Deeq A.

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  1. Russian President and Presidential candidate Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a rally and concert marking the fourth anniversary of Russia’s annexation of the Crimea region, at Manezhnaya Square in central Moscow, Russia March 18, 2018. – Alexander Zemlianichenko | POOL | Reuters Russia responded angrily to a U.S.-led strike against Syria on Friday, warning of unspecified “consequences” that stoked fears the conflict could escalate. President Donald Trump ordered targeted military action in the country, following an alleged chemical weapons attack that reportedly left dozens of citizens dead. Russia, which has backed the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has joined Damascus in denying an attack even took place — even though U.S. authorities have declared it did with near certainty. The dispute over Syria was the latest wedge between the West and Russia, which has been embroiled in conflicts on multiple fronts with western governments. In a statement released on Twitter, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. said the country was being “threatened,” and issued an ominous warning that reprisals could follow. In the near term, the military strike appeared to ramp up a searing war of words between Washington and Moscow, which regarded the action as a attack on Russia itself. The Associated Press, citing a Russian media outlet, quoted a top Russian official as likening Trump to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Alexander Sherin, deputy head of the State Duma’s defense committee, said Trump “can be called Adolf Hitler No. 2 of our time — because, you see, he even chose the time that Hitler attacked the Soviet Union,” the AP reported. Trump has singled out Russian President Vladimir Putin for his support of Assad, as well as Iran. In his speech announcing military action in Syria, Trump pointedly asked: “What kind of a nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men, women, and children?” Since 2011, the Assad government has been locked in a deadly and protracted conflict with resistance fighters, and elements of ISIS, and has been backed by Russian forces. The strikes were “quite measured, the administration wants to mete out punishment” without getting embroiled in a long-term conflict, said Behnam Ben Taleblu, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Noting that Trump extended “an olive branch” to both Russia and Iran in his speech, Taleblu added that “the question for the US and the coalition is how long are they prepared to sustain this,” he asked. “Fundamentally the U.S. is going to have to prove does it have a goal in Syria,” and that it has an endgame in mind, Taleblu added. Source: CNBC
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaanka Cabdullaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil; ayaa kamid ahaa Mudanayaashii waday Mooshinkii ka dhanka ahaa Afhayeenkii Golaha Shacabka Xildhibaan Maxamed Shiikh Cismaan Jawaari ee Kolkii dambe is casilay. Shaqsiga Xilkaan isku soo taagi karo waxa uu ku sheegay in shuruud ahaan ay hor taallo in uu kamid yahay Golaha Shacabka, sidoo kalana uu kasoo jeedo Beesha Xildhibaan Jawaari. Xildhibaanka waxa uu sheegay in awood qeybsiga lagu kala qaatay Hay’adaha Dowladda lagu qeybin doono, kaliyana Xilka looga wareejin karo kolka ay ku heshiin waayaan. Dhanka kale waxa aan hordhignay hadii uu Xilka u tar-tamo qof ay isku heeb yihiim Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha in labadooda ay Xilka ku weyn karaan, arrintaasina waxa uu ku tilmaamay in aanan isku xirneen, Labadaas mas’uul Xilkoodana aanan saameyn ku laheyn. Waa uu sii hadlay waxa uuna tibaaxay in dadka Soomaaliyeed laga doonayo in ay ka fakiraan doorashada Xildhibaanada Soo socda ee la qorsheynayo in ay ku yimaadaan Doorasho qof iyo Codkii ah. Shaqsiyaadka isku hayo Xilalka Hay’adaha Fulinta iyo Xeer dejinta ayuu ku sheegay in ay yaraadeen, taasina ay sababtay in Xukuumadda ay keento dad ka banaanka ah Golaha Shacabka. Caqabadaha ugu weyn ee horyaalla Xukuumadda waxa uu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin Wasiirada, Wasiiro ku xigeenada iyo Wasiiro Dowlayaasha oo 90% laga keenay Banaanka, dhaliilaha loo jeedinaya ay wali taagan yihiin. Baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa laga doonayaa in uu gudoomiye cusub doorto muddo ku siman 15-Maalin oo ka bilaabaneysa Maalintii uu Xilka iska Casilay Gudoomiyihii Golaha Shacabka.
  3. Boosaaso-(Caasimadda Online)-Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa sheegaya inay la fasaxay diyaarad iyo saraakiil Imaaaraad ah oo ku xayirnaa garoonka magaalada Boosaaso. Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada maamulka Puntland ee ku sugan Garoonka Boosaaso,isla markaana Maanta diyaaraadaas xanibay ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in wadahadal kadib diyaaradii iyo saraakiishii la socotay la fasaxay. Maamulka Puntland wali faah faahin kama bixin Balse Wariyaal ku sugan Garoonka Boosaaso ayaa xaqiijiyay in diyaarada la sii daayay Islamakaana ay la baxday saraakiishii ka joogtay deegaanada Puntland ee Soomaaliya. Saraakiishii iyo shaqaalihii la socday diyaaradda Imaaraadka ayaa la sheegay in baaritaan la marsiiyay halka markii hore aysan sidaas dhici jirin. Xayiraada diyaaradaas ayaa sabab u aheyd kadib shaki ka yimid in ay wateen Saraakiisha Boorsooyin aan la ogeyn wxii ku jiray,waxana xusid mudan in 8-dii Bishaan Garoonka Muqdisho lagu qabtay Diyaarad ka timid Imaaraadka oo siday lacag dhan 9.6 Milyan oo dollar. Saraakiisha Imaaraadka oo ahaa saraakiil milateri oo degaanada Puntland ka howlgala, iyadoo arrintan timid kadib markii ay diideen in la baaro Boorsooyin iyo Sanaadiiq ay wateen. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  4. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Taliska Ciidanka Nabad-Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka ee Gobolka Gedo ayaa soo bandhigay horjooge ka tirsanaa kooxda Alshabaab oo isa soodhiibay. Horjoogahaan oo lagu magacaabo Cabdixakiin Xuseen Yuusuf Isxaaq oo ka mid ahaa kooxda Al-shabaab, isuna dhiibay ciidamada Nabad Sugida ee Degmada Balad-Xaawo ee Gobolka Gedo. Ninkan ayaa sheegay inuu kooxda Al-shabaab ka mid ahaa mudo afar sano ah waxaana uu ku sheegay sababaha uu uga soo baxay Al-shabaab in ay tahay dhaca xoolaha Umadda Soomaaliyeed. Horjooge Cabdixakiin ayaa ku baaqay in si wanaagsan loo soo dhaweeyo dhalinyaradii uu uga soo tagay Al-shabaab oo uu sheegay in qaarkood ay diyaar u yihiin sidii ay uga soo bixi lahaayeen falalka guracan ee Argagixisada. Saraakiisha NISA ayaa dhankooda sheegay in ay soo dhaweynayaan shaqsi kaste oo horay ugu mid ahaa dagaalamayaasha kooxda Al-shabaab ee isku soo dhiiba Dowladda soomaaliyeed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Boosaaso-(caasimadda Online)-Wararka ka imanaya magaalada Boosaaso ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada ammaanka ee magaaladaasi ay ku xayireen garoonka diyaaradaha Boosaaso diyaarad laga leeyahay wadanka Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta. Illo xog-ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in Diyaaradaas ay la socdeen Saraakiil tababarayaal ah oo u dhashay Imaaraadka,isla markaana ciidamada Puntland ay ka shakiyeen Diyaarada oo siday Boorsooyin,isla markaana Saraakiisha Imaaradka ay diideen in la baaro. Saraakiisha Imaaraadka ee tababarayaasha ah ee diyaarada la socda iyo kuwa puntland aya isku fahmi waayey in baaritaan lagu sameyo Boorsooyinka ay wado,xili 8,dii Bishaan Muqdisho lagu qabtay diyaarad siday Lacag ka timid Wadanka Isutaga Imaaraadka Carabta. Majiro illaa iyo hadda wax war ah oo ka soo baxay maamulka garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Boosaaso ee la xiriira xayiraada diyaaradan loo geystey. Xiriirka dowlada Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa sii xumaanayay tan iyo markii dhowaan garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho lagu qabtay lacag malaayin doolar ah taasoo sababtay in labada dal ay hadalo kulul isweydaarsadaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  6. Madaxdii iyo tababarayashii Imaaradka Carabta ee xerada ciidanka Badda Puntland PMPF ayaa ka dhoofaya garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Bosaso. Lama garanayo sababta ka damheysa, hase yeeshee arrintaan ayaa imaanaysa xili dowlada Faderaalka sheegtay inay lawaregayso mushaharadka ciidamada ay tababarto dowlada imaaradka. Xiriirka labada dal ayaa sii xumaanayey wixii kadameyey marki garoonka diyaradaha muqdisho lagu qabtay lacag gaaraysa $9.6 Milyan oo katimi dalka Imaaradka.
  7. Waxaa maanta oo tiirkhdu tahay 14 bisha Abril 2018 laga xusey caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe maalinta wax-soosaarka beeraha Puntland, Munaasabadda ayaa ka dhacdey xarunta PDRC waxaana soo qaban-qaabisey Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka Puntland. Munaasabadda Waxaa ka soo qayb-galay Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland Cabdixakiin Xaaji Cumar Camey, wasiir ku xigeenka beeraha iyo qaar ka mid ah beeralayda Puntland. Beeraleyda Puntland ayaa ku soo bandhigey munaasabadda waxsoosaarka beerahooda qaar kamid ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Khudaarta, miraha, bunka, timirta iyo waxyaabo kale oo badan. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland ayaa ammaan balaaran ujeediyay beeralayda Puntland, isagoo uga mahad celiyay kaalintooda wax soo saareed. DAAWO SAWIRRADA.
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) –Wasaaradda Difaaca Dalka Ruushka ayaa war ka soo saartay weerarka saaka Mareykanka iyo Xulafadiisa ay kula jarmaadeen dalka Syria. Warbixin war yar ka hor ay soo saartay Wasaaradda Difaaca Dalka Ruushka ayey ku sheegtay in Mareykanka,UK iyo France ay wax ka badan 100 Gantaal ku rideen dhulka Syria islamarkaana Nidaamka difaaca gantaalaha ee Syria uu fashiliyay kuwo badan. Wasaaraddu waxaa ay sheegtay in Ruushka uusan wali tallaabo qaadin,islamarkaana hadda dowladda Syria ay ku jirto iska difaacidda weerarka gardarrada ah ee uga imanaya Mareykanka iyo isbaheysiga la socda. Dhinaca kale war ay soo saartay Wasaaradda arrimaha dibbadda Ruushka ayey ku sheegtay in Syria ay ka bad baadday Gugii Carabta,sidoo kale ka bad baadday Ololihii Daacish ee 2014/2017,haddana ay wajaheyso waxa ay ku tilmaameen Gantaallada caaqilka ah ee Mareykanka. Danjiraha Ruushka u fadhiya dalka Maraykanka ayaa digniin uu bixiyey ku sheegay in cawaaqib ay ka dhalan doonaan weerarka lagu qaaday Suuriya. Af-hayeen u hadashay wasaaradda arimaha dibadda ee Ruushka ayaa iyaduna sheegtay in weerarkani dhacay iyada oo fursad ay Suuriya nabadi kaga dhalan kartaa soo dhawaatay. Saraakiil Ruush ah oo Moscow joogaya ayaa sheegay in gantaalaha Suuriya lagu duqeeyey ku dhaceen meelo u dhaw goobo ku dhaw meelaha fadhiisimada u ah ciidamada Ruushka ee ku sugan Suuriya oo ay yaallaan gantaalaha difaaca cirku. Xukuumadda Suuriya iyo Iran oo ah dal ay gacan saar leeyihiin ayaa iyaguna sheegay in weerarada wada jirka ah ee dalkaa lagu qaaday yihiin kuwo xad gudub ku ah sharciga caalamiga ah. Iran ayaa Maraykanka iyo xulufadiisa ku dhaliishay qar iska xoornimo, waxa aanay intaa ku dartay in ay iyagu qaadi doonaan masuuliyadd cawaaqibka ka dhasha weeraradaas. Warbaahinta dawladda Suuriya ayaa ku warantay in weerarka lala beegsaday xarunta cilmi baadhista Dimishiq uu khasare kooban gaadhsiiyey goobtaa, hase yeeshee ay weeradda Xums ku dhaawacmeen saddex qof oo rayid ahi. Wararka kale ee ka imanaya Suuriya ayaa qaarkood tibaaxayaan in goobo milatari oo ay ku jiraan xarumahaas weerarada lagu qaaday, todobaadkan horraantiisii laga daabulay saanaddii taalay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Iyadoo dhawaan uu xilkii iska casilay Pof: Maxamed Cismaan Jawaari ayaa waxaa durba soo baxaya shaqsiyaad ay kala wataan siyaasiyiin ay ka mid yihiin Shariif Xasan Sh. Aadan oo ah madaxweynaha maamulka Koonfur Galbeed, Xildhibaan Faarax Sheekh Cabdulqaadir iyo Fahad Yaasin agaasimaha madaxtooyada. Hadaba Shaqsiyaadka ay kala wataan kooxahaan iyo qabiilada ay ka soo jeedan Musharaxiinta doonaya oo aan xog hoose ku helnay. 1: Madaxweyne Farmaajo, Ra’iisul wasaare Khayre, Fahad Yaasin ayaa dhankooda wata Afar musharax una taagan qabashada Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka waxayna kala yahiin Xaaji Cali Sheekh Maxamed Nuur oo haatan ah Wasiir ku xigeenka Arimaha Gudaha una dhashay Digil & Mirifle, ninka labaad waa Wasiirka Gaashandhiga Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxman una dhashay Digil & Mirifle jufada , Luwaay sidoo kalane ka tirsan kooxda Alla Sheekh ee xisbiga Madaxweynahii hore Dowladda KMG Sheekh Sharif, halka shaqsiga sedaxaad u yahay Maxamuud Macalin Yaxye oo katirsan Kooxda Damjadiid balse horey loogu diiday Wasiirka Awqaafta & Arrimaha diinta . Sidoo kale waxaa Jiro Musharax Madaxweyne Farmaajo wato oo uu Abti u yahay laguna Magacaabo Cabdicasiss Xasan Maxamed (Laftagareen) oo la rabo in uu ku guuleysto doorashada baarlamaanka. 2: Faarax Sheekh Cabdullqaadir oo ka mid ah Hogganka Sare Kooxda Damjadiid ayaa wata Musharax Shariif Maxamed Cabdalla una dhashay Digil & Mirifle jufada , Asharaaf oo kamid ah kooxda AL Islaax horayna isku xisbi u ahaayeen balse isku qabteen doorashadii 2012 oo aay soo kala sharaxdeen Cabdiraxman Baadiyoow iyo Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo ugu danbeyn xiligaas noqday Madaxweynahii haatan lagu badalay Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo sidoo kale wata balse aynaan war isku heyn Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Golaha shacabka Cabdiweli Muudeey oo doonaya in isaga ku shaqeesto. Faarax Sheekh Cabdulqaadir ayaa raba in hadii shaqsigaasi ku guuleesto Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka in Mooshin xilka loogu tuuro Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo sidaasna ku taageerayo maadama is fahan uu dhex maray. 3: Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Sheekh Aadan ayaa Musharaxa Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka u wata Xuseen Maxamuud Shiikh Xuseen (Badni) oo udhashay Digil & Mirifle jufada , Dabare isaga oo dhankale u balan qaaday in Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka uu ka dhigi doono shaqsiyaad kale. Maadama Kooxo baddan isku biirsadeen dhanka kale waxaa Mooshinkii xiligii ugu danbeeyay isaga baxay Sheekh Aadan Madoobe oo ogaaday in shaqsiyaad kale loo wado Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka balse waxaa la sheegay in aay ka go,an tahay in uu isku sharaxo Xilka Gudoomiyaha Golaha shacabka. 4:Sidoo kale Waxaa jiro Musharax , qofna aay wadan waa Xildhibaan Ibrahim Isaaq Yarow, oo ka tirsan Baarlamanka Federaalka Ee Somalia isla markaana ah Wasiir Ku xigeenka wasaaradda Boostadda iyo Isgaarsiinta Soomaaliya oo la xaqeejiyay in uu isku sharaxi doono Gudoomiyaha Golaha shacabka.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay inay dib u celineyso lacag lagu qabtay garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho oo ku socotay safaaradda Imaaraadka. Lacagtan oo cadadkeedu ay Wasaarada Amniga gudaha ku sheegay 9.6 Milyan doolar ayaa xiisad diblomaasiyadeed ka dhex dhalisay dalalka Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka Carabta, waxaa ugu danbeyn go’aan lagu gaaray in dib loogu celiyo dowladda Imaaraadka iyadoo loo marinayo safaaradeeda Muqdisho. Baaritaan ku saabsan lacagtan iyo halka ay ku socotay ayaa qaatay muddo ku dhow toddobaad, kadib markii ciidamada NISA ay la wareegeen, lana geeyay Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Xiriirka Imaaraadka iyo Soomaaliya ayaa maraya heerkii ugu xumaa, iyadoo labada dal ay is weydaarsadeen ereyo kulul, waxaana la sheegay inay labada dowladood ay ku dhex jiraan Sacuudiga iyo Masar oo dadaal ugu jira in xal loo helo xiisada diblomaasiyadeed. Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa Boqorka dalka Sacuudiga ku dacweysay dowladda Soomaaliya, waxaana laga yaabaa inay Sacuudiga dhex dhexaadin bilowdo isla markaasna lasoo afjaro xiisadda siyaasadeed ee hal sano jirsatay. Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa faragelin qaawan ku heyso dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana Dakado ku yaalo Soomaaliya kula wareegtay qaab aan sharci aheyn taasoo keentay inuu Khilaafka cirka isku sii shareero. Dowladda Imaaraadka ayaa Soomaaliya u tababartay ciidamo badan kuwaas oo ay iyada u taliso, balse waxaa hadda la qorsheenayaa in ciidamadaas lagu soo daro kuwa dowladda maamusho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  11. Sabti, 14ka Abriil 2018: Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa saaka u ambabaxay Magaalada Dammaam ee dalka Sucuudiga, halkaas oo uu ka furmi doono Shirka 29aad ee Madaxda waddamada ku mideysan ururka Jaamacadda Carabta. Shirkan waxaa diirradda lagu saarayaa qadiyadda Falastiin, dagaalka ka dhanka argagixisada iyo xiisadaha ka taagan dalalka Suuriya, Yamen iyo Liibiya, iyadoona madaxda carabtu ay si qoto dheer uga doodi doonaan xal u helista dhibaatooyinka ka jira dalalka xubnaha ka ah ururka Jaamacadda Carabta. “Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxa uu khudbad ka jeedin doonaa shirka, isagoona Madaxda kale ee waddamada Carabta la wadaagi doona xaaladaha siyaasadda, ammaanka iyo horumarka ka socda dalka.” Ayuu yiri Agaasimaha Xadiiska Warfaafinta Madaxtooyada Mudane Cabdinuur Maxamed Axmed. Horey waxaa ugu sugnaa dalka Sucuudiga wafdi uu hoggaaminayay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadad Soomaaliya Mudane Axmed Ciise Cawad oo hordhac u ahaa wafdiga Madaxweynaha, sidoo kalana ka qeyb galayay shir Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibadda ee Jaamacadda Carabta oo Khamiistii ka furmay magaalada Riyaad, laguna qorsheynayey ciwaannada Shirka 29aad ee Madaxweynayaasha. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa inta shirkan uu socdo waxa uu shir-doceedyo la yeelan doona Madaxda qaar ee shirka ka qeybgalaya, iyagoona ka wada hadli doonaan xoojinta xiriirka, iskaashiga iyo danaha guud ee kala dhexeeya dalalkaas Soomaaliya.
  12. Islam elucidate ”Education” precisely in this word”TARBIYAH” which has linguistic meaning: increase, growth, and loftiness. So from the terms, It is the matter of prosperity because one can learn and then initiate, also recognise his creator- the knower of everything (Allah). Referring to other scholars. …………………………………………… To begin with, American pragmatist philosopher and education reformer, John Dewey (1963) put it, a social process – ‘a process of living and not a preparation for future living’’. As well being concerned with learning that we set out to encourage – a process of inviting truth and possibility – it is also based in certain values and commitments such as a respect for others and for truth. Education is born, it could be argued, of the hope and desire that all may share in life and ‘be more’. For many concerned with education, it is also a matter of grace and wholeness, wherein we engage fully with the gifts we have been given. As Pestalozzi constantly affirmed, education is rooted in human nature; it is a matter of head, hand and heart (Brühlmeier 2010). We find identity, meaning, and purpose in life ‘through connections to the community, to the natural world, and to spiritual values such as compassion and peace’ (Miller 2000). Finally, Somalilanders, should know that education is the fact of all, and matter of everything, as well as, it is essential to life and progressing. At the same time, in our country, education is very crucial, since all basic needs are under the unwell standard. So receiving better education is the only way to ruined the condition which we call “hand to mouth”. Besides too, reducing corruption, and attainment of good governance. To conclude this topic, the writer is saying to a reader, Prosperity is cultivated in good education, always and forever, as those scholars that are mentioned above nurtured us. Khalil Abdi Mohamoud Ahdar (Khalil Cabqari) Email:
  13. DoTERRA and Ground partner Frankincense Environmental Impact We conduct a comprehensive environmental survey of evidences gathering and information sharing to Sanaag frankincense growers and harvesters, we also listen the chief elders complaints. Indeed, DoTERRA on-the-ground partner in Somaliland the Asli Maydi Export LTD, severely compromised both environmental sustainability and donations fraudulent and scams. Exploiting the vulnerable and voiceless frankincense harvesters and grower will have negative implication and consequences at international level. DoTERRA thrown aid funds into corrupted on the ground partner supplier. He has chosen to collaborate with doTERRA, because he was criminal fugitive at large escaped from United Kingdom, and then creates huge environmental impact.” It is time DoTERRA will hold accountable, null and void sustainable methods outlined remain fabrication and lies. Calmadow Mountain treasures the ancient and powerful frankincense resin. Quality source never protects both the trees and the harvesters’ but DoTERRS demand driver creates over harvesting and kills madar mooge trees as we demonistrate. Sanaag Frankincense resin has long been considered a most holy and precious resins worldwide. It is carefully extracted from the resin of the Boswellia frereana and Boswellia Carterii tree. Somaliland: DoTERRA and Local Partner Asli Maydi Impact Environment Negatively through Over-tapping Frankincense Trees In 2017, the Frankincense Oil sales in Skin care was XX, and it will reach XXX in 2023; while the sales Market Share in Skin care was XX% in 2017 and will be XXX% in 2023. DoTERRA is one of the Global Frankincense Oil Sales and Market Share of Key Players (2013-2018) the top players cover , AMÉO, De Monchy Aromatics, DoTERRA, AOS Products Private Limited and Nature’s Sunshine Products (NASDAQ:NATR) etc., which are playing important roles. Worldwide Frankincense Oil Sales 2018 Research Report presents a professional and complete analysis of Global Frankincense Oil Sales Market on the current situation. This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire The recent research, Frankincense Oil Sales market enables stakeholders, field marketing executives and business owners get one step ahead by giving them a better understanding of their immediate competitors for the forecast period, 2018 to 2025. Most importantly, the study empowers product owners to recognize the primary market they are expected to serve. To help companies and individuals operating in the Frankincense Oil Sales market ensure they have access to commensurate resources in a particular location the research, assess the size that they can realistically target and tap. The market intelligence report offers a clear sense of different consumer groups and their needs to help product owners meet the requirements and generate riches and profitability. Apart from this, the report aims at outlining whom the business owners operating in the Frankincense Oil Sales market should not target and also what are the main alternatives and competitive offerings are. Defining the major challenges and problems remains the key focus of the study. Problem definition covered in the report provides a systematic approach to recent investments and makes product marketing both easier and effective. Doterra over demand and overharvesting of wild frankincense trees, we were sad to see harm trees, and more international attention should give to this severe environmental concern. by doTERRA and their on ground supplier who is no social and environmental responsible, their previous harvesting sites were dead half of the frankincense trees mainly Ceel-Afweyn site, including Huluul, Laas-doomaare. doTERRA total failure to protects both the trees and the harvesters’ , and ensure the people in those producing communities have fair compensation for the work they doing. As the matter of fact, doTERRA supplier was taken advantage in need frankincense farmers, However, we urge other essential oil and aromatherapy companies to take environmental sustainable responsible way and recommend to buy directly from the harvesters, middle men or broker have been compromised the environment for decades. Over-tapped Frankincense Trees in Sanaag Somaliland so far, doTERRA has compromised to sourcing each essential oil responsibly—taking even didn`t care marginalized , vulnerable and underrepresented frankincense harvesting communities. Indeed, their on-the-ground partner in Somaliland has been criminal fugitive from UK, not trustworthy similar to those highlighted in the Somaliland media article. He has chosen to collaborate with doTERRA, because doTERRA is not socially and environmental responsible “ $ 3.3 million dollar pre-investment into the communities of Somaliland. dōTERRA plans to open a regional hospital in the Sanaag region of Somaliland in Spring 2018 which will serve 400,000 people, and has already constructed 2 schools which provide much needed education for local youth. We contact Somaliland ministry of Education and higher studies as well as Somaliland ministry of Health and Labor. Both confirmed the project funds were corrupted by DoTERRA partner ASLI MAYDI EXPORT LTD , and Dr. Anjanette Decarlo , DeTERRA environmental representative. In addition lacked to protecting frankincense trees and the surrounding environment, The doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing Initiative were never support frankincense harvesters with fair wages by bypassing brokers and working directly with the communities who grow, harvest and sort the frankincense. But only invest their fraudulent supplier ASLI MAYDI EXPORT LTD, and shame to blame social abuse and environmental impact partnership. ASLI MAYDI EXPORT LTD only provides food as payment once the year in order to exchange frankincense resin, poor harvesters to feed their families. 1 kilo of resin value $5 dollar equivalent for food value prices, as well as the cleaning and sorting of the resins were never build neither doTERRA nor ASLI MAYDI LTD, sorting resin destination are handled other Burco City warehouses. Where ASLi MAYDI EXPORT LTD built their synthetic Frankincense distiller industry, where fair trade certification will never be possible, and environmental insecurity , and frankincense dual use oil for biological and chemical warfare are possible if not probable. Once a year- access to food and unfair price significantly increases the over-harvesting of trees in harvest every month by increasing desperation, ASLI MAYDI EXPORT LTD and DoTERRA collectively cause severe environmental damages to their previous harvesting sites like the Ceel-Afweyn frankincense farms that most of trees were dead, and harvesting communities complaints sky rocketed, the question is who guards the guardian ??? the community by paying $2 per day women to clean and sort the resins all while doTERRA failure to ensuring fair labor conditions and promoting safe and healthy working environments free from exploitive practices, harassment and kin discrimination presence. Because the cleaning and sorting of resins takes place directly in the other city called Burco areas where they are collected, sorted. Harvesting community women never benefit directly or indirectly from much needed income opportunities. One main factor caused Dr anjanette Decarlo deportation, after she fabricated lies to Doterra and wrong fully stands with her passionate boy friend who is her client supplier. Most notably, doTERRA lies about building schools and medical facilities in the vastly underserved regions of Somaliland. Not even registered government concerned institutions so far.baseless fake and fabrication building. Ultimately, we consider our stewardship of frankincense, the trees and DoTERRS partners a compromised responsibility. At moment Madar Moge frankincense forests are in danger and over harvesting ASLI MAYDI EXPORT LTD. We could ask for a greater motivation Doterra and that our on-the-ground partner “keeps doing environmental harm, rather than good work.” Community complaints doTERRA’s and extensively with their partner Somaliland ASLi MAYDI EXPORT LTD previous harvesting sites earlier in 2016 were overtapping harvesting seasons exceed eight months Ceel-Afweyn frankincense farms half were dies. We assess at-risk trees, it is devastated impact made by these companies, and presents such a professional environmental assessment report to make an informed decision maker and policy experts. Also wake up call for the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources to take their responsibilities very serious. Compensate the exploited communities and restore their hope, before it is too late. Otherwise the doTERRA and Co-trader will face full fair trade certification review, at an international level. Ahmed Abdi Environmental Advocy Frankincense Harvesting Communities complaints & severing case study +252634108989
  14. Djibouti—The governments of Somaliland Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and UK signed an intergovernmental agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters Somaliland Informer reports. The agreement which was attended a delegation led by Somaliland’s Chairman of the Supreme Court Professor Aden Haji Ali Ahmed was signed on Monday at the Djibouti Palace of Kempinski. Within the framework of the agreement, the law enforcement agencies of the sides will cooperate in criminal matters, including organized crimes, trial and prosecution as well as criminal investigation. Within the framework of the agreement, the law enforcement agencies of the two sides will cooperate in criminal matters, including criminal investigation, trial and prosecution.
  15. “Now we have bought the land together, but not yet the money together to build. Because what do we need a lot! Young people We knew it for sure. If we want to do something for the state of Puntland in Somalia, it must be for the young people. After all, it can not be tolerated that all these young people drown on their way to Europe. And it is also unacceptable that all those talented young people will not make a contribution to beautiful Puntland. It must be for the young people. Youth Center Let’s build a center. A youth center. Where the youth of Garowe makes their homework, learns with the computer, reads books from the library and watches films. Where young people have debates, are coached and perhaps learn a trade. And where they exercise together. Self-sufficient But what an ambition! ‘And’, says Wilde Ganzen, ‘your idea is wonderful, but how do you make this center self-sufficient? You do not want to fundraise in the coming years to keep a youth center running? We do not think that is a good plan. ‘ Wild Geese is right. Let’s make the youth center so big and so good that we can also rent out spaces, offices for NGO’s for example. And create rooms where conferences can be organized. And a canteen and good toilets. This ensures income. Let’s build a two-story building. With a nice roof terrace. There are not many of these buildings in the capital of Puntland, in Garowe, but we are going to do it. One and a half tons And now we have a nice big piece of land, but what do we need a lot of money! Fortunately, there is a good partner, a contractor and a good architect in Puntland. We have every confidence in them. The architect has made a design and it looks really beautiful. And Wilde Ganzen does with us! But in these times a ton and a half are getting together is the biggest challenge for us. Bit by bit something comes in. Five thousand euros from here, two thousand from there, once ten thousand and then we find a fund that is willing to contribute forty thousand euros. This gives strength, this gives courage. We are going to start We can no longer leave the plot empty, there are now so many Somalis and others involved in the purchase and now nothing happens. We have been licensed for months and we seem to be doing nothing. Let’s start with the construction. We almost have half of the money. Yes, we are going to work. I would like to say, but what a pressure for us! We are looking for new fund yard roads. We approach concrete associations, cement magazines, we ask young people in the Netherlands to help, we even start a project Tell and Teach to start an exchange with young people from there and here, we make information films with young people in Garowe and with Somalis in the Netherlands and we recruit. Sometimes against better judgment, sometimes against will and thanks. Construction is well advanced, with no electrical appliances working hard in the heat. Trapping And then the money is clean. Construction is coming to a standstill for several months. It looks dreary. There is no day when we are not involved in fundraising for the youth center in Puntland. The young people in Somalia unite and look forward to their own place. Now Somalis from other countries are also joining in and thinking along. Money comes from America. Slowly but surely we can build again, brick by brick. And if we then get another big gift after eighteen months, we can continue until the end. The most beautiful building of Garowe is being phased out. And the young people? They are eager! Contact Kaalo Netherlands Abdisalam Ali tel. 06-46576271 The post Beautiful Puntland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Dragged into a civil war that has been ongoing for the last 30 years, Somalia is trying to get back on its feet and the Turkish Armed Forces’ training base in Mogadishu brings them one step closer to re-establishing security in the country “I came here to make a difference,” Ismail, 19, said in fairly good Turkish. He has been trained and educated at the Turkish military training base in the Somali capital of Mogadishu for the past couple of months. Mogadishu is indeed a capital where people tend to make a difference in their military ability rather than education since one is simply compelled to make a choice to take up arms or not as a teenager. In the 1970s, the city was indisputably a fierce competitor along with European capitals in the race for beauty, tourism and architecture. Agriculture was flourishing, the city was drawing visitors from all over the world and the most importantly, a state existed. Somalia drastically took a turn for the worse in the early 1990s. Mohamed Siad Barre had been sitting in the drivers seat in Somalia since 1969, but 1991 marked his forceful exit. Few had predicted at the time that his departure would drag Somalia into decades of uncertainty, calamity and lead to the collapse of the state. The United Nations swiftly embarked on a peace-seeking operation to wrap up the inter-clan wars following Barre’s ouster, which failed. Furthermore, the country served as a scene for the United States as the administration of U.S. President George H. W. Bush jumped into an overseas military adventure. A couple weeks after the deployment of U.S. troops to Somalia, Bill Clinton took office as president. U.S. soldiers returned to the United States a couple years later following a deplorable mission. That was it. The people of Somalia were knee-deep in a civil war. In fact, nobody today dares assume that it is over. The country is reeling under deadly bombings and the fear of al-Shabaab, a notorious terrorist group. In such an environment where the country has a de-facto non-existent state with a military whose authority is little if any, the training base set up by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in the Somali capital sends a bold message. Commander of the Turkish Military Training Base, Staff Col. Mehmet Yasin Kalın, believes then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Somalia in 2011 set a precedent. The Turkish government has been mobilizing all state and non-state institutions to pour in humanitarian aid and development projects for the country. Kalın said the military training base is only complementary to Turkey’s humanitarian work in Somalia. In a decades-long, failed state where most developed countries shy away from opening embassies or posting diplomats, the Turkish state has unveiled its biggest and most notable embassy two years ago in Mogadishu, and last year the Turkish military training base was inaugurated. Some $100 million was reportedly spent for the two complexes. A grand gate built in old Turkish architectural style with “Anatolian Barracks” inscribed on it welcomes visitors to the base. Sitting on a vast area, the base is head spinning. The money and effort invested in the facility sparks the impression that Turkey means business in Somalia. “Somalia has been in a civil war for 30 years. The country has been plundered and all systems have been toppled. Even people’s mentality and beliefs were shaken. It has become an ungovernable country. We are here to contribute to the advancement of Somalia in the field of armed forces,” said Kalın as he argued in favor of the presence of the Turkish military in a foreign country. “We are doing our best to help our Somali brothers and sisters in terms of restruct uring, equipping and training the Somali armed forces.” The Somali military needs dramatic restructuring. Though one cannot speak of a unified and disciplined military, tens of thousands of people are enrolled and armed. On the streets, however, the picture is eerie for a foreigner. People strive to feel safe to an extent with private soldiers patrolling and escorting for them. As the Turkish military seems fairly content with training Somali troops in their country, the level of satisfaction is even greater on the other side. The Somali commander of the military academy, Col. Abduquadir Ibraahim Isack, is overjoyed about the facility and the training offered to the Somali soldiers. “It is training at the international level. We have not been blessed with such an opportunity for the past 27 years,” he said, adding that such a military training barracks does not exist in Kenya, Tanzania or Ethiopia. Apart from the civil war predicament, Somalia is faced with external threats from its neighbors, as well. An advanced military training program, in this respect, is given great. “It is not just a training program. It is a high-quality training program,” the commander said. Held within the borders of the Anatolian Barracks, the training program encapsulates theoretical and practical training for privates, commissioned and noncommissioned officers. While Somali troops receive practical training with Turkish-made MPT-76 rifles and camouflage, their theoretical education is provided in recently-built buildings with state-of-the-art material. In one of the classes, around 20 Somali troops sit in separate booths with their headsets on. They listen to a track that the lecturer plays. It is actually a conversation in Turkish. Th e troops are taught Turkish throughout their training program at the base. Most Somali troops grasp and speak the language well enough toward the end of the program. Ismail, who has been receiving the language classes for less than three months, said learning Turkish is the simplest way of communicating with the Turkish commanders. “We did not speak a single word in Turkish, but now that we can, right now we have forged a decent dialogue channel with the commanders. We can convey our issues and problems easily now,” he said. Kalın said there are also Turkish naval and air training task forces. “The naval training task forces are engaged in training the Somali navy. We also help with the maintenance. There are also boats given to the Somali navy. They are trained and equipped by Turkey and have gradually started to patrol off Mogadishu.” Even though Somalia does not have an air force, the Turkish air training forces seek to give an idea of what it is. “Somalia does not have an air force, but God willing, it will be possible in time,” Kalın said. On April 10, the second batch of Somali soldiers graduated from the academy since its inauguration on Sept. 30, 2017. The troops were proud. Having arrived at the facility without any serious military discipline or training, they have now made the difference in comparison to their peers. The third group of troops is expected to begin training in the upcoming weeks. The Turkish military plans to graduate at least a battalion by the end of this summer. All the equipment and wages are also provided by the TSK, even after graduation. It has been some eight months since the launch of the military base, yet some people still have doubts about the intentions of the Turkish government. While some fear a Turkish expansion across Africa with a foothold in Somalia, others speculate that the Turkish forces have arrived to remain there forever. Kalın laughs off the allegations, citing deep ties with the people of Somalia going back to the 16th century. He said that the troops trained there would contribute to the secure environment in the country. “Security will usher in stability. Turkey is sowing the seeds of it now.” The commander also brushes off criticism of colonialism. The Turkish and Somali governments signed an agreement for the military training project. It enables the Turkish military to provide training to Somali troops for five years if it is not renewed. Kalın refuses to set an exact date for the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the country. “As long as the people of Somalia need us and we are able to meet their needs, I think we will be here,” he said. The withdrawal of the Turkish military does not even cross the minds of Somali soldiers. Ismail said the Turkish-Somali project will be a positive. “I believe 100 percent that we will change many things here. We will overcome security challenges,” he said.Kalın asserted he would be satisfied in the end if Somalis only said: “May God be pleased with you,” and lived under humane conditions in peace. It remains unknown whether the program will be a success in the long term, but the series of Turkish initiatives and concrete steps for the sake of the people of Somalia seems to have won over those involved. Col. Isack is of a similar opinion: “We are not friends with Turkey, we are brothers.” Sabah
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ergayga gaarka ah ee QM u qaabilsan arrimaha Somalia Michael Keating ayaa daboolka ka qaaday inay xaalad xun soo foodsaartay Maleeshiyaadka Shabaab. Michael Keating, waxa uu sheegay in hoos u dhac ballaaran uu ku imaaday duulaanka ay Shabaab ka geysan jireen gudaha Somalia iyo Kenya. Danjire Michael Keating, waxa uu tilmaamay in Maleeshiyada Shabaab ay la kulmayaan cadaadis xoogan oo kaga imaanaya dhanka ciidamada Mareykanka iyo kuwa Soomaalida oo si joogta ah ugu howlan soo afjarida dhaqdhaqaaqa Shabaab. Michael Keating, ayaa cadeeyay in awooda Shabaab ay iminka gaarsiisan tahay meel hooseysa, halka dhowr sano ka hor ay ahaayen kuwo xoogan. Dhabar jabka ugu badan ayuu sheegay inay kala kulmeen maleeshiyaadka ka garab dagaalama ee usoo goostay dhanka dowlada Somalia waxa uuna guul ku sheegay in dowladu ay kasbato Xagjiriinta kasoo horjeeda. Sidoo kale, Michael Keating ayaa ballanqaaday in QM ay xoojin doonto is garabtaaga dhinacyada dagaalka kula jira Shabaabka ku sugan Gobolada dalka. Haddalka Michael Keating ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili dhawaan ay ciidamada Mareykanka ka jooga Somalia oo garabsanaaya kuwa dowlada gacanta ku dhigeen Horjoogayaal iyo Saraakiil Shabaab ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  18. Ardayda wax ka barata dugsiga sare ee Cumar Samatar ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa dhaqaale ugu deeqay dhismaha garoonka kubada cagta Cawaale ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, kaasoo la qorshaynayo in laga dhigo garoon casri ah oo caalamka la jaanqaada. Ardayda Cumar Samatar ayaa guddiga dhismaha garoonka ku wareejiyay lacag dhan $500 Dollar iyo hal milyuun oo ah Sh.So ah, taasoo ah lacag ardaydu jeebkooda kasoo gooyeen uguna talo galeen inay uga qeyb qaataan taakulaynta dhaqaale ee garoonka Cawaale. Guddoomiyaha dhalinyarada gobolka Mudug, Jacfar Yuusuf Cabdalla, ayaa uga mahad celiyay Maamulka, Macalimiinta iyo Ardayda dugsiga Cumar Samatar dhaqaalahaan, isagoo sheegay ineysan ahayn dhaqaalihi ugu danbeeyay ay kaga qayb qadanayaan Garoonka ayna diyaar u yihiin markasta kaalintooda kaga aadan horumarka Gaalkacyo iyo horumarka Puntland. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda shaqada, shaqaalaha, dhalinyarada iyo ciyaaraha Puntland, Axmed Cabdalla Tigaana, oo ku sugnaa madasha ayaa dhankiisa ammaan balaaran usoo jeediyay ardayda iskuulka Cumar Samatar iyo maamulkooda, isagoo uga mahad celiyay sida mar walba uga qeyb qaataan arrimaha danta caamka ah. Dhawaan ayaa la filayaa inuu si rasmi ah u bilowdo dib udhiska garoonka Cawaale, iyadoo haatan gacanta lagu hayo dhaqaale xoogan oo kasoo xarooday dalka gudihiisa iyo dibada. Waxaa kaloo intaas dheer in dowladdana ay bixisay qaaraankii ay uga qeyb qaadanaysay garoonka. Cabdiweli Mohamed Sheikh.
  19. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa ku wajahan Dalka Sucuudi Carabiya. Wafdiga Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa Goordhow maanta oo sabti ka amba bixi doono garoonka Aadan Cadde ee Muqdisho. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa shir looga hadlayo mideeynta madaxda Jaamacada Carabta oo ka dhacay Magaalada Riyaadh ee dalka Sucuudiga. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa shirkaasi waxaa uga sii horeeyay wasiirka Arimaha dibada Soomaaliya . Warar aan heleeyno ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu Sucuudiga kula kulmi doono madax ka socoto Dowlada Imaaraadka oo xulufo la ah Sucuudiga. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa kulamo gaar gaar ah shirkaasi kadib kula yeelan doonaa qaar kamid ah madaxda wada Carabta. Baryihii ugu dambeeysay dadka falanqeeya siyaasada Arimaha dibada ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegayay in uu mad madoow soo kala dhexgalay Dowlada Soomaaliya iyo Dowladaha Khaliijka Carabta. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo Ku Wajahan Sucuudiga appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Beledweyne (Caasimada Online) – Sida lagu qeexay qoraal kasoo baxay Taliska Hay’adda Nabad Suggida iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka Somalia, waxaa isbedel dhanka ciidanka ah lagu sameeyay talisyada Hay’adda ee ka howlgalla gobolka Hiiraan. Isbedelka ayaa saameyay Taliyayaasha NISA ee Gobolka Hiiraan iyo kan Degmada Baladweyne. Waxaa xilka laga qaaday Taliyaha NISA ee Gobolka Hiiraan C/qaadir Maxamuud Abuubakar, waxaana lagu bedelay Cabdi Maxamed Cali. Waxaa sidoo kale xilka laga qaaday oo isbedelka uu ku dhacay Taliyaha NISA ee Degmada Beledweyne Colaad C/llahi Cismaan.
  21. Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta Maamulka Jubbaland ayaa maanta waxaa ka furmayo shir looga hadlayo Arimaha dastuurka Soomaaliya. Shirkaan oo dhowr jeer oo hore lagu qabtay Qaar kamid ah xarumaha maamul Goboleedyada ayaa looga hadlayaa arimaha Dastuurka. Shirka waxaa ka qeeybgalaya Wasiirka Dastuurka iyo wasiirada Arimaha dastuurka ee maamul Goboleedyada. Shirka ayaa soconaya muddo labo maalin ah waxaana laga soo saari doono war murtiyeed ku saabsan waxyaabihii looga hadlay. Waxyaabaha shirkaan looga hadlayo waxaa kamid ah in Bulshada ku dhaqan Jubbaland ay aragti ku yeeshaan hanaanka dib u eegista dastuurka dalka. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Shir looga hadlayo Arimaha Dastuurka oo ka dhacaya Kismaayo appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Wadammada Mareykanka, Fransiiska iyo Britain ayaa duqeymo ay kaga jawaabayaan sunta la sheegay in dowladda Suuriya ay adeegsatay ka fuliyay gudaha wadanka Suuriya. Qarax aad u weyn ayaa laga maqlay caasimadda Dimishiq ee dalka Suuriya, waxaana sidoo kale la arkay uuro ka baxeysa halka uu weerarka ka dhacay. Madaxweynaha Mareykanka, Donald Trump ayaa war qoraal ah oo uu soo saaray ku sheegay weerarka, waxaana Trump uu intaa raaciyay in Mareykanka iyo xulafadiisa ay horay ugu diyaar garoobeen ficil ka dhan ah dowladda Suuriya, si loo joojiyo hubka kiimikada ee la sheegay inay adeegsatay. Trump waxaa kale oo uu edeeyay dowladda Ruushka oo uu sheegay inay ku guuldareysatay inay ka soo baxdo ballankii ay qaaday sannadkii 2013-ka, kaasi oo ahaa inay burburiso hubka kiimikada ee Suuriya. Raysal wasaaraha Britain, Theresa May oo iyaduna ka hadashay weerarka ayaa sheegtay in weerarada ay ka fuliyeen gudaha dalka Suuriya ay ahayeen kuwa qorsheysnaa oo loogu talo galay in aysan sii hurinin xiisadda gobolka, waxaana ay intaa ku dartay inay iska ilaaliyeen waxwalbo waxyeleyn kara dadka rayidka. Sidoo kale weerarka waxaa ka hadlay madaxweynaha Fransiiska, Emmanuel Macron oo sheegay in weerarda ay ahaayeen kuwa looga hortagayo in dowladda madaxweyne Bashar Al-Asad aysan adeegsanin hubka kiimikada. Isha BBC Puntland Post The post Mareykanka iyo Xulafadiisa oo Weeraray Syria appeared first on Puntland Post.