxaa dhaliil taa lamid ah Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo u jeediyay Xildhibaan Saabir Nuur Shuuriye oo ka tirsan BFS. Xildhibaan Saabar oo la hadlaayay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo uu dhaqaale sharci darro ah siiyo Xildhibaanada BFS. Xildhibaan Saabir waxa uu cod dheer ku sheegay in dhaqaalahaasi bixinteeda uu Farmaajo ula gol leeyahay inaan laga hadal xaalada ka jirta dalka iyo sida ay u shaqeyso dowladiisa, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxa uu Xildhibaan Saabir Nuur Shuuriye sheegay inay hayaan cadeymo muujinaya in Madaxweynaha Farmaajo uu Xildhibaano siiyay qarashaad badan si aysan uga hadlin arintii Qalbi Dhagax iyo xaaladaha kale ee Siyaasadda. Saabir Nuur, waxa uu sheegay in talaabada ceynkaasi ah ay dhibaato u keeni karto keydka Qaranka, waxa uuna cadeeyay inay la imaan doonaan cadeymo muujinaaya bixinta dhaqaalahaasi. Waxa uu tilmaamay in arintaasi ay tahay mid sharciga baalmarsan, wuxuuna sheegay Madaxtooyadda Soomaaliya illaa hadda inay bixiso qarashaad la siiyo Xildhibaano, si aysan uga hadlin xadgudubyada dowladda ay sameyso.. Dhinaca kale, Xildhibaanka wuxuu sheegay kulanka Baarlamaanka marka uu furmo xubnaha Golaha Shacabka inay aragti mideysan ka qaadan doonaan arintaasi oo xadgudub uu ku tilmaamay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xil. Saabir oo weerar ku qaaday Madaxweyne Farmaajo sheegayna qaabka loo kala dilay Xildhibaanada BFS appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa manta magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta Gobolka Baay ka furmay Shirka u dhaxeeya Gudoonka Golaha Shacabka Somalia iyo Gudoomiyeyaasha Baarlamaanada Maamul Goboledyada ka jira dalka. Shirka oo ahmiyad gaara leh ayaa waxaa furay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somalia Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan (Jawaari), waxaana ka qaybgalaya Gudoomiyeyaasha Golaha Sharci dajinta ee Maamul Goboledyada. Shirkan ayaa la sheegay in lagu xoojinayo xiriirka u dhaxeeya Guddoonka Golaha Shacabka iyo Maamul Goboledyada ka jira dalka Baarlamaanadooda. Shirkan maanta furmay ayaa waxa uu socon doonaa muddo saddex cisho ah, waxaana lagu gorfeyn doonaa, qaabka ay ku wada shaqeyn karaan Gudoomiyeyaasha Baarlamaanada Iyo Gudoonka Golaha Shacabka. Gabagabada shirkaan ayaa la filayaa in laga soo saaro war murtiyeed ay ku cad yihiin hanaanka wada shaqeynta Gudoonka Golaha shacabka iyo Gudoomiyeyaasha Baarlamaanada dalka. Waa Shirkii ugu horeeyay ee noociisa ay isugu yimaadaan Gudoonka Golaha Shacabka iyo Gudoomiyayaasha Barlamaanada Maamul Goboledyada dalka ka jira, waxaana xusid mudan in furitaanka shirka uu Muran iyo Khilaafba horay uga dhaliyay Guddoomiyayaasha Aqalka Sare iyo kan baarlamanaka Somalia. The post Sawirro: Sidee ayuu u furmay shirka muranka badan ka dhex dhaliyay labad Gole BF ee maanta ka dhacay Baydhabo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Xubno isugu jira Xildhibaannadii la baxay Horu-socod ee hore u kala tagay iyo Xisbiyada Daljir, Wadajir iyo Kulan ayaa Qoraal ay soo saareen ku cambaareeyay weerarkii Guriga C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame ee dhacay bartamihii bishaan aynu ku jirno. Mas’uuliyiintan ayaa Qoraalkooda uga digay Madaxweyne Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre inay Ciidanka qalabka Sida u adeegsadaan dilalka iyo argagixinta siyaasiyiinta, Waxayna digniin kale ka soo saareen in hay’adaha Garsoorka iyo Culimada loo adeegsado arrimo aar-goosi ah iyo kuwo siyaasadeed. Dhanka kale, Xubnahan ayaa qoraalkoodan digniinga ah kusoo beegay xilli la filayo in dacwaddii loo haystay C/raxmaan C/shakuur oo horay loo qaadacay dib loo billaabo berri oo Arbaco, kaddib markii Xeer-ilaaliyaha Qaranka uu ka biyo diiday bari-yeeliddii Siyaasiga C/raxmaan C/shakuur. Haddaba, AKHRISO Qoraalka ay Xisbiyada iyo Xubnuhu soo Saareen; PUNTLAND POST The post AKHRISO: Qoraal ay Xubno Mucaarad ah ugu digeen Madaxda Sare ee Dowladd Somalia appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Police in Minneapolis have removed a candle-lit memorial created by a white nationalist group to honour Australian woman Justine Damond shot dead by a Somali-American officer. Identity Evropa said it made the “shrine” to Damond after a prosecutor suggested there was not enough evidence to bring charges. Damond died after being shot in her pyjamas by officer Noor on July 15 after she called police several times to report a possible sexual assault in an alley behind her Minneapolis home she had shared with her fiance. Officer Noor has not been charged.
  21. HARGEISA— The Somaliland authority has decided to temporarily suspend the work of UAE military facility in the port of Berbera. There are no official statement from Somaliland administration confirming the abrupt halt of military base but highly reliable sources have indicated that SL’s Foreign Minister, Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire sent formal letter just a couple of weeks ago to the United Arab Emirates government to adjourn all work of UAE’s military base building in Berbera. It was stated in the letter that Somaliland authority is about to review the terms of the contract signed between Somaliland and UAE. There are conflicting reports confirming that Somaliland is to hire an int’l firm which will consult on matters pertaining to military base. Somaliland entered into agreement with UAE on the provision of the military base and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed although there is official agreement. This has provided that the new Somaliland Head of State has to review the agreement. According to Geeska Afrika Newspaper, it has made contacts with foreign minister and the special SL representative to UAE which all ended in vain. The UAE awarded the contract to build the military facility in Berbera by Divers Marine Contracting LCC and is expected to cost up to 90 million dollars LCC Chairperson, Abdalla Darwish has told media that his firm signed the deal of building the base last April. The National House of Assembly passed the agreement with unanimous vote although it caused wrangling within the parliament premises this year. The former government under president Silanyo did not table in front of the parliament of the genuine agreement that SL signed with UAE. The ex-administration used power and capital for the house to pass with overwhelming majority. Somaliland’s main opposition parties have cried foul over the agreement and said time and again that there is no real agreement between the two nations. It was just a couple of days once houthi rebels in Yemen have send stern warning to Somaliland that if does not suspend UAE military base in Berbera then it will fire ballistic missile to Somaliland. It is not yet clear if Somaliland has heeded the warning from houthi rebels or if it decided to evaluate the terms of the agreement.
  22. Doha (Caasimadda Online) – Ra’iisul wasaaraha Qatar Sheekh Cabdullaahi Bin Nasir Bin Khalifa Al thani iyo Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee Dalkaasi ayaa kulan gaar ah Magaalada Doxa kula qatay Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Dalkaasi. Ra’iisul wasaaraha Dalka Qatar ayaa sheegay in Safiirka Soomaaliya uu door weyn ka qaatay dhinaca xoojinta xiriirka labada Dal oo uu tilmaamay in leeyihiin xiriir Saaxiibtinimo oo soo jireen ah. Cumar Sheekh Cali Idiris Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Dalka Qatar ayaa Dowladdaasi ku tilmaamay in door lama iloobaan ah ay ka qaadatay taageerada ay siiso Dowladda iyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Dowadda Qatar ayaa Soomaaliya ka fulisa Mashaariic kala duwan, iyadoo Bishii la soo dhaafay wafdi ka socday Dalkaasi ay Soomaaliya la Saxiixdeen Heshiis ku kacaya 200 oo Milyan oo Dollar, Lacagtaas oo lagu fulin doono Mashaariic Horumarineed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ujeedka kulankii dhex maray Qatar iyo Soomaaliya oo la ogaaday iyo Dowladda Qatar oo.. appeared first on Caasimada Online.