Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Somali State Minister for Defense Mohamed Ali Haga has confirmed to VOA Somali for the first time that the Turkish government has recently supplied weapons to the Somali army. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. ADDIS ABABA, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Ethiopian government has arrested 107 individuals relating to recent conflict along the border of Somali and Oromia regional states, an official said on Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. The caution comes amid reports of rise in hunting of the reptiles in Puntland and Hirshabelle States, two semi-autonomous regions in northern and central Somalia, respectively. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Former Somaliland Minister of economy H.E Omar Shucayb believes politics is not the only source of income and his now busy with his new life as farmer.
  5. Shortage of funds threatens to jeopardise the World Food Programme (WFP) operations in East Africa, the UN agency has said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Mogadishu (HOL) - A junior Al-Shabaab operational commander has surrendered to Somali security forces in Dolow town of Somalia's southern region of Gedo, according to Somalia's state-owned news agency. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Embarkation of beneficiaries. Photo: UN Migration Agency (IOM) Aden – During the final days of 2017, IOM, the UN Migration Agency succeeded in completing two movements of stranded Somalis and Ethiopians out of Yemen, despite immense security challenges and difficult sea conditions. Two boats were deployed, one headed to Aden to evacuate Somali refugees, while the other went to Hudaydah to evacuate Ethiopians, who were considered especially vulnerable due to the dangers of rising violence near that port city. The 27 December operation was the 19th assisted voluntary humanitarian return conducted by IOM out of the city of Aden sea port, taking 138 Somali men, women and children home in cooperation with UNHCR. With this final movement in 2017, IOM Yemen helped a total of 2,241 Somali refugees through its sub-office in Aden. The total number of Ethiopian migrants helped return home through Hudaydah seaport via Djibouti reached 746 people during 2017. It took several attempts to move a second group, some 71 Ethiopians, all occurring within days of the Somali movement. Complications beyond the control of IOM delayed the movement until 31 December but at 4:30 PM on New Year’s Eve, an IOM boat successfully left for Djibouti. The next morning (1/01/2018), maritime authorities informed IOM that heavy waves near Djibouti would prevent the continuation of the voyage, forcing IOM’s vessel to return to international waters near Yemen. Later that afternoon, authorities informed IOM its boat could set back on its course, ending what had become a long ordeal. “It was very challenging to conduct movements out of Hudaydah seaport due to the security threats that are present in Yemen’s northern Governorates. Those require us to liaise with different counterparts and authorities as well as the coalitions,” said Hanan Hajori, of IOM Yemen’s Assistance and Protection unit in the Hudaydah sub-office. Without such permission, return assistance might not happen. In addition, due to rough seas and weather a number of movements had to be cancelled several times. “At the end, migrants in Hudaydah were taken out safely despite of all these challenges,” Hajori added. While most UN agencies deal with the challenges that come with shortages in funding, IOM Yemen’s additional concern lies in the paramount issue of the safety of migrants and refugees while they are in IOM’s care. Providing food, shelter and medical assistance are key aspects of IOM’s operations. IOM must also deal with complex security situations and volatile changes on the ground that can derail weeks of preparations in a matter of seconds. Keeping up with a heavy demand for operational efficiency as well as psychosocial efforts to lift the spirits of the people under IOM care requires working day and night to effectively help migrants so they may reach their final destination safely. “This process usually takes from five to six hours, if everything is going smoothly,” said Rabih Sarieddine, an IOM official directing the sea-borne operations. “Nevertheless, on many occasions, the movement can be delayed for hours due to security matters, such as poor coordination between the security cells on the ground and the coalition, or due to lack of resources at a port, say, where a captain isn’t available.” None of these are easy passages. Embarkation at a collection/transit centre generally starts in the early morning hours before buses can move to a port. There, beneficiaries go through security and immigration checks, after which the IOM team begins assisting beneficiaries onto their vessel. A journey from Aden to Berbera typically takes between 12 and 15 hours, depending on the sea conditions, Sarieddine explained.
  8. The State Department has added three commanders from al Qaeda’s branches in Yemen, Somalia, and North Africa to the US government’s list of specially designated global terrorists. One of the jihadists is responsible for planning the Mar. 2015 Bardo Museum attack in Tunis, according to Foggy Bottom. Another serves as Shabaab’s deputy emir. State listed the three al Qaeda figures as Wanas al-Faqih from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Abukar Ali Adan from Shabaab (al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa), and Muhammad Al Ghazali from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The three al Qaeda branches wage insurgencies in their respective regions while continuing to plot terrorist attacks elsewhere, including against Western interests. Wanas al-Faqih Al-Faqih “is an AQIM associate who planned the March 18, 2015 Bardo Museum attack in Tunis, Tunisia that killed at least 20 people,” State says. The US government’s decision to finger al-Faqih for the Bardo Museum massacre is noteworthy, as there has been some confusion concerning responsibility for the operation. The Islamic State quickly claimed responsibility for the murders. The eighth issue of the group’s Dabiq magazine provided a brief overview of the plot. Dabiq’s editors wrote that a pair of Tunisian jihadists “were sent on their mission after having trained with their brothers in Libya and having declared their bay’ah [oath of allegiance]” to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s self-declared caliphate. “They returned to Tunisia, bravely advanced towards the security quarter in Tunis, entered the museum – located across from the Tunisian parliament – and poured terror on the kuffār inside, killing more than 20 of them and injuring a dozen others,” Dabiq’s editors added. That same issue of the group’s propaganda rag included an interview with Boubaker al-Hakim, a veteran jihadist who was implicated in high-profile assassinations inside Tunisia. Al-Hakim praised the Bardo gunmenand called on Islamic State supporters to follow in their footsteps. In Feb. 2016, the US targeted Noureddine Chouchane, a Tunisian, in an airstrike in Libya. Chouchane was an Islamic State facilitator who shuttled fighters between North Africa and elsewhere. The Tunisian government had identified Chouchane as a suspect in the assault on Bardo Museum. However, Tunisian authorities also blamed members of the Uqba bin Nafi Battalion, a wing of AQIM, for the Bardo slayings. Al-Faqih has long had ties to the group. In Apr. 2015, for instance, al-Faqih eulogized Uqba bin Nafi Battalion leader Lokman Abu Sakhr, swearing that the Tunisian jihad would outlive Sakhr. Tunisian officials had implicated Sakhr in the Bardo killings as well. In separate messages, al-Faqih has also called for additional attacks inside Tunisia. The Islamic State poached members from AQIM and its front groups in order to swell its ranks in North Africa. So, it is possible that the Bardo Museum terrorists were initially part of AQIM and its Uqba bin Nafi Battalion, but decided to defect to Baghdadi’s cause. Abukar Ali Adan State described Adan as the “deputy leader of al-Shabaab” but provided no other details on him. Research by FDD’s Long War Journal shows that Adan fits the profile of a rising star in al Qaeda’s East African branch. Adan’s career can be traced back to Mar. 2010, when he was identified in a Reuters report as Shabaab’s “chairman” along the border with Kenya. In May of that same year, he was reported to be Shabaab’s leader for the southern city of Kismayo. At that time, Kismayo was controlled by Shabaab and was a central hub for the jihadists’ economic and military operations in southern Somalia. As the emir for Kismayo, Adan wielded significant power, which he used to recruit and expand Shabaab’s footprint. In Dec. 2011, Adan said that teachers and students were obligated to participate in Shabaab’s jihad against the government and the West. Adan continued to rise within the ranks of Shabaab’s top leadership. In July 2012, a BBC Monitoringreport identified Adan as the emir of the Lower and Middle Juba regions, the two southernmost provinces in Somalia where Shabaab’s insurgency has been anchored. He answered directly to Sheikh Godane, Shabaab’s previous emir, at the time. By 2014, Adan had entered Shabaab’s top leadership circle. According to the International Crisis Group, Adan served as the “overall Al-Shabaab military/militia head.” As the head of its military, Adan would be one of the most powerful figures within Shabaab. Traditionally, Shabaab’s military emir also serves as the group’s deputy emir. Muhammad Al Ghazali State also provided few details on Ghazali. He is described as “a senior member of AQAP who is involved in internal security and training of the group’s operatives.” As a leader within AQAP’s internal security branch, Ghazali would be involved in rooting out “spies,” as well as suppressing dissent from rival jihadist groups such as the Islamic State. Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD’s Long War Journal. Thomas Joscelyn is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Senior Editor for FDD’s Long War Journal.
  9. Washington (PP) ─ Madaxweyne Donald Trump ayaa sheegay in buugga laga qoray ay ku jiraan eedo dhaawacaya maamulkiisa uuna yahay “mid been ah”. Buugga waxaa diyaariyay Steve Bannon, oo ahaan jiray kaaliyihii istiraatiijiyadda Aqalka Cad, wuxuuna qeexayaa in “la kullankii koox Ruushka ka socotay oo wiilka Trump uu fadhiyay” uu ahaa “khiyaano”. Buugga wuxuu sidoo kale sharaxayaa in Trump ay amakaag iyo fajac ku noqotay in uu ku guuleystay xilka madaxweynaha. Qareennada Trump waxay ku dadaaleen in ay hor istaagaan daabacaadda buugga oo Aqalka Cad uu aad uga careysan yahay: Waxaa loogu maagacdaray Gudaha Aqalka Cad ee Trump, waxaana qoray Michael Wolff. Buugga ayaa hadda la iibinayaa. Maxaa buugga ku qoran? Buugga oo la yiraahdo Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, waxaa ku qoran arrimo aad xaasaasi u ah sida: In Bannon uu aaminsan yahay in kulan dhex maray Donald Trump Jr iyo koox Ruush ah uu ahaa “khiyaano qaran”. In kooxda Trump ay ka naxeen oo ka anfariireen guushii uu ka gaaray doorashada. In xaaskiisa, Melania, ay ilmaysay habeenkii doorashada. In Mr Trump uu ka xanaaqsanaa in xiddigaha caanka ka ah Maraykanka ay caleemasaarkiisa ka maqnaayeen. In Aqalka cad uu yahay “meel laga welwelo ama xataa laga yara baqo”. In gabadhiisa, Ivanka, ay iyada iyo ninkeeda Jared Kushner qorshaynayeen inay noqoto “marwada 1aad ee madaxweynaha”. Waxaa la sheegay in buugga uu ka kooban yahay illaa 200 oo wareysiyo, laakiin qaar ka mid ah ayaa la dhalleeceeyay waxaana la geliyay su’aal. Balse, haddii xitaa bar ka mid ah buugga uu run yahay, waxay sawir ka bixineysaa muuqaalka xun “ee nacasnimada madaxweynaha iyo Aqalka Cad oo isku qasan”, sida uu sheegay tafatiraha BBC ee Waqooyiga Amerika, Jon Sopel. Kullanka la sheegay in Ruushka lala yeeshay oo uu ka qeybgalay wiilka curadka u ah Trump, waxaa baaritaan ku haya guddi gaar ah oo uu hoggaaminayo Robert Mueller, kaas oo eegaya xiriirkii ka dhexeeyay kooxdii ololaha u qaabilsanayd Trump iyo Ruushka iyo kaalintii uu ku lahaa guushiisii madaxtinimo. Madaxweyne Trump ayaa si adag u diiday eedahaasi iyo in ay dheceen kulamo noocaas ah. Sidee looga fal-celiyay buugga? Mr Trump wuxuu sheegay in uusan Mr Wollf u ogolaan in uu Aqalka Cad gudaha ugalo, uusanna kala hadlin buugga oo uu ku tilmaamay “mid ay ka buuxaan been iyo wakiillo iyo marqaatiyo aan jirin”. Wuxuu sheegay Trump in Mr Bannon – oo shaqada laga tiray bishii August – uu “caqliga ka tagay” ka dib markii uu waayay xilkiisii Aqalka Cad. Balse Mr Bannon oo ka jawaabay eedda madaxweynaha wuxuu sheegay in uu yahay “nin wanaagsan” uuna taageeray Trump “Habeen iyo maalin”. Mr Trump oo Khamiistii la weydiiyay in ninkii u qaabilsanaa istiraatiijiyadda uu khayaanay wuxuu ku jawaabay: “Ma garanayo, wuxuu igu tilmaamay nin fiican xalay, marka waxaa iska cad in si degdeg ah uu maskaxdiisa u badalay.” Xubin ka tirsan Jamhuuriga Rebekah Mercer, oo sidoo kale ay isla shaqeeyeen Mr Bannon ayaa dhankeeda buugga cambaareysay. Afhayeen u hadlay Melania Trump wuxuu sheegay in ay saygeeda ku dhiiragelisay tartanka xilka madaxweynaha, ayna ku faraxsan tahay in uu ku guuleystay Afhayeenka Aqalka Cad, Sarah Sanders, wax kama jiraan ayey ka soo qaaday buugga oo ay ku tilmaamtay “sheeko mala awaal ah” oo laga buuxiyay “been iyo marin habaabin”. Khamiistii, Maamulka Aqalka Cad wuxuu sheegay in uu dhanka Galbeedka ee dhismaha laga mamnuucay qalabka dadka ay sitaan sida mobile-lada oo ay sheegeen in amni xumo ay sababeen. Xigasho: BBC PUNTLAND POST The post TRUMP: Waxyaabaha ku qoran buugga la iga qoray waa kuwo dhaawac ku ah maamulkeyga appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Conflict along the borders of Ethiopia's Oromia and Somali regions may separate up to 14,000 children from their families, the UNICEF said Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. MOGADISHU, Somalia – The United States government has designated the deputy leader of the Somalia-based al-Shabab extremist group a "global terrorist." Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Mudo labo bilood ah ayey baaga muudo yihiin haweenka Muqdisho ku nool ee ka ganacsadda Dahabka Jajabka ah, kadib markii ay canshuur xad-dhaaf dul dhigtay wasaaradda maaliyadda ee Somalia. Ilaa 500 haween ah ayaa howl gab noqday markii ay wasaaraddu sheegtay iney $1.7 dollar ku canshuureyso 1-kii garaan oo dahabkas ah dhoofin iyo soo dajinba, haweenkan ayaa qaadi jiray Dahabka jajabka ah kadibna geeyn jiray Dubai kadibna isagoo hagaagsan kusoo celin jiray Muqdisho si ay u iibiyaan. Haweenkaan waxey sheegeen in faa’iido ahaan ka raadiyaan 1kii garaan $0.5, waxey xisaab caqli ka fog ku tilmaameen qarashka ay dul dhigtay wasaaradda Maaliyadda iyo heerka uu gaarsiisan yahay macaashka ay ka raadiyaan, waxey sheegeen in qofkoodna uusan safrin tan iyo markii uu amarkani soo baxay. Dumarkaan ayaa cabashadooda gaarsiiyay gudoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Taabit Cabdi Maxamed waxeyna ka codsadeen in arintooda la xaliyo, qaar dumarkaa ka mid ah ayaa sheegay iney caruur agoon ah ku koriyaan shaqadaan, duqa Muqdisho ayaa u balan qaaday inuu cabashadooda wax ka qaban doono, uuna xooga saari doono in la dhiiri galiyo ganacsiga. Waxey ku doodeen in canshuurtan xad-dhaafka ah aysan la wadaagin dumarka Dahabka Jajabka ah kasoo qaada magaalooyinka kale ee Somalia sidda Boosaaso, Kismaayo, Gaalkacyo, Hargeysa iyo Garoowe. Markii la dhoofiyaano Dahabka Jajabka ah waxaa 1kg (hal-kiilo) la dul dhigay $700 (todobo boqol oo dolar ) taas oo u dhiganta halkii garaan $0.70, markii lasoo dajinaayo waxaa canshuur ahaan la dul dhigay 1kg (hal-kiilo) $1000 (kun dollar) oo la micno ah halkii garaan $1 , sidda lagu sheegay amar kasoo baxay wasaaradda Maaliyadda, waxaa hoos ka arki karta warqad uu go’aankan ku xoojinaayo agaasimaha waaxdda furdooyinka ee wasaaradda maaliyadda mudane Leyloon. Wasaaradda Maaliyadda ayaa 2 cisho ka hor qabatay xaflad ay kusoo bandhigtay waxqabadkeeda xili ay 500 oo haween ah ganacsigoodii hakad galiyeen taas oo u dhiganta iney 500 oo qoys dabka ka damiyeen mudo 2 bilood ah. Dumarkaan ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in markii ay Dubai geenayaan lagu canshuuro $10 (toban dollar) dhamaan Dahabka ay wataan xitaa hadii uu 100 kiilo yahay taas oo kuu muujineysa heerka ay Emirate-ku ka gaareen dhiiri galinta ganacsiga. Waxey ka codsadeen madaxda sare ee Dowladda Somalia iney u naxaan bulshadda caasimadda ku nool oo marki horaba dhiibatooyin badan qabay. Waxaa Qoray: Cabdulaahi Cismaan Faarax The post Wasaaradda maaliyadda oo xayirtay 500 oo haween ah oo ka ganacsada Dahabka jajabka ah appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. North Korea has agreed to open dialogue with neighbouring South Korea for the first time in more than two years, according to officials in Seoul. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. National Super Alliance leader Raila Odinga and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka will finally be sworn-in before the end of January. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-War goordhow nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in Qarax aad u xoogan uu ka dhacay Degmada Buulo Burde ee Gobolka Hiiraan. Qaraxa ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inuu geystay Khasaaro kala duwan waxa uuna si gaara uga dhex dhacay Gudaha Garoonka Degmada Buulo Burde, sida aan xogta ku helnay. Wararku waxa ay intaa kusii darayaan in Qaraxa uu ahaa mid lagu aasay Garoonka diyaaradaha degmada Buulo Burde, waxana goobjoogayaal ay sheegeen in uu ku geeriyooday mid ka mid ah ciidamada AMISOM qeybta Jabuuti. Qaraxa ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ku dhaawacmay laba ka mid ah askarta dowlada, waxaana jira burbur soo gaaray gaadiid ay lahaayen ciidamada Jabuuti ee qeybta ka ah AMISOM. Garoonka uu ka dhacay Qaraxa ayaa waxaa si wada jira uga howlgala Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda iyo kuwa Jabuuti ee qeybta ka ah AMISOM,waxaana haatan la soo sheegayaa in Ciidamadii ku dhaawacmay qaraxaas la geeyay isbitaal ku yaalla Gudaha degmada Buulo Burde. Sidoo kale, Ciidamadan Qaraxa lala beegsaday ayaa waxa ay qeyb ka yihiin Ciidamo cusub, iyaga oo bedelay Ciidamo laba sano halkaasi ka howlgalayay, kuwaasi oo waqtiga uu ka dhammaaday. Dhinaca kale, Ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa Dowladda Federaalka ee degmada Buulaburde ayaa bilaabay Howlgallo amni xaqiijin ah iyo sidii gacanta loogu soo dhigi lahaa raggii ka dambeeyay Qaraxan Ciidamada lala eegtay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Qarax ka dhex dhacay Garoonka diyaaradah Buulo Burde & Ciidamo ka tirsan Jabuuti oo waxyeelo ay soo gaartay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Following coordination with the United Arab Emirates, Egyptian forces arrived in Eritrea today, Al Sharq has reported. The forces are armed with modern technology and heavy armoured vehicles. Sources told Al Sharq that a meeting was convened between the UAE, Egypt and the Sudanese opposition representing groups in Darfur and eastern Sudan. There are no reported military confrontations. The military presence in Eritrea may be a response to Sudan allowing Turkey to take over Suakin Island in Sudan temporarily last year, as part of a broader Turkish engagement policy in Africa. Suakin was once Sudan’s largest port and governed by the Ottoman Empire but has fallen into disuse since the creation of Port Sudan in the 20th century just 60 kilometres to the north. Al Sharq reported that, according to diplomatic sources, Turkey is planning to build a military base on Suakin Island. It opened a military base in Somalia last year, deploying 200 troops to train local Somali forces. Relations between Abu Dhabi, Cairo and Khartoum have been strained as a result of Turkey’s presence in Sudan. An Egyptian military source denied that there were plans to establish a base in Eritrea back in May last year. Media reports in Sudan claimed that Egypt communicated with Somalia and Djibouti to establish a base for 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. Sudan and Egypt are one Throughout 2017, Egypt was trying to put together an African lobby in a bid to defend its position on Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam. Egyptian experts claim that the dam will harm Cairo’s access to 55.5 billion cubic metres of River Nile water. However, Ethiopia insists that the project will have a positive effect by assisting Egypt and Sudan with electricity generation. The construction of the dam began in 2011. It is located 15 kilometres east of the Ethiopia-Sudan border and has been a major cause of political tension between Egypt and Ethiopia. The reservoir of the dam is expected to hold 70 billion cubic metres of water, which will help to solve Ethiopia’s own power shortages. Once in operation, the dam will be Africa’s largest hydro-electric power station. Source: – Middle East Monitor The post UAE-backed Egyptian forces arrive in Eritrea appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Defence attorneys for men accused of plotting to bomb an apartment building filled with Somali refugees have requested more Trump voters in the jury pool. Gavin Wright, Patrick Stein and Curtis Allen of Garden City, Kansas are charged with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction for their alleged bomb plot, which they hoped would inspire others to attack Muslims, according to a complaint. The men have pleaded not guilty. Attorneys for the three men recently filed a motion claiming the jury selection procedure was discriminatory because it “exclud[ed] rural and conservative jurors,” according to the Kansas City Star. Authorities planned to pull jurors from the areas around Wichita, where the trail is taking place, rather than from western Kansas, where the alleged plotting occurred. Attorney Kari Schmidt, who represents Mr Wright, told the judge that there is a difference in belief systems between western Kansas and Wichita. “I don’t think I can say it’s legally recognizable, but factually recognizable,” Ms Schmidt said. In their motion, the defence argued that pulling from more rural areas would ensure the jury represented a “fair cross-section of the community” and give residents of those areas their “civil right to serve as jurors”. They also claimed that jurors from the western region are more likely to be conservative – and to have voted for Donald Trump. “This case is uniquely political because much of the anticipated evidence will centre around, and was in reaction to, the 2016 presidential election,” the attorneys wrote. The men planned to carry out their attack on 9 November – the day after the election – according to authorities. Prosecutors, however, argued that the defence was seeking to pick jurors based on ideology, which they claimed could open “a dangerous door” for future cases. They also cited prior cases finding that groups of prospective jurors defined by geographical location do not count as distinctive groups in these situations. Judge Eric Melgren pointed out that most Kansans supported Mr Trump in the 2016 election, and questioned whether there was a difference between jurors in areas that voted two-thirds for Mr Trump, rather than three-quarters. Mr Melgren took the issue under consideration on Wednesday. Investigators say the three men planned to detonate car bombs at an apartment complex and mosque in Garden City, specifically targeting Somalis and Muslims. They face up to life in prison if convicted. The trial begins on 19 March. Source: – Independent The post Men accused of bomb plot against Somali refugees ask for more Trump voters on their jury appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha JFS Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa ku guda jira qabanqaabadii ugu danbeysay ee uu ugu socdaali lahaa tirro Gobolo ah. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa socdaalkiisa ku hormarin doona Magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta maamulka Puntland oo ay ka socto diyaar garowgii lagu soo dhaweyn lahaa Madaxweynaha. Socdaalka Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa waxaa qeyb ka noqon doona Wasiiro, Xildhibaano, Saraakiil iyo Siyaasiyiin ka tirsan dowlada. Waxaa Madaxweyne Farmaajo magaalada Garoowe uga sii horeeya Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan Dowlada kuwaa oo usii gogol xaaraya booqashada Madaxweynaha. Sidoo kale, qorshaha socdaalka Farmaajo ee magaalada Garoowey ayaa ah maalinimada Axada ee fooda nagu soo heysa, waxaana aad loo adkeeyay amniga guud ee Garoowe iyadoo Puntland ciidamo dheeraad ah banaanka usoo saartay. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa socdaalkiisa Garoowe kadib soo mari doono deegaanada Galmudug iyo meelaha ay joogaan Maamulkii Ahlu-Suna ee markii danbe ku biiray Galmudug. Dhinaca kale, waxyaabaha uu Farmaajo kala hadli doono Puntland ayaa waxaa kamid ah xiisada Siyaasadeed ee Ra’isul wasaarihii hore Somalia Cumar C/rashiid u abuuraayo dowlada Somali. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maxaa kusoo kordhay Socdaalka Farmaajo uu ku gaari lahaa Magaalada Garoowe ee Puntland appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Egyptian international Mohamed Salah has been crowned the 2017 African Player of the Year by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) at a ceremony in Accra, Ghana. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa goordhow magaalada Muqdisho soo gaaray Wasiirka cusub ee maalinimadii shalay loo magacaabay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha Federaalka iyo dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye. Wasiirka ayaa waxaa Garoonka Aadan Cadde kusoo dhaweeyay Wasiiro, Xildhibaano iyo Siyaasiyiin ka tirsan Dowlada Federaalka. Wasiirkan cusub ayaa waxaa horyaal howlo adag oo la doonayo inuu wax ka qabto, kolka uu xilka kala wareego Wasiir hore Juxa. Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa rumeysan in Wasiirka cusub uu la imaan doono isbedel dhan waliba ah, haba ugu badnaadeen culeysyada kaga imaanaya dhanka siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka. Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka ayaa la filayaa in xilkiisa uu kula wareego sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan, maadaama Wasaarada arrimaha gudaha ay heyso howlbadan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Wasiirka cusub ee arrimaha Gudaha XFS oo soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. Nuclear-armed North Korea on Friday accepted the South's offer of talks next week, said Seoul's Unification ministry, which oversees relations with Pyongyang. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. Shortage of funds threatens to jeopardise the World Food Programme (WFP) operations in East Africa, the UN agency has said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumadda Somalia Khayre ayaa ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed ku amaanay inay la dhaqankooda Bulshada. Kheyre ayaa sheegay inuu kawar qabo dhammaan ciidamada iyo hababka ay ula dhaqmaan dadka shacabka ah, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay in amaan gaara uu u jeedinaayo ciidamada Booliska. Waxa uu Kheyre tilmaamay in habdhaqanka ciidamada Booliska uu waxbadan ka wareystay dad shacab ah, hase ahaatee ay aad u amaaneen qaabka ay ula dhaqmaan, sida uu sheegay. Kheyre waxa uu sidoo kale ciidamada harsan ee ka tirsan Booliska ugu baaqay inay ku daydaan kuwa wanaagsan ee ilaaliya dadka shacabka ah, waxa uuna cadeeyay in la dhaqanka shacabka ay tusaale u noqon karto howsha uu askariga u hayo shacabka. Wuxuu sheegay dalkan inuu baabi’iyay qabyaalad iyo dad wata dano gaar ah, si looga xoroobana ay tahay in Ciidamada ay ka fogaadaan cadaalad darada, nin jecleysi iyo musuq maasuq. Sidoo kale, Kheyre ayaa dadka shacabka ah ku baraarujiyay inay soo dhaweystaan ciidamada oo uu sheegay inay u taagan yihiin difaacooda. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Kheyre ayaa hadalkaan sheegay xilli uu ka qayb galay munaasabad loo sameeyay dufcad ka mid ah ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed oo dhameysatay tababar. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post RW Kheyre oo hal arrin ku amaanay ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  24. Cranbury, N.J. – Jan 3, 2017 – The recently completed presidential election in Somaliland was the world’s first to use iris recognition to create a voter registration list and remove duplicate names from the rolls. The iris-based biometric technology, from Iris ID, helped ensure a free and fair election, so important for the autonomous state to gain the international recognition it seeks. A 60-member team of international observers, representing 27 countries, certified the November election as free and fair – a change from previous elections in which duplicate registrations led to questions about the legitimacy of the results. Somaliland, located on the Horn of Africa, declared its independence from Somalia in 1991. “In a world-first, these elections employed pioneering iris-recognition technology to register and identify voters, which is a testament to Somaliland’s commitment to its resources in democratic institutions and the rule of law,” said the new president, Muse Bihi Abdi, in a column for the Financial Times. Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission reported an 80 percent turnout for the election. The NEC spent several years preparing for the vote, including the process of choosing a biometric technology to register citizens. Commission members wanted a system capable of noting those registering more than once. Both fingerprint facial recognition systems failed to recognize many duplicate registrations in the program’s early stages. At the recommendation of international election consultants, the commission tried an iris-based system. In a trial project, the Iris ID technology was able to accurately recognize all 457 instances of duplicates seeded into a base of 1,062 registrations. Experts estimate as many as 30,000 duplicates were identified during the countrywide registration. De-duplication was possible using Iris ID software which compared the high-quality biometric data from the iris scans. Enrollment speed also worked in Iris ID’s favor. Roy Dalle Vedove, a prominent international elections specialist and NEC consultant, said the iris-based system was not only more accurate than fingerprint technology, but also cut the time needed to register a voter in half. “The fingerprint technology slowed the process, resulting in long lines of people wanting to resister,” he said. “As a result, registration officials were inclined to circumvent controls to speed the process.” After selecting the Iris ID technology, the NEC and purchased 350 portable registration kits consisting of a laptop computer, handheld iris scanner, webcam for facial photos, a flash and tripod. Registration stations were set up across the country – many in remote rural areas. Once approved, citizens received a temporary certificate until their national voter card was processed. Somaliland is now set to become a regional powerhouse in the production and deployment of the technological know-how that underpins electronic voting, wrote Calestous Juma in South Africa’s Mail & Guardiannewspaper. Juma is a professor of the Practice of International Development at the Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University. “Somaliland’s application in improving governance is the tip of the iceberg,” he wrote. “It creates exciting possibilities for the continent to provide leadership in other areas of technological advancement.” Mohammed Murad, vice president global sales and business development for Iris ID, said he expects the success in Somaliland to spur the use of iris-based voter registration system in other countries. “The Iris ID system provided Somaliland with the most sophisticated voter registration system in Africa – really anywhere in the world,” he said. About Iris ID Systems Inc. Iris ID Systems Inc. has pioneered iris recognition research, development and production since 1997. IrisAccess®, now in its sixth generation, authenticates the identities of millions of people in thousands of locations on six continents. More organizations rely on IrisAccess identity authentication than all other iris recognition products combined. Iris ID’s expertise and Advanced Identity Authentication helps add security, convenience, privacy and productivity to any enterprise operation. For more information, # # # Company Mohammed Murad Contact: Vice President, Global Business Development and Sales 609-819-4747 Media Jon Daum Contact: Daum Weigle Inc. 858-538-9755
  25. The Trump ally and notorious dirty trickster has a new, interesting, and somewhat dark influence-peddling assignment. Veteran Republican operative and self-described “ratfucker” Roger Stone is advocating for military operations, including drone strikes, in Somalia on behalf of his first lobbying client in 17 years. Stone recently disclosed that he had done lobbying work for a Buffalo-area company that acts as a middleman for the sale of African livestock to clients around the world. In his disclosure form, he formally said that he is pressing for “commodity rights and security” in Somalia and working on issues related to economic policy and commodity trading. But in text messages with The Daily Beast, Stone suggested that his work for the company—investment firm Capstone Financial Group—has focused on U.S. military and foreign policy as well. The goal, he said, is to achieve a more stable security situation in Somalia that will allow his client to more freely conduct business in that country. And that, he said, calls for an aggressive U.S. military posture. “Capstone interests are in stability. Their business interests in the county can not be realized [if] the country is war torn,” Stone said. “The Al Queda off-shoot [sic] Al Shabaab is quite violent and deadly. The topography of Somalia unlike Afghanistan lends itself to a successful drone based US campaign against the insurgency.” Despite a rich history in electoral politics and the influence industry, Stone hasn’t registered to lobby the federal government since 2000 when he represented the company of his longtime confidante and future president, one Donald Trump. Stone’s work for Capstone began in May 2017, as the Trump administration stepped up U.S military operations in Somalia, including a major escalation in drone strikes against insurgent groups in the country. The number of U.S. troops in Somalia has more than doubled to over 500 since Trump took office. Initial reports on Stone’s registration suggested that he may have flouted the legal timeline for disclosure of lobbying activity. But Stone insists that he disclosed that activity in a timely manner as required. He’s worked with Capstone since May, Stone told The Daily Beast. But, he added, reportable lobbying activity only began in November. That lobbying itself was sparse, Stone said. It consisted only of “casual conversation on two occasions with a single member of Congress about the status of the insurgency and the security of Somalia.” Stone declined to specify which member of Congress with whom he spoke. But the offices of Reps. Chris Collins (R-NY) and Brian Higgins (D-NY), who represent the area of Buffalo/Western New York where Capstone is based, both denied that they had been lobbied by Stone. Capstone and its chief executive, a prominent investor and Hillary Clinton donor named Darin Pastor, did not respond to multiple requests for comment. But the firm’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission suggest that it has significant business interests in Somalia. In late 2016, it inked multiple deals with unidentified suppliers to sell sheep and cattle to customers in countries including the gulf nation of Oman. Though it redacted the names of its suppliers, the filings mentioned they were based in Africa, and one in particular suggested a Somali seller by alluding to the drought that ravaged the country from 2015 until last year. “Investors should be aware that the opportunities we are pursuing in the livestock trading and minerals industries tend to be exceptionally high-risk,” the company said in a filing in late 2016. Capstone seems to be an obscure client for an operative with Stone’s high profile. But the company also has interesting geographic ties. Somalia’s current president, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, lived in the Buffalo area, and worked for New York state government, before returning to his native country to run for the office he now occupies. The Somali government’s official U.S. lobbying firm, Park Strategies, also maintains a Buffalo office. That firm linked up with Mohamed by way of Joel Giambra, a Park Strategies VP and former Erie County executive who on Wednesday announced a New York gubernatorial run. Giambra and Mohamed became good friends while the latter worked in New York’s department of transportation, according to John Zagame, another Park Strategies VP who works on the Somalia account. Zagame said he wasn’t familiar with Stone’s work on the issue, but welcomes all efforts to improve the security situation in Somalia. “You’d like to see Somalia stabilized enough to receive some foreign investment,” Zagame told The Daily Beast. “They are resource rich, but what company is going to go into a situation where your people aren’t safe?” Lasting security there, Zagame noted, will require the training of Somali forces more than the drone strike campaigns to which Stone alluded. But any help in bringing Somali security issues to the attention of U.S. policymakers is welcome. “I don’t know what Roger Stone is doing,” Zagame said. “Whatever he’s doing, if it can help, more power to him.” Daily Beast