Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa xilka ka qaaday seddex kamid ah golaha wasiirada xukuumadda Soomaaliya, iyadoo seddex kale oo cusub lagu badalay wasiiradaasi. Wasiirka warfaafinta xukuumadda Soomaaliya Eng C/raxmaan Yariisow oo saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay in wasiirada arimaha dibada, arimaha gudaha iyo ganacsiga iyo warshadaha looga qaaday xilalkoodii wareegto kasoo baxday xafiiska ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya. Yuusuf Garaad Cumar, Qadra Axmed Ducaale iyo Cabdi Faarax Juxa ayaa waayay xilalkii ay ka hayeen xukuumadda ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre. Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye ayaa loo magacaabay wasiirka ganacsiga iyo warshadaha xukuumadda Soomaaliya, Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye waxaa loo magacaabay wasiirka arimaha gudaha halka wasiirka arimaha dibadda loo magacaabay Danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad. Haddaba Shabakadda Caasimadda Online ayaa heshay xog faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan cidda ka dambeysay in Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye loo magacaabo wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha booskaas oo laga qaaday Yuusuf Garaad Cumar. Xildhibhaan Saciid Nuur Gariish oo kamid ah XIldhibaanada sida weyn u taageersan dowladda uu hoggaamiye Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa ah maxkaxdii ka dambeysay in xilkaan loo magacaabo Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye. Dadaal badan oo uu sameeyey Gariish ayuu ku guuleystay in xilkaan loo magacaabo ninkaan oo ay isku beel yihiin sidoo kalana ay qaraabo dhow yihiin Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xog culus: Yaa ka dambeeyey in Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye loo magacaabo wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Qoraal kasoo baxay Ururuka Qareennada Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxaa lagu qaadacay ganaax ay Maxkamada Racfaanka Gobolka Banaadir dul dhigtay ilaa 8 qareen. Qareenada ayaa sheegay in ganaaxaasi uu yahay mid ka hor imaanaya sharciyada, waxa ayna ku doodeen keliya in lagu eedeeyay iney diideen u doodista siyaasi C/raxmaan C/shakuur. Qareenada uu ku dhacay ganaaxa ayaa si faahfaahsan u sharaxay sharci ahaanshiyaha go’aankaasi, mudada loo sheegay iney u doodayaan Siyaasi C/raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur. Ururka Qareenada ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in maalin ka hor balanta Maxkamada uu qaadacay C/raxmaan C/shakuur inay ku matalaan dooda kiiska horyaal Maxkamada, taana ay ugu wacneyd inay ka hor imaadaan u doodista C/raxmaan. Sidoo kale, waxa ay Qareenada uu ganaaxa ku dhacay sababta diidmada dooda ku sheegen inay aad isugu dhaweyd xiliga loo magacaabay kiiska iyo xiliga la furaayay ay aad isugu dhawaayen. HOOS KA AKHRISO GO’AANKA UU SOO SAARAY URURKA The post Akhriso: Ururuka Qareennada oo qaadacay go’aanka ay Maxkamada Racfaanka ku ganaaxday tiro Qareeno ah appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. The Garissa University College terror attack case in which 147 students were killed will resume on January 21. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa xilka ka qaaday seddex kamid ah golaha wasiirada xukuumadda Soomaaliya, iyadoo seddex kale oo cusub lagu badalay wasiiradaasi. Wasiirka warfaafinta xukuumadda Soomaaliya Eng C/raxmaan Yariisow oo saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay in wasiirada arimaha dibada, arimaha gudaha iyo ganacsiga iyo warshadaha looga qaaday xilalkoodii wareegto kasoo baxday xafiiska ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya. Haddaba Shabakadda Caasimadda Online ayaa idiin soo gudbineyso beelaha ay kasoo kala jeedaan Wasiirada xilka laga qaaday iyo kuwa la magacaabay: Mudane Yusuf Garaad Omar, Wasiirkii Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibedda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah, Habargidir/Ceyr waxaa booskiisa lagu badalay: Mudane Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye oo u dhashay Beesha Habargidir/ Ceyr/ Habaraji Wasiirka Cusub ee Arrimaha Gudaha Marwo Khadra Axmed Ducaale, Wasiirkii Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha, Isaaq/Habar Jecle, waxaa lagu badalay Mudane Maxamed Cadi Xayir (Maareeye) oo u dhashay isla Isaaq/Habar Jecle. Mudane Abdi Farah Said (Juxa), Wasiirkii Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka & Dib-u-heshiisiinta, Majeerteen, waxaa lagu badalay Danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad oo isna isla Majeerteen ah. Booska Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa mar kale lagu soo celiyey Hawiye, gaar ahaan Habargidir. Dhanka kale Majeerteen ayaa loo weeciyey Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda, halka Booska seddexaad isla beesha Isaaq lagu celiyey. Arinta waxay imaaneysaa iyadoo wali ay banaanyihiin boosaskii ay baneeyeen labo kamid ahaa golaha wasiirada xukuumadda Soomaaliya, oo kala ahaa wasiirkii gargaarka iyo wasiirkii diinta iyo Awqaafta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Akhriso Beelaha ay kasoo kala jeedaan Wasiirada la magacaabay iyo kuwa xilka laga qaaday appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay C/raxmaan C/Shakuur Warsame ayaa ka hadlay go’aanka maxkamada Racfaanka Gobolka banaadir ay ku laashay warkii Maxkamada Gobolka banaadir ka soo baxay Bishii hore ee December. Maxkamada Racfaanka ayaa shalay sheegtay in CC Shakuur aanu ka bixikarin dalka, isla markaana Xeer ilaalinta la faray inay wado kiiskeeda baaritaanka ahaa oo ay ku heysay CC Shakuur. Go’aanada Maxkamada Racfaanka waxaa kamid ahaa inay waxkama jiraan kasoo qaaday hadalkii Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Gobolka Banaadir Aweys Sheekh uu ku sheegay inuusan wax danbi ah leheyn Siyaasigan oo weerar lagu qaaday gurigiisa lagu soo qabtay. CC Shakuur ayaa diidmadiisa go’aanka Maxkamada Racfaanka u daliishaday qodobo dhowr ah oo uu sheegay inaanu qabin sharciga ay Maxkamada Racfaanka kusoo nooleysay kiiskiisa. Muuqaal uu soo saaray Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur ayaa ku eedeeyey Xeer illaaliyaha inuu ku xadgudbay xeerka iyo sharciga dalka isagoo sheegay in xarigiisii sharci darada ahaa uu keenay dilka shan kamid ah illaaladiisa. Hoos ka daawo qodobada uu Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur ku beeniyay go’aanka Xeer ilaalinta iyo Maxkamada: The post Daawo: Qodobada adkaa ee CC Shakuur uu u cuskaday diidmada Kiiska Maxkamada Racfaanka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  6. The risk of dying from scheduled surgery in Africa is more than double the global average, researchers said on Wednesday, in a study shedding light on one of the continent’s biggest but poorly investigated healthcare problems. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. In a surprise move, Ethiopia’s prime minister has announced the release of political prisoners and the closure of a notorious detention centre, allegedly used as a torture chamber. Hailemariam Desalegn told a press conference the move was designed to allow political dialogue. But it is unclear exactly who will be released – or when it will take place. Ethiopia, a staunch ally of the West, is accused by rights groups of using mass arrests to stifle opposition. Amnesty International welcomed Mr Hailemariam’s announcement, saying it could signal “the end of an era of bloody repression in Ethiopia” – although warned the closure of Maekelawi detention centre should not be used to “whitewash” the “horrifying” events which took place under its roof. Who are the political prisoners? Those held in jails across the country include opposition activists from the Amhara and Oromia regions, which were at the centre of anti-government protests in 2015 and 2016, as well as the Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples Region, and journalists who have criticised the government, says BBC Ethiopia correspondent Emmanuel Igunza. The prisoners also include UK citizen Andargachew Tsege, who was seized in 2014 when changing planes in Yemen and forced to go to Ethiopia, where he had been sentenced to death in absentia for his political activities against the state. It is difficult to know exactly how many “political prisoners” there are, but our correspondent estimates there are about 1,000 held under the country’s anti-terrorism proclamation, including high profile leaders from the opposition. However, there are another 5,000 cases still pending, made up of those arrested after a state of emergency was declared in October 2016, he adds. Will they actually be released? The government has given no timeline on the release of the prisoners – including those still awaiting trial – or explained exactly who is considered “political” and who is not. Our reporter notes a number of cases have political backgrounds, but are also linked to groups the government considers to be terrorists. Nineteen people linked to Ginbot 7 – deemed a terror group – were sentenced to prison terms just this week. Whether they will all be released remains to be seen. Any dialogue would have to include legitimate opposition groups like the Oromo Federalist Congress, whose leaders would have to be freed to fully participate in the process, our correspondent says. What about the detention centre? As well as releasing the prisoners, Mr Hailemariam announced the closure of Maekelawi – a detention facility in the capital, Addis Ababa, which Amnesty International described as a “torture chamber used by the Ethiopian authorities to brutally interrogate anybody who dares to dissent, including peaceful protesters, journalists and opposition figures”. “A new chapter for human rights will only be possible if all allegations of torture and other ill-treatment are effectively investigated and those responsible brought to justice,” Amnesty International added. The government strongly denies the torture allegations, but it has now decided the prison will become a “modern museum” – a move the privately-owned Addis Standard newspaper called for in an editorial in 2016. A new detention centre will be opened, Mr Hailemariam said, which would comply with international standards. Why now? Our correspondent says the detention of political prisoners has always been a major concern. In December, social media users staged a day of action to remember those held behind bars. But this decision comes hot on the heels of a meeting between the parties which make up the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) coalition. Over the past months, infighting within the coalition, which has been in power for more than 25 years, has led the prime minister to acknowledge the need for change. The Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization and the Amhara National Democratic Movement, which are part of the coalition, have been pushing for increased political space and the “respect of their people” following the massive anti-government demonstrations that have been witnessed in the country. Who is Hailemariam Desalegn? A trained engineer, Mr Hailemariam took the reins of power in 2012, after the death of Meles Zenawi, who had ruled since 1991. However, while the former deputy prime minister was a close ally of Mr Meles, he struggled to gain approval of the other EPRDF leaders in order to assume his new role. He is not known for tolerating dissent well, despite statements to the contrary, his critics say. In 2016, he blamed “anti-peace forces” for the violence in the Oromia region, a year after he told the BBC that bloggers and reporters arrested were not real journalists and had terror links. Source: BBC The post Ethiopia to release political prisoners, says prime minister appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Egypt has proposed excluding Sudan from contentious negotiations over the future of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the largest hydroelectric dam project in Africa, according to an Ethiopian newspaper. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Aden Abdiraman Warsama, a Somali refugee who has been living at the Dadaab camp in Garissa County in northeastern Kenya since 2008, is optimistic about returning home. We met him on December 19 at the county airstrip with his wife and three children waiting to be flown to the port city of Kismayu under a voluntary repatriation programme. The media had accompanied the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi to the Dadaab refugee complex. Mr Warsama was among some 20 families and 80 individuals being airlifted to Somalia. Voluntary repatriation “I need my country,” he said of Somalia, which has suffered two decades of civil war that has brought the country to its knees. While Mr Warsama felt Somalia was stable enough for him to return, he still appealed to the international community to help the government to provide basic amenities such as security and shelter as well as a source of income. The voluntary repatriation programme was launched in December 2014 after the Kenyan government threatened to close the Dadaab camp that has been in existence for 26 years. Since then some 71,792 of 369,656 Somali refugees have returned to their homes. This year alone, 32,478 returned to their homes mainly in Kismayu, Mogadishu and Baidoa, that are considered safe. Another 4,949 non-Somalis have been relocated to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Turkana County that mainly houses South Sudanese refugees. The Kambioos camp in Dadaab that used to hold over 19,000 refugees has been closed. It was one of five camps that made up the Daadab refugee complex. The remaining are Dagahaley, Hagadera, Ifo and Ifo II. However, not all the remaining refugees are enthusiastic about returning home, citing insecurity, lack of infrastructure, health and educational facilities. Returnees About 400 Somalia refugees, who had signed up for voluntary repatriation have returned to Dadaab, posing a challenge to the UNHCR on how to help them because they had surrendered their refugee status and are not entitled to ratios. Particularly, those who were born in Kenya are not even considering the option of returning, because they have no links with Somalia. Among them is 23-year-old Ayan Abdullahi Osman who is now married with four children. Ms Osman, a housewife, stays with her family at Ifo 1 camp. “If the camp is closed, it is up to the UNHCR to transfer me to another country because I have no links with Somalia, and it is not safe,” she said. Sirat Mohammed, a 51-year-old mother of two from Afmadou, whose son Anas Hassan Abdullahi is disabled, rules out any possibility of returning to Somalia, and would rather the government and UNHCR relocate her to another camp. Equally Osman Noor Hussein, an 18-year old orphan, who sat for his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education national exams in November at Ali Hulheab Academy in Garissa Township, is instead looking for sponsorship to enable him join secondary school. He has been living with an aunt ever since his parents died in 2002. Donor support Those who opt to return receive counselling and briefing for two weeks to ascertain that their return is voluntary. “We also allow them to consult with family and relatives in case they want to change their minds,” said James Taban, the repatriation officer. Once cleared, the returnees receive a cash grant of $200 and a World Food Programme card lasting six months. The package also includes $25 per month for education for the same duration, while those with special needs receive additional $30. Mr Grandi expressed concerns over diminishing donor support saying that it is difficult to mobilise resources despite the continent hosting many refugees. He said the UNHCR has asked for support for 40,000 new settlements but only resources for 13,000 settlements are available. “We appeal to the international community not to give up on Dadaab. We have also held discussions with the Kenyan government to help rehabilitate the infrastructure which is shared with the local community,” he said. Source: – Theeastafrican The post Somali returnees worry about amenities appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. Ra’isul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre waxaa uu shaqada ka ceyriyay wasiirrada kala ah : Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda iyo iskaashiga calamiga Yusuf Garaad,, Wasiirka warshadaha iyo ganacsig Khadra Axmed Ducaale, iyo wasiirka arrimaha gudaha federalism-ka Cabdi Farah Saciid“Juxa Wasiirrada cusub ee booskooda la magacaabay waxaa ay kala yihiin: Wasiirka cusub ee arrim aga dibadda Amb Axmed Isse Awad, , wasiirka cusub ee ganacsiga iyo warshadaha Mohamed Cabdi Hayir Mareye, iyo wasiirka cusub ee arrimaha gudaha iyo federaalka Cabdi Mohamed Sabriye Source
  11. Somali government officials say al-Shabab militants have executed five men accused of spying for the Somali government, Kenyan and Ethiopian forces. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa 3 wasiir xilalkii ka qaaday, isla markaasna 3 wasiir oo cusub uu u magacaabay xilalkaas bannaanaaday. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ugu horreyn xilalkii ay hayeen ka qaaday Wasiirada kala ah: Mudane Yusuf Garaad Omar, Wasiirkii Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibedda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah Marwo Khadra Axmed Ducaale, Wasiirkii Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Mudane Abdi Farah Said (Juxa), Wasiirkii Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka & Dib-u-heshiisiinta Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray ku magacaabay 3 wasiir oo cusub oo buuxiya xilalka bannaanaaday. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya; Markuu arkay Qodobka 97aad farqadiisa 3aad ee Dastuurka Ku Meel Gaarka ah; Markuu arkay Qodobka 97aad, farqadiisa 2aad, xarfaha A & B ee Dastuurka KMG ah; Markuu arkay Qodobka 100aad xarfaha A, B, & C ee Dastuurka KMG ah; Markuu arkay Hawlaha Baaxadda leh ee Horyaala Xukuumadda JFS; Markuu Tixgeliyey Talada Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya; Markuu Garowsaday Baahida loo qabo Magacaabidda Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha; Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah, iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka & Dib-u-Heshiisiinta; Waxuu magacaabay: Qodobka 1aad – Mudane Maxamed Cadi Xayir (Maareeye), Waxaa loo magacaabay Xilka Wasiirka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha ee Xukuumadda JFS. Laga bilaabo maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 04/01/2018. Qodobka 1aad – Mudane Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye, Waxaa loo magacaabay Xilka Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka & Dib-u-Heshiisiinta ee Xukuumadda JFS. Laga bilaabo maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 04/01/2018. Qodobka 2aad; Qodobka 1aad – Danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad, Waxaa loo magacaabay Xilka Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah ee Xukuumadda JFS. Laga bilaabo maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 04/01/2018. Qodobka 2aad; Wasiirada cusub ee la magacaabay waxa la farayaa inay si deg-deg ah ula wareegaan xilalkooda Qodobka 3aad; Magacaabiddani waxa ay dhaqan-galeysaa marka uu saxiixo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda JFS, waxaana lagu soo saarayaa Faafinta Rasmiga ah ee Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya; Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post DEG DEG: RW Kheyre oo xilka ka xayuubiyay Wasiiro & kuwo kale oo la magacaabay (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Attorneys for three men accused of plotting to bomb a mosque and apartment complex housing Somali refugees urged a federal judge on Wednesday to include prospective jurors from rural western Kansas because they are more likely to have voted for President Donald Trump. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Ulrich Wegener, the police commando who led the 1977 West German raid that rescued 90 people from a Lufthansa jetliner that four militants had hijacked and flown to Somalia, died on Dec. 28 in Cologne. He was 88. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Bandhigga wax-qabadka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda oo lagu qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay masuuliyiin si dhaw ula socday hannaanka Maaliyadda dalka. Masuuliyiintaas ayaa ka aragti dhiibtay habka loo maareeyey maaliyadeed Soomaaliya sanadkii tagay, caqabadaha ku xeeran iyo sababaha dib u soo nooleeyey ee sida weyn ay u amaaneen beesha caalmka. Khubarada iyo Masuuliyiinta ku xeel dheer dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya ayaa tilmaamay labo sababood oo horseeday guulaha maaliyadeed ee la gaaray sanadkii 2017kii kuwaas oo kala ah: 1- In Madaxda Qaranka ay dadaal dheer ku bixiyeen hir gelinta miisaaniyad hufan oo dhammaystiran iyagoona u madax baneeyey maamulka iyo maareynta dhaqaalaha Wasaaradda Maaliyadda taas oo meesha ka saartay lacago si khaldan loo maareyn jiray. 2- Wasaaradda Maaliyadda oo warbixino joogta ah u soo gudbin jirtay laamaha iyo hay’adaha ay shaqo wadaagta yihiin sida Baarlamaanka DFS, Bangiga dhexe, Hay’adda Lacagaha Aduunka IMF iyo Bangiga Adduunka. Arrinkan oo dar-dar geliyey xallinta caqabado badan oo horay u wiiqay hannaanka maaliyadeed ee Soomaaliya sidoo kalena ka hor tag u noqday musuq maasuq baahsan oo ka dhex jiray. Guulaha sida weyn loo tilmaamay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah, in tan iyo bishii 2aad ee sanadkii tagay ay ku guuleysatay dowladdu bixinta Mushaharaadka Ciidamada iyo Shaqaalaha Rayidka ah, waana markii ugu horreysay tan iyo bur burkii dowladda dhexe sida ay xaqiijiyeen Guddoomiyaha Bangiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya Bashiir Ciise Cali iyo Guddoomiyaha Hay’adda shaqaalaha Rayidka ah Xasan Abshir Maxamed. Sidoo kale, masuuliyiin badan ayaa ku ammaanay Wasaaradda Maaliyadda xiriirka wanaagsan iyo wada shaqeynta dhow ee ay la yeelatay dolwad Goboleedyada dalka taas oo horseeday in dhidibada loo taago hannaan Maaliyadeed oo ka tarjumaya baahida iyo awoodda dhaqaale ee dalka. Dhawaan ayey ahayd markii Bangiga Adduunka iyo Hay’ada Lacagta IMF ay ku bogaadiyeen dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya habka ay u maareyso lacagaha dalka iyo sida loo jaangooyey miisaniyadda sanadkii tagay iyo miisaaniyadda cusub ee 2018ka. Hay’adda Lacagta Aduunka waxay xaqiijisay in hannaanka maareynta maaliyadda ee Soomaaliya uu haatan cagta saaray wadada saxa ah arrinkas oo suurta gelinaaya in daymaha laga dhaafo Soomaaliya. Dowladda Federaalka ah ayaa dadaal xooggan ku bixineysa sidii looga cafin lahaa dalka Daymihii horey loogu lahaa oo gaaraya 6 Bilyan oo doolar, arrinkas oo caqabad weyn ku noqday horumarka kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha dalka iyadoona Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Khayre ay marar badan ku cel celiyeen in aysan wax deyn ah galin doonin dalka inta ay xilka hayaan. Deynta ugu badan ayaa lagu yeeshay Soomaaliya intii u dhaxaysay sanadkii 2013 ilaa 2016 kii oo wixii ka horreeyey sanadkii 2013kii waxa ay ahayd deynta lagu leeyahay Soomaaliya Labo Bilya oo doolar taas oo ka dhigan in ay labo labmatay deynta lagu leeyahay dalka muddaas kooban gudaheed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Soomaaliya hannaan maaliyadeed oo la ammaanay sanadkii 2017, maxaa sabab u noqday? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. The initiative by Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM) to build wells in Somalia is not only aimed at supplying water to the locals but also for farming and development in the strife-torn country. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay sii deyneyso dhammaan Maxaabiista Siyaasiyiinta ah ee u xiran arrimaha Siyaasadeed. Qoraal kooban oo kasoo baxay Xafiiska Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn, ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in dowladu ay dib uga fiirsaneyso go’aankii lagu xiray Siyaasiyiinta. Waxaa lagu sheegay qoraalka in deysmada Siyaasiyiinta ay tahay mid lagu hormarinaayo dib u heshiisiinta qaran, waxaana kamid ah Siyaasiyiin kasoo jeeda dhulka Soomaalida. Hailemariam Desalegn, ayaa sheegay in Siyaasiyiintaasi laga ridi doono xukuno ku dhacay qaarkood, waxaana la cafin doonaa dhammaantooda. Sidoo kale, Hailemariam Desalegn ayaa sheegay in siyaasiyiinta hadda dacwada ku socoto iyo kuwii horey loo xukumay kiisaska la tirtiri doono ama la cafin doono, sida ay wakaaladda wararka AFP kasoo xigatay. Siyaasiyiinta uu cafiska deysmo ku dhici doono ayaa waxaa ku jira kuwo Soomaali ah oo kasoo horjeeda dowlada Ethiopia iyo maamulka Jigjiga. Dhinaca kale, Hailemariam Desalegn ayaa go’aankaas qaatay xili uu kulan la qaadanaayay hoggaamiyeyaasha kale ee xisbiga talada dalka haya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xabsiyada Ethiopia oo laga sii deynaayo Siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka & Soomaali la sheegay inay ku jiraan appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in Xukuumadiisu aysan ka raali noqon doonin in la lunsado xuquuqda Askar har iyo habeen usoo jeeda badbaadinta dalka. Kheyre waxa uu sheegay in falka is dabamarinta xuquuqda ciidamada ay la socodkiisa u xilsaaren guddiyo gaara oo aan muuqan, waxa uuna ku goodiyay in sharciga ay horgeyn doonaan cid waliba oo falka ceynkaasi ah ku lug leh. Kheyre waxa uu tilmaamay in ahmiyada koowaad ay xukuumadiisa siin doonto Askariga iyo shaqaalaha kale ee dowlada, sidaa aawgeed aysan ka aamusi doonin cabashooyinka ka imaada dhinacyadaasi. Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa sidoo kale Saraakiisha hogaamisa ciidamada Qaranka uga digay Seddex arrin oo kala ah: 1-Ku xadgudubka xuquuq askari 2-In Saraakiisha aysan ku tagrifali karin awoodaha ciidan. 3-In Saraakiisha ay askarta dowlada u isticmaali karin qaabab sharci daro ku ah Qaranka. Kheyre ayaa sidoo kale, ciidamada dowlada ku amaanay inay u dhabar adeegan difaaca dalka, waxa uuna sidoo kale ballanqaaday inay la socon doonaan dhammaan xaaladaha ay mar waliba ku jiraan. Haddalka Kheyre ayaa imaanaya xili uu dhiiri galin u sameynaayay dufcad ka mid ah ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed oo dhameystay tababar. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post RW Kheyre oo 3 arrin halis ah uga digay Saraakiisha ciidamada DF appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Agaasimihii hore ee Hay’adda Sirdoonka iyo Nabadsugida Somalia Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe,ayaa wakhti badan ku bixinaaya dib ula soo laabashada xubinimadiis baarlamaanka Somalia. Sanbaloolshe, ayaa loolan adag kala kulmaaya musharaxiin dhowr ah oo kula tartami doonta xubinimada baarlamaanka, waxaana soo baxaaya in qaarkood ay ku gacanseeren codsi uu usoo jeediyay Sanbaloolshe. Sanbaloolshe, ayaa baqdinta ugu badan ka qaba Guddoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Hiiraan C/fitaax Afrax oo garab weyn ka heysta dhanka dowlada Federaalka iyo Ugaaska Beesha Xawaadle. Hogaamiyaha maamulka HirShabelle Waare ayaa isna garabtaagan C/fitaax oo xiligaan u tafaxeydanaayo kursiga Beesha Xawaadle ee banaan, waa haddii uusan Sanbaloolshe la imaan Siyaasad ka duwan tan uu iminka dheelaayo. Sidoo kele, Ergooyinka dooran doona Musharaxa ku munaasibka ah kursiga banaan ayaa qaarkood minka gaaray magaalada Jowhar oo noqon doonta halka ay doorashada ka dhici doonto. Dhinaca kale, Guddoomiyaha guddiga madaxabanaan ee doorashooyinka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed Marwo Xaliimo Ibraahim Ismaciil ‘’Xaliimo Yareey’’, ayaa ku baaqday in musharaxiinta ay ilaaliyaan mudada diiwaan galinta iyo shuruudaha. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Sanbaloolshe oo loolan adag la gali doona Musharaxiin miisaan ku dhex leh B/xawaadle appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. ABU DHABI- His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, today received President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, who is currently visiting the country. Sheikh Mohamed welcomed President Afwerki and discussed with him means of boosting and developing bilateral cooperation for the benefit of both countries and peoples. During the meeting, the two sides reviewed various fields of cooperation between the two countries and the importance of working on their development. They also exchanged views on regional and international developments as well as a number of issues of mutual concern. The meeting was attended by Ali Al Shamsi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Supreme National Security Council, Mohammed Mubarak Al Mazrouei, Under-Secretary at the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince’s Court, and Humaid Saeed Al Neyadi, Deputy Director of the Office of the Minister of Presidential Affairs, and the delegation accompanying the Eritrean President. WAM
  21. Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn in his office in Addis Ababa, the capital. (Michael Tewelde / Associated Press) One cellblock in the Ma’ekelawi prison in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, is known as the Dark House. Its chilly, dank cells are underground, including fourpitch-black cells too narrow for inmates to sit or stretch their arms or legs. It has a second nickname: Siberia. Ma’ekelawi is one of Ethiopia’s most notorious prisons, where dissidents, journalists, bloggers and protesters have been held for speaking out. According to a 2013 Human Rights Watch report, political prisoners and others have been tortured in Ma’ekelawi through beatings, prolonged stress positions and exposure to severe cold. The government has always denied the allegations. But on Wednesday, Ethiopia’s prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, stunned local activists and international human rights observers when he announced that the government would release all political prisoners and turn the Ma’ekelawi prison into a museum. Desalegn’s announcement was momentous because it marked the first time the government has admitted to holding political prisoners, often referring to them as criminals or terrorists in the past. It seemed too good to be true, and many immediately doubted how sweeping the reform may turn out to be. “I didn’t believe it at first,” said Felix Horne, a Human Rights Watch expert on Ethiopia. “For many, Ma’ekelawi is a symbol of the abusive nature of the security forces. It’s hard to imagine a museum that could take place that would not be a propaganda effort against the previous government.” Ethiopia’s government already has established another museum in Addis Ababa — the Red Terror Martyrs Museum — which exposes the horrors of the torture carried out in 17 years of the communist Derg administration before it was overthrown in 1991, giving way to the current government. The museum’s slogan: “Never ever again.” Rights groups have been exposing the torture of political prisoners in Ma’ekelawi and other Ethiopian prisons since the 1990s. Desalegn said the measure was designed to create a space for national dialogue and consensus, according to the Addis Standard magazine. “Politicians currently under prosecution and those previously sentenced will either have their cases annulled or be pardoned,” Desalegn said at a news conference. He said another detention center would be built to parliament’s human rights guidelines and international standards. But the prime minister offered no time frame nor any indication of how many would be released. And he left open a major question: Will the new leniency encompass only a handful of prominent jailed politicians, such as opposition leaders Bekele Gerba and Merera Gudina, or the many thousands arrested for exercising their political views or doing their jobs? Like many, Horne suspects that change, when it comes, will be limited. “Looking at their past behavior, it seems that it will likely not be as broad as people think it should be,” he said. “What needs to happen is that torture across the country needs to stop and the government needs to make a clear announcement that it will hold security officials responsible for abuses.” One prominent activist, Blena Sahilu, questioned in a tweet how serious the government’s announcement was. Almost as soon as the announcement was made, there were reports in Ethiopia that the prime minister’s office had begun to retreat on its admission that there were political prisoners in its jails. The government of Ethiopia is a closed, opaque and authoritarian organization, which jails and harasses local journalists and bloggers and denies foreign journalists access to report on protests that have wracked the country in recent years or on a severe hunger emergencycaused by the worst drought in half a century. According to Human Rights Watch, Ethiopia uses spyware and malware to monitor and hack Ethiopian activists and critics abroad. It reports that security agents pursue and abduct opposition figures who flee to neighboring countries, taking them back to Ethiopia to be jailed. The government does not tolerate demonstrations. Security forces killed at least 800 protesters in 2015 and 2016, according to Amnesty International. The protests were initially sparked in 2015 by the expansion of a municipal boundary in the Oromia region, the nation’s largest, with farmers afraid they would be forced off their land. But thousands later took part in protests against the government. According to Amnesty International, authorities used torture and arbitrary arrests to crush the protests, with more than 11,000 demonstrators arrested and detained. The heavy-handed actions led to tensions in the governing Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front coalition, which might explain the timing of the move to release prisoners. Ethiopia has also been under intense international pressure to do so. Then-U.S. President Obama was criticized by some for visiting Ethiopia in 2015, given its poor record on human rights. However the nation is a staunch U.S. ally in the counter-terrorism battle in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia released five jailed journalists and bloggers just weeks before Obama arrived. But thousands more dissidents would later be arrested. The Addis Standard, an independent local magazine, called for the closure of the Ma’ekelawi prison in a June 2016 editorial, saying: “It is, by any definition, a state-run ‘Torture Chamber’ built by an extinct repressive government but preserved and run by a government which proclaims itself ‘democratic.’” The editorial added that the prison was, above all, “a symbol of a regime that acts contrary to the values, principles, and rules of the constitution it championed.” Some former prisoners cited in the 2013 Human Rights Watch report recalled being suspended from their wrists with their toes barely reaching the ground, or being bent with their hands tied to their feet. Some were beaten on the soles of their feet or doused with cold water and whipped. Many political prisoners were arrested under Ethiopia’s 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, used to stifle dissent and to hold them for extended periods without trial. Amnesty International spokesman Fisseha Tekle said the release of political prisoners was long overdue and called on the government to move swiftly. “Today’s announcement could signal the end of an era of bloody repression in Ethiopia. For prisoners who have spent years incarcerated on politically motivated and trumped-up charges, this is long overdue. “Most have been detained solely for peacefully exercising their human rights, and should never have been in jail in the first place. We are calling on the Ethiopian authorities to implement today’s decision as quickly as possible by immediately and unconditionally releasing them.” Los Angles Times
  22. The Somalia-based al-Shabab extremist group says it has executed five men accused of spying for the Kenyan, Ethiopian and Somali governments. Al-Shabab announced the killings on its Andalus radio station, saying they were carried out in a public square in Kuntuwarey town in Lower Shabelle region late Tuesday. Witnesses say the men were tied to poles and shot dead by masked gunmen after a self-proclaimed judge read out their verdict in front of a crowd at the execution ground. Al-Shabab, al-Qaida’s East African affiliate, has fought for years to impose a strict version of Islam in the Horn of Africa nation. Despite losing territory in recent years, the group continues to carry out lethal attacks in many parts of the country, especially Mogadishu. An October bombing there killed 512 people. AP
  23. Wegener was the mastermind behind the creation of Germany’s elite anti-terror unit GSG-9. He became a household name in West Germany after his leadership during a celebrated 1977 rescue operation. Ulrich Wegener, the architect of Germany’s elite anti-terror unit, the GSG-9, and widely known as the “hero of Mogadishu,” has died aged 88. Wegener died December 28, German daily Bild said Wednesday. Germany’s interior ministry later confirmed the report. The former brigadier general of West Germany’s border police was “an outstanding police offer who accomplished so much for Germany’s security,” Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said. “We will retain honorable memories of him.” Events of ‘German Autumn’ remembered 40 years on Saving lives in Somalia Wegener became a household name after he led a successful GSG-9 mission to free over 90 hostages from the hijacked Lufthansa airplane “Landshut” in the Somali capital of Mogadishu in October 1977. Four Palestinians had hijacked the aircraft and demanded the release of 11 imprisoned members of the Red Army Faction (RAF), a notorious left-wing German terrorist group, in exchange for the hostages. GSG-9 officers stormed the plane, killing three of the hijackers and freeing all 91 passengers without injury. Three RAF prisoners — Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin und Jan-Carl Raspe — commited suicide after the hostages were freed. For his leadership, Wegener quickly became known as the “hero of Mogadishu.” Learning from the past The Mogadishu operation was the culmination of Wegener’s efforts to create Germany’s first elite anti-terror troop. Wegener had received the order to create the unit following the deaths of nine Israeli Olympic athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympics. Palestinian terrorists had taken the athletes hostage and transported them to a nearby military airport in Fürstenfeldbruck. During the police rescue operation, all nine hostages and a German police officer were killed. The fiasco convinced German authorities of the need to establish an elite group of police officers trained and equipped to combat terrorists and prevent future tragedies. LANDSHUT RETURNS TO GERMANY 40 YEARS AFTER HIJACKING A long-awaited return to Germany The years haven’t been kind to the Landshut, perhaps the most famous Boeing 737-200 in Germany’s history. It is currently rusting away at a “cemetery” for airplanes at the Fortaleza International Airport in Brazil. But now officials want to take the plane apart, transport the pieces to Germany and restore it at the Dornier Museum, close to Lake Constance. LANDSHUT RETURNS TO GERMANY 40 YEARS AFTER HIJACKING The RAF and the German Autumn The Landshut became famous in 1977’s German Autumn: the weeks during which the country was shaken by several terrorist acts committed by the Red Army Faction and allied groups. Four militants from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked the Lufthansa plane to blackmail the German government into releasing prominent RAF members from prison. ‘We did the work together’ Wegener remained with German police until 1988 when he left to help train Saudi Arabia’s “Special Security Forces.” In a recent interview, the former policeman said “he was happy that we [the GSG-9] were able to show what we could do” during the 1977 Mogadishu operation. “We had trained for such an operation for years at German airports.” Wegener however never warmed to his popular title, according to German news outlet Die Welt/N24, saying recently: “we did the work together.” amp/rc (AFP, dpa)
  24. US forces interdicted a Shabaab car bomb intended for Somalia’s capital. This marks the third time the United States has conducted a strike in order to prevent an imminent car bomb attack on the capital in the past month. It is also the first publicized US counterterrorism strike in 2018. In the early hours of Jan. 2, US forces hit the vehicle approximately 50 km west of Mogadishu. The assault killed two Shabaab fighters and destroyed the vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), or suicide car bomb, which was intended for Somalia’s capital, according to the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) press release. Shabaab is al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa and Somalia. It has maintained a persistent insurgency and has controlled territory in both southern and central Somalia for well over a decade. Shabaab uses its safe havens in Somalia to attack the fledgeling Somali government and neighboring countries. It has also plotted attacks against the West. The US military launched a record 35 counterterrorism strikes in Somalia in 2017, outpacing the combined strikes of the entire previous air campaign, which began in 2007. The rise can be partly explained by loosened restrictions. In Mar. 2017, President Trump signed off on greater authorities in Somalia based on heightened threat assessments from the Departments of Defense and State. Data on US counterterrorism strikes in Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, and Libya is regularly updated on the US strikes page. Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD’s Long War Journal. Alexandra Gutowski is a military affairs analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
  25. HARGEISA— The Interior Minister, Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed inspected police headquarters on Wednesday morning. The mission of the ministers tour was to heighten national security and to know the real needs of men and women in boots. The minister was accompanied by police commissioner, Brigadier General, Abdilahi Fadal Iman. Hon. Mohamed held meetings with top commanders of Somaliland Police Force. He inspected Criminal Investigation Department, Traffic Police department and Rapid Response Unit as well as Special Protect Unit. The minister also discussed with police chiefs on security situation in Somaliland.