Deeq A.

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  1. Wasiirkii Hore Tacliinta Sare dalka Zimbabwe,Jonathan Moyo oo haatan dhuumasho ku jira,kadib markii waddanka laga musaafuriyey,ayaa sheegay in Zimbabwe ay noqon doonto sida Soomaaliya,haddii Madaxweyne Emmerson Mnangagwa uu talada sii hayo. Mr.Moyo oo Wareysi siiyey Wakaaladda Wararka ee Reuters, ayaa Beesha Caalamka ka dalbaday in ay gacan ka geystaan sidii xilka looga tuuri lahaa Xukuumadda uu hoggaamiyo Emmerson Mnangagwa oo uu ku tilmaamay”dowlad militari”. Sidoo kale Mr.Moyo ayaa sheegay in aanay jirin wax caddeyn ah oo muujinaya in Madaxweynihii hore Zimbabwe,Robert Mugabe uu xilka si iskiisa uga degay,kadib markii militariga uu la wareegay dhammaan xarumihii dowladda,laakiin Af-hayeenka Xukuumadda Zimbabwe,George Charamba oo hadalkaas ka jawaabaya ayaa Mr.Moyo ku tilmaamay”Siyaasi si xun loo jebiyay”. Siyaasigaan baxsadka ah ee Jonathan Moyo ayaan ilaa iyo haatan la aqoon halka uu ku suganyahay,kadib markii ay dalka ka musaafurisay Xukuumadda Cusub ee Zimbabwe ee uu hoggaamiyo Emmerson Mnangagwa. PUNTLAND POST The post Siyaasi sheegay in Zimbabwe noqon doonto sida Soomaaliya. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Mogadishu, 12 January 2017 – The Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism of the Federal Government of Somalia categorically rejects the claims from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and wishes to inform the IFJ’s good offices that they were deliberately misled by at least one of its board members Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Just yesterday I accidently met a Chinese-looking guy in a restaurant in Burao. An acquaintance of mine introduced us and from there we began our conversation. The gentleman was a Chinese Muslim from North-West China and he came to Somaliland looking for investment opportunities. Mr. Abdurrahman was upbeat and buoyant of the prospect of investing in Togdheer region. He spoke of the nice climate, the vast land mass with fertile soil that was never cultivated, the possibilities of developing the livestock industry into modernity and the many other unexploited natural resources in Somaliland and especially in Togdheer region. Our conversation drifted to the Somaliland population and I jokingly told him: “it is about the same size as inhabitants of a medium-size Chinese hotel – just about 4 million.” I added, hearing that he burst into laughter and alerted me “that is a bit of an exaggeration.” Mr. Abdurrahman told me that he lately read from somewhere that we in Somaliland lost 50,000 lives to a famine in the 1970s and he politely wanted me to explain how that happened, when our country is so rich with natural resources. At that point I have realized that we wasted our time doing nothing, but talking and endlessly talking. I was embarrassed to be told stealthily that I belong to a nation that is intellectually lazy, a nation that never learns from its past mistakes and a nation not willing to plan and think ahead for a better future. Yes indeed, I was more than humiliated and I had no decent explanation to offer to Mr. Abdurrahman. I admit, from the day we united with Somalia onwards that we have had many hurdles on our way, but these hurdles were of our own making and due to our uneducated poor judgments. As a nation we suffer of a psychiatric derangement known as a displacement disorder, which involves a shift from important to unimportant elements. We cowardly avoid tackling with reality and we look around for a scapegoat rather than looking at ourselves on the mirror and as a nation we blame our own inherent problems on others, including the weather. We preoccupy ourselves and waste our precious time at variance on the clannish affiliations of the new members of the new president’s cabinet rather than putting emphasis on their abilities in solving our enormous problems. In turn, the newly chosen cabinet members appear on TVs bragging of their personal attributes instead of telling us what they plan to do to improve our miserable lives. Our president does not do any better, because he wastes too much time avoiding to step on the toes of different clans and that is how we ended up jumping on the laps of these incompetent people time and again – isn’t that an ignominy? Talking of scapegoats let us stumble upon our major problems head-on. Let us begin with the international recognition of our national sovereignty, did not the international community offer us the opportunity for a bilateral dialogue with Somalia on our future relations on a silver platter? Did we mange that in a smart way? We talk a great deal of lack of jobs and opportunities of international investment; didn’t the UK government give us the opening to showcase our investment prospects to the world? Did we run home with that opportunity? What about educating our youth to the level of international acceptance, so then we can market them as qualified cheap labor and bring home much needed industries from all over the world? Have we done our best making lives easier for prospective investors by putting corrupt bureaucrats on short leashes? How are we going to forge friendships with other countries to get more international support? What are we doing to offer food security to our people and how long will it take us to accomplish that? How are we going to deal with corruption and nepotism? What about power abuse and obstruction of justice? What about conflict of interest? What about human rights? The list of questions goes on frenziedly. Unless we answer these questions and put an action plan on the works then we will only dig our heels on the spot and get frozen in time. These questions and many other more crucial ones can only be answered by having honest, bold and hard-working leadership. Let us see what countries that have fewer resources did accomplish in a short span of time and follow the examples of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The successes of these countries are attributed to a courageous and a good leadership. Equally, the advisory members of every leader are a reflection and a measure of his intelligence and integrity. Are you wondering if my conversation with Mr. Abdurrahman was in Chinese? Then that is not the case – we are both fluent in Arabic. Dr. Yusuf Dirir Ali
  4. Saraakiisha Ciidanka Kumaandooska Soomaaliya ee Danab ayaa sheegay in ay burburiyeen Saldhiggii ugu weynaa Al-shabaab ee gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose. Taliyaha Ciidanka Kumaandooska Danab ee Xoogga dalka,G/sare Ahmed Cabdullahi sheekh oo Caawo la hadlay Idaacadda Ciidamada Qalabka ee Soomaaliya,ayaa sheegay in hawlgal qorshaysan oo ay ka fuliyeen degaan Leego ee gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose lagu burburiyey Saldhigii ugu weynaa Al-shabaab ee gobolkaasi,islamarkaana lagu dilay in ka badan 10 dagaallame oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab. Saldhigga la burburiyey ayaa Al-shabaab ka soo abaabuli jireen qaraxyada iyo weerarrada qorshaysan ee ka gaystaan magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Soomaaliya,sidoo kalena waxay ku uruurin jireen lacago ay ku magacaabeen”Sakawaad” oo laga qaado dadka Shacabka ah,sida ay ku warrantay Idaacadda Ciidamada Qalabka ee Soomaaliya. sawirro ay baahisay Idaacadda ayaa muujinaya wax u muuqda xarun ciidan oo la burburiyey,balse lama xaqiijin karo in Al-shabaab leedahay,sidoo kale waxaan la xaqiijin karin khasaaraha ka dhashay hawlgalkan ee la gaarsiiyey Al-shabaab oo aan dhankooda weli wax war ah ka soo bixin. PUNTLAND POST The post Kumaandooska Soomaaliya oo sheegay in ay burburiyeen Saldhiggii ugu weynaa Al-shabaab ee gobolka SH/Hoose. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. MOGADISHU, Jan. 12 — The United Nations agencies working in Somalia will next week launch the 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan which outlines the humanitarian situation and priorities for response throughout the country. A statement from the UN Office for Coordinating of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Friday that the scaled-up humanitarian response with generous contributions from donors averted large-scale famine in the Horn of Africa nation last year. “However, with growing and increasingly severe humanitarian needs, indications are that the effects of the prolonged drought will extend into 2018,” OCHA said. The newly developed Plan for Somalia for 2018 reflects a commitment by aid agencies to better support Somalis in addressing the extensive humanitarian needs throughout the country. An estimated 6.2 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and the UN says food security needs are nearly double the five-year average, with an estimated 2.44 million people in crisis and 866,000 in emergency throughout Somalia. Xinhua
  6. In principle, the culture of governance, to those unaccustomed to what it is meant to display and deliver, can be a tricky endeavor. If one is accustomed to conspiracy and collusion and not to decency and dialogue, it becomes harder for him to recall what has happened or missed when there was no good governance. It could be even argued that he could not be able to show the reflections of what good governance means to people. The culture of good governance displays the glint of truth. But if the governance becomes dense and masks the truth it is meant to display and demonstrate, then we are in trouble. The beauty of governance depends basically on transparency. When there is truth in the governance, there is beauty in the system. But when there is no truth in the governance, there is no beauty in the system. As the old adage says “When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.” This saying reminds us the fact that we are in an era in which great men are missed, and even the beautiful ones are not yet born. Only the barons and predators are the ones who steal the show and share the evil intent that engenders our national diseases. This is why having a more mature kind of politics is not seen in our system. A political of moral engagement is even missing from governing senarios in this era of wickedness. The culture of governance has never been in trouble. It is the way we use it that has been a trouble. The rule of law remains resilient and realistic when those who govern societies, in all honesty and fairness, are well recruited into the rule of law. But when the motivation behind those running for the presidency is based almost exclusively on a burning desire to defeat and destroy the other side, the chances are things that will end badly increase exponentially. Imagine if this question “Why do you want to be president” had been put to Muse Biixi in the election campaign. What answer he would have given? Regardless of what sort of answer Muse Biixi would have given, his reasons could not be grounded in ideology, in deeply held ideas about what kind of nation Somaliland would be. All societies give a hard time to every candidate intending to run for presidency. They question him, examine him, observe him and have lengthy repetitive interviews with him to know exactly what he is as a person and what motivates him to run for presidency. The reason for this is that the people want to hold every candidate accountable for what he says and promises. This is a precondition intending to prevent any loophole around which each candidate can act, do and decide as he would like to. For reasons of emulation, what motivation do we, as Somaliland citizens, want to see in those who want to be Somaliland President? To gain the power and prestige of the office and satisfy their ego? Or to serve their country and help people? The mantra for seeking Somaliland political posts stems from the attractions to material possession. Neither power nor fame are the motivational factors that are behind the ambitions of those who seek Somaliland political positions. Fortune and somehow or the other “retaliation” are the factors that mostly motivate all Somaliland politicians to seek power after power. If a leader is cash-oriented and not cause-oriented, what would one expect from such leader? When the head of the state is selfish, corrupt and crook, and the society is ready to be corrupted, how the culture of governance that could evolve from this would look like? Somaliland has been in the middle of unrestrained political corruption and deleterious governance in the last decades and still be unable to create a more promising democracy to the future. Of course well cultivated governance is what defines the system, the true image of all nations, the life, the norms, the notions of national pride, the ethics, and the moral values of the whole societies. As Somaliland society, are we focusing on what we are trying to reach or focusing on what to keep? What about how citizens, young and old alike, really behave: to say how we experience shame, how we love and how we rage, how we fail, how we retreat, how we deal with the challenges we face and how we overcome? The need of the hour shows that our governing system must be improved, our culture re-engineered, our education system re-innovated, our politics reformed, our people re-organized, re-orientated and re-mobilized, our institutions re-structured, our constitution re-modified, and our ethics and attitudes re-examined and re-refined. Of course this is a responsibility for all and not one exclusively incumbent upon a single person, but the push, pressure and plans to imlement all that noble deeds must come from the present leadership. This depends on capability, credibility and content. The credibility and capability of a new president is always revealed in his first moves – his problem-solving skills, his attitudes of how well he gets things done, his courage to take tough decisions, his integrity of how he takes actions to clean the messy things that he inherited from his predecessor, his readiness of how he listens to those who are knowledgeable about the reality on the ground, the quality of the people he selected as his teamwork, how he fulfills his promises he made in his inauguration presidential day? Muse Biix’s problem-solving skill as a president is still under observational test. He has just cleaned feminine gender domination from the presidential palace. He has also appointed his cabinet, with whose credentials and qualifications are questionable. His talent, if there is any, and skill for problem-solving will be known to all of us when we see his tactics and technics to create job opportunities for the unemployed youth. Muse Biixi’s integrity to clean the messy things he inherited from his predecessor is in fact questionable. He has not taken any legal action against the people who withstood the ugliest things that governance can throw at Somaliland people. All of them went out unpunished. Which raises the question: Why every new Somaliland government declines to bring those who stole the public wealth to the book? Does this mean that there is a standing agreement that no administration has the authority to account the one before? Politicians always make many promises during election campaigns. Every candidate promises the sky but none could fulfill their promises. Of all his promises, the most urgent one is justice, should Muse can make it prevail. If the mutual adjustment of power sharing equation will not be fulfilled, there is a likelihood that division over how to defend and define Somaliland soverignity will arise. How could Somaliland believe that their leaders are aware of what the country needs when most of them are not even brooding the past, leave alone they are to ensure that the future is safe? Attempts to push today back to yesterday are too dangerous at this day and age, and especially as they concern government affairs and reworking of human resources, where the price of a single error is irreversible catastrophe. Whether Somaliland will ever have presidents or parliamentarian members with transformational qualities, who can lift the country up and organize its people in a way that no othere leaders have or could in recent memories, remains to be seen. Jamal Ismail
  7. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Nur I was at a restaurant in Mogadishu in 2014 when a man approached me and unexpectedly confessed to having been part of the gang that attacked my home in Mogadishu in 1992 in which my 18-month-old daughter, Yasmin, was brutally killed. The man then fervently and remorsefully begged for my forgiveness, saying the matter had troubled him for many years. Initially, I felt so much anger with memories of my lifeless daughter flooding back to my mind. I felt like killing him on the spot to revenge my daughter’s death. But after some moments of silence, I felt some calm return to my heart. I then told him I had forgiven him. The man hugged me and we both couldn’t hold back tears. Immediately after the incident, I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt whole again. This personal incident, if nothing else, strengthened my conviction about the need for reconciliation to heal Somalia. No doubt, Somalia is making modest progress in rebuilding itself from the destruction wrought by decades of catastrophic civil war but the crucial agenda of grassroots truth, justice and reconciliation is not receiving the attention it desperately deserves. The civil war not only precipitated the meltdown of state institutions and destruction of infrastructure and the economy, but also the unravelling of the social and cultural fabric of the country. Without deliberate efforts to rebuild the shattered trust and goodwill and address deep-seated grievances between individuals, families and communities at the grassroots level, reconstruction efforts will not be sustainable and durable. Somalia is one of the few countries in Africa with a homogenous population that shares language, religion, bloodlines and culture but the widespread violence, human rights violations and injustices during the civil war exacerbated social divisions and disharmony mainly along clan lines. Until now, not much has been done to repair those relationships, build bridges and address underlying grievances thus eliminating common spaces for dialogue, accommodation and coexistence. There have been many conferences since the early 1990s ostensibly to bring about reconciliation between various segments of the Somali population but they have hardly had any impact in the grassroots. This is partly because the initiatives have largely been dominated by politicians and clan leaders, including warlords, without much involvement of the people in the grassroots who should be the main drivers of such initiatives in a bottom-up way. In fact, the conferences have been more about power-sharing between clan leaders than fostering genuine grassroots truth, justice and reconciliation. Searing The searing impact of the Somali civil war has been so widespread that it is difficult to find a Somali national who is not nursing deep-seated grievance and trauma due to the killing of loved ones or loss of property or dignity. That’s why the time for Somalia to have its own indigenous process of truth, justice and reconciliation is long overdue. ALSO READ: Al Shabaab IDPs accuse State of denying them food The process will give space to the people to explore the full extent of the crimes and violations that occurred in the civil war and continue to occur; come to terms with the pain, anger and grief as well as look into appropriate avenues of justice, compensation, forgiveness and reconciliation. When the incident was reported by local media, similar incidences also emerged in various parts of the country. That’s why since then I have been keen to use that personal story with a hope of promoting grassroots reconciliation in Somalia. However, there is a pressing need for a more structured process so that the Somali nationals can explore the dark past together and come to terms to it. Somalia can benefit from the experiences of countries such as Rwanda which deployed traditional methods of justice and reconciliation to address the aftermath of the 1994 genocide. Somalia too has rich traditional and religious systems that can be tapped to successfully address to rebuild the shattered social fabric in the war-torn country. Before Somalia can take its rightful place in the community of nations, it must bravely face and address the horrors and dark corners of its history during the civil war through a grassroots truth, justice and reconciliation process. Ambassador Nur (Americo) is a former Presidential candidate in Somalia (2017) and former Somalia envoy to Kenya (2007-2015)
  8. Former Commerce and Investment minister under president Silanyo’s administration, Hon. Omar Shuaib has become preoccupied with the growing of his commercial fruit and vegetable farming which locates in the outskirts of the port city of Berbera. The former minister who was excluded from council of ministers after his party won the presidential polls said that he is encouraging local farming production. Mr. Shuaib told Horn Cable TV that he planted onions, tomatoes and the papaya. Most of former cabinet ministers are idle after the incumbent president has excluded from the council of ministers. Most of them have gone abroad while the rest waste their time in tea shops and have Khat sessions. The ex-minister said that the only obstacle that he faces is that he lacks agriculture knowledge. He urged the government to improve the knowledge of farming community in Somaliland.
  9. By Caroline Kenny, CNN Updated 1801 GMT (0201 HKT) January 12, 2018 Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on Friday denied describing certain nations as “shithole countries” during a meeting in which he rejected a bipartisan deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. He also denied demanding that Haitians be removed from negotiations about protected status for people from certain countries. “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!” Trump tweeted. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 12, 2018 White House spokesperson Raj Shah did not deny the “shithole” remark on Thursday evening, but instead said in a statement that Trump “is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation.” Trump later tweeted Friday morning that he “Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country. Never said ‘take them out.’ Made up by Dems. I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians. Probably should record future meetings – unfortunately, no trust!” — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 12, 2018 A source familiar with the meeting told CNN’s Jake Tapper the President did not refer to Haiti as a “shithole” country but Trump did ask why the US needs more Haitians and pushed to “take them out” of the deal. In a separate part of the conversation about the diversity visa lottery, the source said, Trump referred to people coming from Africa as coming from “shithole countries.” Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, who was briefed by Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin and a fellow GOP Senator who attended the meeting, confirmed that version of events to CNN. Durbin, a key negotiator in DACA talks, recounted the meeting on MSNBC Friday, saying, “He said, ‘Haitians. Do we need more Haitians?’ Then he went on and started to describe the immigration from Africa that was being protected in this bipartisan measure. That’s when he used these vile and vulgar comments, calling the nations they come from ‘shitholes.’ The exact word used by the President. Not just once but repeatedly. That was the nature of this conversation.” Separately, Durbin told reporters he had not seen a single news report about the President’s words that was false. “I’ve not read one of them that’s inaccurate,” Durbin said. “He said these hate-filled things and he said them repeatedly.” DACA protects hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children from deportation. Trump on Thursday rejected a pitch from a bipartisan team of senators on a compromise immigration deal to protect DACA participants while increasing border security. “Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole countries’ coming here?” Trump told senators in the Oval Office, according to a source briefed on the meeting, the comments from which were first reported by The Washington Post. Tweets threaten deal Trump’s denial came among a series of other tweets in which he defended his immigration stance. “The so-called bipartisan DACA deal presented yesterday to myself and a group of Republican Senators and Congressmen was a big step backwards. Wall was not properly funded, Chain & Lottery were made worse and USA would be forced to take large numbers of people from high crime…..,” Trump tweeted. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 12, 2018 He continued: “….countries which are doing badly. I want a merit based system of immigration and people who will help take our country to the next level. I want safety and security for our people. I want to stop the massive inflow of drugs. I want to fund our military, not do a Dem defund…. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 12, 2018 “….Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards. The Dems will threaten ‘shutdown,’ but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 12, 2018 He also said: “Sadly, Democrats want to stop paying our troops and government workers in order to give a sweetheart deal, not a fair deal, for DACA. Take care of our Military, and our Country, FIRST!” The tweets suggest that Trump is interested in a system that would only accept individuals from certain countries and backgrounds in exchange for a DACA deal — as well as a much more substantial border investment than one year of funding and technology upgrades the lawmakers had presented. Democrats have made clear they would not consider some of the suggestions and the demands risk exacerbating already tense talks as both sides are entrenched in negotiating position. While some Republicans hope to gain leverage by dragging out negotiations and increase the risk that DACA recipients could lose status and even be deported, advocates have made clear to Democrats they should feel empowered to reject a deal that benefits DACA immigrants at the expense of scores of others and their families. Trump’s agreement has always been essential to any immigration deal. Sen. John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican, reiterated on Thursday after the White House meeting that a deal would only move for a vote with a clear message from the President that he would sign it. This story has been updated to reflect Sen. Dick Durbin’s most recent comments and additional reporting. CNN’s Tal Kopan and Lauren Fox contributed to this report.
  10. An 11-year-old Toronto girl says a man approached her while she was walking to school on Friday morning and attempted twice to cut off her hijab with scissors. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Somaliland delegation led by the foreign minister & international cooperation, Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire is in the UK. The FM attended a meeting held at the British parliament which was organized by friends of Somaliland within in the parliament. Mr. Sa’ad Ali Shire has spoken about the way Somaliland election was conducted.
  12. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdag (C-R) and his Somalian counterpart Mahdi Mohammed Gulaid (C-L) sign the Turkey-Somalia Joint Economic Commission meeting protocol at the Ministry of Economy in Ankara, Turkey on January 12, 2018. ( Hayati İkizoğlu – Anadolu Agency ) ANKARA–Turkey and Somalia on Friday signed a pact to boost their strategic economic partnership. “We wish to deepen relations with Somalia. Turkey’s investment in Somalia stands at over $100 million,” Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdag told a signing ceremony alongside his Somali counterpart Mahdi Mohammed Gulaid. “This figure forms a foundation to prompt bigger cooperation in the days to come.” He predicted that the bilateral trade volume would rise to $200 million from about $120 million in 2016. He spoke at the opening of a Turkey-Somalia Joint Economic Commission meeting in the capital Ankara co-chaired by himself and Gulaid. Akdag added that both countries should carry through 2016 memorandums of understanding in such areas as energy, mines, electricity, higher education, agriculture, and maritime affairs. He added an expected free trade agreement between the two countries would boost trade ties. Gulaid, for his part, said the meeting would maintain bilateral economic ties and bolster strategic cooperation in the years to come. The countries also inked a memorandum of understanding on fishing and fisheries, signed by Turkey’s Food, Agriculture and Livestock Minister Ahmet Esref Fakibaba and Somali’s Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Abdirahman Mohamed Abdi Hashi. “Now we have started work on the development of Somalia as well as [it] becoming a major economic power with the support of Turkey,” Hashi said following the signing ceremony, adding that the pact would be the beginning of numerous future cooperation deals between the two countries. Under the deal, Turkish fishermen will be able to fish in Somalia’s territorial waters. Turkey and Somalia have long enjoyed friendly relations, as Turkey has invested in many areas to help modernize Mogadishu, the capital of the Horn of Africa country. Last September, Turkey opened its largest military training academy abroad in Somalia. Located south of Mogadishu, the training facility took some two years to build. The facility spans over 4 square kilometers (1.54 square miles), and can train more than 1,500 troops at a time, according to the Somali government. AA
  13. Dyane Epstein, IOM Somalia Chief of Mission during the opening ceremony of the renovated Garowe International Airport in Somalia. Photo: UN Migration Agency (IOM) 2018 Garowe – The newly renovated Garowe International Airport opened its doors on 8 January in the capital of Puntland state, Somalia. The airport had been closed since 2013 and now aims to make Garowe a hub for international travel. IOM, the UN Migration Agency, supported the renovation efforts led by the Puntland authorities, in full coordination with the federal government and international partners. “A well established and functioning airport in Garowe is a step in the right direction towards the vision of secure and humane migration within, from, and to Puntland and the greater Somalia,” said Dyane Epstein, IOM Somalia Chief of Mission during the opening ceremony. “With the concerted efforts of all dedicated stakeholders, including those present here today, I believe that we can look forward with optimism,” she added. The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo attended the event. Other government representatives present included the President of Puntland State, Vice President of Puntland State, the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation of the Federal Government of Somalia, the Deputy Minister of Aviation and Airports of Puntland State and federal and state directors. Also present were representatives from the EU, World Bank and the UN, as well as government delegations from Ethiopia and Turkey. Equipment and furnishings to support the smooth functioning of the airport was donated to the Government through the generous funding of the EU under the Better Migration Management (BMM) Programme, which aims to strengthen immigration and border management capacities. Additionally, IOM’s support for the airport through the BMM programme will increase capacities in data management, reception of passengers and queue management. “The Ministry of Civil Aviation and Airports commends the dedicated collaboration between the Puntland Government, the Federal Government of Somalia and our international partners including UN members such as the UN Migration Agency for ensuring successful re-operationalization of Garowe Airport,” said Suad Salah Nurm, Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation and airport. With the support of IOM, Garowe International Airport will be able to collect passenger information using the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS), IOM’s border management information system. This information is critical to a well-functional border management, as migration trends can be analysed by immigration authorities to improve services and inform policy. MIDAS is operational in over 19 countries globally, with its largest presence in Somalia. BMM is funded by the EU Trust Fund for Africa and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and coordinated through the German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ). It aims to improve migration management to reduce the trafficking and smuggling of migrants, within and from the Horn of Africa. IOM is one of the implementing partners within the programme. IOM
  14. Wakaaladda Wararka Soomaaliya ee SONNA ayaa sheegtay in sarkaal ka tirsan Al-shabaab uu isu dhiibay Ciidanka Xoogga dalka qeybtooda ku sugan degmada Buurhakaba ee gobolka Baay. Sarkaalka oo magaciisa lagu sheegay Ibraahim Xasan Cali,ayaa in muddo ah ka tirsanaa ururka Al-shabaab,waxaana Wakaaladdu ka soo xigatay sarkaalkan,in Al-shabaab khilaaf ka dhex abuurmay,kadib markii ay kala shakiyeen,islamarkaana haatan ay dhexdooda is-dilayaan. Sida Wakaaladda SONNA sheegtay ninkaan ayaa Al-shabaab ka soo goostay,kadib markii uu la kulmay dhibaatooyin kala duwan oo ka soo wajahday dhinaca Al-shabaab. Ma jirto cid ka madax-bannaan SONNA oo warkaan xaqiijisay. PUNTLAND POST The post Sarkaal ka tirsan Al-shabaab oo la sheegay in isu dhiibay dowladda Soomaaliya. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. Ankara (PP) ─ Xukuumadda Turkiga ayaa uga digtay shacabkeeda inay ka taxadaraan safarrada ay ku aadayaan dalka Mareykanka sababo la xiriira dhanka amniga, sida ay baahisay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Turkiga. Bayaan maanta oo Jimco ah ay soo saartay wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Turkiga ayaa lagu sheegay inay kordheen cabsida iyo walaaca laga qabo weerarro argagaxiso ee Mareyaknka iyo xarig sharci-darro ah oo lagula kaco Turkida iyo saaxiibbadooda galbeedka. “Waxaanu ogaanay inay kordheen khatartaha weerarrada argagaxiso ee la filan karo inay ka dhacaan Mareykanka,” ayay wasaaraddu ku tiri bayaanka ay soo saartay, iyadoo intaas ku dartay inay jireen dilal dhawr ah oo dalka Mareykanka ka dhacay dhawrkii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay. Sidoo kale, waxaa bayaanka lagu yiri. “Waxaa jira weerarro loo adeegsado gaadiidka oo dad badan lagu laayo, weerarro toos ah iyo kuwo bambooyin loo adeegsado iyo in la beegsado goobaha ay dadku isugu tagaan; kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin; faras-magaalaha, goobaha dalxiiska, maxadooyinka ay tareennadu ka baxaan, dhismayaasha waaweyn, goobaha cibaada iyo sidoo kale iskuullada.” Wasaaradda ayaa dhacdooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ee dhacay waxay ka xustay weerarkii xarunta jaamacadda Ohio, Masjidka Dar Al-Faruq oo Minnesota ku yaalla, Kaniisad ku taalla gobolka Texas iyo weerar lagu qaaday bishii lasoo dhaafay xarun tareen oo ku taalla New York. Dhanka kale, Wasaaradda ayaa ka digtay xarigga aan sharciga ahayn ee loo geysto muwaadiniinta iyo shaqaalaha Dowladda Turkiga ee safarrada kala duwan ku aadan dalka Mareykanka. Ugu dambeyn, Digniintan kasoo baxday dowladda Turkiga ayaa waxay kusoo beegmaysaa xilli Arbacadii lasoo dhaafay ay Xukuumadda Washington kasoo saartay dingiin safar oo ku aaddan dalal uu Turkiga ka mid yahay, kuwaasoo ay sheegeen inay ka jiraan khatarro dhanka ammaanka ah, waxaana ka mid ah dalalkaan; Sudan, Pakistan and Guatemala. PUNTLAND POST The post Muwaadiniinta Turkiga oo looga digay inay u safraan Mareykanka, Maxay tahay Sababta? appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Sida ay Goobjoog News u xaqiijiyeen ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay oo ku sugan magaalada Dhuusa-mareeb, Guddoomiyaha guddiga madaxa bannaan ee doorashooyinka qaranka Xaliimo Ismaaciil Yarey iyo illaa 10 shaqaale ah ayaa ku jira xabsi guri magaalada Dhuusa-mareeb ee xarunta Galgaduud. Guddiga oo ujeedkiisa ahaa wacyi-gelin la xirirta doorashada ayaa ku sugan magaalooyin ay ka mid yihin Cadaado, Cabdud-waaq, Guri-ceel iyo meelo kale, waxaana la sheegayaa in Xalimo Yarey iyo saraakiil kale loo diiday in ay dib ugu noqdaan Guri-ceel si ay u aadaan Galkacyo kadibna Garoowe. Guddiga madaxa bannaan ee doorashooyinka qaranka waxa sanadki hore shaqadan u diray baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Wararkan kala soco, Goobjoog News Source
  17. Ankara ( Sh. M. Network )-Dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Turkiga ayaa heshiis Ganacsi ku kala saxiixday magaalada Ankara ee xarunta Dalkaasi. Heshiiskan ayaa waxaa uu dhexmaray Ra’’iisul wasaare ku xigeenka dalka Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed “Khadar” iyo dhigiisa dalkaasi Turkiga. Qodobada ugu muhiimsan ee heshiiskan ayaa waxaa ka mid ah dhoofinta Muuska, Liinta qalalan, Sisinta iyo Kalluunka, taas oo muhiim u ah Soomaaliya. Turkiga iyo Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ka dhaxeeyo xiriir soo jireen ah, waxaana Turkiga Soomaaliya uu ka taageeraa dhinacyo kala duwan, sida dhismaha Ciidanka, Caafimaadka, Waxbarashada iyo arrima kale. Hehiiskan cusub ayaa fursad siinaya Beeraleyda dalka, oo ka faa’ideysan doono Mashruucan, iyadoona wax soo saarka dalka loo iib geyn doono dalkaasi Turkiga. Source: Shabelle News Network
  18. Mogadishu (HOL) - The United Nations has announced that their agencies working in Somalia will launch the 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan on January 17th which details the priorities for humanitarian response in the country. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. (CNN)When Donald Trump lashed out at people coming to the US from "shithole countries," it was a reaction to a plan to cut the number of people entering the country through the visa lottery program. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Ethiopian Oromo refugees fleeing to Kenya to escape persecution say they are finding life on the streets of Nairobi no better than the insecurity they left behind, as they are targeted by bribes and harassment and forced into vast camps with few prospects or protections. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Mogadishu (HOL) - A Somali military officer was shot dead on Friday by Kenya as Somali National Army and Kenya's Anti-Terror Police Unit (ATPU) clashed in Elwak town, Somalia's border Kenya. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. Mogadishu (HOL) - A Somali military officer was shot dead on Friday by Kenya as Somali National Army and Kenya's Anti-Terror Police Unit (ATPU) clashed in Elwak town, Somalia's border Kenya. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Wasaarada Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska DPL ayaa maanta biyo xireen ka dhagax dhigtay togga Hoodaal oo kuyaala duleedka magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland, Biyo xireenkan ayaa kamid ah qorshaha wasaarada Deegaanku ay ugu jirto latacaalida saamaynta isbedelka cimilada oo ay kamid tahay Biyo-yaridu, Waxaana dhagax dhiga biyo xireenka cusub ka qaybgalay madax ka socotay wasaarada Deegaanka iyo maamulka gobolka Nugaal. Agaasimaha waaxda la tacaalida isbedelka cimilada ee wasaarada Deegaanka Maxamed Ciise Maxamed oo ka hadlay dhagax dhiga biyo xireenkan cusub ayaa sheegey in biyo xireenkan la rajanayo inuu halkii marba qabto in kabadan 15Milyan oo Litir oo biyo ah kuwaas oo awal khasaari jiray, Maxamed Ciise dhanka kale wuxuu sheegey in biyo Xireenkan ay ka faa’iidaysan doonaan dadka ku dhaqan dhulka miyiga ah, barkacayaasha ka dhow deegaanka iyo dadka magaalada Garoowe iyadoo loo samayn doono qaab wanaagsan oo biyaha lagu maamuli doono. Gudoomiye kuxigeenka gobolka Nugaal Cali Salaad ayaa siwayn usoo dhaweeyey in wasaarada deegaanku ay Biyo-xireenkii Sadexaad ka dhisayso gobolka Nugaal waxaana ay sheegeen inay ilaashan doonaan Biyo Xireenka islamarkaasna ay rajaynayaan inay si wayn uga faa’iidaystaan. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaarada Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska Mudane, Cabdicasiis Nuur Cilmi (Koor) ayaa sheegey in biyo xireenkan si degdeg ah dhismihiisa loo bilaabi doono waxaana uu sheegey in dhismaha biyo xireenkani uu waxkabadali doono nolosha dadka, xoolaha iyo Duurjoogtaba waxaana uu dadweynaha deegaanka kula dardaarmay inay ka fogaadaan waxkasta oo waxyeeli kara dhismaha biyo xireenkan, Agaasimaha wasaarada Deegaanku dhanka kale wuxuu sheegey in wasaarada deegaanku ay sii laba jibaari doonto qorshaha ay ka leedahay in bulshada biyaha loo qabto si looga boxo biyo yarida iyo oonka.