Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Jowhar-(Caasimadda Online)-Wararka laga helayo Maamulka goboleedka Hirshabelle ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in uu is casilay Agaasimihii Wasaaradda Cadaaladda iyo Diinta Maamulka Hirshabelle Agaasimihii Wasaaradda Cadaaladda Garaad Axmed Cadow ayaa sheegay in uu iska casilay xilka uu kahaayay maamulka hirshabeele. Waxa uu tilmaamay agaasimaha in Laba wasiir ay soo martay wasaaradda, islamarkaana uu la shaqeeyay, balse dhammaantood ay ahaayeen kuwo aan aqoon u lahayn shaqada loo igmaday waa sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “Waxaan iscasilay markii aan waayay Wasiiro aqoon leh oo aan la Shaqeeyo,aniga waxaan u soo jeediyay talooyin dhowr ah balse weey iga qaadan waayeen,waxana go’aansaday in aan is casilo ayuu yiri Agaasimihii Wasaaradda Cadaaladda iyo Diinta Maamulka Hirshabelle Garaad Axmed Cadow” Sikastaba tallaaabdaan uu isku casilay Agaasimihii Wasaaradda Cadaaladda iyo Diinta Maamulka Hirshabelle Garaad Axmed Cadow ayaa ku soo aadeysa xili Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Dowladaha Hoose ee Maamulka Hir-Shabeelle uu Shaqa joojin ku sameeyey Duqii degmada Baladweyne Cali Dhuux Cabdi Mahadale. Caasimada Online Xafiiska jowhar
  2. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ku kala aragti duwan halka lagu qabanayo kulanka Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ee lagu horgeenayo mooshinka laga soo gudbiyay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka. Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari ayaa dhawaan sheegay in xarunta Golaha Shacabka ay la wareegeen ciidamo uu amray Ra’iisul Wasaare kheyre,isla markaana kulanka aan lagu qaban Karin. Xildhibaanada mooshinka ka keenay Jawaari ayaa iyana wax ay sheegayaan in kulanka lagu qabanayo Xarunta ay baarlamanka ku shiraan ee golaha Shacabka. dhanka kale Xildhibaanada taagersan gudoomiye Jawaari ayaa iyana diidan in kulanka lagu qabto Xaunta Golaha Shacabka ilaa laga wareejiyo Ciidamada ay geysay xukumadda Soomaaliya. Muranka ka dhashay mooshinka laga gudbiyay gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ayaa curyaamiyey howlihii Hay’addaha dowladda sida Gudiyada fulinta iyo Sharcidejinta. Gudoomiye kuxigeenka 1-aad ee Baarlamaanka Cabdiweli Muudey oo hada si KMG ah Baarlamaanka u gudoomiya ayaa laga filayaa in uu shaaciyo halka lagu qaban doono kulanka mooshinka lagu horkeenayo Baarlamaanka iyo waliba xiliga la qaban doono. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Wasaarada Caafimaadka Puntland ayaa manta xusaysa maalinta Qaaxada dunida oo manta kale 24March caalamka oo idil laga xuso bulshadana lagu wacyi galiyo halista cudurka iyo ka hor tagiisa. Wasiirka caafimaadka dowladda Puntland, Dr. Cabdinaasir Cuuke, agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda, Dr, Cabdirisaaq Xirsi Xasan, Marwada madaxweynaha, Hodan Siciid Ciise iyo marti sharaf kala duwan oo ka socota hay’addaha caalamiga iyo dadweyne ayaa ka qeyb galay munaasabada lagu xusayay maalintaan caalamiga ah. Wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland ayaa dadaal xoogan ku bixisay sidii loo ciribtiri lahaa cudurkaan, iyadoo hirgalisay isbitaalo iyo xarumo caafimaad oo ay dadku si bilaash ah uga qaadankaraan dawada cudurkaan, Waxaana Daawada Tiibiida la gaarsiiyay degmooyinka fog. Mashruuca xakamaynta cudurka Qaaxada ee dowladda Puntland ayaa soo bandhigay, daraasad la sameeyey sanadkii 2016, taasoo lagu ogaaday in cururkani uu ku dhacay 10 milyan iyo 4 boqol. Halka ay u u dhinteen dad gaaraya 1milyan iyo 7 boqol kuwaasi oo ay ka mid ahaayeen 4 boqol oo kun oo qabay cudurka AIDS-ka in ka badan 95%. Mashruuca xakamaynta Qaaxada wuxuu sheegay dhimashada ugu badan ee cudurka qaaxadu inay ka dhacdo wadamada soo koraya. Tiro lagu qiyaasay 1milyan oo caruur ah ayaa u bukootay cudurka Qaaxada sanadkii 2016 , waxaana u dhintay 250 kun oo caruur ah oo ay Ku jiraan kuwo qabey cudurka AIDS-ka. Sannadkii lasoo dhaafay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Dowladda Puntland ayaa isbitaalka Guud ee magaalada Garoowe ka dhagax-dhigay Shaybaar cusub oo loogu talo-galay baaritaanka ” Dadka la nool Cudurka qaaxada heerka adkaysiga u yeeshay dawooyinka.
  4. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Xildhibaanada Aqalka sare ayaa maanta la filayaa in guddi Senetaro ah in ay u magacaabaan baarista weerarkii Ciidamo katirsan Milatariga Soomaaliya dabayaaqadii sanadkii hore ku qaadeen guriga Senator Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid). Senator Cabdi Qeybdiid oo isbuucii hore ka hadlay kulan ay lahaayeen Xildhibaanada Aqalka sare ayaa sheegay in uusan ku qanacsaneyn guddigii uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya maxamad cabdulaahi farmaajo u saaray baaritaanka weerarkii gurigiisa lagu qaaday. Xildhibaano ka tirsan Aqalka Sare ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in Guddigaan ay heystaan Muddo gaaban, islamarkaana maalmo kooban ka dib ay ku dhawaaqi doonaan Natiijadda Baarista. Guddi baaritaan uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya u saaray baaritaanka weerarka Cabdi Qeybdiid gurigiisa lagu qaaday ayaan wax natiijo ah soo bandhigin, waxaana la filayaa in guddigan loo saarayo si deg deg ah natiijo arintan uga soo saaraan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Waxaa xalay Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Soomaaliya ka dhacay shir ay yeesheen madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo Xildhibaanada wada Mooshinka Jawaari. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa Xildhibaanadaan uu la kulmay waxa ay u badnaayeen Wasiiro katirsan Xukuumada Ra’isilwasaare Kheyre kana mid ah Baarlamaanka. Madaxweynaha ayaa dhageeystay qaabka iyo sababaha ay u soo gudbiyeen Mooshinka Gudoomiye Jawaari. Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu baaqay xildhibaanadaan in ay ilaaliyaan dastuurka dalka u yaala iyo xasiloonida siyaasadeed. Madaxweynaha ayaa u sheegay xildhibaanada in uu isaga dhex dhexaadinayo khilaafka siyaasadeed ee hareeyay Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumada. Qaar kamid ah xildhibaanada kulankaasi ka qeeybgalay ayaa u sheegay Puntland Post in madaxweynaha xildhibaanadaasi uu ka codsaday in la dajiyo khilaafka siyaasadeed ee ka jirta Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumada. Mooshin wada yaasha Gudoomiye Jawaari ayaa u badan wasiiro katirsan xukuumada kana mid ah Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Gudoomiye Jawaari ayaa aqbalay Mooshinkaasi isaga oo codsaday in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badana cod loogu qaado. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo la kulmay Xildhibaanada wada Mooshinka Jawaari appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Gudi ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka Baarlamaanka Soomaliya kaas oo loo xilsaaray xal uraadinta khilaafka ka dhex taagan Hey,adaha Sharci Dejinta iyo Fulinta ee Dowladda Soomaliya. Gudigaan oo maalmahaan ku mashquulsanaa xal uraadinta khilaafka taagan ayaa sheegay in loo baahanyahay in si deg deg ah loo furo kalfadhiga Baarlamaanka lagana qaado ciidamada dheeraadka ah ee lageeyay xarunta Golaha Shacabka islamarkaana lasoo celiyo ciidmadii hore u joogi jiray xarunta Golaha Shacbka. Sidoo kale gudigaan ayaa dalbaday in la joojiyo lacagaha xad dhaafka ah ee ku baxay mooshinka ka dhanka ah Gudoomiye Jawaari. Waxeyna intaasi ku dareen xildhibaanadaan ka shiraya xal uraadinta khilaafka beryahaan dambe taagan in codeynta mooshinkii laga geeyay Jawaari lagu guda galo muddo 10 cisho ah gudahooda kaasi oo ay kabilaabaneyso maalinta la gudbiyay mooshinka. Dr Cilmi oo kamid ah gudigaan ayaa sheegay inaysan suurta gal ahayn in la cuuryaamiyo howlaha uu qaban lahaa Golaha Shacabka Soomaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Waxaa Khilaaf uu ka taganyahay halka lagu qabanayo kulanka Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya. Xildhibaanada oo u kala qeeybsan kuwa taageersan Mooshinka Jawaari iyo kuwa ka soo horjeedo ayaa isku fahmi la halka lagu qabayo kulanka Baarlamaanka. Xildhibaanada wada mooshinka ayaa u xusul duubayo in kulanka Baarlamaanka lagu qabayo xarunta golaha shacabka Muqdisho. Xildhibaanada ka soo horjeedo Mooshinka ayaa iyana doonaya in aan fadhiga Baarlamaanka lagu qaban Xarunta Golaha shacabka. Gudoomiye Jawaari ayaa horay u codsaday in kulanka Baarlamaanka lagu qabto xaruntii lagu soo doortay Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Waxaana uu ku eedeeyay in xukuumada ay ciidamo dul dhigtay Xarunta Golaha shacabka ee Muqdisho. si rasmi ah looma oga xiliga uu dhacayo kulanka Baarlamaanka ee codka loogu qaadayo Gudoomiye Jawaari. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Khilaaf ka Taagan halka lagu qabanayo Kulan Baarlamaanka ee Mooshinka Jawaari appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. Ciidamada amaanka dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa Degmada Cabdicasiis ee Muqdisho waxa ay ku qabteen Gaari Siday Hilbo aan cunitaanka ku haboonayn ama daahay. Gaarigaan oo ah nooca Soomaalida ay u taqaano UD-ga ayaa waxaa ciidamada amniga kusoo wargaliyay dadka deegaanka Cabdi Casiis oo gaarigaan ka shakiyay. Dadka Muqdisho ayaa isla dhexmarayay saacidihii la soo dhaafay in gaarigaan uu siday Hilbo, Dad qaar kamid ahna warbaahinta ayey sidaasi u sheegayeen. Hayeeshee waxaa maamulka degmadaasi uu xaqiijiyay in gaarigaasi uu siday Hilib Xoolaad oo qurmay. Dadka Muqdisho ayaa baryihii ugu dambeeysay ka cabanayay Alaabooyinka ay isticmaalaan oo xadkii loogu talagalay ka baxay islamarkaasina la soo galiyo Suuqyada Muqdisho. Tan iyo markii ay dhacday dowladihii dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya ma jirin dowlad awood badan oo si hufan u hubiso alaabaha iyo badeecooyinka lagu iibiyo suuqyada dalka. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Ciidamada amaanka oo Muqdisho ku qabtay Gaari siday Hilbo aan cunitaanka ku haboonayn appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Guddida xalinta khilaafka barlamaanka Soomaaliya, ayaa soo saaray go’aano lagu wajahayo lagu soo afjari karo xaaladda taagan ee sababtay in golaha shacabka Soomaaliya uu muddo xidhnaado isla markaana ciidamo ay la wareegaan ka dib markii mooshin laga keenay Guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka Soomaaliya Jawaari. Guddigaan oo ka kooban xildhibaano aqalka hoose ah ayaa go’aanadooda waxaa kamid ah, inay xukuumadu faraha kala baxdo arrinta golaha shacabka isla markaana ay shaqadeeda ku ekaato xarunta golahana ka qaado ciidanka la wareegay. Halkaan hoose ka akhriso. 1.In si sharci ah oo xasiloon loogu furo golaha shacabka si uu waajibaadkiisa shaqo u gudan karo 2.In si deg deg ah loogu soo celiyo ciidamadii hore u joogay xarunta golaha lagana qaado kuwa cusub ee loo soo badalay 3.In laysla go’aamiyo goobta fadhiga lagu qabanayo iyo maalinta loo codaynayo mooshinkan si waafaqsan xeer hoosaadka baarlamaanka kaas oo dhigaya in la qabto codaynta toban cisho gudahood iyada oo laga soo bilaabayo maalintii la qabtay mooshinka. 4.In dastuurka ku meel gaadhka ah ee dalka iyo xeer hoosaadka golaha shacabka loo wada hogaansamo lana ixtiraamo qodobada qeexaya hanaanka loo maaraynayo arimaha la xidhiidha mooshinka 5.Inaan la curyaamin hawlihii ay xukuumadu u haysay dalka dibna ugu noqoto hay’adda fulintu shaqadii loo igmaday, kana digtoonaadan dayacaad loo gaysto hawlihii loo igmaday. 6.In laga fogaado adeegsiga hantida iyo ku tagri falka awooda hay’addaha qaranka lana dhawro sumcada dawlada iyo hantida umada.
  10. Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxa ay ugu hambalyeyneysaa Xogheynta guud ee Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta munaasabadda sanadguurada 73,aad ee aas’aaska ururka oo ku beegneyd March 22, 1945. Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxa ay bogaadinaysaa Jaamacadda Carabta garabjoogga milgaha leh ee uu ay u muujisay shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo xukuumaddiisa intii ay jirtay masiibooyinka dabiiciga, dhibaatooyinka iyo falalka xun ee argagaxisadu geystaan. Soomaaliya oo xubin ka ah Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta, kuna biirtay February 14, 1974 waxaa loo eegaa inay tahay ilinka istiraatiijiyadda ammaan ee dunida carbeed sababo ku aaddan bedka Juquraafi ee ay ku fadhido iyo lahaanshaheeda xeebta ugu dheer Afrika ayaa waxa ay ugu baaqeysaa dhammaan dowladaha xubnaha ka ah ururka inay dib uga furtaan safaaradahooda iyo ergadooda diblomaasiyadeed Caasimadda Muqdisho si loo taageero dadaallada joogtada ah ee lagu sugayo ammaanka iyo deganaanshaha, si wadajir ahna looga shaqeynayo ka hortagidda caqabadaha iyo culeysyada si loogu guuleysto waajibaadka, qorshayaasha iyo mashaariicda hiigsiga leh. DHAMAAD PUNTLAND POST The post Dowlada Soomaaliya oo Baaq u dirtay Jaamacada Carabta appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. Dhaxal-sugaha Boqortooyada Sacuudiga Maxamed Bin Salmaan waxaa uu bil gudaheed booqasho ku tagay Ingiriiska iyo Mareykanka, isaga oo heshiisyo dhinacyo badan la soo galay. Maxamed Bin Salmaan, galbeedka uma tagin oo keliya heshiisyo iyo maal-geshi ee ujeedka waxa uu ahaa in uu marka hore iibiyo fikradda Islaamka dhex-dhexaadka ah iyo manhajka cusub ee uu gar-wadeenka ka yahay, booqashadan waxaa ay tijaabo u aheyd sida galbeedka u aqbaleen isbadallo uu ninkan sameeyay 10-kii bil ee la soo dhaafay. Tan iyo markii Maxamed Bin Salmaan loo magacaabay dhaxal-suge bishii June 2017-kii ilaa booqashada uu u tagay Ingiriiska iyo Mareykanka waxaa dhacay isbadallo badan oo ku tusinaya meesha uu u socdo iyo natiijada uu rabo. Isbadallo Hoose: Dhaqaalaha: Maxamed Bin Salmaan waxaa uu Sacuudiga ka gaday aragtida “2030” ee sida la sheegay Sacuudiga uga maarmi-doonno shidaalka, oo dhaqaalaha dalkaasi ugu tiirsanaan-doonno ganacsiga, warshadaha iyo wax soo saarka. Intii uu dhaxal-sugaha ahaa waxaa uu dagaal la galay Musuqa isaga oo xiray amiirro iyo kooxdii dadka ugu dhoweyd taasi oo soo jiidatay indhalaha caalamka. Haweenka: Boqortooyada Sacuudiga kadib markii qarniyo badan uu codka haweenku cowro ahaa, mamnuuc aheyd safraddooda, inay xisaab bank ka furtaan, rag aan qoyska aheyn la kulmaan, dhar aan xijaab aheyn xirtaan, in ay shaqeeyaan, cayaaraan ama ay tillaabo qaadaan maxram la’aan ayaa hal mar waxaa uu sameeyay Bin Salmaan isabadal xoogan. Haweenka waxaa loo ogolaaday in gawaariga waddaan, shanneemooyinka, music iyo xafladaha ayaa la ogolaaday, haweenka inay garoomaha cayaaraha u daawasho tagaan ayaa caadi laga dhigay, In cabbaayad la labisto shardi ma aha ayaa la iftooday, haweenka in ay ciidanka qoran karaan ayaa la iftooday xittaa maalinta jaceylka waxaa la banneeyay in ubax iyo hadiyado la kala guddoomi karo. Neom: Waa mashruuc dhaqaale oo caalami kaasi uu Sacuudiga ka dhisayo badda cas, waxaa laga yaabaa in Masar iyo Urdun ay qeyb ka noqdaan, waa mashruuc wejigiisa hore la soo gabagabeyn-doonno 2025-ka, ujeedkana uu yahay in zoon dhaqaale, oo furfuran, oo laga sameeyo xadka Sacuudiga, Urdun iyo Masar, waxaa ku bixi-doonta in ka badan 500 oo Bilyan. Caqabadaha Bin Salmaan: In kasta oo Maxamed Bin Salmaan sameeyay isbadalladaasi aan soo sheegnay, hadana waxaa ku hor-gudbanaa caqabado kale, waxaa ka mid ahaa manhajka salafiga iyo Al-qaa’ida. Salifiya: Sacuudiga waxaa loo arkaa hoyga salafiyada caalamka, waxaana reer gabeed badan rumeysan yihiin inuu maal-geliyo argigixisada. Sacuudiga waa meesha la unkay Salafiya, oo manhaj aaminsan dowlad Islaami ah, dowladaha Islaamka qaarkood waxay ugu yeeraan Salafiya Jihaadiya, waana manhaj gaaleeyay reer galbeeka, culumadooda waxaa ka mid ah:Muhamed Binu Cabdiwahaab iyo Cabdicasis Binu Baas, halka ay leeyihiin dhaq-dhaqaaqa Wahaabiyada oo ah Xarako ujeedadeedu tahay sida ay sheegeen inay sifeeyaan Caqiidada Islaamka…..Bin Salmaan in kasta uu culimo badan xiray, fatwooyin badan uu sida uu rabayna la soo saaray hadana ma fududa in uu ka adkaado manhaj 400 oo sano jiray. Al-Qaacidah: Waa dhaq-dhaqaaq Islaami uu Aas-aasay Usama Binu Ladin, waa nin Sacuudiyaan ah, waxaa intaas dheer Sacuudiga 15 ka mid ah 19kii qof ee afduubay diyaaradihii lagu burburiyay daarihii dheeraa World Trade Center ee Newyork 2001-dii waxaa ay u dhasheen dalkaasi Sacuudiga, in ka badan 3000 oo Mareykanka ah ayaa ku dhimatay. Al-Qaa’idad waxaa kale oo ay sheegteen Mas’uuliyadda Qaraxyadii Safaaradaha Mareykanka ee Nairobi iyo Daaru-salaam 1998-dii iyo Qaraxyo badan oo ka dhacay dunida dacaleeda sida: Ingiriiska, Yeman, Masar, Bakistaan…………iyo meelo badan. Booqashada Galbeedka: Iyada oo Maxamed Bin Salmaan isbadallo ka sameeyay gudaha, dhanka kalana ay aragtidaasi qalafsan reer galbeedka ka qabaan ayuu booqasho ku tagay Ingiriiska iyo Mareykanka. Booqashadii Ingiriiska: Maxamed Bin Salmaan waxaa uu Ingiriiska ula tagay maal-geshi iyo furfurnaan, 3 maalin gudahood waxaa uu la galay heshiisyo muddo 10 sano gudahood lagu maal-gelinayo ilaa 100 Bilyan oo Dollar. Heshiisyada uu la galay Ingiriiska marka laga soo tago barnaamijka “2030”, waxaa ugu muhiimsanaa la dagaalanka argigixisada, iskaashi ku saabsan amniga diyaaradaha, in 100 Milyan oo Geniga Ingiriiska lagu teegeero geeska Afrika, waxaa kale oo ay isku aragti ka noqdeen dhibaatooyinka ka jira dalalka Yemen, Suuriya, Lebnon iyo Libya iyo xalka arrinta Falastiin iyo Israel. Booqashadii Mareykanka: inta aanu Mareykanka tagin, waxaa uu heshiis la galay 20 Shirkadood oo nooca ku takhasusay daacayadda kuwaas oo balaayiin Dollar ku qaatay in Sacuudiga laga dhigo dal isbadal ku socdo. Intii uu Mareykanka joogay, waxaa uu madaxweyne Trump siiyay waxa uu rabay oo ahaa 12.5 Bilyan oo heshiis xagga hubka ah, dhinaca kale waxaa uu gatay barnaamijyo Telefishin, bogag wargeysyo iyo shakhsiyaad difaaco aragtiga cusub ee Sacuudiga iyo Bin Salmaan, waxaa kale uu ka faa’ideysay naceybka Mareykanka ee Iran. Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Trump waxaa uu marar badan sheegay in uu ka baxayo heshiiska Niculeirka ee lala galay Iran halka Maxamed Bin Salmaan uu heshiiskan ugu yeeray mid khiyaano ah, kuna dhiiri-geliyay Trump inuu ka baxo. Maxamed Bin Salmaan waxaa uu rumeysan yahay in Iran aaney awood ku gaarin Sacuudiga xagga hubka iyo dhaqaalaha balse ay ka adag tahay in ay gobolka qasto, waxaa uu Iran ku eedeeyay in ay xaalad banii’adnimo ka sameynsay Yeman taasi ay ka dhalatay taageerada ay siiso Xuutiyiinta, isaga oo Aayatulahi Khumeini ugu yeeray Hitler-ka cusub, waxaa kale oo Iran ku eedeeyay in uu joogo wiilla Bin Ladin kaas oo hadda madax ka ah howl-gallada Al-qaa’ida dunida ka fuliso. Hadaba, falan-qeeyeyaasha caalamka, waxaa ay weli jawaab u raadinayaan Kadib Booqashada Ingiriiska iyo Mareykanka ..Bin Salmaan Ma Noqon-doonaa Ninkii Reer Galbeedka?
  12. Amiirka dalka Qatar Tamiim Bin Xamad, ayaa dhawaan u soo magacaabay Soomaaliya Safiir Sare oo magaciisa la yiraahdo Xasan Xamse Asad Haashim. Waana siyaasi aysan Soomaalidu horay u aqoon. Ka hor inta aynaan u galin fallanqeynta waxa arinkani ka dhiganyahay,aan aqristayaasha la wadaaggo marka hore, waa maxay Ergay Sare ” Ambassador Extraordinary? Ergay Sare waa safiir leh awood dheeraad ah, marka loo fiiriyo safiirada caadiga ah ee diblumaasiyadda. Wuxuuna qaadan karaa go’aanno qarankiisa dan u ah, isaga oo markaasi kala talinaya madaxda dalkiisa danaha dalka loo diray. Wuxuuna leeyahay xasaanad buuxda. Sannadkii 1815 ayaa shir ka dhacay dalka Austria gaar ahaan caasimadiisa Vienna, lagu kala saaray darajooyinka diblumaasiyadeed, loo a go’aamiyana in la sameeyo Safiir Sare oo ka mug weyn kan caadiga ah ee la yaqaano. Haddaba,tilaabadani maxay ka dhigantahay? Waxaan oran karaa dalka Qatar in uu Soomaaliya u arkay in uu yahay dal muhiim ah, loona baahanyahay in siyaasaddiisa si dhow loo darso, hardanka iminka jirana kaalin buuxda laga galo. Intaas ka sakow, Soomaaliya in ay tahay dhul dihin, misana meel istiraatiiji ah. Waa goobta 7-da baddood ee dunida laga xukumo sida uu yiri “Alfred Thayer Mahan” oo ahaa khabiir Maraykan ah oo ku xeel-dheeraa Istiraatiijiyadda,dhintayna 1914-kii. Wuxuuna yiri “qofkii bad weynta India hanta, dhammaan baddaha dunida inteeda kale isaga ayaa ka arimiya”. Tartanka qaawan ee iminka socda ee u dhaxeeya dunida, si dekedo iyo marin baddeedyo loo helo waxay daba socotaa istiraatijiyadaas fog. Qatar waxay si fiican ugu kuur-gashay in Soomaaliya aysan ahayn dal sabool ah, dadkiisu ku hardamayo siyaasad aan meel fog sii jirin, balse ay tahay: dhuuntii qaaradda Afrika, ubucdii saamayn lahayd siyaasadda Geeska Afrika oo dhan, loona baahanyahay in cududda Soomaaliya laga faa’iidaysto xilligaan muhiimka ah. Maxaa xilligan ku soo beegay? Sida aynu wada ogsoonahayba maalmahaan dambe waxaa jiray khilaaf xooggan oo golayaasha dowladda federalka ah ka dhex-aloosnaa, gaar ahaan guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka iyo raysul wasaaraha, waxaana laysku qabtay arimaha heshiisyada qalaad oo ay ka mid yihiin dekedaha,iyo khilaafyo kaloo soo jiitamayay. Magacaabidda Safiirkaan Sarena waxay ka dhigantahay in labada dhinac ee is-haya la rabo midkood in si dhaqsa ah loo tuuro, waxayna ku xirantahay awoodaha la isticmaalo. Waxay sidoo kale ka dhigantahay in Qatar wixii hadda ka dambeeya ay faraha kula jiri doonto siyaasadda Soomaaliya, si weliba bareer ah; maadaama istiraatijiyadeedu dhinaca Amniga Soomaaliya ku xirantahay. Madaxda dalka maxaa la gudboon? Mar hadday noo muuqatay muhiimadda dalkeenu leeyahay, waxaa loo baahanyahay in aan qaadano siyaasadda loo yaqaan”dhex dhexaadnimada waxtarka leh” waa tan inta badan Saldanada Cumaan ku dhaqanto,Turkigana uu Wasiirkeedii hore ee Arimaha Dibadda ” Ahmed Daa’uud Oqlow” uu ka dhigay mid ka mida tiirarka afarta ah ee lagu hago siyaasadooda arimaha dibadda. Waxa loo yaqaan cadow yaraynta ama dhimista ” Hatred of hostilities” Siyaasaddaasi oo ysa ka dambeysa sababbaha Qatar ay Suudaan u dhistay Dekedda Buurta Suudaan, Imaaraatkuna isbuucii la soo dhaafay ku shubay Bank-ga dhexe ee Suudaan lacag dhan $1.4 bilyann oo deyn ah si loo kabo dhaqaalaha dalka Suudaan, si sarifka lacagta qalaadna loo xakameeyo. Madaxweyne Cumar Al-Bashiir,oo booqasho ku tagay magaalad Qaahira, ee Masar, waa siyaasadda “Aldaabka furan”. Haddaba maxaa Soomaaliya rakhiis ka dhigay? maynu dhammaan gacmaha u furno,inagoo ilaashanayna danaheena guud, Maxaa golayaashii dowladda ula kala safanyihiin dalal dharag la daala-dhacaya meesha shilimaad yar nalagu bixinayo si aan astaamihii qaranka u burburino. ,Allow yaa Villa Soomaaliya taladaas iga gaarsiiya! Gunnaanadkii, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in aynu ogaano in diblumaasiyadda dunidu ku dhisantahay sinnaan,dhinacyaduna si isku mid ah u dirsadaan ergooyinkooda matalaya. Wasaaradda Arimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya waxaa looga baahanyahay in Safiir Sidaas oo kale ah kula taliso in madaxweynuhu u ergeeyo dalka Qatar,isla mar ahaantaana Qatar ay ka qayb qaadataa dhisidda kaabayaasha dhaqaale ee Soomaaliya, labada shacabna is dhex-maraan. W axaa xusid mudan in Safaaradda Turkiga ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed siiso dal-ku-gal, meesha safaaradda Imaaraatku iyo tan Qatarba ayan dal-ku-gal siin Soomaalida, waana arin baal-marsan sinnaanta matalaadda diblumaasiyadeed. Goormaynu garan doonnaa micnaha uu dalkeenu ku fadhiyo. Wasiir Cabdifitaax Nuur (Ashkir) Garoowe, Puntland, Soomaaliya
  13. Taipei (Caasimada Online) – Nin u dhashay dalka Taiwan ayaa dhowaan furay xaaskiisa ka dib markii uu ogaaday inay sannadkiiba hal jeer meyrato. Ninkaan oo aan la magac dhabin ayaa xaaskiisa oo ku caan ah naaneysta Lin ku furay Maxkamadda New Taipei City District Court, maadaama qubeys la’aanteedu ay sababtay in aysan wax caruur u dhalin muddo 10 sanno ah oo ay labadoodu isqabeen. Lin ayaa sidoo kale lagu eedeeyey in aysan dhaqin timaheeda ama aysan caddaysan ilkaheeda. Nafaafadda Lin ayaa noqotay mid su’aal laga keeni karo maadaama ay Isbuuciiba mar qubeysan jirtay markii ay la haasaaweysay seygeeda. Sidoo kale nolosha lammaanahaan ayey arrintaani saameyn ku yeelatay, maadaama ay sannadkiiba keliya hal jeer galmo sameeyaan, taasoo malaha sabab u ah caruur la’aanta heysata inkastoo ay muddo dheer isqabaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Taipei
  14. The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) ministers who met in Nairobi to review progress in the implementation of a regional pact on finding durable solution to the refugee crisis in Somalia vowed to mobilize resources and political capital to realize that goal. Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Internal Security Fred Matiangi stressed that robust financing, partnerships and political goodwill is key to sustaining progress achieved in reducing the suffering of an estimated 900,000 Somalia refugees scattered in the region. “I’m confident that with concerted relentless efforts, we will eventually meet all our pledges and ultimately deliver our promise for durable solution to Somali refugees,” said Matiangi in a speech read on his behalf by the Chief Administrative Secretary in the Interior Ministry Patrick Ole Ntutu. The security ministers were joined by representatives of UN and multilateral lending agencies to review progress in the implementation of Nairobi Declaration and Action Plan adopted by Heads of State from the region in March last year to find long-term solution to refugee crisis in Somalia Matiangi hailed progress that has been achieved since the adoption of the regional pact to end the refugee challenge in Somalia that has worsened against a backdrop of clan based skirmishes, terrorism and climatic shocks. “It is gratifying to note that remarkable progress has been registered over the past one year towards realization of the objectives of the Nairobi Declaration and comprehensive plan of Action,” Matiangi said. “We commend the Federal Government of Somalia for measures taken to create conditions for safe, sustainable and voluntary return of refugees,” he added. Matiangi noted that restoration of civil authority, economic recovery reconciliation and response to natural disasters has improved the plight of Somalia refugees. He reiterated Kenya’s commitment to transforming the lives of an estimated 450,000 Somalia refugees living in the country through provision of basic education, health, vocational skills and employment. Pan African blocs have rallied behind home-grown solution to Somalia refugee crisis that has undermined stability and development in a significant portion of the continent. Mahboub Maalim, the Executive Secretary of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), noted that a holistic approach that combines humanitarian aid, provision of social services and security has enhanced the capacity of Somalia refugees to rebuild their lives. Source: – xinhuanet
  15. Patrick Stein, Gavin Wright and Curtis Allen were arrested and charged in connection with a FBI domestic terrorism sting that wrapped up a few weeks ahead of the 2016 presidential election. They’ll be on trial in a quiet federal courthouse in downtown Wichita over the next six weeks. The federal government says they intended to slaughter Muslim refugees living in an apartment complex in Garden City, Kansas, whom they considered “cockroaches” and a threat to the United States. The trio allegedly planned their attack for the day after the election because they didn’t want to hurt President Donald Trump’s chances of victory. There were only a handful of African-Americans in the jury pool called to the federal courthouse. Just one black individual, the daughter of refugees from Eritrea, made the final panel of 40 potential jurors. But she was ultimately struck from the jury ― almost certainly by the defense attorneys, who had questioned the woman about whether she could be fair to a group of defendants who thought refugees needed to be exterminated and referred to President Barack Obama as the “nigger in the White House.” Gebilet, whom HuffPost agreed to identify by her first name only, said in an interview afterward that she considered it a blessing that she had been summoned in the first place. “The immigrant community here is so small, to even have been selected is an honor,” she said. She suggested that the defense attorneys probably decided just from her name and her appearance that they didn’t want her as a juror. And she wasn’t surprised by the ultimate makeup of the jury. “Generally, minorities are not picked,” Gebilet said. “It’s a real shame that that happened,” she said, but she still has faith in the jury process in this case. The lack of black representation on the jury is especially stark because it adds to the probable dearth of black voices in the courtroom. The judge has ruled that none of the potential victims of the plot will be allowed to testify during the trial, since they only knew about the planned attack because the government told them about it. The apartment complex the trio allegedly targeted is more than 200 miles away, so it’s unlikely many members of that community will be present in the courtroom either. The final jury, including four alternates, is made up of eight men and eight women. It includes one woman who described herself as half-native American. That group was narrowed down from an initial 600 people who received jury questionnaires. The attorneys on both sides ultimately qualified just over 100 potential jurors after probing them extensively about their views on a wide range of issues over the course of two days. African-American jurors faced questions about their ability to give three racists a fair trial, especially given the fact that the defendants had repeatedly used the n-word. “It’s a part of life, it always has been,” one woman, a customer services manager, said of the slur. “It’s something that you have to move past.” “I’m almost 60 years old, I’ve been hearing that all my life,” said another woman. Yet another woman said she wouldn’t be able to get past the language and she was dismissed from the panel. A number of potential jurors were excused for other reasons, including a former deputy sheriff dismissed because his ex-girlfriend used to date one of the defendants, Patrick Stein. Also, a man who said that the allegations made his “blood boil” and that the defendants were “guilty until proven innocent.” A woman who, upon hearing the term “weapon of mass destruction,” thought of her uncle who was killed in the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. A woman who used to live in the apartment complex targeted and got to know the families there. One man described himself on his jury questionnaire as a “Western chauvinist” and complained about refugees moving into neighborhoods. He said he’d seen a lot of the world and was convinced that America was the best and he didn’t want to live anywhere else. “I am 100 percent for America all the time,” he told the attorneys. “I’m very unapologetic about it.” He later said he wasn’t offended by those who called another human being a cockroach or a whole group of people an infestation. It was just a way of describing a group of people who have “overrun” an area, he said. He also objected to labeling Trump’s travel ban as a “Muslim ban.” “It’s not a Muslim ban, that’s just what they put out there,” he said, but he insisted religion wasn’t really the focus of Trump’s effort. He didn’t make the final jury. Assistant U.S. Attorney Anthony Mattivi, a Kansas-based prosecutor with a high-and-tight haircut and an affinity for American flag socks, is leading the prosecution of the case alongside two attorneys from the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division based out of the nation’s capital. Mattivi made sure the potential jurors knew he wasn’t an out-of-towner. “My office is in Topeka, and I live in Topeka with my family,” he told one group. Mattivi also told the jurors that it was his job to make sure the trial was fair. He asked whether there was anyone who believed the government had no role in protecting civil rights. He asked if anyone had been bullied before. He asked them about their views on immigration and whether they thought the government should take religion into account when deciding who was admitted to the U.S. He asked what American values meant to them. Many of the potential jurors with the most interesting views didn’t make the cut. The final jury does include a woman who had great concerns about immigration policy, a strong Second Amendment supporter with a Muslim friend, a man with a son-in-law who just immigrated to the United States, another Second Amendment supporter who advocated for gun rights on Facebook but said he’s not a fanatic, and a man who wrote his congressman recently hoping to do something about AR-15s. Source: – huffingtonpost
  16. A total of thirty personnel from the Somali security forces, drawn from across the country, concluded a three-day capacity building workshop on child protection, in the capital Mogadishu, on Thursday. The training organized by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and supported by the British Embassy in Somalia, sensitized the local security forces on the perils of engaging children in armed conflict and ways of preventing their recruitment and use in armed conflict. “This training is important because you have been equipped with the skills that will enable you execute a very important function of protecting the children in this very noble republic of Somalia,” Mr. Simon Mulongo, the Deputy Head of AMISOM, told participants at the workshop. Flanked by the Director General of the Federal Ministry of Defence Mr. Sonkor Jama Geyre, the Secretary of the Parliamentary Defense Committee Sidiq Warfa, and British Embassy officials, Mr. Mulongo emphasized the importance of creating a safe and secure environment for children, whom he stressed, were the next generation of leaders. “Therefore, the question of protecting children and ensuring that they grow in a safe, secure and productive environment becomes our noble responsibility both as parents and as leaders of our communities,” he said, noting that “no country can have hope in the future unless the children are properly nourished and brought up.” The trainees will be tasked to carry out child protection sensitization programmes in their areas of operations. The training provided participants with a platform to engage with their trainers and discourse on the impact of armed conflict on children in war, the roles and responsibilities of the Somali Security Sector in curtailing the menace. A participant, Fatuma Mohamed Abdikadir, said she would use the knowledge she had acquired from the workshop to sensitize her peers in the security sector. “Armed militia usually use children as soldiers, especially girls who are mostly used as spies or for other purposes. They are made to wear civilian clothes, infiltrate and gather information,” said Fatuma. Another participant, Mohamed Ali Galabey, said the training helped him understand better the negative impact of using children in armed conflict. “I will spread the word far and wide to create awareness on the dangers of using children as soldiers once I return to my sector so that the abuse and violation of the rights of the children are minimized or stopped completely,” he stated. There is little research on the actual numbers of child soldiers in Somalia, although there is widespread use of children in armed conflict by militia gangs and terror group Al-Shabaab. AMISOM has been collaborating with the Federal Government of Somalia and the Somali security forces, to end the use of children in armed conflict. Source: – AMISOM
  17. Said Adan Ali, 64, grew up herding the family’s livestock and had spent his entire life as a nomadic pastoralist until he took up fishing along the Berbera coast in Somaliland at the end of last year. Changing circumstances due to prolonged and perennial drought forced him to change from his culturally proud lifestyle and turn to the sea. He is glad he made the move. “There is nothing now in the rural areas, the livestock are killed by the drought every year,” Said declared. All of Said’s family livestock died in the drought. By July, he had decided to give up the nomadic way of life and to leave his family in Mandera, 100 km west of Berbera, while he looked for a different way of earning a living. He worked as a porter at Berbera port for a while, but then joined some relatives who had already been attracted into fishing. They taught him everything he needed to know in just 10 days. “We earn more than we used to get from livestock,” Said told Radio Ergo. “I would have come to the coast earlier on if I knew fishing was more productive than the pastoralism life. We don’t need big investments to start fishing and it takes no time at all to make a profit.” When other fishermen finish their day’s work, Said works overtime to cover his family’s needs. He earns around 100 Somaliland shillings a day ($10). He hopes to bring his family to Berbera in the next two months to enroll his children in a local school. Income from his fishing has already enabled his family to set up a new stall in Mandera, selling small items. Three of his older children now attend school in the village. Fadhi, another pastoralist for over 30 years, told Radio Ergo he found fishing much easier than livestock keeping. Some days he sends fish to his family back home. These families never used to eat fish, as the prices are high and it is usually hard to find fish in the rural areas. All the new fishermen Radio Ergo interviewed said that they are happy to be working in fishing and did not miss their previous way of life. According to the coordinator of the ministry of fishing in Sahil region (previously North-western region), Ismail Mohamed, 270 men, who lost their livestock in the prolonged drought, have turned to fishing in Berbera in the past two months. They come from Mandera, Lasidle Abdaal, Ma’aneye, Lafarug and Gololey in Togdheer and Sahil regions. Their arrival brings the number of fishermen in Berbera to 2,500. The Somaliland ministry of fishing donated 50 nets and fishing equipment to the new fishermen, funded by the European Union. The first pastoralists to arrive at the coast last August were given priority. The ministry of fishing does not tax their income and there are no license requirements. Fadhi Mohamed and his family of eight also suffered the effects of drought in the rural area of Lafarug, 85 km west of Berbera. Only 50 of his herd of 200 goats survived the drought. Fadhi decided to come to the coast to fish, leaving his family to tend for the remaining skinny goats nobody wanted to buy. A relative working on the Berbera coast for 12 years trained him in fishing skills in October. Fadhi told Radio Ergo he is planning to sell off his goats as soon as he can get a buyer to buy a small boat. He aims to earn enough income to become independent of his relatives. Radio Ergo
  18. At the height of Somalia’s 2011 famine, Madow Mohamed had to leave her crippled five-year-old son Abdirahman by the side of the road to lead her eight other starving children toward help. When she returned to search for him, she found only a grave. He was among the 260,000 Somalis who perished. “You can never forget leaving your child to die,” she says, wiping away tears at the memory seven years later. “It is a hell that does not end.” This time, the drought has been harsher. Three seasons of rains have failed, instead of two. But none of Mohamed’s other children have died – and the overall death toll, although unknown, is far lower. The United Nations has documented just over 1,000 deaths, mostly from drinking dirty water. Why? Earlier donor intervention, less interference by a weakened Islamist insurgency, a stronger Somali government and greater access for aid workers have been crucial. Another reason is that aid agencies are shifting from giving out food to cash – a less wasteful form of aid that donors such as Canada, Europe and Australia have embraced, although the United States still has restrictions on food aid. The U.S. Congress will debate a move toward cash-based aid this year when lawmakers vote on a new Farm Bill. Christopher Barrett, an expert on food aid at Cornell University, is one of many scholars, politicians and aid agencies demanding reform. “A conservative estimate is that we sacrifice roughly 40,000 children’s lives annually because of antiquated food aid policies,” he told Congress in November. FROM FOOD TO CASH In 2011, a few donors gave out cash in Somalia, but the World Food Programme only gave out food. It was often hijacked by warlords or pirates, or rotted under tarpaulins as trucks sat at roadblocks. Starving families had to trek for days through the desert to reach distribution points. Their route became so littered with children’s corpses it was called “the Road of Death”. Now, more than 70 percent of WFP aid in Somalia is cash, much of it distributed via mobile phones. More than 50 other charities are also giving out cash: each month Mohamed receives $65 from the Italian aid group Coopi to spend as she wants: milk, medicine, food or school fees. Cash has many advantages over food aid if markets are functioning. It’s invisible, so less likely to be stolen. It’s mobile so families can move or stay put. WFP said it gave out $134 million directly to Somali families to spend at local shops last year. “We … basically gave confidence to the market to stay active,” said Laurent Bukera, head of WFP Somalia. And money is more efficient than bags of food: in Somalia, cash aid means 80 cents in every $1 goes directly to the family, rather than 60 cents from food aid, said Calum McLean, the cash expert at the European Union’s humanitarian aid department. Cash might have saved little Abdirahman. “I could have stayed in my village if I had had cash. There was some food in the markets. It was expensive, but if you had money, there was food to buy,” Mohamed said sadly. GLOBAL SHIFT Aid groups have been experimenting with cash for two decades but McLean says the idea took off five years ago as the Syrian civil war propelled millions of refugees into countries with solid banking systems. Donors have adapted. Six years ago, five percent of the EU’s humanitarian aid budget was cash distributions. Today, it is more than a third. Most of the initial cost lies in setting up the database and the distribution system. After that, adding more recipients is cheap, McLean said. Amounts can be easily adjusted depending on the level of need or funding. “Cash distributions also becomes cheaper the larger scale you do it,” he said. Most U.S. international food assistance is delivered by USAID’s Food for Peace Office, which had a budget of $3.6 billion in 2017. Just under half those funds came through U.S. Farm Bill Title II appropriations, which stipulate that most food must be bought from American farmers. The U.S. Cargo Preference Act requires that half of this be shipped on U.S.-flagged vessels. Despite these restrictions, Food for Peace increased cash and voucher programs from 3 percent of the budget in 2011 to 20 percent last year. But sourcing food aid in the United States is expensive and wasteful, said Barrett, who oversaw a study that found buying grain close to an emergency was half the price and 14 weeks faster. Arguments that food aid supported U.S. farmers or mariners were largely false, he said. HOW IT WORKS Aid groups use different systems to distribute cash, but most assess families, then register them in a biometric database, usually via fingerprints. Cash is distributed using bank cards or mobile phones or as vouchers. Some charities place no restrictions on the cash; others, like WFP, stipulate it can only be spent at certain shops with registered shopkeepers. In Dollow, the dusty town on the Ethiopian border where Mohamed lives with her surviving children, families say the cash has transformed their lives. Gacalo Aden Hashi, a young mother whose name means “sweetheart”, remembers trudging past two dead children in 2011 on her way to get help. A third was alive but dying, she said, and her weakened family had to press on. When she arrived at the camp, men were stealing food aid to give to their families, she said. “Men were punching each other in line every time at food distributions,” she said. “Sometimes you would be sitting and suddenly your food would be taken by some strong young man.” Now, she says, no one can steal her money – Coopi uses a system that requires a PIN to withdraw money. Most of her cash goes on food but with a group of other women she saved enough to open a small stall. “The cash may end, but this business will not,” she said. PROBLEMS PERSIST Cash won’t work everywhere. In South Sudan, where famine briefly hit two counties last year, the civil war shut markets, forcing aid agencies to bring in food by plane and truck. Sending cash to areas hit by earthquakes would drive up prices. But in a drought, where livelihoods have collapsed but infrastructure is intact, cash transfers are ideal, experts say. Some problems remain. There’s often little co-ordination among donors – for instance, there are seven separate databases in Somalia, said McLean, and monthly stipends can vary widely. In Uganda, authorities are investigating reports of fraud after the government used its own biometric registration system for refugees. And if there’s no clean water or health service available, then refugees can’t spend money buying water or medicine. But most scholars agree that switching to more cash aid would save more lives, a 2016 briefing paper by the Congressional Research Service concluded. (Additional reporting by George Obulutsa; Writing by Katharine Houreld; Editing by Giles Elgood). Source: Reuters
  19. A budding dispute over plans to develop a port in Somaliland risks destabilizing the Horn of Africa region, the semi-autonomous territory’s foreign minister said. Saad Ali Shire’s comments raise the stakes in a standoff between Somaliland and Somalia, which this month declared the planned harbor illegal. The impasse could also jeopardize Ethiopia’s bid to reduce its reliance on neighboring Djibouti as its main trade route through the Red Sea and the United Arab Emirates’ plans to extend its military influence in the region. DP World Ltd., Dubai’s state-owned port operator, won a 30-year concession in 2016 for the port at Berbera on Somaliland’s coast, which will cost as much as $442 million. Ethiopia’s government took a 19 percent stake in the project. Somalia, which doesn’t recognize Somaliland’s 1991 declaration of autonomy, dismissed the deal as “non-existent, null and void.” “If Somalia decides to invade Somaliland” over the development of the port, “then we will have the right to defend our territory,” Shire said in a phone interview from Abu Dhabi on March 17, where he was part of a Somaliland delegation meeting Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan, the U.A.E.’s deputy prime minister. “That confrontation of course will not be limited to us.” U.A.E. Bases Berbera, which will host a U.A.E. military airport and naval base, is located on the Gulf of Aden, 260 kilometers (162 miles) south of Yemen, where U.A.E. troops in a Saudi Arabia-led coalition are battling Houthi rebels. The naval base is expected to be completed in June, according to Shire, who said he couldn’t comment on when the U.A.E. navy will start using it. Abdulla Darwish, managing director of Sharjah-based Divers Marine Contracting LLC, which is constructing the base, didn’t respond to two requests for comment sent to his mobile phone. U.A.E. Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahyan and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn agreed to work together on security in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East in March 7 talks in the capital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s ruling party-funded Fana Broadcasting Corp. reported. Shire told reporters in Dubai on Monday that Ethiopia’s acquisition of a stake in the port was “a symbol of recognition.” Somaliland’s declaration of autonomy from Somalia, which took place amid a civil war, has yet to be recognized by any other nation. The stake is “not related to sovereignty or recognition of Somaliland,” Ethiopian Transport Minister Ahmed Shide said by phone on Tuesday. He also played down the possibility of any conflict over the harbor, as “the parties will eventually understand this is about economic development.” An agreement for the U.A.E. to train Somaliland’s police and security forces is being finalized, according to Shire, who declined to comment on how many personnel will receive training or the character of the training. Hamza Mohamed, a consultant to the Somaliland police’s special-protection and rapid-response units, said Somaliland’s police commander was part of the delegation that traveled to Abu Dhabi and discussed police training with senior U.A.E. police commanders. Abdisaid Ali, national security adviser to Somalia’s president, Nafisa Santur, senior political adviser to the prime minister, and Liban Osman Abdirahman, a member of Somalia’s parliamentary defense committee, each didn’t respond to three emails requesting comment. Arms Embargo The U.A.E. has also been building a military base in Eritrea, United Nations investigators said in a Nov. 8 report to the UN Security Council. The bases violate arms embargoes on Somalia and Eritrea, the investigators said. “As far as coordination the work between the base in Eritrea and the base in Somaliland, that’s a matter for the U.A.E.,” Shire said. Eritrean Information Minister Yemane Gebremeskel didn’t respond to two emails seeking comment. Planned talks between Somaliland and Somalia, including on the “final status” of their relationship are on hold because “there’s no point sitting across the table in this sort of atmosphere,” Shire said. — With assistance by Zainab Fattah Bloomberg
  20. Paris (PP) ─ ABooliis hubeysan ayaa dilay nin looga shakisan yahay inuu saddex qof ku toogtay koofurta Faransiiska. Ninka hubeysan ayaa afduubtay gaari, kaddibna ula dhaqaaqay supermarket ku yaalla magaalada Trèbes. Ninkan, oo lagu sheegay 26-jir lagu magacaabo Redouane Lakdim, ayaa sheegtay inuu ka tirsan yahay kooxda isku magacawday Dowladda Islaamiga ah. Waxaa la rumeysan yahay inuu saddex meelood ku dilay kuna dhaawacay dad. Waxaa la sheegay inuu aad u hubeysnaa uuna dalbanayay sii deynta Salah Abdeslam, oo ah nin looga shakisan yahay inuu ka dambeeyay weerarradii 13-kii November 2015 ka dhacay magaalada Paris, kaas oo ay ku dhinteen 130 qof. Warbaahinta Faransiiska ayaa sheegaya in ninka uu markii hore xabbado ku furay booliis, isagoo mid ka mid ah dhaawacay balse xaaladdiisu aysan khatar ahayn. Dacwad-ooge ayaa sheegay in ninka hubeysan uu sheegtay inuu ka tirsan yahay Kooxda isku magacawday Dowladda Islaamka. Bishii January sanadkii 2015 nin hubeysan ayaa afar qof ku dilay supermarket ku yaalla Paris. Boqollaal saraakiil booliis ah ayaa goobta la geeyay, iyadoo waddooyinka galena la xiray. Xigasho: BBC PUNTLAND POST The post Booliiska France oo toogtay nin dad ku dhex dilay dukaan laga adeegto – Super-market appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. A drilling rig in the Miran block in Iraqi Kurdistan co-owned by Genel Energy and Heritage Oil. Genel may start drilling in Somaliland next year, it said. Sebastian Meye/Corbis LONDON (Reuters) – Kurdistan-focused Genel Energy (GENL.L) might start drilling in Somaliland next year, Chief Executive Murat Ozgul said on Thursday, as the group reported 2017 results broadly in line with expectations. “For the long term, I really like (our) Somaliland exploration assets. It’s giving me a sense of Kurdistan 15 years ago,” Ozgul said in a phone interview. “In 2019 we may be (starting) the drilling activities.” Chief Financial Officer Esa Ikaheimonen said Genel will focus spending money from its $162 million cash pile on its existing assets in Kurdistan but added: “You might see us finding opportunities… somewhere outside Kurdistan.”
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Iyadoo ay dowlada Somalia ku taameyso in sanada 2010 uu dalka ka dhaco doorasho xor ah, ayaa waxaa arrintaas ka hadashay Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Madaxa bannaan ee doorashooyinka Qaranka Somalia. Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Madaxa bannaan ee doorashooyinka Xaliimo yareey, ayaa sheegtay inay aad ugu kalsoonyihiin ka Guddi ahaan shaqada ay qabteen. Xaliimo yareey, waxa ay sheegtay in wixii hadda ka horreeyay aysan jirin wax dhaqaajiyo ama sameeyo daba gal, balse haatan ay dhisan yihiin Tiirarkii loo baahnaa maaddaama howshan ay iyaga u taallo. Xaliimo yareey, waxa ay tilmaantay inay kalsooni ku qabto qaabka ay u dhicikarto doorashada dalka sanada 2010, waxa ayna cadeysay in laga soo jeestay howlaha ugu badan ee lagu qabankaro doorashada. Xaliimo yareey oo u warramaysay Laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee VOA-da ayaa intaa ku dartay in dhaqaalo dhan ka badan $129 Million oo doollar ah ay ku bixi doonto qabashada doorashada la qorsheynayo inay ka dhacdo Soomaaliya Sannadka 2020. Xaliimo yareey, waxa ay intaa raacisay in doorashada ay noqon doonto Hal Qof iyo Hal Cod, iyadoo nidaamka doorashada nooca uu yahay lagu qeexi doonaa shirka 28-ka Maarso la filayo inuu ka dhaco Magaalada baydhabo. Dhinaca kale,Guddoomiye Xaliimo ayaa sheegtay inay ka qayb qaadan doonto cid kasta oo Soomaali ah oo buuxisa sharuudaha loo baahan yahay, xaqna u leh inuu wax doorto, waxayna intaa raacisay inay haatan ku gudo jiraan diyaarinta qaabka ay noqonaysao doorashada, taasoo ay la wadaagi doonaan Madaxda Dalka Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  23. Almost 28 years ago, Somaliland had declared its independence from Somalia following a brutal civil war and the collapse of the Siad Barre regime in Somalia. Since then, the country went through five elections and five presidents, and every one of them had promised to secure international recognition for the breakaway region. Somalilanders have heard about countless meetings that were conducted with external actors including the government of Somalia. Unfortunately, no tangible outcome materialized from those meetings and no details or reports were released rendering the analysis of the failures near impossible. It is about time that Somaliland attempts a different method and take a play from Israel’s playbook. In November 2012, a resolution was voted upon in the general assembly to recognize Palestine as a state; 193 nations voted in that resolution with only nine states voting against it. Among those nine nations were Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau,and Nauru. These tiny pacific islands voted for the state of Israel in United Nations assembly defying the economical threats of the Arab countries despite none of these countries having a jewish population. How did a tiny nation like Israel convince these far away small islands to vote alongside them? This achievement is due to Israel adapting Mashav which is a strategy centered on aiding smaller nations to build good well. It is about time that Somaliland adapts similar strategies to obtain the elusive international recognition. Even though Somaliland is not a rich country, it has a huge strategic geopolitical location as a trade gateway to Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi for a total potential market of 186 million people. Furthermore, Somaliland could offer assistance to these island nations which are facing climate change challenges. The total population of these islands is about 173,202 thus lending assistance would not be very difficult. Somaliland could even go as far as promising dual citizenship to the likes of Nauru with a population of 13,049 as a contingency for the rising seas. Thinking outside the box is becoming an imperative. Therefore, a new think tank comprising Somaliland’s elite need to draw a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely) roadmap to overcome the current stagnation. Maxamed A. X. Dado CIS, MIS, MBA H. Abdi Dado Investments General Director Cell: 615-602-3531
  24. By Ahmed Abdi Gabiley— Somaliland authority laid the foundation stone of six new buildings in Gabiley on Thursday, state media reports. The new buildings will be used as a school, Police station, market and firefighting, said the municipality of Gabiley. The local government, district administration and Police commissioners say these six projects will contribute the development of the region. The municipality thanked the taxpayers for being part of the developmental projects being implemented by the government of President Muse Bihi Abdi.