Deeq A.

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  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa sii kordhaaya Garsoor xumida ka jirta dalka ee saameynta ba’an ku yeelatay rajadii laga qabay in dalka uu ku xasilo Garsoorka. Garsoor darada ka jirta dalka ayaa saameysay dhammaan Umadda Soomaaliyeed qeybahooda kala, iyadoo ay jiraan qoysas cadeymo u haya dhibta ay ku qabaan nooca uu yahay Garsoorka Somalia. Garsoor xumida ka jirta dalka ayaa waxaa loo sababeeyay Aqoon darro iyo Hab qabiil oo loo xulo dadka ku shaqada leh Garsoorka, taa oo keentay inay meesha ka baxdo cadaalada. Shaqsiyaadka dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ugu magacaaban Garsoorka ayaa waxaa aqoontooda ka hor lagu xulay hanaan qabiil oo la orankaro inay tahay dhibaatada ugu badan ee ka jirta dalka. Cumar Ibraahim Aadan oo waxbadan ka bartay Garsoorka una waramaayay Idaacada SMN ee magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay in Garsoorka ka jira Somalia uu yahay mid ay aad u hooseyso cadaaladiisa. Waxa uu sheegay Cumar Ibraahim Aadan in Garsoorka Somalia uu yahay mid ka duwan kan adduunka intiisa kale looga dhaqmo waxa uuna aad u dhaliilay aqoonta ay leeyihiin dadka ku shaqeeya. Wuxuu carab dhabay in Garsoorka ceynkaan ah uu sara qaadi karo dhibaato ku saleysan cadaalad daro oo kusii baahda Somalia, hase ahaatee looga badbaadi karo Somalia oo kala saartaa qabiilka iyo Garsoorka. Sidoo kale, waxa uu Cumar Ibraahim Aadan ku taliyay in Garsoorka Somalia loo madaxbaneeyo dadka ehelka u ah ee aan waxba u arag qabiilka iyo qurunkiisa. Geesta kale, waxa uu shaqsiyaadka mas’uulka ka ah Garsoorka ugu baaqay inay si daacadnimo leh u hagaan garsoorka, isla markaana kala ilaaliyaan damaca adduun iyo aakhirada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Garsoorka Somalia oo sii xumeynaya halkii arrin ee laga rabay inuu hagaajiyo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Dad badan oo aan xitaa horay u maqal magaca Tuulada ay dirirtu ka dhacday ee Puntland iyo Somaliland ku hardameen ayaa bartay oo ogaaday Juqraafi ahaan halka ay dhacdo tuulada iyo daka ku nool. Tuka-raq waxay ku taal Gobolka Sool ee muranku ka aloosnaa intii ay sameysmeen Soomaaliland oo Jamhuuriyad iskeed u taagan isku magacowday iyo Puntland oo sameysatay Maamul goboleed is maamula. Tuuladan waxay u dhaxaysaa labada maamul ee aan soo sheegnay, waxayna dhacdaa Bariga gobolka Sool, waxayna ku taal waddo isku xirta Magaalada Laas-caanood iyo Magaalada Garowe caasimadda Maamul goboleedka Puntland. in badan ayey dadkeedu ku taamayeen in ay helaan adeegyada aas aasiga ah ee ay u baahan yihiin sida Caafimaadka, waxbarashada iwm. Halbeegga soomaalida oo ahaa Qabiil waayadii u dambeysay Tukaraq waxaa lagu tirinayay in ay Puntland kamid tahay, balse dad badan oo u dhashay deegaankaas oo waxaa jira la dhacsan nidaamka Gooni-isu-taagga Soomaaliland sheegayna in ay kamid yihiin dhulkii horay loogu aqoon jiray British Somali Land ee la baxay Soomaaliland. Dadka ku nool Tuulada inkastoo ay yihiin dad reer miyi ah oo ku tiirsan dhaqashada Xoolaha waxaa lasoo darsay colaad salka ku haysa is muujin labada maamul midba inta uu leeyahay cudud ay cid kale ku qabsan karto ama ay ku burburin karto hanti iyo xoolo dad kale, guud ahaan bulsha weynta soomaaliyeed ee ku kala nool gayiga soomaali dagto aad ayey uga xumaadeen colaadda la sheegay in ay halkaa ka dillaacday. Tuka-raq dadkeedu waxay ku taamayaan “Intaan Dowladnimo doon lahaa Colaad miyaad igu shiddeen? Intaan Abaarihii ina dhaafay ka kabso lahayn miyaad Qax noogu yeerteen? Intaan Horumar ku hamin lahayn Dhaawac iyo Dhimasho kala saar miyaad igu waddaan”. Soomaaliland iyo Puntland labaduba midba midka kale wuxuu ku eedeeyay in uu leeyahay eedda Dagaalka ka curtay halkaa, koox walibana waxay ku andacoonaysaa in ay is difaac ku sugan tahay, xaalad adagna la galiyay. Hayeeshee masaakiinta aan haysan Isbitaal ay kula cararaan Caruurta shubanku soo rito iyo waayeelka liita, ayaa maanta la door biday in lagu kor dagaallamo, dhaawacoodana loo qaado labada Caasimad ee Garowe iyo Hargeisa. Tuka-raq waxaad moodaa in ay ku soo caan bixi rabto in ay tahay magaallo dagaal, taana waxaa ugu wacnaa labadii maalin ee u dambeysay warbaahintii ka hadashay waxay muuqaal ahaan u soo qaateen sawirro muujinaya xaalad dagaal, waxayna u muuqataa magaalo aan shaqo ku laheen Nabadda, tusaale eeg Sawirka hoose. Baaqa Soomaali oo dhan ka yimid wuxuu leeyahay “Colaadda Joojiya Puntland iyo Somaliland, Dagaal wiil iyo Gabar baa ku dhintee Wiil iyo Gabar kuma dhashaan, Birfaniinkii dalka ka dhacay intii ka badbaaday Tuuladii ay ku noolaayeen Balaayo yaan loogu yeerinn “. W/Q: Iman Mohamed Jimale Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid The post FAALLO: TUKA-RAQ, TUULO NASIIB DARAN appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. HARGEISA — The parliament in the self-declared republic of Somaliland has approved a bill criminalizing rape for the first time, and requiring prison terms for individuals convicted of the crime. The bill, passed Saturday, is the first of its kind in Somaliland criminalizing not only rape but all gender-based violations against women. It lays out a process to investigate the cases and prosecute perpetrators. The bill now goes to the upper house of parliament and could be the first major legislation signed by President Muse Bihi Abdi who was elected in November. Women’s organizations and human rights activists in Somaliland welcomed the passage of the bill, which was approved by 46 of the 51 MPs present. Among those praising the parliamentary approval was Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed, the executive director of Nagaad, a women’s organization based in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. “We have been working on this bill since 2011. It has gone through different processes, but we are very happy that it has been adopted,” she told VOA Somali. “The people of Somaliland have welcomed it, we congratulate the parliament for discharging their duties.” Under the bill, an attempted rape conviction would carry a four to seven-year jail sentence. An individual who rapes a victim using force or threats would get 15 to 20 years. If the victim is under the age of 15, the perpetrator gets 20 to 25 years. Attackers who cause bodily harm or infect their victim with HIV in addition to committing rape would receive life in prison. An increasing number of reported rape cases are related to gang rape. Gang rape was not mentioned in the existing penal code, but the new bill has a specific provision for gang rape which carries 20 to 25 years imprisonment. Recently, the Somaliland Human Rights Center said rape is one of the least reported crimes in Somaliland. It said that in 2017, 81 rape cases were prosecuted, a small number compared to the number of alleged victims. No more mediation by elders In the past, elders have mediated between the families of the rapist and the victim, often leading to a lack of justice for the victim. In few cases, a victim ended up marrying her rapist under pressure from her family or the elders. Mohamed Hersi Farah is an elder who performed mediations but says he stopped it in 2006. “Before we intervened in individual cases and we dealt with clans, and there were no laws. But now there are gang rapes with more than 10 people involved [in a case]. We didn’t know where to start,” Farah said. The new bill criminalizes mediation and other attempts to solve rape cases outside the courts. “Anyone who attempts or mediate a rape case in this way could go to jail. We hope this will scare those who performed this outside the court who will now realize the government will jail them,” says the chairman of the human rights center, lawyer Guled Ahmed Jama. Jama says he welcomes the fact the bill specifically focuses on rape and gender based violations and empowers law enforcement agencies powers to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators. “This is a modern bill specifically on rape, previously rape was just an article under the penal code; this is a comprehensive bill,” he said. Somaliland declared secession from rest of Somalia in May 1991 but so far failed to gain international recognition. Barkhad Mohamud Kariye contributed to this report. VOA
  4. MOGADISHU, Jan. 10 — Somalia on Wednesday launched the digital outreach section of the Centre of Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) as part of efforts to spearhead campaigns for prevention of radicalization in the country. Abdirahman Omar Osman, the Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism who opened the digital outreach section, said effective campaigns on social media will contribute to the overall peace and stability in the Horn of Africa nation. “The ministry of information has been leading the efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism for some time and today’s ceremony is evident to our commitment and determination to reach an end state where conflicts are addressed politically as opposed to through violence,” Osman said in Mogadishu. The digital section will provide accurate and useful information to young people, which in turn helps them to understand the benefits of democratic institutions in Somalia. It also appeals to young people’s emotions to stay away from joining Al-Shabaab and discredit Al-Shabaab by exposing their brutality, and hence weakening its following and public support. According to Osman, the digital section provides a platform for the youth to exchange information and show their talents by taking part in the nation building of the country. “Given the fact that Somali youth is estimated to be 75 percent of Somali population and majority of them are actively engaged in the social media, it is essential that digital outreach campaigns that engage with communities is established,” Osman said. He said young people also need to see how communities are building their nation and to see how nationalists and patriots can bring people together so that a united and prosperous Somalia can be established. Xinhua
  5. Worries over water security for millions of people prompted the Arab League yesterday to say it is following “with extreme concern” talks between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia over the latter’s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which it is building on the Blue Nile. Ethiopia was not “cooperating and coordinating enough”, said Ahmed Abul-Gheit, secretary general of the league, a regional association of 22 countries in Africa and the Middle East. His comments came after negotiations between the three countries broke down earlier this month over how to conduct technical studies on the dam’s impact on Egypt and other countries downstream. Abul-Gheit told the Fourth Arabic Forum for Water in Cairo that water security for Egypt, the most populous Arab country, was a matter of Arab national security. “We do not feel that Ethiopia was cooperating and coordinating enough. The Ethiopian plans to operate the dam and use its water in irrigation are ambiguous and concerning,” he said, reports Egyptian news site Ahramonline. Abul-Gheit called on Ethiopia to show more openness and cooperation given that “there are currently 400 million people living on the banks of the Nile who will reach one billion by 2050”. He said Egypt receives 85% of its water from the Ethiopian highlands through the Blue Nile. As its name suggests, GERD, set to be Africa’s biggest dam, is a project of supreme national importance to Ethiopia. Now more than half built by Italian contractor Salini Impregilo, the hydroelectric plant will have an installed capacity of 6,000 MW – more than double Ethiopia’s current generating capacity – and is central to Ethiopia’s plan to be a net power exporter to the electricity-starved continent. Construction began in early 2011 as Egypt was convulsed by its January revolution. Since then, fearing for its water security, Egypt has strongly opposed the dam, with concerns over the possibility of the conflict escalating to violence emerging in 2013. Since then, without relinquishing its concerns, Egypt has acquiesced in principle to Ethiopia’s right to build GERD. In March 2015 Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi and his counterparts from Ethiopia and Sudan signed a cooperation deal on the principles of sharing the Nile River water and the construction of the GERD. Then in September 2016 Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia agreed that French consultants BRL and Artelia would carry out studies on GERD’s impact on the flow of the Nile.
  6. With state of emergency lifted, Ethiopia is suffering from infighting ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia —Ethiopia’s defense minister told local media on Wednesday that they had intercepted a large number of firearms being smuggled into the country. Siraj Fegesa, the defense minister of Ethiopia, said they had seized some 270 Kalashnikov rifles, 200 pistols, and a total of 66,000 bullets while being smuggled into the country “to escalate the conflicts”, the state-affiliated FANA broadcasting corporate reported. The minister drew attention to the armed clashes that broke out after the country had lifted its ten-month state of emergency in Aug. 2017. He said the anti-government protests in many parts of the Oromia and Amhara states as well as the recent clashes between the Somali and Oromia regional states had left hundreds dead and caused tens of thousands to flee their villages. Fegesa said, as per the request of both regional states, the national defense forces were deployed in various areas in both the Somali and Oromia regions where the clashes had broken out. In a rare admission ten days ago, the Ethiopian ruling party said it had internal weaknesses of governance, leading to many socio-political problems that had occurred in the country over the past decade. The Ethiopian government last week announced that it would free some members of political organizations being kept in detention. The announcement became a talking point nationwide as many media houses interpreted it as meaning all political prisoners. Later the government backtracked, saying it had never admitted to having political prisoners in the country. Many opposition figures challenge this claim, saying there have been many prisoners of conscience in Ethiopia to date. AA
  7. Muran dhuleedka u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Soomaaliland ayaa soo jirey labaatan sano waxayna marar kala duwan ku dagaalameen degaano hoos yimaada gobalada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, gacan ka hadaladaas kala duwanaa oo dhaliyey dhisimasho, dhaawac iyo barakac ayaa intoodii ugu darayd waxay ka dhaceen magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobalka Sool iyo degaanada ka ag-dhow. Aasaaskii Somaliland iyo Gobalada Sool, Sanaag iyo degmada Buhoodle Sanadkii 1991 markii ay dhacday Dawladii dhexe ee Soomaaliya uuna dalku u gacan galay jabhado hubaysan iyo maleeshiyaad midiba meel xiratay ayey dadweynihii gobaladii waqooyi galbeed shirweyne isugu yimaadeen magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobalka Togdheer, waxaana shirweynahaas majaraha u haysay jabhadii dagaalka hubaysan kula jirtay Dawladii Soomaaliya ee SNM taas oo la wareegtay inta badan gobaladii waqooyi galbeed, waxaana shirweynahaas lagaga dhawaaqay Dawlad la magac baxday Soomaaliland taas oo ka madax banaan Soomaaliya inteeda kale. Shirweynahaas waxaa lagaga dhawaaqay inay Dawladaas gooni u goosadka ay ku midaysan yihiin dhamaan gobaladii madaxbanaanida ka qaatay gumaystihii Ingiriiska 1960-kii ayna ku jireen gobalada Sool, Sanaag iyo degmada Buhoodle oo katirsanayd gobalka Togdheer. Xubno kasoo jeeda gobalada Sool, Sanaag iyo Buhoodle ayaa ka qayb galay shirweynahaas lagu unkay Soomaaliland hase ahaate inta badan wax garadkii iyo dadweynaha kasoo jeeda gobaladaas ayaa gaashaanka u daruuray, waxayna sheegeen inaysan sinaba qayb uga ahaan karin maamul wiiqaaya midnimada umada Soomaaliyeed. Dhismihii Puntland iyo bilowgii muranka dhulka Sanadkii 1998 ayey dadkii deganaa gobaladii la isku oran jiray waqooyi Bari oo kala ahaa Nugaal, Bari iyo Mudug oo ay la socdaan gobalada Sool, Sanaag iyo degmada Buhoodle waxay shirweyne isugu yimaadeen magaalada Garowe ee xarunta gobalka Nugaal, waxaana halkaas lagaga dhawaaqay Dawlad gobaleed ay ku midaysan yihiin shanta gobal ee kala ah Bari, Nugaal, Mudug, Sool, Sanaag iyo degmada Buhoodle oo ah qayb kamida gobalka Togdheer. Dadka gobalada Sool, Sanaag iyo degmada Buhoodle ayaa si buuxda uga qayb galay shirweynihii lagu dhisay Puntland iyagoo aan u kala harin maadama ay Puntland kaga duwanayd Soomaaliland inuu asaaskeedu ahaa raadinta iyo soo celinta midnimadii umada Soomaaliyeed ee luntay. Inkastoo xiligaas dhismihii Soomaaliland uu kan Puntland ka horeeyey in ka badan 7-sano hadana madaxweynihii xiligaa hogaaminaayey Soomaliland Allaha u naxariistee Maxamed Ibraahim Cigaal oo ahaa siyaasi waaya arag ah kuma dhiiran inuu fargelin siyaasadeed ku sameeyo gobaladaas, isagoo dareensanaa waxa ka dhalan kara sidaa daraadeedna maamulkii Soomaaliland ma noqon mid si buuxa usoo gaara Sool, Sanaag iyo degmada Buhoodle. Bilowgii murankii gacan ka hadalka dhaliyey Gurigii lagu weeraray Daahir Rayaale Kaahin 2002 oo ay ku sugan yihiin dhalinyaro calanka Soomaaliya haysataWixii ka danbeeyey sanadkii 2002 oo uu geeriyooday madaxweyne Maxamed Ibaarhim Cigaal uuna talada la wareegay Daahir Rayaale Kaahin waxay Soomaaliland bilowday iny isku fidiso gobalada Sool iyo Sanaag waxayna la wareegtay maamulka degmada Laascaanood oo ah magaalada ugu weyn gobaladaas. Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa markii ugu horaysay booqasho ku yimi magaalada Laascaanood bishii December 2002 hase ahaate ciidamada Puntland oo ka baxay magaalada Garowe ayaa gudaha u galay Laascaanood, iyadoo uu si dirqiya magaaladaas uga baxsaday madaxweyne Rayaale, waxayna ciidamadii Puntland si buuxda ula wareegeen gacan ku haynta magaaladaas. Ciidamada Puntland ayaa horay uga sii dhaqaaqay Laascaanood iyadoo dagaalo ka dhacay inta u dhaxaysan Laascaanood iyo Caynaba kaga itaal roonaadeen kuwii Soomaaliland, waxayna ugu danbayn saldhigteen degaanka Oog oo aan sidaas uga fogayn degmada Caynaba. Dhismihii Dawladii KMG ahayd ee Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf 2004 Sanadkii 2004 waxaa Dawladii KMG ahayd ee lagu dhisay Dalka Kenya madaxweyne loogu doortay Allaha u naxariistee Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo markaa ahaa madaxweynaha Puntland, iyadoo madaxweynihii Puntlandna uu la wareegay ku-xigeenkiisii Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi oo isna sanadkii 2005 ku wareejiyey Allaha u naxariistee Cadde Muuse Xirsi markii uu kaga guulaystay doorasho ay ku tartameen. Wixii ka danbeeyey sanadkii 2004 Puntland ayaa u muuqatay inay awoodeedii dhaqaale iyo ciidanba ay u weecisay koonfurta Soomaaliya si ay u garab siiso Dawladii uu hogaaminaayey Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo mudo 6-sano ah madaxweyne kasoo ahaa Puntland, waxaana inta badan ciidamadii Puntland loo diray Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Soomaaliland oo ka faaidaysanaysa arintan ayaa bilowday inay kusoo durugta magaalada Laascaanood iyadoo ciidamadii Puntlandna ay bilaabeen inay malinba goob cusub kasoo baxaan, ugu danbayntiina kadib dagaalo dhawra oo ka dhacay degaanada Ari-cadeeye iyo Laascaanood waxay magaaladaasi si buuxda gacanta Soomaliland u gashay 15-kii bishii Octobar 2007. Intaa wixii ka danbeeyeyna Puntland ayaa saldhigatay degaanka Tukaraq oo ah tuulo katirsan degmada Laascaanood iyadoo Soomaalilandna ay saldhigatay deggaanka Gambarey oo aan sidaas uga fogayn. Tan iyo 2007 oo ay Soomaliland la wareegtay Laascaanood ma jirin dagaalo culus oo dhex maray labada dhinac walow labba madaxweyne oo soo maray Puntland kana danbeeyey madaxweyne Cadde Muuse oo xiligiisii ay Somaliland qabsatay Laascaanood ay ololaha doorashada ku galeen soo celinta degaanada ka maqan Puntland. Duulaanka cusub ee Soomaaliland iyo saasanta colladeed Sideedii bishan xili uu madaxwenaha Dawlada Federaalka ee Soomaaliya booqasho ku joogo Puntland ayey ciidamo kasoo duulay Soomaaliland waxay la wareegeen degmada Tukaraq oo ahayd saldhiga ugu weyn ee ay Puntland ku leedahay gobalka Sool, waxaana maalmahan labbada dhan ka muuqanaaya u diyaar-garow dagaal iyagoo hawada isku marinaaya hanjaabo kul-kulul. Puntland iyo Soomaalilandba waxay degaankaas kusoo daabulayaan ciidamadii ugu badnaa iyadoo xili walba la filan karo inay xabadu afka qoriga ka baxado, mana muuqato waan-waan nabadeed oo sidaa u weyn oo laga dhex wado labadan dhinac marka laga reebo iskuday uu hogaaminaayo xog-hayaha gaarka ee qaramada midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya Mecheal Kitten oo boqasho ku tegay Soomaaliland, lagana sugaayo Puntland. Dadka odorosa arimahan waxay sheegayaan inaysan Puntland ka fursanayn inay talaabo milateri qaado hadii aysan Soomaaliland si dhaqso ah ciidamadeeda ula noqon maadama damaca Soomaliland uu xiligan maraayo inay soo hawaysato meel aan sidaa uga fogeyn Caasimada Garowe, hadii aysan talaabo ciidan arimahan kaga jawaabin Puntlandna waxay Soomaliland siinaysa inay ku dhiiradaan inay talaabo horleh soo qaadaan ayna yimaadaan duleedka Garowe oo ay xuduudooda u arkaan ayey leeyihiin dadka siyaasada ka faalooda. PUNTLAND POST The post Taariikhda muranka Puntland iyo Soomaaliland ee Gobalada Sool iyo Sanaag appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. NAIROBI – A total of 180 incidents of maritime piracy and armed robbery were reported in 2017, the lowest annual number of incidents since 1995 when 188 reports were received, a global maritime body said on Wednesday. The latest report released in London by the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau (IMB) reveals that pirates boarded 136 vessels in 2017, while there were 22 attempted attacks, 16 vessels fired upon and six vessels hijacked. Despite the fall, the global maritime body cautioned foreign vessels/masters not to be complacent as they transit the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden. “Although the number of attacks is down this year in comparison with last year, the Gulf of Guinea and the waters around Nigeria remain a threat to seafarers. The Nigerian authorities have intervened in a number of incidents helping to prevent incidents from escalating,” said Pottengal Mukundan, Director of IMB. According to IMB, in 15 separate incidents, 91 crew members were taken hostage and 75 were kidnapped from their vessels in 13 other incidents. Three crew members were killed in 2017 and six injured. In 2016, a total of 191 incidents were reported, with 150 vessels boarded and 151 crew members taken hostage. The report also called on shipmasters to follow the industry’s Best Management Practices and continue to remain vigilant as they sail through waters off Somalia. The report said nine incidents were recorded off Somalia in 2017, up from two in 2016. In November, a container ship was attacked by armed pirates approximately 280 nautical miles east of Somali capital Mogadishu. The pirates, unable to board the vessel due to the ship’s evasive maneuvering fired two RPG rockets, both of which missed, before retreating. The IMB said six Somali pirates were subsequently detained by European Union Naval Force, transferred to the Seychelles and charged with “committing an act of piracy” where they face up to 30 years’ imprisonment, if convicted. “This dramatic incident, alongside our 2017 figures, demonstrates that Somali pirates retain the capability and intent to launch attacks against merchant vessels hundreds of miles from their coastline,” Mukundan said. According to IMB, there were 36 reported incidents in the Gulf of Guinea last year with no vessels hijacked in this area and 10 incidents of kidnapping involving 65 crew members in or around Nigerian waters. Globally 16 vessels reported being fired upon — including seven in the Gulf of Guinea. The drop in piracy incidents is however a relief to shipping companies using the Indian Ocean that had in previous years been the target of pirates, often paying heavy ransom to secure release of their vehicles and the crew. The African maritime industry, along the Indian Ocean had until 2013 been greatly affected by piracy that raised the costs of shipping as insurance companies and private ship security companies increased their premiums to mitigate the risks. Source: Xinhua net The post Piracy, armed robbery against ships falls to two-decade low: report appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Mr. Kazawa Taichi Hargeisa regional court in Somaliland yesterday sentenced four youngsters who robbed a Japanese photographer on broad daylight. The four youngsters admitted of the robbery they committed and further revealed that they stole 5000 US dollars from him. The court sentenced 2 years and 9 months jail term and ordered to pay back the robbed money to the Japanese national who was visiting Somaliland. Mr. Kazawa Taichi, a photo artist arrived in Somaliland on 24th December 2017 met him in Kood Buur village in Hargeisa and robbed him. They stole his passport, hard disk, lens camera and 5000 US dollars from him. The youngsters met him and asked him to take a picture two of them while the other snatched his bag pack from behind and run away with it.The photo that he took from them made easier for Criminal Investigation department to recognize their identity.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa toogasho ku dilay Horjooge ka tirsan maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab, kaa oo la sheegay inuu hayay xil muhiim ah. Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada Kumaandooska Somalia ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Kumaandooska ay dileen Madaxii Tababarada Shabaab, xili ay howlgal gaar ah ka fulinayeen degaanka Buulo Mareer ee Gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose. Sarkaalkan ayaa sheegay in ciidamada ay waayadan ku daba jireen Horjoogaha al-Shabaab u qaabilsan Tababarada, hase ahaatee ay iminka khaarijiyeen. Horjoogahan la dilay ee maleeshiyada u qaabilsanaa Tababarada, ayaa waxaa magaciisa lagu sheegay Zubeyr Almuhaajir iyo Sarkaal kale oo lagu magacaabi jiray Macalin Cumar. Zubeyr Almuhaajir, waxa la xaqiijiyay inuu ka mid ahaa Saraakiisha Ajaanibta Al-shabaab ka bar bar dagaalanta, Sida ay sheegeen saraakiisha Ciidamada. Dhinaca kale, Sarkaalkan ka tirsan Kumaandooska ayaa sheegay inay sii wadi doonaan howlgalada lagu beegsanaayo Horjoogayaasha xilalka sare ka haya al-Shabaab. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ciidamada DF oo khaarijiyay Horjooge ajnabi ah oo xil sare ka hayay Al-Shabaab + Magaca iyo Xilka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. The post Boqor Burhaan oo gudoon siiyay madaxweyne Farmaajo hadiyad madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed horay loo gudoon siin: Daawo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. MOGADISHU, Jan. 10 — The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on Wednesday begun a two-week basic training course on forensic fingerprint for the Somali police officers to investigate criminal cases. Tresphord Kasale, AMISOM Police Coordinator for South West State, said the trainees will be taken through important topics ranging from fingerprints taking and storage and making references in criminal cases among others. “The purpose of this course is to ensure that we train our officers on how to lift finger prints, how to store finger prints and how to make references to future cases in terms of investigations,” Kasale said in a statement issued in Mogadishu. The course, being held in Baidoa, is structured to target officers from the South West State’s Criminal Investigations Department (CID). Fingerprint evidence is a modern analytical feature that plays a crucial role in criminal investigations and is used to quickly identify suspects. Abdirizak Aden Abdi, an Assistant Minister of Security in the South West State, said the training will go a long way in improving security in the region. “The police force has different sectors; this (CID) is the most important one. As to why we put more efforts on this sector, it is the area that separates the criminals and non-criminals and they (CID officers) are the people to differentiate. I hope they will benefit from the training and serve their community,” Abdi said. Xinhua
  13. There needs to be an immediate discussion between Somalia, Somaliland, ICAO to clarify the basis upon which airspace management will be undertaken – SRSG Keating His Excellency Musa Behi Abdi, President of the Republic of Somaliland, today, received Mr. Michael Keating, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Somalia/Somaliland, and a delegation he led at his office at the Presidency, Hargeisa. Somaliland Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Saad Ali Shire, and Mr. Keating, jointly, briefed the press at the end of the meeting. “The President, Musa Behi Abdi, and the Special Representative, Michael Keating, discussed issues relating to mutual cooperation touching on the political layout, economy, democracy, security, humanitarian assistance and the like,” Dr. Saad Ali said. The Foreign Minister hoped that today’s meeting would further consolidate the strong bilateral relations developed between the two sides over the years. Mr. Keating stated that his delegation’s visit to Somaliland was primarily to listen to the priorities of the government that took the reins of Somaliland following the recent, November election of the president; and to congratulate the people of Somaliland, through the president, for the elections last year. The SRSG said those issues were raised in the meeting between his delegation and President Behi. Mr. Keating said his delegation listened to the government priorities which included ‘security, coping with drought, providing jobs -especially for young people, and to improve health and education and – of course – addressing some of the political issues faced by Somaliland’. Mr. Keating said he told the President that the United Nations will support his government in overcoming the many challenges it faced as best as it could. “I was impressed,” Mr. Keating added, “by the president’s commitment, borne of many decades of personal experience of the importance of finding peaceful solutions to problems.” Asked what he thought of Somalia claiming takeover of Somalia/Somaliland airspace, Mr. Keating said, “airspace management is the interest of everybody, of the world, in fact. airspace cannot be an area of dispute because, then, it will shut down. There needs to be an immediate discussion between Somalia, Somaliland, ICAO to clarify the basis upon which airspace management will be undertaken over the skies here and to make sure that any misunderstanding be resolved.” “There has to be respect for the agreements between Hargeisa and Mogadishu,” he added. On the military development between Somalia’s Puntland state and the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Keating said a military solution was not the answer. Following provocative visits the Somalia Minister for Planning, Jamal Mohamed Hassan, made on eastern Sanaag, and a follow-up one the President of Federal Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, planned for Buuhoodle, Taleh, Dhahar and adjacent areas within the Somaliland international boundaries as part of his Puntland visit, the Somaliland army made a preemptive, tactical move forward recapturing a major, strategic town, Tukaraq of Sool region, from the occupying Puntland troops on Monday. Somtribune
  14. International Christian children’s charity World Vision has rebuked an armed offensive against displaced people in Somalia. The charity said its aid workers recently saw armed forces using bulldozers and large vehicles to destroy shelters and schools in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Most demolished properties housed families who have fled fighting and drought in parts of the country. World Vision, along with 82 other agencies, have issued a statement calling on the government to protect housing, land and property belonging to internally displaced people (IDP). The statement said the operation has left thousands of vulnerable families homeless and without water, food, health services and community infrastructures such as latrines and schools. Simon Nyabwengi, National Director of World Vision Somalia, said: “Over 21 IDP settlements, housing over 5,800 households were destroyed. “The destruction included schools, learning centres and materials leaving children not only homeless but also with no hope to access any form of education. “These communities, who are displaced as a result of drought, are now faced with further vulnerabilities and risks including disease outbreak, exploitation and abuse.” The charity explained its concern for families who did not have enough notification of the operation and urged Somali government to provide the families with viable relocation options that are required by international law. The ongoing drought and conflicts in Somalia continue to displace people. Last year more than one million people were displaced, living in settlements across the country. The drought is set to continue this year, leading to more people seeking life-saving humanitarian support in settlements. Premiere Christian Radio
  15. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online)-Hogaamiyaha maamulka Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa Xafiiskiisa magaalada Hargeysa ku qaabilay Ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u Qaabilsan arrimaha Somalia Danjire Michael Keating. Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo Danjire Michael Keating, ayaa si gaara uga wadahadlay xaalada guud ee Somalia, Colaadaha kasoo cusboonaaday deegaanka Tukaraq ee gobalka Sool iyo Arrimo kale oo gaar ah sida wareejinta Hawada Somalia. Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo Danjire Michael Keating, waxa ay isla soo qaaden nabadda Somalia iyo deegaanada deegaanada maamulka Somaliland, waxa uuna Mr Michael sheegay in QM ay ahmiyad gaara u aragto in leyskala gudbo caqabadaha Siyaasadeed ee Somaliland kala dhexeeya Somalia inteeda kale. Markii uu soo dhammaaday shirka uu albaabada u xirnaa waxaa warbaahinta u faafiyay shirka iyo waxyaabaha looga hadlay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland, Sacad Cali Shire. Sacad Cali Shire, ayaa tilmaamay inay labada dhinac ku lafo-gureen kulankooda sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa xiriirka labada dhinac iyo dib u xalinta khilaafyada Somaliland kala dhexeeya Somalia. Wasiir Sacad Cali Shire ayaa yiri ‘’Wafdi ka socda Qaramada Midoobay oo uu Hoggaaminayo Ergayga QM ayaa halkan inoogu yimid, waxayna la kulmeen Madaxweyne Biixi, Waxayan uga hadleen kulankooda waxyaabo badan oo la xiriira shaqada iyo iskaashiga ka dhexeeya labada dhinac. Waxyaabaha ay ka wadahadleen waxa ka mid ahaa Siyaasadda, Dimuqraaddiyadda, Nabad-galyada, dhaqaalaha iyo Garg-aarka, kulankaasina si wanaagsan iyo jawi wanaagsan ayuu ku dhacay, Waxaanan rajaynaynaa in xiriirkii wanaagsanaa ee wadashaqayneed ee aynu la lahayn QM uu halkaas kasii socon doono,” The post Sawirro: Muxuu ku saabsanaa kulanka khaaska ah ee Hargeysa ku dhexmaray Biixi & Keating appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Gaariga Ciidan ee shilka galayHal Askari ayaa ku dhintay Sagaal kalana waa ay ku dhaawacmeen shil Gaari oo galabta ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari. Gaariga shilka galay oo ah nooca Soomaalidu u taqaan Cabdi Bile ayaa la socday Kolonyo gaadiid ah oo u socday Degmada Carmo, kuwaas oo loogu talagay soo dhaweynta Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxmed Cabdulaahi farmaajo oo maalinta Beri ah ku wajahan Degmadaas. Isbitaalka magaalada Boosaaso ayaa la gaarsiiyay dhaawaca askartii shilkaas ku wax yeeloobay oo qaarkood ay qabeen dhaawacyo culus, waxayna ahaa yeen ciidamo Boolis ah oo ilaalo u ahaa Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari. Wasiir ku xigeenka Warfaafinta Puntland Cabdirisak Shiikh Aduunyo oo kamid ah Gudiga soo dhaweynta Madaxweyne Farmaajo ee Degmada Carmo ayaa shilkan u xaqiijiyay PUNTLAND POST. PUNTLAND POST The post Gaari Ciidan oo Shil khasaaro geystay ku galay duleedka Bosaso appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. MOGADISHU, Jan. 10 — The Somali government on Wednesday called on Somaliland and Puntland regional states to stop escalating tension in the northern Sool region. The government said in a statement that it is committed to continuing reconciliation among the fighting sides in the region and across the country to help restore peace and stability. “The federal government’s intension is to stop the fight. It calls for Somaliland, Puntland local officials, community leaders, and scholars to stop the conflict, and work with the government in fostering peace and integrating brotherly people,” it said. The government called on both sides to swiftly and unconditionally bring to an end to the looming conflict and solve their differences through dialogue and reconciliation. The government expressed concern about the fresh armed conflict at Tukaraq area this week and urged the two sides to stop the battle unconditionally and come to negotiating table. Tension has been rising since Monday in the disputed Takaraq location in Sool region, about 90 km from Garowe town as both sides amass troops ready for combat in the Puntland administrative capital. Puntland authorities have blamed the break-away region of Somaliland for launching offensive in Takaraq to prevent visit by Somalia president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo to the region. The Somalia government described the current conflict in the region as unfortunate, saying such fighting would only give opportunity to the enemies of peace. The statement comes after military forces from Somaliland Monday took control of a town under the semi autonomous region of Puntland following a fierce fighting. Puntland State President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali condemned Somaliland for launching offensive on its territory. “Puntland State is fighting Al-Shabaab and IS militants and the attack from Somaliland Administration gives shelter and support to the terrorist groups in the region,” Ali said on Tuesday evening. Both Puntland and Somaliland have been in contest over Sool and Sanag regions with each side claiming control. Puntland parliament threatened force in November 2017 against Somaliland if elections took place in Sool during the presidential poll. The polls, however, went on uninterrupted in most areas of Sool. Xinhua
  18. Mogadishu–A roadside explosion injured two people in Somali capital of Mogadishu’s Hodan district early Wednesday in the latest attacks by suspected Al-Shabaab militants. Police and eye witnesses said the explosion targeted a vehicle carrying Somali security forces around the industrial road of Mogadishu. “The two people who were injured in the explosion at Taleh area in Hodan district were rushed to the hospital. One person was seriously injured,” said a police officer who declined to be named. No group claimed responsibility for the last attack. However, Al-Shabaab militants are often behind such attacks in the capital and across the Horn of Africa nation. Xinhua
  19. With the inauguration of Muse Bihi Abdi on 13 December 2017, Somaliland’s oft-delayed presidential election process officially ended. The Kulmiye party retained power, but the president changed for the third time in 14 years – impressive for an unrecognised nation, all the more so considering the neighbourhood it’s in. Besides the change in power, the electoral process itself was conducted in a credible manner. Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) was lauded by all three political parties for undertaking a successful voter registration process, including using an iris-scanner system, a first for Africa. The campaign period even included a presidential debate, another first for Somaliland, while media coverage was generally considered fairer than in previous contests. Both domestic observers from the Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum (SONSAF) and the International Election Observation Mission, comprising 60 observers from 27 countries, said election day passed without significant irregularities. But the elections also highlighted key tensions in Somaliland that need to be addressed between electoral cycles, as noted in a recent Institute for Security Studies (ISS) report. For example, relations between Bihi and his main challenger from the Waddani party, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi (Irro), grew heated and personal in the campaign’s second week. And days after the 13 November poll, Waddani claimed to have evidence of fraud, and suspended cooperation with the NEC. This spurred protests by Waddani supporters in Hargeisa, Burao and Erigavo, leading to at least three deaths. As usual though, Somaliland was able to weather the storms – another sign of maturing democratic processes. The candidates drew a sharp rebuke from traditional and religious leaders following the personal attacks on their opponents, demonstrating that such rhetoric has little place within Somaliland society. Waddani also resumed its cooperation with the NEC after it agreed to undertake measures to disprove the allegations, quelling further violent outbursts. Although Irro again distanced himself from the official results just hours before the NEC announced them, he later switched course. This successfully ended a process that had been hanging over Somaliland since the first presidential electoral delays were announced in early 2015. Nevertheless, while Waddani’s acceptance demonstrates a larger theme in Somaliland politics – that of subordinating personal ambitions for the greater good in the hope that a solid democratic record can eventually lead to international recognition – the manner of it raised additional concerns. Irro said he accepted the results to safeguard Somaliland unity, but still considered them to be concocted. Despite a peaceful and democratic poll, voting occurred largely along clan lines, perpetuating the politicisation of the clan, rather than serving as a chance to move away from it. The unbroken alliance between the Isaaq sub-clans Habar Awal and Habar Jeclo ensured victory for Kulmiye. This brought together two of Somaliland’s largest clans in a repeat to how former president Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silanyo) won in 2010. Expected to be a close vote, Kulmiye’s margin of 55% compared to Waddani’s 40% came as a surprise, and showed the latter’s inability to crack this clan alliance (and Kulmiye’s ability to attract others). But more pertinently it signals the difficulty of certain clans outside this arrangement to influence political selection at Somaliland’s highest levels, as they are now facing 12 years of uninterrupted Habar Awal-Habar Jeclo dominance within Somaliland’s executive. Bihi has been conciliatory in his victory, saying the right things about being a president for all of Somaliland, rather than just those who carried him to power. He must keep his promise to heal Somaliland’s divides, and tamp down the clan-based politics that appears to deepen with each passing election. Ignoring this may not only perpetuate clan politics in Somaliland, but also cause the democratic process to lose steam, given indications of localised discontent over the clan-based outcomes. Another aspect of the election that demonstrates both positives and negatives for Somaliland concerns the voting sections of the eastern Sool and Sanaag regions, which are contested by Puntland. Some areas participated in a Somaliland election for the first time, showing an increasing consolidation of territory. And despite Puntland’s parliament vowing not to let elections in the contested regions occur, and the deployment of troops to nearby areas, election day came and went with no major disruptions. There have since however been clashes between Somaliland and Puntland around the town of Tukaraq. Yet the vote also demonstrated the limits of Somaliland’s current reach, and the continued divisions that characterise the east. Voting was ultimately cancelled in the town of Badhan,and the electoral process excluded the Puntland-occupied districts of Las Qoray and Dhahar. In addition, the vote showcased divisions within the Dhulbahante clan found in eastern areas near the Puntland border. An agreement with the self-declared Dhulbahante entity of Khatumo just before the polls brought some into the fold, but spurred the emergence of a splinter group that refused to participate. Voting didn’t occur in Buhoodle in the Sool region because of the continued divisions. Khatumo factional leader Abdalla Haybe Agalule also issued a strident rebuke of the election, criticising the clan nature of the vote and dominance by Somaliland’s main Isaaq clan at the expense of smaller entities like the Dhulbahante. While tied to local power politics, the dynamics surrounding the agreement and inability to conduct the vote in certain areas demonstrates that outreach to Somaliland’s east remains a work in progress. In this sense, Bihi has his work cut out for him. Somaliland has achieved an impressive record of elections and peaceful transfers of power. But elections are a divisive activity, and the recent vote was highly contested. Such divisions can carry over between electoral cycles and become further entrenched if not properly managed. Bihi will need to be as inclusive as possible and reach out to those feeling marginalised to ensure his administration serves all of Somaliland, while preserving its precious unity. DM Omar Mahmood is a Researcher, ISS Addis Ababa. File Photo: Then Somaliland President Ahmed Silanyo arrives at Lancaster House for the Somalia Conference in London, Britain, 23 February 2012. EPA/ANDY RAIN
  20. Waxaa Tacsi loo dirayaa dhamaan Ilma Xuseen Xaaji Xasan Geerida ku timid Alla ha u naxiistee Hooyadood Xaawo Yuusuf Gaab oo todobaadkaan ku geeriyootay Magaalada Nairobi. Waxaa iyana Tacsi loo dirayaa dhamaan Reer Yuusuf Gaab, Ehelka,Qaraabada iyo asxaabta Geerida ku timid Marxuumada. Waxaa Illaahay looga baryayaa Marxuumada Jano waarta, dambi dhaaf iyo in Illaahay samir ka siiyo intii ay ka tagtay oo dhan. Aaaaamiiin Aaaamiin Aaaamiin Waxaa tacsida diraya Ilma Maxamuud Indhayare oo Marxuumada Habaryartood tahay
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Banaadir Taabit Cabdi Maxamed ayaa ka dalbaday Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya inay meel saaraan maqaamka siyaasadeed ee Gobolka Banaadir. Isagoo ka hadlay xeritaanka kalfadiga Aqalka sare ayuu sheegay in 3 Milyan oo shacabka Muqdisho ah ay u baahan yihiin inay metelaad ku yeeshaan Aqalka sare ee Baarlamaanka, taasina laga sugayo inay xaqiijiyaan xildhibaannada Aqalka Sare. Guddoomiye Thaabit ayaa u sheegay Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya in Dastuurka dalka uu farayo sharci gaara oo loo sameeyo caasimadda , taasoo ah arrin u taalla labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka inay sharci ka soo saaraan maqaamka caasimadda. Maqaamka Muqdisho ayaa noqday mid dowladihii isaga danbeeyay dalka aanay ku guuleystan inay sharci u sameeyaan, taasoo keentay inuu metelaad ku yeelan waayo Aqalka sare ee maamuladda dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Guddoomye G/Banaadir oo Aqalka Sare ka dalbaday Maqaamkii & Xuquuqda Dadka Muqdisho appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. HARGEISA–Somaliland President, HE Musa Bihi Abdi accompanied by Vice President, Abdirahman Sayli’i and ministers of foreign affairs and interior today met with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia Michael Keating who arrived in Hargeisa on official working visit. The UN delegation led by Micheal Keating and Somaliland President held discussions mainly on boosting the working relationship between Somaliland and the United Nations. Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, Somaliland’s Foreign Minister has spoken of the issues that were high on the agenda. Although the meeting was barred from media, the FM said that both sides discussed on political situation, democracy and peace in the region, economy and the aid allotted to Somaliland by the UN. UN Special Representative to Somalia, Keating said that he came to Hargeisa to meet with the new president. Mr. Micheal stressed that priority will be given to security, disaster prevention, job creation, improving health and education as part of Somaliland’s national plan. The UN special envoy told that UN is committed to with with Somaliland.
  23. A total of 180 incidents of maritime piracy and armed robbery were reported in 2017, the lowest annual number of incidents since 1995 when 188 reports were received, a global maritime body said on Wednesday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Maamulka Somaliland Baashe Maxamed Faarax ayaa ka jawaabay eedeyn uga timid dhinaca Puntland oo ahayd in Maamulka Somaliland ay taageerayaan Al-shabaabka dagaalka kula jira Puntland. Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somaliland ayaa sheegay in Tukaraq ay ka mid tahay degaannada Somaliland islamarkaana Ciidamada ay ka fushadeen dan ay halkaas u tageen. Wxaaa uu xusay in xudduuda Somaliland iyo Puntland ay 7km u jirto Garowe islamarkaana aysan Somaliland ilaa hadda xadgudub geysan. Baashe ayaa ka digay in haddii colaadda Tukaraq sii korodho in wax laga weydiinayo Madaxweynaha Puntland C/Wali Maxamed Cali Gaas. Waxaa uu xusay in Somaliland ku mashquulsantahay dhimaha iyo horumarinta degaannadeeda islamarkaana aysan diyaar u ahayn dagaal ay la gasho Puntland. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa xalay Somaliland ku eedeeyay in dagaalka Tukaraq ay ku garabsiinayaan Al-shabaab,taas ooo uu ku sheegay in ay dhibaato ku keeni doonto amniga labada dhinac. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Somaliland: “wixii ka dhaca Tukaraq, C/Wali Gaas ayaa mas’uul ka ah”. appeared first on Caasimada Online.