Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Everyone who uses Facebook will have come across some pretty strange posts in their time. Random friend requests, being added to groups you did not ask to join,... Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Wasiiru dowlaha wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland Sayid-Omer Aden Guled, ayaa Dagmada Towfiiq ee gobolka Mudug ka dhagax dhigay xarun caafimaad (MCH). Dadka Degaanka oo hamuum Qabay xaruntaan ayaa aad usoo Dhaweeyay iyagoona Dowladda Puntland uga mahad Caliyay. Wasiirka inta Uu Ku Suganaa Dagmada Towfiiq waxa uu ukuurgalay Deegaanada Ku Teedsan isagoona Xog ka soo aruuriyay Baahiyaha Dadka Degaanka. Odayaasha iyo maamulka Dagmada ayuu kala Hadlay arimo ay ka mid Yihiin Amniga iyo midnimada waxa uuna kula dar daarmay inay xoojiyaan arintaas. Sidoo kale wasiir sayid waxa ay dadka Degaanka usoo Gudbiyeen inay Helaan arimaha hormarinta oo ay kamid yihiin Cafimaadka Biyaha iyo waxbarshada kuwaaasoo Dowlada Puntland ay Qorshayaal ay dajisay lagu hormarinayo Dagmooyinka laamiga ka baxsan. Wasiir udowlaha Cafimaadka Puntland waxaa kaloo uu kormeer Ku sameeyay kooxo arimo Caafimaad Dagaanada Towfiiq ka fulinaya waxaana kamida talaalka oo si habsami leh uga socda Degaanadaas. Wasiirka waxa uu mahad Celiyay kooxahaan oo bulshada arimo Muhiim ah uhaya. Wasaaradda Caafiaamdka Puntland ayaa da daal Xoog leh ugu jira Hormarinta Cafimaadka Puntland.
  3. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Sool ee Puntland, Daahir Salaad Canshuur oo aan goor dhoweyd khadka Taleefonka ku wareystay ayaa sheegay in gobolka Sool uu galay xaalad dagaal,kadib markii ay Somaliland ay qabsatay degaanka Tukaraq oo ay haatan ku sugan yihiin. Mudane.Daahir Canshuur ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dhammaan Waxgaradka,Nabadoonnada iyo Shacabka Tukaraq ay diideen Ciidamada Somaliland,islamarkaana bara-kac xooggan ka bilowday degaannadii ay soo galeen. Guddoomiyaha ayaa iclaamiyey dagaal Somaliland looga saarayo guud ahaan gobolka Sool,isagoo sheegay in aan waan-waan dambe laga geli doonin difaaca Xuduudaha Puntland. “Nimankaan waan la dagaallameynaa,waana ka saaraynaa dalka,dalkayagana dib baan u qabsaneynaa”,ayuu yiri Canshuur. Halkaan ka daawo Wareysiga Canshuur. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo:dagaalka gobolka Sool oo la isu waaberiisanayo. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. US President Donald Trump loves signing executive orders. During his first year in office, he has signed dozens of controversial orders on a wide variety of subjects, ranging from national security to trade. Some of these executive orders, such as the ones on the Muslim travel ban and the Mexican border wall, received a lot of media attention and triggered protests around the world. But many other decisions by the president, causing death and destruction in faraway places like Somalia, went considerably unnoticed. Only weeks after taking office, Trump signed a directive declaring parts of Somalia an “area of active hostilities”. This declaration relaxed some of the rules aimed at preventing civilian casualties when the US military carries out counterterrorism strikes in Somalia. The Pentagon claimed that this order expanded its targeting authority “to defeat al-Shabab in Somalia” in partnership with the African Union and Somali forces. But, in practice, what this order did was little more than allow US soldiers to “kill at will” and with impunity within the borders of Somalia. This is illegal, immoral and counterproductive. An illegal order The US aerial bombardment of Somalia started during George Bush’s “war on terror”, but the number of civilian casualties was minimal back then. Since the current US president “relaxed” the rules of engagement, the number and scope of these attacks increased dramatically, leading to many civilian casualties. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there were 32 to 36 reported US drone strikes in Somalia between 2001 and 2016. In 2017, 34 air and drone strikes were carried out, killing more than 200 people. Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-linked militant group, is the official target of most US drone strikes in Somalia. Its ultimate objective is to overthrow the government in Mogadishu and establish a new state in its place. Several African nations have been battling the armed group for over a decade, but Western nations, including the US, are now overtly leading the fight. In the process, Washington appears to be relying on backdoor dealings and violating the sovereignty of an independent nation. It is not clear who authorises the air and drone strikes the US is conducting. Somalia is not the “failed state” it once was – it is no longer a playground for uninvited foreigners. Today, there’s an internationally recognised administration in Mogadishu with functioning judicial, legislative and executive branches, and this administration, not Donald Trump, should be the one “authorising” the measures that can be used in the fight against al-Shabab in the country. Somalia’s constitution clearly states that the country’s sovereignty is inviolable. Its legislative and executive branches are responsible for the security of the nation and only they can decide on military action. Without their approval, attacks are in violation of the nation’s sovereignty and are therefore illegal. Immoral attacks on innocent civilians The US cites its national interests and security as a pretext to conduct attacks on alleged al-Shabab bases in Somalia. No one is denying some of those killed as result of these strikes are indeed al-Shabab fighters, but the vast majority of the victims are civilians. We know this because al-Shabab usually confirms the deaths of its senior commanders and fighters. We have witnessed this when Sheikh Ali Jabal, a senior al-Shabab commander in Somalia, was killed in a US strike in August last year. “The cowardly American enemy planes tried to strike him,” the group said in a statement circulated on social media. “The first missed him and the second hit, making him a martyr.” Al-Shabab leaders do not try to hide the deaths of the group’s commanders and members, because they know that this would be a hard and futile task. Information about these deaths can easily surface through the clans and communities their fighters hail from. So, when we see statements by US forces declaring that they killed dozens of “terrorists” in Somalia and hear no confirmation from al-Shabab leadership about these deaths, we question the validity of US claims about the identities of the victims. Most civilian deaths do not get global attention because the attacks take place in al-Shabab-controlled areas. This makes it impossible for journalists and international human rights groups to investigate. Sometimes local media publish photos and names of the civilian victims of US attacks. But even this depends on the victim’s clan. If a victim belongs to a minority clan that holds no political power, the government will easily dismiss them as “terrorist sympathisers”. On August 17, 2017, the US launched three precision air strikes in the southern town of Jilib. US Africa Command released a statement claiming to have “killed terrorists”. However, the victims, seven of them, were civilians from the same family. Photos of their bodies and the remnants of their house were widely published in Somali media. But the victims belonged to a minority clan that has no power and influence in Somalia, and their relatives’ desperate plea for justice perished soon after they buried their loved ones. A few days later, another US-led military raid took place in Bariire village, 45km from Mogadishu, killing 10 people, including children. Again, the Somali government and the US claimed that they only “killed terrorists”. This time, however, the victims hailed from an influential clan. Survivors and relatives challenged the false official claims about the attack. To prove their case, family members took an unprecedented step and transported the victims’ bodies to the capital city to put them on display. Due to the pressure, government officials met relevant clan elders, apologised and agreed to pay compensation. Despite the solid evidence and a confirmation from the Somali government, the US administration still insists that victims of this attack were not civilians. By denying facts, the Trump administration is damaging US reputation as a nation that respects human rights and the rule of law. A counterproductive campaign The US military campaign in Somalia will not yield any results. Bombs dropped from the sky will certainly take out a few al-Shabab commanders; two of their former leaders were already killed by the US. They may also force their operatives into hiding or restrict their movements. But killing a few commanders and fighters isn’t going to bring the demise of the group. After all, al-Shabab’s success is not based on individuals – it’s based on an ideology and you cannot defeat an ideology with bombs. Somalis won’t be outraged over the fight against al-Shabab and the killing of the group’s fighters. People in the country understand these men have signed up to kill or be killed. But the indiscriminate killings of civilians is antagonising Somalis. This gives legitimacy to the militant group as a resistance movement, especially within communities living under its rule. Every innocent person killed by the US is a gain for al-Shabab. Victims’ family members and fellow clansmen will seek retaliation. To them, revenge is an act of justice. Most of the victims of US military operations in Somalia are farmers and nomads who have no animosity towards the American people. US bombardment is forcing many to flee their homes. In recent months, we have seen “drone refugees” arriving in Mogadishu’s overcrowded camps for the internally displaced. Children are traumatised by the constant fear of bombs falling from the sky. Mr Trump, your bombs are breeding the next generation of suicide bombers in Somalia. Fight al-Shabab but stop terrorising innocent Somalis. To achieve any success, you must respect international and Somali law, reverse your immoral actions and rethink your strategy in Somalia. By: Jama Osman
  5. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo maalmahan safar ku marayay Puntland ayaa gaaray xarunta Madaxtooyada Dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug ee magaalada Gaalkacyo isaga oo shacabkii soo dhaweeyay u sheegay in dowladda Federaalka ay ka go’antahay nabadeynta Galkacyo. Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka ku nool Gobolka Mudug midnimo iyo wadajir si ay u gaaraan horumarka ay higsanayaan, isla markaasna dadaal dheeri ah ay geliyaan sidii ay uga gudbi lahaayeen khilaafaadka soo noq-noqday ee ragaadiyey nolashooda. “Nabad la’aanta waxaa idin kaga maqan horumar. Annaga dowlad ahaan wixii mashaariic horumarineed ah ee aad u baahantihiin waa idin keeneynaa, balse reer Gaalkacayo maanta waa in ay kala doortaan in ay ku tartamaan Colaadda ama horumarka.” Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa tilmaamay in Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay qaadeyso tallaabo kasta oo ay ku xaqiijineyso midnimada iyo wada jirka bulshada Gobolka Mudug, isagoona faray dhammaan dhinacyada kale ee heer Gobol iyo heer Degmo in ay u istaagaan Dib u heshiisiinta dadka walaalaha ah ee ku cool Galkacyo.. “Dib u heshiisiinta aan wadno waxa ay tahay in qofkasta oo gobolkan ku sugan uu kaalintiisa ka qaato sidii aan u ilaashan lahayn midnimadeenna iyo wada jirkeenna. Gaalkacayo oo nabad ah waa Soomaaliya oo nabad ah.” Dhanka kale, Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo uu wehelinayo Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug Mudane Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf ayaa dhagax dhigay Xarunta Nabadeynta iyo Dib u Heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed iyo xabsiga dhexe ee Galmudug oo laga hirgelinayo Gaalkacayo. Sidoo kale, Madaxweynuhu wuxuu dhagax dhigay waddo isku xiri doonta degmada Hobyo iyo magaalada Gaalkacayo ee Gobolka Mudug. Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa kulamo wada tashi la qaatay Madaxda heer Dowlad Goboleed, duubabka dhaqanka, culumada iyo qeybaha kale ee bulshada, si loo dar dar geliyo dadaallada nabadeynta iyo dib u heshiisiinta shacabka. The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo Gaalkacayo ka dhagax dhigay Xarunta Nabadeynta iyo Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Laas Geel in Somaliland is home to one of the greatest archaeological sites in the Horn of Africa, with rock paintings estimated to be thousands of years old. UN envoy Michael Keating speaks on the potential of the site on a recent visit.
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  8. There have been deluge of reports and articles of recent conflict and displacement between Somali and Oromo ethnic groups in Ethiopian. And Somalis, more often than not, are born brunt of the brutal conflict and massacre perpetuated by their counterparts. Contrary to the facts on the ground, Oromo ultra-nationalists, intelligentsia and diaspora extremists in coordination with sympathetic ears of Abyssinian old guards went on the offense in order to undermine any genuine Somalis grievances. It was a successful campaign as far as PR’s exercise aimed at the international and local consumption is concerned. True to the age-old of Abyssinian propaganda fashion, the unholy alliance skewed narratives and history of the clashes into their advantage, thereby whitewashing the true nature of event and its main causalities– Somali civilians. It portrays them not as victims of uncalled aggression, but rather as a bunch of villains back by the Tigrian generals and lawless Somali Regional admin at worst. These baseless claims couldn’t be further from the truth; the driving forces behind the crisis are, among other things, the rise of Oromo ultra-nationalism; a system of asymmetrical ethnic federalism coupled with authoritarian streak of the TPLF dominated regime and the lack of Somali regional political vision beyond cadrism role and other repressive local chores. This discussion is limited to the first issue –namely, the dangers of Oromo ultra-nationalism. Relaying on eye witness accounts and other personal observation from recent trip to the region, I would like to share readers with some perspective and state of the current situation. The Rise of Oromo Ultra-nationalism Historically, Somali and Oromo communities had few conflicts except isolated cases of neighboring tribes over resources and lifestyle such as Gerre and Borana tribes in the Negale areas. The two main reasons that dwarfed major inter-ethnic clashes were the age-old common thread of intermarriage and co-religiosity plus the notion that both nations had suffered enough under the oppression and excesses of the loathed Abyssinian rulers for generations. Current inter-communal conflict defies this well-established conventional wisdom, if not turned up in its head. So what has changed or what is fueling the deadly conflict you might wonder. The primary factor behind the ethnic massacres and chaotic situation is none other than the rise of Oromo ultra-nationalism cum expansionism agendas toward neighboring communities, and especially against the ill-prepared Somali folks. According to the Oromo’s ultra-nationalism dogma, nothing short of reaching to Somali coast is acceptable and those community living in close proximity should be either cleansed or conquered. This phenomenon coincided with a decline and defilement status of Somali nationalism itself over decades, which attracted further encroachment of enemies and onlookers alike. The said trend, which combines military, political, and ideological fronts, has been going on since 1970s, but Somali were either blindsided by neighborly etiquettes or were misreading the issue altogether. Whatever the reasons might have been consequences haven’t so kind to them as recent slaughter and mass uprooting demonstrated. Furthermore, the political prominent role given to the Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization (OPDO) leadership within the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) dominated coalition since 1990s also exasperated the volatile ethnic situation. The organization and its predecessor of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) become a conduit for virulent and ethnic chauvinistic sentiments. It accorded the Party with unique opportunity to manipulate/subvert host of issues at will and thus created unfair political arrangement among the diverse ethnic nationalities, and even more so against Somalis. The big question(s) is now since when OPDO espoused on the idea itself or why its leadership suddenly ratchets up its chauvinistic and ethnic cleaning policy and what is the end game to the diabolical political maneuvers? As I mentioned, things didn’t start with current Oromian leaders as it seems. Former OLF organization headed by Lencho Letta, who once publicly declared Somalis as being enemy number one of Oromos, charted the new policy trend. After OLF has fallen out with former strong-man Melez and EPDRF coalition, it was replaced with seemingly moderate OPDO faction but to no avail. Not only that; while its predecessor of OLF elites genuinely believed their cause and openly preached about expansionism and separatism, the current ones are political opportunists at the best. Soon after, OPDO leaders crafted two-pronged policy approach in order to placate the mass expectations, on the one hand, and to extract more power from EPRDF body, on the other. It was all meant to prevail and prolong its political life at the expense of other stakeholders. To achieve both objectives, it devised devious scams including, but not limited to, manufactured inter-ethnic border disputes, bogus referenda, allegations of Liyu Police cross-border incursions, staged mob protests and so on. So it was only matter of time to witness full-fledged crisis of ethnic onslaught and mayhem in which Oromian leadership is fanning behind the unruly mob violence and murder. Since then the main political preoccupation remained the same except the rising death toll and displacement of Somali and other civilians. The grotesque massacre of over 50 Somali merchants in Hawaday of last September was the tipping point. The Grotesque Massacre Civilian Massacre in Hawaday, a bustling small city located via the highway of Harar and Deri- Dewa cities where Somali Kat traders heavily invested and pampered, was like no other in terms of the death toll and the way it was carried out. Majority of residents are Oromo farmers and it is far off from the alleged Somali-Oromia border disputes with zero chance of Liyo Police incursions. In any rate, it was bad omen and prelude of what was to come for Somali and non-Oromo civilians living within Oromia admin. Soon after, atrocities committed against unarmed civilians only intensified and become more brazen, including over 170 ethnic Somalis who were either hacked to death or missing in Hawi Gudina, Daro Lebu and other places of eastern Harar in last month; in one particular gruesome case more than 70 women and children were butchered and buried in police station. To this date, no one knows the immediate trigger factor of the Hawaday mass killing or perpetrators of the crime. No one is accountable to the atrocities so far, though, clearly blame lies with OPDO operatives. However, conspiracy theories, some credible and others less so, and rumors are abound. For instance, why የአንዳንኛ ክ/ጦር or First Division of the army based in short distance from the crime scene in Harar failed to intervene the feeding-frenzy of mob attacks, which terrorized passengers on the highway for days? How perpetuators acquired combat swords and other military gear accessories. Why victims who managed to escape and sought refuge in police stations were either shot to death or handed back to mob? One thing is for sure, some rumors are deceptively planted by OPDO cadres and leaders to mask scale of the crime and make confusions. Obviously the Hail Police of Oromia State were the main culprits of the ethnic cleansing. According to Addisu Arega, the head of OPDO propaganda office, chain of events was triggered by incursions of Somali Liyo police in Hawaday and other locations. He also falsely cites an equal magic number, if not more, of Oromo deaths every now and then to downplay the mounting Somali causalities. Worse even, they are now publicly justifying civilian mass killings in their midst as a legit revenge against Somali Region misdeeds. Talk about criminal-minded and immoral regional administration of highest order. A Daredevil of Short Trip to Harar As I mentioned on the Wardheernews pages years ago (see Years of Living Dangerously) about my adventure into the Ethio-Somali war of 1978 as teenage freedom fighter, I am inclined to be a risk taker by instinct. Maybe I am addicted to the adrenaline rush or the near-death experience. Whatever the reason, I always felt duty-bound to be better informed and inform others about major issues and crises. My latest trip to region the wasn’t much different. After visiting Deri-Dewa, Awbare and other destinations, I returned to the Jigjiga city where I spent a week or so in its modest hotels and Kat salons with friends. Soon after, I got bored with the monotonous conversation; I wanted to explore other interesting places and issues, including a short trip to Harar city. I did this against the advice of good friends and family members and rightly so. It was the aftermath of the Hawaday massacre and the inter-ethnic situation was tense, but I was undeterred and packed up next day anyway. I went to the mineria or bus station next morning and inquired drivers, who were either Gurages or Amharas ethnic, about the situation on the road and they told me it is all well. Still unsure what to make of it, I found to my comfort another Somali man inquiring the same thing. He was middle-aged short man with accent and an immense sense of humor. “war waayadan danba waan bacaysnanayne ka warama meesha,” was his opening line. It literally translates to: tell us how the situation is, we have been paranoid and apprehensive about the whole things lately. Once the mini-bus became full, I found other Somali passengers but none of them destined to Harar. They all dropped off before Babile town and left the other guy and me behind. An elderly Somali whom I had conversation during the trip gave me a stern look before he got off and said” from now it is your own; shut up your mouth or communicate with other vernacular languages!” That was when I felt crossing into a dangerous territory and thought for a moment to collect myself out of the bus and make U-turn before it is too late but I resisted. I took his valuable advice to the heart anyway. We passed through few check points during trip in which respective regional police of both sides and the federal one run. They would get on the bus, take a full view of passengers and quickly get off without asking much. At one point, a middle-aged man, who appeared a plain cloth security officer caught us from Goray village on the Somali side and sat beside me. Judging from his manners and the heavy communication cellphone carried, he definitely was security agent. He constantly would chat with another person on the line during the trip, switching back and forth in Amharic and Oromo languages. I had friendly chat with him and we suddenly come across huge refugee camp with endless of white and brown plastic huts (see below picture of Kollenchi camp.) They were thousands of displaced Somali ethnic from Oromian region in the last few months. Unsure what to make of it, I asked him who they were and he responded with typical Abyssinian demeanor of የሶማሌ ዜላኖች ናቸው or Somali nomads, which carries a unique connotation for Ethiopian rulers and politicians. The response was in line with the age-old characterization of Somalis as being transient people in order to discredit their land and citizenship rights. As we moved farther away from border and got closer to our destination, anxiety of the unknowns on the road ahead overwhelmed. We have been through few check points but every stop, every technical glitch or slow down triggered alarm bells. We finally reached Harar with great sense of relief and joy. The city seemed busy cosmopolitan which is in peace with strangers and with its self– a complete contrast to what we been through few hours ago. I stayed the newly refurbished Ras Hotel for few days and visited the historic sites, including various museums and the Jugol. The return trip was repetition of the same rout except one thing: an even more heightened sense of fear, paralysis and apprehension of the situation on the road sets on. Traveling with airplane would have been preferable method but it was out of option. So I braced myself for the worst. I went the next morning to a Kat market and bought a bundle of green stuff in order to calm down an increased anxiety, in party, and to give away as a gift to friends back in Jigjiga, on the other. As I was bargaining it for the right price with an Oromo merchant lady, I met another nervous Somali looking young man who was doing a similar transaction. He was suspicious of being Somali and asked me in Amharic where I was travelling to. This caught me as a surprise and suspicious question as well and I tried to deny it, but I was holding travelling bag in my hand. I told him I was travelling to Babili in order to hide my destination and left the spot, lest he poses further questions. I caught a mini-bus at the station and sat one of the back seat without interacting to anyone except bus operators. All passengers spoke either Amharic or Oromo, though I found later few Somali among them. The music in the bus intermittently plays those languages as usual. We went through the same checkpoints and drill; I didn’t interact much or spoke with anybody until we reached in the Somali Regional border. To my surprise, I saw the young fellow in the Kat market sat in the bus as we approached to Karamerada check point. We didn’t notice each other during the whole trip and it tells you how situation became so distracting and intense. A Call for Unity and Sense of Purpose What ethno-Somali in Ethiopia needs most is a unity and sense of higher purpose in the face of current ethnic cleansing and threats of their neighbors; they have to rise to the challenge, especially if the law and order collapses and central government paralyzed. The region has gone through periodic and state-sanctioned repression, ethnic cleansing and exploitation. Successive Ethiopian rulers and regimes, starting from Menilik to Mengistu, committed those crimes. Somali community in the region outlasted time and again, if not thrived, against all odds; and the main reasons being the sheer determination to survive plus a sense of belonging and other socio-cultural identities that bind them together, regardless of geographic and clan affiliations. They also should be wary of the intrusion of the weaponized clan politics in the region—something similar to what has consumed the soul of the Somali Republic and its citizens. Ditto, the groups who dwell on myopic and clannish entities in the name of liberation movement doesn’t stand a chance; in case the hell break loose, they are no match to the impending of Oromo offense in terms of ideology, military and population wise. Similarly, a few hundred of lightly armed and poorly trained Liyu Police, not to mention its dubious creation or mission, is not up to the task. It is no match to the professional Ethiopian army, where Oromos constitute majority of its lower and middle ranks. United we stand, divided we fall! Mohamed Awale
  9. Waxaa ka bilowday magaalada Garowe olole isugu jira raashin dubis iyo hilib shiilid oo qeyb ka ah taakuleynta iyo taageerada shacabku siinayaan ciidamada Puntland gaar ahaan kuwa ku qulqulaya maalmihii lasoo dhaafey Deegaanka Tuko raq ee Gobolka Sool ka dib markii todobaadkii horre duulaan ay ku qabsadeen ciidamo ka amar qaadanaya maamulka Somaliland. Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST ayaa booqatey qaar ka mid ah xaafadaha magaalada oo kooxo dhalinyaro ah ay ku diyaarinayaan cuntooyin fudud oo loogu talo galay in ciidanka loogu geeyo goobaha ay ku sugan yihiin. Abdirasaaq Axmed (Wadani) oo ka mid ah dhalinyaradda ku hawlan ayaa sheegay inuu jawaab u yahay barnaamijkoodu baaqyo shacabka ay usoo direen Madaxweynha Puntland iyo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Nugaal. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo barnaamijkan oo kale laga sameeyo magaalada Garowe, waxaana lagu xasuusta taageeradii shacabku ay la garab istaageen ciidanka dagaaladdii kal hore Puntland iyo Alshabab ku dhexmarey Suuj,Garmaal iyo Garacad. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Olole lagu taageerayo ciidanka Puntland oo ka bilowday Garowe appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. The Chairman of Somaliland’s Justice & Welfare Party (UCID), Hon. Faisal Ali Warabe has confirmed that his son, the late Husein Faisal Ali Warabe has been killed in Syria on the 29th Dec, 2017. He was fighting along the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ((ISIS) and Daesh which stands for al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham. First of all, the death of late of Husein was confirmed by his brother by the name of Ali Faisal Ali. He told that he was killed in an air bombardment in Syria. The demise of Hussein joined the twisted terror thugs of Daesh and appeared in a video clip in 2013 which he officially admitted of being Daesh fighter. Daesh used to call him Abuu Shuceyb As-Somali, and was holding a Finnish passport. He traveled there with his wife. The late Hussein once tried to join Al Shabab, a deadly terrorist group in Somalia but he was arrested in the border between Puntland and Somaliland while heading to the South. SLInformer is sending its sincere condolences to the bereaved family of Hon. Faisal Ali Warabe for the death of his son.
  11. Since November 2015 unprecedented protests have been taking place in Ethiopia: angry and frustrated at the widespread abuse of human rights and the centralization of power in the hands of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) tens of thousands have taken to the streets. The ruling party’s response to this democratic outpouring has been consistently violent; hundreds have been killed and beaten by security forces, tens of thousands arrested and imprisoned. In an attempt to gag the people, a highly repressive State of Emergency was imposed in August 2016. It failed, the protests continued, the movement strengthened. The regime then tried to inflame ancient ethnic differences amongst various groups by staging attacks using plain-clothed security personnel. In the border region of Oromo and the Ogaden Tesfaye Robela of the Ethiopian Parliament claims that over 10,000 people have been killed. ESAT News (the sole Ethiopian independent broadcaster) quotes the findings of a parliamentary report into the ethnic clashes, which concluded that: “based on interviews with victims of the violence, squarely puts the blame on Somali Region Special Police, local police and militia for perpetrating the killings.” The Liyu Police is controlled by the Ethiopian military. Despite these attempts to extinguish the movement for change, the people of Ethiopia are continuing to demand freedom, justice and democracy; this time they will not be silenced. The minority powers within the ruling EPRDF coalition – The Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization (OPDO) and the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM) have been empowered by the popular uprising and there are signs that they are at last standing up to the majority TPLF members. Under pressure from the OPDO and ASDM and in a further attempt to distract attention from the protests and undermine the protestors’ claims, on 3rd January the government put out a convoluted statement relating to political prisoners. The Prime-Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said that the regime would release “some political prisoners”, prisoners that for the last 27 years they have denied even existed. ESAT News (which is based in Europe and America) reports he went on to announce that, “members of political parties and other individuals would be released to widen the political and democratic space” and that “the government would review the cases of certain individuals affiliated with political parties, including party leaders, [and] in some cases, charges would be dropped or people would be released or pardoned, depending on investigation results.” His words, which have been widely reported in mainstream media, were not only disingenuous they were ambiguous and inconclusive. He failed to acknowledge that those imprisoned for expressing political dissent had been falsely incarcerated; repeatedly stating they were behind bars because they were guilty of breaking the law. Whilst the release of any political prisoners at all would be a move in the right direction, in its present form the policy, if indeed it is a policy and not simply a public relations exercise aimed at international benefactors, is an insult to the thousands languishing in prison for no other reason than they disagree with the ruling TPLF. The statement is inadequate and needs clarification: who will be considered for release and when? Does it include opposition politicians charged with fictitious terrorist offences under the universally condemned Anti-Terrorist Proclamation of 2009? Will this long-overdue gesture mean that politicians who have been forced to live in exile for fear of arrest and imprisonment can safely return home? These and other pressing questions need to be raised by opposition groups and human rights organizations, and indeed Ethiopia’s major donors — America, Britain and the European Parliament, all of which have allowed the TPLF to trample on human rights and the people for decades. Intense pressure must be applied on the government to articulate its intentions and, for once in their tyrannical reign, do the right thing and release all political prisoners, including journalists, bloggers, protestors and activists of all kinds. It was also announced by the PM that Maekelewi prison in Addis Ababa, which has been used as a torture chamber by the TPLF for years, will be closed down, and rather bizarrely, turned into a modern museum, unless common sense prevails and it is demolished. This is a positive development but is again short on detail, there has been no mention of what will happen to the inmates. All political prisoners held there should be released unconditionally, and an independent international monitoring group established to oversee the release and or transfer of all other detainees. The current of change Despite being enshrined as rights within Ethiopia’s liberally worded constitution, for over two decades all forms of freedom of speech and political dissent have been virtually outlawed. Anyone who openly disagrees with or questions the ruling party is seen as a threat, and persecuted, arrested, imprisoned and, commonly, tortured. The Anti-Terrorism Act, together with The Charities and Societies Proclamation (CSP), both passed in 2009, are the primary tools of suppression within the regime’s Arsenal of Control. Both laws have been widely criticized by Human Rights groups; responding to the CSP in 2012 Amnesty International said that, “The law has had a devastating impact on human rights work, both in terms of the practical obstacles it creates for human rights defenders, and in exacerbating the climate of fear in which they operate.” This is of course precisely what it was intended to do. Commenting on the Anti-Terrorist Proclamation when it was drafted, Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated that it provided “the Ethiopian government with a potent instrument to crack down on political dissent, including peaceful political demonstrations…It would permit [indeed has facilitated] long-term imprisonment and even the death penalty for ‘crimes’ that bear no resemblance, under any credible definition, to terrorism.” For 27 years the TPLF group within the coalition have dominated all life in the country and like all such tyrannical regimes they have ruled through violence and fear. But we are living in new times; the days of tyrannical regimes is all but over, those that persist are sustained by the polluted energies of the past and are on their death bed. The people of Ethiopia sense that this is their time, that change is not only possible, but is coming. The government’s half-baked move to release a few political leaders will not appease anyone, but should embolden many. It reveals a crack in the democratic facade presented by the regime, which must be split open under the force of sustained political activism, civil disobedience and public protest. The minority members of the coalition — the OPDO and ANDM — now have an opportunity, indeed a responsibility to act boldly, to stand up and take a lead. As representatives of the two largest ethnic groups in the country they are in a position to do a number of things: demand The Anti-Terrorism Act, and The Charities and Societies Proclamation be immediately repealed, compile a comprehensive list of all political prisoners (working in cooperation with Amnesty International or The Ethiopia Human Rights Project), and vigorously press for their immediate release. Then, providing opposition politicians are released and political groups outside the country — including Ginbot 7 — are allowed to operate freely, work vigorously to campaign for fair and open elections (such a thing has never taken place in Ethiopia) to be held sometime in late 2019. This is a moment of significance in the country. There is an unstoppable force for justice and freedom sweeping across the world and Ethiopia is firmly within that current of change.
  12. Yahye Mohamed Abdi (Xanas) In fact, boosting job opportunities in youth living in Somaliland is quite embarrassing because there are unlimited number of challenges and obstacles that my likely hinder this process of opportunity boosting. For example, there is no a national strategy for Somaliland youth employment, there is no awareness on vacancies required by various institution to apply, even if they were to apply they are not having the minimum requirement to fulfill unless they are among the few well educated, optimistic and committed to get a job. Employment is the fundamental for youth in every country. Hence, the government could take a reliable measure to boos up the employment rate including producing a national youth employment strategy, application of policies regarding this task, provide good standard of education for youth to be capable and ensuring that the recruiting process of all institution both governmental or non-government is fair and Professional merit & skills are the tools to be selected and considered rather than their origin and clan-based thinking that make our institutional incapable. The government’s teenage trust, as a result youth have migrated to elsewhere to get jobs for survival. In working with government to firmly achieve these goals the youth opportunities are boosted will reduce the migration rate. On the other hand, other than working with government in achieving these certain goals. I personally believe there are quite other initiatives. For instance, establishing youth employment center and website that assists teenagers to enhance their capacity to be competitive for job search. The center will develop a practical lessons both (Hard skill and Soft skills) to enrich the inexperienced youth on how to develop good Cover letter, CV, assisting them how to get prepared a competitive seeking , how to excel interviews etc . Whereas the website will link this youth to the job market posting on every relevant vacancies across the country and using as resource center where they can refer after class room training in mentorship program. Likewise, the center as well seeks for potential partnership organizations, non-governmental organizations to allocate these trained youth to seek internship opportunities. Furthermore, all youth are not eligible for white-collar jobs rather there are quite large number of youth who are coming from rural areas, others who have never got the chance to attend formal schools, talented ones at production and also mainly women who have never get educated. Since, I think establishing a vocational training for these young people including cladding, electricity, electronic fixture, building, cooking and other types of skills will make them competent and result get more jobs and boost their opportunities. The governmental owned vocational training center is ineffective. There are no any other operational vocational training centers except Kuwait funded school of technical and on-going new vocational training Mohamed Mooge technical school initiated by a Haldoor Community: mainly youth from diaspora as and community volunteers are building this technical school were 70% finished. Moreover, without coordination of efforts and networking enhancing the youth opportunities will fail. Hence, making a thematic working groups based on Peer-to-Peer influence is also another initiative of guiding them to work for collective action-seek for opportunities. For instance, based on their educational background if they are graduates can have a training, apply a position, assist each other. This is not something unrealistic; I was the product of network from my likeminded peers from same university. And now I am the Executive Director of the largest Organization in Somaliland, all others are working in a descent work and we have worked together for networking and sharing resources, skills and information prior to the job vacancies available in somaliland job market. Whereas pessimistic other friends believe there are no jobs and there are no valid recruitment processes. But they are not having the right bath and secret of getting dream job. Lastly, Investing in youth is also a great idea I see its worth to mention. Some of the young somali people are having creative minds that are ready to excel in business sector. Since, there are limited funds for youth who are aiming to start their own business. So, there are business opportunities in Somaliland, and then I think preparing these youth for small grant via competition will resolve unemployment because this process will boost job chances more often compared to methods. The businessmen, government, and International donors for example WP could invest youth to create opportunities for themselves and for others. Yahye Mohamed Abdi (Xanas) Social Development Activist, Columnist and Freelancer journalist
  13. LEWISTON — “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” These words of Martin Luther King Jr., spoken half a century ago.... Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Suldaanka guud ee beelaha Somaaliland Suldan Maxamed Suldaan Cabdiqaadir ayaa baaq nabadeed u diray Puntland iyo Soomaliland inay joojiyaan collaada kasoo cusboonaatay degaanka Tukaraq ee gobalka Sool xaaladana ku dhameeyaan wada hadal nabadeed. Suldaanka oo saxaafada kula hadlay magaalada Hargeysa waxa uu sheegay in labada shacab ee Puntland iyo Soomaaliland ay yihiin dad isaga dhaw Soomaalida kale aysana ahayn inuu dhex maro dagaal dhiig ku daato, lana kala fogeeyo labada dad ee walaalaha. Wuxuu ka codsaday labada dhinac ee isku hor fadhiya gobalka Sool inay kala qaadaan ciidamada xiisada taagana ay kawada hadlaan si loo baajiyo dagaal dhex mara labada ciidan ee lagu soo daabulaayo gobalka Sool. Hadalka Suldaanka ayaa kusoo aadaya xili xiisada dagaal ee ka taagan Gobalka Sool ay marayso meeshii ugu khatarsanayd in ka badan 10-sano. Daawo baaqa Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan Cabdiqaadir PUNTLAND POST The post Suldaanka guud ee beelaha Somaliland oo baaq nabadeed u diray dhinacyada isku hor fadhiya gobalka Sool appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. Wiil uu dhalay Hogaamiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UCID ee Somaliland Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ka tirsanaa Kooxda Daacish ayaa lagu dilay duqeyn diyaaradeed ka dhacday Dalka Syria. Wiilkaan oo lagu magacaabi jiray Sayid Xuseen Faysal Cali Waraabe kaasi oo Kooxda la magacbaxday khilaafada Islaamka ee ISIS ku biiray Sanadkii 2013-kii. Faysal Cali Waraabe oo la hadlay BBC-da ayaa Xaqiijiyay in wiilkiisa uu ku dhintay Weerar dhanka cirka ah oo ay fuliyeen Mareykanka oo ka dhacay Dalka Siiriya. Waxa uu sheegay in Wiilkiisa uu ku dhashay Dalka Filand. halkaasi uu muddo dheer uu ku noolaa Xaaskiisa iyo caruurtiisana ay u raaceen dalka Syria. Xuseen Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa kamid noqonayo tiro Soomaali ah oo iyaga oo Daacish ka bar bardaagalamaya lagu Dilo Dalka Syria. Hoos ka Dhageyso Codka Faysal Cali Waraabe. Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post, Muqdisho The post Wiil uu dhalay Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ka tirsanaa Daacish oo lagu dilay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Qaar ka mid ah Isimada Puntland oo Hadhimo Sharaf Quraaceed u Sameeyay Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr . Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas Iyo Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya. Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo Madaxwaynaha dawladda DF ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo ayaa maanta 14 january 2018 waxaa martiqaad quraac sharaf ah u sameeyay Isimada beesha Tanade. Munaasabada ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay golayaashada dawladda Puntland, golayaasha Dawladda Faderaalka Soomaaliya, qaar kamid ah saraakiisha Madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland iyo marti sharaf kale. Munaasabadaan ayaa waxaa ku maamuusay Madaxda dawladda Puntland iyo dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Beel kamid Beelaha Gobolka Mudug, waxaana ay ahayd munaasabad lagu soo dhawynayo Madaxwaynaha DF Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo iyo wefdiga balaadhan ee uu hogaaminayo, kuwaasi oo ku sugan maalmihii udnabaysay Puntland. Madaxwaynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo madaxwaynaha dawladda federaalka ee soomaaliya ayaa si wadajir ah ugaga mahad celiyay isimada iyo Guud ahaan Beesha Tanade ee marti qaadkaan ku maamuustay madaxdooda. Sidoo kale Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas, iyo Madaxwaynaha DF Soomaaliy Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo ayaa si wada jir ah ula yeeshay kulan looga hadlayey amaanka, xasiloonida, horumarka Magaalda Gaalkacayo iyo guud ahaan kan gobolka Mudug.
  17. Dhuusamareeb (Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibaan Axmed Macalin Fiqi oo ka mida xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka Federaalka ee sida wey uga soo horjeeda hoggaanka dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa shaaciyey sababta uu u tegay magaalada Dhuusamareeb. Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay in xildhibaano labada aqal ah, wasiiru dawladaha wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha, saraakiil sare oo ciidamada ah, taliyaha AMISOM ee qeybta 4aad iyo hogaamiyaal ka mid ah ururada Haweenka ay maanta gaareen magaalada Dhuusmareeb ee caasimadda Galmudug. “Ujeedada wafdiga ayaa ahayd inay qeyb ka noqdaan ka qeybgalka munaasabadda dhacaysa 16-ka Janaayo ee lagu dhaqan gelinayo heshiiskii midnimada GALMUDUG & maamulka ASWJ..” ayuu yiri xildhibaan Fiqi oo farriin soo dhigay baraha bulshada. Xildhibaan Fiqi, Sentor Abshir Bukhaari iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan mucaaradka ugu waaweyn dowladda uu hoggaamiyo madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ku qasbanaaday inay tagaan Galmudug, qeybna ka noqdaan soo dhoweynta madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, inkastoo fariintan aanu ku soo hadalqaadin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Cadaado The post Xildhibaan Axmed Macalin Fiqi oo shaaciyey sababta uu u tegay Magaalada Dhuusamareeb appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Residents fled Ishakani village on the Lamu-Somalia border after al Shabaab militants attacked early Sunday morning. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. “If it was your son, would you do anything to stop this?” Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. House of Representative on Sunday approved the second batch of ministers appointed by Somaliland President, Musa Bihi Abdi. 58 MPs of the 82 members have attended the parliamentary session which the house speaker, Hon. Bashe chaired. The house passed 9 ministers and two assistant ministers by showing of hand. Minister of Sports & Youth, Mr. Yusuf Mohamud Nur Assistant Finance minister, Mr. Mohamed Dahir Ahmed Fure. Environent & Rural Development Minister, Ms. Shukri Haji Bondare Trade, industry and Tourism minister, Hon. Mohamoud Hasan Said Information and National Guidance minister, Hon. Abdirahman Abdilahi Farah aka Guri Barwako Transport and Road Development Minister, Abdilahi Abokor Deputy interior minister, Mohamed Muse Dirie Deputy Invesment minister, Hon. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamud Defense minister, Mr. Ise Ahmed Abdala Contitutional affairs minister, Hon. Mohamed Adan Elmi Enery minister, Hon. Jama Mohamoud Egal The minister for labour and social affairs, Ms. Hinda Jama has announced that Somaliland will conduct census of foreign workers that are based in the country. The program aims to reduce the number of foreign staffers that are currently operating in Somaliland. It is part of Somaliland National Plan of current leadership to to create jobs for Somaliland idles. v
  21. Residents fled Ishakani village on the Lamu-Somalia border after al Shabaab militants attacked early Sunday morning. The entire village has been deserted, with residents putting up in makeshift camps in Kiunga area. The militants are said to have told the villagers to stop cooperating with the government or face consequences. They brought down the Kenyan flag at a former Kenya Defence Forces mini-camp and erected theirs. There are no security camps in Ishakani. The raid came hours after al Shabaab ambushed a security convoy, killing a civilian woman and injuring five police officers at Nyongoro area along Lamu- Garsen highway. Two police vehicles were torched during the attack. Boni Enclave Campaign director Joseph Kanyiri earlier said sufficient measures were taken to find and eliminate the attackers and ensure safety. County leaders have condoled with the families of those attacked in Lamu on Saturday. Senator Anwar Loitiptip and Lamu West MP Stanley Muthama condemned the attack and called on the government to strategise on how to protect travelers. Loitiptip asked leaders in the county to join hands and push for reforms where security is concerned. “I encourage people to always share information with our security agencies. As county leaders, we need to come together and push as hard as we can for reforms that will ensure the security of this region improves,” he said. “This is so that our people won’t be scared to travel and so they won’t die anymore because of terrorists.” In his statement, Muthama said more must be done for Kenya to win the war against al Shabaab. “It pains me when we look so helpless in the hands of terrorists. Our officers and citizens have suffered on our roads. I call on the people of Lamu West to be calm and cooperate with security agencies in ensuring the war on al Shabaab is successful,” he said. “I trust that the government will do something to bring all this to a stop. No more people should die in the hands of al Shabaab.” The legislators also asked the government to put up communication masts in terror hot spots so police can be alerted as soon as attacks take place. They also want the road tarmacked to enable faster movement of vehicles. Star
  22. Gaalkacyo (Caasimadda Online) – Dadweyne aad u badan ayaa Koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Galmudug waxay kusoo dhoweeyeen madaxweyne Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo oo socdaal ku maraya qaar kamid ah gobollada dalka. Madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaalle Geelle Xaaf oo hadal ka jeediyey fagaaraha lagu soo dhoweynayey madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in nasiib wanaag tahay in madaxweynaha iyo xildhibaanno Labada aqal ay joogaan Gaalkacyo. Waxa uu Xaaf sheegay in madaxweynaha uga fadhiyaan inuu reer Galmudug u dhiso jidka hobyo iyo Gaalkacyo, sidoo kalena wuxuu tilmaamay iney doonayaan in loo dhiso xabsiga Gaalkacyo. Dhanka kale, madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa shacabka Koonfurta Gaalkacyo wuxuu uga mahadceliyey sida diiran ee loogu soo dhoweeyay halkaasi, isaga oo sheegay in taasi ay ka tarjumeyso dowlad jaceylka, midnimada iyo sidey reer Galmudug u jecelyihiin martida. Waxaa lagu wadaa madaxweyne Farmaajo inuu kulamo la qaato qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Gaalkacyo, gaar ahaan dhanka Galmudug, waxgarad iyo madaxda maamulkaasi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Cadaado The post Sawiro: Sidee Madaxweyne Farmaajo loogu soo dhaweeyey Koonfurta Gaalkacyo? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Ucid ee Somaliland Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa sheegay in wiil uu isaga dhalay lagu dilay Dalka Syria isaga oo ka mid ahaa Ururka Daacish. Xuseen Faysal ayuu sheegay in uu ku dhintay duqeyn ka dhacday goob isaga iyo koox ka tirsan Daacish ay ku wada sugnaayeen,halkaas oo Diyaaradaha Syria ay ku duqeeyeen. Faysal waxaa uu sheegay in Wiilkiisa uu ka baxay Dalka Finland halkaas oo uu ku dhashay,waxaana uu xusay in dowladda Finland ku wargeliyay warka soo gaaray isaga. Hooyada dhashay wiilkan ayuu sheegay in ay ku noolyihiin Dalka Finland,waxaana Faysal uu sheegay in uusan ogeyn waxa ay ku suganyihiin Xaaska iyo Carruurta kale ee Faysal u jooga Finland. Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa sheegay in Hooyada u dhashay wiilkan uu u sheegay in aan dib loogu cusbooneysiin Baasaboorka Finland,maaddaama ay suuragal tahay in uu dhibaato ka geysto gudaha dalkaas. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Cadaado The post Muxuu Feysal Cali Waraabe ka yiri wiil uu dhalay oo lagu dilay Syria? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  24. Dadweyne aad u badan ayaa Koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Galmudug waxay kusoo dhoweeyeen madaxweyne Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo oo socdaal ku maraya qaar kamid ah gobollada dalka. Madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaalle Geelle Xaaf oo hadal ka jeediyey fagaaraha lagu soo dhoweynayey madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in nasiib wanaag tahay in madaxweynaha iyo xildhibaanno Labada aqal ay joogaan Gaalkacyo. Waxa uu Xaaf sheegay in madaxweynaha uga fadhiyaan inuu reer Galmudug u dhiso jidka hobyo iyo Gaalkacyo, sidoo kalena wuxuu tilmaamay iney doonayaan in loo dhiso xabsiga Gaalkacyo. Dhanka kale, madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa shacabka Koonfurta Gaalkacyo wuxuu uga mahadceliyey sida diiran ee loogu soo dhoweeyay halkaasi, isaga oo sheegay in taasi ay ka tarjumeyso dowlad jaceylka, midnimada iyo sidey reer Galmudug u jecelyihiin martida. Waxaa lagu wadaa madaxweyne Farmaajo inuu kulamo la qaato qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Gaalkacyo, gaar ahaan dhanka Galmudug, waxgarad iyo madaxda maamulkaasi. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso: News Source