Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. There is no question that Kenya and Somalia are two countries that are deeply linked economically, socially and culturally. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Sida ay qortay warbaahinta Kenya, dalka Kenya si cad weli ugama hadlin khasaaraha dhabta ah ee soo gaaray ciidamadiisa ka jooga Soomaaliya. Ugu yaraan 1,000 oo Kenyaan ah ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ka dhinteen Kenya tan iyo 2011-dii kadib afduubkii labo dalxiise oo Faransiis ahaa. Qoysas badan ayaa dhibaato ka soo gaartay kadib markii Soomaaliya lagu dilay qofkii biili jiray, dowladda Kenya weli dadkaasi ma siin wax mag-dhaw ah. Khubaro xagga Militariga waxaa ay sheegayaan in dowladda Kenya ay Sh7,000 maalin walba ugu baxeyso si hal askari u sii joogo Soomaaliya, waxaa ku jira cunto, gaari-raac, caafimaad, xiriirka iyo biyaha, bishii Sh210,000 halka sanadka uu noqonayo Sh2.52 million. Hadda gudaha Soomaaliya waxaa ku sugan illaa 4,000 oo ciidamo Kenyan ah, lacagta sanadkii ku baxeyso waa Sh10.08 billion. Dhowr xog uruurin oo laga sameeyay gudaha Kenya, 68-70% dadka waxaa ay taageersan yihiin in ciidamada Kenya laga soo saaro Soomaaliya, 40% waxaa ay qabaan in Al-shabaab ay weeraro uga geysato gudaha Kenya sababta oo ah ciidamada Kenya oo jooga Soomaaliya. Goobjoog News Source
  3. Gaalkacyo (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo weli ku guda jira booqashooyinkiisa, ayaa maanta lagu wadaa in dadka ku nool magaalada Gaalkacyo uu la qaato kulamo kala duwan. Madaxweynaha ayaa dadka reer Gaalkacyo kala hadlaaya arrimo dhowr ah oo ay kamid yihiin Nabada iyo wada noolanshiyaha labada dhinac. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa kulamo heshiisiin ah u furaaya maamulada iyo Odayaasha labada dhinac, waxa uuna xooga saari doonaa sidii looga gudbi lahaa caqabadaha ka taagan Mudug. Farmaajo ayaa sheegay mudada uu joogo magaalada Gaalkacyo in uu dardar gelin doono dadaallada dib u heshiisiinta iyo nabadeynta magaalada. Sidoo kale, waxa uu kulamo la qaadan doonaa mas’uuliyiinta heer Gobol iyo mid degmo, oo ay wehlin doonaan Siyaasiyiinta kuwooda laf-dhabarka u ah nabada. Waxa ay ka dhici doonaan kulamadaasi qeybta Koonfureed ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Galmudug, waxaana saaka aad loo sii adkeeyay amniga magaalada. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Farmaajo ayaa saacadihii ugu danbeeyay ee shalay waxaa u bilowday Safarka uu ku tagaayo degaanada Galmudug. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Gaalkacyo The post Muxuu Farmaajo maanta kala hadli doonaa waxgaradka Gaalkacyo (Warbixin) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Dhaqtarka aqalka cad ayaa sheegay in caafimaadka madaxweyne Donald Trump uu yahay mid aad u fiican, arrintaani ayaa timid ka dib markii lagu sameeyay baritaan caafimaad oo guud. Roy Jackson oo ah dhaqtarka aqalka cad ayaa sheegay in baaritaannada lagu sameeyay madaxweynaha Jimcadii ay socotay saddex saacadood, waxaa uu cadeeyay in madaxweynaha ay aad u fiicantahay xaaladdiisa caafimaad. Roy Jackson ayaa sheegay in wixii faafaahin dheeraad ah oo u soo gudbin doono weriyaasha maalinta Talaadada ah. Baaritaanka caafimaad ee lagu sameeyay madaxweyne Trump ayaa waxaa uu ku saabsanaa dhanka dhimirka iyo cuqdud nafsiga ka dib markii dhawaan la soo saaray bug dhaliyey khilaaf kaasi oo lagu durayey caafimaadka dhimirka ee madaxweynaha. Qoraaga buuggaan dab iyo caro Michael, ayaa sheegay in gacan yarayaasha madaxweynaha ay u arkaan sidii cunug yar oo mar walba doonaya inuu waxa uu jecelyahay loo sameeyo. Dhankiisa Trump ayaa ku tilmaamay in buuggaani ay ka buuxaan been iyo dhagar sidoo kale xoghayaha arrimaha dibadda Mareykanka Rex W. Tillerson ayaa diiday in xaaladda caafimaad ee dhanka dhimirka ay baaba’santahay. Goobjoog News Source
  5. Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Kenya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in maleeshiyaad ka tirsan al-Shabaab ay weerar xoogan ku qaaden kolonyo gaadiid ah oo ay leedahay dowlada. Kenya ayaa sheegtay in weerarka ay qaaden maleeshiyaadka uu dhaawac kasoo gaaray Askar ka tirsan ciidamada iyo dad shacab ah oo xiliga weerarka ku sugnaa goobta. Mwenda Njoka, oo ah Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha Kenya ayaa sheegay in gawaarida booliiska ah la weeraray ay maraayeen inta u dhexeeysa magaalada Mombasa iyo Lamu. Mr Mwenda Njoka, waxa uu intaa ku daray in weerarka lagu dilay ugu yaraan laba ruux, halka dhowr askari oo booliis ahna la dhaawacay. Waxa uu tilmaamay in weerarkaasi ay geysteen maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab, isla markaana uu ahaa weerar gaadmo ah. Maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ee weerarka fuliyay ayuu sheegay inay ku jiraan goobaha lama galaanka ah, waxa uuna meesha ka saaray in al-Shabaabka weerarka geystay ay ka fog yihiin goobaha uu ka dhacay falka. Sidoo kale, ciidamada Kenya ayuu sheegay in looga fadhiyo gacan ku dhigista maleeshiyaadka weerarka qaaday, maadaama dareen cabsi leh ay muujinayaan dadka shacabka ah. Dhinaca kale, Shabaab ayaa horay ugu dhawaaqday dagaal kadhan ah dowlada Kenya oo ay ku eedeeyen inay kusoo duulen Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi The post Al-shabaab oo weerar khasaaro geystay ka fulisay Kenya & Xaalad cabsi leh oo taagan appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  6. We may never know the human or financial cost of the war in Somalia. The Kenyan government, which at the end of 2011 placed its soldiers under the African Union Mission to Somalia (Amisom), has never made public the number of its troops killed Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. The World Bank’s annual ranking of countries by ease of doing business has been compromised by politicized methodology, the bank’s top economist told the Wall Street Journal (paywall). The primary victim? The country of Chile Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. Buug uu qoray guddoomiyaha Golaha Aqalka Sare Cabdi Xaashi Cabdillaahi oo la magac baxay ‘Haybso Dhaqankaaga’ ayaa sabtidii lagu soo bandhigay magaalada Muqdisho. Munaasabadda buuggan lagu daahfurayay ayaa waxaa kasoo qeybgalay, aqoonyahanno, abwaanno, xildhibaannada labada gole iyo mari sharaf kale oo lagu casuumay. Buuggan oo ka kooban illaa 142 bog ayaa ka hadlaya dhaqanka, luqadda iyo Hiddaha Soomaaliyeed ee ma guuraanka ah iyo sida ay u habboon tahay inaanu ilaashanno. Maxamed Cumar Dalxa oo ah xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha shacabka ayaa buugga ammaan ballaaran u soo jeediyay, Cabdi Xaashina ku tilmaamay inuu saaxiib dhow la yahay xildhibaannada golaha Shacabka oo muddo dheer uu ka tirsanaa: “Daahfurka Buuggan qiimaha leh ee uu soo diyaariyay guddoomiyaha Aqalka Sare mudane Cabdi Xaashi oo aan u haynno haddaan nahay golayaasha dowaladda qadarin ballaaran, siiba golaha Shacabka oo wakhti badan uu nala soo qaatay.” Xildhibaan C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil oo ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka ayaa dhankiisa waxa aad u soo jiitay magaca buugga ‘haybso dhaqankaaga, waxaanuu tilmaamay in haybin la’aanteed aan waxba la kororsan karin: “Haybso dhaqankaaga, reer koonfureedku waxay yiraahdaan ‘arkaayoo ma sheege ogow haybiyaan ahay’, yanii waxbaad taqaan walina waxbaad haybineysaa, waxbaad rabtaa inaad kororsato, haybin la’aanna waxba lama kororsan karo.” Prof Maxmed Cabdi Gaandi oo ah aqoon yahan Soomaaliyeed ayaa tilmaamay in dhaqamadii xumaa ee colaaduhu ay abuureen lagu bedelo in shacabka wax loo qoro oo wax loo kordhiyo: “Waxaan jeclahay dad farabadan oo meesha waxaa fadhiya karti u leh iney wax qoraan, iney shacbiga wax u soo kordhiyaan, in wadadaasi ay furanto oo ay bedesho waddooyin foolxun oo uu dagaalku abuuro iney bedesho oo anagu dhaqankeenna aan u noqonno waa qodobka koowaad.” Cabdi Xaashi C/llaahi, guddoomiyaha Golaha Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo ah qoraaga buugga ayaa ka hadlay sababta ku kalliftay inuu buugga qoro, waxaana hadalkiisii ka mid ahaa: “Sababtii igu kalliftay inaan buuggan yar inaan qoro, saddex arrimood ayaa ii muuqatay, midi waxa weeyaan dhaqanka iyo afku waxa uu ka jiraa baadiyaha xoolo dhaqatada ah, beeraleyda iyo kalluumaysiga, waxaa ii muuqatay dalkeennu inuu magaalo u soo socdo oo baadiyihii beer ha noqoto ama bad ha noqotee ama xoolo dhaqato ha noqdee in in laga soo qulqulaayo, oo magaalo la imanaayo.” Waxa uu hadalkiisa ku daray in uu ka cabsi qabo 50sano ee soo aaddan haddii simada maanta lagu jiro ay wax u socdaan in luqaddii iyo dhaqankii Soomaaliyeed uu gabaabsi noqdo: “Qodobka labaad ee igu kallifay waxa weeyaan labo Af oo qalaad ayaa si xoogleh dadkeennii u qaatay, waxaan arkaynaa Af-Carabi iyo Af-Ingiriis ayaa iskuulada laga dhigaa, Af-Soomaaligii lama dhigo, weliba waxaan ka xumahay, hay’adaha dowladdu in Af-Ingiriis lagaga shaqeeyo oo lagu qoraayo, kolkaa waxa weeyaan labaa Af iyo dhaqamada ay wataan, waxay meesha ka saarayaan aakhirka haddii 50sano oo dambe iney noqonayso in Af-Soomaaligii inuu gabaabsi galayaayo.” Si kastaba, Cabdi Xaashi Cabdillaahi ayaa Buuggiisan “Haybso Dhaqankaaga” uu yahay kiisii ugu horreeyay ee uu qoro, iyadoo la filayo in buuggani uu wadada u xaaro dhiirigelinna uu u noqdo madax farabadan oo haya xogo muhiim ah oo dalkani leeyahay, dhaxal ma guuraan ahana u noqon kara Qaranka. Goobjoog News Source
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo ayaa weli ku guda jira socdaalkiisa nabada ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in dadka degan magaalada Gaalkacyo ay yihiin kuwo isku calool fiyoow isla markaana ay ka muuqato wada shaqeyn. Waxa uu Farmaajo sheegay in dhibta ugu badan ee ka taagan magaalada Gaalkacyo ay tahay mid ay gacanta ku sameynayaan labada maamul, hase yeeshee dadka deegaanka ay yihiin kuwo u bisil nabada. Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo booqday deegaano yaryar ayaa waxa uu halkaa ku arkay muuqaalo aan sidaa u wanaagsaneyn oo muujinaaya in magaalada Gaalkacyo ay tahay furun dagaal. Madaxweynuhu waxa uu Hogaamiyayaasha Puntland iyo Galmudug ugu baaqay in muuqaalka colaadeed ee ka muuqda qeybo kamid ah magaalada Gaalkacyo loo bedelo goobo bilicsan oo nabadeed. Waxa uu Madaxweyne Farmaajo labada Hogaamiye ka dalbada fulinta laba arrin oo uu sheegay inay horseedi karto in magaalada Gaalkacyo ay gasho jawi nabadeed waxa ayna kala yihiin: 1-In labada dhinac ay si wada jira uga shaqeeyan hagaajinta goobaha ku burburay dagaalada. 2-In la burburiyo dhammaan waxyaabaha keeni kara colaada iyo in la sameeyo iska warqab labada ciidamood ah. Sidoo kale, Farmaajo ayaa labada Hogaamiye u sheegay inaanu wanaagsaneen in muddo intaa kasii badan lagu jiro colaado abuurikara dhiig hor leh oo data. Haddalka Farmaajo ayaa imaanaya xili qeybo kamid ah magaalada Gaalkacyo ay weli ka muuqdaan calaamadaha ay abuureen colaadihii ugu danbeeyay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Farmaajo oo Gaas & Xaaf ka dalbaday fulinta 2 arrin oo laga hirgalinayo Gaalkacyo (Maxay yihiin) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Qoraal kasoo baxay dawlada Turkiga ayaa waxaa loogu digay muwaadiniinteeda dooneysa inay u safraan dalka Mareykanka. Qoraalka ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in muwaadiniinta Turkiga laga doonaayo inay ka feejignaadan safarada ay ku aadayaan dalka Mareykanka. Dowlada Turkiga waxa ay muwaadiniinteeda ugu baaqday haddii ay jiraan baahiyo gaara in laga doonaayo taxadar gaara mudada ay joogan dalka Mareykanka. Wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Turkiga, ayaa qoraalka ku sheegtay inay jiraan khataro argagixiso sida weeraro iyo xariga sharci daro ah. Wasaarada ayaa sheegtay inay jiraan cabsi galin ay dowlada Mareykanka ku heyso muwaadiniinteeda, sidaa aawgeed ay ku wargalinayaan inay ka hortagaan khataraha ay u maleegeyso dowlada Mareykanka. Wasaarada ayaa sidoo kale ka digtay in dowlada Mareykanka ay ku kacdo xarig aan loo meel dayin oo loo geysto muwaadiniinta Turkiga, oo ay ku jiraan shaqaalaha dawlada ee u safraya Mareykanka. Dhinaca kale, digniinta ayaa timid ka dib markii Maraykanku uu ku dhawaaqay digniin taas la mid ah ee safarada, iyagoo ku tilmaamay Turkiga oo ay weheliso Sudan, Pakistan iyo Guatemala inay yihiin waddamo halis dheeraad ah oo dhinaca ammaanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Turkiga oo digniin kasoo saaray u safrida Mareykanka & Khataro halis ah oo la shaaciyay (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Kooxo ku hubeysnaa bastoolado ayaa magaalada Muqdisho ku dhacay Xayawaanka loo yaqaan Diin-diinka oo waayadani danbe lagu kala iibsanaayay dhaqaale xoogan. Dhaca Xayawaankan ayaa ka dhacay Degmada Waabari gaar ahaan eeryada xaafadaha Buunda koowaad, waxaana lasoo warinayaa in kooxda Hubeysneyd ay dhaceen laba Diin. Diinka ayaa laga dhacay laba wiil oo dhalinyaro ah kuwaa oo qorsheynaayay inay beeciyaan, hase ahaatee waxaa dhacay dhalinyaro meelo fog kasoo raacay. Diinka la dhacay ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa nooca aadka loo baadi-goobo oo haddii la saaro taleefoonka gacanta daminaaya. Dowlada Somalia ayaa horay uga digtay iibgeynta diinka oo la sheegay in marba marka xigta uu qiimihiisa cirka isku shareeraayay. Dhinaca kale, dhaca labada diin ayaa noqonaaya kii ugu yaabka badnaa, waxaana aad looga hadal hayaa magaalada Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Arrin cusub: Muqdisho oo lagu kala dhacay Xayawaanka loo yaqaan Diin-diinka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. GAROWE-– The parliament of Somalia’s Semi-autonomous State of Puntland declared war against Somaliland after Somaliland forces seized Tukaraq town in Sool region just days ago. The two authorities locked horns over Sool, Sanaag and Buhodle regions. Puntland claims that the eastern regions are part and parcel of its territory by clan based affiliation while Somaliland is arguing that it is their sovereignty due to border demarcation which dates back to the colonial era. Security Committee of the parliament chairman, Hon. Sadik Abshir Garad speaking at a press conference has made the announcement of waging war against Somaliland so as to emancipate its forces from Sool region. Deputy Puntland parliament speaker, Hon. Husien Yasin Dirie speaking at the press conference has said that Puntland has showed a sense of patience since 2004 and avoided to prevent the shedding of Somali blood. They all urged residents in Sool region to repel against Somaliland forces. The interior minister of Somaliland, Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed has made clear that its forces are securing its borders and has no intention of instigating conflict with Puntland.
  13. Residents walk at the scene of a blast on October 29, 2017, a day after two car bombs exploded in Mogadishu, Somalia. PHOTO | MOHAMED ABDIWAHAB | AFP There is no question that Kenya and Somalia are two countries that are deeply linked economically, socially and culturally. Both countries would stand to benefit immensely from enduring peace and stability in Somalia due to the long-standing ties between the two countries which stretch back hundreds of years. Yet all is not well at present in Somalia. A number of forces, both from Somalia and outside the region, are working very hard to sow chaos there and prolong the suffering of the people of Somalia and the region. Kenyan authorities can play a role in curtailing these players who are destabilising Somalia simply by ousting them and denying them the right to operate from Nairobi, because a significant number of them are based in the Kenyan capital. In February 2017, there was great hope that the election of Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo as president – a rare case in Somalia elections where the man who was popular with Somalis across the region prevailed over the choice of shadowy power brokers – would be a turning point for Somalia. There were celebrations across East Africa following the election. WEALTHY POLITICIANS However, there are forces including many wealthy Somali politicians and businessmen – a good number based in Nairobi – who benefit from war and chaos in Somalia and are not interested in the pursuit of a lasting peace. These shadowy figures are suspected to be funding al- Shabaab attacks on Somali soil and credible investigations have linked them to the financing of bombings not just in Somalia but also in Kenya. Matters have been worsened by the dispute between Gulf nations whose impact is being felt in many regions, none more so than in the Horn of Africa. That conflict has seen powerful Gulf countries emerge to actively encourage divisions in Somalia which have been a gift to the al- Shabaab at a time when many were turning against the group. In June, the young and erratic Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman and his counterpart from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) suddenly announced a blockade of their rival Gulf power Qatar. They demanded that all countries with a large Muslim population should follow their lead. Many were forced by the fact that they rely on millions of dollars in aid from the oil-rich Gulf countries to do so. However, to their great credit, the leadership in Somalia decided to take a neutral posture and refused to take sides between the UAE and Qatar. WAR That decision – despite tens of millions of dollars being offered to sway the leadership in Mogadishu – has inflamed the Gulf countries and unleashed a full-blown war to try and bring down the government in Somalia. The activities being undertaken to achieve this should alarm all members of the international community including the African Union, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, major embassies including the Americans and the European Union and other players that have a major stake in peace in Somalia including Kenya. The efforts to sow instability in Somalia in pursuit of narrow geopolitical goals will result in disaster and should not be encouraged. Taking advantage of the fragmented nature of governance in Somalia, for example, the UAE has exploited instability in some regions of the country to secure long-term concessions to key installations. These include a concession from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland for Dubai-based DP World to develop the port of Bosaso. In Somaliland, DP World has a 30-year concession to develop a port at Berbera and plans to develop an economic free zone. In the meantime, significant amounts of cash have gone to groups that control the ports of Kismayu, Berbera and Bosaso, virtually arming three clans out of 50 others, a recipe for conflict in such an environment. TAXES Kenyan authorities should take a keener interest in the level of these activities which are being carried out by Somali politicians and businessmen who own big businesses in Nairobi. Some of these businessmen have been suspected to fund al-Shabaab through taxes paid due to their involvement in charcoal business and other activities. Also, some journalists from Somalia in the diaspora are sympathisers or apologists of the propaganda being generated by the destabilising forces and they post toxic write-ups in their blogs, all aimed at destabilising Somalia. The big question is: who is protecting these politicians in Kenya? Have these people corrupted State security institutions that are aware of their existence and activities? It is an open secret that some non-governmental organisations based in Nairobi have been channelling funds to groups destabilising the Somalia government by claiming to fund projects that don’t exist. Are Kenyan authorities aware of the activities of these groups and what are they doing to curtail them? What are others who are spending significant sums of money to fund security operations in Somalia, including the American embassy, doing about all this? ROGUE POLITICIANS The fact is that these rogue Somalia politicians, driven by allegiance to narrow clan interests and their patronage by powerful wealthy Gulf states, are a threat not only to Somalia but the entire region. They change their identity and loyalty according to interests and a number were previously openly affiliated to al-Shabaab. The unfolding situation has created tension between ethnic Somalis and Gulf players such as the UAE and the danger is that Kenya – which appears to be an unwitting player in this game – could end up being a theatre for clashes between the various parties if it does not act to expel these bad actors from Nairobi. It would be unfortunate if internal wars from Somalia, including between clan elites and feuding businessmen and meddling by Gulf players, ended up playing out in Nairobi. Also, as a friendly nation to Somalia, Kenya should be the last nation to encourage activities such as these to unfold on its soil. For too long, some Somalia politicians have lived comfortably in Kenya while sowing chaos and instability in Somalia. There can be no reason why such politicians should be allowed to thrive – or worse, enjoy protection – while undermining regional security interests. EXPEL PLAYERS Kenyan authorities should investigate such players and expel them. It is true that the Somalia government is weak but the more powerful Kenya government should probe and act against these people. The whole world has seen how the war in Yemen, which is an offshoot of these unnecessary power games in the Gulf, has resulted in the death of tens of thousands of civilians and one of the worst famines and cholera outbreaks recorded in history. Somalia is suffering from the same irresponsible geopolitical adventures by these players who seek to bring down the government to advance their narrow interests which are served by perpetual chaos and war. By contrast, Kenya and the region would benefit from a peaceful and stable Somalia. It is time for the country to take a stand and stop the activities of those that seek to destabilise Somalia. The writer is the Member of Parliament for Suna East
  14. BENGHAZI, Libya–Authorities in eastern Libya said on Thursday they had arrested and would deport 81 migrants from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia who had escaped from smugglers after failing to reach Europe. The migrants were reported to authorities by an imam at a mosque on the coast to the south of the Libyan city of Benghazi, officials said. “They were arrested in the Zueitina area at a camp of illegal migrants,” said Ahmed al-Arifi, an official from the department for countering illegal migration in the eastern city of Benghazi. “They were arrested for deportation back to their countries.” Libya is the main departure point for migrants trying to reach Europe by sea, with nearly 120,000 crossing the central Mediterranean last year. Almost all leave from western Libya, though departures dropped sharply in July last year when some armed factions began blocking crossings. Most of the migrants are from West African countries, though some East Africans enter Libya through Sudan. Arifi said a total of 5,686 migrants had been deported from eastern Libya last year, up from 2,912 in 2016. One of the Eritrean migrants, speaking at a detention centre in Benghazi, said he had arrived in Libya in March last year from Sudan, after paying $4,000 for the journey. He was taken across the Sahara desert to the western Libyan smuggling hub of Sabratha, and waited there with other migrants for about four months before being told the sea route had been closed. Armed groups began preventing boat departures in Sabratha in July, and a major smuggling group was pushed out of the city in September. The Eritrean said he had then crossed back through the town of Bani Walid to Ajdabiya in the east, close to Zueitina. Smugglers had demanded another $2,000 for the trip to Europe, but he was unable to pay and fled mistreatment at their hands. ”I wanted to go to Italy to work but unfortunately it wasn’t possible,“ he said. ”We suffer from severe poverty in our country and there’s a dictatorial system. “Now because we were treated badly by smugglers we are suffering from illnesses and skin diseases. We don’t want to return to our country, we want to go to Europe.” Reuters
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar lagu baahiyay wargeysyada qaar ayaa lagu sheegay in duqeyn diyaaradeed lagu dilay wiil uu dhalay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID ee Somaliland Feysal Cali Waraabe oo ka barbar dagaalami jiray Daacish. Duqeyn ka dhacday dalka Syria ayaa la sheegay in lagu dilay wiilkan oo lagu magacaabayay Xuseen Feysal Cali Waraabe oo ka barbar dagaalami jiray Daacish. Wiilkaan lagu magacaabi jiray Xuseen Feysal Cali Waraabe ayaa kooxda Daacishta Syria ku biiray sanadkii 2013, waxaana uu ka soo muuqday muuqaal ay baahisay Daacish. Wiilkaan uu dhalay Feysal Cali Waraabe ayaa sidoo kale la sheegay in Maleeshiyada dhexdooda looga yaqiinay Abuu Shuceyb As-Somali, waxaa uu heystay dhalashada dalka Finland. Sidoo kale, wiilkaan la sheegay in lagu dilay duqeynta ayaa sanadii 2012 isku dayay inuu ku biiro maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab. Dhinaca kale, Dowlada Syria iyo dowladaha kale ee garabka u ah ayaan sheegin dilka wiilkan, markii laga soo tago wargeysyada kasoo baxa Syria oo qaarkood qoray. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maxaa ka jira in Duqeyn diyaaradeed lagu dilay wiil uu dhalay Feysal Cali Waraabe oo ka tirsanaa DAACISH appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane.Maxammed cabdullahi Farmaajo iyo wafdi ballaaran oo uu hoggaaminayo oo maanta ka soo amba baxay Boosaaso ayaa gaaray magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug. Shacabka iyo mas’uuliyiinta magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaan u kala harin soo dhoweyna madaxweyne Farmaajo,waxaana waddooyinka buuxiyey kumanaan isaga yimid xaafadaha magaalada oo ruxaya Calanka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya iyo kan Puntland. Dadka reer Gaalkacyo ayaa Madaxweyne Farmaajo hadiyad uga dhigay Geel ku labisan astaanta Calanka Qaran,iyagoo ka jawaabaya hadiyadihii dhaqan ee lagu guddoonsiiyay magaalooyinka Qardho iyo Boosaaso Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiweli Maxammed Cali(Gaas) iyo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane.Maxammed cabdullahi Farmaajo oo si wadajir ah shacabka ula hadlay ayaa bulshada reer Gaalkacyo uga mahadceliyey soo dhoweynta. Halkaan ka daawo soo dhoweynta. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Soo dhoweyntii Madaxweyne Farmaajo ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. LAMU, Kenya (Xinhua) — At least one civilian was killed and unknown number of police officers injured after suspected Al-Shabaab terrorists ambushed a convoy of commuter buses in Kenya’s coastal Lamu region on Saturday. Mwenda Njoka, the Ministry of Interior spokesman, confirmed the incident, saying the buses were from Lamu en route to Malindi and Mombasa when the militants struck at around 11 a.m. local time. “There was an exchange of fire between the security team that was escorting the buses and the attackers during which one civilian was shot dead and some police officers suffered injuries,” Njoka said in a statement. He said two police vehicles were damaged during the exchange of fire. Witnesses said the the destroyed police vehicle was traveling ahead of early morning scheduled commuter buses which was escorting from Lamu when the police officers were ambushed with their vehicle being destroyed by the militants during the gun exchange. “Security agents who were in another police escort vehicle which was behind buses was however able to thwart the attackers after a 30-minute gun battle exchange,” said a resident who declined to be named. He said the buses were however not caught in the crossfire with the travelers able to proceed with their journey safely from Lamu. But Njoka said it was still not clear how many attackers were killed or injured during the incident which occurred in Nyongoro area between Gamba and Lango la Simba. According to Njoka, a contingent of security officers comprising of airborne and ground troops was dispatched from Boni Operation Centre immediately after the attack happened. “Swift action by the security team ensured that the buses drove past the ambush area safely and without further casualties. By this afternoon, the operation to sanitize the area was still going on,” Njoka said. It is now feared that the Nyongoro area is now an operational hotspot for Al Shabaab militants due to the poor network road in the area that forces vehicles to slow down thus making it easier to lay an attack for unknowing road users. The Somali militants have changed tactics and resorted to abductions and using improvised explosive devices to carry out attacks in parts of Coast region and northeastern Kenya, according to police. The police say the explosive devices strategically planted along the roads near Kenya-Somalia border are slowing down security operations to flush out militants hiding in the vast Boni forest, which is near the Somali border. Source: Xinhua The post One killed in Al-Shabaab ambush in Kenya’s Lamu appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. DAR ES SALAA (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday stepped up its warnings against economic slowdown in Tanzania, saying the government needs to take urgent measures to reverse the downward trend. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Gaalkacyo (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay waxaa manta magaalada Gaalkacyo gaaray wafdi ballaaran oo uu Hogaaminaayo Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha ayaa isugu jira Wasiiro, Xildhibaano ka kala tirsan labada Aqal iyo Siyaasiyiin dhowr ah oo taabacsan dowlada Farmaajo. Wafdiga Farmaajo ayaa aad loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana Garoonka magaalada Gaalkacyo kusoo dhaweeyay boqolaal ka mid ah Shacabka ku nool Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Mas`uuliyiintii soo dhaweysay Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Hogaamiyaha maamulka Galmudug Xaaf, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Taliyaha ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed. Farmaajo ayaa sidoo kale gaari doona magaalooyin kale oo ka mid ah kuwa uu ka arimiyo maamulka Galmudug wuxuuna la kulmi doonaa mas’uuliyiinta, waxgaradka iyo qeybaha kaal duwan ee bulshada. The post Sawirro: Sidee ayey reer Gaalkacyo usoo dhaweeyen Madaxweyne Farmaajo? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn will arrive in Egypt on Monday evening in a state visit which will go on until Wednesday, informed sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm on Friday. Desalegn’s visit comes in the framework of the joint Egyptian-Ethiopian committee which was due to convene in mid-December but was postponed to January. The sources said that a high level delegation will accompany Desalegn during his visit which will include Ethiopian Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu and Ethiopia’s ambassador to Cairo Taye Atske-Selassie Amde. Desalegn is expected to meet Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at the Ittihadeya presidential palace. The sources added that the program of the visit is currently being arranged, and Desalegn is expected to deliver a speech at the House of Representatives on the second day of the visit, but this has not been determined yet. The Ethiopian Prime Minister is scheduled to discuss with Sisi the latest developments in the he Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) file and put forth the Ethiopian response to Egypt’s proposal for the participation of the World Bank as a technical partner in the tripartite technical committee on GERD. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met with the Ethiopian Prime Minister in the end of December during his visit to the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to follow up on bilateral relations between the two countries, prepare for the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s visit to Egypt and discuss the course of the GERD negotiations.
  21. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi, waxa uu maanta wareegto madaxweyne oo summadeedu tahay JSL/XM/WM/222-22/012018, uu ku magacaabay Afar Agaasime. Waxaanay u dhignayd Wareegtada Madaxweynuhu sidan:- Wareegto Madaxweyne Magacaabid Markaan Arkay: Dastuurka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Qodobka 90aad, Faqradiisa 3aad; Xarafka (kh). Markaan Arkay: Aqoontooda, Kartidooda iyo Waaya-aragnimadooda; Markaan ku Qancay: In ay Hanan Karaan Masuuliyadda ka Dhalanaysa Xilalkan; Markaan Sameeyey: La-tashi Ballaadhan; Waxaan Go’aamiyey: In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta aan xilalkan u magacaabo masuuliyiinta magacyadoodu hoos ku xusan yihiin: Aadan Cabdillaahi Cabdulle Nuur Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Diinta iyo Awqaafta Prof. Maxamed Faarax Xareed Qodax Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Sayniska Axmed Abokor Maxamed Yuusuf Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maal-gashiga Xamda Daahir Afqarshe Ismaaciil Agaasimaha Maamulka iyo Lacagta ee Guddida (Komishanka) Qaranka ee Xakamaynta HIV/AIDS Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa The post Muuse Biixi oo mar kale magacaabay mas’uuliyiin ku cusub saaxada Siyaasada Somaliland (Akhriso) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. The acting US assistant secretary for African Affairs, Donald Yamamoto, visited Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Rwanda at the end of December. He fielded questions on priorities for Africa in 2018. ————————————— The US has been talking tough about South Sudan President Salva Kiir, threatening to cut aid to the country. Does Washington plan any other action beyond sanctions? That was on the minds of the officials of the African Union and regional leaders, and also the subject of discussions in London with our donor community. When we were at the UN General Assembly in September, we talked to Taban Deng Gai, the first vice president of South Sudan, and laid down clear markers about what we expect. President Salva Kiir has responded to the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley in a letter outlining what he is doing to address those issues. We really want to see concrete examples, not words. We support [Ethiopia] Prime Minister Hailemariam and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development [Igad] as well as the AU to push South Sudan to stop the violence, look at the high rates of refugee flows, now 1.3 million into Uganda, and also the large numbers of internally displaced people. We would like to see concrete measures, and progress towards ending the violence, which jeopardises the stability and security of the countries around South Sudan. What is the US position on the Igad revitalisation process on South Sudan, and what was your point of discussion with the Ethiopian Prime Minister? Ethiopia is a critical partner and is the current chair of Igad, leading high-level discussions on South Sudan. Ethiopia contributes troops to peacekeeping operations in South Sudan as well as Sudan. We discussed the efforts of Ethiopian troops to stabilise Somalia, prevent terrorism and elements from Al Shabaab and ISIS coming into their country. We also talked about internal domestic challenges that face Ethiopia and Somalia, based on ethnic divides, land tenure problems, government procedures and local practices. There is concern about Ethiopia’s internal stability. What was your impression on the state of the leadership within the ruling EPRDF? I deferred to Prime Minister Hailemariam and his government on the details of what our discussions were. We talked about domestic issues like challenges in Somalia. Ethiopia has a high population growth, with 70 per cent of the population under the age of 30, which means increasing unemployment among the youth. We discussed how we could partner to create jobs, support healthcare, education and investment. You talked with Rwanda President Paul Kagame about reforms at the Africa Union. What role is the US likely to play? President Kagame is coming in as chair at a time when big changes are taking places in the African Union. President Kagame is well situated to address those issues, considering his leadership in Rwanda. Over the past 20 years, the number of democratic or democratic-leaning countries with free open elections in Africa has increased. There is greater stability on the continent, and we want to build on that to strengthen democracies in fragile states. The US suspended military aid to Somalia. What is the way forward considering that a security threat still remains and Somalia needs to build its army? It is only a temporary suspension that affects about 10,000 troops, and is meant to enhance better accounting. We continue to provide assistance to specialised groups within Somalia. This is part of our efforts to review how we can form a coherent and effective Somali national army that integrates all groups, military and militia in the regional states. We have discussed this issue with the Somali government as we establish how to work with the AU, Amisom, the UN, and countries that provide troops like Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Djibouti and Burundi. The national army needs to be trained, and fully coherent under a unified command. At the Somalia conference in London last May, we agreed that transparent, open accounting practices and financial institutions are critical. These are the same issues we face in the Democratic Republic of the Congo under Monusco. There has been an increase in terrorist activities on the continent since 2001, and it concurred with the rise in US military presence in Africa. Does it suggest a problem with the American strategy? It is true that terrorist activities have increased. The leaders and the people we spoke with during this trip were concerned about ISIS fighters leaving Iraq and the Middle East. We’re looking at ISIS formations in Somalia and West Africa. We’re looking at Boko Haram. We’re even looking at the militias in eastern Congo, which are transforming. We’re working with partner countries, so the US State Department has trained about 300,000 troops from 26 African countries this year, with peacekeeping operations as the main focus. Our use of military, unlike in other areas, does not take the lead in operations but works with partner countries. Currently, 63 per cent of the UN operations are in Africa. That means you’re taking 87 per cent of the UN troops from Africa, that’s over 70,000. Could you comment on reports that donors have suspended financial aid to the Kenyan security sector due to recent reports of police brutality? Our investments in Kenya include security sector reform. Kenya is important, not only in fighting and resisting Al Shabaab, but also ISIS and terrorist groups coming into the country. As far as detracting or cutting or limiting or setting restrictions, I’ll have to get back to you on that because Kenya is one of our most important countries, just as Ethiopia is, and to my knowledge we have not cut or diminished assistance or investment. East Africa
  23. Warar ay heshay Goobjoog News ayaa xaqijinaya in dalka Suuriya lagu dilay 29kii bishii Desember, 2017kii Xuseen Faysal Cali Waraabe oo kamid ahaa carruurta uu dhalay guddoomiyaha xisbiga UCID. Xuseen ayaa sanadkii 2013kii ka tagay magaalada Hargeysa iyadoo wakhtigaasi la sheegay in uu ku biiray ururka DAACISH ama ISIS ee ka dagaallama dalalka Ciraaq iyo Suuriya. Cali Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ay walaalo yihiin Xuseen ayaana Goobjoog News u sheegay in loo malaynayo in wiilkoodu ku dhintay duqayn diyaaradeed. Wiilkan ayaa ka mid ahaa dadka ku biiray kooxda isaga oo asal ahaan ka yimid dalka Finland. Faah-faahinta kala soco, Goobjoog News, Source
  24. ” Guulahaan ka barinee Amiin Amiin ‘ Alloow Gurigaad Yagleesheen’ Alloow Guri Barwaaqo ‘ Ku gasiiman Ubadoo ‘ noqo Geed hadhweynoo midhihiisa aad gurtaan ” Amiin