Deeq A.

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  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Israel Benjamin Netanyahu ayaa ku taliyay in gabi ahaan la joojiyo shaqooyinka ay wado hay’adda QM UNRWA ee qaabilsan Qaxootiga. Benjamin Netanyahu, ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha dalka Mareykanka Donald Trump uu ku dhawaaqay jarida maalgalinta ururka, maadaama UNRWA ay caawin jirtay falastiiniyiinta. Waxa uu Benjamin Netanyahu sheegay in hay’adda QM ee UNRWA ee Qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta loo baahanyahay in gabi ahaanba laga takhalusiyo si aysan usii shaqeyn maadaama laga xanibay howlaha. Benjamin Netanyahu, waxa uu sheegay in Hay’adani sii shaqeynteeda ay dhibaato ku keeni karto rajada Israel ee magaalada Qudus, waxa uuna ku baaqay in la joojiyo gabi ahaan jiritaankeeda. Hay’adda QM UNRWA ee Qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta, ayaa la aasaasay 70 sano ka hor, waxa ayna si gaara uga shaqeysaa kaliya arrimaha qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta. Sidoo kale, UNRWA ayaa maalgalisa boqolaal dugsiyaal ah ee xeryaha qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta ku yaala Gaza Strip, Daanta galbeed, Bariga Qudus, Lebanon, Jordan iyo Suuriya. Dhinaca kale, Trump ayaa dhawaan sheegay inuu jaray dhammaan musaacadooyinka uusiin jiray falastiiniyiinta iyo dhammaan Hay’adaha u gurmada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Netanyahu oo soo jeediyay talo tii ugu xumeyd oo halis ku noqon karta Falastiiniyiinta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. For the first time in its history, the self-proclaimed republic Somaliland has adopted the law against rape. In the past, a victim of a family could make a victim to marry her rapist to avoid shame. Slayers are now facing a sentence of at least 30 years in prison. Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but is not an internationally recognized country. In Somalia there is still no law against rape. Parliament Speaker Somaliland, Bashe Mohamed Farah, told the BBC that the number of rapes has increased and he hopes that this new law will help stop this trend. “More recently, group rapes are increasingly happening. The main emphasis in this new law is to stop rapes completely,” Farah said. This law was adopted after many years of lobbying for advocates for the protection of women’s rights and children. Faisa Ali Yusuf from the BBC Women’s Agenda Forum said that they had been waiting for the law for a long time.
  3. Somaliland Football Association Yorkshire can boast the world’s newest international football team after its membership of the non-FIFA Confederation of International Football Associations (CONIFA) was ratified on Saturday. The team, for which only players born in the county are eligible, was set up in July and are set to make their debut with a friendly match against Isle of Man at Hemsworth on Jan. 28. CONIFA delegates unanimously passed Yorkshire’s application for membership at their annual general meeting in Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus. The organisation tweeted: “Welcome to the CONIFA family to @YorksIFA! The 5th AGM just approved them unanimously as the newest member! Congratulations!” CONIFA, which was established in 2013, describes itself as a federation for international teams “from nations, de-facto nations, regions, minority peoples and sports isolated territories.” Yorkshire join the likes of Somaliland, Greenland and Quebec as members of the organisation, which stages its 2018 World Cup in London in June — though it is too late for Yorkshire’s involvement.
  4. Military forces from Somalia’s Somaliland Monday took control of a town under the region of Puntland following a fierce fight. Residents of Tukaraq town in Sool region said Somaliland and Puntland forces clashed Monday as Somalia’s president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo made his maiden visit to Puntland. “There was an intense fight between Puntland and Somaliland forces early Monday causing fear among residents. Somaliland forces are now in control,” a witness told Xinhua. Puntland Defense Forces and Somaliland soldiers clashed with heavy weapons against each other in Takaraq town, about 90 km from Garowe which is an administrative capital of Puntland. No casualties were reported during the heavy clash between the two warring sides at the border town. The clash came as President Farmajo visited Puntland region Sunday for a weeklong tour, the first since he was elected to office February last year. Both Puntland and Somaliland have been in contest over Sool and Sanag regions with each side claiming control. Puntland parliament threatened force in November against Somaliland if elections took place in Sool during the presidential poll. The polls however went on uninterrupted in most areas of Sool. Xinhua
  5. In the peaceful Somaliland, not recognized by the international community, the Mas Children Hospital of Hargeisa works. It is the only one of the Eastern Horn who cares for children otherwise destined to die. An African jewel run by Africans. And if there is no incubator? «We use the method of mother kangaroo». Sometimes it happens, says Dr. Khadra: premature babies are born in apnea, “they do not weigh a pound”, but in the hospital there is no equipment where to put them. “Then we resort to the most natural and effective method: we wrap them in a belt carrier and leave them all day on the mother’s chest, skin to skin …”. It works? “It must work. Because being a doctor here is a question of energy and fantasy “. Here is the Mas Children Hospital of Hargeisa, capital of Somaliland. An African jewel, run by African doctors. The only one of the Eastern Horn able to admit children destined, otherwise, to sure death. Six pediatricians directed by Khadra Ibrahimi, who studied in Rome and specialist at Sant’Anna di Torino, returned home four years ago to help build this project Mas, initials dedicated to Mohamed Aden Sheikh: a doctor exiled by the Somali dictator Siad Barre, who in the 1990s was a municipal councilor in Turin and who, before dying, returned to independent Somaliland, could not see for a few months the laying of the last stone: explains Khadra – having a specialized hospital is a very rare thing. Yet it is more useful than traditional hospitals. Because once you had to go to Europe, for certain treatments. Five years of activity, 60 thousand children treated for free, plastic and pediatric surgery, otorino and orthopedics, an all-local team educated by the doctors of Regina Margherita of Turin. For one month Mas has also opened an operating block and an intensive therapy, another three years of training for an international mission directed by Professor Piero Abbruzzese, the Italian soul of the hospital, pioneer of infant cardiac surgery, now scientific director of the non-profit organization Marco Berry and Hargeisa’s government adviser: “When I arrived in 2011, there was nothing. I immediately liked the idea of ​​a hospital that works, more so on a generic concept of charity, on conscious solidarity towards a country ignored by the world. The hospital in the country that is not there. Because the peaceful Somaliland is a geopolitical paradox, not recognized by the international community that has always covered the aid of the neighboring Somalia of the el shebabs and the Islamic courts. For a quarter of a century and independent from Mogadishu – after a war that cost hundreds of thousands of deaths, a million refugees, Hargeisa was destroyed to the ground by the bombs of Siad Barre – Somaliland today has its own currency, army, and government. And it is a small miracle of African stability: the last elections were held without shootings. Very poor land, the 4 million inhabitants live on, mainly, remittances from the Somaliland diaspora and some livestock sold to the rich in the Gulf. Few things give pride like the Mas hospital: “Nobody recognizes us as a state – smiles Khadra – but patients are sent to us, and so on …”. Despite a thousand problems: blackouts, to be corrected with generators; water, which is missing in half the capital; salaries and supplies to pay, “we have collected 200 thousand dollars of charity, but they are never enough”. And above all the spare parts: “If you break an anesthesia machine, how do you repair it? The last time a volunteer came from Florence. But now we would like to train our technicians “. The new surgical pavilion has just been dedicated to Professor Abbruzzese: We owed it to her. You Italians do a lot for us. But we know it: one day Africa will have to learn to help itself. Note: Translated via Google Translation tool
  6. A Miami federal judge has further halted the expulsion of 92 Somalis suing the U.S. government for turning them into potential targets of an extremist group with a botched deportation flight. Judge Darrin Gayles said he will decide by Jan. 22 whether he can grant them a longer stay while they reopen their immigration cases to again fight deportation. The lawsuit says the Somalis sat shackled on an airplane for two days, some urinating on themselves. The December flight reached Senegal and returned to the U.S. because the relief crew was not rested. ACLU attorney Lee Gelernt said news of the botched flight has put the immigrants at risk, arguing Somalia-based Al-Shabab targets people returned from the U.S. A truck bombing blamed on the group killed 512 in October. ABC
  7. DJIBOUTI— President Musa Bihi Abdi and his delegation attended a reception, held in his honor by Somaliland community in Djibouti.
  8. MP Baar Saeed HARGEISA–Not only do women make up 70% of voters in Somaliland they also overwhelmingly voted President Muse Behi into office during the November 2017 elections. This was stated Somaliland Member of Parliament Baar Saaed who happens to be the only woman legislator in the country while decrying the few positions women were appointed to in the President Behi cabinet. MP Baar Saaed who also touched on the recent visit to Sanaag region by the Somalia federal government’s Minister of Planning said that support for the needy shall be accepted from any quarters. On the appointment of 2 women as full ministers and one deputy in the 23 members cabinet of President Muse Behi, the legislator said that this was less than 15% thence more action still awaited on availing a semblance of balance. Said she “Mr President it is indisputable that over 70% of your winning votes came from women, therefore imperative that you accord them, women, a fair share of senior posts” On the recent controversial visit to eastern parts of Sanaag region by Jamal Mohamed Hasan the Somalia planning minister Jamal Mohamed Hasan, MP Baar Saeed who represents the region said that being from the area himself the minister had rights to commune with family and relatives Though it is his home town the Mogadishu based planning minister should also be well versed on protocols that govern movement of one country”s official to another” said MP Baar adding that it was a political error. Despite the broken etiquettes the legislator was quick to acknowledge that the the millions in dollars the Somalia planning minister brought towards upgrading the Bosaso Erigavo Road is much welcomed. Stressing on the fact that Sanaag region has been marginalized by all administrations of Somaliland as pertains access to public services, MP Baar Saaed was but equivocal to the welcome of support from any quarters. Horn
  9. HARGEISA— The transfer of of the Somaliland Airspace Control to Somalia was authorized by the administration of immediate past president Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo. This was revealed by former Somalia aviation minister Saaed Jama Qorsheel during an interview with Goob-jog TV in Mogadishu where he also named former minister Mahmud Hashi Abdi as signatory. Terming his former counterpart as a man of stature Mr Qorsheel said that during the internationally sanctioned talks between the two countries, Airspace management was deemed as a priority. “Considering that the airspace of both Somaliland and Somalia was under the management of foreigners based in Nairobi the two negotiating teams were unanimous in the imperatives reassuming Control. Stressing on the fact that it was initially agreed to established a joint management body based in Hargeisa , Mr Qorsheel said that a number of reasons among them the need to have the body in the capital mitigated against “It is therefore no wonder that the foreigners have now handed over to a Mogadishu based authority, this for the simple reason that it is capital of entire Somalia. Praising Mahmud Hashi Abdi his former aviation counterpart before transferring to his last position as presidency minister, Saeed Jama Qorsheel said that he found him to be a person whose heart was in the development of his country. “While signing to transfer authority to Somalia, Mahmud Hashi never earned a penny” said Qorsheel adding that the motive behind was first to assume local control and subsequently the accruing benefits from all the airliners that over fly Somalia. The International Civil Avition Authority-ICAO a UN body that has been in charge of Somaliland Somalia Airspace contraol for over two decades handed over to the Somalia civila aviation authority last month. In the meantime the revelations by Qorsheel puts to rest questions related to this affair that has brewed controversy within Somaliland. Hornnewspaper
  10. Puntland accuses Somaliland of supporting terrorism while Somaliland blamed Somalia federal government of meddling its internal matters. HARGEISA— As Somaliland & Puntland armed forces clash early on Monday, Information minister of Puntland, Hon. Ahmed Abdilahi Yusuf has accused Somaliland authority of supporting terrorism in Puntland. Puntland has claimed that Somaliland launched an assault in Tukaraq and speaking to Somali BBC services, he told that Somaliland is aiding and abetting the terrorist groups that Puntland is waging against war in Gal Gala. “The act of aggression is interpreted as support to terrorism in Puntland and we are telling the international community that Somaliland will be held accountable of its mobilization that it has initiated in Sool region,” said the minister. Mr. Ahmed, Puntland’s information minister said that Somaliland has occupied the territory by force and cannot claim the ownership. Somaliland authority has accused Somali government of meddling its internal matters. This was disclosed by the minister of information, Hon. Abdirahman Guri Barwako who has said loud and clear on Somalia’s destabilization attempts. The minister has unequivocally said that Somaliland has lost the patience to bear with the constant meddling of its internal affairs as far as Puntland and Somaliland armed forces clash is concerned. Somali government has undertaken attempts to instigate unrest in Somaliland and ordered Puntland forces to attack traditional leaders, Garaad Jaama Garad Ali and Garad Jama Garaad Ismail which took place in Qoriley, said the minister. Somaliland Information minister went on to say that Somalia’s planning minister accompanied by Puntalnd’s Internal security minister went to Badhan which is a clear violation of Somaliland’s territorial integrity. Heavily armed soldiers were escorting to ministers during their stay in Badhan and Dhahar. They have delivered speeches which were meant to incite unrest in Somaliland. Hon. Abdirahman has said that Somaliland won’t tolerate such acts of destabilization and in meddling its internal affairs. The minister has apprised of neighboring countries that Somaliland is law abiding and peace loving and further called on Somalia to refrain from these meddling. This is a press release issued by Puntland authority.
  11. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Nugaal Cumar Cabdulaahi Faraweyne ayaa sheegay in caawa laga bilaabo dowladda Puntland ay hakisay nooc walba gadiidkii ka imaan jiray degaanada Maamulka Somaliland, islamarkaana aysan jiri doonin gaadiid hadda kadib ka gudbidoono Puntland una gudbidoona Somaliland. Gudoomiyaha gobolka Nugaal ayaa sheegay tilaabadaan inay dowladda kaga jawaabayso daandaansiga maamulka Hargeysa iyo falkii maanta maleyshiyadooda ka geysteen degmada Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool. Halkaan hoose ka dhegayso. Guddoomiyaha gobalka Nugaal Cumar Faraweyne
  12. Sudanese Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Emad al-Din Mustafa Adawi ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia–Sudanese Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Emad al-Din Mustafa Adawi visited capital Addis Ababa on Monday, just two days after Sudan shut its eastern border with Eritrea, according to state-affiliated FANA broadcasting service. Gen. Adawi met Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn in the capital. Last year, the two countries had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance joint security and military cooperation between the two neighboring countries in the fight against terrorism, FANA said. The closure of the border by Sudan came amid reports that Egypt and the United Arab Emirates had set up a military camp in Sawa in Eritrea, a northern neighbor to Ethiopia. Eritrea, however, denies giving permission to Egyptian and Emirati military for any such activity. According to some analysts, Egypt might want to use Eritrea as a pawn in its relations with Ethiopia, whose $4.8billion hydro dam project made Egypt uneasy. Eritrea seceded from Ethiopia in 1993 and between 1998 and 2000 the two countries fought a bloody war in which 70,000 people were believed to have been perished. AA
  13. A court in the breakaway republic of Somaliland has sentenced two journalists to two years in prison each for “publishing propaganda”, a local rights group says. Mohamed Abdullahi Dabshid of London-based Kalsan TV and Ahmed Diriye, a manager at the Somali Broadcasting Corporation, were accused of publishing “subversive and anti-national propaganda”, the Somaliland-based Human Rights Centre (HRC) said. The charges against the journalists are linked to a story claiming Ethiopian militiamen were being trained in Somaliland. HRC’S head, Guleid Ahmed Jama, condemned the sentencing of the journalists, adding that “journalism is not a crime”. A lawyer for the journalists said he will appeal against the convictions. Somaliland possesses a vibrant and diverse range of news media, but human rights organisations say its media laws are restrictive. Somaliland declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991 but it has yet to achieve any formal international recognition as a sovereign state.
  14. The deadliest attack of 2017 was a truck bomb in the Somali capital Mogadishu in October that killed more than 500 people. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. The self-declared republic of Somaliland has passed a law against rape for the first time. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. The Somali Community in Zambia has donated 35 trucks to the government which will be used for garbage collection. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. The self-declared republic of Somaliland has passed a law against rape for the first time. In the past, the victim could be forced to marry the rapist and the families would support such a resolution to hide the shame attached to rape. Rapists now stand to face at least 30 years in prison. Somaliland’s speaker of parliament, Bashe Mohamed Farah, told the BBC that rape cases have risen and he hoped the new law would help stop that trend. “Nowadays we have seen even people carrying out gang rapes,” he said. “The main emphasis of the new act is to completely stop rape. The new law has come in after years of lobbying by children and women’s rights advocates. Faisa Ali Yusuf of the Women’s Agenda Forum told the BBC they’ve been waiting for such legislation for a very long time. The BBC’s Anne Soy explains that this comes within the context of the self-declared republic being keen to be seen internationally as a viable democracy with functioning institutions. It declared itself independent from the rest of Somalia in 1991 but is not internationally recognised as a country. Our correspondent says there is still no law against rape in Somalia. BBC
  18. Mogadishu (HOL) - An Iranian Naval Commander has said that piracy off the coast of Somalia is being fuelled by certain powers to undermine the economy of Iran. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. BEIJING — One of the BBC’s top journalists, Carrie Gracie, has resigned from her China post over what she called a “secretive and illegal” pay structure that had her male peers making 50 percent more than her. In an open letter published Sunday evening, Gracie, who served as China editor, said the public broadcaster faced a “crisis of trust” because it routinely paid men more than women for the same work. “The BBC belongs to you, the licence fee payer. I believe you have a right to know that it is breaking equality law and resisting pressure for a fair and transparent pay structure,” she wrote. The BBC’s superb China editor steps down over equal pay after discovering she is paid 50% less than male counterparts @bbccarrie #istandwithcarrie — Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) January 7, 2018 Gracie’s resignation comes after the BBC went public with a list of its highest-paid employees — and the vast majority were men. The disclosures saw some of the BBC’s biggest stars, including Gracie, calling publicly for pay equity using the hashtag “#BBCWomen.” The BBC conducted an audit, only to determine there was no gap — a finding Gracie contests. In the letter, Gracie said the BBC has four international editors, two male and two female. She said she learned last summer that the two men earned 50 percent more than the two women. “Despite the BBC’s public insistence that my appointment demonstrated its commitment to gender equality, and despite my own insistence that equality was a condition of taking up the post, my managers had yet again judged that women’s work was worth much less than men’s,” she wrote. Gracie asked for parity, but did not get it. So, she is leaving the China post and returning to the newsroom, where she “expects to be paid equally.” “Enough is enough. The rise of China is one of the biggest stories of our time and one of the hardest to tell. I cannot do it justice while battling my bosses and a byzantine complaints process,” she wrote. Journalists in both Britain and China applauded her and expressed solidarity using the hashtag “#IStandWithCarrie.” Worked as @BBCCarrie’s producer for 3 years. She’s the best of the BBC: talented, hard working, & always asking tough questions. #bbcwomen for #equalpay — Maria Byrne (@byrnemaria) January 7, 2018 Gracie closed her letter by calling on all companies — not just the BBC — to pay women what they are worth. “We are by no means the only workplace with hidden pay discrimination and the pressure for transparency is only growing. I hope rival news organisations will not use this letter as a stick with which to beat the BBC, but instead reflect on their own equality issues,” she wrote. Source: – Washingtonpost The post A top BBC editor found out male peers were earning 50 percent more. So she resigned. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Garoowe (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha JFS Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo Hogaamiyaha maamul goboleedka Puntland Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa si wada jir ah u daah-furay Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Janaraal Maxamed Abshir Muuse ee magaalada Garoowe. Daah-furka ayaa waxaa ka qeybgalay Madax ka kala socota Dowladda Federaalka Somalia ,Puntland, Beesha Caalamka iyo Marti sharaf kale oo intooda badan bogaadiyay hanaanka loo diyaariyay munaasabada. Waxaa ku sugnaa goobta ay ka dhaceysay daah-furka wafdi ka yimid dalalka Jabouti iyo Ethiopia oo marti galin ka helay Hogaamiyaha maamulka Puntland Cabdiweli Gaas. Garoonka diyaaradaha Garowe ayaa loogu magac daray Jeneraal Maxamad Abshir Hammaan, waxa uuna aad uga quruxbadan yahay Garoomada kale ee ku yaala dalka. Farmaajo ayaa shalay gaaray magaalada garoowe halkaas oo ay uga bilaabatay Booqasho maalmo qaadan doonto oo uu ku marayo deegaano ka tirsan Dowladda Goboleedyada Puntland iyo Galmudug. The post Sawirro: Sidee ayey Farmaajo & Gaas u daah-fureen Garoonka diyaaradaha cusub ee Janaraal Maxamed Abshir appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. Magaalada Tuko raq waxaa gacanta ku dhigay subaxnimadii horre ee maanta Ciidamo ka amar qaadanaya maamulka Somaliland oo ku hubaysan noocyadda kala duwan ee dabaabaadka dagaalka, Iyadoona halkaas laga baacsadey ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda Puntland. Ciidanka Somaliland ayaa qiyaastii 4 KM meel ka durugsan Tuko-Raq oo ka xigta dhinaca Tuulada Geed-Qaboobe dhigtey bar kantarool halka ciidanka Puntland ee saaka laga qabsadey Tuko-Raq fariisimo ka samaysteen qiyaastii meel 6 KM u jirta Tuko-Raq. Jawiga goobtu wuxuu u muuqday saansaan dagaal wallow aysan jirin gurmadyo xoog leh oo ay halkaas geysay Dowladda Puntland marka laga reebo ciidamada kumaandoosta Danab oo ahaa kuwa saaka dagaalku dhexmarey ciidanka Somaliland ee qabsadey Tuulada Tuko raq. Wasiirka Duulista Hawada iyo Garoomadda Puntland Axmed Cismaan Cilmi (Axmed Karaash) Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Nugaal Cumar Faraweyne iyo Gudoomiye kuxigeenka 2aad ee baarlamanka Puntland Xuseen Xaaji Yaasiin oo gaarey jiida ay isku horfadhiyaan Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa ku hawlan abaabulka dhaq dhaqaaq ciidan oo ay Puntland doonayso inay isaga difaacdo Somaliland. Xaalada ay ku sugan yihiin ciidanka Puntland ayaa u muuqata mid jawiyo badan oo dayac xoog leh uu ka jiro marka loo eego gurmadka iyo taakulada u tagtey tan iyo intii ka dambeysay dagaalkii saaka dhexmarey ciidamada Somaliland, kuwaas oo laga qabsadey saldhigii ay ku lahaayeen Tuko raq, Islamarkaana ma jiraan adeegyo raashin, gogol iyo caafimaad oo ay halkaas gaarsiisay Xukuumadda Puntland. Qisooyinka la yaabka leh ee Puntland kasoo wajahay duulaanka Somaliland ku qabsatey Tuko raq waxaa ka mid ah Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland Eng Cabdixakiin Cabdulaahi Cumar Camay oo maanta halkaas u direy gawaaridii ilaalada u ahayd inay ka qeybgalaan difaaca ciidamada Puntland Iyadoona taas bedelkeeda uu doortey Mudane Camay isaga oo bilaa ilaalo ah inuu kaga haro magaalada Garowe. Puntland waxaa dagaal laba dhinac ah kaga furun yahay buuraha Bariga, halkaas oo ay ciidamadu mudo sanado badan ah kula dagaalamayeen xoogag ka tirsan ururada Al-shabaab iyo Daacish, inkastoo Puntland ay inta badan ka gacan saraysay ururadaas, hadana waxaa khuburadda Mileteriga ee Puntland jooga ay marwalba ka digayeen in Ciidamada daraawiish-da aysan lahayn cududii ay amniga xuduudaha ku hanan lahaayeen, taas oo ay bedelkoodii galeen ciidamo ay maalgeliyaan wadamada Maraykanka iyo Imaaraadka. Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa markii uu xukunka qabtay isku dayey in uu Dib u habayn (Reform) ku samaayo Ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland, qorshahaas oo fashil ku dhamaaday sida ay Puntland Post u sheegeen ilo xog – ogaal ah, Waxayna Ciidamadii mar ahaan jiray Ciidamado goboleedka ugu xoogan Soomaaliya ay ku dambeeyeey kuwo aan lahayn cudud isku duuban. PUNTLAND POST Aaga Tuka-Raq The post Warbixintii ugu dambaysay deegaan Tukaraq appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. DEG_DEG:- Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntkand ayaa gabi ahaan joojiyay xafladii 8-da Januray oo uu ugu dabaal dagi lahaa sannad guuradiisii 4-aad ee kasoo wareegtay markii xilka loo doortay. Warar ay Puntlandi heshay ayaa sheegaya inuu Madaxweynuhu xaalad dagaal ujoojiyay dabaal degaas oo caawo lagu waday inuu ka dhaco xarunta madaxtooyada. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu si degdeg ah guddi ugu magacaabay arrintii ka dhacday Tukaraq. Madaxweyne Gaas waxaa kale oo la filayaa inuu ka baaqdo safar maalinta berrito la qorsheynayo inuu madaxweyne Farmaajo ugu ambo baxo Qardho iyo Bosaso, sababo la xiriira xaaladahaan soo korordhay. Garowe
  23. MOGADISHU, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- Military forces from Somalia's Somaliland Monday took control of a town under the region of Puntland following a fierce fight. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. SAN DIEGO >> The Trump administration faces a Monday deadline on whether to extend protections that would allow nearly 200,000 Salvadorans to stay in the U.S. legally. Source: Hiiraan Online
  25. Mogadishu (HOL) - African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said it will intensify training and mentoring of Somali police this year ahead of AU troop exit. Source: Hiiraan Online