Deeq A.

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  1. Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta 27 december 2017 waxaa uu kulan laqaatay xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Gaalkacayo. Kulanka uu Madaxwaynuhu Laqaatay Golaha Deeganka degmada Gaalkacayo ayaa waxaa ku wehelinaayay mas”uuliyiin katirsan golayaasha Dawldda Puntland iyo saraakiil katirsan madaxtooyada Puntland, waxaana kulanka lagaga wada hadlay arimo ay kamid ahaayeen dardargelinta mashaaricaha horumarineed ee Dawladdu kawado magaalada Gaalkacayo iyo wanaajinta xidhiidhka wada shaqayneed ee u dhexeeya xildhibaanada golaha deegaanka . Madaxwaynaha ayaa xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Gaalkacayo waxaa uu ku booriyay in ay kawada shaqeeyaan sidii ay magaalada Gaalkacayo hor”umar balaadhan ugaar siin lahaaye si ay ula jaanqaado magaalooyinka dhigeeda ah. Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa waxaa uu ugu baaqay in dhammaan xildhibaanadu ay u istaagaan sidii ay waxbadan looga qaban lahaa horumarka, nabadgelyada, iyo bilicda magaalada Gaalkacayo. Ugu danbayn Madaxwaynha Dawlada Puntland ayaa waxaa uu kula dardaarmay guud ahaan shacab iyo Dawladd in laga wada qayb qaato horu”marka iyo nabad gelyada magaalada Gaalkacayo. -DHAMMAAD- XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland oo Kulan Laqaatay xubnaha Golaha Deegaanka Gaalkacayo appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Young Somalilander during June elections with flag (©Claudia Simoes/Progressio) Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland:I haven’t switched back to Kulmiye, but I would be foolish to hide (or attempt to deny) both my personal glee, and the general public’s optimism since the recent 2017 Presidential Election in Republic of Somaliland. Like many who fought for over a decade for change, I was hoodwinked by former President HE. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silanyo)’s Kulmiye administration. I wasn’t alone in this feeling of disappointment, it was a feeling I shared with the majority of those that held Kulmiye’s founding values close to heart. For whatever reason that HE. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo failed to live up to the very high expectations we had of him, we must acknowledge there were critical missteps that tarnished Kulmiye’s reputation that needed to be resolved. The previous administration immediately got in bed with big business, and played to tribal affiliations. It strengthened its core political alliance to the detriment of our collective nationalism, social cohesion, and even deeply divided the nation to the point of collective apathy. While their many positive accomplishments are truly commendable and noteworthy; it would be too convenient, partisan and foolhardy to deny the negatives that plagued the nation as a result of mismanagement by those that took advantage of a weakened leadership. The previous administration has left a mixed legacy that will continue to be debated for years. It’s been less than two weeks, but HE. President Musa Behi Abdi has already removed his primary/biggest donor from his inner circle, gotten rid of all the stragglers in the Presidency, is giving real direction (with help he isn’t shy to receive or ask for) to his newly formed and announced Cabinet, took Caaqil and Sultan’s (poisonous) potency and influence away by selecting his cabinet without their input (slowly cutting the head off the snake), is deeply searching the country in pursuit of competent DGs from our local pool of talent (to be hired based on ability and merit), humbled the much-needed-to-be-humbled Professor Samatar, Jamal Ali Hussein and Mohamed Bile by teaching them a crucial political lesson (they have to invest more heavily in Somaliland’s development first – on all levels – before aspiring to higher personal goals and positions), made peace with both opposition parties (and openly stated he can’t do it without them, a healthy constructive opposition), given an opportunity to Somalilanders by hiring some of the best talent from within Somaliland’s existing civil service for key positions, gotten rid of the old Kulmiye politicians which are remnants of the Silanyo era of compromise (even though they campaigned heavily for him, are still trying to remain relevant through awkward press statements), kept the best talent (current Foreign Minister Hon. Saad Ali Shire, etc) from the previous administration, demanded discipline from the highest branches of our armed forces, is actively seeking out information (through Auditor General) on illegal contracts of previous admins for close scrutiny (and possible cancellation, or renegotiation) including UAE’s Berbera military base, encouraging/empowering the young talent at Somaliland Civil Service to conduct a full HR Audit of civil servants without the fear of tribal interference, instructing his cabinet to strictly adhere to the NDPII (Somaliland National Development Plan 2), delivering compelling and inspirational speeches without the aid of his assistant or reading from paper, etc… and the list goes on. Why wouldn’t anyone be happy to see these welcome developments? These actions should instill pride in those that represent any one of the three parties in Somaliland (Waddani, Kulmiye, UCID). For the first time, it’s the obsequious snollygosters (guulwadayaal) that are unhappy, and the average citizen is pleased and hopeful. Apart from the tribalists, these were indeed dreams that unified and united all voters across all party lines. I don’t celebrate Christmas, but it feels like I’ve definitely gotten a lot of gifts this December. All the things I’ve mentioned above were high on my wish-list, and I feel elated this new admin has delivered on them. One doesn’t have to be interested in a position (or some sort of reward) to be impressed so early in this new administration, but merely a patriotic Somalilander not afraid to call a spade a spade, and give credit where it’s due. It appears HE. President Musa Behi Abdi is cleaning house and putting things in order, and that’s a win for all of us. Especially and more so for those that fought for these expectations by becoming active in politics, and voiced their concerns by joining the political process. As a fallible human, I expect HE. The President to make many mistakes (such as only threefemale Ministers, and no Gabooye Minister, not fully dismantling the horrid ‘Jeegaan’ Alliance), but he’s doing a decent job overall initially (and otherwise). Though many have criticised him for only producing positive words thus far (without measurable actions or results); let’s not forget that all group actions begin with ‘words.’ Defining and expressing your vision is an essential ingredient to great leadership, and is something HE. President Musa Behi Abdi has strived to do so far. We shouldn’t discount the potential of these words based on our negative expectations from previous disappointments; we should encourage them. We should also extend the same courtesy to (and encourage) those tasked to implement them unreservedly. There is no need to criticise for the sake of criticising, nor the need to support for the sake of supporting either. Let’s applaud the good, and condemn the bad in a manner that will strengthen our leadership and Somaliland’s progress. Let’s give HE. President Musa Behi Abdi a genuine chance, and see how he further progresses Somaliland before trying to judge him pedantically so soon. For me, the simple fact that his actions and words carried into his administration (and beyond his campaign rallies) is enough to remain thoroughly optimistic as someone who opposed his candidacy. Though I genuinely thought his stump speeches and promises were campaign theatrics catering and pandering to the audience, HE. the President of Republic of Somaliland is making it appear that such an assessment couldn’t be further from the truth. I’d like to finish with a call (once again) inviting my fellow Somalilanders to move beyond campaign/election partisanship, and revert to (constructive) patriots of the great nation of Republic of Somaliland. #SomalilandFirst, always. Written by Maxamuud-Aar (Mo Hussein) Twitter: @MoHussein Email:
  3. By ABDULKADIR KHALIF in Mogadishu Rebels loyal to Yemeni Huthis have threatened to attack the self-declared Republic of Somaliland for supporting their enemies. The rebels, in a social media video message read by hooded fighters, say they were aware of Somaliland intending to provide a military base to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “If Somaliland goes ahead with its plan to allow the UAE to use Berbera port as military base to carry out bombardments to Huthi rebels, it will be a wrong decision,” said the rebels. “If Somaliland does not heed to the warning then we will fire ballistic missiles to Somaliland,” they said further. A military base The breakaway Somaliland has also offered UAE the administration of the Berbera port, the main harbour facing the Gulf of Aden. The rebel group fighting the internationally recognised government of Yemen has been facing stiff opposition from a coalition led by Saudi Arabia, which includes UAE. Somaliland government announced in April its readiness to provide a military base to the Emirates at Berbera, just about 200km south of Yemen across the Gulf of Aden. The Huthi rebels targeted twice Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles, allegedly supplied by Iran. The social media video threat appears to have frightened the residents of Berbera, posing a serious challenge to the government of Somaliland, whose main source of revenue is the port. Somaliland declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991, following the collapse of the central government of Somalia led by the late dictator General Mohamed Siad Barre. It has since struggled for international recognition with little success. Standard
  4. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo Wefti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa maanta oo ay tariikhdu tahay 27 December 2017 waxaa si balaadhan Xaafada ee Magaalada Gaalkacayo ugu soo dhaweeyay Maamulka Galmudug. Madaxawaynaha iyo Masuuliyiinta ku Wehelinaysay ka qayb galka kulan kaasi is dhex galka bulshada ayaa waxaa kusoo dhaweeyay dhinaca Galmudug Masuuliyiin katirsan Golayaasha Maamulka Galmudug, Talisika ciidamada mamulkaasi, saraakiil katirsan Madaxtooyada Galmudug , isimo Cuqaal, wax garadd, nabadoono, aqoonyahano, iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada maamulkaasi, Soo dhawayn kadib Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa waxaa uu kulan laqaatay ciidamada isku dhafka ee Magaalada Gaalkacayo, saraakiil katitrsan ciidanka xooga dalka,iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee ee bulshada Koonfurta Galaakacayo. “Waxaan Kamahad naqayaa soo dhawanynta wanaagsan ee walaaltinimada leh iyo dareenka wanaagsan ee aad maanta nagu soo dhawaayseen, waxaan aad ugu mahadcelinayaa intii wanaagaan kasoo shaqaysay sida maamulka degmada, maamulka Gobolka, dhalinyarada, haweenka, waxgaradka, taliyayaasha ciidamada, iyo intii kale oo kaqayb qaadatay wanaaga badan ee aan ujeedno maanta, una dhabar adaygay hawshaan adag, runtii waan jeclaa in aan imaado intii uu joogay madaxwayne Axmed Ducaale Xaaf, laakiin duruufo kale ayaan ii saamixin in aan imaado waan rajaynayaa markale in aan gobolka isugu nimaadno saan ku balansanahay, si nabadda Gaalkacayo usal dhigato, uwaarto dadkanina ay wanaag iyo walaaltinimo kuwada noolaadan ayaan rajaynaynaa, nabada Gaalkacayo marka hore Gaalkacayo ayay mihiim utahay, wanaag iyo qurux utahay, waxay horseed unoqonaysaa sidoo kale nabadda soomaaliyeed, maata waxaa ii muuqada bisayl aad ubadan waxaan rajaynayaa in bisaylkaasi uu yahay mid dhab ah dadka reer Gaalkacayo matihidin dad meel kala aadaya oo kala guuraya waxaa tihiin dad ehel ah oo aan kala maarmin, maanta waxaa jira cadaw Somaaliya dhib wayn kuhaya inaga oo dhan aan inakala aqoon oo aan cidna dhaafayn oo dhibaato wayn soomaaliya kuhaya oo Dawladnimadeena, wanaageena, qaranimadeena, hortaagan oo kashaqaynaya sidii ay inoo dhibi lahaayeen iyaguna u guulaysan lahaayeen, markaa wa in aan gacmaha isqabsanaa cadwgeena halmeel uga soo wada jeesanaa dhammaanteen oo goboladeena ay dhibka kuhayaan aynu si wada jir ah uga xoraysano ayaa layna karaabaa, waxaan rabaa marka in aan kahadlo ciidankan isku dhafka ah, waxaa loo sameeyay in ay wanaag soo kordhiyaan in ay nabad soo kordhiyaan in ay magaalada horumarkeeda ka shaqeeyaan, wixi ka dhiman oo imkaaniyaad ah wixii aan u awoodno sida ugu wanagsan ayaan isgu dayaynaa in aanu u hawl galno”. ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland. Ugu danbayn, Madaweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Dawdwaynaha gobolka mugug ugu baaqay inay siwada jir ah nabadda uga wada shaqeeyaan.
  5. Ethiopia’s ambassador to Turkey highlights East African nation’s growing, historically rooted relations with Turkey FILE PHOTO – Ethiopia’s ambassador to Turkey Ayalew Gobezie ANKARA —Relations between Turkey and Ethiopia can be described as excellent, the envoy from the East African country said on Tuesday. Ayalew Gobezie, Ethiopia’s ambassador to Turkey, told Anadolu Agency that the Turkish government “does not exploit Africa but supports the African people”. In an exclusive interview in the Turkish capital Ankara, Gobezie thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish government for supporting stronger ties between the two countries. “The Turkish government has principles for its diplomatic relations: win-win, not to exploit but to support the African people and African development. We also share this perspective,” he said. Gobezie underlined the deep roots of ties between Turkey and Ethiopia, which go all the way back to the Ottoman Empire. “In 1912 the first Ottoman-Turkish Consulate in Ethiopia was opened in the town of Harar,” Gobezie said, adding that the Republic of Turkey’s first embassy in Sub-Saharan Africa opened in 1926 — just three years after Turkey’s foundation — also in Ethiopia. “The Ethiopian government opened its embassy in Ankara in 1933. There is a long-standing relationship,” he explained. “Turkey and Ethiopia have had bilateral relations more than 100 years. Today the relations between our two countries can be described as excellent, both politically and economically.” Trade with Turkey Turkey and Ethiopia are key economic partners in many areas. Trade cooperation between the two countries is on the rise. Turkish firms continue to invest in various sectors in the country. “A Turkish company is building a 386-kilometer [250 mile] railway with a $1.7 billion budget, which will be hopefully completed in the next two years,” he said. “In addition, Turkish companies’ investments are worth a total of nearly $3 billion. More than 100 Turkish companies are doing business here, and they have created more than 10,000 jobs,” Gobezie said. “Our trade volume is also growing and has now reached almost $450 million. Our aim to boost it to $1 billion in the next five years,” he added. “There is an integrated approach by the government of Turkey and Turkish businessmen to bring development to Ethiopia. President Erdogan has visited Ethiopia three times since 2005. His last visit was in 2015. He is currently in Africa again, visiting Sudan, Chad and Tunisia,” said the ambassador. “We want to improve our economic diplomacy through companies and businesspeople. We invite Turkish investors and entrepreneurs to come and invest in Ethiopia. We have industry parks ready for them. It’s easy and profitable to do business in our country.” They can invest in the manufacturing sector, for example — textile, garment and construction are the leading sectors,” Gobezie said. Transferring former terror group schools Gobezie also addressed the issue of schools previously run by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the group behind last year’s defeated coup in Turkey. Turkey established the Maarif Foundation last year to take over the administration of overseas schools linked to FETO. It also establishes schools and education centers abroad. To date around 30 African countries have handed over FETO schools to Maarif or closed them at Ankara’s request. “Governments are working to hand over those schools in a legal process,” said Gobezie. “Our government officially promised to transfer FETO schools to Turkey’s Maarif Foundation. It is in process, I believe it will be done in 2018. We are also as an embassy pushing to solve this issue.” FETO and its U.S.-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup of July 15, 2016, which left 250 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured. Ankara accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary. FETO also has a considerable presence outside Turkey, including private educational institutions that serve as a revenue stream for the terrorist group. Gobezie also praised Erdogan and Turkey for their leading role in the recent UN vote rejecting the U.S. recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. “These kinds of conflicts should be solved with peaceful resolutions. We are part of the 128 countries who voted favor of the Jerusalem resolution at the UN,” he said. -Turkish-funded restoration Gobezie also said the local community was pleased with projects in Ethiopia by Turkey’s state development aid agency, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA). “Three years ago TIKA launched a restoration project on the tomb of King Najashi and the Al-Najashi Mosque, which is the first mosque in the country. The mosque and the tomb are located 800 kilometers from the capital,” he said. “TIKA’s other restoration project is on the old Ottoman Consulate building in the walled city of Harar in eastern Ethiopia. “The agency also helps and supports local authorities to restore almost 70 mosques in Harar Jugol, the fortified historic town which is registered by UNESCO. Harar is said to be the fourth-holiest city of Islam, with 82 mosques, three of them dating from the 10th century.” TIKA opened its first office in Africa in Ethiopia in 2005. Nile dam, Anadolu as news source Six years ago Ethiopia launched a $4.8 billion mega hydroelectric dam project on the Nile near its border with Sudan. “We want to solve this dilemma peacefully and technically, engineers should involve the issue. Ethiopia would [like to] continue to cooperate with Sudan and Egypt. “We don’t want to hurt our Egyptian brothers. But we want them to understand us as well,” he said. The ambassador also praised Anadolu Agency. “Anadolu Agency brings us true news, I always follow you. It’s the main source for us for African news, and even for world news,” he said. We benefit from Anadolu. Your office in our capital Addis Ababa helps improve our close relationship.” Anadolu Agency plans to open new offices in Nigeria and Sudan in 2018, and is also scheduled to reopen its office in Senegal. Ethiopia, the capital of African Union, is located in East Africa, with a population of 100 million. It is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, with growth of 8.5 percent this year, according to the IMF. AA
  6. Militeriga Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in ay 13 xubnood oo ka tirsan ururka Xagjirka ah ee Al-shabaab ku dileen duqeyn cusub oo ay ka geysteen Konfurta Soomaaliya. Qoraal ka soo baxay Taliska Ciidanka Maraykanka ee Afrika ayaa lagu sheegay in weerarka laga fuliyey meel 50km Waqooyi galbeed kaga aaddan magaalada Kismaayo,subaxnimadii Axadda. Diyaaradaha drones-ka Maraykanka ayaa Soomaaliya sannadkaan ka geystay 34 weerar oo lagu beegsaday Al-shabaab,kadib markii maamulka Trump uu ballaariyey hawlgallada ka dhanka ah mintidiinta xagjirka ah ee Soomaaliya. Al-shabaab waxaa lagu eedeeyay qarax gaari oo ka dhacay caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho bishii October,kaasoo ay ku dhinteen 512 qof. Wuxuu ahaa weerarkii ugu xumaa ee argagixiso tan iyo 9/11( September eleven). Xigasho: Wakaaladda Wararka ee AP News Agency PUNTLAND POST The post Militeriga Maraykanka oo sheegay in ay dileen 13 xubnood oo ka tirsan Alshabaab. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  7. The Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Saad Ali Shire, stated the planned United Arab Emirates (UAE) military base in Berbera of the Republic of Somaliland is on course. “The agreement to build a base in Berbera has been approved by the parliament and signed by the President of the Republic of Somaliland. It stands,” he said. “There are obligations each side has to fulfill as charted in the agreement. There are technical glitches which need to be ironed out such as the delivery, discussion and approval of the Berbera-Wajale corridor road and the civilian airport to replace the existing one taken over by the base which the UAE has to attend to. These are starting points that must be taken out of the way first,” Minister added. The minister made it clear, however, that neither he nor any other member of the Somaliland government has officially communicated with the UAE laying these or any other as preconditions to a consummation of all or parts of clauses in the agreement. “We regularly communicate on the progress of activities stipulated in agreement but I had never written on or intimated any preconditions stalling or halting the ongoing operation,” Minister Saad said. The agreement to build a military and naval base in Berbera granted to the UAE was approved on a resounding majority vote by a joint session of the Somaliland bicameral parliament on 12 February 2017. The minister’s statement comes at a time detractors of the military base had gone wild on both social and conventional media claiming that the new government of president Musa Behi which came into power on 14 December had reneged on the agreement the outgoing government had entered into with the United Arab Emirates. The Federal Government of Somalia which harbors ill-conceived, non-existent sovereignty over Somaliland affairs and its allies of Turkey and Qatar had left no stone unturned to unhinge the solidity of the agreement in which they see as a possible gateway to a full-fledged international recognition for the successful model government of Somaliland. A video claiming that Houthis of Yemen had a gunned a disturbing threat to shell the port of Berbera if the government went ahead with the planned UAE military base has since been discovered as a hoax concocted by neighboring ‘governments’.
  8. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo Wefti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa maanta oo ay tariikhdu tahay 27 December 2017 waxaa si balaadhan koon furta magaalada Gaalkacayo ugu soo dhaweeyay Maamulka Galmudug. Madaxawaynaha iyo Masuuliyiinta ku Wehelinaysay ka qayb galka kulan kaasi is dhex galka bulshada ayaa waxaa kusoo dhaweeyay dhinaca Galmudug Masuuliyiin katirsan Golayaasha Maamulka Galmudug, Talisika ciidamada mamulkaasi, saraakiil katirsan Madaxtooyada Galmudug , isimo Cuqaal, wax garadd, nabadoono, aqoonyahano, iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada maamulkaasi, Soo dhawayn kadib Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa waxaa uu kulan laqaatay ciidamada isku dhafka ee Magaalada Gaalkacayo, saraakiil katitrsan ciidanka xooga dalka,iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee ee bulshada Koonfurta Galaakacayo. “Waxaan Kamahad naqayaa soo dhawanynta wanaagsan ee walaaltinimada leh iyo dareenka wanaagsan ee aad maanta nagu soo dhawaayseen, waxaan aad ugu mahadcelinayaa intii wanaagaan kasoo shaqaysay sida maamulka degmada, maamulka Gobolka, dhalinyarada, haweenka, waxgaradka, taliyayaasha ciidamada, iyo intii kale oo kaqayb qaadatay wanaaga badan ee aan ujeedno maanta, una dhabar adaygay hawshaan adag, runtii waan jeclaa in aan imaado intii uu joogay madaxwayne Axmed Ducaale Xaaf, laakiin duruufo kale ayaan ii saamixin in aan imaado waan rajaynayaa markale in aan gobolka isugu nimaadno saan ku balansanahay, si nabadda Gaalkacayo usal dhigato, uwaarto dadkanina ay wanaag iyo walaaltinimo kuwada noolaadan ayaan rajaynaynaa, nabada Gaalkacayo marka hore Gaalkacayo ayay mihiim utahay, wanaag iyo qurux utahay, waxay horseed unoqonaysaa sidoo kale nabadda soomaaliyeed, maata waxaa ii muuqada bisayl aad ubadan waxaan rajaynayaa in bisaylkaasi uu yahay mid dhab ah, dadka reer Gaalkacayo matihidin dad meel kala aadaya oo kala guuraya waxaa tihiin dad ehel ah oo aan kala maarmin, maanta waxaa jira cadaw Somaaliya dhib wayn kuhaya inaga oo dhan aan inakala aqoon oo aan cidna dhaafayn oo dhibaato wayn soomaaliya kuhaya oo Dawladnimadeena, wanaageena, qaranimadeena, hortaagan oo kashaqaynaya sidii ay inoo dhibi lahaayeen iyaguna u guulaysan lahaayeen, markaa wa in aan gacmaha isqabsanaa cadwgeena halmeel uga soo wada jeesanaa dhammaanteen oo goboladeena ay dhibka kuhayaan aynu si wada jir ah uga xoraysano ayaa layna karaabaa, waxaan rabaa marka in aan kahadlo ciidankan isku dhafka ah, waxaa loo sameeyay in ay wanaag soo kordhiyaan in ay nabad soo kordhiyaan in ay magaalada horumarkeeda ka shaqeeyaan, wixi ka dhiman oo imkaaniyaad ah wixii aan u awoodno sida ugu wanagsan ayaan isgu dayaynaa in aanu u hawl galno”. ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland. Ugu danbayn, Madaweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Dawdwaynaha gobolka mugug ugu baaqay inay siwada jir ah nabadda uga wada shaqeeyaan. -DHAMMAAD- XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland oo uu Maamulka Galmudug Si Balaadhan usoo Dhaweeyay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Wasiirka Qorsheynta maalgashiga iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha ee xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Jamaal Maxamed Xasan ayaa sheegay in maalmaha soo aadan la bilaabi doono fulinta wejiga Koowaad mashaariicda horumarineed ee dowladda Qatar ka fulineyso Soomaaliya. Waxa uu sheegay wasiirka oo la hadlayey warbaahinta dowladda in mashaariicda ku baxaysa $200 Milyan in loo fulin doono si hufan, wuxuuna dhanka kale uu dowladda Qatar kaga mahadceliyey sida ay uga qeybqaadanayaan dib u dhiska dalka. Dhanka kale, agaasimaha guud ee Sanduuqa Qatar ee horumarinta Khalifa Jassim ayaa sheegay in dib u dhis ballaaran ku sameyn doonaan waddooyin Muhiim ah, sida kuwa isku xira Muqdisho iyo Afgooye, Muqdisho iyo Jowhar, dib u dhiska xarumaha dowladda qaarkood iyo kabayaasha dhaqaalaha. 28-kii November 2017, magaalada Muqdisho waxaa heshiis ku aadan mashaariicd horumarineed ku kacaya $200 ku kala saxiixday dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Qatar. Goobjoog News Source
  10. Wadada marinka u ah Garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Garowe oo muddo sanad ka badan dhisme uu ka socday waxaa laga dhigay laami,madaama horey ay u ahayd jid cade ay isticmaali jireen gadiidka u socda kana soo taga madaarka. Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST ayaa booqasho gaaban ku tagtey albaabka laga galo garoonka, wuxuuna muujinayaa laamiyeynta jidku inuu gabo gabo marayo dhismaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha Garowe . Warar madax banaan oo soo gaaraya Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST ayaa sheegaya in horaanta bisha soo socota ee January si rasmiya xariga looga jari doono Airport-ka magaalada Garowe oo dhismihiisa ay gacanta ku hayso shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Turkiga. Dhismaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha Garowe ayaa noqonaya midkii ugu mudada dheeraa, wallow ay jiraan arrimo badan oo uu kaga duwan yahay Garoomo badan oo ku yaala dalka Soomaaliya. Daawo warbixin kooban Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Dhabaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha Garowe oo laga dhigay wado laamiya. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. Maamulka Puntland ayaa soo bandhigay dambiyadii ka dhacay deegaannada maamulkaasi ka arrimiyo sanadkan sii dhamaanaya ee 2017. Maxamed Cali Xareed, ku xigeenka xeer ilaaliyaha maamulka Puntland oo maanta saxaafadda kula hadlay magaalada Garoowe ayaa soo bandhigay dambiyadii dhacay 2017, kuwaasi oo siyaabo kala duwan uga dhacay deegaannada maamulkaasi ka arrimiyo. Gobolka Bari aya noqday kan ugu badan ee fal dambiyeedyada ay ka dhaceen sanadka 2017. Gobollada Puntland Magacaabatay iyo sidey wax uga kala dhaceen: Gobalka Nugaal 173 dambi Gobalka Bari 982 dambi Gobalka Karkaar 351 dambi Gobalka Cayn 677 dambi Gobalka Mudug 169 dambi Gobalka Sanaag 70 dambi Gobalka Haylaan 150 dambi Goobjoog News Source
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xeer ilaalinta Guud ee maamulka Puntland ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay kiisaska danbiyada ka dhacay Gobolada maamulka ee 2017. Xeer ilaalinta oo diiwaan galisa dhammaan dhacdooyinka khuseeya maamulka oo ay galeen shakhsiyaad khaas ah oo qaarkood laga abaalmariyay kiisaska dhacdooyinka oo ay galeen. Xeer ilaalinta oo dhacdooyinkaan soo bandhigta dabayaaqada sanad waliba ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay 2,572 danbiyo. Xeer ilaaliye ku-xigeenka Guud ee maamulka ahna ku simaha Xeer ilaaliyaha Maxamed Cali Xareed, ayaa sheegay in dhacdooyinka qaar aan weli laga gaarin go’aan, halka qaarna lasoo afjaray, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Hoos ka akhriso Dambiyadda kadhacay Gobaladda Puntland: 1-Gobalka Nugaal 173 dambi 2-Gobalka Bari 982 dambi 3-Gobalka Karkaar 351 dambi 4-Gobalka Cayn 677 dambi 5-Gobalka Mudug 169 dambi 6-Gobalka Sanaag 70 dambi 7-Gobalka Haylaan 150 dambi Dhinaca kale, ku simaha Xeer ilaaliyaha Maxamed Cali Xareed, ayaa ballanqaaday in si dhaqsi ah ay ku dhameystiri doonaan danbiyada weli furan ee aan go’aanka laga gaarin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Puntland oo soo bandhigtay kiisaska danbiyada ee ka dhacay Goboladeeda 2017 (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Wasiiru-dowlaha Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Duulista Hawada Soomaaliya Cabdiraxmaan Kulmiye Xersi (Cabdiraxmaan Dheere) ayaa sheegay in Maalinta Berri ah magaalada Muqdisho lagu qaban doono Munaasabad lagu daah-furayo Xarunta lagala socon doono Maamulka Hawada Soomaaliya,sida ay soo werisay Wakaaladda Wararka SONNA. Wasiirka ayaa laga soo xigtay in dowlada Soomaaliya ay ku guulaysatay inay la soo wareegto maamulka Hawada Soomaaliya oo tan iyo sanadkii 1991 laga maamulayay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, islamarkaana ay gacanta ku heysay Hay’adda ICAO. Cabdiraxmaan Dheere ayaa sheegay in la rakibay dhammaan qalabkii lagu shaqeyn lahaa, sidoo kalena shaqaale badan loo tababarayo, waxaana munaasabadda daah-furka ka soo qaybgeli doona madaxda sare xukuumadda Soomaaliya.
  14. Somalia took a step nearer to regaining control of their national stadium in Mogadishu after Somali Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Kheyre, confirmed that African Union peace keeping troops stationed at Stadium Mogadishu would withdra from the stadium by 2018. He also said that they would plan a full reconstruction of Stadium Mogadishu as it returned to use as the country’s national football stadium. “Getting stadium Mogadishu back into the hands of the people is one of our commitments to create more opportunities for the young football-loving Somalis and that will soon happen,” said Ali Kheyre at the closing of second edition of Somali Inter-State football tournament. Football is Somalia is battling to get back on its feet with completion and national team matches following years of conflict in the country. The return of national team competition would come after almost three decades. Somalia hosted its last international match in Mogadishu in 1988. Somali Football Federation president, Abdiqani Said Arab, said: “The situation in the country is changing and we are moving from the long-standing lawlessness to peace and stability and due to the betterment of the security situation in Somalia we have decided to stage our home games at home. “Somali people have the right to watch their national team play at home and we have to make that happen now that the country is going ahead. 2018 will be a year of a big change for Somalia as we plan to invite national teams from some east African countries for friendly matches.” Abdiqani Said Arab also expressed an ambition to organise regional CECAFA tournaments in Somalia. “I am very delighted that our government is now arranging full construction for Stadium Mogadishu. The issue of troop withdrawals from Stadium Mogadishu was one of the main reasons for the visit of CAF president Ahmed Ahmed to Somalia in April 2017. The SFF has long been waiting for this development. Having Stadium Mogadishu back into use will foster football development in Somalia,” he said. Source: – Inside Football The post Somalia’s Stadium Mogadishu set to return football after 30 years of armed conflict appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Concluding the main part of its 72nd session, the United Nations General Assembly on Sunday took a number of key actions, including approving a nearly $5.4 billion programme budget for the Organization for the biennium 2018-2019. The budget covers UN activities across a range of areas, including political affairs, international justice and law, regional cooperation for development, human rights and humanitarian affairs, and public information. The approved amount is $286 million (or 5 per cent) below the budget for the current two-year period 2016-2017 and $193 million below the proposal made by the Secretary-General in October this year. In addition to the budget, the 193-member General Assembly also adopted a number of key resolutions, including reforms in areas of peace and security, and of management. Speaking at the closing session, Miroslav Lajčák, the President of the General Assembly, stated that progress is not measured by the number of resolutions adopted, but rather by the impact the United Nations makes on people’s lives. “Our work is not yet done. We have more to do next year,” he said, noting areas, including the Global Compact for Migration, the peacebuilding and sustaining peace agenda, maintaining momentum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as Security Council reform. “To have meaningful outcomes from all these processes we need to talk, and more importantly, to listen, to one another. These agenda items represent global challenges. And multilateralism is the tool we need to solve them,” he added. The UN budget In approving the budget, the General Assembly also endorsed the proposal to move from a biennial planning and budgeting period to annual programme budget on a trial basis, as of 2020. “This signals one of the most significant shifts in the programme planning and budgeting process of the Organization since the 1970s,” stated a note issued by the Spokesman for the Secretary-General. Explaining the details of the new budget, Johannes Huisman, the Director of Programme Planning and Budget, in the Office of the Controller, told UN News that most of the cuts were under operating or “non-post” areas, such as information technology or travel. To a lesser extent, reductions also applied to personnel or post resources, he said. Emphasizing that the UN budget will ensure that there is value for money, he said “This is a reassurance we can give to the tax-payers that no stone will be left unturned to make sure that the money is spent properly and ultimately benefits the world community in the areas where the UN is needed.” Source:- UN News Center The post General Assembly approves $5.4 billion UN budget for next two years appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Dalka Soomaaliya waxaa maanta ku geeriyooday Xarawo qabax oo ahaa nin Xanaaneeyn jiray Abeeso. Ninkaan oo Muddo Dheer Xanaaneeynayay Abeesada ayaa ugu dambeeyntii Ay Qaniinyo ay Qaniintay Darteed maanta ugu geeriyooday Muqdisho. Ninkaan Ayaa ku xanaaneeynayay Abeesada deegaanka Bandiiradleey ee Gobolka Mudug hayeeshee dhaawaciisa ayaa la keenay Muqdisho. Dadka Deegaanka ayaa inoo sheegay in sidoo kale ninkaan uu xanaaneeynayay Abeesooyin kale . Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Nin Abeeso uu Xanaaneeynayay Dhaawac ay Gaarsiisay ugu Geeriyooday Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa lagu wadaa in maalinta beri ah magaalada Muqdisho ay ka dhacdo munaasabad lagu furaayo Xarunta lagala socon doono Maamulka Hawada Somalia. Maamulka Xarunta ayaa sheegay in dowlada Somalia ay ku guuleysatay dib usoo celinta maamulka Hawada Somalia, oo noqon doonta mid ay xor u noqon doonto Somalia. Cabdi raxmaan Kulmiye Xersi ‘’Cabdiraxmaan Dheere’’, oo ah Wasiiru dowlada Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Duulista Hawada, ayaa sheegay in la dhameystirada dhammaan qalabka Hawada Somalia iyo xarunta laga maamuli lahaa. Cabdiraxmaan Dheere, ayaa sheegay in DFS ay ka dhabeyneyso dadaalka ay ku maamulaneyso Hawada Somalia, waxa uuna farta ku goday in xarunta ay si rasmi ah u shaqo gali doonto. Waxa uu tilmaamay in talaabadan ay hirgashay markii ugu horeysay wixii ka danbeeyay tan iyo sanadkii 1991 laga maamulayay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, waxaana hada gacanta ku heysay Hay’adda ICAO. Sidoo kale, Cabdiraxmaan Dheere ayaa sheegay in la rakibay dhamaan qalabkii lagu shaqeyn lahaa, shaqaalo badan loo tababaro iyadoo Madaxda dalka ay kasoo qeyb gali doonaan Munaasabada Daah furka. The post Sawirro: DFS oo soo bandhigtay Xarunta iyo qalabka laga hagi doono Hawada Somalia appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Dowladda hoose ee degmada Garoowe ayaa Maanta degaanka Caga-madow ee bariga magaalada Garoowe ka bilowday hawlgal lagu xadeynayo dhulka ay magaaladu ku fidayso sannadaha soo socda. Hawlgalka oo ay goobjoog ahaayeen duqa caasimadda Garoowe Xassan Maxammed Ciise(Goodir) iyo Xogahayaha dowladda hoose Maxamuud Cali Guray,ayaa lagu calaamadiyay xadka ay yeelan doonaan caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe iyo dooxooyinka ku xeeran ee dhul daaqsanka ah 20-ka sano ee soo socda,si looga hortago xaalufinta daaqa iyo muranka degaan ee ka shasha dooxooyinka la cabbirto. Xildhibaannada Golaha degaanka caasimadda Garoowe ayaa horay u ansixiyay qorshe ku saabsan xadeynta dhulka ay ku fidayso magaaladu tan iyo sannadka 2037,waxaana qorshahan qeexayaa in la calaamadiyo dhammaan afarta dhinac ee magaalada,islamarkaana la asteeyo xadka ay la wadaageyso dooxooyinka xoola-daaqsinka ah. Muuqaal Sawirro PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda hoose oo calaamadisay dhulka ay Caasimadda Garoowe ku fidayso 20 sano ee soo socda. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Jowhar (PP) ─ Golaha Wasiirada Maamul-goboleedka Hirshabeelle ayaa maanta la dhaariyay, kaddib markii ay isla maanta ansixiyeen xildhibaanada baarlamaanka, iyadoo madaxda Hirshabeelle ay soo dhaweeyeen ansixinta. Wasiirrada Maamulka Hirshabeelle ayaa lagu hor-dhaariyay madaxweynaha, madaxweyne ku-xigeenka, guddoonka baarlamaanka iyo xildhibaannada, iyagoo ku dhaartay inay si cadaalad ah ugu shaqyen doonaan bulshada ku nool deegaannadaas. Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Hirshabeelle Cali Guudlaawe ayaa soo dhaweeyay Ansixinta Golaha Wasiirrada, Waxaana uu uga mahad celiyay Baarlamaanka Qaabkii meel-marinta oo ka dhigeysa in golaha wasiirrada wixii hadda kaddib ay u howl-galana waajibaadkooda. Sidoo kale, Madaxweynaha Hirshabeelle, Maxamed Cabdi Waare oo khudbad ka jeediyay Munaasabaddii lagu meel-marinayay Wasiirrada, ayaa ka hadlay arrimaha amniga iyo howlaha hor-yaala xukuumadda cusub ee maamulkiisa. Dhanka kale, Waare ayaa sheegay in dhawaan la billaabi doono dhismaha Waddada isku-xirta Muqdisho iyo Jowhar, isla markaana uu socdo mashruuc lagu dhisayo garoonka diyaaradaha degmada Jowhar oo maamulka xarun u ah. Ugu dambeyn, Madaxweynaha Maamulka Hirshabeelle wuxuu xusay inuu Maamulkiisa wax ka qaban doono amniga, isla markaana la isku furi doono waddooyinka xiriiriya deegaanada Hirshabeelle, waxaa uu soo dhoweeyay weerarada cirka ah ee ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab, taasoo uu tilmaamay inay si weyn u wiiqday awoodooda. PUNTLAND POST The post Wasiirada Hirshabele oo la dhaariyay kaddib markii uu Baarlamaanku Meel-mariyay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Wasiirka Qorsheynta Somalia, Jamaal Maxamed Xasan oo Warbaahinta kula hadlay Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in maalmaha soo socda ay billaaban doonaan fulinta wajigii koowad ee mashaariicda horumarineed ee Dowladda Qatar ay ka fulinayso Soomaaliya. Wasiir Jamaal ayaa hadalkiisa ku daray in mashaariicdan ay kaalin muuqata ka qaadan doonaan dib u dhiska dalka, isagoo uga mahad-celiyay Dowladda Qatar sida u garab-taagan tahay shacabka iyo Dowladda Soomaaliyeed. “Dowladda Qatar waxaan uga mahad-celinaynaa kaalmada ay mar walba la garab-taagan tahay shacabka iyo dowladda Somalia, runtiina mashaariicda ay Qatar ka fulinayso Somalia waa kuwo faa’iiido u leh Soomaalida oo dhan,” ayuu yiri Wasiirka Qorsheynta Somalia. Mashaariicdan ayaa isugu jira dib u dhiska Waddada isku-xirta Muqdisho iyo Jowhar oo dhirirkeedu yahay 90-km, Waddada Muqdisho iyo Afgooye isku-xirta oo dhirirkeedu yahay 30-km iyo dhimsha xarumo kala duwan. Xarumaha ay Dowladda Qatar dhisayso waxaa ka mid ah; Xarunta Xisbiga oo ku taalla agagaarka Garoonka kubadda cagta ee Muqdisho Stadium oo la filayo in markii dhismaheedu uu dhammaado ay ku shaqeyso Xukuumadda Federaalka Somalia. Ugu dambeyn, Heshiiskan ayaa Dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Qatar ay ku kala saxiixdeen Muqdisho 28-kii November, iyadoo la rajeynayo in hesiiskan uu qeyb ka qaato qorshaha qaran ee horumarinta dalka oo ay ka qeyb ka tahay dib u dhiska kaabayaasha dhaqaallaha iyo xoojinta dhaqaalle. PUNTLAND POST The post WASIIR JAMAAL: Mashaariicda Qatar ay fulinayso Dhawaan ay si rasmi ah u billaabanayaan appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Hay’adda la dagaalanka cudurka AIDS-ka (PAC), ayaa qabatay kullan looga hadlayay jojinta takoorka iyo dhaleecaynta lagu hayo dadka la nool cudurka HIV/AIDS, ee ku nool Puntland Kulankaan ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay dad ka socday qeybaha kala duwan ee bulsahda, sida nabaddoonada, haweenka dhalinyarada iyo masuuliyiin katirsnan hay’addaha dowladda. Hay”ada la dagaalanka cudurka HIV/AIDS ee puntland ayaa sheegtay inay kulankan u qabatay inay bulshadu u naxariistaan dadka la nool cudurkaas lagana joojiyo takoorka loona fududeeyo waxyaabaha la macaamilka dadka . Guddoomiyaha dallada dadka la nool cudurka AIDS-ka, ee Daryeel, Cabdalla Maxamad Muuse ayaa madasha kullanka ka sheegay in loo baahan yahay in la joogteeyo kulamada nuucaan oo kale ah, si kor loogu qaado fahamka bulsahda ee ku saabsan cudurkaan iyo inay hoos u dhacdo takoorka ay la kulmaan dadka cudurkaan la nool, inkastoo Puntland ay tahay meesha kaliya ee aan faquuq sidaas u buuran loogu geysan dadka cudurkaan la nool. Madaxda dhaqanka ee kulanka ka qayb galay ayaa ku baaqay in dadkaas si fiican loola dhaqmo waxayna dawladda ka codsadeen in ahmiyad gaar ah loo sameeyo si ay daryeel fiican u helaan . Guddoomiye kuxigeenka gobolka Nugaal, Cali Salaad Diiriye Faarax, ayaa sheegay in xag diin iyo xag dhaqanba ay gef ku tahay in la takooro dadka ka nool cudurkaan, wuxuuna sidoo kale dadka cudurkaan qaba ugu baaqay inay iyagana ka feejignaandaan inay bulshada ku dhex faafiyaan. Agaasime ku xigeenka hay’adda PAC, ayaa sheegay kullankaan inuu qeyb ka yahay ol’ole balaaran oo ay ku midaysan yihiin hay’addaha dowladda iyo shacabka, kaasoo la doonayo in lagu joojiyo takoorka ka dhan ka ah dadka qaba cudurkaan. Waxaa u guddoomiye ku xigeenku qiray in la ogaaday takoorku inuu keenay in dadka qaba iyaguna cadowtinimo ufaafiyeen cudurka. Wasiirka shaqada iyo shaqaalaha dowladda Puntland, Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cabdulle, ayaa sii xoojiyay baaqa ku saabsan joojinta takoorka dadka la nool AIDska, wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay dadku inay isku naxariistaan, iyadoo aan la eegayn mid caafimaad qaba iyo mid xanuunsan. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post PAC oo qabatay wacyigelin ka dhan ah takoorka dadka la nool cudurka HIV/AIDS.. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. An English-speaking Islamic State fighter incites attacks in the West in a new video released from Somalia. On Dec. 25, the Islamic State released yet another video promoting attacks in the West. The production is unremarkable in that regard, but it is noteworthy another reason: It featured the group’s so-called “province” in Somalia. While the Islamic State has long promoted its upstart presence in East Africa, the latest video appears to elevate its fighters to an official provincial arm of the self-declared caliphate. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s organization maintains “provinces” in a number of countries, but many of them control little territory. This is true in Somalia as well. The video, titled “Hunt Them Down, O Monotheists,” opens with scenes of Christmas and New Year’s celebrations throughout the West. The Islamic State incites followers to lash out at those celebrating the holidays, with crosshairs superimposed on the heads of Pope Francis and other priests. Clips of past attacks in the West are interlaced between scenes. High-profile targets in New York, London and elsewhere are also shown. Three fighters speak into the camera, issuing threats to Western states and calling for Muslims, especially those in East Africa, to join the Islamic State’s cause. One of the fighters speaks in accented English, telling would-be supporters that killing an infidel is their “ticket out of hell.” Two other fighters claim to be from Ethiopia. The main Islamic State faction operating in Somalia is led by Abdulqadir Mumin, a former Shabaab official who appeared in many of its propaganda videos before defecting to the Islamic State in Oct. 2015. In Aug. 2016, the US State Department added Mumin to its list of global terrorists. Indeed, the new video appears to have been filmed in Mumin’s area of operations. Shabaab, an official arm of al Qaeda, has opposed the Islamic State’s expansion onto its turf. When Mumin first defected to Baghdadi’s cause, only a small cadre of Shabaab fighters joined him. According to Reuters, there were approximately 300 Shabaab members based in the Galgala hills of Puntland at the time, but only 20 defectors are said to have gone with Mumin. The Islamic State faction may have had around 200 to 300 members before a Puntland military campaign drove them back from the town of Qandala in late 2016, according to Voice of America. A recent defector reportedly told Puntland authorities that there are only around 70 people remaining in the group. The faction is largely based in the Golis and Bari mountains of northern Somalia. It is known to run at least one training camp in that area. The facility is named after Bashir Abu Numan, a Shabaab commander who defected to the Islamic State but was killed by Shabaab’s Amniyat (internal security force). Mumin’s group has carried out several operations in Bosaso, the capital of Somalia’s Bari region. The attacks include its first claimed suicide bombing in May and an assault on a hotel. Late last year, Mumin’s faction captured the port town of Qandala. It held the town for two months before Puntland security forces and clan militias finally drove it from the town. Smaller Islamic State-loyal cells are also present in central and southern Somalia. For example, they have claimed attacks in Mogadishu and Afgooye. However, it is unclear what their organizational relationship is, if any, to the larger Mumin-led faction in Puntland. In addition, many claims made outside of Puntland are often not confirmed by local reporting. It is not clear how many fighters the Islamic State currently has in East Africa. The group is likely eager to promote its Somali branch as it loses ground elsewhere. But its threats to holiday celebrations in the West are taken seriously by counterterrorism officials. In Dec. 2016, an Islamic State loyalist drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing one dozen people. Weeks later, another jihadist massacred dozens of people celebrating New Year’s at a nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey. Images from the Islamic State’s video, “Hunt Them Down, O Monotheists” The end title card of the video reads “The Media Office of Wilayat al Somal [Somalia Province]”: “Targets” highlighted in the video: Foreign fighters, including at least two from Ethiopia: Islamic State fighters somewhere in Puntland: Thomas Joscelyn is a Senior Fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracy and the Senior Editor for The Long War Journal. Caleb Weiss is an intern at Foundation for Defense of Democracy and a contributor to The Long War Journal.
  23. Eng. Maxamed Cabdullahi Xuseen (Shoortaaye) isla markaana ah oday Soomaaliyeed oo bulshadu ay aad u taqaan ayaa baaq kal iyo laab ah u diray beelaha walaalaha ah ee ku dagaalamaya deegaanka Qoriley iyo Cagaare. Professor-ka ayaa baaqiisa ku sheegay in loo gurmado oo la xaliyo khilaafka ay ku filnaan waayeen. PUNTLAND POST The post Eng. Maxamed Cabdullahi Shoortaaye oo baaq ka diray colaadaha deegaan Qoriley iyo Cagaare appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Former Somaliland’s 3rd President, Hon. Dahir Rayale Kahin paid a courtesy call on President Col. Musa Bihi Abdi this morning, at the President’s Office. The Former President was accompanied by former Finance Minister, Amb. Husein Ali Du’ale aka ambassador and former foreign minister, Hon. Abdilahi Mohamed Du’ale. The mission of the courtesy call was to greet the new president who just has been in office for a matter of two weeks.
  25. Taye Stke-Selassie Amde (Photo: Al-Ahram Weekly) Ethiopian ambassador to Egypt Taye Stke-Selassie Amde had just come back from a visit to the Egyptian foreign ministry when he spoke to Al-Ahram Weekly, adding that he had had discussions with the Egyptian authorities on the possible dates of a visit by Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn to Cairo. The visit, Amde said, would be “in December”. However, earlier this week, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said it would be in January and after a visit he was planning to the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to meet his Ethiopian counterpart and the country’s prime minister. Amde had not sounded very convincing about the date of the possible visit. He said it should happen when the atmosphere was “positive enough” to allow for an overdue meeting of the joint Egyptian-Ethiopian Higher Committee on the building of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) that should have taken place last year in Egypt. The first round of the Committee meetings took place in Addis Ababa two years earlier. 2017 cannot be described as a year of positive movement in the negotiations, essentially between Egypt and Ethiopia, over the impact of the Dam that Addis Ababa is building on the Blue Nile. This provides Egypt with over 80 per cent of its annual share of Nile water, with this already falling far short of its needs. Amde acknowledged that there had been ups and downs in the negotiations, which also include Sudan, in the process launched in the Sudanese capital in 2015 under the title of the Khartoum Declaration of Principles (KDP). In that Declaration Egypt acknowledged the right of Ethiopia to build the Dam in return for undertakings related to its safety and the water rights of downstream states like Egypt and Sudan. However, he said the negotiations under the KDP were not the only reason for the delay in the meeting of the Joint Higher Committee. The delay was the result of tensions in bilateral relations that were not just about the GERD, but also about the attitude of the Egyptian media to Cairo-Addis ties, he said. The KDP is supposed to allow Ethiopia, the upstream country of the Nile, to discuss with Egypt and Sudan, the two downstream countries, its plans to continue the construction and then to start filling the reservoir of the GERD, which it started building in 2010 without agreement from Egypt. Egypt, according to the official narrative, was not happy to see Ethiopia expanding the capacity of the GERD reservoir from 14 billion cubic metres of water, as was originally announced, to 74 billion cubic metres. However, according to the same official narrative, Cairo chose to act in good faith in the hope of reaching an agreement that would accommodate the development aspirations of Ethiopia and its own water-shortage worries. Sudan, with much larger water resources than Egypt, does not share the worry over a drop in its annual share of water from the Blue Nile. However, it still needs, at least in theory, reassurance on the safety of the GERD, since if this were to crack or even collapse the resulting floods could inundate Khartoum. The objective of the negotiations thus far has been to grant Egypt and Sudan, which have not denied their differences within the process, reassurances on the safety of the Dam and on plans to fill the reservoir in a way that will not cause harm to Egypt’s water rights in accordance with prior agreements. Over the past two years, especially 2017, there have been hardly any positive messages from the Egyptian delegation. Both the political and technical teams working on the Dam have shared growing scepticism about what they found to be a “lack of commitment on the side of the Ethiopian delegation” with regard to a clear plan for the filling of the reservoir or a transparent sharing of information on the safety of the body of the Dam. Late in November, Egypt announced the close-to-total failure of the KPD negotiations. The announcement was made by the Egyptian minister of irrigation following a round of talks in Cairo. Speaking to the Weekly a few days later, the ambassador of Ethiopia insisted that “the process didn’t fail… it is still going on.” He argued that “the leaders cannot afford the talks to fail.” “No one wants to go into uncharted territory,” Amde said. “And nobody said the process has died… there is a meeting scheduled to take place in Khartoum” in a few weeks’ time, for example, he added. Amde sounded confident that the possible meeting between Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi and Desalegn could help things to move on. However, he insisted that it was the job of the technical teams to come up with ideas rather than to throw the ball into the court of the political leadership. He denied accusations coming from government bodies in Cairo to the effect that Ethiopia is simply “playing games and trying to buy time” while it continues its construction of the GERD. He insisted during a 40-minute interview with the Weekly that it was not at all the intention of Ethiopia to cause harm to Egypt’s water interests, especially since the water that would be amassed in the GERD reservoir would be used to generate electricity rather than for agricultural purposes. As for the questions of whether Ethiopia would start filling the reservoir without a conclusive agreement with Cairo and how many cubic metres of water would be subtracted from Egypt’s annual share, Amde said only that these were matters for the technical teams to discuss. He insisted that the Egyptian announcement of the failure of the talks was not about the reluctance of his country’s delegation to negotiate in good faith, but was rather about a disagreement over technical elements of the report presented by a consultancy firm on the construction of the Dam. Today, ahead of an anticipated visit by his prime minister, the ambassador of Ethiopia said that technical experts on both sides should be able to find ideas to share with the political leaders in order to help them give a positive push to the negotiations whose success was in the interest of all parties. He acknowledged some technical disagreements, including the interpretation of “current uses” of water and how to assess possible averages for the annual use of the downstream countries, Egypt and Sudan, to allow for the fair definition of a baseline. “But this is an impasse at most” Amde said. He added that it was not the first to face the negotiating teams and that it “could be solved by the technical committees.” Meanwhile, he would not acknowledge the complaints made by Egyptian official quarters about the “reluctance” of Ethiopia to commit to a Nile water-sharing agreement signed in 1959. He argued that Addis Ababa was not obliged to commit to this agreement, to which it was not a party. Nor, he added, was Ethiopia required by the KDP to acknowledge it. “We have an obligation to work on the basis of the Declaration of Principles… and we have an obligation to cooperate… so we are going to keep on discussing,” Amde said. He added that “we are trying as much as possible to keep all avenues open.” Amde suggested that this was an essential part of his talks with Egyptian officials while examining the preparations for the possible visit of the Ethiopian prime minister to Egypt. However, he was not willing to hide his blame for what he called the “negative narratives” that some in the Egyptian media had been offering about the path of the negotiations so far. For the most part, commentators have been sharing their concerns about the true commitment of Ethiopia to reciprocate Egypt’s accommodation of Ethiopia’s desire to build the GERD to provide it with electricity with a commitment to work out a way that will not mean the Dam’s having a devastating effect on Egypt’s already insufficient agricultural land and water share per person. Some commentators have argued that the time has come for the talks to be suspended and for the Egyptian authorities to pursue legal means to secure the compliance of Ethiopia to Egypt’s rights as a downstream Nile Basin country. For Amde, this kind of discourse does not help pave the way to successful cooperation between the two countries on their matters of disagreement. He said that for a successful outcome of the anticipated talks between al-Sisi and Desalegn to be guaranteed, there needed to be less tension in the air. He said that the Ethiopian authorities “were not happy last year” with the expected date of the second round of the joint Egyptian-Ethiopian Higher Committee and the line taken in the Egyptian media and “thought it wise to postpone” the meeting. That said, he insisted that the meeting would convene this year. He also insisted that the two leaders would be able to send a positive message to dispel concerns in Egyptian public opinion and to reassure Egyptians that Ethiopia would never act in such a way as to harm Egypt. They would also attend to the concerns of Ethiopian public opinion, he said. “This process shouldn’t be driven by emotions or by combat diplomacy. With serenity, we can bring about a solution,” he said. Amde said that he was expecting the joint Egyptian-Ethiopian Higher Committee to discuss matters of common concern to the two countries that go beyond the GERD to the benefit of both. *This story was first published in Al-Ahram Weekly.