Deeq A.

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  1. Maxkamad ku taallo Masar ayaa ku xukuntay xabsi muddo saddex sano ah madaxweynihii hore ee Masar Maxamed Mursi iyo 19 kale oo qof ka dib markii ay liideen madaxda garsoorka dalkaasi. Mursi iyo kooxdaan kale ayaa horay waxaa ay u sheegeen warar ay ku naqdinayaan xukunka waxayna doonayeen inay baahiyaan warar ku saleysan naceyb sida ay sheegtay maxkamadda. Maxamed Mursi ayaa loo maxkamadeeyay arrimo dhowr ah tan iyo markii ay casileen ciidamada bishii June ee sanadkii 2013 ka dib markii ay dhaceen banana-baxyo ballaaran oo looga soo horjeeda xukunkiisa. Waxaa la soo saaray labo xukun oo ugu dambeyn Mursi ka dhan ah iyo xubno ka tirsan kooxda Ikhwaanul-muslimiin ee uu ka tirsanyahay. Mursi ayaa agu xukumay xabsi daa’in ah isaga oo lagu heystay labo arrimood oo kala ah dhacdooyinkii ka dhacay aqalka madaxtooyada Masar ee Al-tixaadiyah iyo inuu sirdoon u ahaa dowladda Qatar. Goobjoog News Source
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Qarax culus oo inta badan laga wada maqlay Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Wadada Warshaddaha ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Qaraxa oo aad u xooganaa ayaa waxaa lasoo sheegayaa in subaxnimadan lala eegtay Kolonyo Gaadiid dagaal oo ay la socdeen Saraakiil iyo ciidamo ka tirsan AMISOM. Dadka deegaanka qaarkood ayaa sheegaya in Qaraxa uu ahaa mid lagu dhuftay gaadiidka, halka warar kaa ka duwan ay sheegayaan in lagu aasay hareeraha wadad Warshaddaha. Qaraxa kadib ayaa waxaa halkaa laga maqlaayay rasaas xoogan oo ay ridayeen ciidamada ku dhow dhow goobta uu Qaraxa ka dhacay, waxaana lasoo sheegayaa in halkaa uu ka dhashay qasaaro kala duwan. Ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa AMISOM ayaa xiray wadada Qaraxa kadib waxaana xiliga Qaraxa halkaa maraayay Gaadiid shacab iyo dad kusii jeeday goobahooda shaqo. Ma cadda heerka uu gaarsiisan yahay khasaaraha ka dhashay Qaraxa, inkastoo la xaqiijiyay inuu jiro khasaaro. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Qarax xoogan oo goordhow ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Ugandha ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in mar kale ay Somalia kala baxday ciidamo farabadan oo hordhac u ah qorshaha Somalia looga saarayo ciidamada AMISOM. Dowlada Ugandha ayaa sheegtay inuu bilowday qorshaha la bixitaanka ciidamada, ka hor inta aan mar qura la wada saarin ciidamada. Ugandha waxa ay tilmaanta in maalintii shalay ay Somalia kala baxday ciidamo dhan 281 oo kamid ah Ciidamada Nabad Ilaalinta AMISOM ee ka howlgalaayay Muqdisho. Afhayeenka Ciidamada Uganda Korneyl Richard Karemire oo la hadlay Saxaafada ayaa sheegay in bixitaanka Ciidankaan ay qayb ka tahay dhimista Ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Soomaaliya. Waxa uu Korneyl Richard Karemire sheegay in 1000-kii ugu horreeyay bixitaankoodu ku egyahay 31 bishaan Dec, halka tirooyinka harsan ay ku dhameystiri doonaan muddo kooban. Nuqul kamid ah hadalka Korneyl Richard Karemire ayaa ahaa “Waxaan horeyba u fulinay shuruudaheena sida Golaha Amniga ee Qaramada Midoobay, waxaan horeyba u dhignay ciidankeena 281 si waafaqsan Dastuurka 31-ka December,” Korneyl Richard Karemire, waxa uu intaa raaciyay in ku dhawaad 1000 Askari ay ka bixin doonaan Soomaaliya, islamarkaana 5000 ay sii joogi doonaan Soomaaliya. Dhinaca kale, Wakiilada beesha caalamka ka jooga Somalia ayaa siyaabo kala duwan uga digay in xiligaan ciidamada AMISOM laga saaro Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Bixitaanka ciidamada AMISOM oo si rasmi ah u bilowday & Ugandha oo ciidamo cusub la baxday appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. In Latin American countries, the United Fruit Company (UFCO), a USA owned Private Corporation runs the biggest export trade in agricultural production primarily, in the production of bananas which is a preferred dietary consumption in the United States, the history of growing bananas in the Central Latin American countries dates back to 1870, Mr. Keith was the man who pioneered this successful business. He even married the daughter of Costa Rican President to advance his business empire. His efforts paid off and eventually earned the title of “The Uncrowned King of Central America”. This multinational company has been considered the quintessential representative of American imperialism in Central America. Not only did the Company enjoy enormous privileges in that region but also counted on authoritarian governments in dealing with labor unrest and other unlawful activities. Today, UFCO is among the world’s four largest food producers, and it has strong political connections in some Central Latin American countries notably: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. For example, in Guatemala under Dictator Jorge Ubico, the United Fruit Company gained control of 42% of Guatemala’s “arable land”. In 1951, Jacobo Arbenz was elected as the 25th President of Guatemala; he was a strict nationalist who wanted to restore the plundered land to his peasants. The CIA labeled him to be a communist, and he finally resigned from office for a fear of his safety. The United States with the support of CIA frequently used to carry out “covert operations” in which they either murder or remove power from any President who dares to resist the interest of their business empire. The disdainful term of “Banana Republic” is often referred to those nations, though some people could possibly misunderstand the true meaning of this word; It is true that these nations produce the tropical fruit of bananas, however, the exact meaning of banana republic is ‘a political term” meaning: “A weak, and politically unstable nation with an economy dependent upon the exportation of a limited resource product e.g. bananas, minerals”. The UFCO reduced these nations to a mere banana republic which has no other choices but to be dictated. Over the past decades, Somaliland Private Enterprise was running at a faster rate, the major line of business in our country is more or less a single component of business namely: “Service Business” whether they are involved with the money transfers, telecommunications or air transport.  These local private enterprises accumulated a lot of fortune in the form of profits  They often get tax breaks from the government, or pays lesser than their actual profits.  They do not encounter much tougher policies of economic regulations which are supposed to be imposed by the government  They rarely make a local reinvestment from the proceeds of their marginal profits instead; they create a capital flight.  Any free market economy which failed to operate within the framework of government regulations consequently distorts the entire system of any economy and creates haves and have-nots It is a true fact that these local entrepreneurs have advanced the delivery of essential services, and created the retention of job markets, however, still much has to be reconsider. Abdulqadir Omer Jama
  5. ADDIS ABABA, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) — Renewed unrest in Ethiopia’s central Oromia regional state left one person dead and four others injured, a regional official said on Saturday. Speaking to journalists, Ketema Bekelcha, Head of security department at Huro Guduru Wollega zone of Oromia regional state, said the unrest occurred on Friday when youths in Shambu city, 303 km northwest of Addis Ababa, tried to rob passing trucks carrying sugar. The incident is the second time in two months that unrest over sugar being transported in Oromia caused deaths. In October, at least eight people died in Ambo city, 130 km north of Addis Ababa, when police and soldiers used live rounds against angry demonstrators who blocked roads to prevent transportation of sugar. The demonstrators believed erroneously sugar from nearby Fincha sugar factory was being transported illegally to other places. Ethiopia is in the midst of a severe sugar shortage which the Ethiopian government blames on bad weather condition that halved the country’s sugar production last year. Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest regional state, has seen large anti-government protests by ethnic Oromos since the end of 2015, leaving hundreds of people dead. Oromos, Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group making up a third of the country’s 100 million population, complain of decades of economic, political and social marginalization by successive governments. Martial law declared in October 2016 and later lifted in August 2017 had calmed Oromia regional state, but renewed anti-government protests starting October left several people dead and property damages.
  6. ADDIS ABABA, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) — The Ethiopian Federal High Court in Addis Ababa on Saturday gave prison sentences to two members of Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), an outlawed rebel group. The first defendant Ahmed Abdi was sentenced to 13 years in prison while second defendant Ahmed Mohammed was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The two, residents of Mogadishu in neighboring Somalia, were caught in July 15, 2016 as they were trying to infiltrate Ethiopia from Somalia. ONLF is an ethnic rebel group which has been operating in Ethiopia’s Somali regional state for the last two decades. The rebel group made international headlines in April 24, 2007 when it launched a deadly raid on an oil field in Ethiopia Somali regional state. The attack left 65 Ethiopians and nine Chinese dead. The oil facility was run by China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec). After the attack the Ethiopian government undertook a vigorous counterinsurgency campaign and indigenization of the security forces in Somali regional state succeeding in taking the sting out of the insurgency. It also undertook large scale infrastructure projects to win the hearts of local population who were thought to be sympathetic to ONLF.
  7. Earlier this year, President Trump declared parts of Somalia a warzone. Since then, the U.S. has conducted dozens of drone strikes trying to stop a ruthless terrorist group that’s killed hundreds. CBS News’ Deborah Patta filed this reporter’s notebook from Mogadishu. A brutal civil war followed by al-Shabab‘s bombing campaign has left a city in ruins. Despite this, there is a semblance of normality in parts of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu. Mogadishu returns to an uneasy new normal despite ongoing threats from al Qaeda-linked al-Shabab CBS NEWS What you don’t see — because CBS News was not allowed to film there — are the roadblocks on almost every street manned either by government security forces, clan militia or private guards. Filming in Mogadishu is still difficult: There are roadblocks everywhere, and CBS News crews were always surrounded by armed police and even arrested on one occasion. The arrest lasted only five hours but underscores the point that even with official permission and all the right documentation – Somalia is unpredictable. Mogadishu is still recovering from decades of war. CBS NEWS Even in a city that is no stranger to death and destruction, the most recently October 14 vehicle bomb killed over 500 people was on a scale never before seen here. And now there is a new security nightmare: The laptop bomb that al-Shabab continues to try and perfect. In CCTV footage, two men are shown entering the airport. One is carrying a laptop, and he slips the computer to the bomber. The man was the head of Mogadishu’s airport security at the time. The laptop exploded shortly after takeoff and blew a hole in the side of the plane. Only the bomber was killed, bu in the past 18 months, three other computers bombs were found after one partially exploded in a cargo hold. New multi-layered security checks, including dogs trained to sniff out explosives, are supposed to stop that. But al-Shabab still has people on the inside. Al-Shabab is using laptop bombs to slip past airport security. CBS NEWS “So the biggest problem we have – is that no matter who it is from the airport manager to the cleaner – everybody has to follow the security,” said deputy head of security Said Eliye. Intelligence officials told CBS News that al-Shabab will continue to make laptop bombs until they get it right. They have bomb-making factories around the country and Mogadishu, they can blend easy into local communities. Also living in those communities are counter-terrorism police, who are frequently targeted for assassination. Officials were scared to go on camera, filming anywhere made people nervous and we were unable to do anything without heavy security detail. A quiet road may not look menacing but it can turn nasty in an instant CBS
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Guddoomiyaha Guddiga dastuurka ee labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Xildhibaan Cabdi Xasan Cawaale ”Qeybdiid”, ayaa ka digay in la Siyaasadeeyo weerarkii lagu qaaday Hooygiisa magaalada Muqdisho. Qeybdiid, ayaa sheegay inaanu jirin sabab ay xiligaani Hooygiisa u weerarto dowlada Somalia, waxa uuna Xildhibaanada iyo Siyaasiyiinta kaga digay in weerarka lagu qaaday Hooygiisa ay ku wada maraan. Qeybdiid, oo Hooygiisa Muqdisho kulan kula qaatay Xildhibaano, Saraakiil iyo Siyaasiyiin kala duwan ayaa ka dalbaday inaan weerarka dusha laga saarin cid aan ka danbeyn waxa uuna ku baaqay in la xoojiyo keliya baaritaanka lagu hayo weerarka. Waxa uu sheegay in shaqsi ahaantiisa uu yahay mas’uul xil u haya labada baarlamaan, sidaa aawgeed uusan xiligaan dooneynin inuu ku degdego war aan la hubin waxa uuna iska fogeeyay in weerarkaasi uu uga shakisan yahay dowlada. “Weerarka leygu qaaday lama Siyaasadeyn karo waa arrin aniga i khuseysa waxaan ka digayaa in dhinacyada kasoo horjeeda dowlada iyo kuwa taageersanba ay Siyaasadeeyan weerarkeyga” “Weerarkeyga waxaan rumeysanahay inaanu ku lug laheyn arrimo dowladeed iyo mid Siyaasadeedba, waxaan baaritaanka uga fadhiyaa keliya dowlada” Qeybdiid, waxa uu tilmaamay in degdegta badan ay sabab u tahay Siyaasad xumo ku dhacday dowlado dhowr ah oo dalka soo maray, waxa uuna ku baaqay mar kale inaan la Siyaasadeyn weerarkiisa. Dhinaca kale, Qeybdiid ayaa dowlada Somalia ugu baaqay in weerarka lagu qaaday Hooygiisa ay kasoo saarto Jawaab cad oo lagu qanci karo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Qeybdiid oo ka digay hal arrin loo adeegsado weerarkii lagu qaaday gurigiisa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Xog muhiim ah oo Warbaahinta Puntlandi ka heleen Dad ka agdhow Baaritaanka cidii amartay Weerarkii lagu qaaday guriga Sanator Cabdi Xasan Cawaale ( Cabdi Qaybdiid ) ayaa sheegaysa in farta lagu fiiqayo Xubno ka tirsan Xafiiska Raysal wasaaraha iney ka dambeeyeen Weerarka. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in Maalmo ka hor ay Xubnaha bixiyey Amarka ay heleen Xog ku saabsan Lacago farabadan oo la geeyey guriga Sanatarka lacagtaasoo la sheegay in laga keentey mid kamid ah Wadamada Carabta, Xubnaha ka tirsan Xafiiska Raysal wasaaraha ayaa durba bilaabay iney Abaabulasn Ciidan ka dul dhaca guriga Sanatorka si ay usoo qabtaan lacagta, Nasiib darase Ciidanku Markay xoog ku galeen Gurigii waxay waayeen Lacagtii iyo taadka lacagtaba, Durba waxaa la ogaadey in warka ku saabsan lacagta uu ahaa mid samba jirin. Ciidanka waxaa lagasoo abaabulay oo amarka lagasoo bixiyet Xubno awood ku dhex leh Dowlada Federaalka kuwasoo ka tirsan Xafiiska Raysal wasaaraha, lamana oga in Raysal wasaaaruhu uu ka war hayay iyo in kale. Inkastoo xogta aan ka helnay illo lagu kalsoon yahay hadana nalooma magacaabin xubnaha bixiyey Amarkaanka lagu weeraray Ho’yga Sanator Qaybdiid. Xogta aan helney waxay kaloo sheegaysaa in xabsiga loo taxaabay oo baaritaan lagu hayo ku dhowaad 39 Askari oo ah kuwii fuliyey weerakii lagu fatishay Guriga Qaybdiid. Xukuumada Way iska fogeeyeen Weerarka iney wax ka ogaayeen. Puntlandi Muqdisho
  10. The international civil aviation organization is an specialized organization of the United Nations That codifies the principles and techniques of international airspace navigation as well as the planning and development of international air transport to ensure the safety and order of international civil aviation. It is of no secret that this organization manages the airspace of Somalia under a unique project that is one of its kind in the entire world, that is to say ICAO only manages the airspace of Somalia out of all the countries in the world. The reason this happened is a no brainer since Somalia was struggling with governance and basic political organization since 1991 let alone managing a vital organization such a civil aviation organization. Now, it has been in the news for the past few months that ICAO has agreed to transfer all civil aviation responsibilities to the newly crowned government of Somalia presided by Mr. Farmajo. ICAO currently manages the airspace from nairobi Kenya, which was the case for almost 25 years now. This new government and its predecessor pushed and demanded the airspace management to be relocated to Mogadishu from its current location, in a desperate state to prove itself and pose as the long awaited messiah of the Somali political arena. This was all done without the consent of the Somaliland government of which they share the airspace with. Ignoring the Istanbul communique which laid down conditions such as making the capital Hargeisa the head quarters of the joint civil aviation organization. To make matters worse the Somali government has already started to inject their “mooryaan” like governance tactics to the already weak management of the project, the recruitment and promotion functions of the project is heavily influenced by the decisions of the Somali government and its officials. Furthermore, according to inside information i acquired from a person close to the Aviation Ministry of Somalia, nepotism is fast becoming a norm: “The project is already recruiting and promoting staff not by credentials but by tribal proportions and ratios, this was not the case before as all recruitment underwent a rigorous process of exams, interviews and short listings, atleast that was the case when they recruited from Somaliland ” said the informant, which shall remain anonymous and which we shall name Mr. X from now onwards. To make matters even worse than it is, this informant has shared with me an astonishing fact that will surely make people sick to their stomachs. During the last three months after the Somali government succeeded to persuade the Project management and ICAO to transfer the project, came training opportunities that the staff was to go to Italy in order to acquire the technical know-how of the newly bought systems by the project to ease the transfer processes. As well as another training that was to happen in Canada also pertaining to technical knowledge required for the development and function of the civil aviation. Speaking of these matters Mr. X said “there was about 20 people from the staff, selected to go to Italy for training in two patches, and another patch mainly selected from the heads of each department that was to go to Canada. the first patch to italy and the heads of departments that were to go to canada was scheduled to depart a month ago, but due to visa ‘complications’ they are still stuck in nairobi, the first patch to Italy was purely selected by balancing the different tribes instead of departmental credentials. But if that wasnt awful enough it gets even worse”. Asking myself what was worse than that i inquired of Mr. X to elaborate, continuing he said: “There is now information that resurfaced recently brought into light the corruption this new influence from the Somali goverment has brought in that, the government sent 6 people that were not from the staff to Canada, under the guise that they were the expected departmental heads. What is laughable is that these six people were not actually in any form governmental staff but random people that were sold the visas, it wasnt a surprise then when they escaped once they were in canada probably to seek asylum from the Canadian government, an extreme case of the corruption expected from a hectic infant-like government like that of somalia” “Now in the case of the remaining patch that is intended to go to italy, it is rumoured there are 10 people ready to replace them in Nairobi as we speak, waiting to be sent to Italy disguised as staff members so that they can enter europe from there as well” Mr. X has further told me that there were staff previously sent to Italy when the previous president was incumbent, they dutifuly returned to their stations after they finished the training but the Italian government has recently inquired the government whether they knew that there were two people that went with the staff to italy but did not return rather escaping to europe, it is of no surprise those two as well where sold the visas by the previous governments officials. The shame! It is very strange that a government that tries so hard to act as the saviours of the somali people are actually scandalously employing such bizarre tactics behind the curtains. It comes naturally then to question their integrity as a functioning government and whether they are able to develop the country let alone managing a minuscule function of the government such as the civil aviation. If the governmental officials in Mogadishu are stealing from the same people they are supposed to work for by trying to profit from training opportunities required to better equip somali human resources so that they can serve their people, then no hope can be expected from them, and their endeavours to mesmerize the masses through the media is but a mirage. By Mohamed Abdi
  11. By M.A. Egge The government of the Republic of Somaliland has been categorical that the Mogadishu government of Somalia cannot take control of Somaliland’s air space in any circumstances. In a strong cautionary warning that the country’s Foreign affairs minister Hon. Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire has registered, the government of Somaliland will never accept the move at all. This comes after Somalia announced that they had regained control of the air control since it disintegrated in 1991 in a function attended by her President Mr. Farmajo. Quoted in the local media following a press probe, Hon. Shire stated that the territorial integral rights cannot be infringed by ICAO which is a United Nations body hence Somaliland will register its strongest rejection of the move. Given that ICAO had run the Somalia/ Somaliland air space for almost 27 years on behalf of both countries, an arbitrary move to give the rights to only one was completely out of order. The foreign minister was noted as saying that numerous agreements were made in various talks in 2011, 13, 14, 15 and 2017 in a tripartite manner that involved both countries. Hon. Shire said that the international community (IC) was aware of Somaliland’s defacto stature hence it reserved the rights to guard its own air, land and sea (water) borders. He said that if the IC takes to support the infringement of SL’S territorial rights, the country would take its cue as deserved. Meanwhile the just removed foreign aviation minister Mr. Farhan A. Heibe said that the Somalia government was playing a cat and mouse game hence denied that air control has been arbitrarily given to the Mogadishu government. He described the reported ICAO move as a “Fake News” spin done by the Farmajo government to endear his administration to the people. Talking to local press yesterday he said that similar moves were made in not less than 9 times, five of the latest of which he had rebutted to their chagrin. He held that this time was yet another political gimmick they were playing and warned that Somaliland had the capacity to retaliate and would use it if necessary. He assumed that ICAO had not really handed over the control but the function was that of inauguration of aviation appliances upgraded in Mogadishu. The President of the Republic H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi just established the National Civil Aviation Authority soon after taking the country’s leadership and dissolved the ministry of aviation and by thus placing the department under the transport docket. Given that the Head of State is a trained aviator who has been a prominent veteran of Somaliland’s aspirations as a nation and a top guerilla leader fighting for the re-assertion of the country’s independence it is the nation’s belief that he will prevail and triumph in the tug-of-war with Somalia.
  12. By: M. A. Egge HARGEISA–The President of the Republic H.E. Musa Behi Abdi has called upon his cabinet members to see to it that his envisaged 120 days plan be keenly adhered to and realized as much as possible. This was contained in a resolute guideline that outlined the issues resolved to be done after a four-day working retreat in form of a workshop held for the Ministers at Royal Palace Hotel by the Civil Service Institute. Amongst the resolutions were articles such as follows:- 1) The engagement of collective responsibility by the Council of Cabinet in order to work as a one entity; thus teamwork. 2) Policy plans should be based on Kulmiye development and National Development Plan II. 3) The stepping up of the efforts of lobbying for the country’s aspirations of recognition. 4) Bolstering of internal and external security. 5) Entice investments and easing Bureaucracy 6) Generations of income and streamlining of financial management. 7) Stepping up of efforts of local production and disseminating the need of the same to the populace. 8) Fledging of infrastructure. 9) Stepping up of good governance, transparency and justice. 10) Formulate the policy plans to combat drought and famine. 11) Upgrading the civil service dispensing. 12) Realizing the 120 days plan the President has envisaged with each ministry taking its one. On the other hand the President met over the week with both Speakers of the Upper and Lower Houses of the Parliament the Hon. Suleiman Mohamoud Adan and Hon. Bashe Mohamed Farah respectively hence impressed upon them the needs of:- 1) Bolstering and maintaining peaceful security and stability. 2) Being ready for the upcoming Parliamentary and Civic Elections hence completion of the statutory regulations applying. 3) The stepping up of interworking relationships of the assemblies of national councils. The President also gave the two Speakers tabs on aspects needed in a prior meeting he held with the National Electoral Commission.
  13. MOGADISHU (Reuters) – Masked men who appeared to be members of the Somali security forces raided the house of a powerful Somali senator on Saturday, but the government initially said it did not know who they were, fuelling political tensions. Senator Abdi Hassan Awale Qaybdiid is a former militia leader, chief of police, minister and regional head. Now he heads the constitutional committee in parliament and the upper house. The attack on his home underscores the lack of clear lines of command and control within Somali forces as top officials ordered an urgent enquiry into who authorized the raid. The weak, U.N.-backed government is fighting an al-Qaeda linked Islamist insurgency. But the fight has been hampered by its inability to control its fledgling national security forces, largely recruited from clan militias and put through training by other nations. “Government forces broke into my house, they beat the guard with butts and took his gun,” Qaybdiid told reporters at his home on Saturday. “They broke all the doors of my rooms and my cupboards… My wife was in the toilet by then. They broke the toilet while she was inside it.” “Immediately after my house was stormed, the head of Mogadishu’s national security forces called me saying the forces that attacked my house were the military forces trained by the United Arab Emeritus. But an investigation will prove who they were,” Qaybdiid said angrily. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), along with Turkey, Britain, the United States and others have all given Somali soldiers training. A spat between the Gulf states, especially Qatar and the UAE, has fueled political divisions in Somalia. Earlier this month, security forces killed five people in a raid on the home of a powerful opposition leader perceived to be close to the UAE. Officials accused him of trying to overthrow the government. The raid exacerbated tensions between some of Somalia’s powerful clans; the opposition leader was released although a court case against him continues. But the government said it had not ordered Saturday’s raid on Qaybdiid, who is from the same clan as the opposition leader. Somalia’s military commander, General Abdiweli Jama Gorod, said he had ordered an urgent investigation. “The entire government is disappointed. It was not something that was expected. We believe the forces and those who ordered them had ulterior motives,” he said. “I assure you that those who were behind the attack will be found and punished.” Witness Mohamed Nur told Reuters, “The forces that went into the senator’s house had dark greenish uniform and masks of the same color. They were many. As they went in, six pickups blocked the nearby alleys…there was no gunfire. The six pickups looked new but I could not make out which type of government soldiers they were.” Two security sources later told Reuters that 40 soldiers who had been trained by the UAE had been arrested for the attack. One source said two intelligence officials were also arrested. The soldiers’ arrests were also reported on a government-run website, although without attribution.
  14. HARGEISA— Fifteen member board of directors of Somaliland’s Journalists Association (SOLJA) has been elected for a three-year term. Hon. Mohamoud Abdi Jama aka “Xuto” has been named chairman of the association, Mr. Yahye Sheikh Ismail and Mr. Ahmed Muhumed elected as deputies. The 6th general assembly meeting of the Somaliland Journalist Association (SOLJA) was held at Ambassador hotel on Saturday. The newly elected board of directors in conjunction with the chairperson and the deputies will oversee the organization’s for the coming three years. SOLJA, an independent state media professionals association is the biggest and oldest of all journalist organizations in Somaliland. The members have been chosen during the official opening of the organization’s general assembly. There were members of Somaliland journalists who walked out of the meeting claiming that the gathering has been hijacked. The newly elected executive members are: 1.Mr. Mohamed Farah Omade 2. Mr. Barkhad M. Kaariye 3.Mr. Mahamoud Abdi Jama “Xuuto” 4. Ms. Zeinab Mohamed Abdi 5. Ms. Hayat Mohamed Abdilahi 6 . Mr. Sakariye Ahmed Mohumed 7. Mr. Abdi Hasan 8. Mr. Mukhtar Abdirahman . 9. Mr. Yahye Sheikh Ismail 10.Mr. Abdilahi Haji Darwish 11. Mr. Faisal Adan Fifa 12.Mr. Mohamed Kurase 13. Mr. Suleiman Hahi 14.Mr. Abdifatah Mursal 15 . Mr. Mawlid Shaqale Mohamed
  15. Militeriga Uganda ayaa sabtida Maanta shaaciyey in uu Soomaaliya kala baxay 281 askari oo kamid ah Ciidamada Nabad Ilaalinta AMISOM,taasoo qayb ka ah yareynta Ciidanka ka jooga Soomaaliya oo tiradoodu gaarayso lix kun oo askari. Af-hayeenka militariga Uganda, Korneyl.Richard Karemire ayaa u sheegay Wakaaladda Wararka Xinhua News Agency in bixitaanka Ciidankaan ay qayb ka tahay dhimista Ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Soomaaliya oo 1000-kii ugu horreeyay bixitaankoodu ku egyahay 31 bishaan Dec. Dowladda Uganda ayaa horraantii bishaan bilowday in ay si tartiib-tartiib ah Soomaaliya ugala baxdo Ciidankeeda ka tirsan Hawlgalka Nabad Ilaalinta AMISOM. Bishii August ee sannadkaan 2017,Golaha Amniga ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa Wakhtiga u kordhiyay Hawlgalka AMISOM oo haatan joogitaankooda Soomaaliya uu ku egyahay 31 May ee sannadka 2018. Golaha ayaa sidoo kale ansixiyey in la dhimo tirada Ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Soomaaliya,islamarkaana si tartiib-tartiib ah mas’uuliyadda amniga loogu wareejiyo Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliya. Ciidamada AMISOM oo ka socda dalalka Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia iyo Djibouti ayaa ka hawlgala Koonfurta iyo Bartamaha Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST Cabdiraxmaan Ciise Cumar The post Dowladda Uganda oo Maanta la baxday qeyb kamid ah Ciidankeeda ku sugan Soomaaliya. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. This file photo taken on May 18, 2016 shows a woman holding a flag as soldiers and other military personnel of Somaliland march past during an Independence day celebration parade in the capital, Hargeisa. PHOTO | MOHAMED ABDIWAHAB | AFP While the Horn and Great Lakes region has been struggling to conduct credible elections without claims of rigging and violence, Somalia and the self-declared autonomous region of Somaliland are going into 2018 with optimism about building a stronger democracy. The two countries have demonstrated democratic progress despite constant threats from Al Shabaab and challenging clan-based politics. In February, a joint Somalia national assembly and the senate voted for Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed “Farmajo,” who defeated incumbent Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in what observers termed a vote for reforms and anti-corruption. Just like in 2012 when the little known Mr Hassan ousted then incumbent Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Somalia has for the second time in five years, opted for a change of guard and consequent smooth transition. Fifth president In mid-December, Somaliland swore in its fifth president since breaking away from the larger Somalia in 1991. In November, Somaliland became the first country in Africa to use iris-scan technology as the biometric base for a voter register, in which Muse Bihi Abdi, a retired pilot, was elected president. Despite the world refusing to recognise it for the past 26 years, the 2017 election was reputed to be the first incident-free polls to be held in The Horn of Africa in many years. It attracted more than 60 international observers from 27 countries funded by the British government. “Somaliland proved to the region that peaceful handover of power is the way to go when the two former presidents joined the president-elect at his inauguration on December 13,” said veteran journalist Yusuf Gabobe. The East African Standard
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Taliyaha Ciidamada Xoogga Soomaaliya Gen Cabdi wali Gorod ayaa goor-dhaw Gaaeay Guriga la weeraray ee Cabdi qaybadiid waxa uuna ka hadlay weerarkaasi. Taliyaha ayaa sheegay in fal xun uu ahaa islamarkaana lagula xisaabtami doono ciodankii weerarkaas fuliyay. Taliyaha ayaa ku baaqay in la soo qabto Ciidamada Howlgalkaan sameeyay, waxa uuna ku tilmaamay weerar fool xun oo dhaawacaya Sumcadda Dowladnimada. Taliyaha ayaa ku tilmaamay falkii lagu galay laguna baaray guriga Senatorka fal xun waxana uu sheegay in lala xisaabtami doono ciidankii weerarkaas fuliyay. Taliyaha ayaa amar ku bixiyay in la soo qabto ciidamada howlgalkaan sameeyay, waxa uuna ku tilmaamay weerar fool xun oo dhaawacaya sumcadda dowladnimada. Ciidamada galay guriga Senator Cabdi Qeybdiid ayaa la sheegay inay ka tirsan yihiin ciidamo si gaar ah ay u tababartay dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta waxayna ciidamadan weeraray guriga Cabdiqeybdiid ay ahaayeen kuwo wajiga soo duubtay watayna afar baabuurta tiknikada ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Taliyaha Xoogga oo amar deg deg ah kasoo saaray Weerarkii lagu qaaday Guriga Cabdi Qaybdiid. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho Thaabit Cabdi Maxamed ayaa ka hadlay farlkii lagu weeraray Guriga Sanateer Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid. Guddoomiyaha oo booqasho ku tagay Guriga Sanateerka ayaa sheegay inuu falkaan ahaa mid argagax leh isla markaasna sharci darr ah. Wuxuu sheegay inaan qof muwaadin Soomaaliyeed ah aan si sharci darro ah loo weerari karin iskaba daa Sanateer ka tirsan Aqalksa sare. Guddoomiyaha ayaa falkaan ku tilmaamay mid aan la aqbali karin isla markaasna loo baahan yahay in si deg deg ah baaritaan loogu sameeyo lana soo taago sharciga dadkii ka dambeeyey. Guddoomiyaha oo qoraal soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook ayaa yiri: Waxaan aad ugu xumahay falkii argagaxa lahaa ee loo geystay familka & Hoyga Guddomiyaha Guddiga Dastuurka ee Labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka Senator Cabdi Xassan Cawaale (Sen Cabdi- Qeybdiid). Hadda ayaan ka imid Hoyga Senatorka oo aan soo arkay dhibkii meesha ka dhacay. Wax la aqbali karo ma ahan in muwaadin si sharcidarro ah gurigiisa lagu weeraro, familkiisana argagax loogu geysto, iskaba dayee Senator Qaran oo xasaanad buuxda leh. Waa in sharciga si deg deg ah loo horgeeyaa kuwa falkan argagax leh geystay iyo cid alaale cidii amarkaas bixisay. Waxaan markale cod dheer ugu baaqayaa Dowladda Federaalka in Amniga Gobolka Benaadir sida sharciga uu qabo si toos ah loo hoos geeyo Golaha Amniga Gobolka Benaadir si mas’uuliyadda amniga Gobolkan u yeelato Isla-xisaabtan dhab ah. The post Thaabit ” Waa in si deg deg ah sharciga loo horkeeno ciddii ka dambeysay weerarkii Guriga Cabdi Qeybdiid appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka oo loo xil saaray baaritaanka weerarkii lagu qaaday Hoyga Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid ayaa xabsiga u taxaabay ilaa iyo 40-Askari oo ka dambeeyey weerarkaas,siday qortay Wakaaladda Wararka SONNA. Wakaaladda ayaa sheegtay in taliyuhu sidoo kale xabsiga dhigay laba sargaal oo iyana arintaasi lala xiriirinayo, islamarkaana uu socdo baaritaan lagu hayo saraakiil kale oo lagu tuhmayo iney ku lug lahaayeen weerarkii Maanta lagu qaaday Hoyga Sanatar Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ku amray Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Cabdiweli Jaamac Xuseen(Gorod) inuu baaritaan deg-deg ah ku sameeyo weerarkaas lagu galay hoyga Cabdi Qaybdiid oo ah xildhibaan ka tirsan Aqalka sare ee Baarlamanka Soomaaliya. The post Ku dhowaad 40 askari oo loo xiray weerarkii guriga Cabdi Qeybdiid. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Senator Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid ayaa ka hadlay hoowlgal maanta Ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda Soomaaliya ay ka fuliyeen Guri uu ka degganyahay Magaalada Muqdisho. Isaga oo warbaahinta kula hadlayay Guriga maanta ay Ciidamada Howlgalka ka sameeyeen ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in Ciidamada ay amar la’aan galeen Gurigiisa. C/Qeybdiid ayaa sheegay in Gurigiisa la bur buriyay oo Al-baabada xoog lagu jejebiyay isaga oo Warbaahinta u fasaxay in ay duubaan. Waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in Ciidamada maanta galay Gurgiisa ay jir dileen mid ka mid ah ilaaladiisa oo xilligaas ku sugnaa Gurgiga. Cabdi Qeybdiid ayaa sheegay in Duhurnimadii Maanta Saacadu markii ay aheyd 1:20 Daqiiqo ay Gurigiisa galeen Ciidanka socda dowladda kuwaas oo albaabka hore ee Gurgiisa ku jebiyay Gaari kadibna ay qoryihii ka qaadeen ilaaladiisa. Waxa uu hadalkiisa intaas ku daray in Ciidamadu ay sidoo kale jebiyeen Albaabadii guriga isla markaana ay baaritaano ku sameeyeen Qolalkii Guriga,sidoo kale ay taleefoonadii ka qaateen dhammaan dadkii joogay Guriga oo ay ka mid aheyd Xaaskiisa. Wariyayaasha ayaa weeydiiyay cida ka dambeysa weerarkaas ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ilaa iyo hadda uusan garaneyn balse uu soo wacay taliyaha ciidamada NISA ee gobolka Banaadir Saadaq un sheegay in Ciidamada weeraray Gurigiisa ay yihiin Ciidamada ay tababartay dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta eek u sugan Muqdisho. Waxa uu sheegay in uu yahay Nin Sanoter ah oo xasaanad leh isla markaana Gurigiisa iyo waliba isaga aan la baari Karin iyada oo aan xasaanada laga qaadin. Sanoter Cabdi Qeybdiid faah faahino dheeri ah intaas ka badan kama sii bixin weerarka Duhurnimadii Maanta lagu qaaday hoygiisa oo ku yaalla Xaafada Seybiyaano gaar ahaan Beerta Jaadka ee degmada Hodan. C/Qeybdiid ayaa ka maqnaa Guriga xilliga ay Ciidamada tagayeen waxaase uu tagay kaddib markii ay Ciidamada baaritaanka sameeyeen. Ma uusan sheegin wax Guriga ay ka qaadeen Ciidamada,waxaana uu kaliya sharci darro ku tilmaamay weerarka Gurigiisa loo geystay sida uu sheegay. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso hadalkiisa Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Dhageyso:-Sanoter Cabdi Qeybdiid Oo war cad kasoo saaray Weerarkii Lagu Qaaday Gurigiisa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. Garowe (Puntlandi) Hay’adda la dagaalanka cudurka HIV/AIDS ee dowladda Puntland (PAC) ayaa maantay soo gabagabaeysay Olalihii wacygi gelinta iyo ka hortaga takoorka dadka la nool cudurkaan ee ka socday gobolada Puntland. Olalahaan oo socday bishaan December oo idil, ayaa maanta lagusoo gabagabeeyay jaamacadda Bosaso faraceeda magaalada Garowe, halkaas oo guddiga PAC iyo koox dhaqaatiir ah ay kula hadleen ardayda jaamacadda wax ka barta, kuwaas oo lasiiyay wacyo galin ku saabsan cudurkaan. Drs, Xabiibo Nuux Ismaaciil, oo kamid ah dhaqaatiirta Puntland, ayaa goobta ka jeedisay casharo muhiim ah oo ka hadlayay muhiimada ay leedahay in lasoo dhoweeyo islamarkaana aan la takoorin dadka cudurkaan la nool iyo heerka uu cudurkaan marayo. Drs, Xabiibo waxay sheegtay haddii la takooro ama xaqiraad lagu sameeyo dadkaan in cudurku uu sii faafayo, sababtoo ah waxay tilmamtay haddii la colaadiyo inay iyaguna cudurka sii faafinayaan, Dhaqtaradu waxay bulshada ku wacyi galisay inuu cudurkaan yahay mid uu ilaaheey keenay loona baahan yahay dadka la nool in loola dhaqmo si naxariis leh. Maxamuud Warsame Maxamud oo loo yaqaano Aakhiro, muddo 11 sano ahna la nool cudurka, ayaa sheegay tan iyo waqtigii uu cudurkaan ku dhacay inuu halgan ugu jiray sidii dadka qaba cudurkaan u qaadan lahaayeen dawooyinka, si ay naftooda u badbaadiyaan bulshada kalena aysan ugu gudbin. Wuxuu sheegay dadka qaba cudurkaan ee Dawada qaata inay haatan dhan yihin 400 kaliya, laakin wuxuu sheegay inay jiraan dad intaan ka badan oo cudurkaan qaba, kuwaas oo iska qariya bulshada, si aan loo takoorin. Wuxuu sheegay haddii takoorka la daayo inay banaanka usoo bixidoonaan dadyowga cudurkaan la dhuumanaya si ay Dawo uqaataan, arrintaasna wuxuu sheegay dedaalkeeda in looga baahan yahay dhalinyarada inay bilaabaan la dagaalanka Takoorka. Agaasimaha maamulka hay’adda PAC, Cabdirisaaq Nuur Hallac, ayaa soo xiray wacyi galintaan, wuxuuna sheegay inay ahayd wacyi galintii abid ugu balaarsanayd ee laga sameeyo gudaha Puntland. Wuxuu sheegay in dhammaan laga fuliyay gobolada Puntland lana tagay meel kasta oo ay bulshadu isaga timaado, xitaa Masaajida. Ujeedada laga leeyahay wacyi galintan ayuu agaasimuhu sheegay inay tahay sidii bulshada looga wacyi galin lahaa Takoorida dadka la nool cudurka HIV/AIDS, isagoo sheegay sababta uu cudurka ugusii faafayo Puntland inay tahay faquuqda loo geysanayo dadkaan, taasoo iyagana ku kalifaysa inay cudurkii qarsadaan ama ay sii faafiyaan.
  22. Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka oo loo xil saaray baaritaanka weerarkii lagu qaaday Hoyga sanatar Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid ayaa xabsiga u taxaabay ilaa iyo 40-Askari oo ka dambeeyey weerarkii lagu qaaday Guriga Sanatar Cabdi Qeybdiid. Sida ay qortay SONNA, Taliyaha ayaa sidoo kale xabsiga dhigay laba sargaal oo kale oo iyana arintaasi lala xiriirinayo, waxaana sidoo kale jira baaritaano ku soconaya saraakiil kale oo lagu tuhmayo iney ku lug lahaayeen weerarkii maanta lagu qaaday Hoyga Sanatar Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa markii falkaasi uu dhacay ku amray durbadiiba taliyaha ciidanka Xoogga Dalka in baaritaan deg deg ah lagu sameeyo cidii weerarkaasi ka dambeysay, islamarkaana sharciga lala tiigsan doono. Goobjoog News Source
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimada Onlime) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa si deg deg ah uga hadlay Weerarkii Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku qaadeen Guriga Xildhibaan Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in falkaasi uu kuu amray taliyaha ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed Gorod in uu baaris deg deg ah ku sameeyo. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ku amray Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka inuu baaritaan degdeg ah ku sameeyo falkii sharci darrada ahaa ee lagu galay hoyga Senator Cabdi Qaybdiid. Cid walba oo ku lug yeelata waxaa lala tiigsan doonaa sharciga. — Villa Somalia (@TheVillaSomalia) December 30, 2017 Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa maanta Weerar ku qaaday Guriga Guddoomiyaha Guddiga dastuurka ee labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Xildhibaan Cabdi Xasan Cawaale” Qeybdiid” Cabdi Qeybdiiid Waxaa uu sheegay in ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda ay kusoo qaadeen Weerar Abaabulan. Qeybdiid Waxa uu sidoo kale ku warramay in mid Kamid ah ilaaladiisa la Jirdilay, Qolalka Gurigiisa la Jajabiyay, Baaris badan laga sameeyay Hoygiisa iyadoon aan wax fasax ah looga heysan. Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay in Gaari dagaal Gurigiisa lagu hor jaray ka dibna, Qoryo lagu qabtay Ilaaladii Gurigiisa. The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo war ka soo saaraty weerarkii lagu qaaday guriga Cabdi Qeybdiid appeared first on Caasimada Online.