Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. The lawyer representing a former child refugee fighting to stay in Canada despite his criminal past says deportation would be a violation of international human rights law. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Less than a year after it issued an order suspending immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries, the Trump administration went to the Supreme Court tonight, asking the justices to uphold the third version of that order, often known as the “travel ban.” Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Musa Behi Abdi, left for Djibouti on his very first visit abroad, today, following his inauguration as President on December 14, 2017. The President was received by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Ghelle, upon arrival where the Somaliland President was accorded a full, unprecedented state reception at the airport. President Behi’s visit follows an official invitation his counterpart, President Ismail Omar Ghelle, sent him. A brief explanation given of the President’s visit established that the President would be raising with his counterpart and host, President Ghelle, matters that were of great import to the two countries which included relation old and new that touched on security, socio-economy and diplomacy. President Behi, it was said, intended to intensify Somaliland’s 27-year old quest for own sovereignty, beginning with the nearest neighbor and erstwhile member of the five Somalias the five-pronged star of the Somalia flag represented. The Greater Somalia dream in the colonial era comprised of British Somaliland, Italian Somalia, French Somaliland (Djibouti), Hawd & Reserve Area + Ogadenia of Eastern Ethiopia and the Northern Frontier District (NFD) Of Kenya. Djibouti freed itself of that dream on June 27, 1977, by striking out on its own as a fully independent, sovereign state. Somaliland seeks to restore an independence it hurriedly ceded in a disastrous, ill-fated union with Italian Somalia in 1960 to pave the way for a reception of the other three members of the Greater Somalia quest. Accompanying the President on this visit was the Foreign Minister, Dr. Saad Ali Shire, Minister for Education, Prof. Yassin Mohamoud Hiir ‘Faraton’, Minister for Justice, Abdiqani Mohamoud Atteye, Somaliland Police Commander Major General, Abdullahi Fadal Iman, Navy Commander, Brigadier General, Abdi Hersi Duale and two members of the presidency press office. Somtribune
  4. Somaliland’s Ministry of Education and Higher Educationrequested SPARK’s support in introducing a mandatory internship programme for all university courses across the region. As part of the Local Employment in Africa for Development programme, which we partner with Shaqodoon on, we have been implementing an Internship & Apprenticeship Programme (supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for around a year now. The uptake by universities and students has been phenomenal. Numerous higher education institutions have joined the project recognising that internships provide their students with a stepping stone into the private sector by helping them gain real-world work experience. In fact, since the programme’s inception in early 2017, over 840 young men and 786 young women have participated in the internship programme. Some of these students have since been offered full-time employment with the institutions they completed their internship with. Here we hear from two former interns about their experiences with the programme: Aden Mohamed Abdi Full-time employment as Pharmacist after internship Aden Mohamed Abdi is a 27 year old student in his last year at Muslim College Hargeisa, completing a degree in Pharmacology. Unlike most students at his university, Aden has already managed to secure employment after he graduates, thanks to the LEAD Internship and Apprenticeship programme. Prior to the internship he completed at Alla-Aamin Pharmacy in May 2017 as a Dispensing Chemist, Aden had never had the chance to gain real work experience. To his surprise, he was offered a full-time contract at the end of his internship with the pharmacy. “I never thought that I would have the chance to participate in an internship programme, let alone to be offered a paid job straight after completing the programme!” “LEAD’s internship programme allowed me to dream further at a time when I was ready to give up on dreaming. I have a job now as a result of my internship. Without it, I don’t think I would had been given the chance to prove myself.’’ Marham Said Dahir Full-time employment in Customer Care after internship Marham Said Dahir, a graduate student at Amoud University’s Business Faculty, is one of several hundred students who participated in LEAD’s Internship & Apprenticeship programme this year. Marham was offered a one month internship with Marill-Toyota, a reputable global automotive company. Marham’s internship gave her the chance to gain real work experience in her field of study (Information Technology) while continuing with her studies. “The internship opportunity has provided me with a skill set that I would not have gotten from my studies alone. Words cannot describe my gratitude for the support that I have been given during during my placement.” Marham made such a good impression that she was offered a full-time contract in customer care at Marill-Toyota ten days before the end of her placement. It was clear that being given her first employment opportunity had encouraged Marham to be ambitious: “Even though I now have a job, I still have other personal goals that I want to achieve. I want to grow in Marill-Toyota and eventually become a manager, or, one day, start a business of my own.” Spark
  5. DJIBOUTI–President Musa Bihi Abdi, who arrived in Djibouti on Saturday on his first state visit, took the salute at the guard of honor given to him at the airport in Djibouti. Somaliland President was received at the airport by his Djiboutian counterpart, Ismail Omar Geuleh. The President, Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi was given the red carpet treatment upon arrival at Djibouti’s airport. He was greeted by Djibouti’s Foreign minister, Mohamed Yusuf and Treasury minister. Somaliland’s representative to Djibouti and other Djibouti officials have showed up at the airport to welcome the president of Somaliland and his high profile delegation. Djibouti President, Ismail Omar met with his Somaliland counterpart at Djibouti’s VIP airport. Hon. Ismail has seen off Somaliland president and his entourage to Djibouti Palace Kempinski Hotel. The two Heads of State will officially hold their first face to face meeting on Monday. Common mutual interests will be reviewed during the talks that will take place tomorrow. Djibouti a tiny state that neighbors Somaliland does not recognize the secession but insists on its stance of Somaliland being part and parcel of Somalia. Somaliland seceded from Somalia in 1991 after the country plunged into turmoil.
  6. President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday shocked and surprised his handlers and allies alike when he unveiled nine nominees to the Cabinet and sacked 13 others. The President dropped all the women in his earlier Cabinet, naming only men in his first nine appointments. Unlike in 2013, Deputy President William Ruto was not at his side when the President made the shocking announcement that he would only retain only six of his 18 CSs. OUTWITTED Close allies from Parliament and the presidency said they had been outwitted by the head of State who had earlier indicated that he would be naming his Cabinet “in the coming weeks”. Many were left with mouths agape at the large number of casualties with some regions protesting after their sons and daughters were dropped. Some of the leaders interviewed said the President’s move was “a massive bloodbath”. All the five women CSs; Raychelle Omamo, Sicily Kariuki, Phyllis Kandie, Amina Mohamed and Judi Wakhungu were dropped. One of Ms Mohamed’s contribution during Mr Kenyatta’s first term in office was to rally the international community against the International Criminal Court, where both Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto were facing charges of crimes against humanity. TOBIKO However, it is the inclusion of the Director of Public Prosecution, Mr Keriako Tobiko, the head of a constitutional organ, that got tongues wagging on what Mr Kenyatta’s intentions could be and whether he was reaching out to the Maasai community following the demise of Interior CS Joseph Nkaissery, just weeks to the General Election last August. However, the post of CS for the Interior and Co-ordination of the National Government was given to Dr Fred Matiang’i, who was appointed acting Education CS. “I have today accepted the resignation of Mr Keriako Tobiko as Director of Public Prosecution under Article 158 (ix) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010,” the President said before announcing that Mr Tobiko would be in his Cabinet. The nomination of former Marsabit Governor Ukur Yattani also meant that the fate of Sports minister Hassan Wario was sealed because the two hail from the same region. A former Jubilee candidate for Turkana gubernatorial race, Mr John Munyes, was also nominated. He and the other nominees will be waiting for vetting by Parliament before they can be formally appointed. LAST ELECTIONS His appointment is in keeping with the ruling party’s plans to win all the pastoralist communities to its side after a lackluster performance in Turkana in the last elections. Opposition candidate Raila Odinga obtained more votes than Mr Kenyatta there. It would also appear that Mr Munyes’ recent trip to State House when he led a delegation from the region paid off. Mr Kenyatta left little doubt that it was all about securing his legacy. Earlier in the day, he had set the tone for his plan of action at the launch of book distribution to primary and secondary schools when he said that he would pick a lean team comprising individuals who do not condone graft. “Some of the changes I am proposing during my final term is to come down hard on individuals who are abusing our systems for personal gain,” Mr Kenyatta said at a meeting in Karen earlier Friday. “They must change or step aside because the time to laugh over these issues is over. There are many Kenyans willing to serve in public positions.” WILLIAM RUTO In a departure from 2013 when the president and his Deputy William Ruto paraded their Cabinet nominees in an elaborate ceremony marked by fanfare, Mr Ruto was missing in action. He travelled to India and is reported to have returned Friday but Mr Kenyatta did not explain his deputy’s whereabouts during his televised addressed from State House, Nairobi. Besides the five women, the other CSs who have effectively been dropped are Mr Wario, Mr Mwangi Kiunjuri (Devolution), Jacob Kaimenyi (Lands), Eugene Wamalwa (Water), Willy Bett (Agriculture), Dan Kazungu (Mining), Adan Mohamed (Industrialisation) and Cleopa Mailu (Health). All fell by the wayside as the President moved to demonstrate that none in his Cabinet was indispensable. The case of Mr Wamalwa and Mr Kiunjuri will, however, elicit mixed reactions since they shelved their political ambitions at the request of Mr Kenyatta. At the height of the campaigns, the President had hinted that he would retain them in the Cabinet. He could, however, appoint them to other plum positions. RETAINED Efforts by the Ameru professional group to campaign for Prof Kaimenyi hit a snag. They have, for some time now, run major campaigns in the press to have the CS retained. For Dr Mailu, the protracted strikes by health workers and the general crisis in the sector may have cost him his job. The sackings hand Mr Kenyatta an opportunity to reach out to new allies, especially following the post-election realignment. However, it could also pose new challenges for him in the regions that will feel left out. Friday’s shocker announcement also came with a seal of approval for Interior SC Fred Matiang’i, the man who has become the darling of the President and is often referred to as a super minister by his colleagues. He is also the acting Education CS under the new dispensation, having switched the two roles. The others that the President retained were Mr Henry Rotich (National Treasury), Mr Najib Balala (Tourism), Mr James Macharia (Transport), Mr Charles Keter (Energy) and Mr Joe Mucheru (ICT). It would appear that Attorney-General Githu Muigai was retained though the President did not make any mention of him. ROAD ACCIDENTS “I wish to state that I am retaining the following persons in my Cabinet and shall reassign them accordingly in accordance with Article 152 (v (a)),” Mr Kenyatta said before reading out the names of the men he had retained. Mr Macharia must count himself lucky given the fact that the country has witnessed numerous road accidents, peaking on the eve of New Year when almost 40 people died in the wee hours of Sunday morning at Migaa on the Nakuru-Eldoret highway. Keen to reinvigorate the fight against crime, Mr Kenyatta got rid of long-serving head of the Directorate of the Criminal Investigations, Mr Ndegwa Muhoro, who will now report to the Public Service Commission for reassignment. A number of murder cases which have happened under his watch such as those of businessman Jacob Juma and most recently that of the ICT manager at the electoral commission, Mr Chris Musando, remain unsolved. SECURITY Other changes announced in the security sector included the promotion of Mr Edward Njoroge Mbugua as acting Deputy Inspector General Kenya Police, Mr Noor Gabow as acting Inspector General in charge of the Administration Police and Mr George Kinoti Maingi who replaces Mr Muhoro. Mr Samuel Arachi, the Deputy Inspector-General of the AP was sent back to Public Service For redeployment. (Story on Page 6). Changes in the security docket just like those concerning Cabinet that will require vetting and approval by relevant bodies such as the National police service Commission and Parliament. “I would also like to inform the country that on the advice of the National Police Service Commission and in consultation with the Inspector-General (of Police) and (in line with) Regulation 26 of the National Police Service Commission Act Recruitment and Appointments Regulations 2015, the following officers are appointed in acting capacity until processed by the commission in accordance with the said law,” he said. NOMINEES With superior numbers in both the National Assembly and the Senate, the President expects little resistance in approving his list of nominees. At State House, Mr Joseph Kinyua was retained as the Head of the Public Service to be assisted by Mr Wanyama Musiambo. “I will be making further announcements to fill Cabinet positions, to fill the positions of Principal Secretaries as well as our Sagas (parastatals) as we continue to populate the Government with those that will be charged with the responsibility of executing our agenda for the next five years,” Mr Kenyatta said yesterday. Source: – Daily Nation The post Big names locked out as Uhuru names 9 to his partial Cabinet appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. Majority of Kenyans are unhappy with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s decision of not retaining Ambassador Amina Mohamed as the Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary. Those who spoke to Capital Fm News say Kenyatta should have retained her because of track record, citing the high profile conferences held in the country since taking over office-among them TICAD VI and WTO. Others cited Amina’s role in the International Crimes Court charges that faced President Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto which were dropped for lack of evidence. “She did a very big job in ensuring the ICC cases were concluded. She has also worked her part in bettering Kenya’s relationship with other East African countries. She should definitely come back,” Kevin Otieno, a Nairobi resident said. The President has already announced that he is retaining six Cabinet Secretaries in his second term among them Fred Matiangi who will take over at Interior and act in the Education docket, Henry Rotich (Treasury) and Najib Balala (Tourism). Others who have been retained are James Macharia (Transport), Joe Mucheru (ICT) and Charles Keter (Energy). President Kenyatta is expected to name the rest of his new Cabinet in due course to fill the remaining 13 positions. “Of all the people that should have been retained, Amina Mohamed was the most deserving. I hope the President will reconsider,” Melvin Marende, a Nairobi resident said. Many welcomed the decision to elevate Fred Matiangi to the Interior docket even though he will continue holding onto the education docket until his successor is named. “I’m glad the President has retained Matiangi. The new education system, curbing cheating exam cases and releasing national examinations in good time are some of the reasons why I’m glad he is back,” Vincent Otieno said. Otieno added that even though he did not vote for the government, he is happy with Kenyatta’s decision for retaining hard workers and leaving out those who do not have any tangible results. “Eugene Wamalwa for instance did not work. I do not know if he is going to reward loyalty, but from what it looks like, he is selecting people from all regions in the country.” Asked on whether the firing of all women in the cabinet was of any significance, many said their works were not as visible when compared to those of Amina. Among those who sacked Phyllis Kandie (Labour), Judi Wakhungu (Environment), Adan Mohamed (Industrialization), Cleopa Mailu (Health) and Hassan Wario (Sports and Culture). The spotlight will now fall on the likes of Mwangi Kiunjuri (Devolution) who had to shelf his ambition to vie for a gubernatorial seat. It will also fall on Judi Wakhungu whose move to have the use of plastic carrier bags will benefit the country’s environmental conservation efforts. State House has said all Cabinet Secretaries will remain in office until advised to vacate. Source: – CapitalFM The post Most Kenyans want Amina retained at Foreign Ministry appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in la hubeyn doono dhammaan ciidamada dowlada ee tababarka ka helay dowlada Turkiga. Dowladu waxa ay sheegtay in ciidamada lagu tababaray Saldhiga Turkiga ee duleedka magaalada Muqdisho ay ku bixin doonaan dhaqaale iyo Hub wanaagsan oo ay uga hortago doonaan al-Shabaab. Maxamed Cali Xagaa oo ah Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaradda Gaashaandhigga Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay inay diyaar u yihiin in si gaara loo hubeeyo ciidamada iminka tababarka ku qaadanaaya Saldhiga Turkiga. Xagaa, waxa uu cadeeyay in qorshahooda cusub uu yahay hadii tababarkooda uu u dhamaado ciidamadaasi la siin doono Hub iyo Agab Ciidan oo casri ah. Xagaa, waxa uu intaa ku daray in DFS ay dooneyso inay la imaado isbedel dhanka ciidanka ah, sidaa aawgeed ay u diyaar garoowayaan bixinta Agab iyo Hub wanaagsan. Dowladda Federaalka ayuu sheegay inay diyaar u tahay in ay mas’uuliyad gaar ah iska saarto Ciidamada Dowladda qeybahooda kala duwan, sidii baahiyahooda loo dabooli lahaa. Maxamed Cali Xagaa ayaa intaasi ku daray in ciidamadu ay horey u tababarnaayeen, balse la siinayo tababar ka sii horumarsan kii horey ay u heysteen, wuxuuna xusay in qofkasta tababar ku qaato kuliyadaasi qalabkiisa loo dhameystiri doono. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhawaan ayey ahayd markii Madaxweynah Somalia Maxamed Cabllaahi Farmaajo tababara ugu soo xirey magaalada Muqdisho qeybtii ugu horeysay oo ciidanka lagu tababaray xerada uu dhisay Turkiga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post DFS oo shaacisay inay Hubeyneyso ciidamada cusub ee uu tababarayo Turkiga appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. DJIBOUTI— Somaliland Delegation led by President, Musa Bihi Abdi receives a cordial reception upon arrival in Djibouti today. The President has been greeted at the airport by Djibouti’s foreign minister, Hon. Mohamed Yusuf Haji. Hon. Bihi met with President of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Gueleh in Djibouti.
  10. Jabuuti (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa socdaalkii ugu horeeyay ku tegay dalka Jabuuti oo ka mid ah dalalka deriska, waana safarkii ugu horeeyay ee uu dibada ugu ambabaxo tan iyo markii la doortay 13-kii diseember 2017. Wafdiga Muuse Biixi ayaa waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha DJabuuti kusoo dhoweeyay madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.Wasiirka arimaha dibedda ee Somaliland Dr. Sacad Cali Shire, oo ka mid ah wafdiga Muuse Biixi ayaa sheegay in madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle uu martiqaad rasmi ah uu ka helay, halkaasina ay ugu bilaabaday booqasho mudo maalmo ah qaadan donoso.Labada dhinac ayaa waxay wada hadlayaan sii xoojinta xiriirka dhinacayada ganacsiga , socdaalka , nabadgelyada , siyaasadda iyo dhaqanka ee horey uga dhexeeyay The post Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo safarkii ugu horeeyay ku tegay mid ka mid ah dalalka deriska: Sawirro appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. War Saxaafadeed ay maanta soo saareen xisbiyadda siyaasadda ee Daljir, Wadajir, Kulan iyo Horusocod ayaa lagu dhaliilay hey’adda sirdoonka qaranka ee NISA. Qoraalka axsaabta waxaa lagu sheegay in NISA ay caburinta xuriyadaha, codka xorta ah ee muwaadiniinta iyo la dagaalanka dimoqoraadiyadda. Sida war-saxaafadeedka ku qoran, hey’adda NISA waxaa lagu eedeeyay in ay ku adeegtaan Madaxda sare ee dowladda sida Madaxweynaha, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha iyo Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada. Akhriso: Source
  12. Imtixaamadkii naqliga ee sanad dugsiyedka 2017-2018 ayaa maanta oo sabti ahayd ka bilowday dugsiyada waxbarashada Puntland, sida ay shaacisay wasaaradda waxbarashadu. Gudoomeyeyaasha Waxbarsahada Goboladda, degmooyinka iyo maamulayaasha dugsiyada ayaa si buuxda ufuliyay warqaddii ka soo baxaday Xafiiska Waaxda Tayo-dhowrka iyo Kormeerka ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashda iyo Tacliinta Sare ee faraysay, xadidaysana xilliyada imtixaanaadka naqliga iyo shahaadiga. Waxaana guud ahaan Gobolada Puntland ka furmay imitixamadkii naqliga ee sanad- dugsiyeedka ee termka hore 2017-18, haddana waxaa la sugayaa in bisha 5aad ay ardayda fasalada 8aad iyo 12aad u fariistaaan imtixaanka shahaadiga ah. Agaasimaha Waaxyada Tayodhowrka Wasaarada Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare C/Qaadir yuusuf Nuux ayaa fariin cad u diray gudoomiyeyaasha Waxbarashada si looga hortago tafararuqa , midaynta Waqtiga Fasaxna looga faa’iideysto waxii howlo ah ee taagan sida Tabarada, qorshe dajinta dugsiyada, saxidda iyo soo gudbinta imtixaanada iwm. Agaasimaha waaxda Tayeynta iyo Tayo-dhowrka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare musuuliyinta Gobolada iyo kuwa Degmooyinka Waxbarashada waxaa uu yiri “inay fuliyaan midaynta Waqtiga imtixaamaka naqliga iyagoo raacaya nidaamka Wasaaradda Waxabarashada iyo Tacliinta sare.” Sidoo kale waxaa gudoomiyeyaasha laga rabaa in dugsi walba u soo buuxiyo Foomka tirokoobka Ardayda iyo dhammaan natiijoyinka imtixaanaadka ee ardayda sanadkan, marka laga reebo Fasalada 8-aad iyo 12-aad. Agaasimaha Waaxadda Waxbarashada Tooska Murwo Maryan Jaamac Xuseen iyo Madaxa Manahijta Nuur Ciiro ayaa dhamaan ku tagaya kormeer imtixaankii termaka hore iyagoo qiimaynaya imtixaanka Tayadiisa iyo Macalimiinta iyo Ardayda ku jirta Imtixaanka. Iyagoo iskuuladu tixgalinaya Warqadii ka soo baxday Xafiiska kormeerka guud ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare.
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaa magaalada Garowe ka socota qabqaabada soo dhoweyntii ugu danbeysay ee soo dhoweynta madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo. Wafdiga madaxweynaha ayaa magaalada berri ah ee Axadda 7-da Janaayo 2018 ku wajahan xarunta Maamulka Puntland ee magaalada Garowe, halkaasoo mashaariic uu xariga ka jari doono sida garoonka Garowe oo si casri ah loo dhisay. Ciidamada ilaalada Madaxweynaha ayaa gaaray saaka magaalada Garowe, waxaana si weyn loo adkeeyay xaaladda ammaanka magaalada oo ay hore u joogeen wafdi hordhac u ah madaxweynaha. The post Sawiro: Ciidamada ilaalada Madaxweynaha oo gaaray Garowe & Qabanqaabadii ugu danbeysay oo ka socota appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Despite the serious concerns articulated in many forms, including in poetic styles, the government did not address them the issues and the Somaliland politicians were unable to rectify the distorted situation. But the widespread dissent and injustices paved grounds for the rise dissidence. A practical show of the rejection of the unification presented itself when a group of junior military officers of Somaliland origin attempted a military coup. Fresh from British and Egyptian military academies and colleges, the junior officers joined the Somaliland Scouts, they were indeed ingenious to evaluate to evaluate the political situation. They immediately became disenchanted with the system and the union state. They faced direct discrimination and injustices within the military force. They rightly predicted the distorted road Somaliland was set. They were young innocent officers who had no taste for power yet. Just before the instatement of the union, in Italian Somalia, there was a frantic race and a mad rush for promotions among the armed forces. There was a wholesale officer promotions open only for the officers in the South. The officers of the Somaliland Scouts regiment of the Somaliland protectorate were not involved in the commotion and mayhem of that matter. The officers from the South before union were all from the Police force (there was no military force in Italian-administered Somalia). Contrarily, however, in Somaliland there was a well-trained Somaliland Scouts military regiment. Most of the Its junior officers were graduates from distinguished top military academies in Britain such as Sandhurst and Mono as well as Egypt. At the time of unification, besides the well-trained army, the Somaliland Scouts of about 2000 strong. Somaliland also had its police force. Just before union, in Italian Somalia many of the police officers were transferred to form a new military force even though they had no military experience and training at all. According to Abdillahi Aden ‘Congo’ and Awil Ali Duale (two of the few members of the aborted coup in 1961 to be discussed) most of the officers in south were promoted twice. Firstly they were promoted when Somaliland independence was declared on 26 June 1960. For example, those with the ranks of Captains or Majors were promoted a rank up, i.e., dressing as Majors and Lieutenant Colonels respectively and again they were promoted another rank up when Italian Somalia became independent on 1 July 1960 as Lieutenant Colonels and colonels. Even the junior officers dressed two ranks up with some being promoted to seniors. There was plainly a mad rush for promotions. Whilst in Somalia such a scramble for higher ranks and generous bonus promotions were up for grabs, in Somaliland, owing to their loyalty, the officers from the Somaliland Scouts regiment and police did not take part, i.e., they did not make themselves promoted not even once. In the first year of the union, some junior officers (Abdillahi Aden ‘Congo’, Awil Ali Duale and Abdillahi Said Abby) visited Mogadishu to meet up with the newly-appointed Military Commander, General Daud Abdulle Hersi and to make their complaints but the General did not listen to them. General Hersi was a police officer of Italian Somalia. The General was the fourth in the rank of the police force in Somalia whilst General Mohamed Abshir was the highest in rank in the police force followed by General Mohamed Siad Barre and General Abdalla Sandhere as the third in rank of the police force. General Hersi showed no sympathy to the Somaliland junior officers’ in relation to their complaints. Meanwhile, the government’s top posts of the government were dominated by people from Somalia. Allocations were based on clan system and not on merit. Representatives from the two major clans of Somalia were the candidates for major posts. General Mohamed Abshir and General Mohamed Siad Barre were from the same main lineage. The allocation of most important posts and portfolios involved taking turns between officers of the two main clans in Somalia (Hawiye and Darod). Abdillahi Aden Congo compares this act as a Somali children’s traditional riddle or game “ii Cug!, Cirka!’ (‘I Take this! You Take that!’) or ‘qaatay ee qaado’ (I got, you pick). Thus, taking turns was the default formula for power-sharing between the two main protagonist tribal actors. Because of that game in play, General Siad Barre lost his seniority post. He was second in seniority after General Mohamed Abshir and expected to be allocated to the post of military commander. But nevertheless, since General Abshir was from the same clan as Barre was allocated the post Police Commander, the post of military commander was the turn of the major rival clan. So, therefore, it went to General Daud who was the fourth in the chain of seniority (Mohamed Siad Barre was, in fact, second the seniority after Mohamed Abshir and Abdalla Sandhere who was the third in seniority chain. Barre, a senior ahead of General Daud, was demoted to the Chief of Staff post of the Military simply because he belonged to the same clan as Mohamed Abshir. Barre was denied the post of Military Commander because of his clan affiliation to general Abshir. Siad Bare felt bitter injustices. The Somaliland junior officers decided to plan a military coup the aim of which was to bring back the lost independent state of Somaliland so that Somaliland would be in a better position to correct the mistakes incurred during the unification and to eventually address the unforeseen consequential issues of injustices, marginalization and domination. They saw that only in that way would Somaliland be in a stronger position to make reasonable negotiations and adjustments should it wished to unite with Somalia. In fact, it was only the Somaliland Scouts was still intact as an institution not yet touched with the quagmire of the politics. Immediately, after the union, almost all of the civil servants in Somaliland government offices were transferred in masses to the South. The Somaliland government in the North was dismantled and reduced to some fringe offices run by southerners and as a region with a governor. Such injustices were clearly sensed by the public in the North. The cardinal objective of the junior officers was to return Somaliland to back its independent status quo. Who is who of the members of the coup? The core group of the coup was initially composed of eleven officers though later increased to twenty-three. They were: 1.Hassan Abdillahi Walanwal (Hassan Kayd) (2-star lieutenant) (Buroa/Togdheer);2. Abdillahi Mohamed Aden (Abdillahi Congo) (2-star Leutenant) (Hargeisa);3. Muhumed Abdillahi Robleh (Muhumed Awr) (2-star lieutenant); (Sahil); the rest were one-star lieutenants: 4. Abdillahi Said Abby (aka as Gamadhere) (Hargeisa); 5. Said Ali Ghir (Las Anod); 6. Mohamed Mohamoud Said ‘Bidihleh (Hargeisa); 7. Mohamed Abdirahman Haji Jama (Lugooyo) (?); 8. Faisal Haji Jama Geddi (Buroa); 9. Awil Haji Ali Dualeh (Hargeisa); 10. Abdillahi Abdi Farah ‘Deyr’ (Hargeisa); 11. Daud Ali Yahye (Borama); 12. Hussein Mohamed Bullaleh (Hussein Dakhare) (Berbera); 13. Abdillahi Ahmed Kibar (Gabiley); 14. Mohamed Warsame (Borama); 15. Mohamed Mohamoud Raghe (Berbera); 16. Abdi Yusuf (Hargeisa); 17. Mohamed Sh Muse (Sheikh); 18. Ahmed Haji Deria (Buroa); 19. Ali Harun (Buroa); 20. Said Oogle (Buroa/Togdheer); 21. Abdi Dhala Abdi (Las Anod); 22. Abdikarim Ashur (Las Qoray); 23. Abdi Ali Hussein (Abdi Habashi) (Jigjiga) Until today there is an archetypal myth – that those involved in the coup belonged to one clan. However, the truth of the matter is that they represented most of the clans and regions across Somaliland as they shared the same common feelings – the imbalance power, the injustices and inequalities in the military force and the way Somaliland independence was handled at the time. Therefore, the officers stood for a unique experience. Some senior officers who were not involved today express that the junior officers were young fresh graduates, inexperienced and understood no politics. I retain the opinion that the junior officers were right and they did it for that reasons and not for a search of power as seniors would have liked. As retold by Abdillahi Aden and Awil Ali Duale (both of them members of the coup) the plan was to conduct the coup in two years’ time. But nonetheless, for internal technical reasons and for unforeseen circumstances, the coup took place earlier on 10th December 1961. In earnest preparations, some officers already and immediately showed reluctance while others not even endorsed the idea. That brought suspicions among the coup planners and that they would foil the operation by disclosure of the movement of the groups. Therefore, a hasty decision had to be taken – the coup to occur well in advance of its planned timescale. The Commander of the Somaliland Scouts regiment, Colonel Mohamed Ainanshe, the late Colonel Abdillahi Yusuf and other officers from the South were detained on the day. Lieutenant Abdillahi Abdi Farah (Deyr) was posted to take control of the central police station and Lieutenant Mohamed Mohamoud Rage held Radio Hargeisa. The plan was that detainees were to be kept afar from the scene of the operation, Hargeisa and Somaliland Scouts Headquarters. They were supposed to be kept at the Government rest house at Ga’an Libah Mountain, near Adadley. That did not happen as the officer who was assigned to the task did not execute the job as planned. Instead, they were kept at a private house owned by Abdillahi Darawal then resided by Awil Ali Duale, one of the coup plotters. The prisoners were under guard by Lieutenant Abdillahi Said Abby and private Abdillahi Ali Hussein. The Somaliland scouts soldiers at Birjeex military base in Hargeisa missed their commander, Colonel Mohamed Ainanshe and other superiors. That itself raised suspicion and as soon as their whereabouts were sighted, the soldiers stormed the house. Gunfire was exchanged between Lieutenant Abdillahi Said Abby, the officer in charge of the detainees. Officer Abby and a companion, Ahmed Awad, were killed in the exchange of fire as they refused to give up and release the detainees. Hassan Kayd, a senior member of the coup was shot and injured in the knee walking by the gate of Birjeex Military HQ. Within the same day, the coup was aborted. All officers in revolt were imprisoned overnight in Hargeisa but were immediately transferred to Mogadishu. The details of the conditions of the prison and how they were treated were exposed by the surviving individuals of the plotters. The prisoners were taken into custody at a training camp known as ‘Botigo’ (later re-named as ‘Halane’) near Mogadishu. In the jail, they were badly and inhumanely treated in appalling conditions. After several months, they were then transferred to Mogadishu central prison (‘cella morta’ in Italian which means the ‘dead cell’). They were kept in the dark underground at the basement, tunneled under the Indian Ocean Sea. After languishing in jail for about a year and a half, private Indian-Kenyan lawyers were hired from Nairobi, Kenya for them and court proceedings started in Mogadishu. The proceedings of the trial at the court in Mogadishu began in July 1963. The judge was Mr. Hazelwood, a British from the court of Hargeisa in Somaliland oversaw the deliberations and the final verdict ruling with an Italian prosecutor. (St. Ricardo!!). The proceedings took nearly two months. Finally, the prisoners were cleared and acquitted. The verdict was ‘not guilty’. In fact, the judge declared no case at all. The debacle of the case at the court was determined by several reasons: That the officers were never sworn for a country called ‘Somali Republic’. The last time they swore, it was for the Queen of England for Britain. That the judgment was not to be brought under the constitution of a country called (Somali Republic). Instead, it should have been conducted under Somaliland state jurisdiction. Hence, to be judged under the Indian Penal code. The only constitution available (that of Somalia) which was only effective at the time took precedence and the case was taken as a civilian case. Had the case been heard in a Somaliland court, it would have a criminal court and the prisoners would have been tried under the Somaliland legal instruments, i.e., the Indian Penal Code and they would have been court marshaled under the Somaliland Scouts military law. Therefore, article 6 of the Republic’s constitution directed that court marshaling of military officers was inapplicable so long as there was no war situation in the country. In Somaliland, the prisoners would have been convicted as guilty and concluded with a firing squad (death penalties). The court case proved that the union with South was not void and non-existent and there were no binding document ratified bilaterally by the partners of the union. In fact, there was no Act of Union which was ratified as a legal binding contract between the two states. Abdillahi Mohamed Aden (Congo), a senior officer member of the coup, affirms: “Had the court been in Hargeisa, we would have been court marshaled in accordance with the Somaliland Scouts regiment law. We would have surely been shot by a firing squad because we committed a treason crime against the State of Somaliland and not against a country called the Somali Republic for which we had never avowed or taken the oath for”. Soon after the failed coup, punitive measures were taken by the government which was dominated and powered by the South. In the same month of the year 1961, another serious discontent surfaced. The SNL, a northern political party, noticeably expressed discontent and advocated boycott in the referendum. Such episodes clearly constituted some of the early signs of discontent and disagreements as a result of political and administrative differences. They also acted as forms of expression and discontent by the people from the North within the union right from the start the civilian governments that came to power between 1960 and 1969 failed to address the problems and to find out solutions for the standing grievances of the northerners.
  15. Wasaaradda duulista hawada ee dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay inay hirgalisay qalabkii isgaadhsiinta diyaaradaha (communication equipments). Wasaaraddu waxay sheegtay Tijaabo ay ku samaysay qalabkaan inuu kasoo qabtay 75 Nautical Mile (150 KM) diyaarad Gaalkacyo dagaysa. Laakin waxay intaas ku dartay qalabkaan inuu gaari karo 150-200 NM (300-400 KM), taasna waxaa sahlaysa Garoonka Garowe oo ku yaala meel banaan oo aan buuro lahayn. qalabka isgaadhsiinta Muhiimada garoonka diyaaradaha Garowe. Garoonku waxaa uu kuyaalaa marin muhim u ah diyaaradaha mara hawada sare ee Somalia, cilmi baaris la sameeyay waxay lagu ogaaday qalab casri ah oo la dhigo Garowe waxay suuro gelinaysaa in la maqli karo diyaaradaha maraya badwaynta India xadka MUMBAI oo ah meesha cabashada uga badan ka imanyso diyaarada Somalia dul mara keentayna in india damacdo inay la wareegto dhinacaas. Somalia waxa ay leedahay Hawo wayn, in badan waxay jirtaa dhanka badda taas oo gaaraysa ilaa 700 KM laga bilaabo xeebta, waxayan xad xawo laleedahay Hinida, Yemen, Sycheles, Ethiopia iyo Kenya.
  16. Somaliland has conducted a biometric presidential election using Iris ID tech. The presidential election in Somaliland was the world’s first to use iris recognition to create a voter registration list and remove duplicate names from the rolls. The firm has said that the iris-based biometric technology, from Iris ID, helped ensure a free and fair election, so important for the autonomous state to gain the international recognition it seeks. A 60-member team of international observers, representing 27 countries, certified the November election as free and fair – a change from previous elections in which duplicate registrations led to questions about the legitimacy of the results. Somaliland, located on the Horn of Africa, declared its independence from Somalia in 1991. “In a world-first, these elections employed pioneering iris-recognition technology to register and identify voters, which is a testament to Somaliland’s commitment to its resources in democratic institutions and the rule of law,” said the new president, Muse Bihi Abdi, in a column for the Financial Times. Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission reported an 80 percent turnout for the election. The NEC spent several years preparing for the vote, including the process of choosing a biometric technology to register citizens. Commission members wanted a system capable of noting those registering more than once. Both fingerprint facial recognition systems failed to recognize many duplicate registrations in the program’s early stages. At the recommendation of international election consultants, the commission tried an iris-based system. In a trial project, the Iris ID technology was able to accurately recognize all 457 instances of duplicates seeded into a base of 1,062 registrations. Experts estimate as many as 30,000 duplicates were identified during the countrywide registration. De-duplication was possible using Iris ID software which compared the high-quality biometric data from the iris scans. Enrollment speed also worked in Iris ID’s favor. Roy Dalle Vedove, a prominent international elections specialist and NEC consultant, said the iris-based system was not only more accurate than fingerprint technology, but also cut the time needed to register a voter in half. “The fingerprint technology slowed the process, resulting in long lines of people wanting to resister,” he said. “As a result, registration officials were inclined to circumvent controls to speed the process.” After selecting the Iris ID technology, the NEC and purchased 350 portable registration kits consisting of a laptop computer, handheld iris scanner, webcam for facial photos, a flash and tripod. Registration stations were set up across the country – many in remote rural areas. Once approved, citizens received a temporary certificate until their national voter card was processed. Mohammed Murad, vice president global sales and business development for Iris ID, said he expects the success in Somaliland to spur the use of iris-based voter registration system in other countries. “The Iris ID system provided Somaliland with the most sophisticated voter registration system in Africa – really anywhere in the world,” he said. Biometric Update
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibaan Maxamed Xayir Maareeye oo ka tirsan guddiga beeraha, horumarinta reer miyiga iyo kaluumeysiga ayaa golaha shacabka hor keenay bishii August ee sanadkii tagay mooshin la xiriira sharciyeynta in dalka Soomaaliya laga joojiyo in la soo dhoofiyo alaab iyo badeecooyin laga heli karo dalka gudahiisa ama ay soo saari karaan ganacsato Soomaaliyeed sida Cusbada, Kaluunka, Galeyda, Digirta, Caano boodhaha..kuwaas oo sida uu sheegay keenistooda leedahay Khasaare dhaqaale, mid caafimaad iyo deegaan sida qaadka iyo bacaha!! Hadaba, Xildhibaan Maareeye oo mooshinkaas hor-keenay golaha shacabka ayaa hadda loo magacaabay wasiirka ganacsiga iyo warashadaha, waa nin xujeysan, oo isaga ayey maanta heysataa, waxaana lagula xisaabtami-doonaa in uu ka dhabeeyo wixii uu wasaaradaha ku hesytay! Hadaba, Aan Akhristayaasha Goobjoog News dib u xusuusinno Mooshinka Xildhibaan ee Maareeye ee ku aadanaa sharciyeynta in dalka Soomaaliya laga joojiyo in la soo dhoofiyo alaab iyo badeecooyin laga heli karo dalka gudahiisa ama ay soo saari karaan ganacsato Soomaaliyeed. Mooshinka Xildhibaan Maxamed Xayir Maareeye Ee August 2017: Mudanayaal iyo marwooyin, dawlad kasta oo adduunka ka jirta waxaa mas’uuliyadeeda 1aad tahay in ay dalkeeda iyo dadkeeda ka ilaaliso wax kasta oo u keeni kara dhibaato iyo xad gudub dhaqaale, caafimaad, amni, degenaanshiyo la’aan, maskax guur, faqri iyo wixii la mid ah. Hadaba, maadaama aynu gacmaheena ku burburinay dawladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya 1991, dalkeenuna noqday meel fowdo ah oo cid kasta oo kastaa keeni karto kana qaadan karto wixii ay doonto, waxaa dalkeenna iyo dadkeenna ku socda dhibaatooyin iyo xadgudubyo dhaqaale iyo caafimaad oo ay ka mid yihiin: Waxa dadkeennii laga dhigayaa dad maskaxda iyo muruqa curyaan ka ah oo aan waxba qabsan karin, waxna soo saran karin ee u baahan in weligood la quudiyo. Si taas loo xaqiijiyo waxaa dalka qiimo aad u jaban lagu keenayaa alaabooyin iyo badeecooyin tayadoodu aad u hoosayso, oo ay ku jiraan kuwii dadkeenu soo saari jireen ee Soomaaliya ka buuxay, si beeraleydii iyo ganacsatadii alaabtaas soo saara ama ka ganacsada ugu khasaaraan ama u joojiyaan. Dhinaca qaadka iyo bacuhu waxaa ay dhibaato caafimaad, mid dhaqaale iyo deegaan ku hayaan dadkeena iyo dalkeena, tusaale ahaan(1) Qaadka oo lagu qiyaaso in ay maalintii Soomaaliya ku khasaarto USD 500,000,00 waa daroogo u xun caafimaadka iyo dhaqanka bulshadeenna oo aan wax faa’ido ah u laheyn dadkeena, isla markaana aaney jirin wax heshiis wax is dhaafsi ah oo aan kula jirno dalalka inoo soo dhoofiya (2) Bacaha waxaa ay keenaan dhibaato deegaan, nabaadguur iyo roobab la’aan. Mudanayaal kuligeen waan xanaaqi laheyn haddii aan maqalno ciidamo ajnabi ayaa soo galay dalkeena Soomaaliya, laakin nasiib darro ama ma dareemayno dhibaatada ay dadkeena iyo dalkeena u leeyihiin in ay soo galaan cuntooyin iyo badeecooyin ajnebi ah oo aan wax Kontoroollo ah laheyn, kuwaas oo haddii aan la xakameyn inoo keeno kara khasaare la mid ah ama ka xun kana ay geysan karaan ciidamada ajnebi ah oo dalkaada soo gala. Mudanayaal haddii aynaan wax ka qaban dhibaatooyinka dadkeena heysta ee dhinacyada bulshada, dhaqaalaha iyo caafimaadka kuma guuleysan karno kuwa siyaasadda iyo amni ee aynu xoogga badan gelinno, sidaasi awgeed waxaa soo jeedinayaa: In Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed ku amro wasaaradaha dowladda ee arrintani quseyso sida wasaaradda beeraha, xoolaha, kaluumeysiga in ay baarlamaanka horkeenaan daraasad muujineysa badeecadaha laga soo saaro ama laga soo saari karo dalka Soomaaliya iyo sida loo kala hor marin karo joojintooda, kadibna aynu soo saarno sharci mamnuucaya in dalkeena loo soo dhoofiyo cuntooyinka iyo badeecooyinkaas. In xukuumadda ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre la timaado siyaasad ku dhiirigelineysa ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed maalgeshiga wax soo saarka iyo warshadeynta dalka, waxna ka qabto qiimaha korontada oo dad badan u diidan iney warshado dalka keenaa. In dowladaha inoo soo dhoofiya qaadka lala galo heshiis ganacsi oo ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed u ogaalanaya in ay dalkooda geeyaan cuntooyinka dalkeenna ka soo baxa sida kaluunka, xoolaha iyo wixii la midka ah si aynu uga kabanno dhiigbaxa dhaqaale ee qaadka inoo geysanayo maalin kasta. Hadaba Wasiirka cusub ee loo magacaabay ganacsiga iyo warashada Xildhibaan Maxamed Xayir Maareeye ma fulin-doonaa arrimaha uu codsaday isaga oo Xildhibaan keliya ah?! Wasiirka dalka maka joojin-doonaa soo dhoofinta alaab iyo badeecooyin laga heli karo dalka gudahiisa ama ay soo saari karaan ganacsato Soomaaliyeed?! Wasiirka cusub Mr. Maareeye ma sameyn-doonaa meelo laga helo Cusbada, Kaluunka, Galeyda, Digirta, Caano boodhaha oo gudaha lagu sameeyay?! Wasiirka ma joojin-doona badeecooyin uu sheegay keenistooda iy leedahay Khasaare dhaqaale, mid caafimaad iyo deegaan sida qaadka iyo bacaha?! Idaacadda Goobjoog Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xildhibaan Maareeye Shalay Mooshin ayuu ka keenay…Maanta isagoo Wasiir ah ayey heysataa?! appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Majority of Kenyans are unhappy with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s decision of not retaining Ambassador Amina Mohamed as the Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Shir ballaaran oo ay isugu yimaadeen jaaliyadda beesha Celi Cumar ee ku nool UK oo ka dhacay magaalada London ayaa waxay ugu hadleen horumarinta deegaanada ay degto beeshaasi iyo sidii ay xoogga u saari lahaayeen dhinacyada arrimaha bulshada ee deegaanada beesha. Shirkaani oo ay kasoo qeybgaleen mas’uuliyiin, aqoonyahano, haweenka iyo qeybaha bulshada ee beesha ayaa xubnihii ka hadlay waxaa ka mid ahaa Nuur Xasan Xuseen “Nuur Cadde” ra’iisul wasaarihii dowladdii KMG iyo xubno kale.Waxay isla meel dhigeen jaaliyadda baahida loo qabo dhismaha wadada xiriirisa Ceel Macaan iyo Warshiikh oo ah wado halbowle u ah isku xirka gobolka Shabbeelaha Dhexe, gaar ahaan Muqdisho iyo degmooyinka Warsheekh, Cadale iyo deegaanada fog ee gobolka. Sidoo kale, waxaa saga hadlay baahida ay dadka deegaanka u qabaan helitaanka adeegyo caafimaad iyo waxbarasho, iyadoo goor dhow uusoo gabagabooway dhismaha isbitaal degmada Warshiikh jaaliyada ka hirgelisay.Xubnaha kulankaan hadalada kasoo jeediyay waxaa ka mid ahaa Sheekh C/raxmaan Sheekh Muxuddiin Celi oo Swedan ugu yimid shirkaan, Ex-ra’iisul wasaare Nuur Cadde oo jaaliyada ku baraarujiyay inay u istaagaan horumarka deegaanadooda iyo in ay muujiyaan isku xirnaan iyo wadajir si horumar loo gaaro. The post Jaaliyadda beesha Celi Cumar ee Ingiriiska oo ka shirtay dhismaha jidka isku xira Ceel Macaan iyo Warsheekh: Sawirro appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. A U.N. Security Council emergency meeting on the protests roiling Iran showed Tehran "the world will be watching" its actions, the U.S. ambassador said Friday. But Russia and some other countries said the U.N.'s most powerful body had no business weighing in on the demonstrations. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Ciidamada dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa dad usoo xirey qarax miino oo ka dhacay degmada Buul-burde ee gobolka Hiiraan, kaasi oo uu ku dhintey askari ka tirsan ciidanka AMISOM, gaar ahaan kuwa Jabuuti. Duqa degmadaasi Maxamed Axmed Rooble ayaa u sheegay Goobjoog News, in howlgalkaan uu ahaa mid qorsheysan, islamarkaana ay ku qabteen Labo qof oo la tuhmayaal ah. Waxa uu tilmaamay Rooble, iney hadda baaris ku hayaan laamaha amniga dadkaan lasoo qabtay, islamarkaana cadaaladda la horgeyn doono. Sidoo kale, duqa Buulo-burde ayaa sheegay in dadkaan laga soo qabtay halkaasi qaraxa miinada lagula eegtay ciidamada Jabuuti. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wasiirka cusub ee arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya oo xilka dhowaan loo magacaabay ayaa xalay kulamo kala gaara iyo kulan wadajir ah la qaatay Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha. Wasiirka cusub Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye oo shalay dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa xalay xafiiskiisa kulan kula qaatay Ra’iisal wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre oo ay ka wadahadleen xilka cusub iyo qaabka howlgalka wasiirka laga sugayo, iyadoo kulan saacad ka badan qaatay kadib ay kulan kale isugu tageen xafiiska Madaxweynaha. Kulanka labaad eee saddex geesoodka ahaa oo ay ka qeyb galeen madaxweyne Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo, Ra’iisal wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo Wasiir Sabriye ayaa ahaa mid albaabada loo xirtay oo oo saddexda mas’uul ah arrimo gaara uga wadahadleen. Warar ku dhowdhow wasiirka cusub ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisal wasaaraha ay ka dalbadeen inuu la wareego dejinta xiisadda siyaasadeed ee ay wadaan siyaasiyiinta beesha uu kasoo jeedo, iyadoo ay ku taageeri doonaan qorshe kasta oo uu la yimaado. Wasiirka cusub ee Arrimaha gudaha Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye ayaa lagu wadaa in maanta loo dhaariyo xilka loo magacaabay, iyadoo markaas kadib uu jagada la wareegi doono, waxaana arrimaha ugu adag ee sugaya ka mida xaaladda siyaasadda, kiiska C/raxmaan C/shakuur iyo dhaqangelinta heshiiska Galmudug iyo Ahlu suna. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post faahfaahin laga helay kulan xasaasi ah oo dhex maray Wasiirka cusub ee Arrimaha Gudaha, Madaxweynaha & Ra’iisal wasaaraha..? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. HARGEISA-– A delegate led by Somaliland president, Col. Musa Bihi Abdi has on Saturday embarked first state official visit to Djibouti. Mr. Musa Bihi has receive an official invitation from Djibouti President, Ismail Omar. This foreign visit that the president left for Djibouti is the first eversince his assumption to the presidency. Mr. Bihi is scheduled to hold meeting with President Ismail Omar to discuss wide range of issues, mainly boosting the bilateral cooperation between the two countries, security and development. The following Somaliland Officials are traveling with the president to Djibouti. Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, Foreign affairs minister Mr. Yasin Mohamud Xiir aka Faraton, Education minister Mr. Abdikani Mohamoud Ataye, Justice minister General Brigadier, Abdilahi Fadal Iman,Police Commissioner Head of Somaliland Coast Guards, Abdi Hirsi Duale Two reporters from Somaliland’s State run media are also part of the president’s entourage to Djibouti. Djibouti, a tiny state in the Horn of Africa does not recognize Somaliland’s secession efforts but maintains its stance that it is part and parcel of Somalia. Somaliland, Djibouti share land and sea borders and could strengthen bilateral ties on areas of security and development.
  24. Xildhibaan Maxamed Xayir Maareeye oo ka tirsan guddiga beeraha, horumarinta reer miyiga iyo kaluumeysiga ayaa golaha shacabka hor keenay bishii August ee sanadkii tagay mooshin la xiriira sharciyeynta in dalka Soomaaliya laga joojiyo in la soo dhoofiyo alaab iyo badeecooyin laga heli karo dalka gudahiisa ama ay soo saari karaan ganacsato Soomaaliyeed sida Cusbada, Kaluunka, Galeyda, Digirta, Caano boodhaha..kuwaas oo sida uu sheegay keenistooda leedahay Khasaare dhaqaale, mid caafimaad iyo deegaan sida qaadka iyo bacaha!! Hadaba, Xildhibaan Maareeye oo mooshinkaas hor-keenay golaha shacabka ayaa hadda loo magacaabay wasiirka ganacsiga iyo warashadaha, waa nin xujeysan, oo isaga ayey maanta heysataa, waxaana lagula xisaabtami-doonaa in uu ka dhabeeyo wixii uu wasaaradaha ku hesytay! Hadaba, Aan Akhristayaasha Goobjoog News dib u xusuusinno Mooshinka Xildhibaan ee Maareeye ee ku aadanaa sharciyeynta in dalka Soomaaliya laga joojiyo in la soo dhoofiyo alaab iyo badeecooyin laga heli karo dalka gudahiisa ama ay soo saari karaan ganacsato Soomaaliyeed. Mooshinka Xildhibaan Maxamed Xayir Maareeye Ee August 2017: Mudanayaal iyo marwooyin, dawlad kasta oo adduunka ka jirta waxaa mas’uuliyadeeda 1aad tahay in ay dalkeeda iyo dadkeeda ka ilaaliso wax kasta oo u keeni kara dhibaato iyo xad gudub dhaqaale, caafimaad, amni, degenaanshiyo la’aan, maskax guur, faqri iyo wixii la mid ah. Hadaba, maadaama aynu gacmaheena ku burburinay dawladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya 1991, dalkeenuna noqday meel fowdo ah oo cid kasta oo kastaa keeni karto kana qaadan karto wixii ay doonto, waxaa dalkeenna iyo dadkeenna ku socda dhibaatooyin iyo xadgudubyo dhaqaale iyo caafimaad oo ay ka mid yihiin: Waxa dadkeennii laga dhigayaa dad maskaxda iyo muruqa curyaan ka ah oo aan waxba qabsan karin, waxna soo saran karin ee u baahan in weligood la quudiyo. Si taas loo xaqiijiyo waxaa dalka qiimo aad u jaban lagu keenayaa alaabooyin iyo badeecooyin tayadoodu aad u hoosayso, oo ay ku jiraan kuwii dadkeenu soo saari jireen ee Soomaaliya ka buuxay, si beeraleydii iyo ganacsatadii alaabtaas soo saara ama ka ganacsada ugu khasaaraan ama u joojiyaan. Dhinaca qaadka iyo bacuhu waxaa ay dhibaato caafimaad, mid dhaqaale iyo deegaan ku hayaan dadkeena iyo dalkeena, tusaale ahaan(1) Qaadka oo lagu qiyaaso in ay maalintii Soomaaliya ku khasaarto USD 500,000,00 waa daroogo u xun caafimaadka iyo dhaqanka bulshadeenna oo aan wax faa’ido ah u laheyn dadkeena, isla markaana aaney jirin wax heshiis wax is dhaafsi ah oo aan kula jirno dalalka inoo soo dhoofiya (2) Bacaha waxaa ay keenaan dhibaato deegaan, nabaadguur iyo roobab la’aan. Mudanayaal kuligeen waan xanaaqi laheyn haddii aan maqalno ciidamo ajnabi ayaa soo galay dalkeena Soomaaliya, laakin nasiib darro ama ma dareemayno dhibaatada ay dadkeena iyo dalkeena u leeyihiin in ay soo galaan cuntooyin iyo badeecooyin ajnebi ah oo aan wax Kontoroollo ah laheyn, kuwaas oo haddii aan la xakameyn inoo keeno kara khasaare la mid ah ama ka xun kana ay geysan karaan ciidamada ajnebi ah oo dalkaada soo gala. Mudanayaal haddii aynaan wax ka qaban dhibaatooyinka dadkeena heysta ee dhinacyada bulshada, dhaqaalaha iyo caafimaadka kuma guuleysan karno kuwa siyaasadda iyo amni ee aynu xoogga badan gelinno, sidaasi awgeed waxaa soo jeedinayaa: In Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed ku amro wasaaradaha dowladda ee arrintani quseyso sida wasaaradda beeraha, xoolaha, kaluumeysiga in ay baarlamaanka horkeenaan daraasad muujineysa badeecadaha laga soo saaro ama laga soo saari karo dalka Soomaaliya iyo sida loo kala hor marin karo joojintooda, kadibna aynu soo saarno sharci mamnuucaya in dalkeena loo soo dhoofiyo cuntooyinka iyo badeecooyinkaas. In xukuumadda ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre la timaado siyaasad ku dhiirigelineysa ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed maalgeshiga wax soo saarka iyo warshadeynta dalka, waxna ka qabto qiimaha korontada oo dad badan u diidan iney warshado dalka keenaa. In dowladaha inoo soo dhoofiya qaadka lala galo heshiis ganacsi oo ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed u ogaalanaya in ay dalkooda geeyaan cuntooyinka dalkeenna ka soo baxa sida kaluunka, xoolaha iyo wixii la midka ah si aynu uga kabanno dhiigbaxa dhaqaale ee qaadka inoo geysanayo maalin kasta. Hadaba Wasiirka cusub ee loo magacaabay ganacsiga iyo warashada Xildhibaan Maxamed Xayir Maareeye ma fulin-doonaa arrimaha uu codsaday isaga oo Xildhibaan keliya ah?! Wasiirka dalka maka joojin-doonaa soo dhoofinta alaab iyo badeecooyin laga heli karo dalka gudahiisa ama ay soo saari karaan ganacsato Soomaaliyeed?! Wasiirka cusub Mr. Maareeye ma sameyn-doonaa meelo laga helo Cusbada, Kaluunka, Galeyda, Digirta, Caano boodhaha oo gudaha lagu sameeyay?! Wasiirka ma joojin-doona badeecooyin uu sheegay keenistooda iy leedahay Khasaare dhaqaale, mid caafimaad iyo deegaan sida qaadka iyo bacaha?! Goobjoog News Source