Deeq A.

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  1. DP World has accused the government of illegally seizing control of the terminal Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Dowladda Puntland ayaa shaacisay in aan wax qandaraas ah la siin doonin shirkadaha iyo hay’adaha aan bixin canshuurta ku waajibtay,maalmo uun kadib markii madaxweyne Gaas amar ku siiyay dhammaan hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo kuwa maxalliga ah ee ka hawlgala degaannada Puntland in ay canshuurta bixiyaan. Qoraal ka soo baxay shirkii Golaha Wasiirada dowladda Puntland ee Khamiista maanta ah,ayaa lagu sheegay in shirkadaha iyo hay’adaha qandaraaska ka haysta Puntland aan laga aqbali doonin in ay la baxsadaan canshuurta,islamarkaana aan qandaraas cusub la siin doonin hay’addii ama shirkaddi canshuur lagu yeesho. Xukuumadda Puntland ayaa sheegaysa in tallaabadan looga golleeyay, sare u qaadidda dakhliga dalka iyo dardar-gelinta bixinta candhuuraha,waxaana sidoo kale hay’adaha lagu amray in ay marwalba mudnaanta siiyaan baahiyaha ay u soo gudbiyaan Wasaaradaha dowladda,marka laga hadlayo caawinta bulshada reer Puntland. PUNTLAND POST The post Puntland oo shaacisay in aan wax qadaraas ah la siin doonin shirkadaha iyo hay’adaha canshuurta la baxsada. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  3. Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Jubbaland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa maanta shir gudoomiyay kulanka caadiga ah ee golaha Wasiirada. Kulanka maanta ayaa diirada lagu saaray qodobo kala duwan iyadoo ugu horayn Madaxweynahu uu faah faahin ka bixiyay xaalada guud gaar ahaan Siyaasada iyo amaanka. Madaxweynahu wuxuu sheegay in uu socdo dardar galinta howlaha isku dubaridka Hay’adaha amaanka gaar ahaan Ciidamada qalabka sida.Dhinaca kale Madaxweynahu wuxuu hoosta xariiqay in xaalada Siyaasada iyo amaanku ay yihiin kuwo caadi ah oo sidii loogu talagalay kusocda. Madaxweynahu waxaa kale oo golaha uu uga warbixiyay sharciga dhismaha dhulka iyo bixintiisa oo uu xalay saxiixay isla markaana dhaqan galintiisa ay iska kaashanayaan Wasaarada Howlaha guud iyo Wasaaradaha bah wadaagta la ah. Shircigan oo in mudo ah laga soo shaqaynayay ayaa noqonaya kii ugu baahida badnaa ee dhawaanahan ay golahu meel mariyaan iyadoo muranada dhulka la xiriira ay ahayeen caqabada ugu weyn afartii sano ee lasoo dhaafay. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka koobad Mudane Maxamuud Sayid Aaadan ayaa ka warbixiyay shirar uu kaga soo qayb galay Magaalada Nairobi kuwaas oo lagaga hadlayay arimaha hormarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha iyo Dowlad wanaaga. Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Mudane Axmed Abdirahmaan Xasan ayaa golaha usoo gudbiyay heshiiska shirkada Milestone kaas oo la xiriira samaynta Master Planka Magaalada Kismaayo iyo Magaalooyinka kale ee Jubbaland iyo dib u dhiska Adeegyada aas aaska u ah hormarinta Magaalooyinka.Heshiiskan ayaa marka ugu horaysa ka dhaqan gali doona Magaalada Kismaayo iyadoo kadibna la gaarsiin doono Magaalooyinka kale ee Jubbaland.
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibaanada Mooshinka ka geeyay Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari ayaa ka hor yimid go`aankii ka soo yeeray Gudiga Badbaadada Golaha shacabka ee ku aadanay in uu jabay ama buray Mooshinka ka dhanka ahaa Gudoomiye Jawaari, kaas oo ay u cuskadeen buriddiisa in uu dhaafay waqtigii 10ka maal mood ahaa ee loo madalsanay in lagu dhameeyo muranka iyo is qab qabsiga la xariira arimaha Mooshinka, basle uu dhaafay waqtigaasi isla markaana uu yahay mid Buray. Xildhibaanad Khadiijo Maxamed Deeriye oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada mooshinka ka geeyay Jawaari ayaa sheegtay in hadalka ka soo baxay Gudiga badbaadinta Golaha Shacabka uu yahay mid lagu marin habaabinayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed, isla markaan uu halkiisii yahay Mooshinka laga geeyay Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka. Maalmihii dambe ayaa waxaa soo badanayay hadalada isbeeneenta ah ee ay isu jeedinayaan Gudoonka Golaha Shacabka iyo Xildhibaanadaba, lama oga qaabka uu ku dhamaan doono Khilaafka siyaadsadeed ee hareeyay hay`ada sharci fulinta iyo sharci dajinta, iyadoona xaalada ay u muuqato mid mugdi lugaha la sii galeyso. Sidoo kale Xildhibaan Maxamed Cumar Dhalxa oo ka mid ah Golaha shacabka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in Xildhibaannadii xalay ku shiray Muqdisho ee sheegay in uu bur buray mooshinka ka dhanka ah Jawaari ay ka mid ahaayeen xildhibaanno ka mid ah aqalka sare. Xildhibaan Dhalxa oo wareysi siiyay Idaacadda Mustaqbal ayaa isweydiiyay goorta la isku daray xildhibaannada labada aqal ee Golaha aqalka sare iyo kuwa shacabka ee xalay halmeel wada fadhiyay. Waxaa uu sheegay in Dastuurka dalka lagu xadgudbayo islamarkaana ay taas keeni karto in Booliska iyo Taraafikada oo isku milma sidaas darteedna loo baahanyahay in laga waantoobo. Aqalka sare ayuu sheegay in uu leeyahay xeerar u gaar ah waxaana uu ku tilmaamay faragelinta lagu hayo golaha shacabka gaar ahaanna xildhibaannada aqalka sare. Xildhibaanku waxaa uu Guddoomiyaha Golaha aqalka sare ugu baaqay in uu xildhibaannadiisa cishto haddii ay dhici weysana ay imaneyso in marka iyaga ay is qabsadaan ay faragelin ku sameyn doonaan kuwa Golaha shacabka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Xarakada Al-shabaab ayaa soo bandhigtay Magaca iyo Qabiilka Ninkii isku qarxiyay weerarkii Isgoyska Sayidka ee Axaddii la soo dhaafay. Ninka weerargaas geystay ayey Al-shabaab Magaciisa ku sheegeen Cali Xasan C/Raxmaan Khaalid kaas oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Boqol Hore ee degta Gobollada Baay iyo Bakool. Idaacadda Al-shabaab ee Andalus ayaa waxaa ay baahisay wareysi ay ka qaadday Ninkaas ka hor inta uusan isqarxin,waxaana uu Wareysigaas kaga sheekeeyay sida uu u arko falka uu ku dhaqaaqayo. Al-shabaab ayaa sidan oo kale dhowr jeer soo bandhigtay Magacyada iyo Qabiillada xubnaha ka tirsan ee fuliya weerarrada isqarxinta ah ama kuwa lagu galo Hoteellada iyo Xarumaha dowladda Federaalka ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  6. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Published time: 29 Mar, 2018 07:24 The Saudi-funded spread of Wahhabism began as a result of Western countries asking Riyadh to help counter the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told the Washington Post. Speaking to the paper, bin Salman said that Saudi Arabia’s Western allies urged the country to invest in mosques and madrassas overseas during the Cold War, in an effort to prevent encroachment in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union. He added that successive Saudi governments had lost track of that effort, saying “we have to get it all back.” Bin Salman also said that funding now comes mostly from Saudi-based “foundations,” rather than from the government. The crown prince’s 75-minute interview with the Washington Post took place on March 22, the final day of his US tour. Another topic of discussion included a previous claim by US media that bin Salman had said that he had White House senior adviser Jared Kushner “in his pocket.” Bin Salman denied reports that when he and Kushner – who is also Donald Trump’s son-in-law – met in Riyadh in October, he had sought or received a greenlight from Kushner for the massive crackdown on alleged corruption which led to widespread arrests in the kingdom shortly afterwards. According to bin Salman, the arrests were a domestic issue and had been in the works for years. He said it would be “really insane” for him to trade classified information with Kushner, or to try to use him to advance Saudi interests within the Trump administration. He stated that their relationship was within a normal governmental context, but did acknowledge that he and Kushner “work together as friends, more than partners.” He stated that he also had good relationships with Vice President Mike Pence and others within the White House. The crown prince also spoke about the war in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition continues to launch a bombing campaign against Houthi rebels in an attempt to reinstate ousted Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi as president. The conflict has killed thousands, displaced many more, driven the country to the brink of famine, and led to a major cholera outbreak. Although the coalition has been accused of a large number of civilian deaths and disregard for civilian lives – an accusation which Riyadh denies – the crown prince said his country has not passed up “any opportunity” to improve the humanitarian situation in the country. “There are not good options and bad options. The options are between bad and worse,” he said. The interview with the crown prince was initially held off the record. However, the Saudi embassy later agreed to led the Washington Post publish specific portions of the meeting.
  7. Ururka saxafiyiinta Puntland ee MAP, ayaa markii ugu horeysay sheegay inay dib u eegis ku sameynayaan dhacdooyinka sida tooska ah looga tabiyo Facebook, kadib markii ay saameyn ku yeesheen xiisaha wararka iyo qaladaad badan oo xagga tifatirka ka yimaada. Guddoomiyaha Mohamed Daahir Caynsane ayaa sheegay warbaahinta laftoodu inay khasaare weyn ugu jirto inay wararkooda kusii horumariyaan baraha bulshada, taasoo uu ku tilmaamay inay ku luminayaan dhageytayaal iyo daawadayaal badan oo sugi lahaa wararkooda. “Saakay haddii aan warkaagii ka daawaday live Book-gaaga, wax macno ah iima sameynayo inaan horfariisto Tifiigaga ama idaacadaada, sababtoo ah war la qabo xiiso ma leh, weriyayaashana waan ku wacyi galinay inay joojiyan dhaqankaan, si uu wararkooda xiiso ugu yeesho,” ayuu yidhi guddoomiyaha MAP oo wareysi siiyay warbaahinta gudaha. Guddoomiyaha ururka MAP. Mohamed Daahir Caynsane ayaa dhinaca kale sheegay inay bisha soo socota ee Abril qaban doonaan shir looga hadlayo saaamaynta baraha bulshada ku hayaan warbaahinta caadiga ah iyo anshaxa weriyayaasha isticmaalkooda barahaas. “Saxafigu labo qof ayuu kala yahay, marka uu xaruntiisa warbaahineed kasoo hadlayo si wanaagsan oo anshax leh ayuu dadka ugusoo warramayaa, balse marka uu soo fariisto Facebook waxa uu noqdaa qof kale oo waxa uu doono ayuu soo qoraa,” ayuu yidhi Maxamed Caynsane. Berrito waxaad Facebook-ga kusoo qortid iyo anshax darrada aad muujisid sida ay saameyn ugu yeelandoonto kalsoonida laguugu rumaysan karo, ayaa ka doodidoonaa,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray. Abdiweli Mohamed Sheikh
  8. Xildhibaan Daahir Amiin Jeesow oo kamid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan xildhibaanada wada Mooshinka Gudoomiye Jawaari ayaa ka wajaabay hadal ka soo yeeray Xildhibaano Xalay ku shegay Muqdsho oo sheegay in uu buray mooshinkii Jawaari. Xildhibaan Jeesoow ayaa sheegay in hadalkaasi ay sheegeen in xildhibaanadu uu yahay mid xaqiiqda iyo xeer hoosaadka ka fog isaga oo ku eedeeyay in ay doonayaan in Baarlamaanka ay burburiyaan. Waxa uu sheegay in xildhibaanadaasi tiradooda ay tahay 30 Xildhibaan dartood aanu Baarlamaanka u burbureynin isaga oo sheegay in la iska qaban doono. Waxa uu sheegay in Mooshinkaasi uu yahay sharci islamarkaasina lagu kala bixi doono fadhiga Baarlamaanka. Hadalkaan ka soo yeeray Xildhibaan Daahir Amiin Jeesow oo kamid ah xildhibaanada wada mooshinka Jawaari iyadoo Xalay Xildhibaano kulan ku yeeshay Muqdisho ay sheegeen in Mooshinkaasi uu burburay. Hoos ka Dhageyso Codka Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post, Muqdisho The post Xildhibaan Jeesow “Mooshinku waa Sharci mana burburin” appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Riyadh (Caasimadda Online) – Marar badan ayaa dadka aan wax badan ka ogayn siyaasadaha Dunida iyo kuwa maskaxda Laga badaley ay dadka Ku waaleen in Boqortooyada Sacuudigu Masaajid iyo madarasado badan dhisto si ay u faafiso diinta Islaamka isla markaasna tahey Boqortooyo barakeysan. Halka qofkii Laga maqlo warkaas wax ka badalan ama su’aal ka keena la oranjirey waa cilmaani diin iyo Carab diid ah. Asbuucaan waxaa saxaafadda Adduunka la Hadley Amiirka awooda badan ee ah dhaxal sugaha Boqortooyada Sacuudiga Mohammed bin Salman, wuxuuna sheegay in awalba saaxiibadooda Reer Galbeedku ku amreen in ay maal galiyaan masaajid iyo madarasado badan iyo wadaada Wahaabiyada ah, si looga hortago saamaynta Midowgii Suufiyeed iyo Iraan, isla markaasna ay siyaasadooda dhex marsadaan dadkana lagu gaado arrimaha diinta Islaamka. Waxaa kale oo Amiir Salaam sheegay in haddana Boqortooyadu arrimahaas faraha Kala baxeyso maadaama Saaxiibadood reer Galbeedku kula taliyeen. Amiirka ayaa hadalkaan sheegay markii uu Wareysi qaatay 75 Daqiiqo uu siiyey Wargeyska Washington Post maalintii ugu dambeysay ee Booqshadiisa dalka Mareykanka. Hadalkaan ayaa wax badan oo mugdi ku jiray banaanka keenay, wuxuuna amiirka ballan qaaday in arrimahaas dhan ay Sacuudiga faraha kala bixi doonto. Dowladda Sacuudiga ayaa muddo badan lagu eedeenayey inay faafineyso waxyaabo badan oo dhibaato ku ah Diinta Islaamka waxaana hadda muuqato inay Sacuudiga si caadi ah u caddeysaneyso waxyaabihii ay qarin jirtay muddo badan. Halkaan hoose ka akhriso wareysigiisa oo dhameystiran Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ka aragti dhiibtay Xildhibaannada xalay ku shiray Villa Hargeysa oo ku dhawaaqay Guddiga bad-baadinta Baarlamaanka ayaa ku kala aragti duwan. Baraha Bulshada ee Soomaalidu adeegsato ayaa waxaa ka taagan dood ku saabsan tirade la sheegay in ay ahaayeen xildhibaannada shiray, Guddiga ay ku dhawaaqeen iyo halka uu ku danbeeyey mooshinka? Tirada Xildhibaannada shiray Muuqaallada iyo sawirrada laga qaaday shirkii Villa Hargeysa waxa ay noqdeen kuwo ay si weyn ugu jees jeesaan dad badan oo adeegsada baraha bulshada, iyagoona sheegayey in tirade ka muuqata muuqallada iyo sawirrada aysan ka badnayn 40 Xildhibaan. “Miis dheer oo kuraas dhinacyada laga soo dhigay xildhibaanno ku shiray baa 120 ah idin kama yeelin, bal dhab u fiiriya sawirkan oo tiriya dadka goobta ku sugan, xitaa markii lagu daro wariyaasha wax duubaya dhammaantooda 50 qof ma gaaraan.” Ayuu yiri Maxamed Xasan. Sidoo kale, dadka qaar ayaa ku doodaya haddii tirada ay tahay sida la sheegay 120qof maxay u saxiixi waayeen war murtiyeedka la soo saaray ama ay uga qeyb gali waayeen markii la akhrinayey si ay u muujiyaan cududdooda iyo inta ay gaarsiisantahay awood ay leeyihiin Xildhibaannada ka soo horjeeda mooshinka laga keenay Guddoomiye Jawaari. Guddiga Badbaadada Baarlamaanka Guddigan oo xalay lagaga dhawaaqay Villa Hargeysa ayaa dadka intooda badan waxa ay shaki galinayaan ujeedka loo asaasay iyo shakhsiyaadka gaarka ah ee ku daneysanaya muranka siyaasadeed eek a jira Baarlmaanka. “Waligay ma arag Hay’ad Dawladeed oo la leeyahay hadii qofka Madaxa ka ah la badalo waa bur bureysaa maanta ka hor. 4tii sano ee Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh waxaad ridden 4 Raiisul Wasaare iyo 4 Xukuumadood mana arkin cid ku doodeysa badbaadin Qaran, maxa markaas la isugu xiri waayey badbaadinta Xukuumadda iyo Qaranka, mase Jawaari baaba Qaranka oo dhan ah maanta waa yaabe.” Sidaas waxaa yiri Abdikani Mohamed oo ka jawaab celinaayey qoraal uu bartiisa Facebooka soo dhigay Xildhibaan Axmed Macalin Fiqi. Mooshinku ma buburay mase waa jiraa? Dadka falaanqeeya siyaasadda, sida weynna looga dhex yaqaan baraha bulshada ayaa qoraya in xaaladda taagan aysan intaas ku ekaaneyn , jahwareerka siyaasadeedna aan laga baxayn iyo inta sharcigu dhinac u tuurayo arrinka mooshinka, taas oo ka dhigan in si deg deg ah Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanku cod ugu qaadan. Arrinkan oo muujin doona tirada Xildhibaannada ay kala haystaan labada dhinac iyo cidda ku awood badan Golaha Shacabka. “Mahadow haddii aad haysataan 120 Xildhibaan oo aad Jawaari bad baadin kartaan maxaa ugu ordeysaan booshinkii waa bur buray, runta aan isu sheegno dalku saan kuma sii jiri karo iyo in qof gaar ah ay u curyaanto shaqadii dowladda oo dhan.” Ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah dadkii ka aragti dhiibtay qoraal uu arrinkan kaga hadlayo Xildhibaan Mahad Salaad oo ka mid ah Mudanayaasha u janjeera dhinaca Guddoomiye Jawaari. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaa xalay Villa Hargeysa Kulan ku yeeshay Mudanayaal ka tirsan Baarlamaanka oo u badan ashqaas dano siyaasadeed uga faa’iidaysanayaa khilaafka sharci ee u dhaxeeya Golaha Barlamaanka iyo Xukuumadda. Xildhibaanadan Kulmay waxaa horkacaya Mahad Salaad, Odowaa, Xil Saabir oo shacabku ku xasuusto fursad ka raadintii & iska horkeenkii ay hore ugu fashilmeen inay dawladda iyo Bulshada kala shaki kaga dhex abuuraan dhacdooyinkii Bariire, & Qalbidhagax. Kooxdan danleyda siyaasadeed ah oo wixii ka dambeeyay curashada gu’gii rabitaanka shacabka ee 8 February iska waayay fagaarayaasha maadama oo ay weli xiran yihiin shaadhadhka musuqa iyo weerka ku danaysiga hantida qaranka ee Dawladda Farmaajo ka taqalustay. Kooxdan ayaa si weyn udanaynaya inay cirka kusii shareeraan ismaandhaafka sharci ee Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumadda waxaana taasi tusaale nool u ah soo jeedintoodi caawa oo noqotay inay warbaahinta mariyaan warar sheegaya in uu buray mooshinka fadhigiisa Sabtida loo balansan yahay. Kooxdan danleyda ahi iyagu dhinacna taageero uma aha balse waxay raadinayaa fursado iyo jaanis siyaasadeed oo ay markale kusoo noolayn karaan awoodoodi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Sh. Cismaan Jawaari iyo Xisbiga Wadajir ayaa qorsheenayo inay dagaal dhanka Saxaafadda ah ku qaadaan Safiirka Dalka Mareykanka Martin Dale. Cismad Caynte oo la dhashay Cabdiraxmaan Ceynte isla markaasna uu Abti u yahay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Daljir ayaa baraha Bulshada soo dhigay qoraal uu ku baaqayo in weerar lagu qaado safiirka Mareykanka u fadhiyo Soomaaliya isagoo fulinayo Amarka Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Wadajir. Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Daljir ayaa amar ku bixiyey in dagaal Social Mediayaha ah lala galo Safiirka Mareykanka kadib markii ay ku eedeeyeen inuu xiriir la leeyahay Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre. Sidoo kale waxaa dagaalkaan qeyb ka ah Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Jawaari iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan kuwa isaga la safan kuwaas oo waraaq u diray Safiirka Mareykanka. Dagaalkaan ayaa waxaa sabab u ah kadib markii siihayaha Xilka Safiirka Mareykanka ee Soomaaliya uu Guddoomiye Jawaari u sheegay inuu is casilo. Safiirka ayaa jawaari ku eedeeyey inuu dhaqan xun ku hayo Xukuumadda Xasan Cali Kheyre isla markaasna ay Xukuumadda isaga ka shaqeyn la’dahay. Go’aanka Safiirka Mareykanka ee Xiisadda Jawaari iyo Kheyre ayaa sababay inay Xildhibaano taageersan jawaari u qoraan waraaq cabasho ah waxayna Caasimadda xogta ku heshay inaay weli wax jawaab ah laga siin waraaqda ay qoreen. halkaan hoose ka akhriso qoraalka uu Cismad Caynte soo qoray Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  13. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Golaha Aqalka Sare ee Golaha Barlamaanka Somalia ayaa sheegay inay u taag waayeen xalinta ay ka dhax-wadeen Golaha Shacabka, kaasoo ku aadan khilaafka cirka isku sii sheeraya ee ka dhax-taagan Golaha oo ka dhashay mooshinkii laga keenay Guddoomiye Jawaari. Gudiga loo xil-saaray xil saareen xalinta khilaafkaas ayaa kulammo dhawr ah oo saacado qaatay ay la yeeshay labada dhinac ee kala ah kuwa Mooshinka wada iyo kuwa diiddan ee la safan gudoomiye Jawaari, Gudiga ayaa xusay in ay ku adkaatay in ay isku soo dhaweeyaan dhinacyadaan iyo in khilaafka lagu dhameeyo waxa uu sharciga ka qabo. Sidoo kale, guddigan ayaa sheegay in qodobada la isku mari la’yahay ay ka mid yihiin: In ciidamadii la geeyay xarunta golaha shacabka laga qaado iyo xilliga baarlamaanka la hor-geynayo mooshinka. Guddiga Aqalka Sare ayaa horay u soo saaray in mooshinka laga keenay Guddoomiye Jawaari lagu hor-geeyo Baarlamaanka muddo 10 maalmood ah oo kasoo bilaabata 18-ka bishan, kuna eg 28-ka bishan oo shalay ku ekayd, balse aysan suura galin in muddadaas lagu dhameeyo khilaafka mooshinkan ka dhashay. Dhanka kale, go’aanka kasoo baxay golaha Aqalka sare ayaa imaanaya xilli go`aan midkan oo kala ah uu kasoo baxay gudiga badbaadada golaha shacabka la magac-baxay, kuwaasoo ku dhawaaqay inuu buray mooshinkii isla markaana lagu qaban waayay mudadii lagu balamay, inkastoo go’aankaas ay ka hor–yimaadeen xildhibaanada wada mooshinka oo xusay in mooshinka uu wali halkiisii yahay. Ugu dambeyn, Khilaafkan taagan ayaa hakad geliyay gabi ahaan hawlihii ay hay’adaha dowladdu u hayeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed, iyadoo aan la ogeyn halka uu salka dhigan doono mooshinkan. PUNTLAND POST The post Guddiga xalllinka khilaafka mooshinka oo sheegay inay xalin waayeen khilaafka jira appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. The first Somaliland Diaspora Investment Consultative meeting was held in Hargeisa on the 25th of March 2018 at the Crown Hotel. The meeting which was organized by the Somaliland Diaspora Agency (SLDA) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International investment was attended by members of the Diaspora, stakeholders and representatives from various government ministries and other dignitaries.. Dr. Sacad Ali Shire, Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation , in his opening speech , highlighted the importance and vital role of Somaliland’s Diaspora in the country’s economy, underscoring that since the current export of livestock, the country is largely dependent on the remittances sent by the Diaspora and its role in the economy country. He further stressed the need for the country to promote investment, and the need to address challenges whenever they arise; he further answered a lot of questions asked by the members of the Diaspora. The Minister of Foreign Affairs strongly encouraged the vibrant and collaborative efforts of the Diaspora, and expressed concerns that the government is not in control of the investors and advised that there is a need for a policy that is good for the government. . Mr. Abdi Abdullahi Hersi, the chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency speaking at the conference said that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the first part of the survey conducted by the recently formed Cities in the area of ​​collection, organize and integrate investment information for the Diaspora so as assess and identify challenges, and work to encourage investment into the country of the Republic of Somaliland Diaspora. He said that after we conducted the Pilot survey and after considering a request submitted to us by businessmen from the Diaspora to hold the meeting so that they can present the grievances and challenges facing investors, they invited the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Investment, Finance, Finance, General Operations, Chamber of Commerce, The Chairman of the Supreme Court, the Immigration Department, the Mayor and other government departments to answer the questions at hand. Although some of the officials invited to the meeting failed to attend due to excusable reasons for some of them, Diaspora entrepreneurs based on the occasion raised a range of issues including questions regarding the barriers and challenges facing investing Diaspora investment in country which were answered by Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Investments, Trade, and the Chairman of Chamber of Commerce. Questions asked by the Diaspora investors were mostly related to the system of tax collection in the country which treats Diaspora as same as big businesses not to mention the foreign investment law only supports foreign investment, and businesses, unlike the Diaspora do not have the support of the government and other incentives to invest in their investments and other factors. Different participants of the Diaspora entrepreneurs complained of limited skills of the country and suggested Somaliland Government to have clear policy on improving technical skills of the people. Other entrepreneurs complained of that they could not export their products of oil through the Airport. Hon Mohamed Ahmed Awad, Minister of international investment while answering questions from the Diaspora investors said, “The government is in the process of reviewing and amending the foreign investment act, which will pave way for not only attracting foreign investments, but also to encourage more investments from Somaliland Diaspora such as giving tax breaks whenever they invest in the country by setting up industries and other substantial investments exempt when they’re importing cars which they will have to pay their taxes. Hon Mohamed Saad lIdle(Sajiin), Minister of Commerce, industry and tourism while addressing the participants said,” We are committed to support and encourage members of the Diaspora, but having said,I will like to make one thing clear that we cannot make tax break time. My advice to you in the Diaspora should merge and form a combination of partnerships so as to invest in big ventures which benefit the country. Mr. Mohamed Shukri , Chairman of the Somaliland Chamber of Commerce briefed the Diaspora investors of the untapped investment opportunities that exist and the same time to be cautious before making investing in a bid to avert incurring losses, and instead opt for business that will be profitable in the long run. “Diaspora entrepreneur’s expectation is very high when they come home to embark on business, but goes down when they start, particularly without making any related further feasibility study and consultations for their business plans,” he said. As Somaliland Diaspora Agency invited participants included different key tour operators and airlines operating in Somaliland such as Ethiopian Airlines, and Air Arabia. Executive Director of Somaliland Diaspora Agency stated they are calling for the main airlines to support the Agency’s Diaspora-oriented programs, and particularly thanked Ethiopian Airlines who realized such cooperation. Mr. Estinafous Weikema, Area Manager of the Ethiopian Airlines in Somaliland who also delivered a key note speech pointed out history of the Ethiopian Airlines operation and services in Somaliland being the first and the main operator that started international flights in Somaliland. Mr. Weikema emphasized that they would collaborate with SLDA on provision of recommended services to the Diaspora on all possible capacities. Somaliland Diaspora Agency invited representatives from airlines which operate in the country such as FlyDubai and Ethiopian Airlines. Based on the Pilot Survey Conducted, below questions included the Somaliland Diaspora Investors Questions, and Concerns Does Somaliland have progressive tax system? If yes, why all investors/businesses are taxed at same rate in Somaliland? Somaliland Diaspora entrepreneurs feel that there is no progressive tax system, and that the government doesn’t have tax system that is straight and fair. All business owners are taxed at same rates What are the Government tax exemptions for Diaspora investors, and are there other incentives to Diaspora investment? Diaspora entrepreneurship and making businesses has been on increase since recent years Return of Diaspora households from abroad moving with their possessions is increasing year after year There is no government plan for providing residential, commercial, and industrial land incentives for the Diaspora in general What is the difference between foreign investor and Somaliland national Diaspora investor accordance to Somaliland Foreign Investment Law? Somaliland foreign investment law guarantees incentives to foreign investors but not Somalilander investors from the Diaspora. Does Somaliland Government have plan to set up physical policy and banking systems that can encourage Diaspora investment? Diaspora concerns include existing banks don’t offer overdrafts and there are several issues from an Islamic point about interest/Riba. What are the Government laws in relation to hiring foreign labour? Somaliland Diaspora investors feel that local/national staff is unskillful in certain professions which is challenge to their investments, and that sometimes hires employees from abroad. Local competitors poaching trained staff from abroad, which leads to devastating effects on their businesses and there are no consequences for the perpetrators. What are the Government limitations towards duplicating business ideas and property rights protections? Somaliland Diaspora has also concerns over the following in Somaliland? Lack of Tourism polices Lack of contract enforcement Overdue court cases, while Diaspora nationals have limited time to stay home Favoritism of Local business people Lack of preventive and protective measures in relation to Diaspora and Diaspora-born children of Somaliland nationals The invited Diaspora entrepreneurs and some other participant businesses included: Masala Specialist Hospital, Masala Specialist Hospital, International Medical services, Young Muslim Academy, Xarago Company, Casri fashion, Asma Style, Royal Style, Weris Accessories, Café Barbera, Galool Café, Holland Diary food company, Saryan Museum, Hargeisa Cultural Center, Crown Hotel, Cafra Supermarket, Sugan Billicsan, Gacalle group Business, BM Cosmetics, Sahra’s Botique, Simple Divine, Kings Coffee, Haboon, Amiir Perfumes, Sumaya World, Altawba Perfumes, Horn Garden, Guleed Hotel, Habeen Dhalad, Alpha Beauty, North Star Medical Center, Quruxbila, Hubaal Cleaning service, Star Box, Himilo Restaurant, Nasrulah, Epyan Shoes, Good Super Style, Oderese, Sovocco, Adams Inn Hotel, Carayaabo ARH, Al-Ashira centre, AJ Poultry Farm, Boodhari Mills, UBI, Nabad Consulting, Bella Rossa, HYJ Consulting, The Review, Odorose Eng, Asad construction, Mandar Food Factory, Caroyabo Agriculture, Nuriye Napkins Factory, Eagle Fishing, Al xariiri Multi Service, Community Consultancy Development, Toosi Travel, Amalina Clinic, Som Fishing Coup, FB2 Berbera, IPX + AIGIC, SLN-TV, Cookies Time, Quantum-CES, Hawdolmo, Fishery Association, Royal Consultants Ltd, STC, North Rock, Chicago Huge, Seegaal Trade Co., Supreme Court, Biryani Restaurant, Sanka Group, European Colleague, Daus Company, Somaliland Vegetable Oil Comp, Arayaanbo Fadagi, Smart Jobs Co, DAS ACC, KHEYRAAD DEV. Association, United Pricic IndustryOderese, Sovocco, Adams Inn Hotel, Carayaabo ARH, Al-Ashira centre, AJ Poultry Farm, Boodhari Mills, UBI, Nabad Consulting, Bella Rossa, HYJ Consulting, The Review, Odorose Eng, Asad construction, Mandar Food Factory, Caroyabo Agriculture, Nuriye Napkins Factory, Eagle Fishing, Al xariiri Multi Service, Community Consultancy Development, Toosi Travel, Amalina Clinic, Som Fishing Coup, FB2 Berbera, IPX + AIGIC, SLN-TV, Cookies Time, Quantum-CES, Hawdolmo, Fishery Association, Royal Consultants Ltd, STC, North Rock, Chicago Huge, Seegaal Trade Co., Supreme Court, Biryani Restaurant, Sanka Group, European Colleague, Daus Company, Somaliland Vegetable Oil Comp, Arayaanbo Fadagi, Smart Jobs Co, DAS ACC, KHEYRAAD DEV. Association, United Pricic Industry END Somaliland Diaspora Agency / March 25, 2018
  15. By Ahmed Abdi Hargeisa—Inflation have peaked following the government’s move to order telecommunication firms not to accept less than hundred U.S as mobile money transfer. Somaliland authority issued a decree banning firms providing Zaad Service to store balances less than 100 U.S dollar but things get worse and inflation stay high. Many people are complaining the rising price of the food and other good in the markets. The government says its move will likely reduce the inflation which held back the economy of Somaliland for the last couple of years.
  16. NAIROBI — For the first time in South African history, a court on Wednesday sentenced a white woman to prison for making racist comments, a judgment that has given some hope that charges of racism will be treated more seriously. Vicki Momberg was sentenced to up to three years in prison for an incident that took place in Johannesburg in February 2016, when she was filmed making derogatory comments toward the black police officers who had responded to her call of a reported robbery. She was convicted last November of four counts of “crimen injuria,” or the use of racially offensive language. In the viral video, Momberg can be heard talking to someone on the phone about the police officers dispatched to the scene. She referred to them as “kaffirs,” an offensive and derogatory term for black South Africans that was used during apartheid, and which lawmakers have in recent years tried to criminalize along with other forms of hate speech. “The kaffirs here in Joburg are terrible,” Momberg said. “I’m so sick of it. I really am.” At one point, an officer approached her. While attempting to speak with Momberg, she yelled, “I don’t care. I do not like a single black in Joburg.” Momberg then made comments about the difference between black South Africans in Johannesburg and Durban, claiming that the former group is “opinionated, they’re arrogant, and they’re just plain-and-simple useless.” She went on to tell the officer, “I am happy for a white person to assist me, or a colored person, or an Indian person. I do not want a black person to assist me.” The exchange continued for several minutes — and the clip broadcast on South African news station Eyewitness News appears to have been edited for time — and reached a peak when Momberg threatened to run black people over with her car and shoot them. “If I see a kaffir, I will drive him over,” she said. “I have a gun — I will shoot everybody.” During her trial last year, state prosecutor Baba Yusuf told the court that Momberg, a real estate agent, had been charged with a similar crime in Durban in 2006. Though the case had been dismissed, in that incident she said at a police station that she only wanted to be assisted by white, colored, or Indian people, but not by black people, a comment that was nearly identical to the one she made in the 2016 video. Momberg’s attorney attempted to use her psychological state — having just been robbed — to explain her behavior, and Momberg said in her testimony last November that she had been “intimidated” by the officers because the person who allegedly robbed her was black. But Pravina Raghoonandan, the magistrate who presided over the case, disagreed with them both in her ruling, stating that Momberg had shown no remorse for her actions. South Africans on Twitter largely supported the sentencing, with many celebrating it as a step in the right direction to combat the deep-rooted racism in the country. Source: – BUZZFEED
  17. OTTAWA — A tearful Amanda Lindhout says she has crippling flashbacks and sometimes wakes up screaming due to her kidnapping ordeal in Somalia. At a sentencing hearing Wednesday for hostage-taker Ali Omar Ader, Lindhout said the sexual assault, beatings and emotional trauma she suffered in captivity filled her with pain and self-loathing. “I was a young woman wanting to rebuild my life,” Lindhout told a hushed courtroom. “But the abuse had made me hate myself.” Ader, a 40-year-old Somalian national, faces up to life in prison after being convicted of hostage-taking late last year. Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Smith ruled that Ader was a “willing participant” in the 2008 kidnapping of Lindhout, who was working as a freelance journalist near Mogadishu at the time. The judge found little to believe in Ader’s testimony, saying it did not support his claim that he was forced into serving as a negotiator and translator on behalf of a gang who threatened to harm him and his family. Lindhout, raised in Red Deer, Alta., and photographer Nigel Brennan of Australia were snatched by armed men while pursuing a story, the beginning of 15 months as hostages. Years after their release, the RCMP lured Ader to Canada on the pretext of signing a lucrative book-publishing deal, leading to his arrest in Ottawa in June 2015. Lindhout said her brutal confinement left her with severe post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, the inability to sustain friendships, insomnia, nightmares, digestive problems and broken teeth. “For years after my release I couldn’t really believe I was free.” Lindhout said she wished good things for Brennan as well as Ader’s wife and five children in Somalia. Brennan also read a victim impact statement, saying he too has suffered from post-traumatic stress, panic attacks and nightmares. Being forced to hear Lindhout’s screams from torture in an adjoining room is “a memory that will mentally stay with me for the rest of my life,” he said. Brennan said his friendship with Lindhout had deteriorated as a result of the horrendous events, and that they had not spoken in almost seven years. Still, Brennan said he no longer had hatred in his heart toward Ader and does not want him to spend his life behind bars. He stressed the importance of forgiveness and urged the judge to “show leniency.” Samir Adam, one of Ader’s lawyers, said a sentence of between 10 to 12 years in prison would be appropriate. Ader read a statement in which he expressed remorse, saying he was human and therefore flawed. “I am sorry, I apologize and ask you for forgiveness,” he said, requesting freedom so he could care for his family in Somalia. Source: – Toronto Star
  18. Tension is high in northern Mandera after six people were killed and two others injured by gunmen who attacked a village in Mandera County. Mandera County Commissioner, Kutswa Olaka who confirmed the attack said heavily armed suspected Gurre militia stormed Dumaal village of Banisa town on Wednesday. “Gurre clan militiamen who crossed the border from Ethiopia killed six people from Dogodia clan including four from same family and seriously wounded two others,” said Kutwa who spoke to the media in Mandera town. According to the local media, fighting between Gurre and Dogodia clans started in Ethiopia where the clans live, before the clashes spilt to Kenya’s side. The latest attack is said to be revenge after suspected Dogodia militiamen killed two men in Ethipia. The leaders and clerics in Mandera County have raised concern over the consistent inter-clan clshes in the county. Religious, politicians, civil society groups headed by Mandera County Governor, Ali Roba on Wednesday evening called on the warring sides to end hostility and embrace peace. Mohamed Osman, a member of Mandera County Assembly urged the security agencies and the government to intervene the situation before it goes out of hand. “I condemn the recurring clashes in the county. The root of the conflict has not been addressed yet. Let the government agencies take their role to quell the clashes that claimed the lives of the innocent people,” said Osman. The attack comes on the heel of last month’s raid on a village near Dhabacity locality where three people were wounded. The two clans who live both Ethiopia and Kenya have been engaging in gun battle in recent years over boundary demarcation.
  19. Waxaa xalay Xarunta Villa Hargeysa ee Muqdisho kulan ku yeeshay Xildhibaano katirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Xildhibaanadaan oo sheegay in ay tiradooda ay tahay 120 Mudane ayaa sheegay in uu bur buray Mooshinkii Jawaari laga keenay. Xildhibaanada ayaa cuskaday Qodob Xeer hoosaadka ah islamarkaasina ah in uu dhaafay Muddo Toban bari ah. waxa ay aheyd 18-kii Bishaan markii mooshinka la soo gudbiyay ilaa xiligaan oo ay soo gudubtay muddo toban bari ah. Gudoomiye Jawaari ayeey ugu baaqeen in uu guto hoowshiisa maadaama uu buray mooshinkii laga keenay. Hoos ka Aqriso Qoraalka ay soo saareen Xildhibaanadaasi. Arintaan ayaa baasiin ku sii daartay khilaafkii u dhaxeeyay Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya kaasi oo ku aadanaa Mooshinka laga soo gudbiyay Gudoomiye Jawaari. Hoos ka Daawo Sawirada Xildhibaanadii Kulmay Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Xildhibaano sheegay in uu bur buray Mooshinkii Jawaari appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa cirka isku sii shareeraya khilaafka ka dhashay Mooshinka laga gudbiyay Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Somalia Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari. Khilaafka ayaa waxaa cirka ku tolay Xildhibaanada garabka kasoo horjeeda Mooshinka ee taabacsan Guddoomiye Jawaari, kadib markii ay asbuuc gudahiisa ay soo saaren qoraalo lagu carqaladeynaayo Mooshinka. Xildhibaanada Jawaari oo marba marka xigta kasii yaraanaya tirada ay yihiin ayaa ku doodaya inay ka fashilin doonaan Mooshinka laga wado Guddoomiyaha. Xildhibaanada Jawaari taabacsan ayaa dhaliisha ugu badan Mooshinka dusha ka saaraya Xukuumada Somalia, waxaana xusid mudan in Mooshin wadayaasha is diiwaan galiyay ay hor boodayaan Wasiiro, Ku-xigeeno iyo Wasiiru dowlayaal farabadan. Waxyaabaha khilaafka cirka ku talay ayaa waxaa kamid ah labadii kulan ee ugu danbeysay oo Villa Hargeysa ay ku yeesheen Xildhibaanada taageersan Jawaari, kuwaa oo ay kasoo saaren qodobo u muuqday mid lagu cadaadinaayo Mooshin wadayaasha. Sidoo kale, Xildhibaanada Mooshinka wada oo saacadihii ugu danbeeyay kulamo ku lahaa magaalada Muqdisho ayaa dhankooda ka beeniyay jiritaanka garabka kale, waxa ayna sheegen in Mooshinka uu yahay aqbal. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa aad u adag in xal loo helo Mooshinka iminka laga wado Guddoomiye Jawaari, waxaana sii kordhaaya cadadka Mooshin wadayaasha. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  21. Abiyu ahmed Raisal-wasaaraha cusub ee dalka Dr. Abiyu Ahmed ayaa khudbad muhiim ah oo uu doorashadii kadib kajeediyay golaha dhexe ee xibsbiga EPRDF hortiisa wuxuu kusheegay inuu sii xoojinayo jihooyinka siyaasadeed, horumarineed, nabadgalyo, maamul suuban iyo dimuqraadiyadeed ee uyaalay xisbiga EPRDF. Dr. Abiyu Ahmed ayaa carabka ku adkeeyay inuu sigaar ah ulashaqayn doono deegaanka Soomaalida itoobiya gaar ahaan gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Demoqraadiga Shacabka Soomaalida Ethiopia (XDSHSI) ahna afhayeenka baarlamaanka DDSI mudane Maxamedrashiid Isaaq iyo gudoomiye kuxigeenka XDSHSI ahna madaxwaynaha DDSI mudane Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar. Sidoo kale, warbixin uu soo jeediyay xisbiga Ismaamulka Oromiya ee OPDO ayaa waxay ku canbaareeyeen dhibaatooyinkii ka dhacay magaalada Awaday iyo galbeedka Hararge ee deegaanka Oromada iyagoo sheegay inay aad uga xun yihiin. Ugu danbayna hogaaminta XDSHSI oo ay ugu horeeyaan gudoomiyaha iyo gudoomiye kuxigeenka XDSHSI iyo xukuumada deegaankuba waxay goobtaas ugu hambalyeeyeen islamarkaana qoraalkan ugu hambalyaynayaan gudoomiyaha cusub ee xisbiga EPRDF loo doortay oo si bilaa shuruud ah wakhti xaadirkan u ah raisal wasaaraha cusub ee dalka.
  22. Ciidama amaanka dowladda soomaaliya ayaa xalay degmada wadajir ku qabtay waxyaabaha maanka dooriya sida qamriga xashiishka iyo sido kale hub isugu jiro bastoolado iyo qoryaha AK47-ka. howlgalkaan oo dhacay xalay xili waqti danbe ah ayaa ciidamada amniga degmada wadajir waxey ay ku qadeen ragaas oo mararka qaar geysan jiray dhac sido kale ka ganacsada waxyaabaha manka dooriya. Gudoomiyaha amniga iyo siyaasada gobalka banaadir Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed (Tuulax) ayaaa ugu baaqay kooxaha maandooriyaha isticmaala inay ka waantoobaan falalkaan foosha xun. Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed ayaa sido kale ugu baaqay ciidama amniga iney la socdaan kooxahaasi si looga adkaado iney gudaha magaalada muqdisho ka iibiyaan waxyaanaha maanka dooriya. maalmihii u danbeeyay ayaa guud ahaan dalka waxaa ku soo batay maandooriyaha kuwaasoo ganacsi loo keeno halka kuwa kalena lagu sameeyo dalka, ayna soo bateen soomaalida isticmaasha. PUNTLAND POST The post Muqdisho oo lagu qabtay Waxyaabaha Maanka Dooriya iyo Hub appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. March 28, 2018 Hassan A. Keynan* Norway is not a country that could be easily associated with the ugly history and ruinous legacies of European imperialist expansion and colonial conquest across huge swathes of the globe, especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is rather known for a raft of benign attributes and rare achievements that have become the envy of the entire world. The country consistently tops global rankings in almost every field or category of assessment. And, of course, the iconic Nobel Prize for Peace. However, change has been the only constant; and it appears that for Norway the adage “better late than never,” has been fully embraced when it comes to the country’s flirtation with the magnetic enterprise of colonialism. One hundred thirty three years after the 1884 Partition of Africa, Norway is today an important player in a new scramble for Africa. And, this time around, the tools, narratives, manpower and infrastructure deployed in the service of the business are very different, although questions remain as to whether the same could be said about the principal motive and expected outcome. Norway’s new colony in Africa is the failed state of Somalia. In the 1990’s I was living and working in Norway, and stories about Somali refugees coming into Norway in droves dominated the headlines. One question repeatedly asked by Norwegian authorities was: Why didn’t the Somalis seek asylum in all the countries between Somalia and Norway? And why were they so determined to zoom their eyes on the tiny, hilly and extremely cold country neighboring the North Pole? I vividly recall a stunned senior immigration officer posing this question to me. Today, the same question can be asked in reverse order. Why has Norway ended up in Somalia in what it appears to be its first colony in Africa? The Norwegian-Somali encounter has its roots in a new phenomenon: The diaspora returning to their countries of origin with a pang. Following the collapse of the authority and institutions of the central government in Somalia in 1991, a large number of Somalis fled the country and sought asylum in many countries across the globe. According to the United Nations Population Division an estimated two million Somali immigrants lived in eighteen countries in 2015. Norway accounts for a small percentage of those, somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000. The Somalis constitute the largest non-western immigrants in Norway. As the situation in Somalia improved, the Somali diaspora began to return to the country slowly but steadily. The majority of the returnees came from Europe, North America and Australia. By 2008, a significant number of the diaspora community became heavily involved in the country’s fissiparous and polarized politics and governance system. All the six Prime Ministers the country has had since 2008 were from the diaspora, as were many of the ministers and members of parliament at federal and state levels. However, The profile and status of the politicians from the diaspora grew exponentially during the last parliamentary and presidential elections. More than a third (100 out of 275) of the members of the 10th Parliament are Somalis holding foreign passports. And nearly 70 percent of those who fulfilled the conditions for the 8 February 2017 presidential election were also of the same ilk. By the time the process of government formation was completed in March, the diaspora had dominated the political landscape on a scale not seen in the history of post-colonial Africa. The President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Parliament , more than half of the ministers in the Federal Government, and the Mayor of Mogadishu are Somalis who pledged loyalty to external powers. The countries represented in the Federal Government include Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark, Nederland, Sweden, and USA. In terms of numbers the Norwegians in the Federal Government are not the largest diaspora group. However, they occupy two of the top three most powerful positions in the country, and hold some of the biggest and most coveted ministerial portfolios. The most senior Norwegian-Somali in the government is the veteran politician, Mohamed Osman Jawari. Mr. Jawari is the Speaker of the federal parliament. But perhaps the biggest indicator of an emerging Norwegian colony became evident when the Somali-American President appointed the Norwegian-Somali, Hassan Ali Khaire as the Prime Minister of the of the Federal Government of Somalia. Mr. Khaire’s appointment as PM on 23 February 2017 was announced on Twitter, indicating the yawning communication and connection gap between the new hyphenated political elite and ordinary Somalis, the vast majority of whom are illiterate and have no access to Internet. Mr. Khaire was an unknown quantity and a political novice, and his appointment as PM surprised everyone. He fled to Norway in 1991 when he was still a young man, and spent nearly half of his life in Norway. So compared to the older and more experienced Jawari, Norway has had better opportunities to cultivate and profoundly shape and influence the character and mindset of youthful bloke through education, culture, employment, etc. When Prime Minister Hassan Khaire went to the business of appointing ministers, he packed the Council of Ministers with hyphenated Somalis from the diaspora. At least 17 of the 27 members in the Council of Ministers the Prime Minister proposed and the Parliament approved in March last year had roots in and affiliations with external powers. Two of these were Norwegians: the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Education and Culture. Norwegians are in charge of two of the three organs of the Government, the Legislative and the Executive. The third organ, the Judiciary, is not fully functional yet. It can therefore be argued that the possibility of the Norwegians extending their influence to the third and last organ of the Federal Government is quite real. If this comes to pass, the operationalization of Norway’s first colony in Africa would be complete, ushering in a new scramble for Africa. Norway does not have a monopoly on this new colonial enterprise. It has fierce competitors, including the Canada, USA, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Turkey, and Ethiopia. All these countries have interests and enclaves in Somalia with varying degrees of political, diplomatic, and military leverage. But it seems that the stars have aligned for the Norwegian camp following the appointment of the current Prime Minister. On 25 January 2018 the Norwegian dailyDagbladet published a piece on a bilateral meeting between the Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, and the Prime of Somalia, Hassan Ali Khaire, during the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland. The reporter aptly dubbed the meeting Norwegian Meeting, and gave the report the title: Here meet two sitting Norwegian Prime Ministers. The accompanying photo said it all, magnifying the message one thousand times. Somalia has just started the process of moving out of the degrading and deeply humiliating legacy of a failed state. Its institutions are therefore fragile and extremely vulnerable to infiltration, destabilization, corruption, and even takeover by internal usurpers and/or external predators with vested strategic and geopolitical interests. Norwegians who are in charge of this colony have and wield immense executive and legislative powers in a context characterized by lack of accountability, debilitating capacity limitations, and extremely vulnerability to machinations of external actors. How these enormous powers are used or abused and in favor of whom and against whom is therefore a matter of utmost importance. These developments have huge and far-reaching ethical, moral, political, legal and juridical implications for Norway; as it could find itself entangled in awkward, even messy, situations. 1. State capture and corruption: Empirical studies on the impact of the high-flying diaspora on Somali politics and society are scant or completely lacking. The little information that is available indicates that Somalia and ordinary Somalis have not meaningfully benefitted from the ubiquitous diaspora presence either in the form of knowledge and relevant technical expertise and skills, or substantive and sustainable investment, or even new ideas, norms, values, and innovations that could be adapted and replicated in Somalia. What is known to date, largely through critical observations and circumstantial evidence, rather suggest a disturbing trend. The diaspora who returned to the country seem to be engaged in a new and insidious form of state capture in the interest of three main beneficiaries: individual diaspora members, the diaspora as a collective entity as a cabal, and the external actors with which they are affiliated through citizenship or other shared interest in that order. The modus operandi followed by most diaspora individuals seeking or holding public office seems to be: occupy every available space, grab every opportunity, share the spoils among fellow diaspora friends and family members, and coordinate and, at times even, collude with external powers, with the embassies of the countries whose passports they hold being the first port of call. Recently, the President of the self-proclaimed Republic of Somaliland accused ‘the young Norwegian boy,’ i.e. Prime Minister Khaire, of interfering in Somaliland’s deal with the Dubai World. If there is one word to describe the rat-infested Federal Government, that word is “corruption”, a corrosive affliction that the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) recently referred to as ‘horrendous.’ 2. Scramble for oil and gas reserves in Somalia: The collapse of Somalia in 1991 and the protracted period of failed state syndrome have inspired a huge and sustained rush of oil exploration ventures in Somalia, involving, among other actors, big western oil companies. In the past, two Norwegian oil companies featured in the hunt for potentially lucrative oil deals in Somalia. The first is DNO, which, according to its website, ‘is Norway’s oldest oil company and the first to list on the Oslo Stock Exchange.’ In addition, DNO markets itself as being ‘a nimble and successful operator, even in challenging environments.’ The second is the Norwegian giant Statoil. Both have been previously implicated in controversial transactions involving oil exploration in Somalia. DNO had been accused of obtaining licenses for exploring oil in locations and under circumstances mired in messy jurisdictional and security entanglements. Statoil’s name has come up in the maritime border dispute between Somalia and Kenya, a case that involves issues connected with oil, and is currently in the hands of the International Court of Justice (ICC). In a report submitted to the UN Security Council in June 2013, Norway was accused of backing both sides in what appeared to be a cynical move to ensure that Norway’s oil interests prevail regardless of which of the two parties wins or looses. Norway encouraged and urged the fragile Somali government to implement an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off its coast; an action that would have led to ‘a modification in Somalia’s maritime boundary in favour of Kenya.’ At the same time, Norway was secretly negotiating with Kenya for an exploration license on a block within the EEZ claimed by Somalia. The UN report warned that such behavior amounted to condoning ‘non-transparent practices’ that could threaten ‘peace and security’ in fragile Somalia. Norway’s name also popped in a 2016 bribery investigation of Soma Oil and Gas Holdings Limit, which involved a Norwegian national described as the company’s East Africa Director and minority shareholder. That Norwegian national is now the Prime Minister of Somalia. It is important to note that Norway and Norwegian companies have vehemently denied any wrongdoing. And the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) had not been able to take the case against the former Soma Oil and Gas official to its logical conclusion. However, that was then. Now the political landscape in Somalia has dramatically changed in a direction favoring Norwegian agendas and interests. 3. Humanitarian and development aid for Somalia: In the recent past, Norway had reportedly adopted a strategy that used its development aid to Somalia ‘as a cover for its commercial interests.’ According to a report by the SEMG, Norway’s involvement in a $30 million Special Financing Facility Fund for Somalia was a case in appoint as it appeared to be largely aimed at promoting and underpinning its strategic interests in the failed state. Following Mr. Khaire’s appointment as Prime Minister, Norway has begun to feature in Somali affairs more frequently and more prominently. Norwegian entities like the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), have suddenly acquired a new, elevated status and stature in the country. Prime Minister Khaire and the Norwegian colleagues he appointed as senior ministers all graduated from and owe their careers to NRC. In addition, former NRC employees are reported to wield a great deal of influence in the Office of the Prime Minister. In the field of education, a key priority for Somalia, NRC seems to have emerged as an influential player, with junior staff employed or seconded by NRC reportedly playing a critical role, largely due to the fact that they have access to the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Education. In the case of one UN agency with a huge mandate and a lead role in education, all matters relating to education in Somalia have been delegated to a junior officer seconded by NRC. Given the powerful positions occupied by Norwegians in the current Federal Government of Somalia, one cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Norwegian entities pursing their agenda and interests even more aggressively. 4. Gross human rights violations: The Federal Government of Somalia led by the Norwegian nationals have displayed dangerous propensities for authoritarian tendencies and errors of judgment; and has been implicated in serious offences, even crimes. These include abuse of authority and gross violation of human rights. Two incidents have attracted enormous attention worldwide, and caused a great deal of unease and concern among Somalis inside and outside the country. The first relates to the to the illegal and violent arrest of Abdikarin Sheikh Muse and his extraordinary rendition to Ethiopia on 27 August 2017. The Executive Branch of the Federal Government led by the Prime Minister was not only involved in this ugly crime, but also tried first to cover it up and when it could not concocted a fictitious case against the victim. Mr. Abdikarim is a Somali citizen who fought for and was injured defending his country from Ethiopia, a historical enemy of the Somali nation. Yet the Prime minister and his government had, in a matter of minutes, stripped him of his citizenship, declared him a terrorist, and handed him over to Ethiopia in the most egregious and shameful manner imaginable. The sight of a Norwegian national, who was also a former senior officer of the Norwegian Refugee Council, kidnaping a Somali hero from his own country and delivering him into the hands of his enemy, was a spectacle to behold. The crime committed against Abdikarim stunned the nation, forcing a parliamentary inquiry. The findings of the parliamentary committee declared, clearly and unequivocally, that Mr. Abdikarim’s arrest and rendition were unlawful and that the case against him was fabricated. Yet, Prime Minister Khaire and the Council of Ministers who were quick and eager to humiliate and malign an innocent Somali citizen, remain silent in the face of the parliament’s categorical verdict. They could not even offer a word of apology. Mr. Muse is now languishing in prison in a country known for gross human rights violations against its own citizens. Mr. Muse’s family, young children and relatives wait for and deserve justice. The second case concerns threats and deadly crackdown against opposition politicians and political parties. For example, security forces raided the house of a senior opposition politician and leader of a political party, Mr. Abdirahman A. Warsame, at midnight on 17 December last year, killing 6 of his body guards and injuring and arresting him. Mr. Warsame was a candidate in the 8 February presidential election. The Government threw a raft of accusations against Mr. Warsame, including treason. Shortly afterwards, a court dismissed the case against the politician and released him. A similar incident took place in the house of Senator Abdi Qaybdid; and the government is yet to explain or account for what happened. In addition, Mr. Khaire’s government pressured the Parliament to lift the immunity of two MPs known for their critical stance against the executive branch. Once again, the Government’s case against the two MPs was summarily dismissed. 5. The plight of Somali refugees and migrants in Norway: Is the Norwegian government planning to use Somalia as a penal colony? Norway is currently under the leadership of a right wing political party in coalition with an extremist anti-immigrant party. A key priority of the ruling coalition has been to crack down on immigration and immigrants; with the Somalis in Norway apparently bearing the brunt of the aggressive anti-immigrant measures underway in Norway. In fact the sizable Somali community is presently in the throes of confusion, apprehension and fear. The Norwegian government’s intention is not only to curtail or completely stop new refugees or immigrants coming to the country. It is rather to remove those who are already in the country, including thousands who have already been granted legal residence and even citizenship. Norway has previously coordinated with officials of the Somali government, with a view to soliciting their cooperation and consent in the repatriation of Somali immigrants back to their country of origin. Now that Norwegian nationals hold the reigns of power in Somalia, one can only imagine what could happen. Some Somalis argue that the primary motive of the current Norwegian government is to use and promote Somalia as a form of penal colony. Given the fact that Norway has spectacularly failed in successfully integrating its large Somali immigrant community, such accusation cannot be entirely dismissed. These cases and possibly more could end up being litigated in jurisdictions outside Somalia, including the International Court of Justice. Norway has wonderful qualities and a beautiful history untainted by colonialism and other forms of aggression and exploitation. However, Norway is not perfect, and its politicians, particularly those currently in power, are not saints. It has so far kept conveniently silent about its connections with and intentions in Somalia. But surely, the time will come when the truth will be revealed.
  24. Guddiga la baxay badbaadada golaha Shacabka ayaa soo saaray go’aamo soo saarey ay shaaciyeen inuu buray mooshinkii laga soo gudbiyay guddoomiye Jawaari. Halkaan hoose ka akhriso.
  25. OTTAWA — A tearful Amanda Lindhout says she has crippling flashbacks and sometimes wakes up screaming due to her kidnapping ordeal in Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online