Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Mahadad (Caasimadda Online) – Iska hor imaad dhex maray ciidamada dowladda Somaaliya oo dhexdooda ku dagaalamay degmada Mahadaay ee Gobolka Sh/Dhexe ayaa lagu dilay aska dhowr ah. Wararka laga helayo Mahadaay ayaa sheegaya in saddex askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda ay ku geeriyoodeeny iska horimaadka ka dhacay Magaalada Mahadaay, kadib markii ay isku qabteen lacag laga qaado ganacsatada Qaadka geysa Magaaladaasi, kadibna ay dagaalameen. Ciidanka is fara saaray ayaa ku murmay qaabka ay u qaybsanayaan lacagta laga qaado ganacsatada Qaadka, waxaana taasi ay keentay in ciidamada dhexdooda ka dagaalamaan, saddexda askari ee ay iska dileen ka sokow ayaa la sheegay inuu jiro qasaare kale dhaawacyo ah. Ciidamada dowladda ayaa inta badan dhexdooda is fara saara, taasoo ay ugu wacan tahay iyadoo aanay jirin qaab ciidan rasmi ah, ayna ciidamada u badan yihin kuwo beeleed oo aan lahay dishilibiliin ciidan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Faahfaahin: Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya oo dhexdooda dagaalamay iyo Askar la dilay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. I want to share as a labour citizen of Somaliland that Labours right are not really applied in our country and I to inform the New Minister of Justice who is young and represents the Youth of Somaliland in general, and as part Of Somaliland Youth citizen’s I believe that he will change a lot and will be the shoulder that Somalilanders will lean on so that we get our rightful rights. I started working with Acacia Enterprises who was in charge of delivering Interpret consultant to Adam Smith International in 13 June 2015 and who gave me a contract that ended on the 27th January 2016. I started working with Safe Way Travel agency & Logistic who contacted me in April 2016 for a a couple of days Judiciary training Translation in Ambassador & I fully started with Safe Way Travel Agency & logistics on regular bases from 26 of September 2016 till 07 January 2018 in which I received my payment. On my first pay check payments Adam Yussuf Suleiman who is in charge of Safe-way called me to fetch my check at Dahabshiil mall building in which they have an office, when I joined him there instead of giving me the check he said wait I want talk to you give me a minute because he was with some and after he was done I asked if he was going to pay me in cash but he said that he was giving me a check and that he had it in his pocked. We walked into Dahabshiil Bank and he started saying that there were other consultants working previously with Safe-way and that he Was The one making sure that I always get the priority to be called for duty, by finally saying that I just give him a cut from my work payments. I got very angry and said give me my check and he handed it to me saying he was gonna call me! As soon as I went out Of The bank after withdrawing the money I downloaded a call recorder app as proof so that I could report it to law enforcement but unfortunately he didn’t and I didn’t stop there I informed one Of The senior stuff that Adam Yussuf Suleiman asked me to give him a cut from my hardworking earnings because he Was The one making sure that I get assigned to when ever a consultant interpret is needed. I have asked many times that they should give me a contract but they always gave me excuses saying they were busy and I finally said to Adam Yusauf Suleiman that I needed a contract this year on January the third in person but as Safe-way travel agency & logistics is known after I had done some investigations it seems that Safe-way doesn’t give any contracts to it’s personels at all. I wouldn’t be writing about this if I could get justice because in Somaliland all workers get extorted due to the lack of job opportunities and employees had been entrapped in this vicious circle of extortion for a longtime and it doesn’t stand here even in all applied international non-governmental organisations recruitments are subject to it as as well even drivers and rented cars of any INGO’s gets extorted and has to give a cut of their payments to the logistics person in charge. I know my rights and am a man with strong convictions who can speak for himself but not all employees are like me because they bend their heads to keep their jobs no matter how their rights are violated in their line of work that’s why am whistle blowing because enough is enough and this is a national issue that has to be breaken and that every body has to report it to this new government that looks highly promising by putting all their trusts in so that we all get Justice. And am here to inform the foreign common wealth office in Hargeisa that they should look at the backgrounds of any company they using as a logistics that the consultant interprets got contracts with their personel before offering them any contracts and specially to Axiom International. Safe-Way Travel Agency & Logistics get rid of me indirectly with out notice just because I asked for a contract and that I also had a professional great attitude with all Axiom International Consultants that I had to work with. As labor creates the wealth of the country, we demand the passage of such laws as may be necessary to protect it in all its rights.” — John Peter Altgeld By: ADEN ABDI DAHER
  3. Puntland, a provincial administration in Somalia is reported to be amassing troops in the front lines in Tukaraq, a town which lies 40 km from its capital, Garowe. Both forces clashed yesterday and resulted that Somaliland authority overpowered soldiers from Puntland and took control of the town easily. It is said that Puntland have deployed tanks and armored personnel carriers along areas nearby Takaruq where the two forces are about to clash once again. both have locked horns over territorial ownership of Sool, Sanaag and Ayn regions. The regions belong to Somaliland in terms of geographic location as there is a border demarcation which dates back to the colonial era. Britain colonized Somaliland and did the border demarcation. Puntland claims the territory by clan affiliation. The two authorities have accused each other of starting the war. Puntland also blames Somaliland of harbouring and supporting terrorist movements inside Puntland. Somaliland has said that Puntland is encroaching on its territory and has the right to defend against any aggression. Because of the tense situation, Puntland has restricted the traffic between Lasanod and Garowe. The sources said that Puntland sent army troops to those in the front line in retaliation to Somaliland which took control of Tukaraq.
  4. Taliska guutada 5aad qeyteeda 72-aad ee ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed kana howlgala gobolka Hiiraan ayaa faah-faahin ka bixiyey dagaal dhexmaray ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa xarakada Al-shabaab dagaalkaan ayaa waxaa uu ka dhacay deegaanka Garbo ee gobolka Hiiraan. Dagaalkaan ayaa dhacaya xilli deegaannada u dhaxeeya Baladweyne iyo Maxaas maalinkii 2aad ay ka socdaan howgallo lagu furayo waddooyinka ayna ka wadaan ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Amisom. Taliyaha qeybta 5-aad ee ciidamada xoogga dalka ee ku sugan gobolka Hiiraan sarreeyo Guuto Tawane Axmed ayaa sheegay in deegaanno badan oo markii hore fariisin u ahaa Al-shabaab ay saacadihii la soo dhaafay ciidanka xoogga ay gacanta ku dhigeen. “Howlgallo ayaa ka bilowday Gobolkaan Hiraan aagga u dhaxeeya degmooyinka Maxaas iyo Matabaan ayaa Al-shabaab waxay isku dayeen inay jidadka ay ka jaraan dadka oo magaalooyinka ay kala jaraan sida caadada u ah dadka ayay ku dhibaateeyaan xoolo baadna waa ay uga qaadaan, meeshaan howlgal ayaa ka bilowday sideedii bisha “. Hiiraan waxaa ay ka mid tahay gobollada sida joogtada ah ugu dagaalaan dowladda federaalka ah iyo Al-shabaab, Source
  5. President Rayaale’s visit to Djibouti was a strategic milestone at the right time at the right place. Politics is the art of the possible and President Rayaale and President Gelle acted pragmatically seizing the right opportunity with shrewdness. This rapprochement between them after a stalmate of relations since 2005 is a great step in the right direction strategically, economically and politically. Somaliland people’s total support to Djibouti is a noble and legitimate duty to give all possible assistance to their brothers and sisters at this juncture against the naked aggression of Eritrea. The two populations are kith and kin. Many Somalilanders have family members and other close relatives in Djibouti and vice versa. Loss of Djiboutian lives is a loss of lives of Somaliland people too and that is the bottom line. Therefore, Somaliland people and their government are bound to provide unreserved support morally and materially to their brothers and sisters. Over the decades the two people have helped each other when one needed the other’s assistance and support. Amongst others following are some examples to reflect on: When Djibouti people were fighting for their freedom against France Somaliland people gave them all possible support morally, politically, and economically. One cannot forget the continuous patriotic plays, songs, poems, demonstrations and campaigns that Somaliland people young and old were engaged to support the struggle of Djibouti people to gain their freedom from the French colonial power. Additionally Somaliland people warmly welcomed their displaced and exiled brothers and sisters as well as the freedom fighters that were trained in Somaliland. Somalilanders warmly welcomed and opened their homes for them and schools were free for the younger generation. It is a fact that many, who are now key players and holding high offices in Djibouti, were educated and trained in Somaliland. The widow of late leader, Mohamoud Harbi (God Bless His Soul) said it all in an interview with the BBC in 2004. In turn Djibouti people and their government helped Somaliland people during their struggle against the tyrant and despotic military dictatorship headed by Siad Barre. I for one was in exile and received a safe haven in Djibouti from 1981-1986. Many Somalilanders including myself established thriving and successful businesses in Djibouti. It is a fact that Djibouti was the safety net for Somaliland people during these horrible years that they were subjected to all kinds of humiliation, repression and atrocities that were tantamount to genocide and sever economic sanctions and embargo by Siad Barre. When Berbera Port was virtually closed and shipments valued over $300 million dollars were looted in 1980-81 Djibouti became the gateway and lifeblood for the livelihood and survival of Somaliland people. Djibouti was the safe heaven that a mother could come to Djibouti to see her beloved son or a wife could meet with her husband. There are hundreds of cases that are on record that I and other SNM Djibouti Group personally experienced, facilitated and witnessed. Imagine an SNM mujahid from the field who meets his wife and/or his mother in Djibouti. On the other hand Djibouti people and their government benefited from the transit trade to Somaliland. The Djibouti economy flourished and the entrepreneurial skills of Somalilanders positively impacted on Djibouti economy, transforming the Djibouti private sector paradigm which was primarily dominated by Arabs and relatively few longstanding Somali and Afar businessmen. This was a win-win situation and a best practice for regional co-operation and strategic alliance in economic and business development in the context of global economy and trade. During these dark days and years Djibouti was not only the gateway for those in Somaliland but also for the SNM based in Ethiopia. Huge funds were raised for SNM by Somaliland exiles in Djibouti and persuaded Djibouti supports to do the same. Even women collected funds and set up their own networks doing their bit, helping families from Somaliland whose husbands were detained by Said Bare or were SNM members. The dedication of these women and their leadership was second to none and will never ever be forgotten and will be written for the young generation and posterity one day Insha Allah. SNM was a movement operating in many countries, inside Somaliland/Somalia and in the field and it did not and will not belong to one group or the other but was a movement by the people and for the people and every group had a role to play to liberate the Somaliland people against the yoke of Siad Bare tyranny. I wonder when I hear one group claiming SNM exclusively at the expense of the other groups. SNM launched a major attack in 1984 known as the ‘war of the mountains’. It is a fact that many SNM fighters lost their lives but the despotic dictatorship lost thousands and the rest lost the morale and nerve to face SNM fighters any longer. This war boosted the moral of SNM and gave the opportunity to gain experience in massive assault and compact and to make effective links with the Somaliland people on a large scale winning their minds and hearts. However in this period SNM was in its early formative years and lacked resources particularly vehicles. In this war SNM fighters used their bare feet to penetrate inside the country – this was a great ordeal for them to endure. When the SNM military leadership carried out an assessment on the war the major deficiency was lack of trucks. In early 1985 the SNM Defence Minister Adan Shinne (God Bless His Soul) wrote to us (Djibouti SNM Group) a letter demanding that trucks to be sent immediately as without them no longer would it be feasible to carry out major attacks or even to continue the struggle. This was a major challenge to us – some how we could get the trucks but how it would be possible to send them to Diredhawa? Thanks to God we managed to persuade 17 daring truck owners whom few of them are alive at present and May Allah Bless The Soul of those who passed away. The Djibouti government under the leadership of Haji Hassan Guleid (God Bless His Soul) and current President Ismail Omer Gelle, who was at that time head of Djibouti intelligence, gave us their unswerving pledge and go ahead. We were told that every couple days two trucks would be sent with the train to Diredhawa as it was too risky to send many trucks in one go for several reasons that convinced us the decision made. When the first two trucks left for Diredhawa Siad Bare sent a high level delegation to persuade Djibouti government to stop sending the rest of trucks. To make the story short the Djibouti government rejected Siad Bare appeal and the delegation returned to Somalia empty handed and within three weeks all the trucks reached Diredhawa. This boosted SNM morale, and above all convinced the Ethiopian authority that SNM was a major player with the backing of Djibouti government and Djibouti and Somaliland people. God Bless The Soul of many members of SNM Djibouti colleagues who are not with us today. There were many other episodes that the Djibouti people and their government helped Somaliland people during their struggle against Siad Bare. I fully understand that many Somalilanders particularly young generations are not aware of the unprecedented and unforgettable assistance by Djibouti people and their government to Somaliland people at time of dire need when SNM was at embryonic stage. I believe it is about time to set the record straight that the Djibouti people helped Somalilanders during their struggle under the tacit approval and leadership by the Djibouti government. I strongly believe in miracles and one of the spiritual leaders of Somaliland who was one of the initiators of the resistance and struggle against Siad Bare once said ‘The situation will become difficult and unbearable one time and Djibouti will be where you will get sanctuary and support for the struggle’. When Djibouti rejected the Pan Somalism and opted to become a unilateral country many Somali people were upset and angry but they were wrong as the Almighty God knows better. Somaliland has been a de facto independent sovereign state for the last 17 years and is a remarkably stable country with a democratically elected president, parliament and local government councils. The right to self-determination, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) and International Covenants of Human Rights, states that “all people have the right of self-determination” and that by virtue of that right they are free to determine their political status to pursue their economic, social and cultural development. It is unfair that the international community has thus far refused to recognise Somaliland ignoring the achievements of Somaliland people and the shining home grown democracy which is rare in Africa and many developing countries. This is a gross violation to the basic human rights of the people of Somaliland, who have struggled to build a stable and peaceful democracy with limited external assistance. The United Nations and World Bank Joint Needs Assessment (2006) on Somaliland underline that: “Since the beginning of the 1990s, Somaliland has seen remarkable progress on many fronts, not least in a unique reconciliation process, the creation and implementation of functioning governance and judiciary systems, and a democratisation process that has led to free and fair elections and multiparty legislative system. This has been made possible primarily through active involvement of a vibrant private sector, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society, the participation of traditional leaders, and large inflows of remittances”. To say the least it is double standard and discriminatory that Somaliland people to be a kept hostage by the International Community for Somalia – whether ungovernable as the situation has been for the last 17 years or if at all governable in the future! Under the international law Somaliland people decided for their future and regained their freedom they rejected 48 years ago and they have all the right to do so. Somaliland people have successfully and peacefully fulfilled the democratic process and decided their own destiny democratically. The Somaliland people hope the Djibouti government to spearhead the long over due recognition. A lot of distinguished politicians, academicians, researchers and commentators across the world are calling the international community to be realistic about the permanent and drastic shift and change of the paradigm that the so called “Great Somalia with 5 Stars“ was based. On 28th July 2003 the highly credible lobby group, International Crisis Group, based in Brussels issued a comprehensive report on Somaliland: Democratisation and its Discontents. This report is highly recommended to all interested parties to understand the history and present situation of Somaliland. The report highlights: “Somaliland’s democratisation renders the prospects for reunification with the rest of Somalia increasingly improbable, not only because the aspiring state’s political institutions have little in common with the kinds of interim, factional arrangements likely to emerge in the south, but also because its leadership is becoming more accountable to its electorate – the majority of whom no longer desire any form of association with Somalia”. It is unfair and injustice that the international community pursues this redundant and bankrupt strategy against the wishes of Somaliland people who find this disconcerting, upsetting, unfair and downright disgrace that the world has stood by for this long keeping Somaliland in the cold and not respecting their legitimate wish and rights. What will it take Djibouti government to take the right stand on the sovereignty of Somaliland and put this international injustice to an end? Politics is the art of the possible and the Somaliland people expect that president Ismail Omer Gelle will seize the moment and bravely make the right decision, using his proven intellectual, political and leadership skills. “Where there is a will there is a way” and the key is the Djibouti government as all the roads lead to Djibouti City at present! By Eid Alisalan Ahmed Eid is Chartered Fellow of the UK Institute of Personnel & Development and is an active campaigner and lobbyist for Somaliland. He is one of the initiators and founders of SNM & UFFO Group.
  6. FILE PHOTO – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (R) and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki (L) Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki arrived in Cairo on Tuesday for a two-day visit for talks with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi. The two leaders are expected to hold talks about bilateral relations and developments in the Nile basin countries and Horn of Africa, the official MENA news agency said. The visit, the fifth by the Eritrean president, comes amid tension between Egypt and Sudan over a border dispute. Khartoum accuses Cairo of backing rebels in Sudan, a claim denied by Egypt, while Egyptian media criticize Sudanese authorities for supporting a mega Nile project being built by Ethiopia, which Cairo fears it would reduce its Nile water share.
  7. The Rwandan President, Paul Kagame is expected to chair the forthcoming session of the AU Assembly of the Heads of State and Government in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa this month from 28th to 29th. The summit is expected to discuss many other issues on continental affairs including the conflict and revitalization peace efforts in the war torn South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, and other African Countries facing insecurity as well as economic factors. South Sudanese warring parties, SPLM-IG, SPLM-IO and former detainees are expected to be at the side-line of the submit in Addis Ababa in February to discuss the revitalization matter of the peace process. Rwandan President Paul Kagame who is chairing the Assembly took the chairmanship from Guinean President, Alpha Conde last year in an African Union election in Ethiopia. Kagame is tasked to tackle continental issues and to reform the AU Commission and make it more efficient and effective. Gurtong
  8. The lack of trust for federal security forces in Ethiopia’s biggest regional states has been identified as the main security headache the country faces. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. The CPJ’s phone calls to Somaliland’s chief justice, Adam Haji Ali, were not answered NAIROBI, Kenya, January 9–A Somaliland regional court yesterday sentenced journalists Mohamed Abdilaahi Dabshid and Ahmed Dirie Liltire, to two years of prison on charges of conducting propaganda against the state, bringing Somaliland into contempt and “bringing the flag or national emblem of a foreign state” into contempt, according to a statement by the Human Rights Center (HRC), which quoted the lawyer in the case, Abibakar Sheikh Mohamoud.Police in the city of Borama arrested Mohamed and Ahmed on December 26, 2017, following the publication of a story they allegedly wrote for the privately owned news website Xeegonews, which reported that Ethiopian rebel militias were training in the Awdal region of Somaliland, Yahye Ahmed, executive director of the Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) and Guleid Ahmed Jama, chairperson of the Human Rights Center, a non-governmental organization based in Hargeisa, told CPJ. Guleid told CPJ that the story was quoted in the charge sheet against the two journalists but he could not find the story on the site and he had not seen it. CPJ could not locate the story on Xeegonews and the site’s owners did not respond to a January 4 email asking about Mohamed and Ahmed’s case. These heavy prison sentences are yet further evidence of the Somaliland government’s slow strangulation of media freedom “These heavy prison sentences are yet further evidence of the Somaliland government’s slow strangulation of media freedom,” said CPJ Deputy Executive Director Robert Mahoney in New York. “We demand the release of Mohamed Abdilaahi Dabshid and Ahmed Dirie Liltire pending appeal.” According to the HRC statement, the lawyer said the journalists will appeal the ruling. CPJ was unable to determine if an appeal has been scheduled. Somaliland’s information minister, Abdurrahman Abdullahi Farah, did not pick up repeated phone calls nor respond to text messages. The CPJ’s phone calls to Somaliland’s chief justice, Adam Haji Ali, were not answered. Salma Sheikh, who said that she is a management consultant and planning head for the information ministry, told CPJ that the office would look into the case in five days. In addition to their work for Xeegonews, Mohamed works for the privately owned Kalsan TV, and Ahmed works as a correspondent for the Puntland-based Somali Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), a non-governmental media group, Yahye Ahmed and Yahye Ismail Sheikh, the East Africa head of Kalsan TV, told CPJ. Conditions for journalists in semi-autonomous Somaliland have steadily deteriorated in recent months with authorities using allegations of false news to muzzle the press. One Somali journalist, Mohamed Adan Dirir, is serving a sentence of 18 months on charges of false news. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).
  10. Around 200 people were injured on Tuesday when two passenger trains collided in a suburb of South Africa’s main city Johannesburg, emergency services network ER24 said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Iran’s Navy Commander Khanzadi deemed Somalia piracy as a kind of terrorism formed in 2007 by proxy in a bid to undermine the Islamic Republic’s economy. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. Quebec opposition parties say they oppose designating the anniversary of a deadly Quebec mosque attack a national day to combat Islamophobia. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Waxaan daawaday wareysi 52 daqiiqo soconayay oo Cabdiraxmaan cabdishakuur uu siiyay warbaahinta la iska arko e soomaalida midkood, arragtidii aan ka heystay kolkii hore cabdiraxmaan, shaqsiyadiisa iyo siyaasadiisa ba aad bay isu badashay, markii horeba, tuhun soomaalida badankeed ay ka qabtay ayaa iiga jiray, wareysigga aan daawaday se waan ku xaqiiqsaday waxa u qarsoon cabdiraxmaan. Suaalaha la weydiinayay badankood si is bihin- bihis ah buu isu dhaafinayay, mida labba ama saddex mar lagu celiyana wuxuu ka bixinayay jawaab aan aheyn mida saxda ah oo qarda kale ayuu jeexanayay “war badni unbuu jawaab ka dhigayay”. Isagga oo caro badan ay ka muuqato ayuu wareysi aqbalay, horey na ka fadhiistay. hadalkiisu wuxuu u badnaa inta aan ku barranay oo dhaliil aan dhabihii lagu sixi lahaa la sheegeenin! su’aal la weydiiyay oo aheyd yaa dalkan ka taliya, jawaabta uu ka bixiyay ayaan aad ula yaabay see waxaan ka fahmay halka fikirka dowlad duminta ay ka gaarsiisan tahay cabdiraxmaan, cid walba ha ku adeegatee!. si aan xishood, gabasho iyo qajilaad ba uusan ku jirin ayuu u yiri “Koox yar oo Villa Somalia joogto oo wadanka markii ay argagixiso nimo ku qabsan waayeen isku dayaya dowladnimo inay ku qabsadaan! bal hadee Kooxda madaxtooyada joogta Farmaajo iyo Kheyre baa u tun weynee adigaba garro argagixisada uu sheegay! la yaab ka kale ma taqaan, ka waran cabdiraxmaan cabdishakuur hadii uu aaminsan yahay sheekooyinka fadhi ku diririka qaarkood lagala xishoodo, wuxuu la soo shirtagay Dowladda shaqaalo ayey warbaahinta ka qoratay oo wiilal iyo gabdho dadka caaya ayey Facebook ka shaqaaleesiisay, War illeen ibtilo badanaa!. inta aan hadalkiisa daawanayay kaliya waxaan ka fahmay inuu si u jeclaan lahaa madaxda inay is khilaafaan, oo wuxuu ku celceliyay khilaaf ka inaan laga ahaan karin. lagu mood cabdiraxmaan noqon se weyday. Waxaa qoray: Mohamed H. Ahmed Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid The post Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur: Sida aan mooday iyo sida uu noqday (Faalo xasaasi ah ) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Sports stadiums in Saudi Arabia will open their doors to women to attend football matches for the first time ever on Friday, the government has announced. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Garoowe (Caasimadda Online) – Degaansho cago badan aan ku taagneyn ayaa laga soo sheegayaa deegaannao ka tirsan gobolka Sool oo ay shalay ku dagaallameen ciidamada Puntland iyo Somaliland. Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Caasimadda Online ka heshay halka lagu dagaallamay ayaa sheegaya in Labada dhinac u kala tageen gurmadyo xooggan. Sidoo kale wararka ayaa sheegaya in dadkii ugu badnaa ay saakay isaga barakaceen deegaanka Tukaraq oo shalay subax lagu dagaallamay. Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa lahaa weerarka dagaalkan, kadib markii ay shalay dagaal ku qabsadeen deegaanka Tukaraq. Maamulka Puntland oo dagaalkan ka hadlay wuxuu sheegay in Somaliland uga dan leedahay carqaladeynta safarka madaxweyne Farmaajo ee deegaannada Puntland. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Wararkii Ugu Dambeeyay Xaaladda Deegananadii Ay Ku Dagaallameen Ciidamada Puntland Iyo Somaliland appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Military forces of two semiautonomous regions in Somalia clashed on Monday over a disputed border town. Local media reported that fierce fighting erupted in Tukaraq town in Sool region between Somaliland and Puntland armies in which the former took control of the town. The two warring sides did not report any casualties. Puntland accused Somaliland of “aggression” and claimed that the move was intended to jeopardise the visit by Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo. President Farmajo began his visit in Puntland on Sunday, the first since he took office in February last year. “Because of the blatant aggression, we are stopping the passage of vehicles from Puntland to Somaliland,” the regional commissioner of Nugal region in Puntland, Mr Omar Abdullahi Faraweyne, told journalists. In a statement, Somaliland authorities accused the Somali federal government of “incitement” saying its action could trigger hostilities. Somaliland’s Minister of Information, Abdirahman Abdillahi Guri-Barwaqo, pointed to a recent visit to Sanaag, another disputed region along the border, by Somalia’s minister of Planning and Puntland’s Security minister, accusing them of “inciting speeches”. “Somaliland and its people declare that they will not tolerate such situations and they are ready to defend their security and their country,” Mr Gur-Barwaqo told the BBC. Somaliland and Puntland both claim ownership of Sool and Sanaag regions that lie between them. Somaliland declared independence from the rest of Somalia in May 1991 and does not have any relations with the Somali federal government. But it has yet to achieve any formal international recognition as a sovereign state. East Africa
  17. Addis Ababa, January 8, 2018 (FBC) – Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn received and held talks here today with the Sudan Armed Force’s (SAF) Chief of the General Staff, Lt. General Emad al-Din Mustafa Adawi. The Lieutenant General handed over a letter from Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to PM Hailemariam. During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on bilateral, regional, continental and global issues, according to office of the Prime Minister. In the meeting, which focused on cementing cooperation, PM Hailemariam reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to further strengthen the ties between the two countries, Zadig Abrha, head of media and public relations deliverology unit at the PM office said. The cooperation between the two countries has been gaining momentum since the launching of the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Zadig said. Stating that Ethiopia is Sudan’s strategic partners, Adwi for his part said that the two countries will strengthen their cooperation so as to tackle their common challenges. During the meeting the two sides agreed to scale up their cooperation on various continental and global for a as well as to achieve their mutual benefit. Ethiopia and Sudan have strong social, political, and economic relations. Last year, the two countries also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) providing to enhance joint security and military cooperation between the two neighboring countries to fight terrorism. Translated and posted by Amare Asrat
  18. Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in Al-shabaab ay dhibka ku hayaan Soomaaliya oo dhan ee aanay jirin meel gaar ah oo dhibkooda ku egyahay. Waxa uu tilmaamay madaxweynaha in Al-shabaab markii ay cadaadis dareemeen ay u carareen Puntland iyo deegaanno kale oo gobollada Waqooyi ah. Sidoo kale, madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in si wadajir ah loola dagaallami doono Xarakada Al-shabaab meel walbo oo ay dalka ka joogaan, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye. “Dhibka Koonfurta yaalla Puntland iyo Waqooyi meel walbo wey yaalaan, dhibka kuwa nagu haya ee Shabaabka ah markii ay culeys dareemaan qasbiyan waxay aadi karaan meelaha ay is leeyihiin waad ku dhuuman kartaan, oo aan is leeyahay hadda iney bilaabeen iney soo galaan buuraha Puntland, isku mowqif ayaan ka nahay, isku furun baan ku jirnaa, waana la wada dagaaleynaa cadowgaas Soomaaliya haysta ee dhibka ku haya, haddi ay joogaan Puntland ama haddii ay joogaan Koonfur” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Farmaajo. Xubno ka tirsan Al-shabaab ayaa la sheegay in maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ay gaarayeen deegaanno ka tirsan Puntland. Goobjoog News Source
  19. Faah faahin dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa qara Miino oo saakay ka dhacay wadada Warshadaha ee magaalada Muqdisho. Miinadan oo la sheegay iney ku aasneyd dhulka ayaa lala eegtay gaari ay saarnaayeen ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Federaalka, gaar ahaan kuwa Booliiska. Qaraxan ayaa haleelay qeybta dambe ee gaariga, waxaana ku dhaawacantay Labo askari, sida ay warbaahinta u xaqiijiyeen saraakiil dhanka amniga ah. Goobta uu qaraxan ka dhacay waxaa gaaray ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Federaalka, kuwaasi oo halkaasi baaritaan ka bilaabay, balse lama sheegin cid ay arrintan usoo qabteen. Warkaan wixii kuso kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source
  20. Maamulka Puntland ayaa ku dhowaaqay in ay hakiyeen isku socodkii gaadiidka dadweynaha ee deegaannada maamulkaasi iyo kuwa Somaliland. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Nugaal Cumar Faraweyne, ayaa u sheegay warbaahinta in gabi ahaanba la joojiyey isku socodkii Labada dhinac. Waxa uu tilmaamay guddoomiyaha in si kooban loo ogol yahay iney socdaan gaadiidka mas’uuliyiinta maamulkooda iyo sidoo kale kuwa ciidamada. Sidoo kale, guddoomiye Faraweyne ayaa sheegay in dadka kasoo jeeda deegaannada Somaliland ay si nabad ah ku joogi karaan Puntland, balse aan la aqbali doonin in ammarkooda la jabiyo. “Waxaa la joojiyey wax walbo oo gaadiid ah oo u socda gobollada isku magacaabay Somaliland ama waqooyi Soomaaliya, ma rabno iney dhibaato gaarto dad Soomaaliyeed oo safar soo galay, kaliya waxaa la ogol yahay gaadiidka mas’uuliyiinta iyo kuwa ciidamada, sababtana waa la wada ogyahay” ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha. Ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa Puntland ayaa ku dagaallamaya deegaanno ka tirsan gobolka Sool. Goobjoog News Source
  21. Degaansho cago badan aan ku taagneyn ayaa laga soo sheegayaa deegaannao ka tirsan gobolka Sool oo ay shalay ku dagaallameen ciidamada Puntland iyo Somaliland. Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Goobjoog News ka heshay halka lagu dagaallamay ayaa sheegaya in Labada dhinac u kala tageen gurmadyo xooggan. Sidoo kale wararka ayaa sheegaya in dadkii ugu badnaa ay saakay isaga barakaceen deegaanka Tukaraq oo shalay subax lagu dagaallamay. Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa lahaa weerarka dagaalkan, kadib markii ay shalay dagaal ku qabsadeen deegaanka Tukaraq. Maamulka Puntland oo dagaalkan ka hadlay wuxuu sheegay in Somaliland uga dan leedahay carqaladeynta safarka madaxweyne Farmaajo ee deegaannada Puntland. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source
  22. Dowladda Suudaan ayaa sheegtay inay fashilisay isku day lagu doonayey in lagu tahriibiyo 85 KGM oo dahab ah kaasi oo laga soo saaray galbeedka gobolka Daafuur lana doonayey in si sharci darro ah loo geeyo dalka Chad. Afhayeen u hadlay ciidamada Suudaan oo lagu magacaabo, Korneyl Cabdiraxmaan ayaa sheegay inay u suurto gashay inay gacanta ku dhigaan labo ka mida dadkii doonayey in si sharci darro ah dahabka ku tahriibiyaan sidaasna waxaa uu u sheegay wakaaladda wararka Sana ee Suudaan ka soo baxda. Corneylka oo sii hadlay ayaa sheegay inay nabad gelyo tahay xaduudka u dhaxeeya dalalka Suudaan iyo Chad ayna deganyihiin xaaladaha amni. Ilaa iyo hadda lama hayo tiro rasmi ah oo ku saabsan mugga uu dhan yahay dahabka la doonayey in loo tahriibiyo dalka Chad,balse wasaaradda Macdanta Suudaan ayaa sheegtay warbixin ay soo saartay sanadkii 2016 ayna uga hadleysay waxsoo-saarka dahabkeeda ayaa waxay sheegtay inay soo saarto 28.9 tan waana Namber aad u yar marka la fiiriyo waxsoo-saarka guud . Waxsoo-saarka dahabka ee Suudaan ayaa gaaray 2017, ku dhawaad 105 tn,bishii November ee tagtay, ayuu sheegay bankiga Suudaan, in la xayiray iibsiga dahabka iyo dhoofintiisaba,balse dib ayuu uga laabtay go’aankaas oo waxaa loo ogolaaday shrikadaha ka shaqeeya macdanta inay soo saaraan dibadda wadankana ay u dhoofiyaan. Tan iyo markii Suudaanta Koofureed ay ka go’day suudaanta kale shidaalka Suudaan waxaa uu ahaa %75, dahabka ayaa noqday isha dhaqaale ee ugu weyn gudaha dalka. Source
  23. Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee Somaliland Faysal Cali Waare ayaa si weyn u taageeray dagaalka ay Somaliland ku qabsatay degaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool. Mudane Waraabea ayaa sheegay in loo baahnaa mar hore in la qato degaanka Tukaraq, isla markaana ay ahayd meel canshuur xaaraan ah ay ku qaadaan maamulka Garowe, ayna kasoo sheegteen dadka degaanka sida uu yiri. Faysal Cali Waare waxaa uu sheegay in ciidamada Somaliland ay qaadeen tilaabo horay loogu baahnaa Maadaama uu sheegay in degaanka laga qabsaday ciidamada Puntland ee Tukaraq ay Somaliland leedahay. Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Dhageyso: Feysal Cali Waraabe: “Maamulka Garowe ayaa canshuur xaaraan ah ku qaadi jiray Tukaraq ..” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  24. Madaxweynaha dowladda federalka Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo, ayaa maanta ku wajahan magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar halkaasi oo haatan looga diyaar garoobayo soo dhowayntiisa. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa hadda kasoo baxay jaamacadda bariga Afrika halkaasi oo uu kula hadlay kumanaan kamid ah kumanaan kamid ah ardayda jaamacadaha wax ka dhigta, kuwaas oo madaxweynaha ka dhegaystay warbixin dheer oo ku saabsanayd siyaasada dowladdiisa uga degsan jihaynta mustaqbalka jiilka soo baxaya. Madaxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale kormeer ku sameeyay qaar kamid ah xarumaha dowladda ee Garowe, waxaana kormeerkaas ku wehliya madaxweyne Gaas. Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse ayaa madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa Qado sharaf ugu diyaariyay magaalada Qardho. Garowe
  25. Ethiopia’s PM Hailemariam Desalegn has announced plans to drop charges against political prisoners and close a notorious prison camp [Michael Tewelde/AP] Earlier this month, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn announced plans to release political prisoners in a surprise move the government says aims to “foster national reconciliation”. The prime minister also declared that the government would close the Maekelawi detention facility in Addis Ababa, which has been considered “one of the country’s most notorious police stations” since its construction in the 1970’s. While the international community welcomed the government’s unexpected announcement as a step in the right direction, many in Ethiopia, especially civil society and political organisations, took the news with a grain of salt. The obvious question many are asking is: What is in it for the government and why now? Perhaps the answer partially lies in the fact that Ethiopia is host to a very important African powerhouse – the African Union (AU). The AU has long been trying to disentangle itself from Africa’s poor human rights record, including systematic suppression of basic rights and detention without trial of political prisoners. Ethiopia is currently seen as an impediment to these ambitions. Over the years, the Ethiopian government has repeatedly failed to deliver basic services to its citizens and protect their fundamental human rights and freedoms. In this context, it is understandable for the Ethiopian government to try and live up to its responsibilities as a founding member of the AU, by promising to release thousands of political prisoners. But there is certainly more to this recent announcement than an honest desire to please the AU and improve the country’s human rights record. An attempt to curb foreign interference In the past few decades, the Ethiopian government has marginalised several ethnic groups by allowing a single ethnic group, Tigrayans, to dominate the political sphere. This has resulted in deep-seated, widespread dissatisfaction with the political establishment, and has caused occasional flare-ups of protest. The government, rather than starting a dialogue with these marginalised communities, tried to suppress dissent by force. According to Amnesty International, the government of Ethiopia has engaged in a “crackdown on the political opposition which has resulted in mass arbitrary arrests, torture and other ill-treatment, unfair trials and violations of the rights to freedom of expression and association”. This has led to a number of armed groups forming and waging war against the government of Ethiopia. The most prominent among these groups is the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF). Since 1984, the ONLF has been fighting for an independent homeland for ethnic Somalis in the region known as Ogaden, in eastern Ethiopia. Another one of these groups is the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), which was established in 1973 to promote self-determination for the Oromo people. The Oromo people are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, however, their economic and political participation remains minuscule. Over the years, both organisations have managed to establish support beyond the borders of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government has repeatedly accused neighbouring Eritrea of supporting the ONLF, and Somalia of providing equipment as well as moral and organisational support to armed groups in the Ogaden region. This foreign interference has damaged the national cohesion in Ethiopia and hindered the government’s efforts to improve the economic, social and political conditions in the country. By promising to release political prisoners, many of whom have been imprisoned for their alleged support for these organisations, the government of Ethiopia is extending an olive branch to the country’s marginalised communities. This gesture of goodwill may lead to an easing of tensions and give the government an opportunity to concentrate its resources on Ethiopia’s new economic and political interests in the region. A possible truce with the ONLF and the OLF will serve to counter any attempts by the governments of Eritrea and Somalia to intervene in Ethiopia’s domestic politics. By positioning itself to start direct political negotiations with these groups, Addis Ababa will finally have a chance to derail efforts by its neighbours to create conflict within the borders of Ethiopia. A mega dam project Another reason behind Ethiopia’s sudden decision to release political prisoners may be its determination to complete an ambitious construction project, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, without hindrance. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, formerly known as the Millennium Dam, is a gravity dam on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia that has been under construction since 2011. It is in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia, about 15 km east of the border with Sudan. The dam will be the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa when completed, and the seventh largest in the world. It is expected to solve Ethiopia’s ongoing energy crisis and help the country expedite its development. Ethiopia needs to ensure that the construction of the dam is completed without any disturbances. It is therefore in the interest of the country – and its main investor, China – to make truce with the ONLF and OLF at this time. Also, the dam project may ignite another confrontation between Egypt and Ethiopia in the coming days. Egypt has long been at odds with Ethiopia over the $4.8bn megaproject, with Cairo fearing that the dam’s position may affect its access to water from the Nile River basin, which will feed the dam. Therefore, as Ethiopia prepares itself for the completion of this monumental project, it is forced to re-evaluate threats and priorities. Addis Ababa’s sudden decision to release political prisoners is not only a necessary move aiming to fix the country’s human rights record, but also an important chapter in a complex political strategy. Ethiopia is prepared to make truce with its internal dissenters in a bid to end foreign interference in the country’s domestic affairs, and ensure the swift completion and smooth operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. by Thembisa Fakude