Deeq A.

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  1. Talliyaha ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed C/weli Jaamac Gorod oo shalay isaga iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo gaareen magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug ayaa sheegay in meel wanaagsan ay mareyso nabadeyntii laga bilaabay magaaladaasi. Wuxuu taliyaha sheegay in ay filayaan dhameystirka heshiiska Gaalkacyo, iyadoo shacabka iyo sidoo kale maamullada ka jira magaaladaasi mideysan yihiin. “Waxaa farxad oo ilaahay uga mahadcelineynaa, Nabaddii halkaan aan ka wadnay la sheegay warbixintii aan ka helnay in meel wanaagsan mareyso, waxaan rajeyneynaa intaasi iyo in ka fiican iney gaari doonno.. Inta dhiman hadana waan dhameystireynaa” ayuu yiri Taliyaha. Ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa la wareegay amniga magaalada Gaalkacyo, kadib markii magaaladaasi ay kusoo bateen dagaallada u dhaxeeya maleeshiyaad kala taabacsanaa Puntland iyo Galmudug. Goobjoog News Source
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka naga soo gaaraya Waqooyi Bari Dalka Kenya ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ay halkaa ka jareen Isgaarsiinta. Maleeshiyaadka ayaa isgaarsiinta ka jaray magaalada Katulo ee Waqooyi Bari Dalka Kenya, waxaana xarunta Isgaarsiinta la faray inaanu sii deynkarin amar la’aan. Stephen Ngetich oo ah Taliyaha booliska Wajeer,ayaa xaqiijiyay in maleeshiyaad Hubeysnaa ay Hub culus ku dhufteen anteenooyinka isgaarsiinta. Taliyaha waxa uu sheegay in Hubka culus lagu dhuftay dhismaha laanta Sharikadda Safaricom ee magaalada Katulo, waxaana halkaa ku burburay anteenadii sahleysay xiriirka dadka degaanka iyo dalka Kenya intiisa kale. Stephen Ngetich waxaa uu sheegay in saraakiisha iyo Ciidamada Kenya ee degaankaas ay badqabaan islamarkaana uusan jirin qof ay wax ku gaareen weerarka al-Shabaab ee magaalada Katulo. Dhinaca kale, Stephen Ngetich waxa uu ku caga jugleeyay inay jawaab ka bixin doonaan weerarka lagu burburiyay anteenooyinka isgaarsiinta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Al-Shabaab oo Hub culus ku burburisay mid kamid ah anteenooyinka isgaarsiinta Kenya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Maanta oo Isniin ah ayaa lagu wadaa in madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed Farmaajo uu xarigga ka jaro garoonka diyaarahada ee Garoowe. Waxaa la dhameystiray dhismaha garoonka diyaaradaha ee Garoowe, kaasi oo qaab casri ah loo dhisay. Mas’uuliyiinta Puntland u qaabilsan arrimaha garoomada ayaa sheegay in garoonkan ay kasoo degi karaan diyaaradaha waaweyn, islamarkaana yahay mid duulimaadyo caalami ah ka bixi karaan. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa safar ku jooga magaalada Garoowe, wuxuuna sidoo kale madaxweynaha tagi doonaa deegaanno kale oo Puntland ka tirsan. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source
  4. The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority has warned airlines flying locally and to neighbouring countries their licences will be cancelled if they continue disregarding regulations relating to carriage of cargo. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Wararka PUNTLAND POST ka helayso magaalada Tuka raq ayaa sheegaya ciiidamo ka tirsan SOMALILAND inay la wareegeen halkaas . Qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidanka oo igula hadlay Telefonka ayaa ii xaqiijiyay inuu halkaas ka socdo dagaal u dhaxeeya PUNTLAND iyo SOMALILAND . Xiisada Somaliland iyo Puntland ayaa kusoo beegmaysa xilli hadaladii uu jeediyay Madaxweynaha Somaliland ka mid ahayd hanjabaad culus , halka sidoo kalena ay kusoo beegmayso xilli uu magaalada Garowe ku sugan yahay Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya. Kala soco faahfahinta PUNTLAND POST The post Dagaal u dhaxeeya Puntland iyo Somaliland oo ka socda Tuka raq appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. The perennial conflicts between the Kamba community and pastoralists from north eastern Kenya living along the border of Kitui and Tana River counties is likely to come to an end after herders accepted to move out of the area in the next ten days. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed Farmaajo oo shir guddoomiyey shirka golaha wasiirada Puntland oo ay sidoo kale ka qeybgaleen wasirro ka tirsan xukuumadda Federaalka ayaa sheegay in guud ahaan dalka u siman yahay dhaqaalaha lagu keeno magaca Soomaaliyeed. Waxa uu sheegay Madaxweyne Farmaajo in madaxweynaha Puntland C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas waxa ugu horreeyo ee uu kala hadlay ahayd arrinta ku aadan dhaqaalahaasi iyo sida maamulkooda ku heli karo. “Dhaqaalaha dalka soo gala oo magaca Soomaaliya lagu keeno kaliya malahan meel gaar ah, dhaqaalahaasi waxaa loo asteenayaa guud ahaan baahida dalka ka jirta, maxaa yeelay dadka loo adeegayo ayeey kamid yihiin, waxaan idiin sheegayaa madaxweyne C/weli wax kale igalama hadlin, 90% wadahadalkeennii waa intaasi, waxaan umadda Soomaaliyeed loo keeno annag qeybteennii aaway, baahi badan baan qabnaa, howlo badan oo horumarin ah baan u baahannahay, waxaan u baahannahay in qeybteenna halkaasi lasoo dhigo, runtii awal wax badan ma jirin, hadda waxbaa bilowday insha Allah waan soo gaarsiineynaa Puntland guud ahaan umadda Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Farmaajo. Axaddii shalay, madaxweyne Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed Farmaajo ayaa gaaray magaalada Garoowe ee gobolka Nugaal, halkaasi oo uu kula kulmay madaxda sare ee maamulkaasi iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada. Goobjoog News Source
  8. Chaos reigned at New York's flagship airport for a third consecutive day Sunday with one terminal flooded and irate passengers stranded by chronic delays blamed on brutal cold and a deadly winter storm. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Wasaaradda caafimaadka ee dowladda federaalka ah iyo hey’adaha WHO iyo UNICEF, ayaa soo gabogabeeyay tallaalka jadeecada, kaas oo illaa 1 million oo caruur ah lagu tallaalay gudaha Puntland, caruurta da’dooda waxaa ay u dhaxeysay 6 bil illaa 10 sano, halka dalka oo dhan la talaalay 4.2 million. Sanadkii tagay 23,002 oo kiis ayaa laga sheegay jadeecada, caruurta ayaa waxaa uu da’dooda u badnaa 10 jir. Dr. Ghulam Popal, oo u qeybsanaha WHO ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu sheegayaa in loo baahan yahay in dhammaan dowladda iyo hey’adaha iska kaashadaan sidii loo Kontoroli lahaa jadeecada isla markaana loo heli lahaa tallaal ku filan. Sanadkii hore bilihii March iyo April, waxaa la tallaalay illaa 516,934 oo caruur ah, da’dooda waxa ay u dhaxeysay 9 bil iyo 5 bil. Inta uu ololaha socday, caruurta waxaa la siiyay tallaalka iyo Vitamin A, waxaana muuqata in hadda lagu guuleystay. Goobjoog News Source
  10. Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Masar Axmed Shafiq ayaa sheegay inuu go’aansaday inuusan isku soo sharixin doorashooyinka madaxtinimo ee sanadkaani dhacaya. Axmed Shafiq ayaa sheegay inay jiraan siyaasiyiin waaweyn oo doonaya inay la tartamaan madaxweyne Cabdi Fitaax Al-siisi balse ma uusan sheegin illaa iyo hadda inuu ku guuleysan doono mar labaad. Axmed Shafiq ayaa ka soo laabtay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta isaga oo Masar soo gaaray bishii December ka dibna waxaa uu baahiyey inuu yahay musharax madaxweyne waxaanaka dib loo jeediyey dhaleeceymo loo marsiinayey warbaahinta madaxa banana iyo midda dowladda isaga oo maalmo lagu xiray Hotel ku yaallo Qaahira. Shafiq, waxaa uu ahaa taliyihii hore ee ciidamada cirka sidoo kale waxaa uu ahaa wasiirka hore ee duulimaadka rayidka, waxaana codad yar looga qaaday doorashooyinkii 2012 uuna ku guuleystay madaxweynihii hore Maxamed Mursi oo ka tirsan kooxda Ikhaawunl Muslimiinta, waxaana casilay sanadkii ku xigay ciidamada ka dib markii ay dhaceen dibad-baxyo looga soo horjeedo xukunkiisa. Goobjoog News Source
  11. Nasa leaders have announced a nationwide campaign to build momentum for the swearing-in as the people’s president, of opposition leaders Raila Odinga and his deputy Kalonzo Musyoka on January 30. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. The hijab is simple, yet it has had the ability to affect my life in a complex way. The concept of the hijab is discussed in the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an, in Chapter 24, called an-Nur (the Light), in verse 30: Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. The African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM) vowed on Sunday to intensify training and mentoring of Somali security forces (SPF) to assume more security responsibilities in the Horn of Africa nation. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. The Ministry of Health of the Federal Government of Somalia, in partnership with WHO and UNICEF, has today concluded a five-day national measles campaign, targeting 1 million children aged 6 months to 10 years in Puntland, and 4.2 million across the country. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Dalka Suudaan waxaa ka socda dibad-baxyo looga soo horjeedo sare u kaca ku yimid cuntada quuta daruuriga ah waxaana la xadidey sidoo kale rootiga. Mas’uuliyiin iyo goob joogayaal ayaa waxay sheegeen in dibad-baxyadaan uu ku dhintay hal arday waxayna ka dhaceen gobollada Daafuur iyo Neylu Arsaq halkaasi oo uu ka jiro muran u dhaxeeya dowladda iyo kooxaha Fallaagada ah. Sidoo kale magaalada Khartuum waxaa ka dhacay dibad-baxyo ay sameynayaan ardeyda dhigadda xarumaha waxbarasho waxayna booliska adeegsanayaan gaaska indhaha ka ilmasiiyo. Dabd-baxyo la mida kuwaan waxay ka dhaceen Suudaan 2016 markii uu qaaliyoobay shidaalka,waxayna madaxda ka hortageen joojinta banaanbaxa iyaga oo ka baqayey inuu soo laabto dabd-baxii dhiigga uu ku taaday ee dhacay 2013. Source
  16. In today’s world, the extraction of oil resources in the third world is seen as a “necessary evil”. Many stable nations turned into an abyss of failure, as a result of massive injections of windfall profits from the proceeds of non renewable energy. We will deeply look into analysis some of those countries who suffered the plight of oil exploration which often referred to as a “Resource Curse” or “Paradox of Thrift.” Equatorial Guinea, a former colonial power of Spanish was one the poorest nations in the Central Africa before a large oil supplies were found in 1994, within a decade its oil production rose from 17,000 bopd in 2006 to a record 375,000 bopd in 2005. Its population is approximately half million people. The extraction of oil has attracted many profit seeking companies from the Western Countries who have never before heard of this tiny nation on the Atlantic Ocean. Under the autocratic regime of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Equatorial Guinea became a classic criminal state, with many top level institutions involved in various illicit behaviors; He was also charged with a number of human rights violations. The United States maintained a close relationship with this dictator to keep him in office just for the benefit of its Giant Oil Corporations. For example, in 2006, the then Secretary of the State Condoleezza Rice welcomed Washington to Obiang as a “good friend” of the United States. The oil struck caused a serious tribal cleavage among the different communities who used to live in a peaceful manner, in earlier times; it has also brought about a high level corruption at the top ranks of the bureaucracy. Obiang, the President of the nation bought a multi-billion “mansion” outside Washington DC. His son Teodorin, has become a frequent visitor in Manhattan and Paris, where he is famous for driving his many fancy cars. With the vast income generation by the oil industry other sectors of the economy, most notably agriculture crumbled while inequality and poverty persist. Rising sectoral inflation and devaluation in currency have also added to the seriousness of the situation. Sierra Leone is geographically located on the West Coast of Africa, it gained its independence from Britain in 1961, and it belongs to a vast abundance of diamonds. The people of this nation suffered terrible social and economic costs as a result of its civil war and fight over diamond control. The diamond wars caused heinous crimes against humanity in the form of murder, rape, and mutilation. The war between 1991 and 1994 claimed over 75,000 lives, caused 500,000 Sierra Leoneans to become refugees, and displaced half of its 4.5 million people. The prosperity from the rapid rise in income of diamond deals has precipitated a thriving sex industry, with the outcome of a high prevalence of AIDs patients. It is fact that foreign hands were collaborating with these atrocities, especially some of its neighbors who were acting as the “main financiers,” in this war of interest. As practically witnessed in many countries who managed to strike their potential resources, it turned into an abyss of failure because of massive injections of windfall profits from the proceeds of non renewable energy. Venezuelan politician once said: “Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see oil bring us ruin; oil is the devil’s excrement.” Among other socio-economic factors of resource curse literature include the following:  Dutch Disease Effect – The Dutch Disease gets its name from the effects of oil discoveries on the economy of the Netherland in the 1960s and 1970s. The newfound oil created an export boom, but the domestic economy soon suffered from inflation and decline in manufacturing exports that led to lower economic growth and rising unemployment. The decline in the strength of other sectors in the economy is the crux of the “Dutch Disease Effect.” The oil boom of the 1970s and 1980s produced similar outcomes in countries as varied as Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Mexico.  Devaluation in currency – trade imbalances cause devaluation in currency as country’s export becomes less expensive while on other hand imports are more expensive due to the concentration of one sector of the oil resource economy. It also largely affects the skills of professional workers by getting new placements in the oil resources sector, and leaving job markets to the unskilled or semi-skilled laborers.  Political Entrepreneurs – the massive resources create powerful tribal leaders who effectively take control of certain areas within the country particularly, in the regions where the non renewable energy were extracted and may have a power base, which could facilitate to recruit groups who fight on their behalf.  Rent seeking behavior – economic gains from the government by particular individuals often happen under such cases. Government funds directly go into the hands of a few individuals who would reciprocate their supports in times of opposition, or political upheavals. Patronage politics, nepotism, enclave economies, kleptocracy, and other forms of immoral acts also further complicate the situation. Over the past years, some oil explorer companies were offered oil concessions to dig oil resources in our country; it has not yet fully succeeded in this trial. However, we all knew how the situation was when some of these foreign explorers came into our country, and how people reacted in this scenario, the main important question is: Will Somaliland follow similar steps to those nations, or will it be a mature nation enough to manage the common sharing of their communal interest? By Abdulqadir Omer Jama
  17. MOGADISHU, Jan. 7 — The African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM) vowed on Sunday to intensify training and mentoring of Somali security forces (SPF) to assume more security responsibilities in the Horn of Africa nation. Deputy Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia Simon Mulongo said the plan is aimed at building the capacity of the SPF to internationally acceptable standards. “This year is going to see more intensified training, more intensified mentoring of those who are there (SPF officers) and that means recruitment, training and forming the officer core that will see the police leap from the current stage to a higher one,” Mulongo said in a statement issued in Mogadishu. AMISOM troops are expected to relinquish the security of the key towns to the Somali forces through a conditions-based transition plan, to allow them take the lead responsibility as part of the planned exit. Under the exit strategy, some 1,000 soldiers were to be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31, 2017 and AMISOM will deploy an extra 500 police officers to strengthen training and mentoring of Somali police. The move in is line with a United Nations Security Council resolution, passed in August 2017, which authorized AMISOM to start the transfer of security responsibilities to Somali national security forces. The UN Security Council also sanctioned the gradual reduction of AMISOM troops during the transition period. Xinhua
  18. It was during those summer holiday nights that my mother would put a mattress in our balcony. She would tell us to all put on our PJs and come sit on the mattress, while she sat in front of us and started telling us stories. She was great at storytelling, some stories were based on true events while others were tales told to her when she was young and growing up in Jowhar. One of the stories I remember clearly was when she was told to take food to someone, you see this time she brought Farhan (her cousin) as back up. Previously while making the same journey a monkey attacked her and took the food, it attacked her as she was on her own. My father also used to tell us about his interactions with the local monkey who caused chaos in the streets of Beledweyne. Although my father did not like to tell us everything he got up to, he did tell us the odd story about his friends and how they all got their weird nicknames. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Cismaan Guureeye Kaarshe oo xilal kasoo qabtey Dowladda Puntland islamarkaana ka mid ah waxgaradka caanka ka ah Gobolka Nugaal ayaa Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST uga waramay marxaladii uu soo marey Garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Garowe oo maanta oo taariikhdu ku beegan tahay 08 January 2018 lagu wado inuu si rasmiya xariga uga jaro Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo. Cismaan Guureeye oo faahfaahin dheer ka bixiyay heerar kala duwan oo uu sheegay inuu kasoo gudbay dhismaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Garowe wuxuu sheegay inuu noqonayo garoon caalamiya oo wax badan kaga duwan garoomada kale ee ku yaala dalka Soomaaliya. Wuxuu ku amaanay bilow ilaa dhamaad masuuliyiin uu ka mid yahay Sanetor Cabdiraxmaan Faroole dhismaha Garoonka oo sida la rumaysan yahay la dhagax dhigay sanadkii 2003-dii xilligaas oo uu Madaxweyne ka ahaa Puntland A.U.N Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed (Yey) Islamarkaana uu ahaa Wasiirka Maaliyadda Sanetor Faroole. Sidoo kale Cismaan Guureeye Kaarshe ayaa ku amaanay dhismaha cusub ee garoonka diyaaradaha Garowe Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas oo uu sheegay inuu xil gaar ah iska saarey daboolida gaab ku yimid mashruucii Garoonka oo ay ku deeqday Dowladda dalka Kuwait iyo Eng Khaliif Qonof oo uu ku tilmaamay inuu ka mid yahay dadka fara-kutiriska oo taariikhda ku leh bilowgii asaaska madaaarka Garowe. Daawo Wareysi Wariye Abshir Dhiirane la yeeshay Cismaan Guureeye. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya oo shalay soo gaarey magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garowe ayaa subaxnimada horre ee maanta lagu wadaa inuu si rasmiya xariga uga jaro madaarka caasimada Puntland oo 2dii sano ee lasoo dhaafey dhisidiisa ay gacanta ku haysay shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Turkiga. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Maxaad ka ogtahay taariikhda Garoonka Diyaaradaha Garowe?. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. DP World added value across the supply chain for customers and partners Global trade enabler DP World’s operations in 2017 included over $1 billion in capital expenditure on the back of growing trade opportunities, diversification of business across supply chain and exploring smart innovation technologies. A series of acquisitions, technology tie-ups and sustainable business achievements all formed part of the activities that saw the global trade enabler expand its business horizons across the world. The expansion at Prince Rupert in Canada opened for business, DP World Limassol in Cyprus opened a new cruise terminal, work began on a new logistics centre in Kigali (Rwanda) and at a new terminal project in Posorja (Ecuador). Also in the Americas DP World took 100 per cent ownership of Embraport in Brazil. In Asia Pacific we have seen the consolidation of Pusan (South Korea), while in Africa we started officially operating DP World Berbera port (Somaliland) under a 30-year concession. DP World Group Chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem said: “The recovery of global trade in 2017 has been stronger than expected and we are pleased to have outperformed market growth once again. We are on course to deliver approximately 10 per cent growth in gross volumes for 2017, and look forward to continued growth in 2018.” “Notable landmarks included strengthening our partnerships in Brazil, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Somaliland, India, Egypt and Mali with a range of infrastructure investments to enable global trade and connect countries to international markets. This was coupled with a series of acquisitions such as the inclusion of Dubai Maritime City and Drydocks World to the Group’s operations, expanding our service offering to customers. We have also stepped up container handling productivity at our flagship Jebel Ali Port, by adding 1.5 million TEU to Container Terminal 3 (T3),” Bin Sulayem explained. “Our activities aimed at providing added value to our customers at further points in the global supply chain by growing our logistics, industrial parks and freezone operations and smart digital trade solutions,” he added. “We have also ensured our sustainable business practices have progressed, joining the United Nations Logistics Emergency Teams (LET) partnership to support humanitarian disaster relief; supporting the development of Hyperloop technologies that could revolutionise the movement of goods across continents and winning the coveted Dubai Quality Award, evidence of our ongoing commitment to excellence in everything we do. “All of this happened to a backdrop of continued revenue growth, proof that we have a robust portfolio of businesses and a successful strategy to ensure the sustainable growth of our company,” Bin Sulayem concluded. Trade Arabia
  21. Waxaa maantay magaalada Gaalkacyo gaaray wafti uu hoggaaminayo Talyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Sareeye Gaas General C/wali Jaamac Xuseen Gorod, waxaana safarka ku wehliyay Xildhibaano, Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga, Taliyaasha qaybaha Hoggaanka Ciidanka Xoogga, iyo saraakiisha ugu sareysa Maxkamada Ciidanka Qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya. Waxaa Garoonka C/llaahi Yuusuf Waftiga kusoo dhaweeyay masuuliyiin katirsan dowladda Puntland, Guddoomiyaasha Gobolka Mudug, waxgarad iyo cuqaal ka socota labada dhinac ee Gaalkacyo, haween iyo Madasha Isdhex-galka dhalinyarada Gaalkacyo oo ah dhalinyaro ka kooban labada dhinac-ba. Soodhayn kaddib, Taliye Gorod ayaa warbaahinta kula hadlay Garoonka Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana uu yiri “Sharaf bay noo tahay in aan soo gaarno magaalada Gaalkacyo, safarkeenu waxaa uu la xiriiraa, labo u jeedo oo kale ah, marka ugu horraysa, waxaan u nimid in aan sii xoojinno Nabadda Gaalkacyo, bil wax ka yar ayaa kasoo wareegtay markii aan halkaan hishiis ugu kala saxiixnay dhinacyada Gaalkacyo, horayna waan u balan-qaadnay in aan Gaalkacyo kusoo laabanayno, arrinta labaad ee ugu muhiimsan ayaan ah in aan Gaalkacyo kusoo dhawaynayno Madaxwayne Farmaajo oo maalmaha soo socda kusoo waajahan Gobolka Mudug, laana baahan-yahay in aad si diiran usoo dhawaysaan” Socdaalka uu Gaalkacyo ku gaaray Talyaha Ciidanka Xoogga waxaa uu kaga duwan-yahay safarkii hore in ay ku wehliyaan socdaalkaan saraakiisha ugu saraysa Maxkamada Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ee Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo xeer-ka ciqaabta Soomaaliyeed waafajin-doona cid kasta oo ka hor timaada Nabadda Gaalkacyo.
  22. HARGEISA– Somaliland parliament on 7th Jan. 2018 passed a law criminalizing gender-based violence (GBV). The parliamentary session, which passed the GBV Offence Bill into an officially endorsed law was attended by 51 parliament members, out of which 46 were in favor of the law, two abstained and two others voted against.
  23. Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Waftigiisii oo Kulan La Qaatay Xukuumadda Puntland . Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa caawa oo taariikhdy tahay 07 January 2018 ka qayb galay kulan wadatashi ah oo udhexeeyay dawladda federaalka ee Soomaaliya iyo dawladda Puntland. Madaxwaynaha aya waxaa kulanka wada tashiga ku wehelinayay Madaxwayne ku xigeenka dawladda Puntland, golayaasha dawladda Puntland, saraakiil katirsan madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland iyo masuuliyiin kale. Kullankan oo ka dhacay hoolka shirarka ee wasaaradda maaliyadda Puntland waxaa diirada lagu saaray oo lagaga hadlay arrimo ay ka mid yihiin Amniga guud ee dalka, Dimqoraadiyada iyo dhaqangalinta nidaamka federaalka, Waxaa kaloo kulanka looga hadlay xuquuqaha dowladaha xubnaha ka ah dowladda federaalka iyo sidii deeqaha beesha caalamka bixiso si cadaalad ah loogu qaybsan lahaa. Kulanka waxaa lagu falanqeeyay sidii maxkamadaha iyo hay’adaha cadaalada ee dowladda federaalka iyo maamul goboleedyadu u wada shaqayn lahaayeen iyo sidii hoos loogu dhigi lahaa qiimaha dadka Soomaaliyeed ay ku xajiyaan oo afar labaad ka badan qiimaha ay bixiyaan shucuubta wadamada deriska ah, waxaa kaloo looga hadlay sidii dib loogu howlgalin lahaa shirkadii diyaaradaha Somaliariline. sidoo kale waxaa looga hadlay Muhiimada iyo miisaanka ay leedahay Isdhexgalka Bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyadoo madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya uu amaanay sida dadka Soomaaliyeed ee reer Puntland u jecel yihiin Soomaalinimada iyo isdhexgalka bulshadda. ugu danabayn madaxwaynaha dawladda federaalka ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo iyo wefdiga uu hogaaminayo ayaa inta uu joogaan caasimadda dawladda Puntland waxaa uu kualamo laqaadan doonaa qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada.
  24. By: M. A.Egge The Head of State H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi was received at Djibouti airport upon landing by his host President Ismael Omar Guelle in his first maiden trip abroad as a head of state. Upon disembarking he was received at the runaway by Djibouti foreign and finance ministers whereupon he was saluted by a guard of honour mount by the country’s military. The President was escorted along the red carpet to where Djibouti President received him at the airport’s VIP lounge. After a while he was driven to the prestigious Kempiski Hotel where he will reside. They are expected to enter talks today. The President jetted out of the country for an official trip to Djibouti yesterday in his first foreign trip as the Head of State. The visit which is expected to be for a few days follow an invitation from his Djibouti counterpart President Ismael Omar Guelle. The Head of State who was accompanied by three ministers and two service commanders was greeted by a military guaride at Egal International Airport before boarding the plane. Those who accompanied him are Foreign, Education and Justice Ministers the Honourables Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, Yasin M. Hiirand Abdiqani M. Ateye respectively. Others were the National Police Force Commander Major General Abdillahi Fadal Iman and Navy Commander Brigadier Abdi Hersi Duale.
  25. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxammed Cabdullaahi Maxammed(Farmaajo) iyo Wefdiga uu hoggaaminayo ee Maanta soo gaaray magaaalada Garoowe ayaa loo sameeyey soo dhoweyn aad u ballaaran oo aan loo kala harin madax iyo Shacab. Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa markii uu soo gaaray Garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Garoowe wuxuu salaan sharaf ka qaatay cutubyo katirsan Ciidamada Puntland,isagoo ka dibna loo soo galbiyey dhinaca magaalada,halkaasoo ay ku soo dhoweeyeen kumanaan shacab ah . Madaxweynaha Puntland Iyo Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa socod dheer ku soo maray waddoooyinka waayeyn ee magaalada Garoowe,waxaana Mudane. Farmaajo u mahad celiyay Madaxda iyo shacabka Puntland ee soo dhoweeyey. Haddaba Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST ayaa Barnaamij Gaar ah ka diyaarisay soo dhoweynta Madaxweyne Farmaajo ee magaalada Garoowe. Halkaan ka daawo Barnaamijka. The post Daawo_Barnamij Gaar ah: Soo dhoweynta Madaxweyne Farmaajo ee Garoowe. appeared first on Puntland Post.