Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Waaxda Arrimaha Debadda Maraykanka ee The State Department,ayaa liiska argagixisada Caalamiga ah ee sida gaarka ah loo raadinayo ku dartay saddex kamid ah Saraakiisha sare Al-Qaacida ee ku kala sugan dalalka Yemen,Soomaaliya iyo Waqooyiga Afrika. Saddexdan Sarkaal oo magacyadooda lagu sheegay;Wanas al-Faqih,Muhammad Al Ghazali,iyo Abukar Ali Adan ayaa lagu tilmaamay rag halis ah oo khatar gelin kara Amniga Qaranka Maraykanka. Qoraalkan Caawo ka soo baxay Waaxda Arrimaha Debadda Maraykanka ayaa lagu sheegay in Abukar Ali Adan uu yahay ku xigeenka Hoggaamiyaha Al-shabaab ee Soomaaliya,inkastoo aan faahfaahin laga bixin. Laakiin waxaa la aaminsanyahay in uu yahay xiddig ka dhex muuqda saraakiisha sare ee Al-shabaab. Horraantii Sannadkii 2010,Warbixin ay daabacday Reuters oo laga diyaariyey Xagjiriinta Al-shabaab ayaa lagu xusay magaca Abukar Ali Adan,isagoo xilligaas lagu sheegay Amiirka Al-shabaab ee Xuduudka Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.Bishii May ee isla sannadkaas ayaa haddana la ogaaday in uu Al-shabaab Amiir uga ahaa magaalada Kismaayo markaas ay haysteen. Sannadkii 2012 ayaa markale Sirdoonka Reer Galbeedka laga soo xigtay in Abukar uu yahay Amiirka Al-shabaab ee gobollada jubbooyinka oo ay xilligaas ku xoogganaayen Xagjiriinta Al-shabaab. Sannadkii 2014 ayaa Abukar ku biiray hoggaamiyaasha sare ee Al-shabaab,sida ku xusan warbixin ay qortay International Crisis Group oo ah koox ka faalloota Xasaradaha Caalamiga ah,waxaana xilkiisa lagu sheegay Taliyaha guud ee Ciidamada Al-shabaab. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Maraykanka oo liis Cusub ku dartay Ku xigeenka Amiirka Al-shabaab iyo Saraakiil kale. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. MOGADISHU Somalia Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire fired three key ministers on Thursday after weeks of political conflict with opposition and clan leaders. Foreign Minister Yusuf Garad Omar, Trade Minister Khadra Ahmed Duale and Interior Minister Abdi Farah Said were all sent packing. No reason was given for the reshuffle, but it came amid criticism that the government had failed to consult clan elders on their decisions. They were replaced with men from their respective clans. Ahmed Ise Awad was named as new Foreign Minister, Abdi Mohamed Sabriye as the Interior Minster and Mohamed Abdi Hayr was appointed to head the Trade docket. The government faces regular attacks from Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab militants. The Al-Shabaab has been fighting to overthrow successive internationally backed governments since 2007, and frequently deploys car and truck bombs. In October, both the defence minister and army chief resigned and were replaced. The police and intelligence chiefs, sacked in October after the country’s deadliest attack killed 512 people, have yet to be replaced.
  3. Sarkaal ka tirsan Al-shabaab ayaa isu-soo dhiibay Ciidamada Amniga Jubaland ee ku sugan degmada Dooloow ee gobolka Gedo,sida ay qortay Wakaaladda Wararka Soomaaliya ee SONNA. Wakaaladda ayaa sheegtay in sarkaalka oo lagu magacaabo Aadan Ibraahim uu Al-shabaab u qaabilsanaa dhanka Hawlgallada iyo Uruurinta lacagaha laga qaado Shacabka. Sarkaalkaan ayaa sheegay in Al-shabaab uu haatan kala shaki galay oo ay dhexdooda is-dilayaan,islamarkaana ay dhibaato ku hayaan dhalinyarada daacadda u ah,sida ku xusan warbixinta ay SONNA daabacday. Dhinaca kale Taliyaha Ciidanka Nabad sugidda Degmada Dooloow oo Warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay soo dhoweynayan kuwa ka tirsan Al-shabaab” ee ka faa’iideysanaya Cafiska Madaxweynaha”. PUNTLANDPOST The post Sarkaal ka tirsan Al-shabaab oo isu-soo dhiibay Jubaland. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. Fanaaniinta Puntland ugu caansan ee Kooxda Mahuraan Band ayaa sheegay ineysan ka tumayn Xaflada Madaxweyne Gaas ee 8 Janaayo ka dhici doonta Madaxtooyada Puntland ee Garowe. Qoraal kooban ayay Kooxda sheegeen ineyka xun yihiin in Kooxda aysan qayb ka ahaan doonin Xafladaas sidaas darteed ay ka raali galinayaan Shacabka Puntland. Maxamed Dhaafe Cali oo kamid ah Kooxda ayaa sheegey in Gudiga Uu Madaxweynuhu u xilsaaray qaban qaabadavXaflada ay si ula kac ah ugu diideen Kooxda iney ka tunto Xaflada. Mid kamid ah Abwaanada Puntland oo Puntlandi wax ka waydiiyey arintaan ayaa yiri ” Arintaan ayaa dhabar jab waxay ku tahay fanka Puntland iyo horumarintiisa, in laga tago Kooxaha fanka Puntland oo badalkooda Dad kale laga keensado Dibada waa folk xumo”. Abwaanku wuxuu amaaney Kooxda Mahuraan Band, Hoos ka daalaco Qoraal kooban oo Kooxda ay soo dhigeen Bogooda Facebook-Ga.
  5. Somali prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire on Thursday fired three ministers, bringing the total number of sacked Ministers in his government to four since they came to power last year. Information Minister, Abdirahman Omar Osman announced the sacking on Somalia’s state-owned television said ministers for Foreign Affairs, Interior and Trade were relieved of their duties. According to Omar, the prime minister appointed three new individuals to hold three ministerial dockets with an immediate effect. Trade and industry minister, Khadka Ahmed Duale is replaced by Mohamed Abdi Hayir who headed Information in the previous government led by Omar Abdirashid. Somalia’s current ambassador to the United States, Ahmed Isse Awad will be the country’s new foreign minister after predecessor, Yussuf Garad was sacked in the announcement. Abdi Mohamed Sabriye, a veteran businessman is appointed to be new Interior minister as his predecessor, Abdi Farah Juha who was sacked. Last year, the defence minister and military chief were sacked and replaced. The shuffle comes at a time of heightened tensions between the Somali government and several MP’s and senators. The post BREAKING: Somali PM sacks three ministers appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  6. Ulrich Wegener, German 'hero of Mogadishu,' dies aged 88. Wegener was the mastermind behind the creation of Germany's elite anti-terror unit GSG-9. He became a household name in West Germany after his leadership during a celebrated 1977 rescue operation. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Fearing for its water security, Egypt has called for the World Bank to arbitrate on the sensitive issue of the massive dam Ethiopia is building on the Nile River as the stalemate over technical talks continues. The Egyptian foreign ministry issued the call during talks in Addis Ababa between its foreign minister Sameh Shoukry and his Ethiopian counterpart Workneh Gebeyehu last week on 27 December. “Shoukry stressed the sensitivity of Egypt’s water security and that it cannot rely on mere promises and remarks of good faith,” said a statement by foreign ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid, reports pan-Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat. The call came as the two countries prepare for a face to face meeting this month between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn (pictured). Relations are tense after negotiations among Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan broke down in November over how to conduct technical studies on the impact on downstream countries of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a 6GW hydroelectric scheme Ethiopia is building on the Blue Nile. At the time Egypt accused Ethiopia and Sudan, which backs the dam, of trying to direct the studies in a way that would downplay negative effects on the Nile’s flow to Egypt. In their meeting last week foreign minister Shoukry urged Ethiopia to honour the principles of an earlier cooperation agreement on the dam. Diplomatic efforts are ongoing. While in Ethiopia, Shoukry met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn to discuss preparations for Desalegn’s visit to Egypt at some point this month. As its name suggests, GERD, set to be Africa’s biggest dam, is a project of supreme national importance to Ethiopia. Now more than half built by Italian contractor Salini Impregilo, the hydroelectric plant will have an installed capacity of 6,000 MW – more than double Ethiopia’s current generating capacity – and is central to Ethiopia’s plan to be a net power exporter to the electricity-starved continent. Construction began in early 2011 as Egypt was convulsed by its January revolution. Since then, fearing for its water security, Egypt has strongly opposed the dam, with concerns over the possibility of the conflict escalating to violence emerging in 2013. Since then, without relinquishing its concerns, Egypt has acquiesced in principle to Ethiopia’s right to build GERD. In March 2015 Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi and his counterparts from Ethiopia and Sudan signed a cooperation deal on the principles of sharing the Nile River water and the construction of the GERD. Then in September 2016 Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia agreed that French consultants BRL and Artelia would carry out studies on GERD’s impact on the flow of the Nile. However, negotiations held 11-12 November in Cairo between the three parties broke down over the studies, with Egypt’s water minister accusing Sudan and Ethiopia of trying to direct them in a way that would “render them useless”, reported Middle East news site Al-Monitor. Global Construction
  8. Fikru Maru, left, and a protest held in Stockholm demanding his release. Credit: Private and Stina Stjernkvist/TT The trial of a cardiac surgeon already imprisoned in Ethiopia for nearly five years began this week, his lawyer says. Fikru Maru faces terrorism charges stemming from a 2016 fire and riot that happened inside a prison on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Even though Maru was in hospital at the time of the fire and not in the prison, prosecutors allege he planned the violence. Maru’s Swedish lawyer, Hans Bagner, says his team is hopeful the trial, which has been delayed in the past by the prosecutor, will finally finish by next week. Hopes for Maru’s release were raised on Wednesday when Ethiopia’s prime minister said he would free political prisoners. But it was not clear if Maru’s case would be include in the premier’s pledge. Radio Sweden
  9. Wafdi heer Federaal ah oo hordhac u ah safarka madaxweynaha dowladda federalka Soomaaliya, Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu ku imaandoono Puntland, ayaa maanta soo gaaray Garoowe. Wafdigaan waxay ka kooban yihiin, Xildhibaano iyo Saraakiil ka socda Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya. Diyaargarow xoogan oo lagu soo dhoweynayo Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa haatan ka socda caasimadda Puntland, iyadoo waddooyinka laamiyada ah iyo barxada weyn lagu xardhay calanka Puntland iyo calamka dowladda Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa qorshuhu inuu Puntland kala qeybgalo dabaal dega 8-da January, xiligaasi oo loo dabaal degayo sanadguuradii 4-aad ee kasoo wareegatay markii la doortay Madaxweyne Gaas. Socdaalka madaxweyne Farmaajo uu ku imaandoo Puntland waxaa lagu sheegay inuu yahay socdaalkii ugu balaarnaa, isagoo isaga kala gudbidoona Puntland iyo gobolada dhexe, sida uu sheegay Agaasimaha Baratakoolka Madaxtooyada Siciid Maxamed Warsame iyo Xildhibaan Maxamuud Axmed Ciise Maash. Xildhibaan Axmed Ciise Maash, ayaa sheegay madaxweyne Farmaajo inuu Puntland usido mashaariic balaaran oo uu dadweynaha hortooda ka sheegidoono, wuxuuna shacabka ugu baaqay inaan soo dhowaynta madaxweynaha iyo waftigiisa loo kala harin. Halkaan ka daawo wafdiga yimid Garowe.
  10. Wasaaradda Deegaanka,Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska Dowladda ayaa baaq kasoo saartay ka ganacsiga Xayawaanka Diinka oo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay si wayn loogu hadal hayey baraha bulshada qiimo aad u sareeya in la kala siisanayo. Dikreeto uu soo saarey Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda Deegaanka Puntland Cabdicasiis Nuur Cilmi (Koor) ayaa looga digay dadweynaha inay rumaystaan warar been abuur ah, Iyadoona lagu sheegay qoraalka kasoo baxay Wasaaradda talaabo sharciga waafaqsan in laga qaadi doono cid kasta oo lagu arko falka ka ganacsiga diinka. Sida ku cad xeer ilaalinta iyo maareynta deegaanka Dowladda Puntland qodobkiisa 27aad farqadiisa 1aad waxaa reeban dilka, dhaawicistiisa,qabashada iyo ka ganacsiga nooc kasta oo ka mid ah duurjoogta. Akhriso qoraalka kasoo baxay Wasaaradda Deegaanka Puntland Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Puntland oo baaq kasoo saartey ka ganacsiga diin diinka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. In the past 27 years, Somaliland managed to display an enviable measure of peace and stability. It has been pointed out as an oasis of stability in a chaotic region. Somaliland has been a member of UNPO since 2004 and currently, the international community deals with Somaliland as De facto state lacking only international recognition but has qualified for all conditions related to the international recognition. It is known that Somaliland shares its borders with Djibouti to the West, Ethiopia to the South, Somalia to the East and the Gulf of Aden to the North with a coastline of 850,800 km. This is a territory of the former British Protectorate whose borders were established by international treaties between 1888 and 1897. Declaring its independence in 1991, Somaliland initiated a political dialogue with Somalia in 2012 with a view to clarifying their future relationship, but the talks collapsed in 2015 after the federal government failed to carry out what has been agreed and showed a deficiency of good faith and still insisting on the unity of greater Somalia while Somaliland is seeking a recognition from the neighboring countries. Following the peaceful Presidential election in Somaliland last year, the Somalia’s federal government is using new political tactics to create instability in Somaliland where it sent its federal minister of planning to the eastern districts of Sanaag region, which Puntland claims but belong to Somaliland. The last visit of federal minister to Somaliland territory is a signal of a political intervention for which the Mogadishu administration is conspiring on Somaliland’s political stability in the region. This is really sparking Somaliland’s patience over Somalia aggression that Somalia is not happy with the Somaliland transition for the democratic election that made the eyes of the world to be on Somaliland and realize the fact of peaceful democratic election was done in a way for which Somalilanders deserve to be recognized and respected, but is should not worth to be paralyzed. Somalilanders will never accept any political intervention from Farmajo administration. The new government is elected to defend the country at any enemy when and where it comes because now president Farmajo wants to show the world not to recognize Somaliland due to the developments being done by our country. In my point of view, the deterioration of this political situation along the Puntland-Somaliland border can be attributed to the absence of social services in the areas. The new government of Somaliland should engages in carrying out social projects to the far eastern districts of Sool and Sanaag regions, so that the local communities will be tied to Somaliland development process. If not offered full attention the federal government will benefit the absence of Social services in those areas. I do believe that the political situation in the disputed regions can be altered if those residents in the areas receive tangible social services from the government of Somaliland; otherwise, they may impress any politician’s interest from Somalia government even if he is a citizen from residence. The tour of federal minister to eastern districts in Sanaag region will only cause a full destruction of the talks between the two sides since the current Mogadishu administration is not loyal to the political dialogue to succeed. Let me say, the time of the greater Somalia has left out and nothing can be done to destabilize Somaliland security. I call the president and his government to take tough action against Somalia’s interference to Somaliland as the political tension has been high for the past several days following the visit of Jamal Mohamed Hassan originally from Sanaag region but works with Somalia came to the region Sanaag on the last Tuesday which embarked a sharp reaction from Somaliland. According to the Somaliland’s Minister of Defense Esse Ahmed issued a statement underlining that Somaliland is committed to defend its sovereignty while keeping their borders open. The defense minister who is also from that residence in the disputed parts of eastern region has downgraded the visit of the planning minister and that it will not have a major political significance as he visited small towns including Badhan district. On Contrary, Somalilanders expressed a disappointment with current tactics used by the federal government to send ministers hailed from Sanaag region to far districts of Somaliland to show the world that Somaliland still belongs to Somalia but this cannot be accepted and will further instigate unrest in a region which is plagued by hostilities. The government of Somaliland should put its military troops on alert and defend its borders from any aggression. Why Somalia is doing so, is that Somaliland has achieved a relatively significant degree of progress in certain social and economic areas rather than Somalia. We should know that the federal government is now using political diplomacy to create chaos in order to halt Somaliland recognition following the 2017 peaceful and transparent presidential election and peaceful transfer of power which have been highly appreciated by the international community. Muse Jeeh is a freelance writer based in Hargeisa, Somaliland. He can be reached at
  12. Somaliland Journalists Association-SOLJA held its 6th General assembly Press Release on 30th December, 2017 Somaliland Journalists Association-SOLJA held its 6th General assembly at Ambassador hotel officially opened by the Vice-President HE. Abdirahman Abdilahi Saylici, there were other officials from government who said their word concerning congratulating SOLJA on holding timely General Assembly after three years including the Vise-Ministry of Information, the Chairman of UCID political party, chairman of SONSAF-Somaliland Non-state actors forum. In addition, this event was attended by journalist delegates from across 6 regions of Somaliland representing all media types-TVs, Newspapers, Radio & Online media , international organization representatives, UN representatives, Human right organizations both governmental and private, senior journalists and most importantly civil society members to observe the democratic election of SOLJA. Yahye Mohamed “Xanas” SOLJA Executive Director Moreover, SOLJA Executive Director Yahye Mohamed presented the organizational accomplishments report, challenges, financial & asset management overview and distributed a report entailing organizational success against its priority and strategic plan (2015-2017) towards all participants. Whereas the chairman Mohamud Abdi Jama presented his speech regarding Somaliland Media improvements in various sectors and SOLJA advocacies done which he emphasized the journalists freed and their rights restored in the past 3 years and called for the new government to respect media freedom. Afterwards, the chairman of General assembly preparation committee Mohamed Mohamud Yusuf started processing fair elections and presented the election process for the 15 new boards of directors. Since, it’s worthy to mention that Hassan Mohamed Yusuf a well-known veteran journalist is voted to be the head of electoral committee together with 4 other electoral committee members among the delegates. Finally, the electoral committee ensures the credibility of the election and announced the results of new 15 board of directors that will elect the Chairperson, Vice-chair and Secretary General. Hence, raised their voice and re-elected Mohamud Abdi jama “Huuto” as chairman for the next 3 years, Yahye Sheikh as Vice chairman and Sakeriye Ahmed Muhamed as Secretary General of SOLJA for the coming 3 years (2018-2020). In fact, observers from international and local organizations have described SOLJA elections democratic, transparent and timely. The journalists across regions congratulated themselves for having peaceful elections and congratulate the new board of directors and urged to feel responsible and become good representation. Yahye Mohamed “Xanas” SOLJA Executive Director
  13. Tan iyo markii la magacaabay xukuumadda ra’isul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre illaa 7 wasiir ayaa la badalay, wasiir dhintay marka laga reebo inta kale waxaa ay ku baxeen duruufo mugdi ku jiro. Is-badalka dhacay waxaa ka mid ah 4 wasiir oo raggaasi ka mid ah ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa shaqada ka diray, labo iyaga ayey ku adkaatay la shaqeynta xukuumadda, wasiirna waa la dilay. Wasiirrada uu isbadalka saameeyay waxaa ka mid ah: Wasaarada arrimaha gaashaan-dhigga, arrimaha gudaha iyo arrimaha dibadda oo ka mid ah wasaaradaha ay dowladda federaalka ah ku socoto. Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre kama hadlo duruufaha ay ku baxaan wasiirradiisa, mana sharaxo is-badallada uu sameeyo iyo sababta, su’aalaha ugu badan oo aan jawaabta loo helin waa sababta ay ku baxeen. Hadaba, Halkan Ka Akhriso, Sida Isbadallaasi u Dhaceen: Feb 23, 2017, Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa ra’isul wasaare u magacaabay Xasan Cali Kheyre oo ka tirsanaa milkiilayaasha Soma Oil and Gas. March 21, 2017: Ra’isul Wasaare Kheyre ayaa magacaabay 68 wasiir, 8 ayaa haween ahaa, waxaa kale oo ku jiray 15 wasiiru dowle, 26 wasiir, 26 ku-xigeen, wasiiradaas 42 Xildhibaanno ahaa. April 1, 2017: Waxaa kalsooni heshay xukuumadda Ra’isul wasaare Cali Kheyre, iyada oo si toos ah shaqadeeda u bilowday. May 3, 2017: Wasiirkii Howlaha guud iyo dib u dhiska Xil. Cabaas Cabdullahi Sheekh Siraaji ayaa lagu dilay magaalada Muqdisho. October 12, 2017: Cabdirashid Cabdullahi Maxamed oo ahaa wasiirka Gashaandhigga Soomaaliya ayaa istiqaaladiisa u gudbiyay ra’isul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre. November 15, 2017: Wasiirka gargaarka iyo maareynta musiibooyinka Maryan Qaasim Axmed ayaa waxay iska casishay xilkaasi. November 26, 2017: Waxaa xilka laga qaaday wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta xukuumadda Soomaaliya Iiman Abdullahi Ali, January 4, 2018: Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre ayaa shaqada ka ceyriyay 3 wasiir oo kala ah: wasiirka arrimaha dibadda iyo iskaashiga calamiga Yusuf Garaad,, Wasiirka warshadaha iyo ganacsig Khadra Axmed Ducaale, iyo wasiirka arrimaha gudaha federalism-ka Cabdi Farah Saciid“Juxa”. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda iyo wasiirka arrimaha gudaha oo qoraal soo saaray waxaa ay sheegeen in aan loo sheegin xilka qaadista taas oo protocol ahaan hadal badan laga keenay, waxaa kale oo ay soo jeediyeen arrimo muhiim u ah jiritaanka dowladnimada. Yusuf Garaad waxaa uu la dardaarmayey madaxweynaha iyo wasiirka 1aad waxaa uu yiri “waxaan Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha kula dardaarmayaa in si ay siyaasaddeenna dibaddu ay u caga dhigato ay xaqiijiyaan in aan lagu fududaan beddelaadda Wasiirka cusub ee ay u magacaabeen Wasaaradda” Cabdi Farax Juxa waxaa uu isna ku dardaraamay “Dalku waa Federaal, taladu waa wadaag, danteenuna waa isku tolan tahay, xataa haddii fekerka lagu kala duwan yahay”. Goobjoog News Source
  14. RAK Gas, the state-owned energy company in the northern emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, is set to launch its upstream licensing round this year as it seeks production from new fields to offset the closure of a maturing one. Seven blocks – four offshore and three onshore – spread across more than 4,000 square kilometres will be tendered in the bid round, which is set to be launched in March. “The license round will be launched in late March 2018 and we’ll invite oil companies to come and look at the geological and technical data. Qualified companies will then be invited to submit bids by the end of November,” Nishant Dighe, chief executive at RAK Gas said in an interview with The National. The operator is exploring for oil and gas, following the shut-in of production from the offshore Saleh field in August 2016, he added. The potential for domestic discoveries will provide “better-priced gas” to support energy-intensive industries such as RAK Ceramics, one of the world’s biggest tiles’ producers, said Mr Dighe. More domestic gas supplies coming on-stream will also go towards supporting the emirate’s glass and cement industry, he added. Following shut-in of the Saleh field, RAK Gas has been supporting industry through its arrangements to buy gas from the Dolphin project, which supplies two billion cubic feet of gas per day to the UAE via a pipeline from Qatar’s North Dome gas field. In October 2016, the UAE signed agreements with pipeline operator Dolphin Energy and Qatar Petroleum to supply gas to both Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah. RAK Gas has a 150 million cubic feet capacity processing plant at Khor Khwair that produces gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and condensate. Saleh field, which lies 48 km offshore Ras Al Khaimah, has been on the decline due to pressure depletion and water breakthrough, and had been producing inconsistently since 1996. A planned redevelopment in 2010 did not revive production from the field, from where output remained “very low” prior to its shut-in, said Mr Dighe who declined to comment on its average production levels. The state-owned operator however hopes to strike discoveries in the relatively untapped Thamamah reservoir, which lies in the field, as well as an offshore discovery that will be tendered in the upcoming round. “The blocks on offer have an excellent geological story for both oil and gas and we’re very optimistic about their potential,” said Mr Dighe. RAK Gas also has operation licenses in concessions across Somaliland, Malawi, Egypt and Zanzibar. “We’re also in Somaliland with a very attractive block, where we have a 75 per cent operating interest. We’re planning on starting 2D seismic shortly, with the view to drilling a well in 2019,” added Mr Dighe. The National
  15. HARGEISA— The President of the Republic, Col. Musa Bihi Abdi, has today held a meeting of the Council of Ministers, at the Presidency of the Republic. The following points have been released once the meeting came to an end:- The Somaliland authority has interpreted the takeover of airspace by Somalia Federal Government from ICAO as meddling of internal affairs of Somaliland and further said that the planning minister of Somalia’s federal government on his visit to Badhan is a violation of its territorial integrity and cannot tolerate. During the gathering, the ministers have agreed in unison to consolidate the laws issued by the public works and housing ministry which placed a ban on selling public lands. All media outlets are prohibited to disseminate clan based news. Members of council ministers of Somaliland have been assigned to come up with lasting solution to the currency depreciation. They will assist the ministry of finance in its quest to stabilize Somaliland currency. The commission will be headed by the finance minister, Mr. Yusuf Mohamed Abdi. The following members have been named to assist the finance minister on the stabilization of Somaliland’s currency depreciation. Minister of trad, industry and tourism, Hon. Mohamoud Hasan Sa’ad 2. Minister of investment development, Hon. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud Awad. 3. Minister of Telecommunication and Technology, Hon. Abdiwali Abdilahi Sufi 4. Minister of Livestock husbandry and Fishery development, Hon. Hasan Mohamed Ali 5. Central Bank Governor, Hon. Mohamed Abdi Ibrahim aka “Dhobale”
  16. Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegay in uu dacwad u gudbiyay Hay’adda maamusha Hawada ee ICAO taas oo dhawaan dowladda dhexe ku wareejisay maamulka Hawada Dalka. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Maamulka Somaliland Sacad Cali Shire ayaa sheegay in wafdi uu isaga hoggaaminayo ay bishan dhexdeeda tagi doonaan dalka Canada oo ah xarunta Hay’adda ICAO si ay ugala hadlaan wareejinta hawada oo uu sheegay in Somaliland lagu xadgubay. Waxaa uu sheegay in Somaliland xaq u leedahay Hawadeeda islamarkaana aan loo maamuleyn haddiiba ay dhaceyso in Soomaali lagu celiyo,waxaan uu xusay in dacwad gudbiyeen sidoo kalena wafdi wasiirro ah ay tageyaan Dalka Canada oo arrintan ka dacwooda. Dhinaca kale Waxaa uu wasiirku sheegay in wadahadallada Somaliland iyo dowladda dhexe ay dib u billaabanayaan dhawaan,isaga oo xusay in markan ay ka duwanaan doonto sidii hore islamarkaana markan ay miradhal ah laga filanayo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Somaliland oo Hay’adda ICAO uga dacwooneysa wareejinta Hawada Somaliya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Ali Mohamed is founder and editor of GubanMedia, an online source of news and commentary about the Horn of Africa. LEWIS CENTER, Ohio — In November, the voters of the unrecognized Republic of Somaliland in the volatile Horn of Africa region went to the polls to elect a new leader. It would be the second time since 2010 that an elected leader of Somaliland handed over power peacefully to another one. It would be the first time an incumbent president, in this case Ahmed Silanyo, decided not to run, which is very rare in the Middle East or Africa. The Somaliland National Election Commission, to combat fraud, deployed the world’s first-ever iris recognition technology to all polling stations. During the election campaign, all political parties had free access to state and private media and campaigned freely to conduct get-out-the-vote efforts. On Election Day, thousands of voters drove or walked miles to their polling stations. They stood all day patiently in the baking sun, waiting eagerly just to vote. They were voting to decide their own political destiny, and to help efforts for Somaliland to gain diplomatic recognition. According to the National Election Commission (NEC), they chose Muse Bihi Abdi with 55 percent of the vote. Abdi is a former military commander who fought against the murderous and corrupt Siad Barre regime of Somalia. In an op-ed piece in the Financial Times of London, Bihi acknowledged the challenges facing Somaliland: dilapidated infrastructure; a rudimentary health care system; corruption; and recurring droughts due to climate change that decimated Somaliland’s livestock. The country’s economy depends on the export of mutton and sheep to the Middle East. Bihi also vowed to attract foreign investment to address youth unemployment. So far, the deal by Dubai-based DP World to invest $442 million to expand the deep sea port of Berbera is the largest single foreign investment Somaliland has received. The new project will help landlocked Ethiopia, the region’s largest economy, to get alternate access to shipping lanes. In 1992, following the collapse of the authoritarian Somali government, Somaliland declared independence from the rest of Somalia. The 4 million Somaliland people, not by sheer luck but through painstaking reconciliation and hard work, embarked a nation-building process. Today, what Somalilanders have for their efforts is a legitimate, functioning state, albeit a poor one, that has the consent of the people, maintains law and order, protects its people, and boasts a security force that has denied a sanctuary for terrorists. In May 2001, the will of the people was supported in a referendum for Somaliland independence by more than 90 percent of the population. Somaliland’s frequent free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power demonstrate that Somalilanders not only have managed their own affairs but also have embraced democracy and the rule of law in a dangerous but strategically located region, infested with violence, corruption, despotism and terror. Yet efforts for Somaliland to gain diplomatic recognition, or even acknowledge its transformation into the only functioning democratic state in the Horn of Africa, for political reasons, languish. Somaliland’s order is a stark contrast with Somalia, where the United States and others have expended billions to stabilize the country, but still it is in ruins and even has failed to exercise the minimal functions of a sovereign nation. The difference between Somaliland and Somalia is leadership. Somaliland leadership has its own flaws, but it delivered good governance to its people. In contrast, Somalia’s leaders believe that the United States, the European Union, United Nations and African Union would: manage their own affairs: fight on their behalf; and feed and protect of their own population. The man President Donald Trump and the Pentagon generals are backing as the leader of the country of Somalia is holed up in a hilltop palace in Mogadishu — where a tenuous government exists that is unable to protect its people, administer justice, and deliver services. In fact, Somalia is not better off since President George H.W. Bush dispatched 28,000 U.S. troops in late 1992 to save millions of Somalis from starvation. President Trump in taking the oath of office laid out a noninterventionist U.S. military policy and transparent foreign policy. But now the Trump administration is risking more American lives and treasure on dangerous places and an open-ended mission — Somalia’s quagmire. More than 500 American troops are advising and assisting the Somali army made up of rival clan militias against al-Shabab, an al-Qaida-allied militant group. Last May, a U.S. Navy SEAL was killed in action in Somalia while he was advising the Somali army. Furthermore, the Trump administration also has yet to explain to American voters: Why are U.S. troops still fighting in Somalia? What are they trying to accomplish? When will our troops come home? And what is the United States’ long-term political objective in Somalia? It’s time for the U.S. Congress to reassess U.S. policy on Somalia and not only hold hearings on the deepening U.S. military involvement in Somalia, but also examining Somaliland as a partner worth recognizing diplomatically. Ali Mohamed is the editor and founder of GubanMedia, a 24/7 online magazine of news analysis and commentary about the greater Horn of Africa region. To contact Ali Mohamed:
  18. Israel said on Wednesday it would pay thousands of African migrants living illegally in the country to leave, threatening them with jail if they are caught after the end of March. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Information stored on every desktop computer, smartphone and cloud server since 1995 could be accessed by hackers if two hardware bugs are exploited, a new report has warned. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Dallada ururada bulshada rayidka ah ee Puntland (PUNSAA), ayaa maanta qabatay shir labo maalin soconaya oo looga hadlayo xalinta khilaafaadka xuduudaha Puntland. Shirkaan ayaa lagusoo bandhigay Daraasad laga sameeyay xalinta khilaafaadka, taasoo waxyaabaha ay kasoo baxay ay kamid yihiin in wacyi galin balaaran lasiiyo dadweynaha, sidoo kalena dowladda Puntland lagala hadlo sidii loo magacaabi lahaa guddi qaabilsan xalinta khilaafaadka xuduudaha. Wasiir ku xigeenka arrimaha gudaha Puntlad, Cabdulaahi Maxamed Xaashi iyo agaasimaha guud ee wasaaraddaas Maxamed Cali Nuur (Jubba), ayaa lagu casuumay shirkaan, iyagoo wax laga weydiinayay siyaasada dowladda uga qaadan xalinta muranada ka taagan xuduudaha, kuwaas oo cabaqad ku ah in la gaaro nidaamka dimuqraadiyada. Agaasimaha fulinta PUNSAA, BAshiir Siciid Ismaaciil, ayaa sheegay dallada PUNSAA inay wado tilaabooyin sahlaya inay Puntland ka dhacaan doorashooyin xor ah, si taas loo gaaro wuxuu sheegay inay sameeyeen Daraasado lagu ogaanayo waxyaabaha hortaagan gaarista barnaamijka dimuqraadiyada. Guddoomiyaha PUNSAA, Faysal Axmed Warsame, ayaa sheegay shirkaan ay qabteen inuu yahay wada tashi ah oo muhiimadiisu yahay calaamadinta xuduudaha, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in lagasoo saaridoono bayaan loo dhan yahay oo ay ku midaysan yihiin dallada PUNSAA iyo wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha. Wasiir ku xigeenka arrimaha gudaha iyo agaasimihiisa guud, ayaa ka hadlay shirkaan waxayna uga mahad celiyeen dallada PUNSAA kaalinta ay ka qaadanayso baahinta dimuqraadiyada. Waxay kaloo soo dhoweeyeen Darasadaan ay ka sameeyeen caqabadaha xuduudaha ka taagan iyo talo ay soo jeediyeen ee ku saabsan in bulshada la wacyi galiyo.
  21. Dowladda Shiinaha ayaa go’aansatay inay canshuurta ka yareyso maqaarka dameeraha kaasi oo laga soo dajiyo dekadaha dalkaasi. Waxaa lagu wadaa in canshuur dhimistaan ay bilaabato bilowga sanadkaan cusub waxaana laga dhigay lacagta canshuurta maqaarka dameeraha 2%, halka awal uu ka ahaa %5, taasi oo keeneysa in maqaarka dameeraha oo shiinuhu kala soo dago qaar ka mida Afrika uu noqdo mid raqiis ah. Sida ay sheegayaan xog aruurin laga sameeyay Shiinaha waxaa kordhay dalabka maqaarka Dameeraha tan iyo markii laga qafiifiyey canshuuraha,waxaana lagu tiriyaa hilibka dameerka mid asaasi u ah dadka shiinaha. Waxaa kordhay qiimaha dameeraha wadamo ay ka mid yihiin Afrika gaar ahaan dalka Nigeria halkaasi oo ay dowladda shiinaha u aragtay inay tahay il muhiim ah oo ay kala soo dagi karto dameeraha. Qaar ka mida dowladaha Afrika ayaa waxay diideen in shiinaha ay u dhoofiyaan dameeraha, arrintaasi waxay keentay in horumar laga dareemo suuqa dameeraha ee dalka Nigeria. Waxaa aad ulaba-laameyay qiimaha halkii Neef oo dameer ah iyada oo la eegayo dalabkiisa oo batay. Qiimaha halkii neef oo dameerka ah ayaa ahaan jiray ka hor inta uusan soo dalban dalka shiina qiimo dhan 40 dolar oo mareykanka balse hadda waxaa uu noqday halkii neef qiimo u dhaxeeya 150-200 dollar. Dowladda Shiinaha ayaa waxay u adeegsataa dameeraha inay ku fasho beeraha sidoo kale maqaarka dameerka ayay ka sameysaa waxyaabaha la isku qurxiyo sida kareemada jirka la mariyo. Tiro koobyo la sameeyay ayaa waxay cadeynayaan in Shiinuhu uu qalo halkii sano 4 Million oo dameer si uu uga sameeyo waxyaabaha la isku qurxiyo. Waxaa lagu qiyaasaa dirada dameeraha ee dunida ku nool 50 Million sida ay tilmaameyso hay’adda Thane Donkey Sanctuaray ee xarunteedu tahay UK kuna shaqo leh ilaalinta dameeraha dunida,tirada ugu badan ee dameeraha caalamka ayaa waxay ku noolyihiin dalka Itoobiya. Waxaa xusid mudan in dowladaha Botswana, Burkina Faso,Mali,Niger, Senegal,Ghana iyo dowlada kale oo Afrika waxay diideen in loo adeegsado waxsoo-saarka warshadaha maqaarka dameeraha. Source
  22. Bilowga sanadkaan 2018 shirkadda WhatsApp ayaa sheegtay in adeeggaan uu san ku shaqeyn doonin qaar ka mida telefoonnadii uu horay ugu shaqeyn jiray waana go’aan ka soo baxay shrikadda. Shirkaddaan oo raacsan Facebook ayaa joojisay inay WhatsAppka uu ku shaqeeyo qaar ka mida telefoonnadii hore waxaana lagu yari war ka soo baxay shirkadda “Waxaa loo naqshadeeyay tiknoloojiyad cusub oo aan la qabsaneynin qaar ka mida telefoonnadii hore inay ku shaqeeyaan”. Telefoonnada aan ku shaqeyn doonin adeegga WhatsAppka waxaa ka mida telefoonnada leh adeegyada OS,10,Nokia 60S. Sidoo kale waxaa jira telefoonno kale oo uusan ka shaqeyneynin sanadkaan 2018 kuwaas oo kala ah Nokia 40S Android 2.3.7 Source
  23. Members of the Somali community in Minneapolis. ‘Mothers think their kids are safe when they see them on the computer but that’s where they can be most at risk from extremist propaganda.’ Photograph: Jim Mone/AP Abdullahi Yusuf was having an identity crisis. Culturally marooned between home life with his traditional Somali parents and immersion in his everyday American school life in Minnesota, the Muslim teen gradually found his way to terrorist propaganda online. In 2014, Yusuf was arrested before he could board a plane at Minneapolis airport, heading off to Syria to join Isis. He had become part of a rare but not entirely unfamiliar pattern where children of some immigrant families in north America and Europe feel alienated from society and a small but concerning few turn to jihad. It was almost too late for Yusuf. But his story has had an unusual outcome. Young extremists like him typically end up dead in the war zone or serving long prison sentences at home. But Yusuf, 21, was released by a judge in November, 2017, and allowed to return to his parents in a suburb of Minneapolis. In this extraordinary case, he is being integrated back into society after being sentenced to a unique “ideological rehab” program. He has spent the last year in a federal halfway house, reading philosophy, biography and literature, writing essays and poetry and reflecting on his life, his choices and his future. He was encouraged to debate with mentors and Muslim community leaders. “It was a deradicalization program that was basically invented for Abdullahi as it went along,” said Jean Brandl, one of the lawyers on his defense team. Yusuf had pleaded guilty to supporting a foreign terrorist organization and had testified against friends in a major trial of a group of Somali American Isis converts in 2016 in Minneapolis. Others who admitted wrongdoing and turned state’s evidence got lengthy prison terms. Only Yusuf has been deemed trustworthy enough for release, after two years incarcerated awaiting trial then 12 months in the counseling program. He will be closely monitored by the authorities for the next 20 years and has restrictions on his internet use. He aspires to go to college. “His transformation has been incredible. He went from being a surly, closed-down kid to this really open, warm, intelligent, thoughtful, introspective young man, who recognizes why he’d been attracted to Isis and why there are so many other options for him,” Brandl told the Guardian. Leading experts on extremism say there should be much more focus on developing such rehabilitation as an option for dealing with homegrown budding terrorists, and warn of the dangers of ignoring its potential. “The US, unfortunately, is about 20 or 25 years behind European countries in building these kinds of networks and programs. Intervention to counter violent extremism is really missing,” said Daniel Koehler, a fellow of George Washington University (GWU) and director of the German Institute on radicalization and deradicalization studies. He went to Minneapolis at the request of the judge in Yusuf’s case to assess the defendant before sentencing, including the risk of recidivism. Koehler is prohibited by the court from discussing the case in detail. But he told the Guardian of his wider concerns. “All signs that I see in the US are telling me there is a massive increase in homegrown extremism,” he said. As a fraction of a Muslim population in the US estimated at 3.3 million, the numbers are minuscule but worrying to experts. Koehler cited GWU’s program on extremism, which tracks criminal cases relating to Islamic State in the US. It measured 61 terrorism-related arrests in the US in 2015, the most in a year since September 11, 2001, and noted there have been 147 charged and 88 convicted of offenses related to Isis since March 2014. Yet he was worried little was being done to prevent radicalization or to re-educate radicalized individuals when they are caught funding or trying to join Isis or while plotting attacks in the US. Under the Obama administration, in 2014 three projects were launched to exploreideological rehab for people like Yusuf – in Boston, Los Angeles and Minneapolis. But they are barely under way and the future prospects of even this token effort are dubious under Donald Trump, Koehler said. European anti-extremism re-education programs started in the early 1990s in Germany and Scandinavia, to deal with far-right white supremacists. Now those government projects have been adapted to try to return violent Islamists, or those who were determinedly heading that way, to productive society. Britain has the government Prevent strategy, which is designed to intervene early when signs of radicalization are reported, though critics regard it as a form of community surveillance and stigma. But there are no official “rehab” programs for those convicted of crimes further down the extremist road. Koehler said family therapy was key to ideological rehab and cited unofficial groups such as the UK’s Families for Life, started by Nicola Benyahia after her son became radicalized and died fighting for Isis in Syria. There are numerous deradicalization programs in Saudi Arabia, which claim to be very successful, and one in Sri Lanka. But there is no reliable research analyzing the outcomes, said Jessica Stern, a professor at Boston University, specializing in extremism, and the author of Isis: The State of Terror. “The Saudis have reported very low recidivism but they have also had some significant failures and they’ve never made their data available for scrutiny. Also, they have strategies that are not going to be replicated elsewhere, such as finding the men a wife, buying them a car and getting them jobs,” she said. Experts are watching Yusuf’s case with great interest, as it is understood to be the first of its kind in the US. “It’s an important experiment,” said Stern. She pointed to a recent report citing statistics from the federal government’s National Counterterrorism Center that at the end of 2016 there were 300 terrorism offenders in US prisons, 90 of whom are due to be released in the next five years. “At least some will probably reengage in terrorist activity … because they either remain radicalized or are susceptible to re-radicalization,” the center states. Advertisement Stern said there should be deradicalization programs in prison. She has conducted research among the Somali-American community in Minnesota, where she found refugee families suffered disproportionate levels of economic hardship and discrimination. Yusuf was born in a refugee camp in Kenya after his parents fled conflict and eventually made it to the US. “I realized that mothers think their kids are safe when they see them inside on the computer but it turns out that’s where they can be most at risk from extremist propaganda,” she said. “Some kids are almost living in a different world from their parents and then they are stolen away to be used as cannon fodder in someone else’s war. It’s heartbreaking,” she said. Many of the disenchanted youth who turn to Isis reject the mainstream Islam they grew up with, as well as the secular and mainstream Christian American norms around them and become engulfed in the ideology of violent fundamentalism. “They think they are getting the crack cocaine of Islam in Isis, they think they are doing something glamorous by going off to join the group – it’s five-star jihad to them,” she said. Yusuf is currently barred from talking to the press. He completed his high school diploma and performed community service while in the counseling program. US district judge Michael Davis warned him that he risked being ostracized by parts of his community after testifying against some of the nine in his group of local extremists. Yusuf’s main defense lawyer, federal defender Manny Atwal, recalled an eruption in court as boys in the public gallery called him a liar and a traitor and got into a shouting match with Yusuf’s mother as he was testifying against his former friends. “There was quite a ruckus and the judge saw that there was some backlash from the community,” she said. His ideological rehab program was devised by a non-profit in Minneapolis called Heartland Democracy, which specializes in civic engagement courses, particularly for alienated youth. He read and discussed the works of Sherman Alexie, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X and French philosopher Michel Foucault, trying to work through barriers, both mental and societal, to a sense of place in the community. “Ideological rehab is astonishingly difficult to do in practice and requires one-on-one focus; it’s not just flicking a switch in the mind,” said Dr John Horgan, professor of global studies and psychology at Georgia State University. “But there’s an urgent need for early intervention and alternatives to prison, because we’re losing the battle to prevent people becoming involved in terrorism.” Yusuf’s lawyer Atwal is rooting for her former client, who is now under the supervision of the probation service. She gave him books by Mindy Kaling, the Indian-American comedy writer and actor, and helped tailor his education rehab program at Heartland Democracy, after traveling to Europe to look at programs there. “It was extremely brave of the judge to do this with Abdullahi,” she said. “But what are you going to do, just keep locking up these troubled 18- and 19-year-old youngsters?” Guardian
  24. MOGADISHU (Reuters) – Somalian Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire has sacked his ministers for foreign affairs, the interior and commerce, replacing them with newcomers, the government said on Thursday, as it battles an Islamist insurgency. Khaire, a former oil and gas executive, was appointed to the post by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed last February. His government has been criticized for failing to stem attacks by al Shabaab militants. Foreign affairs minister Yusuf Garaad Omar, interior minister Abdi Farah Said Juha and the commerce and labour minister Khadra Ahmed Duale had been relieved of their duties, the information ministry said in a statement. They were replaced with Ahmed Ise Awad, Mohamed Abdi Sabriye and Mohamed Abdi Hayir, in the foreign affairs, interior and commerce posts respectively. There had been a “a dire need” to appoint new ministers to those posts, the statement said, adding the new cabinet members would help the government tackle its heavy workload. Last year, the defence minister and the head of military were sacked and replaced. The head of national security and the police commander were sacked after the country’s deadliest truck bomb attack killed 512 people in October. Both posts have yet to be filled. With the help of African troops, Somalia’s government has been battling the al Shabaab insurgents to try to restore peace in the country following decades of conflict.
  25. Garowe (Puntlandi) Wasaaradda Degaanka iyo duurjoogta dowladda Puntland, ayaa maanta digniin adag kasoo saartay in lagu xadgudbo xayawaanada Duurjoogta ah, gaar ahaan xayawaanka Diinka kadib markii waayahaan ay soo baxayeen in ugaarsi xoogan lagu hayo, si looga ganacsado. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Degaanka, Cabdicasiis Nuur Cilmi (Koor) oo warbaahinta shir jaraa’id ugu qabtay, Garowe, ayaa sheegay in tilaabo adag laga qaadidoono cid kasta oo isku dayda ama lagu helo iyadoo ugaarsanaysa Xawayaankaan, oo kamid ah xayawaanada horey uga badbaaday gacanta binu’aadamka. Agaasimuhu wuxuu ugu baaqay shacabka ku dhaqan dhulka miyiga ah inay wasaaradda Degaanka iyo laamaha amniga kusoo wargaliyaan cidii lagu arko falkaan iyadoo gacmaha kula jirta. “Noole kasta oo ku nool gayiga Puntland wuxuu leeyahay xuquuq iyo in laga ilaaliyo wixii dhibaato ku ah naftooda, sidaas daraadeed dowladda Puntland waxay ka digaysaa in Diinka la ugaarsado,” ayuu yidhi agaasimuhu. Koor, ma sheegin wax kiis ah oo Puntland ka dhacay oo la xiriira arrinta Diinka, laakiin wuxuu sheegay dadka inay sii xasuusinayaan in Diinku yahay Xayawaanada ahmiyada weyn ugu fadhiya Puntland. Waxaa kale oo uu ka digay wararka aan xaqiiqada lahayn ee baraha bulshada lagu faafinayo ee ah in Puntland uu ka socdo ugaarsiga Diinka. Halkaan ka dhegayso codka Agaasimaha. Wasaaradda deegaanka