Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A former militia officer testified Monday that he left the group in 2016 following the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub out of concern some of the other members were plotting to attack Somalis in their small Kansas community. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopian security forces have re-arrested a number of recently freed politicians and journalists as they gathered for a social event outside the capital, Addis Ababa, with family and friends, a lawyer said Monday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. DUBAI (HOL) - Former Somali Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharma'arke has called on Somali leaders to resolve their differences through constitutional and peaceful means. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Former Somali Prime Ministef, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharma'arke has called on Somali leaders to resolve their differences through constitutional and peaceful means. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Wasiirka Wasarada Haweenka iyo Horumarinta Qoyska ee Puntland Marwo Maryan Axmed ayaa sheegatay in Mashaarcii horumarineed ay kawadaan Sagaalka Gobol ee Puntland . Wasiir Maryan Axmed Cali ayaa sheegtay in Mshaariicdan ay Wasaaradu ka wado Gobolada Puntland mida ugu saraysa ay tahay Gobolka kar kaar markii ay Qiimeyn ku sameeyeen Gobolada Puntland. Wasiirada ayaa sheegtay in la xoojin doon Goobaha Cafimaadka ee ku yaalada Degmooyinka iyo Tuulooyinka udhaw Magaalo Madaxda. Wasiir Maryan ayaa gaba gabadii waxa ay sheegtay in ay sii xoojin doonaan wax kasta oo loo qaban karo Dumarka ,Caruurta ,iyo si dadban Qoyska uu ragu uu kujiro. Halkan ka dhagayso Wasiir Maryan. Wasiir Maryan
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online)- Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay inay maanta qaaday tallaabadii ugu horeysay ee diblomaasiyadeed oo ay ku muujineyso sida ay uga horjeedo heshiiska Dekadda Berbera ee dhowaan ka dhacay magaalada Abu dhabi iyo saldhiga milateri ee Imaaraadku ka dhisanayo magaalada Berbera. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa u yeertay safiirka Imaaraadka Carabta u fadhiya Soomaaliya, iyadoo laga dalbaday inuu caddeyn iyo faafhaahin ka bixiyo arrinta dekadda Berbera ee shirkadda DP World ay kula heshiisay Itoobiya iyo Saldhiga Milateri. Safiirka Imaaraaka Maxamed Axmed Cusman Alhamadi ayaa looga yeeray maanta xarunta Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya, waana tallaabadii ugu horeysay ee dhinaca diblomaasiyadda ah ee dowladda Soomaaliya ay qaadato dalka Imaaraadka. Xeerkii dalka looga mamnuucay shirkadda DP World ayaa la sheegay inuusan weli saxiixin madaxweyne Farmaajo, iyadoo xeerka uu ka dalbanayo Ra’iisal wasaaraha xukuumadda inay go’aankaasi gaarsiiyo dowladda Imaaraadka. Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda ee Soomaaliya ayaa shaacisay arrimihii ay kala hadashay safiirka dalka Imaaraadka carabta oo shalay looga yeeray xarunta wasaaradaasi ee magaalada Muqdisho. Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga C/qaadir Axmed-Kheyr Cabdi ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Safiirka Dowladda Isutagga Imaaraatka Carabta ee Soomaaliya Mohammed Ahmed Othman Al Hammadi, waxyna ka wadahadleen dhowr arrimood oo ay ka mid yihiin heshiiska sharci darada ah ee dhexmaray Maamulka Somaliland iyo Shirkadda DP World ee la xiriira dekedda Soomaaliyeed ee Berbera iyo arrimaha sharci ee ka dhalan kara ku xadgudubkeeda madax banaanida iyo midnimada dhuleed ee Soomaaliya. Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ayaa sheegay in Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay barnaamijyada horumarineed u qeybinayso dhammaan gobollada Soomaaliya iyadoo aan midna laga reebin, ayna aqbali doonin in wax loo dhimo madax-bannaanideeda iyo tiirarkeeda qaran, ayna ogolaan doonin heshiis kasta oo lala baalmaro. Dhankiisa, Safiirka Imaaraatka ee Soomaaliya ayaa carabka ku adkeeyay in dalkiisa ay si buuxda uga go’an tahay ilaalinta, xushmeynta iyo taageeridda madax banaanida Soomaaliya, midnimadiisa iyo bedqabka dhulkiisa, isagoo sheegay laga maarmaanshaha sii joogteynta isku duwidda iyo wadatashiga ku qotoma ballaarinta iyo qotodheereynta iskaashiga labada dal, kaas oo hubinaya horumarka xiriirka Soomaali iyo Imaaraat. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Xeer ilaaliye ku xigeenka dowladda Puntland, Maxamed Xareed Faarax oo maanta jir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garowe, ayaa soo bandhigay tacadiyada Kufsi ee saddexdii bilood ee ugu dambeysa ka dhacay gobolada Puntland. Xeer ilaaliyaha ayaa sheegay inay soo diiwaan galiyeen 18 kiis oo kufsi ah oo sannadkan ka dhacay guud ahaanba Puntland, kuwaas oo intooda badan lagu dhameeyay xeer dhaqameedyo aan waafaqsanayn sharuucda iyo qawaaniinta dowladda uga degsan Kufsiga. Waxaa hadalkiisa ku jiray digniin uu ujeedinayay Odayaasha iyo nabadoonada ka tilaabsada sharuucda dowladda Puntand uga degsan tacadiyada Kufsiga islamarkaana si hoose ku dhameeya kiisaska nuucaan ah, iyadoo la dulminayo dhibbanaha lagu tacadiyay. Xeer ilaaliyuhu waxaa sidoo kale uu sheegay inay jiraan hay’addo caalami ah oo ku shaqaysta inay abuuraan kiisas been abuur ah oo kufsiga la xiriira, si ay dhaqaale uga helaan islamarkaana magac dil ugu sameeyaan dowladda Puntland iyo shacabkeeda. Hay’addaha nuucaas ahi waxaa xeer ilaaliyuhu uu u ujeediyay digniin adag iyo in maxkamad lasoo taagidoono cidii falkaas foosha xun lagu helo. Waxaa sidoo kale uu sheegay in maxkamad lasoo taagidooni cid kasta oo iskudayda inay si hoose ku dhameyso fal dambiyeedka kufsiga.
  8. The minister of foreign affairs Dr.Saad Ali Shire has spoken about the tripartite agreement. He confirmed that the road connecting Berbera to Wajale will begin later this year. The minister was speaking to the Horn Newspapers in an exclusive interview this is the dossier of the interview….. Geeska Afrika: The Ethiopian minister of Transport said that despite his country gain of 19% stake at Berbera port that does not mean that his country has recognized Somaliland. He went further to say that agreement is a trade deal between the two countries what do you confirm or deny about the Ethiopian minister sentiments? Foreign Minister: We always had a special relationship with Ethiopia. The two countries are neighbors and it is the policy of the Somaliland government to have good relations with her neighbor furthermore we have been doing business with Ethiopia since the time of immemorial. It is our responsibility to have friendship with our neighbors. Q: Do you think time has come for Somaliland to match her trade deficit with Ethiopia following their gain of 19% stake at Berbera International Port? A:No. First and foremost our biggest handicap is that we are an import economy we simply manufacture nothing and for the time being to underscore that challenge is a daunting task. Another obstacle is that we do not export much, we used to export livestock but for now there is a ban. This is dangerous it will always affect the value of our Shilling. This has to change we have to start to invest in the agriculture economy so that our country can become self sufficient. Q: Since the tripartite agreement was signed the Somalia parliament has become a thorn in the flesh to Somaliland aspirations of self determination. How do you gauge the situation? A: They are just making noises that have no purpose. By the way Somalia has no jurisdiction over Somaliland so their parliament should not waste their valuable time to discuss Somaliland a democratic country with her own president, parliament and independent judiciary. Q: How about the Somaliland and Somalia talks are you going to engage with your adversaries or you are simply going to bide your time? A: We are going to bide our time until we can see a climate conducive to us to engage with Somalia and until then we will sit on our laurels. Q: Can we say that the tripartite agreement has opened a can of worms in the diplomatic circles for instance the Somalia government is opposed to the agreement and hence have support from Qatar and Turkey whereas Somaliland is supported by UAE? A: It is simply we will put our eggs where they will hatch. For example 50% of our trade is done with the UAE and 90% of our livestock goes to Saudi Arabia so you can see we have to take care of our interests. Q: Please tell us about the relationship between our country Turkey and Qatar is frosty or cordial? A: Somaliland foreign policy is straightforward we build bridges not walls we would love to have the best relationship with every country in the planet. Q: Can you give us a tit bit of information about the UAE military base? A: The military camp will soon be established and mid this year the Berbera-Wajale road will commence construction. Q: Somaliland has passed many metamorphosis to reach where it is today as the foreign minister what do you think is obstacle standing on the wayside of Somaliland International Recognition? A: Somaliland has fulfilled all requirements for independence and what remains is the world to acknowledge us and recognize us.
  9. The US has nothing to fear – that’s the message broadcast loud and clear by Djibouti’s government after its annexation of a key container port in Djibouti City last month. Source: Hiiraan Online
  10. Dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Kenya ayaa maanta oo ku beegan Talaado 27-March lagu wadaa in ay ka wada hadlaan darbiga muranka badan dhaliyay ee Kenya ay ka dhiseeyso xadka Soomaaliya ay la wadaagto. Guddiyo kala matalaya labada dhinac ayaa maanta kulmaya kuwaasi oo ka wada hadlaya darbiga kenya iyo sida xalka loogu heli karo. Guddiyada ayaa ka hadlaya qaabka loo joojin lahaa dhismahaasi oo gudaha u soo galay Soomaaliya. Maalin ka hor Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Gedo ayaa sheegay in dowlada Soomaaliya ay u wakiilatay wada hadaladaasi maanta dhacaya. Shalay Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa Taleefon kula hadlay madaxweyne Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta iyaga oo isku afgartay in la joojiyo dhismahaasi. Shacabka Baled-Xaawo ayaa sheegay in dowlada Kenya ay gudaha u soo gashay Degmada Baled-xaawo iyaga oo ka dhiidhiyay arintaasi dagaalna kala hortagay Ciidamada Kenya. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Soomaaliya iyo Kenya oo ka wada hadlaya Darbiga laga dhisayso Xadka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. The ministry of foreign affairs has terminated the job of nine diplomats. According to letters yet to be made public but accessed by Geeska Afrika and signed by The minister of foreign affairs Mr.Saad Ali Shire, nine friendly foreign countries are currently without Somaliland diplomatic representation. The letter dated 21st March 2018 and CCed President Musa Behi Abdi states that those addressed have been relieved of their duties as Somaliland diplomats. The letter states “following internal ministerial studies as pertains to new quest for recognition strategies, it has been decided that those diplomatic representatives without official offices in their country of services be removed from budget” To these effect all addresses herein are asked to submit budgetary needs and only in relation to activites geared towards quest for recognition” The addresses thence subsequently fired or put in a freeze are Somaliland Representatives to Norway France Turkey Canada Ireland Saudi Arabia Oman and Kuwait South Sudan and Ambassador at large Reading between lines of the letter it appears that either the new foreign policy strategy does not view the above countries as vital, or the representatives performance has been lackluste Horn
  12. The Puntland State of Somalia is stepping up the fight against maternal and newborn births with the First Lady Dr. Hodan Said Isse taking lead in her capacity as Puntland’s Goodwill Ambassador for the Campaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA). Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa sheegay inay gabi-ahaa ba joojiyeen wada-hadaladdii u dhexeeyay Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya oo la filayay in ay dhawaan bilaabmaan, kadib markii uu sheegay in Muqdisho ay weerar qaawan ku soo qaaday Somaliland. Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi ayaa sheegay dowladda federalka Soomaaliya inay caalamka ugudbisay jahwareerin iyo been abuurasho ka dhan ah jiriraankooda iyo xaqa ay uleeyihiin in maalgashi caalami ah lagu sameysto dhulkooda. “Wada-hadallada Somaliland iyo Soomaliya oo markii hore la qorsheeyey inay bilaabmaan 19-kii bishan March 2018-ka, waanu joojinay. Sababta oo ah xukuumadda Muqdisho ayaa weerar qaawan ku soo qaadey jiritaankeeda ayuu yidhi Muuse Biixi Cabdi. Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii maamulka Somaliland uu muddo bil ah dib u dhigay wada hadalada labada dhinac, laakiin go’aankaan ayaa meesha ka saaraya go’aankii hore.
  14. By Ahmed Abdi Hargeisa— Somaliland is considering to expel United Nations Organizations working in Somaliland over dissatisfaction, reports say. “President Muse Bihi Abdi selected a committee chaired by the Vice President Abdirahman Saylici to reevaluate Somaliland’s relations with the UN workers, according to a piece published by Foore News. The United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has planned to relocate its workers to Mogadishu. Somaliland expressed her dissatisfaction with the UN’s decision.
  15. Siihayaha Xeer-ilaaliyaha guud ee dowladda Puntland,Maxammed Xareed Faarax oo goor dhoweyd shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garoowe ayaa ka warbixiyay tacaddiyada kufsi ee saddexdii bilood ee la soo dhaafay ka dhacay afar gobol oo kamid ah sagaalka gobol ee Puntland. Maxammed Xareed Faarax ayaa sheegay in Xeer-ilaalintu ay xafiisyo ku leedahay afarta gobol ee kala ah Nugaal,Mudug,karkaar iyo Bari,sidaasi darteedna ay xogta sugan ee tacaddiyada ku kufsiga ka heleen afartaasi gobol oo saddexdii bilood ee sannadkaan ay ka dhaceen 18 kiis oo kufsi ah. Xeer-ilaaliyaha ayaa eedayn kulul u jeediyay qaar kamid ah hay’adaha reer Galbeedka oo uu sheegay in ay kufsiyo been abuur ah ka sheegaan degaannada Puntland,isagoo digniin ku bixiyay in hay’addii lagu helo arrintaasi sharciga la horgeyn doono. Sidoo kale wuxuu eedayn taas lamid ah u jeediyay qaar kamid ah odayaasha Dhaqanka degaannada Puntland oo uu sheegay in ay daboolaan kufsiyada loo geysto gabdhaha,islamarkaana ay laaluush ka qaataan ehelada denbiilaha tacaddiga geystay,si ay lacag uga sameeyaan xaqa dulmanaha. Siihayaha Xeer-ilaaliyaha guud ee dowladda Puntland,Maxammed Xareed ayaa sheegay in haatan wixii ka dambeeya ay maxkamad la tiigsanayan Oday-dhaqameedkii si hoose u xalliya kiis kufsi. Goor dhow la soco shirka jaraa’id oo muuqaal The post 18 kufsi oo Puntland ka dhacay ayaa haatan la shaaciyay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab Sh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Sh Cali Dheere) ayaa markii ugu horeeysay ka hadlay xiisada Soomaaliya iyo Kenya u dhaxeeyso ee ka taagan Magaalada Beled-Xaawo. Cali Dheere oo wareeysi siinayay Warbaahinta ku hadasha Afka Al-Shabaab ee Andulus uu kaga hadlay Xiisada Beled Xaawo. Waxa uu ku eedeeyay dowlada Kenya in ay daan daansi iyo dhul balaarsi ay ku heeyso Soomaaliya. Waxa uu sheegay in Kenya aanay u suurtali doonin rabitaankooda islamarkaasina Kooxdooda ay dagaal kala hortagi doonaan. Waxa uu amaan iyo bogaadin u jeediyay Shacabk Baled Xaawo oo ku amaanay sida ay ugu soo horjeeysteen Ciidamada Kenya. “Dowladda Kenya ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo ay qabsato dhul Soomaaliyeed oo dad muslimiin ahna ay gumeysato, waxay ku soo duushay qeybo badan oo ka mid ah dhul Soomaaliyeed, waxaan u aragnaa dulmi iyo duulaan, marna ma aqbaleyno in Kenya ay ku soo xad gudubto dhul Soomaaliyeed, Mujaahidiintu waxay diyaar u yihiin in ay garab iyo gaashaan u noqdaan shacabka Beled Xaawo. Ayuu yiri Cali Dheere. Maamulka Jubbaland ayuu ku eedeeyay in ay raali ka yihiin ciidamada Kenya ay ku soo xadgudubto Soomaaliya. Al-Shabaab ayaa dagaal kula Jirto Dowlada Soomaaliya iyo Ciidamada AMISOM oo ka koobaan qaar kamid ah dowladaha Afrika. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Al-shabaab oo ka hadashay Xiisada Baled-Xaawo appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Waxaa Howlgal Culus uu ka socdaa Maanta Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada dalka Soomaaliya. Howlgalkaan oo amarkiisa uu iska lahaa Ra’isilwasaare Xasan Cali kheyre ayaa ka socdo Degmooyinka Muqdisho. Ciidamo aad u farabadan ayaa lagu soo daadiyay wadooyinka Muqdisho iyo xaafadaha qaar. Ciidamada ayaa baaraya gaadiidka iyo xaafadaha Muqdisho si amaanka ay u sugaan. Dhanka kale ciidamada amaanka ayaa xiray wadooyinka Muhiimka ah ee Muqdisho sida Wadada Maka Al-Mukarama iyo wadda Tarabuunka ee Muqdisho. Howlgaladaan ayaa ka duwan kuwii hore oo ciidamada amaanka ay ka sameeyn jireen Muqdisho. Wali laamaha amaanka wali kama hadlin howlgaladaasi ay ka wadaan Muqdisho. Muqdisho waxaa ka dhaca qaraxyo iyo weeraro ay ka geeystaan Kooxda Al-Shabaab. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Howlgalo culus oo ka socdo Muqdisho iyo wadooyinka oo Xiran appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga H.E. Mr. Abdulkadir Ahmed-Kheir Abdi ayaa xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Safiirka Dowladda Isutagga Imaaraatka Carabta ee Soomaaliya H.E. Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Othman Al Hammadi. Intii kulanku socday waxaa looga wada hadlay dhowr arrimood oo ay ka mid yihiin heshiiska sharci darada ah ee dhexmaray Maamulka Somaliland iyo Shirkadda DP World ee la xiriira dekedda Soomaaliyeed ee Berbera iyo arrimaha sharci ee ka dhalan kara ku xadgudubkeeda madax banaanida iyo midnimada dhuleed ee Soomaaliya. Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ayaa sheegay in Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay barnaamijyada horumarineed u qeybinayso dhammaan gobollada Soomaaliya iyadoo aan midna laga reebin, ayna aqbali doonin in wax loo dhimo madax-bannaanideeda iyo tiirarkeeda qaran, ayna ogolaan doonin heshiis kasta oo lala baalmaro. Dhankiisa, Safiirka Imaaraatka ee Soomaaliya ayaa carabka ku adkeeyay in dalkiisa ay si buuxda uga go’an tahay ilaalinta, xushmeynta iyo taageeridda madax banaanida Soomaaliya, midnimadiisa iyo bedqabka dhulkiisa, isagoo sheegay laga maarmaanshaha sii joogteynta isku duwidda iyo wadatashiga ku qotoma ballaarinta iyo qotodheereynta iskaashiga labada dal, kaas oo hubinaya horumarka xiriirka Soomaali iyo Imaaraat. Hoos ka Daawo Sawirada PUNTLAND POST The post Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka oo ka wada hadlay Arrimaha Shirkadda DP World appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Dowladda Ethiopia ayaa dib u xirtay hogaamiyaal mucaarad ah iyo Bogag warar lagu faafiyo, kuwaas oo dhowr todobaad ka hor lasii daayay. Andualem Aragie, oo ah hogaamiyaha mucaaradka Ethiopia (UDJ ), saxafi lagu magacaabo Eskinder Nega iyo Temesgen Desalegn oo ah maamulaha boggaga Befeqadu Hailu iyo Zelalem Workagegnehu, ayaa la xiray, intii lagu guda jiray dabaal deg ay soo abaabuleen maxaabiistii siyaasadeed ee dhowaan lasii siidaayay. Ethiopia ayaa horey usii daysay in ka badan 6,000 kun oo maxaabiis ah tan iyo bishii January ee sannadkan, waxaana ku jiray saxafiyiin sare sare iyo hoggaamiyayaasha mucaaradka.
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa khilaaf Siyaasadeedka ka dhex aloosan baarlamaanka Somalia kaa oo laba garab u kala jabiyay Xildhibaanada. Khilaafka baarlamaanka ayaa la sheegay inuu cirka isku sii shareeray kadib markii Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee dalka ahna Xildhibaan ka tirsan Aqalka Sare CCC Sharmaarke uu dhaqaale xoogan ku wareejiyay Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Jawaari. CCC Sharmaarke, ayaa la xaqiijiyay in dhaqaalahaasi uu kala imaaday dalka Isutaga Imaaraadka Carabta waxa uuna xiligaan dhex-dhexaad u yahay Dowlada Imaaraadka , Guddoomiye Jawaari iyo Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka oo uu ku kasbanaayo dhan dhaqaale. CCC Sharmaarke oo si cad u garabsiinaaya Guddoomiye Jawaari, ayaa siyaabo kala duwan Xildhibaanada Mooshinka wada iyo kuwa aan Mooshinka wadin kulamo gaar gaar ah kula yeesha Hoteelada. Mid kamid ah Xildhibaanada Mooshinka kawada Jawaari kana qeybgalay kulamada uu Hoteelada ku qabanaayo Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee dalka ayaa inoo xaqiijiyay in CCC Sharmaarke uu dhibaato ku hayo dalka. Waxa uu sheegay in CCC Sharmaarke uu aad uga soo horjeedo in cadaalad iyo kala danbeyn ka dhalato Somalia, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay in dhaqaale xoogan uu ku bixinaayo in kala jabinta baarlamaanka. Waxa uu intaa ku daray in CCC Sharmaarke uu Xildhibaanada qaar dhaqaale kusiinayo si looga soo horjeesto garabka Mooshinka kawada Jawaari, hase ahaatee waxa uu cadeeyay inaanu taa dhici doonin, isla markaana ay xilka ka xayuubin doonaan Jawaari. Docda kale, waxa uu CCC Sharmaarke uga digay inuu kala jabsho Xildhibaanada isagoo ay u muuqato in dhaqaalaha uu kasoo qaaday Imaaraadka uu ku meelmariyo burburinta Mooshinka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  21. Bosaso[Puntland Post]-Tababarkan oo looga hadlayey Xuquuqda qoxootiga ka soo haajiray dalkood oo ku sugan Deegaanada Puntland ayaa loo qabtaya Qoxootiga ku nool Magaalada Bosaso ee xarunta gobalka Bari,. Tababarkan ayaa waxa furaya masuuliyiin ka socday Wasarada Arimaha Gudaha Maamulka Puntland waxaa ka qaybgalay Masuuliyiinta ka socday qaxootiga ku dhaqan Bosaso iyo masuuliyiinta Hay’ada Kaalo . Abdijalil Siciid Xaashi oo ka socdaya Haya,adda Kaalo islamarkan bixinayey Tababarka ayaa ka qeyb galayaasha kula dar daaramay in ay ka faaiidaystaan caasharada ay qaadanayaan . Wuxuu kale oo xusay in la ilaaliyo xuquuqda bini aadanka gaar ahaana xuquuqda qaxootiga maadaama ay yihiin dad ka soo qaxay wadan koodii hooyo kuna sugan Puntland si sharciga caalamiga iyo kan Puntland udagan waafaqsan . Fulinta tababarkan ayaa waxaa iska kaashaday Hay’ada Qoxootiga u qaabilsan qaramada Midoobe UNHCR iyo haya’ada Kaalo waxaana tababarkan horay loogu qabtay Magaalooyinka kale ee Puntland wuxuuna Qayb ka yahay mashaariic ay Kaalo ka fulinayso deegaanada Puntland. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post- Bosaso The post Haya,adda Kaalo oo Bosaso ku Qabatay Tababar ku Saabsan Xuquuqda Qoxootiga appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Two years ago, citizenship classes in Lewiston would be packed with 40 or 50 recent refugees to the United States eager to learn English and pass their citizenship tests. Today, those classes draw only five or 10 students. “We don’t have new refugees coming here,” said Rilwan Osman, executive director of Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services.The flow of new refugees arriving in Maine has slowed from a steady stream to a trickle in the past six months, part of a national trend driven by a variety of restrictions imposed by the Trump administration. A data analysis from the Associated Press shows the U.S. is on track to accept the smallest number of refugees in the 38-year history of the modern resettlement program. At the current rate, the U.S. will take in about 21,000 refugees this federal fiscal year, less than half the cap of 45,000 set by the Trump administration. About 85,000 refugees came to the United States in 2016 under the Obama administration. The decrease has been even more pronounced in Maine. Catholic Charities Maine, the state’s only refugee resettlement agency, expected to receive 375 people this year, a significant drop from the 642 refugees resettled in Maine last year. As of Thursday, more than halfway through the federal fiscal year, the organization has resettled just 30 refugees so far. The AP analysis found that 21 refugees arrived in Maine between Oct. 1 and March 15, down from 229 during the same period a year ago. “Maine was particularly hard hit by the travel bans,” said Hannah DeAngelis, program director for Refugee and Immigration Services at Catholic Charities. That’s because Maine has traditionally received a large percentage of its refugees from Muslim-majority countries affected by the new Trump administration policies and bans, DeAngelis said. The state has accepted 77 refugees from Syria since 2014, but no one has arrived this year. In recent years, hundreds of refugees have come from Iraq and Somalia – the two most common countries of origins for refugees in Maine – but the number of new arrivals from each of those countries was less than 10 as of earlier this month. Refugee status is a designation given by the United Nations to people who have fled their countries because of persecution, war or violence. Refugees receive assistance from the United Nations while waiting to qualify for resettlement, a process that takes years. Once resettled in the U.S., refugees are eligible for federal cash assistance for up to eight months. Nearly 4,000 refugees have settled in Maine since 2002, and the majority are from Somalia and Iraq. Courts struck down the first two versions of the travel ban ordered by President Trump. Those were replaced by the current ban, which places varying levels of restrictions on people from eight countries – Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, North Korea and Venezuela. Some exceptions are allowed, such as documented business purposes or close family relationships. The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to make a decision about the legality of the ban in June. Trump also has restricted programs that allow immigrants to bring their family members to the U.S. Among them is a program that allows families split during refugee resettlement to be reunified. That was suspended last year and then restarted in response to a judge’s injunction, according to the AP. More than 70 percent of the cases at Catholic Charities Maine are family reunifications, DeAngelis said. Family reunification is also called “chain migration” by those, including Trump, who want such access to be more limited. The changes have affected an unknown number of families in Maine who had been working to bring relatives here. “People expect their family members to join them here in Maine,” DeAngelis said. “There’s a number of legal avenues to petition for that to happen. Many have been stopped. I think people are very anxious about those processes, and there’s very little information about when those will begin.” Even in cases where refugee resettlement is allowed to continue, the slowdown could also be attributed to new security procedures established by the latest travel ban, DeAngelis said. “What we’re mostly hearing is that family members are going through the security screening processes over again,” she said. “Family members in Maine are feeling very discouraged.” The process of refugee resettlement is already a difficult one. Osman, who was born in Somalia, came to the United States in 2004. His application was in processing for three years while he lived in a refugee camp in Kenya. “It is a long, expensive process to come here,” Osman said. “A lot of screening, a lot of interviews from one agency to another. It took me a long time.” Mahmoud Hassan, president of the Somali Community Association of Maine, said refugee admissions have become “a small trickle.” He said he knows many community members are waiting for relatives who seemed to be approved for immigration to the U.S. Now, their applications have been put on hold. “There were always interviews, there were always processes, there were always questions,” Hassan said. “But then, if people had done all the right things, it was expected that they travel. But that expectation is not there anymore.” As the number of refugees coming to the U.S. shrinks, so will the resettlement system. The administration has told executives of nine private resettlement agencies they must close any office expected to place fewer than 100 refugees this year. Catholic Charities Maine had expected more than 300 arrivals, so it was not affected by that directive this year. But it has made cuts to case managers as the flow of refugees dropped off. DeAngelis said the office lost the equivalent of five positions over the past year – about 20 percent of the staff. “We’ve been trying to retain our staff and expertise as long as we possibly can,” DeAngelis said. However, she said, “We weren’t seeing a trend up again in refugee resettlement.” She said the organization did resettle one family from Somalia last month. But the future is uncertain. “I don’t know if that is indicative of future cases getting through,” she said. “It’s unclear if it’s going to be months or years for those families.” Source: – Press Herald
  23. SEATTLE – Hate crimes in Seattle is why more than a dozen women attended a workshop called “Hijabs and Harassment” in West Seattle. They say wearing a hijab as part of their religion makes them a target for harassment. “For my mother and my sisters that cover, you see that they are Muslim walking down the street, so they’re an easier target than myself who chooses not to cover or Muslim men who don’t have outward signs of their faith,” said Nimco Bulale, education program manager at One America. Bulale, who was born in Somalia, left her home country after the civil war moving to Uganda then to America when she was six years old. She now teaches fellow Somali women how to protect themselves. Bulale says Muslim women are feeling a heightened sense of anxiety with more negative rhetoric around Muslims since President Trump took office. “We don’t know what our right, we don’t know what to do,” said Farhiya Mohamed, executive director of the Somali Family Safety Taskforce. She says many women in her community have come to her asking what to do if someone yells a racial slur while they’re at a bus stop or physically attacks them because they’re wearing a hijab, so she decided it was time to put together an educational workshop to address those concerns. “2017 was our highest year rate for incidents against all groups,” said detective Elizabeth Wareing, the bias crimes coordinator of the Seattle Police Department. Wareing says police means different things to people of different cultures, she is emphasizing that the Seattle police department is here to help women and anyone affected by a hate crime. She is teaching these women how to report a crime, why that’s important, how the dispatch system works and what to expect when a police officer arrives to their call. “I want to make sure they know what SPD officers is help, not persecution or embarrassment or something negative they may have faced at their home country,” said Wareing. She says unlike problems like property crime, hate crimes are more challenging to solve using traditional methods. “We can throw more officers at the area or change our patrol patterns and it changes the patterns of incident, like for property crimes, but with bias crimes, we’ve noticed they happen all over the city at time frames that are random,” said Wareing. She says it’s critical for these women and anyone affected by hate crimes to report them because she says if police don’t know it’s happening they can’t act to mitigate it. The city shows 418 incidents of bias crime in 2017 for all groups, with downtown Seattle, Capitol Hill and Northgate seeing the highest numbers by neighborhood. This group of women says they want to learn how to work with police to help make them feel safer. “America is my second home,” said Sofya Omar, one participant who says people avoid her on a bus because she is wearing a hijab and she’s too fearful to go out at night because she may get harassed. “I wish the larger community would know that we too are here seeking opportunity and a better life just like everyone else,” said Bulale. Source: – Q13Fox
  24. Kenya’s plan to carve out a semi-autonomous region called Jubaland in Somalia had already been finalised as early as 2010. Source: Hiiraan Online
  25. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Maleeshiyada al-Shabaab ayaa ka hadashay duulaanka ay dowlada Kenya kusoo qaaday degmada Beled Xaawo ee Gobolka Gedo. Maleeshiyada ayaa sheegtay inay ka jawaab celin doonaan talaabada ay Kenya ugu soo xad gudbeyso degmada Beled Xaawo ee Gobolka Gedo. Afhayeenka Maleeshiyada Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage ‘’Sheekh Cali Dheere’’ oo la hadlay Idaacadda Andalus oo ku hadasha afka Shabaab, ayaa sheegay in al-Shabaab ay difaaceyso xadka. Cali Dheere, wuxuu sheegay in aysan aheyn markii ugu horeysay oo Kenya ay qabsato dhul Soomaaliyeed,hase ahaatee ay al-Shabaabna qabsan doonaan Kenya, si uu usoo degdego xalka Somalia. Cali Dheere, wuxuuna tilmaamay in Kenya ay ku soo duushay qeybo ka mid ah dhulka Soomaaliya, isaga oo sheegay in falkan uu yahay daan daansi qaawan, balse ay al-Shabaab isaga filantahay. Cali Dheere, waxa uu sidoo kale eedeyn dusha uga tuuray Maamulka Jubbaland oo raali ku ah in Kenya ay xad gudub ku soo sameyso dhulka Soomaaliyeed, balse wuxuu sheegay in aysan u suuragali doonin in Kenya ay heysato taako dhul Soomaaliyeed. Sidoo kale, Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan kuwa Beled Xaawo ku ammaanay qaabka ay uga dhiidhinayaan xad gudubka Kenya ay ku soo sameysay Soomaaliya, shacabka qaar ayaa sheegay in guryahooda la dumiyay. Haddalka Cali Dheere, ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili dowlada Somalia ay arrintaan mas’uuliyada ka saran ka jiifsatay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho